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A09316 An excelent comfort to all Christians, against all kinde of calamities no lesse comfortable, then pleasant, pithy, and profitable: Compendiously compiled by Iohn Perez, a faithfull seruant of God, a Spaniard (in Spanish) and now translated into English by Iohn Daniel, of Clements Inne, with diuers addicions by him collected and therevnto annexed.; Epistola para consolar a los fieles de Jesu Christo. English PĂ©rez, Juan, d. 1567.; Daniel, John, of Clements Inne. 1576 (1576) STC 19626; ESTC S111936 128,141 335

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shewe the cause of so supreme a benifit Sayinge I giue thée thankes O Father Lorde of heauen and earthe bicause thou haste hidden these thinges from the wyse prudēt of the world and openid it vnto babes euen so father for so it pleased thée The cause of this benefit and of all ioyned with it commeth to vs by the great good will of God and the delight which he hath in his sonne As before it is sayde forasmuch as we doo knowe it is so let vs desire that we may be of that numbre of the lyttle ones that our Sauiour Christe dyd giue thankes vnto his Father for and not leane to any false variable doctrine whose ende is to bringe them that doo beleue in the same from the vnitie of the true faith which the prophets Apostles and Iesus Christ himselfe hath taught vs. Wherefore being partakers of the fruite of redempcion that our sauiour and Lorde Iesu Christ hath redemed vs with and by fayth that we haue in the Gospel let vs concider wel what we haue to doo that to our best power we may perseuer and increase in that rightuousnesse and holinesse that he hath communicated vnto vs Before we were called and when we had not receiued pardon for our sinnes we were such and euen the lyke as the children of perdicion were But now being reconciled to GOD by his sonne Iesus Christe we are taken foorthe of the Empire rule and dominion of the diuell and receiued of GOD by the holy Ghost and by the vertue of the same ioyned with Iesu Christ made one body with him From whome as from our head there is deryued into vs membres with lyfe and spirit by the which we ought to doo the works of lyfe for that thereby is a plaine testimony that Iesu Christe who dyd pardone vs of our sinnes and paye his moste precious bloud for a raunsome for the same dooth liue in vs and that he onely is the foundacion of our hope and affiaunce and also that of him and by him we are beloued of god the father as his childrē As teacheth sainct Peter saying that Iesus Christe is the liuinge Stone refused of men but elected chosen and precious with god and sayth further you also as liuing stones are built in one spirituall buildinge and one holy presthoode for to offer a spirituall sacrifice acceptable to god by Christ Iesu and a little after that you that beléeue and trust in Iesus Christ which in tymes passed were no people are nowe the people of God but before now you had not obteined mercy yet now you haue and are a chosen lynnage a royall presthoode a holy nacion a peculiar people for that you preach and shew the vertues of him that called you from the darcknesse in which you were to an admirable most merueilous light In this he dooth giue vs to vnderstand how we ought to spend our whole lyfe tyme and that is in perpetuall sacrifise of prayse vnto the Lord for that he hath béene so mercifull and pittifull towards vs so that all our woorks ought to be with a chearfull voyce singinge and makinge proclamacions of his glory of his vertuous prayse For to dooe this saythe Sainct Paule we ought to renounce and deny the vngodly worldly desires of the flesh and in this transitory lyfe to liue temperatly in rightuousnesse and godlinesse tarying and looking for that blessed hope glorious apearing of the mightie God our Sauiour Iesus Christ So that we ought to put away all kinde of supersticion false religion all desires and concupisences of the flesh and the worlde and to liue a godly lyfe according to the wil of God the which is declared vnto vs by his worde But sith that we are bought with the inestimable pryce of the most precious bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ his sonne so made his seruants we ought not to serue him in anye other maner nor with any other thinges then those which hée hath commaunded by his worde and lawe The Lorde dyd call and electe vs for that we should be holy and without reprehencion but we be prophane before him and no such saints if we serue him with any other thinge then that which his lawe dooth commaund or by the rule of his cōmaundements For that we be called in Iesu Christ as Sainct Paule sayth in the same Chapter bicause we should dooe the good workes that God dyd ordeyne for hs and that we should walke in them for those onely are good that he hath commaunded by his worde we ought also to imploy our whole studies in those workes For the apostle dooth teache vs that Iesus Christ dyd giue him selfe for vs to redéeme vs from all kinde of wickednesse and to purify vs that we might be a peculier people vnto him and that we might be onely dedicated to his seruice feruently giuen to good works All true beleuers sayth the Prophet Esay are tréese of rightuousnes and planted by the heauenly Father that he might be glorifyed in them Wherefore we ought to adresse our whole myndes all our affections and all our desires and thoughtes to glorifie him with all those things which we are sure and certeine he dooth and will allowe But sith he euen our God hath opened our eyes for to sée the lighte it were not iuste nor reason that we should walke any more in darcknesse that is to say thincking falsly that those thinges will content his goodnesse which dooth content vs or those thinges which are allowed of men without the holy Ghost Of the cause of Christes comming and of the fruites of christians The .viii. Chapter GOd hath giuen vs Iesus Christe to be our onely maister and teacher and doothe commaunde vs to heare him bicause he is the onely expositer declarer of his wyll and most mightie power and to direct vs for the accomplishment of the same So that they that doo heare the woorde of god and kéepe it for a rule in their doings and workes doo shewe themselues to be tréese of rightuousnesse planted beloued of him and that his spirit is resident and remayning in them But of them that teache and doo to the cōtrary he sayth by Sainct Mathewe they are plants that his heauenly Father hath not planted and althoughe they florishe for a tyme and be séene yet in th end they wil be withered dry and rotten Thus Iesu Christ doothe testifie that those which are gouerned and séeke to serue him by the commaūdemēts of men are none of his plāts We ought to abhorre and houlde for abhominable all such maner of seruices for that we are instructed by the word of trueth that al they which doo delight in them are subiect to the condempnacion wherein they were firste borne The hatred of them with all the rest that god hath forbidden and the obedience of his commaundemēts diuine are those fruites
Iesus Christ to be glorifyed and lifted vp aboue all creatures So that it was conuenient that he dyd suffer before he entered into his glory or tooke possession of his kingdome He himselfe dyd declare the same to his desciples sayinge it is necessary that the sonne of man doo suffer many thinges and that he be reproued of the elders and high prestes that he be slaine and doo arise againe the thirde daye After that he sayde to them that went to Emaus that it was conuenient that he should suffer and so enter into his glory All the church doo witnesse the same by the holy ghost when Christe was greuously afflicted he vsed this prayer and sayd O Lord thou that art the God of heauen and earth the sea and all that is therein which diddest say by the mouth of thy seruant Dauid why haue the Gentiles fretted and shewed the people vaine things the kinges of the earth haue conspired and the princes haue gathered themselues togither against the Lorde and againste his Christe I pray you swéete fellowe membres is not this truely come to passe dyd not Herode Poncius Pilate with the Gentiles and people of Israell conspire and gather themselues togither to doo all that God in his diuine councell had determined against the holy anointed Christ Iesus For why it was onely by the determinacion ordinance of God that Christ dyd suffer and also that all those which be his membres should doo the same and so be like vnto him in all that may be And as he dyd suffer a many of persecutions passions and tribulacions before that he could reigne in his kingedome euen so must we suffer a great moultitude of persecutions afflictions and troubles before that we be glorifyed and reigne with him bicause he dyd predestinate vs to be like vnto him in the same For if we did not beare many crosses and tribulacions we should then in no point beare his true similitude and likenesse so that then there would be great dysconformitie betwene him our head and vs his membres But suffering first with him and so made like vnto him by bearing of his crosse of necessitie we are to reigne with him in glory bicause that those which doo accompany him in suffering may not be seperated from his company in reigninge for that bothe the one and the other is the ordinaunce of God the which he will not lette to fulfill to the vttermost as he himselfe hath sayde by the Prophet Esaye that his councell shall bée firme and sure and all his wyll shal be done the Lorde of Hostes dyd ordeigne it and who can derogate his ordinaunce Of the prouidence of God for them which are called c. The .xi. Chapter THere is nothinge more saludable or healthful for vs then to submit our selues wholly to the diuine counsell of god bicause he dyd determine by the same to make vs partakers of his heauenly kingedome And for that that god dyd ordeigne for vs that we should passe by this way we must néedes beleue that there is nothing in the worlde whereof he doothe make so particuler accompt nor whereof he dooth esteme so much as of his beleuers Of all liuing thinges that he created he hath a care yet much more greater care without comparison hathe he of vs which be called to his knowledge and that doo trust onely in his mercy So likewise dooth the Lord declare to all his faythfull saying that the celestiall and heauenly Father hath such an inestimable care of them that he hath numbred euen the very heires of their heads so carefully that he will not one of them shall perrishe And sayth further if your father which is in heauen haue so muche care ouer little Sparrowes whereof two are soulde for one farthing and that he wil not suffer one of them to fall from theyr nest or pearch and perish without his will much more greater care without comparison will he haue of you which are of much more vallew and estimacion then many sparrowes If the diligence of the fawckners or fowlers doo not preuaile except God dooe helpe them to their game much lesse shall the persecutours of the Gospel preuaile against vs if the ordinaunce of God be not to permit them accordingly for his owne glory for our health and saluacion In the generall gouernement of this world nothinge may be done if it be not first determyned in the consistory of god doo passe by the consent of his owne will much lesse can or may any thinge hurte or much them which he hath elected and called onelesse that he will and commaunde it The booke of wisdome dooth declare thy prouidence O Father dooth gouerne all thinges From the beginninge the Lord hath made all thinges and they doo come to vs by his will both good and euill lyfe and death pouertie and riches come from him I am the Lorde sayth Esay the Prophet and there is none but I that formed the light and created the darckenesse that dyd make peace and create the euill I am the Lord that dyd all these thinges And it is sayde further behoulde I am onely and alone and there is none other gods but me I will kill make a liue againe I will wounde will make whole Reioyse in thy riches in the tyme of prosperitie sayth the wyfe man and haue thou pacience in the daies of aduersitie bicause as god made the one so dyd he make the other The holy Ghost dooth teach vs that all and euery thinge that dooth happen vnto vs aswell aduersitie as prosperitie the good as the euil dooth passe and come by the prouidence and will of God and that without his ordinance nothinge taketh effect Bicause he dooth all thinges in all accordinge to the counsel of his diuine will pleasure And therefore sith it is so that he is the author of all and dooth nothinge without it be first ordeined that his prouidence is so vigilāt ouer vs it resteth then that all is saludable healthfull for vs that he of his good will doothe make to take effect in vs and that we must take all in good part which dooth succede and happen vnto vs not as of or from the handes of an enimy or tyrant but as of and at the hands of a true louing father which dooth loue vs most tenderly When we do sée our selues oppressed with diuers kindes of calamities afflictions let vs surely thinke be resolued that he himself doth afflict vs he dooth imprison vs he doth make vs poore he dooth depriue vs of our worldly honours he himself doth make vs sicke doth heale vs againe he dothe kil vs and reuiue vs againe there is nothinge that doothe happen vnto vs how aduersse or cruell so euer it be but is by him ordeyned to that ende that we might thereby be brought to great ioye and felicitie Let vs not deteigne
God is the Lord and that by his worde he ought to be serued and worshipped of all mankinde I say let them doe it if they can but in despight of them I say againe they cannot For all that euer they doe is no more but as if by spetling they shuld prooue or goe about to pearse the heauens and so spitte vpward accordingly and then the same fall backe again into their owne faces whereby they are filthily fouled to their owne reproche Wherefore let vs not feare them in none of their bragges but let vs put on the armour of the Apostles and throw away all humain affiance Let vs assure our selues that by our afflictions and death are distroyed and ouerthrowen the enimies contradytors and geinsayors of vs the Gospell For God doeth deale with our enimies nowe in the same order maner and forme as he did with them in tymes past which persecuted spake against the Prophets and Apostles bycause that they taught the same gospell of lyfe which we now haue and teach by Christ we liue and for him we suffer persecutiō euen so did they yet he hath alwayes gotten the victorie as well for them as for vs And therefore let vs not tempt God but let vs trust wholy in him his mercy power and strength And also haue in hatred all humaine helpes and fauours whatsoeuer What is the cause that so many do fainte fall become amased in their mindes so that they can not perseuer in that trueth which God hath commaunded And also that some other being wonderfully lighted with the cleare and pure light of the Gospell and séeing the workes and wonders so admirable that God doth shew vnto them by the same are so sluggyshe and colde that they stande at a staye and care not whither they goe forewardes yea or no Surely and without doubt there is none other cause but that onely by the instigatiō of the diuill they are so deceiued that they robbe God of his honour put their trustes wholy one in an other taking men for their staffe to staye vppon to the end they might stande in all their troubles regardyng humayne fauor so muche that they leaue God and flye therevnto for refuge in all theyr aduersities and calamities Some doe trust in their ryches others in theyr honours some in the friendshippe of great men other some in that they be Gentlemen and of the noble bloude and so foorth in other the lyke prerogatiues What other thing is thys but as if one should trust in a shadow or a smoake which vanysheth almost so soone as it is seene When that we consider the causes for which we are afflicted whereof God is the author from whom we flée and doe put our trust in men or in any thing that they can doe for vs is as muche in our ayde as to truste vnto Egipt or to the strength of the Egyptians or as in a broken Réede whiche one holdeth to staye him selfe by and it doeth not onely suffer him to fall but also with the slyuers thereof doeth so prick and hurte hys handes as maketh him repent that he had no more vnderstandyng in tyme then to trust thervnto It belongeth to one that is a Christian and faythfull to bée buylded and firmely founded vppon that fyrme Rocke or stone which is Christ and not to flee from the same to any humaine helpe or succour that perisheth for that against this true foundation the wyndes of tribulations tempests of torments nor stormes of mischiefs and wickednesse cannot preuayle agaynst it or make it to remoue or alter And therfore hauing so sure a foundatiō as Christ let vs assure our selues that there is nothyng in the worlde that can remoue vs from it As the holy Ghost doeth testifye saying hée that trusteth in the Lord shal neuer bée confounded but shal be alwayes firme sure as the holy hyll of Syon Hovv vve ought to bee instructed in trueth and veritie and to haue no confidence in mens traditions The xxij Chapter GOd will that we beliue trust and be ruled by him and his word onely and not in no maner of wyse by the aucthoritie of men although they séeme neuer so wyse holy and faythfull if they teach and instruct not by the prescript worde of God wherein is all trueth Bycause if our trust in God be accordyng to had by theyr outward fained holines and goodnes it serueth for little or nothing but to make vs so weake and féeble that we cannot tast the drink of the liquor of lyfe which is the fruit of the Gospell with so stiffe stoute a stomake as we oughte And also that the rather our weakenesse shall bée made more weake our infirmitie more infirme and sicke But if we belieue onely in Iesu Christ trust stedfastly in him we shall be necessarily instructed and strengthened not to dismaye vs but to be more firme and strong agaynst all kynde of euill and wickednes Yet for all that the ministers of God will onely teache according to the worde that mē should repose their trust wholy in Christ as aforesayde and that he is the aucthor of all truth and rightuousnesse Their intent is nothyng but to be faithfull to the Lord which sent them And to prepare his waye teachyng and shewyng vnto men by the law the condempnation in which they were by sinne and howe seuere God is in his iudgementes to the vnbeléeuers and superstitious aucthors of guyle and deceipt and the folowers thereof contrary to true religion they will reduce and induce as many as they can to Iesus Christ their master by the gospell onely as to one in whom is alwayes a remedie for any kynde of mischiefe For that from him the elected doe receiue all things and doe know by him that God is theyr father almightie they do not nor wil not sel nor giue them selues for gods nor yet maintain themselues for gods Viccars generall vppō earth nor one of them doeth not chalenge more authoritie in bynding and loosing blessing or curssing nor in distributing the word of God then an other doth they shewe them selues for men subiecte to all humaine infirmities as wel one as another of them They doe teache and preach that our faith must not come from men from them but from God the word of truth doth teach them this doctrine and vs also And therfore let vs not attribute any kind of thing vnto any maner of mā neither faithfull holy nor Saincte but vnto God who giueth lyfe to the dead some time conuerteth the hartes of and calleth our persecutors into the way of rightuousnesse and truth Although the men be weake lacketh strength doth often stumble to do any thing that is good yet Gods truth which they teache is not so Although they be discoraged afraid bicause of the persecution which they sée yet the word of trueth is almightie fayleth not All the disciples themselues fainted and feared
is not nor shall not be directed by them neither hée his people nor yet his doctrine is nor are not guided by any parte péece or pointe of their wayes or teachings As great distance are betwéene my wayes and yours sayeth the Lord as is betwéene the heauen and the earth God wil not haue to deale with the wicked least it be to vse them as the vessels of his wrath for the health and wealth of his chosen For whn by their wayes institutions and decrées they goe about to blotte rase vs out of the memoriall of God that we might not attaine to the lande of the liuing But in that mansion and most mightie monarchie God hath vs in remembrance and doth lift vp enriche and glorifie vs with his inestimable giftes and riches where our ende will be to rest shyning in great ioye and glorie lightned by the lyght of truth in all heauenly felicitie The bretheren of holy blessed Ioseph what did they leaue vndone and not put in practise to punish let and hinder the comming to passe of the counsel of God wherby he had determined to lift on high glorifie his seruant they persecuted him iniured him mocked him stripped him sold him as a slaue he was caried into straūge coūtreis there vsed intreated most extréemely and hardly But whē they thought no more to haue hard of him behold he remayned lifted vp by the handes of God and made a mightie maiestrate in Egipt and a superior Lord and ruler ouer his byers sellers All that they did against him was onely and vppon set purpose a pretence to hinder him that hée should not atteyne to any parte thereof I meane that glorie but they could not in no one iote let or hynder the good will of God nor yet coulde vse no impediment in his loue towardes Ioseph nor in guyding him as a shéepe that had bene among Wolues from all his troublesome enimyes and persecutors till hée had performed hys great glorification in this world and in the worlde to come inherited hyporsiō of those inestimable treasures prepared by the loue and good wil of God for the faithfull from the beginning Thus it appeareth how he tooke hys steppes into all hys troubles and doynges by degrées as it were vp a ladder or paire of stayers til God had assumpted and lifted him vp into the toppe of all his glorie accordyng to his determination before the foundation of the world So that as these carnall and worldly bretheren did agaynst Ioseph euen so at this day doe the children of this world against the faithfull in beating downe and persecuting them by all the meanes and wayes which possibly they can but therein God doeth lifte them vp tyll they be glorified in Christ Iesus Of the mightie povver and exceeding loue of god The xxviij Chapter THe Hipocrites scribes Pharises and other the enimyes of God were greatly against the glorifycatyon of Iesus Christ and to conclude him from the same they persecuted hym with so great and gréeuous furie and also condempned hym to death beastly beléeuing that after the same there would nor coulde bee no more noyse of hys name that wholy he should peryshe for euer and so be most out of memorie altogither in obliuion that they should holde his kingdome in peace and haue his people subiecte to theyr tirannie But the dyuyne meaning of God and hys prouidence was cleane to the contrarie By those meanes and wayes which they wrought to ouerthrow hym he lifted hym vp in such maner that there is nothing in heauen nor earth more highe sublymate and supreme then he Where they sought all the mischieuous meanes they could to darken and hinder hys glory it was to no purpose God made it with maiestie the more to shyne and did spred the beames thereof the farther throughout the vnyuersall world They did crucifie hym in most cruellest and most spytefullest maner and killed hym with the most vylest death such as was most infamous bycause he myght be the more hated and the lesse accounted vail●able for the health and saluation of his chosen But in thys was fulfilled that which was spoken by Esay the Prophet the father shall drawe vnto him an innumerable number of disciples that neyther shall nor will loue nor séeke after none other helpe holines nor rightuousnesse but his owne And also it is written that God by hys death vppon the crosse dyd cause that his sonne should haue emperiall rule and be the onely Lord ouer all his enimyes It was a thyng which they could not conceiue in their hard harted harts mindes But in that they thought by their doinges to deface and foredoe for euer the name of our swéete sauiour Iesus Christ it is fallen out quyte to the contrarie and so altered and turned that there is none other name in the worlde where to or to which all creatures shall bowe but onely his So that where they did their best indeuour to spoyle all hys honour and dygnitie it is nowe so come to passe that therby he is most gloriously glorified hath greatest supremisie and a name aboue all names the greatest As it is of his owne wordes written by S. Iohn If I be lifted vp from or aboue the earth I shall and wil drawe vnto me all things Meanyng that by his death he should gayne and win the victorie and bryng all things in subiection vnder hym As hys enimyes and rebellious aduersaryes could not with all the force and power they had preiudise or hinder his glorification no more can those terrible tormentors that séeke to persecute kill vs let nor preiudise ours Bycause it is dependant vppon hym and altogither his owne for that the glorification of the head is also common to the members vnited and knit therevnto Euen as at those dayes the crosse and passion of our Lord did Annunciate and declare his glorie potencie and might to all beléeuers So the persecutions calamities and afflictions that we doe suffer also those which an innumerable number of our fellow members and bretheren haue suffered sithens haue bene bée shall be for euer publishers proclaymors and preachers of the same glory The enimies of the gospel aduised taught by the spirit of Sathan when they doe lead vs to the place of the execution of our death they doe tye our tonges an act as diuilish pagan like as possible bicause that we should neither speak nor yet that they woulde heare the laude and prayse of Iesus Chryste our maister but those tyinges or strings wherewith our said tonges be restrayned shall be tonges to talke and speake agaynst them as agaynst the greatest enimyes to the glorie of God and vse a new language wherby shall be vnderstoode and knowen the vertue and mightie power of the highest vnto them that he hath ordeined to health and saluatiō It is greatly necessarie that all be
Reioyce you all then and be glad for beholde your rewarde is great in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets The foundation of our hope beyng grounded vppon these promises and such lyke The Apostle sayeth it shall neuer be confounded For that if wée beleue and trust firmely in the fulfylling of thē we shall neuer be defrauded from the fruites of our hope nor shall not be confoūded before the childrē of this world nor yet haue shame of our hope and trust in those diuyne promises For that we shall be assured to obteine the fulfilling of them and besides remayne without feare of our worst enimyes for they shall not bée able to say that our hope is had in vaine but shall with their owne eyes full surely sée vs saued therby Dauid doth declare and confirme this vnto vs by his owne experience saying in the Lord haue I trusted I shall neuer be cōfounded And Esay sayeth he that beleueth in the Lord shall not be cōfoūded And by S. Paul it is said by hope we be alreadie saued Fynally by the holy ghost it is pretēded to giue vs all to vnderstande that as many as trust in God shall bée saued set frée from all tribulations both temporall and eternall by Iesus Christ So that being anymated and imboldened by this hope wée may reioyce in them and say with Sainct Paule if God bée with vs who can bée against vs Hée that spared not his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all howe is it possible that hée shoulde not gyue vs all thyngs in hym Who shall accuse or laye any thyng to the charge of the chosen it is God that iustifieth who shall then condempne it is Christ that is deade yea rather rysen agayne which is also on the ryght hande of God and maketh intercession for vs. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of hym shall tribulation anguyshe persecution hunger nakednesse perill or the sworde No God forbyd for that it is written for thy sake are we killed all the day long are accounted as shéepe appoynted to be slayne And yet in all these things we are victors victorious by that good god our father who so loueth vs Thus if the foundation of our hope be by faith we are thē perfectly sure we shall neuer come to confusion and that no creature can parte nor seperate vs from the loue and charitie of God which is in Iesu Christ our Lorde Bycause of necessitie by hys rightuousnesse he is to fulfill in vs all things as the holy Ghost hath spokē That is to say if we suffer with Christ we shall also reigne with hym and if we be dead with him we shall lyue togyther with him also And therfore if we doe communicate togither in his passions and do suffer and be killed with him we may assure our selues that we shal also liue with him for euer So that the tribulatiōs and persecutions which we suffer for his sake with pacience is a frée confirmation and full assurance of our hope in his eternall kingdome of the which he hath alreadie taken possession is glorified and doeth reigne therin to his owne vse and ours So that we may sée that all that God doeth is to assure vs to make confirmation accordyngly of our saluation the which hée hath giuen vs in Christ And to confirme in vs also the rest of the effect of his diuine counsell which was determined before the beginning of the worlde And as this his counsell is mutable so muche the more is the fuming furie of his enymyes and of the diuill their capteyne set agaynst vs who as he is the principall minister of all the mischief and tribulatiōs that we suffer So he doth as muche as in hym is to obteyne the victorie of vs as wel in administring temptations to vs interiorly as exteriorly wherby he would by one mean or other plucke and seperate vs from the right way When he doeth come to the combate to fighte for victoorie the villayne is so nymble dyligēt and subtil as is possible all his armye of Soldiors and warriours are armed and set in aray for the best aduauntage as hée thynketh And all to deriue vs from the firmnesse of our faith that we haue in Christ He doth shew vs the greatnesse of his estate and of all his furniture for that hée woulde make vs afrayd to faynt and bée dismayed at the full fiersenesse of hys force And when as this is thus shewed vnto vs there is a certeyn number of vs that are troubled and doe thinke them selues as shéepe among Wolues in the mouthes of Wolues When as they sée them selues forsaken of theyr friendes and famyliars abhorred denyed of theyr kinsfolks forsaken and without helpe of them that were déepest in debte for theyr friendship And that all the world doth reioyce to sée them so afflicted as whē the sentences of their condempnors thunder out so terribly against them as though it were from the mouth of almightie God pronoūced Thē great are the troubles sorowes that they suffer in their myndes it séemeth then vnto them that both heauen earth is beset with ire wrath against thē that god his creatures make mortal war euen to distroy them Thē for another practise may they sée the kings Princes rulers which ought to be their defēdors in Gods causes to rise stand vp against them doe say all with one voice togither kill thē kil thē as traytors enimies to God our kingdō On the other side they sée torments tortures and stout sturdy stomackt tormētors stād redy prepared for them with shame infamy cōfusion reproch to be receiued before their friends familiars enimies they doo sée the terrible fearful face of direfull death the slauish hāgman or executioner ready to light the fire to burn them to stretch the roape to strāgle them In all these troubles there is not one to cōfort them but in stead place of cōfort they doo vse exortatiōs to blaspheme or speake blasphemy of the redēption obteined by Iesus Christ These I say these are wōderfull anguishes sorows troubles in their thus troubled minds And yet they doo increase frō degrée to degrée for all this time they either thinke the God is a sléepe there is no God or els that he hath forgotten them And then the diuil plyeth him by all the meanes he may to bring them to dispair he doth procure persuasions vnto them that they would deny abhorre cursse God thē he doth leaue to entreat them in this maner will suffer no man to succor them So that more gréeuous is this anguish to the mynde of those members thē were presēt death to their bodies A pure proofe vnto vs that vve are beloued of God in our greatest griefs c. The xx Chapter ANd yet al these mischieuous thīgs are but mystic cloudes of darkenes cast
armed with this faith which was communicated vnto him by the Gospell did ouercome hys enimies furies so that they could not resist the wisdome and spirit with the which he spake Dauid a verie yoūg man of small age what maner of weapon had he to fight against Golias that mightie capteine of the Philistines hée sought no helpe of Saul nor could not abyde his Armour and weapons nor yet did not fauour any kynde of humaine counseile nor hys own force which was nothing in comparison to the strength of that mightie Gyaunt But onely armed with a sure faith affiance and hope in God he fought couragiously did ouerthrow him cut of his head and so set the chosen hys fellow members at libertie In this is and shall bée for euer verified to all the faythfull that God wil fulfil and performe his promises And so he sayeth by the Prophet Dauid hée that trusteth in mée I will kéepe and deliuer him for that he hath knowen my name And therfore sith he is greater that is in vs then he that is in the world let vs forsake all humayne counseill strength industrie prudencie and wisdome in the same for that how much the lesse we estéeme and depende vppon them so much the more is the efficacie strength power of God in vs and our sight the clearer perfecter to sée the great admirable works don in his elected by his most mightie potencie might Euen then doeth God discouer to our weaknesse the greatnesse of his most mightie power and strength to our health and saluation For when we think our selues most strong depend most vppō terene and earthly defence euē thē are we most weakest and our hope most frustrate Bicause those things in the worlde we accompte and holde most sure for our reliefe in our greatest necessitie falleth from vs and so we left at the worste and in displeasure with god For that we so vaynely dyd forsake him and slée to vanitie which are the things of this world for our help and defence so are we left forsaken both of God man Bicause we made a God of those things the which wée trusted in therein did forsake the true god Those which doe put their trust in worldly things doe it bycause of the fayre shewe thereof to their carnall or fleshly eyes but so they make a deuision of that hope whiche they ought to haue in God put aparte or péece therof into those which are of the worlde which is vanitie and of no value at all Our filthie flesh is fondly ledde to trust and hang all hope on creatures in place and steade of that hope which is due vnto God the creator Suerly it is such a subtle snare of the father of all subtelties lyes that it often deceyueth manye and continually it deceiueth it self For it hath alwayes a custome to couer infidelitie and hipocrisie with some one craftie cloaked colour or other that may not easily be knowen So that when wée bee beguyled by the same we doe thinke our selues in such securitie that we sléepe therein as though fortified with suche humayne helpe furniture and fauour as none might be the like when as in very déede by the ende of experience we may shal finde our owne weaknesse to be such as is of no validitie at all Whereby is manifested that these carnall furnitures weapons armour in which we hope and trust to be succoured by doe not onely serue vs nothing at all for our helpe and defence but also is and are extréeme lets and hynderances to kéepe vs from the doyng of that which we ought and are bound to doo by the commaundementes of god And therfore in this lyfe which is a tyme of trouble tirannie battail and warfare let vs be imitators and folowers of Dauid who neuer did bear other armes nor weapōs against his enimyes then onely his sure trust in God wherewith he alwayes got the victorie and ouerthrew them all How we oughte to doe and behaue our selues to our enimyes as wel visible as in visible corporall as spirituall God doeth teache vs by hys Apostles All the wyse holy and mightie of the world All the riches aucthoritie dignitie exelencie greatnesse humaine strength and policie that was in the same was against them in such sorte that it séemed inuinsible There was very fewe scarce none neither Lordes Earles Dukes Princes Kings and Emperours kingdomes nor countreis but were against them with most cruell warres and persecutions But yet they I mean the childrē and disciples of God armed with confidence and affiance in God and pacience by the onely wordes of the Gospell did convince and ouerthrow to the grounde all the power and potencie of them all aswell the principalles as the reste And by beléeuyng truely in the Gospell they did fyght with and ouerthrowe all the sublymate and supreme highnesse that dyd rise repugne against them Christ their heade in them They did ouercome captiuitie bring a great number to be ruled by preaching the pure Euangelie of truthe in the Gospell and to the obedyence of fayth therin By force wherof they made the world to tremble and did work marueilous works most worthy of memory The world was not so strong nor Sathan so mightie nor yet his ministers so subtil that they altogither with their strength mighte policie and subtiltie could let or hinder the small grayn of musterd séede the fayth in the Gospell but that it did increase florysh and growe into a great and mightie trée the braunches wherof did extend into all partes of the worlde so that the byrdes of heauen might buylde their neastes therein at hys pleasure The diuill all his vaseilles bōdslaues are beaten down daily ouercome with that Armour weapon wherwith God hath armed the faithfull elected If those which serue the prince of darkenes that are marked with the mark of the beast which S. Iohn speaketh of could make that the sonne did not aryse and shewe it selfe so that dayly he did not or might not dryue awaye the darkesome nyghtie cloudes so spread his beames into all parts of the world wherby the force may bée felte of the heate and light of the same they might as well let and hinder the shyning sonne of the Gospell that the splendant light thereof should not shine and shewe his inestimable brightnesse to giue light vnto the blynd that they might goe and be guyded thereby in the righte way of truth And also let that the potencie of God therein shoulde not take the captyue out of captiuitie open the prysons to the prysoners and that the contrite of hart should not receiue frée lybertie thereby Let them goe to heauen if they can and throwe the sonne downe oute hir place vsuall vnto the earth or let them let hinder the shining of the Gospell of glorie which doeth manyfest that
God that did remember and know vs before the beginning of all things visible and did determyne all these his blessings for vs that we shall for euer be buried in obliuion and refuse so smal a thing as worldly affliction I pray you deare friends bretheren wherfore serueth our liues if we will be saued but to glorify him did we not promyse hym to aduenture all things to his glorie and honour wherfore then shall we reserue any thing to the detriment thereof Hée him self went before vs and dyd passe first thorough the pikes of persecution and affliction in the world hée is our head shall we thē stagger stop or stay in following him beyng hys members whose is the wealth and riches that we haue whose is our life or who did giue vs our honours did not he giue vs all bycause wée should glorifie him as his chosen faithful and beloued then for what cause should we let to glorifie him in all that euer we can or haue Haue we not sayde that with all and in all thinges Iesus Christ did glorifie his father and that we were chosen to be conforme and lyke vnto him And therfore sith we sée it is our duties let vs doe and indeuour our selues all that possiblie we may to accomplish the same at the least a parte that we mighte the sooner attayne to the whole in imitatyng that we might be glorified alyke with him For when wee serue him doubtfully and follow him waveryngly as if wée thought all to no purpose all that we doe in such sort is but in vayne of no validitie nor effect but rather falleth out cleane to the cōtrarie for that in doubtful dealing can no true seruice be done nor yet he be glorified So that all maner of doings or workes which are not to his glorie are lost of none effect nor valour but yet all that is done in true faith is of muche validitie and verie effectuall thervnto The which he will neuer forget bicause he doeth so loue vs that he is verie vnwillyng we should loose our labours in anye thing or spend our traueils in vaine He accepteth all that possibly may agrée with his iustice for the great desire and good will hée hath to bée our guarder sauiour kéeper and defender He asketh of his father for vs all things as well honour wealth and riches as healthe lyfe and saluation There is nothing that he taketh into his handes for vs but it taketh effecte in vs there is nothyng in the handes of our persecutors that hath any effect at all or securitie Why doe the foolishe phoppes infected with fylthie incredulitie and misbeliefe loose their lyues euerlastingly but onely bycause they trust not in God rather would saue their lyues to serue the world then lightly to loose them and to glorifie God and yet therein they loose for euer both lyfe and loue of him By the ryghtuousnesse of fayth sayeth Sainct Paule we are constituted and chosē heires of the world euen lyke vnto our father Abraham Then being heires thereof why doe we feare to put into the handes of God all that we haue Sith wée are sure to receiue it again bettered with so great aduantage He that shall ouercome sayeth the same Lord shall possesse all things I will be his God and he shall be my sonne Thus if we dye for his loue we doe ouercome in ouercommyng we enter into the possessiō of all things we haue God for our God and we be his true children if we be children we be also heires both in heauen and earth In what then should we doubt sithe to make so great and good an exchange we giue him nothyng yet we remayne with him and receyue all things We gyue nothyng vnto God bycause we haue nothyng that is our owne all that wée haue is his so that in giuing him all we giue him nothing And therefore let vs not be vnwillyng to yéelde all that we may vnto him sith he is so liberall magnificall in giuyng vnto vs all things yea euen till he had giuen hym selfe for vs but let vs loue hym accordyng to our callyng as Iesus Christ our onely sauiour redéemer health saluation and reconciliation and in any wyse let vs loue his honour and glorye more then anye worldlye thing Haue we not hearde of many of the Gentyles that dyd offer them selues vnto death and so desyre it that they kylled them selues wyth theyr owne proper handes onelye vppon desyre to bée delyuered from the paines and trauayles of the world their liues in it And vppō some vain hope which they had and thought to finde by their immortalitie of the soule This they did vppon a certayne opynion which was foolishe had amongest a number of them yet they were not onely frée from worldly traueils by this immortalitie but also by their desperate dealinges to departe from their lyues in suche wyse they en●ered a new into ten tymes treble more torments yea a number infinite euerlastingly God doth not commaūd of vs any suche maner of death but doeth most ernestly forbid it yet béeing animated by true faith as thus if we beléeue that our lyfe is his and that he is our lyfe so that when our tyme shall come and he shall call vs to render our lyues agayne to him of whom we hold them as tennants at his will that then we doe obey hym and yéeld them vp be it by fire sword halter presse Racke by wyld horsses Tigres Lyons wilde beastes or any kinde of crosse we doo but our duties and no more then we are bounde vnto And in so doing we shewe the fruits of our fayth hope in him proclaime crye out and preach vnto the world and shewe vnto the braue ministers thereof that we be none of theirs but his owne who hath bought and best payde for vs In this maner we shall also openly appeare to haue more estimation of his glorie and rather to fulfill his heauenly holy will then to séeke the maintenance of our liues in this world which perisheth togither with the people thereof He will not in any maner of wise that we run into any kynde of daunger rashly to procure our death Nor yet that we denie and so blasphéeme him to eschue or escape the same But rather that as tyed on a string wée should bée prompte and readie lyke faithfull seruaunts to follow hym so soone as he plucketh or calleth vs we may certainly assure our selues that hée hath counted and numbred our dayes and hath made such a determination for vs as we may in no wyse passe Hée hath put and inclosed our soules in our bodies as in a tabernacle to the end they should be wel kept and preserued vntyll hée hym selfe which put them there shall returne againe to call and receyue them So then in being called we ought not to refuse our filthie lodginges in thys worlde for that we are to receiue a
which dooe not receiue Iesus Christ the remission of sinnes and the reconciliation that is gotten for vs by him with the handes of faith may not nor cannot receiue him by meanes of any other woorcke that they can dooe but are euermore in their sinnes and subiecte to eternall malediction We may not haue peace with GOD by any other way or meane then in that we are acceptable vnto him by fayth we are acceptable and admytted vntoo hys fauour and grace by fayth in Iesu Christe He is by and by alwayes pleased with vs we haue rightuousnesse before him as the Apostle teacheth saying we being iustified by fayth haue peace with God by our Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we haue a waye through faythe vnto this grace the which must be firme surely fixed in vs Whereby it is declared that Iesus Christ is the onely aucthour of our rightuousnesse that we be made partakers of his health by the fayth we haue in him By the which we be surely certified that we be all ready reconsiled to God that he is in peace with vs by this reason we are assured that we possesse lyfe euerlasting The diuine Scriptures doo teache vs the same all the Prophetes sayth sainct Peter beare testimony of Iesus Christe and that through his name all that beléeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Also S. Paule in the Actes of the Apostles speaking of Christ sayth by him is preached vnto you remission of sinnes and by him all that beleue are iustified in all thinges from the which ye could not be iustified by the law of Moyses wherefore all that beleue in Christ Iesus are iustified by fayth in him So that it must néedes be that remission of sinnes and all other benefites promised of God we receiue them of him by fayth in his Gospell Dauid taught by the holy ghost dyd sée that all that was in him and that he might doo was cause of condempnacion at the handes of God beinge seuerely examined by the rigour and iustice of his Lawe He had his recourse to the Almightie God and dyd take him for his Patrone in iudgement and dyd pray to him with great vehemency besechinge him that he should not iudge him according to his law enter not into iudgement saith he with thy seruant bicause that no flesh is to be founde righteous in thy sight So that he confessith that we are iustified onely by grace and mercy and by the pittie and loue that god behouldeth in his sonne Iesu Christe for and towardes vs For that by the loue that he hath to vs in him he hath called vs put from before him quite away all our sinnes offences wickednesse that euer we committed and hath forgiuen vs all our disobedience and graunted vs true obedience and satisfaction neither more nor lesse then as if we had gottē it our selues For to take vs out of all doubts and to the ende to deliuer vs from our olde wicked lyinge errours in the which vntill now we haue liued the Lord mightie Iehouah sayth by the Prophet Esay it is I it is I my selfe O my people that haue blotted out all thy misdéees and wickednesse for the loue of my selfe and for myne owne sake I haue done it will neuer remembre them againe So that it is he that deliuereth vs from our sinnes and iniquities without any merit or desert on our behalfe that is any thing auailable at all And of his owne frée will loue and liberalitie doothe vse the same towardes vs. Of an excelent comfort by the loue of god Cap. vii SO it restith that all that men can doo or may or can inuent to work by any kinde of meane by this scripture it is excluded condēpned for most horrible wicked abhominable For why ther is but one Iesus Christ who is the pardener of our sinnes by god the Father there is no cause why without Christ that we should be pardoned by god the father for them By Christ onely are we pardoned we are the vnrightuous he the onely aucthor of rightuousnesse In vs there is no cause why but that we should be most iustly cōdempned and in him onely is there great cause why we should by him be saued S. Peter saith there is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men wherby we should be saued but onely the name of Iesus Christ In an other place S. Peter saith again that neither we can not nor our forefathers could not beare the weightie yoke of the Lawe yet we are in béeléefe to be saued by our Faithe in Iesus Christ our Lord by his grace as well as they For as by fayth God dyd purify their hartes so likewyse dooth he purifie ours Christ sayd vnto his disciples that by the word which they had heard and beleued they wer made cleane and thereby had purified them of their sinnes and made them freindes with god So that we haue rightuousnesse and diuine holinesse by fayth that doothe remaine to vs in the promises of god and the hope that we haue in his mercy and trueth with that which he doothe promise vs to be our fréendly Father and pittifull for the loue of Iesu Christ From hence it is that the Prophet Dauid doothe acknowledge that there is but one rightuousnesse that is of any valour at all before god and that may apeare and come valiently before him in his diuine iudgement The Prophet sayth I will thincke and all wayes haue in remembraunce thy onely iustice and rightuousnesse By which reason he dooth recken houlde and account all humaine and carnall rightuousnesse and holinesse for most wicked and vnrightuous Bicause they are so filthie fowle and spotty that men may haue no help of them to satisfie in part nor in all before the diuine iudgement of god But of necessitie they are to retourne againe condempned eternally bicause they ioyne the cleane works of the Lawe with the vncleane and filthy fowle spottid woorkes of the fleshe Wherby we sée derely beloued brethren that there is no more but one Iesus Christ redemer of the world wherfore we can haue no more rightuousnesse but that which is his by the which we are to be saued Nor there is no other meane and waye to obteyne a pardon generall for our sinnes and reconciliacion with God then the fayth and hope whereby we doo beleue his diuine promises and do assure our selues of all that which by those promises are declared vnto vs Wherby we haue frée libertie giuen vs to call and saye O our Father c. The holy ghost doothe teach vs in his Church the doctrine of this true catholicke And therefore as taught and guided thereby let vs imbrace folow him by whose word we haue receued this reuelaciō clearnesse For this cause dyd Iesus christ giue thāks to god the father in the name of all his faithfull and therewith together dyd