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A06193 The mysterie of mankind, made into a manual, or The Protestants portuize reduced into explication application, inuocation, tending to illumination, sanctification, deuotion, being the summe of seuen sermons, preached at S. Michaels in Cornehill, London. By William Loe, Doctor of Diuinity, chaplaine to his sacred Maiesty, and pastor elect, and allowed by authority of superiours of the English Church at Hamborough in Saxonie. Loe, William, d. 1645. 1619 (1619) STC 16689; ESTC S105401 92,048 356

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commencement of the Gospell Twelue Patriarches the fathers of the Law Twelue Apostles the Patriarches of the Gospel Ten commandemēts giuen on mount Sinay Ten petitiōs on moūt Horeb. Iudah the Patriarch selleth Ioseph Iudas the Apostle traytor selleth for thirtie peeces the true Ioseph Iesus Christ. Christ is taken in a garden by the Brooke Cedron Man sin●ed in the Garden of Eden Ioseph the innocent is imprisoned Pilate im●●●● prisoneth the innocent Lord Iesus At noone Christ suffered at noone man sinned The first Adam by transgression shuts vp heauen the second Adam by his passion openeth heauen to all beleeuers Ioseph the Patriarch burieth Iacoh Ioseph of Arimathea burieth the true Israel Daniel is sealed vp in the Lyons denne the true Daniell Christ is layde in his sepulcher and the Magistrates seale the stone yea the very circumstances of this manifestation are most exactly set downe The time limited to wit When the scepter shall depart from Iuda the place designed At Bethlem in Iudaea The miraculous manner published A virgine shall conceiue a sonne His presentation in the Temple verified The Lord whom ye seeke shall suddenly come into his Temple His price valued A goodly price was I prized at of them saith the Lord. The treason against him foretold That his owne familiar friend in whō he trusted and did eate his bread should list vp his heele against him In a word all things euen to the very vineger and gal in his last suffrings were at sundry times in manifold maner long before certainly prophesied of as they were manifestly in their determinate times of Godperformed So that this manifestation was the accomplishment of vision and prophesie the body of type and shadow the ende of Law and Priesthood the perfection of Sacrifice and Sacrament and the vnion of mankind with God in Christ and thereby life euerlasting Is God then thus abased in● our flesh Oh the great bountie of Gods fauor vnto vs. Oh then let vs submit our selues vnto God For the Lord will haue an eye to none but to such as are of a broken and contrite heart and trembleth at his word But if wee bee meeke and lowly in heart We shall finde rest vnto our soules Yea our chife seruice consists in this To humble our selues to walke with our God Remembring the excellent dignity of our sanctified nature beeing now vnited to our God and pertaking of his holy nature by filiation according to the Euangelicall precept Be mercifull as your heauenly father is mercifull See God is become our father by sanctificatiō For if wee being wretches can giue good gifts vnto our children how much more shall our heauenly father giue graces and blessings to them that all vpon him By adoption For to as many as receiue him he hath giuen power to become the sons of God Let not the vnbeleeuing Iewes demād how this vnion should be or how God could bee manifested in our flesh But let them tell how the dead rod of Aron could beare blossomes how a virgin should conceiue and beare a son how a bush could burne not consume how Gedeons fleece could be wet at one time in the floore all the floore about it dry and another time dry and all the ground about it wet in answer of these this vnion wil be euē vnto thē manifest ●or all these things they v●doubtedly beleeue Let not the damnable Atheist discusse this mysterie asking reasons how and which way but let him tell me this one thing how the Sun beames pierce through the glasse and yet the glasse remains whole And if he cannot tell this let him adore and reuerence in sacred silence not explore in curiositi● this secret Mysterie And let all Infidels and miscreants know that both heauen and earth and hell doe all witnes against them and doe manifest this mysterie which is God in the flesh In earth besides the trembling thereof at Christs passion the rage of the Sea qualified by a word of his mouth the crosse that had the ordinances and hand writing that was against vs fastened vnto it and the life and the death of the Lord Iesus so famoused throughout the Christian world which was as wonders in heauen and earth filling both with the sweet odours thereof the very heathen Emperour Augustus the then Monarch of the world when this manifestation was in the fulnesse of time accomplished ' made a decree in the Senate of Rome not to be saluted by the name of Lord as if he had been taught by some diuine inspiration for the holy ghost ofttimes hath spoken by the mouth of his enemies as in Balaam Caiphas and others that now there was manifested in the earth one that was indeede the Lord of Lords In heauen also appeares at the time of this manifestation as Albertus Magnus citeth out of A●bumaser the great Astrologer in the first aspect of the sign of Virgo a faire and chast virgin hauing two eares of corne in her hand and a childe in her arms which child some natiōs do call Iesus not as if he that made the starres were any way subiect to the motion of the starres but that he which stretcheth out the heauens as a scrole of parchment where he wrote the booke of nature might not want witnesse out of the booke of nature of that which was contained before in the booke of Eternitie which was his secret decree That a virgin should bring forth a child and so he should be described to vs to be a naturall man albeit not borne after a naturall manner Thus heauen and earth witnesse apparantly this mysterie Yea the very diuels of hell beleeue this and tremble confessing in the Gospell Iesus I know and Paule I know but who are ye at what time some counterfeyt exorcists tooke vpon them to call ouer the possessed the name of the Lord Iesus And the Oracle of Delphos beeing the diuels mouth did at the time of this manifestation take their last farewell in these words Me●puer Hebraeus diuos Deus ipse gubernans cedere sede iubet tristemque ridere suborcum Aris regno dehin● tacitus aboedito nostris And in steede of the darkenesse of this kingdome Sathan which had almost ouer spred the whole world this glorious Sunne-shine of Gods manifestation with vs appeared which was so effectuall that euen as in the spring time when the Sunne returneth all things beginnes to waxe greene the earth brings foorth the trees are cloathed with leaues and the whole surface of the earth is renued so at the manifestation of Christ the Sonne of righteousnesse the whole frame and fabrique of the world was spiritually altered For then arose out of the former Hellish darkenesse quires of holy ones men women virgins martyrs confessors Preachers holy people whole nations countries and tongs declare the wonderfull mercies of the Lord in the reuelatiō of Iesus Christ Who is
great glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead Come Lord Iesus Come quickly O holy spirit of purity and power assist my weake and feeble spirit to bee lift vp vnto thee in prayer Oh righteous God and most merciful Father in Iesus Christ to whome the spirites of the iust are always and euery where lift vp remember mee in thy great goodnes For I acknowledge and confesse vnto thee my many and manifolde infirmities wretchednesses and wickednesses both in the sinnes of my body and also in the sinnes of my soule Now a long time O Lord I haue bin grieuously tēptead with the spirits not of infirmitie only which dwell in my flesh but with foule filthy spirits of pride ambition enuie worldly pollicie other vile vaine deceitfulnes of mine own heart and oft times with lothsom and vgly spirits of lust adultry gluttony drūkenes wantonesse many other such like euills which haunt me daily eyther in thought word or deed and seeke to har●our in my polluted flesh giuing me no rest nor respite but are still seeking and daily assayling to ruinate and run ouer me and are dayly fighting and troubling me I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned I haue done euil in thy fight and these euills are punishments vnto mee for the same It is I Oh Lord it is I and it seemeth to me that it is none but I that euer sinned so hainously against thee I seeme to my selfe of all others to be the most miserable most distressed and most wretched creature on the earth What shall I doe O Creator of heauen and of earth Thou preseruer of mankinde whether shal I flye from these vgly Monsters that thus pursue my soule and daylie seeke to preuaile against me I know not where to be safe from them but onely to flye vnto thee Oh Lord who onely canst still the raging and the roaring of the great waters when they arise and swell who onely canst chaine the Diuell when hee is ●rampant and ready to deuoure and who onely canst cast out the vncleane spirite with a worde that they neuer enter any more Now therefore come I to thee O King of Saints shewing to thee my malady my misery my mo●rning how I lye here among the graues of the deade and torment my selfe being possessed with the rage and hell of my misdeedes and crie after thee O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon mee and deliuer mee by the power of thy might by thy stretched out arme and by one touch of thy sacred goodnesse that it may dispossesse Sathan the strong man of his hold that it may heale me and cast out the vncleane spirites and may vtterly abandon sinne shame and Sathan farre from me and from my dwellings Take from mee for Christ his sake mine owne wretched spirit of infidelitie pride mallice and vnconstancie and grant vnto me O Lord in steed thereof thy blessed spirit of truth humilitie charitie and perseuering constancy Oh take from me O Lord mine owne spirit of vncleanenesse couetousnesse flouthfulnesse and bestow vpon me in steed thereof thine holy spirit of purenesse liberalitie and of all carefull and Christian circumspection Take from me deare Father mine owne spirit of crookednesse wherwith I haue beene vexed and bowed together for many yeares and grant mee thy Spirit of power to raise me vp and thy strength that I may resist sinne in these dayes of my combating that I may so resolutely deuoute my selfe to the● and to thy sacred seruice that I may neuer more hearken to subtill and enticing spirits of pleasure of errors of impietie O sacred spirit that didst moue vpon the waters in the creation of the world now moue the streames and fountains of my life in my regeneration and new birth Shake the very foundations of my soule that the image of Christ Iesus may bee repayred in me which I vile wretch by my sinnes haue miserably deformed and defaced O blessed spirit help mine infirmities heale my imperfections compassionate my miseries and make intercession for me with sighes vnutterable which will haue no nay That I may feele my selfe comforted by thee the spirit of consolation in all the wayes of godlinesse that I may perceiue my selfe to bee led on into all truth and veritie and may at the last assure mine owne spirit by thy blessed testimony that I am a child of thy gratious adoption O blessed Iesus that wast declared mightely to be the son of God by the powerfull spirit of sanctification and by rising from the dead that didst vanquish vtterly abandon all the powers all the houres of darkenesse and spirits of error and misbeleefe remoue farre from mee all heathenish Pagan and Popish idolatrie all confidence in any creature all flattering of mine own-selfe that the pure light of thy reuealed truth may shine into my heart that I may euer worship thee in spirit and truth as thou hast commanded And O God make my life holy innocent modest and honest in thy sight that I may see my heart repayred and renued by thy spirit of grace to walke before thee in godly and sincere integritie of conuersation all the remainder of my wretched dayes So am I assured Sathan shall neuer circumuent me nor the world deceiue me or mine owne flesh intice mee or enforce me from thy holy and sacred directions but if I fall I shall rise againe if I turne away at any time I shall returne againe So shall I euer magnifie thy name and multiplie prayses vnto thy maiestie and ascribe vnto thee honor and praise all my life long Grant these mercies vnto me O father of comfort and power for thy couenants sake made vnto mankinde in the iustification of thy Sonne Christ Iesus both for the sanctitie of his life for the suffering of his death and for the continuall intercession and mediation of his eternall priesthood hee now sitting at thy right hand for vs in Mai●stie and great glory and remaining a Priest for euer after the order of M●lchisedech Behold vs wretches O holy Ghost whose soules cleaue vnto the ground quicken vs with thy might and lift vs vp from the grossenesse of our corruption to our spirituall beeing in Iesus Christ that wee may liue in the spirit loue in the spirit pray in the spirit and bee led thereby continually into all good actions being thereby purged and purified both in our spirits soules and bodyes from all dead and damnable workes of the flesh the world and the diuell That so at the last wee may through thy fauour O God bee perfectly vnited vnto thee in the spirit of sanctification in this life and in the euerlasting spirit of thy power be brought to our glorification in the other life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen GOD SEENE of Angels Explication THis Manifestation of God in the flesh and iustification in the Spirit was so apparant and the glory thereof so great that it filled heauen and earth with the brightnesse of
a mans voyce onely why doth God vpbraid the world That hee hath called when men haue but preached and yet ye haue refused and why doe the Prophets when they preached in●ulcate so often in all their writings Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts when notwithstanding the Prophets onely in the voyces of men spake and preached vnto the people Yea but sayth a second If it were Gods worke it would not bee fruitlesse and vneffectuall in the issue therof As if that were not as good seed which fel among thorns as that which fell on good ground and as if Paul did not testifie That to some Preaching is the oder of Life vnto life and vnto some the sauour of death vnto death And Euangelicall Esay tels you That as the raine commeth downe and the snow from Heauen and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring forth and budde that it may giue seede to the sower and breade to him that eateth So shall my Word bee that goeth out of my mouth it shall not returne vnto me voyde but it shall accomplish that which I will and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it sayeth the Lord God almighty Neither is this all for a third puts in his obiection and sayeth If indeed Paul and Peter did preach there were no doubt to be made of the happie issue thereof I answere Yet we know that some say d● to Paul and Peter his Master euen Christ Iesus when hee preached vnto thē thus Thou hast a Diuel At what time hae rebuked them of sinne but these were crucifiers And Peter they sayde was drunkē whē he spake out of the plenty of Gods spirite which he had lately receyued but they that sayde so were Infidels and Paul was accoūted mad when hee preached of righteousnesse of temperance and of iudgement to come but he that so esteemed him was but a Pagan Therefore wee may see that all such cauils as these are but the suggestions of flesh and bloud and the delusions of the Diuell of hell ●agans shall condemne such ●espisers in the iudgement For the people of Lystra and ●erbe Cities of Lycaonia re●eyued Paul and Barnabas as ●f they had been Gods from Heauen calling the one Iupiter and the other Mercurius But beleeuing soules entertain these Messengers of saluation as Angelles sent from God So did the beleeuing Galathians receiue Saint Paul albeit he preached among them in great infirmity as he himselfe confesseth yet had not the Law of God and nature for bad them they would haue pulled out theyr own eyes to haue pleasured Paul Oh what is becom of the kind acceptance of the former ages that left all the endowments now visibly to bee seene in the Christian world for the continuance and propagation of Religious preaching for the seruice and ordinance of God for the proclamation of this mystery and for the dissemination of the blessed seede of godlinesse into all the world Surely the entertainement of our forefathers of the wodden Priests of Babylon who were indeede but Balaytes will rise vp and condemne the sonnes of their irreligious profane and base contempt of the cleare earnest preachers of this sacred Mystery But we will cease to vrge our owne case and appeale from our condition among the sonnes of men to our Master which is in Heauen to whom we eyther stand or fall Blessed bee his goodnesse for euer and his inheritance shall neuer fayle that we are assured of Oh the vnspeakable riches and bounty of Gods fa●our that did thus reueale it ●t self vnto vs miserable wret●hes that were Pagans And now that wee may ●ot err● or bee ignorant we must vnderstād that we we I say of the English Nation among others were these Gentiles To vs to vs I say that inhabite the vtmost westerne Isles of the World is the dore of holy faith opened and Christ the expectation of the Gentiles reuealed our hearts being purified by faith wee are now become the sheepe of Christs pasture and hee is become the chiefe Bishoppe and Shephearde of our Soules Our English Nation being at the first deliuered from the blacknesse and darkenesse of Gentilisme by their preaching of this mystery of Godlines eyther by Ioseph of Arimathia or by Philip the Euangelist or as some recorde by Priscilla and Aquila or by all of these A remainder of that wretchednesse wherein we were then plunged is continued yet amidst our Nation for the dayes of the weeke which our children name retayne yet the brandes of infidelitie wherwith our whole nation was then marked The Heathen Saxons and such were we once had gods for euery day of the weeke The Sunne for the Prime day of the weeke and thereof called it Sonday The second of the Moone Moonday The third of Tuisch for so they called Mars Tuisch day Of Wooden theyr Idoll Woodensday Of Thor their Iupiter or Thur another Panim god Thursday Of Freer which was their Venus Freersday now Fryday And the last day of the Weeke they named of the slowest Planette Satursnday or after some Se●ersday another Saxon Idoll From out of this Heathenish infidelity and bottomlesse misery of blindenesse and impiety Loe the mercy of God hath deliuered vs by this preaching of this mysterie of Godlinesse the Gospell of Christ and hath made vs Citizens of the Saints the family of Faith and light in the Lord from out of the bondage of sinne and sathan from out the confusion of Idolatrie and darknesse of of extreame ignorance That the promise of GOD made to Abraham as Tertullian reasoneth might bee performed which was That in him all the Nations of the earth should be blessed and the prophesie of Reb●●caes twinnes might come to passe of whom it was sayde The elder should serue the younger which was indeed fulfilled whereof Esau his seruice to Iacob was a figure when the Iewes were reiected and serued the Gentiles their yonger brethren The vse of this Saint Paul doth largely exemplifie in the ninth to the Romanes The Iewes were the true vine we the Gentiles were the wilde branches of a wild Oliue Are they eiected that wee might bee receyued are they broken off that wee might be engraffed Then let vs feare for if God spared not his own true vine questionlesse he will not bee indulgent to vs that are wild ●liues And let vs know ' 〈◊〉 when the fulnesse of the ●entiles is accōplished God 〈◊〉 againe receyue his owne ●●ople and remoue the can●●sticke that both Iew and ●●●entile that beleeue may bee ●ued by the Lord Iesus ●hrist euery one in his ac●●●ptable time Now is our time now is 〈◊〉 time of the Gentiles salua●●on now is the time that by his preaching of this Gospell ●nd misterie of godlinesse God will bee reuealed vnto ●s that wee may beleeue and ●e saued God therefore perswade Ia●heth to dwell in the tents of ●em Amen O Lord God and most gr●tious Father in
of my soule in musing on this so holy● and so happy a mysterie which I doe adore in the retirednesse of my spirit continually and the fire of thy zeale O Lord encreaseth in my heart● and the flames thereof bursts forth and I crie to thee O King of heauen and of earth that thy goodnesse would vouchsafe me a blessing among thine holy ones in whose flesh thou art manifested by the power of thy spirit of sanctification and other graces of thy goodnesse For O my God I haue perceiued sinne and Sathan a long time to haue ruled and raigned in my flesh In my heart by auersenes from thee in my vnderstanding by misled iudgments in my wit by wayward purposes froward desires in my fancie by foolish imaginations designes and my thoghts by rebellious affections in mine eyes by adulterous wanderings in mine eares by itching after vanities in my forhead as in the whores brow by impudent outfacings in my mouth by blasphemous swearings and curses and in my whole masse of nature by lewde and loose conditions Now therefore I come vnto thee O Sauiour of mankind the Phisition of soule and body and lie groueling in mine owne dust before thy footestoole humbly praying thy goodnesse for thy Christ his sake that thou wouldest vouchsafe to manifest thy selfe by thine almighty power in my flesh in my wretched flesh in my rebellious and rotten flesh in mine haughty naughty and hellish flesh That it may by thy thy power become a vessell of holinesse of puritie of grace and of glory To this blessed ende mortifie in me O Lord the deedes of the flesh adulterie fornication vncleanesse laciuiousnesse Idolatrie witchcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife sedition heresies enuyings murders drunkennesse reuellings and suc●h like and in stead thereof manifest in me O God thy selfe by bestowing vpon me a principall portion of thy Spirit in loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meckenesse temperance and what else thy holy wisedome knowes fit for me in my vocation and ranke Restraine sinne that it may not raigne in my mortall body and Sathan that hee may not rage ouer me Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens and thy glory aboue all the earth That thy beloued in whom thou art manifested by thy gra●ious spirit of sanctification may euer praise and magnifie thy Great name amiddest the Congregatigations And I the vnworthyest of all thy creatures shall euer bee telling of thy goodnesse towards me for redeeming me with thy bloud for sanctifying mee by thy grace for vniting thy selfe mystically vnto mee thine humbled Votarie and for sauing mee from those many and manifold euills of the flesh whereinto thousands are faine also had not thy gratious assistance O Lord vpheld my weake and feeble flesh ●N Lord there hath no sinne beene committed since Adams fall vnto this day by any the sonnes and daughters of men but I had done the like if thy sweete fauour in Iesus Christ had not preuented mee O Lord then let mee liue in thee let mee wholly resigne my selfe vnto thee that neither sinne nor Sathan nor shame nor confusion may come neere my dwelling but that thou mayest dwell in mee here by thine owne spirite of holinesse that hereafter I may obtain the happinesse of thy glorious kingdome through Iesus Christ mine onely Lord and Sauiour Amen GOD IVSTIFIed in the Spirit Explication GOD manifested in the Spirit not as man iustified whose sinnes are remitted for Christ his sake whose vnrighteousnesse is couered with Christ his merits whose wretchednesse is not imputed for Christ his obedience as Saint Augustine diuinely discanteth vpon the 32 Psalme but iustified in the spirit by diuine iustice such as is properly to God only In which sence his iudgements are sayde to bee iustified that is they are true and righteous al together albeit to vs they are secret and vnsearchable His wisedome is sayde to bee iustified of her children that is it is knowne to bee true and infallible wisdome In this phrase spake Dauid to God saying That thou mightest bee iustified when thou speakest and cleare when thou iudgest That is that no liuing creature could taxe implead or touch the resolutions and performances of Gods decrees with any the least preiudice or impeachment of iniquitie for they were euer most iust and sacred albeit they are vnknowne to vs Is there any vnrighteousnesse with God sayeth Paul In this phrase also Saint Peter vrgeth the Iewes that they had denyed The holy one and inst and desired a murtherer to be giuen them The manner of this Iustification was in the spirit that is to say Hee was iustified in that which was in his sacred person diuine and aboue the humane nature So S. Paul teacheth the Church of Rome affirming that albeit hee was the sonne of Dauid according to the flesh yet was hee declared to bee the Sonne of God with power according to the Spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead which seemeth vnto mee to intend two arguments to this purpose The first is that neuer any in our flesh liued spotlesse and voide of sinne but Christ onely There is the iustifying Spirite of Sanctification The second is that neuer any of himselfe but Christ Iesus loosed the bandes of death and arose from the fetters of the graue There is the Iustifying Spirite of power in the Resurrection and euen in this very phrase Athanasins speaketh to witte That Christ was iustified not after the manner of men but by diuine puritie To this end that he should bee honoured and worshipped not as a meere man albeit hee was truly man but as the eternall God in our flesh This therefore is the Catholique Faith which whosoeuer doth not beleeue cannot bee saued That Iesus Christ is knowne by his power in the spirite to be the very son of God against the Ma●cionites Gods sonne by nature not by grace against the Arrians that hee was begotten of the Father against the Bonosians that frō euerlasting against the Natiuitarians that hee was God of himselfe against the Donatists and that hee was coequall with the Father and consubstantiall against the Macedoans This Iustification of the Sonne of God was declared in the spirit of power and in the spirite of purity as I haue sayde out of Saint Paul to the Romanes In the power of the Spirit it was declared against al the powers of darkenesse which flesh and bloud could not abandon For besides the generall cessation of Oracles at his comming the particular Idols were euery where defaced and confounded Astorah of the Sydonians Melchom of the Ammonites Chemosh of the Moabites Belzebub of Ekron Remphan of the Sirians Dagon of the Philistines Moloch of the Egyptians and many others were in all places of the world put to vtter confusion Because the God of this world which is the diuell was cast out and the strōger man surprised the strong man dispossessed him dispoiled him and vtterly
vanquished him Insomuch that the very diuels cry Torment vs not before our time and aske leaue to goe euen into sordid swine Thus was he iustified in the power of the Spirite in ●anquishing the powers of darkenes His Iustification was also declared by the spirit of power against his enemies as appeared by the fower Herods As●alonita Archelaus Antipas and Agrippa who being Tyrants and persecutors of Christ in his infancy and of some of his followers there appeared vppon them the strong hand of God that brought them to pittifull and lamentable confusions But most notably and most notoriously the Iustification of the same God Christ Iesus our Lord in the Spirit of power appeareth most euidently euen at this day to the viewe of the whole christian world in his continued iudgements vpon the whole nation of the Iewes who were subuerted and vtterly ouerthrowne by the Romans at the very time of the yeare wherein they crucified Christ which was about Easter For at that very time of their great festiuity the Roman●s came and besieged Hierusalem And as from Mount Oliuet they apprehēded Christ so from that Mou●t was their City entered and surprised And as they hurried the Lord Iesus from Pilate to Herod so they were hurried vp and downe during the siege from Iohn to Simeon and from Simeon to Iohn two notable villaines that did mutinize within the City to their vnspeakeable torment vexation and vtter subuersion And as they whipped the Lord of Life and attired him in despicable maner in contempt and scorne Euen so they were whipped vp and downe the holy City in great villany and reproach by the Romane souldiers And as the Lord Iesus was solde for thirty peeces of siluer by Iudas a Iew euen so thirty of the Iewes in the sacking of the City were solde for one peece of siluer by the Souldiers And euen yet the hand of Gods power to iustifie his sonnes innocency is not shortned but stretched out against them still The holy bloud of Christ crying against them and against their children as they themselues desired for vengeance They liuing as a forlorne and scattered people vpon the surface of the earth without Priest or Prophet King or Scepter comfort or compassion In a word tell me who did euer striue against the Messias and did prosper or band himselfe against Christ or Christian and was not confounded Christ was also iustified by the spirit of sanctifying puritie beeing pure and spotlesse in himselfe both in body and soule for there was not any guile in him and also pure in his redeemed people effectually In himselfe pure his conception pure by the holy Ghost his birth pure of a Virgin his life pure both in word and deed in life and death pure for hee offended not no not so much as in his tongue and he is perfect that so offendeth not In his redeemed people pure by the effects of the same iustifying spirite For whereas all the whole world else is set vpon wickednesse hunting eyther with profite as with a bloud-hound or else beeing befooled or besotted with pleasures as theyr Helena these two beeing as it were the two Poles wheron the whole world else is turned the spirite of Christ hath wrought in those that are his ●uch a measure of sanctification that they minde and breath nothing but Heauen and heauenly things If it thūder that say they is the voyce of our heauenly Father If they cast their eyes to those visible heauens there say they is the curtaine or base court of our inheritance among the Sa●nts If they heare musicke Oh say they what harmony do the Angels make in Heauen If they behold the earth and the glory therof they say If God haue prouided such a place of pleasure for vs on earth in this our prison What glory is that hee hath layde vp for vs in heauen In all occurrences of their life they sauour nothing but of God and goodnesse In a Word they liue not but Christ liueth in them For this is indeed the true beeing of Christians wholy to giue ouer themselues to bee guided by Gods holy iustifying Spirite Their life is to liue in the Spirite their passages are to walke in the spirite If they resolue their station is in the spirite If they bee deuoute They pray in the Spirite Al their whole seruice of God is to Worship him in spirit and truth Otherwise those that haue not this spirite that is are not guided thereby are none of his For as in the creation of the World The spirite of God moued vpon the waters So certainely now in the Regeneration and new birth of the Christian World the Spirite of God moueth vpon the affections of our harts to turn the riuers in the south that is to turne the streame of our actions and courses of our life to the Ocean the liuing God For hee hath made vs for him selfe and therefore our hearts are neuer quiet vntill wee returne vnto the Lord our God againe When Christ therefore speaketh hee speaketh by the spirit to the Churches for the Scripture sayth Let him that hath an eare to heare heare what the spirite sayth to the Churches The Comforter also of Gods Church is the spirite which is Gods gift vnto his and doth Witnesse with the spirite That wee are the sonnnes of God There is the certainty of the subiect of our Faith The spirite doth make intercession for vs with sighes vnutterable There is the breath of our prayers and doth helpe our infirmities There is the stay and pillar of all our happinesse The first Adam being a liuing soule but the second Adam a quickning spirite For they are quickned in whom this blessed spirite dwelleth both toward God in the spirite of faith and holy vnion and in the spirite of zeale being rauished for the hope of Heauen as appeared in the blessed Martyres and also quickned towardes others in the spirite of charity keeping the vnity of the spirite in the bonde of peace in the spirit of meekenesse and placabilitie being easie to bee entreated for Christs sake Quickened in themselues in the Spirit of sanctification purging themselues for their assured hope of Heauen and in the spirit of sinceritie Doing iustly in all their actions with all men To this purpose the earnest of the Spirit is giuen the Elect euen in this life neuer to be taken away but to bee made vp for that is the 〈◊〉 of an earnest and the pledge of the spirite as an hostage to secure them the seale of the promise to sanctifie them and the spirit it selfe being the Doctor of trueth to leade them into all truth that their sensuall part may bee guided by right reason theyr reason ordered by faith and their faith illuminated sanctified and ledde on by the Spirite of God Indeede to them that seeke not after God this directiō of his most holy spirite is hateful and the reason is very plaine
Angel that reuealed it by Gods appointment to Daniel Christs name was foretolde by an Angell before hee was conceiued in the womb his conception reuealed by an Angell and both to the blessed Virgin his birth was proclamed to the shepheards by a troupe of Angels his flight into Egypt from Herods butcherie his returning out of Egygt and turning aside into the confines of Galilee all directed and ordered by an Angell that God especially imployed in that message In his temptation in the wildernesse Angelles minister vnto him in his agonie an Angell from heauen comforteth him in his apprehension hee testifieth to his enemies teeth that hee could haue a guarde of more then twelue Legions of Angels if he should desire them of his heauenly Father While he was in the graue an Angell descendeth and rouled away the stone from the dore of the monument After his Resurrection two Angels sate one at the head and the other at the feet where Iesus body had layne and declared that hee was rise● from the dead they beeing imployed by God to bring that message to the then mournfull and sorrowfull Disciples for the late death of their heauenly master In his Ascension two Angels spake vnto the people that gazed vp into Heauen after him and certified them of his comming againe to iudgement in the end of the world Yea the very euill Angels saw and knew the power of the sonne of God in this manifestation to their great terror and torment Insomuch that they crie in the possessed Oh Iesu what haue wee to doe with thee Art thou come to torment vs before our time And when they were forced to depart out of the possessed they roare and yell yea they fell downe and confesse saying Thou art the Sonne of God and at the last being driuen by extremit●es they desperately attempt to coniure Iesus Christ by God himselfe not to torment them Moreouer after Christ departure into Heauen his very Name was and yet is most dreadfull vnto them and most powerfull against them For S. Paul by the power of Christs name cast out an euill Angell out of a Damsell that had a spirite of diuination And the Disciples of Christ came vnto him reioising that euill Angels were made subiect vnto them through his Name Whereby it appeareth to our vnspeakeable comfort that the God whom we serue was knowne and acknowledged of the blessed Angels yea and that euill Angels also felt his power and know him to their faster and deeper despayre and are now and alwayes made subiect to Gods elect What vnspeakeable comfort is the knowledge of this vnto vs What excellent direction doth this Angelicall knowledge affoord vs in our Euangelical seruice and what diuine incitement is this to stir vp in vs Angelical zeale Comfort it is vnspeakable For all these blessed Spirites are the attendants of our Lord Christ and are his Emissaries and Nuntioes sent out by him for the good of them that shall be saued Not that euery particular person hath a peculiar Angell designed vnto him to bee his Guardian as the Popelings would haue it but hence wee know that not one Angell but many are ordayned by God to succour and safeguard vs in all necessities and distresses what soeuer And without controuersie this is more comfort a thousand times then to know that one Angell onely is appointed to bee our assistant In our life in our death and in the day of iudgement they are appointed of God to bee our assistants In our life yea in all our life In childehoode Christ sayth Take heed yee despise not one of these little ones for I say vnto you that in Heauen their Angels doe alwaies behold the face of my Father which is in heauen In affliction Hagar is comforted by an Angell In the warres Angels fight for Israel against the Assirians In prison Peter is loosed out of prison and out of the fetters by an Angell albeit hee slept betweene two souldiers that tooke vpon them to be his keepers In all our waies the Angels haue charge to bee our Conuoy towardes Heauen At sea in shipwracke an Angell comforteth Paul and sheweth vnto him what wold be the issue of that voyage On land Iacob in his iourney to Mesopotamia is guided by an Angell In death they transport vs into Abrahams bosome and keep watch ouer our interred bodies vntill the Resurrection And in that great haruest at the end of the world they are the Reapers in that great solemnity and exceeding Maiesty They are the Harbengers Heraldes and Trumpeters and in the sentence of that iudgement they shall bee the deuiders that shall separate the good from the bad Oh that our seruice of God then were practised by vs according to our prayers For wee pray Thy will be done O Lord euen on earth as it is in Heauen that is by vs Christians on earth as by holy angels in heauen The Angels seeing and beholding this great and wonderfull sacred mystery Prayse God continually crying Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Saboth should not wee also both by prayers and praises magnifie our God vncessantly The Angels most readily exceute Gods will should not we with King Dauid say Our hearts are prepared we are ready to doe thy wil O Lord. The Angels loue God aboue all things why do we esteeme any thing in the World but for him and for his sake as helpers to leade vs towards him The Angels long after our saluation and much ioy therein Why doe wee thrust one another into Hell and heauinesse by our lewdnesse misperswasion and euill example The Angels desire yet further to see the perfection and finall consummation of this glorious mystery of Christs Kingdome why do wee wretches neglect the blessed meanes thereof which are offered vnto vs euery day Thus the blessed Angells doe because they are a part of the Ch●rch vniuersally considered whereof our Lord Christ is the head and they much ioy for our association with them whereby the ruine of those Angells that fell is repayred and for the Incarnation of the Son of God wherby they are in grace most assuredly confirmed for euermore Why should not wee hauing so cleare a reuclation and so displayed a sight both ' in Gods workes in Gods word and in the face of Iesus Christ Why should not wee I say Men and Brethren endeauour that we may doe Gods will in some measure on earth as the blessed Angels do in Heauen seeing God hath placed vs in the middest creating vs neyther Angels nor beasts but affording vs the meanes by the preaching of the Gospell that by Regeneration wee might become as glorious as the angels of Heauen and not by degeneration become worse then brute beasts For God hath giuen vs the sparkes of right reason to surpassebeasts and holy grace to surpasse our selues Is it not then
fleece of Gideon and ●he earth round about it was ●rye that is The ●ime was when the world consisted of Iewes that onely had Gods blessed fauours and the Gentiles which were without God The Iewes were Gods peculiar to whom he cōmitted his sacred oracles of trust they were Israelites as preuayling with God more then any other nation To whom onely were granted the priuiledges of Priesthood and the arke of the couenant Of whom came the Patriarkes the Prophets and Iesus Christ our Lord according to the flesh Concerning the priuiledges of those people Moses challengeth the whole earth besides and saith What nation is so great who hath the Lord so nigh vnto them as the Lord our God is in all things that wee call vpon him for And Dauid concludeth it saying God sheweth his word vnto Iacob and his iudgements vnto Israel Hee hath not dealt so with any nation neither hath the heathen that is the Gentiles knowledge of his iudgements That the Sonne of God should be preached vnto the Iewes thus priuiledged and esteemed with God is no great mysterie or maruell but that he should bee preached vnto the Gentiles and that Gide●ns ●●eece should be dry and all 〈◊〉 ground round about it ●et that indeed is the Great ●ysterie of Godlinesse and the ●nspeakeable riches of Gods ●ercie and the exuberance of ●is goodnesse and the glory ●f the treasure of his grace ●owards vs Gentiles For the Gentiles were Atheists A●●hrists strangers from the ●ommon wealth of Israell a●●ants from the promise of God and without hope in the world They were Idolaters ●n the woful alienation from God For they made thē Gods of the hosts of heauen of sinfull man like vnto themselues of mens qualities as Iustice and Prudence and the like of mens perturbations as of Feare and Loue of mens defects for they had their dumbe Goddesse their Bacchus for their Drunkards their Venus for their gallants yea euen for their very limi● of their grounds they ha●● their Terminus and that whic● is vnseemely to bee spoken their very Iaxe house mu●● haue a patronesse Cloacina The word of God tellet● vs sufficiently of Astora● Melchom Chemosh Beelze bub and other such like Idolatrous rable among the gentiles how that euery nati●● made them gods of their owne The men of Babylon made Succoth Benoth and the men of Cuth made Nergall and the men of Hameth made Ashim● and the Anites made Nibhaz and Tirt●cke and Adrammelech and Anammalech were the gods of Sepharuaim These indeede were those dogges the Scripture mentioneth therefore holy things were forbidden to bee giuen to such dogges These were those hogges ●efore whom the pearles of ●eaching must not bee cast ●ea these were those Cymme●●an wretches against whom 〈◊〉 mandate was enioyned 〈◊〉 the Apostles That they ●●ould not so much as goe into the ●●ay of the Gentiles nor once en●er into the citie of the Samari●●ns who were Gentiles ●ā it be imagined by the wit ●f the wisest man that these ●hould euer haue a redeemer ●hat they should haue a God ●o be good vnto them For neither Iupiter Optimus Max●mus Iupiter Hammon Iupiter Capitolinus nor Apollo the O●acle of wise dome for his ●mouth was stopped nor great Pan for a voyce was heard Pan is dead nor the Hecatombes of Caesar no nor Pluto himselfe albeit he might harrow hell as some speake could help or doe these Cymmerian wretches any good But with our Lord Iesus Christ there is plenteous redemption He Prophesieth this blessings vnto them he performes it He prophesieth it long before by Esayas his Euangelicall Prophet But in the last dayes it shall come to passe that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shall bee established in the top of the mountaines and it shal be exalted aboue the hils and the people shall stowe vnto it and many nations shall come and say Come let vs goe vp vnto the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs of his wayes and we will walke in his pathes For the Law of God shall goe foorth of Sion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem And againe I am sought of them that asked not for me and I am sound of them that sought me not I sayde Beholde mee Behold mee vnto a nation that was not called by name And yet againe God sayth vnto his Son Aske of me and I will giue thee the ●eathen for thine inheritance and the vtmost parts of the earth for thy possessiō Did God promise this and did hee not performe Performed this was in Melchisedecke king of Salem in Abimilech in Ruth the Moabitish in Rhahab the Cananite in the Queene of Sheba in Hiram King of Tyre in Naaman the Assirian in Iob the Easterling and in the King of Niniute the Sprians chiefe Cittie as in the first fruites of the Messias purchased by his bloud vnto God the Father This redemption of the Gentiles was also Prophesied in the New Testament to wit That they should come from the East and West and sit downe with Abraham Isaack and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen and that the Gospel should bee preached to all the world This was performed as in the first fruits thereof in the wise men that came to adore in the Centurion in the designement of Saint Paule to be the minister and doctor of the Gentiles and in Peters vision wherein hee was taught to call nothing common or vncleane that God had cleansed at what time hee was sent to preach this mysterie vnto Cornelius and to his friendes being Gentiles Yet men and brethren behold see with amazement how vile Preaching Preachers are esteemed with many miscreants For to a Iewish spirit preaching is a scandall to a Greek Phylosopher it is folly to an Atheist babling to a Papist praching to an Infidell intol●erable tediousnesse to the desperately damned a scarre-Crow and to the worldling and hypocrite a cloake of dishonestie And as the Preaching of the Gospell is thus vilified so Preachers also are contemned But vouchsafe Blessed in the Lord to cast downe your eyes vpon the Preachers and consider well that albeit their high Commission is from the Lord yet obserue their contemptible despicable and meane condition among the sonnes of men By office Preachers are the Angels of God and the Angels of the Church appoynted interpreters of God to his people of the people to God Of God to the people in the explication and application of his reuealed will wherein the Preacher is the mouth of God vnto the people He is also the peoples remembrancer to their God when he confesseth for them and when hee prayeth for them and herein hee is the mouth of the people to their God The end of his Ambassage is to deliuer himselfe and his hearers from hell God indeede hath sayde to the Artizan Build man an
Scripture calleth this cause The spirit of faith or the spirite ●f beleeuing Gods second cause of our ●eleeuing is his blessed and ●oly word read and preached 〈◊〉 the ordinarie means of our ●ith which worketh vpon ●wo forcible and perswasiue ●enses the eye and the eare ●he one for the reader of the word the other for the hearer of the word preached or read For the eare God hath ordayned a voyce to call vpon ●s by the paynes of preaching For the eye his sacred word is written or printed that it may be read and vnderstood of vs and our children and this is the cause of our beleeuing which is called The word of Faith Aske a Christian then why he beleeues the Trinitie in Vnitie and Vnitie in Trinitie his answer is because the Scripture records it there is the word of faith but reply vpon him and aske him why he beleeues the scriptures his reason is without reason in himselfe for he saith The finger of God is there If you vrge and say Why doest thou beleeue and I do not I heare the word as well as thee Saint Paule will answer with an out crie O depth That is a matter of amazement not of argument saith S. Ambrose But what might be the cause that stayeth and vpholds the hearts of the sonnes of men along the misery of this life in this word of beleeuing Surely eternall life the saluation of our soules the last article of our Christian faith is the finall cause and anchor-holde of out beleeuing in Christ Iesus For the hope whereof the holy ones of God purge thēselues both in soule and body that they may be accepta●le vnto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. And there●ore S. Peter calleth eternall ●ife the end of our beleeuing ●uen the assured glorification ●f soule and body which by ●aith wee expect in the other world In respect whereof also it is that this faith goeth not alone like some bankrupt but is royally attended with a troupe of good works semblable to the causes thereof For the spirit of faith is not barren but is in continuall motion in stirring and quickning vp the harts of gods children euery day to goodnes Neither is the word of faith verball onely But liuely and mightie in operation and sharper then any two edged sword enters throgh euen to the diuiding of the soule and the spirit and of the ioynts and the ma●row and is a discerner of the thought and the intents of the heart The people of God therefore whose hearts are thus powerfully moued by the spirit of faith to beleeue and thus effectually counselled by the word of faith to liue well endeauour nothing else but that their liuing may be answerable to their beleeuing that so their soules might bee saued For this sacred faith of Christ first of all purifieth the heart now if the fountaine be cleare and cleane the whole streame that issueth thence will be cleane also Secondly this faith of Christ worketh by loue and bringeth foorth good workes I should euer therefore distrust that I neuer was a true beleeuer vnlesse I felt my heart sanctified by grace and my and working the deedes of haritie This doubtlesse was ●he faith of the primitiue ●orld while the bloud of Christ was yet warme in the ●earts of those beleeuers Witnes all those Churches ●olledges Hospitalls En●owments Rents Reuenews ●ands Liuings Pensions and ●●l other such donations and ●onsecrations appropriated ●nd giuen to the maintenance of religion and learning to ●he succour of the poore and ●o the perpetuating of Gods worship here on earth vntill ●he second comming of Christ. For the people then liued and beleeued as men knowing that the faith of Christ is not fruitlesse and that by the fruites therof they are assured of their election past and of their perfection by Christ to come that their good deedes should follow them where nothing else ●ould and that according to the proportion of their workes wrought in earth by grace in Christ they should through the mercie of God and not of merit bee allotted a portion of happines hereafter in the heauens And therefore vnderstanding their weldoing here to be necessarie to their well being for euer they studyed nothing else but to goe on in that race of goodnesse that they might attaine at the last the blessed end thereof euen the reward of mercy promised vnto them by the word of faith written vnto them in the bloud of our faith sealed assured vnto thē by the death of our faith stirred vp moued herevnto by the spirit of faith Christs vicegerent on earth whose they were encouraged thereunto by the bloud of so ●any faithfull beleeuers that ●yed for the faith of Christ ●nd continue therein vnto ●heir liues end by the exube●ant and abundant riches of Gods mercy in Christ Iesus their Ruler and Redeemer O Blessed Paule faithfull and beleeuing was the world when as yet the bloud of Christ was warme in me●s hearts and when the faithfull beleeuers inflamed with the loue of God and ouerioyed with the glad tydings of the Gospell thus bespake Gods seruants that preached th● faith vnto them Blessed in th● Lord will our goods pleas●●● you Behold we lay them dow● at your feete will our eyes 〈◊〉 you good Take ought of ou●● that is neere and deere vnto 〈◊〉 euen our right eyes Will our liues steede you Wee esteeme the● not for the testimonie of the fait● of Iesus Christ as for all manner of tribulations that can happen for Iesus Christ sake We accompt them not worthy 〈◊〉 the glory that shall bee receiued A blessed and beautifull ●ace of time it was O Paule when the prime beleeuing Christians had no other fault ●ound in them no not by ●heir verie enemies as Plinius ●ecundus an heathen testifieth 〈◊〉 Traian the Emperour but his was all hee could certifie ●gainst them to the state that ●hey oft times assembled ●emselues together before ●ay in the caues and holes of the earth to sing Psalmes ●nd prayses to the Lord of ●ife Christ Iesus which seruice for feare of persecution they durst not performe publikely O then was the time ho●y Paule that faith wrought ●y Gods loue and not by selfe loue by good workes and not by goodly wordes what time the beleeuing Christians were knowne not ●o bee of the tribe of Naphta●● giuing goodly wordes but of the tribe of Ioseph beeing fruitfull boughes euen fruitfull boughes by a Well whose branches run ouer the wall When Placilla the wife of Theodosius a beleeuing Empresse would resort vnto the Almes houses and Hospital●s of the poore to see them succoured and releeued and when her nice Gentlewomen that wayted o● her would dehort and disswade her not to debase her selfe to come into such meane places and neere such nastie people shee with teares in her eyes would re●ply and say O I wou●d not doe thi● and this onely
to approach neere vnto God and the full perswasion of faith to die in that so wee may goe on from faith to faith vntill wee haue our perfect blisse in Christ for euer Albeit our condition be that wee liue in these last and worst times as Lot in Sodome and as Abraham in Vr of the Chaldes yet hauing the rocke of our faith in Heauen the Father determining the word directing the holy Ghost mouing and these 3. are one hauing the records of our faith on earth the Spirit witnessing to our Spirite that wee are the sonnes of God the water of Baptisme the seale of our Redemption in Christ the bloud of the holy Martyres as the signes of the power of faith in weakenesse and these three a●gree in one wee may bid defiance to the Diuell and quiet our conscience in Christ for euermore Concluding that wee can be iustified no other way in the sight of God but onely by this holy faith in the bloud of Iesus but beeing there by onceiustified wee are in direct order towardes God wee are through the gate and in the happie way that leadeth to Abrahams bosom euen eternall life For God can direct vs in the best way vnto himself that leadeth to euerlasti●g felicitie in turning vs from ●ur euill wayes and retur●ing vs to himselfe by re●entance and so on to good workes the assurance to our ●elues of our election in CHRIST from good workes to Gods mercy and ●rom thence to glory where●nto this faith teacheth vs ●hat CHRIST is already ●ntered and whether hee ●ill vndoubtedly bring all ●hat loue him that looke ●nd long for his comming ● consummate and perfect ●is our holy seruice in the Heauens where is the fulnes ●f ioy and happinesse in the presence of God for euermore O Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe and encrease my Christian faith WOnderfull art thou O Lord God in thy manifold works maruellous in thy Almighty power and vnsearchable in thy diuine secretes The goodly frame of heauen and of earth shew shy power the disposition of all things therein tell of thy great wisedome and the passages of so many millions of particulars point out this gracious prouidence in all and yet the workes of thy mercies surpasseth all this For which O heauenly Father wee magnifie and praise thy name and multiplie our thankefulnesse vnto the in Iesus Christ from day to day For it hath pleased thee good Father to elect vnto thy selfe and to call ●ut of this Worlde out of this world I say beeing ● sincke of sinnefulnesse a deepe ●den of despayre an Asphatites of ●ll filthinesse a dead sea of sensu●lity the vale of the children of Hinnon a Babylon of beast linesse a Sodome of sorrow a Gomorrah of vngodlinesse a Seboim of security an Adamah of Adulterie and a world of wickednesse to chose I say one of this route a remnant of people to bee thy beloued Spouse and wife of the Lambe to bee a royall Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar people the loue of Christ all faire vndefiled and without spotte the onely Doue to bee like an Orchard inclosed a well sealed vp a fountaine of liuing water a Paradise of all pretious delectable and desirable fruites and to be the mysticall body of Christ which hee doth quicken with his owne spirite And these heauenly Father thou hast sealed with thine owne fignet dignified with thine owne fauours and as it were di●sied by thine effectuall and sauing grace in giuing them the holy faith of thy Christ and our Iesus thine onely sonne and our Sauior to purifie their hearts to purge their consciences from dead workes to serue thee the Father of light and life and so to be blessed by thee with light and life euerlasting O Lord now behold mee poore silly wretch that lyes here beneath in this miserable world creeping in the dust and crawling in mine owne infirmities My soule cleaueth vnto the ground my belly vnto the earth I haue nothing in mee but sinne sensuality a●d shame Blind I am in mine owne vnderstanding for I know thee not obstinat in my will for I little ● regarde thy Counsels corrupted in mine affections for I haue no minde vnto thee My parents were of this world I am borne in the world and the world is all my silly selfe looketh after I cannot attaine to so much at to know my selfe how then shuld I know and discerne thinges aboue my selfe much lesse vnderstand the things that appertaine vnto thee O Father and to the glory of thy Kingdome Euery good and perfect gift commeth feom thee who art the Father of lights O bowe downe thy goodnesse then vnto mee most mercifull Father and extend thy bounty vnto me poore wretch that most humbly desires thy grace and fauour that thou wouldest bee pleased to giue mee a portion and measure of thy blessings in the faith and fauour of thy sonne Grant vnto mee faith O Lord without the which I cannot please thee without the which I cannot hope for any good nor haue any euidence of these things which are not yet euident without the which I cannot come to Christ nor doe any good works nor bee raysed from sinne nor know thee O God nor resist the Diuell nor ouercome the world nor be iustified nor bee saued O blessed Father grant this mercy vnto mee without the which I desire not to be without which I cannot bee but a Cimmerian wretch a stranger vnto thee an Atheist a profane person an Infidell a cast away and a Firebrand of Hell What prayse can bee to thee O Lord in the deepe in the land of obliuion in the place of the damned Shall the dead praise thee shall the bottomlesse pitte celebrate thee shall the damned sing vnto thee no no The beleeuing the repenting the sorrowfull soule for sinne whome thou shalt shine vpon with the light of thy countenance in the faith of Christ that soule O God that soule shall euer bee magnifying thy mercies extolling thy goodnesse and celebrating thy greatnesse fro age to age What euer I doe what euer I thinke what euer I say without it hee seasoned with this grace of faith it is sinne O blessed plant of Paradise O heauenly Iewell of incomparable valuation Deare Father bestowe this blessing vpon me shut not vp my life with vnbeleeuers which shall neuer see thy face but rectifie me in al parts to the right vse of the sacred meanes of obtayning this fauour of faith It commeth by hearing of thy Word O sanctifie mee throughout that I may attentiuely hearken what the Lord will say For hee will speake peace vnto my soule and loue to his Saintes that they returne not to folly O holy Lord Looke backe vpon mine humbled Suite signe my petition for thy tender mercies sake in Christ. So shall my Sacrifices bee alwayes acceptable vnto thee as Abels my conuersation holy as Enochs my preaching powerfull as Noahs my offeringes delectable as Abrahams so shall I contemne
to consume thee no tempest to affright thee no colde ●o molest thee no heate to offend no plague to kill thee no calamity to afflict thee O Christian soules endeauour to ascend to your Christ Iesus vnto and into this glorie and bee not discouraged eyther with the long distance from you or with the maruellous height aboue you For with as much faci●itie as the Diuels were de●ected from Heauen in Gods ●ispleasure you shall be lifted ●p to Heauen by the fauour of Christ. The hand of the Lorde of Hostes that cast them out ●nto the bottomlesse pitte ●hall bee stretched foorth to ●eceyue you vp into glorie ●nd that in a moment in the winckling of an eye Oh how amiable are our goings towardes the Lorde of Hostes Sanctuarie in the progresse of diuine vertues Humility doth lift vs vp aboue the earth Pouertie in Spirite aboue the water Contrition aboue the ayre Good workes aboue the fire Faith Hope Loue Discretion Constancie Temperance Righteousnesse aduanceth vs aboue the seuen Planets our conuersation aboue the Emperiall Heauens Purity of heart dooth bring vs vp to the sight of God and vnto the glory of the blessed For three places God hath appointed h●● Children to liue in the Wombe this Earth the Heauens In the wombe in a narrow place for a short time some nine monethes In the earth a place of greater extent and a longer season some seauentie yeares And lastly in Heauen a place of extent without limit and for terme without time euen for euer and euer And as the second place farre exceedeth the first both in largenesse of Extent and in continuance of time so the third place of our most happie being incomparably surpasseth the second in both for it is without limmit of locall scite and without all determinatiō of time for length of dayes O Christ come vnto vs and into vs with these thy graces that wee may come to thee and into that glory where thou ru●est and raignest with God the Father and the Holy spirite for euermore O Lord lift vp mine heart vnto the● O Eternall God and most mercifull Father in Christ Iesus who dwellest in the thrones of immortality and blisse vouchsafe to looke vpon vs thy humbled Creatures that lye here beneath and groane to bee deliuered from the bondage of our corruption into the freedome of thy goodnesse Thou hast taken vp from vs our Lord Iesus and hast set him at thy right hand in Maie●ty and great glorie O when shall wee come ●nd behold the beautie of thine ●ouse and the blessednesse of thy Saintes L●sten Lord vnto our sup●lications and for our Aduocates ●ake that pleades our cause be●ore thee in heauen Let vs be dissolued that we ●ay bee with thee and with our ●eloued Iesus Who for vs men ●●me downe from Heauen and ●as humbled to de●th that wee might liue with thee for euer Behold O Lord God how wee runne after him in the sweet sauour of his diuine perfumes Whē hee liued here with vs on earth he disdayned not Mat●e● a publican hee abandoned not Peter a denyer of him nor cast away Paule a per●ecutor nor despised Marie Magdalen a courtezan nor refused to hear a Cananaatish woman the blinde the lame the dumbe the deafe yea the possessed with diuels hee had compassion vpon Therefore now wee wretches here beneath albeit our con●●tion is farre worse then any of those yet wee conceiue comfort that now in his glorified estate he will also grant vs his pittie and compassion and by the power of his grace whereby hee is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe will conquer our stubborn and disobedient hearts and mak● them plyable and conformable● to his sacred Lawes That we may not reason in our vnderstanding nor encline● our affections downewards but as he is receiued vp in glory so we may set our selues and soules to seeke and search after him in all heauenly things O Lord the dead prayse thee not they that goe downe into the pit doe not remember thee what benefit is there in our blood what glory is there to thee in the land of obliuion where thou art not once thoght vpon O God let the deuouring and despayring gulfe bee the portion for the diuels and the damned that neuer seeke thee in thy beloued Let that vale be for the children of Hinnon that bottomlesse pit for the Locusts that lake of brimstone for thy Christs enemies that second death for the desperate that weeping and wayling for the heathen that hath not knowne thee that hell for the d●spisers of thy Sonn● that euerlasting fire for the Abaddon and his seruants but as for those that sue for fauour vnto thee and lye at thy mercy gate for grace and beg but the crums let them be deliuered because of thy beloued let them reioyce on thy saluation let them see the sight of thy saints and bee glad with the light of thy countenance for euer O speake comfortably vnto their soules and let their hearts euermore reioyce before thee Oh tender hearted Father giue them a tast in this life of the happinesse of the other and a glimpse of that glory whe● into Christ Iesus is receiued That so our hearts may bee enflamed our wills enclined our affections setled and our whole selues knit vnto thee that neither sinne nor Sathan life nor death things present nor things to come may separate vs from the loue and exceeding thirst and desire of beeing where Christ our treasure is Let not the diuell with any of his subtill and slie delusions carrie vs downeward in tempting vs with our vnworthinesse our euill our wretchednesse in putting into our mindes that we are predestinate and ordayned of old to destruction and that whatsoeuer we do ●r say or pray it auailes not for ●t cannot alter thy decree and so ●y this meanes cast vs into des●erate carelessenesse But O Lord ●each our soules to reason and ●ommune with our owne hearts 〈◊〉 going vpwards where Christ ●esus is receiued vp in glory that ●e beleeuing and louing thee our God liuing in thy grace calling ●pon thee dayly may worke out ●ur saluation with feare and ●embling And do thou O God ascertain ●ur conscience that these things ●re the actions and affections of ●ose that are ordayned to blisse ●●d life euerlasting in the merits of thy deare Sonne Christ Iesus our Lord. To this blessed purpose assist vs O God in all the occurrences of our life at home and abroade in businesse and in leasure in prosperitie and aduersitie in sickenesse and in health that we may still haue our minds lift vppe vnto thee through the power of our Prince of peace Christ Iesus and euer vse these things of this life to further our saluation in him that at the last when wee shall come 〈◊〉 our fatall and finall dissolution i● this world the way of all flesh we may bee receiued vp by thy goodnesse and ministerie of thy blessed Angels into those
thereof which is maruellous and in respect of the manner which is miraculous The matter maruellous that we for lorne wretches and dust creeping wormes blinded in our own vnderstandings hardned in our hearts and infected in our affections should euer become coheires with Christ the Sonne of God taken out as a remnant from among all other creatures which God seemed to passe ouer and to neglect in respect of vs for God hath not communicated this mysterie in such neernesse no not to the blessed Angels for To which of the Angels sayde God at any time Sit on my right hand vntill I make thine enemies ●hy footestoole The manner miraculous that flesh● and bloud should become such holy seruants enlightned in their vnderstandings mollified in their hearts reformed in all their desires yea sanctified throughout both in spirit soule and body and should become such resolute souldiers in Gods battels vpon such hard tearmes of intertainement as were proclaymed by Christ to his followers beeing conditions so offensiue and contrariant to the nice nature of men and women which were That if they followed Christ and would liue godly in this present world they should suffer persecution they should be hated of all men they should be whipped and murthered yea they should fare as Lambes among Wolues In a word their swords of Reuenge must be euer words of Grace and Edification their fightings patience their wealth ofttimes greeuous want their feasting fasting their whole life very miserable in respect of others they being abridged of many outward things and their ende in the sight of men oft-times most lamentable Great therefore doubtlesse is this mystery of godlinesse which for all these hard conditions or whatsoeuer heresie schisme apostasie the world the flesh or the diuell could doe to crosse it discerneth truth from falsehood by Euangelicall reuelation the effect of Preaching and by doctrine the effect of knowledge which Saint Angustine calleth Christian Doctrine by the patient sufferings of Gods Saints in the bloudie butcheries and persecution of the Christian Church Great is the mysterie of godlinesse yea so Great that God became man and man became God that this God-man was manifested in the flesh so great was it that it was iustified by the spirit both of power and puritie so bright that the Angels desire to behold it so great that the Iles a farre off heare it preached the harts of men are subdued there with to beleeue it and the nature of man in the person of the Sonne of God is receiued vp in glory Great is this holy mysterie that m●n therby should haue a new birth by Regeneration a new heart by Sanctification new desires by holy Resolution and become good godly and piou● men from out all obliquities defects and euills of their sinfull nature which is wholly corrupted as of infidels to become beleeuers of vncleane persons to become chaste of drunkards sober men of lyars truth loueuers and in a word of sinfull and sensuall miscreants to become fast and faithfull Christians Yea it is so Great that it is miraculous for in despight of Sathan and all the powers of darkenesse it worketh miraculous effects in our weake and feeble natures It enlightneth our vnderstandings with the sight of God by faith in the mirrour of Iesus Christ for being pu●ified in heart wee shall see God It abandoneth all multiplicitie of gods in Paganism for in vntruthes there is no end of lying It detecteth all Turkish impostures and all Mahumetan dreames of their Miscelanian mongrill Alcaron It cleereth the ora●cles of Gods will the sacred Scriptures from all the Talmudicall muddie glosses of the Iewish Rabinicall Sanhe●drim And in a word it refuteth all Popish innouations and misguiding traditions and whatsoeuer else dependeth thereon For the Antiquitie of this godlinesse is the Ancient of dayes and wee may easily answer all our opposits brags of Antiquitie with this It was not so from the beginning The counsels of this Godlinesse are Apostolicall Orthadoxe not Trentall or Lateran for the voyce frō heauen was Heare him The fathers hereof Saint Paul and Saint Peter and others the fathers of the fathers This is a mysterie indeede and a great mysterie and more then that the mysterie of Godlinesse not the curious querees of mans vain greatnesse to wit the secret mysteries of nature either of the firmamentarie orelementarie world for abstruse knowledge we leaue to Aristotle Lemnius Cardanus Cornelius Agrippa Albert us Auerhoes Trismegistus such like the searchers inquisitors of natures niceties the end whereof for the most part is vaine Phylosophy they that spend their dayes in such triflings eyther fayle of this happy end to bee Godly like those that seeke with the expence of witte and wealth the Elixar of the Philosophers stone the Worlds woodcocke or fal away from God in Astrologicall calculations with the curious Chaldeans and Egyptians But this Godlinesse is the Great Riches for albeit it hath nothing of the World yet it possesseth all the thinges of God That 's a mysterie indeed It dignifieth vs with the grace of Sanctification aboue our wretched nature and diefieth vs with the happinesse of Glorification aboue the visible Heauens That is a great mysterie It is the salt of the earth seasoning vs and all the acts wee doe that we and they may bee rationall sacrifices acceptable to God in Christ yea and it is the fauour of Heauen breathing into vs the breath of eternall life whereby wee are made partakers of the Diuine nature in beleeuing on God in this Worlde and in louing him shall liue for euer in the other world This Godlines must needs be great when the great God by his holy Spirit is the worker thereof for who can repaire the ruines of our rotten and corrupt nature but the God of nature Hee it is who onely can take away the stony heart and giue vs a fleshie plyable and penitent heart that onelie can rid vs out of sathans snares restore vs to a sound mind Great is this Godlinesse seing nothing could moue God to doe this for vs but his owne great loue to mankind and the death and Resurrection of that great Prophet Christ Iesus the Sonne of God Great in respect of the means wherby God conuayed this Godlinesse vnto vs for the faith of this Godlines conuerteth vs by the doctrine of the Law to know our selues our sins by the preaching of the Gospell to know our selues in Christ Iesus to bee saued and oft times by afflictions wee are weaned from the World and are made to take liking of God and godlines So wee see that in the first act of our becomming good wee are meerely passiue for what can a dead man doe to quicken himselfe and wee were all dead in sinnes and trespasses but after wee are thus quickned by Gods acte wee know that we are aliue and reioyce in
vnderstand how to bee godly Such are they that haue Iacobs voice in prating of Godlinesse but Es●us hands in practising vnhappinesse Such are they that professe a Linzie wools●y Religion beeing hatefull to God because they are not reall hatefull to the World because they are religious albeit they be but in shew and hurtfull to themselues because they are hypocrites and deceyue themselues with seeming Godlinesse These are such as are misled with the mysterie of iniquity such a one was Pope Paul the third who at his end sayde Now shall I know three things whereof I doubted all my life to witte whether there bee a God or Hel or whether the soule be immortall O damned Infidell Such another was Leo the te●th who accounted the Gospell of Christ a Fable and shewing his Fauouri●es saide See what heapes of treasure I haue gathered by that fable of Christ O wretched misc●eant The doctrines that pleaseth those that are thus misled with the mystreie of iniquity are traditions amphibolous equiuocations mentall reseruations and the like deuises Their Religion is policy their faith eyther implicite or wauering like that of Lucius consisting of words or wonders with Moses Egyptius as Ruffinus recordeth would not admit of nor endure that Lucius should lay his handes vpon him but tolde him that hee would rather beleeue his eyes then his eares that is he would rather embrace the Religion which is seene then that which is only heard And for them that without blushing say There is no God and blot out all Religion with one dash or with Zenaherib Holofernes and Ph●raoh scoffe at Godlinesse or with Rufus entertaine the Religion of the place where they liue what euer it be or turne Religious godlinesse into worldly policie by practising as I sayde Machiauels Prince Bodins Commentaries Lipsius Politiques and such like Discourses That of Saint Paul is verified of them For if o●r Gospell be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the eyes of them that beleeue not lest the light of the glorious Gospell of Chrict who is the Image of God should shine vnto them For to these it is euen yet a hidden mysterie And in such fearefull case are all light headed Zebuls scoffing Iebusites scorning Cains vile Iulianists impious Lucianists and contemners of all piety religion and godlinesse But Beleeuers consider That the vngodly shall bee turned into hell and all the Nations that know not god and the whole creation on groneth to bee deliuered from such burthens as these miscreāts are Who tread vnder foot the son of God and account the bloud of the new testament as an vnholy thing whereby they are sanctified and do despite the spirit of grace And Beleeuers see euen by the ve●y glimpse of right reason that nothing but man maketh account of greatnes God doth not for with him is no respect of persons Nature doth not for the children of Princes are borne naked as wel as the Cottagers and death assayleth the Court as well as the cart Goodnes onely is that wherein God delighteth and good men tender it as their breath Godlinesse beeing the gracious mother and goodnesse the holy daughter Lastly they that beleeue know that godlinesse hath the promise of this Life to be gracious in Christ and of that to come to bee glorious in Christ and therefore it is the onely thing they desire to know It is the one thing necessa●ie they practise it is the Manna of their soules the ioy of their hearts the touchstone of their actions the Gynosura of their affections the Dauids harpe for their ●ares the Word for theyr mouthes the Mirrour for their liues the path for their feet the station for theyr watch the salue for theyr griefes the Key of Heauen and the Heauen on Earth To thee therefore O Lord doe I lift vp my heart in the mercies of thy Sonne Christ Iesus Doubtles O holy and heauēly father man disquiet●th him selfe in vain for thou didst make him righteous but he after the vanity of his owne hart which is falne from thee haue sought many inuentions Thou O God canst not please vs with thy patiēce nor humble vs with thy present and future iudgements nor allure vs with thy gracious promises Such is the peruersitie of our infirm natures such is the p●euishnes of our corrupt condition such is the euil of guilt action that we haue in vs Thy lessous are al of peace and w●e runne counter into controuersies euery day deuising to our selus an opinion a fancie a faction and to make good these what stone do we not mou● what corner do we not ra●s●ck● what earnestnes and acrimonie do we not apparantly reueale or else like some stupid or dul beast we haue no sence or feeling at al of thee or of thy greatnes but liue onely to liue and to del●ght our selus with our selus in our grosse mistakings If we pretend religion Satan tempteth vs with faction if puritie with hypocrisie if zeale with vncharitable ioalo●sie O Lord some yeares haue I liu●ed wretched man that I am among other of thy seruants knew not whether there were a Iesus a Christ an holy Ghost or no So besotted haue I bin with the loue of the world so befooled with mine own fancie so plunged into the darke deepeues of the diuel and so transported with the fashions of others who know as little and vnderstand as little or lesse then my selfe But now O Lord God lo●king backe into the misery of my selfe I shudder and tremble seeing a far of a mystery wherof as yet I could neuer attain the knowledge albeit I haue obserued many of my brethren with great diligence and zeale to abound in all Godlinos forwardnes sācti●ony gladly hearing frequenting conferring following after the light that shined vnto them in the darkn●s of this Life yea aduenturing their liues their liuelyhoodes their credite and esteeme among the sonnes of men and accompting all things else as dung in respect of the knowledge and seruice of their heauenly Maister To me O Lord among other the rest of thy seruants this is a great mysterie that haue felt in my selfe no minde no meaning thereunto What shall I doe O Lord in this my misse led and misperswaded est●te I now perceiue O Lord by that glimpse of right reason which maketh euery man vnexcusable and by that sparke of light which enlightneth euery one that cōmeth into the world that my sinnes my sinnes my great and gri●uous sinnes like to some huge mountaine haue vpreard themselues betweene me and this most glorious light dimming vp mine eyes that I cannot see and damming vp that heauenly splendor which should enlighten mee and haue set such a controuersie betweene thee and me that my soule is like vtterly to bee diu●rced from thy loue vnlesse thine eye of pittie consider me O looke vpon mee deere and tender hearted Father
in the face and fauor of Iesus Christ my Sauiour and for his sufferings sake dispell the mystie clouds of my wreatched nature with the light of thy countenance and shew me this Mysterie of Godlinesse Illuminate mine vnderstandings with the glorio●● rayes of Sion Blesse mine imagination that I m●y thinke of no euill but of goodnesse continually Incline my will that it may bow it selfe to the obedience of thy commandements Put this Mysterie of Godlinesse into my heart by the invisible singer of thy sacred Trinitie that it may make me good by shining vpon mee and piercing into mee that I may be sanctified thereby both in body soule and spirit O Lord let not the Mysterie of iniquitie misleade me nor the deepenesse of Sathan deceiue me nor the deceitfulnes of sinne by flesh and bloud carry me away to forsake or neglect thy goodnes but let this light of thine O Lord be euer more pretious vnto mee then the balme of Gilead more magnificent then the royaltie of Solomon and more deare then the apple of mine eie That thereby I may be acceptable vnto thee in thy Christ in whom thou art well pleased That my seruice in this sacred Mysterie of Godlilinesse may bee as Physicke for to cure mi●e vngodlinesse as my Counseller to direct me in the affayres of my life and as my casuist to resolue the cases of my distressed conscience So shall I euer magnifie thy name O Lord that hast shewed mee such louing kindnesse in a strange cittie in reuealing to me to me I say the vnworthyest of many thousands the Mysteries and light of the kingdome of heauen in the darkenesse and shadow of death So shall I be euer telling of thy truth and mercy to the as sembly of thy Saints and to the generations which a●e yet for to come Grant these fauours vnto me O King of heauen God of all peace Father of mercies Fountaine of wisedome and goodnesse for the vnspeakeable merits and sufferings of Iesus Christ our onely Mediator and Redeemer Amen GOD MANIFEsted in the Flesh. Explication GOD is the height of this Mysterie God in the flesh is the depth of this Mysterie God manifested in the flesh is the length and breadth of this Mysterie Of God it is reuealed that hee is one in nature and three in persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost that is a Trinitie in Vnitie an Vnitie in Trinitie Euen as in the nūber of three are one number and yet three vnities in a triangle are three angles yet one figure in the Sunne are body brightnesse and heate yet one Sunne in the fire light flame and heate yet the fire cannot bee diuided in the soule our memorie vnderstanding and will and yet one soule all these shewing that three may bee one and one three So likewise in God are three persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost and yet one God who is blessed for euermore For vnlesse I vnderstand when I heare the name of God that it is meant of the holy and vndeuided Trinity wherby I am sau●d mine vnderstanding shall content me nothing The supereminency of which Mysticall Beeing of God passeth mans vtterance and therefore wee can better thinke then speake of God Let vs not then be ouer curious to search out this mysterie For God is ex●ellent and wee know him not sayeth Elihu in Iob Our thoughts comprehend him not sayeth Ieremie And his wayes are past finding out saith Saint Paul These secrets belong vnto the Lord our God and the reuealed things thereof belong vnto vs and to our children for euer Let vs then here content our selues with a touch rather then with a taste of this secret of the essence and will of God For God the Father in himselfe is the Fountaine of the Dei●ie which no curiositie can finde out Perfection of himself which no man can comprehend God of himselfe whom all adore and Life of himselfe in whom we all liue God the Sonne in himselfe is the very engrauen forme of his Father in whom the whole Godhead dwelleth bodily And God the holy Ghost is in himselfe the fulnesse of them both by procession God I say whose power is all puissance whose sense is all knowledge whose essence is the principal good whose worke is euery good whose scites beneath al things without substractiō aboue all things without elation within all things yet not included without all things yet not excluded aboue al things as president beneath all thinges as sustinent within all things as cōplement without all things as comprehēdent The first mouer yet notmoued in local scite yet not circūscribed ordering al times yet not changed in Essence infinite incōprehensible in Maiestie in goodnes soueraigne in wisedom wonderfull in counsels terrible in iudgmēt righteous in cogitations secret in works holy in mercy rich in promise true alwayes the same eternal immortal vnchangeable not to bee expressed by speech not conceyued by thought of whom al the Angels of Heauen doe stand in feare whom all dominations and thrones doe adore at whose presence all powers do shake God I say being thus of himselfe is also reuealed towards vs to bee of power incomprehensible creating all things by his owne power ordering all things by his owne will directing all things to his owne ends of his owne good pleasure of wisedome vnsearchable by which hee spreade the heauens diuided the waters setled the earth for in wisdome hath he made them all of mercy vnspeakable by creating vs of nothing and by redeeming vs when wee were worse then nothing And of iuslice vncontrouleable leauing no good vnrecompensed no euill vnpunished This then indeede is a surpassing incomprehensible mistery that thus God should bee manifested in our weake flesh that God and Man should be in one person And that of the same God the holy Scripture should say in respect of this his manifestation in the flesh The child increased in wisedome and knowledge and in fauour with God and man And Emanuel God with vs should say of himself The Father is greater then I And of the same God in respect of his Dietie he h●mself sayth Before Abraham was borne I am and that hee was the first begotten of euery Creature And further in respect of the vnion of both natures in the person of the Sonne of God the sacred word sayth That God redeemed his Church with his bloud That the Iewes crucified the Lord of glorie and that he gaue his life for vs So that the Catholike conclusion of all is this That Christ Iesus Emanuel consisting of two distinct Natures in the person of the Sonne of God without confusion was incarnate and became our Mediator according to both Natures that the same hand that wrought the institutiō of the world should also worke the restitution of the same For it was impossible that the World should be saued without the Incarnation of the Sonne of God For God in Christ
reconciled the world vnto himselfe And by taking vnto himself our flesh by Incarnation made it his owne flesh that so of his own albeit from vs hee might haue what to offer to God for vs. And without this our flesh hee could not suffer for the manhood is the proper subiect of passion compassion and feeling pitty which causeth the regiment of Christes Kingdome to bee most amiable exercising dominion ouer all men with a true naturall and sensible touch of mercy The second person therefore of the glorious Trinitie was sent to performe this great worke not the Father who being of none could not be sent Not the holy Ghost who albeit he proceed yet he is not the first that proceedeth And forasmuch as a double Mission was requisite the first person that proceedeth was fittest for the first Mission and the second for the second who also more fitte to make vs the sonnes of God by grace then hee that was the sonne of God by nature And who more fit to repaire the images decayed in vs then he that was the engrauē form of his Fathers person And this was done that man with more assurance and without danger of euer erring might come neare vnto the presence of sacred truth it selfe and settle therein by this manifestation of the Sonne of God And God became man that he whom man was to follow might shew himselfe vnto man and bee seene of him Besides it was done that the humane nature might be aduanced to such an high dignitie and excellencie that no man should any more so much forget himselfe as to defile the same with sinfull impurities Lastly it was done that man might bee deliuered from the slauery and bondage of sinne whereinto hee was plunged For man was punished as Iustice vrged That was p●rformed which God had threatned as Truth required The offender was pittied as Mercy entreated God and Man reconciled as Peace desired Thus Mercie and Truth met together Righteousnesse and Peace kissed each other The manner of this is the astonishment of Heauen and Earth but our holy faith makes it more true then plain vnto vs yet some resemblances may in some part expresse this vnion vnto vs. The vnion of soule and body maketh one man a flaming and fiery sword makes one sword one man may haue two accidentall formes Phisicke and Law and a branch engraffed and a tree is one tree so Christ is one and yet hath two different Natures in them performeth the distinct actions pe●tayning to eyther of them Condemned then be all hereticall cauils of Arr●us Macedonius Apollonarius Panlus Samofatemus Sabellius Photinus Aetius together with the whole swarm of Dimiarr●ans and the like damned heretiques who eyther impeach the truth of Christs Incarnation and Natiuity or the vnion of his natures in one person or his line of Dauid according to the flesh that is according to the weake flesh but not corrupted flesh For the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among vs. There is the whole Nature of man And Christ in the dayes of his flesh offered vp prayers and supplications with strong crying and teares vnto him that was able to saue him from death and was heard in that he feared There is the true affection of our nature So then He that confesseth that Iesus is come in the flesh is of God and he that confesseth it not is of the Diuell There is the triall of our faith For this manifestation of God in the flesh is to vnbeleeuers as the cloud that stood betwixt the Israelites and the Egyptians at the red sea which to the Israelites was a bright shining cloud but to the Egyptians a dark dangerous and portentous Commet And is not this then a Great Mysterie That God who is without beginning and end should haue a beginning with vs by birth and an end by death That God who neither changeth nor altereth should encrease in stature That God who is without commixture or defect should eate and bee an hungry That God who could be no more then he was should take vpō him the shape of a seruant be that he was not that could haue no more then hee had should bee lesse then he was and could know no more thē he knew and yet would feele our infirmities and taste our miseries What tongue what pen can expresse this mysterie that God should bee vnited vnto man not onely in loue grace but in one person for we must obserue that the humane nature of Christ is not a distinct person by it selfe as Peter Iohn and such like but to our vnspeakeable comfort is so vnited to the diuine nature that did assume it as they both make but one person so that all that is in it is truly said to be Gods and al that was don by it to be done by God as Christs bloud was Gods bloud Christs death was Gods death as hath been sayd And the God of glorie may as well be sayd to suffer death as to rayse the dead frō their graues and the sonne of man as well to haue made as to haue redeemed the world Who would euer haue thought that so great a woūd as mans sinneful defect from God should euer haue beene thus healed or that God and a wretched sinner should bee thus reconciled or that heauē and earth should bee thus incorporated or that the veritie of God and the compleate substance of man should bee vnited in one Christ who is truly God perfectly man God and man indiuisibly and both in that one distinctly But yet behold this Great Mysterie of Godlinesse as it is not to be ascēded vnto in the exaltation therof for it is God and as it is vnutterable in the humiliation for it is God in the flesh so it is vndoubted infalible in the demonstratiue manifestation thereof for nothing is more euident to the faith of christian beleeue●s It being not onely prophesied shadowed and portrayed out vnto vs in the old Testament vnder diuers types and sundry formes but also substantially and really performed fi●ished and consummated in the new testament Mark but the diuine paralels of this manifestation in some few particulars and note whether they doe not touch each other and point out to euery beleeuing soule the whole frame and for me thereof from the circumference to the Center Pharaoh kileth the Hebrewe children Herod the true Pharoah killeth the children of Bethelem Both stirred vp by Sathan to murther the Messias if they could and to falsifie the promise of this manifestation purposed before of God from euerlasting Salomon at twelue yeeres decideth the question between the 2. women for the liuing childe Christ the true Solomon at 12. yeares is found admidst the Doctors posing and questioning them doubtlesse of the Iewish Synagogue then dead and of the true Christian Church the liuing child Moses fasted fortie dayes at the giuing of the Law Christ fasted forty dayes at the
the Rose of the field and the Lillie of the vallies Moses of old posed the whole world with this question Enquire of the dayes of olde which were before thee and frō the day that God created man vpon the earth yea euen from the height aboue to the depth beneath if euer the like thing were knowne That a people should heare the voyce of the Lord speaking out of the middest of the fire But now we may pose Moses say O Moses then God spake by an Angell out of the middest of the fire but now O man of God was euer the like as this heard That God himself in the nature of man should sit amidst his disciples and teach the. This is that the spirit of God so magnifieth That at sundry times and in diuers manner God spake heretofore in his Prophets but in these last dayes by his only Sonne And if the word deliuered by an Angell was stedfast what shall become of them that refuse and neglect the Sonne of God now speaking vnto them O most ingratefull and brutish are the sonnes of men who seeke not to vnderstand this mysterie so anciently prophesied of so fully performed and so manifestly declared Me thinkes I heare all other creatures of heauen and earth say Oh that God had vouchsafed vs such a blessing such a tie such a fauour for then had wee had beene most happy The quires of Angels say Oh that God had ordayned to vs so vnspeakeable a fauour as to haue beene vnited to our nature But Christ tooke not vpon him the nature of Angels but tooke vpon him the nature of children that being tempted himselfe and suffering hee might succour them that suffer and are tempted Who would not then in consideration hereof giue himselfe a whole burnt offering vnto his God and consecrate his whole life if the terme thereof were euen from the first Adam vnto the ende of the world as a votiue seruice vnto the glory of this God Oh vncircumcised hearts and eares of those who neither care to heare nor to vnderstand this blessed mysterie For if they would diligently seeke they should find that God would manifest himselfe vnto them euen in their indiuiduall flesh by the sanctifying power of his holy Spirit and by pertaking of his diuine nature whereby they should see with open face as in a mirrour the glory of the Lord and be changed into the same image from glory to glory euen as the spirit of the Lord. In no wise shold they be as those wretches in whose flesh Sathan and not God is manifested who are indeed incarnate diuels as the prouerb is whom Sathan hath so sifted to the bran and winnowed to the chaffe that no remainder of any godlinesse or goodnesse is leaft in them in whom Sathan is Totus in toto totus in qualibet parte as Aquinas saith of the soule Their imagination euill their minde ill their meaning ill their will obstinate their vnderstanding darkned their eares itching after vanities their eyes adulterous which cannot choose but sinne their mouth blasphemous their an open graue of fulsome slanders their hands rough and cruell their feete swift to shed bloud their whole body a cage of vncleane birdes their life and conuersation a stye of stinking swines flesh an Acheldema of oppression a Caluarie of dead spoyles their ende a puddle of loathsome impieties But those that secke God doe vnderstand this mysterie and shew forth this manifestation in themselues hauing lift vp their heads as gates their minds as dores and the king of glory is come in vnto them and is manifested in them by their faith in Christ by their good workes among men by all the fruites of his gra●ious spirit and by their ioyfull departure hence being assured of a farre better rest and happinesse in their maisters kingdome The custome of the Aethiopian Church which liue vnder Prester Iohn is to obserue the feast of the Epiphany as their chiefe and principall festiuitie at which time God shewed himselfe both to Iew and Gentile in this manifestation by a starre Thereby acknowledging and that most truly that this blessing is the beginning and fountaine of all other blessing in Christianitie whatsoeuer and ought most sollemnly to bee obserued and most diligently to be considered especially of vs that were Gentiles Goe foorth therefore yee daughters of Sion euen all religious and denoute soules and behould King Solomon your Christ with the crowne wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart Go foorth I say from out the fashions and fancies of this world both with readinesse and resolution as men do to meete their new king If you be malefactors he will pardon you vpon repentant reconciliatiō throgh Christ Iesus and will receiue you to fauour If you bee already his seruants and citizens of the citie of God goe foorth to meete him with your presents of good workes and holinesse as your homages of fealtie If you be friends and allyance as are all deuout Soules doe that often which hee hath bidde you doe in remembrance of him that is offer the sacrifice of thankefulnesse receiue the cup of saluation call vpon the name of the Lord that so you may shew the Lords death all your life long vntill his comming againe So shall your eyes b● opened that you shall not onely vnderstand this Great mysterie of Gods manifestation in the flesh but also see it Iustified in the Spirit Oh blessed Emanuell encrease our faith O Eternall and most mightie Iehouah Elohim whose seate is in heauen whose footestoole is in earth whose chariots are the clouds whose might is in the great waters whose power is euery where whose displayed glory is in heauen where angels are they attendants and where all the blessed dominations and thrones doe thee dayly homage where the innumerable company of elected Saints doe vncessantly prayse thee where thine habitation is light that none can approach vnto thy cloathing Maiestie and honor thy wisdome incomprehensible thy mercy vnspeakeable and thy iudgements past finding out Looke downe looke downe most mercifull Father in Christ from thine holy place the seate of mercie vpon me a most miserable distressed wretch O hearken thou to my prayers which I sinfull soule powre out from an vnfained heart Open vnto my soule this great mysterie of thy manifestation in our flesh that I may know and comprehend with all Saints the height length breadte and depth of the vnsearchable riches of thy grace in Christ Iesus our Lord. For thou diddest so loue the world that thou gauest thine onely begotten Sonne that who so beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life This diuine loue of thine is incomprehensible this gift inestimable this deliuerance vnutterable and this felicitie incomparable My heart burneth with in me and the sparkes of deuotiō arise from the center
Iesus Christ how wonderfull are thy workes in all the world For out of the mouthes of Preachers sometimes very babes and suck● lings thou hast ordained strength that thereby thou mightst make thy power the more to be knowne in suppressing the rage and fury of Sathan the enemie of all mankind by such weake and feeble instruments And this thou hast done O Lord of thine vnspeakable mercy in Christ considering that we are but dust and cannot endure the presence of an Angel to speak vnto vs much lesse are wee able to behold thee in thy glorious brightnesse Nay O Lord no man can see thee and liue Eternally therefore blessed be thy goodnes O God for ordaining so sacred and so ●afe a meanes for our ●nowledge and acknowledge●ent of thee and of him whome ●hou hast sent Christ Iesus our Lord For it hath pleased thee 〈◊〉 put thy word into the mouthes 〈◊〉 men to publish it vnto vs. Thou hast clothed their hearts ●ith thy righteousnesse to fur●●sh them with grace Thou ●ast added the power thereof 〈◊〉 thy sacred spirite to guide vs to all truth thou hast shew●● the effects thereof in the san●●itie of our liues good works 〈◊〉 thy great glory Thou hast giuen vs the ioye ●ereof in the songs of holy ones 〈◊〉 our sola●e and the end there●● in the saluation of our sinfull ●ules and bodies to our eternall ●●licitie in heauen O Lord who can sufficiently ●●●toll thy Maiesty for this thy ●●rpassing fauour towards vs ●et vs entreate thy goodnesse for Christ his sake to stirre vp and ●uicken ●our dull hearts to a thankefull acceptance of this thy blessing Make vs to loue the preaching of thy word that sacred Ambassage from heauen that wee may bee throughly reconciled vnto thee Make it the sauour of life vnto vs and let i● in no wise bee the sauour of death vnto vs or any of v● Make vs to thinke reuerently of these whom thou hast seperated and sent to be the lighte● and guide of this world cause vs to esteeme of them preciously to loue them heartily to pray for them effectually and to heare them with all possible respects fulnes as people knowing that 〈◊〉 that hearet● them heareth thee hee that receyueth them receyueth thee hee that regardeth them regardeth thee and hee that doth for them doth for thee as people knowing it is thy Word they preach thy holy will they teach thy heauenly worshippe and diuine seruice they entreat ●s to embrace as people know●●g that the glorie thereof is ●●ine the good thereof is ours ●●en to the sauing of our selues ●●d children in both worlds O King of Heauen giue vs ●●ermore of this Manna the ●ngels foode of this water of 〈◊〉 of this celestiall treasure of ●is fruite of life of those songs 〈◊〉 Sion of this speech of Cana●●● of this salt of the earth of ●●is light of life of this dew of ●ermon of this name of Iesus 〈◊〉 this eternall Gospell by the ●eaching of thy holy will As ●e heare it O Lord let it di●ill into our soules as thy holy ●●●ction Let it stirre our harts 〈◊〉 thy power Let it bowe our ●ils to thy obedience as thy ●●unsell Let it sanctifie our 〈◊〉 as thy ordinance let it ●●epare vs throughout for thee 〈◊〉 Lord and for the glory of thy ●ace for euer Humble our hearts with the remembrance what wretches we were without this reuelation of thy Sonne Say vnto vs you were dogs and might not ea●● the childrens breade you were hogges and might not haue these pretious pearls cast vnto 〈◊〉 you were as vncircumcised P●listines as cursed Can●anit●● as diuelish Samaritans as He● theni●h Pagans as Turkish I●●●●dels But I haue washed purg●● purified and sanctified you wi●● my grace I haue called you my name and I will blesse yo● for euer O Lord God Graunt th●● wee may eate but the crum●● vnder thy table that wee 〈◊〉 touch but the hemme of thy v● sture that thou wilt but spea● the Word onely and we wretches shall liue shall bee heale● shall bee happie to thy prayse 〈◊〉 euer Say Lord vnto our soules am your saluation So shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and bee gladde all our 〈◊〉 so shall wee study to set 〈◊〉 thy honour and will vow 〈◊〉 sacrifices of thankefulnesse 〈◊〉 of soule and body in our 〈◊〉 and children for euer O heare vs King of Hea●●● and grant these blessinges 〈◊〉 thine to be continued vnto vs 〈◊〉 to our seed to al our generati●● for the merites of thy deare ●●ne Christ Iesus our most ●●●●acious Redeemer Amen GOD BELEEVED on in the World Explication THat the World should beleeue in God is the mystery of mysteries First that the World should beleeue in GOD in the vnitie of his essence and Trinity of existence Then to beleeue God in the verity of his written word And lastly to relye vpon God in the assurance of his loue for his promise sake this I say to know is eternall life and for the World to know it is a world of wonders For how should the World come by this sauing know●edge 〈◊〉 Take the World as in ●oly writ it sometimes signi●ies the reporbate of whome Christ sayth I pray not for the ●orld that is for the reprobate of the world these beleeue not Take it Cosmographically for the frame of heauen and of earth contayning the firmamentary and elementary regions these parts are not ●apable of such mysteries ●ut vnderstand it of the E●ect people of God inhabi●ing within the limites of the knowne Christian world and ●else where dispersed and scattered vpon the surface of the whole earth as it is taken in this place and then this mystery will bee reuealed vnto vs. For otherwise as the world 〈◊〉 more generally taken for the people of the world It is altogether set vpon wickednesse The World receyues not the Spirite of truth The Worlde knownes not God The world is at defiance with God as may plainely appeare by the contrariety betwixt God and the wo●ld The spirit of God being loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnes faith meekenesse and temperance The Spirite of the World being adulterie fornication vncleannes lasciuious●es idolatrie witchcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions hypocrisies enuyings murthers drunkennesse reuellings How could it euer be thought that these thinges so contrariantly opposit should euer accord Yet behold this great mysterie for this malignant contrariant exorbitant refractory World is conquered by holy saith in the bloud of Christ and multitudes of millions in the World albeit not of the World Liue loue and be●eeue in God amidst the furious cruell and deadly rage ●atred and bloudy cruelty of many miscreants and infidell worldlings So that now God hath purchased by faith a world of people to himselfe called out of the vniuersall masse and multitude of people in the World to know and acknowledge him to be their God and Sauiour This is the sence of these words And the sacred
scriptures call those the Worlde whom God hath thus called out of the world because for their sakes onely this world was made and this world is as yet preserued and all things continue as from the beginning But when God hath his full number of these his chosen people out of the world then this world shall haue an end and there shall bee a new Heauen and a new earth wherein shal dwell righteousnesse To these his redeemed people in the world God made his promises both of the promulgation extension and augmentation of this Kingdome of Iesus Christ his Sonne First that the extention thereof should be as large as is the expansion of the Heauens and so great that it should encircle and surround the earth Secondly that the dominion thereof should bee from sea to sea And from the riuers vnto the end of the world The kings of Tharsis and of the ●sles should bring presents yea all Kings should fall downe before him at nations should serue him Thirdly that Christ should ●edeeme vs to God by his bloud ●ut of euery kindred and tongue and people and Nation Fourthly that there should ●ee so great a multitude of beleeuers of all Nations Kindreds people and tongues which stand before the throne and before the ●ambe that no man should bee ●ble to number them The performance of which ●rophesies and promises God shewed most power●●lly in the very commencement of this conquest of faith ●or Peter conuerred in one ●ermon three thousand and 〈◊〉 another Sermon fiue thou●and soules that beleeued and ●●●●rned to God from their in●quities So mightily yea so ●uddenly grew the word of God and preuayled yea 〈◊〉 is ttuely obserued both by Suetonius in the life of Nero and by Tacitus in the first booke of his Historie beeing enemies to Christ Christians and also by Tertullian a friend to Christians in his Apologeticall exhortation to the Gentiles that the multitude of beleeuers was so great in the Prim●tiue Church euen amidst those furious bloudy butcheries and wofull persecutions that their strength and puissan●e if they should haue waged warre was oft times a feare and terror euen to the ve●ry persecuting Emperours themselues This was exceeding strange that a World of people so dissonan● so dissolute so aliant so repug●nant to God and to goodnesse should become so plyable so flexible so obediēt 〈◊〉 submit and subiect them●●lues to the yoke of Gods ce●●estiall direction And albeit this very acte ●f beleeuing may seeme very ●aruellous vnto vs in it selfe ●et the strange means where●y this victorious conquest was wrought by Christ in ●educing the world to the act ●f faith was indeed incompa●ably wonderfull and aboue mans capacitie to conceiue For Christ Iesus the Sonne of God when hee made this conquest of the World by faith did not proclaym to the world as king Cyrus did whē he intented his conquests great pay worldly promotions magnificent titles and honourable entertainements for his voluntaries and Followers neither did Christ proffer as the diuell did All this will I 〈◊〉 thee shewing all the king●omes of the world if thou wilt fall downe and worshi● me nor as the licentious Turk doth grants libertie of wiueving to what number of women men will of thriuing by what callusions and deuises men can so they doe no violence to all that embrace his Mahumetanisme nor yet as the most Turkish Pope vseth who grants pardons and indulgences from all kinde of punishments to all his Peccadilloes whatsoeuer For then Christ doubtlesse might haue had followers on a sudden more then enough But behold and consider the iniunctions motions and perswasions that Christ vsed to moue the world to beleeue and then tell me Beloued in our Lord if this be not a secret and hidden Mysterie The very first mandate that Christ ienioyned to those that meant to follow him was Re●●nt yee that is Bee of another ●inde and leade another life 〈◊〉 you haue done hereto●●re Become new creatures ●●at is leaue off to doe euill 〈◊〉 learne to do good This was no lesson for the ●●lfe louers of the world to ●●arne and of these there is an ●●finite number By this doctrine Christ ●●ight lose all the nice of the world and all that were wed●ed to their owne selfe li●ings Another iniunction was ●n the world if you will bee mine you shall haue augariation and your hearts shall bee pierced ●hrough with many sorrowes This was no coppie to bee taken out by the effeminate delitious and delicate persons of the world A third was You shall bee hated of all men for my names sake saith Christ. This was no condition to obligue faint and false hearted cowards of the world A fourth was He that loues his life shall lose it This was not the way to winne a worldling notwithstanding all these and other such like more conditions and entertainments euen to exquisite torments ye● I say what euer could be sayd or done to the contrary by the infidell party in all the bloud and but chery of Gods Saints behold yee the power of God in this wonderfull conquest of the world by faith For a Centurion beleeue● euen to life albeit Christ is absent from doing any act speakes this in the words of a beleeuer Say the word onely O Lord and my seruant liueth A Canaanitish woman beleeues to health if she might eate but the crums th●● fall ●●om the table or touch but ●he hemme of Christ his ve●ure The good theefe beleeues 〈◊〉 saluation in Christ Iesus ●hom he beheld fastened to ●●rosse laden with disgrace●●●l reproches and scoffings forlorne and forsaken of the ●hole world strugling in his 〈◊〉 dolours gasping gaping 〈◊〉 weltring in his owne ●oud Oh wonderfull power 〈◊〉 faith Oh maruellous work ●f God! Is there any reason 〈◊〉 bee yeelded hereof Are ●●ere any causes of this so rare 〈◊〉 maruellous a change in the ●eart and resolution of man ●o surely Mans reason in this ●ynt is but as a beast as Iere●ie sayth But Almightie ●od hath his reasons for it ●ost preg●ant most pow●●full For this beleeuing in ●hrist being an act of the vnderstanding assenting to Gods diuine truth at the commandement of the will so moued by the grace and spirit of God sheweth that it is the power onely and spirit of God that inclineth our hearts to beleeue as the first mouing cause thereof This was the reason why Lydia the Thyatirian hearkned to Paules preaching which many other did not that heard the word notwithstanding as well as she For the Text saith God opened the heart of Lydia that she attended the the words of Paule that is to say She attended not vntill God openeth her heart The inuisible finger of God being as you see a golden key to vnlocke our steely hearts that may see perceiue and be moued to seeke after God for our saluation And this is the reason why ●he
the World in respect of this as did Moses the powers of darkenesse and the gates of hell as the walles of Iericho shall fall downe before mee as those did before thy Ioshuah I shall subdue all mine enemies bee they neuer s●many neuer so mighty neuer so malitious as did Dauid his Worthies and shall sanctifie all my corrupted actions affections healing that which halted and binding vp the broken parts as did thine Holy Prophets So shall I triumph ouer hell vanquish ●death and liue with thee for euer O Lord thou art not wont to quench smoaking flaxe nor to breake a brused reed nor to let a repenting soule goe pensiue from thy presence O looke vpon me with one glimpse of thy countenance and enflame mine heart with zeale that feeles it selfe touched with the fire of thine Alter Oh saue me for thy pitty sake and take mee ou● of the multitude of vnbeleeuers that I may seeke and serue thee for euer Distill thy heauenly dewe into my bowels Let it runne like oyle into my bones Let it bee as a fruitful and effectuall plantation in mine hart that I may not be one of the number of those that say they haue faith and professe it also but without fruite but of those who with neuer altering resolutions treade the trace of that sacred faith that worketh by loue ouercommeth the world holdeth alwayes the sacred truth and leadeth into the wayes of eternall ioy and happi●nesse by thy effectuall and sauing grace Grant this O Father of Heauen for Christ Iesus sake thy blessed Sonne and mine eternall Sauiour Amen GOD RECEIVED vp in Glory Explication THis Mystery of Mankind you see hath now led vs from Gods humiliation in the flesh to GOD iustified in the Spirit from vision of Angels to reuelation vnto men from thence to beleeuing and now are wee come to the exaltation therof for God was receyued vp in Glory That is Christ Iesus God and man in our nature is ascended vp into heauen to take possession in our nature of that glory which hee had in himselfe from all eternity but hath purchased it for vs his redeemed Church with his most precious bloud For it was necessary that Christ ●hould suffer aud so enter into ●lory Not that this was of ●bsolute necessity that he must needs suffer For in respect of himselfe this glory was his ●rom euerlasting but was necessary he should enter into ● by suffering onely in re●pect of vs that the humilia●ion of the Sonne of God becomming Man might be the ●ause of the exaltation of the ●ature of Man For when he ●ersonally assumed the na●ure of Man and became Man Man became God ●lmightie hauing all pow●r and a name aboue all ●ames that the abasing of ●e diuine Maiestie and per●on of the Sonne of God ●ight bee the high aduan●●ng and exaltation of the ●●rme of a seruant For when God began to be Man and Man began to be God God began to be a Man in subiection and humilitie and man to be God in the height of perfection For if God were humbled as much as hee might be in that he became Man was not Man exalted as much as hee might be in that he became God Herein vndoubtedly appeared the wisdome and power of our God that his Sonne in obedience to the Father beeing abazed to the lowest degree of humiliation for vs should by his owne power and not as Enoch and Elias were by anothers power be exalted to the supreme height of exaltation in the sight of all the world both of men and Angels Therefore we beleeue that hee which Ascended is the same that Descended first into ●o the lowest parts of the ●arth Descended when his ●ody was layde in the graue Descended when his soule separated from the body went ●o the place where the soules departed were Descended when his Deitie exhibited ●t selfe into the lowest pit to ●he terror of the diuels and ●urther despayre of the dam●ed Descended when the power of his passion did ex●end it selfe euen to those ex●reme parts Descended when ●e suffered those extreme anguishes and torments which for our sakes by his Fathers will he was willing to endure Descended when he deliuered those that deceased before his resurrection and brought them by the power of his sufferings into the place where they now are And he that thus Descended is the same that Ascended farre aboue all heauens to fulfill all things Euen hee our Lord Christ that in our nature was accompted but a most despicable man yea a worme and no man that vndertooke our sinnes the cause of his suffrings that endured a cursed death the punishment due for our transgressions euen he that in the entrance of this bottomlesse sorrow had his soule heauy vnto the death and made strong cries and teares to bee deliuered and in the progresse thereof had clods of bloud breaking from him and when he was deepest in vttered that dreadfull clamor expressing a most horrible passion My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Euen hee I say now t●●umphes ouer all the powers of hel and the heauens stoope downe and receiue him vp in glory And this the power and mighty hand of our God hath wrought for vs to the glory of his great name which be praysed and blessed for euer By God wee vnderstand ●he hypostaticall vnion of the diuine and humane natures ●n the person of Christ Iesus By Receiued vp wee conceiue not a momentany but by degrees of time a locall motion ascending from an inferiour place to an higher and by Glory is meant that hee was exalted aboue these visible heauens and receiued throgh the spheares the cataracts of heauen opening vnto him euen that hee might sit at the right hand of God in great Maiesty and highest glory for euermore in the heauēs of the blessed The circūstāces of this article of our Christian faith is most euidently in all the particulars set down in holy w●it The place where he was receiued vp was mount Oliuet neere to Ierusalem the cittie where he was so abased euen there there I say was hee taken vp into the glory of the father in the sight of his cursed enemies The manner of his ascent was a cloud receiued him vp The heauens stoope downe to doe homage vnto the heire of heauen and earth For by the same power whereby he made all things in the begining hee also lift vp himsele aboue all things that are created His passage naturall without either change or diffusion of his natures His Session also actuall For according to his true naturall being hee sits at the right hand of God and according to his personall being he is euery where The time of his ascent was ●ortie dayes after his resurre●tion from the graue For so ●ong was he conuersing with ●is people after his passion ●hat they might bee the more ●scertayned of the truth of his ●rising from the dead and ●ight be informed and confirmed the
more in his doctrines both of grace and glory Sixescore witnesses were present at the place in whose ●ight he was receiued vp Two Angels from heauen spake vnto them that were present and preached his returne to iudgement The words were specified which ●e and the Angels vttered at ●is departure The sequell ●hereof related at large to wit whither the multitude went which saw him ascend and ●nd what they did and many ●ther things which followed ●re as a cloude of witnesses to the confirmation hereof For as the truth of his ascension is irrefragable so the effects thereof are vnutterable For first by his ascention he hath opened heauen vnto vs that was shut against vs and hath Made vs sit together with him in heauenly places Secondly hee hath taken possession of heauen for vs in our nature and in our names as he told his disciples before Saying I goe to prepare a place for you and I will come againe and take you vnto me Thirdly hee hereby accomplisheth our Christian comfort in triumphing ouer Hell all the powers of darke●●nesse hauing led Captiuitie captiue and giuen gifts vnto men by sending downe his holy spirite the informer and ●omforter of his cho●● And lastly his Receiuing ● hath filled all things as the ●postle speaketh the earth ●ith his mercie hell with his ●stice heauen with the ma●festation of his glory euen the blessed Angels And now there hee is ●●r aduocate with the Fa●●er our intercessor in all ●●r necessities our master of ●quests in all our suits there ●●e turneth away the eyes of ●●d the Father from our ●nes to looke vpon his ●●edience and meritori●s righteousnesse and day●● prepareth a way for vs ● to the throne of grace For these causes hee is ●scended into the height 〈◊〉 that Maiestie where ●●d vouchsafeth to display his glory to the view of men and Angels in the face of Iesus Christ. The perfect knowledge of the superexcellency of which place of happines we cā in no wayes attain vnto in this life but in possessing it in the other world we shall fully enioy it In the meane while our holy faith is confirmed hereby which for the corporall presence of Christ embraceth the spirituall that we may not be troubled with doubtings and say in our hearts Who shall ascend for vs into heauen Our hope is ascertained of obtayning heauen and of the perfection of our ioy therein and our loue is enflamed that our conuersatiō tending towards heauen where our treasure is our heart may be there also MAnifold is the vse of this his glorious exaltation Let therefore the ●ealous soule come hither ●earne to forsake the world ●nd to be receiued vp on high ●or where the head is of nece●sitie there must the members ●e also Let vs ascend the degrees of this great mysterie ●rom the manifestation thereof in the flesh let vs go on to ●e iustification in the spirite ●rom iustification spirituall ●o vision Angelicall Frō An●elicall reuelation to Prophe●call promulgation From the ●reaching thereof to praying ● faith and so to the exalta●ion in glory For thus it was ●●eete that Christ by these ●eanes of suffering might ●ring his chosen to rest For 〈◊〉 he had gone any other way ●ee might haue entered himselfe but could not haue brought vs in with him Let vs then stand as it were vpon the poynt of the promontorie of Nebo and looke into the holy land and revew the lowest step in this Iacobs ladder which is Christs exinanition in the flesh and see how the power of God hath made it knowne vnto A●gels by celestiall vision and vnto men by degrees of holy Christian faith vntill it hath brought vs vp vnto the supereminent glory Goe I say from his humanitie in the flesh to his diuinitie a glimpse whereof was seene in his transfiguration on the mount from his passion on the crosse in his humiliation to his power in his resurrection from his minoritie in respect of his Father to their qualitie in the height of glory Not that the deitie in his ascent could bee exalted but that our nature in the person of the Sonne of God was first raysed vp from the dead and then receiued vp in to euerlasting glory When therefore we reade that Christ was receyued vp by a cloude wee vnderstand the cloudes of obsequiousnesse not any helpe it afforded him as the fierie chariot did Elias wee conceaue the clouds seruice not any ayde it yeelded the cloudes ministery not any assistance that it occasioned For the matter or subiect that ascended is ●properly the humane nature of Christ for the deitie is neither contayned in place nor subiect to motion So the auncient Fathers spake The Sonne of God had of ours whereby hee hanged on the crosse and of his owne whereby he ascended into heauen For the humane nature ascended and the ascent was wrought through the power of the diuine nature And this is the cause that Tertullian calleth Iesus the sequestrator of God and man for of either party he had that was committed vnto him and he keepeth the pledge of the flesh in himselfe the earnest of all mankinde For as he hath left vnto vs the earnest of the spirit so he hath taken from vs the earnest of the flesh carryed it into heauen as a pledge of the whole family which hereafter shall bee brought thither also Thus is Christ our treasure in heauen and assuredly where our treasure is there will our hearts be also If Christ bee our treasur● let vs follow him in heart where hee is in body let vs follow him with paces of loue because his returne in the iudgement day will bee terrible The hand writing that was against vs is now cancelled the curse was Earth thou art and to earth thou shalt returne But the blessing is purchased This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Christ therefore in this life by his grace doth ascend vnto our hearts when the feare of the Lord of hoasts receiueth therein plantation hee descendeth into our hearts when wee take his counsels to heart hee issueth from our hearts when wee runne afrer him in our affections in the sweete perfume of his pretious oyntements feeling our owne defects and againe he ascendeth aboue our hearts when by the eyes of holy fayth wee see as with an Eagles eye the prey a farre of as Stephen did euen Iesus standing at the right hand of God Let the sanctified soule come hither and see it selfe in heauen three manner of wayes whiles it is on earth First in conuersation for Our conuersation is in heauen saith the Apostle Secondly in our affe●ctions For they that abide in charitie abide in God Thirdly by right of possession For Christ is ascended to prepare vs a place Let the oppressed and distressed soule come hither and looke vp Seeing wee haue an high Priest which is passed into the heauens Iesus the Sonne of God let vs
hold faste our profession For wee haue not an high Priest that cannot bee touched with our infirmities but was in all partes tempted like as wee are without sinne And albeit wee reade that Moses and Samuel Noah Daniel and Iob those holy men were not powerfull to preuayle with God in some cases for others yet no where can it bee found that our Lord Iesus Christ had euer the repulse for his chosen For hee is the Sonne in ●hom the Father is well ●leased Let the curious questioner come hither and if hee aske How is Christ with vs vnto the end of the world as he promised if he be receiued vp in glory I answer that hee who Was before Abraham is with vs by his grace and power of his holy spirit that liue in the faith of Abraham His departure hence into heauen beeing for our exceeding great Comfort and benefite For where should an aduocate bee but before the Iudge pleading his Clyents cause where should a Captaine bee but fighting with the enemies without the Citie And the father of a great family doth not alwayes reside at home but trauelleth into a farre country about his affayres to prouide for his houshold So Christ himselfe testifies That vnlesse he depart the Comforter should not come Not vnlike the glorious sunne of the firmament which when it is furthest from vs in locall distance it is neerest vnto vs in power and effect as appeareth in the Summer season For then the beames of the Sunne are more p●ercing albeit it bee further of because then they are direct and perpendicular which in the Winter though the body of the Sunne bee neerer yet the rayes thereof are oblique and aside Semblably the bodyly presence of Christ on earth wrought not so effectually in his Apostles and other the faithfull as his holy spirit did after his departure which hee powred out on them in great measure as hee promised for then were their hearts throughly resolued their willes fully purposed and their zeales feruently onflamed Yea let the most Seraphicall and most Cherubicall soules that liue come hither and see what the Angels of heauen admire at who beholding Christ Iesus ascending with this glorious conquest of his redeemed church say but by way of admiration Who is shee that looketh foorth as the Morning bright as the Sunne pure as the Moone terrible as an Armie with ensignes Nay blessed soules to which of the Angels sayde God at any time as hee doth to our Lord Christ Emanuell thou art my sonne And againe I will bee thy Father and thou shalt bee my Sonne yea the Angels are commanded to adore him and the son is bid to sit down at the right hand of the Father in the glory of heauen Lastly l●t the simple and honest soule come hither and learne not to seeke Christ on earth in a Wafer Cake as the Popelings doe but as the Apostle counselleth in heauen saying If you bee risen with Christ seeke those things that are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and where hee must bee vntill the times of the restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets since the world beganne Set therefore your mindes on heauen and heauenly things and not on earth and earthly things Heauen is now opened enter thou into the holy of holyest for thou art O my soule past the vtter and inner Court Thy Mediator is in heauen pray thou here in earth that hee may heare in heauen and speake for thee Our ● flesh is in heauen in the person of Christ whereby wee see that the glory wee haue won by Christ is greater then the disgrace and curse that the malice of the diuell brought vpon vs by Adam The diuels malice● and our sinne cast vs out of Paradice but Christs loue and sufferings for sinne makes vs sit in heauenly places with him In a word our triumph is in heauen who would not fight the battaile manfully against the flesh the world and the diuell being assured by the captaine of the victorie Wee may also hence perceiue how God tenderly and louingly dealeth with vs euen as Moses sayth hee dealt with his owne people the Israelites And how was that euen as the Eagle sayth hee doth with her young The Eagle couereth her young with her winges so God doth with the winges of his safe protection She sometimes perceiuing her young ones dull and drooping gently peckes them with her becke to stirre them vppe so God by afflictions doth quicken his children yea sometimes the Eagle taketh away her young ones meate and flyeth vp into the ayre to entice and prouoke them to practise and endeuour to soare on high-euen so God the Father hath receiued vp Christ Iesus our heauenly Manna into glory that wee should learne to aspyre and soare vpwards that where hee is there wee might bee also And to this ende the two Angells tolde vs at his receiuing vppe into this glory that hee should in the same manner descend to iudgement in the ende of the world which wee exp●ct with patience nay long and looke for and crye in our hearts Com● Lord Iesus Come quickly and wee doe nothing more seriously while wee are on earth but call to minde in holy meditations the Lords death and shew it to the eyes of our faith vntill his comming againe in partaking of his blessed body bloud in the Sacrament that by the power thereof wee may bee established that we turne not this great grace into wantonnesse nor neglect our Lord Iesus who is thus exalted into the highest glory not for himselfe for he had that glorie before the world was but for vs his redeemed people so that now here is the exaltation and supereminent height of faith euen euerlasting life The Being whereof is called Glorie and our Estate there Glorification To this doe all the goldly aspire that they may bee where Christ Iesus is to beholde his Maiesty and his glory in the Kingdome of GOD the father The Metropolis of which Kingdome is the Heauen of the blessed the Confines are Eternity the chaire of Estate is the thrones the houses of the Courtiers are the visions of Angels and Saints God is there as the King Christ as the Prince the Church as the Queene the Virgines as the Handmaides the Nobles are the Patriarkes and Prophetes the Notaries are Euangelists the Prelates are the Doctors of the Church the Souldiers are Martyres and the Subiects are all the blessed In which Kingdome are all things to bee desired Desire you riches Glorie riches are in his house Desire you gold The Citie it selfe is of pure gold Desire you honour O God such honor as this glorie haue all thy saints Desire you pleasures At Gods right hand are pleasures for euermore Desire you knowledge In Christ are al the treasures of wisedom and knowledge Desire you Libertie Ierusalem which is aboue is free Loue
you peace My people sayth GOD shall sit in the beauty of peace and in the Tabernacles of my protection Desire you dainties You shall be satisfied when his glory shall appeare Desire you wine You shall bee filled with the plentie of this house and shall drinke of the riuers of gladnesse Doth Musicke delight you Here Cherubin Seraphin continually doe crie Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Saboth In a word what delectable thing soeuer can come into mans imagination It is here in full aboundance to be found For God hath spoke it Come and I will shew thee all good O wretched sonnes of men whose teeth are sette on edge with the crudities of this world that they cannot taste of the delicacies of that other world For the Fathers haue eaten sowre grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge as Ezechiel speaketh Wee must therefore abstaine from the rawe and vnwholesome thinges of this Life if wee meane to confirme our teeth and conforme our taste to sauour Heauen and these glorious thinges of God The best of Gods people that euer were in the world could expresse the glory of this place but by Negatiues albeit they had an extraordinary inspection into it Aske the Prophet Esaias and Saint Peter the Apostle they will tell you That the things which eye hath not seene neyther hath eare heard neyther came it into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him And Saint Augustine sayeth That the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him Our faith cannot conceyue our hope cannot comprehend our charitie cannot apprehend for it surpasseth our thoughts our vnderstanding our desires Let this bee our comfort that this glory may be obtayned expressed or conceyued it cannot be Augustine sayeth that he can tell sooner what is not there then what is there When the Queene of Sheba came to Solomons Court and heard his wisedome saw the house which hee had built obserued his dyet viewed the dwellings of his seruants noted what seruants robes the manner of their service and recounted the whole burnt offerings which were offered in the house of the Lord euerie day The text sayth that shee stood amazed and there was no Spirit in her and when shee came to her selfe shee vttered these words It is true that I heard in mine owne land of thee O King howbeit I beleeued not the report vntill now I see it but the one half was not told me for thou hast more wisedome and prosperitie then I heard by report Right so O my soule shalt thou say when thou commest into this heauenlie Court and beholdest and knowest God as he is known and seest the new Hierusalem the Feast of the Lambe the Mansions prouided the milke white roabes of the Saintes their attendants vpon God and the continuall Alleluiah sung by the quire of Heauen thou wilt say O it was not the least particle of this glorie that wee heard of beneath when we were in the earth for this glorie farre surp●sseth all that euer wee heard or could imagine neyther indeed could wee beleeue the same but now O King of Heauen assuredly they are fully blessed that alwaies stand before thee and behold this thy Maiesty and surpassing glory Hence was it that Holy men of God oft sighed and earnestly desired when they meditated of this glory to be with Christ. I desire to bee dissolued and to bee with Christ sayeth Paul Aye mee that I am constrayned to dwell with Mesech sayeth Dauid And in another place When shall I come and appeare before the presence of the Lord If I haue found grace in thy sight O Lord shew mee thy face sayth Moses And to this purpose God sendeth his dearest children bitter pilles of affliction oft-times in this life to weane them from the pleasures of this world The world troubleth mee saith S. Augustine and yet I loue it what would I doe if it did not afflict me Surely it would befoole vs as it doth too many who rather then they would forsake any part or parcell of the World they will desperately and diuelishly forsake their God and the glory of heauen and in their hearts wish God to keepe it for him selfe and let them enioy their pleasures and pastimes in this present life O blinde and barbarous folly of the sonnes of Adam who hath bewitched you Would you see the inuisible things of God They are seene sayth Paul by the visible God being considered in his workes Christ is receyued vp in glory ascend thou by these degrees vnto Christ O my soule that he hath reuealed vnto thee Say vnto thy selfe when thou viewest the world and the glory thereof both in the frame of Heauen and in the fabrique of the earth If O Lord thou grantest vnto vs such goodlie thinges in this our prison what hast thou prepared for vs in thy pallace of Heauen If here thou affoordest so liberally thy blessings both to friendes and foes what hast thou prouided in heauen for friendes onely When thou beholdest the surpassing beauty of the heauens say O my soules How delectable are thy dwellings O Lord of Hosts my Spirite fainteth for desire to dwell in the Courts of thy house for euermore For all Nations are before thee as nothing and they are accounted lesse then nothing and vanity When wee consider again that there are three principall places in this vniuerse to witte Hell the World and Heauen The first vnder the earth the second aboue the earth the third aboue the visible heauens The first a place of darkenesse the second a place mixt both with light darknesse the third is altogether light The 1. a dungeon of despayre the second a vale of teares the third a Paradise of incomparable delights and delicacies whose heart desireth not after those water-brookes whose soule seeketh not after those ioyes of Heauen where is the fulnesse of ioy and happinesse for euermore For there is health without sicknesse youth without age fulnesse without famine plenty without penury g●ory without infamy peace without warre and in a word all good without euill Now therefore O yee sonnes of men Marke Sayth Saint Augustine Heauen is to bee solde and God requires no other price for thee to buy it but thy selfe it is worth so much as thou art giue God thy selfe and thou shalt haue it But obserue thou must not present thy selfe to God in this exchange a worldling a sinner a cast-away but thou must become iust good holy and worthy of the same not of thy selfe but beeing iustified sanctified and bettered by the holy faith and Spirit of thy God in Christ Iesus in whom wee all are accounted worthy so shalt thou by his merites obtaine a Kingdom where the fire dooth not burne nor the ayre infect nor the water drowne no● the earth tremble vnder thee where there is no commet to presage thee euill no thunder to terrifie thee no lightning to daunt thee no thunderbolt
our daily thankefulnes for thine vnspeakeable fauours both towardes our bodies and towards our soules sowards our selues and children in this lise and in that to come Cause vs O Lord to tremble at thy fearefull iudgements that didst not spare the Angels that sinned but hast reserued them in chaines of darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day O Lord if thou diddest not spare them for one sin what shall become of vs that haue sinned dayly against thee and do multiplie our iniquities as the haires of our head and as the sands of the sea shores which is innumerable O Father haue pitty vpon vs forgiue vs sweete Father forgiue vs for Christs sake and giue vs thy grace that wee may con●ert and turne vnto thee with all our hearts that those blessed spirites the Angels may haue ioy in our conuersion and repentance and we may ioy●e with them in the celebration and honour of thy great and glorious name for euermore O let vs bee partakers of that grace with thy blessed Angels which winneth infallibly holdeth inseparably and leadeth indeclinably into the wayes of eternall blessednesse Grant vnto vs these mercies O God of mercies for Christs sake our onely Mediator So shall wee that are thy people of thy pasture sheepe of thy flocke and Church of thy Redeemed as thy holy ones of heauen be euer telling of thy praise and magnifying thy goodnesse in Christ Iesus world without end Amen GOD PREACHED vnto the Gentiles Explication THis Mystery of Godlines you see hath been Manifestedin the flesh Iustified in the Spirit Seene of Angels that is It hath bin manifested vnto vs in the persō of Christ in the power of Christ and in the knowledge seruice and ministration of the blessed Angels of Christ. What can we then say for our selues Haue not wee heard of this great mystery of godlines Hath it bin hidde in a corner from vs or whispered in the eare or beene knowne to a few or published to a handful of people in some angle or corner of the world Haue the Iewes onely had this made knowne vnto thē Assuredly God hath beene Preached There is the promulgation or proclamation of this mysterie God hath beene Preached to the Gentiles There is the large extent of this promulgation God preached vnto the Gentils For it hath pleased God by that which the world calleth the foolishnesse of Preaching to make knowne vnto the world his vnsearchable wisdome and the riches of his glorious grace in Christ. Preaching being the gift of the holy Ghost the spirit of prophesie the glad tydings of peace of good things and of saluation caused Esayas an E●angelicall Prophet of the Lord to say That the very feet of them that brought this newes vnto the world were beautifull Preaching being the embassage of our reconciliationwith God in Christ the holy ordinance of God for the ordinary meanes of our sanctificatiō by grace in this world and the cleeare publication of our assured glorification in the other world caused Paul to say Woe is me if I preach not the Gospell so necessary it was for him and all beleeuers Preaching to youth is as Ezechiel his cleane water to asswage the heate of their concupiscence and to purge the old leauen of malitiousnesse It is as Solomon his wine to strengthen and glad the harts of the ancient It is as Saint Peter his milke for children to nourish and feede them vp to godlinesse It is as a soueraigne bath to heale all beleeuers with what disease of sinne soeuer they be ill affected and it is an antido●e or counterpoyson against all the venome of our rottennes For Preaching is the cele●●all chariot wherein the gra●es and gifts of the holy ghost ●●●e continually conueyed ●nto vs. So Christ testifieth when ●●e prayeth thus Sanctifie them O Father ●●rough thy truth thy Word is ●●uth And that we may not ●oubt what this Word is Saint Peter preacheth it That we are ●orne againe not of corruptible ●eede but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liueth and ●bideth for euer For all flesh is grasse and all the glory of man is as the flower of the field the grasse withereth and the flower thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord endureth for euer and this is the word which by the Gospel is preached vnto you Moreouer this Mysterie of Godlinesse God preached vnto the Gentiles Saint Peter had shewed vnto him in his practise of preaching For it is sayd While Peter yet preached these words the holy Ghost fell on all them that hard the Word Obserue this saying The gift of the holy Ghost fell on the auditors as Peter was a preaching Out of doubt preaching is the heauenly talent left vnto the ministers of the Gospell by their Maister Christ where withall they must negotiate and wherein they must imploy themselues vntill hee come againe vnto his great audite in the end of the world And the preaching of this mysterie is the power of our God the glory of our Preachers to the saluation both of Preachers and people Preaching hath the power of edification through God in Christ and worketh ●ightily in those that God ●ath set apart and designed ●o that businesse for the buil●ing vp againe of those ruines which hath beene battered downe by sinne and Sa●han For the brused reede it must not breake nor the smoking flaxe it must not quench if God in Christ direct it but whereas knowledge puffeth vp this buildeth vp vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Preaching is the voyce of God whereby hee preacheth and publisheth his holy will and last testament by men vn-the sonnes of men In a word Preaching is the Manna from heauen to feede our soules the dewe of Hermon to water our barrennesse the lampe and light of God in the darkenesse of this world for our direction the sword of truth to cut asunder the Gordian knots of heresie schisme and controuersie for our satisfaction the wall of fire by Gods promise to encompas vs from enraged beasts for our protectiō the reuelatiō of the rock of our faith to build vpon for thetestification of our ful assurance in Christ the touchstone of our cōuersatiō for our tryalls in all cases of conscience the key that openeth heauen to the ●eleeuers and shutteth heauen to impenitents by Gods dispensation It is the Dauids harpe the musicke thereof so delighteth the soule that it doth not faint neither is altogether wearyed with the tediousnes of our banishment in this world It is the pricelesse antidote more pretious then Nepente or Mol●● so much famoused by the ancient for 〈◊〉 expels by the power of ●●e spirit which accom●nyeth it all euills and 〈◊〉 diuells It followeth next to whom his Mystery was preached ●uen to the very heathen Gen●les Preached vnto the Gen●iles Now it comes to be consi●ered that the time was when ●he dewe of heauen fell onely ●on the