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A06744 The displaying of the Popish masse vvherein thou shalt see, what a wicked idoll the masse is, and what great difference there is between the Lords Supper and the Popes Masse: againe, what Popes brought in every part of the masse, and counted it together in such monstrous sort, as it is now used in the Popes kingdome. Written by Thomas Becon; and published in the dayes of Queene Mary. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1637 (1637) STC 1719; ESTC S115076 56,616 332

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the Epistle the Graduall the Allelujah the Tract or the Sequence and all in Latine because such as are there present should keepe counsell and not bewray your subtill secrets yee remove as men soone weary of a place from the one end of the Altar to the other and like prettie fellowes you take up the Masse-booke in your hands making the people beleeve that now yee will speake somewhat whereby they shall greatly be edified and well grounded in the knowledge of Christ. And because like politicke and wise men ye will not stumble in your doings but the better see what ye shal speake ye have a candle lighted though the day bee never so faire and the Sunne shine never so bright Besides this that yee may bee in the better readinesse to doe some great nothing yee pray to God or I know not to whom in this manner I 〈◊〉 Domine benedicere O Lord command me to speak well A prayer very necessary for your selves which very seldome speake well but nothing meet for the purpose that you goe about For ye intend to speake nothing to the people whereby they shal take any profit Neither purpose yee for all your bragging any more to preach to your Masse-hunters than yee intend with your bird bolt to shoot downe the weather-cocke of Pauls steeple And because God is not at hand but far enough from vour elbow and very s●ldom commeth at such mens callings ye your selves take the paines to answer on this manner Dominus sit in corde meo in ●re meo ad annunciandum populo sanctum Evangelium De● That is to say the Lord might be in my heart and in my mouth to set forth preach and declare to the people the holy Gospell of God Oh most vaine prayer O wicked dissemblers both with God and man Ye wished that the Lord God might be both in your heart and in your mouth to set forth preach and declare to the people the holy Gospell of God and yee intend nothing lesse For as God is neither in your heart nor in your mouth so doe ye not preach the holy Gospell of God to the people but onely yee rehearse a few Latine sentences out of the Gospel which neither ye your selves for the most part nor yet the simple people understand And notwithstanding the silly sheepish simple soules solemnely stand up and give good eare as though they should heare some notable thing and goe home the better instructed but all in vaine For they learne nothing Onely when yee rehearse the Name of Iesus they learne to make solemne courtesie and so a peece of the Gospell being once read they stroke themselves on the head and kisse the naile of their right thumbe and sit down againe as wife as they were afore And yee your selves in the ste●d of your Petronilla kisse the book and turne yee to the people and say Dominus vobiscum God be with you as though you could tarry no longer but had some great journey to goe and yet doe vee tarry there still till all good people be weary both of you and of your popish Masse Here is all your preaching Here is the whole summe of your exhortations Are not the people well taught Have yee not played the good Schoole-masters Have ye not wel deserved your Dirge groat and your dinner Have ye not followed Christ aright Tell mee of goodfellowship whose disciples are ye masse-mongers Christs that preached or Antichrists that preach not Looke whose order yee follow his disciples are yee But Christs order follow yee not therefore are ye not the disciples of Christ but the vile slaves of Antichrist Here see yee then one foule fault which you Masse-mongers commit in your wicked Masses The best part ye utterly leave out I meane the preaching of the Gospell which our Saviour Christ his Apostles and all true Ministers in all ages chiefly practised at the ministration of the holy Communion And in this behalfe yee agree not with Christ neither is your Masse any thing like the LORDS Supper After the Sermon Christ came to the Table where he ministred the Sacrament of his Body and Bloud to his Disciples Now compare your doings with Christs Christ came to a Table to minister his holy Supper You come to an Altar for to say your popish and Idolatrous Masse Christ tabled the matter and yee alter it Oh how well-favouredly ye agree even as Christ and Belial God and the Divell light and darkenesse or as the use to say Like Haroe and Harrow Christ ministred his Supper at a Table and so did it continue certaine hundred yeares after in the Church of Christ who used no Altar at all but at a Table at the ministration of the Lords Supper following the example of Christ which is the selfe truth and example giver of all perfection and righteousnesse But if you following the example of Antichrist like bloudie sacrificers fall in hand with Altars as though ye had sheepe and oxen to kil Christ willing to declare that all bloudie offerings and sacrifices were come to an end which were but signes figures and shadowes of him being the true and alone acceptable sacrifice for the sinnes of the world came not unto an Altar but unto a Table and there ordained ministed his holy Supper shewing thereby that not onely the bloudie sacrifices but also all Altars which were built for bloudie sacrifices sake doe now cease and are utterly abolished But yee whose desire alwayes is to come as neere unto Christ or unto his holy ordinance as the Hare covets to come nigh unto a Tabret refuse Christs order and dispise the table spitefully calling it an Oyster-board and like heathenish and Iewish Priests yee build Altars and upon them you offer your vile and stinking sacrifice not unto God but unto the Divell and unto Antichrist Christ and his Apostles with all the holy Bishops and reverend Fathers of the Primitive Church ministred the Lords Supper at a Table and dare ye O yee Massemongers contrarie to Christs order whose example in this behalf is as it were a commandement and contrary to the practise of Christs Apostles and of the Primative Church minister it at an Altar The holy Scripture makes mention of eating the Lords Supper at the Lords Table but at an Altar to have it ministred not one word Wee have none Altar but one which is Iesus Christ the Lord and he is in heaven onely concerning his humamanitie and not here in earth as the idle brained Papists dreame upon whom and by whom we doe offer sacrifice of praise alwayes to God that is to say the fruit of those lips which confesse his Name For he is our alone Intercessour our alone Mediatour and our alone Advocate Besides this Altar CHRIST the faithfull congregation knoweth none neither in heaven nor in earth All other Altars therefore which ye have in your Churches Chappels and Oratories are Idolatrous and
Christ as concerning his corporall presence is no more in the earth but in heaven only Christ hath in him two natures the nature of God and the nature of man As concerning his divine nature hee is in heaven in earth and in every place But as touching his humane nature hee is in heaven onely and there shall remaine untill the Day of Iudgement as Saint Augustine saith as concerning the presence of his Majestie wee have Christ alwayes but as touching the presence of his flesh it was truely sayd to his Disciples Mee shall yee not alwayes have with you For the Church had him a few dayes after th● presence of his flesh but now it holdeth him by faith and seeth him not with the eyes Againe he saith God and man is one person and both is one Christ Iesus in every place in that he is God but in heaven in that he is man Also in another place Where and in what manner Christ is in heaven it is a vaine and superfluous thing to aske or demand but wee must surely beleeve that hee is onely in heaven If hee be onely in heaven as concerning his corporall presence as both the Scriptures and Saint Augustine affirme how then is hee either in your round cake at Masse or else hanging up in your popish Pixe over the Altar with an halter But let us heare what the ancient Doctour Virgilius writeth concerning this matter The Sonne of God saith he as concerning his Humanitie is gone away from us but as touching his Divinity hee saith unto us Behold I am with you alwayes unto the end of the world Againe forasmuch as the word is every where and his flesh is not every where it appeareth that one and the same CHRIST is of both natures and that hee is in every place as concerning the nature of his Godhead Againe that hee is contayned in a place as touching the nature of his manhood Of these Authorities doth it manifestly appeare that Christ inasmuch as he is God is in every place but having respect to that hee is a man he is only in one place that is to say in heaven If he bee only in heaven inasmuch as he is man then consider yee what is to be thought of the doctrine of the Papists which teach that Christs naturall body is in every place wheresoever his Godhead is O Antichrists If this be not to play the Hereticke Marcions part and utterly to destroy the verity of Christs humane nature or of his naturall body what is it But Saint Augustine saith very well in this behalfe wee must take heed saith hee that we doe not so set forth maintaine or affirme the Godhead of the Man Christ that wee take away or destroy the truth of his body For it doth not follow that that which is in God should be every where as God Christ inasmuch as he is God is every where but being man hee is onely in heaven But yee will object according to your old wont the omnipotencie or almighty power of God and say that forasmuch as he is omnipotent and almighty he may both make the bread his body and also bee in as many places concerning the corporall presence as he list that is to say in infinite places at once I answer God is not called Almighty because he can doe all things but because he is able to doe whatsoever his Godly pleasure is to doe For there are certaine things which God cannot doe as for example hee cannot denie himselfe hee cannot lye hee cannot save such as die in infidelity hee cannot make another of like power with himselfe hee cannot save the reprobate nor condemne the Elect which have their names written in the Booke of life c. Whatsoever is contrary to his Word that cannot God doe But it is contrary to the Word of God for Christs body to bee in more places at once than in one yea to bee both in heaven sitting at the right hand of God the Father and heere also in earth at your popish Masses in a thousand places at once therefore is not God able to make his body to bee in so many places at once as ye faine forasmuch as the nature of God onely is infinite and the nature of all creatures is contained in some certaine one place at once But here againe yee will bring forth these promises of CHRIST Wheresoever two or three be gathered together in my Name there am I in the middest of them Againe I am with you alwayes unto the end of the world These promises and such like are to bee understood not of the corporall presence here on earth but of his Grace as the Doctors themselves doe declare It is to bee noted marked and considered saith Cyril that although Christ hath taken away the presence of his body from hence yet by the Majesty of his God-head hee is alwayes present as hee at his departure promised his Disciples Behold saith he I am with you alwayes unto the very end of the world The like saying of Saint Augustine heard wee before Of all these things heretofore spoken it is evident that the naturall body of Christ is not here in earth as yee Masse-mongers would gladly make us beleeve but in heaven onely and there shall remaine untill the day of Iudgement Christ in the mean season being here present with us by his Spirit and Grace Seeing then that the Sacramentall bread is not the naturall body of Christ God and man but a figure Sacrament and holy signe of his body with what forehead dare you either affirme that your little thinne round cake after five words pronounced over it and you breathing blasting and blowing upon it to be the true naturall reall corporeall and substantiall body of Christ God and Man as hee was borne of the Virgine Marie and suffered for us on the Altar of the crosse or worship it your selves or yet provoke others so to doe according to Pope Honorius decree and not after Christs institution What is Idolatrie if this bee not Idolatrie To worship a piece of bread for God what heathen Idolater ever so doted If good king Ezekias lived in these our dayes hee would rather play with the Sacrament of Christs body and bloud as he did with the Brasen Serpent than hee would suffer such abomiable Idolatry to be committed at the ministration of it to the great dishonour of God the utter defacing of Christs passion and bloud and death and to the dreadfull damnation of innumerable souls O England England teares yea teares of bloud mayest thou well weepe which in the prosperous time of that most godly King Edward the Sixt wert blessedly purged of all superstition Idolatry and popish doctrine and hadst restored unto thee the true Gospel of thy salvation and the right ministration of the Lords Sacraments But now for thine unthankfulnesse toward the Lord thy God all these heavenly treasures are
ground straightwayes And then welcome again hard fare greasy cap threadbare gowne broken shooe torne hose empty purse and all that beggerly is Make much therefore of praying for the dead and wish that your Masse which of late yee have to your great joy recovered againe may long continue in her great prosperty or els your cake is dough and all your fat lye in the fire What shall I speake of dancing of your little great God about the Chalice with Per Ip cum Ip In Ip Sum which followeth the praying for the dead That is so holy a thing that it is called the second Sakering and may by no meanes bee left undone Your Childe must needs bee dandled and playd withall a little while least hee chance to sleepe too long After that yee have layd your young God to rest againe you say your Pater noster like good devout men That done yee take up the patine of the chalice and afterward yee crosse your selves withall both upon your brests and upon your bald crownes and lay it downe againe I thinke yee doe this either to fray away spirits or else to enarme your selves with the signe of the croose that they may bee the more able to bring to passe your butchery that is now at hand For straightwayes yee strike up your sleves yee uncover the chalice yee lay downe the Corporasse cloth ye take up your little God yee hold him up over the chalice and ye cruelly teare plucke and breake him in three pieces according to Pope Sergi●s commandement about the yeare of our Lord 700. When yee have so done ye keepe two parts of your Christs body which yee your selves made and have now destroyed again in your hands holding them over the chalice and the third part yee let downe into the wine that it may bee the tenderer when yee eat it The my●ticall mysteries hereof I declared a little before Then doe ye say the Agnus which Pope Sergius also commanded that it should bee said at Masse a little before the receiving of the host And here againe yee play the abominable Idolaters For looking upon the bread yee looke your selves and worship it saying in Latine Agnus Dei qui tollis c. O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world have mercie upon us Thrice doe yee call that Bread which yee hold in your hands the Lamb of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world O intollerable blasphemy Was there ever Idolater that worshipped a piece of broken bread for God What marvell is it though the Iewes the Turkes and all other Infidels bee so loth to come to the Christian religion when they see so manifest Idolatrie committed when they behold a piece of a thinne wafer Cake honoured for God Certainly this abominable Idolatry which yee Masse-mongers maintaine and commit at your Masse hath beene and is the occasion that innumerable thousands have beene and are daily damned Yea these your wicked doings are the cause why so many doe abhorre the Christian religion defie the Name of Christ as wee reade of a certaine Emperour of Turky which when hee was demanded why hee and his people did so greatly abhorre the Religion of Christ answered that hee coead by no mulnes approove or allow the religion service and honour of that God whom men at their pleasure doe make and straightwayes eat him when they have done Better were it for you O ye Masse-mongers to have a Mil-stone tied about your neckes and to be cast into the sea than thus with your abominable massing and God-making to drive so many from Christ and provoke so great multitudes unto Idolatry and finally unto everlasting damnation and with what a conscience can yee say to the bread which is a dumbe and insensible creature without all life or spirit O Lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the world have ●●ercie ●pon us Is that bread which a little before was corn in the Plough-mans barne meale in the Millers trough flower in the Bakers boulting tubbe and afterwards tempered with a little water and baked of the waferman betweene a paire of hot printing irons come now suddainely through your charming unto such dignity that it is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world that men must pray unto that to have mercie forgivenes of sins O Lord thou living God have mercie upon us and destroy this abominable Idoll of the masse In the worshipping of Baal Astaroth Moloch Bel-Peor Melchom Dagon Chames the Queene of heaven Saturnus Iupiter Priapus Iuno Venus and such other Idolls was never so great a blasphemy and dishonour to God as is the setting up of this broken bread to bee worshipped for God And the matter is so much the more to bee abhorred because yee colour your abominable Idolatrie with Gods word Faigned holines saith Saint Gregorie is double iniquity Ah is that polluted and defiled bread the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Then was that your bread also borne of Mary the Virgine and nourished with the milke of her breasts Then did that bread live upon the earth speake eate drinke sleepe preach wo●ke miracles c. Then was that bread betrayed accused beaten buffeted spitted on crowned with a crowne of thornes clad wt●h a garment of purple crucifyed and nailed to the Crosse. Yea then did that bread offer himselfe on the Altar of the Crosse a Sacrifice to God the Father for the sinnes of the world dyed and rose again for our Iustification Hath your broken bread done all these things Christ the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world hath done all these things alone alone Bee ashamed once Oye wicked Papists thus to blaspheme God and to deceive the people through your abominable Massing Again is grace mercie favor and remission of sins to bee craved of these fragments of bread which ye hold in your hands So is it that true living immortal and everlasting God which hath bin without beginning which made heaven earth and all things contained in them For none can forgive us our sins but God alone Hath your broken bread bin without beginning hath it made al things Yea it is a creature it selfe vile and devillish as yee use or rather abuse it Be ashamed O ye shamelesse hypocrites thus to deface the glory of God and to leade the people in damnable blindenesse Shortly after the Agnus yee kisse the Pax whch was the ordinance of Pope Innocentius in the yeare of our Lord 310. And while the boy or Parish Clerke carryeth the Pax about yee your selves alone eat up all and drinke up all Ah what riding fools and very dolts make yee the people yee send them a piece of wood or of glasse or of some metal to kisse and in the meane season yee eat and drinke up all together Is not this a pageant
and placing them in everlasting Glorie What thing is either in heaven earth or hell for the which the Masse is not profitable and serves for the purpose if it please you to apply it It is a sawce for all meats a salve for all sores a remedy for all diseases a maintenance of all prosperity and a defence against all adversity Protens never turned himselfe into so many formes shapes and fashions as your Masse hath vertues O blessed Masse O holy Masse O vertuous Masse yea O most vile stinking and abominable Idol Now judge ye O ye Masse-mongers what is to bee thought of the peevish popish pratling private Masse which the Papists and the most part of you that are massemongers doe so highly praise commend advance extoll magnifie and set forth not as God onely but in a manner above God For what thing is it that wee desire to have for which wee doe not rather resort unto the Masse than unto God And is this any other thing than meere Idolatrie and stealing away of his Glorie Which thing whosoever doth is he not Gods enemie Is hee not an adversarie to the true Christian religion Doth hee not defile the precious bloud of our Saviour Christ under his foot Doth hee not defile the holy mysteries of God and blaspheme the Name of the Lord Doth hee not give himselfe from God to the devill and become the childe of wrath a vessel of vengeance a firebrand of hell and heire of everlasting damnation God have mercie upon us Behold now the miserable state wherein yee stand and so many as cleave to your abominable Massing Cease therfore cease betimes to bee haters of God hlasphemers of his holy Name Enemies of Christs bloud polluters of the Christian religion defilers of God● most holy Sacraments corrupters of his blessed mysteries seducers of the people destroyers of mens soules pestilences of the Christian common-weale and ministers of Satan Forsake your abominable kinde of Massing forsake it forsake it and defile your selves no more with Idoll service lest yee provoke the fierce wrath and hot vengeance of God to fall both upon you the Masse-mongers and upon all them also that are the Masse-hunters and finally for your wickednesse upon the whole Realme For God cannot alwayes abide his holy Sacraments thus to be abused and defiled If If they escaped not unpunished that did eat leavened bread while the Feast of the Lords Passeover did endure if Vziah went not away unplagued but was strooke with suddaine death because hee touched the Arke of the LORD if hee that came to the Marriage because hee had not the wedding garment was taken from the table bound hand and foot and cast into utter darkenesse where weeping and ghasting of tee●h shall be 〈…〉 the devil entred into I●das after that hee had received the Lords bread unworthily if the Corinthians were grievously p●agued yea and that many unto the death because they did abuse the Lords Supper and unreverently behave themselves at the Ministration of it if those with many other escaped not unplagu'd for abusing the Lords mysteries thinke not ye which daily defile the honourable Sacramēt of Christs body bloud in your most wicked damnable devillish idolatrous heathenish vile stinking blasphemous detestable and abominable Massing shall escape free from punishment neither yee your selves nor the consenters to your Idolatry Therefore if there bee any love in you toward God any hearty good will toward CHRIST our Saviour any fervent affections towards Gods most holy word any godly zeale toward the Christian commonweale any desire of goodnesse towards this our native Countrey any sparke of well-willing toward the salvation either of your owne soules or of others I exhort you all by the tender mercies of God and by the precious bloud of our Saviour Christ Iesu that yee without tariance give over your abominable Massing which without doubt is not the acceptable service of God as the blind sort of people judge but the very vile blasphemous bondage of Satan invented by the devill brought in by Antichrist confirmed established by such as have received the Beasts marke whose inheritance shall be in that Lake that burneth with fire brimstone Neither lot any thing move you that the Idolatrous Masse w ch before was worthily banished out of the Realme is now againe restored by act of Parliament but rather heare what the Apostles say we must obey God more than men In all matters of religion the will of God is to be considered before the commandement or act of any mortall Prince Pharaoh was a King yet the godly Midwives obeyed not his ungodly commandement in killing the male child●en of the Israelites Nebu●hadonezer was a King yet the three young men would not obey his wicked proclamation in worshipping his golden Idoll Antiochus was a King yet the faithfull Iewes would not observe his abominable lawes in sacrificing to Idols and in eating unclean flesh Maacha was a Queene and made an abominable Idoll of Priapus and offered sacrifice unto it and exhorted others without doubt to doe so likewise but so many as feared God abhorred her doings and defyed her Idolatry insomuch that King Asa her sonne put her downe because shee had made images in Groves and brake down her Idols and stamped them and burnt them to ashes at the brooke Cedron Iesabel was a Queene and an abominable Idolatresse promoting and making much of Baals Priests and feeding them even at her own table but imprisoning and murdering the Prophets of God she worshipped Baal and caused many other so to doe But those that loved God abhorred her idolatry and by no meanes would follow her wicked steps but chused rather to worship God according to his word The Prophet Elias slew all her Prophets that did service to Baal and Queene Iesabel her selfe came to a most miserable end Shee was throwne downe to the ground from an high window inso that the wall was sprinckled with her bloud and the horses trod her under their feete and the dogs came and eat up her flesh so that there was nothing left of her but her skull her feet and the palmes of her hands Athalia was a Queene and a great Idolatresse shee worshipped Baal and enticed her sonne Ahazia to doe so likewise Notwithstāding such as feared God obeyed in this behalfe neither the King nor his Mother but walked after the Commandements of God Both the mother and the sonne were slaine miserably The Bishops the Priests the Lawyers the Scribes the Pharisees the Sadduces and such others were great Rulers in Iewrie and they commanded the Apostles that they should no more preach in the name of Iesu but they obeyed them not but stoutly answered Whether it bee right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God Iudge yee For we cannot but speake that which wee have seene and heard Rulers are so
natural bodie of Christ God and man therefore may we all justly worship it I aske you how prove ye it to be the naturall bodie of Christ Yee answer By the vertue of these words Hoc est enim corpus meum I reply CHRIST spake these words of the bread as the holy Scriptures and all ancient Writers doe witnesse and so then followeth it that bread is Christs body and Christs bodie is bread And by this meanes it must needs be granted that Christ hath two bodies one made of bread and another of flesh which he received of Mary the Virgin But yee answer Christs calling is making Christ called the bread his body therefore is it made his bodie I answer againe Christ called himselfe a Vine a Doore a Shepheard and called his Heavenly Father a Plough-man is Christ therefore made a naturall vine a materiall doore a rusticall shepheard and his Father an husband-man of the country Christ called Iohn Baptist Elias Is Iohn therefore made that Elias the Thesbite which preached in the time of wicked King Achab Christ called Iohn the Evangelist Maries son and called Mary his mother is Iohn therefore made the naturall son of Mary the Virgin Christs mother And is Mary made the very true and naturall mother of Iohn Evangelist I am sure yee will not so say No more is the Sacramentall Bread Christs naturall body although Christ called it his bodie but his bodie in a mystery and in a figure as the old writers testifie Tertullian that most ancient Doctor saith Iesus taking bread and distributing it among his disciples made it his bodie saying This is my bodie that is to say a figure of my body Hereto agreeth the saying of Saint Augustine Christ did not sticke to say This is my body when he gave the signe of his bodie And Saint Hierome saith that Christ did represent the truth of his body and bloud by the bread and wine An infinite number of like sentences concerning this matter are found in the ancient Authors which prove evidently that this saying of Christ Hoc est corpus meum This is my body is a figurative speech Signes or Sacraments in the holy Scripture are called by the names of the things whereof they bee Sacraments and signes as we reade of the Arke of Circumcision of the Paschal Lambe of the Sacrifices of the old Law of Baptisme which Saint Paul calleth the Laver or fountaine of regeneration and the receiving of the Holy Ghost And after this sort is the sacramental bread called by the name of Christs body because it is the Sacrament signe and figure of his bodie Those things which doe signifie saith Saint Cyprian and those things which be signified by them may bee both called by one name And Saint Augustine rehearsing divers sentences which were spoken figuratively numbreth among thē these words of Christ Hoc est corpus meum This is my body whereby he declareth plainly that Christ spake these words figuratively not meaning that the bread was his body by substance but by signification Moreover it is directly against the veritie and truth of Christs naturall body to bee at more places at once than in one as hee must be in an hundred thousand places at once if your doctrine bee true A stinking Sodomite or a wicked whoremonger being dressed in his fooles coat and standing at an altar with a little thinne round cake in his hand shall with these five words Hoc est corpus meum and with blowing and breathing upon the bread make Christ the king of glory to come from the right hand of his father and to touch himselfe in the Accidents of the little cake untill yee have eaten him and then trudge up againe to heaven till Hoc est enim corpus meum fetch him down again if your doctrine bee true O proud Lucifers And oh poore wretched Christ who at every filthy Masse-mongers commandement art compelled to come down from the glorious throne of thy Majestie and to bee handled as the Papish please either to bee torne asunder with their teeth or else to be hanged up with an halter in their popish Pixe But know yee O ye vile and blasphemous Papists that though yee whisper your five words never so oft at your Idolatrous altars and breath blast and blow till yee be windlesse yee shall never plucke the Son of God from the right hand of his Father nor make that thinne cake of yours Christs naturall Body The article of our faith is that Christ is gone up into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from thence hee shall come to judge the quicke and the dead Our Saviour Christ told his Disciples full oft a little before his passion that hee should leave the world and goe up againe unto his Father Saint Mark saith that Christ was taken up into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God Saint Luke saith that Christ went away from his Disciples and was carried up into heaven The Angell of God said to the Apostles when Christ did ascend up into heaven yee men of Galile why stand ye gazing up into heaven This Iesus which is taken up from you into heaven so shall hee come as ye have seen him going into heaven Of these words of the Angells wee learne that as Christ went up visibly and was seene with the corporall eyes of men but never man saw him yet comming downe with his corporall eyes therefore never came he downe corporally since his ascension S. Stephen indeed saw Christ even with his bodily eyes as wee reade in the Acts of the Apostles But where Heere on the earth between the Priests hands Nay but in heaven standing on the right hand of God Saint Paul heard Christ speake but from whence from the popish pixe yea rather from heaven Saint Peter saith as blessed Luke testifyeth that Iesus Christ must receive heaven till the time that all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world beganne bee restored againe This time is till the day of judgement If ye will have Christ therefore bodily at your Masses yee must tarry till the day of Iudgement For till that time saith blessed Peter hee must keepe heaven Alasse where is your Hoc est enim corpus meum after your grosse understanding become Moreover S. Paul in divers places of his Epistles declareth that Christ is ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for us to God his father So likewise doe the other Apostles in their writings Iesus Christ saith Saint Peter is on the right hand of God and is gone into heaven We have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous saith Saint Iohn All these Authorities of the holy Scripture with many other doe testifie that