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A09462 Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1604 (1604) STC 19747.7; ESTC S4051 89,009 206

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8. Ephes. 6. 16. Psal. 91. 13. Thou shalt walk vpon the Lion and Asp the yong Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder feete Lidia How is this resistance confirmed Paul To confirme this these preseruatiues which follow are very necessary 1. When you are tempted to sinne do not only abstaine from it but earnestly loue and follow after the contrary Iohn 8. 44. 2. Neuer yeeld or consent to Satans words whether he speake the truth accuse falsly or flatter dissemblingly Iohn 8. 44. Ye are of your father the diuell and the lusts of your father ye will do he hath bin a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie then speaketh he of his owne for he is a lier and the father thereof Marke 1. 24. And cried with a loud voice and said What haue I to do with thee Iesus the sonne of the most high God And Iesus said Hold thy peace and come out of him Act. 16. 17. She followed Paul and vs and cried saying These men are the seruants of the most high God which shew vnto vs the way of saluation c. August serm 241. 3. One temptation is to be looked for after another and then especially when our enemie after he hath set his snares is at rest for the diuel neuer maketh an end of his malice 1. Pet. 5. 8. Lidia I haue heard how to resist teach me I pray you what is his fall Paul The fall is whereby the souldier through infirmitie fainteth being subdued by the power of the enemie Gal. 6. 1. Brethrē if a man be fallen by occasion into any fault ye which are spirituall restore such a one with the spirit of meeknesse considering thy selfe least thou also be tempted Lidia If I fall how may I rise Paul To this appertaineth the spirituall remedie now a remedie is a thing hauing aptnesse to restore him which is fallen to his former estate Gal. 6. 1. And here two things must alwayes be thought on 1. If there be a willing mind euery one is accepted for that grace which he hath not for that which he hath not 2. Corint 8. 12 For if there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not 2. In all these things whosoeuer wil leade a godly life in Christ the power of God is to be made perfect through their infirmitie 2. Cor. 12. 9. And he said vnto me My grace is sufficient for thee for my power is made perfect through weaknesse very gladly therefore will I reioyce rather in mine infirmities that the power of God may dwell in me 10. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproches in necessities in persecutions in anguish for Christs sake for when I am weake then am I strong Lidia But since Satan is mine aduersarie instruct me how many his assaults be Paul Assaults are three-fold Lidia VVhich is the first Paul The first is about the Christian mans effectuall calling and the temptation is the enterprise of the Diuell to blindfold mans mind and to harden his hart lest the word of God should work in him to saluation Mat. 1● 4. And as he sowed some fell by the way side and the fowles came and deuoured them vp 5. And some fell vpon stonie ground where they had no● much earth and anon they sprang vp because they had no depth of earth 6. And when the sun rose vp they were parched for lack of rooting withered away 7. And some fell among thornes and the thornes sprung vp and choked them 19. Whensoeuer a man heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euill one cometh and catcheth away that which was sowne in his heart and this is he which hath receiued the seed by the way side Lidia How may I resist this assault Paul A resistance in those that are called is wrought by the spirit of God that causeth men to lend their eares to heare and doth ingraffe the word in their hearts that the immortall seed of regeneration may spring in them Psal. 40. 6. Ioh. 6. 44. Act. 16. 14. Iam. 1. 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthinesse and superfluitie of maliciousnes and receiue with meeknes the word that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules 1. Pet. 1. 22. Seeing your soules are purified in obeying the truth through the spirit to loue brotherly without faining loue one another with a pure heart feruently 1. Ioh. 3. 9. Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seed remaineth in him neither cā he sin because he is borne of God A resistance in those that are to be called is when in a sincere heart they do ioyne the word which they haue heard with faith Luke 8. 15. But that which fell in good ground are they which with an honest and good heart heare the word and keepe it and bring forth fruit with patience Heb. 4. 2. Lidia What certaine preseruatiues are to be noted in this resistance Paul 1. Premeditation of the power and vse of the word Eccles. 4. 17. Take heed to thy feete when thou entrest into the house of the Lord and be more neare to heare then to giue the sacrifice of fooles for they know not that they do euil Cha. 5. 1. Be not rash with thy mouth n● let thine heart be hastie to vtter a thing before God for God is in the heauen and thou art 〈◊〉 the earth therefore let thy words be few 2. Diligent attentiō of the mind Act. 16. 14. 3. An hungring desire of the heart Ioh. 7. 37. Now in the last and great day of the feast Iesus stood and cried saying If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke 4. Integritie of life Psal. 26. 6. 5. The casting away of euill affections Iam. 1. 22. And be ye doers of the word and n● hearers onely deceiuing your owne soules 6. The inward consent and agreement of the heart with the word preached Act. 2. 37. 7. An hiding of the word in the heart lest we should sinne Psalm 119. 11. I haue hid thy word in mine heart that I might not sinne against thee 8. A trembling at the presence of God in the assembly of the Church Esa. 66. 2. For all these things hath mine hand made and all these things haue bene saith the Lord and to him will I looke euen to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my words Act. 10. 33. Then sent I for thee immediatly and thou hast well done to come now therefore are we all here present before God to heare all things that are commaunded thee of God Lidia The God of power preserue me from this assault by these preseruatiues but how may I fall in this temptation Paul Your fall is either by a coldnesse in receiuing the word and a neglect therof or else by falling into errors Lidia What
his mysticall bodie Christ is that ladder of Iacob whereby the Angels of God do ascend and descend to do seruice to all those which are truly ioyned vnto Iesus Christ Gen. 28. This ought to make vs all admire the endlesse and vnspeakeable goodnes of God who hath not onely giuen vs to be Lords of heauen and earth by the meanes of Christ but euen the glorious Angels which are farre aboue man in excellencie to be our seruants to minister vnto vs to comfort and defend vs. This should moue vs all to carrie and behaue our selues reuerently and holily in all our actions and speeches seeing the glorious and blessed Angels of God do waite and attend vpon vs. Truly this ought to make vs haue great regard that no vnseemely speech or action passe from vs seeing we be in the presence of these most excellent creatures of God the blessed holy Angels to behaue our selues with greater reuerence then we would before an earthly Prince and in the presence of a mightie Monarch 2 The number of them It is not said there came one Angell as in the garden but the Angels came vnto him shewing there were mo then one And we find in the word that our Sauiour Christ had sometimes one somtimes mo to attend vpon him And so the wicked Angels come sometimes one alone as here in Christs temptations sometimes many as when Christ was on the crosse Colossians 2. 15. And so it is likewise with the good Angels of God sometimes they come one alone sometimes moe together Mow if this be true then that opinion fa●leth to the ground which holds that euery man hath his two Angels an euill Angel to tempt him and his good Angell to defend him But if God so please he hath a legion of bad Angels to torment the bad● and ten thousands of good Angels to comfort the good The third point is the time when the●● Angels came vnto Christ Then when the diuell had now ended all his temptations not in the time of the temptations whi●● Christ was tempted but immediatly after they were ended True it is the good Angels of God be ●●waies readie to attend vpō Christ to ob●● his will yet here it is said they came not 〈◊〉 our Sauiour till after his temptations 〈◊〉 then when he had most need they are 〈◊〉 of God to comfort him and as it is like● they tooke vpon them some bodily sh●● ●●the time as the diuell did that so they ●●ght the better do him seruice And here in the person of our Sauiour Christ we may obserue the dealing of God ●ith his children euen as he dealt with Christ himselfe namely that the Lord doth sometime conceale his fauour and not ●hew his accustomed mercie to his children 〈◊〉 least the comfortable sense and feeling of 〈◊〉 for a time to trie his children As here the Lord with held for a time the comfort of his Angels from our Sauiour Christ yet after in is greatest need sent them to comfort him ●o the Lord dealeth with his children euen 〈◊〉 a nurse dealeth with her child setteth it ●owne and goeth and hideth her selfe for 〈◊〉 time letteth it sit still so as the child ta●eth a knocke and it may be hurteth it selfe so as it bleedeth againe now all this she doth not because she loueth not her child 〈◊〉 that when she taketh vp her child againe into her armes it may loue her better and cling faster vnto her Euen so dea●eth the Lord with his children he often withdraweth the comfortable feeling of his mercie and doth as it were hide himselfe for a time that so we may the better 〈◊〉 what we are without his mercie and make more accompt of it when the Lo●● doth giue vs the feeling of it againe and 〈◊〉 we may loue him euer after more earne●● and more constantly To conclude most men will say There 〈◊〉 no need of this doctrine of temptations 〈◊〉 they neuer felt any such matter nor are 〈◊〉 acquainted with them nay they hope th● say neuer to feele any such temptations 〈◊〉 they thank God that they neuer knew 〈◊〉 temptations meant Indeed these po●● soules may thinke themselues happie 〈◊〉 they be in a most pitifull case and a mise●●ble estate for whosoeuer belongs to Ch●●● he must be made in some measure con●●●mable and if they be the true member● Christ they must be made sutable to th● head in suffering temptations Nay it is 〈◊〉 ioy and we haue iust cause of reioyci● when we be tempted especially if we 〈◊〉 able by the power of Christ to resist 〈◊〉 temptations as he did So saith the 〈◊〉 Ghost Iam. 1. 2. My brethren saith 〈◊〉 Apostle accompt it exceeding ioy when ye 〈◊〉 into diuerse temptations And those men which say they neuer 〈◊〉 tempted all their liues alas they haue a 〈◊〉 full iudgement of God vpon them 〈◊〉 ●●●dnesse of heart which makes them that 〈◊〉 feele no temptations though they be ●●yly tempted by the Diuell to a thousand 〈◊〉 and impieties As the Disciples of Christ 〈◊〉 though they saw the miracle of Christ 〈◊〉 saw that the bread was multiplied in ●eir hands yet vnderstood it not because 〈◊〉 the hardnesse of their hearts so these blind ●●les though Satan tempt them from day 〈◊〉 day yet they be so blinded their hearts 〈◊〉 hardned that they perceiue no such mat●● But if these men would learne once by the ●ord of God to see and feele their miserie ●nd so repent and be truly humbled for their 〈◊〉 and become new creatures they would 〈◊〉 be of another mind And therefore let 〈◊〉 such men pray to God that he of his mer●le giue them the sight of their wofull mise●le that he would giue them soft and tender ●earts to be humbled for their sinnes that so ●●ey may feele the want of grace and they ●●il then confesse it is not an vnneedful thing ●●or them to know and vndergo temptations and that vnlesse they be tempted with Christ they can haue no true ioy nor sound comfort in Christ. Maister Perkins his Prayer before his Sermons OAlmightie Lord God most merci●● and louing Father in Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 are here assembled before thy glorious Mijestie to be partakers of thy heauenly wor● which of thine infinite goodnesse and mer●● thou hast ordained to be the ordinary me●● to worke our saluation we beseech th● therefore most mercifull Father to blesse●uery one of vs in the hearing and the sp●● king of thy holy word Good Lord op●● our blind eyes that we may be able to vnderstand it and whereas our hearts are 〈◊〉 of hardnesse full of sinne full of manifo●● rebellions good Lord soften our hard ha●● graunt that thy holy word may be the tw● edged sword of the spirit to cut downe sin●● and corruption in vs and make vs new 〈◊〉 tures in Iesus Christ. And whereas we 〈◊〉 troubled with many impediments in h●●ring of thy word as wandring imagination in our hearts
then must be my remedy Paul The remedie for this is subiection which must be made to the iudgement and censure of the brethren and Ministers Reuel 3. 15. I know thy workes that thou art neither cold nor hote I would thou werest cold or hote Gal. 6. 2. 1. Tim. 1. 20. Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander whom I haue deliuered vnto Satan that they might learne not to blaspheme Lid. What is the second assault Paul The second assault is concerning faith Lid. How may one be thus assaulted Paul By an illusion which the Diuell casteth into the hearts of godly ones as when he saith Thou art not of the number of the elect thou art not iustified thou hast no faith thou must certainely be condemned for thy sinnes as Mat. 4. 3. Then came to him the tempter and said If thou be the Sonne of God command that these stones be made bread Now as he dealt with Christ so will he with Christians Lidia What helpes doth the Diuell abuse for the strengthening of such illusions as these Paul 1. He abuseth Aduersitie as dangers losses persecutions iealousie grieuous offences c. So in Dauid Psal. 73. 12. Loe these are the wicked yet prosper they alway and increase in riches 13. Certainely I haue cleansed mine heart in vaine and washed mine hands in innocencie In Iob 13. 23. How many art mine iniquities and sinnes Shew me my rebellion and my sinne 24. Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enemie 25. Will thou breake a leafe driuen to and fro and wilt thou pursue the drie stubble 2 The remembrance of sinnes past Iob 13. 26. For thou writest bitter things against me and makest me to possesse the iniquities of my youth 3 A feeling of death euen alreadie at hand Lidia How may I withstand these Paul By a true faith applying Christ with all his merits particularly after this manner I assuredly beleeue that I shall not be condemned but that I am elected and iustified in Christ and am out of all doubt that all my sinnes are pardoned Esa. 53. 11. He shall see the trauell of his soule and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many for he shall beare their iniquities Rom. 8. 38. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come 39. Nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Lidia Giue me a preseruatiue that I may resist Paul Your best preseruatiue is in temptation not to behold faith but the obiect of faith which is Christ. So did Paul Philip. 3. 12. Not as though I had alreadie attained vnto it either were alreadie perfect but I follow that I may comprehend that for whose sak● also I am comprehended of Christ Iesus 13. One thing I do I forget that which is behind and indeuour my selfe to that which is before 14. And follow hard toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus So must all Ioh. 3. 14. And as Moses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lift vp that he that beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting Lid. What is my falling in this assault Paul Your falling is doubtfulnesse and distrust of your election of Gods mercie Psal. 77. 6. I called to remembrance my so●● in the night I com●●ned with mine own heart and my spirit searched diligently 7. Will in Lord absent himselfe for euer and will he shew no more fauour 8. Is his 〈◊〉 cleane gone for euer doth his promise faile for euermore So Dauid of himselfe saith Psalm 22. 1. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and art so farre from my health and from the words of my roaring Lid. What is my remedie Paul The remedie is double First the operation of the holy Spirit stirring vp faith and increasing the same Philip. 1. 6. I am perswaded of this same thing that he that hath begunne this good worke in you will performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ. Luk. 17. 5. And the Apostles said vnto the Lord Increase our faith The second is an holy meditation which is manifold 1 That it is the commandement of God that we should beleeue in Christ. 1. Ioh. 3. 23. This is then his commaundement that we beleeue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commaundement 2 That the Euangelicall promises are indefinite and do exclude no man vnlesse peraduenture any man do exclude himselfe Esa 55. 1. Ho euery one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say buy wine and milke without siluer and without money Mat. 11. 28. Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden and I will ease you Ioh. 3. 15. That whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life Also the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper do to euery one seuerally apply indefinite promises and therefore are very effectuall to enforce particular assurance or plerophorie of forgiuenesse of sinnes 3 That doubtfulnesse and despaire are most grieuous sinnes 4 That contrarie to hope men must vnder hope beleeue with Abraham Rom. 4. 18. Which Abraham aboue hope beleeued vnder hope that he should be the father of many nations according to that which was spoken to him So shall thy seed be 5 That the mercie of God and the merit of Christs obedience being both God and man are infinite Esa. 54. 10. For the mountaines shall remoue and the hils shall fall downe but my mercie shall not depart from thee neither shall my couenant of peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee Psal. 103. 11. For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercie toward them that feare him 1. Ioh. 2. 1. My babes these things write I vnto you that ye sinne not and if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust 2. And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Psal. 137. 7. Let Israel waite on the Lord for the Lord is mercie and with him is great redemption 6 That God measureth the obedience due vnto him rather by the affection and desire to obey then by the act and performance of it Rom. 8. 5. For they that are after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit 7. Because the wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against God for it is not subiect to the law of God neither indeed can be Rom. 7. 20. Now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but the sinne that dwelleth in me 21. I find
SATANS SOPHISTRIE ANSVVERED BY OVR SAVIOVR CHRIST AND in diuers Sermons further manifested by that worthy man Maister William Perkins To which is added a Comfort for the feeble minded wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. In that he suffered and was tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2. 18. LONDON Printed by Richard Field for E. E. and are to be sold at the signe of the Swanne in Paules Church-yard 1604. ❧ To the right Honorable Sir William Russell Lord Russell Baron of Thornehaugh yonger sonne to that most Christian and Honorable Earle Frauncis Earle of Bedford with the vertuous Ladie his wife Grace and Peace RIGHT Honorable as Iohn the Baptist was in one desert so our Sauiour Christ he was in an other but as these two differed in their being in the world so did they not accord in their being in the wildernesse Iohn was with some men Christ with none Iohn was with wild men Christ with wild beasts Iohn was preaching Christ praying Iohn was baptizing Christ fighting Iohn was feeding Christ fasting Iohn was encountring with Diuels incarnate Christ did encounter with the Prince of those Diuels From Iohn preaching in the desert learne we diligence in our callings from Christ tempted in the desert see we troubles at our calling Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth them out of all If it please you to giue these after-lines the reading you shall see set downe that monomachie or single combat which was hand to hand betwixt Christ and the Diuell And as for Christ Iesus you shall see him fasting fighting conquering Fasting and an hungry to shew he was man fighting encountring to shew he was Messiah and conquering and triumphing to shew he was God And as for the diuell you shall see him obiecting answering flying Obiecting that Christ might despaire answering that he might presume and flying when he could not ouercome In Christs temptations we see the estate of the Church in Satans assault we see his malice to the Church Is Christ tempted thinke it not strange if we fall into tēptations For the griefe of the head is the griefe of the members the temptations of Christ shew the temptations of Christians It is true of Christ that by many tribulatiōs he did enter into the kingdom of God that our High Priest was consecrated by afflictions that so he must suffer and enter into his glory He is no sooner borne into the world but he is hunted by Herod baptized at Iordan but Satan sets on him a Preacher for repentance but the Scribes proscribe him to worke miracles but the Pharisees slaunder him He is no sooner to suffer but the Diuell assaults him apprehēded but the Iewes deliuer him deliuered but Herod derides him derided but Pilate condemnes him condemned but the souldiers abuse him Is he on the crosse the people will not pitie him is he risen the high Priests will belie him In a word is he vpon earth he is tempted in his person is he in heauen he is tempted in his members Thus the life of Christ was a warfare vpon earth and the life of Christians must be a warfare vpon earth We liue here in a sea of troubles the sea is the world the waues are calamities the Church is the ship the anker is hope the sailes are loue the Saints are passengers the hauen is heauen and Christ is our Pilot When the sea can continue without waues the shippe without tossings and passengers not be sicke vpon the water then shall the Church of God be without trials We begin this voyage so soone as we are borne and we must saile on till our dying day We do reade in Gods word of many kinds of temptations God Satan Man the World the Flesh are said to tempt God tempteth man to trie his obedience Satan tempteth man to make him disobedient men do tempt men to try what is in them and man tempteth God to trie what is in him The world is a tempter to keepe man from God and the flesh is a tempter to bring man to the Diuell So God tempted Abraham in the offering of his son Satan tempted Iob in the losse of his goods a Queene tempted Salomon in trying his wisedome men tēpted God by distrust in the desert the world tempted Demas when he forsooke the Apostles and the flesh tempted Dauid when he fell by adulterie Doth God tempt vs take heed of hypocrisie doth Satan tempt vs take heed of his subtiltie doth man tempt man take heed of dissembling doth man tempt God take heed of inquiring doth the world tempt man take heed of apostacie doth the flesh tempt man take heed of carnalitie But do we so are we warie of these tempters No we are not and therefore we fal We fal on the right hand by temptations in prosperitie and we fall on the left by temptations in aduersitie Of the one it may be said it hath slaine thousands of the other that it hath slaine ten thousands When we come and see cities dispeopled houses defaced and wals pulled downe we say the souldier hath bene there and when we see pride in the rich discontent in the poore and sinne in all we may iustly say the Tēpter hath bin there Now of all other temptations it pleaseth God to suffer his Church to be tempted with afflictions It is neuer free either from the sword of Ishmael which is a reuiling tong or the sword of Esau a persecuting hand Neither was there yet euer Christian man found who had not his part in the cup of affliction We must drinke of the same cuppe our maister did the disciple is not aboue his maister The reasons why God doth visit vs thus with afflictions are 1. To humble vs. 2. To weane vs. 3. To winow vs. 4. To preuent vs. 5. To teach vs. 6. To enlighten vs. 7. To honour vs. 8. To cure vs. 9. To crowne vs. 10. To comfort vs. 11. To protect vs. 12. To adopt vs. And last of all to teach comfort others To humble vs that we be not proud to weane vs that we loue not this world to winnow vs that we be not chaffe to preuent vs that we do not sinne to teach vs that we be patient in aduersitie to enlighten vs that we see our errors to honor vs that our faith may be manifest to cure vs that we surfet not of securitie to crowne vs that we may liue eternally to comfort vs that he may send his spirit to protect vs that he may guide vs by his Angels to adopt vs that we may be his sonnes and to teach others that they seeing how sin is punished in vs they may take heed it be not
his Sonne In him is our helpe from him is our comfort by him is our victorie and for him is our trouble In thee haue I trusted saith a king who euer was confounded that trusted in the Lord said a friend and as El●anah was to Hannah in stead of many sons so God is to his in stead of many comforters Of other comforters we may say as Iob did of his friends Silly comforters are you all They wil leaue vs as mice do a ruinous house but the Lord like Ruth to Naomi will neuer leaue vs nor forsake vs. Especially in the houre of death which is in remēbrance bitter to great men in that houre of death he will be with vs and command his Angels to take charge of our soules the earth to be as a bed for our bodies that so the one may go into glorie the other reserued in hope of like glorie and be made one day like vnto the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus Thus right Honourable you haue seene the righteous in afflictions as Israel was in Babylon and that the Lord like Zorobabel is readie to deliuer them Though in trobles Christ seemes as in the ship to sleepe yet in deliuerance he awakes as a man out of sleepe and as a Giant refreshed with wine He will rebuke the waues and winds of trobles and persecution and they shall flie before him as Sysera did before Debora the Philistims before Ionath● and his seruant And as Christ asking the wom●● of her accusers she answered There was none 〈◊〉 in the end aske a Christian of his troubles h● will say There are none He is a buckler for ou● left hand and a sword in our right he is an helmet on our head and harnesse for our bodie We shall look vpon troubles as Israel did on the Egyptians as the Iewes did on Goliah and as the Grecians did on Hector to triumph ouer them and as the Angell said to Ioseph They are dead that sought the childs life so the Spirit shal say to the afflicted They are dead that did seeke your life A day of deliuerance a yeare of Iubile will come and then Ioseph shall be out of prison Iacob out of seruitude and Iob shal lie no more in the dust of the earth Let vs comfort our selues with these words I haue exceeded an Epistle especially to such a small booke If the wals seeme too great for this citie abundans cautela non nocet It is vsuall for Students not onely to present their owne labours but also other mens to great personages especially such Works wherin they haue bene either Translators or ouerseers It were infinit to instance this point I am bold to do the like to your Honour at this time This Copie it was brought vnto my hand I haue conferred it with another I haue perused it at the Presse I heard diuerse of the Sermons I haue added nothing of mine owne and I desire that of those many baskets ful of most delicate diet which this worthie man hath now left behind him there may not so much as any one be lost If any such come vnto my hand surely they shall not be lost By his life had I much comfort and I will seeke to honor him after he is dead I was twentie yeares acquainted with him I at his request made the first fruites of his labours to speake English And now I am bold to present this his posthume to your patronage Your honorable Nephew his vertuous Lady your worthy sister haue heretofore accepted the labours of this man If it shall please your good Honour to do the like this Preface of mine shall remaine as a perpetuall testimonie of my dutie to you and the booke following as fully armed against all such aduersaries as shall speake against it The God of heauē who hath made you honorable in your most honorable Progenitors make you thrice honorable in your future successors that the memoriall of the righteous may be euerlasting when as the name of the wicked shall r●t Your Honors at commandement ROBERT HILL Fellow Of S. Iohns Coll. in Cambridge London S. Martins in the fields Ian. 12. 1604. The Printer to the Reader GEntle Reader in the life of that worthie man Master Perkins his books for the most part were printed at Cambridge The onely reason was his desire to be Corrector to his owne bookes Since he departed this life some good men haue brought me certaine labours of his I desire not to print them to make gaine to myselfe but because I would not haue his labours to be lost He was heard of many by his speech read of many in his writings and his works haue bene translated into many languages Mislike not this booke because it was printed at London his auditors can tell it was as he spake it If you say it was hard to write as he spake know this that he obserued his auditors and so spake as a diligent Baru● might write verbatim al that was spoken by this Ieremiah Vse this and communicate that which thou hast of his SATANS SOPHISTRIE ANSWERED BY OVR SAVIOVR CHRIST MATH 4. 1. Then was Iesus led aside of the Spirit c. IN the eleuen first verses of this Chapter are recorded and set downe vnto vs the seuerall temptations of our Sauiour Christ and in them we are to consider three especiall points First the preparation vnto the combat vers 1. and 2. Secondly the combat it selfe in three seuerall temptations vers 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thirdly the issue and effect of this combat vers 11. The preparation hath two parts first the going forth of Christ into the wildernesse in the first verse Secondly his abode and conuersation in the wildernesse in the second verse The going forth of Christ into the wildernesse is set out by sundrie circumstances first the time then Secondly the mouing cause whereby he was caried thither namely he was led of the spirit Thirdly the place the wildernesse Fourthly the end to be tempted of the diuell Then was Iesus led In the Chapter going before is set downe the baptisme of our Sauiour Christ as also the great honour of his Baptisme And it pleased him to be baptized to shew that he was now installed into the office of a Mediator and for the greater solemnitie of his baptisme he was proclaimed by the voice of God the Father from heauen to be the chiefe Doctor and the true Prophet of the Church of God for chap. 3. 17. it is said There came a voice from heauen saying this is my welbeloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased And also it is said that the Spirit of God in the likenesse of a Doue descended and light vpon him Now so soone as Christ was installed into his office of Mediator and thus solemnely baptized and proclaimed euen