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A05604 The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof.; Litany. Part 2 Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1637 (1637) STC 1573; ESTC S104507 58,976 32

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of places in the worship of God makes one place as holy and fit as an other for his seruice and worship saying you shall neither in this mountaine nor yet at Ierusalem worship the father As much as if he had sayd my worship shall be ●yed now to no place nor country any more but all places and countryes I haue now consecrated to my seruice and euery place shall hereafter be as holy as Ierusalem according to the prophecy of Malachi the 1. ver 11 for from the rising of the Sun euen vnto the going downe of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles and in euery place incense shall be offered vnto my name c here wee see now this prophecy accomplished by Christ and all places consecrated to his seruice Ye shall neither in this mountaine nor yet at Ierusalem worship the father and Paul exhorts Christians in all places to lift vp pure hands and hearts sufficiently instructing those to whom hee writ that all places were made holy for such purposes Now I desire that any of the Popes at home or abroad would tell mee ingenuously what he thinks of Christs concecration here was it good or bad did he consecrate well or not let him answer mee in the word of a Preist with out tergiuersation candidly If he shall say it was not well consectated I will tell him to his face he is a blasphemer and proue him so If he shall freely confesse Christs consecration to be good and authentick and that all places indeed were consecrated by Christ himself to the worship of God then how impious and arrogant a thing is it in the Prelats to vnconsecrate and to make profane that which Christ hath consecrated and made holy For so they doe in their consecrations as by and by we shall see I will assure you there is a greater piaculum in this thing then men at first can well discerne and looke into Mee thinks that of Saint Peter in the tenth of the Acts should deterre them from such abominations where when the vessels descended to him like a foure cornered sheet full of all manner of foure footed beasts of the earth and creeping things and foules of the ayre and the voice also came vnto him bidding him kill and eate And Peter answered not so Lord for I haue neuer eaten any thing that was common and vnsleane And the voice spake vnto him againe the second time saying what God hath cleansed that call not thou common By which Peter as you may in the same place see learned by that that Christ had taken away the wall of difference and had consecrated and made all things cleane And fore-warning him that he should not make that vncleane that he had purified cleansed Mee thinks I say this might something haue deterred our great Masters from their dayly impietyes Nothing with them is holy and cleane but that that hath been washed with the Popes holy water or hath had their filthy greasy Fingers of consecration vpon it of which procedings of theirs there is not a word of warrent in all the book of God without which there can be nothing made holy neither is there any need of such wretched fooleryes for as I said before Christ the Lord both of heauen and earth hath consecrated it and made all places cleane and so they were all cleane before they had polluted them with their greasy consecrations with their idols and idolworships Insomuch that there is no place more vnholy then their cathedralls and altarchurches and their cloicters which are so many dens of theeves and cages of filthines and Idolatry which I shall euer be able to mayntayne And from this impious polluting of that that Christ hath made cleane I had thought that of Paul might some thing haue diuerted those vngodly men for so they are yea notoriously wicked against God and vncharitable all wayes towards the liuing temples of the holy Ghost I say I had thought that of Paul in the 17 of the Acts 24. 25 might haue restrayned such palpable impiety for there he saith God that made the world and all things therein seeing that be is Lord of heauen and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worshipped with mens hands as though he had need of any thing seeing he giueth to all life and breath and all things What could be sayd more manifestly for the ouertrowing not onely their reall presence but also of that fiction of theirs that one place is more holy then an other when he is the Lord of all things and one place and creature is as much his as an other and the seruice offered vnto him in one place according to his will as well pleasing as in an other It is a prodigious wickednes in deed and a thing not supportable to compare the Creator of all things to the creature or to circumscribe the incomprehensible or to think with magnificence and statelinesle of buildings or any presents to procure his fauour or make him more propitious vnto vs. All which base conceits haue euer been the fountaynes of all superstition and idolatry in all nations and come from the deuill And so much the more we should be desmayed from such vaine imaginatious of reall presence which is the source of all other will worship if we considered what Paul sayth in the 5. of the 2. of the Corinthians 16. wherefore henceforth know wee no man after the flesh yea though we haue knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him noe more as much as if he had sayd wee must not think of Christ after a carnall manner who hath now left the world and is to be thought of and considered of vs spiritually All those fictions therefore of the reall presence of Christ rather in one place then an other as at CRVCIFIXES CROSSES PICTVRES ALTARS TABLES are the dreames of idolatrous braynes suggested by the diuill for the keeping of the minds of men fixed vpon earthly things and attent to his seruice making them belecue that Religion consists onely in outward performances and by such delusions as these he hinders them from seeking those things which are ahoue where Christ sits at the right hand of God which is expresly contrary to the comand of Paul How outragiously superstitious then yea diabolically impious are those men thinke you that spend such mighty summes of mony in adorning and making such sumptuous buildings as serue for no vse but superstition and idolatry and the mayntenance of LAZY BELLIGODS AND PROPHANE SCORNERS OF ALL TRVE RELIGION GODLINESSE AND PIETY and neglect the very liuing temples of the holy Ghost that famish for want of food Truly it cannot but be a great occasion to prouoke the Lord to iealousie and hot displeasure against this land when contrary to the light of reason and apparent scripture his reuealed will they set vp superstition and idolatry and will worship and think better of their owne inuentions and preferre
the earth and that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus is the Lord to the glory of God the father If these words conteyne in them a command not onely of an inward but an outward bodily reuerence as the Prelats and their Preists affirme Then I say this command binds not onely semper but ad semper as all the other Commandements of God do for it is of the same nature with them and the neglect at any time or in any place of that seruice is a sin at all times As the command that sayes thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart aud with all thy soule and with all thy strength binds semper ad semper and the neglect of our loue and duty at any time is a sinne The second command binds likewise that we should not make to our selues any grauen image or the likenes of any thing in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath and that we should not bow downe to it nor worship it This command also binds semper ad semper and the violating of it at any time is a great sinne against allmighty God and without repentance brings eternall misery The same may be said of the 3 and 4 commandements of taking the name of God in vayne and keeping holy the Sabbath day and of all the rest of the commandements Now I say if these words to the Philippians be a command as the Prelats would haue it then it is of the same nature with the rest So that the worship there prescribed and set downe and that worship onely is to be performed and not such worship and seruice as the Prelats would frame For God that requires worship from vs will haue it after his owne way likewise and will not be serued after mens phansies which he abominates So that if an externall and corporall worship be to be giuen at the name of Iesus as they say it must then be bowing of the knees and the confession with the mouth for the words are thus Set downe at the name of Iesus euesy knee shall bow and euery tongue shall confesse c. so that the very instruments by which this worship should be performed are set downe viz the knees and the tongue How is it then when the Lord hath so precisely set downe the instruments of this worship and the maner of it that the Prelats are yet so blind that they see them not in the Text or so willfull that they will not follow it at the name of Iesus saith the text euery knee shall bow and the Prelats in obedience to this command put vp their fingers to their FOVRE-SQVARE COWTVRDS and giue him a nod with the head and all this I auerre is their owne worship not Gods God doth not bid them bow their fingers to their form alityes but the text sayes expresly that at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow this is the seruice outward and corporall and this onely that is by that text required if any And the truth is it is a mockery of God in the Prelats so to doe If a King should command a subiect to yeild him his hand to help him and if he should giue his foot would not such a fellow be keckt out of the Court and most worthily Paul in an other Epistle bids men lift vp pure hands and hearts in all places praying vnto God Now if one going to pray should lift vp his heeles and kecke vp his legs because Paul commands men praying to lift vp pure hands and hearts would not this fellow be condemned of prophanesse among all mē be thought a scorner of religion worthy of seuere punishmeut so to abuse the Scripture in this very manor doe the Prelats mock God for the reuerence that they performe is redeculous and such as the text commands not For that sayth not put of your hats or caps or nodd your head and make a leg no such businesse I promise you doth that require but explicitly sayes at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow So that if the Prelats will either doe that themselues or enioyne others to doe it that is commanded in that place they must fall downe vpon their knees or at least make a curtsy as often as the word and sound Iesus comes to their eares making of a leg and putting of their caps or nodding with the head is no obeying of that command neither is it required of them but that their knes should bow not one in making of a legg for that is not to obey the commaundement neither but both for the text sayth at the name of Iesus euery knees shall bow and thus to obey Pauls commaund I neuer saw any Preist or Prelat to this day so that as yet they liue and continue in disobedience to it aud bring-in a commaund of their owne which they put vpon the people and the neglect or transgression of the which they punish with the ruine and vndoing of many a great wickednes in them to neglect the commaunds of God and vrge their owne traditions aboue them Besides if this be a command it is not sufficient onely in the Church to doe this but it must be done in all places at all times without limitation wheresoeuer whensoeuer the name of Iesus soundeth whether in Church or house court or country street or feild whether in preaching or reading whether in cursing or rayling banning or swearing euery body must fall vpon their knees or make a curtsy for the text sayth at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow so the commandement runneth with out restriction AND THIS ALSO HAVE NEITHER PREISTS NOR PRELATS YET EVER DONE but liue and dye in the breach of this command which they so vnmercifully punish others for And were it so that at the name of IESVS the Prelats did fall downe vpon their knees or make an humble curtsy according to the commaund they had yet done but halfe seruice which is as bad as none God calls for whole seruice he will not be serued to the halues Now the text that sayth at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow the same text also sayth that at the name of Iesus euery tongue shall confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the father So that there is an outward orall and audible confession to be made with the mouth as well as an outward bowing with the knees and the one is as necessary as much to be vrged as the other for in the text they are both ioyned together and that which God hath joyned together I desire that the Prelats would not be so bold as to seperate least they be found guilty of the same crime of which they sometimes insimulat the Papists for they accuse them of Sacrilege for taking away the cup from the people which the Lord notwithstanding hath ioyned with the bread Now if it be sacrilege in the Papists to keepe the cup from the
the knaue shall we say that all are such good reason will make no such illation And yet this must be acted and preached before his Maiestie and that by a Prelat that all Puritans are such and a thousand such impieties are dayly layd to their charge Yea what wickednes is there that they are not dayly accused of to King and Nobles both priuatly and publickly I haue heard many Sermons at the Court yet neuer did I heare any wherein I saw not the Puritan brought vp with one scorne or other and some notorious lyes told of them So that I wonder not that those poore men are thought so euilly of though a most innocent and harmles people as any liues upon the earth For when the place of God it self from whence truth should onely sound is made a theater of lying and false accusations no wonder that the Kings Maiesty and nobles of the Kingdome haue a prejudicat opinion of them they call Puritans when they expect nothing but truth and veritable narrations from that place In my yonger dayes that I may in some thing relate my owne condition I was bred in as great a hatred of Puritans as any tender yeares was capable of as it is well knowne and thought those men not worthy to liue yet knew not any of them our Country hauing then scarce two in it neither was there a sermon perhaps in halfe a yeare thereabouts and that read out of a paper booke and halfe of it commonly was rayling against the Puritans But whē it pleased God that some of those that spake euillest of them through surfetting and excesse had brought themselues to languishing sicknes and after to death it selfe I say when those men in their greatest extremities chose rather to trust them yea and to preferre them before there owne brethren and niest kins-folks and bequeath their children estats into their hands and then being also demanded the reason of such trust and confidence in them whom they had reputed the worst of men before and most of all traduced and hated they then openly declared themselues and their opinion of them saying that they were now dying men and that it was now time to speake the truth and that they in their harts beleiued they were the true seruants of the Lord howsoeuer despised and contemned in the world and withall they desired that their soules might goe the way that theirs went I say when I saw such a wonderfull change in these men who were men many of them of knowledge and vnderstanding in all religions and some of them trauellars and courtiers and that now on their death beds they should giue such an approbation and so honourable testimony of those men of whom they had in their prosperity spoken so maliciously I being then of yeares of descretion and better able to discerne and iudge of things that differ began more seriously to consider of that matter and soe much the more studious I was because I had in some sort seene the vanity of all pleasures hauing indeed been bred in nothing else The right way then to find blessednes was my onely ayme which through Gods speciall fauour benediction vpon my earnest endeauours dayly reading of the word and holy scriptures priuat duties godly society and frequent hearing of the word which is onely able to saue our soules I found out to the prayse and honour of his name be it spoken And I then well perceiued looking into the liues and maners of men that those that were comonly branded with the name of Puritans were the happiest and that if any were eternally blessed they were such of them as squared there liues in sincerity according to their profession And least that I might through an ouerweening conceit of some seeming blessednes in them be mistaken I contented not my self with home comparing of men and domesticall experience but I resolued to seek out still a more excellent way if there were any whereupon I went into forraine nations and liued among all sorts of men and in the greatest Princes Courts conuersing among all ranks and orders of them and that many yeares and amongst all professions Courtiers Soldiers Scholars citizens merchants and among all sects of factions and religions and examining all those in the ballance of Iudgment I found none in life and death happy and truely comfortable but those that are branded with the name of Puritans or at least those that liue and die in their faith And for my owne particular to speake now my conscience I had rather goe the way of the meanest Puritans that liue and die according to their profession then of the greatest Prelats that euer liued vpon the earth and this I speake in the presence of God for of the ones happinesse I am as sure as the word of God is sure and of the others I can promise nothing hee liuing in rebellion to God all the dayes of his life and his repentance not knowne vnto mee And notwith standing I say all rhis that these are such an holy people yet are they made but the off-scouring of the world and of all things and brought vpon euery stage and into the pulpit as fittest for ludibry by the Players Preists and Prelats yea and in their Courts it is enough to ruine a mans cause if his aduersary can but taint him with the name of a Puritan but most especially are they vilely abused by the Preists and Prelats in their Pulpits Now I say if it be lawfull in them to make playes of honest men and to faine what they please against them I pray let it be lawfull in mee in merriment to speake the truth of them which as neare as I can I will not transgresse If some shall say they haue not so great traynes nor so much adoe in their marching I affirme that at all tymes they goe more like Princes then humble Ministers of Christ and the Apostles Successors of whom we neuer reade they came euer in coach or on horseback but when Paul was mounted by autority or that they had euer a seruant to attend them much lesse such pompe and state yet one of them conuerted more soules in one day then all the Prelats euer did that euer I read of neither to speake truely haue I heard of any they euer conuerted but of many thousands they haue confounded But now to the matter in hand because one of their abetters sayd not long since that they had not such attendance as I accuse them of I say if they haue lesse company one day they haue more an other and whether they be their owne or others Seruants when they are in their Company be they the Nobles themselues they are all their attendants and the best of them most hartily glad if by their seruice they can please them and we know it vsuall that the denomination of the retinue is alwayes from the greatest and they are sayd to be his followers And I haue heard the
their traditions before his most holyest lawes and precepts and by them transgresse the lawes of God scandall and offend their brethren yea punish the meanest neglect of them or the speaking against them more seuerely then the breach of all Gods comandements I say these things must needs exceedingly prouoke the Lord when mens deuices shall be so aduanced and promoted and when the Gospell and the poore members of Christ are stamped vnder foot and droue by vnkind vsage both out of the Kingdome What may we thinke you now promise vnto our selues IN THESE SAD TIMES BVT SPEEDY PERDITION for as our sauiour sayd those that despise his true messengers despise him and those that despise him despise him that sent him that is God himself As the Gospell hath euer brought peace plenty happy dayes and good gouerment where euer it hath become as all the places in England can tell where it hath been faithfully preached as all England in generall can witnes what good we haue receiued by it so the contempt of it and the Ministers of the same will bring desolation and ruine vpon the whole land And if we shall now be contemnes of the Gospell and the Ministers thereof and aduancers of Superstition and make a mock of it what I say may we then looke for but speedy confusion and deplorable misery Truely it would greiue the hart of any that either loue God the King or their Country or their religion to see the strange metamorphosis of all things in this Kingdome to see how idolatry creepes up EVEN IN THE VNIVERSITYES TO POYSON the WHOLE REAL ME how in all places superstition is euery where preached vp both in Court and Country and what way there is made for subuerting of preaching and the bringing-in of human inuentions and apish ceremonyes in STEAD of the Gospell and the promulgation of the same which should saue mens soules What holinesse I pray is now a dayes placed in Churches and Chappels what adorning of them to the ruining of the parishes almost where they are what adoration to tables altars Syllables all contrary to the expresse commaund of God who hath sayd thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image or the likenes of any thing in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath thou shalt not bow downe to it or worship it Yet all this cannot restraine them for they auerre notwithstanding all this the place is holy and ought to be venerated What I beseech you is contempt of God if this be not It would pity and perplex the hearts of all those that truely feare the Lord to see what infinite costs haue within these few yeares been bestowed vpon chappels and Churches onely for the aduancing of superstition and to say now something of Paules how hath the whole country for aboue these fifty yeares been made fooles about that there hauing been so many gatherings made for it and Stones brought vp to it and preparations made for the repayring of it and after they haue pursed the mony what haue they done else but conuert it to their owne vse And now of late what immense summes of money haue been gathered for the same purpose I haue heard from IESVITS themselues that are well acquaynted with those businesses if not principall sticklers in them who I know at least are very ioyfull at such preparations that it AMOVNTETH to ABOVE TWO HVNDRED THOVSAND POVNDS that which hath already been gathered and remaynes yet to be payd which had been almost sufficient to haue built a royall house for the honour of the King and Kingdome and all this mighty masse of money must be spent in making a seate for a A PREISTS ARSE to sit in for it is cathedra Episcopi a Bishops chaire and for the Deane and subdeane and for the Prebends Canons Pety canons VERGERS QVIRISTERS c all to keepe the POPES SADDEL WARME as the Popelins themselues bragging prate The truth is the whole fraternity of that crew is but a generation of vipers whose imployment is nothing els but to mayntayne the superstition allready retayned to vsher in more and Popery it selfe vpon the first occasion and to sing Credos and anthems and exercise prophanenes Such droues of those vnprofitable Epicures there are through the Kingdome as deuoure more reuenues then all the Nobility of the kingdome or many mighty Prince enioyes And all this they possesse for the plauge of the Kingdome for the bringing-in of luxury idlenes superstition Popery and Idolatory the least of which sinnes are enough to moue the Lord to displeasure and all that I now speake you know to be true nay the whole Kingdome knoweth it well neither can there any good reason be giuen for the maintenance or vpholding of them without a pestilence and plauge be necessary for the honour of a State and Kingdome which all that rabble rout are to ours and all Conntryes where they dwell and the very truth is the Papists and they are all one the one as profound idolaters as the other and so say the Papists themselues that if it were not for the Puritans they should quickly accord and so the Papists haue told mee twenty times at home and abroad and therefore they so hate them they stigmatize with the name of Puritans What a lamentable thing is this then that this Kingdome should harbour then within it selfe it s owne destruction AND BESTOW VPON THAT VERMIN SVCH MIGHTY REVENVE and all for the eating out of the bowels of their mother Time doubtles it is that the King and State should looke speedily to them yea it is high time and so much the more it concernes his Maiesty in that they pretend his authoritie for all their wickednes and getting his hand abuse his whole kingdome in pillaging and poling of it and in inslauing his subiects vpon euery slight occasion and make them vnable to yeild vnto the Kings most vrgent necessityes which when through mere indigency they are found fayling in then they hauing the Kings royall eare cry these are the Puritans that deny yon highnes their assistance in time of your occasions when they haue been impouerished by their exactions and by their wicked Courts and thus they abuse both the King and his people as all the world knoweth well and therefore I say due time it is that his Maiesty should looke a little into these things And so much the rather because all these their deuillish plots are for the ADVANCING OF POPERY which will be the bane of him his and the whole realme and the ruine of all things at last What impudency allready the Prelats are come to the cry of the whole Kingdome can witnes Their late proceedings in the Fast businesse can tell for howsoeuer it pleased his royall maiesty out of his pious zeale to proclaime a Fast through the kingdome for the humbling of the people for their sinnes and commanded that the same booke of prayers should be reprinted which had been set forth
by publick authority in former calamityes of plague and pestilence the prelats contrary vnto his royall proclamation see out an other or at least left out many things of purpose that rended to the beating downe of Popery and superstition and other things to the dishonour of him and his nighest Allies a horrible affront against regall command and would haue cost any other Subiect as much as he had been worth deseruedly that should thus dispise his Imperiall Maiestics Proclamation and often declarations but the PRELATS may commit any insolency against the King and his people and no body dare say why doe you so it is enough that they seeme to fauour the prerogatiue royall though by their actions they conculcate it which makes vs thinke now that it was their inuention likewise to silence all the lectures in London and in all infected places that in as much as in them lyes they might aduance their damnable superstitions and idolatryes And to what end else should such preaching vp of ALTARS in all places meane such vrging of beautifying of temples such bowing to altars tables at the letters and syllables of Iesus if they had not some great designe of innovation For these things vsed not to be within these few yeares and cannot churches be comely mayntained as they haue formerly been but the whole kingdome must be troubled about them for their sumptuosity and the furnishing of them with fopperies fit for nothing but to prouoke God to anger and who hath expresly said he is not pleased with such things There was a wise Deane not long since who it seemes had been a little before in heauen for he brought news fram thence that Saint Paul was very merry and glad to see their loue towards him and that the King and Nobles were so ready to yeild their helping hands towards his releife in bestowing new cloths vpon him or rather mending his old ones and that Paules it selfe and the very stones did reioyce that the reparations went on soe prosperously and many a fine thing he had to this purpose concerning that holy place for so he termed it But I dare presume in saying that Paul was very glad to see their loue to him in repayring that raw bond building he preached then without his book which Deanes seldome doe before the King I beleeue if Paul were vpon the earth to see what they now doe about that businesse he would giue them as little thanks for that endeauour and for all their paynes as he did at Lystra to the Preists of Iupiter that would haue sacrificed to him and Barnabas No without doubt it would exceedingly trouble and perplex Paul who hated all superstition and such like trumperies as may easily be seene in the seuententh of the Acts where be reprehends the Athenians for their superstition and care about temples and told them that God dwelt not in temples made with hands nor had no need of such deuices and earnestly dehorted them from all such doings and shall we now thinke though a Deane sayes it that Paul would preach an other doctrin contrary to that No no Paul was no temporiser he stood allwayes to his principles and abhorres all such fooleries and impietyes His whole study was how to build vp the true temples and Churches of God in their most holy faith and how to preach and promulgate the Gospell and how to promote the honor of it by his Sufferings and by teaching and instructing the people night and day from house to house His care was not taken vp in making of houses and edifices magnificent or repayring them fit for nothing but superstition and idolatry and the MAYNTENANCE OF IDLE ALBEY LVBBERS concerning which he giueth strict command that except they wrought and laboured with their hands they should not eate Paul indeed had the sollicitude of all the Churches continually lying vpon him and his whole study was to build and reedify them but they were the liuing temples and those indeed he built vp dayly in the knowledge of God and of themselues and with all tooke speciall care for the releife of the poore saints and how to procure aide and comfort vnto them in the times of their necessityes Yea so farr was Paul from putting men to vnnecessary expenses and burthening of them or any way charging of them about building of Churches that he would not be beholding to them for the repayring of his owne body the Temple of the holy Ghost but laboured with his owne hands for his proper maintenance and preached the Gospell to them gratis and that night and day and thought no time enough for that holy duty And shall wee then thinke when Paul was such an aduancer of preaching and such a publisher of the Gospell and so great a hater of superstition and idolatry that hee now is well pleased with the supperfluous repayring of THAT IDOL TEMPLE and the prouiding of a place for such droanes as he thought not worthy to eate Nay I dare maintaine out of Pauls owne doctrine that those infinit summes of money to haue been bestowed vpon the poore indigent brethren would haue been farre more pleasing vnto God for the poore are in the world for the exercise of mens charity and for the common good of kingdomes but of such reparations and buildings there comes neither honor to God nor the King pretend Popelins what they will And all this I say I am ready to make good But to such a passe are times now come that the Pulpits which should be the place of God and his truth are now become stages to make playes on and to vent lyes impiety superstition and idolatry But one of the greatest hypocriticall mockeries of all the rest is their capping and crouching at the name of Iesus and the vrging of all men to doe the same Nay some say they make the PRINCE of WALES to doe it I say in that their damnable hypocrisy is seene for howsoeuer they vrge the obseruation of that ceremony and custome more then they doe the keeping of any command of God and punish the neglect of it with more seuerity then the transgression of the whole law yet there is not one word of warrant for it in all the booke of God the very place they pretend no way fauouring them nor their procedings being the 2. to the Philippians 10 To say nothing of the opinion of all antiquiry that is against them nor how that text by all the torrent of moderne learned men is interpreted contrary to their opinion and by both ancient and neoterick Expositers applyed to the confuting of damnable hereticks and not for the bringing-in of apish tricks in the seruice and worship of God But to come now to the words let vs see whether the Prelats doe that the text inioynts which is the thing they so earnestly vrge The words are these That at the name of Iesus euery knee should bow of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder