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A09151 The testaments of the [twelue] patriarches the sonnes [of] Iacob: translated out of the Greeke [into] Latine by Robert Grosthed, some[time] Byshop of Lyncolne, and out of his copye into French and Dutch by others: Now Englished by A. G. To the credit whereof an auncient Greeke copye written in parchment, is kept in the Vniversitie Library of Cambridge.; Testamentum duodecim patriarcharum. English. Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name. 1576 (1576) STC 19467; ESTC S113653 69,583 168

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Let not the spirite of Dan possesse your minde Suffer not the wrath of Gad to settle in your hart for such work with ● perilous instruments bitter speach trechery and violent hands yelding fruit not much vnlyke as you may read as you may see Wylt thou be taught the ready 〈◊〉 to that that thou doost seeke two wayes ther● 〈◊〉 sayth Aser Vice the one the other Vertu● Neptalims race ▪ Embrace the latter eschew the former But he that walketh in them both blyndeth men becemeth himselfe and mocketh God whose double faced dealyng shal be double punished Such are the co●etous such are they y are merciful in naughtines such are they sayth Aser that fast from meates but not frō fornication Haue therfore a simple hart with simple righteous Ioseph the blessed of the Lord the right figure of Iesus Christ for hatred he shewed loue beyng cursed he blessed beyng shot thro●gh he did not so much as bend hys bow albeit his brethren would haue slaine hym albeit they cast him into a wel though they solde hym as a bond sla●e y to straūgers such as hated shepheards to y death of whom he was whipped tormented yet he when they stoode in feare gaue them cōfort when they were well nye famished gaue them foode when by his authoritye myght destroy by his authoritie did preserue beyng their Lord vsing them as his betters being their Brother acceptyng them as his Children their vnkindnes not spoken of their conspiracies forgotten theyr cruel dealing most louingly most mercifully forgeuen You haue heard his loue toward his neighbour harken his obedience toward god When he was miserably afflicted did he rage and swell When he was made a bond●●●ue of a free mans sonne did he cry out of heauen beyng almost vtterly forsaken did he vnpatiently accuse Gods iustice no expectans Expectauit Dominum And at the last the Lord whiche hid his face did shew his countenaunce of a caiti●e in respect makyng him free of a freeman wealthy of a wealthy subiect an honorable personage Lord President of Pharaos land Whom the Egyptians being alyue loued beyng dead loued beyng ●otten loued Whom ●yuing neyther wealth nor woe coulde make to swell neither promise or threats of the Egyptian strumpet could make slyde and therfore beyng dead neither world Deuil nor mans pollicy could make forgotten O that our mortall race might thus begynne thus perseuere might thus thus O Lord most happely finishe The spirit is willing but the flesh is weake Learne therefore of Beniamin to inflame thy hart that thou maist be ready both in body soule Let vs ●ayth Ecclesiasticus cōmende and so say I Let vs behold the noble famous men and the generation of our fore elders For many glorious actes hath the Lord done in them and snewed his great power euer since the begynnyng Upon the consideration wherof and especially for that I would haue nothyng wāting in this booke that might serue thy conte●tation I thought if as well pertinent to deale with the righteous Father as with the godly childrē For to shadow a face onely without a body hath his deserued commendation but who so painteth a legge without a body or a bodye without a head it shall not be amisse as I suppose as well to terme him a foolishe painter as to iudge the thing v●discreetely paynted Wherefore as well to see the head as the legge and to heare the Father as the childrē I haue faythfully drawne out of scripture not according to my fancy fashioned the death and Testament of Iacob that blessed right happy Father added to this auncient monument of the children Therfore to recompence my pay●es reade them but read them diligently neither read onely but cōtēd to follow For the imitation of good and godly men is the direct way course to godlines So may we accompt of Iacobs blessing so may we throughly chalendge to be his Children I meane not by fleshe but spirite The lord which made heauē earth y Lord which gaue his sonne to shed his hart bloud for vs god which disposeth thinges to his pleasure preserue our Queene encrease our fayth ▪ and make vs thankeful for his bene●ites Amen Richard Daye FINIS ¶ The Testament of Iacob that he made at his death to his xij Sonnes the Patriarches concerning what should be●ide them in the last dayes gathered out of Genesis .48 .49 and added to this booke Com● harke my Sonnes two thinges I geue my blessing and my ban The first to them that godly lyue the last to wicked man. IAcob the sonne of Isaac borne of Rebecca the yeare of the world 2108. his Father being three score yeares of age was a perfect man righteous dwelling † in tentes not geuen to pleasure hunting as hys elder brother elder by nature not by grace for the elder shal serue the younger sayth the Lord. Why not for that Iacob had so deserued but because God had so appointed Wherefore whē he thus by the determinate will of God and heauenly disposition which ordereth thinges whatsoeuer had got hys Brothers byrthright and his Fathers blessing his Parentes cons●dering that the slippery dayes of carnall copulation did approach and warely fearing his brother Esaw for y † he conceaued murder in his hart and instituted a byrth day of his deuilishe purpose sent hym from Berseba to Mesopotamia to Laban his mothers brother there honestly to take a wyfe and ●uietly to liue For Matrimony without consent of Parentes and due consideration of either partie cōtracted as it breedeth their disquietnesse so it prouoketh Gods displeasure Iacob therefore after long trauile being placed with his Uncle Laban and seruing hym xiiii yeares in labour payue albeit he was the childe of promise the blessed of the Lord Borne of a free woman and y which is more his Vncles bone flesh and Lord of Chanaā not arguing with hymselfe as the worldly childrē of this earth saying shall I which am a free and wealthy m●ns sonne be made a seruaunt shall I be a drudge in my kinsmans house beyng sent to marry not to serue had † geuen him by Laban to wife for his good seruice by whiche God blessed that little that Laban had before his two daughters Lea first then Rachell with their handmaydes Bilha and Zilpha of whome according to the promise made vnto hym of God in Bethell that his seede shou●● be multiplyed he begat xii sonnes .xii. godly Fathers of the earth Ruben Simeon Leui. Iuda Dan. Neptalin Gad. Aser Isachar Zabulon Ioseph Bēiamin Thus he b●y●g blessed of the Lord as well in Children as in substaūce returned agayne to his natiue countrye he and his Childrē there to lyue there to dy But beholde the diuine prouidence of god After three thirty yeares expired he was remoued frō Chanaan to Gosen in Egipt by
as well as theresidue of my brethren Therefore my children keepe your selues from all spite and enuie and walke in singlenesse of mynde and good conscience after the example of your fathers brother that God may giue you grace glorie and blessednesse vppon your heades as you see in hym Of all the daies of his life he did neuer caste vs in the t●th with it but loued vs as his owne soule and more then his owne Children honoryng vs and geuyng vs riches Cattell and Corne aboundantly You therefore my childrē loue ye one an other with a good harte and put from you the spirite of Enuie for it maketh a mannes soule to growe sauage marreth his bodye bredeth wrathe and warre in his thoughtes setteth his bloud on fire driueth hym out of his wittes and suffereth not reasō to beare any swaie Moreouer it taketh awaie his slepe disquieteth his mynd and maketh his body to tremble For euen in slepe some spice of imagined malice guaweth hym combryng his soule with Spirites of mischief makyng his bodie gastly and his mynde afrighted with trouble and appearyng vnto men as it were with a pernicious spirite and pouryng out of poyson Therefore was Ioseph faire of face beautifull and comely to beholde because no wicked thyng dwelte in hym For he had a count enance cleare from comberaunce of mynde And now my childrē let your hartes be meke before the lorde and walke right before mā so shall ye finde fauor bothe with God and man and beware that ye fal not to whoredome For whoredome is the mother of all naughtinesse separatyng a man from God sending him to Beliall For I haue seen in Enockes writynges that you and your childrē shal be corrupted with whoredome and do Leuy wrong by the sworde But thei shal not preuaile againste Leuy because he shall ●ight the lordes battailes take all your tentes and verie fewe shall bee deuided in Leuy and Iuda for he shall be your Capitai●e and my father Iacob prophesied in his blessinges Behold I tell you al thinges aforehande that I maie be cleare frō the synne of your soules Now if you put from you all enuiousnesse and all stifneckednesse all my bones shall florishe as a Rose in Israel and my fleshe as a Lillie in Iacob my sauor shal be as the sent of Libanus my holy ones shal bee multiplied as the Ceders for euer their boughes shall spreade out in length for euermore Then shall thee seede of Chanaan perishe together with the remenaunte of Amalecke All the Capadocians shall perishe and all the Schithians shall be destroied Then shall the lande of Cham faile and al the people go to wrecke Then shall al the ●earth rest from trouble and all men vnder Heauen from warre Then shall Sem bee glorified when the greate Lorde God of Israel appeareth vpō yearth as a man to saue Adam in hym Then shall the spirites of errour be troden vnder foote and men shal raigne ouer hurtfull siēdes Thē shall I rise againe in ioye and blesse the highest in his wōderfull workes for God takyng a body vpon him and eatyng with men shall saue men And now my children obey Leu●●nd you shall bee deliuered by Iuda● and ●●uauce not your selues aboue thes● twoo Tribes for of them twoo shall the sauyng health of God spring vnto vs. For the Lorde shall sette vp of Leuy the Prince of Priestes and of Iuda the kyng of kynges God and man So shall he saue all the Gentiles the offpryng of Israel For these thynges sakes I charge you to commaunde your children to keepe these thynges throughout al their generatiōs And Simeon making an ende of these his saiynges and commaundementes to his children slept with his Fathers whē he was of the age of a hundred and twentie yeares And they laide hym in a Coffin of woodde that rotteth not that they might carry his bones againe into Hebron and they conueied him priuily in the warre of the Egiptians For the Egiptians kept the bones of Ioseph in the Kynges treasury For their I●cha●ters tolde them that whensoeuer Iosephes bones were caried awaye there should be suche a plague of miste and darkenes among the Egiptians as one Brother should not know an other no not euen by torch light And Symeons Children bewayled their Father accordyng to the Lawe of mournyng and continued in Egipt till the day of their departyng thence vnder the hand of Moyses ¶ The Testament of Leuy● 〈…〉 hys Children at hys death conce●nyng Priesthoode The sinne be iust rage not geue lyght Ye Preachers of Gods worde For what thing els sheweth Sun and Moone Dame Venus Wolfe and sword THe Copye of Leuyes wordes namely which he spake to his childrē cōcerning all the thinges which they should doe and whiche should happen to them vnto the day of iudgement He was in health when he called thē vnto hym for he knew before ▪ when he should dye Therfore whē they were come together he said vnto thē I Leuy was bred and borne in Carram and afterwarde came with my father into Sichem I was at y time but yong about xx yeares olde when I helped my brother Simeō to reuēge our sister Dina against Hemor Now as wee were feedyng of our flocks in Abe●●naul the spirit of y vnderstanding of the Lord came vpon me and I sawe all menne vnderminyng their owne waies how vnrighteousnes had builded her selfe a fortresse and wickednesse sat vpon the towers thereof And I was sorye for mankind besought the Lord to saue them Then fell there a sleepe vpon mee and I saw a high mountaine It was the mountaine of Aspis in Abelmaull And behold the heauens opened and the Angell of God sayd vnto mee Leuy com● hether and I went from the first heauen to the second and there sawe the water hanging betwene the one and the other And I saw the third heauen much brighter thē them both ●or ▪ the height therof was infinite And I sayd to the Angell what meaneth this And the Angell aunswered me maruell not at these things for thou shalt see fower heauens yet brighter and without comparison when thou commest vp to them For thou shalt stand by the Lord and be his minister and vtter his secrets vnto men and preach of the deliuerer of Israel which is to come By thee and by Iuda the Lord will appeare to men to saue al mankinde in them Thy life shall depend vpon the Lorde by hym shalt thou haue thy fieldes vineyardes fruites gold and siluer Therefore harken as touching the seuen Heauens The lowest is most lowring because it is nerest to al the vnrighteousnes of men The second hath fire Snow and I se prepared by the Lords appointment against the daye of Gods rightfull iudgemēt In it are al the spirites of vēgeance for the punishyng of the wicked In
the third are the powers of hostes ordeined against the day of iudgement to take vengeance vppon the spirites of error and of Belial In the fourth aboue these are the Saints for in the higher places dwelleth great glory in the holy of all holyes aboue all holinesse In the nexte vnto this are the Angels that doe seruice in Gods p●esence and seeke his fauour in all the ig●oraunces of the righteous They offer vnto the Lord the swete fauour of reaso●able seruice a Sacrifice without bloud In the other that is vnder this are the Angells that bring aunsweres from the Angels in Gods presence In that which is aboue it are the Thrones and Potestates wherein is cōtinuall offeryng vp of Hymnes vnto god Therefore whensoeuer the Lord loketh vpon vs all of vs are mouth ▪ y●a and ●uch heauen earth the bottomles deepe are moued at the sight of his greatnesse ▪ but the Children of men beyng witlesse shall synne and prouoke the highest vnto wrath Now therfore vnderstand that the Lorde will execute iudgement vppon the children of men Because that men will cōtinue in vnbelefe and vnrighteousnesse euen when the stones shal cleaue a sunder the Sunne be darkened the waters dried vp the fire quake and al creatures b●●ro●bled at the faintyng of the inuisible Spirites and at the spoiling of hell in the passion of the Highest therefore shall they be condemned to punishement The highest then hath hearde thy prayer to separate th●e from vnrighteousnesse and to make thee his sonne and seruaunt and a Minister in his presence a Lanterne of knowledge to lighten Iacob throughly and to be as a day Sunne among the children of Israell and vnto thee and thy seede shall ●he power of blessyng bee geuen till God visite al nations in the bowels of the mercye of his sonne for euer Neuerthelesse thy Sonnes shall lay their handes vppon hym to crucifie hym and for this cause is wisedome and vnderstandyng geuen thee to giue thy children knowledge of hym because that if they blesse hym they shal be blessed and they that cursse hym shall perishe in his sight And the Angell opened me the gates of heauen and I saw the holie temple and the highest sittyng on the throne of glory and he saied to mee Leuy I haue geuen thee the blessynges of the priesthoode till I come my selfe to dwell in the middes of Israell Then the Angel brought me downe to the earth and gaue mee a shield and a sworde saiyng execute vengeaunce in Sichem for Dina I wil be with thee for God hath sent me And at that tyme I slewe the Sonnes of Hemor as it is written in the tables of Heauen And I said vnto hym lord I pray thee tell me thy name that I may call vpon thee in the tyme of my trouble And he answered I am an * Angell which excuseth Israell that he might not bee striken for euer because all wicked spirites lye in waite for hym Afterward beyng waked as it were out of sleepe I blessed the most highest and the Angell that excuseth the ofspring of Israell and all righteous men And when I came to my Father I ●ounde an Asp of brasse whereupon the hill tooke the name of Asps whiche is harde by Gebat on the right side of Abyla And I layd vp these saiynges in my hart I counselled my father and my Brother Ruben to perswade the sonns of Hemor to be circumcised because I was zelously greued for the abhomination whiche they had wrought in Israell For first of al I killed Sichem and then Simeon killed Hemor and after vs came our brethren who smote the Citie the edge of the sworde When my Father heard of it ▪ he was angry because they had receiued circumcision and were killed afterward and therefore he delt otherwise with vs in blessing For we ●●nned in doyng it against his wil and he fell sicke the same day But I knewe that the Lorde intended euil vnto the Sychemites because thei had heretofore purposed to haue done the like vnto Sara as they did to our sister Dina. But GOD letted them And they persecuted our father Abraham as then a straunger and caried away his cattell and furdermore did beat Ieblae verie sore who was borne in his house After the same maner delte they with all other strangers taking away their wiues frō them by force and driuyng the men themselues out of their countrye For whiche cause the wrath of the lord came vpō them in the end And I said to my Father Sy● be not offended for GOD will bring the Chananites to nothyng before thee and geue their land vnto thee vnto thy holy one after thee For frō hēceforth Sichem shall be called the Citie of fooles because that as men doe scorne fooles so haue we scorned them for their workyng of foly in Israel● in takyng awaie our sister to defile her Then came we into Bethell and there when I had Sacrificed three score and ten daies together I sawe ●he thyng again as I had seen it before A●d I sawe ●euen menne in white raiment saiyng vnto me Up putte on the Stole of Priestehoode the Crowne of righteousnesse the Reasonall of vnderstandyng the Robe of truth the Breastplate of faithe the Mitre of holinesse and the Ephod of Prophesie And so euery of thē bryngyng somethyng with hym did put them vpon me saiyng Be thou henceforthe the Lordes Prieste thou and thy seede for euermore The ●irste annointed me with holie Oyle and gaue me the Scepter of iudgement The seconde washed me with cleane water and ●edde me with breade and wine that is to wit with the holye of holies and clothed me with a holie and glorious Robe doune to the grounde The third did put vpō me a Silken garmente like an Ephod The fourth girded me with a gird●e like to purple The fifth gaue me an oliue bough full of fatnesse The sixth did set the Mitre of Priesthode vpon my head The seuenth filled my handes with Incense to the entent I should execute the office of Prieste vnto the Lorde And he saied vnto me Leuy vnto three principall thynges is thy seede appointed of GOD namely to be a signe of the glorious lord that is to come ▪ and he that beleueth shal be the firste The greate lot shall not fall vpon hym The seconde shal be in priesthoode And the third shal haue a newe name because a king shal rise vp in Iuda and ren●e my Priesthood accordyng to the figure of the Gentiles among all nations But the commyng of hym is vnvtterable as who shall bee the P●ophet of the highest borne of the seede of our Father Abraham All the pleasant thynges of Israell shall be geuen to thee and to thy seede and ye shall eate all that is fa●re to see to and thy seede shall distribute the Lordes Table and of them
shall be high Priestes Iudges and Scribes for in their mouthe shall the holie thinges be kept Whē I awooke I perceiued that this vision was like the other and I laied it vp in my harte and shewed it not to any man liuyng vpon yearth The firste twoo daies I and Iuda wente to our Grandfather Isaac and he blessed me according to all the saiynges of the visions that I had seen but he would not goe with vs vnto Bethel But when we came to Bethel my father Iacob sawe in a vision concerning me that I should bee their Prieste before the Lorde And he rose in the Mornyng and tithed all thynges to the lorde by me Then came we to Hebron to dwell there and by and by Isaac called me to expound the lawe of the lorde accordyng as Gods Aungell had shewed it me and he taught me the Lawe of Priesthoode Sacrifices Burnt offerynges Firstlynges Freewill offerynges and offerynges for health Euery daie he taught me vnderstādyng and called vpō me continually before the lord saiyng my sonne geue no eare to the spirite of fornication for he will folowe thee and defile the holie thynges by thy seede Therefore take thee a wife in thy youth suche a one as hath not any blemishe nor vncleannesse nor is of the kindred of the Allophites or of the Gentiles And before thou enter into the holies wash did likewise ere thou sacrificest and also whē thou hast doen Offer vnto the lorde the fruites of the twelue trees that are euer grene as my father Abraham taught me to do and the fruite of all cleane beastes of cleane foules offer thou in Sacrifice Likewise offer vp the first borne of all thynges and the firste fruites of the vine and sprinckle all thy Sacrifices with salte Now therefore my sonnes keepe ye all the thynges that I commaunde you for ▪ whatsoeuer I haue heard of my fathers that haue I told vnto you I am cleare from al the wickednesse and synne whiche you shall commit to the ende of the worlde Ye shall woorke wickednesse againste the Sauiour of the worlde and ye shall seduce Israel stirring vp muche euill against him from the lorde and dealyng wickedly with hym so that Hierusalem shall not continue by reason of your naughtinesse The Ueile of the Temple shal be rente asunder to discouer ▪ your foulenesse and ye shall bee scattered as prisoners among the Heathen and bee scorned curssed and troden vnder foote Neuerthelesse the house whiche the lorde shall chuse shall bee called Hierusalem as the booke of Enoch the righteous conteineth Therefore when I was .xxviii. yeres olde I tooke a wife whose name was Melcha and she conceiued and bare me a Sonne and called his name Gershon because we were but straūgers in our lande For Gershon signified banishement Now I knewe of hym that he should not bee of the chief degree The seconde was Caath who was borne the xxxv yeare I sawe a vision Eastwarde how all the Congregation stoode vp a lofte and therefore I called his name Caath whiche signifieth the beginnyng of greatnesse and learnyng The third was Merari who was borne in the fiue and fifteth yeare of my life And because his mother was hardely deliuered of hym she called hym Merari whiche is as muche to say as my bitternesse And in the three score and fourth yeare of my life was my daughter Iochebed borne in Aegipt and so was I honorable among my brethren Also my soonne Gershon tooke a wife whiche bare him Libny and Schimi The sonnes of Caath were Amram Ysh●ar Hebron and Vziel and the Soonnes of Merari were Mahaly and Mushi In the fower score and fowerteenth yeare of my life Amram tooke to wife my daughter Iochebed because that he and she were borne bothe on one day I was eight yere old when I entered into the land of Chanaan and eighteene yere olde when I entered the office of Priesthoode At eight and twentie yeres I tooke a wife and at fourtie yeres olde I entered into Egipt And beholde ye bee nowe my Childrens children in the thirde generation Ioseph died in the hundred and tenth yeare And now my Children I warne you feare the Lorde your GOD with all your harte and walke plainely in all thynges accordyng to his Lawe Moreouer bryng vp your children in learnyng that they maye haue vnderstandyng by readyng the lawe of God without ceasyng all their life lōg For whosoeuer knoweth Gods lawe shal be honoured and goe wheresoeuer he wil he shall be no straunger Also he shall haue moe freindes then his forefathers hadde and many shall bee glad to serue hym and to heare the lawe at his mouthe My sonnes deale rightfully vpon yearth that ye maie finde heauen and sowe good thinges in your myndes that ye maye finde them in your life For if ye sowe euill thynges ye shall finde and reape all maner of combraunce and trouble Get ye wisedome in the feare of God For if captiuitie come and Cities and Countreis bee destroyed golde and siluer and al possessions perish but none can take awaie the wise mannes wisedome saue onely the blindnesse of vngodlinesse and synne For his wisedome shall become a shield to hym among his enemies and make a straunge countrey to bee as his owne home and cause hym to finde frendship in the middest of his foes If he teach and doe suche thynges he shal sitte with kynges as did our brother Ioseph And truely my children I knowe by the writynges of Enoch that in the ende ye shall doe wickedly laiyng your handes moste spitefully vpon the lorde through you your brethren shal be confounded and made a scornyng stocke to all Nations Howbeeit our Father Israell is cleare frō the wickednesse of the high Priestes whiche shall saye hande vpon the Sauior of the worlde The heauē aboue the yearth is cleane you be the lightes of the Heathen as the Sūne and the Moone What shall al the Heathē do if you be ouerdarckned with wickednesse and bryng cursednesse vpon your countrey folke for whose sakes the lighte of the worlde is put into you to inlighten al men withal this light of the worlde shall you wilfully ste● and teache commaundementes cōtrary to the righteousnesse of god He shall purloine yn● Lordes offerynges and suche awaie peeces of it Before ye doe your Sacri●ices to the Lorde ye shall steale awaie the choiceste thynges and eate them disdainfullie with Harlottes teachyng Commaundementes of coueteousnesse Ye shall defile Maried women and enforce Maidens in Hierusalem Ye shall matche your selues with Whores and Harlottes ye shal take the Daughters of the Heathen to wife ▪ purifiyng them with vnrighteous purifiyng and youre minglyng shall bee as Sodome and Gomorrha and ye shall be swolne with wickednesse in the Priesthoode in so muche that ye shall disdainefully laughe the h●lie thynges to scorne not
onely vauntyng your selues againste menne but also beeyng puffed vp with Pride againste the Commaundementes of GOD. For this caus● shall the Temple whiche the Lorde shall haue chosen ▪ be vndoubtedly lefte desolate in vn●leannesse and you your selues become captiues to all Nations and bee lothed and abho●red ▪ among them and receiue endelesse shame and confusion through God● rightfull iudgement and all that see you shall shunne you And were it not for our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob there should not one of my seede bee left vppon earth Furdermore I know by the booke of Enoch that you shall goe astray by the space of threescore and tenne we●kes and defile the Priesthoode stayn● the sacrifices destroie the Law despise the saiynges of the Prophetes frowardlie persecute righteous folke hate the godly abhorre the saiynges of soothfa●e men call hym Hereticke that goeth about to re●ue the Lawe by the power of the Highest and in the ende ye shall kill * hym out of 〈◊〉 as you thinke not knowyng that he shall rise againe and so shall ye receaue his in●ocent bloud wilfullye vppon your owne heades For his sake shall your holy places be left desolate whiche you shall ha●● defiled euen by vtter forswearyng ▪ and your dwelling shall not be clea●e ▪ but you shalb●e accursed among the Heathen and despaire shall vexe you till he visite you 〈◊〉 and mercifully receaue you th●●●gh faith water And forasmuche as y● haue ●earde of the three score and ten weekes ●eare ye also of the Priesthoode For in e●ery Iubiley shall be Priesthood In the first Iubiley the firste annointed into●the Priesthoode shall bee greate and talke to God as to his father and his Priesthoode shall be full of the feare of the Lord and in the daye of hys gladnesse hee shall ryse vp to the saluation of the worlde In the seconde Iubiley the annointed shall be conceiued in the heauinesse of the beloued sorte and his Priesthoode shall bee honourable and he shall bee glorified among all men The thirde Priest shall bee taken vp in sorrowe and the fourth shall bee in griefe because the multitude of iniquities shall be layd vpon hym and throughout all Israell euerye man shall hate hys neighboure The fifth shall bee helde faste in darkenesse and likewise the sixth and the seauenth And in the seauenth shall bee suche abhomination before God and man as I cannot expresse howbeit that the doers thereof shall be knowne For thys cause shall they bee in captiuitie and corruption and their Lande and Substaunce shall 〈◊〉 destroyed but in the fifth weeke they shal returne into their desolate countrey and renue the Lordes house In the seauenth weeke shall come Idolatrous Priestes coueitous warriours vnrighteous Scribes and filthy abusers of men children and beastes After that the Lorde hath sent vengeaunce vppon them in the priesthoode then will God raise vp a new priest to whom all the Lordes worde shal be opened and he shall execute true iudgemente vppon earth manye daies and hys starre shall rise in heauen As a kyng shall he shead forthe the light of knowledge in the open sunshine of the daye and hee shal be magnified ouer all the worlde and bee receaued and shine as the sunne vppon the earth and driue awaye all darkenesse and there shall be peace vpon all the earth In his dayes the heauens shall reioyce the earth shall be glad the cloudes shal be merie the knowledge of the Lorde shall bee poured out vpon the earth as the waters of the Seas and the Angels of glory that are in the Lordes presence shall reioice in hym The heauens shal be opened and out of the temple of glorie shall sanctification come vpon him with the fathers voice as from Abraham the Father of Isaac and the glory of the highest shall be spread out vpon hym and the Spirite of vnderstanding and sanctification shal rest vpon him whereof hee shall geue aboundantlye and mightely to hys childrē in truth for euermore and there shall none succeede hym from generation to generation worlde without end In his Priesthoode all sinne shall come to ende and the vnrighteous shal cease from their naughtinesse but the righteous shall reste in hym and hee shall vpon the gates of Paradise and staye the threatnyng sworde againste Adam and feede the Lambes with the fruite of life and the spirite of holines shall be in them Hee shall bynde vp Beliall and geue his owne children power to tread down hurtfull spirites and the Lorde shall reioice in his children and accept them as his beloued for euermore Then shall Abraham Isaac and Iacob bee glad and then shall I and all Saintes rei●yce How my children ye haue heard all Therefore chuse vnto you either light or darkenes either the law of the Lord or the workes of Beliall and wee aunswered our Father saying We will walke before the Lorde accordyng to his law And our father sayde the Lorde is witnesse and his Angels are wit●●sses and I am a witnesse and you your selues are witnesses of the woordes of my mouth And when wee had aunswered wer will her witnesses Leuy rested with this charge geuen vnto his Children And he stretched out his feete and was put to his Fathers when hee had liued ● hundreth and seuen and thirty yeares an● they layd hym in a Coffin and buried hym afterwarde in Hebron besides Abraham Isaac and Iacob Finis ¶ The Testament of Iuda made to his children at his death concernyng valiauntnesse couetousnes and fo●nication Loe here the blessed Princely state Of Iuda ▪ suffering not hys mate The Seepter Lyon Pursse and Crowne Betoken glory and renowne THe copy of al the saiynges of Iuda whiche he spake to his childrē at the tyme of his death when they were come together before hym he said vnto them I was my fathers fourth sonne and my mother called mee Iuda saiyng I thanke thee Lorde for that hee hath geuen mee a fourth so●nne I was swifte of foote and painfull in my youth and obeied my Father in all thinges and blessed my mother and my mothers sisters And when I came to mans estate my Father Iacob prayed ouer mee saying thou shalt be a Kyng and prosperous in all thinges Beholde God gaue mee grace in all my workes both abroad and at home Upon a tyme I sawe a ●inde and ran after her and caught her and made meate of her for my Father Also I ●utran the Roes and ouertooke all thinges that were in the fields in so much that I caught a wilde Mare and tamed her I plucked a Kid out of the mouth of a Beare and takyng hym by the paw ouerthrewe hym and rente asunder all wilde beastes that turned vpon me as if I had been a dogge I encountred with a wil be Boare and ouerrunning hym tare hym in peeces In Hebron a Bastardlyon leapte vpon a dogge and I catchyng him by
the ende of that good man and follow his mercifulnes with a good mind that you also may haue a crowne of glory vpon your heades A good man hath not a darcke eye for he is mercifull to all men yea though they bee sinners and haue deuised mischiefe agaynst hym and he that doth good ouercommeth euill by the defence of goodnesse and loueth the righteous as his owne Soule If another man bee honoured hee enuieth it not if a man be enriched it greeueth hym not If a man be strong or valiaunt he praiseth hym and beleuyng him also to be chaste he defendeth hym that hath the feare of god He worketh together with hym that ●oueth God and if a man forsake the almightie hee warneth hym to returne againe Whosoeuer hath the grace of the good spirite him doth he loue as his owne life He pitieth the poore succoureth the weake and praiseth and honoureth God. My children if ye haue a good minde euill men shall stande in awe of you and vnthriftes shall for very shame be conuerted to goodnesse So that couetous men shall not only depart from their nigardlines but also geue of their aboundaunce to the needy If ye be good doers both vncleane spirites shall flee from you and shrewd beastes shall shun for feare of you For where the regard of good works is in the minde there darkenesse flyeth away For if hee doe wrong to any holye man hee is sorye for it and if a holy man receiue wronge he pittieth the doer and putteth it vp with silence And if any man betray a righteous soule and the righteous pray for his betrayer the betrayer is not a little disgraced and the righteous becommeth muche more notable afterwarde as did my Brother Ioseph The guilefull spirite of Beliall hath no power ouer a good mans minde For the Angell of peace guideth his soule He looketh not affectionatly vppon corruptible thinges ne raketh together riches in the desire of voluptuousnesse Hee is not delighted with pleasures Hee greeueth not hys neighbour hee stuffeth not hymselfe with meate neither wandreth he in the pryde of hys eyes for the Lorde is his portion He taketh no glory for geuyng good coūsell hee passeth not how men dishonoure hym neither can he skill of anye guile vntrueth strife or slaunderousnes For the Lorde dwelleth in hym and inlighteneth hys mynde and hee reioyceth before all men in a good tyme A good mynde hath not twoo tongues one to blesse with and another to curse with one to slaunder with and another to honour with one of so●row and an other of ●oy one of quietnes an other of trouble one of di●●●mulation an other of truth one of pouerty an other of riches but it hath one onely disposition pure vncorrupt towards all It hath no doble sight nor doble hearyng For in all thinges that he doth speaketh or seeth he knoweth that the Lorde beholdeth his hart and therfore he clenseth hys mynde that hee may not bee ●ound faultie before God and man But all the workes of Beliall are double and vtterly voyde of simplicitie Wherefore my children shun the naughtinesse of Beliall for at the first he delighteth those that obey hym but in the ende he is a sworde and the Father of seuen mischiefes For when the mynde hath once cōceiued by Beliall it bringeth forthe firste enuy secondly desperatnesse thirdly sorrowe fourthly bondage fiftly needinesse sixty troublesomnesse and seuenthly desolation and for that cause was Cain tormented with seuen punishments by God for in seuen yeare together God brought euery yeare a new plague vppon Ca●● Twoo hundred yeares hee suffered and in the nine hundreth yeare the earth was made desolate with the floud for hys righteous brother Abels sake In seuen hundred yeares is Cain iudged and Lamech in seuentie tymes seuen for they that are like Cain in spitefulnes and hatred towardes their brethren shal be punished with the same punishment for euer as he was You therfore my Childrē eschew malice enuy hatred towardes your brethrē cleue to goodness louingnes He y hath a minde cleane in loue looketh not vpō a womā in way of lechery For he hath no desyling in his hart because y spirit of y Lord resteth in him For as the Sunne is not defiled by shyning vpon a puddle or dunghill but doth rather dry vp and driue away the stinch euen so a pure mind stryueth agaynst y vncleanesse of the earth and ouercōmeth it but is not defiled it selfe And I perceiue by the sayings of the righteous Enoch that there shal be euill deedes amōg you For ye shal defile your selues with the fornication of Sodonie and perishe all saue a few and multiply mord●nate lustes in women and the reigne of the Lord shall not be among you for he shal take it away sodenly Neuerthelesse the Lordes temples shal be made in our portion it shal be glorious among you For the Lord himselfe shal take the kingdome vpon him and the twelue tribes shal be gathered together there and all nations shall ▪ resort thether vntill the 〈◊〉 highest send his saluation in the visitation of his onely 〈◊〉 And he shal 〈◊〉 into the first temple and there the Lord shall suffer wrong and he despised and be 〈…〉 vp vpon a peece of timber And the veyle of the temple shall be rent 〈◊〉 and the spirit of the Lord shall come downe vpon the Gentiles poured out as fire And rising vp frō the grane he shall ascend from earth to 〈◊〉 He shall remēber how 〈…〉 hath bin vpon earth and ●ow glorious he is in heauen When Ioseph was in Egipt I longed to see his person and the form● of his coūtenaunce And through the prayers of my Father Iacob I sawe him awake in the daye of his full and perfecte shape Nowe therefore my Children knowe ye that I shall dye Wherefore deale euery of you truely and rightfully with his neighbour worke ye iustly faithfully and kéepe ye the lawe and commaundementes of the Lord for that do I teach you in stead of al inheritaūce And g●ue you the same to your Childrē for an euerlasting possession For so dyd Abraham Isaac and Iacob they gaue vs all these thinges for an inheritaunce saying kéepe the Lordes commaundementes til he reueale his sauing health to all nations Then shall ye see Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac and Iacob rising at his right hande with ioyfulnesse Then shal we rise also euery of vs to his owne scepter worshipping the king of heauen which appeared on earth in the base shape of mā As many as beleue in him shall reioice with him at that time And all these shall rise agayne to glorye and the residue 〈…〉 And the Lord shall first of all iudge Israel for the vnrighteousnes 〈◊〉 agaynst him because they beleued
as I bewrayed the secrets of God aud of my Father Iacob to Bethsue the Chananite whiche God hath forbiddē to be disclosed Also wine is a cause of warre and seditiō Moreouer I charge you my sonnes that you loue not Money ●e looke vppon the beutie of women for money and womanly beauty made mee to ouershoote my selfe in Bethsue the Chananite And I am sure that these twoo thinges shall corrupt mine ofspryng and marre the wise men of my linage and hurt the kyngdome of Iuda whiche God hath geuen mee for obeyng my Father for I neuer repined at my Father Iacobs commaundement but did whatsoeuer hee bad mee And Abraham the Father of my Fathers blessed me to fight for Israel and so did Isaac blesse mee likewise and I know that the kingdome shall stand by me But I haue read in the bookes of Enoche the righteous that ye shall woorke wickedly in the latter daies therfore my children keepe your selues from lechery and couetousnes and geue eare to your father Iuda for those thinges withdraw men from Gods law and blynde the vnderstandyng of their mindes and teache them pryde neither suffer they any man to shewe mercy to his neighbour They bereue hys Soule of alt good thinges and hold it downe in paines and sorowes Also they disapoint hym of hys sleepe and eonsume his fleshe Finally they hinder Gods Sacrifices neglect his blessinges disobey the speakyng of hys Prophetes and are offended at the woorde of godlynesse for these two passions are contrary to the commaundementes of GOD. Hee that serueth them cannot obey GOD because they dazell mens mindes and walke abroad as well a nightes as of daies My children couetousnes leadeth men to idolatry For through dotyng vppon money it calleth them Gods which are not and compelleth the infected partye to growe most vilely out of kinde For moneyes sake I loste my children and had not the penaunce of my fleshe and the humblyng of my soule and the prayers of my father Iacob beene I had dyed as now without children But the God of my Fathers beyng mercifull and full of cōpassion knew that I sinned through ignoraunce For the Prince of errour had blynded me and I ouershot my selfe as a fleshely man and beyng corrupted with synne knewe not mine owne infirmitie but thought my selfe to be inuincible Know ye therefore my sonnes that two spirites do waite vpon a man that is to wit the Spirite of trueth and the Spirite of errour and in the middes betwene them is set the Spirite of vnderstandyng of the mynd whose propertie is to incline whiche waye it listeth The thynges that belong both to truth and vntruth are written in the brest of man and God knoweth euerye whit of it and none of al mens workes can be hidden at any tyme from hym because all the priuities of mens hartes are written before the Lord and the spirite of truth beareth witnesse of all thinges and accuseth all and he that sinneth hath a burnyng in his hart and can not lift vp his face to his iudge And now my children loue ye Leuy that ye may abyde and exalte not your selues aboue hym leaste ye perishe The Lorde hath geuen vnto me the kingdome and vnto hym the Priesthoode and hath put the kingdome vnder the Priesthood Unto Leuy is geuen the Priesthoode and vnto Iuda the kingdome and GOD hath put the kingdome vnder the Priesthoode Unto mee he hath geuen the thinges that are vpon the earth and vnto him the thinges that are in heauen As farre as the Heauen surmounteth the Earth so farre doth the Priesthoode surmount the kingdome that is vpon the earth For the Lord hath chosen hym aboue thee to approach vnto him and to eate of his Table and to take the firstlinges of the children of Israell and thou shalt bee as a Sea to hym For like as in the Sea both righteous and vnrighteous are in daunger and the one sorte are caught Prisoner's and the other sorte are inriched euen so shall all kinde of men be hazarded in thee some sinkyng in misery and other some flotyng in prosperitie For in thee shall raygne great Whales whiche shall swallowe vp men as fishes and bryng free mens Sonnes and Daughters into bondage They shall take awaye mens Houses Landes cattell and Money by force and wrongfully feede Rauens and other greedy fowles with many folkes fleshe and they shall prosper in naughtinesse and bee exalted through couetousnesse and there shall be false Prophetes like stormes which shall perfecute all righteous men But y Lord shall set them together by the eares amōg themselues and there shall bee continuall warres in Israell and my kingdome shall 〈…〉 vp in Straungers tyll the Sauiour of Israell come euen till the commyng of the God of righteousnesse that Iacob and all Nations may rest in peace and hee shall maintaine my kyngdome in peace for euer For the Lord hath sworne to me that the kingdome of me and of my seede shall neuer faile world without end But I am very sory my Children for the filthines and trechery and idolatry which ye shall worke against the kingdome by followyng Witches and Coniurers by vowyng your daughters to deceitfull deuils by makyng them inchaunters charmers and strumpets and by interme●lyng your selues with the abominations of the heathen for the whiche thinges the Lord shall bring vpon you famine and pestilēce death and sworde wrathfull besiegement and. deuouryng dogs reproch of freinds and foes losse and. pain of eyes slaughter of your children rauishing of your Wiues spoyle of your goods the burning of your temple the desolation of your countrey and the. captiuitie of your selues amōg all nations whiche shall gelde some of you to make Eunukes for their Wiues But if ye retourne to the Lorde with hartie repentaunce and humanitie and walke in all the Commaundementes of God He will visite you with mercie and louyngly deliuer you from the bondage of your enemies After this shall rise among you a Starre out of Iacob and a manne shall spring out of my seede whiche shall walke as the daysunne of righteousnesse among the children of menne in peace and mekenesse and righteousnesse and no sinne shal bee founde in hym The heauens shall open vpon hym to poure out the spirite of blessednesse vppon hym from the Father and he shall sheade out the spirite of grace vpon you and you shall bee his children in truthe walkyng in his first and last Commaundementes This is the ofspryng of the moste high God and the welspryng of life to all fleshe Then shall the Scepter of my Kyngdome shine brighte and out of your roote shall spryng the vessell of plantyng in whom shall growe vp the rod of righteousnesse to the Gentiles to iudge and saue all suche as call vpon hym After
firise Euen to thy graue MN sonnes and dry 〈◊〉 thren beardye Ioseph the welbeloued of Israell My Children heare your 〈…〉 haue knowen in my life Enuie and death with the whiche my brethren would haue bestoyed me For they hated me and God loued me they would haue killed me and the GOD of my Fathers kepte me they put me into a pitte and the moste highest brought me out againe I was folde as a 〈◊〉 maner and the Lorde made me free and his stronge hande helped me I was kepte in hunger and the Lorde hym self nourished me I was lefte alone and the Lorde comforted me I was sickr and the Lorde visited me I was in prison and the Sauiour made me glad I was fassned in cheynes and the Lorde vabaunde me He pleaded my cause in the accusations of the Egiptians and not onely deliuered me from eunie and dereipte but also exalded me in so muche that Putipher Chiefe Stewarde of Pharaes house did lende me lodgyng where I was in ieapardie of my life by reason of a shamelesse woman whiche entised me to do naughtines with her through the slame of volupteousnesse burnyug about her breaste I was caste in prison for her I was beaten and mocked for her yet the Lorde caused the keeper of the prison to bee moued with mercie towardes me He forsaketh not them that feare him neither in darcknesse neither in bondes neither in tribulations or necessities God is not ashamed as manne neither dreadeth he as men neither shaketh or shrinketh he for feare as yearthly men He is presente in all places and in their moste greuous sorrowes he comforteth his He goeth awaie for a reason to try the thoughtes of their mynde He founde me trustie in tenne temptations And in euery one I was constant and preserued For sufferaunce is a greate medicen and causeth muche goodnesse Howe often did the Egiptian threaten my death Howe often was I punished and yet the woman called me againe how often did she threaten me to dye because I would not haue to dooe with her She saied vnto me thou shalte haue gouernaunce of me and all that bee myne if thou wilte geue thy self vnto me and obeye my desire and thou shalte bee lorde ouer vs. But I remembred the wordes of my Father Iacob and enteryng in to my Chamber made my praier to the Lorde and * fasted seuen yeares yet I appeared vnto the Egiptian in that state of bodie as I had liued in pleasures or delightes For they that faste for GOD receiue ▪ ●autie of face When I had wine geuen vnto me I dronke none and Fastyng three daies I tooke my meate daiely and gaue it to the sicke and needie and earely I waked vnto the lorde and wepte for Memphetica the Egiptiā because she was euermore troublyng of me She cam vnto me in the night as though she would haue visited me And firste truely because she had neuer a soonne she fained to take me as her sonne And I praied vnto God to sende her a sonne vntill whiche tyme she embraced me as thoughe I had been her sonne And I perceiued not the cause And for a conclusion she drew me to haue doen fornication with her I rememberyng my self was sorowfull vnto y death And when she was gone out I came to my self and sorrowed many daies For I perceiued her deceipte and errour And I spake vnto her the woordes of the moste highest GOD if by chaunce she mighte bee tourned awaie from her pernitious concupiscence Many tymes as to a holie man she spake flatteryng woordes to me not without deceipte laudyng my chastitie before her housebande whiche would vtterly haue destroied me Bothe manifestly and secretely she saied vnto me feare not my housbande for he is perswaded of thy chastitie For if so bee that any manne shewed hym of thee and me he would not beleue it For because of this thyng I couered me with Sackclothe and laied me flatte vpon the yearth and praied vnto almightie GOD that he would deliuer me from this woman of Egipte When she could doe nothyng this waie she came again armed with other reasons that is to saie that she would faine learne the worde of God of me and began to speake after this maner If thou wilte haue me to forsake myne Idolles followe my desire ▪ and I will perswade my housbande the Egiptian to goe frō his Idolat●●●● and we shall walke in the lawe of thy god I made answere to these thynges GOD will haue ●o●e to worship hym with vncleannesse neither hath he any pleasure in Adultere●s And she helde her peace desiryng to fulfill her concupiscence And I fasted and praied that God mighte deliuer me from her Againe at an other tyme she saied vnto me If thou wilt not doe adulterie with me I will kille my Prince and so by the Lawe I shall take thee to my housbande When I heard that I rent my garmente and saied Woman ▪ I praie thee bee ashamed of these thynges before GOD and feare GOD and dooe thou not suche an abhominable thyng Neither dispaire vtterly that thou droune not thy self in thine owne euill for if thou goe aboue it I shall vtter and declare the thoughtes of thyne iniquitie She fearyng these thynges praied me that I should not bewraie her naughtinesse and so departed Yet againe she went about to begile me with giftes senoyng vnto me all thynges that menne haue neede of and she sent me meate strewed about with inchantment And as the Cunuke brought it in I beheld and saw a terrible fellowe geuyng me a sword with the dishe and I perceiued that she went about to deceiue me And whē he was gon I wept and touched not that meate nor any other of her sendyng for a good while after A daie after that she came to me and saied what is the matter that thou haste not eaten of the meate And I saied vnto her because thou haste poysoned it Therefore thou shalte knowe that I will not come vnto Idolles but onely vnto GOD. Now vnderstande therefore that the GOD of my Father by his Aungell hath shewed thy mischiefe vnto me and I haue kepte the meate to thy shame if perchaunce thou mightest repente or learne that the malice of wicked dooers preuaileth not againste them that worshippe the Lorde in Chastitie And I tooke and did cate before her saiyng the GOD of my Fathers and the Angell of Abraham shal bee with me and then she fell doune at my feete and wepte Then liftyng her vp I exhorted her many waies and she promised me that she would neuer doe suche i●●quitie after that daie Yet because her harte was mournyng and did burne towarde me in adulterie with sighes commyng from the depth of her stomacke she cast boune her countenaunce The Egiptian her housbande perceiuyng her faied wherefore holdest thou doune thy face she aunswered I am euen sorrowfull at the harte