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A08275 A good companion for a Christian directing him in the way to God, being meditiations and prayers for euery day in the weeke; and graces before and after meate. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1632 (1632) STC 18609; ESTC S119834 97,176 420

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come vnto thee in my need giue me a will to worke truely and daily in my vocation and to order my skill by the rule of thy wisdome that I be not vnfruitfull Blesse my body and soule that no euill or harme come vnto them and keepe my memory and senses that they passe not the limits of reason and vnderstanding wherewith thou hast endewed me O Lord lighten my minde to looke vpon good things only inflame my heart with the loue of them and conduct mee with thy grace that as thou hast awaked my body from sleepe so my soule may daily be raised from sinne and soule and body and spirit may be renued in righteousnes to serue thee the liuing God to the praise and glory of thy great Name the credit of the Gospell of grace and finally to the saluation of my poore soule in the day of the glorious appearing of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Amen Thursday An Euening Prayer O Lord God my most louing and mercifull Father great in mercie and constant in truth I doe acknowledge my bounden duty of thankefullnes vnto thee for thy manifold graces and benefits imparted vnto mee and although I bee vnable to recount them and farre more vnworthy to be partaker of them neuertheles in full assurance and confidence of thy loue to mee in Iesus Christ I presume to come vnto thee and now againe commit into thy hands this night my soule and body withall my senses and faculties thoughts and affections words and deeds my heart and soule and all that is within mee and without mee my Faith and the continuance of the same beseeching thee to keepe me and them day and night blameles and vndefiled against the day of thy comming O Lord pardon and forgiue me all the sins which I haue either wretchedly effected o● wickedly imagined against thine honour and the good of my neighbour Lay not the faults and frailties of my younger yeares vnto my charge forget them Lord and forgiue them and for the better confirmation of thy gracious pardon I humbly intreat thee O Lord to annex vnto thy grant the power of thy grace to attend vpon me that I may not doe mine owne will but thine and eschewing euill and doing good strike mine heart with thy feare O Lord that in fearing thee I may labour to escape those things which thou threatnest and giue me the comfort of thy saluatition that in louing thee I may bee thought worthy to obtaine those things which thou promisest Be fauourable vnto me O Lord that I may this night quietly take my rest vnder the shadow of thy wings voide of all feare spirituall darkenesse dangers bodily or ghostly finall despaire and the like and when the darke end of this mortall life like the shutting in of this day shall come grant mee O Lord a watchfull heart willingly disposed and thereby inabled with thy grace to abandon these transitory nights and dayes and depart hence in the peace of a good conscience into thine euerlasting rest through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour In whose name and words I conclude these my imperfect prayers saying as he himselfe hath taught me in the Lords prayer Our Father c. Fryday A Morning Prayer O Holy Lord God maker and gouernour of all things both in heauen aboue and the earth beneath vnto thee doe I come with a broken and contrite heart sorrowing for my sinnes seeking to find comfort at thy hands Thou O Lord my God knowest my griefe mine anxiety and care oh let me feele and finde thy comforts to refresh my soule and reioyce my heart Bee with me this day in all my worldly businesse and affaires and let thy grace and holy Spirit euermore defend me and preserue my innocency and integrity that I may bee knowne and acknowledged for thine owne at the last day I thanke thee gracious Father for keeping me this night past and for that thou hast safely brought me to see the glistering light of the day O Lord stirre me vp that I may expresse my thankfulnesse by my serviceable obedience preserue and keepe me from sinne and all annoyances of both soule and body Make mee this day as abstinent from flesh prohibited and forbidden by the Church so from all filthinesse of both soule and Spirit that perfecting my beginnings of holinesse in the feare of God I may bee assured of an inheritance with the Saints in light Strengthen me against the vanityes of the world the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life and renue whatsoeuer is decayed in mee through the malice of Satan or mine owne corruptions and that approuing what is thy good and acceptable will I may endeauour to doe the same and so worke out my owne saluation with feare and trembling Giue me grace to spend this day and the remainder of my dayes in all peace and purity sanctity and sobriety to thy glory the good example of others and finally the salvation of my owne soule for Iesus Christ his sake the Son of thy loue to whom with thee O Father and thy holy Spirit one God in vnity and three persons in trinity be ascribed of me and thy whole Church all honour and glory world without end Amen Fryday An Euening Prayer MErcifull Lord God and my gracious Father in Iesus Christ I am thy seruant and the sonne of thy handmaid O leaue me not nor forsake mee but euer bee thou my God and my guide leade me into all truth and in the end let me see thy saluation Wash away all my sinnes in the bloud of thy Sonne sanctifie my nature abolish my corruptions guide mee here by thy councell and after that receiue mee to glory Keepe mee now and euer send mee this night quiet rest and grant that lying downe to sleepe I may rise againe in thy peace walke in thy feare the day following and for euer glorifie thee Infuse into mee O Lord the Spirit of sweet consolation and although my sleepe be a death and my bed as the graue yet suffer me not to perish suddenly or vnprepared but watch ouer me for good guide me now and euermore let no affrightments fall vpon me keepe me from fire storms tempests theeues sudden death and danger and be vnto me a gracious protector and director Cause thine Angels to pitch their tents round about me my house and habitation Remember thy Church and euery member thereof to preserue and keepe it especially the poore afflicted protestants in all parts beyond the seas and at home in our owne land send them helpe from thy holy place and euermore mightily defend them Be vnto them a sun and a shield a sun to comfort and a shield to safeguard and protect them in all assaults dangers and difficulties trialls temptations and tribulations Put an end and period vnto all their griefes and afflictions and in thy good time vouchsafe them a happy deliuerance out of all their troubles for thou neuer failest in thy compassions towards such
shall thy tongue sauour of the same and if thou wilt auoid the slanderous tongue of another walke innocently if yet it follow thee sit downe by it and take it as a crosse sent of God for thy patience How to vse the tongue to profit SPeake therefore at all times and in all companies as in the presence and hearing of the great God of heauen and earth speake as becommeth a sober man a ciuill man as a religious and faithfull Christian man that thy words being seasoned with the salt of grace may be profitable also to others for by thy words thou maist disorder and by thy words thou maist well order thy house The example of an euill tongue i● parents dangerous for their children and seruants IF thou leaue an euill and contagious sent behind thee by breathing out vngodlinesse cursing and bitternesse wherby thine owne house thy wife children and family may be infected and retaine thy filthy disease when thou art dead doe what otherwise thou canst doe in setling thy lands and disposing thy goods they may profit them to whom thou leauest them as touching their temporall estate but as touching their well ordering in godlinesse it shall hinder preiudice them more than their patrimonies can aduance them An euill tongue is infectious AN euill tongue infecteth all that are neere it if it haue its na●● all course of talking wherefore auoid such as delight their tongues in scur●ility and filthy communica●ion and exhort thy children seruants and familiars to vse their tongues in praises of and prayers to God for to this end hath God giuen thee and them tongues to speake and be not like them that honour God with their lipps and dishonour him with their conuersatio●s It were better thou hadst no tongue at all than to vse it to Gods dishonor and to the hurt and ●●ander of his innocent children Froward language breeds strife BEware that thou stirre not vp quarrells and contentions among thy neighbours by a peruerse tongue froward language breeds strife in a family betweene husband and wife parents and children c. And especially griefe and sorrow many time● punishments and sometimes death for capitall slanders to them that offend in their tongues Slander and flattery two vices of the tongue AS slander is an abuse of the tongue so is flattery and of the two flattery is the most dangerous If thou flatter thou vsest thy tongue to deceiue if thou delight to be flattered thou longest to be deceiued Therefore neither flatter nor hearken vnto flatterers for if they come vnder colour of friendship to see thee they will speake faire when yet their hearts are full of malice 〈◊〉 deceit As the disciples of the Pharisies and the Herodians came in flattery to entangle Christ flattery makes some men proud as the people showting at Herods oratiō crying the voice of God and not of man Absalom stale the hearts of the people from Dauid by flattery Flattery is deceitfull and dangerous SO deeply doth the tongue of a flatterer pierce that his words goe downe as it were into the bottome of the belly of the flattered for he will so subtilly insinuate by protestations of loue and coloured zeale of true affection as vnlesse a man be the better armed with diuine discretion he cannot auoid the snare A flatterer may be suspected by too glorious and ouer-painted words for he that meanes plainly seeketh no such glosing far-fetch termes A● plaine meaning man is soonest deceiued by flattery and therefore better are bitter reproofes of a friend than the fawnes of a secret enemy Abandon flattery and take heed to the faire words of a flatterer How to vse the tongue to Gods glory VSE thy tongue in the setting forth of Gods glory in prayer vnto and praising of him exhorting thy houshold and family in the knowledge feare and obedience to God And when thou speakest vnto God vse not many words no● much babling for few words proceeding from a feeling and faithfull heart are more acceptable to God than many words without inward zeale and zeale can continue no longer than the heart is feruent through the spirit of God And when it waxeth cold and dull it seemeth the heart becomes faint and the hands feeble as appeared euen by faithfull Moses who at the first was feruent yet at length became feeble Exod. 17. Fit to meditate before we speake especially to God in prayer BE not therefore rash to offer the sacrifice of prayer in a faint and vnfeeling heart but meditate before thou open thy mouth and vtter not vnaduisedly whatsoeuer comes into thy mouth Let not thy tongue go before thine vnderstāding especially in thy prayers to God speak not to nor of God but with highest humility and reuerence and take not his name into thy mouth in vaine speake well or speake nothing for euen a foole when he holdeth his peace is accompted a wise man among men The tongue well gouerned is a● necessary instrument IF then thou gouerne this member aright vnto the end it shall proue a necessary instrument towards the setling of all the rest of thy house in order before thou dye If it continue contaminate and polluted it well be such a blemish vnto thy Christian profession and such a hindrance to the establishing of the house of thy soule and consequently of thy soule it selfe in order as thou canst not but die suspected either of Atheisme or Infidelity Fit to try thy senses HAuing thus examined thy tongue it behoueth likewise to make tryall of thy fiue senses which haue their imperfections also And first of the eyes The examination of the Eyes the first of the fiue senses IF thou canst now temper thy tongue and so discreetly order thy speech as becommeth a man of vnderstanding fearing God thou shalt the better learne how to carry thine eyes which are the organs and instruments of seeing and by which doe enter into the heart many obiects and motiues tending more commonly to the disorder than to the well-ordering of the affections By the eye enter diuers dangerous motiues to the heart THe eye moues the heart to many va●ities as to the lust of flesh to the pride of life and to the delights and pleasures of the world All which fight against the Soule By this organ entred Eues desire to taste of that beautifull forbidden fruite that purchased her owne her husbands and the death of all their posterity The Eye indeed is the light of the body but many times and by many means brings darkenes vnto the soule which being deluded and betrayed by the inticements of the eye and the rest of the outward senses cannot but be much oppressed and euen groane vnder the burden of the infirmities and sinnes of the body which although it be mortall and shall perish yet for as much as it shall rise againe and become immortall with the soule The soule grieues at the sinnes of the body THe Soule cannot but grieue to feele the
bee burning lights burning as being zealous in feruency and lights also as being conspicuous and eminent for charity sanctity and all holy graces of thy spirit Thy Vrim and Thummim being on them as vpon thy holy ones let them be sound for doctrine and holy for life and conuersation preaching let them practice and by practice let them preach and teach the things which concerne thy kingdome Open and let open vnto them the dore of vtterance that they may teach thy word freely and boldly Take away all differences contentions from amongst them make them examples to those that beleeue in soundnesse of doctrine and integrity of conuersation And because the rule of my life depends vpon thy word in their mouthes blesse them with all graces fit for their calling that I may giue thanks vnto thee for them finding thy blessing vpon mee through their labours and may praise thy name for euermore Amen A Prayer for Sunday Night O Euerlasting and euerlouing Father mercifull Lord God creator guider and preseruer of all men and all things who creating man after th●ne Image in wisdome knowledge and vnderstanding enriching him with all gracious abilities helpes and f●rtherances for the working out of his owne saluation with feare and trembling giue me a reuerence of thy maiesty and a feare of thy most holy name which is so dreadfull and terrible that being by thy grace forewarned I may fly from thy wrath to come and at this present come before thee in all confidence of thy goodnesse to implore thy grace and the manifestation of thy fauour Looke downe from heauen thine holy habitation and behold with the eye of thy loue and tender compassion mee poore soule that distrusting mine owne righteousnesse goe out of my selfe calling vpon thee in the words of the Publican and saying O God bee mercifull to me a sinner Write not bitter things against mee neither suffer me to possesse the sins of my youth Forgiue and forget all my transgressions and cast mine iniquities as farre from thy presence as is the east from the west And pardon good Lord I humbly beseech thee the faults and frailties which haue escaped this day in the sanctifying of thy Sabbath whether they bee sinnes of omission or commission wash them all away in the blood of thy Sonne sanctifie me by the Word thy word of truth that this day hath sounded in my eares grant that like good seed sowne in good ground it may take root downeward and bring forth fruite vpwards to the glory of thy great name the praise of thy grace and credit of the Gospell O let thy word be euer in my minde to meditate of it in my mouth to speake of it and in my life and conuersation to practice it By it worke in my heart Faith Hope Charity and al other supernaturall graces which accompany saluation open mine eyes that I may see thy Law and incline mine heart that I may loue the truth and louing the same may yeeld obe●ience vnto it doing thy will on earth or at least endeauouring to doe it as the Angels in heauen willingly without murmuring speedily without delaying constantly without ceas●ng and vniuersally without omitting what thou commandest and commendest in thy word So shall I not be distracted with foolish feares nor dispaire of thy mercy but euer hope and trust in thee and finde grace to helpe mee at a time of neede Grant this O Father for thy Christ my Iesus thy Sonne my Sauiours sake who euer liueth and raigneth with thee one true immortall euerlasting God to whom with thy blessed Spirit and thee O holy and heauenly Father be ascribed of me and all thine all honour and glory world without end Amen Monday A morning Prayer O God my God and Father of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ whom no man knoweth but by thine especiall gift grant that to the rest of thine exceeding benefits towards me this which is the greatest that can be bestowed vpon mankinde may be added also namely that as thou hast raised vp my body from sound and sweet sleepe the image of a corporall death so also thou wouldest deliuer my minde and affections from the sleep of sinne and from the darkenesse of this world and after death restore the same body to life as well as thou hast called it from naturall sleepe And seeing thou hast brought mee to the beginning of this day which is the first day of the weeke bee thou as this night past and euer heretofore present with me and president in me Lèt thy holy Spirit be my counsellour and instructor my God and my guide to lead mee into all truth Helpe me by the assistance of the same Spirit to watch ouer my thoughts words and works that I may neither think speak nor do any thing which is not warranted by thy word but that setting thee and thy law before my eyes I may come to the knowledge of thy will in all reuerence and humility of soule submit my selfe thereunto that ordering my life and conuersation thereby and walking according to this rule peace may be upon me as vpon the Israel of God Let mee neither oppresse nor defraud my brother in bargaining buying and selling false weights and ballances or the like dishonest meanes but guide me so by thy grace that my conscience may euer cheere mee vp through a delightfull apprehension of thy blessefull fauour To this end order thou my paths and establish my goings in the way of peace grace and saluation Cause thou mee to walke before thee and be vpright make me to provide things honest before thee and men behaue my selfe as in thy sight and doe vnto others as I would bee dealt withall my selfe Let no sin inordinate lust or vnruly passion haue dominion ouer me but helpe thou mee to leade captiuity captiue to kill and crucifie my lusts and sinfull affections and wage warre with my corruptions vntill through Christ which strengtheneth mee I shall proue more then conqueror Grant this vnto mee for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Monday night O Lord my God and gracious Father in Iesus Christ I doe here in all humility prostrate and cast downe my selfe before the foot-stoole of thy throne of grace to offer vnto thee this mine euening sacrifice of prayer praise and thanksgiuing who diddest offer vp thy Sonne vpon the crosse to be a propitiation and meritorious sacrifice for the sinnes of the world Lord heare me and helpe me and be mercifull unto mee my sinnes are great but thy mercies are greater my trespasses finite but thy compassions infinite neuer faile though I faile of my duty towards thee yet thou art good and gracious vnto such as seeke thy face and fauour humbling themselues and powring out their soules before thee Wherefore I humbly beseech thee that as the heavens are higher then the earth so thou wouldest extend thy mercy beyond my deserts Indue me with faith sanctify me with all other
bones which thou hast broken may reioyce and seeing we haue neede of patience send this our brother or sister such competency of patience and constancy that he may continue thy faithfull souldier and seruant vnto his liues end worke in him a sense and feeling of sinne and true sorrow for the same which may cause repentance vnto saluation neuer to bee repented of If it be not thy good pleasure to raise him from his bed of languishing and set him vpon his feet againe prepare his heart for death and his soule for heauen washing away his sinnes in the bloud of Christ and imputing vnto him the righteousnesse of Christ that he appearing before thee without either spot or wrinkle may haue confidence of seeing his euer-liuing and euer-louing redeemer not with other but with ●hese his eyes weane his affections from the loue of this world and set them on those things which are aboue that being absent from the body hee may inioy thy presence of glory for euer Repaire in this thy seruant thine owne Image and renue it in knowledge holinesse and righteousnesse that thou maiest know and acknowledge him for thine owne and raise him vp from the graue vnto the resurrection of life and for euer satisfie him with thine Image and change him into the same from glory to glory Amen A thanksgiuing for recouery from sicknesse OMnipotent Lord God the author of life who bringest downe vnto the graue and raisest vp againe I doe here confesse to the glory of thine infinite mercy that if thou haddest not bless●d and sustained mee in my sickenesse I should haue gone the way of all flesh but it was thy goodnesse to spare mee and deliuer mee from dangers thy name bee glorified for this thine vnualuable fauour and mercifull kindnesse And I humbly beseech thee to giue me grace to expresse my reall thankfullnesse by my sincere obedience and to serue thee more carefully and conscionably then heretofore I haue done and the shorter my dayes are the more ●o redeeme the time that by repenting me truely of my sinnes and calling on thee for grace by eschewing euill and doing good more especially vnto the household of faith I may haue the testimony within my selfe that thou hast not ordayned mee vnto wrath but to obtaine eternall life and saluation through Iesus Christ my Lord and only Sauiour Amen A morning prayer for a family O Eternall and all-seeing God who art iust in thy iudgements true in thy promises wonderfull in thy maiesty and infinite in thy mercy who hast the heauens for thy throne and the earth for thy foot-stoole and the creatures of both at thy becke The heauens are full of the maiesty of thy glory and cannot containe the same looke downe therefore from thence vpon vs thy seruants who now prostrate our selues before the footstoole of thy throne of grace humbly beseeching thee for Iesus Christ his sake to be mercifull vnto vs miserable sinners One deepe calleth vnto another the depth of misery vnto the depth of mercy haue mercy therefore vpon vs O Lord and in the multitude of thy mercies doe away all our offences Wee confesse that we are not worthy to speake of thee much lesse to speake vnto thee wee being so vile and miserable thou so glorious and admirable yet being assured that in forgiuing sinnes and helping poore afflicted soules the neuer drawne dry fountaine of thy mercy doth appeare we thine vnprofitable seruants are emboldened to present our selues this morning before thee to offer vp vnto thee a liuely sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiuing who diddest offer vp thy Sonne vpon the Crosse to be a propitiation for our sinnes O let this lifting vp of our hearts and hands bee a morning sacrifice pure and acceptable in thy sight Let not the greatnesse of our sinnes with-hold thy implored mercy but wash vs from all vncleannesse and remoue thy iudgements due vnto vs for them as farre from thy presence as is the East from the West Bury them in the graue with Christ raise vs vp by the power of thy Spirit vnto newnesse of life that we may walke in all holy obedience before thee this day and that endeuouring to keepe our faith and a good conscience voide of offence wee may now and in the houre of death be and remaine alwaies thine Defend vs from all euill and sense vs against the assaults of Satan watch ouer vs by the eye of thy good prouidence and cause thy Angels to pitch their tents about vs for our safety and continuall preseruation Into thy hands we here commit our soules and bodies our cogitations and actions to be guided by thee forgetting thee at any time doe thou in mercy remember vs and forgiue our trespasses make vs to see our sinnes in the glasse of thy Law to mourne for them in the closets of our hearts and confesse them in the bitternesse of our soules Teach vs to cast off the ragges of iniquity and by faith to put on the robes of righteousnesse helpe vs to manage the sword of the Spirit the shield of faith the helmet of saluation that wee may bee able to fight against the wiles of the deuill the vanities of the world the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life Be fauourable to Sion build vp the walls of Ierusalem more particularly preserue and enlarge these Churches of great Britaine France and Ireland feed them as thy flocke foster them as thy family dresse them as thy vineyard and decke them as thy spouse Defend the Kings maiesty from all enemies preserue his body in health his soule in soundnesse his heart in truth his life in honour his honour from vnderminers Blesse our gracious Queene Mary and grant that with Mary shee may chuse the better part which can neuer be taken from her Let thy good Spirit be with our hopefull Prince Charles and the Lady Mary sanctifie and season them with grace and make them thy darlings and beloued ones Blesse the Lady Elizabeth and her children and for the daies wherein they haue suffered aduersity send them abundance of peace and prosperity Blesse the counsellors of state all schooles of good Learning all thy ministers and maiestrates with all our kindsfolke in the flesh and friends in the Spirit to whom thou hast any wayes made vs bounden O Lord enable vs to requite them or lay it on thine owne account to restore it vnto them and their posterities And here we yeeld thee from the Altar of our hearts all possible thanks for that thou hast created vs when we were nothing predestinated vs vnto the Adoption and chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world and hast called vs by the working of thy spirit in the preaching of the Gospel hast freely iustified vs by Faith in Christ we thanke thee likewise for our preseruation this night past and for bringing of vs this day to see the light Now Lord awake our soules from sinne and carnall security that we
haue the mastery yet there will rest so many and so strong rebellions desires in the corrupt part of the heart as will breake forth bee it neuer so strongly guarded with faith and the feare of God though they preuaile not so much to hurt as to exercise euen the most righteous man in resisting them An Hypocrite may shew himselfe in outward behaviour a good Christian. HAppy is the man that hath a perfect heart renewed and purged from that originall corruption which it hath by nature for it maketh that true and essentiall difference which distinguisheth a sincere Christian from a counterfeit An Hypocrite may seeme by outward exercise of Religion and holy duties to be a very righteous man as Cain who was as forward in his sacrifice as Abel was The Pharesee in his prayer seemed to abound in the outward practice of fasting in almes-giuing and paying tythes yet an Hypocrite An hypocrite may look like a true Christian haue the habit of a Christian speake like a Christian verbally pray like a Christian and in outward holinesse make shew to be a christian and yet harbor within him a false filthy and a heart full of corruption and iniquity which hee learneth of his master the Deuill who can transforme himselfe into an Angell of light God loueth a cleane heart BEware therefore whosoeuer thou art that thou shew not more forged holinesse without than thou hast sincerity in thy heart for God cannot allow of a counterfeit conuersation Hee loueth a pure and cleane heart if that be well seasoned and in good order the actions will appeare by a truely sincere not by a counterfeit course of life The markes of a pure heart IF thou couet to heare the Word preached if thou hunger and thirst for righteousnesse if thou pray often faithfully and fervently if thou loue the godly vnfainedly and desire to doe good vnto all cheerefully Surely thy heart is well prepared to keepe all thy thoughts imaginations desires thy tongue and all the senses of thy body in good order and to set all other things in order before thou dye Lastly examine the Affections of thy heart To examine how the heart standeth principally affected AFfection is the highest degree of loue lust and hatred and one of these doth commonly possesse euery heart which whoso doth dilligently examine hee shall be able to judge whether his heart be right with God or ouerruled by Sathan Although the Prophet Ieremy saith that the heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things who can know it None indeed can know the heart of another man nor how it standeth affected but by his outward behauiour and conuersation which hee may dissemble to men but God will examine and finde out his most inward euill and ungodly affections how cunningly soeuer they be dissembled for hee seeth not as man seeth man looketh vpon the outward appearance but the Lord beholdeth the most secret affections of the heart But a man that is not partiall and loues not to deceive himselfe in his own vaine imaginations by little search may finde how and whereunto his owne heart is most affected And happy is hee that findeth his heart affected as were the Iewes at the preaching of John Baptist By whose eager loue and desire of the Word euen the Kingdome of God suffered violence And through their violent affections they seemed to take it by force there was such forwardnesse and zeale in them to heare the Word as they vsed a godly striuing to get it which godly and violent affection God himself approueth There is nothing in the world that we ought so to affect and desire as to heare the word the Gospell of Christ our Saviour preached whereby we apprehend such loue in him towards us as cannot but draw our uttermost loue and affection againe towards him in whom wee haue assurance that our soules shall be saued in the day of judgement the end of all happinesse Euery man commonly affecteth his owne Countrey best and they are but two Heaven and Earth and as wee stand affected to either of these wee shall finde and feele how we are againe affected of them To affect them both no man can and to be affected of both is impossible Hee that hates the light cannot but affect darkenesse and hee that imbraceth this world and the things in it cannot truely affect heauen and heauenly things no man can serue two masters God and Mammon The men affecting this world are in part knowne by the things they are obserued to loue and seeke in this world They that set their affections vpon this worlds honours and seeke ambitiosly as Absolom did to the dethroning of his father to reigne as king They that affect and hunt after pleasures to fulfill their beastly lusts the drunkard that riseth early to follow strong drinke the whoremaster the couetous person the enuious the proud cannot these know themselues and bee knowne of others to affect the world and the lusts of the flesh more then heauen and the saluation of their owne soules Such are the infinite vanities that lurke in mens heartes that steale away their affections from God and godlines As where one truely affecteth the best things many affect those things wherein there is not onely no profit but deadly danger as some their neighbours wiues as Dauid some their neighbours lands as Achab some the beautie of women as Sichem some pride popularitie and vaine glory as Herod some gurmondy as the Glutton in the Gospell some the increase of riches and reuenewes as the rich man mentioned by Christ and common vsurers some through the force of their vnresistable affection to haue their lust of Women being preuented haue not only become distracted and crased in their braines but pricked on by the instigation of Sathan haue been their owne hangmen and executioners vnfit to name any though many such haue beene of late memory Nay some which is strange to consider both men and women haue fallen so farre in loue with the beautie and feature of their owne Persons as they haue diued so deepe into conceit of their owne excellencie as hath carryed them to more frensie wherein many haue beene knowne to haue perished desperately Some againe are partiall in their affections towards their children seeming to affect one intirely and to disrespect another meerely wherein there may bee cause in regard of Vertue or Vice but if it proceed onely of carnall respects it is reprouable Jsaac loued Esau more than hee loued Iacob Ioseph affected Manasses aboue Ephraim Abraham affected his sonne Jsmael so intirely as hee would haue preferred him before his promised seed Isaac O that Ismael might liue in thy sight Thus doth blind affection often incounter the light euen of diuine reason And yet wee see strongest carnall affections variable what a man affecteth to day he loatheth tomorrow what he tenderly embraceth now hee reiecteth within a while The affection of Ammon towards his sister Thamer was most hot and
as are thine as feare thy name walking before thee and labouring to be vpright Lord send comfort vnto them and lift vp the light of thy gracious countenance vpon them And Lord receiue them and me and all that belong vnto me this night and euer vnto thy gracious protection through the mediation of Iesus Christ In whose name and words I finish these my imperfect prayers and meditations saying as he himselfe hath taught mee in the Gospell c. Our Father which art c. Saturday A Morning Prayer O Lord most great and gracious louing Father in Iesus Christ sanctifie I humbly beseech thee this day vnto me and my selfe now and euer vnto thy seruice And here O Lord I giue thee thanks for that thou hast kept me this night past vnto this present houre and moment and hast brought mee vnto the last day of the weeke grant that I may spend the same soberly righteously and holily Bring me to the knowledge of thy righteous will in all things that knowing it I may endeauour to doe the same to thy glory the peace of mine owne conscience and the safety of my soule Purge my soule from sinfull lusts and affections and cleanse my conscience from all pollutions and defilements thereof that I may euer with boldnesse of Spirit and affiance in thy mercy behold thy face and grace in Iesus Christ. Roote out of my minde all couetous malitious and lustfull thoughts keepe me from sinne and from vncleanenesse bee thou my guide in all my wayes my stay and succour in all my necessities Put an end and period vnto the motions of the flesh enlarge mine heart for all holy duties and habituall graces of thy Spirit that I may nourish them as my life In these my prayers I am not mindfull of my selfe alone but of thy whole Church howsoeuer distressed or wheresoeuer dispersed ouer the face of the earth I pray vnto thee likewise for thy seruant and our dread soueraigne Charles our king and gouernour O Lord as thou hast graced him with a crowne so crowne him with thy grace and as thou hast giuen him a glorious kingdome here so giue him heareafter part of thy kingdome of glory Be mercifull vnto our most gracious Queene Mary the young Prince Charles the Lady Mary the Lady Elizabeth her royall issue Blesse preserue and prosper all those that trauaile in an honest way whether by sea or land and likewise all women in trauaile with child and sicke persons troubled both in body or minde or howsoeuer diseased O Lord speake peace vnto their consciences and as thou hast laide them down with the one hand so raise them vp with the other if not to this life to life eternall and that not for any merits of mine Lord I disclaime them all but for the precious merits of thy Son our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Amen Saturday An Euening Prayer O Lord God Almighty mercifull Father maker and preseruer of all things looke downe I beseech thee with the eye of pitty and compassion vpon me miserable and sinfull wretch prostrating my selfe soule and body vpon my benknees before thy diuine maiesty humbly beseeching thee to looke vpon me in much mercy pardon my sins enrich me with thy graces sanctifie mee with thy grace and bring mee to thy glory and there refresh my soule with such things as eye hath not seene eare hath not heard neither hath entred into the heart of man to conceiue Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no flesh liuing be iustified Examine not my wayes this weeke past by the strict rule of thy Law neither reward me in the rigour of thy iustice but for Iesus Christ his sake haue mercy vpon me miserable sinner that haue deserued the seuerest of thy punishments As the heauens are higher then the earth so extend thy mercy beyond my deserts Satisfie my soule with thy mercy and that right soone so shall I reioyce and bee glad in thee and learne to praise thee euermore And now O Lord as this weeke is at an end so let my sins haue end and neuer bee reiterated or done any more Lord call me not to an exact account for them for Lord I confesse I am worthy of death and eternall damnation yet seeing there is mercy with thee that thou mightest bee feared and loued for euermore spare mee I humbly beseech and haue mercy vpon me according to the multitude of thy mercies And being graciously reconciled vnto thee be thou pleased to be my mercifull protector and preseruer from all perils and dangers this night blesse me with quiet rest that being refreshed in my body I may bee cheered vp in my minde and made the more fit to serue thee in the duties of my calling and sanctifie thy Sabbath and keepe it as a glorious day vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer before Sermon VOuchsafe O most mercifull God to open the closet of my dark vnderstanding that thy word may enter thereinto and be so receiued of me as that Ignorance the mother of disobedience being excluded heauenly knowledge may enter in and that growing daily in knowledge I may bee more and more renued in the spirit of my minde and doe all such good works as thou commandest and commendest vnto me in thy word Giue me grace that the seed of thy word being sowen in my heart it may take deepe roote downeward and bring forth fruit vpward to the credit of the Gospell the comfort of my poore soule and aboue all to the glory of thy most holy name So let thy Spirit rule and guide the lips of thy seruant and minister as that he vtter nothing but the word of Truth with such boldnesse that neither feare nor affection stop not the passage of the same Make mee to attend and waite vpon thine ordinance desiring to be satisfied with the crums that fall from this thy table And because the haruest is great the faithfull labourers but a few I pray thee who art Lord of the haruest to send forth such as may be industrious And conscionable in the discharge of their ministeriall duties Let thy Vrim and Thummim bee vpon them as vpon thine holy ones that sincerity of doctrine and integrity of conuersation may adorne their persons and beautifie their function and calling Banish from this sacred work al such as are not sent from thee let them haue no exhibition from thy church running without commission from thee Lord guide the heart and tongue of him whom I shall heare this day that he may speake home vnto my conscience and leaue no corruption vnbowelled but that his words may separate all sinfull affections from me and stir me vp to bee a follower of it in all holy vertues and gracious acts Blesse all the hearers of thy word make them doers of the same not deceiuing of their owne soules Grant that thy messengers diuiding the word aright and thy people keeping it carefully and