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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09810 A relation or iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English aduenturers both merchants and others With their difficult passage, their safe ariuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended towne of New Plimoth. As also a relation of foure seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Puckanokick ... II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the kingdome of Nawset ... III. In their iourney to the kingdome of Namaschet ... IIII. Their voyage to the Massachusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such obiections as are in any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. Bradford, William, 1588-1657.; Morton, George, d. 1624.; Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. aut; Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625. aut 1622 (1622) STC 20074; ESTC S110454 57,053 87

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both more narrow search and carefull reformation of our wayes in his sight lest he calling to remembrance our sinnes forgotten by vs or vnrepented of take aduantage against vs and in iudgement leaue vs for the same to be swallowed vp in one danger or other whereas on the contrary sin being taken away by earnest repentance and the pardon thereof from the Lord sealed vp vnto a mans conscience by his Spirit great shall be his securitie and peace in all dangers sweete his comforts in all distresses with happie deliuerance from all euill whether in life or in death Now next after this heauenly peace with God and our owne consciences we are carefully to prouide for peace with all men what in vs lieth especially with our associates and for that end watchfulnes must be had that we neither at all in our selues do giue no nor easily take offence being giuen by others Woe be vnto the world for offences for though it be necessary considering the malice of Satan and mans corruption that offences come yet woe vnto the man or woman either by whom the offence cometh saith Christ Math. 18.7 And if offences in the vnseasonable vse of things in them selues indifferent be more to be feared then death it selfe as the Apostle teacheth 1. Cor. 9.15 how much more in things simply euill in which neither honour of God nor loue of man is thought worthy to be regarded Neither yet is it sufficient that we keep our selues by the grace of God from giuing offence except withall we be armed against the taking of them when they are giuen by others For how vnperfect and lame is the worke of grace in that person who wants charitie to couer a multitude of offences as the Scriptures speake Neither are you to be exhorted to this grace onely vpon the common grounds of Christianitie which are that persons ready to take offence either want charitie to couer offences or wisedome duly to weigh humane frailtie or lastly are grosse though close hypocrites as Christ our Lord teacheth Math. 7.1 2 3. as indeed in mine owne experience few or none haue beene found which sooner giue offence then such as easily take it neither haue they euer proued sound and profitable members in societies which haue nourished in themselues that touchey humour But besides these there are diuers spe●iall motiues prouoking you aboue others to great care and conscience this way As first you are many of you strangers as to the persons so to the infirmities one of another and so stand in neede of more watchfulnesse this way lest when such things fall out in men and women as you suspected not you be inordinately affected with them which doth require at your hands much wisedome and charitie for the couering and preuenting of incident offences that way And last●y your intended course of ciuill communitie wil minister continuall occasion of offence and will be as fuell for that fire except you diligently quench it with brotherly forbearance And if taking of offence causlesly or easily at mens doings be so carefully to be auoided how much more heed is to be taken that we take not offence at God himselfe which yet we certainly do so oft as we do murmure at his prouidence in our crosses or beare impatiently such afflictions as wherewith he pleaseth to visit vs. Store we vp therefore patience against the euill day without which we take offence at the Lord himselfe in his holy and iust works A fourth thing there is carefully to be prouided for to wit that with your common emploiments you ioyne common affections truly bent vpon the generall good auoiding as a deadly plague of your both common and speciall comfort all retirednesse of minde for proper aduantage and all singularly affected any maner of way let euery man represse in himselfe and the whole bodie in each person as so many rebels against the common good all priuate respects of mens selues not sorting with the generall conueniencie And as men are carefull not to haue a new house shaken with any violence before it be well settled and the parts firmly knit so be you I beseech you brethren much more carefull that the house of God which you are and are to be be not shaken with vnnecessary nouelties or other oppositions at the first settling thereof Lastly whereas you are to become a body politik vsing amongst your selues ciuill gouernment and are not furnished with any persons of speciall eminencie aboue the rest to be chosen by you into office of gouernment Let your wisedome and godlinesse appeare not onely in chusing such persons as do entirely loue and will diligently promote the common good but also in yeelding vnto them all due honour and obedience in their lawfull administrations not beholding in them the ordinarinesse of their persons but Gods ordinance for your good nor being like vnto the foolish multitude who more honour the gay coate then either the vertuous mind of the man or glorious ordinance of the Lord. But you know better things and that the image of the Lords power and authoritie which the Magistrate beareth is honorable in how meane persons soeuer And this dutie you both may the more willingly and ought the more conscionably to performe because you are at least for the present to haue onely them for your ordinary gouernours which your selues shall make choise of for that worke Sundrie other things of importance I could put you in mind of and of those before mentioned in more words but I will not so far wrong your godly minds as to thinke you heedlesse of these things there being also diuers among you so well able to admonish both themselues and others of what concerneth them These few things therefore and the same in few words I do earnestly commend vnto your care and conscience ioyning therewith my daily incessant prayers vnto the Lord that he who hath made the heauens and the earth the sea and all riuers of waters and whose prouidence is ouer all his workes especially ouer all his deare childre● for good would so guide and guard you in your wayes as inwardly by his Spirit so outwardly by the hand of his power as that both you and we also for and with you may haue after matter of praising his Name all the days of your and our liues Fare you well in him in whom you trust and in whom I rest An vnfained well-willer of your happie successe in this hopefull voyage I. R. A RELATION OR IOVRNALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Plantation setled at Plimoth in New ENGLAND WEdnesday the sixt of September the Wind comming East North East a sine small gale we loosed from Plimoth hauing beene kindly intertained and curteously vsed by diuer● friends there dwelling and after many difficulties in boysterous stormes at length by Gods prouidence vpon the ninth of Nouember following by breake of the day we espied land which we deemed to be Cape Cod and so afterward it proued And the
RELATION OR Iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in NEW ENGLAND by certaine English Aduenturers both Merchants and others With their difficult passage their safe ariuall their ioyfull building of and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended Towne of NEW PLIMOTH AS ALSO A RELATION OF FOVRE seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident I. In a iourney to PVCKANOKICK the habitation of the Indians greatest King Massasoyt as also their message the answer and entertainment they had of him II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the Kingdome of Nawset to seeke a boy that had lost himselfe in the woods with such accidents as befell them in that voyage III. In their iourney to the Kingdome of Namaschet in defence of their greatest King Massasoyt against the Narrohiggonsets and to reuenge the supposed death of their Interpreter Tisquantum IIII. Their voyage to the Massachusets and their entertainment there With an answer to all such obiections as are any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts LONDON Printed for Iohn Bellamie and are to be sold at his shop at the two Greyhounds in Cornhill neere the Royall Exchange 1622. TO HIS MVCH REspected Friend Mr. I. P. GOod Friend As wee cannot but account it an extraordinary blessing of God in directing our course for these parts after we came out of our natiue countrey for that we had the happinesse to be possessed of the comforts we receiue by the benefit of one of the most pleasant most healthfull and most fruitfull parts of the world So must wee acknowledge the same blessing to bee multiplied vpon our whole company for that we obtained the honour to receiue allowance and approbation of our free possession and enioying thereof vnder the authority of those thrice honoured Persons the President and Counsell for the affaires of New-England by whose bounty and grace in that behalfe all of vs are tied to dedicate our best seruice vnto them as those vnder his Majestie that wee owe it vnto whose noble endeuours in these their actions the God of heauen and earth multiply to his glory and their owne eternall comforts As for this poore Relation I pray you to accept it as being writ by the seuerall Actors themselues after their plaine and rude manner therefore doubt nothing of the truth thereof if it be defectiue in any thing it is their ignorance that are better acquainted with planting then writing If it satisfie those that are well affected to the businesse it is all I care for Sure I am the place we are in and the hopes that are apparent cannot but suffice any that will not desire more then enough neither is there want of ought among vs but company to enioy the blessings so plentifully bestowed vpon the inhabitants that are here While I was a writing this I had almost forgot that I had but the recommendation of the relation it selfe to your further consideration and therefore I will end without saying more saue that I shall alwaies rest From PLIMOTH in New-England Yours in the way of friendship R. G. To the Reader COurteous Reader be intreated to make a fauorable construction of my forwardnes in publishing these inseuing discourses the desire of carrying the Gospell of Christ into those forraigne parts amongst those people that as yet haue had no knowledge nor tast of God as also to procure vnto themselues and others a quiet and comfortable habytation weare amongst other things the inducements vnto these vndertakers of the then hopefull and now experimentally knowne good enterprice for plantation in New England to set afoote and prosecute the same though it fared with them as it is common to the most actions of this nature that the first attemps proue diffecult as the sequell more at large expresseth yet it hath pleased God euē beyond our expectation in so short a time to giue hope of letting some of them see though some he hath taken out of this vale of teares some grounds of hope of the accomplishment of both those endes by them at first propounded And as my selfe then much desired and shortly hope to effect if the Lord will the putting to of my shoulder in this hopefull business and in the meane time these relations comming to my hand from my both known faithful friends on whose writings I do much rely I thought it not a misse to make them more generall hoping of a cheerefull proceeding both of Aduenturers and planters intreating that the example of the hon Virginia and Bermudas Companies incountering with so many distasters and that for diuers yeares together with an vnwearied resolution the good effects whereof are now eminent may preuaile as a spurre of preparation also touching this no lesse hopefull Country though yet an infant the extent cōmodities whereof are as yet not fully known after time wil vnfould more such as desire to take knowledge of things may in forme themselues by this insuing treatise and if they please also by such as haue bin there a first and second time my harry prayer to God is that the euent of this and all other honorable and honest vndertakings may be for the furtherance of the kingdome of Christ the inlarging of the bounds of our Soueraigne Lord King Iames the good and profit of those who either by purse or person or both are agents in the same so I take leaue and rest Thy friend G. MOVRT CERTAINE VSEFVL ADVERTISEMENTS SENT in a Letter written by a discreete friend vnto the Planters in New England at their first setting saile from Southhampton who earnestly desireth the prosperitie of that their new Plantation LOuing and Christian friends I doe heartily and in the Lord salute you all as being they with whom I am present in my best affection and most earnest longings after you though I be constrained for a while to be bodily absent from you I say constrained God knowing how willingly and much rather then otherwise I would haue haue borne my part with you in this first brunt were I not by strong necessitie held backe for the present Make account of me in the meane while as of a man deuided in my selfe with great paine and as naturall bonds set aside hauing my better part with you And though I doubt not but in your godly wisedomes you both foresee and resolue vpon that which concerneth your present state and condition both seuerally and ioyntly yet ha●e I thought but my dutie to adde some further spurre of prouocation vnto them who run already if not because you need it yet because I owe it in loue and dutie And first as we are daily to renew our repentance with our God speciall for our sinnes knowne and generall for our vnknowne trespasses so doth the Lord call vs in a singular maner vpon occasions of such difficultie and danger as lieth vpon you to a