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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06558 [The lyf of our lady] Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? 1484 (1484) STC 17023; ESTC S100681 89,151 190

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my penne be quakyng ay for drede Nether to clyo ne to calyope Me list not calle for to helpe me Ne to no muse my poyntel for to gye But leue al this and say vnto marie O clere castel and the chaste toure Of the holy ghoost moder and virgyne Be thou my helpe counceyl and socoure And let the stremys of thy mercy shyne In to my breste this thyrd book to fyne That thorow thy supporte and benygne grace Hit to parforme I may haue lyf and space How Cryst was borne after the makyng of the world fyue thousand an hundred four score and xix yere capitulo xxxv wHan al was hushte al was in salonce And in his cours the longe sterry nyght Was half past fresshe of apparence Lucyna shone in heuen fayr and bryght Thy word o lord that is most of myght Whiche ay abydeth parteth not fro the Sente dissendyth from thy ryal see Hath sodeynly vpon al erthe Shad his light for our sauacion As I shal synge or mayes day the ferthe Yf ye lyst here of humble affeccion How in the yere of computacion Fourty and two of octauyan Ferthermore after the world began Fyue thousand as beda list defyne And an hundred sothely this is no lees And therwythal nynty yere and nyne Whan al the world in rest was in pees Withouten warre and of olympyades In the hundred nynty yere and thre And by cronycle eke as ye may see Than augustus by cōmaundement Generally withouten excepcion Bad by his lettris that the president Of eche prouynce cyte borough or towne ●●orow out the world make discripcion Of euery hede so that eche man At a certeyn day in al the haste he can Vpon a payne be founde in the cyte 〈…〉 was borne without more delaye Bo●he hygh and lowe of what estate he be After his statute his tribute for to paye And that no man be hardy to say nay To quyte hym self of euery circumstaunce To make in opyn a reconysaunce With hand assured and hole professnon Of the prouynce tofore the president That he is subget vnto come town With al his herte and his hole entente And here vpon that he payed his rente As the custome and the statute bonde That is to say that he brynge in his honde A large peny enprynted wyth the name And the ymage of the Emperour And there vpon he shold anone atame Another of newe and for the more honour With hond touchyd swere for swete or soure Whyle he lyueth and neuer for to rewe With herte and body playnly to be trewe To tempre his byddyng to obeye Withouten grutchyng or rebellyon With al his myght for to lyue and deye And than anone the dyscripsion Of euery heed in his owne towne Was made in haste where that he was bore And after that I fynde furthermore His name was regestrid with hem there Perpetuelly to be in mynde And this discryuyng yf ye list to here Was made first in syrye as I fynde By one cyrynus the peple for to bynde To be to rome in subieccion For 〈◊〉 cyrynus in that regyon Was preferrid there vnder the emperour In ●okes olde as made is mencion And ●hiles he was theyr gouernour Was first than begonne the discripcion The 〈◊〉 in soth after the foundacion Of myghty rome seuen hondred fyftene At whiche tyme with his bemys shene Was fressh phebus in his first face Of caprycorn the lowest stacion The same yere callyd the yere of grace The yere of comforte and remyssyon Beyng the thyrteneth the Indyccion The golden nombre of the same yere Eyghtene acounted in our calendere How Ioseph our lady went to bethlem to paye trybute capitulo xxxvj tHe yere of herode thyrty yere and one Whan made was the discripsion As ye haue herde that Ioseph must gone To bethlem for conclusion To paye his tribute in his owne towne As the statute afore doth specefye By cause that he and also marie Wherof the housolde the tribe borne Callyd Iuda and of the kynrede Of worthy dauyd as I haue sayde toforne And on her iorney as they gan hem spede And holy Ioseph dyd her brydel lede And sodeynly marie than abrayde And vnto Ioseph euen thus she sayde Y wys qd she me thynketh that I see Two folkis gretely discordyng Vpon the waye apperyng vnto me That one reioysyng that other compleynyng To whom Ioseph benygnely lokyng Answerd agayn bad hir ryde in pees And prayed hir also not to be recheles Ony wordes for to speke in vayne But holde hir waye and hir iourney right And vnwarely afore them in the playne Apperid an aungel with face sterne bright Of whom the beaute yaue a plesaunt light The place enuyron a swete odoure And his clothyng the like lyly floure Was whyt in soth as snowe that falleth newe Whiche gan anone chere and loke to meue And therwithal with a chaungyd hewe Bygan also Ioseph to repreue And shortly bad his wordes that he leue And sayd in soth that he was to blame For to be bolde ony wordes to tame Ayenst marie thrugh thy neclygence To say that she spake ony wordes veyne For that she sawe was none apparence But veray soth as she hath it seyne For tryste me wel and be right certeyne Of this folke of whiche she spake to the In sothfastnesse like as thou shalt see Ben the folkis and the peplis tweyne That ben disseuerid in ful large space That one of Iewes that wepe shal and pleyne With many tere distyllyng in her face That wylfully shal refuse his grace Of froward herte for to be benygne To deuoyde and playnly to resygne The Synagoge with her rightes olde Whiche in shorte tyme shal drawe to declyne And her faces quenche and wexe colde With sacrid light that weren wonte to shyne For tyme is come that they must fyne And the waylyng of her derkyd chere Vnclose shal shewe as bright and clere This tyme of grace fully to obeye With herte wylle with humble chere For goddis worde that no man may withsaye Hath hastyd it goon ful many a yere To abraham and also Isaac in fere And to Iacob that in her holy sede Ful hastely who so wyl take hede Shal al the peplys blessyd be Thrugh out the world in euery londe re●●e And with that word that Ioseph myght see The aungel stye aboue the sonne beme And be goth forth toward bethleme With marie tyl that they bothe tweyne In ful lityl space gan to atteyne To the bondes of bethlem the cyte Wery and mate somdele of hir vyage Where they founden of peple suche plente In the cyte of euery maner age That they myght haue no maner herbegage In al the towne neyther boure ne halle Saue a stable and a litel stalle That was sequestrid and y sette a syde Out of al prees the story sayth expresse ●ade for bestys therin to abyde 〈◊〉 streyte narowe shadowyd with derknesse In
Sone of the fader withouten spotte al clene That doest away the worldes synne and tene Haue mercy on vs of thyn hygh goodnesse Syth thou thy self in parfyte holynesse Allone thou art sothely holy and no moo And lord allone ouer al thynge And worthyest and hyghest eke also O crist Ihesu of heuen and erthe kynge With the holy ghoost in glorye reynyng Ay with the fader by eternyte Thre knyt in one thrugh parfyte vnyte How the shepherdys founden cryst wyth our lady capitulo xliiij aNd whā the aungels with this heuēly sōge The byrth of crist had magnefyed With parfyte gladnesse that was hem amonge To heuen anone ageyn they haue hem hyed And the hi●rdys by one accorde alyed Ben hastely vnto bethlem gone Where they founden when they came anone Marie and Ioseph and the chylde also Leyd in a stable accordyng euery dele As the aungel had sayd hem vnto And of the sight they lyked wonder wele And in h●m self gan knowe and fele That al was soth that they sayd afore Of the aungel how a chylde was bore In to this world mankynde for to saue After the recorde of olde prophecye Wherof they ganne so grete a ioye haue That al attones they gan magnefye God aboue deuoutly and to glorefye Retornyng hem deuoyde of euery smerte And marie choos within hir herte Conseruyd al that she dyd see Worde and dede and euery maner thynge That befylle in this natyuyte Ful secretly theron ymagenynge And prudently hir self gouernynge Kepte hir sone with al her besy cure Whiche on this day as sayth bonauenture Lyke a spouse from his chambre is goon His chosen chyldre thrugh his benygnyte In his chirche to ioye hem of syon By parfyte pees sothfast vnyte And he this day hath shewyd the beaute Of his face of excellente fayrnesse In whos honour this day of hygh gladnesse Was made the ympne the gospel sayth also Our alther myrthe and ioye to encrees Gloria in excelcis deo And in erthe this day a parfyt pees To man was shewyd withouten ony lees And as saith powle goddis benygnyte This day apperid in our humanyte How god wold not be borne but of a mayde moder and wyf capitulo xlv aNd ouer this as he eke telle can God was this day in symylitude In erthe honoured in liknesse of man And he this day his godhede dyd enclude In our manhode and shortely to conclude This day also yf I shal not feyne Befyl also other thynges tweyne The wonderfullest and most meruaylous That euer yet were seen tofore Wherof no wyght by kynde is capyous First how god to saue that was forlore Lowly in erthe list to be bore And how a mayde in hir virgynyte Myght also chylde and a moder be The whiche thynges passen and transende Reson of man by kyndes liknesse But fayth aboue must al comprehende And hit enbrace by parfyt stablenesse And make his grounde vpon the wytnesse Of prophe●es whiche in her prophecye So longe aforne gan to speke and crye After the comyng of thys myghty kynge Our olde woo and trouble to enchace To whom dauyd sayd in his writyng O b●●sful lord shewe to vs thy face And we in sothe onely thorugh thy grace Shullen saued be from al myschyef drede And also now in our grete nede Sende to vs thy comfortable light Vs to enlumyne liggyng in derknesse Eke ysaye with al his Inward sight Vp to heuen gan his loke to dresse And said lord of thy grete goodnesse Out of desert from the hard stone Vnto the doughter dwellyng in syone Send doun thy lambe fulfilled wyth mekenesse T●at lordshyp hath and domynacion Of al the erthe our dole to redresse And wold god for our sauacion This myghty lord for to come a doun The hygh heuenes wold brek● on tweyne Vs to releue of that we so compleyne And dauyd spake eke this lord vnto In the sawter our sorowes for to fyne And sayd lord in relees of our woo In hygh heuyns thy mercy make enclyne And doun dyscende lat thy grace shyne Vpon vs wretchis in the vale of sorow And lord do dawe thy holy glad morowe Quod salamon and shewe to vs thy light Of thy mercy rewe on our distresse And with thy vertues that be so moche of myght That no man may counte theym ne expresse Fulfylle syon with hygh gladnesse Thy peples hertes make to renewe That thy prophetes may be founde trewe For out of the shal procede anone The myghty kyng and lord of Israel And now this day is coruen out of stone Without hondes of that holy helle Of whiche somtyme the prophete danyelle In his book wrote so longe aforne To signefye that there shold be borne At Iherusalem where as a myghty kynge Shal come in haste his peple to vysite And he shal brynge pees in his comynge Of whom the power shal not be a lyte For hit shal laste as hym lyst to wryte From see to see and al the erthe sprede Thorugh out the world in lengthe and brede And baruk commaunded to Iherusalem To be holde in al his beste entente Toward the brightnesse of the sonne beme And wysely loke in to the orient To see the gladnesse that this day is sent Doun to the erthe now that criyst is bore Of whos comyng so many a day afore Spake ysaye sayd in wordes playne The hygh heuens doo your grace adewe And sayd also the skyes shold rayne Vpon erthe her moysture for to shewe And bad the grounde eke in wordes fewe For to opyn and thus this heuenly shoure For to brynge our alther sauyour And Ieromye spake eke of this day And said on heyght god shold make sede A grayne of dauyd fayrer than floure in maye Whiche in fresshnes shal euer sprynge sprede And conserue Iuda out of drede And eke Israel kepe in sykernesse And he shal make dome and rightwysnesse Vpon the erthe of hygh and lowe degree And rightwysnes men shal his name calle Whan he cometh to sitte in the see Of kyng dauyd in his ryall stalle And he also tofore the prestys alle Bothe of Iuda and leuy shal deuyse With newe encence to do sacrefyse To god aboue for the grete offence Of the peple and ignoraunce With his offeryng make recompence Or that the swerde be whette of vengeaunce Euen lyke as made is remembraunce In malachye in the same wyse This sonne of lyf shal sprynge and aryse To al the that hym loue and drede And ben expectant with al humylite On his comyng to suche he shal out shede His light of grace at his natyuyte Wherfore be glad lyke as hit may be Thou bethleme y callyd effrata Though thou be lytyl namyd in Iuda For ●ut of the shal procede anone The myghty kyng and lord of Israel And now this day is coruen out of stone Withouten ●●ndes of that holy helle Of the 〈◊〉 somtyme the prophete danyelle In his ●●ke wrote so longe aforne ●o sig●efye
goddis sone eterne Beholde see a litel her toforne Elysabeth thyn owne cosyn dere Conceyued hath sithen goon half yere Though she for age went to haue been barayn And is with childe to put al in certayn That to god is no thyng Inpossyble But as hym list may euery thynge fulfill● Vnto whos worde be fully now credyble Byholde quod she of god the meke aualle With al myn herte obeyeng to his wylle In euery thyng right as hym list it be And like thy word falle it vnto me Lo she that was chosyn for to been Of al this world lady and emper●sse Of heuyn erthe allone to be quene And goddys moder for hir holynesse Lo for al this how lowly wyth mekenes She al commytteth vnto goddis wylle As he ordeyneth redy to fulfille And wold not calle her self none other name But goddis handmayde in ful lowe manere O where is al the transitorye fame Where is your boste or daren you apere Of pompe or pryde or surquedrye in fere With your forblowe blowyng vanyte Sithen that a mayde thorow hir humylite Of pryde hath now wonne the victorye And opynly hath yeuyn hym a falle Thorow whos lowlynes the hygh kyng of glorye Within her wombe hath made in speciall His dwellyng place his hospytal And with one worde of the mayde I spoke The holy ghoost is in her breste yloke A cōmendacion of our lady capitulo xix aNd whā thaungel from hir departed was And she allone in her tabernacle Right as the sonne perisshith thorow the glasse Thorow the cristalle beralle or spectacle Without harme right so by myracle In to her closet the faders sapyence Entrid is wythouten vyolence Or eny wemme vnto her maydenhede On ony syde in party or in alle For goddis sone takyng our manhede In hir hath bylde his paleys pryncypalle And vnder pyght this mancion ryalle With seuen pylers as made is memorye And therm sette his reclynatorye Whiche is perfourmed al of pure golde Only to vs for to signefy● That he al holy maad hath his holde Within this mayde that callyd is marye And seuen pylers that sholden this mayde gye Ben seuen spirites so as I can disserne Of god aboue this mayde to gouerne For al the tresour of his sapyence And al the wisdom of heuen and erthe therto And al the richesse of spiritual science In hir were shytte and closid eke also For she is the toure without wordes moo And house of yuore in whiche Salamon Shitte al his tresour in his possessyon She was the castel of the cristal walle That neuer man myght yet vnclose In whiche the kyng that maad and causeth alle His dwellyng chyef by grace gan dispose And like as dewe discendyth on the rose With syluer dropys and of the leuys fayre The fressh beaulte ne myght not payre Ne as the rayne in aprille or in maye Causeth the vertu to renne out of the rote The grete fayrnes nought appeyte may On vyolettis and on herbys soote Right so this grace of al our greuys boote The grace of god amyd the bely whyt The beaute causith to be of more delyte And as the cokyle with heuenly dewe so clene Of kynde engendrith whyte perlys rounde And hath no cherisshyng but the sunne shene To his fosteryng as hit is playnly founde Right so this mayde of grace most habounde A peerle hath closid within her brestys whyte That from the dethe myght al our raunson quyte She was eke the gate of the lockis bright Sette in the northe of hygh deuocion Of whiche somtyme the prophete had a sight Ezechyel as is writon in his auysyon Whiche stood euer cloos in conclusion That neuer man entre shal ne pace But god hym self to make his dwellyng place And yet in sothe as I reherde can So as the flees of geddon was wette Tofore he fauhgt with hem of madyan With heuenly dewe enuyron al be sette In signe onely he spede shal the bette Right so hath god on hir his grace shewyd With the holy ghoost whan she was bydewyd In token playnly she shold socour be Vnto mankynde manly for to fight Agayn the deuyl that hath in his pouste Al madyan wyth his felle myght And thorow the helpe of this mayden bright And thorow the dewe of hir heuenly grace We shal this serpent from our londes chace She was also of golde the ry●he vrne Kepyng the man of our sauacion That al our woo may to ioye turne With holsom food and ful perfeccion She was also as scripture maketh mencion The yerde of aaron with fruyt and leuys lade Of vertu most to comforte vs and glade She was the aultre of cedre golde and stone Stedfast and trewe in perfeccion And as the cedre conseruyng ay in one His body clene from al corrupcion And for to make a ful oblacion Of euery vertu to god in chastyte She shone as gold by parfyt charyte And on this aulter she made her sacrefyse With fyre of loue brennyng as bright To god and man in euery maner wyse As don the sterris on the frosty nyght Hir frankensence yaue so clere a light Thorow good ensaumple that the parfyt leuene Of hir lyuyng raught in to heuene She was the trone where that Salamon For worthynes sette his ryal see With golde and yuore that so bright shone That al about the beaute men myght see The gold was loue the yuore chastyte And twelue lyons so grete huge and large That of this werke bare vp the charge Of the olde lawe weren prophetes twelue That longe before gan beholde and see That Salamon goddis sone hym selue Shold in this mayde beholde his ryal see So that in soth hir clene virgynyte To be a moder shold no thyng lette Amyd hir breste that he his trone sette She was the woman that saynt Iohn Sawe in heuen so richely appere Cladde in a sunne whiche brighter shone Than phebus doth in his long spere And twelue sterris that passyngly were clere So as to hym playnly dyd seme Weren sette aboue in her dyademe And as hym thought at hir feet there stood A large mone bright and no thyng pale In fygure onely that she that is so good To swage the bytter of our olde bale The sunne of lyf maad to auale Doun to the erthe to gouerne vs and guy● And eke the mone to vs doth signefye Al holy chirche large to beholde Within this mayde had his orygynal Whan fynally with his rightes olde The synagoge of Iewys had a falle For in this mayde the first faythful walle Of holy chirche god gan first to bylde Whan with his sone he made hir goo with childe And to reforme the rudenes vtterly Of blynde folkis that coude not parceyue How that marie myght kyndlye A mayde be and a chylde conceyue That yf hym list reson to conceyue They may exaumples right y now fynde Of this mater accordyng vnto kynde Autentyke conclusions ayenst vnbeleeful men that sayden that crist myght
his subieccion Withouten obstacle and haue poscessyon Of ydume for his heritage With many another riche regyon And of Seyr the riche baronage Shal to hym lowte for his renoun So that this sterre in conclusion Whiche in bethleme brightest of sterris alle The whiche aboue the lytyl oxys stalle So shene shone at the natyuyte Of the chylde as ye haue herde me telle Betokeneth playnly as ye shul after here That the lord of heuen erthe and helle W●iche may of moab the tyrannye felle Was there by look helde his hostage I● a sta●le narow as ony cage 〈◊〉 bestis though he were lord of alle 〈…〉 world may at his wylle gouerne Whic●e in his honde hangith as a balle In 〈…〉 his m●ght is so eterne And 〈…〉 th●ng marye gan concerne Within her self s●ker and ful ●●oos And after that she mekely vp roos How our lady receyuyd the mydwyues capitulo xlj aNd to the dore wonder womanly She went a paas and whan she dyd see The mydwyues ful benygnely She brought hem in with al humylite Shephora and also Salomee And hem welcometh in ful lowe manere And whan that they thise signes sawe in fere Of the sterris and the bestys knele Toward the chylde to do hym reuerence And gan also by other tokens fele Of maydenhode that there was none offence And that she stood hole in that excellence Of parfyt clennesse and virgynyte And moder to be and floure in chastyte Withouten wemme on ony party founde Of al the preues that they make coude And whan they sawe her pappis so habounde With heuenly mylke sent from aboue the cloude Shephora gan thēne to crye ful lowde That a mayde hath a chylde borne The whiche thynge was not seen beforne In al this world who so list to take hede For it in soth the right of al nature Passith playnly also doth excede The wytte of man I do you wel assure But I see wel thrugh the myghty cure Of goddys honde this thynge is brought aboute Wherof platly I am no thynge in doubte But assentyd with herte and hole credence Hauyng theron none ambyguyte And thēne anone for the grete offence And for wantriste of her felow salome Opynly that al men myght see Wexe in that arme dede and colde as stone With whiche she was hardy for to gone How the honde of Salome wexyd drye capitulo xlij tHe childe to touche of presumpsion And his moder without reuerence Deuoyde of drede or of deuocion Or ony faithful humble aduertence Don as hir ought of his magnyficence Wherfore anone for hir hygh trespace Al opynly in the same place She punysshid was that al myght hit see And gan for sorow wepe and complayne And sayd lord haue pyte vpon me And of mercy rewe vpon my payne And of myn offence that thou not dysdayne Ne to thyn hyghnes hit be no displesaunce That I a wretche blynde of ignoraunce Offendyd gretely hath in thy sight Of moche vnkunnyng and Indiscressyon And sodeynly in al theyr syght Euen amyddes of that mancion An aungel bright sent from heuen doun Dyd appere byddyng hir anone With deuoute herte that she shold goon Ful humbly in her beste entente Vnto the chylde for to haue socoure And touche the hemme of his vestemente Reuerently and with grete honour For he in soth is the sauyour Of al the world and of al mankynde And power hath playnly to vnbynde Al tho that playnen and ben in distresse Whan they to hym mekely wyl calle And salome deuoutly gan hir dresse Toward the childe on her knees falle And said o lord that power hast of alle Let thy mercy on me sprede For to socour me in this grete nede Me wretchyd wyght punysshed rightfu●●● And lost for euer saue onely thy grace For in soth saue onely thy mercy I haue lost myn arme allas for my trespace And with that word as she dyd enbrace To touche the cloth that he laye in bounde Without more this salome hath founde Remedye and was made hole agayn Sodenly or she coude it spye And vp she rose and may no lenger fayn But in the strete opynly gan crye How the lord that al this world may gye Descendyd is and bycome man And whiles that she thus in the strete ran Tellyng the byrthe of the sterre also And of hir arme and of hir sodeyn cure The peple gan faste to drawe to To herken more of this aduenture For in her speche sōme gan hem assure And that her wordes myght be credyble And specially for to them vysyle The sterre shone euer aboue the hous Ay lyke fyx wythout mocion So bright so longe so glad so ioyous That al that had Inspeccion In herte parfyte and trewe entencion ●hat they weren reioysid and made light And al this thynge felle vpon the nyght On a sonday myn auctour wyl not lye As ye may fynde yf ye list to rede The viij kalendis for sothe of Ianuarye Whan marye example of maydenhede Was of age who so wyl take hede Sixtene yere thys floure of nazareth At the vysion of saynt Elizabeth Playnly recordeth loke and ye may see And in this nyght of moste worthynesse Of crystys byrthe and natyuyte As the gospel saith and berith wytnesse Whan the shepherdes with grete besynesse Kepte her watche the longe wynters nyght Vpon her shepe an aungel with grete light How the aungels apperid to the shepherdis and tolde the birthe of cryst capitulo xliij aMyd the felde to hem dyd appere And gaue hem comfort in her grete drede And bad hem be light and glad of chere For I ad he shewe to you in dede A ioye that doth euery ioye excede That fynally shal of al dysease To al folke comforte be and ease And be to hem refuyte and socoure In al myscheues and aduersite For now this day mankyndes sauyour In bethleme of dauyd his cyte Is borne in soth lyke as ye may see Goth and beholdeth how that it is falle And ye shullen fynde in an oxes stalle How that he lyeth in clothis narow wounde This yonge faunte with chere ful benygne The whiche thyng when that ye haue founde That al is soth let be to you a signe And sodenly with lawde pryse condygne With the aungel the hole chyualrye Of al heuen by one armonye For ioye herof gan to say and synge Glorye and honour in the heuenly see Be vn to god eternally durynge And in erthe pees and reste be To al tho men that of one vnyte This hygh feste honoure and magnefye And we echone of one melodye O myghty lord we prayse and blesse the And worshyp eke with humble reuerence And glorefye thyn hygh mageste And thankyng gyue to thy magnyficence For thy glorye and thyn excellence O thou lord god o kyng celestyal O god the fader most myghty founde at alle And god the sone his chylde aboue eterne Crist Ihesu borne of this heuenly quene O god also the chosen lambe so derne
and myghty emperoure Octauyan of worthynes the floure Wolden echone hym haue deyfyed And callyd hym by name Inmortalle The whiche thyng whan he had espyed As he that was ful prudent founde at alle To his presence made anone to calle Sybylle that was myrrour of sapyence Here vpon to here hir sentence And therwithal that she mote deffyne Wythout doubte or ambyguyte As ferre in soch as phebus doth now shyne Yf there were ony of power more than he Or peregall vnto his degree From este to weste here in erthe lowe In al this world that she coude of knowe And this was doon vpon the self day Whan cryst was borne in bethlem by myracle And she ful wysely nolde put hym in delay● To yeue answer makyng a smalle obstacle Tyl at the last the fyne of hir oracle Amyd the chaumbre of the emperour Standyng enuyron many a senatour Was playnly thus wyth chere and face bolde O emperour lyft vp anone thyn eye And loke vp yonder see the sercle of golde About the sonne whiche ethe is to espye And there beholde thou mayst hit not denye A mayde sitte of beaulte most soueyrene Holdyng a chylde in her armes tweyne And yet anone as octauyan Sawe the chylde by clere Inspeccion With out abode a voys he herd than From alofte vnto the chambre doun Beholde and see with humble affeccion This is the aulter of the hygh heuen Sette in the sonne clere as ony leuen Wherfore sybylle all abrode gan seye To hym anone lyst not for to byde Thy crowne auale and the chylde obeye Who 's face the sonne bright may not hyde And let now be al thy p●mpe and pryde And at one word she platly gan hym telle The chyldes myght his power dyd excelle Whiche thynge whan he gan playnly vnderstāde Of faythful wylle and hole herte entere He knelyd doun list no lengre stande And with encence cast in the sencere He dyd worshyp vnto the aultere And to the chylde most excellent of fame And list nomore vsurpe on hym the name To be callyd ageyn al skylle right Wrongfully a god sith there is but one And right anone this noble worthy knyght Thorugh out the world his precept made to gone To prouynces and contreyes euerichone Vpon payne of deth that none of hem alle Be hardy more a god hym for to calle For he wel wyst by signes opynly And euydencis eke in specialle There was one borne of power more worthy Than was hym self and therto Inmortalle To whom no thyng in erthe is peregalle Of al this world of hygh ne lowe estate And for this skylle after dedycate Was that chaumbre by hygh deuocion To marye playnly this is no naye And callyd eke for this auysion A ra ce●● yet vnto this daye The name abydeth and slydeth not awaye Ne lesyth not the light of his brightnesse Thorow none eclipsyng of foryetefulnesse And in edgady the lusty large vynes That tyme of yere of her kynde bare Gan florisshe floure in stede of vynes With rich● bawme her braunches to repayre And the vertu that wynter made bare Thorow constraynyng of colde in the rote Nature made wi●h fressh blossomes sote To assende vpon the same nyght Vpon the croppe with frute and leues newe Makyng the bowys as lusty to the sight As fresshe as fayre of colour and of hewe And as plenteuous her colour to renewe ▪ As in septembre whan bachus hath powere To shewe his myght that tyme of the yere Lo how the lord the myghty kyng That hath lordshyp ouer grape and vyn● Vnto whos myght euery maner thyng Heuen and erthe must enclyne Can braunches bare with fressh flowris fyne Araye newe though they be scer and old● In frosty wynter in weder colde As in somer whan phebus is alofte Whan flora reygneth in maye in aprille And make blossomes to be as smothe softe Amyd decembre when men for colde of chylle Wherfore this feste frely at his wylle The nyght I mene of his natyuyte To shewe his myght in erbe floure tree He made the vynes as ye haue herde me seyn In edgady her bawme for to shede When they were most nakyd and barayn And out of seson who so can take hede Of whiche nyght longe aforne I rede That in egypt the prophete Ieromye Ful opynly in his prophecye To the prestys of that kyngdom tolde That the Idoles of her temples alle Withouten ony reste by myracle sholde Breke her neckys and to grounde falle Whan a mayde in an oxes stalle Hath borne a chylde this thynge shal betyde Wherfore the prestes in her fanes wyde Of veray fayth of hygh credence Secretly vpon a lityl stage Vpon his word with humble reuerence Of a mayde let make an ymage And in her arme a chylde of tendyr age Doyng therto in her paynym wyse After her rytes a maner of sacrefyse And on this heste ay fro yere to yere They were awaytyng whan that it wold be Tyl on a day of happe the kyng came nere The noble worthy and wyse Tolome The whiche thynge when that he dyd see Anone of hem the cause he gan enquere Why wherfore the ymage was set there And they echone of one entencion Yaue answere lyst not for to lye It was ordeyned of olde tradycion Shewyd toforne thorugh holy prophecye In whiche they dyd faythfully espye Vndyspayrid the heste shal not varye Of the prophecye a whyle though hit tarye And sothfastly in conclusion Vpon the tyme of the natyuyte The false ydolis in egypt fyl doun And al to braste in pecys moo than thre To shewe trewly that y borne was he Of heuen and erthe that hath the regallye And shal destroye all false mawmetrye How romayns whan they had domynacion ouer alle the world maden to them an ym●●● and callyd hit theyr god capitulo l●●● I Fynde also as writeth carnotence In his book pollycronycon That whan romayns hadden excellence Of hygh lordshyppes so many a day a gone And the peplis and reamys euerichone Stoden vnto hem vnder lowe seruage From yere to yere payeng a trewage Of a tribute that was customa●●● To the empyre of ve●●y 〈◊〉 For with the romayns s●nates honourable Whan they flowrid in most felycite Deuysed haue for a ryal●● Amyd her towne in most worthy place A large statue femynyne of face That made was of coper and of bras Large and longe wonderful to see And of entayle deuyded the compas This grete ymage callyd shold be Goddesse of rome and like a mageste In hir right hond shold also holde A large world ful sterne to beholde Whiche shold of rowndenes haue the fygure To signefye that she most glorious The cyte hath hooly in her cure And how by hir they were victorious And here vpon most excellent famous They dyd a werkman seke vp and doun And to parforme thorugh out al the towne And at the laste of happe suche one they fynde That
whyte The holy ghoost also dyd appere And crist Ihesu the faders sone entere This day apperyng in our mortal kynde Was of saynt Iohan baptyst as I fynde And for as moche as they al thre Thys day were seen by sothfast apparence They beyng one in parfyte vnyte Therfore this day of moste reuerence Namyd is trewly in this sentence Theophanos for god in treble wyse Therin apperyd as ye haue herde deuyse For the●s is as moche for to mene As god in englisshe yf ye list to see And phanos as shewyng withouten wene As ye haue herde afore rehercyd of me For in erthe o god in trynyte This day apperid withouten ony lye Ye truly may it calle theophanye Eke whan cryst was olde thyrty yere This day he torned water in to wyne That passyngly was to the eye clere And of tarrage Iuly good and fyne The whiche he sent to archedeclyne And for this myracle Iuly vertuous In galile was shewyd in an hous This same day whiche man dyd espye As holy chirche maketh mencion Therfore hit is named bethphanye For beth in englissh by dyscripsion Is callyd an hous or a mancion Of whiche myracle renomed of fame Bethphanye this day hath the name Eke in the yere of his pass●on Fer in deserte this day also I rede With ●oues fyue thorugh his grete foyson Fyue thousand I fynde that he dyd fede Of whiche myracle yf ye taken hede This day is last named phagyfanye Lyke as first was clepyd epyphanye For this worde phagy in to our entente Is sayd of fedyng of refeccion For whiche myracle passyng excellente That is so famous so hygh of renoun Lyke as the gospel maketh mencion Therfore this day amonge the other alle Ye iustely may it phagyfanye calle A declaracion of the thre kynges of theyr thre yeftes capitulo lxxv nOw crist Ihesu this day this hygh feste We the beseche with herte wylle thought Onely of mercy to here our requeste For the myracles that thou therin hast wrought For loue of hem that the so ferre haue sought The worthy kynges that came out of caldee The to honoure in bethlehem the cyte And thorugh the prayers of thyse kynges thre That for thy loue token her vyage Ihesu defende vs from al aduersite And make vs stronge sure in our passage In this exyle and parlous pylgremage With our foo men of malice and of pryde Whiche haue vs bysette on euery syde The whiche our golde of parfyte charite Wolden vs byreue by persecusion That we shold offre of f●ruen● vnto the Of hertely loue hygh deuocion And eke our franke of contemplacion Wherwith he shold make our sacrefyse Of hye dysdayne malice they dyspyse For golde of trouthe is falsely now alayed By fayned loue and symylacion And fayth with frawde is corupt frayed With double tonges detraccion Our franke also of hygh perfeccion That shold brenne clere aboue the skye Is with the coode medlid of enuye That it alas yeue may no light In the centre of trewe affeccion For day of trouthe is torned in to nyght Thorow false reporte false suspeccion And thus good fayth is rollyd vp so doun And trewe menyng derkyd with a skye That we in englissh callen flaterye And t●us our offryng goeth almoste wronge Of 〈◊〉 of franke for ought I can espye And our myrre hath be behynde ful longe Vs to preserue from al suche trecherye For now is torned in to ypocresye Our holynesse that is grete ruthe And cause why for fraude hath banysshed truthe But crist Ihesu that al this mayste amende And that is a mysse in eche state redresse This hygh feste suche grace to vs sende That we the golde of stablenesse And eke the franke of parfyte holynesse May on this day present vnto the With al trewe herte as dyd thyse kynges thre And graunte also bothe to hygh and lowe To haue suche myrre in her a●uertence That euery wyght his owne fawtes knowe And that no man be hasty of sentence To deme lightly before or in absence For sodeyn dome meynte with ygnoraunce Hath a longe tayle shewyng of repentaunce For in sothnesse yf that euery man Wold make a myrrour of his owne mynde To deme hym self of thynge that he wel can And open his eyen that hath be longe blynde To see his fawtes that he coude fynde I trowe in soth for ony hasty rape Harmeles fro dome his felowe shold ascape How we shold doo this offeryng ghoostly capitulo lxxvi nOw crist Ihesu that knowest euery herte And no thyng may be hyd fro thy presence Ne from thyn eye declyne ne asterte Graunte vs this day of thy magnyficence The golde of loue the franke of Innocence And the chaste myrre of clene entencion So to presente in our oblacion To thyn hyghnes that it be acceptable Whyle that we lyue euer from yere to yere As was the offryng in bethleme in a stable Made vnto the to thy moder dere Of the kynges that with the stremes clere Of a sterre conueyed were by grace Where thou laye to come to the place And vnto the this day we clepe and calle Thou blessyd quene of kynges emperesse That yaue thy sone sowke in a stalle That chaste mylke of virgynall clennesse That thou this feste o sterre of holynesse Conueye our offryng to that sterry see Where next thy sone thou hast the souerayn●● And good lady in this sorowful vale Of trobyl and woo of heuynesse Sithen thou of Iacob art the right scale The waye of lyf the ladder of holynesse Toward that courte the euen weye dresse And make thy men thyder to assende Where euer blesse ioye hath none ende For certes lady in this lyf we lacke 〈◊〉 sothfast ioye al the suffysaunce Saue amonge we knele afore the racke W●●rwyth thy sone was somtyme thy plesaunce 〈◊〉 vs reioycyng as by remembraunce 〈…〉 by liknes to loke on thyn ymage An● 〈◊〉 thy sone with his fayr vysage But o alas there is but a liknesse Of portrature that doth grete offence For we may not haue ful the blessydnesse O● thy vysage neyther of thy presence And so to vs grete harme doth apparence Whan that we see of our desyre we fayle We may playne but it may not auayle Yet day by day of trewe affeccion We goone of newe thy liknesse for to see Where of one thynge we haue compassyon To see the bestys that so humble be To stonde so nere betwene thy sone and the The rude asse and the oxe also And than we say complaynyng in our woo With al our herte o what thyng● may this 〈◊〉 To see that lord in a racke ly● That hath the heuen in his po●ste And al this world power hath to gye O how it is that the regallye Of heuen erthe is brought doun so lowe That no man list vnnethe his power knowe And sodeynly our hertes gynnyth colde For astonyng is for woo nygh mate So grete a quene
enbrace His yerde ageyn ful debonayr of looke For Innocence of humble drede he quoke And sodenly thrugh grace aboue deuyne All openly in euery wyghtes sight Vpon the yerde of Ioseph ful benygne Was seen a downe of fetheris lyly whight That toward heuen took the flight And with one voys the peple tho abrayde And vnto Ioseph al attones sayde Bl●ssed art thou blissed is thy chaunce Thy face blessyd thyn aduenture And blessid is thyn humble attendaunce And thou art blessyd so longe tendure For to ●ossede so fayr a creature So good so holy now in thy passyng age So clene a mayde to haue in mariage And she anone by preestis of the lawe Assigned was vnto his gouernaunce But sely Ioseph gan hym to withdrawe With humble chere shamefast countenaunce And said certes there is none accordaunce Bytwene hir yongthe florisshyng in fayrnesse And me whom age with vnlust doeth oppresse For she is fayr fresshe as rose in maye And wel I wote also a mayden clene And I am olde with whyt lockis graye Passid ful for my tendyr yer●s grene Wherfore I praye you to consydre and sene To accorde discordaunt saith to me nomore Bitwene hir beaute my lockis hore And whan the bysshop sawe the humble entent Of this Ioseph and the Innocence And how that he to take hir nolde assent To hym he sayd in opyn audyence Ioseph he sayd take hede to my sentence And be wel ware that thou the not excuse Agayn the wylle of god for to refuse This holy mayde assigned vnto the By opyn signe whiche al the peple seye Thorough goddis grace myghty volunte Ayenst whiche bewaar to dssobeye And thynke how he somtyme maad to deye A biron and dathan onely for the offence Doon to hym of Inobedyence Quod Ioseph that wyl I not in no thyng To goddis wylle ne biddyng contrayre But hir accepte in to my kepyng For whom god hath shewyd signes fayre Whiche is so good benygne and debonayr That I to hyr wyl seruaunt be guyde Tyl for hir god list bet to preuyde And as the custome of the lawe hem ●onde So maad was the confirmacion By heste of wedlok betwene hem honde in honde And he hir took to his possessyon With herte clene and meke affeccion But whyle he went to bethelem the cyte Marye abode stylle in galilee How Ioseph vsyd the crafte of a carpenter capitulo ix aT nazareth in hyr faders howe Lyke hir auowe of herte alwey in one And fyue maydens the moste vertuous Of the temple were chosen out anone Of the bisshop with hir for to goone To wayte on hir by humble attendaunce In what they can to serue and doo plesaunce Of whiche the first callyd was reyca And S●eph●a the secund as I fynde Susanna Zabe● and Abigea The other thre as bokes maken mynde Whiche wold neuer thorow slouth be behynde But ay in one as it is specefyed In werke and prayer were ocupyed And vnto hem as made is mencion That of lyuyng so faythful weren trewe And diligent in occupacion Delyuerd was sylke of sondry hewe For to make dyuerse werkis newe In the temple of Intencion Onely to be in mynystracion And as it is put in remembraunce Eueriche her silke took by aduenture Like as her hande fyl the●on by chaunce But mary as god tho shope hir ewre The purpyl silke took in to hir cure Of gracious happe of sorte without sight The whiche colour of custome and of right To none estate is kyndely syttyng Of doubte to speke in special But to the state onely of a kynge So that no wyght but of the stocke ryal By statute olde this colour vse shal For by olde tyme ye shold no man sene In purpyl cladde but owther kyng or quene Wherfore the sorte ful rightfully is falle Verily by dewe dispocision Vpon marye that before hem alle By ligne right is discendyd doun Of blood ryalle and by eleccioun Of god aboue was chosyn for to been For hir merite of heuen and erthe quene And moder eke as ye shal after here Of thylke kynge that was clad in tred Of purpur hewe bothe face and chere Doun to the foot from his blessyd b●ed Whan he of purpyl dyd his baner sprede On caluarye abrood vpon the ●●ode To saue mankynde whan he shedde his blode And of this purpyl that I spake of to●orne I fynde playnly how that marye wroughte Tyilke vayle that was on tweyne torne The same oure whan he so dere vs boughte Lo how that god in his eternal thoughte Prouyded hath by Iust purueaunce The purpyl silke to his moders chaunce How our lady is sette for an ensaunple of virgynyte capitulo decimo bVt now I leue this blissed mayde dere In nazareth amonge hir frendis to dwelle Ledyng a lyf more purfyt and entere Than ony tonge suffyse may to telle For euyn like as a fulsum welle Shedyth his stremys in to the ryuere Right so marie an ensaumpeler clere Yaffe to alle by plenteuous largenes Onely vertu vpon euery syde O wel were they to whom thou were maistres And blessyd eke that myght on the abyde To haue by ensaumple so vertuous a gyde And blessid was that holy companye That day by day the seen with her eye And blessid was the paleys the how 's In which thou haddist thy holy mācion Fortuned wel wonder gracious So humb●e was thy conuersacioun And blessyd was also al the towne There thou abode blessid the vyllage O holy mayde where thou haddest hostage And blessid was the worthy table riche Where day by day thou wentist vnto borde For in sothnes the ioye was not lyche Of Cresus kyng for al his riche horde And blessid be they that herden word by worde Of thy speche blessyd the houre and tyme Of al thy lyf from euyn tyl the pryme O weelful eke and gracious the sight Of hem that myghten vpon the beholde For wel they ought to be gladde light That weren with the alwey whan they wolde And blessid weren yonge and olde That were reioysed wyth thy excellence Whan that hem l●st of thy hygh presence O the Ioye who coude telle a right Of thyn heuenly meditacions Assendyng vp aboue the sterris bright In thyn Inward contemplacions Or the blessid holy visitayons Who can reherce bright as sonne or leuene So ofte sent doun to the fro heuene Or who can telle thyn holy slepys softe With god alwey ful in thy memorye For loue of whom thou sighedyst ful ofte When thou were soole in thyn oratorye Or who can telle the melodye or glorye That aungelys hath maad in the place For the ioye they had to loke in thy face I am rude to rehersen alle For vnkonnyng for lacke of space The mater is so Inly spiritual That I dare not so hygh a style pace But lady myn I put me al in thy grace This first book compylid for thy sake Of my symplenesse thus
to the whiche Ioseph gan hym dresse With marie to reste there al nyght And as she entrid a newe sodeyn light All the place enlumyned enuyron That shone as bright as ony somers day So that this ●●tyl humble mancion Was fressh and light as phebus is in may Whic● 〈◊〉 to weye and encrece ay 〈…〉 was there al be that it was nyght And 〈◊〉 anone the sothfast sonne of light Of al our ioye cast hym to aryse And shedde his light to glade al mankynde For toward mydnyght shortly to deuyse Whan al was husshte holy writte makith mynde As sothely as he dyd hym wynde In the sydys of this holy mayde So esely this newe sonne abrayde Whan he was borne in to this mortal lyf Vpon the erthe to shede his brightnesse Withouten helpe of ony mydwyf Or of his moder trauayle or sekenesse For she that first conceyuyd in clennesse It sat right wel that she shold also Withouten trauayle or ony maner woo For to goo quyte at hir delyueraunce And specially haue a prerogatyf In hir chyldyng to fele no penaunce Sithen she was mayde moder and wyf Chosen of god for to stynte our stryf Of al wymmen by her self allone Wherfore hit sat not hir to crye and grone Lyke to other women that be Inly syke In the tyme of theyr trauelynge Wherfore sithen she was to none other lyke No payne felte she the houre of hir chyldyng And as I fynde at hir delyueryng Ther was no wyght but her self allone For thylke tyme Ioseph was out gone How Ioseph went to seche a mydwyf to our lady capitulo xxxvij iN ful grete haste to enquere and seke Sōme mydwyf to helpe in this nede And in this while with her eyen meke She chylded hath this floure of maydenhede And home ageyn as Ioseph gan hym spede And to the place the mydwyues brought Euen at the dore abasshyd in her thought Stoden stylle astoned of that light And the brightnesse that shone in the place Ageyn kynde that tyme of the nyght That they ne myght susteyne in her face And no wonder for the sonne of grace Within whiche cast his light to ferre Of whom the mone and eche other sterre Receyuen her light eueriche in her spere Al by that he lay here in erthe lowe In a stable with his sacrid chere Sool with his moder that no man dyd knowe Of whom hir ●ook she mekely gan to throwe Godely beholdyng his fayr yonge face And knelyng doun began to enbrace His tender lymmes in her armes tweyne And wrawyd hym in clothes tenderlye And took hym vp sothely gan hym leyne In her lawe and ful humbly She behelde his fetures by and by So fayr shapen in party and in alle And with her mylke very celestyal And heuenly sycour of hir pappys smale His 〈◊〉 lymmes she spredde in euery coste The whyt bawme to make hit auale Fet from the conduyte of the holy ghoost Vpon the thynge that she louyd moste And gaue hym sowke of the pyment sote That spronge grewe out of the holy rote Of maydenhede from the chaste vyne Of al clennes was I tryed oute Wherwith she made her yonge chylde to dyne Whom heuen erthe must obeye and lowte All be that he with bestys hym aboute Laye humbly as ye haue herde deuyse And after this his moder dyd aryse And lift hym vp sothely in to the stalle Where the asse and the oxe stode And on hir knees she gan anone to falle And worshipped hym this beste of al good That yeuy●h to aungels and to man food And than this mayde with debonayr chere With face erecte and hondys eke in fere A deuout prayer that our lady maad whan cryste was born capitulo xxxviij tO god aboue began thus for to praye O lord qd she with al my ful myght To whom eche thynge Iustely must obeye To the I than as it is skylle and right That thou so godely list to haue a sight To my mekenes though I vnworthy be And not dysdayne of thy benygnyte To graunte onely of thy hygh goodnesse Me to encrece in to suche excellence To be a mayden and moder in clennesse To bere thy sone and thy sapyence That neuer twynneth out of thy presence But in heuen abydeth ay with the And in erthe mekely now with me Lyeth in a stable of chere most debonayr Tofore my face my ioye and my comforte Whiche with the lokyng of his eyen fayre Is hole my gladnes and fully my disporte Sothfast plesaunce and my cheef resorte My dere sōne and my lord also To whom with herte and alle that I can doo I thanke the lord that liggist me beforne That thou list chese to haue affeccion Of me so mekely in erthe to be borne And fro thy fader to discende adoun Onely for helpe and sauacioun Of mankynde frely of thy wylle My blessyd chylde that so good stylle Liggest now here mekely by sufferaunce Amyd the bestys so fayr Vpon to see And hast no wighte to thyn attendaunce Lyke thyn astate awaytyng vpon the Saue that thou hast so godely chosen me Of thy grace vpon the to abyde I to serue and thou to be my guyde As it is right Ioseph with vs tweyne To take his parte what fortune so betyde Lyke as thou list of grace to ordeyne And than anone right in the self tyde Ioseph cam ynne stode hir besyde And sodeynly whan he the chylde doth see Ful humbly knelyng on his kne How the mydwyf durst not entre wyth Ioseph in to the how 's for a grete light apperyd wythin capitulo xxxix WOrshypped hym with al his herte myght With al his wylle al his ful thought And tellyd marye for fere of the light The mydwyues that he had brought Astoned were that they durst nought Entre ynne but kepte hem aferre For cause onely that a newe sterre Ascended was vpon that mancion That spredde his light his bemys shene From este to weste thorow out the regyon That al they that dyd it sene Gan fast muse what it myght mene And in her hertes gretely for to charge That a sterre so bright so fayr and large Of newe dyd appere in that reem That neuer none suche was sene tofore Of whiche sterre prophetes in Iherusaleem That tyme were astonyd wonder sore Sayden playnly withouten ony more That this sterre dyd signefye Thylke sterre whiche in his prophecye How balam prophecyed the sterre that shewid Crystys byrthe capitulo xl bAlam the sone of beor as I fynde Cōmendith so in al his best wyse Whan he sayd sothely of the kynde Of worthy Iacob a sterre shold aryse And eke also as he doth deuyse Ful opynly the byble can you telle How that a yerd out of Israhel Shal sprynge also to smyte and oppresse The felle dukes of moab with her myght And he shal waste in warre sothfastnesse The chyldren of sothe and of kynde right With the shynyng of his bemys bright Conquere also to
that there shold be borne A chylde in soth without touche of man Of a mayde after his beheste That lyke a stone was y corue out than Whan he was borne of this hygh feste Only to bere the crowne and the cheste In babylonye of the grete ymage That made man first for to doo oultrage For now in soth comyn is the day Of prophetes so longe beforne ●ehyght For cryst Ihesu playnly this is no nay Is lyke a stone who so lokyth a right Whiche by his wysdom his faders myght And the vertu of the holy ghoost Was coruen out so clene of euery coost Of that blessyd parfyt holy hylle That growyth ful of holsom flouris fayre For out of hir that was in herte and wylle A parfyt mayde humble and debonayre Lyke as the dewe of heuen doth repayre Vpon hermon alwey newe and newe Amendyng ay the fresshnes of her hewe Right so thorow vertu lastyng ay in one Of the holy ghoost this day of marye Was coruen out the sothfast angle stoou Whom that prophetes prayse and magnefye For she this day was the glad skye Whiche the chylde of elye dyd see So plesantly dessende from the tree Vpon the erthe nakyd and barayne Of holsom faite and of erbys sote That hath shadde the comfortable rayne The grayne of grace for our alther bo●e That percyd hath euen to the rote Of our Welfare to do the leuys sprynge For she allone is the felde flourynge That somtyme gaue so passyng a swetenes To Isaak whan he was falle in age Of whiche he cast so Inward gladnesse That hym thought ho●e his corage Renewyd was and wyth a glad vysage Vnto Iacob of hertely ioye sayde On his clothys as he his hondes layde How ysaac prophecyed the byrthe of cryst by towchyng of the clothys of hys sone Iacob capitulo xlvj myn owne chylde and my sone dere The grete swetenesse of the fressh odoure Of thy clothyng to me is so entere That hit fro me deuoydeth al langoure Seyng tofore that there shold a floure Out of the felde sprynge of his kynrede The whiche shold suche an odoure shede That al the world shal comforte fynde hele In the swetenes agaynst eche maladye And souerayn helthe in euery myschyef fele So that this was no wyght but marie That by dyssent cam of his alye Out of the whiche to glade al our chere This day in erthe there dyd a floure appere The swettest yet that euer man behelde Passyng the rose and the floure delyse And of this holy fressh fayr felde Somtyme the spouse spake in canticis Whan he it sawe so fresshe at his deuyse And habundaunt of a tempre eyre And that it was so passyng I●ly fayre How the garnet appyll is lykened to our lady capitulo xlvij o How the bawme of heuenly lycoure Of thy swetenes with souerayn suffysaunce Lyke paradyse shedyth his vapoure Erly a morowe auoydyng al greuaunce Lyke the frute that is of suche plesaunce The garnet appyl of colour golden hewed Thorow whos odoure the corage is renewed Of euery wyght that may the eyre receyue For euen lyke as the golden rynde Is playne shynyng as ye may conceyue His colour kepyng euer in one by kynde And doth his pypynes in the scales bynde To do comforte to seke in her accesse Right so marie our sekenes to redresse This day hath borne the holsom holy frute The frute of lyf that with his swete breth Is remedye and also cheef refute To mankynde agayn the feuer of deth For as the grayne of the garnet sleeth The stronge axes and doth the hete auale Right so this day out of the golden scale The holsom pepyne and the grayne of lyf Crist Ihesu gan first to appere And of marye moder mayde and wyf The goldyn garnet with gis scales clere Beyng al hole and euer a like entere Was borne in soth for to refresshe blyue Our olde axes and right as the olyue His oyle shedith and braunche leef ne tree Apperith not of fayrnes ne coloure Right so marye flouryng in chastyte This day hath borne our alther sauyour The oyle of pees to stynte our langour To softe our soris and our swellyng slake Of al our woundes whan they smerte o● ake And now this day shortely for to wryte This bl●sful tyme of the natyuyte Of yonge Ioseph the cote polymyte Wrought by the poure of al the trynyte Within the closette of chosen chastyte Parformyd was and by none hande of man As alysaunder wel wherce can Within his book made in speciall On cantica as ye may rede and see The whiche cloth of purpyl most ryall Hewyd wyth clennesse of virgynyte This day hath shewyd in our humanyte The godhede hoole for by this cloth is ment Of our kynde the freel garnement How Ioseph fygurid the byrthe of crist capitulo xlviij aLso this day of Ioseph the canele Amyd the felde that doth the vertu floure Was gaderyd vp by clennesse euery dele Whom al that other gan worshyp and honoure For in chastyte clene chosen bowre Of maydenhede this canel grewe by kynde That whan the brethern of Ioseph dyd bynde Eueriche his sheef the byble gan deuyse How hit stode vp amonge hem euerichone And al the other gan attones ryse And worshippyd hit mekely one and one For this Ioseph sawe this day allone Sonne and mone and sterris eke eleuen To hym obeye vpon the hygh heuen And the sothfast garner of the holy greyne As sayth guydo was a mayde swete In whom was shytte sothely for to seyne The sacrid store and eke the halowyd whete Of the seuen yere that dyd in plente flete For on this parfyt roote vertuous The seuen eeris of grayne so plenteuous This day be growen to ful perfeccion To saue egypte in his grete nede And for to be to hym sauacion In crafte whan he hath nede For this is the grayne that fostre and fede With ful repaste woman chylde and man And al his brethern dwellyng in canaan T is yonge Ioseph this Ioseph the second Shal by his wytte helpe and releue And Iacob made in plente to abounde With fulsum fode at morow and eke at eue That the hunger on no syde ne greue Of the seuenth yere vnto his lignage And like as Ioseph in his tendyr age Thought he sawe hygh vp in heuen Sonne and mone in his auysion And therwithal sterris eke elleuen Honoure hym with grete deuocion Of this Ioseph excellyng of renowne This newe Ioseph crist Ihesu hym selue Of the sterris and the signes twelue Honowrid was with lowe subieccion Though he laye lowe in an oxes stall● For bothe troni and domynacion And hole the courte aboue celestyal This hygh feste for a memorial The laudis songe in the heuen quere Lyke as dauyd ●ad in the saultere Preyseth the lord of the high empyre And with one voyse his byrthe glorefyeth That hath with loue brent and set a fyre Seraphyn wherfore hym magnefyeth Betwene two bestis
though he in erthe lyeth Ful humbly thrugh his humylite And now this feste of the natyuyte The hygh aungels and vertues alle Preysen hym as they ben wonte to done And let the swetenes of theyr notis alle Doun to the erthe where goddis owne sone This day ●ath chose with vs for to wone And lyeth now wrappyd in his moders barme Whom wel softely with her holy arme And with the fayrnes of his fyngres whyte Ful softely she doth hym enbrace And in so moche in herte doth delyte His tender lymmes to welde and compace And to beholde the goodlyest face That euer was forgyd by nature For hit was he ▪ I dar wel you assure Whom she behelde wyth hyr eyen meke That from eter●e was in h●s faders thought And one wyth hym who can take kepe His owne word that al made of nought Whom a mayde hath to mankynde brought Thorow hir mekenes of heuen erthe quene The lynyal stocke of Iuda to sustene Whom that Iacob on his fatal day Whan antropos shold his threde vntwyne Whiche c●o●o had put longe in delaye And lachesis or they wold it fyne Gan to blesse thus to hem deuyne Whan al his brethern stood enuyron This olde gray with a ful softe sown O Iuda Iuda thy brethern euerichone Shal prayse and worshyp the grete renoun Of thyn estate whiche shalt of al thy foon The pryde oppresse and make hem lowte doun That shal be clepyd the whelpe of the lyon The ryal beste whiche maugry who sayth nay Shal myghty be to catche and take his praye And prowdly bere hit home vnto his caue My sone Iuda in thy dredeful tene For thrugh thy myght thou shalt victory haue Magre echone that the reuers mene For who shal mowe withstande or sustene Thy kyngly power to make resistence Ageyn thy manhode and thy magnyficence That shal in the so clerely shewe and shyne Without clipsyng of ony maner clowde The septer of whom in soth shal neuer fyne To be famous by reporte of lawe lowde Ne neuer cese ne in couert shroude Tyl a duc aryse of thy kynrede Whom al the world shall obeye and drede The whiche in soth is for to be sent Out of thy sede by successyon Lyke a kyng to holde his parlement With his kegys and his regyon And he shal be to euery nacion Sothfast abydyng socour in her nede And he shal bynde his myghty sterne stede Of very force at the holsom vyne And tye his asse vnder the grapys rede And he his stole that like to god doth shyne And his palle by myght of his manhede Shal wesshe in grapys that shullen blede The reed blode deper than scarlet hewe And thus arayed in his vester newe Of loke be shal be sterner to beholde Than the stremys of the light sterre And of eyen fayrer many folde Than wyne fynyd shynyng thrugh a verre And like yuore that comyth fro so ferre His tethe shal be euen smothe and whyte And like in soth as Ioseph list endyte The sone of Iacob in his testament Wherto his chyldren he makyth mencion Tofore his deth wyth ful deuoute entente His presence as they knelyn doun To hem rehercyng the grete auysion Whiche he had in egypt goon ful yore In the foreste amonge the holtes hore How that he sawe twelue hertes whyte Ful lustely goo in her pasture And after that as lyncolne lyst to wryte He sawe of Iuda borne a creature Of thought dede a veray mayde pure And in his dreme he thought he dyd sene Of hir brought forth without spotte al clene A lambe most fayr to his Inspeccion That euer he sawe vnto his plesaunce On whos lyft honde stood a fierce lyon And bestys al by one alyaunce That were in erthe thrugh cruel resemblaunce A forcyng hem by sheltron in batayle By felle malice this fayr lambe to assayle But or they auayle myght in fight The lambys power made hem for to deye And hem vanysshed thrugh his humble myght That man aungel whan they this conquest seye They fyllen doun and the lambe dyd obeye Sent of god this meke werriour Whiche was borne to be our sauyour Vnto mankynde and proteccion To slee the lyon that he may not endure And accordyng with his auysion This lambe of god clad in our armure This day was borne of a mayde pure And lord of al here in a litel cage By kyn descendyd out of lignage Of the worthy and myghty brethern two And as burion out of a stocke growyng Right so thys chylde from leuy and also Fro myghty Iuda grewe out succedyng Borne of the blood to be preest and kyng So entremedlyd by successyon Of bothe thyse two was the generacion Tyl the braunches be ronne and so ferre gone By lynyal cours descendyng as a steyre Tyl the kynredes were bothe growen in to one In to a braunche to haue her repeyre That was preuyd playnly to ben eyre The right of leuy in preesthode to succede And by Iust tytle who so list take hede For to be kyng and bere the dyademe After his fader and be successoure To worthy Iuda of Israel to queme To be hir prynce and myghty gouernoure And fro Iacob this burion and this floure Fyrst gan sprynge to Iesse tyl hit raught And so forth doun tyl the buddes caught How nature obeyeth to virgynyte ca xlix tHe holy sydes in a pure virgyne To bere frute that shal mankynde saue And now this day the prophecye to fyne In bethleme within a lityl caue Kynde and mayde suche werre haue For this matere how no creature To mannys myght Iustely by nature That ben contrarye haue her restyng place For mayde and moder shortely for to seye In one persone to gyder may not trace For by kynde that one must voyde aweye But in this caas nature dyd obeye To a mayde and gaue vp hole her right Wysely aduertyng she was to feble of myght In this mater to holde chaumpartye With hir that was of face most benygne Wh●rfore she wydeth al rancour and enuye And humbly hir quarel doth resigne For hi● were vayne for nature to malygne Though she of kynde be the emperesse Agayn hir lord that made hir so maystresse That she mote nede of necessyte In euery thynge to his wylle obeye And be mynyster vnto his volunte Syth of her myght he berith hym self the keye For in to hir by no maner weye It is no wronge ne no preiudyce Though of a mayde without synne or vyce That was so holy and parfyt founde at alle He wold grace descende doun so lowe To take the clothyng f●●el and mortalle Of our kynde to make a burion growe That neuer was of man sette no sowe But wyth a worde and the consentynge Of a mayde a gra●fe burgenynge Of Iudas stocke this day gan appe●● Whan crist was bore of a mayde free And the fader sent his sone dere Doun to the erthe to make an vny●● By parfyt loue and feruent charyte Eternally be
bonde that may not fayle Fully assurid by weddyng spousayle Betwene his sone his chosyn cyte And holy chirche perpetually to laste And in a chaumbre by excellence fayre Of maydenhede that hym self caste The holy knotte and the bonde so faste Y bounden was that it may neuer vntwyne And of that araye for to termyne Where the feste and the weddyng was In al the erthe y halowed and y holde In a closette more clerer than verre or glas Or ony ●erelle brighter to beholde For by recorde of patriarkes olde The chaste chaumbre was within adorned With golde of fayth fayr bright y borned With charite that yeuyth so clere a light To recomforte al that ben in presence And with siluer depuryd out so bright Thorugh hygh wysdom of ghoostly sapyence And al the ge●●●nee that haue excellence In moral vertu for to shewe shyne The closette chosen so clerely enlumyne That of vnclennesse there may no clipsyng be So fulsum light is there of parfytnesse For there the violettes men may beholde see Of clene entent and of holynesse With roses strewyd in god to haue swetnesse And with lylyes of chastyte y meynt And therof colour that neuer wyl be feynt This● vyolet●is betoken maydenhede Lyke to purpyl in signe of victorye And in this chambre ful of honest drede The chose closette the chaste oratorye This day in soth the hygh kyng of glorye To shewe his myght how he for man gan wir●he Y spowsid hath our moder holy chirche And like a spouse he procedyd is Out of his chaumbre for to rectefye Al that was wronge or in our kynde amys Wherfore this feste for to glorefye Ful longe agoon to synge his psalmodye The kyng dauyd entune did his harpe And with the tenours the trebblys sharpe He to heuen gan enhaunce and reyse This day of dayes most worthy famous And al prophetes in her sawes preyse This noble feste this feste gracious And fro heuen with voys melodyous Aungelis ful lowe sone doun alyght For to honour this holy nyght The nyght of nyghtes hyghhest of echone Excellyng alle as in worthynesse For in this world was creature none In heuen ne erthe ne in sothfastnesse On londe ne see that with grete besynesse Her deuoyr dyd this nyght to honoure Hym that was borne mankynde to socoure How the chyef temple of rome fyl the nyght of crystys byrthe and other wonderful tokenys capitulo for on this nyght by euery 〈◊〉 Was sothely shewyd his natyuyte In bethlehem how of a mayde pure A chylde was borne moste souerayn of deg●●e And first of alle in rome the cyte His byrthe was shewyd hyghly by myracle For walle and roof tow●is and pynacle Of the temple moste famous in the towne To god of p●es that was consecrate The same nyght to grounde fyl downe Playn with the erthe waste and dyssolate In whiche temple moste ryal of estate The statue stood of myghty romulus And at the byldyng the storye tellyth thus Of this temple they of rome went To appollo wyth humble sacrefyse To haue answer in her best entent How long this fane ryal of asyse So stronge bylte and in so trusty wyse That it shold last euer and endure Agayn the assente of ony creature Or parturbyng on ony maner syde And he gaue answer vnto one and alle How this temple with his wallys wyde With his crestys and batalyng ryalle Shal euer stonde sure wythouten falle Vnto the tyme that a mayde chylde And they anone that first made it bylde Of this answer glad ful credyble That this temple euer shold stonde For hem thought it was Inpossyble A mayde euer eyther on see or londe To haue a chylde and so they vnderstonde And they anone yaue tho temple a name By 〈◊〉 assent for the grete fame And callyd i● as I can discerne The temple of pees with his walles whyte And therwith namyd is eterne And at the entre so they dyd wryte But on the nyght the trouthe to endyte Whan cryst was borne of a mayde clene This temple fyl doun endlonge the grene To fulfille the trewe prophecye Of appollo that tolde hem al this thynge And in that place in worshyp of marye And of hir sone of heuen and erthe kynge Standyth a chirche ful ryal of byldynge And euen lyke the sylf same tyme The grete statue long or hit were pryme Of romulus that was deyfyed Fel to the erthe and brast on pecys smale And though romayns made hym stellefyed His grete heed for al that dyd auale Of whom al the werkmen made a tale That forgyd it many a day afore And in soth tyl a chylde were bore Of a mayde hit shold stonde vp riyht This grete ymage and neuer his heed enclyne But he alowted vpon the same nyght Whan cryst was bore of a pure virgyne Lyke as the werkman dyd aforne deuyne Ageyn the conceyt and the entencion Of that he mente in his opynyon I fynde also that the skyes donne Whiche of custome curteyne so the nyght The same tyme with a sodayn sonne Enchaced were that it wexid al light As at mydday whan phelus is most bright To shewe sothely that the sonne of lyf Was borne that nyght to stynte al our stryf How the nyght of crystys by●th a wel●e in Rome ranne oyle capitulo lj aNd euen than as bookes also telle In veray soth withouten ony were The sylf tyme in rome was a welle Of his stremys passyngly entere To loke vpon as ony crystal clere From his vaynys as hit dyd boyle Of whiche the water chaunged in to oyle The same nyght and to tybre ranne So large plente that al myght hit see Of whiche welle longe beforne or thanne Al opynly in rome the cyte Sybylle the wyse that had soueraynte Of prophecye planly wrote and tolde That the water of this welle sholde The same nyght chaunge his lycoure In to oyle and so a day endure Whan of this world was borne the sauyour In bethelem of a mayden pure And as I fynde also in scripture The same day hygh in the fyrmamente Toward the partye of the oryent Were seen thre sonnes lustely appere Eueriche of hem large rownde and bright That cast abrode his fayr bemys clere Thorugh al the world in euery mannys sight The whiche sonnes drewe lyne right Her cours holdyng in haste and that anone Tyl they thre were ioyned in to one To mankynde playnly to declare That he was borne in whom were founden thre To encrees our ioye and our welfare Flessh and sowle and eke the deyte Knytte al in one by sothfast vnyte Whiche as a sonne wydyng shoure and shade Was born this day al the world to glade How the senatis of rome wold haue holden octauyan her emperour as for her god capitulo lij also in rome as writeth Innocente In his cronycle makyng mencion How the senates al by one assent In consistorye of affeccion Whiche they had in her opynyon Vnto her noble
And fro the bondes of her dwellyng place Of veray force dryue hem and enchace And of his byrthe longe or that it felle In a vysyon wonderful of sight Spake the prophete callyd dany●lle And sayd hym thought he sawe vpon a nyght Lyke to beholde as he 〈◊〉 right A sone of man comyng with a 〈◊〉 To whom power honour and regally There geuen was perpetuelly to abyde And his kyngdom by eternyte Shal stonde hole and not deuyde Whiche shal not passe neyther corupte be Who 's comyng eke whan he dyd see The holy prophete olde ezechyel Sayth thus the byble can you telle I shal ordeyne prudently prouyde An herdeman my slepe to kepe sure To wake the flockes euery tyde To kepe hem wysely in to her pasture And forthermore he doth vs eke assure The holy prophete forthe in his wrytyng Sothely affermyng that there shal be a kyng Of al folkes whos empyre shal be one And no lenger deuyded in to tweyne Whiche in ydolis made of stocke and stone Ne shal nomore be pollute to ordeyne False offerynges to god that they seyne And the prophete that callyd is adgee Ful opynly who so lyst to see Wryteth of his byrthe in a lytyl stounde Euen lyke as he was enspyrid That he shal moue heuen see and grounde And he that is of al most desyrid Shal come in haste lyke a kyng a tyrid For ioye of the whiche holy zacarye To crystys spouse this doth specefye 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 thou doughter of syon And synge thou doughter of Iherusaleme Beholde 〈◊〉 kyng shal come right anone That shal be 〈…〉 in bethleme And his power shal fro 〈◊〉 to royame The bondes 〈◊〉 of his rya●te As ferre in soth as ony flood or ony see Holden her course as they wyth wawes wynde Out of her moder the grete occian Of whos comyng malachye maketh mynde Within his book the byble telle can How the name of hym bothe god and man Shal stretche his stremys withouten wene Fro thylke place where the sonne shene Reysith his light whan hit begynneth dawe At the vpryste in the mornynge Vnto the west where he goeth vnder wawe Tyl efte ageyn his chariete he brynge In to the este that doth the larke synge For ioye onely that his bemys ryse And of his comyng doth eke amos deuyse And sayth he shal newely by myracle Restore ageyn and eke reedefye Vpon that day the myghty tabernacle Of kyng dauyd with al the regallye And of this chylde wryteth also ysay● Whan he is borne that in his presence Kynges for drede shullen kepe salence A questyon assoyled whiche is worthyest of kyng wyne or woman capitulo lvij A questyon assoyled whiche is worthyest of kyng wyne or woman capitulo lvij aNd as in erthe is made a questyon Of thynges thre whiche was worthyest Kyng wyne or woman in comparison Eche y praysid holden as for best And al this stryf as darius gan lest Zorobabel withouten ony slouthe Aboue echone had preferrid trouthe And whyle they were atrauerse of thise thre Eueriche holdyng his opynyon Zorobabel of ryght and equyte To woman yaue his commendacion Makyng forthwith of trouthe mencion Onely in signe as he can deuyse Fro woman first trouthe must aryse Whiche is the bonde knotte pryncipalle Of al vertu hit may not be denyed And therwithal so excellent ryalle With god hym self that is next alyed And for hit is so moche magnefyed Thorow the world of pryce and worthy fame God chese hym self of that to bere the name And with his mowth hym self so list hym calle As the gospel makyth mencion And by recorde of prophet●s alle God descendyng to one conclusion This day in erthe for our sauacion Of a woman in maydenhede flouryng To mankynde trouth dyd spryng And fro heuen rightwysnes behelde How trouthe mercy in a mayde mette And thus is trouth spronge out of a felde Where the holy ghoost the rayne of grace sette To make the graffe that he fro Iuda fette To fructefye and a pure virgyne That shal be tytle of the same lyne The crowne of Iuda to hym accepte anone And vnderfonge hit as a champyon Whiche was byrafte so many a day a gone From sedechye aweye in babylon Whan that was made a transmygracion By the tyraunt nabugodonosore Who 's cruelte last shal nomore How our lady ought worthely to be recommendyd and worshypped for the byrthe of cryst capitulo lviij nOw he is borne that is rightful eyre That shal make better than neomy● His peple of Iuda for to haue repeyre Ierusaleme ageyn to reedefye Though herode that falsely doth ocupye As a foreyn thrugh his cruel myght By tyrannye and no tytle of right Of whom the kyngdom shal not longe endure The reygne vsurpyng by extorcion For the lord of euery creature This day hath take his Iust pocessyon In bethlehem within a smale dongeon He his moder as who sayth but allone To wayte on hym other fewe or none A lady myn how god hath made the riche Thy self allone al richesse to possede For in this world none is the lyche Of plente ryal fro the londe of mede Where the hylles of golde ben as I rede May no tresoure in his menes reyse Ageyn thy tresure for to counterpeyse For certes lady thou allone hast alle That within heuen aungels desyre The Iewel riche the tresour celestyalle Of heuen kyng of erthe lord and syre And hym that hath al the hole empyre Of londe see the monarchye Thow hast hooly lady myn to gye And as austyn the holy doctour writeth In a sermon of the natyuyte We may to the say right as he byddeth With deuout herte knelyng on our kne O blessyd lady floure of virgynyte We prayen echone o welle of our welfare Lyke a moder not thy mylke to spare Yeue hym plente that is so plenteous Of fulsomnesse aungels to fede And yeue hym sowke the pyment gracious Of thy pappes let thy condyte shede The swete mylke al about in brede Moderly it makyng to auale On his fayr tendyr lymmes smale Glad mayst thou be that sauf list to vouche With his softe rounde lyppes lyte To haue plosaunce thy brestis for to towche Onely to sowke thy blessyd pappys whyte And that hym list so godely to delyte For his playe to haue so moche blisse Euer amonge thy holy mouthe to kysse And sodeynly with childely chere Iocounde Than anone thy whyt necke to enbrace With his softe tendyr armys rounde And than attones falle on thy face And of his eyen fulfilled of al grace A goodely loke to the ward enclyne And so forth his chekys leye to thyn And with his fyngrys mowth eyen touche His smalle pawmys on thy chekis leyne His yonge face betwene thy pappys couche And holde hym stylle with al his besy peyne And grype hem fast with his hondes tweyne For therin was his heuenly repaste Thy yonge sone whan he lyst breke his faste There was his fode and his norisshyng pure
Sothfast seleer of his sustenaunce The tonne of lyf that euer dyd endure Ay lyke fresshe vnto his plesaunce With sacrid lycour of holy habundaunce That none but he may touche ne appronhe For hit for hym was onely set a broche For in that lycour is ful remedye Holy refuyte and playne medecyne Ageyn the venym brought in by enuye Thorugh false engyne malyce serpentyne Whan the snake made adam to dyne Of the appyl that was intoxicate Falsely with god to make hym at debate But now the mylke of thy pappys tweyne Benygne lady is to vs tria●le Within thy breste spryngeth from a veyne Ayenst the deth to be to vs obstacle O how it is a passyng hygh myracle Thorow goddes myght by nought ellys Out of a breste to see two smale wellys Of a mayde spryngyng as a ryuere To yeue hym drynke that is kyng of alle O goodely lady o heuenly botel●re Whan we in myschyef to the clepe calle Somme drope of grace let vpon vs falle And to that celer make a redy weye Where thou of mercy allone berist the key● And of grace let be no scarsete Good lady that art of grace welle For now this day in erthe is borne of the The sothfast god of heuen erthe and helle Whiche is come doun with vs for to dwelle And hath of the our mortall kynde y take Of al our woo an ende for to make Somtyme fro heuen fy● doun the manne To refresshe the hungry in her nede And that befyl in deserte right thanne Whan moyses the peple dyd lede But now this day in erthe man to fede An humble mayde to al that ben trewe In this desert hath brought manna newe Whiche to aungel is the food of lyf To man repaste of ioye and of gladnesse Chyef recomforte and restoratyf To al feble oppressyd with sekenesse O good lady o myrrour of mekenesse Benygne floure of womanhede the welle In this deserte where as now we dwelle Send vs thy manna of souerayn hertes he le To our comforte and consolacion And let vs grace in thy mercy fele For our refuyte and refeccion And in this vale of confusion Let the grace fro the skyes rayne The manna of lyf that we may attayne For thou allone ar● comforte synguler To al tho that no refuyte conne This day also of mercy the ryuere Fro whiche al grace is to mankynde ronne The sterre also that hath brought forth the sonne The sone of lyf in erthe for to wone O mayde o moder o doughter of thy sonne Whiche none in soth sithe the world began Was bothe two but thy self allone For who is he that remembre can First or last late or ellys soone So bright a sonne spryng of so fayr a mone Saue this day the sonne of lyf most shene From the aroos thou a mayde clene Without eclipsyng or lesyng of thy light For thou a moder and mayde bothe two In v●●tu●ay●e like shene and bright O fayr ●oose o roose of Ierico That hast this day god and man also In bethelem borne ageyn the greye morowe The nyght to voyde of al our olde sorowe Of liknessis of our lady in commendacion of hir capitulo lix nOw fayr ●edre cy●resse of syon Spryngyng light of nazareth Chosen chambre of wyse salamon Floure of the felde swettest on holte heth Of whom al vertu saueth men fro deth Of syloe the water eke depurid Wherby the lepre of Naman was recuryd Laude and glorye of Iherusalem Thow namyd arte and of Israel gladnesse Holsom cestern this day of bethlehem The thrist of dauyd to s●aunche and distresse Of paradyse the welle in sothfastnesse Foyson that floweth in to sondry royames The soyle to adewe with his swete stremes The lond also of promyssyon That mylke and hony bothe in fere shedyth The soyle and grounde of our sauacion With his herbys that fosterith vs and fedeth Now blessyd mayde whos mercy euer nedeth Also that lyuen in thy seruyse This hygh feste so for vs deuyse That in honoure of thy sone dere We may of herte rede synge and praye And let the stremys of thyn eyen clere Thy seruauntes o lady myn conueye To contynue fully vntyl we deye The to serue with hertely loue and drede As moste is plesyng to thy womanhede And this feste of festys pryncipalle Callyd the feste of the natyuyte Make loue pees to reygne oueralle And hertis ioye wyth parfyt vnyte Voyde al dyscorde let no rancour be In hertes closed by malice or enmyte But of thy grace so gouerne vs and gye This hygh feste in whiche thy sone was borne Now this mydwynter nyght with ful affeccion Whyle phebus shyneth in the caprycorne We may the serue with al deuocion And lady myn in conclusion Now this monthe that callyd is decembre Vpon thy seruauntes faythfully remembre How cryst was circumcisyd capitulo lx wHan Ianus bifrons in colde Ianuarie With frosty berde entryd in the yere And phebus chare neyeth to aquarie His watery bemys tofore feuerere Whan that his light was pale nothyng clere And from hym late was passyd lucyne The same nyght as I sawe her shyne A ourned newe with bemes glad and merye On the heuen and cast his stremys doun I gan remembre of the hygh ferye That callyd is the circumcision How hit befyl than by reuolucion By iuste acountyng in the calendere The first day of the newe yere And thought I wold in my book procede Of this feste somwhat for to wryte And to the gospel first I gan take hede Of this day how luke list to endyte Though he therof speke but a lyte And was ful brief and compendyous Yet of this day hygh and glorious He writeth playnly sayth how that anone After the day of the natyuyte When eyght dayes passed were and gone The chylde was brought with al humylite To the temple lowly for to be As the lawe of the Iewys hath deuysed The eyght day to be circumcis●●n And he therto mekely dyd obeye And with a knyf made ful sharpe of stone His moder lokyng with a pyteou● eye The chylde was corue therwythal anone That al abowt the reed blood gan gone Without abode as sayth bonauenture And for the payne he dyd endure And for sharpenes of the sodayn smerte The chylde gan wepe that pyte was to he●● Wherfore his moder of veray tendyr herte Out brast on teris myght hir self not stere That al bydewyd were hir eyen clere Whan she sawe hym that she louyd so So yonge so fayre to wepe so for woo But he anone in al his passyon For al that he was so yonge of age In manere he had a compassyon To see his moder to wepe in her rage And put his hande vnto hir vysage On mouthe and eyen passyngly benygne And as he coude goodely made a signe Withouten speche to stynte her wepyng That came to hir of moderly pyte And she ful wel conceyuyth his menyng From poynte to
maner to hym they vnfolde From poynt to poynt as mathew maketh mynde Redith his gospel and there ye shal hit fynde How kyng herode sent for the thre kynges capitulo lxx aNd than herode gan the kynges calle And of this mater entrid pryuely And coriously how that it was falle He gan enquere axyd besyly And of the sterre also by and by He axyd hem and in wordes fewe How what wyse it gan first shewe And whan they had tolde hym euery del● They departed out of his presence But first he ●ade hem to enquere Of the childe with al her dylygence And whan they had doon hym reuerence He charged hem vnder wordes fayre Homwardes by hym al gates to repayre To yeue hym clerely Informacion Of her exploite of the chylde also Surely affermyng by false collucion That he hym self wold sone after goo Vnto the chylde and his deuoyr do To worshyp hym al vnder coloures As the worme or serpent vnder floures Da●●th ful ofte kepith hym couertly Of ky●de malice tyl they a tyme see To shede her venym than sodaynly Al attones whan they vnwarest be They styngen and shewyn her cruelte And her venym vnder floures fayre Ful ofte is hyd tyl they may appayre Right so thou serpent ful of Inyquyte False tygre ful of doublenesse Vnder fayr colour of humylite Thy venym darith also thy falsenesse O thou tyraunt o rote of cursidnesse Thou herode of malice most mortalle What wenyst thou hym that knoweth al To dysseyue with thy slyly wyle What can suger vnder galle fayne What wenyst thou the kynges to begyle And of malice brynge hem in a trayne Of whos comyng though that thou dysdayne It may not helpe playnly ne ●ayle For of thy purpoos playnly thou shalt fayle For by grace they shullen in quye●● Maugre thy myght al the daunger passe For though that thou with wordes hony swete Malyciously vpon her deth compasse They shullen scape despyte of thy face For al the coniecte of thy prynces wyse As the story shal anoue deuyse And so wtth venym in his herte y loke He yaue hem leue passe thorugh his reme In her repayre hym castyng to ●e wroke Yf they retorne ageyn by Iherusaleme And so the sterre hem brought to bethleme And lyne right the chyldes hede aboue Where as he laye stylle gan to houe Of the ioye that the kynges had when they found cryst capitulo lxxij bVt who the ioye coude telle or endyte Or with his mowthe the myrthe expresse Or who can playnly with his penne write The grete blysse or the gladnesse Whiche they made in sothfastnesse After her iourney her longe weye Aboue the how 's whan they the sterre seye That gan to hem clerely certefye Without more the chyldes dwellyng place And they anone fast gan hem hye With lusty herte glad of chere and fa●● To alyght doun in a lytyl space They made hem redy with reuerence They entryn in came in to presence Where as the chylde most worthy of degree Was with marye in an oxes stalle And humbly the kynges al thre Forth they went toward the stalle And brought her tresoure her yeftes alle As reuerently as they coude deuyse And hym presented in al her best wyse Lyke as her astate eueriche after other Makyng theyr present with al humylite Lyke her age as brother after other Gold franke myrre they yaue hym al thre After custome of perce and caldee For of that londe whan kynges present make The custome is suche yeftes for to take And this was doon with foyson and plentee In veray soth and grete habundaunce For in her present was no scarsete For of richesse they had al suffysaunce Wherfore they cast with deuoute obeysaunce Of due right with the chylde to parte Of her tresoure or that they departe And for golde is payed for tribute As hit is founde of antyquyte Therfore the kynges for a maner sute That they hym ought of veray dewte They brought hym golde out of her contree And yaue it hym withouten repentaunce Hooly of herte for a recognysaunce And franke also as clerkis can deuyse Ordeyned is in conclusion To god onely to make sacrefyse With contrite herte and deuocion Therfore to hym for oblacion They brought franke to signefye than That he was bothe sothfast god and man And for they wold in al thyng obeye To his hyghnes with al her besy cure In token he shold for mankynde deye They brought myrre to his sepulture For like a man deth he most endure And with his blood shed in his passyon For our trespace for to make redempcion In franke also who that can disserne Is vnderstonde the hygh mageste Of his power whiche that is eterne And eke also his hygh deyte The gold betokeneth his hygh dygnyte And myrre declareth vnto vs at alle Of his manhode that he was mortalle And golde betokeneth of loue the feruence That he to man had of affeccion And franke betokeneth the souerayn excellence In holynesse his conuersacion And myrre betokeneth the tribulacion That he suffrid and al the grete penaunce For vs in erthe by contynuaunce In gold he was knowe as a kynge In franke a preest who so can take hede Of myrre also this day the offerynge Was longyng onely to his manhede And thus he was withouten ony drede Bothe kyng preest as I discryue can And for our sake in erthe a mortal man In golde also most glorious metalle Fygurid was his hygh deytee In franke also that is so cordyalle The sowle also of cryst most parfyte of degree And myrre betokeneth thorow his dygnyte His flessh the whiche by disposicion May neuer suffre no corrupcion And of thise yeftes passyng reuerente Ful of mysterye heuenly pryuyte And whan they had made theyr presente Vnto the chylde ay sittyng on hir knee And with grete auyse they began beholde see Tofore that they remoue from that place His godely chere his fayr face Consyderyng his feturis by and by With grete Insight and humble entencion And ay the more they loke besely The more they thynke in her Inspeccion And thoughten alwey as in her reason Though kynde god hath sette in one fygure The beaute hooly of euery creature It myght not in sothenes ●euen ben liche To his fayrnes neyther peregall For he that is aboue nature riche Hath made this chyld fayrest in speciall For in his face they be holden alle The hole beaute fayrnesse eke also Of heuen erthe to gyder bothe two Wherfore no wonder though they hem delyte Most passyngly vpon hym to see For they in herte reioycen hem not alyte On hym to looke that they haue lyberte For ay the more playnly that they be In his presence the parfy●e hote fyre Of hertely ioye hem brent in desyre And of one thyng good hede they took How that the chyld demurely cast his sight Toward hem godely gan to loke
On her faces with his eyen bright And how that he put his armes ryght Goodely to hem makyng a maner signe To them of thankyng with chere ful benygne And of his moder they moche thynge enquere Towchyng his byrthe with humble affeccion And she answerith most femynyne of chere Ful prudently to euery questyon With chere demure look y cast adoun With al the porte of womanly clennesse Hir self demenyng cheefly with mekenesse Of vertuous pouerte and mekenesse of our lady capitulo lxxiij o She that was of heuen and erthe quene And of helle lady and pryncesse O what was she alas that myght sustene To be proude considerid hir mekenesse O pryde alas o rote of our distresse Though thy boost aboue the skye blowe Thy byldyng hygh shal be brought ful lowe O surquedrye alas why nylt thou see How that she had heuen in hir demeyne And lady is bothe of lond and see And of the axtre betwene the poles tweyne And of the enbracyng of the golden cheyne Yet vnto hir I say in sothfastnesse Aboue al this agreyd hir mekenesse O pompe elate with thy cheris bolde Remembre see and loke how that she Of whom kynges haue ioye to beholde In her presence to knele on her knee Though she of women be hyest in degree Take hede see how lowly in a stable How that she sat this lady honourable Were therre of gold ony clothes founde Of sylke damask or riche turturyne Or was there aras aboute her hede bounde Or was there ony velwet crymsyne Or was there ony samyte or satyne Or were there ony tapytes large or wyde The nakyd grounde to couer or to hyde Or was her paleys bylte of lyme stone Or the pylers set on marbyl graye Or the grounde pauyd on to gone Or fressh parlours glasid bright as day Or were therin chambris of aray Or for estates was there ony halle Saue a dongeon and an oxes stalle Or of hir bed was the appareyle Of golde silke corteyned large aboute Or were the shetis of longe or wyde entayle Kytte out of raynes nay without dowte Or were there ony ladyes for to lowte To hir hyghnes with besy obseruaunce Or of maydens ony attendaunce O as me semeth of veray dewe right Ye wymmen al sholden take hede With your perlys your stones bright How that our quene floure of womanhede Of no deuyse embrowdyd hath hir wede Ne furrid with ermyn ne with cristy graye Ne marty●n ne sabyl I trowe in good faye Was none founden in her garmente And yet she was the fayrest for to see That euer was vnder the firmamente That me semeth ye sholden haue pyte To see a lady of so hygh degree So semely atyrid o ye wymmen alle So narow closid in an oxes stalle Let be your pryde and your affection Of riche araye no thyng you delyte In worldly pompe and suche abusion Of soudry clothes rede blacke and whyte And be wel ware or the spere byte Of cruel deth and the fel smerte My counceyl is to lifte vp your herte To that lady to that worthy quene That you may beste helpe in your nede And you releue in euery woo and tene And delyuer from al myschyef and drede And thynke playnly take right good hede That al shal passe araye eke richesse Whan ye list wene al your semelynesse Let hem afore be to you a kalendere Isowde Eleyne and eke polycene Hestor also dydo with hir chere And riche candace of ethyope quene Lygge they not graue vnder colours grene And yet al this may not your pryde attame Notwithstondyng that ye shal doo the same And after deth abydeth no memorye For ay with deth comyth foryetefulnesse And fare wel than araye and al veynglorye Saue onely vertu that stondith in sikernesse I take recorde of the hygh mekenesse Of hir that is of holynesse welle Of whom I thynke sothely for to telle How that she satte for al her worthynesse Holdyng her chylde lowly on the grounde And kynges knelyng as ye haue herde expresse Beholdyng hir in vertu moste habounde Tyl at the last they haue a ●●yser founde To take her leue and the same nyght They gan to ryde homward al her myght How the aungel warned the thre kynges to passe not by herodes but by another waye capitulo lxxiiij aNd suyng after on the next nyght Whyle they slepte at her lodgyng place Came an aungel apperyng with grete light And warned hem that they nought ne trace By herodes but that they shold pace Withouten taryeng in al the haste they may To her kyngdom by another waye And in shorte tyme to theyr regyon They ben repayred the gospel tellyth thus And of her names to make mencion The first in ebrew was callyd appelleus The next amerus the third damarus And in greke the first galgatha And sarachym the thyrd malgalatha And in latyne as bookes make mynde The first of hem namyd was Iaspar And the second playnly as I fynde Lyke myn auctour reherce as I dar Callyd was and namyd balthazar And the thyrd ye gete of me no more As I rede was callyd melchyore Of whos repayre as somme bookes seyn That first of al they wenten to the see And retornyng to her kyngdom ageyn They shypped hem at tharse the cyte For whiche herode of cursyd cruelte In tharse made al the shyppes brenne Wherof write dauyd the sawter yf ye kenne And vnto you clerely to specefye Towchyng this feste thys solemnyte Wherof is sayd this word epyphanye Whiche is a word of grete auctoryte And sayd and compowned who so can see Of epy first and phanos soth to sayn And one word compowned of thyse tweyne Cometh this word of epyphanye And this word epy by dyscripsion Is sayd of heyght as I can signefye And of a shewyng by demonstracion As phanos sayd and so by good reson Epy and phanos bothe knytte in fere Is a shewyng that doth a lofte appere And for this day alofte was the sterre Whiche crristes byrthe and Incarnacion With his stremes gan shede from so ferre From este to weste in many a regyon Wherof this feste in conclusion As ye toforne haue herde me specefye This feste is callyd of epyphanye The whiche feste hath a prerogatyf Of myracles notable in specialle For thynges foure wrought in cristes lyf Weren on this day by his power ryalle The first of al for a memoryalle Is of the kynges as ye haue herde me sayne Whiche were in ydel to reherce agayne The second is it is sothely tolde That crist Ihesu this day of saynt Iohn The yere whan he was thyrty wynter olde Baptised he was in the flom Iordayne At whiche tyme thre kynges vnder one Apperid this day worthy of memorye The first was that from the hygh glorye The faders voyce as clerkis list endyte Cam doun to erthe that men myght here And like a downe with fayr federis