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A09597 The Christians A.B.C., or, A Christian alphabet contayning grounds of knowledge vnto saluation first propounded in alphabeticall forme, each proposition being seconded with some solid reasons : secondly repeated by way of question and answer, with the proofe of euery particular point of doctrine, acquainting the reader with the most select texts of scripture, whereupon our Christian faith is grounded / by I.P. B. of D. Phillips, John, d. 1640. 1629 (1629) STC 19877.5; ESTC S3143 76,873 278

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God walke before me and be thou perfect And Reu. 15.3 Great and maruelous are thy works Lord God almighty Whereupon it is said Mark 10.27 That with God all things are possible Q. Proue that God is most wise A. It is written ps 147.5 Great is our Lord and of great power his vnderstanding or his wisdome is infinite And 1 Tim. 1. 17. He is called The onely wise God Q. Proue that God is most holy A. It is the voyce of the Seraphims or Angels Isa. 6.3 Who cry one to another saying Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts And Reu. 15.4 Who shall not feare 〈◊〉 O Lord and glorifie thy name for thou only art Holy And 1 P●t 1.15 As he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conuersation Q. Proue that God is good A. That he is absolutely good in himselfe our Sauiour sheweth Matth. 19.17 when hee saith There is none good but one that is God And that he is good to his creatures read Psal. 145.9 where it is said That the Lord is good to all And Matth. 5. 45. He maketh his Sunne to arise on the euill and the good and sendeth raine on the iust and vniust Q. Proue that God is mercifull A. It is written Iam. 5.11 That the Lord is very pittifull and mercifull And Psal. 145. 8.9 The Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of Great mercy and his tender me●●y is ouer all his workes And Luk. 6.36 Be ye therefore mercifull as your father also is mercifull Q. Proue that God is iust A. It is said Deu. 32.4 That he is a God of truth and without iniquity iust and righteous is he Psal. 145.17 The Lord is righteous in all his wayes Psal. 11.7 The righteous Lord loueth righteousnes And therefore he is called 2 Tim. 4.8 The righteous Iudge Q. Proue that God would be so described A. It is euident in his appearing to Moses Exod. 34.6 where it is said That the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed The Lord the Lord mercifull and gracious long suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth reseruing mercy for thousands forgiuing iniquity and transgression and sinne and not making the wicked innocent c. Q. Proue that God is so described because otherwise no man can see God A. It is written Ioh. 2.18 No man hath seene God at any time And 1 Tim. 6.16 That God dwelleth in light which no man can approach vnto whom no man hath seene nor can see And therefore this is rendred as the reason why God did so proclaime himselfe to Moses Exo. Because no man can see the face of God and liue F Of the creation of the world Q. Rehearse the Letter F A. FRamed and made was the whole world by the word of God and that of nothing in six dayes and all very good For nothing can make it selfe neither can bee without some cause nor can be euill being made of God Q. Proue that God made the world A. It is written Gen. 1.1 In beginning God created the heauen and the earth Act. 17.24 God made the world and all things therein And Col. 1.16 By him were all things created which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and inuisible Q. Proue that the world was made by the word of God A. So it is in the Psalme 33.6 By the word of the Lord were the heauens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth And Psalme 148.5 He commanded and they were created See this in the history of the creation Gen. 1.6 Q. Proue that God made all things of nothing A. It is said Hebrewes 11.3 Through faith we vnderstand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seene were not made of things which doe appeare Q. Proue that God made all things in six dayes A. It is manifest in the story of the creation Gen. 1.31 And is repeated in the fourth commandement Exod. 20.11 In six dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is Q. Proue that God made all things very good A. So God himselfe testifieth Gen. 1.31 And God saw euery thing that he had made and behold it was very good Q. Proue that nothing can make it selfe A. It is brought as a reason to proue that God made man and so consequently all other creatures Psal. 100.3 Know ye that the Lord hee is God it is hee that hath made vs and not wee our selues Q. Proue that nothing can be without some cause A. It is euident in the light of nature and it is the reason of the Apostle to proue that God made all things Heb. 3.4 for saith he Euery house is builded of some man but he that built all things i● God Q. Proue that nothing made of God can be euill A. It is manifest because as is shewed before God is good yea goodnesse it selfe And Psal. 5.4 No euill can dwell with him And therefore he cannot be the author of euill who is the fountaine of all goodnesse as is proued Iam. 1.17 Euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue and cometh downe from the father of lights G Of Gods prouidence in gouerning and preseruing all things Q. Rehearse the Letter G A. GOuerned and preserued are all things by the prouidence of God For otherwise Satan and wicked men might doe what they list yea and euery creature would perish in a moment Q. Proue that all things are gouerned by the prouidence of God A. It is written Pro. 15.3 The eyes of the Lord are in euery place beholding the euill and the good And Mat. 10.29.30 That one sparrow shall not fall on the ground without your Father but the very hayres of your head are all numbred Q. Shew some instances or examples of Gods prouidence gouerning and ordering all things A. It is euident by many examples in the word of God that nothing doth come to passe by fortune or chance but that all things are ordered by the will and prouidence of God therefore it is said Ps. 135.6 Whatsoeuer the Lord pleased that did he in heauen and in earth in the sea and in all deepe places Q. Shew some instance of things in heauen A. It is said Psal. 29.3 The God of glory maketh it to thunder Psal. 135 7. He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth hee maketh lightenings for the raine he bringeth the winde out of his trea●ures Iob. 37.6 He saith to the snow be thou vpon the earth likewise to the small raine and to the great raine of his power Therefore it is said Psal. 147.7.8 Sing vnto the Lord with thanksgiuing which couereth the heauen with cloudes and prepareth raine for the earth Q. Giue some example of Gods worke in the sea A. It
I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth of the Father he shall testifie of me Q. What is the third euidence A. The third euidence is taken from the consideration of the distinct effects or workes attributed to each person as the worke of Creation to the Father Redemption to the Sonne Sanctification to the Holy Ghost For though being outward workes they be common to the whole Deitie yet in respect of personall order and of the manner of working they are distinct the Father working by the Sonne and by the holy Ghost but the Sonne and the holy Ghost working from the Father as being the fountaine of euery action Q. What is the fourth euidence A. The fourth euidence to proue that the persons are distinct and not confounded is grounded vpon certaine termes which doe not● personall difference as Ioh. 1.1 the word was with God and Ioh. 5.17 My Father worketh hitherto and I worke So of the holy Ghost it is said Isai. 48.16 the Lord God and his spirit hath sent me and where it is said 1. Cor. 12.6 that it is the same GOD that worketh all in all it is added Psal. 8. c. by the spirit and by the same spirit often repeated which termes of difference were meerely in vains if the persons were not distinct Q. Why must not the substance be diuided A. We must not diuide the substance because the God head of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost is all one for we must conceiue in the Deitie another and another person but not another and another thing that is a diuersitie or distinction of persons but not a diuision of the diuine nature so the Father is God the Sonne is God and the holy Ghost is God yet they are not three Gods but one God Q. Proue that euery person distinctly by himselfe is God and first that the Father is God A. It is written Ephes. 4.6 There is one God and Father of all who is aboue all through all and in you all and 1 Cor. 15. 24. Christ is said to haue deliuered vp the Kingdome to God euen the Father Q. Proue that the Sonne is God A. The God-head of the Sonne is plentifully confirmed in Scripture Saint Iohn speaking of our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 1.1 saith In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and 1 Ioh. 5.20 That the Sonne of God Iesus Christ is true God and eternall life and Ioh. 20.28 That Thomas beleeuing answered and said vnto Iesus My Lord and my God Q. Proue that the Holy Ghost is God A. The God head of the Holy Ghost may appeare amongst many euidences by that saying of Saint Peter to Ananias Act. 5.3.4 That in that hee did lie vnto the Holy Ghost he lied not vnto men but vnto God Againe the deitie of the Holy Ghost may be gathered out of Isa. 48.16 where the Prophet saith And now the Lord God and his holy spirit hath sent me And Act. 13.2 where it is said That as they ministred vnto the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the worke whereunto I haue called them So Act. 20.28 S. Paul telleth the Elders of the Church That the holy Ghost had made them ouersee●s to feede the Church of God All which could not bee said of the holy Ghost if hee were not God Q. Proue that though there be three persons yet they are but one God A. It is manifest that the three persons are not three Gods but only one God because there can bee but one infinite one eternall one almighty and so consequently but one only God as was proued before And S. Iohn doth expressely affirme 1 Ioh. 5.7 these three are one Q. Proue that they are coeternall A. The Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost must of necessity bee coeternall one as well as the other that is the Father eternall the Sonne eternall and the holy Ghost eternall because they doe all subsist in one and the same diuine nature and are all three one and the same God For the Sonnes eternitie see Ioh. 1.2 The same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him And Ioh. 17.5 Now O Father glorifie thou me with thine owne s●lfe with the glory which I had with thee before the world was And thē coeternity of the Holy Ghost with the Father and the Sonne is noted in that hee ioyned with them in the creation of all things Gen. 1.2 And the spirit of God moued vpon the face of the waters Q. Proue that they are coequall A. Being one and the same diuine nature they must also needs be coequall Of the Sonne it is said Phil. 2.6 That being in the forme of God he thought it no robbery to be equall with God So againe the disposing of spirituall gifts is equally attributed to the holy Ghost a● well as to the Father and the Sonne as being God coequall with them 1 Cor. E Of the attributes or properties of God Q. Rehearse the Letter E. A. ETernall infinite immutable invisible almighty most wise holy good mercifull and iust is this one God For thus God is pleased to describe himselfe vnto vs in his word because otherwise no man can see or know the nature of God Q. Proue that God is eternall A. That God is eternall without beginning or ending i● euident Psal. 90. ● Before the mountaines were made and before thou hadst formed the earth and the world euen from euerlasting to euerlasting thou art God And 1 Tim. 1.17 To the King eternall immortall inuisible the only wise God bee honour and glory for euer and euer Amen Q. Proue that God is infinite A. That God is infinite filling all places and present euery where see Ier. 23.23.24 Am I a God at hand saith the Lord and not a God a farre off can any hide himselfe in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord doe not I fill heauen and earth saith the Lord And Ps. 139.7 Whither shall I goe from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence Q. Proue that God is immutable A. That God is immutable without change see Iam. 1.17 where God is said to be the father of lights with whom is no variablenesse neither shadow of turning And Mal. 3.6 I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sonnes of Iacob are not consumed Q. Proue that God is invisible A. It is manifest by that hath beene said before 1 Tim. 1.17 That as God is eternall without beginning and immortall without end so he is also invisible And Col. 1.15 Christ is called the Image of the invisible God And Ioh. 4.24 it is said That God is a spirit and therefore without bodily or visible substance Q. Proue that God is almighty A. It is written Gen. 17.1 I am the Almighty
into the fauour of God and into the seruice and worship of this only true God who is one in essence and three in person the Trinity in vnity and vnity in Trinity Q. Who are to administer the Sacrament of Baptisme A. They only are to administer Baptisme to whom the commission is granted that is the Apostles and their successors the Pastors and Ministers of the Church is the end of the world See the commission Matth. 28.19.20 where our Saui●ur Christ hauing said All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen and in earth doth vpon the ground of that authority presently adde these words containing the tenour of the commission Goe ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you And ●●e I am with you alway euen vnto the end of the world Q. What is the end or vse of Baptisme A. The maine end and vse of Baptisme may be reduced to these few h●ads First by Baptisme we are admitted into the communion of the body of Christ which is the Church or congregation and company of Gods faithfull people and thereby become partakers of Christ and all his benefits to our eternall saluation Therefore the Apostle saith Gal. 3.27 As many of you ●s haue beene baptiz●d into Christ haue put on Christ. And 1 Cor. 12.12.13 As the body is one and hath many members and all the members of the body whi●h is one though they be many yet are but one body euen so is Christ. For by o●e spirit are wee all baptized into one body whether we be Iewes or Grecians whether we be bond or free Q. What is the second end or vse of Baptisme A. Secondly by Baptisme wee are assured of the pardon of our sinnes Whereupon it is that Peter said vnto them Acts 2.38 Amend your liues and bee baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes And therefore Ananias said vnto Saul Act. 22.16 Arise and bee baptized and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. Q. What is the third end or vse of Baptisme A. Thirdly in Baptisme wee vow couenant and promise our saith and obedience to God So the Lord said of circumcision Gen. 17.10 This is my couenant which ye shall keepe betweene me and you And of Baptisme it is said 1 Pet. 3.21 that it is not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answere of a good conscience toward God Therefore as was shewed before when any were to bee baptized they professed their faith and repentance and tooke the Sacrament vpon it as thereby vowing and couenanting so much with God Q. What is the fourth end of Baptisme A. Fourthly wee are by Baptisme confirmed in grace both to beleeue in Iesus Christ as also to liue no more in sinne but in newnesse of life for that which is said of circumcision Rom. 4 11. that it was the scale of the righteousnesse of faith is true also of Baptisme tovs Christians it being to vs as circūcision was to the Iewes And for regeneration see Rom 6.3.4 Know ye not saith Paul that all we which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ haue beene baptized into his death we are buried then with him by Baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walke in newnesse of life Q. Proue that Baptisme is the signe of our new birth A. That Baptisme is the signe of our regeneration or new birth and therefore is but once to be receiued as it is sufficient to be once borne is euident in that our Sauiour alluding vnto Baptisme Ioh. 3.3.5 saith Except a man be borne againe of water and if the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God where we see that Christians in their Baptisme are resembled to children new borne and therefore are fuly called 1 Pet. 2.2 new borne babes Q. Proue that the vertue of Baptisme is perpetuall A. The Apostle intimateth so much Eph. 5.26.27 where hee saith That Christ gaue himselfe but his Church that hee might sa●ctifi●●● and clea●se i● by the washing of water through the word that hee might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blame now wee know that this perfection is not attained in the very act of Baptisme but is then onely begun and after daily increased to the end of our life And the Apostle referreth our death of sinne and n●wnesse of life which is daily to be exercised of vs vnto the vertue of Baptisme V Of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Q. Rehearse the letter V A. VNderstand that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is when bread and wine representing the body and blood of Christ broken and shed for vs being by the Minister taken and blessed is broken and poured forth and so deliuered to all the faithfull present and of them receiued by eating the bread and drinking the wine in remembrance of Christs death as also to communicate vnto vs the very body and blood of Christ spiritually by faith and so to confirme our faith in Christ and loue one to another For this Sacrament is the signe of our new life as Baptisme is of our new birth And therefore as we haue neede of often nourishment so wee ought to receiue often and that with due preparation Q. Why is this Sacrament called the Lords Supper A. This Sacrament is called the Lords Supper for these reasons First a Supper partly in regard of the time when it was instituted and celebrated which was in the euening before the day wherein Christ was crucified partly in respect of the thing it selfe because it is a Sacred Feast or Banquet appointed of God not for the body but for the soule And it is called The Lords Supper both in regard of the Author who is the Lord Iesus himselfe as also in respect of the end which was in remembrance of him Q. What is the outward signe in the Lords Supper A. The outward signe in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper doth consist of two elements that is Bread and Wine for so our Sauiour did institute not one onely but both to shew that in him wee haue perfect nourishment vnto eternall life and the better to expresse the giuing vp of his Body and the shedding of his Bloud for vs which either the Bread alone or the Wine alone could not present vnto vs in so liuely manner Againe it is answerable to the type Gen. 14.18 that as Melchisedech so Christ should nourish and refresh his Church with Bread and Wine Q. What is the thing siguified by the Bread and Wine A. The thing signified is the Body and Bloud of Christ
to heauenly ioy the wicked to hell torments and all of them shall at the last day rise againe in their owne bodyes by the power of Christ the godly to life eternall the wicked to euerlasting damnation For Christ came to destroy death for vs and is himselfe risen from death that wee might rise with him and if there were no resurrection the preaching of the word and our faith should bee in vaine Q. What shall become of all men after they haue liued here in this world for a time A. All men of what degree state and condition soeuer yea as well the godly as the wicked must depart this life by death which is the separation of the soule from the body For sinne hath brought this euill vpon all mankinde as is shewed before out of Rom. 5.12 Whereupon in the iust iudgement of God it is appointed vnto men that they shall once die and after that commeth the iudgement Heb. 9.27 And thence is that challenge Psal. 89.48 What man liueth and shall not see death shall hee deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue Q. How is it that the godly die seeing death is a curse and a punishment of sinne which to them is pardoned A. Death is not to the godly a curse but a blessing it is not a punishment but a benefit and an aduantage through the death of Christ by whom the sting of death is so taken away that it cannot hurt them Yet the godly must die for diuers causes 1 That there may bee an end of all their sorrowes labours and miseries which they endure in this world in which respect death is called a sleepe and rest 2 That they may be freed from sinne and so fitted for heauen because flesh and blood corrupted cannot inherit the kingdome of God 3 That by death as by a gate or way they may passe into life As the corne that is sowne is not quickened except it die Q. What shall become of the Soules of men when they die A. When man who is dust shall returne to the earth as it was Then saith Solomon Eccles. 12.7 the spirit shall returne vnto God who gaue it That is to Gods disposing either to ioy or torment This our Sauiour teacheth Ioh. 5 24. He that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into damnation but hath passed from death vnto life And as it is said before Reu. 14.13 They rest from their labours Example hereof we may see in the death of the Richman and Lazarus Luk. 16.22.23 the one went immediately to heauenly ioy the other to hall torments Q. What shall become of the bodies of men when they die A. The bodies of men when they are dead whether they lie in their graues or be in the sea or wheresoeuer shall rise againe to life So our Sauiour teacheth Ioh. 5.29 That all that are in the graues shall come soorth And in the Reu. 20.12 it is said I saw the dead small and great stand before God And verse 13● The sea gaue vp the dead which were in it and death and hell or graue deliuered vp the dead which were in them It was Saint Pauls faith and assured hope see Acts 24.15 That the resurrection of the dead shall be both of iust and vniust And he doth proue it at large in 1 Cor. So that hee cannot bee a good Christian that beleeueth not this article of the Christian faith Q. When shall the dead rise againe A. The time when the dead shall rise againe shall bee at the last day that is at the end of the world when Christ shall come to iudgement This Martha did acknowledge concerning her brother Lazarus Ioh. 11.24 I know that hee shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day With the comfort of that day Christ incourageth to doe good to the poore Luk. 14.14 And herewith the Apostle doth both comfort himselfe that had now almost runne his race and finished his course and incourage others to doe the like Because there is laid vp a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous iudge shall giue at that day 2 Tim. 4.8 Q. With what bodies shall the dead rise A. All shall rise with their owne bodies that as the Apostle speaketh 2 Cor. 5.10 Euery man may receiue the things which are done in his body according to that he hath done whether it bee good or euill In this was Iob confident and comforted himselfe with in his affliction Iob 19.26.27 Though after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God Whom I shall see for my selfe and mine eyes shall behold and not another Q. By what power shall the dead be raised A. The dead shall rise againe by the power of Christ at the hearing of his voice and sound of the last trumpet See Ioh. 5.28 The houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce and they shall come sorth c. Againe 1 Cor. 15.52 In a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall blow and the dead shall be raised vp c. Q. To what end is the resurrection of the dead A. The end of the resurrection is that the whole man both soule and body may bee presented before the tribunall of Christ the godly to receiue the ioyfull sentence of life as the reward of their piety the wicked to heare the dolefull doome of death and condemnation as the recompence of their sinne So saith our Sauiour Ioh. 5.29 That they that haue done good shall rise vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of damnation Q. Proue that Christ came to destroy death Q. That Christ came to destroy death without which victory there could be no resurrection it was prophesied Hos. 13.14 I will redeeme them from the power of the graue I will deliuer them from death O death I will be thy death O graue I will be thy destruction And the Apostle alledging this prophesie doth triumphantly praise God for it 1 Cor. 15.54 c. Death is swallowed vp in victory O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory c. But thanks be to God which hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. Q. Proue that Christ is risen from death A. The Apostle doth inuincibly proue it by many arguments in 1 Cor. 15.13 14. c. concluding verse 20. in this manner But now saith hee is Christ risen from the dead and was made the first fruits of them that sleepe For as hee reasoneth there If there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen But seeing he is risen and that for vs it followeth nececessarily that there must needs bee a resurrection Q. Proue that Christ is risen that wee might rise with him
A. It is said 1 Thes. 4.14 If we beleeue that Iesus is dead and ●is risen euen so them which sleeepe in Iesus will God bring with him and 1 Cor. 15.21.22 for since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all die euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue therefore it is that hee is called the first fruits of them that sleepe Q. Proue that if there be no resurrection then the preaching of the Word and our faith is in vaine A. It is the Apostles argument to proue the resurrection 1 Cor. 15.14 that if there be no resurrection and so consequently Christ is not risen then saith hee our preaching is vaine your faith is also vaine and wee are found also false witnesses of God and verse 19. If in this life onely we haue hope in Christ we are of all men the most miserable X Of the day of Iudgement Q. Rehearse the Letter X. A. EXCeeding glorious in itselfe ioyous to the godly and fearfull to the wicked shall be the day of iudgment wherein Iesus Christ shall cal to account and iudge all men for all things done in this life according to their works For he shall come with glory in the clouds accompanied with innumerable Angels and fitting vpon his throne of Maiestie shall vpon due triall of euery mans workes the bookes being opened pronounce the sentence of saluation to the Godly and of damnation to the wicked Q. Proue that there shall be a day of iudgement A. It is written Act. 17.31 That God hath appointed a day in the which he will iudge the world in righteousnesse and Salomon telleth vaine young men Eccles. 11.9 that they must know that for all these things God will bring them to iudgement yea it is a mayne Article of our Creed reason doth teach that seeing the godly liue here in much affliction the wicked in great pleasure there must needs be a day of iudgement to right all Q. When shall that day of iudgement be A. The day of iudgement is not knowne to any creature in heauen or earth but to God onely see Math. 24.36 But of that day and houre knoweth no man no nor the Angels of heauen but my Father onely and Mark 13.32 is added neither the Son himselfe that is in respect of his humane nature or as he is here in this world in the state of humiliation or to reueale it to vs whom it doth not concerne to know it as is said Act. 1.7 It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power yet there are signes foretold whereby wee kn●w the approaching of this day of Iudgement Q. What are the signes foreshewing the day of iudgement A. The signes are chiefly these 2. The preaching of the Gospell through the whole world 2. Great calamities persecutions troubles wars famine pestilence and the like 3. A generall apostasie or falling away and departing from the faith and puritie of religion 4. The comming and reuealing of Antichrist the head of that Apostasie who shall take vpon him to be the head of the Church by sitting as God in the Temple of God aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped 5. Many deceiuers false Christs and false Prophets that shall seduce many 6. Generall corruption of manners and abundance of all iniquitie 7. Great securitie as in the dayes of Noe Mat. 24.37 8. The calling or conuerting of the Iewes Rom. 11.25.26 9. Strange signes in the heauens in the Sunne Moone and Starres on the land earthquakes in the sea roaring tempestuous storms 10. The burning of the world with fire and the comming of Christ in glory Q. Why is the day of iudgement concealed from men A. That day and houre is hidden and vnknowne to men and shall therefore be as the comming of a Thiefe in the night or as the trauaile of a woman with childe to the end that wee should waite and watch euery day and houre and be prepared for the Lords comming see Math. 24.42 Watch therefore for you know not what houre your Lord commeth and verse 44. Therefore be yee also ready for in such an houre as ye thinke not the Sonne of man doth come and Mark. 13.37 And what I say vnto you I say vnto all Watch. Q. Why is the day of iudgement so long deferred A. The Lord doth deferre the day of iudgement for diuers causes 1. that he might shew his patience toward vs in giuing so large a time of repentance 2. That all the elect both of Iewes and Gentiles might be gathered together their number compleat and so all Israel may bee saued 3. That he might try and exercise the patience of the faithfull who suffer so much at the hands of wicked men for the truth 4. That the vngodly and impenitent abusing the patience and long suffering of God which leadeth to repentance might bee left without excuse and be the more seuerely punished Q. Who shall be the Iudge A. He shall be the iudge who is our Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ see Act. 17.3 1. where it is said That God will iudge the world by that man whom hee hath appointed and Rom. 2.16 In the day when God shall iudge the secrets of men by Iesus Christ for saith he Ioh. 5.22 The Father hath committed all iudgement to his Sonn● yet at the day of iudgement the godly shall also be as iudges in assisting and consenting to the iudgement of Christ therefore the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 6.2 Doe you not know that the Saints shall iudge the world Q. Who are they that shall be iudged A. All men of what condition soeuer that haue beene are or shall be from the beginning to the end of the world must come to iudgement so we reade 2 Cor. 5.10 That wee must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ and Rom. 14.12 So then euery one of vs shall giue account of himselfe to God for the Apostle had said before verse 10. Wee shall all stand before the iudgement seat of Christ. And this must be that as the wicked haue ioyned in sinne with the Apostate Angels that is the Deuils so they may be conioyned with them in iudgement who are reserued in chaines of darkenesse vnto the iudgement of that great day 2 Pet. 2.4 Iud. 6. then shall Antichrist as a chiefe head of all impietie receiue the doome of his eternall destruction 2 Thes. 2.8 Q. Of what things shall all men be iudged A. Euery man shall be iudged of all things done in this life both good and euill the good shall bee approued the euill condemned so it is said Eccl. 12.14 That God shall bring euery worke into iudgement with euery secret thing whether it be good or euill and 2
then be as plainely laid open before Angels and men as if they were recorded in a booke or register Q. What are these bookes A. There are foure sorts of bookes which shall then be opened for the discouery of all the actions of men That is The booke of Gods prouidence whereof the Psalmist speaketh in Psal. 139.16 In thy booke were all things written The booke of the creatures spoken of in Ioh. 20.27 The heauen shall reueale his iniquity and the earth shall rise vp against him The booke of the conscience of which see Rom. 2 15.16 Their conscience bearing witnes and their thoughts accusing or excusing one another in the day when God shall iudge the secrets of men by Iesus Christ. The booke of life Reu. 20.12 which is the decree of Gods election wherein whosoeuer is not found written is cast into the lake of fire verse 15. Q. What shall bee the sentence A. The sentence shall bee twofold of saluation and of condemnation Matth. 25.34 Then shall the King say to them on his right hand Come yee blessed of my father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world And verse 41. then shall he say also vnto them on his left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the deuill and his Angels Y Of the execution of the sentence of damnation Q. Rehearse the letter Y A. YOu that are wicked shall by the power of the voyce of Christ goe away into hell being separated from God consorted with the Deuils depriued of all comfort punished with vnspeakable torments both in soule and body according to your sinnes and that eternally without ease or end For it is iust with God so to punish the wicked and that they who haue liued heere in the pleasures of sinne should be recompenced with answe●able torment Q. Proue that there is a place of torment called Hell A. That there is a Hell or place of torment so called the word of God doth witnesse euery where we reade Math. 5.22 of the danger of hell fire so verse 29.30 of the whole body cast into hell fire so Math. 10.28 Feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell so Math. 23.33 How can ye escape the damnation of hell This hell the Prophet resembleth by Topheth which is in the valley of Hinnon where the Israelites offered vp their children in fire to the Idoll Molech see in Isa. 30.33 the description of it Topheth is ordained of old yea for the King it is prepared hee hath made it deepe and large the pile thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a streame of brimstone doth kindle ●t Q. Where is the place of Hell A. The situation or locall being and place of hell cannot for any thing we reade in Scripture be certainely determined onely this in generall is certaine and out of all question that Hell is in respect of the Heauen of the Blessed called the third or highest heauen an inferiour or lower place exceeding farre remote and distant from it which may be gathered by that which we reade of the damned rich man in Luk. 16.23 That in hell he lift vp his eyes being in torments and s●eth Abraham a farre off and verse 26. it is said to him betweene vs and you there is a great gulfe fixed But it is better for vs leauing all curiositie to learne to auoid hell then by experience to finde where it is remembring that in Pro. 15.24 The way of life is aboue to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath Q. Proue that the wicked shall by the power of Christs voyce goe into hell A. The wicked that here in this life will not heare the voyce of Christ shall then be constrained will they nill they by the power of that voyce to goe away into hell this is euident Math. 25. if wee conferre together the 41. and 46. verses where wee may see that when Christ had said Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire it is added withall And these shall goe away into euerlasting punishment Q. Proue that the wicked shall then bee separated from God A. They that in this life say vnto God Depart from vs for wee desire not the knowledge of thy wayes to them it shall be said at that day I neuer knew you depart from me ye that worke iniquitie for this must be one chiefe part of the punishment of the reprobate to be excluded out of the glorious presence of God and of his Angels and Saints so wee reade 2 Thes. 1.9 That they shall bee punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Q. Proue that they shall bee consorted with the deuils A. In this life wicked men doe preferre the deuill before God for as our Sauiour saith Ioh. 8.44 They are of their Father the deuill and the lusts of their Father they will doe therefore as here they ioyne with the deuils in sinne so there they shall be consorted with them in punishment according to the sentence and iudgement giuen Math. 25.41 Depart from mee yee cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the deuill and his Angels Q. Proue that they shall be depriued of all comfort A. That the wicked being in hell shall be destitute of all ease and comfort wee may see by the example of him who refusing to giue one crumme of refreshing could not receiue so much as one drop of comfort And indeed what comfort can there bee where there shall be not●ing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when the wicked shall see Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophets in the kingdome of God and themselues thrust out Luk. 13.28 Q. Proue that they shall bee punished with vnspeakeable torments A. The exceeding greatnesse of their torments may appeare in that they are said to be in the lake that burneth with fire brimstone Reu. 19.20 where their worme dyeth not and the fire is not quenched Mark 9.44 To bee cast out into vtter darkenesse Math. 8.12 And into a furnace of fire Math. 13.42 Which epithets or termes the spirit of God doth vse to note how fearefull and intollerable the paines of the damned shall be Q. Proue that their punishment shall bee proportionable and according to their sinne A. The punishment of the damned reprobates shall be proportioned according to the quality degree and measure of their sinnes they that haue had the meanes of grace and repentance the word of God and haue neglected or contemned it shal be more seuerely punished then they that neuer heard it therefore it is said Math. 10.15 That it shall be more tollerable for Sodome and Gomorrha and Math. 11.22 for Tyre and Sidon at the day of iudgement then for such Againe sinnes of knowledge shall be punished
8.3 y Matth 4.10 Reu. 22.8.9 z Ps 50 15 Luk. 1● 2 a Io. 16.23 1 Tim. 2.5 b 1 Cor. 14.15 c Deu. 12 3● Mat. 15.9 d Gen. 4.26 Ps. 2 4.5 Mat. 6.9 Phil. 4.6 Eph. 3.14 Io. 9.31 Io. 4 2● 13 e Isa. 4● 8 f Gen. 1.27 and 5.2 g Gen. 2 7 Mat. 10.28 h Gen 39 and 18.27 i Gen 2.17 Rom 5.12 k Eccl. 12.7 Matth. 16.26 l Ps 8.4.5 m Gen 1.27 n Gen. 1.26 28. Psal. 8.6 o Col. 9 8.10 p Eph. 4.24 q Or likenesse Gen 1.26 For Christ onely is the substanti●ll image of God 1 Cor 4 4. Col. 1.15 r Eph. 4 2● c. s P● 49.20 t Eph. 4. ●4 u Rom. 5. ●8 19 x Gen. 2.16.17 and 3 17. y Eccl. 7.29 z Gen. 3.6.12 1 Ti 2.14 a 2 Cor. 11.3 Gen. 3.1 b Reu. 12.9 and 20.2 c Eccl. 7.29 d Ro. 5.17 18.19 e Ro. 7 24. f Ps. 51.5 g 1 Io. 1 8. h 1 Thes. 5.23 i 1 Cor. 2.14 k Gen 6.5 l Ro. 8.7 m Rom. 3.13 14. n Ps o Rom. 6.16.17 p 2 Tim. 2.26 q Eph. 2.3 r Gal. 3.10 s Ro. 6.23 t 2 Thes 2.12 v Act 4.12 Mat. 1.21 x Io. 3.16 1 Io. 5.20 y Ro. 9.5 z 1 Tim. 2.5 a Heb. 7.2 〈…〉 and 10 14. b Heb 2.16 17. c Luk. 1.35 Matt. 1 20. d Isa. 7 1● Mat. 1 18. e Phil. 2.8 Ro 5.19 f Isai. ●3 5 1 Pet. 3 18. and 2 2 4. Gal. 3.13 g Ro. 4 2● 1 Cor 15.3.4 h Ps. 68.18 Luk. 4.51 i Col. 3.1 Ro. 8.34 Act. 3.21 k Hab. 2.4 Gal. 2 2● Rom. 3 23. and 11.6 l Io 1 11 12. Eph. 3.17 m Ps ●1 17 n Ps. ●2 5. o Luk 1● 3 p Ro. 4.6.7 q Ro. 4.2 Ps. 130.3 r Isa. 64.6 Lu 17.10 s Gal. 3 22 Act 2.39 t Act 1● 48 Eph. 1.3 u Mat. 4.17 Act. 20.20 x Ro. ●0 14.17 y I● 1.17 z 2 Tim. 2.25 a Eph. 2.8 b Iam. 1 18 c 1 Cor. 12.3.11 d Eph 2 13.1● e Ro. 5.2 5. Heb. 1 1. Ro. f Act. 15.8.9 1 Tim. 1.5 g Gal 5.6 h Eph. 2 12 i Ro 5.1 and 8.1 k Io. 15.5 Tit. 2.14 l Act. 1.41 42. 1 Pet. 2.2 m 2 Ti. 3.15 n Ps● 11. ● 97. c. o Mal. 3 16 Heb. 3 13. p Io. 7.17 q Col. 1.9 Ps. 119 18. r Ro. 4.11 2 Pet. 3.21 s 2 Pet. 3.18 Heb. 5.12 t Eph 4.12 Deu. 31 11 Io 5.39 Col. 3.16 Reu 1.3 Ios. 1.8 Psal. 1.1 Heb. 10.23 24.25 Ps 50.23 Mar. 7.7 Pro. 2.3.5 Gen 17 10 Ro. 4 11. u Gen 17.10.11 x Mat. 28.19 Luk. 21.19 y Gen. 17.11 1 Cor. 11.26 z Ro. 4.11 a Eph. 5.26 Tit. 4.5 1 Cor. 10.16 b Mar. 16.16 1 Cor. 11.29 c Act. 2.38 41. d Io 19 34 1 Io. 5.6 e 1 Cor. 13.9.12 f Mat. 28.19 and 26 27. g Mar. 1.4.5 h Act. 8.37 i Ge. 17.8 Act. 2 39. k Mat. 28.19.20 l Mat 3.11 m 1 Cor 12.12.13 n Act. 22.16 o 1 Pet. 3.21 Gen 17 10 p Ro. 4.11 q Io. 3.35 1 Pet. 2.2 r Eph 5.26.27 s Mat. 26.26.29 t 1 Cor. 11.24 Luk. 22.19.20 u Mar. 14.22 23. x 1 Cor 11 26. y 1 Cor. 10 16. Io 51. z Gal. 3.1 Io. 20.27 a 1 Cor. 10.17 b Io. 6.55 57.58 c 1 Cor. 11 26. d 1 Cor. 11.28 e Heb 9.27 Ps. 89.48 f Eccl. 12.7 Luk 16.22 23. g Io. 11.24 2 Tim 4 8. h Io. 5.29 Reu 2● 12 Act. 24.15 1 Cor. 15. i 2 Cor. 5.10 Iob. 1● 26 k Io. ●● 28. l Io. 5 2● m Hos. 13.14 1 Cor. 15.54 n 1 Cor. 15 13.14.20 o 1 Thes. 4 1● 1 Cor. 15.21.22 p 1 Cor. 15 14. q Act 17.31 r Ro. 2 16. s Ro 1.12 t Eccl● 2 1● v R●u 20 1● x Mat. 25.31 Act. 3.19 Iud. 1● y Ro. 2.12 Io. 12 48. z Reu. 20.12 Ps. 139 16 Iob 20 27 Ro. 2.15 Reu. 20.2 a Mat. 25. ●4 b Mat 25.41 46. c Mat. 5.29 30. and 1● 28 Isa. 30.23 d 2 Th●s 1.9 e Mat. 2● 41 f Luk. 15.24 and 13.28 g R●u 19. ● Mar. 9.44 h Mar. 10.15 and 23.14 i 2 Thes. 1.9 Reu 20.10 k 2 Thes. ● 6 Rom 2.5 Luk. 16.25 l Mat. 25 34.46 m 1 Thes. 4.17 n 1 Cor. 15.28 Reu 21.22.23 o Reu. 21 4 p 1 Cor. 13.12 1● q Col. 3.4 Mat 1● 43 r Ps. 16 1● s 1 Cor. 15.41 Dan. 12 3. t 1 Cor 29. u 1 Cor. 4.17 x 2 Tim. 3.19 Ro 8.20 y Io. 3 16. Reu. 2 10. z 1 Cor. 6 2● 1 Pet 1 1●.19 a Ro. ● 4.5 b Io. 1●●0 Luk. ● 21 Acknowledge God 1 That there is a God Proued diuers waies 1 Proued by the light of nature 1 In the worke of the conscience 2 By naturall inclination to Religion Instance thereof 3 By the vse of an oath 4 By obseruation of Gods vengeance 2 Proued by the light of grace 1 In regard of the matter of the Scriptures 2 Of the Maiestie of God shining therein 3 Of the scope of the Scriptures 3 Proued by the workes of God 3 Proued by the workes of God 1 Of Creation 2 Of Pro●idence 3 Of Iudgment 4 Of wonder 5 Of foretelling things to come God ought to be acknowledged 3 As he is reuealed in the word 4 Without knowledg● no saluation 5 No knowledge to saluation without the word There is but one God To vs Christians To haue many Gods is to haue no God Due 32.17 Ps 106.37.38 To beleeue in God what It is to trust in God Proof that it is to trust in God To beleeue God but not in God is the Deuils saith Three persons in one God So reuealed from heauen So are all baptized So blessed Three persons distin●t not confounded 1 Euidence 2 Euidence 3 Euidence 4 Euidence The substance not diuided The Father is God The Sonne is God The holy Ghost in God Yet not three Gods but one God They are coeternall They are coequall God is 1. eternall 2 Infinite 3 Immu●table 4 Inuisible 5 Almighty Reu. 4.8 6 Most wise 7 Holy Le. 28.36 Le 11 44. and 19.2 8 Good 9 Mercifull 10 Iust God would be so described Because none can see God 1 God made the world 2 By his word 3 Of nothing 4 In six dayes 5 All very good 6 Nothing can make it selfe 7 Nor be without some cause 8 Nor be euill being made of God 1 All governed by Gods prouidence Exampl●● many 1 In heauen 2 In the sea 3 In the earth 1 Instance 2 Instance of things in earth 3 Instance 4 Instance 2 All preserued by Gods prouidence 3 Satan cannot do what he list 4 Wicked men cannot doe what they list 5 Without Gods prouidence all perish Leu. 26.26 Eze. 4.16 and 5.16 Isa. 3.1 and 14.13 1 God only is to be worshiped 2 He only is to be called