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A07767 Meditations vpon Psal. 101. Written first in French, by Philip Mornai lord of Plessis, and by him dedicated to Henrie the fourth, the French king. And now translated into English, for the benefit of the christian reader, by T.W.; Meditations upon Psal. 101. Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1599 (1599) STC 18146; ESTC S106486 63,180 176

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from others and sundrie such like by means whereof men are many times misseled and because also I am sure these things may nay will fall out in perusing and reading euen the best things I can not but againe and againe entreat you herein also to haue a good eye to your selues and your own soules Assuredly you shall find specially if you weigh things well as in deed you should that you haue great and good cause so to doe for besides that the points handled therin are not meane neither of any simple subiect and therefore would be regarded and receiued with care and conscience of them the very manner of handling of them according to the vsuall course and practise of the Author is profound and pithie and therefore also will require a diligent and vnderstanding heart The treatie was first written in French by a worthy Nobleman of that country and therfore doth most properly appertain to that state That which peculiarly belongeth therto vnderstand it of and referre it to the same The rest that is common and according to general truth make common but yet good vse withall of it also And this premonition I think very meet to giue as knowing before-hand how ready men are to snatch and catch at that which belongeth not vnto them their times and states a point arguing great curiositie and no small lightnesse of mind and lacke of iudgement as also carelesly to neglect yea securely to contemne that which importeth them much a matter bewraying carelesnes at the least if not sencelesnesse of heart from both which as all other extreames I wish the Christian reader as my selfe in this and in all other things of the like nature to be freed and purged and on the other side to be fulfilled with all sound iudgement and carefulnesse of spirit that so from this and other good things we may alwaies learne to know what that good holy and acceptable will of his is and may be enabled by the blessed spirit stedfastly to beleeue the same and carefully to walk in the obedience therof Now the very God of peace sanctifie you thorowout and I pray also that your whole spirit and soule and bodie may be kept blamelesse vntill the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ to whom euery where but specially in the church be praise for euer euer Sobeit Yours euer in Christ T. W. Lord Iesus begin and make an end MEn who are desirous to frame their faces and to compound their countenances doe ordinarily go to glasses and indeuour to set them therby but Kings for the direction of their doings and affaires had much more need to looke thereinto as well because their callings are more high and heauie than other mens as also because they haue more lets from themselues and others that be about thē to hinder their sight And therefore they had need to haue if they could tell how more liuely and then you shall indeed surely raigne when you most soundly serue him Wherin if euen the best princes haue at sundry times ben not only admonished but threatened with the wrath and displeasure of God and all to preuent these euils in them that they might not fall away from their dutie or abuse his mercie patience and long suffering you Sir nor others must thinke much to be often called vpon yea prouoked and whetted on to these good things because none runneth so fast but hee had need to be incour aged 1. Cor. 9.24 So to runne that he may attaine neither standeth so sure but he had need to bee admonished and put in mind of the Apostles speech 1. Cor. 10.10 Let him that thinketh hee standeth take heed least he fall and withall to remember the saying of this very kingly Prophet Psal 30.6 7. I said in my prosperitie I shall neuer be moued but when thou diddest hide thy face I was sore troubled For this is a certaine and an assured point That men are in more danger to be ouerthrowne yea ouerwhelmed when they enioy abundance of graces from God than when they are vnder his chastisements and corrections For as for chastisements euen then when they beat downe men in themselues they lift them vp before God and make them by consequent capable and meet to receiue his mercies and that is it the Apostle meaneth when he saith They doe in the end bring with them the quiet fruit of righteousnes vnto them which are thereby exercised Hebr. 12.11 Whereas graces on the other side in Gods purpose indeed and their owne nature carrying men out of themselues vnto God cause them notwithstāding throgh Sathans malice and the corruption of their own hearts to despise almightie God himselfe and to say Who is the Lord Prou. 30.9 and so make them to become fit matter vpon whome to exercise and execute the seueritie of his rigour and wrath for the contempt or abuse of so singular graces Men much trouble themselues Sir now a daies to defend and maintain your calling and comming to the crowne But iwis it needeth not for your verie birth alone is sufficient to intitle you thereto But to come to it to come thorowly to it yea to come to the top of it and to carrie your selfe therein as is most meet there is indeed and there must bee indeed required a farre other thing and that is a great ascendent as men vse to say and a gracious aspect and direction thereof fauouring this birth of yours and being able to correct all contrarie cōstellations yea euerie thing that either directly or indirectly might annoy you with his influence That which I meane is not any starre or planet or anie whole zodiake as they vse to say no not heauen it selfe or the heauen of heauens but indeed the soueraigne God the only Lord maker and creatour of all things Iob. who loseth as Iob saith the power of the starres and ordereth the gouernment of the heauens aboue the earth by whome as also saith Salomon Kings raigne Pr. 8.15.16 and Gouernors keepe their estate and by whom you Sir may say as this our King Dauid doth The Lord is with me I shal raign and rule against him there is neither counselnor strength wherefore nothing in the world can shake me or make me to be moued Wee that liue in the cleare light of Gods word wonder at the conceits that in the times of blindnesse and superstition men haue thrust one another into Astrologians made Princes in former time beleeue that such or such a planet bare rule ouer their birth They persuaded othersome that a certain spirit assisted them for the guidance line or leading of their life And it is as strange to consider what dotages these deceiued persons fell into and that not only the basest of the people but the best amongst men for euen the very Princes themselues honored these conceits and they did exactly obserue whatsoeuer they thought would please their instructers planets spirits and such
the more pernicions and hurtful are they by how much they haue a greater power to work vpon where if once they preuaile then commeth in iniquitie not as some little flood or riuer but as the maine sea and carrieth all downe before it And this is it as I think that is written where it is said That for this monstrous pride God vngirdeth kings loines and taketh away from them the girdle of their reines and depriueth yea spoileth them of their soueraigntie because they haue not done their homage and their seruice vnto him Yea and these are they also which most cōmonlie cast away their Countries and States ouerthrow hosts and armies who counsell and persuade Princes to vniust warres and such as are founded and grounded onely vpon ambition and outward appearance and when they come to manage them performe them more vniustly Wherevpon that falleth out which Salomon sayth Humility goeth before glorie Prou. 11.2 but pride no sooner approcheth but by and by appeareth ignominy shame God verily would not suffer prowd persons to serue him in heauen this being most likely the sin of those Angels that continued not in their first estate Iud. vers 6. as likewise of our parents Adam and Heuah Much lesse should kings let them raign vnder them in earth The beginning of this pride as the wise man sheweth vs was mans apostasie reuolting and salling from the Lord that had made him And the very end of the pride of Princes seruants is this that after for a while they haue gouerned vnder them they would at the last raigne ouer them and in their place or at the leastwise with them Much like vnto our Popish meritmongers who hauing a little while serued God as they suppose in their superstitious conceits count God to bee so tied vnto them that whether he will yea or no they will haue the crowne of eternall life set vpon their heads And we see but too many of such bad disposition both waies And yet this is so much the worse because when they are once vp and aloft they forget al proportion and all measure The highest step of their seruice is the first step of their ruling and to their rising and getting vp vpon their throne Whatsoeuer they see either beneath them or on the one side or other of them is nothing worth Their eye their heart and all is caried to that which is aboue them and they can neuer be contented in their spirits till they haue attained the same if it may be Wherefore Dauid and the king wee treat of will not suffer them to violate their greatnesse or to offer violence to their people They are of a farre better mind than to lay to pledge or to pawne to them either their authoritie or their power much lesse their affections or their fauours or their secrets There is no reason that the vassale or subiect should receiue and entertaine such as the king or Lord hath banished If they doe it will bee found fellonie by law Such people as God abhorreth and excludeth out of his house earthly kings who are vassals of that soueraigne Empite of his may not call them backe nor keepe them close or cherish them about them neither can the Princes themselues rightly or by law open the gate vnto them and cause them to enter into the pallace or any publike place If they doe so it shall bee a sore offence against his Maiestie yea treason euen of it selfe and therfore they must look to i● These haughtie hearts these light lips and tongues these violent hands should not come into the courts of such kings as either are blessed or would be blessed from God And yet wee see that the world honoureth not but such He that cannot boast and brag by big looks and swelling words is counted but a beast Hee that cannot tell a smooth and pleasant tale is esteemed to bee but a paltrie companion He that cannot scratch and catch by booke or by crooke is a foole and hath no care for himselfe and his If Princes may not haue such alas who shall they then haue Not these surely for it were better none than those that will pill prey for themselues and spoile and hurt others euen the Commonweale But I will tell you who they should haue euen such surely as God giueth leaue to approch most nigh vnto himselfe and such as hee reckoneth and receiueth for his owne And such verily and none other should come into their closets or enter into their chamber manage their matters execute their offices and doe whatsoeuer they themselues are not able by themselues to doe And is there not great reason for it Shal hee be meet to come into Gods presence and shall hee haue no place or imployment amongst the gods of the earth Or shall he not be fit for the Lord of heauen but banished his blessed sight and shall hee be faithfull fast to earthly lords There is not as I take it such cotrariety betwixt God and his owne ordinance neither ought there to be such great oddes and iarre betwixt the Lord in heauen and his lieutenants vpon earth Nay rather seeing all that these inferiours haue is from the highest it behoueth them in all things and therefore in this also to resemble him that so all things returning to him from whom they came hee may be all in all 1. Cor. 15.28 Psa 15.3.4 And this is that the Psalmist sayth They that walke vprightly they that hurt not with their tongue they that haue righteous lips in whose eies the wicked are despised Prou. 16.13 but on the other side hee honoureth them that feare the Lord in what condition or state soeuer they bee And let not Princes for all this thinke that they shall be any whit the worse serued but the better rather For if they be wise according to the Word that will make them wise in the world to because whatsoeuer is against or without that is not onelie folly but meere madnesse And therefore they that thinke and say they will not be braue ynough or sufficiently glorious for Princes greatnesse magnificence they doe nothing indeed but paint out patched Princes yea they stuffe them within and without with that which is worst and neglect and contemne and in despightfull words reiect that which is best The very wise men among the Heathen haue alwaies acknowledged That nothing standeth so vpright in the time of danger nor continueth so long as a right sound and relegious soule And they haue told vs That noblenesse of courage and gentlenesse of spirit is naturall to the gracious Whereas if any such thing be in the prowd it is but borrowed it is but bastardly indeed But we that haue beene brought vp in Gods schoole-house should proceed much further knowing beleeuing and confessing that God properly is said to blesse the actions and the workes of the good only alwaies setting himselfe against the prowd and caring for the
and that hee mi●●●●●ee religiouslie and holilie serued 〈◊〉 his church For let men thinke and say what they list it is for the churches sake alone which God hath euerlastingly loued euen from before all worlds that he vpholdeth and maintaineth this world For the Churches sake hee preserueth Monarchies Commonweales and Kingdomes which are rather the Innes as I may so call them than the houses of the church that warfa●eth and trauaileth to and fro in the world which otherwise wee might account sauing that by their grossenesse and thieknesse they shelter and couer the precious fruits that God hath put into them not very profitable specially as in regard of godlinesse And yet notwithstanding this is the Church that is sustained and maintained by God for his onely sonnes sake who hath suffered death for it euen Christ our Lord and Sauiour and notwithstanding is the king of kings vnder whom of necessitie all the kings of the world must bow and for whom it is that they must raigne casting down at the very feet of his crosse because in that hee triumphed their crownes their diademes and their scepters specially if they desire to raigne in blessednesse ouer their subiects in the world and would one day raigne for all eternitie in the heauens without which they are more miserable than the meanest of men Because for mighty men there are mightie torments prepared and the Prophet Isaih in expresse tearmes sayth Tophet is prepared of old Isaiah 30.33 it is euen prepared for the king he hath made it deep large the burning thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle it In a word then as it were or short summe to shut vp all and to conclude with Dauid Our king will frame his soule to Mercie and to Iustice From his person they shall run and flow into his court into his counsell and frō thence they shall spread themselues ●●●r all the members of his state euen vnto the very borders vtmost bounds of his kingdome All his waies in a word 〈◊〉 according to Gods own example 〈…〉 10. shal be Iudgement and Mercie But because that the bodie is made for the Church he will with all his heart giue himselfe to the studie of truth and be very mindfull of and carefull for the seruice of God and will referre all that hee hath or may haue to the defence and maintainance to the restauration and reformation of his Church the rarest iewel that God hath vouchsafed to make shine in the world O God which hast from before all times appointed our king to bee borne in so troublesome a time and wicked age as wherein the state is rent by factions the Church is troubled with schismes and the most wise see nothing but darknesse and the same so thicke as no eye nay no discourse is able to pierce it much lesse to driue it away double in these double mischeefes and euils thy blessed annointing euen thy holy grace vpon him Poure vpon his head the spirit of thy seruant Dauid yea double and treble that blessed spirit of thine vpon him that vnder him we may once agai● see our State established and thy church gathered together that so vnder thee by his meanes wee may with one accord sing as thy holie Angels did and doe Glorie bee to God in the most high places and in earth peace Luke 2.14 and towards men good will and that I my selfe might then say though it were euen at this present houre Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace Luke 2.29 according to thy word seeing that mine eyes haue seene thy saluation So be it