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A09410 An exposition of the Lords praier in the way of catechisme By William Perkins; Perkins upon the Lords praier Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1593 (1593) STC 19701; ESTC S113660 46,459 156

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to our religion as Iewes Turks Papists Infidels Atheists Nowe towards all these how ought a man to behaue himselfe in prayer Ans. Hee is to pray for them all Mat. 5. 44. Praie for them vvhich hurt you and persecute you 1. Tim. 2. 1. I exhort that praiers intercessions c. Be made for all men for kinges c. Yet when Paul gaue this commandement we read not that there wer any Christiā kings but all Infidels And the Iewes are commanded to pray for Babylon where they were captiue Ieremie 29. 7. And seeke the prosperitie of the Cittie whither I haue caused you to bee carried captiue and praie vnto the lord for it Quest. Howe and in what maner are we to pray for our enemies Ans. We are to pray against their sinnes counsels enterprises but not against their persons Thus praied Dauid against Achitophell 2. Sa. 15. 31. Lord I praie thee bring the counsell of Achitophell to foolishnes And thus did the Apostles pray against their persecuters Act. 4. 29 O Lord behold their threatnings and graunt vnto thy seruants with all boldnes to sp●ake thy word Question Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies in which he praieth for their vtter confusion as Psal. 59. 109. c. the like is done by Paul Gal. 5. 12. 2. Tim. 4. 14. And Peter Act. 8. 20. though afterwards hee mitigates his exexcration But how could they do it Ans. 1. They were indued with an extraordinarie measure of Gods spirit and hereby they were enabled to discerne of the estate of their enemies certainly to judge that their wickednes and malice was incurable and that they shuld neuer repent And the like praiers did the primatiue Church cōceiue against Iuliā the Apostata because they perceiued him to be a malicious and desperate enemie 2. Secondly they were indued with a pure zeal against their enemies intending nothing else but the glory of God Now for vs it is good that we should suspect our zeal because sinister affections as hatred enuie emulation desire of reuenge wil mingle themselues with our zeal Question How far forth may we vse those Psalmes in which Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies Ans. They are to be read and song with these caueats 1. Wee are to vse those imprecations indefinitely against the enemies of God and his Church for wee may perswade our selues that alwaies there be some such obstinate enemies but we must not apply them particularly 2. Secondly wee must vse them as Augustine saith as certaine prophetical sentences of the holy Ghost pronouncing the last sentence of destruction of final impenitent sinners which oppose themselues against Gods kingdom Thirdly they may be vsed against our spiritual enemies the flesh the deuil and his Angels the world 2. Furthermore whereas we ar taught to say Our father this serues to put vs in minde that in praying to God we must bring loue to mē with vs. We must all be as the children of one father louingly disposed one to another For how shuld he call God his father who wil not take the child of God for his brother Mat. 5. 23. When thou art to offer thie gifte vnto God if thou haue ought against thie brother first be reconciled and then come and offer thy gift So also Esay 1. 15. the Lorde saith that when they pray vnto him hee will not heare Why because their hands were ful of blud In these times many men can be contēt formally to praie but yet they will not leaue bribing oppression deceit vsurie c. The common song of the worlde is euerie man for himselfe and God for vs all this is the common loue and care that men haue eche to other The praiers of such are abhominable euen as the sacrifice of a dog as Esay saith For howe can they call God their Father that haue no loue to their brethren 3. Thirdly hence we may learn that God is no accepter of persōs For this praier is giuen to all men of what state or degree soeuer All then aswell poore as rich vnlearned as learned subjectes as rulers may say Our father It is not with the Lord as it is with the worlde but all are his Children that doe beleeue The poore man hath as good interest in Gods kingdome and may call God Father as well as the King Which art in heauen 1. The meaning QVestion Howe may God bee said to be in heuen seeing he is infinite and therefore must needes be euery where 1. King 8. 27. The heauens of heauens are not able to containe him Answer 1. God is saide to be in heauen because his majestie that is his power wisedome justice mercy is made manifest from thence vnto vs. Psalme 115. 3. Our God is in heauen and doth vvhatsoeuer he will Psal. 2. 4. He that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne and the Lord shall haue them in derision Esay saith 66. 2. Thus saith the Lord Heauen is my throne and the earth is my footstoole 2. After this life hee wil manifest the fulnes of his glorie there to his Angels and Saints 2. The Vse 1. HEereby first we learn that Romish pilgrimages wherby men went from place to place to worship God are vain and foolish The God to whome wee must pray is in heauen Nowe let men trauell to what place or countrey they will they shall not come the neerer to heauen or neerer to God by traueling seeing the earth is in euerie part alike distāt from heuen 2. Secondly this ouerthrowes popish Idolatrie as woorshipping of Crosses Crucifixes Roods c. to put vs in mind of God Christ. Wee are taught to lift vp our eies to heuen seeing God is there and how can we do this as long as our mindes and eies are poring vpon an image made by mans arte 5. Againe wee are here admonished to vse the action of praier with as great reuerence as possible may be Wel reasons Salomon Eccle. 5. 1. Be not rash with thy mouth to speak a vvord before God Why he is in heaven thou art in earth therfore let thy vvords be few This reuerence must appeare in holines of minde and affection and in al comlines of gesture And for this cause al wandering bythoughts and all vaine babling is to be auoided But how goes the case with vs that on the times appointed come to the assēblies to pray Many by reason of their blindenes pray without vnderstanding Many when they are present at praier yet haue their hearts occupied about other matters about their goods and worldly busines such men haue no joye or gladnes in praying it is a burdē to them Many come to the assemblie for custom only or for fear of punishment if they might be left free they could find in their harts not to pray at all But let all suche mē know that this maner of praiing is a very greenous sinne nay greater then mocking of father or mother killing or stealing for it is
first lesson that our Sauiour doeth giue his Disciples that they must denie themselues and follow him 2 The second thing is the knowledge of Gods will for otherwise how shal we do it How shall that seruant please his maister which cannot tell what hee would haue done of him Most men will haue bookes of statutes in their houses and if they be to deal in any great matter they will do nothing vntil they haue looked on the Statute In like maner men must haue the Bible that is the booke of Gods statutes in their houses the lawes of God must bee the men of our counsel Before euerie action wee are to searche what is the will of God and then to doe it Here thē wee are taught to vse the meanes and to pray for knowledge 3 Againe we are here taught to haue a desire in our hearts and an indeuour in our liues in all things to do obedience to Gods word 4 Lastlie we desire patience and strength when it shall please God at anie time to exercise vs with the crosse as Paul prayes for the Colossians that God would strengthē them by the power of his might vnto all patience and long suffering with ioy fulnesse 5. Errour confuted THe Church of Rome teacheth that men by nature haue free-will to good and that men being stirred vp by the holy ghost can of themselues will that which is good But if this were so why might we not pray Let my will bee done So far foorth as the will of man shall agree with Gods will but this cannot be as we see in the tenour of this petition In earth as it is in heauen 1 The meaning HAuing shewed the meaning of this petition thy vvill be done Now we are to speake of the condition which is in what maner we shuld doe it For the question may be how we should doe Gods will the answer is his wil must be done in earth as it is in heauen Heauen By heauē here is meant the soules of faithfull men departed and the elect Angels Psal. 103 20. Praise the Lord ye his Angels that excel in strength that doe his commandements in obeying the voice of his vvord Earth By earth is vnderstood nothing but men on earth becaus all other creatures in their kind obey God only man he is rebellious and disobedient Then the meaning is Let thy will be done by vs men on earth as the Angels and saintes departed doe thy will in heauen Qu. Do we here desire to do the will of God in that perfection it is done by angels must we be as perfit as they Ans. the wordes here vsed in earth as it c. do not signifie an equalitie as though our obedience should in this life be in the same degre of perfection with with Angels but a similitude or the like maner of obeying it may be said in what maner do the Angels obey God Answer They doe the wil of God willingly speedily and faithfully and this is signified in that they are saide in the scriptures to bee winged and to stand continually beholding the face of our heauenly Father And this is the manner in which we desire to performe Gods will 2. The wants to be bewailed VVE are heere admonished to bee displeased with our selues for our imperfect obedience to God for our hypocrisie priuie pride presumptiō deadnes of spirit and many other wants which breake out when we are in doing Gods will There is no seruant of God but hath wants in his best works so we must vnderstand Paul Ro. 7. 18. he saith as much as if he culd begin a good thing but not perfect it go through stitch as we say Whē the godly do good works as heare speak Gods word pray praise God c. they perform things acceptable to God but in these actions they finde matter of mourning namely the imperfectiō of the work therfore Dauid praieth Psal. 143. 2. Enter not into iudgement vvith thy seruant and here we may see how far wide the Church of Rome is that holds good works to be any way meritorious that be euery way imperfect If the mē of that church had grace they might see that the corruptiōs of the flesh wer as gynes fetters about their legs that when they would faine runne the waies of Gods commādements they are constrained to halt downe right and to trail their loynes after them 3 Grace to be desired THE grace here to be desired is synceritie of heart in doing Gods will so as wee may keepe a good conscience before God and men Act. 24. 16. And for this cause I indeuoured alwaies to haue a clear conscience towards God and towards men This must we hunger after pray for seing it is not sufficient to abstaine from euill but also to doe good and in doing good striue to come to perfection Giue vs this day our daily bread 1 The Coherence THus much of the thre first petitions which concerne God now follow the other three which concern our selues In which order we learn to pray for those things which concerne God absolutelie and for those thinges which concerne our selues not absolutely but so farre foorth as they shall make for God his glorie the building of his kingdom and the doing of his wil. But how dependes this petition on the former In the first wee are taught to pray that Gods name might bee hallowed which is done whē God raigns in our hearts his wil is done Now further his will is obeyed in three thinges first by depending on his prouidence for the thinges of this life secondly by depending on his mercy for the pardon of sin thirdly by depending on his power and might in resisting temptations And thus Gods will is obeyed 2 The meaning BRead By this one means of sustayning our bodies and temporarie liues all other meanes are vnderstood as meat drinke cloathing helth liberty peace c. Gen 3. 19. Thou shalt eat thy bread vz. get thy liuing in the sweat of thy browes Out of this we learn 2. instructions for why doth the Lord teache vs to craue onely bread and not meate and other dainties It is for 2. causes the first is that we might hereby learn frugalitie and moderation in our diet apparel houses and be content if wee haue no more but bread seeing wee desire no more We must not with the Israelites murmur because they had nothing but Manna Quest. Must wee vse Gods creatures onely for necessitie Ans. we may vse them not onely for necessitie but also for honest delight plesure Psal. 104. 15. God giues wine to make glad the heart of man and oyle to make his face shine And Iohn 12. 3. Our Sauiour Christ allowed of the fact of Mary which tooke a pounde of ointment of spikenard very costly and annointed his very feete so that all the house was filled with the smell though Iudas did esteeme it wast But yet if the Lord shall graunt but
the power of the flesh the deuill and the world Some take euil in this place only for the deuil but wee may take it more largely for all spirituall enemies 1. Iohn 5. 19. The vvhole world lyeth in euill vz. Vnder the power of sinne and Satan These words as I haue said are a proofe and explanation of the former for when a man is deliuered from euill he is not led into temptation the cause being taken away the effect ceaseth 3. The vses 1. HEnce wee learne what a righteous God Iehoua is that can work an euill action yet be void of sinne 2. Whereas we say Lead vs not c. We note that the deuil in tēptations can go noe further then God permits him 3. Wee are not to pray that temptations be quite taken from vs or that we be whollie freed frō them but that they doe not ouercome vs. For it is the Lordes wil that his Church should be tempted Nay Dauid desired some kind of temptations Psal. 26. 1. Prooue me O Lord. And Iames saith account it for exceeding ioy when ye shall fal into diuers temptations Iam. 1. 2. 4. Note also that euery man by nature is the bōdslaue of sin Satan For where is deliuerāce there was a bondage first This confutes the Papists who maintain fre-wil for we ar dead in him by nature as a man in a graue and we must still pray thus til we be fully deliuered 4. Wants to be b●wailed THE corruption which in this petition we ought to mourn for is the continuall rebellion of our wicked natures our pronenes to yeeld vp our selues in euery temptation to sin and Satan And the remnants of the old bondage vnder Satan must be grieuous and irkesome vnto vs and we must bewaile it very bitterly The Iewes in a bodily captiuitie wept vvhen they remembred Sion Psal. 127. Howe much more should we weep when we feele the lawe of our members rebelling against the lawe of our minds leading vs captiue to sin 5. Graces to be desired THE contrary blessing to bee desired is that God woulde stablish vs by his free spirit Ps. 51. 12 which is so called because it settes vs euery day more more at liber tie out of the reach of sin Satan For thine is the kingdome the power and glory for euer 1. Meaning THese words containe a reason of all the former petitions whereby we are mooued to craue thinges needfull at Gods hand Thine is Earthly kinges haue kingdome power and glorie Dan. 2. 37 Yet not from themselues but frō God whose vice-gerents they are on earth Therfore to make a difference betwene Gods kingdome power and glory those of earthly kings it is said thine is the kingdome c. that is God hath all these in himself and from himself and they from him The kingdome These wordes 1. Chron. 29. 11. at fully expounded Thine O Lord is greatnesse power and victorie and praise for al that is in heauen earth is thine thine is the kingdome thou excellest as head ouer al c. The kingdome is said to bee Gods because hee is absolute possessor and owner of al things that are and also hath soueraigne rule ouer all things at his will Nowe out of this first propertie of God we may gather a strong motiue to induce vs to pray vnto him alone For seeing all thinges are his both in heauen and earth whatsoeuer therefore wee must come to him for the graces and blessings which wee desire The power Oftentimes earthly princes haue kingdomes yet want power but God hath kingdom power also yea his power is infinite and he can do al that he wil more then hee will as for those things which come of impotencie he cannot do thē for if he c●ld he should not be omnipotent And as he is omnipotent in himselfe so all the power which any creture hath is from him alone Question Howe can this be seeing the deuill hath power to sinne which is not from God Ans●er To sinne is no power but rather a want of power otherwise all the strength and power that Satan hath is of God And from this second property is taken another motiue to moue vs to pray vnto God Because all power being his wee can neuer do any of the thinges which we aske but by power receiued from him Thine is the glory This thirde propertie of God ariseth from the two former for seeing the title interest in all things and the power whereby they are disposed and gouerned is of God therefore it followes that all glory is his yea in him is fulnes of glory and the glory of the creature is all of him To sinfull men belonges nothing but shame and confusion Dan. 9. verse 7. This third propertie ministreth a thirde motiue to induce men to pray vnto God alone For seeing all glory by right is his therefore wee must invocate his holy name that in so doing we may giue him the glory due vnto him For euer The words in the originall are for ages Nowe an age signifies the space of an hundred years but here it is taken for eternitie because eternitie is nothing but the multiplication of ages And as eternitie is heere noted by ages so on the contrary we reade that eternitie is takē for a certaine and distinct time Gen. 17. 8. God promiseth Abraham to giue him the lande of Canaan for an euerlasting possession that is for a long season For els Abrahams seede shuld inherite the lande vntill this time which it doth not Wherfore as often the whol is put for the part vz. eternitie for a certaine time so here the part is put for the whole an age for eternitie This also maketh a difference betweene earthly Princes and the mightie Iehouah They haue kingdome power and glory for a short time but hee absolutely and for euer 2. The vses 1. HEre wee learne in praier to abase our selues before God and vtterly to deny all that is in vs. Kingdome power glory is all his not ours wee are no better then rebels and traitors to him if we haue any good thing it is frō him euen the grace whereby we pray And hee that in praier will not confesse this shal no more be heard then the insolent begger that wil not acknowledg his want 2. Secondly againe in praier we learne that we must be perswaded of two things and build vpon them Gods power and will his power in that he is able his wil in that he is careful to performe our requests as it was noted in the preface the first of these is set out in his kingdome and power The second is noted in that glory is his 2. Cor. 1. 20. For al the promises of God in him ar yea Amen vnto the glory of God 3. And hence wee gather that praier and thanks-giuing must go together for as in the six petitions wee made request to GOD so in these wordes
last petitions Againe a Christian man may mak an excellent confession of his sins by this praier if he shal keping the order of the petitions confesse and bewaile the sins which euerie petition requires vs to pray against it serues to mak a thanksgiuing to God Thus let a man remember all the graces which he hath receiued from God let him then refer them to the petitions and giue thankes to God after the order of them turning euery petition into a thanksgiuing Of the circumstances of prayer Quest. 1. Whether a man is to vse a voice in prayer Ans. In publik praier it is requisite that there bee a voice for the Minister is the month of the people and to the prayer which hee conceiues they giue assent For priuate prayer vsing of a voice is conuenient yet so as it may be done in silence 1. the Lord gaue vs the voyce as well as the heart to blesse him withall Iam. 3. 9. 2 God created the tong as wel as the heart and so will bee praised by both 3 The voice often stir vp the heart and againe the vehemēcie of affection doth often draw out a voice the voice then in priuate prayer is requisite yet in some cases may bee omitted for it is not absolutely necessarie Moses and Anna prayed in silence Quest. 2. What gesture is to bee vsed in prayer An. The word doth not affoord any certain direction Our Sauiour his Disciples praied in diuers gestures kneling standing groueling looking to heauen looking downe to the earth sitting lying c. Luk. 11. 41. Act. 7 God respectes not the gesture but the affection of the heart yet two thinges must be alwaies in the gesture 1. that it be comelie 2. that it do fitlie expresse the affection of the hart as when we ask mercie to look to heauen when wee bewaile our sins to look downward c. Question 3. What place must we pray in An. The place is set down 1. Tim. 2. 8. we may pray in all places of which ther is no difference Some will say that in the time of the Law the Tabernacle and Temple were places for diuine prayer Ans. The Temple and Tabernacle wer types of Christ his Church and the vnitie of it but now wee hauing the thing it selfe signified thereby may pray in al places Our Sauior prayed in the wildernes on the Mount Peter on the house top Paule by the sea shore yet so that publik praier must be vsed in publike places as Churches chappels c. not because in them is more holinesse but for orders sake Quest. 4. What is the time appointed for praier Ans. Praie continuallie 1. The 5. 7. that is vpon al occasions or whē a man begins any busines whether it be in word or deed Col. 3. 17. or as Daniel who praied thrise euerie daie Dan. 6. 11. or as Dauid who praied at euening morning and noontide Ps. 55. 18 and seuen times a daie vz. many Psa. 119. 140. Thus we shal pray continuallie Euery day affoords three especial occasions 1. The entrance to our callings in the morning 2. The receiuing of Gods creatures at noonetide 3. the going to rest at night Of Gods hearing our praiers HItherto we haue spoken of the making of prayer to God a word or two of God his hearing our prayers Question How many waies doth God hear mens praiers Ans. Two waies The first in his mercie when he graunts the requests of such as call vpon him in the feare of his name Secondly hee heares mens praiers in his wrath Thus he gaue the Israelites quailes according to their desire Psalme 78. 29. 30. 31. Thus often men curse themselues and wish that they were dead and accordinglie they haue their wish Quest. 2. Why doth God defer to hear the praiers of his seruants Ans. 1. to prooue them by delay 2. To exercise their saith 3. To make them acknowledge that the things which they receiue ar gods gifts and not from themselues 4. That graces quickly giuen might not be lightlie estemed 5. That an hungring after grace might bee sharpened and increased Quest. After what maner doth God hear his seruants prayers An. Two waies First by granting the thing which was asked according to his will Secondly by denying the thing desired and by giuing somthing proportional to it Thus God denies temporary blessings and in the roome thereof giues eternall in heauen Thus he refuseth to remoue the crosse from his servantes and giues in stead thereof strength and patience Christ praied that the cup might bee remooved It was not remooued but hee in his manhood was enabled to beare the wrath of God When ded in loue maie be able to comprehend vvith all Saintes vvhat is the breadth and length and depth and height 19 And know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye maie bee filled vvith all fulnesse of God 20 Vnto him therefore that is able to doe exceeding aboundant lie aboue all that vve aske or thinke according to the power that vvorketh in vs 21 Be praise in the Churche by Christ Iesus throughout all generations for euer Amen The Exposition THese wordes containe two partes a praier and a thanksgiuing In the praier these pointes are to be marked First the gesture I bowe my knees whereby Paul signifieth his humble submission vnto God in praier Secondly To whom he praies To the father who is described by two titles the first the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and that by nature as he is God and as hee is man by personall vnion The other title Of vvhome the whole familie which is in heauen and earth is named In which words is set down a description of the Church first it is a Familie because it is the company of Gods elect children vnder the gouernment of one Father 1. Timoth. 3. 15. It is called the house of God Ephes. 2. 19. They that beleeue are saide to be of the household of God Secondly the partes of the Catholicke Church are noted namely the Saintes in heauen departed and saintes liuing on earth Thirdly it is said to be named of the Father of Christ because as the Father of Christ is the Father of this familie so also this familie is called by him Genes 6. 2. Dan. 9. 18. Thirdly the matter of the praier standes of foure moste worthie points The first is strength to bear the crosse and to resist spiritual temptations vers 16. where this strenth is sette out by diuers arguments First that it is the meere gifte of God that he wold grant you Secondly the cause of strength by his spirit Thirdly the subiect or place wher this strength must bee in the inner man that is in the whole man so farre foorth as hee is renewed by grace Ephes. 9. 24. The second is the dwelling of Christ by faith in their hearts Faith is when a man beeing seriously humbled for his sinnes is further in consciēce perswaded and resolued of the pardon of
to the obedience of the same Againe praier is the key whereby wee open the treasures of God and pull downe his mercies vpon vs. For as the preaching of the word serues to declare and to conuey vnto vs Gods graces so in praier we come to haue a liue lie feeling of the same in our harts And further this must moue vs to praier seeing in praier we haue familiaritie with Gods Maiestie It is an high fauour for a man to bee familiar with a Prince howe much more then to be familiar with the King of Kings the mightie Iehouah This then can bee no burthen or trouble vnto vs being one of the many prerogatiues that God bestowes on his Church For in the preaching of the worde it pleaseth God to talke to vs and in praier God doth vouchsafe vs this honour to speake and as it were familiarly to talk with him not as to a fearful Iudge but as to a louing and mercifull God Consider also that praier is a worthie means of defence not onely to vs but also to the Church and them that are absent By it Moses stood in the breache which Gods wrath had made into the pepill of Israell and staied the same Psalm 106. ver 23 by this Christian men fight as valiant champions against their own corruptions and all other spirituall enemies Ephes. 6. vers 18. Infinite were it to shewe howe many blessings the Lord hath bestowed on his seruaunts by prayer In a worde Luther whome it pleased God to vse as a worthie instrumēt for the restoring of the Gospell testifieth of himselfe that hauing this grace giuen him to call vpon the name of the lord he had more reuealed vnto him of Gods trueth by praier then by reding study The second point of the cōmandement is to pray after the maner following in the Lordes prayer Where it is to bee noted that the Lords prayer is a direction and as it were a sampler to teach vs how and in what maner wee ought to praie None is to imagine that we are bound to vse these words only and none other For the meaning of Christ is not to binde vs to the words but to the matter and maner and to the like affections in praying If this were not so the praiers of Gods seruants set down in the bookes of the old and newe Testament should be al faultie because they ar not according to the wordes of the Lords praier Also by reason of this diuers in our church ignorantly perswade them selues that it is vnlawfull to vse the wordes as they are set downe for a praier First say they it is Scripture and therefore not to be vsed as a prayer I answer that the same thing may be the scripture of god and also the praier of man else the praiers of Moses Dauid and Paul being set downe in the scriptures cease to be praiers Againe they say that in praier we are to expres our wantes in particular and the graces which wee desire nowe in these wordes all things to be praied for are onely in generall propounded I answer that the maine wants that are in any man and the principall graces of God to be destred are set downe in the petitions of this praier in particular Thirdly they pleade that the pattern to make al praiers by should not be vsed as a praier I answere that therefore the rather it may be vsed a● a praier and sure it is th●● ancient and worthie diuines haue reuerēced it as a praier chosing rather to vse these words then any other as Cyprianus sermone de orat Dominic And Tertullian lib. de fuga in persequutione And Augustine sermone 126. de tēpore Wherfore the opinion is ful of ignorāce error Well whereas our Sauiour first giues a commaundement to pray and then after giueth a direction for the keeping of it this he doeth to stiree vp our dulnes and to allure vs by all meanes to this heauenly exercise of praier Wherfore still I say imploy your selues in praier feruently and continually and if you cannot do it learne to praye Thus much of the commandement of our Sauior Christ nowe followe the wordes of the praier Our Father which art c. THese wordes containe three parts 1. a preface 2. the praier it self containing six petitions 3. the testification of faith in the last worde Amen Which although it be short yet it doth not containe the smallest point in the praier It is I say a testification of our faith whereas the petitions that go before are only testifications of our desires Nowe of these three parts in order We must consider how our Sauiour Christ doth not set downe the petitions abruptly but he first beginnes with a solemne preface Whereby we are taught this lessō that he which is to pray vnto God is first to prepare himselfe and not boldly without consideration as it were to rushe into the presence of God If a mā be to come before an earthly Prince hee will order himselfe in apparel gesture and words that he may do all thinges in seemelines dutiful reuerence how much more are men to order themselues when they are to appear before the liuing God Eccle. 5. 1. Be not rash with thy mouth let not thine hart be hastie to vtter a thing before the Lord. And Dauid Psal. 26. 6. Washed his hands in innocencie before he came to the Altar of the Lord to offer sacrifice The meanes whereby men may stir vp their dul and heauie hea●● and so prepare themselues to praier are three The first is to read diligently the word of God concerning those matters about which they are to pray and what then this will be a meanes not onely to direct him but also to quicken the heart more feruently to deliuer his praier This is euident by a cōparison The beames of the sunne descending heat not before they come to the earth or some solide body where they may reflect and then by that means the earth and aire adjoyning is made very hote euen so the Lord sends downe vnto vs his blessed Worde euen as beames and the goodly sunshine thereby he speaks to our harts now when we make our praiers of that which we haue reade Gods worde is as it were reflected and our heartes are thereby warned with the cōfortable heat of Gods holy spirit to powre out our praiers to God more feruently The second meanes is to pray to God that hee would strengthen vs with his spirit that we might be able to pray as it is practised Psalme 143. 1. The third meanes is the consideration of Gods most glorious maiestie wherin we are to remember first his fatherly goodnes and kindenes whereby he is willing secondly his omnipotencie where by he is able to grant our requests One of these emboldned the Lepar to pray Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane Mat. 8. 2. Therfore both together are more effectuall Nowe let vs come to the
as litle gods though to the world we shew it not This hidden pride when other sinnes die it begins to get strength and to shewe it selfe and it appeares in vaine thoughts continuallie on euery occasion ascending in the minde As maye appeare in the Pharisie whose thoughts were these whē he praied thus within himselfe O God I thank thee that I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publican c. And as this was in him so it is in vs till God giue grace for so that men may haue praise glory in the world they care not for God his glorie though it be defaced Wee must therfore learn to discerne this hidden corruption and to mourn for it for it doeth poison hinder al good desires of glorifying God so long as it may preuaile in the hart 2 Secondly we are taught here to bewaile the hardnesse of our hearts whereby we are hindred from knowing God aright and from discerning the glorie of God in his creatures Mark 6. 52. The Disciples through the hardnesse of their hartes could not see Gods power in the miracle of feeding many thousands with a few loues though themselues were instrumentes of it and the food did increase in their hands Our redēption what a wonderfull work is it but how few consider of it or regarde it If wee see a man haue more wit wealth or honour than we haue wee straight woonder at him but beholding Gods creatures we see nothing in them because we do not goe higher to acknowledge the loue power wisedome and iustice of the Creator And this is the cause why Gods name is so slenderly honoured among men 3 The third corruption is our great ingratitude for the Lorde hath made heauen and earth and all other creatures to serue m●n yet he is the most vnthankful of al creatures Bestow manie iewels or a kinges ransome on a dead man he wil neuer returne anie kindnes so men being dead in sinne deale with God Commonlie men are like the swine that run with their groines and eat vp the mast but neuer looke vp to the tree from whence it falleth But the godlie are with Dauid to feele this want in themselues and to beseech God to open and as it were to vnlocke their lippes that they may indeuour to be thankfull to God Psal. 51. 15. 4 The fourth is the vngodlines and the innumerable wantes that be in our liues and the sinnes committed in the world Psal. 119. 136 Mine eies saith Dauid gush out with riuers of waters because men keepe not thy lawes The reason is because he which liues in sin reproches Gods name euen as an euill child dishonors his father Now some wil say that this cannot be because our sinnes cannot hurt God A● Yet they are a cause of slandring Gods name among men for as we honour him by our good workes so we dishonour him by our offences Mat. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen 4 Graces to be desired 1 The graces to be desired and to be prayed for at Gods hand are three The first is the knowledge of God that is that we might know him as he hath reueiled himself in his word works and creatures For how shal anie glorifie God before he know him Our knowledge in this life is imperfect Exo. 23. Moses may not see Gods face but his hinder partes 1. Cor. 13. 12. Wee may see God as men doe through spectacles in his word sacraments and creatures And therefore as Paule prayed for the Colossians Col. 1. 10. that they might increase in the knowledge of God so are wee taught to pray for our selues in this petion 2. A zeale for Gods glorie Psal. 69. 9. The zeale of thine house hath eaten me vp Psal. 45. 1. My heart shall vtter or cast vp a good matter I vvill speake in my workes of the king Here the Spirit of God borrowes a comparison frō men thus As he which hath somewhat lying heauie in his stom●cke is neuer at quiet till hee haue cast it vp euen so the care desire to glorifie Gods name must lie vpon a mans heart as an heauie burthen and he is not to bee at ease and quiet with himself till he be disburdened in sounding forth Gods praise Luther saith wel that this is sancta crapula that is an holy surfet and it is no hurt continuallie to haue our harts ouercharged thus 3 A desire to lead a godlie and syncere life as before Gods Majestie We see men that are in some great calling vnder honourable personages wil so order and behaue thēselues as they may please and honour their maisters euen so must our liues bee well ordered and we are to labour to walk worthie of the Lord as Paul speaketh that we may honour our heauenly father Thy kingdome come 1 The Coherence THis petition dependes on the former most excellentlie For in it is laid downe the meanes to procure the first Gods name must be hallowed among men but how is it done by the erecting of Gods kingdome in the heartes of men We cannot glorifie God vntill he rule in our hearts by his word and Spirite 2 The meaning Thy This word doth put vs in mind that there is two kingdoms one Gods that is the kingdome of heauen the other the deuils called the kingdom of darknesse Col. 1. 13. For when all had sinned in Adam God laid this punishmēt on all that seeing they could not be content to obey their Creator they should be in bondage vnder Sathan So that by nature we are all the children of wrath and the deuill holds vp the scepter of his kingdome in the heartes of men This kingdome is spirituall and the pillers of it are ignorance errour impietie and all disobedience to God in which the deuill whollie delights which also are as it were the lawes of his kingdome Blind ignorant people can not abide this doctrine that the deuill should rule in their hearts they spit at the naming of him say that they defie him with all their heartes but whereas they liue in sinne and practise it as occasion is offered though they can not discerne of themselues yet they make plain proofe that they line in the kingdome of sinne and darknes and are stat vessels of Sathan shal so continew till Christ the strong man come and binde him and cast him out And this is the estate of all the children of Adam in themselues Wherfore our sauiour in this petition teacheth vs to consider our naturall estate and to pray that he would giue vs his Spirit to set vs at libertie in the kingdome of his owne Sonne Kingdome Gods kingdome in scriptures is taken two waies First generallie and so it signifieth that administration by which the Lord gouerneth all thinges yea euen the deuilles themselues of which kingdome mention is made in the end of
this prayer and in Psal. 97. vers 1. The Lorde raigneth let the earth reioice Againe it is taken more speciallie and then it signifieth the administration of Christ the head of the Church in which hee frameth men by his worde and Spirit to the subjection of the same worde And so it is taken in this petition In a kingdome there are foure things to be noted 1. There must bee a king 2 There must be subiectes 3 There are lawes 4 Authoritie In this kingdome Christ is the king it is he to whome the father hath giuen all authoritie in heauen and earth In this kingdom al are not subjects but such as ar willing to giue free and frank obedience to Gods word or at the least though their hearts be not sound make an outward profession of it The lawes of this kingdome is the word of God in the books of the old and new Testament Therfore it is called the kingdome of heauen Mat. 13. The Gospell of the kingdom Mar. 1. 13. The rod of his mouth Isai. 11. 4 The arme of God Isai. 53. 1. As a King by his lawes bringes his people in order keeps them in subiectiō so Christ by his word and the preaching of it as it were by a mightie arme drawes the elect into his kingdome and fashions them to all holie obedience The power and authoritie is that whereby Christ conuerts effectually those which are to be conuerted and glorifies himselfe in the confusion of the rest The kingdom being taken thus specially is also twofold The first is the kingdome of grace of which mention is made Rom. 14. 17. The Kingdome of God stands not in meat drink but in righteousnes that is the assurance of our justification before God in the righteousnes of Christ Peace of conscience which proceeds from this assurance and ioy in the holie Ghost which comes from them both In this kingdom all men liue not but onelie those that ar subject to Christ obedient to the lawes of his kingdome and ruled by his authoritie are continually taught in his word by his spirit But those that refuse to liue according vnto the lawes of this king and choose to liue at their owne libertie are in the kingdom of darknesse sinne and Sathan The second is the kingdome of glory in heauen which is the blessed estate of al Gods people there when God shal be al in al in them And the former kingdom of grace is an entrance and preparation to the kingdome of glorie Come Gods kingdome comes when it is established and confirmed in mens hearts and made manifest to all people the impediments being remoued Question This comming implies a stopping but howe should Gods kingdome be hindered Answer Kingdom in this place is not takē for the power of God whereby hee rules all things for that cānot be hindred but for the kingdome of grace which in the vsing of the outward meanes as ministers word and sacraments may be hindered by the deuill the world and mans corruption 3 The vvantes which are to be bewailed THe wantes which wee in this petition are taught to mourn for are of two sorts some concern our own selues some others That which concernes our owne persons is a bondage and slauerie vnder sinne and Satan This bondage indeede is weakened in Gods seruants but none is whollie freed from it in this life Paule complaineth that he is sould vnder sinne and cries pitifullie O miserable man that I am who shal deliuer me from this bodie of death Question What difference then betweene the godlie and the wicked Answer The euil and vngodlie man in the verie middest of his bondage hath a mery hart sinne is no trouble to him nay it is meat and drinke to him But the godly man is otherwise minded For considering the power of the deuill and his craft in manifold fearfull temptations and seeing the prooffes of his rebellious nature euer and anon to start away from God he is grieued and confounded in himself his heart bleedes within him that hee doth offend so mercifull a Father Manie men liue in this world that manie yeares and yet neuer feele this bondage vnder Satan sinne Such vndoubtedlie cannot tel what the Lords prayer meanes But he that would haue the right vse of this petition must bee acquainted with it and bee touched in his conscience for that the flesh and the deuill beare such sway in him As the poore captiue is alwaies creeping to the prison dore alwaies labouring to get off his bolts fetters to escape out of prison so must we alwaies crie to the Lord for his Spirite to free vs out of this bondage and prison of sinne and corruption and everie day come neerer the prison doore looking when our blessed Sauiour will vnbind vs of all the fetters of sinne and Sathan and fullie erect his kingdome in vs. 2. The wantes which concerne others are twofold The former is the wāt of the good means which serue for the furthering of the kingdome of Christ as preaching sacraments and discipline When we shal see a people without knowledge and without good guides and teachers and when we see one stand vp in the congregation not able to teach here is matter for mourning This petition puts vs in mind to bewaile these wantes Our Sauiour when hee sawe the Iewes as sheepe without a shepherd he had compassion on them and hee wept ouer Ierusalem because they knewe not the thinges which belonged to their peace Luk. 9. 11. Therefore when preachers want to hold vp the scepter of God before the people and to hold out the word which is as it were the arme of God to pul men from the bondage of the deuill to the kingdome of Christ Then it is time to say Lorde let thy kingdome come 3. The third want which we are to bewail is that there be so many impediments and hinderances of the kingdome of grace as the deuill and al his Angels their instruments the Pope the Turke and all the rest of the professed wicked of the world which by subtile intisements and tyrannie keep back repell the means whereby Christ ruled as a king in his Churche When the deuill sees one that was sometime of his kingdome but to cast a looke toward the heauenly Ierusalem he straightway regeth against him and labours quite to ouerthrow him Wherfore in regard of al these impediments wee must pray thy kingdom come 4. Graces to be desired 1. IN this petition we are taught first that we are to haue a feruent desire and to hunger that God of his mercie would giue vs his Spirite to raigne and rule in our hearts and to bow them to all obedience and subjection of his will further whereas our hearts haue bene as it were filthie sties and stables of the deuill that hee would renew them and make of them sit temples to entertaine his owne spirite Psal. 51. 10. Create in me a cleane hearte
AN EXPOSITION OF THE LORDS PRAIER IN the way of Catechisme By William Perkins EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY ROBERT Walde-graue Printer to the Kings 〈◊〉 1593. TO THE RIGHT honourable Edward Lord Russell Earl of Bedford grace and peace be multiplied RIGHT honourable if you consider what is one of the cheife ornaments of this noble state vnto which God hath aduanced you It will appeare that there is none more excellent then the spirit of grace and praier For what doth your heart affect would you speake the languages Behold by praier you may speake the most heauenly toung that euer was euen the language of Canaan Would you haue the valor of knighthood By praier you may stand in the place where Gods hand hath made a breach and do as much as all the Chariots horsmen in a kingdome Would you enjoy Gods blessings which you want By praier you may as it were put your hād into the cofers of Gods treasures and inriche your selfe Do you desire the fauour of Monarks and Princes By praier you may come in presence and haue speeche with Iehoua the King of heauen and earth Lastly would you knowe whether now liuing you be dead that being dead you may liue for euer By praier a man may knowe whether he be dead to sinne dead to the world liue to God liue to Christ and liue eternally Praier then being so excellent a point of Religion I am imboldened to commend this small treatise your honour not so much for itselfe as because it doth set out the matter and true maner of inuocation of Gods holy name And I hope for your fauour in accepting of it the rather because I doubt not but your desire is to be answerable to your most honourable and for Religion most worthie ancestors in the care of maintaining and countenancing any good thing that may any whit serue for the furthering of the gospell of Christ. Now Iesus Christ our Lorde and God euen the Father which hath loued vs and giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace stablish your Honor in euerie good word and worke to the end Your H. to command William Perkins AN EXPOSITION of the Lords prayer in the way of Catechisme By M. Perkins Matth. 6. ver 9. After this maner therefore pray yee Our Father c. THe occasion and so also the coherence of these wordes with the former is this The Evangelist Matthew setting downe the Sermons and sayings of our Sauiour Christ keeps not this course to propounde euery thing as it was done or spoken but sometime he settes down that first which was done last and that last which was done before according as the spirit of God directed him Which thing is verified in these wordes where the praier is mentioned yet the occasion wherfore our Sauiour Christ taught his disciples to pray is not here specified But in Saint Luke 11. verse 1. the occasion of these wordes is euident For there it is said that the disciples of our Sauior knowing that Iohn taught his disciples to pray made request to their master that he would do the same to them likewise These few words set before the praier are a commandement and it prescribes vnto vs two duties the first to praie the second to pray after the manner following Touching the first point considering verie fewe among the people know how to pray aright we must learne what it is to pray To make praier is to put vp request to god acording to his word from a contrite hart in the name of Christ with assurance to bee hard For the better opening of these words we are to consider six questions The first is to whome wee are to pray The answer is to God alone Rom. 10. 14. Howe shal they cal on him in whome they haue not beleeued c. Marke how inuocation and faith are linked together And Paules reson may be framed thus In whome we put our affiance or beleif to him alone must we pray but we beleue only in God therefore wee must onely praie to him As for Saints or Angels they are in no wise to be called vpon because not the least title of Gods worde prescribes vs so to doe because they cannot heare our praiers and discerne what are the thoughts and desires of our harts and because invocation is a parte of diuine worship and therefore peculiar to God alone The second question is what kinde of action prayer is Answer it is no lip-labour it is the putting vp of a sute vnto God and this action is peculiar to the verie hart of a man Rom. 8. 26. The spirite makes request for vs But how with grones in the hart Exod. 14. 15. The Lord said to Moses Why criest thou Yet there is no mentiō made that Moses spake any word at all the Lorde no doubt accepted the inward mourning and desire of his hart for a crie The third question is what is the forme or rule according vnto which we are to pray Answer It is the reueiled wil and word of God A man in humbling his soule before God is not to pray as his affections carrie him and for what he list but all is to be done according to the expresse worde So as those things which God hath cōmanded vs to ask wee are to aske and those thinges which hee hath not commanded vs to ask we are in no wise to pray for 1. Iohn 5. 14. This is the assurance vvhich vvee haue of him that if wee aske any thing according to his will hee heareth vs. This then is a speciall clause to be marked that men must praye in knowledge not in ignorance Here weigh the case of poore ignorant people they talke muche of praying for themselues others they imagine that they pray verie deuoutlie to God but alas they doe nothing les because they knowe not what to ask acording to Gods will They therefore must learne Gods worde and pray according to the same else it will prooue in the end that all their praying was nothing but as mocking and flat dishonoring of God The fourth question is with what affection a man must pray Answer Prayer must proceed from a broken and contrite hart This is the sacrifice which God accepteth Psalm 51. verse 17. When Ahab abased himselfe though he did it in hypocrisie yet God had some respect vnto it 1. King 21. verse 29. Saith the Lorde to Eliah seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me This contrition of heart stands in two thinges The first of them is a liuely feeling of our own sinne miserie and wretched estate howe that we are compassed about with inumerable enemies euen with the Deuill and all his Angels within a bound even with huge seas of wants and rebellious corruptiōs whereby we most grieuouslie displease God are vile in our own eies Being therefore thus beset on euerie side wee are to be touched with the sense of this our gret miserie And he that wil pray aright
O God and renew a right Spirit in me c. Stablish mee with thy free Spirit If we shall consider the conuersation of the wicked and the Godly and their corrupt hearts together wee shall see litle difference but in this that the wicked is delighted and glad to sinne but the godlie do wrastle as for life and death with their temptations and do resist the deuil and doe desire and crie to heauen to be freed from his bondage howsoeuer their hearts are alwaies rebelling against God 2 Forasmuch as the kingdome of grace is erected in Gods church here vpon earth here in this petition wee are commanded to pray for the church of God the parts therof Psal. 122. 6. Pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shal prosper that loue thee Esa. 62. 7. Ye which are the Lord his remembrancers giue him no rest vntill he set vp Hierusalem the praise of the world And that Gods Church may flourish be in good estate we are to pray for Christian Kinges and princes that God wold blesse thē and increase the number of them For they are as nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church And wee especiallie are bound to pray for the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie as also for the Frenche King that they may bee blessed and Gods kingdome by them aduanced And againe because Ministers are the Lordes watchmen in the Church wee are also here put in mind to seeke their good and to pray that their hearts may be set for the building of Gods kingdome for the beating down of the kingdome of sin and Satan for the sauing of the soules of his people And the rather because the deuill laboureth night and day to ouerthrow them in this glorious work and to resist them in their ministerie as appeareth in Zach. 3 1. When Ioshua the high Prieste stood before the Angel of the lord Satan stood at his right hand namely to resist him Therefore also we ar to pray for them that the Lorde would keepe them and furnish thē with giftes and withal make them faithfull for Where vision faileth the people are left naked saith Salomon 2. Thes. 3. 1. Brethren pray for vs that the vvord of the Lord may haue a free passage and be glorified Thirdlie wee must pray for all Christian Schooles of learning Howsoeuer some think but basely of them yet they are the ordinarie means to maintaine the ministery and so the Church of God A man that hath diuers Orchards wil also haue a feminarie full of young plantes to maintaine it Schooles they are as feminaries to God his Church without which the church falles to decay because they serue to make supplie of Ministers 3 Thirdly we are to desire that the Lord would hasten the second comming of Christ as the Saintes in heauen pray Come Lord Iesus come quicklie and therefore the godlie are said to loue the comming of Christ. 2. Tim. 4. 8. A penitent sinner so abhors his owne corruptions and the yrkesome temptations of Sathan that in this respect he desires that Christ wold hasten his particular comming to him by death for no other cause but that he might make an end of sinning and displeasing God Thy vvill be done 1 Coherence IN the seconde petition we desired that God wold let his kingdom come vz. that he would rule in our harts If he then must raign we must be his subjects and therfore here we craue that being his subjects we may obey him and do his will Mal. 1. 6. If I be a Father where is mine honour If I be a maister where is my feare 2. The meaning VVIL Will here signifies Gods worde written in the old and new Testament For in his worde his wil is reuealed Of the whol wil of God ther be three speciall pointes which are in this place meant 1. To beleeue in Christ. Iohn 6. 40. This is the wil of him that sent me that euerie one that seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him should haue life euerlasting 2. Sanctification of bodie and soule 1. Thes 4. 3. This is the will of God euen your sanctification c. 3. The bearing of affliction in this life Rom. 8. 29 Those which he knew before he did predestinat to be made like to the image of his owne son Phil. 3. 10. That I might know him the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions and be made conformable to his death Thy will not mine For mans owne will is wicked and corrupt yea it is flat enmitie to God Rom. 8. 5. Done That is obeyed and accomplished of men Then the effect of the prayer is this As wee wold haue thee our king so Lord teach vs to obey thy holie will 3 The vvantes to be praied against 1 HEre first we are to bewayle this that our hearts are so prone to vngodlines and disobedience to Gods commandements Put a match to an heape of gunpowder on a sudden it will be all on a flame and as long as we adde matter to the fire it burnes So by nature we are most ready to sin so soone as the least occasion is giuen Dauid had experience of this when he prayed Knit my heart to thee O Lord c. Psal. 86. 11. and incline mine heart to thy cōmandements Psal. 119. 37. Those which find not this want in themselues and the like affection to bewaile it are in a miserable and dangerous case euen as a man that hath a great disease vpon him knowes not of it 2 Againe we must here bewaile the sinnes of the world as ignorance heresies schismes hypocrisie pride ambition contempt of Gods worde couetousnes oppression want of loue of God and his word c. 2. Pet. 2. 7. Lot was vexed and his righteous heart vvas grieued vvith the vncleane conuersation of the Sodomits from day to day so ought our soules to bee vexed and grieued continuallie at the wickednes of our time and further in this griefe we are to send vp our prayers to God for them that they may be brought to the obedience of Gods will Ezech. 9. 4. In a common judgement vpon Ierusalem they are marked in the forehead that mourne and crie for all the abhominations that be done in the middest of it 3 Here also wee must humble our selues for our vnquietnesse of mind greate impatience when God layes anie crosse vpon vs. It is Gods will that we should suffer affliction Our Sauiour prayed that the cup might be taken away but with submission to his fathers wil Luke 22. 42. And this Dauid had learned when he said But if he thus say Beholde I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eies 2. Sam. 15. 26 4 Graces to be desired 1 THe first thing which we are here to desire is that wee may haue grace to denie our selues wils and affections because herein wee are vnlike to God and like the Deuill This is the
breade that is so much as shal but holde bodie and soule togither wee must bee content therewith 1. Tim. 6. ver 8. Therefore vvhen vvee hauue foode and raiment let vs be therewith content This contentation was in Iacob Gene. 28. 20. A second cause is to teache vs that there is a particular prouidence All men confesse that there is a generall prouidence of God ouer all thinges but here wee must acknowledg an other more speciall euen in the least thinges that be because euery morsell of bread which we eate wold no more nourish vs then a peece of earth or a stone vnlesse God gaue his blessing vnto it Daily The worde in the originall is thus much in effect Bread vnto our essence or substances then the meaning is Giue vs such bread from day to day as may nourishe our substances Thus praieth Agur Prou. 30. 8. Feede me with food conuenient for me Some there ar which put an Angelical perfection in fasting But we are taught in Scriptures that as aboue all thinges we are to seeke for life eternall so wee must in this life sustaine and maintaine our naturall bodies so long as we liue in this world Fasting in it selfe as it is abstinence is no part of Gods worship but in it own nature a thing indifferent and therefore it is to bee vsed so farre forth as it shal further vs in prayer and no further For seeing we ar taught to pray for such food as shall preserue nature and maintaine the vitall blood we must not vse fasting to the hindrance or destruction of nature Our bread 1. Question How is bread ours 1. Corinth 3. 22. Ye are Christes and all things ar yours So then by meanes of Christe bread is called ours For God hauing giuen Christ to vs doeth in him and by him giue all thinges els to vs. 2. Question Howe may I knowe that the thinges I enjoy are mine by Christ and that I doe not vsurpe them Answere 1. Tim. 4. 4. Paule saieth that the creatures of God are good and that the vse of them is sanctified to vs by the word and prayer Then if we haue the word of God to tel vs that we may enjoy and vse them and also if we pray to God for the right and pure vse of them wee are no vsurpers but indeed right owners of them 3. Question If the creatures must be made ours by Christ howe comes it to passe that the vngodlie haue such abundance of them Answer We lost the title and interest of the creatures in Adam yet God of his mercie bestowes temporarie blessings vpon the vniust aswell as vpon the iust but for all that vnlesse they be in Christ and hold the title of them by him they shal in the end turn to their great condēnatiō And whereas we cal it our bread wee learne that euery man must liue of his owne calling and his owne goods Here also is condemned all oppression stealing lying cogging and other such deceitfull meanes to get wealth and goods Many think it no sinne to prouide for their familie in such order but in saying this petition they pray against themselues 2. Thes. 3. 10. Hee vvhich laboureth not let him not eate Ephes. 4. 28. He vvhich stole let him steale no more but rather labour vvith his hands the thing that good is This day We say not heere this weeke this month this age but this day what meanes this may yee not prouide for the time to come Answere It is lawfull yea a man is bound in good maner to prouide for time to come Act. 11. 28. The Apostles prouide for the Church in Iudaea against the time of dearth spoken of by Agabus And Ioseph in Aegypt in the years of plentie stored vp against the yeares of famine Wherefore in these words our Sauiour his meaning is only to cōdemn al distrust full care and to teach vs to rest on his fatherlie goodnes from day to day in euerie season this is noted vnto vs Numb 11. where the Israelits wer commanded to gather no more Manna than would serue for one day if they did it putrified Wherby God taught them to rest on his prouidence euery particular day and not on the means Giue vs Not me This serues to teache vs that a man must not onelie regarde himselfe but also be mindfull of others For a man that hath welth is made a steward to distribute his goods to the poore and the good of Gods Church True loue seekes not her owne things the branches of the vine are loaded with clusters of grapes not for themselues but for others the candle spends it self to giue others light Giue If bread be ours wherefore are we to ask it It may seeme needles Answer Not so for hereby we are taught very worthie lessons 1. First those that are in pouertie are taught to wait on God who is the fountaine and giuer of al blessings Men vsuallie driuen to this estate vse euill meanes as robbing deceiuing consulting with wisards c. 2. Againe here we learne that thogh a man had al the wealth in the world all is nothing without Gods blessing Quest. The rich need not say Giue ●s c. for they haue aboundance already and what neede they aske that which they haue Answer Let a man be neuer so rich and want nothing that can be desired yet if hee want Gods blessing in effect he wants al. Wherfore euen kings and the greatest personages that be are as much bounde to vse this petition as the poorest Gods blessing is riches saith Salomon Pro. 10 22. Thou maiest eat and not haue inough be clothed and not warm earne wages and put it in a brokē bagge Hag. 1. 6. If God do not blesse thee This blessing of God is called the staffe of bread Esay 3. 1 In bread there be two thinges the substance and the vertue frō Gods blessing this second that is the power of nourishing is the staff of bread For take away from an aged man his staffe and he falls so take away Gods blessing from bread it becomes vnprofitable ceaseth to nourish Lastly here wee see that all labour and toyle taken in any kind of calling is nothing and auailes not vnlesse God still giue his blessing Psal. 127. 1. 3. The wants to be bewailed OVr corruptions against this petition are two especially I Couetousnesse a vice which is naturally ingraffed in euery mans heart it is when a man is not content with his present estate This desire is vnsatiable for men wold be euer hauing of more Wherfore hee which shall vse this petition must be grieued for this sinne and pray with Dauid Psalm 119. 36. Incline my hearte to thy commaundements and not to couetousnesse And hee must sorrowe not so much for the act of this sinne as for the corruption of nature in this behalfe Couetous people will plead that they are free from this vice but mark mens liues and wee shall see that this is