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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08770 The compasse of a Christian directing them that be tossed in the vvaues of this vvorlde vnto Christ Iesus. A. P., fl. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 19054; ESTC S102898 60,800 156

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of losinge Gods fauour for the same any more It shal be good for vs to procéede vnto the certaintie and vnmoueablenes of our estate and condition after that we b● once thus called vnto the hope of gods kingdome For as it is an 〈◊〉 which cannot be warranted vnto vs by any fleshly righteousnesse that wee can doe so in like sort the certaintie therof cannot be decayed by any sinne which we at any time through infirmitie shall committe or fall into no more then the weaknes of man is able to ouermatch the strength of God or our infidelitie to make his faith to be of none effecte And therfore these things considered the sinnes of Gods children are no cause why theyr faith should be darkened or their hope decayed but rather there is great cause in them why their humilitie should be increased and they more freely driuen out of themselues into the strength of Christ for our saluation doth not reste in our selues but in the Lorde who hath decreed from euerlastinge ●● saue some and therefore as vnpossible as it is for his decree to be altered so vnpossible it is for that number which he hath thereunto appoynted to be damned Heauen and earth shall passe away like a scrowle but no one iote or title of the words shall passe till all thinges ●e accomplished All fleshe is Esay 40. grasse and the glorye thereof as the floure of the grasse but the word of the Lord endureth for euer His giftes callings are without repentance he Rom 11. 2● Pro. 16. ● hath created all thinges for himself euen the wicked for the day of euil And so it may be saide on the contrarie side that he hath created his childrē for the day of saluation and glorie and to y● end y● the heires of promise may yet Heb. 6. 17. be more strengthned in this he hath boūd himselfe vnto thē by two immuble things to the ende that wee may hold fast the hope that is set before vs which we haue as an ancore of y● soul● both ste●fast and sure which two immutable things are these his worde and an oath His worde in that it is vnpossible that God should lie As the prophet Samuell doth testifie the same The strength of Israel wil not Sam. 15. 29. lie nor repent him for hee is not a man that should repent And again Rom. 23. 19. that wicked Balaam coulde say thus much also God is not a man that he should lie nor the sonne of a man that he should repeat him hath he saide and shal he not doe hath hee spokē and shall he not accomplish He hath saide that the righteous shall Psal 112. 6. neuer be moued but be had in euerlasting remembrance He hath said that Israel shall be saued in the Lord they Esay 45. 17. shall not bee ashamed nor consounded world without ●●d He hath saide that he will be mercifull to our transgressions and will remember our sinnes and iniquities no more Let vs neuer Ierem. 31. 34. thinke that the most highest doth at any time speake wordes in vayn Surely Esay 45. 18. 19. 20. 21. as he hath created the earth not in vaine but to be inhabited so hee hath not saide in vaine to the seede of Iacob seeke yee mee Nay I the Lorde speake righteousnesse and doe righteous thinges as he testifieth by the Prophet Esay Yea hee hath sworne the same also And that is the second thing wherby he hath bound himselfe vnto vs namely his oath I haue sworne by my name saith he the worde is gone foorth of my mouth in righteousnes and shall not returne again y● euery knée shal bow vnto me all tōgues shal sweare by my name By bowing of the knee and swearing by the name of God is meant y● who le seruice of God wherein he will be serued and worshipped of his Church And marke the emphasis of the word for it is a worde of drawing he hath sworne that they shall do it will they ●ill they If they be Gods children he will drawe them to glorifie him here in this life and will also glorifie them in the life to come Therfore y● faithfull cannot pearish And beside this consider his oathe that he hath sworne which is very plentifull in the Scriptures as in y● Psalmes I haue sworn by my holinesse that I will not faile Dauid But in Esay it is notably described where hee hath these wordes As I haue sworne that the waters of Noah shall no more goe ouer the earth so haue I sworne that I will no more be angrie with thee nor reprooue thee the mountaines shall remoue and the hilles shall fal downe but my mercie shall not departe from thee nor the couenant of my peace fall away So that hereby it is plaine that the estate of Gods children is more surer then the mountaines and hils Fitly therefore is the Church of Christ compared vnto the Mat. 7. 26. house that is buylded vpon a rocke which although the raine fall y● winde blow the flouds come and beate vpon it yet they shall neuer bee able to disturbe the same And why because it is buylded vpon a rocke not a rocke of stone for all such shall come to naught but Christ Iesus vpō whom all the faithfull are buylded for there is so neare a coniunction betwene thē that Christ is theires and they are his God doth beholde all the righteousnes of Christ in them and hath punished all theire sinnes in him and therefore as vnpossible as it is for God to be angry with Christ so vnpossible it is for him to be angrie with vs which belōg vnto him Feare not therefore litle Luke 12 32. ●●ocke it is your heauenly Fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome nay he hath giuen it vnto vs already for doth not the scripture say that as hee is meaninge Christ euen so are we 1. Ioh. 4. 1● in this life what is Christ Christ is freed from condemnation alreadie euen so are we although we be in this life Christ is the heire of heauen and hath the same already in possession in the same estate are we how be it not so fully yet in as greate assurance although we be in this life and therefore marke it for a speciall poynt that the Rom. 8. promisses of eternall life of saluation and of being the sonnes of God are Ioh. 3. still spoken of in the present tence that they are the sonnes of God and not y● Ioh. 6. they shal be that they haue eternal life alreadie as it were and not that they shall haue it And in Saint Iohns Gospel it is very plentiful Verely verely Ioh. 5. 24. I say vnto you saith Christ he that heareth my worde and beleeueth in him that sent me hath eternal life shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life already as though it were a thinge done past neuer to
and see howe all the powers of his bodie are chaunged ●nto tremblinge and feare his ●n●es which before were so stiffe nowe doe willingly yeelde them selues vnto the grou●de with weeping and wringing o● hands to cra●●e pardon labouringe by all meanes and wayes that hee can deuise or procure euen with greate importunacie that he 〈◊〉 obtaine the same willingly yeeldinge him sel●e vnto the prison to the ●etters and to the hote yron so that he may escape with life he weigheth not these other punishmentes yea and the more terible the sentence of death is which the iudge doth pronounce against him the more is his feare and labour to aauoyde the same Hereby you see then as in a cleare glasse what it is in trueth to confesse our sinnes and by what meanes we are brought therevnto For as the thiefe or wicked person can not bee brought vnfay●edly to confesse his facte before it hee made knowne and hee himselfe attached to appeare be●ore a iudge to bee condemned for the same so likewise the case standeth with euery one of vs who by nature are no better then theeues and murderers before the Lord that we can by no meanes bee brought in trueth to yelde vnto the same before the monstrousnesse and vgly shape of these our sinnes with the paine and penaltie due thereunto bee set before our owne consciences and we as it were summoned before Gods iudgement seate to be condemned for the same you see also the fruit and effectes which folowe the true acknowledgment of our sinnes which is feare trembling weeping wringing of handes and importunate sute euery kinde of way for pardon and the reason is verie good for if the face of an earthly Iudge which can but kill the body bee so terible vnto that partie which is brought before him for his facte what shall wee thinke then or howe terrible is the face and sentence of that eternall and heauenly Iudge of Iudges who after hee hath killed Ap●● 20. 11. can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire and from whose countenance flyeth away both the heauens and the earth Well then these comparisons beinge well thought vpon and we so perfectlie experienced in the lesser which is before man will willingly I doubte not yeelde vnto the trueth of the greater which is when anie mans conscience for sinne doth sommon h●● before the Lord. Let vs not therefore hereafter bee anie more so blinde and ignorant as to thinke that we are come to greate perfection in Christianitie before we are entred into the first steppe that appertayneth vnto the trueth thereof which is the vnfayned acknowledginge of our sinnes vnfayned I call it when these passions of the minde before repeated are stirred vp in vs through the sighte thereof otherwise it is fayned and to noe purpose For if wee call to minde the testimonie of holie scripture to prou● and confirme the same we shall see it and as in a glasse behold it very plentifully prooued and sufficiently euery way warranted vnto vs howe that this hath alwayes bene the Lordes purpose and intent dealinge with all his children elect in the beginning of theire calling euen so to humble theire soules with the sight of their sinnes that they were almost fettered in the chames of desperation as we may see it in the poore Publican who seemed Luke 18. 13 so vile in his owne eyes That hee durst not lift them vp to heauen So likewise the people of the Iewes Act. 2. 37. which were conuerted at the preaching of Peter and the rest of the Apostles were in such distresse and trouble of minde for theire sinnes that they could not tell which way to wind out of it But being pricked in their heartes cried out vnto the Apostles and saide men and brethren what shall we do Which doth importe a marueylous distresse that they were in A notable example of this also we haue in the sixtenth of the Actes in the Act. 16. 3● conuersion of the keeper of the prison who when hee sawe the greate power of God in shaking the foundation thereof for the delyuerance of his Saintes came tremblinge and quakinge in marueylous feare sayinge What shall I doe that I maye bee saued Which requeste doth giue vs to vnderstand that he iudged him selfe to be no better thē a condemned wretch In like maner the Prophet Abacuk speaking of the beginning of his calling saith thus of it When I heard my bellie trēbled my lips shooke at the voice rottennesse Abacuk 1. 1● entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe that I might be spared in the daie of the Lorde See here the Prophete taketh these troubles anguishes of mind which hee was brought into by the hearing of the word as a warrante vnto his owne soule that the Lord would spare him in the day of euill A verye apte proofe we haue of this also in the booke of kings where it was said vnto Iosias the kinge that because his hearte 2. King ●● 19. 20. did melt when he heard the booke of the Lawe read and those iudgementes pronoūced which the lord pretended to bring vpon Ierusalem and the temple for the sinnes of Manasses because I say his heart did melt he rent his clothes wepte at the hearing thereof therfore the Lord tolde him that these miseries shoulde not bee in his dayes but that he shoulde be gathered to his fathers in peace and not see them And what should I saye of Dauid the king who beeing a man after Gods owne heart yea and also a figure of Christe what wonderfull distresses anguishes of minde soule was he in not only in the beginning of his calling but also throughout his whole life as it appeareth very plentifully in the Psalmes where he vttereth these voyces Many saye vnto my soule there Psal 3. 2. is no helpe for him in his God and agayne I fainte in my mourning Psal 6. 6. and cause my bedde euerie night to swim with my teares and aga●●e howe long wilte thou forget me O Psal 13 1. 2. Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me howe long shall I take counsell with my selfe hauing daily wearines in my heart and againe there is nothing sounde Psal 38. 3. in my flesh because of thy displeasure there is no rest in my bones because of my sinnes and againe my heart trembleth within me the Psal 55. 4. 5. sorrowes of death are fallen vppon me feare and trembling is come vppon me and an horrible feare hath couered me yea his troubles Psal 42. 7. were such and his temptations came so thicke one in the ne●ke of another that his soule refused comforte and Psal 77. 2. it seemed vnto him that the Lorde had vtterly reiected his soule * reade the 88. Psalme Thus you see it plainely proued out of the word of God how the Lorde hath alwayes dealte with his children in calling them vnto