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A06866 An inuectyue agenst the moost wicked [and] detestable vyce of swearing, newly co[m]piled by Theodore Basille Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1543 (1543) STC 1730.5; ESTC S115309 64,946 210

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Iewes God amende these croked customes Furthermore this damnable vse of swearyng hath so greatly preuayled Childrē among them that professe Christ that it is also exepte into the brestes of yonge chyldren It is not a rare thyng nowe a dayes to heare boyes mothers teare the moost blyssed body of Christ wyth theyr blasphemo ▪ oothes euen from the toppe vnto y● too What meruel is it thā thoughe they be abhominable swearers whā they come to age But whēse learne they thys Verely of theyr parētes and such as bryng them vp Cursed be those parentes whiche so behaue them selues eyther in worde or dede that they gyue ony occasion of euell at all vnto theyr chyldren Great is theyr dānacion The bloud of theyr chyldren shal be required at theyr hādes Better were it for such fathers and mothers if they had a mylstone teyed aboute theyr neckes and so to be caste into the sea thā blaspemously to abuse the name of God vnto y● euell example of theyr chyldren Is it ony maruell therfore thoughe we be so greatly plaged seing the name of God is so much blasphemed amōg vs nowe a dayes of euery degre and age Howe can we be bolde to saye y● we beleue in God whan we lyue no thyng accordynge vnto hys worde Wyth what forhead may we be bold to call vpon the name of God in our aduersite seyng we wythout all honour and reuerence do so shamefully abuse it wythe vngodlye oothes Howe maye we hoope that Christes bodye was offered vp to God the father a swete smellyng Sacrifice for our synnes Ephe. v whan we so vnreuerently sweare by it Heb. ix How maye we boldly say 1. Ioan. i that all our iniquities be wasshed awaye by Christes bloude whā it shameth not vs wickedly to swear by it to obscure the vertue of it by our vnlawefull oothes so muche as lyeth in our power Wyth what coūtenaūce shall we be bolde at y● dreadful day of iudgemēt to behold loke vpō y● moost glorious face of the euerlastīg righteous Iudge Christ whose honour we haue so oft defaced with our vayne ydle swearyng Vndoubtedly these swearers and blasphemers of the name of God are in a farre worse case The world and gods word iudgeth diuersly of swearers than they appere before the worlde The world by the reason of the longe custome continuaunce therof thyncke it no synne ydelly to swear nether doth it iudge them that are swerers to be in onye worse case than the other sorte be but the worde of God iudgeth other wyse of them Gods word declareth them to be the moost greuous enemies of god of his moost blyssed name of Iesus Christ his sonne and of his moost bytter passion Gods word vttereth them to be the chyldrenne of wrath fyre brondes of hell captiues of Satan and ryght heyres of eternall dānacion Gods worde sheweth manifestly y● they haue in no parte y● celestial heritage but are already iudged to hel syre if they do not in thys lyfe repente bewayle theyr wretchednes confesse theyr abhominaciō desyre marcy and beleue faythfully to haue forgyuenes For heauē and earth shall passe awaye but y● worde of the Lorde abydeth for euer Math v Esay xl Therfore this comminacion and threate which accompanieth the commaundement must nedes be true come to passe The Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltelesse that taketh hys name in vayne Let not these swearers therfore glory in theyr wickednes and thynke y● they shall escape vnponished ●ota because God takethe not vengeaunce on them streyght wayes but rather let them thyncke that theyr damnaciō shall be so muche the more greuous seyng they escape so longe wythout punyshment The rytche glo●tonne of whome we read in the Gospell of Luke Luke xv● liued in this world according to hys fleshly appetyte and wanted nothyng that myght satisfy y● beastlyke desyre of y● flesh yet y● end of him was euerlastīg dānaciō So shall it chaūse to al thē y● be wycked trāsgres●ours of this holy precepte of God The Lorde wyll not holde him gylteles sayth the scripture y● taketh hys name in vayne This thret of god is not to be laughed at For if there be a God as I am certenly ꝑsuaded ther is I am sure that these abhominable Swearers shall not escape vnponysshed let thē esteme theyr synne as lyght as lytle as they lyst yea I am sure the vengeaunce of God hangeth ouer theyr heades wher so euer they be And although God take the not vengeaūce on them streyght wayes yet am I sure that they shall not escape if in this worlde yet not in the worlde to come Ps. exliiii so righteous a Iudge is God so faythefull is he in all his wordes Howe can it otherwyse be We se by dayly experience that if ony manne blasphemeth an earthly Prynce Gen. iii or speak● euell of his name he dyeth y● death streyghtwayes without mercy If such honour and reuerence be gyuē vnto a worldly Prynce which is earth vnto earth shall returne agē what is thā to be thought of thē which blaspheme y● name of the moost hygh celestial kyng which is kyng of all kynges and Lorde of all Lordes The blasphemy done to a mortall man is ponyshed with swearde and shall the blasphemy done to god escape thyncke you wyth a fylyppe in the forhead or with the knocke of a lytyll woden betyll as it beganne in certen monnes houses to be ponyshed nowe of late Na verely It is no fylyp matter excepte ye wyll admyt suche a fylyppe as shal fylyppe them downe into the botome of hell fyre God is no popette nor no babe It is not a fylippe that can wype awaye y● blasphemy of his moost blissed name before his hyghe throne glorioꝰ maiestye Wo be to thē y● syn and kepe not my comaundementes sayth the Lorde for I wyll not surely spare them iiii Es. xv In the olde lawe God gaue this cōmaūdement for the blasphemers of his name Who so euer curseth his god Le. xxiiii sayth he shall beare his synne And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lorde he shall dye for it All the multitude shall stonne hym to deathe Whyther he be Citizyn or straunger if he blasphemethe the name of the Lord let hym dye y● deathe What wyll the blasphemers of God saye to thys precepte Do they thynke that God is a sleape so that nowe he careth not for the glory of his name Na let them be sure GOD tendereth nowe his glory so much as euer he dyd and abhorreth wyckednes now no lesse thā he hath done euer heretofore He is a ielous god wyl not suffer thē to escape vnponysshed that pollute defyse his moost glorious name In math S. Austē sayeth they synne no lesse whiche blaspheme Christ reygnyng in heauen than they which crucifyed hym wal kyng in earth In qecalogum A certen wryter also in
also sayth P●o. xxix Whan y● preachyng of Gods worde fayleth than perysh the people come to nought We fynd thys true euery daye more more For the longer we lyue the more wyckednes do we se reygne It pytyeth a Christen mannes hert to beholde y● face of thys worlde What vngodlynes supersticion Hypocrisye dissimulacion swearynge pryde enuye dronkenshyp glotony fornicacion adulterye whoredome couetousnes an whole sea of euelles hath ouerflowed the world And all this is come to passe thorow the sleapye negligence of Curates nether can ther as yet be perceuedony amendment The Prestes go forthe styl to neglecte y● office of preaching Gods worde and y● people remayne styll in theyr old blyndenes not carynge much though they neuer heare one word of the holye Scripture preached vnto them in al theyr lyfe so lytyll pleasure haue the poore selye soules in it because they knowe not what a precious tresure y● most holye worde of God is What than remayneth but that one of vs mo●yshe Colos. iii teache and exhorte another as S. Paule byddeth teache monyshe ye one another For if one laye man were no more mercyefull to a nother than y● Preastes are for the moste part surely the greatest part of the world shuld phil● ii I thyncke ronne hedlonge vnto the deuel for want of knowlege Wherfore I exhort al mē of what degre ●orte soeuer they be charitably to monyshe one a nother whan they se ony man offende and rebuke hym by the Scriptures of God y● we maye shyne in the myddes of a froward croked nacion as greate lyghtes in the worlde pure fauteles Rom. vi ▪ such as noman can complayne of holdynge fast the word of lyfe Let vs suffer no synne to reygne in thys our mortal body but mortifye all thynges y● stryue agenst the spirite Let vs so watch gyue diligence to our selfes y● nether Satan nor the world nor yet the flesh may haue ony interest in vs. Math. v. Let vs hate deteste abhorre synne Iacob v. as y● mooste greuous pestilence and pestiferous poyson that can chaunse vnto vs. But aboue al thynges as Christe Iames monyshe●he vs lette vs not sweare at all nether by heauen nor by earth nor yet by ony thyng that is contayned in them If one of vs at onye tyme shall chaunse to heare a nother sweare pollute y● name of our Lord God by vayne idle vnlaful othes let vs charitably monishe the offēder exhorte hym to cease frō hys swerynge and moue hym vnto y● prayle of God and of hys moste holy blessed name For surely if ther were no mo synnes committedde in Englond but only y● blasphemynge of God of his creatures by vayne swearyng it were ynoughe to bring final destruccion vnto thys Realme from y● which I besech God longe to preserue it and gyue the Inhabitaūtes thereof grace to correcte and amende theyr synful manners And to the intent that men may knowe how great offence it is before God vaynly to sweare I haue made this Inuectyue agaynste swerynge which here foloweth wherin as in a clere myrrour they shal vnfaynedly perceue and se what great dampnacion hanggeth ouer the heades of all swearers and that it is not possible for them to escape y● moost greuous vengeauns of God excepte wyth al haste they repent for sake theyr detestable māner of swearyng earnestly fal vnto the harty praises of God Thys myne Inuectyue I dedica●e to your good Master shyppe to whō I confesse my selfe more ende●ted bound than my poore beggary shal euer may be able to recompēce your moost kynd free gētylnes desiring you for your accustomed humanite to accept this my litle gift with y● mind wherwyth I haue offered it to you and to take it as a testimomy of my faythefull and seruiseable harte towarde you I was the gladder to dedicate this my lytyll treatyse to you because I haue in times paste perceaued and styl daylye do howe greatly ye desyre that al menne shulde ly●e accordynge to theyr profession at Baptime that thorowe theyr good workes they maye garnysh the doctrine of oure Lorde and Sauyoure Iesus Christ. Nether is it vnknowne vnto me what a feruēt and godlye affeccion you beare towarde the holy scripture howe desyrous ye are that the worde of Christ shuld dwell in Christen men ritchely with all wysdome as saynt Paule sayth Ioan. x ▪ Chele be the singulare great gyftes of God which he hath wrought in you by his holye spirite and are manifest ●●g●es tokēs that ye are the child of saluacion ▪ e●heri toure of eternall glory one of Christes flock seynge ye are ●o earnestly bent both to heare practyse the word of god in your dayly maners Titus i● For Christe sayth Lo●o. iii. He that is of God hearethe y● wordes of God Agen My shepe heare my voyce God mought vouchsafe to encrease these his gyftes in you dayly more Ioan. viii more vnto y● glory of hys most blyssed name and the saluacion of your soule in whome I desyre to your● ryghte worshypful Mastership and to the good Gentle womanne youre wyfe all good luckye and prosperous thynges AMEN Yours at cōmaundement and wyll Theodore Basille Leuit. 24. VVho soeuer curseth hys God shall beare hys synne And he that blasphemethe the name of the Lorde he shall dye for it All the multitude shall stone hym to death Whyther he be Cytezyn or Straunger if he blaspheme the name of the Lord let hym dye the deathe August in Math. THey synne no les whyche blaspheme Chryste reyguyng in heauen than they whych crucifyed hym walkyng in earthe ¶ The Inuectyue WHense shall I take my beginnyng whyle I lament the corrupte māners of thys moost wretched world more aptely and fytter for the purpose than of the Prophet Ieremy and with wepyng teares and sorowfull harte cry oute wyth hym Hiere lx sayeng Oh who shall giue my head water ynoughe a well of teares for myne eyes that I may wepe nyght and daye for the slaughter of my people The Prophet dothe not here bewayle them that haue theyr bodyes slayne wyth swearde or with ony other kynde of violence but he lamenteth the to muche wretched and dānable state of suche as are slayne in theyr soules withe the multitude of synnes for what so euer the sweard is vnto the body euen the very same is synne vnto the soule as it manifestly appeareth by his wordes that followe For he calleth them adulterers and a company of wycked trāsgres●ours They bend theyr tonges lyke bowes Ve●itasodium parit sayth he to showte ou●e lyes As for the trueth they maye nothyng awaye wyth all in the world For they go from one wickednes vnto another holde nothyng of god They are so false and crafty tha● euery one had nede to kepe hymselfe from another No man maye safely trust hys owne brother for one brother
damnacion vnto the which thou haddest made thy selfe bounde thorowe the offence of thy fyrste father Adam Gen. iii whiche he committed in Paradise Rom. ● I haue fed the in thy mothers wombe I haue norysshed the hytherto I haue sent the thy helth saued the from all daungers And now at the last also euē of myne own mere mercy fre goodnes Exo xiiii I haue delyuered the out of Egypt that lond of seruitude extreme bondage euē out of the handes of that thy moost cruel vnmercyful enemy Pharao I fede the with meate from heauen Ex. xvixv●● I gyue the dryncke out of the harde stony rocke nowe I hast with al mayne to lead the into the lond of y● Cananites euen suche a lond as floweth wyth mylke and hony abundethe wyth all good thynges where thyne enemies caste out before thy face thou shalte lyue reygne lyke a moost wealthy Prynce rulare of the earth Exo. xx Looke therfore that thou kepe my commaundementes ordinaunces Deut. v. Heare my voyce Flye the voyces of straungers Looke thou haue none other Gods besydes me Take me ●or thyne one alone god Feare honoure worshyp me alone Loue me wyth all thy harte myade strength power soule c. Hange on me Seake for all good thynges at my hand Beleue me to be that God alone which am omnisufficient plēteous to gyue and nedy of nothyng Make the no grauen ●mage vnto y● lykenes of ony thyng in heuē earth or elles where Do no reuerence nor honoure vnto them But aboue all thynges loke thou take not y● name of me thy lord God in vayne For if thou so do verely thou shalt not escape vnponyshed I wyll be reuenged of thy wyckednes A comparis●● betwene god and man For by no means wyll I suffer my name to be polluted de●iled wythe thyne abhominable vnlawfull othes Iob. xxxvii And that thou mayst take my name into thy mouch with honour E●o xv and reuerence it whan it is named Deut. iiii remēber that I am a Lorde Heb. xiii terrible in aspe●●e Psal vi greate in power Math. vii righteous in iudgemēt Psal. ● redy to take vēgeaūce on y● wycked Gen. vi viii such one as am acōsumīg ●yre by no means cā suffer iniquite ▪ And as for the workers therof I hate detest and vtterly abhore Agayne thou arte a miserable wretched and vyle synner begotten conceaued borne in synne ful of al fylthynesse wycked in al thy thoughtes wordes and dedes deseruyng at euery houre by thyne abhominable lyuyng to be caste into hell fyre were not I called awaye from takynge vengeaunce by my greate mercy and long suffryng what art thou than O man whiche beyng so so vile wretched synfull stynkyng dareste presume to take my name whiche am kyng aboue all kynges Lord aboue all Lordes into thy polluted mouth seing it is a name that excellethe all other Phil. ii seynge also that vnto it euery knee that is in heauen earthe or hell bowe and gyue reuereuerence vnto it agen seyng that the dignite greatnes vertue ther of can by no meanes be comprehended Vse not therfore my name vnreuerently but magnify laud prayse honoure and worshyp it hoth day and nyghte Flye vnto it as vnto a strong Bulwarke and holy anchore in all thyne aduersite Seake for remedy ayde and succoure of a●l thy diseases at the goodnes of that If thou doste otherwyse knowe that I am the lyuyng God into whose handes it is a dreadfull thyng to faull For I wyl visite the with moost greuous affliccions Hebre. x I wyll ponysh the with many intollerable diseases vpon thy bodye in this worlde I wyll smyte the thy wyse thy chyldren thy cattell All that euer thou hast wyll I bryng to nought Of al men lyuyng wyl I make the moost vyle wretched What so euer thou goest about shal not prosper but come to an euel end So that in this worlde my vengeaunce that is to saye corporall plages shall faull vpon the after this present lyfe Math. xiii shalte thou with oute fayle be caste into vtter darkenes Esa. lxvi where wepyng and gnasshynge of tethe shall be where the fyre shall neuer be quenched where thy tormētes shall neuer haue ende where the worme that gnaweth thy consciēce shall neuer dye Whose eyes send not forthe large fountaynes of teares to heare these thynges Yea whose harte faynteth not for distyllyng of bloudy teares to heare so great so greuous threates Ioan. xiiii yea and that from the mouth of God ●itus i whiche is y● selfe trueth Psa. ● xliiii whych can not lye which is faythfull in all his wordes What mā is so infected with the abhominable synne of sweryng that dothe not nowe tremble shake and quake for seare to heare what greuous and intollerable paynes abyde hym Who hath an harte so indurated and hardened thorowe the detestable vicious custome of swearyng whiche is not nowe redy so cease from hensforthe so wickedly to abuse the moost holye and blyssed name of God and to honour reuerence and worshyppe it euer after Thou shalte not take the name of thy Lorde God in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym ●y●te●esse that taketh hys name in vayne God hathe gyuen ten commaundementes ye● haue none of them all cōminacions threates subioyned expresly vnto thē but two only which are the seconde the thyrde one for Idolatrye the other for the vniuste vsurpacion and vnlawfull vsyng of the name of God Idolatry swerīg are the moo●re greuous synnes whereby he manifestly declareth how great the synne of Idolatrye and of swearyng is in his syght aboue al other vices Who is nowe so at defyaunce wythe the christen religion so lytle estemeth the glory of the moost excellēt name of God that he wyll not cease from his wickednes of swearyng learne from hensforth to glorify the moost blyssed name of God if not for lous yet for feare of the moost greuous intollerable plages that shal vndoutedly faull vpon hym Thou shalte not take the name of thy Lord god in vayn God speaketh these wordes wythe a maruelous great vehemēt ▪ emphasis because he woulde haue vs imprynt thys hys precepte in our memory And because we shoulde harkē the more vnto it he addeth a threte and sayth For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltlesse that taketh hys name in vayne This is a greuous threat shaketh al y● partes of a Christē mānes body y● is led with ony fere at al toward god Nowe let vs lern● what it is to take y● name of our Lord God in vayne y● we faul not into that synne What it is to take the name of God in vayne receue a rewarde worthy our wyckednes To take the name of God in vayne is to caull God a
our tyme There lyue at this daye whiche haue knowen certen mē to be great swear●rs of whome some many yeares before they dyed were greuously punyshed wyth straūge and innumerable diseases some by y● strong hand of God had theyr houses as y● Prophet Zachary sayth consumed with fyre some lost theyr speache before they dyed another sort certen dayes before they dyed Felix quē faciūt alienape ricula ca●tum had such an heate and brēning in theyr mouthes that by no means they could suffer to haue them speared Theyr tōge all that euer was within theyr mouthe was so blacke as a coole Were not all these manifest tokens of Gods wrath and vengeaunce for takynge his holy name in vayne Woulde God they y● were thus punyshed myght be an example vnto vs for to leaue the wycked and vngodly custome of swearyng If we wyll not cease but styll prouoke god vnto anger surely we shal proue feale those same plages and much more greuous And wolde god oure paynes myghte cease in thys worlde that we myght be free from euerlastyng damnacion We all professe Christ Ioan. viii Ioan. x Ioan. xviii and caull our selues christians why do we not thā those thinges that Christ commaundeth vs Christ sayth he that is of God heareth the wordes of god Ioan. xv Agayne any shepe heare my voyce Mat. ● Also in another place euery one that is of the trueth hereth my voyce If we therfore be of God why do we not heare the wordes of God If we be y● shepe of Christ whye do we not heare our sheppardes voyce If we pertayne vnto Christ which is y● selfe trueth why do we not heare hys voyce Christ sayth ye haue hearde that ii was sayd to them of thou old time thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe but perfourme vnto the Lorde that y● haste sworne But I saye vnto you swer● not at al neyther by heauē for it is the throne of God neyther by earth for it is the footestoole of hys feete nor by Hierusalem for it is the citis of the great kyng nether shalt thou swear by thy head because thou art not able to make one heare whyght or blacke But let your communicaciō be yea yea naye naye For what so euer is more than that cometh of euell Herevnto agreeth S. Iames sayeng before all thynges Iacob v o my brethren looke ye sweare not nether by heuē nor by earth nor by ony other ooth Let your cōmunicaciō be yea yea naye naye that ye fall not into dissimulacion Here are we forbyddan to sweare by ony thynge that euer God made If it be not lawfull for vs to sweare by ony thīg y● euer Godmade thā is it not lawful for vs to swear by him that made al thinges If it be synne to sweare by the creatures thā must it nedes be damnable to sweare by y● creatore Why do we not remember these thynges and leaue our great swearynge It is a shame to se christen men lyue so contrarye to theyr profession It shall be more tollerable to Tyrus and Sydon to Sod● me Gomorre at the daye of iudgement Math. xi than to vs except we shortely repent beleue and amend For that seruāt which knowethe his masters wyll and doth it not shall be beaten w many strypes Swearyng hathe euer bene coūted a thing of so great absurdite Luke xii that the very Ethnyckes and Gentiles dydde deteste it in so muche that a certayne Greke Poet wryteth on this manner flye swearyng although thyne ooth be rygh● accordyng to the truethe Our damnacion is greata What a sayeng is this of an Infidell Shall not he and such other ryse vp at the daye of iudgement condemne vs seyng they were Infidelles and we Christen men Our Lorde be mercifull vnto vs. All hunte after worldly promocions and seake to lyue in pleasure and welth but no man seaketh howe to lede a godly innocent lyfe howe to leaue theyr swearyng and to magnify the moost glorious name of God For we go forthe styll to synne as thoughe there were no punishment ordined for it at all We blaspheme the name of god as though he were so chyldysh that he woulde neuer caull vs vnto an accoūtes for oure vngodly blasphemies We so ●eare Christ and al the partes of his moost blissed body as thogh he shuld neuer come vnto the iudgement for to rewarde the good to condemne the euell Christ sayth that we shall gyue an accoūtes at y● daye of iudgement for euery ydle worde Math. xii that we haue spoken what is thā to be thought of our abhominable othes wherby God is so greatly dishhonoured What accosites shal we gyue of thē Howe narowly shal we be examined of them What wyl we aunswere in this behalfe What wyll we saye what excuse wyll we make I feare vnlesse we shall be redy of oure owne free wyll to runne hedlong into hell syre before the terrible sentence of damnacion be giuen our conscience shall so condēne vs. Lorde holde thy holy hande ouer vs gyue vs grace to amende Sayente Pauls sayth Colos. iiii lette your speache be well fauoured and powdered wyth salte that ye may know howe to answere euery man What place hathe thys commaundement of thapostle among them whiche so pouder theyr wordes the there come nothyng out of theyr mouthes but vayne othes wicked blasphemies The communicaciō of these men sauour lytle of salte wherby is vnderstonde the wysdome of Gods word what sa●e signifyeth it is so fresh vnsauery Yea wolde God these abhominable blaspemers of Gods moost holy name were not extreme enemies to gods worde chosyng rather to remayne dastardes styll in the folyshnesse of the worlde Swearers are enemyes to gods word than to become wyse and prudēt in the wysdome of gods worde All swerers therfore are enemies bothe to god and hys worde A Christen man maye not acquaynte hymselfe wyth such māners nor so wyckedly abuse hys tonge For oure tonge is gyuen vs not that we shoulde sweare lye blaspheme ieste rayle scoffe mocke vse vngodly talke but y● we shulde onely speake those thynges whiche maye bothe turne vnto the glory of god the health of our neyghbour And thys is it that S. Paule sayth let your speach be wel fauoured and poudered wyth salte Colos. iiii Our speche is well sauoured semely honest comely whan there appeare the no thing in it that maye offende the eares of ony true Christen man Mark wel but is agreable in all poyntes to godlynes and honeste It is poudered wyth salte whē it vttreth those thynges which are godly wyse and edifye so many as are the hearers of it Let all swerers marke this and amende theyr cōmunicacion vnlesse they be that vnsauery salte Math. v whiche shall be caste out and troden vnder foote Agayne he sayth lette no sylthye cōmunicacion procede out of youre mouthes Ephe. iiii
great faulte I answere Yet are ye not so fauteles nor excused For the scripture sayth that we shall gyue a streyght count at the dredefull daye of iudgemente for euery ydle worde that we speake What is than to be thought of our idle vayne oothes I praye you Shal we not gyue an accountes of them Yies we may be sure also condemned for them if we do not repent beleue and amend Agayne Of thy wordes shalte thou be iustified and of thy wordes shalt thou be condemned Howe gothe it thā with our oothes Sap. i In what case stond they The scripture sayth the mouth that lyeth slayeth the soule Do not vayne oothes so in lyke māner And where as it is sayd we thinke no harme I answere the scripture sayth Math. xii Luke vi Of thabundans of the harte the mouth speaketh A good mā out of the good tresure of his harte bringeth forth good thīges And an euel man out of the euyll treasure of his harte bryngeth forth euyl thynges What wyll we saye to thys Are we not here playnely condemned Another sorte excuse them selfes saye fewe or none wyll beleue vs excepte we sweare To thys answereth Chrysostome on this manner An ooth maketh not a man worthy to be beleued Hom. vii but y● testimony of his lyfe the integrite purenes of hys conuersacion a good mynde For many oftentymes haue sworne and entangled themselues greatly and yet haue they not made men to beleue them Other haue only made as it were but a becke and haue appered moche more worthye to be beleued thā they which haue so greatly sworne These wordes declare manifestly that swearyng among faythful and honest men neadeth not and for thē that are vnfaythful regarde no honeste surely all the othes in y● world wyll not make them to be beleued of them that are vertuous godly disposed Therfore this can be none excuse for these swearers Among the faythful oothes nede not among the vnfaithful they profit not Dothes amōg y● faithfull nede not amōg y● vnfaithful they profyt not For he that beleueth not a man without an oothe nether wyl he beleue hym though he sweareth neuer so moche But alas for pytie that euer faythe shulde be so decayed among Christē men that one wyll not beleue another excepte they pollute and de●y●e the glorious name of our Lord God yea and that in triflynge matters It is hygh tyme for the worlde to be at an ende Luke xviii whan one man truste the not another Do ye thyncke saythe Christ that the sonne of man shall fynde ony fayth on the earth whan he shall come Thus sewe that al excuses which are inuented to mayntayne y● dyuellysh custome of swering are nothing worthe Oure damnacion abydethe styll The heate of Gods vengeaūce towarde vs is nothyng abated So that if we wyll be saued there is no remedy but to leaue our wicked sweryng Exo. x● Deut. v to reuerēce the name of God and thanckefully to vse his creatures euer settynge before oure eyes thys commaundement of GOD. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lorde God in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltelesse that rakethe hys name in vayne Also the sayeng of Christ Math. v swear not at all nether by heauen for it is the throne of God nether by earthe for it is the foote stoole of hys feete nether by Ierusalem for it is the citie of the great Kynge nor yet by thy head shalte thou sweare for thou canste not make one heare nether whyghte nor blacke But your communicacion shall be yea yea naye naye For that is more than thys commeth of euyll Some man paraduenture wyll here demaund saye are all oothes taken awaye from Christen menne Whyther all oothes are taken aw●y frō Chri●ten m●n Yea forsothe all oothes y● are vayne and triflynge false vnrygh●eous Is it not lawfull than for a Christē man to sweare in no condiciō Yies verely God forbyd that all kynde of swearyng shulde be takē from Christen men The erroure of y● Anabaptistes as the vngodly Anabaptistes holde whyche affyrme that it is not lawful for a Christen manne to sweare by no meanes This wyl not the scripture Agenst this fyghteth the word of God We are not forbydden to sweare but vaynely idlely falsely vnryghteously to sweare Thou shalte not take the name of thy Lord God in vayn saythe the scripture Marke that it is sayde ●n ●ayn● A Christen mā maye lawfully sweare for the glory of God for the health both of hymselfe For what causes a christen man may sweare and of other so ofte as it shall make vnto the honoure and glory of God also For the glorye of God in all our othes is moost of al to be looked vpon cōsidered We ought not to desyre ony thynge excepte it makethe vnto the glorye of God mochelesse ought we to swere for it I wyll make this matter more euident and playne by familiare examples If a Christen man were amonge the Iewes Example for the glory of god Turkes Saracens or ony other Infidelles preaching the word of God purely vnto them and earnestly labouryng to turne them from theyr Idolatrye vnto the true seruyse of God if they wolde by no means beleue hym excepte he ●ydde sweare by the name of that Lord his God whom he preached vnto them that all is truthe that he preacheth he may lawfully in this poynt take the name of God vnto wytnesse and sweare that it is truthe that he precheth For thys oothe thus taken beleued turneth both vnto the glory of God and also vnto the health● of many soules and therfore is it not vayne and idle but righteous godly On this manner dyd God the father hym selfe in the olde Testamēt the Patriaches and Prophetes in the newe Testament Christ and hys Apostles sweare and after this māner maye all the sayntes and faythfull of God sweare He that perceaueth Serm. i. de verbis do mini sayth S. Austē that an oothe oughte not to be had in good but in necessary thynges let hym refrayne hym selfe so moc●e as he can that he do not vse it except it be in necessite whan he seeth that men are slow to beleue that whiche is profitable for them to beleue excepte it be confirmed wyth an oothe Agayne Example for y● helth of our neighboure if it dyd so chaunse that two Christē men were at debate for some matter that is in controuersy betwene them and the thyrde dyd knowe that the one dydde the other playne iniury and wrought agenst hym contrary vnto the rule of equite and iustice and so made declaracion therof vnto y● Iudge The Iudge in this behalf may lawfully require an oothe of that wythnes bearer he that so testifyeth maye with a ryght good conscience sweare in thys behalfe And thys hys oothe is bothe ryghteous and godly For by
wytnes in vniuste and trifelynge matters vaynely to sweare by his moost blyssed name to take it in our mouthes wythoute a necessary vrgent cause and to obscure the glory of it thorow wycked vngodly othes All they that thus do shall not escape vnponysshed O Lorde God howe many are there at thys tyme that transgresse this holy precepte Howe many caull God a wytnes in vniust trifelyng matters Howe many pollute defyle y● in them is the glory of Gods moost blyssed name How many sweare cōtinually not only by God al y● euer he made agayne not onely by his derely beloued son our Lo●d sauiour Iesus christ but also with honour reuerence I speake it by all y● holy mēbers of his moost glorioꝰ body How common an oothe nowe dayes is Gods flesh Gods bloud Gods hart Gods bodye Gods woundes Gods nayles Gods sydes Goddes guttes and all that euer maye be rehearsed of God O wickednes O abhominacion What parte of Christes moost blyssed body do these wycked abhominable swearers leaue vnrēt and vntorne They are much worsse thā the Iewes which cried Tolle tolle crucifige eum Awaye awaye to the gallowes wyth hym Ioan. xix crucifye hym torment hym leaue not one part whole of hym For they only cryed vpō Pylate to haue hī crucifyed but these swearers them selues crucify hym rent and teare hym The Iewes crucifyed hym but once and than theyr fury ceased In math but these wicked caytiffes crucify him dayly with theyr vnlawefull oothes neyther doth theyr malyce cruelnes cease at ony tyme S. Austen sayth They syn no lesse whiche blaspheme Christ reygnyng in heauen than they whiche crucifyed hym walkyng on the earthe Yea there want not which haue so great pleasure in swearyng y● they thinke thē selues no men excepte they face crake and bragge out theyr matters wyth large and shameles oothes They iudge it a poynte of elogancye ciuilite and good nourtoure to enterlase theyr talke wythe abūdās of oothes They recount him an asse a dastarde and an hobbe of the contrey that can not sweare valeauntly so greatly hath vice preuayled so greatly hath wickednes rooted herselfe in the hartes of men so lytle authorite bearethe vertue godlynesse nowe a dayes in the worlde Mē of occupacion The mā of occupacon feareth no thyng at al to sweare by God to call him a witnes in a vayne and triflyng matter whan he byeth or selleth ony thyng so that he maye gette but a peny by this means O Lorde what dothe it profyt a man to wynne all y● who le world to loose his soule How customably is this hearde dayely among them that be byers and sellers O ●●tre●e abhominaciō By Gods soule man take it vnto the say not but that thou haste a frendly peny worth For by the blyssed body of god thou hast it as good chepe as euer I bought it And yet are all togyther starke lyes But lette it be graūted that theyr ooth were true is it therfore conuenient y● in worldly matters for euery lyghte trifle what 〈◊〉 and faythe oughte to reygne amōg christen men we shoulde thus abuse the name of god whom we ought neuer to haue in our mouthes without great reuerence and for vrgēt weyghty causes There ought to be so great sincerite faythfulnes trueth singlenes amonge Christen men that yea yea naye naye should be sufficient But alas there is so moch crafte deceate suttelty falshode and doublenes reygnyng in the worlde at this tyme that none dare trust another no thoughe they promyse neuer so fayre excepte they sweare Exula● fides no nor than nether He that feareth notto blaspheme y● name of god wyl not let to deseaue his neyghbour excepte they haue them bound in blacke whyght as they saye O Lorde vnto what poynt are we come whan all trueth credence is so farre banysshed from the boundes of Christianite y● there is more fayth trust gyuen to an obligaciō or suche other trifle than to y● word and promyse of a Christen man It is euen as the Prophet sayth Oze iiii there is no trueth vpō the earth Psal. ●x but swearyng cursyng lyēg Rom. iii Euery man is a lyare Luke xviii Euery man that lyuethe is nothyng but vanite nether is ther ony trust in hym Do ye thynke sayeth Christ that the sonne of manne shall fynde ony fayth on the earthe whā he shall come Verely I thynke but a lytle which is an euident tokē that the daye of the great terrible iudgement is not farre of More●uer howe is God rent and torne by blasphemous othes not only among men in bargaynynge Dysers and Card●rs byeng and sellyng choppyng and cha●●gyng c. but also in playeng yo le matters How wyl the diser sweare rather than he wyll loose one caste Howe wyll the carder teare God on peces rather than he wyll loose the profyt of one carde Howe wyl they that stonde by beholde forsweare them selues for the loue that they beare to one of the parties Agayn howe depely do menne of lawe sweare vnto theyr Clientes Men of lawe y● they haue laboured theyr matters earnestly to the Iudges whan many tymes they haue not spoken one worde but styl prolonge the matter that theyr auauntage maye be the greater Howe doth the prest sweare that if it had not ben for the loue of suche suche an honest man and for y● good Prestes benefyced men reporte that he hath hearde before of the Parysh he would neuer haue bē person of 〈◊〉 And yet it is not vnknowen that the moost part of the loue theyr paryshners so derely that after they be once ●ure of theyr benefyce they care not although they neuer se none of thē after so that they maye haue the auāuntage of the benefice excepte peraduēture of theyr deuocion it be at haruest whan the tythe barnes are ful or elles at Easter to searche howe good the Easter boke wyll be that yeare This once done hense go they agayne leaue asyr Iohn Lack latin in theyr stead whyche teachethe not muche more than the hyll mouethe The wolffe maye come and easely rent Ioan. x. teare deuour the poore shepe For the shepparde hath gottē the mylke wolle and he is gone He hathe lycked the fatte from hys paryshners berdes hath taken his iourney Take thought for the flock who lysteth O Pastor Idolum derelinquens gregem Za●h xl O shepeparde Idolle that thus forsaketh his flocke But alas what consciences haue these menne which take so muche and do so lytyll If they wyll reape carnall thynges so must they sow spiritual thynges sayth the scripture The labouryng plow mā not the ydle lubber muste receaue of the frutes i. Cor xix sayth S. ii Tim. ii Paule i. Tim. v They that rule well are worthy double honour
lyke vnto the but I wyll reproue the come face to face agaynst the. O vnderstonde these thynges ye that forget God vnlesse he plucke you awaye there be none y● can delyuer you Sayncte Paule also sayth Rom. ii thou that teachest another teachest not thy self Thou that preachest that men shulde not steale stealest thy selfe Thou that sayste that whoredome shulde not be committed playest the whoremonger thy selfe Thou that abhorrest Images robbest God of his honour thy selfe Thou that gloryest of the lawe thorowe breakyng of the law dishonorest God For the name of God is euell spoken of among the Gentiles thorowe you Of these thynges it is euident y● it is not sufficient for prestes to preache Goddes worde except they also leade a vertuous godly lyfe Math. v. Who so euer doth and teacheth he shal be called great in the kyngdom of heauen sayth the scripture Christ doth not onely call prestes the salte of the earth but also the lyght of y● world Wythe theyr preachyng they season the people Prestes are not only called the salte of y● earthe but also the lyght of the worlde but wythe theyr lyght of godly conuersacion they shewe men howe they ought towalke and lyue Therfore immediately is it subioyned lette your lyght so shyne before menne that they maye se your good workes glorify your father i. Tim. iiii which is in heauen i. Tim. ● Be an example of the faythfull sayth Paule ii Tim. i● in worde in conuersacion in loue in Spirite in faythe Kepe thy selfe pure Study to shewe thy selfe commendable to God a worke man that neadeth not to be ashamedde He that preacheth Christ In serm deieiunio sayth S. Ambrose ought to shewe hym selfe wholly estraunged from all kynde of vices S. Iohn̄ Chrisostome also sayth In Math. it is a great shame for Prestes and for so many as be of the Clergy whan laye men be founde faythfuller more ryghteous than they are Howe canne it otherwyse be than a shame for them to be inferioure to the laye people whome to be lyke vnto them it is also a shame Agē S. Gregory sayth the lyght of the flocke is the flame of the shepparde In Pastora For it becōmethe the Lordes shepehearde and a Preste to ●hyne in manners and lyuyng that in hym as in y● glasse of theyr lyght the people that is committed vnto hym maye bothe discerne what they shulde follow and also se what they shulde correcte and amende Hereof is it euident what great purite and innocency of lyfe ought to be in prestes that theyr lyfe may correspond and in all poyntes answere to theyr preachyng But here is an answer to be made to the vnsauery talke of certen men nowe a dayes which because they se the manners of the Preachers not agreable in all poyntes to theyr sermons faull at defyaunce with gods worde blaspheme it as heresy rayle vpon the preachers and absent them selfes from the hearyng of all godly exhortacions warnynges and coūcels These parsons hynder no man so moche as them selfes They may well be compared to a folysshe man Mark well whyche cometh vnto the market for to bye meate But whā he beholdeth the butcher and perceaueth hym to haue some deformite in his face as one of his eyes to be out or to be balde or elles to holde his necke awrye gothe streyght home agayne chosethe rather to dye for honger than he wyll bye meate of suche a butcher although the meat be neuer so pure Math. xx●●● clene commestible wholsome But let vs heare what the holy scripture saythe In the chayer of Moses syt Scribes and Phareses All the●fore that they commaunde you to kepe loke that you kepe and do but accordyng to theyr workes do ye not For they say but they do not Here christ commaundethe vs not to abstayne from the hearyng of Goddes worde though they be neuer so wicked and euyll that preache it For who were more vngodly and greater enemies to Christ than the Scribes Phareses yet Christ commaundethe to heare them so longe as they sytte in the chayer of Moses What it is to syt in the chayer of 〈◊〉 To syt in the chayer of Moses is truely syncerly to preach those thynges that Moses dyd to enterpret the lawe accordyng to the ryght vayne of the holy scripture and only to seake the glory of God the profyt of the faythfull So long as they that are preachers do thys they are to be hearde though theyr lyfe be neuer so abhominable For it is not the preacher to whome we must haue pryncipall respecte but to the word of God Nother do we come into the Temple to gase vpon the Preacher but to hear the holy scriptures declared and so lerne to lede a godly lyfe If he were one of the ministers of Satan yea Satan hymselfe that preacheth so longe as he bryngethe in Scriptum est so long as he teacheth purely the diuine scripture wythout wreastyng Euerye mā y● preachethe the scripture trulye is to be hearde be hys lyfe neuer so wycked or corruptynge of the same he is to be hearde We ought not so greatly to marke the teacher as that which is taught If he teachethe well it is ours we haue that we came for if he lyueth well it is his owne and he shal receaue the rewarde But lette vs heare what Chrisostome sayth to thys matter In Math Cap. xxiii If the preste● lyue wel sayth he it is theyr auauntage but if they teache well it is yours Be not curioꝰ to boul●e out that which pertayneth vnto another man For oftentymes good learnyng comethe forthe from an euyll manne as vyle earth bryngeth forth precious gold Is precious golde despysed for the vile earth Therfore as the golde is chosen and the earth forsakē so lykewyse take you the learnyng leaue the manners Agayne he saythe let vs take the doctrine but not the māners Herbes are not necessary for the bees but the floures are So you lykewyse gather the floures of doctrine and leaue theyr fashons of lyuyng Here this holy Doctore wylleth vs not to despyse y● word thoughe the Preacher be euell Lette vs take that is oures and let go that is hys The doctrine is oures y● lyfe is hys I had rather haue a syncer preacher of Gods worde which shal declare Christ vnto me purely rebuke my synful lyuyng conforte me wyth the swete promises of GOD shewe me howe I ought to institute my lyfe according to y● wyl of god c although hys māners be somewhat corrupte and dissent from his preachyng thā to haue a wicked Papist a pestilēt Pharese a supersticious Hypocrite whiche shall outwardely lyke a crafty foxe pretēd a certayne grauite and a popeholy manner of lyuynge and yet corrupte the holye scriptures confounde Gods worde wyth mens tradicions lede the people into supersticious errours flatter the herers preach for lucre