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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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fa●●heful praye● obtayneth of God as oure Sauyoure Christe sayeth what so euer ye shall aske in prayer If ye beleue ye shall receyue it For asmuche therefore as nothynge is more necessarye too bee vsed of thee treue Christians for the contynu●unce of goddes fauoure and of hys heauenlye blessynges towarde them and for the auoydynge of all plages and dyspleasures than prayer for asmuche al●o as nothynge dothe so muche adorne garnyshe and se●te forthe the goodlye and prosperous state of a common wealthe as euerye manne diligentlye fayeth fullye and quyetly to lyue in his vocacion and callynge I not otherwyse knowinge howe I may be able to doo good to my countrye out by prayinge preachynge and wryghtynge for fortune gooeth foorthe frowardelye too trowne vppon me haue these fewe weekes pa●●e compiled and made a bo●e 〈◊〉 Prayers comprehendynge not onely necessa●y ●nd conuenyen● Prayers for al degrees or menne euen frō the highest to the lowest but also for al other thynges necessary to be prayd for So that yf wee wyll fol●we the order of charytye and do the wyl of God whiche commaundeth vs to pray one for another ●gayne if we wil praye to obtain vertue and to fl● vyce ▪ this booke shall mini●●er to the godly conuenyen●e and mere prayers And because the prayers shoulde bee the more acceptable vnto god ▪ and soūd the better in hys godly eares agayne that the godly exercisers of prayer may praye wyth the more fruite and bee the better editted I haue trauayled to the vttermooste of my power too vse in theese prayers as fewe woordes of my ow●ea● I coulde and to gle●e oute of the frutieful fyelde of the sacred scryptures what so euer I founde meete for euerye prayer that I made that whan it is prayed not manne but the holy Ghost may seme to speake After I hadde finyshed theese prayers mooste vertuous Ladye youre 〈◊〉 came fyrste too my remembrance as a wor●●ye Patrones boothe of the godlye and of godlynesse boothe of the learned and of learninge to whom euen of most bounden dutye I oughte to offer thys my laboure The gyfte I confesse is small and slender if it be● compared wyth youre graces lyberalytye whyche your grace hathe mooste bounteouslye shewed vnto me sence I came fyrste too youre seruyce Notwythstandynge I am so fullye perswaded of youre g●aces mooste gentle nature and godlye dysposyon toward so many 〈◊〉 are godly and well bent and vertuouslye minded that I feare nothinge to o●●er this my ●ooke vnto your grace as a testimonye of my seruise●●le heart and ready bent good wyll towarde your grace It is a flower I graunte Notwithstandynge suche a flower as if it be ryghtelye vsed is of synguler vertue and myghtye in operatyon No euyla●er can hu●te where the ●●uoue● of thys flower commeth yea the deuil the world the flesh cā not abide the ayer of thy● flower so mighte is the spiritual operacion therof The flower ge●●th a smel in the stre●es to the soule of the faythefull as Cimamone and Balme ▪ that hathe so good ● sauoure ▪ yea a swete odoure doth it gyue as it wer mirre of the best I therfore most humblye besech● your grace to take thys my small gyft in good part which comminge as it were from your Grace into the handes of many shal I doubt not doo manye good and bee the occasion that vyce shal decrese and vertue abundauntly encrease among vs. God whose holye worde your Grace most feruently loue and moste earnestly practise in your daylye conuersacion mought vouchsafe to ●reserue your Grace wyth my Lordes Grace youre moste louyng husband and al your godly ●e●tuous chyldrē in cōtinual health dayly ēcrease of honour vnto the glory of his name and ●he comfort of al vs your graces moost● humble and faytheful ser●●●nts Amen ¶ The Prayer Of oure Lorde O LORD God our father in heauē we thi miserable chyldrene vppon earth besech thee mercyfully to loke vppon vs and sende vs thy grace that thy name maye ●e sanctifyed amonge vs and in all the worlde throughe the pure preachynge of thy woorde ▪ and trewe knoweledge and vnderstandinge of thee same and thoroughe earneste charytye in oure dayelye conuersacyon and lyuynge Seclude thou gracyously frome vs all false doctryne and euyll lyuynge whereby thy worthy name myghte be blasphemed and slaūdered Oh let thy kyngedome come and bee greate to all synfull and blynde people and such as be houlden captyue of the deuyll and his kingdome brynge thou Lorde to repentaunce and to the knowledge of the trewe faith in Iesus Christ thy sonne Strengthen vs Lord with thy grace to do thy wyl in life and deathe in well and in woo that our wil may be alwaies broken offered vp and mortified Geue vs our daily bread preserue vs from all couetousnes ▪ and immoderate carefulnes of the belly that of the we maye be assured to haue aboundaunce of all good thinges necessary for vs. Forgeue vs oure trespasses ▪ that we maye haue a glad and a quiet● conscyence in the in that we receiue forgeuenes of our synnes as we be wyllyng to forgeue all them that trespasse againste vs. And leade vs not into tēptacion but strēgth then vs Lord wyth thy spirite to subdue the flesh to dispise the worlde wyth the vanities thereof to ouercome the deuell wyth all hys crafty assaultes And finally deliuer vs from al euil both bodely and ghostlye temporall and eternal for thine is the kingdome the power and the glorye for euer So be it The Flour of godly praiers most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard health and comforte of all degrees and estates Newlie made by Thomas Becon ¶ A prayer for the mornynge O Heauenly Father Psal. xxxi Psal. xxvii Psal. xii whiche lyke a dyligent watchmā attendest alwayes vpō thy faythful people wheither they wake or ●lepe mightely defendest theim not onely from Sathan that old enemy of mākind but also from all other their aduersaryes so that throughe thy godly power they bee harmlesse preserued I moost hartely thancke the that it hathe pleased thy fatherly goodnesse soe toe take care of me thyne vnprofytable seruaunt thys nyghte p●ste that thou hast bothe safelye kepte me frome all myne enemyes also giuē me swet slepe vnto the great comforte of my bodye I most entireli besech the o most merciful father to shew the like kindnes toward me this day in preseruing my body soule that as my enemies may haue no power ouer me so I likewyse maye neyther thincke breath or speake or doo anye thynge that maye bee dipleasaunt to thy fatherly goodnes daungerous to my selfe or hurtful to my neighboure but that all my enterprises may be agreable to thy moost blessed wil whiche is alway good and godly doinge that Leuiti xix Mat. xxii Roma xiii Galla. v Luk. ii that may auaunce thy glory aunswer to my vocacion and profyt my neyghboure whō I ought to loue as
good men Giue vs also that the most plesaunt dew euē the dew of thy heuēlye grace which may cause vs thorow thi holi spirit to florish with the abundaunce of al good works prouoke euery one of vs quietlye and peaceably to do our own besines to liue according to oure calling ii Tim. ii the magistrate godly to gouern the subiect humbly to obey Romay xi the preachers of thy word diligētly to attend vpon hys offyce ps● cxxxiii So shall it come to passe that wee as brethren quietly dwellyng together in this vnitie and concorde shal haue that thou haste promysed euen thy blessinge that is in this world abūdaunce of all good things pertaining ether to the body or to the soul and after our departure from thys vale of misery euerlasting life Lord let it so cōe to passe Amen ¶ A praier to be preserued from the plage and orher dyseases AH Lorde as thou haste sette forthe in thy holy scriptures plenty of blessinges to them that feare the Leuit. xxvi De. xxviii ▪ Esaye c. v. xxiii xxx xi Ier. ix.xvi. and .xxix. Ezechi vii xiiii.xvii●.xxxiii.xxxviii and wyth al diligēt obedience obediente dylygence walke in thy holy statutes ordynaunces so lykewise in the same haste thou set●orth innumerable curses plages to such as liue with oute all feare of the transgres thy blessed commandements Among other thy greuous punishmēts thou hast thretned the vngodlye to sende the plage and such other mortal diseases vpō them and so to roote them oute from the face of the earth because of theyr disobedyence and rebellyon agaynst the theyr Lorde God ii Re. xxiii i Par. xxi Examples herof we haue manye in thy holy worde Ah good Lorde who can be fre from these and such other thy plagues Psa. cxxix if thou shouldeste dele with vs according to oure iniquites We are al synnefull Roma iii. The best of vs all are vnprofitable seruantes Luke xvii so that we cā fynd nothynge in ourselfs wherwith we maye worthelye eyther pacify thy wrathe styrred vp agaynst vs for our manifold wickednesse or turne awaye from vs those thy plages whyche we most iustelye haue deserued Notwythstāding there are whyche supersticiously for the appeasyng of thy anger for the dipsatch of corporal puni●hmentes cal vpon dead creatures and flee vnto domme Idolls as thoughe most present helpe wer to bee looked for of theym when in dede they canne do nothyng at all vnto our health neither concerning the bodi nor the soul. With suche Idolatours O good Lord haue we nothing to do although neuer so greuous synners For we are taughte by thy holy word nether to truste in Roche nor in Apoline neither in Agasse nor in Annes nether in Erkēwald nor in Grimbald nor yet in ani other creature eyther in heauen or in earth but in thy greate mercyes set forth in the precyous bloud of thy most dear sonne Iesu Christ for whose sake alone for whose merytes and good deedes alone thou art wel pleased with mā fauorest him delighteste in hym as a louing father in his dereli beloued sonne O mooste merciful God we fyndynge in our selfes a iust deserte of al those thy plages which thou art wonte to caste vpon the chyldren of men for theyr wyckednes so great and manifold is the nūber of our synnes and nothynge at all wherew●th we may in any parte be able to tourne aw●y thy heauye dyspleasure fro● vs are co●e at thys presente vnto the throne of thy mercie moost humblie beseching the in the name of Iesu Christe thy sonne and oure alone Mediatour and aduocate not to weyghe our sinnes wyckednesses ▪ but to cōsider thy gret mercyes and louynge promyses and for Christes sake to putte away frome vs al such plages 〈◊〉 iii. and ▪ ●vii Mark ●ii Luke iii. i● ii Peter ● as we moost iustelye haue deserued and to preserue vs in suche state of bodelye healthe that we maye liue and glorify thi blessed name Ah Lorde Psal. xxx Es xxxviii may dust giue thanks vnto the or shall that declare thy faithfulnes The graue praiseth not the death doth not magnifye the. They that go down into the graue prayse not thy truthe but the lyuynge yea the the lyuynge knowledge prayse and magnify the. Defende vs therefore O Lorde from the terrible plagues of thy fearful dyspleasure but aboue al thinges remoue from vs y● dyseases of our mynde that we beynge whole in soule maye beholde the wyth a pure faythe and serue the with a clean hert Giue vs also the health of our body vnto our laste dayes that we enioyinge the healthe bothe of bodye and soule thorowe thy syngular benefite maye leade a quyet and healtheful life vnto thy honoure and glorye Amen A prayer to preserue the frutes of the earthe ▪ AT the beginning thou commaundest the earth O Lord to bringe forthe grene gras herbs Gene. i. and trees with their sedes and frutes ▪ that they myghte be meate to thy creatures lyuynge on the earthe both to manne and beaste After that depe and great floud wherin all liuing creaturs perished excepte Nohe and suche as were with him in the arck ▪ Gene. vii ii Peter ii not onelye herbes sedes and fruites gauest thou vnto man for to eat Gen. ix but also all other thy creatures that moue or lyue on the earthe whether it be fysh or foul Acte● ● Titus i. Rom xiiii i. Corin. x. i. Tim. iiii so that al thynges are pure to them that are pure nether can ani thing be comon or vnclene that thou hast made pure and cleane For al thy creatures O Lord god are good and none of them are to be refused if they be taken wyth thanckes geuynge For they are sāctified by thi word and by prayer and were ordeined of the to be receiued with thanks geuynge of the faythfull of thē that knowe the truth Seing thē that thou alone art the creatoure and maker of al thyngs and hast prepared hearbes seedes fruits fyshe and fleshe to be meate for manne seynge also that without thy blessīg al these thy creatures prospere not nor yet come vnto a fortunate ende but growe out of kynde wyther awaye perysh dye and come to nought wee mooste humbly besech the to blesse vs al the frutes of the earth wyth al other thy creatures whych thou hast made for mans vse and profit i. Cori. iii. And forasmuch as neither he that plāteth nor he that watreth is anye thynge but thou O God which geuest the encrease graūt we pray the psal lxvii that the earthe maye geue forth her fruit prosperously and plenteously that we may enioy the same in due and conueniente tyme vnto oure greate ioye and comfort Let not the labors of our handes which we haue taken in thy name and accordinge to thy worde be found vaine and frustrate but accordynge to thy
wyll bee louynge and obediente Esa. i. ye shall enioy the best thynges that growe vpon the earthe But if ye wil be obstinate and rebellyous ye shall be deuoured with the swearde For thus the Lorde hathe promysed with hys owne mouthe Howe doothe oure sauyoure thonder agaynste Corasin Bethsaida and Caper naum ▪ and threate them euerlastynge dampnacyon because they wolde not receiue the woorde of God and amende theyr lyuynge Wo bee to the Corasin wo bee to the Bethsaida saythe Christe Wat. xi For if the myracles whyche were shewed in you hadde bene done in Tyre and Sidon ▪ they had repented longe agone in sackecloth and ashes Neuertheles I saye vnto you ▪ it shall de easier for Tyre and Sidon at the day of iudgemente then for you And thou Capernaum which art lift vp vnto heauen shalte bee broughte downe to hel For if the miracles whyche haue bene done in the had bene shewed in Sodome they had remayned vnto thys day Neuerthelesse I say vnto you it shal be easier for the land of Sodō at the day of iudgment then for you Again he saith to his Disciples and to all faithefull preachers Luke x. he that heareth you heareth me ▪ and he that dispyseth you dispiseth me and he that dispisethme ▪ dispiseth him that sent me Therefore whosoeuer wyl not receiue you ▪ nor heare your sermōs when ye departe out of that house or that cytye shake of the dust of your ●eete Verely I say vnto you it shall be easier for the land of Sodome and Gomor in the daye of iudgemente then for that cytye The dispisinge of Gods worde and the preachers thereof neuer escapeth vnplaged as it is eu●dente by the historyes of the holy scripture Nohe preaceed to the old world and exhorted them to repente and to amende theyr lyfe or elsse God woulde surely plage them ii Petr. ●● ▪ They laughed Nohe whome S. Peter calleth the ryghte Preacher of ryghteousnes to scorne and hys doctryne What folowed ▪ was not al the world drowned eyght persons only e●cepted Lot seyng the vnnaturall and most abhominable vnclennes of the stynkynge Sodomites Gene. vii councelled them to cease so to much licenciouslye to offende theyr Lord God They would not heare Lot nor hys Sermons but churlyshe●y entreated hym What followed Gene. xi● ii Peter ●● Were they not consumed wyth water fyre and brymstone from heauen O mooste dreadful plages The Iewes many tymes fel away from theyr Lorde God and worshypped straunge Gods and defyled them selues wyth all the abhominacions of the Heathen The Lorde God of theyr fathers hauyn●● compassion on hys people sent to thē by his messengers ▪ yea betymes sent he to thē●●ore to warne thē of the plages that shulde fal vpon thē if they did not repente wyth all their herts turne aga●ne ●nto the Lorde their God ii pa. xxxvi But they mocke ●che messengers of God and de●pysed theyr wordes mis vsed his Prophetes vntyll the wrathe of the Lorde so arose agaynste hys people that it was past remedye What folowed Did not God send in theyr ennem●es among them whyche slewe theyr you ▪ men wyth the sweard in their holy tēple neyther spared yong man nor maydē neither old man neither so muche as h●m ●hat s●euped fo● age Were not al theyr goodes spoyled theyr strong cities and ●owe●s destroied brēt with fire Wer not theyr kyngs bound in fette●s had theyr eyes cruelly thurstou● so miserably caryed away lyke bond ●laues and prisoners into captiuity If any menne of warre or any connyng Artificers remained alyue were they not all caryed awaye and cōpelled to muche wretchedly to serue in a straung● countrye yea and that theyr very ennemyes Horryble and dreadeful plages woul●● these appere to the eyes of oure mynde and make vs stande in awe of Gods vengaunce yf we had anye feare of God in vs. i. Cor. x. All theese thynges saythe S. P●ule happe●ned vn●o them for examples and were wrytten to putte vs in remembraunce whome the endes of the worlde are come vpon Wherfore let him that thinketh he standeth take hede leaste he fall For there is no respect o● persons wyth God but in all people he that feareth hym and worc●eth ryghteousenesse is accepted wyth hym Actes x So lykewyse he that feareth 〈◊〉 God nor worketh ryghteousenes but lyueth wyth out al feare of God in wyckednes and vngodlynes maye be sure to be plaged o● what soeuer country nacion for kynred he be For there is no respect of persons wyth God Moreouer after certayne yeares of theyr captiuity God remembryng hys promyse euen of hys owne goodnes delyuered them oute of thraldome-and broughte theym home agayne into theyr owne conuery Zere xxix where by the space of certayne yeres after theyr retourne euen so longe as the Plagues were who●e and fresh in theyr memorye as the manner of the worlde is they contynued in the feare of God and walked accordyng to hys worde But whē they once grewe vnto a quietnesse and by that meanes began to ware welthy they strayghtwayes forgott both God and hys plages and became the old men agayne ▪ Ambicious Proude Couetous Malycious Dysdaynefull Or mercifull Voluptuous and styrred vp sedicion among them selues They stryued who shoulde bee hyghe●t in authorytye They bought and sold all offyces and dy●nityes Not the worthynes of the personne but the summe of the money was consydered They gaue theyr myndes wholy to worldlye honoure and ryches Hee that coulde sette hym selfe in the tygheste place amonge the offycers of the common wealthe howesoeuer he came by it was co●nted the mooste worthye and most honourable person God and hys worde were set at noughte The Prophetes and Preachers of Gods word were brought vnto extreame beggary made of no reputacion and not herkened vnto In thys deepe silence of Gods truthe there arose certayne sectes as the diuell neuer sle●peth but watcheth hys tym● the Pha●iseis the Saduceis the Esses whyche in steede of Gods woorde broughte in theyr owne tradicions and so corrupted the holy law of God God seyng thys theyr ingratitude and vnthankfulnes vexed them besydes other pl●ges wyth continual warres and brought them vnder the dominion of the Romaynes so that where ●s before they were free nowe are they in most miserable subieccion to straūgers yea and those their ennemyes For God wyll not leaue the con●empte of hys worde and wycked lyuynge vnpunyshed Notwithstanding God accordyng to hys olde and accustomed gentlenes once agayne hauynge petye on them and wyllynge to proue yf yet nowe at the last they wyl repent and amend ▪ that they maye bee saued sendeth not vnto theym hys seruauntes the Prophets as afore but hys owne dearelye beloued and only begotten sonne to cal them by hys moste godly sermons vnto repentaunce and amendmente of lyfe and to wo●rke miracles amonge the●m not onelye for the confirmacyon of hys doctryne but also for theyr comforte Christe
bodies with fode and raiment may shew them selues profitable members of the chrysten publique weale and faythful seruauntes to the their Lorde God whyche alone art worthye all honoure and glorye Amen A prayer for children AS thou O mercyful father hast geuen commaundemēt vnto al fathers ▪ mothers to br●nge vp theyr children in thy feare nourtour and doctryne ▪ so likewyse thy good pleasure is that children shuld honor reuerence their parentes E●odu ix Deute v. Mathe. xix Mar x. E●he ●i Collo iii. Eccl iii. vi● Tobi. iiii Eccle. iii. Proue xix Proue xxx Deu. xxvii diligentlye geue ear vnto their v●rtuous enstruccions and faythfully obey them And as thou hast promised helth honour glory rych●s long life all that good is vnto thē that honour reuerence and hūbly obeye their fathers mothers so haste thou threatned vnt o dysobedyēt chyldren ignominie euyll fame contēpt shame dishonour pouertie sickenes short life and suche other plagues Yea in thy holye lawe thou doest not onelye pronounce them accurssed that dyshonor theyr fathers mothers but thou also commaundest that if anye chylde be stubberne disobediēt and wil not heare but rather despise the commaundemēt of his father and mother ▪ Deute xxi the same shuld be stoned vnto death without mercy so greatly doste thou abhorre disobediēce and rebelliō agaynst all persons but specially agaynst parentes Deute iiii Heb. xiii We therefore hartely wishyng that the plages of thy fearce wrathe for thou O God art a consum●ng fyre maye be far from vs ▪ most hūbly besech the to graue in the harts of all children of what●oeuer age kynd estat or degre thei be true honour harti reuerēce ▪ and vnfained obedyence toward theyr p●rentes Giue them grace o good Lorde that as they profes thi son Christ in name so they may truly represent his maners in their life and conuersacion Luke ii whiche willinglye was obediēt vnto his mother mary and vnto her husband Ioseph geuyng example to al children of the like subieccion and obedyēce tow●rd theyr parents Engraffe in them such a loue toward theyr fathers mothers that they mai both reuerēce thē with outwarde honour and also for their power helpe them socoure thē prouyde for them comfort anb cherish thē in their nede euē as their parēts nourished and comforted thē in their infancy tender age Esay xliii But aboue all thynges geue thē grace truly to honour the whyche art the heauenly father yea oure father our redemer whiche hast made vs dayly cherishest vs euen as a father or mother cherishe their mooste deare and naturall chyldren So shall ●t come to passe Esaye xlix that they faythfully honourynge the shal also in order hartely honour and vnfainedly obey theyr carnal parētes in thi feare vnto y● glory of thy most blessed name which is most worthi to be honored worldes without ende Amē A prayer for Masters ALthoughe O Christe thou most hyghest Lorde al power both in heuen and in erth M●t xxviii be geuē vnto the of thy heauenly father and albeit thou hast geuē vs a commaundement that wee shuld not desire to be called master Mat. xxiii for we haue but one mayster whyche thou art al we are brethren hauing one father which is in heauen yet forasmuch as thou accordyng to thy blessed will hast appoīted some superiours some inferioures some masters some seruaunts some to commaunde some to obey some to rule some to searue and by thys meanes suche as be in superiorytye haue obteyned by thy holye worde the name of maisters or Lordes because they haue seruauntes vnder them and rule vnder the accordynge to thy good pleasure godlie appointment whyche art the mooste supreame power and mooste excellente maiesty Kinge of kinges and Lord of Lordes i. Timo. vi Apoc. ●vii and .xix. to whom all thinges both in heauen and in earth and vnder the earthe do bowe their knees and geue reuerēce honoure Philip. ii whose praise also euery nacion and language doth auance and set forth cōfessing that thou art the Lorde Iesu Christe vnto the glorye of God the father We moste humblye praye thee whyche arte the greatest master and moste hyghest Lorde to sende thy holye spiryte vppon all suche as are called masters here in earthe and haue superioritie ouer other that they remembrynge them selues to be thy seruaunts Ephesi vi Collo iiii and that thei also haue a master in heauē with whō ther is no respect of persons may put awaye all threatninges al cruelty al vnrightousnes and do that vnto their seruaūts whiche is iust equall Eccle. vii Graunte that they entreate not euyll theyr seruauntes whiche worke truly nor the hyreling that is faithful vnto thē Eccle. iiii Eccle. vii Graūt that they be not as lions in theyr houses destroyinge their houshold folks and oppressing such as are vnder them but rather that they cherysh and loue their faithfull discrete seruaūtes euen as their owne soul and by no meanes suffer thē to be vnrewarded for their paines takīg nor yet at the laste to be driuen to beggary for their true seruice doyng but that they liberally rewarding them according to their desertes may shew thē selues to be thy true seruaūtes which leauest no mā vnrewarded Math. xvi but geuest to eueri mā according to his dedes Roma ii to them that do wel and continue in wel doing glory honour peace immortality and euerlastīg life to them that do euill and cōtinue in the same indignacion wrath displesure trouble sorow and eternal damnaciō Graūt therfore O Lorde that all temporall masters may in all their doyngs resemble the which art the heauēly and euerlasting master and so be haue thē selfs both toward theyr seruaūts and all other accordnig to thy blessed wyl that at the laste daye they maye be founde in the nūber of thē to whom thou shalt say Come ye blessed of mi father possesse the kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginninge of the world Math. xxv Lord let it so come to passe Amen A prayer for seruauntes O Christ my lord and sauiour which being the son of the liuing God yea God him self from euerlastynge didst not disdaine at the wil of thine heuenly father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become man to take vpon the the shape of a seruaunt to obey thi fathers commaūdement to the deathe Philip. ii yea euen the death of the crosse for our saluaciō refusīg no seruice no trauail no labour no payne that mighte make vnto the comforte of mankynde we mooste humbly beseche the to geue al seruaūts grace to practise thy humility and obedyence that as thou moost wyllyngly diddest serue and obey thy heauenly fathers good plesure so they in like manner may wyth moste hartye affecciō serue obey their bodely masters in al thynges Ephesi vi that fight not wyth thy blessed
moste of al wisheth but to exercise try their faith to proue their cōstaci in this their cōstict to occasion thē bi herti praiers to 〈◊〉 vnto thi holi name Pro. xvi●i ▪ which is a strōg tower mighty fortres for so many as repayre vnto it the thei getting ayde at thy hande maye not onli enter battel with this their great immortal enemy but also by the power of thy myghte ouer come hi● and put him to flyght And as thou hast geuē satā thys liberti to tempt to exercise Iob. i. proue and try vs whether we be costāt in thy faythe and word or not so dooth he take thy profer And althoughe thou sufferest hym thus to do for our great profit singuler commodity for we know that all thyngs worke for the beste vnto theym that loue God Rom. v● euen that we of oure selfes beynge weake shuld haue a gloryous triumphe and noble vyctory ouer hym thorowe the myghty puissaunce of the our grande captain yet herof taketh he an occasiō to seke our destruccion And that he may bring this to passe besides the innumerable companye of hellishe spyrites he taketh vnto hym .ii. other our moost cruel ennemies i. Ihon. ii ●●lath v. Ps● cxxiiii the world the flesh The one with his vain pleasures the other with her carnal lustes so compasse vs round about that if thy presēt help wer not we must nedes perish O louyng Lorde and most gentle sauyoure thou seest our weaknes myserye i Re xxvii ●ccl xlvii and no strength Thou knoweste againe the valeaunte myght and power of oure aduersaries Our strēgth is no more to be compared wyth theyr mighte then the strength of lytle Dauid with the mightye power of great Goliah oure speare oure swerd oure shielde wyll do nothynge in thys behalfe Notwythstandyng Lord we do not despayre For al thoughe there bee not so greate strengthe in vs ii P● xiiii that we may be able to resyst this greate company that cōmeth against vs yet haue we this one refuge and succour euen to lift vp our eyes Psal. cx●● vnto the to saye our help commeth frō the lord our god whych made heuen and earth If God be on our syde who canne be againste vs Rom. viii i. Reg. vii The battel O lord God is thine oure faythe therfore is that thou wylte geue oure ennemyes into our handes Math. ● Thou taughtest vs to pray that we maie not be ledde into temptacion and hast promised vs that thou wilte not suffer vs too bee tempted aboue oure strengthe i. Cor ● but wylte in the middes of the temptacyon make a-away for vs to escape Thou art fayt●ful Psal. ●●lv Ti●● i ▪ 〈…〉 ●ii ●● Tim. ii fulfyl therefore thy promise And forasmuch as thi good pleasu●e is that we shal manfully fyght with these our enemies for what is the lyfe of manne in this world ▪ but a continual warfarre and no man is crowned excepte he stryue lawefullye we wyth our very heart dyspairinge of oure owne strengthe corage moost humblye beseche the to be our captayne and valeauntelye to defende vs agaynst oure enemyes ▪ that they may not preuaile agaynste vs. Make vs strong in the O Lord and in the power of thy mighte Putte on thy holy armour vpon vs that we may stād stedfast against the crafty as●autes of the deuyl Ephe●● vi For wee wrastle not against the flesh and bloud but agaynst rule agaynste power and against worldly rulers of the darknes of thys world agaynste spyrytual wyckednes in heauenlye things For this cause O mooste sweete sauiour put vpon vs thy holy armour that we mai be able to resist in the euil day and stand perfect in all thynges Gyue vs grace therfore to stand to gird our loynes aboute wyth veritye hauyng on the brestplate of righteousnes and shoed with shooes prepared by the Gospell of peace But aboue al graūt that we may take vnto vs the shilde of faithe wherw t we may be able to quēch al the fyry dartes of the wycked to put on the helmete of saluacion and the swearde of the spirite which is thy blessed word Graūt also that we being thus godly en armed may thorow thy puissāce might and strength not onely enter battel with our enemyes but also valeauntly fyght with them coragiously put them to flyght tryumphantly cary away a glorious vyctory ouer them So shall it come to passe that we being valeaunt conquerours thorow thy help shal receiue at thy hānd accordyng to thi promyse Manna to eat that is hyd Ap●c● ii a white stone in the stone a new name wrytten which no man knoweth sauyng he that receiueth it Lorde for thy mercies sake grant vs these our peticions So shal we praise and magnyfye thy blessed name for euer euer Amen A prayer for remission of synnes IF we wretched synners O Lord God hadde not louīg promises of thy tēder mercy in the holye scriptures for the comfort of our weake conscyences and sorowful herts we se none other reamedy so great infinit are our sinnes but that we must nedes despayre But for asmuch as what soeuer thynges are wrytten Roma x● are wrytten for oure learninge that thorowe pacience and the comfort of scriptures we mai haue hope our sis although neuer so mani abhominable do not so muche make vs sadde as thy louynge kindenes and tēder mercyes make vs gladde Oure syns we confesse are innumerable but thi mercies are also infynyte Ezec. xviii Thou art that most gentle Lord whych wylt not the deathe of a sīner Say●e xi but rather that he turn and lyue Mathe. i. Thou for repentaunce sake dissemblest and wylt not se the sinnes of men Luke ii Thou confessest that thou cammest into thys world to saue sīners i. Timo. ii to cal not the righteous Mathe. ix Luke xvi but sinners vnto repētaūce and to seke vp that which was lost Mathe. xi Thou callest vnto thee al them that ar diseased and ladē wyth the heauy burden of synne Luke xix Math. xi and promysest that thou wilt ease them E●aye i. Yea by thi prophet thou saiest ▪ if we will washe make clene our selfs put awai our euil thoughts out of thi sight cese frō doīg of euil violēce learn to do right apply our selfs to equitie deliuer the oppressed help the fatherles to his right heare the widows cōplaint though our sis wer as red as scarlet yet shal they be made whiter thē snow And thogh they wer like purple yet shall they bee made like white wolle Yea thou saiest more ouer that for thy own sake euē for thy mercie name sake thou wilt be good vnto vs fauour vs so cast away al our sins behind thy back Esay xliii that thou wilt neuer remēber thē more O lord thou arte the
of so great a benefit I am come vnto this thy table O merciful father to drinke of this cup desiring the that as my outward man is comforted by the drynkekyng of thys wyne so lykewyse my inwarde man mai be comforted and made stronge by true faythe in the precious bloud of thy mooste dearly sonne O Lord and my heauenli father geue me thy holye spirite whych may so rule and gouerne my hert that I neuer be vnthanckful nor forgetful of this thine excedinge greate kindenes but so trayne my lyfe accordynge to thy blessed will that whatsoeuer ▪ I do speke or thinke may be vnto the glorye of thy blessed name the health of my soule ▪ thorow Iesu Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer againste Idolatry THou O Lord art God alone and besydes the Esay lxvi there is no God nether in heauen nor in earth As for the gods of the heathen thei are deuils and the images Malach. ii i. Cor. xviii which the ignoraunt people worshyppe as gods by knelynge praying and offering vnto them are no gods but stocks stones Ephe. iiii Idols and Mamets They haue mouthes speake not i. Timo. ii eies haue they but theyse not They haue eares and heare not Psal. xl●i noses haue thei but thei smel not Psal. c●●ii Thei haue hands and handle not fete haue they but they can not go neyther canne they speake thorowe theyr ●hrotes O how vayne thē are all they that put their trust in suche mad fan●ies as can doo them no good Psalm ▪ ii Al health and saluation al ioye and comfort come frome the alone Esaye xlv ii Cor. i. Ieremy li. Psam xlv ▪ Ps. ●xlv Iere xvii ▪ O Lord Thou art the god of al consolacion and father of al mercyes Thou arte the lyuynge fountayne from who●e alone ●loweth whatsoeuer good or godlye is Thou arte the refuge and succour of thy people Thou hearest thy seruāts whēsoeuer they cal on the. Who euer trusted in the and was not holpen Blessed are they which put their trust in the and cursed are they that forsake the and folow the Idols of their owne heart Psal ▪ cxiii ▪ Esaye lxv Deu. xxviii For as the faithfull in thy presēce shall fynde fauour and merci so shal al Idolatours receiue before the shame of face and confusion of conscience yea terrible iudgement and euerla●ting dampnacion Esaye i ●euit ●xvi I●remy ix besides those temporal punishmentes whiche thou threatnest in thy holy lawe We beseche the therfore O thou alone true and liuing god to endue vs with thy holi spirit which may clense vs from al blynde erroures al folysh fansyes I●o● xvi Ioh. xvii al vain supersticions and frō the whole lumpe of Idolatry and leade vs vnto thy godlye truthe that wee maye knowe the to bee the alone true euerlasting and immortall God beleue in the feare loue cal on thy blessed name seke thy honoure and glory and craue at thy merciful hande alone alone whatsoeuer good thing we haue nede of concerning the bodye or the soule that we in th●s worlde glorifi●ng the our lord god alone alone accordynge to thy blessed woorde maye after this present life be glorified of the in thy heauenly kingdom wher thou wyth thy dearelye beloued sonne the holy gost liuest and reygnest one true and euerlasting god foreuer and euer Amen A prayer against Swearynge O Almighty and euerlastinge God Exod. xxi how greatly they that abuse thy holy name bi vain and vnlawful othes shall be plaged Deute i. it is euident inoughe in the sacred scripturs For thou thi self saiest that whosoeuer taketh thi name in vain shal not escape vn punished ●a●ha v. And thy prophet sawe flying in the ayre a great large boke euen twēty cubyts in lēgth and ten cubits in breadth wherin were contayned the cursses plages that are prepared for thē which vainly or falsly sweare by thy holy name It is wrytten also that whosoeuer vseth muche to sweare shal be fylled with iniquity and the plage that is the vengeaunce of thy wrath shal not depart from his house Ecle xxxii Seing that so many yea those terrible punishments and moost greuous plages are threatned prepared setforth to all idle swearers and wycked blasphemers of the of thy blessed name we most hertely pray the so to order our tunge that it vtter no vngodlye nor file thy communication that it abuse not the nor thy name nor any of thy cre● tures eyther in heauē or in earth by vnlawful and vayne othes but that with all diligence we obserue the cōmaundemēt of thy only begotten sonne whiche streightly chargeth vs Math. v. that wee sweare not at al Iacob v. nether bi heauē for it is godds seat nor yet by the earthe for it is his footestole nether by Ierusalē for it is the city of the greate kyng neither saith he shalte thou swere by thy head because thou canst not make one whyte here or black But thy cōmunication shal be yea yea naye nay For whatsoeuer is more thē that commeth of euyll Gyue vs grace therfore O moost louinge God to auoyde all vngodlye and wicked othes to reuerēce thy holy name to ste vnto it as a strong castell by herty prayer in aduersitie and at al tymes to prayse and magnifi it Graunt also that our communicacion be yea yea nay naye that is yea in herte yea in mouthe nay in herte and nay in mouth that ther be foūde no dissi●ulaciō in vs but such symplicitie and truthe in our talke and such sīcerity purenes in al our conuersaciō and lyuynge as becōmeth them that profes thy holi name which alone is worthy all honour and glory Amen A prayer against Pride O Most louing and gentle sauiour the only begotten son of the eternall and lyuynge god thou commaundest al them Math. x● that wyll come vnto the and bee thy scolers to learne of the to be meke humble and lowly in hert Math. ● to be pore in spirit not to be puffed vp with arrogancy pride ambicion and vayn glory For thou scatterest thē that ar proud in the Imaginacion of theyr heartes Luke ● Thou puttest downe the mighty from theyr seats and exaltest thē of lowe degre Thou resistest the proud i. Peter ● geuest grace to the humble Thou throwest down the hauty minded and exaltest the meke spirited Thou so greatly abborrest Pride Eccle. x. that thbou ryngest also the proude to nought and makest the memoryall of theym to ceasse from out of the earth For pryde is the orygynall of al synne whoso taketh hold therof shal be fylled wyth cursings 〈◊〉 x. and at the last it shal ouerthrow hym O Lord what is to be foūd in vs being our owne that may make vs to glory in our selfs and to be proud 〈◊〉 ▪ iii. As concerning our body what is
vnfaythfulnes whiche we receyued of old Adam to plant in vs true faith and vndoubted belefe that we may be thorowli perswaded that thou arte the sonne of the lyuynge God Math. xvi Ephe. v. verye God and verie manne our alone swete smelling sacryfyce our alone Medyatour i. Timo. ii aduocate and intercessoure oure alone wysdome ryghteousnesse i. Iohn ii Hebru vii i. Corin. i. sanctificacyon and redempcyon by whome alone and for whose sake only thy heauenly father is well pleased wyth vs our sinnes are remytted grace and euerlastyng lyfe are frely geuen vnto vs. O Lord God suffer vs not to lene to our own wisdō nor to beleue as blynd flesh fansyeth nor to seke saluaciō wher supersticiō dreameth but lette our fayth onlye be groūded on thy worde and geue vs grace trulye to beleue in the with all our hert to putte our trust in thee to looke for all good thynges of thee Prouer. iii. to call vpon thy blessed name in aduersity and with ioyfull voyces and more merye hertes to praise and magnify it in prosperity Suffer vs not to dout neyther of God thy heauenlye father nor of the god his sonne nor of God the holye ghoste but earnes●elye to beleue that you being three dys●yncte persons in the de●●ye are not withstanding one verye God besides whome there is no God neither in heauen nor in earth i. Cor. viii Graunt also that we may assuredli beleue whatsoeuer is cōtained in the holi scriptures and by no meanes suffer our selfs to be plucked from the verity thereof but maynely and stedfastly abyde in the same ●uē vnto death rage worlde rore deuyl And this fayth O sweete Iesu encrese thou dayly in vs more and more Luke xvii that at the last thorow thy goodnes we may be made perfect strōg mē in thi holi religion and shew our selfs both before the the world truly faithful by bringinge forth plenty of good worckes vnto the glory and honoure of thy name whiche with God the father and God the holye ghoste lyueste and reignest true God worlds wythout ende Amen A praier for Charitie ▪ THy holye Apostle wryteth O mooste gentle sauioure that the ende of the commaundemente is loue i. Timot. i. that commeth of a pure heart and of a good conscyence and of faithe vnfained For he that loueth the his Lord God with al hys heart Deut. vi Mat. xxiii ●euit ●i● Rom. xiii Mark xii Luke xx wtal hys soule with al his minde wtal his strēgth and his neighboure as hymself fulfilleth the whole law For al the law and the prophets requyre no more of vs but loue euē to loue y● our Lord God aboue al thynges and our neyghbour as our selfe Without this loue all that we do semeth it neuer so muche prayse worthy in the sight of men is abhominable before y● Yea as thi blessed Apostle saith though I spake wyth the tonges of men and aūgels and yet had no loue I were euen as a soundynge bras i. Cor. xiii or as a tynklyng cymbal And thoughe I coulde prophecye and vnderstand al secrets and al knowledge yea if I had al fayth so that I coulde moue moūtains oute of theyr places yet had no loue I wer nothīg And though I bestowed al mi goods to fede the pore and thoughe I gaue my bodye euen that I burned yet had no loue it profiteth me nothyng For by loue are we knowen to be thy dysciples Iohn xiii euen as the deuyls impes ar knowē by hatred maliciousnes And the loue O lord that thou requirest of vs is no worldli nor fleshly loue for if any mā loueth the world i Iohn ii the loue of the father is not in him And whosoeuer wil be a frēd of the worlde Iacob iiii is made the ennemy of God but godly spiritual sincere tru pure loue euē such loue as suffreth lōg is courteous enuieth not doth not frowardli swelleth not i. Cori. xiii dealeth not disonestlye seketh not her owne is not prouoked to anger thīketh not euyl reioyseth not in iniquiti ▪ but reioiseth in the truth suffereth al things beleueth all thynges endureth all thynges Thys godly loue this Christē charytie gyue thou vnto vs o good Lord that we maye vnfaynedly with al our hearte loue the our Lorde God whiche so dearlye louest vs that thou gauest thi self for vs an offering a sacrifice of a sweete sauour to God Ephev v. Take away from vs the loue of worldely thynges whych though they appere neuer so plesaunt and beutiful are not withstanding mere vanitie and giue vs grace so to vse this world as thoughe we vse it not For the fas●ō of this world passeth awai Make vs also to abhor the filthy beastlyke pleasures of the stinckyng flesh i. Cori. v●i and by no meanes to be entāgled with the loue of thē the ende wherof is dyshonoure shame corrupcyō destrucciō dānacyon and kyndle our herts so feruentlye wyth thy loue ▪ that no thynge maye delyght and please vs but only thou ▪ and whatsoeuer maye make vnto thy glorye is agreable to thy blessed commaundement so that thou only mayest be oure loue our delyght our ioy oure myrthe oure solace and whatsoeuer is without the and estranged from thy loue let it be counted of vs more vayne then vanitie it selfe and more fil thye then the very dōge Graunt also that from this oure loue towarde the there may issue oute a vehemēt and brenninge loue to ward our neighburs yea toward our very enemyes that we maye loue them from the very hearte yea euen as our selues praye for them ▪ geue thē good coūsel helpe them defend them socour them prouyde for their necessities Luke vi and deale with them in al thinges as we wyshe to be dealte wyth all O Lord God thou arte loue and he that dwelleh in loue ● I●on iiii dwelleth in the and thou in him Graunt that in this world we may so dwel together thorow loue thou in vs by thi holy spirit and we in the by faith that after our departure frō this vale of miseri we may be placed with the in thy heauēly mancion so continewe wyth the in glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for a godlye lyfe IT greatly greueth vs O merciful father and euer lastynge God that wee thorowe the greuous continual assaultes of our ennemies are not able to pas ouer our yeres of thys world wyth such purytye of lyfe as we ought and as thou requirest of vs. Uerely we are on euery part so beseged and compas sed round about of our aduersaries that scarcely at any time we can be fre from their pestiferous and deadly darts nor yet haue so muche respyte as once to breath towarde true godlynesse Oh mooste louinge Lorde thou arte oure father and we thy chyldren conuenient therfore is it that we thy children represent
god which cā not lie Titus i. Iohn ▪ xv thou art the self truth thou art faithful in thy words holy in al thy works Psal ▪ cxlv For accordyng to these thy louinge promises haste thou euer dealt with the children of men whensoeuer they repented turned vnto the. Whē they forsaked their sinful liuing called vpō thi holi name thou forgauest al theyr sīnes and he alest al theyr infyrmytyes Psal. cxx● ▪ Thou sauedst their life from destrucciō and crowned them with merci louing kindnes For thou O Lord God art ful of compassion mercy lōg sufferīg and of great goodnes Thou wilt not alwaye be chydynge neither wilt thou kepe thi anger for euer Neyther wylt thou deale with vs after our synnes nor yet reward vs accordyng to our wyckednes For loke how hye the heauē is in cōparysō of the earth so great is thy mercy toward them that fere the. Loke howe wyde the East is from the West so far doest thou sette our synnes from vs. Yea like as a father pytyeth hys own children euen so art the mercyfull vnto them that feare thee For thou knowest whereof we be made thou remembrest that wee are but duste Esaye lx Eccle. xiiii Iacob i. ● Pet●● i. That a man in hys tyme is but as a grasse and florisheth as a flour of the field For as soone as the wynd goeth ouer it ▪ it is gone and the place therof knoweth it no more But thi merciful goodnes o lord ēdureth for euer and euer vpon thē that fear the. Of this thy louynge kyndenes tender mercy who at anye time hath not tasted if he sought it with al his hert Forgauest thou not Dauid both hys whoredome and manslaughter whē he repēted confessed hys syn Psa lxxxiii ii Reg. xii How oft didst thou call backe the plages of thy vengeaunce Iudi. x. ii Par. xii Iudi● iiii when the chyldrē of Israel lamented theyr syns and turned vnto the How mercyful dyddest thou shew thy self to the Niniuites Ionas iii. when they repented humbled them selfs in thy sight Howe louynglye spakest thou to that synneful woman in thy gospel Luke vii and forgauest her al her sins because she repēted and beleued Peter thy disciple although most cowardly denying the Mat. xx●i after that he had bytterly wept and lamented his sins thou dyddest behold with thy merciful eye and fauorably receiuedst him again into the number of thi holi Apostles Luke xxiii One of thē that died with the beīg both a theif a murtherer after he had called vnto the for grace thou placest in Paradise and makest him partaker of thine eternall felicitye Mani other notable examples of thy greate mercyes fynde wee in the holy scriptures whyche wyll not suffer vs to despair of thi clemency and goodnes be our syns wickednesses neuer so manye but they rather do encourage vs boldely to come vnto the throne of thy grace ●●bru iiii that wee maye receyue mercy and find grace to helpe in time of nede O most gentle sauiour thou art that moost louynge shepperd which diligētly soughtest vp the wandering sheepe louyngely laydest it vpon thy shulders and tenderlye broughtest it home agayne Luke xv Seke vs vp which haue so long runne astraye laye vs vpon thy merciful shoulders and bryng vs home agayne vnto the companye of thy faythefull Thou arte that mooste mercyful Samaritan Luke x. which beholdīg the miserable state of the woūded mā with thy pitifull eie cāmest vnto him madest clene his woūds pouredst in wine oil boūdedst them vp laydst the sick Samaritā vpō thi beast caridst him into the inne and neuer leaftest him til he was perfectly whole O most louynge sauyour vouchsafe also with thy merciful eie to loke vpō our wretched state whiche wythoute thy helpe muste nedes peryshe Oure woundes are deadly woundes not able to be healed of anye eyther in heauen or in earth but of the alone which art the true Phisicion and alone healest thē that are contryte in herte Mathe. Esaye Luke ● Esaye i. Oure hole head is syck and the heart is veri heauy Frō the sole of the foote vnto the head ther is no hole part in al our bodi but al are woūds botches sores and stripes which can neither be helped bounde vp molified nor eased with any ointmē except thou puttest to thy helpyng hand Let it therfore please the of thy great goodnes to make clene our wounds to poure in the wine and oyl of spirituall gladnesse to binde them vp and neuer to leue vs til thou hast made vs perfectlye whole and broughte vs into thy heauenly kyngedome Heale thou vs o Lorde and we shall be healed 〈◊〉 xvii saue thou vs and we shal be saued 〈◊〉 ●v Thou arte that mooste tender father whyche receiuedst home agayne wyth embracynge armes that lost sonne which had wasted all hys goodes wyth ryotous liuyng So soone as he returned vnto the repented him of hys dysorder confessed hys sinne and hūbled himselfe in thi sight thou haddest compassion on him and ranne and fel on hys necke and kyssed hym Thou commaundedst thy seruaunts also to bryng forth that beste garment and put it on thy sonne and to put a ryng on hys hande and shooes on hys feete Thou gauest cōmaūdemēt agayne to fetche a fatte calfe and to kyll it and sayedst let vs eate and be meri for this mi sōne was dead and is a liue againe he was lost and now is founde Shewe thys thy fauour O most gētle father to vs thy chyldrē also which haue vngodly bestowed the godly and vertuous gifts which thou both frendly and liberally gauest vnto vs. Thys our prodigall and licencious lyuīg sore greueth vs and we be hertely sory that we hau● so greuously offended thy fatherly goodnes Notwythstandynge acccordynge to thy old wonte we moste humbly besech the for thy names sake to haue merci on vs Psal. xxv to forgeue vs our synnes to receiue vs againe into thi fauoure Take awai frō vs al oure old begerly ragges put on vs the newe garmēt of innocēcy that precius rīg of fayth wherwith we ar maried vnto the Ose. ii those most godly shooes of the euangelike peace that wee maye walke from henceforthe in the wayes of thy holy commaundemēts Ephe. vi do that which is plesāt in thy sight Gyue vs grace so vnfaynedlye to repēt and to amend our lyfe Luke xv that the aungels of heauen maye reioyse at oure conuersion Psalms li. And so washe vs from oure syns more and more that at the laste we maye be cleane and appeare beautyfull in thy heauenlie fathers syght thorow the our onlye sauiour which wyth the same thy father and the holy ghoste lyuest and reignest one true euer lastynge God worldes wythoute ende Amen A prayer for a conpetente and necessarye lyuynge
They go forth daili more and more to hepe vp thicke clay against them selfs Their couetousnes knoweth nether ende nor mesure so that if thou dost not shortly reforme this outragious desyre of hauīg it is like to come to passe that Mammon shal be honored for a God thou vtterly dispised few shal possesse the whole fruites of the earth the other shal miserably sterue for hūger For ther is no mercye on the earthe Os● iiii as thy Prophete complayneth All seke theyr own and not Iesu Christes Philip. ii ▪ They be louers of themselfs and haters of other O good lord it may plese that therfore for thy mercyes sake to redresse these pestylences wher wyth the moost parte of the worlde at thys present be infected Open the eies of the couetous worldlyngs that they may clearely se how vile an Idole they serue Psal. xxxix how vncertain possessions they gather together not knowing to whom they shall leaue them Take awai frō them inordinate and vnsaciable desire of hauīg Psal. cxix Encline their herts vnto thi testimonis not vnto couetousnesse i. Peter ii Teach thē that in this world they are but straūgers and Pylgrimes Hebr. xiii and haue here no abidig citie but seke for one to come and that therfore thei ought to be contente wyth that is sufficient For nothinge broughte they into this world nether shal they carye any thyng out of it i. Tim● vi Teach them not to put theyr trust in vncerten rychesse but in the the liuing god which geuest vs al thyngs abundantelye to enioye them Teache them to do good and to be rich in good workes and readye to geue to distribute layinge vp in store for them selfs a good foūdacyon agaynste the time to come that they may obtayne eternal life Teach them to learne practise this thy commaundement geuē bi the prophet breake thy bread to the hungri Esa. lviii lede into thi house the pore harbourles When thou seest a naked mā couer him and thou shalt not despise thy flesh Teache thē to loue theyr neighbour as them selfes Leui●● xix Math. xiii and to seke the commodite of theyr Christē brethren no lesse then theyr owne Mark xii Yea teach them euer to set befor their eies this cōmaundement of thy holi Apostle let no man seke his owne profyt but the cōodite of other Luke x. Roma ●iii In fine grant that the conuersaciō of so manye as professe thy name Iacob ii may be so far stranged from the most detestable sinne of couetousnes that it be not once named amōge them Hebr. xiii agayne that they make thē bagges which waxe not old Ephe. v. and gather treasure in heauē that faileth not Luke xii where no thief commeth nor moth corrupteth that they being rich in good workes Mathe. vi may obtain that blessed life which thou hast promised to so mani as be louing and merciful thorow Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer agaynste Glotonye and Dronkennesse VUe are warned by thi deare son O most merciful father to take heede that our hearts be not ouerwhelmed with feasting and dronkennes Luke xix Eze. xxxvii For thorow festynge manye haue died Ose. iiii and thorow drōkēns innumerable haue peryshed If oure fyrste parentes hadde not obeyed theyr appetyte Gene. ii they had not transgressed thy cōcommaundement by eatinge the forbiddē frute nor haue gottē so great an euil both to them selfes and to al their posterity If Lotte had not ben ouercome with wine he had neuer so filthely committed inceste with his owne doughters Genesis ii Ex● xxxii ▪ If the people of Israell had not geuē them selfs vnto bāckettinge i. Cor x. they had not neuer so wyckedly fallē into Idolatry nether had so mani thousands of mē ben slain Math. xiii If king Herod had not ben ouercome wyth banckettyng he wold not so sone haue consented to the death of the godly preacher S. Iohn Luke xvi If that rich gloton had not bene so greatly geuen to the pampring of his belly he woulde neuer haue ben so vnmerciful to pore Lazarus If the Sodomits had not vsed bancketting and riotous liuinge Ezechi xvi they had not peryshed with so horrible punyshments For thou ▪ O lord canst not abide thy creatures to bee abused Gene. xix For besydes euerlastynge dampnacion which abydeth all glotones dronckerds thou punishest these voluptuous Epicures beastlye belli slaues with corporal plages with sicknes and pouerty as thy seruaunt Salomon testifieth Where is wo sayeth he Prou. xxiii wher is sorowe where is stryfe wher is brawling wher are woūds withoute a cause Where be red eyes Euen among those that be euer at the wine seke out where the best is Agayne he saieth kepe no company with wine bibbers and riotous eaters of fleshe for suche as be dronckerdes and ryotous persōnes shal come to pouerti Another of thy seruaunts also declareth that excesse of meats brīgeth sicknesse and glotony commeth at the last vnto an vnmesurable heat Yea he sayeth ▪ that an vnsaciable eater slepeth vnquietly Eccle. xxxi and hathe ache and pain of the body Seing these foule and fylthy monstures of glottonye and drōkennes bring vnto vs the destruccion both of body and soule we besech the O heauenli father to geue vs grace that from hensforth we may be from these beastly vices as from mooste presente pestilēces and vse thy good creatures soberly temperatelye and thāckfully Roma xiii by no meanes make prouision for the fleshe to fulfil the lusts therof but be sober watch that we fal not into the snares of oure gostly enemie the Dyuel whiche walketh about like a roringe Lion seking whom he may deuour and labour for that meate i. Peter v. which perysheth not but abydeth into euerlasting life Iohn x. vi that we liuing soberly watching warely prayinge continually and loking diligently for the comming of thy dearlye beloued sōne Luke xvii may be found redy whensoeuer he commeth enter with him into the glory of heauē for euer and euer Amen i. Te●so vi Mat. xxiiii A prayer agaynst Idlenes IMmediatly after thou haddest created man O maker of heauen and earth and placed him in the garden of Eden Gene. ii thou conmaundedst him to dresse keepe it because he shoulde not be idle For idlenes is the occasiō of much euil Eccl. xxxiii In lyke manner after man had transgressed thy holy cōmandement thou expulsing hym out of paradice for his disobediēce Gene. iii. sending him abrode into the face of the earth commandedst him to eate his bread in the swete of his face in the labour of his hāds Psal. cxix so that thy good pleasure is that no man shulde be idle Thys thy commaundement was diligentli obserued of the godly auncyente
Esaye liii ▪ that when he had made hys soule an offering for synne he myghte se longe lasting seede For he is that thy righteous seruāt which with his wisdome doth iustify and deliuer the multytude for he hathe born awai our sins In his name in none other vnder he auē doth our saluacion consist A●t●s iiii By him are we at peace with the our Lord God Romay v. Bi him haue we redempc●on thorow hys bloud euen remission of our sinnes Ephe. i. By him are we deliuered frō the power of darken●s and translated into thy heauenlye kingdome Collosso i. By hym hast thou recōciled all things vnto thi self By hym haste thou sette at peace thorowe the bloude of hys crosse both thyngs in heauen and thinges on earthe By him haste thou quickned vs and forgenen vs al oure trespasses He hath put oute the hande wryghtyng that was agaynste vs contayned in the law written Ephe. ii Yea he heath taken that hande wryghtyng out of the way and hath fastened it to hys crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openlye Collos. ● and hath triumphed ouer theym in his owne parson Gene. iii. He is that seede of the woman that tredeth downe Satans head Gene. He is that seede in whom al nacions of the world shal be blessed Esay● He is that Lorde whiche alone hath troden doun the wynepresse nether was ther any at al that helped him Mathe. ● He is that sauiour which saueth his people from theyr sins Mat ▪ xvii He is that they welbeloued sōne for whose sake thou art well pleased with man He is that breade of lyfe whyche came down frō heuē Iohn vi If any eate of that bread he shall lyue for euer He is that good shepherd which gaue his life for his shepe Iohn x. He is the resurrection life Who so beleueth on hym Iohn xi althoughe he were dead shal liue euery one that liueth beleueth in hym shall neuer die Iohn xvi He is that mighty Prince that hath ouercome the world He is the perfect fulfillinge of the law to iustify all that beleue Romay x. Gala. iii. He hathe deliuered vs frō the cursse of the lawe whē he was made accursed for vs. He in his own person hath purged oure synnes Hebrues ii He thorowe death hath putte down hym that had rule ouer death that is to sai the deuyll and hath made vs free from the daunger of bondage He with one offering of his blessed bodye hath made perfecte for euer them that are sanctified Hebru●s x. He now in the end of the world hath app●ared once for all to put synne to flyghte by the offerynge vp of hym selfe He hath loued vs and washed vs from our syns in hys owne bloud Apoca. i. and made vs kyngs and priestes vnto the God his father Inestimable ar the tresurs infinite are the pleasures whych we receiue of the thorow this thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and sauyoure Rom. viii And thys thy welbeloued onli begotten son with al hys hast thou geuen vnto vs so that booth he and all that he hathe is oures and we maye thorowe thy gyft iustly chalenge it to be oure owne For thys thy fatherlie loue and vnspekable kyndenes in geuynge thy sonne vnto the deathe for oure sake and for al thy other benefits which we haue receued at thy merciful hand thorow him we geue the most herty thankes desyryng the that we neuer commit any thinge in thought word or dede that maye offende thy deuyne Maiestie but callyng to remembrance that we are not redemed with corruptyble syluer and golde from our vayne conuersacion i. Peter i. but with the precyous bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and wythoute spot we may lyue worthi of this thy kidnes shew oure selfs obedyente chyldr●n to the oure heauenly father not fashyonynge oure selfes any more after this vnto our olde lustes of ignorancye but as thou whyche hast called vs arte holye euen so in lyke manner we maye be holie in all oure conuersacyon and lyuyng vnto the glori of thy blessed name Amen ¶ A thankesgeuynge vnto God that he hathe brought vs out of the darkenesse of mens tradicions ▪ into the gloryous lyghte of his holy gospell O Lorde GOD and oure heauenlie father Esaye v. thou by thy holye Prophete declareste that thy people were ledde captyue because thei had no knowledge nor vnderstandynge in thy blessed word No maruel for as thy dearly beloued sonne sayethe he that walketh in the darcknes Ihon. xii knoweth not whither he goeth Yea Sapi. xiii vaine ar al they in whom the knowlege of that oure lord god is not Iohn xvii For this is euerlasting life euen to knowe the to be the true God and whō thou hast sent Iesu Christ. Prou. xxix Whē y● preaching of thy word faileth the people perysh and go to hauocke For man liueth not with bread alone Math. iiii but wyth euerye worde that commeth out of thy mouth Proue xix wher no knowlege of the of thi blessed worde is there is no goodnes for the soule Yea there doth the soule pine awaye as the body for wāte of corporall foode Hebru xiii and is moued and led away wyth euerye winde of doctrine be it true or false Math. vii ▪ xvii Nether is it to be wōdred at For the ignoraunt and vntaughte bylde not theyr faythe vppon the rocke that is vpon thy sōne Christ and vpon hys holye Gospel agaynste the whych the verye gates of hell canne not preuail Math. vii nether can the raging flouds Luke vi nor the boistrous windes moue them that so bilde but vppon the sands therfore are they throwne downe wyth euery blast and myserably ledde whych waye their teachers luste Thys was euidently perceiued in vs o blessed father whyche so manye yeares for want of knowledge of thi blessed word wer to much wrechedlyled captyue of Satan and of his ministers whiche chaūged them selfes into angels of lyght when in dede they wer the bond slaues of Antichriste beleued did whatsoeuer thei commanded vs to beleue or to do ● Cori. xi The man of synne that son of perdicion so sat in our consciences that we fered him more then the our Lord god His trifling tradiciōs his croked cōstitucions diuelishe decrees ii 〈…〉 wer more earnestli regarded beleued obeyed thē thy blessed word wherof we wer altogether ignorāt His ceremonies we thought to be thi seruice His dreames we estemed true godlines We worshypped the not after thy worde but after Antichristes tradyciōs As for thy holy Gospell we knew no parte of it a ryghte Yea Antichrist and hys impes condemned thy holy Byble for heresy brent it as most abhomynable doctrine vnto the greate grife of al godly personnes