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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08492 Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion Openshaw, Robert, b. 1554 or 5.; Pagit, Eusebius, 1547?-1617, attributed name. 1579 (1579) STC 18816; ESTC S120717 12,788 37

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with Paule Act. 9.6 say Lorde what shall we doe And you shall be taughte to ioyne amendement to repentance you I say which were woont to aske how you shoulde passe the long Winter euenings without gaming shall learne to turne your playing at Cardes and Dice and Dansing to singing of Psalmes teaching your housholde and praying with them It is enough as Paule sayeth 1. Ephe. 4.3 that you haue spent the times past after the fashion of the world and how yll madde or straunge ●hey account of the matter that you runne not with them to the former excesse of riot say you and performe with Iosua 24.15 We and our housholds will serue the lord And you O Ladies Mistresses and Dames say euery one of you with Hester I my maides will do the like Hest. 4.16 And howsoeuer the world cōdemne you the Lord will reuele himselfe vnto you powre his blessinges of knowledge of peace of religion of good rulers and will continue the same vnto the remnant of our children and posteritie which shall come after vs which he graunt for his Christes sake Amen ¶ These are the orders which I haue sene obserued in a Christian Gentlemans house to the profit of his houshold example of others cōfort of Gods childrē honor of God. WHile they had a Minister the whole houshold met at the Church twise euerie Sabboth and once euerie weeke day but since the restraint of their Minister they meete euerie morning in the weeke day in the Parlor where their Maister kneeleth downe with them and prayeth vsing these prayers following The confession of sinnes with morning prayer for priuate housholdes for men before their labour for the Churche the Realme the Queene and Magistrates the Lordes prayer and Confession of faith all which prayers are in the booke of Common prayer If he be from home or sicke then doth his Steward or some such like of thē say those prayers After prayers the houshold departeth either whether necessitie of their Offices call them or whether delight in honest exercises for recreation doeth carrie them Before prayer meditate of these places Prou. 1.28 They shall call vpon me but I will not answeare they shall seeke me early but they shall not finde me 26. Because thay hated knowledge and did not chose the feare of the Lorde Iam. 4.3 You aske and receiue not because you aske amisse that you might consume it on your lustes Rom. 8.26 The spirit helpeth our infirmities for we knowe not what to pray as we ought but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed 27. But he that sercheth the heartes knoweth the meaning of the spirite for he maketh request for the Sainctes according to the will of God. At meales the Maister saith grace both before and after Prayer before meales GOod Lord blesse vs blesse al thy creaturs send downe thy holy spirit into our hearts so to direct vs that we may looke for the spirituall foode of our soules and finally euerlasting peace through thy sonne Jesus Christ. Amen In meale time some one of the seruantes readeth a Chapter of the Bible distinctly and reuerentlie first praying thus O Lorde whose word is a two edged swoord to cut downe all things that shall rise vp against the same the maiestie whereof shaketh the heauens and the earth also graunt that our proude and vaine affections being cut downe we may with reuerence reade it and humbly in obedience submit our selues vnto it through Jesus Christ our Lorde So be it Or this O Lorde whiche hast prouided these earthly creatures for the feeding of our natural bodies direct vs carefully to seeke with delight to tast of thy most holie woorde that we may by that immortall seede be begotten to be thy children and thereby be nourished and fedde vntill we become perfect men in thy sonne Christ Jesus So be it A sentence to be said after the Chapter Blessed are they that heare the worde of God and keepe it After meales be carefull for thy selfe as Iob was for his children Cha. 1.5 And in meditation of thy words thy behauiour and vse of Gods creatures say O Lord if thou markest what is said or done amisse who shall be able to abide it Forgiue vs our sinnes amend our imperfections and graunt vs the grace of thy holie Spirite as thou hast fedde vs plentifully that we may serue thee faithfully Preserue the Queenes Maiestie saue thy Church vniuersall graunt thy Gospell a free passage confounde Antichrist and all heresies finish soone these dayes of sinne and bring vs to euerlasting peace through thy sonne Christ Jesus our lord So be it The Seruingmen likewise haue grace before and after meales and a Chapter read before they rise AFter they haue supt and the Officers haue done in their offices they come together into the Parlour or Hall and there spende one houre in singing Psalmes learning and answearing some fewe of these pointes of Religion and praying Remember to sing Dauids Psalmes with Dauids spirit 1. Cor. 14.15 Sing with the spirit and sing with vnderstanding A prayer vsed in the Euening before Catechising O Lord prepare our heartes to prayer for if we pray with our lippes onlie our prayers are abhominable Teach vs by thy holie spirit to pray rightly according to thy will and geue care to our calling We heartily thanke thee O merciful father for all thy blessings bestowed vpon vs from the beginning of the world to this time for our election our creation our redemption our sanctification and continuall preseruation namely for that thou hast kept vs this day from all perils and daungers both of soule and bodie and hast geuen vnto vs health foode apparell and manie other blessinges which many of thy deare childrē do lack being notwithstanding as preciously bought with the bloude of thy deare sonne as we are and yet lye in miserie and calamitie oppressed with wo wretchednes in imprisoment or banishment in which case deare Father thou mightest haue left vs saue that in mercie thou hast dealt otherwise with vs than with them We besech thee to direct vs in considering thy mercies to acknowledge and confes our sinnes which should prouoke thee rather to curse than to blesse vs to confound vs rather than to preserue vs Wee haue sinned against thee both in deede worde and thought graunt vs that we seeing the horrour of our sinnes and fiercenesse of thy wrath may without hypocrisie and dissimulation be ernestly sorie and heartily repentant for our former wickednesse graunt vs that in sorow for sinne we fal not with Caine Saul and Judas to despaire but that in bitternesse of our griefe with Dauid and Peter wee may haue comfort by faith in thy sonne Christ that our offences are forgiuen And as thou hast brought vs hither together at this time for which we hartily thanck thee so we besech thee to direct vs that we may haue ioy and comfort in the presence and companie one
robbing Leui. 19.11 Secondly all desire of any mannes goodes wrongfully Ephe. 5.5 Thirdlye all vnlawfull getting 1. Thessa. 46. Q. Howe many thinges are we commaunded A. 3. First to be cōtent with that portion which the Lorde hath lent vs 1. Tim. 6.6 Secondly that wee laboure for our liuing 2. Thessa. 3.10 Thirdly to be helpefull to them that neede 1. Tim. 6.18 Q. How manie lessons learne you out of the. 9. commaundement Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour A. 4. First we are forbidden to speake falsely in witnesse bearing Prou. 19.5 Secondly to lie flatter or dissemble Ephe. 4.25 Thirdly that we neuer backebite anie man Psal. 15.3 Fourthly in priuate offences to say nothing of our brother if by priuate admonition he may be wonne Matth. 18.15 Q. Whiche is the tenth commaundement and what learne you out of it A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighboures house Thou shalt not couet c. Whereby I learne that the motions of our heart separate from the loue of God or our neighbour though we neuer yeld consent to it is sinne Rom. 7.7 Q. Is anie man able to keepe the commaundementes A. No. Rom. 3.10 Iob. 4.18 15.15 Q. What is the breach of the lawe A. Sinne. Rom. 7.7 Q. What is the rewarde of sinne A. Eternall death Rom. 6.23 Deut. 27.26 Gala. 3.10 Q. Shall I escape this death by the workes of the law A. No. Luke 17.10 For the lawe is the minister of death Q. Sith the law doth not iustifie but condemn what profite hath a Christian by it A. First it is a way for Gods children to walke in Psal. 1.2 Secondly it teacheth man not to trust to his owne innocencie Rom. 3.4 Thirdly it pulleth downe the pride of man and humbleth him before god Rom. 3.19 Fourthly it is a scholemaister to Christ. Gal. 3.24 Q. As you haue shewed me the profit of the law so tell me why we should doe good woorkes sith they doe not saue A. First to shew our loue to God our Father in walking as becommeth his childrē Iohn 14.15 Secondly to shew our loue to our selues making thereby our election certaine to our selues 2. Pet. 1.10 Thirdly to winne our brethren to Christ by our godlie life and conuersation Matth. 5.16 1. Pet. 3.1 Q. Howe manie thinges are principally to bee considered in good woorkes A. First that they be ruled by the line of Gods worde Ephe. 2.10 Secondly that they proceede from a heart purged by faith Rom 14.23 Q. By what meanes shall I escape death A. By faith in Christ. Rom. 3.28 Q. What is faith A. A full persuasion and stedfast assurance Rom. 8.38.39 Q. Where is it planted A. In the heart Rom. 10.9 Q. Upon what is it grounded A. Upon the promises of god Rom. 4.3.12 Q. By whome is faith wrought in man A. By the holie Ghost Ephe. 3.16.17 Q. Upon whom must faith be setled stayed A. Upon Christ Jesu Gal. 3.26 Q. What profit haue we by this A. I am assured that all the benefits of Christes passion and his righteousnesse is as surely mine as if I had wrought them my selfe 2. Cor. 5.21 Q. Howe manie articles are there of the faith and which are they A. Twelue I beleeue in God the Father c. Q. How many things do the articles set down A. First concerning God the Father in the first article Secondly concerning God the Sonne in the sixe articles Thirdly concerning God the holie Ghost in the eight article Fourthly concerning Gods people called the Churche in the foure last Q. Howe many thinges doe you learne in the first article I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth A. First that God is my Father and I am his childe Iohn 1.12 Gal. 3.26 Secondly he being almightie maker of heauen and earth and I his childe shall lacke nothing Rom. 8.27 Q. What learne you out of the seconde and third articles 2. And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord 3. Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost Borne of the virgin Marie A. First in these wordes His onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holie Ghost I learn that he is God able to beare whatsoeuer is due for our sins Luke 1.35 Ioh. 3.16 Secondly in that he was Borne of the virgin Marie I learne that he was readie to suffer whatsoeuer was due Rom. 1.3 Heb. 2.14 Q. What learne you out of the fourth article He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried He descended into Hell. A. First the passion that he suffered in bodie for the redemption of my bodie namely that vnder Pontius Pilat he was nailed to a crosse died and was buried Matth. 27. Gal. 3 14. Secondly the passion that he suffred in soule for the deliuerance of my soule namely that hee descended or humbled himselfe vnto the tormentes of hell for our saluacion Isa. Luke 22.44 Matth. 27.46 Q. What learne you out of the fift article The third day be rose againe from the dead A. First that he is risen and hath ouercome death and hell for my iustification 1. Cor. 15.57 Rom. 4.25 Secondly I learne to rise frō sinne to delight in righteousnesse Rom. 6.4 Col. 3.1 Thirdly by his rising I am assured that my bodie shall rise againe 1. Cor. 15.16 Q. What learnest thou by the sixt article He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father A. First his ascension is a pledge to me that I likewise shall ascend after him Iohn 14.3 Secondly he being ascended maketh prayer for me Rom. 8.34 Thirdly by his sitting at the right hande which signifieth the power of God I beleeue that all power is giuen him Matth. 18 18. Ephe. 1.20 Q. What learnest thou out of the seuenth article From thence c. A. First I learne to my comfort that he that is my Sauiour shal be my Judge Iob. 19.25 Matth. 19.28 Secondly to the terrour of the godlesse that he shal be their Judge whom they haue refused despised Matth. 25.41 2. Thes. 1.8 Leu. 1.7 Q. What learne you out of the third part being the eight article I beleeue in the holy Ghost A. First I beleue the holy Ghost to be God who doth assure me that I am Gods childe and that all Christes benefites are mine Rom. 8.16 Secondly he maketh sinne to die in me and stirreth me vp to holines of life Ephe. 4.23 Q. What learne you out of the. 9. article the first of the fourth parte The holie Catholike Church the Communion of Saintes A. First that God hath an vniuersall Church in all places of the worlde and at all times Matth. 28.19 Act. 10.34 1 King. 19.18 Secondly that in the same there is a felowship of Sainctes of true faithful people al which the Lorde knoweth of which number I beleeue my selfe to be one Ephe. 5.26 Q. What learne you out of the tenth article The forgiuenesse of sinnes A. First I beleue that Christ hath suffered