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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02912 An advertisement or admonition, unto the congregations, vvhich men call the new fryelers in the lowe Countries, wrirten [sic] in Dutche. And publiched in Englis. VVherein is handled 4. principall pointes of religion. 1. That Christ tooke his flesh of Marie, haveing a true earthly, naturall bodie, 2. That a Sabbath or day of rest, is to be kept holy everie first day of the weeke. 3. That ther is no succession, nor privilege to persons in the holie thinges. 4. That magistracie, being an holy ordinance of God, debarreth not anie from being of the Church of Christ. After these followes certen demandes concerning Gods decree of salvation and condemnation. Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1611 (1611) STC 13053; ESTC S116912 57,734 190

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and allowe of some that hold and mainteyne no faith concerning where Christ had his Flesh and so do you approve and mainteyne them in their sinne for whatsoever anie holds or mainteynes not of saith is sinne and to be ignorant of anie part of that the scriptures hath manifested is sinne and to determyne to remaine ignorant and so to continewe unto the end is death for without repentance anie one sinne is death as Thappostle Iames sheweth Iam. 2.10 VVho soever shall kepe the whole law and yet faileth in one point he is giltie of all Deceyve not simple soules then by noriushing them in their sinne which you do in saying it is not needfull to salvation to knowe whence Christ had his Flesh as though there were anie part of the law or gospell not needfull to salvation And if there be anie part of the law not needfull then Christ need not to have come to fulfill the whole law which he did as he saith Mat. 5.17 And if there be anie part of the gospel of salvation which Christ hath purchased with his blood Ephe. 1.13.14 not needfull to salvation then Christ hath purchased more then is needfull In the feare of God walke not thus by your owne inventions leading and suffering simple soules to walke in the waies of death and condemnation Of the day of rest The second is that manie among you and how farr you are all poluted wee knowe not but have great cause to feare do professe practice not to kepe the seaventh day a day of rest holy vnto the lord abolishing herein the law which was given in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assemblie and which was written in the Tables with the finger of God as is shewed Exod. and Deut. ● 10 Of all wch whole law our saviour Christ saith Ma● 5 17.18 I am not come to distroy but to fulfill for truely I say vnto you till heaven and earth perish one jot● or one title of the law shall not scape till all thinge● be fulfilled not with standing all the spoken by God the father Iesus Christ his sonne manie of you with an high hand 〈◊〉 out and distroy one of these Ten Commandements written by the finger of God Exod. 34.28 and you will have but Nyne ren●g a sunder the law of God and casting away what is not pleasing vnto you Not holding the examples of the disciples of Christ a sufficient rule of direction for you who as is shewed Act. 20.7 and 1. Cor. 16.1 2. The first day of the weake came together to breake bread Vpon euery vvhich first day of the weeke when they were come together Paul ordeyned in the Churches that every one should lay aside for the necessitie of the Saincts that there might be no gathering when he came How will you be able to stand before the lord herein● H● hath established a law the which it is more easie that heaven and earth should passe away then that one title of the law should fall Iuc 16.17 And if you now be able to shewe which God forbid that anie should be so wicked as to enterp●ise that all these words spoken and written by God himself Remember the Sabath day to keepe it holy be no part jot nor tittle of this law then you have some cullor for the evill you practice and professe herein but dare anie moueth of blasphemy speake it or anie hand of blasphemy write it wee hope no why then give glory to God repent of this your sinne and pray the lord that if it be possible the thoughts of your harts the blasphemy of your mouethes and the wickednes of your hands may be forgiven you And sinne not as you do against God in turning away your feet from the Sabath of the lord and doeing your owne wills on his holy day wherein also you do wronge to man and beast to whome the lord hath in mercie given a speciall day of rest But yet further to shewe you that wich you shall never be able to annswere Our Sauiour Christ Mat. 24.20 speakeing of the distruction of Ierusalem which was to come to passe did long after his death saith Pray that your flight be not in the winter nor on the Sabath day sheweing vndenyably that ther should still remaine a speciall day of rest for the people of God to worship him on vpon which day Christs bidds them pray that their flight be not that they might not be forced to flie whē they should rest and worshipp God And if our Saviour Christ had ment that his disciples should have bene of your iudgment it had bene all one vpon what day their flight had bene God give you grace to see your great error herein that you may not still be hate full to God and men and Beasts And thus much of this except further occation be offered Omitting to shewe you all the confusion you bring into the Church when there shal be no day certen whereon the disciples ought to come together to edifie one an other to breake bread to pray and to gather for the Saincts if your rule be true which is as false as God is true they chuse whether they will come at all except you have authoritie to make a law to bind them which sure you have not from God even so do you confound hereby all due proceeding in the rule of admonition by the Church if there be no certen day when the Church are bound to meet But wee wi●l passe by this hopeing you will fall vnder the former ground and then you will easily see through the grace of God all these thinges and manie mo●e which accompanie that your error that do vtterly destroy all godlines Religion and the holy communion of Saincts Therefore repēt and forsake this your error for if you do thus distroy the lawe of God there can be no Religion of God in you Of Succession T● 〈…〉 your Leaders are 〈…〉 them that mainteyne a Succession and that 〈…〉 and you will have all 〈…〉 and tongues to come to you and 〈…〉 Ordinances of Christ and 〈…〉 administer in the holy 〈…〉 to you and 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 power and all the holy 〈…〉 with the man of sinne 〈…〉 called o● God and 〈…〉 vnder the 〈…〉 vnder the 〈…〉 Rom. 3.1.2 〈…〉 because 〈…〉 of God 〈…〉 your 〈…〉 manner of way 〈…〉 of credit to 〈…〉 but 〈…〉 confess● 〈…〉 and the 〈…〉 vnto 〈…〉 proceed from 〈…〉 Ierusalem 〈…〉 call your 〈…〉 you and 〈…〉 do to your 〈…〉 them to it and to them everlasting distruction in so d●ing and suffering them selves to be to dra●n Thus then 〈…〉 speake of the heavenly 〈…〉 And 〈◊〉 people shall 〈…〉 vp to the mountaine of the 〈◊〉 to the 〈…〉 of the God of 〈…〉 will 〈…〉 S●on and 〈…〉 manner speaketh 〈…〉 ●rd shall send the 〈…〉 these Prophecies 〈…〉 〈…〉 become 〈…〉 you this 〈…〉 〈◊〉 taught the 〈…〉 when he said 〈…〉 word of
to do all thinges if your rule of particuler proportion be good there is no such course nor proportion in the scriptures Iohn his example will not serve your turne for Iohn planted no Churches If you will have planters of Churches and that all men must come to them then must they needs be endued with like gifts as the first ●lanters were speake all languages as Th-appostles did worke miracles and not err in doctrine for the Lords hand is not shortned nor his grace and mercie lessned to his Church and people But if he send men with the same office and aucthoritie that he sent his Appostles he will for the honor of his owne name the advancement of his truth and good of his people give them the same gifts and not bring his truth and people in bondage to men full of errors ignorances and blindnes as you and all men are therefore be content to be biulders vpō the foundation layd and forbid not others to build thereon but let every man take heed how he buildeth vpon it 1. Cor. 3.10 This may suffice for this point and so wee come to that to the which the best approved amōgst you have had no word of annswere hetherto wee knowe you cā say nothinge for it holding your rule of Successiō according to your course and proportion except you wil be so very vnadvised as to hold proportion in one thinge no proportiō in another and this that wee intend to speake of is your ministry How come you to raise a ministry where is your particuler example your rule is that Elders must make Elders and none but Elders must administer in the holie thinges You raise baptisme after Iohns examples but how will you do to ordeyne Elders seeing you have no such exāple when you have done what device will you have to keepe this auctoritie to your selves This is your ground for your Succession as all had baptisme from Iohn the first baptizer so all must have baptisme from your first baptizer As all Churches proceeded from the first Church at Ierusalem so all Churches must proceeded from Ierusalem your first Church As Elders proceeded by ordination from the first Elders so all Elders must proceed by ordination from your first Elders heere is your proportion But how came your Elders by their ordination did they ordeyne themselves where is your example and proportion for that Did the Church ordeyne them then your proportion is gone for the first Elders were not so ordeyned Thus are you overtaken in your ground not seeing whether it ledd you Forsake it it shal be no disgrace for you to forsake error you shall therein shewe the true grace of God to be in you in denying your selves and your owne waies and advancing the way of the Lord. Hold you to the perfect rule that all gaynsaiers are not able to withstand which was given by the law giver and that is VVhere two or three are gathered together into my name there am I in the midst of them and whatsoever they bind on earth shal be bound in heaven and what soever they loose on earth shal be loosed in heaven Mat. 18.20.18 And 1. Cor. Knowe you not that yee are the Temple of god Lett no mā reioyce in men for all thinges are yours and 2. Cor. what Cōcord hath Christ with Be●all or what part hath the beleever with the infidell and what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols wherefore come out from amongst them and seperate yourselves saith the Lord touch none vncleane thinge I will receive you I wil be a father vnto you and you shal be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord almightie These three places of scripture proves thus much First that wheresoever two or three are gathered together in Christs name Christ is in the midst of them and they have power to bind and loose which is to receive in cast out to appoint Officers and to discharge and to administer in all the holy thinges for haveing Christ they have wi●h him all thinges also Rom. 8.32 Christs power cannot be devided from him therefore where he is his power must needs be he is a kinge where he is he gives power to his servants to serve him in all his ordinances The second place alleged confirmes this where it is said Let no man reioyce in men for all thinges are yours and in the 5. vers of this 1. Co● 3. saith The Appostle who is Paul and who is Appollos but the ministers by whome ye beleeved sheweing that the Cornithians were not the Temple of God neither had interest vnto all thinges because of their persons but because they beleeved their doctrine And wheresoever a compaine of men now shall beleeve their doctrine even they are the Temple of god and all thinges are theirs aswell as all thinges were the Corinthians The third place ●ore alleged proves who they are that Christ hath promissed to be in the midst of that is those that seperate themselves from Behall which are men without a yock from vnbeleevers from Idolls and which touch no vncleane thinge these are they that God will receive and amonge whome he will dwell walke and he wil be their God and father they shal be his people children they shall not need to respect the persons of men as hath bene shewed for by the free gift of Gods grace through their faith in Christ all thinges are thens Will anie men not withstanding all this say that anie people or congregation seperated from all vncleannes may not enioy Christ and all the holy ordinances without they be admitted there vnto by other ●en Did Th-appostle Paule disclayme both for himself and Cephas Appollos from all previlige vnto their persons teach the corinthians that their persons gave not them interest vnto the holie things but their doctrine through their owne faith and dare anie challenge previlege vnto their persons so take away the the aucthoritie of Th-appostles doctrine ministerie that is still in as good force aucthoritie as ever in the scriptures And by whose ministerie doctrine what people soever beleeves at this day all thinges are therin by faith in the scriptures not by Succession from men Heere wee desire that all men that have anie vprightnes of ●art would enter into a due consideration of the depth of 〈◊〉 error of Succession from or by the persons of men And through gods assistance wee will endeavour to speake what wee are able for the discoverie of this error which is so great dangerous of the sharpe bitter fruites whereof wee have deepely taisted our vvounds are yet fresh greene but not vvithstanding by the grace of God vvee vvill not be provoked to speake beyond the bounds of sobriet●e herein and to proceed herein by the most easie plaine and evident vvay to our best vnderstandings VVee intreat you and all men vvith all holy
not have Magistrats administer with the sword for Sathan deceaves you thereby and makes you more pitifull then god therein you sinne most greviou●ly when you reioyce in your selves and thinke you do exceeding well But the thinge that mi●leads you all is this because you can see no sworde but the sword of the spirit and no armor but spirituall armor in the kingdome of Christ and therefore the disciples of that kingdome say you must have no other weapons nor put on no other armor and then can there be no putting to death nor anie warr neither ought to be but all spirituall Suffer our folishnes if wee seeme as fooles to speake thus vnto you Even so in the kingdome of Christ there is no treasure but spirituall treasure no baggs but spirituall baggs Luk. 12.33 No buildings but spirituall buildings No apparell but spirituall apparell 1. Pet. ● 3 No meate but spirituall meate Rom. 14.17 If then you will cast away all weapons and armor but such as the disciples of Christ vse in his Kingdome so must you also cast away all your baggs and treasure and all your buyldings and houses and you must weare no apparell but spirituall apparel eate no meate but spirituall meate If to all this it be answered that in the new Testament the lawfull vse of al these things be allowed wee answere even so is the lawfull vse of Magistracie with the sword to punish evill doers allowed and approved in the new Testament as is proved from Rom. 13. which no man with anie good conscience shall ever be able to gain say To conclude wee in love beseech you to see what an extreame straite you are brought vnto wee meane all these that hold Magistrats may not be of the Church of Christ and retaine their Magistracie that you must say that Magistracie is not an holie ordinance of god and that all that is done by the power and aucthoritie thereof is sinne and therefore Magistrats may not be admitted to be of the Church of Christ except they cast away their Magistracie for if you confesse that it is an holie ordinance of god and that the administration and execution thereof and whatsoever is done by the power and authoritie of the same according to the word of god in the punishing of evil doers and praising rewarding the weldoers be good and holie iust in the sight of God then may Magistrats be of the Church of Christ and retaine their Magistracie for no man may be debarred out of the church of Christ for doeing of that which is holie and iust good But to deale yet more plainely with you that the vttermost depth of your error may be discovered that you and all men may vtterlie detest and abhorr it If you will say that Magistrats are no otherwise the ministers of god but as the devills are which one of our owne countrimen the forenamed Mr. lervase Nevile falling vpon this and others your errors most blasphemously hath affirmed except you will also hold the same which god forbid that anie child of god should do you can never deny Magistrats for being of the Church of Christ for if you confesse that they are the holie and good ministers of god applieing then selves there vnto then how can you deny them as vnfitt to be members of the Church of Christ and that onely because they the holie and good ministers of god retayne that their ministerie office and calling wherevnto they are appointed of God And now may you see that wee had iust cause in the begining of this question to endeavor to shewe that the lord requireth a diligent faithfull willing obedience of Magistrats But the devills obey of force and against their will And God doth never make them ministers of his mercie to anie but wee see heere God hath ordeyned Magistrats his ministers for good both in mercie and justice aswell to reward the weldoers as to punish the evill doers Of all the people vpon earth none have more cause to be thankfull to God for this blessed ordinance of Magistracie then you and this whole countrie and nation in that God hath by his power and aucthoritie given vnto you magistrats who have so defēded deliuered you frō the hād of a cruell distroyer will you not withstanding contemne this his holie ordinance and accounte it as a vile thinges far be it from you to continewe in this your so great evill Thinke not that in the handling of this point wee seeke to bring your persons in question or contempt with the higher powers the lord knowes wee have no such intent wee knowe their worthie patience in bearing with your great weaknesses herein but to bring this error into contempt amonge you that you might forsake it that is it wee see●e and that the simple harted might not be betrayed with it as they are not knoweing how farr that de●pfull opinion leads them and all vnder a shewe of Godlines Much more might be said then wee are able to say and wee would willingly have said something● 〈…〉 this point of others but that it is so difficult to get it sett over into you 〈…〉 say thus much more vnto you 〈…〉 you to tread vnder foote this vnholie disposition that seemes to be so holie and makes you flatters your selves and thinke your selves most holie herein and that is in that you would not have evill doers punished with the sword You please your selves much in your pittifull dispositions herein and thinke you please God when it is most evident that you sinne greviously herein for it is the good will pleasure and comaundement of God that evill doers should be punished by the sword and to that end he hath given power and aucthoritie to Magistrats and you contrarie to the good will and pleasure of God would not have evill doers punished with the sword Is not this your great sinne to be contrarie mynded to God take heed least by this your disposition you could also wish or disire that wicked men dieing in their sinne might not be damned whereby you should wish the vtter dishonor of God for then should the enimies of God triumphe over him and then would they much God to scorne and have him in great derision but God shall laugh at their distruction and mocke when their feare cometh Pro. 1.26 And all the Saincts of God shall reioyce with him Reuel 18.20 And if the Saincts in heaven reioyce and praise God when he punisheth and taketh vengance on the wicked ought not the Saincts vpon earth to reioyce and praise God when they see or heare that the evill doers are punished heere on earth by such power and aucthoritie as god hath appointed And they are the more to praise God seeing the holie ghost doth testifie that it is for their wealth what great sinne of ingratitude and vnthankfulnes is this then in all you that so disaprove of Magistrats and of their punishing of evill doers by the