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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04477 A sermon made in latine in Oxenforde in the raigne of King Edwarde the sixt, / by the learned and godly father Iohn Iuel, late Bishop of Sarisburie, and translated into Englishe, by R.V. Dedicated vnto the Bishop of London, as appeareth in the Commentarie of Ma. Caluine, vpon the Galathians, in Englishe. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Vaux, Robert. 1581 (1581) STC 14609.5; ESTC S106654 14,237 44

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Howe ofte hath Christ himselfe sayde Ierusalem Ierusalem how oft woulde I haue gathered together thy Children as the henne gathereth together her Chickens whereas they turned awaye their eares and would not heare This maladie will easily be taken away if the medicine therefore bee vsed Let vs bring forth the light and God will open their eyes let vs beate at their eares and god will giue them a hart of flesh Lette vs giue the worde and God will giue the spirite let vs plante and water and god in due time will giue the increase For as it is our duetie to instructe the people with wordes so it belongeth to God to ioyne vnto his wordes fayth and force Such is the strength of the word of God that to worke nothing or to profite none it is not possible Much will fall into the bushes into the beaten waye and among stones yet some will fall into good groūd and bring forth fruite For looke as the rayne commeth downe from heauen and returneth not thither againe but moystneth and watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and giueth seede to the sower and bread to him that eateth so my worde sayth the Lord whiche goeth forth out of my mouth shall not returne empty vnto me but shall doe whatsoeuer I will But because it is not ynough to speak let vs now consider that which in the seconde place I haue promised namelye what is to bee spoken For some otherwhile speake who had bene better haue helde their peace othersome while they make a noyse and crie out with greate contention speake to no purpose Wherfore regard must be had that we neyther speake vnfruitefullye ne yet hurtfullye For all thinges are not to be hudled out in a sermon before the multitude Wee muste take care what the Religious silence of the people what the reuerence of the place what the greatnesse of our office doe require The truth muste bee spoken not lies the Scriptures not fables the preceptes of the highest God and not the dreames of men For religion is to be ordred not by our iudgement but by the worde of GOD. Wherein if we shall hearken to Moses or to the Prophets or the Apostles or Christe or the Father himselfe wee shall not much goe oute of the waye For Moses whatsoeuer was to be sayde or done in so great a wildernesse when he ledde the people being banished and wandering by a sauage and desert region alwais asked counsaile at y e Lord he neuer brought thē any thing of his own head The Prophets always say the word of y e Lord the vision of y e Lord the voice of y e Lord this saith the Lord heare the Lord. I sayth Paule haue receaued my Gospell not of man neyther by man agayne I know nothing but Iesus Christ the same crucified And again If an Angell frō heauē shall teach another gospell then y t which you haue lerned let him be cursed christ sayth al thinges which I haue heard of my father I haue deliuered vnto you preach you sayth he not whatsoeuer shal come in your head but y e Gospel to al creatures whē as y e Pharises Saduces had moued the questions of diuorcement the resurrection of the dead vnto life he neuer had recourse vnto the Rabins but alwaies to the word of the Lord. God the father crying from Heauen This saith he is my dearelye beloued Sonne He sayeth not Heare your Fathers your Graundfathers or your great Graundfathers but he sayeth Heare him euen him For our heauenly Father woulde haue his sonne his word to be taughte and to bee beate into mens heades in all places And certainly it may not be douted of by any man but that that whiche the most excellent most wise and most liuing father hath giuen vnto vs for our cause is most excellent most wise and to our reasons most profitable This is that riuer of water flowing abrode into life euerlasting This is that flesh this is that blood of Iesus Christ this is that onely both most delicate most wholsome foode of our soules with this only sworde the deuill is ouercome with this onely stone Goliah is layde along with this onelye Maule the roughnesse and hardnesse of hartes is softened and ouercome And were it not for this neither could religion florish nor faith bee confirmed or the Churche kepte within the limites of her duetie Call to remembrance I beseech you for the Lordes sake that as oft as the worde of the Lorde languished howe often and into how many greeuous errors and how great a breakenecke euill did the whole people fall into how oft despised they the mightiest and moste louing God their preseruer and Father how oft worshipped they Astaroth Beliall the Sonne the Moone Calties and beastes and turned away themselues from all religion and godlinesse put their whole hope and confidence in thinges most vain and filthie For when as euery one hatched out of his owne mind a religion and holynesse vnto himselfe superstition and such a multitude of new Gods increased so sodainly that the Prophet was enforced to crie out your Gods are in number as many as your cities For whē as they had forsaken the truth life and religion what remayned but that they should fall hedlong into lies into destruction into vngodly worshippinges I had rather make mention of these olde thinges than to bring in examples which are fresh and in memorie There is none of vs that euer was so blinde that he saw not or so blockish that he vnderstoode not the calamitie of former tymes We haue far gon beyonde not only the superstitiō and vanitie of the Iewes but also of the Egiptians and Grecians For when the authoritie of Councels and the conspiracie of a few Bishops and Monkes was placed aboue y e scriptures when it was douted whether y e Romish bishop were a man or a God and whether he could sin when all thinges were referred to the constitutions of men nothing to the knowledge of Christ when sales of pardons vowes and masses were made openly without al shame when y e sacramentes were miserably torne in peeces when the worde of God was condemned of fraude heresie when nothing was left found pure from superstition when error possessed all things and the truth could not be heard where then or what Church of God was there It was heresie in those dayes not y e disagreede from the scriptures but frō that which liked a few Bishops For the gospell was thrust into corners nothing was left to the iudgement of Christ Our gods were not then according to the nūber of our cities but they were as manye as we had streats yea almost houses So were all thinges vtterly out of frame for that religion depended not on the worde of God but on the wil of man These horrible cases bretheren may warn vs that we neuer vnaduisedlye departe from the word of
God And thereof it is that al the scriptures doe mooue vs so often so diligently that we neither ad any thing to the word of God nor take ought therfrō nor that we bow to the right hand or the left Neither would the Lord y t we shold be Princes and Iudges but messengers ministers of his worde For looke what serueth to our saluation vnto godlines al that hath God himself set downe in his lawes For the holy scripture as Paule saith inspired by God is profitable to doctrine to reproue to correctiō to instruction y t the man of God may be perfect instructed to euery good work y t the man of God saith he may be perfect sound as far as is requisite either to godlinesse or maners y t he shold in euery respect be perfectly furnished now I pray you what shold God his embassador bring forth vnto god his people rather then the word of God He that is an Embassador in ciuile affairs if perhaps he say any thing beside y t which is cōmaunded him he is accused that he hath not don his embassade rightly he is called to his triall he is araigned vpon life and death and why doe not we with like fidilitie handle the worde of God But too too good God too too secure a mynd my brethren too too secure a mynd be wee of And as though men alone could not be deceaued so do we hold so doe we defende that alonely which is come from our forefathers There were among the Iewes manye Murtherers theeues and adulterers and yet did not Christe enuey eyther more often or more bitterlye againste any than againste the Phariseis Scribes you breake sayth he the commaundement of God for your owne traditions In vayne doe you worship me teaching doctrines and the preceptes of men They are blind guides of the blinde Harlots and sinners shall goe into the kingdome of God before you How often and with what wordes doeth the Lorde in the Prophets complayn of this Be astonished yee Heauens saith he My people haue done two euils they haue forsaken me the fountayne of liuing water and haue digged vnto themselues broken Cesternes which canne holde no waters What is chaffe compared with Wheate what is the rashnesse of men compared with the eternall will of God For Basill doth say that that man which dareth put to or take away any thing frō the scriptures of God is eyther a feeble Christian or a notable arrogant fellowe To put to the word of God the inuentions of men what other thing may it seeme thā to mingle new wine not with olde wine but with wine that is deade and with lees or dregges and to ioyne light with darkenesse a wilde beast with a man a man with God My thoughtes are not your thoughts nor my ways are not your wayes sayeth the Lorde for looke how farre the heauen is from the earth so farre are my wayes from your wayes and my thoughtes from your thoughtes Nay rather looke how farre a man is distaunt from God so farre is the vnderstanding of man distaunte from the word of God For although very much by the iudgement of all men is to be giuen to the Fathers yet were they men and also might erre Truelye to speake nothing else of them they did oftentimes verye ill agee mong themselues about verye great and weighty matters But the word of god is sure firme certayn appointed for euery time Peter would haue this kind of learning to be deliuered vnto y e people in a sermō And he y t wil haue doings her in with the people must first bee instructed himselfe with the word of God y t he may vtter the word as inspired with an heauēlye power O if Peter were nowe aliue What would he say or rather what wold he not say seing that religion godlinesse the scriptures are all passed into the inuentions dreames of men That is only in question at these dayes whether the customes of mē are rather to be retained or y e lawes of God That alone hath moued these turmoiles that hath stirred the whole world whether more credite is to be giuen vnto a man or vnto god I know y t these thinges seeme new to the most of you not to be beleued but put frō you I beseech you your affectiōs y e opinion of things which you haue alredy cōceiued you shal well perceaue y t I faine nothing for the times sake but that I speake the thing it self Christ hath ordeined the holy Communion in remembraunce of himselfe men doe neither retayne anye remembrance of Christ nor yet Cōmuniō but haue chaunged all the whole matter into a gay shew and almost a stage play Christ sayth Yee shall haue the poore alwayes with you but me ye shal not haue alwaies I leaue the world and go to my father It is expedient for you that I go away and Christ spake this not of his Godhead wherewith he was equal to the father or of his heauenlye nature but of his body Men saye that Christe neyther hath with his body left the world nor yet gone from hence to his father Paul saith that Christ is in heauen at the right hand of the father Peter sayth in the Actes of the Apostles Heauen must hold him vntil the time that al things are restored Men say That the body of Christ is in heauen and in earth both at once and is dispearced into an infinite multitude of places at one time Paule saith y t Christ hath once entred into the holy places hath with one only sacrifice one oblatiō made perfect al things Men say that they can sacrifice christ himself again euery day not only for remembraunce sake but in very deede and that in infinite places Christe sayth Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God and him only shalt thou serue Men worship the Eucharist alack the while being neyther Lord nor God but a sacrament of the Lorde without authoritie of the scriptures or exāple of the Apostles and that as God For by the liuing God I beseeche you consider in your myndes bretheren who euer I will not saye of the Apostles but of the holy fathers hath either worshipped the Sacrament himselfe or hath shewed it forth to bee worshipped of others I see that I speake these things not before the cōmon sort of men but before them who are profoundly learned I appeale to all your consciences I will vse in this matter youre owne testimonie Christ hath commaunded y e Sacramēt to be deliuered whole Men haue torne the same after a miserable maner Christ willed that nothing shoulde bee added to his lawe Men doe not only adde many thinges but y e same they preferre before the worde of God But why shoulde I recken vp more This onely will I speake and that in a worde they whiche broughte in transubstantiations masses calling vpon saints sole life purgatorie images vowes