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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06357 A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies vizt: the sect of the Banians the ancient natiues of India and the sect of the Persees the ancient inhabitants of Persia· together with the religion and maners of each sect collected into two bookes by Henry Lord sometimes resident in East India and preacher to the Hoble Company of Merchants trading thether Lord, Henry, b. 1563. 1630 (1630) STC 16825; ESTC S108886 68,332 182

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but though his Iustice were so great that he would not let wickednesse goe vnpunished yet he would againe haue a world of new creatures to whom his wisedome power and mercy might be declared Seeing therefore the first Age miscarried by their sinfulnesse for whose purity God had so well prouided the Almighty determined to beginne the second Age by three persons of greater perfection and excellency then the other called Bremaw Vystney and Ruddery The Almighty therefore descending from heauen vpon a great Mountaine called Meropurbatee vpon the top of the same the Lord pronounced his word and said Rise vp Bremaw the first of liuing Creatures in the second Age the earth then did render from her wombe Bremaw at the voyce of God who did acknowledge and worshippe his Maker and by a second and third Command from the same place raised Vystney and Ruddery who with no lesse reuerence adored their Maker likewise But God that maketh nothing without his vse or end did not make these to liue idle but to be seruiceable in the worlds restoring to the first therefore which was Bremaw hee gaue the power to make the Creatures because say the Banians as great persons doe not their worke but by deputies so neither was it fit God should be seruile to the Creatures but giue them their being by his Instruments To the second which was Vystney hee gaue the charge to preserue the Creatures for that as it was his mercy to cause them to bee so it was his prouidence to keepe them in their being But to the third which was Ruddery hee gaue power to destroy his Creatures because he knew they would bee wicked and deserue a Iudgement amongst them Now as God had giuen to these persons power to doe these great workes so it was meete they should bee fitted with meanes capable for the discharge of their seuerall charges That Bremaw therefore might haue power to make the Creatures hee indued him with the Abilities of Creation and production Secondly that Vistney might preserue the Creatures the Lord gaue all things into his power that might tend to the preseruation of those that Bremaw should make therefore hee made him Lord of the Sunne and Moone of the Cloudes Showers and Dewes that fall vpon the Earth Lord of the Hils and Valleies disposer of the changes of the yeare the conferrer of Riches health and honour and whatsoeuer tended to the well being of Man and the rest of the Creatures Lastly that Ruddery might bee a fit Executioner of Gods Iustice God gaue into his possession whatsoeuer might tend to the destruction of liuing Creatures therefore Ruddery was made the Lord of Death and Iudgment and whatsoeuer might tend to the punishment of Man whether it were Sicknesse Famine Warre or Pestilence or any thing else that might bee a plague for sinne According also to the seuerall Assignations of these persons to their particuler Charges they were alloted a determinate time of Abiding vpon Earth Because the worke of the Creation was concluded in the second of their Ages which was a worke assign'd to Bremaw therefore Bremaw was to be taken vp to the Almighty in the conclusion of the second Age. And because the other Ages were multiplied with people by some that were reserued fr●m destruction therefore Vistney was kept on earth till he had doubled Bremawes tearme of time as of whose preseruation there was longer neede And because the world should end in destruction therefore the continuance of Ruddery was three times so long that when the great day of Iudgement should come hee might destroy all the bodies and carry the soules with him to the place of Glory Nought wanted now but that they should euery one in their seuerall turnes shew the powers conferred vpon them So Bremaw consulting with himselfe how he might fulfill the charge imposed vpon him grew extraordinarily afflicted in his body the strangenesse of which anguish vexing him in euery part boaded some alteration or vnexpected euent when loe such trauaile as happeneth to women in labour seazed him and a certaine tumour and swelling of his body withall according to the suddaine ripenesse of the burthen within distended his bowels more and more and gaue newer and greater extremities to him in this Agony till the burthen though Bremaw farre exceeded the stature of common men made two ruptures the one on the right side the other on the left when behold two Twinnes the one male the other female to wit Man and Woman did betray themselues to the world in full growth and perfect stature who thus produced and informed concerning God by the instructions of Bremaw the Man was by him named Manow and the Woman Ceteroupa So giuing worshippe to God the Creator and reuerence to Bremaw their producer with a blessing of multiplication pronounced vpon them they were sent to the East to a Mountaine called Munderpu●vool thence to dispread their generations to the West North and South so they departed and Ceteroupa brought forth three sonnes and three daughters the eldest sonne was called Priauretta the second Outanapautha the third Soomeraut the eldest daughters name was called Cammah the second Soonerettaw the third Sumboo As these grew in yeeres they were in their seuerall orders dispersed seuerall wayes viz. Priauretta and Cammah to the West to the Mountaine called Segund Outanapautha and Soonerettaw to the North to the Mountaine R●pola Soomeraut and Sumboo to the Mountaine Supars all which brought forth plentiful generations Thus Bremaw made Man and Woman and replenished the earth with the rest of the liuing Creatures Vystney likewise did prouide all things necessary that might be to the sustentation and preseruation of the liuing creatures that Bremaw had made giuing them in enioyment such blessings as were needfull to a wel being To conclude Ruddery did disperse afflictions sicknesse death and iudgement according as the Sonnes of men did by their wickednesse inuoke this smart vpon themselues And this was the order God tooke for the restoring of people to inhabit the earth in the second Age of the World Now how God prouided for the establishment of Religion in this second Age that these that liued might feare and worshippe him shall be declared in the Chapter next following as it is vnfolded by the Tradition of the Banians CHAP. VIII How God communicated Religion to the world by a Booke deliuered to Bremaw the particular Tracts of the same The first Tract thereof touching the morall Law laid downe with the appropriation of the same to the seuerall Casts and a Confutation of the Errours thereof GOD knowing that there would be but euill gouernment where there was not the establishment of his worshippe and feare after the world was replenished a new bethought himselfe of giuing them lawes to restraine that euill in them that was the cause of the destruction of the former Age. Descending therefore on the Mountaine M●ropurbatee he called Bremaw to him and out of a darke and duskie cloude with
of his Order conspiring against God to gaine the Soueraignety and command ouer all God threw him from the Orbe of his happinesse together with his confederates and accomplices dambd him to hel the place that was made for offenders and turned them from their glorious shapes into shapes blacke vgly and deformed till the times of the world should be consummate when al offenders in generall should receiue their sentence of punishment and condemnation So God hauing accomplished this second labour desisted from the worke of the creation fiue dayes more After this the Almighty begunne the third labour of the creation which was to make the Earth which together with the Waters called Seas make this lower world like a Globe or Ball so agreeing together that the Seas humidity maketh the Earth fruitfull and the Earths soliditie boundeth the waters in their due confine which worke thus finished God suspended the worke of the Creation for fiue dayes more and rested The fourth labour was to make the Trees Plants and Hearbes that so the earth might bring forth fruites pleasant to the eye and taste and for the comfort of the Creatures liuing in the earth this also done God rested and gaue the former respite to his labours The fift worke was to make Creatures fit to abide in the places forementioned as Beasts of all sorts to forrage in the greene pastures Fowles to cleane the Ayre with their nimble Pencions Fishes to swimme in the vnknowne depths of the watery Ocean The world thus replenished with creatures God resumed his wonted rest and intermission from this labour And lastly vndertooke his sixt labour which was the forming of Man and Woman to whom the rest of the Creatures were made ministratory and seruile whose name their Records deliuer to be Adamah and Euah who being the first two by whom the multitudes of mankinde should be propagated God as they affirme did cause Euah to bring forth two twinnes every day for a thousand yeeres together death did diminish none of the numbers of mankinde by mortality But Lucifer thus deposed with the rest of his Order grew malignant both to God and man and as God did good so he laboured to doe euill and to perturbe his actions and tempt men to sinne and wickednesse labouring to make man odious to his Maker as also making himselfe an enemy to all goodnesse which God yet did not fully reuenge as knowing nothing but euill to bee in him and his confederates But the better to preuent his mischiefe set certaine superuisors ouer his creatures to preserue them in that state wherein they were at first created Thus to one Hamull was committed the charge of the heauens to Acrob the ouersight of the Angels that they relapsed not as Lucifer had done to Ioder the ouersight of the Sunne Moone and Starres to Soreh the care of the Earth to Iosah the command of the Waters Sumbolah had the charge of the beasts of the field Daloo of the Fish of the Sea Rocan of the trees Cooz of Man and Woman and Sertan and Asud to whom God had giuen strength and power were made the guardians of Lucifer and the euill spirits to master and conjure them from mischiefe to Gods creatures who yet notwithstanding the watch of Sertan and Asud did much mischiefe in the world by suggestion and temptation to wickedn●sse which made God offended with mankinde for their wickednesse The sinnes of men growing great they say it appeareth in their Records that there came a Flood or Inundation which ouerflowed the Earth and the Inhabitants thereof some few onely God preserued to propagate the generations of the times following that so there might not bee an vtter ruine of mankinde These generations were dispersed to people the earth againe from which all Nations haue had their descent And as their Historiographer Mircond reporteth in times not long distant from the Flood these Persees had a Race of Kings that were their proper Gouernours continued for aboue a thousand yeeres by the succession of fiue and forty Kings The first whereof was Guiomaras who as Mircond reports was the son of Aram the sonne of Sem the sonne of Noah by the Persees called Adam Asseny that is the second Adam the last in whom the Monarchie of this people concluded as is before shewed was Yesdegerd The Abridgement of which Chronicle I would haue gathered from them but that I found it to agree punctually both i● matter and order with that translation of Mr. Grimstones called Estates and Empires c in the Chronicle of the Kings of Persia to whom I referre those that desire information therein What Religion this people had in the Reignes of Guiomaras Syameck Ouchang Thamull Iimshed Zoack Traydhun and Manoucher vnto Lorasph which was their fifteenth King is not the scope of this present worke though then they had a peculiar kinde of worshippe But the Religion that is the Subiect of this booke is a Religion that was receiued in the Reigne of Gustasph the sonne of Lorasph their sixteenth King in succession concerning the worshippe of Fire in the defence of which Religion Gustasph was so zealous that hee made warre against Ariaseph King of Turron for that he reprehended him in a letter about this worshippe Hauing then limited this Booke to his proper Subiect three things in generall are to be treated of in this worke First to declare who was their Law-giuer how their Law was deliuered and came to bee receiued of Gustasph King of Persia. Next to shew the substance of their Law Lastly to proceede to other Ceremonies obserued by them not improper to this present Tract CHAP. III. Concerning Zertoost the Law-giuer of the Persees his Parents the Omens that did forerunne his Natiuity their interpretation his perils in his Birthplace his escape into Persia and the Accidents happening in his Trauailes thither COncerning the Law-giuer of this people it is left recorded in their old writings that there liued in Chyna two poore people of honest fame and reputation married together as man and wife the man was called Espintaman the woman Dodoo these two hauing long liued in the state of marriage without issue the woman earnestly prayed that God would giue her a sonne her request was heard and much time passed not ere shee conceiued and grew pregnant About the time of this womans Conception shee saw a vision presented to her in a dreame that filled her with great feare and terrour for she conceiued that the heauens were of a light fire ouer her head and that a flaming rednesse had ouerspread the firmament which droue her into a great Agony when on a sodaine there rushed into her sight foure Griffins of grimme and horrid appearance who seazing on her body did from her wombe seeme cruelly to teare out the child she had conceiued to her great feare and despaire of life when on a sodaine stept in a man of person goodly and of warlike Aspect with a truncheon on in his hand in