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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02503 [The courte of vertue.] Hall, John, b. 1529 or 30. 1565 (1565) STC 12632; ESTC S105963 112,237 362

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hearde The prayse of men whiche they desyre Is only their rewarde But at suche tyme as thou wylt praye Into thy chamber go A faythfull and a contrite harte Prayer must Issue fro And when thou hast closed thy dore And shut out wordly care And vayn thoughtes of this wretched worlde Thy prayer then declare Vnto thy god and father dere Whiche is in secrete still Seing the bothom of eche harte Eche thought eche worke and wyll Whoe will rewarde thee in such wise That it shall well appere That he hath heard thy hartes requeste Moste lyke a father dere But in thy prayer bable not With many wordes and vayne As Heathen men whiche thinke therby their purpose to obteyne It is the harte and not the lyppes Wherby thou mayste aspyre Thy sute to god for to attayne And to haue thy desyre The harte I saye both cleane and pure Must be the very meane For lips doe but prouoke gods wrath Where hartes be founde vncleane For god doth knowe before you speak● Your nede and all your lacke And wyll you kepe it you be iuste That nought shall goe to wracke And erre thou praye bethynke thy self Who did the hurt or greue Refrayne thy wrath in continent And louyngly forgeue If thou forgeue not other men Their trespasses and cryme Thinke not that god will thee forgeue Thy faultes at any time Contrariwyse if thou forgeue Suche as did the vnryght God by his promis wyll thee here And shewe the mercy bryght And where thou hast done any hurte It is not worth the whyle To praye before thou make amendes And thy selfe reconcyle But when thou art prepared thus In all pointes as I saye With pure harte in moste humble wyse On this sorte see thou praye Pater noster O Lorde that art our only god And father of vs all In heauen whiche arte resident To thee we crie and call Thy holy and thy blessed name That we may sanctifie Graunt that we may for euer vse The same reuer ently Oh let thy kyngdom downe descende And alwayes vs protecte That we may reigne in peace and ioye Whiche are thyne owne electe Thy worthy wyll let it be done Of worldly wretches here As it in heauen euer is Among thy saintes moste dere Our daily bread geue vs this daye Our bodies to susteyne And to our soules thy blessed worde Thy truthe styll to mainteyne Both for the body and the soule Relieue vs with thy store That we therby may taste thy grace This daye and euer more Our trespasses our great sinnes Redeme and clene forgeue As we forgeue and mercy take On them that doe vs greue O lorde into temptation Aboue our strengthe and powre Doe not leade vs at any tyme Least Sathan vs deuowre But with thy grace defende vs styll Let not thy goodnes cease But from all euylles vs defende Delyuer and release For onely to thee doth belonge The kyngdome very ryght The power and gloryous maiestie For euer so be it ¶ The abridgement of our Christen beleefe written as some suppose into .xii. Articles by the .xii. holy apostels of our sauiour Iesus Chryste THe .xii. Apostelles of Iesus our lorde After their holy preachyng a long tyme And settyng forth of goddes most holy worde Preaching repentaunce from al synne and cryme Yet not withstandinge all their dilygence Mistaking of goddes worde dyd make offence For many heresyes dyd then aryse And mysbele●e in god our lorde aboue By mystakyng and worldely wyt lyke wise Whiche made from true fayth many to remoue For carnall reason walketh styll astray And vnto fayth dothe alwayes disobay These holy preachers therfore thinkinge best In this turmoyle to set order and staye Dyd then deuyse bothe vnto most and least Of true beleefe a breefe and perfect waye That all men might as well the younge as o●lde Sone lerne the same and in memory houlde Syth then the holy ghost hath taught vs thus It doth behoue that we dilygently Do learne the same to knowe and to discusse And kepe eche parte therof most faythfull Wherefore the summe of it I wyll reherse As here doth folowe in this kynde of verse Credo in deum patrem I Do beleue with stedfast true intent In God the father which is of all myght Who made heauen earth and al their whole content The nyght the day the darkenes and the lyght And I beleue in Iesus Christ our lorde Hys onely sonne thee uerlastyng worde Which of the holy ghost conceyued was And of the most pure virgyn Mary borne And vnder Ponce Pylat as came to passe Suffred and on the crosse was rente and torne And beyng dead was buryed in the ende And also downe into hell dyd descende And the thirde day accordyng to scripture He rose from death to perfect lyfe agayne And vp to heauen he ascended sure On god the fathers ryght hande to remayne Till at the last he once agayne shall come Both quicke and deade to iudge by rightfull dome I also beleue in the holy ghoste And in the church of chryst catholycall And of the sayntes the communion moste The forgeuenes of myne offences all And this our fleshe shall ryse agayne at last And I beleue eternall lyfe to taste Amen ¶ The songe of prayse and thankesgeuinge of blessed Mary the vyrgyn mother of our lorde and sauiour Iesus Chryst after the salutation of the Angell Gabriell and of Elizabeth mother of blessed Iohn baptist written Luke the j. Chapter Magnificat anima mea My soule truelye Shall magnifye The lorde and hym honour So shall my sprite Ioy and delyghte In god my sauyour Hys eyes he stayd On hys handmayde In poore and lowe degree And kinreds all From henceforth shall Knowe me blessed to be For he whose myght Excelleth ryght Hath exalted my ●ame Doynge to me Great thinges and hye And holy is is name His mercy sure Doth aye endure And doth not wast nor weare In kynredes all Continuall That do hym loue and feare He in his powre Hath at this howre His arme put forth at length The prowde abowght Bringeth to nowght What so their hartes inuenth He putteth downe From their renowme The mighty and the stronge And doth vp set In honour great The meeke that suffer wronge And he doth styll Both fede and fyll All those that hunger payne And doth them good When without foode The ryche empty remayne He hath in minde His mercy kynde His folke to helpe and saue His seruantes well Euen Israell That for his mercy craue As he like wise Dyd once promyse To Abraham before Our fathers olde that fayth dyd holde And their sede euermore Glory and prayse And laude alwayes Vnto the trynitie With one accorde Prayse we the lorde One god and personnes three As hath ben aye And at this daye Continueth as yet And shall extende Worlde without ende For euer so be it Finis ¶ The songe of prayse and thankes geuinge of holy Zachary father of Saynct Iohn baptist beinge restored to
estate to tary styll What call ye then the vyle estate As some doo iudge this is the thyng If my superior doo me hate And would me to displeasure bryng And that also without desert If reason may the cause decerne And haue disdeyn for my true heart Wherfore to please I am to lerne Yet is myn heart determind sure If truth and reason take no place Of suche disdeyne to take no cure But wyse men rather wyll imbrace For yf wysedome were noblenes As noble byrthe and ryches is Then should not truth be in dystres And flattrye should of fauor mis. So flattrye and bland eloquence Should as they are be compted vyle And truth should then make none offence Nor vertue reigne in suche exyle Blamd but not shamd the prouerbe is And truth can haue none other wrong So may they hap theyr marke to mys That thinke them selues in falshod strōg Then hated lo I must reioyce And fonde regarde despyse as vayne Closing my mouth stoppyng my voyce From speache in presence of disdayne ¶ An holsome warning for all men that beare the name of Christians to lyue Christianly O Harke a whyle vnto my style all ye that Christians be that beare that name and doe not frame your liues accordingly Is Fayth in syche As beyng ryche Though they doo Christ professe That euery houre Do Christe deuoure And his poore flocke oppresse For we are all As sayth sayn● Paule Membres of one body Of Christe Iesu ● round of vertue And of all veritie Then the poore man As proue I can Is Christ his member true As well as he What so he be That ryches doth endue Why should ye then To symple men Beare suche despight and hate Syth they be all In Christ equall With you in all estate Christ his kyngdome Was neuer wonne By wealth or hygh degree All though that here Some doo appere To reygne in dignitie Then let none thynke That Christ wyll shrynke When he shall iudge vs all Of all your wealth So got by stelthe You to accompt to call When yf he fynde Ye were vnkynde To your poore brethern dere Then wyll he say Go from me aye Into eternall fyre When I lackt meate And fayne would eate In sycknes thyrst and cold● In all my nede Not one good dede That you to me doo wold Then wyll ye say Wythout delay Lord when dyd we thee see Lacke any foode To doo thee good And dyd it not to thee And he agayne Shall answer playne I truely say to you Ye styll oppreste And muche detest The poore my members true When ye therfore Did them abhorre That ●re of lowe degree To me alone And other none Ye did that iniury Saint Iohn doth proue We can not loue God whom we doe not see If we doe hate Our brethern that Are present to our eye Nowe call for grace Whyle ye haue space Your wycked lyues amende And so procede In worde and dede True Christians to the ende ¶ A short song exhorting all men to abstayne from the vse of false weyghtes and measures MY harte constraines my mouth to tell the dutie of eche worldly wight howe they be taught in the gospell one with other to deale vpright with euen weightes ballance iust so doe we must So doe we must this is no naye Also with measure iust and true Who so doth not at the last day Ryght sore are lyke for it to rue When he shall goe for wante of breath Vnto his death Vnto his death when he must goe With painful panges and torment strong Then is he lyke to suffer wo For that his dealyng false and wrong Suche one is lyke in extreme payne For to remayne For to remayne wo worth the whyle That any man so fond should fare With othes his neighbour to beguyle When he should truly sell his ware O wherfore then d●o ye vnwyse Prudence despyse Prudence despyse that should so well L●ade you in Godly wayes and ryght And teache you also how to deale With your neyghbours iustly vpryght For he that to amend denayes Thus the Lorde sayes Thus the Lord sayth very certayn Such measure as ye mete to other Suche measure shall ye haue agayn How then yf you deceyue your brother Thynk you that God wyll forget thys No no Iwys No no Iwys ye may be sure For heauen and earth shall ioyntly sayl● ▪ But Gods word shall for euer dure In force and strength styll to preuayle All false dealers for to expell Downe in to hell Down in to hell therfore take hed● And call for gods grace and mercy Amend your wycked lyues with spede Lamentyng them repentantly God geue vs grace so to intende And there an ende ¶ A Ditie declarynge the sted fast hope and trust that the faythfull afflicted soule hath in Christ Iesu LIke as certain the hart wold faine of the fountain obtain the spring so hath my sprite his whole delight in God almight aboue all thing Myne enmies strong All the daye long To doe me wrong Is their intent Euery howre On me they loure Me to deuoure They doe inuent This doe I see For to myne eye It is truly Alwayes obiect With might and mayne Them selues they strayne My soule to gayne And to infect My soule therfore Doth tremble sore And euermore Doth stande in feare And all the whyle Myne enmies smyle Me to beguyle They not forbeare Therfore I say My s●ule alway Rei●yce and stay Thy selfe in Christ Though men extold Agaynst thee hold In Christ be bold Them to resyst Who is alyue That dareth stryue Strong dyuels fyue Although they were Thys can I proue O Lorde aboue If thou me loue I nede not feare O God of myght Strengthen my spryte That doth delyght Only in thee O holy Lord Let thy sw●●e word Wyth one accord Styll be wyth me O Christ Iesu Ground of vertue Messias true As sayth Scripture To thee I pray Graunt that I may In heauen aye With thee indure ¶ A song shewing that no commoditie is without a discommoditie ¶ Syng this as I am the man whome God c. AS I dyd sytte and muse Once by my selfe alone The wretched state of worldly wights The mind was fixed on Howe no commoditie May here with man indure Without some discommoditie To shewe it selfe vnpure By fyre we haue great ayde In colde vs for to warme Whiche in an houre somtime doth burn● Rewarding vs with harme We may lyue certayne dayes Without both drinke and meate But without ayre not one moment The lack would be so great Yet somtyme by his rage We mortall men doe fynde That trees houses and cattell eke Are ouerthrowne with wynde The water who can lack That in this worlde doth byde Yet many one therin is drownde By great aboundyng tyde The earth wheron we dwell And seke great welth to fynde In sekyng to possesse the same With iudgement vayne and blynde When we thynke to possesse This earth that we attende Behold the same possesseth vs
great thou doest declare In truthe to teache vs ryght O god of our saluation In the is our delyghte Of all thynges how thou arte the hope It can not be discuste All that on earth or sea remayne In the doe hope and truste Thou gyrded haste thy selfe also With myghty strength and powre And hast the myghty mountaynes setts As they stande at this howre Thou of the sea stillest the waues Their roryng and their rage The madnes of the multitude Thou also canst aswage The outmoste dwellers on this earth Thy signes doe see and feare By the mornyng and euenyng starres Thy prayses doe appeare The earth eke howe thou visitest With good it for to blesse And bryngest plentie on the same We knowledge and confesse For the ryuer of god doth flowe So full of water pure That on the earth plentie of corne For man he doth procure The forowes he doth water so That clotts doe breake in pece Swete drops of rayne doth soften them And causeful great increce The yere thus doth he crowne blesse With plentie and goodnes The clowdes do drop great fatnes down Ingendring plentiousnes The dwellinges in the wyldernes Are fat in lyke maner The little hilles on euery syde Doe plesantly appere The fouldes with shepe y ● vales with corne So ratefie this thing That in thy prayse for very ioye All people laughe and synge ¶ An example howe happye and blessed they are that faythfully feare god out of the Cxii Psalme SVche good historiographers As wryte the dedes of men Of kynges lordes some good some ill That reigned nowe and then As they doe wryte of euell men In rebuke and disprayse That lyuing men may lerne to flee And voyde suche wicked wayes So doe they prayse and muche cōmend Suche men as lyued well The worthy and the noble actes Wherin in they did excell That others they myght so prouoke To folowe in lyke wyse To wynne the spurres of godly fame By vertues exercise So Dauid to prouoke all men To godlynes and grace Doth vse the lyke that all men may The feare of god imbrace In fayth howe that the feare of god All goodnes styll dothe bryng He vsed in an holy Psalme In this wyse for to syng Beatus vir qui timet THe man is blest and happy which Doth feare the Lorde aryght And to kepe his cōmaūdementes Dothe set his whole delyght His stre●ne or sede vpon the earth With myght shall be increste Thus shall the kynde of faythfull men Eternally be bleste For ryches ioye and plentie great His house shall wynne and gayne His iust dealyng and ryghteousnes For euer shall remayne For to the godly in darknes great lyght there doth aryse Whiche sheweth loue and mercy both In vertuous exercyse A good man sure is merci●ull And lendeth where is nede And doth discretly waye his worde● ▪ Before they doe procede And suche a man for no distres From god wyll moue or flee Wherfore his ryghteousnes shall haue Eternall memorie Of ill tyd ynges or heauy newes Suche one is not afrayde His hearte doth stande faste and beleue The lorde to be his ayde His harte I saye is stablyshed And wyll not shrynke vntyll That he vpon his enemies Hath his desire and wyll He from his store abundantlye Disperseth to the poore For righteousnes are all his workes And doynges euer more With honor shall his horne or strengthe Exaited be on hye Whiche when the vngodly beholde They wyll the same enuye Which in their hate shal gnash their teeth And so consume away Thus in their owne luste wycked folke Shall peryshe and decaye ¶ An example of the prayse of God for his omnipotencie out of the Cxiii Psalme KYng Dauid knowyng well Howe vertue dyd excell All other worldly thyng Did chiefly in Gods feare All wyckednes forbeare That may gods anger brynge For god is of suche powre That nothyng at no howre Can hym withstande or byde For he may worke his wyll All mortall men vntyll At euery tyme and tyde Therfore we are al bownde That dwell in this worlde rounde To prayse the lyuing lorde And in that lorde of myght To set our whole delight And in his holy worde Wherfore this noble kyng Studied aboue all thyng His dutie to walke in To syng Gods laude and prayse He maketh no delayes But thus he doth begynne Laudate pueri dominum YE seruantes prayse the lorde And with hartye accorde Se that ye doe the same Loke that ye render store Of prayses euer more Vnto his blessed name His name that we should prayse He is worthy alwayse Euen from the rysing tyme Of the sonne fayre and bryght Vntyll it be in sight That downe he doth inclyne The lorde is hie of myght There is no kynde of wyght That can with hym compare His gloris certainly Aboue the heauens hye Remayne and euer are Who is lyke vnto him Or wyll presume to clymme Where he so hygh doth dwell Yet is this lorde so meke To beholde and take kepe Of earth and heauen well Whoe doth the symple take Out of the myery lake To set them vp agayne He takes out of the dust All that in him doe truste To ryd them from their paine So that he may them sette Among the prynces great By his great powre and myght The prynces all among Whiche gouerne doe the thronge Of people daye and nyght He doth redeme also The woman from hir wo That barayne long hath bene A mother full of blys Of children nowe she is Hir housholde may be sene ¶ An example how Dauid praysed God for his delyueryng of Israell by great miracles out of Egypt Out of the C. xiiii Psalme VVHo so in Exodus wyll reade Shall see what wonders god there wrought From Egypt when as he dyd leade His people and from thence them brought What myracles by Moses hande To Pharao was expressed playne That he therby myght vnderstande No more gods people to restrayne And how God by his mighty powre And stretched arme did bryng them thence And howe the red s●a dyd deuoure Kyng Pharao for his recompence And howe God did in wyldernes Prouyde his people drynke and meate So that they lackte in their distres No kynde o● thynge to drynke or eate Whiche Dauid bearyng well in mynde Did with a Psalme geue god the prayse And doth therto all good men bynde With godly harte lo thus he sayes In exitu Israel de Egypto FRom Egipte lande when Israell where they lōg tyme weare thraule bonde From among people strange and fell When Iuda gan to scape the honde This Iuda then I saye was made His holy people and his flocke And Israell was in lyke trade Becomde his lordship all the stocke Whiche when the ragyng sea behelde It fl●d as one should it desire And Iordan ●● lyke case dyd yelde And backwarde did turne and retyre The mountaynes at the sight of this Could not be styll but skipte lyke ramines The little hylles eke would not mis
But leaped lyke the playing lamines If one myght aske what ayled thee Thou sea that thou dydest so forbeare And Iordan what cause myght there be That draue the backe in suche a feare Ye myghty mountaynes in lyke case Why skipped you lyke rammes I saye Ye little hilles why from your place ●an ye to leape as lammes doe playe All the whole earth it shall behoue When Iacobs God shall be present To tremble shake and muche to moue And in his sight hym reuerent For at his wyll he turned tho The hard rocke in to water clere Conuertyng harde flynte stones also To springyng welles as dyd appere ¶ An example of praier against idolatrous tyrātes that set vp false worship in the reproche of Gods true worshyp Out of the Cxv. Psalme IF vnto vs poore mortall men No prayse is due of very ryght Howe are they mockte and blynded then How farre are they from perfect sight That to a stocke or dead Image Wil geue such laude as god should haue How vayne is he howe doth he rage That doth Gods glorie so depraue The whiche sinne and most vyle offēce Dauid did so abhorre and hate That he a Psalme in Gods defence Compiled hath that eche estate May vnderstande howe farre awrye They wandred be from righteousnes The lyuing God that doe denye By an Image or false lykenes And therfore doth all men exhorte To fear● the lorde and in hym truste Whiche is a true and sure comforte To all that in his hope are iust His harpe in hande he therfore tooke And on his knees this noble kyng As it is in the Psalter booke This holy Psalme began to synge Non nobis Domine NOt vnto vs lord not to vs But to thy holy name alwayse For thy mercy truthe done thus Ascribed be all laude and prayse These heathen folke that faythles be Why should they saye to vs in spighte Where is their God let vs hym see In whom these Christians haue delyghte For their false Gods their chiefe best Are nothyng but syluer and goulde The handes of men both most and lest Haue forged them out of the moulde Yet haue they for their idols made Mouthes wherw t they can speak nothing And eyes also wherof the trade Is to be blynde from all seyng Suche eares also in them are wrought As heare nothyng that one can tell And noses whiche are likewyse nought For they with them can nothyng smell Vayne handes haue they and fete also For with their handes they handle not Nor with their feete they can not goe Nor sounde no voyce out of their throte Wherfore suche as doe Idols make Doe their owne workes resemble iust And they also that doe them take For Gods or haue in them their truste Let Israell then in the lorde Set all their truste and confidence And Araons house therto accorde For he is their most sure defence All ye that feare the lorde aright Truste in hym well be not afrayde For he will surely shewe his myght To succoure you and be your ayde The lorde will not forget doubtles But haue vs in his mynde full well The ryghteous houses he wyll bles Of Araon and of Israell Ye that doe feare the lorde therfore Are blessed both the great and small The lorde increase you more and more Both you and eke your children all For sithe ye are his chosen sorte And haue the lord whole in your thought He wyll you blesse with great comforte Both heauē earth that made of nought The heauens and the firmament Are his and at his holy wyll But the rounde earth he hath forth lente The sonnes of mortall men vntyll The dead O lorde that are gone hence Can not in graue expresse thy wayes Nor suche as downe are in sylence Can honor thee or geue the prayse But we O lorde that be alyue Thy prayse wyll spreade and ramifye And in our hartes due thankes contryue Vnto thy name eternally ¶ An example of prayer from a repentant harte out of the Cxxx. psalm Sythe in this worlde all men doe fall And none from sinne is free and clere It doth behoue we study all In humblenes for to appere For in this lyfe we dayly see By stoutnes none can wynne nor gayne But rather it in eche degree Doth purchase woe and cruell payne Who is so fonde if he offende To stande hym selfe to iustifie And rather doth not knele and bende Tyll he haue pardon and mercy The noble prynce Dauid therfore Knowyng the frutes of humblenes Did frō his harte powre forth great store Of teares and contrite gentilnes Because he would all men should lerne The lyke to doe in their great nede He sheweth howe his harte did yerne Tyll he had felte mercy in dede Him selfe prostrating in due wyse For sorowe of his greuous sinne In prayer was his exercise Thus doth his humble sute begynne De profundis clamaui FRom care of harte that caue so depe So hath my soule my sinnes abhorde Repentantly I humbly crepe And call to thee for helpe O lorde O lorde witsafe my voyce to here I thee beseche to bowe thyne eares Suffer my prayer to appere Pourde forth to thee w t piteous teares For if thou wylt for euermore Our wyckednes laye by thy syde Or kepe a note of them in store Oh lorde who then may 〈◊〉 abide Thy mercy lorde then make vs taste Whiche is to thee most naturall That graciously forgeue thou mayste And rayse them whiche by frailtie fall This made me on the lorde to wayte My soule also on hym to byde His promise is without deceyte And from his worde he wyll not slyde My soule hath more earnest delyghte Vpon the lorde to watche and staye Than watchmen whiche wake al y e night And long ryght sore tyll it be daye Let Israell the Lordes electe The iust that godly be and wyse Haue to the lorde their whole respecte For mercy is his exercyse This Israell I saye he shall All wickednes from them expell From sinnes he shall redeme them all Though thei be more then tongue can tel Glory be to our god aboue The father whiche of myght is moste And to the sonne as doth behoue And also to the holy ghoste As it from the beginning was And yet doth to this tyme extende And shall be still as tyme shall pas For euer more worlde without ende ¶ An example that as wel penitent prayer as ioyfull thankes and prayse haue their due tyme and place out of the Cxxxvii Psalme AS eche thinge hath his due tyme her● On this earth where we goe So is ther tyme for ioye and glee And eke for care and woe For as we ioye in tyme of welth Praysing the lorde therfore So in the tyme of pensyvnes Of myrth we make no store In one subiecte two contraries Can neuer well agree Both myrth and wo at once in one A strange thyng were to see It would be thought a great madnes In ioye to wayle and
his speche whiche was taken from him at the vision of the angell written Luke the fyrst chap. Benedictus dominus deus BLessed nowe be The almyghtye Lorde God of Israell Hys people whych Visiteth myche Redemynge them full well A myghtye horne Of saluation That hath to vs raysed Euen in the house So ryghteous Of his seruant Dauid As he spake by The mouthes holy Of hys Prophetes ech whan That ay haue bene Among vs sene Sence the worlde first began Which sayde that we Shoulde saued be From our enemyes all Who euer that Hath vs in hate Eyther the greate or small To performe ryghte Hys mercy bryght That he sometyme dyd graunt Our forefathers And remembers Hys holy couenaunt Hys othe once sworne For to performe Vnto our father dere Euen Abraham That when tyme came To vs it myght appere That from our foes We beynge lose And cleane delyuered We myght serue him From tyme to tyme Without all seruy●e drede In holynes And ryghteousnes With perfect wayes and pure For euermore Hys face before While our lyfe dayes indure And thou O chylde That art so mylde Shalt be calld the prophet Of the most hyest And hys sonne Chryst To shewe hys glory great The lorde of grace Before hys face Thou chylde shalte go I say For to prepare And eke declare his pure and chosen way To geue knowledge Of this the pledge Of their saluation his peoples synne That they are in The cleane remission Throughe the mercy Tender and free Of god wherby the day Springeth so bright Euen from the hight Doth visyte vs alway From deathes shadowe And darkenes lowe Suche as syt to release their feete eche tyde With light to guide Into the way of peace Glory and prayse And laude alwayes Vnto the Trinitie To the father And the sonne dere And to the ghost holy As hath ben aye And at this day Continueth as yet And shall be styll With right good wyll For euer so ●e it Finis ¶ The songe of prayse and thankes geuyng of holy Simeon at the Circumcisyon of our Lorde Iesu Chryste Luke ij Nunc dimittis THy seruaunt nowe Permyt mayst thowe For to depart O lorde In quiet peace from strife to cease According to thy worde Myne eyes our wealth Thy sauyng health haue sene nowe through thy grace Of thee preparde to be declarde Before all peoples face To be a lyght Styll shyning bryght Guyding the gentylles wel And for to be the great glory Of thy flocke Israell Let eury trybe Glory ascrybe Nowe to the deitye As hath bene is And shall not mysse To be continually Amen ¶ The r. commaundementes of almighty God written in ij tables of stone with y ● finger of God The first table conteyning iiij preceptes concerneth our duety towardes God The second table conteyning the other vjpreceptes concerneth our duetye towardes our neyghbour written in the xx Chapiter of Exodus and in the v. Chapiter Deuteronomium Argument The lyuyng God our onely Lorde That all thinges with his word hath made And as the scripture doth recorde Doth gouerne all in godly trade And knowth how apt man is to stray And all good thynges to disobay Wyth hys fynger for mannes behoue In tables twayne of stone dyd wryte Commaundementes ten hys heart to moue From guyle and wrong to truth and right In godlynes to guyde hys wayes They folow here note what he sayes I Am thy Lorde and God alone From Egypt land that ▪ brought the ryght Beholdyng thy distresse and mone From house of bonde I freede thee quight Wherefore thou shalte I say to thee None other Goddes haue before mee Thou shalt no grauen Image make Nor picture be it greate or smalle Or fygure that thy minde may take In heauen earth or waters all Nor honour them that shalt not thou Nor vnto them ne knele nor bowe For I thy God and onely Lorde A ielouse God am of suche synne And fathers faultes I haue abhorde Vpon their childern and their kynne In kynreds iij. or iiij or mo I vysit them that hate me so Which iustyce yet doth me not stay From mekenes mercy nor from grace Which I extende to them alway My holy lawes that do embrace To thousandes though none can deserue That I commaunde if they obserue The holy name thou shalt not vse Of me thy lord and God in vayne Vnlawfull othes thou shalt refuse Sweare not for false or fylthy gayne The Lorde will thee not holde vngylt Hys name in vayne if take thou wilt Remember that in any wyse the Sabaoth day thou sanctifie Syx dayes thou shalt thee exercise And labour for necessitie The seuenth day the Sabaoth is Of god almyght the lorde of blys Therfore this day beare well in minde No kinde of worke that then thou do Vnto whiche lawe thy sonne I bynde Thy daughter shall it kepe also Thy man thy mayde and eke thy beast In fyne within thy gate thy geast For in syx dayes the lorde created Heauen earthe sea and all of noughte The seuenth day take his rest he dyd Wherfore the lorde that all hath wrought The Sabaoth day dyd sanctifie And blessed it perpetually Thy father and thy mother dere Se that thou reuerently honour Let none ingratitude appere In thee to them but them soccour So in the lande longe shalt thou lyue Whiche thy lorde God to thee shall gyue Thou shalt not kyll note thou it well Also thou shalt no wedlocke breake I say also thou shalt not steale Nor witnes false thou shalt none speake Against thy neyghbours them to wrong But lyue vprightly them amonge And to conclude of this take hede What my lawes chieflye doe requyre Not onely to forbere the dede But also from the heartes desyre Of that thy neighbour doth possesse Of any thyng in more or lesse Particularlye to recite Thy neyghbours house couet thou not Nor yet hys wyfe his heartes delyght Hys man or mayde whych is his lot Hys oxe or asse or ought of hys Couet thou not thynke wel on thys ¶ The prayse of God the father sonne and holye ghost Wrytten in an holy Hymne by the worthy fathers Augustine and Ambrose Te Deum laudamus O God of myghte As it is ryghte We yelde the la●de and prayse Wyth one accorde To be the Lorde We knoweledge thee alwayse The earth throughout And all aboute Thy worshyppe doth expresse Thou doest appere A father dere In euerlastyngnesse To thee do call The Angelles all And cry wyth a loude dynne The heauens hye Eternallye And all the powres therin Both Cherubin And Ceraphin Do in thy prayse reioyce And thus alwayes Expresse thy prayse Wyth an incessant voyce Holye holye Thou art holye Lorde God of Sabaoth Thy maiestye And thy glorye Fylles heauen and earth both The gloryous sect Of thyne elect Apostles euery one Thy prayse doth showe All in a rowe And honour thee alone The Prophetes all Do on the call So goodly in their kynde That felow shyppe Doth not let slyppe To kepe thy
and excesse And none can cause them to conuert Wherfore I crye in heauines Lord Christ helpe evry wofull heart Who reigneth nowe but pryde alone Eche man in his owne sight is wyse And graue councell regardeth none But rather doth doctrine despyse Dissimulation and lewde lyes Is nowe excepted as an arte Whiche made me crye out in this wyse Lord Christ helpe evry wofull hart Suche are most wyse and honest now As sonest can their friendes beguyle Suche doth the most sorte best allowe Whose talke is fayre dedes most vyle Simplicitie is in exyle And as for truthe can make no marte Which made me morne crie this whyle Lorde Christ helpe evry wofull harte Gods worde both to and fro is toste As men doe with a tenis ball And wrested from pyller ●o poste To serue mens tourne for sinne and all But fewe from wickednes doe fall In godlynes to doe their parte Wherfore thus crie I euer shall Lorde Christe helpe evry wofull hearte Of wexe they make scripture a nose To turne and wryng it evry waye With many a false and filthy glose Suche as by errors walke astraye The same doe wrythe soules to betraye And from the truthe doe them peruerte Wherfore I shall crye day by daye Lord Christ helpe evry wofull hearte No error synce Christe did ascend But nowe it starteth stoutly forth The seamles coate of Christe is tend And vnitie is nothing worth Wherfore plentie is tournd to dearth And many plagues shall make vs smart Wherfore my crie styll forward goeth Lorde Christe helpe evry wofull heart But sure such hartes as here haue wo And in this worlde doe mone and morne The lorde Christe hath promysed so That they shall ioye his face beforne When suche as here deryde and scorne Shall suffer sorowe for their parte Which ●ewdly haue them selues forlorne Lorde Christe helpe evry wofull hearte Wo be to you that here reioyce Ye shall hereafter wepe and wayle For that ye would not heare the voyce Of Gods worde for your owne a●ayle Which although heauē earth doe falle Shall styll remayne and byde in quarte Wherfore my voyce shall neuer fayle Lord Christ helpe evry wofull harte For all the byrdes with mery songe And the bryght shyning of the sonne And plesant floures I went among Frō wo my hearte myght not be wonne To see what worldly men had done For all doe ryde in sinne his carte Wherfore I ende as I begonne Lorde Christe helpe evry wofull hearte Amen ¶ A ditie named blame not my lute whiche vnder that title toucheth replieth and rebuketh the wycked state and enormities of most people in these present miserable dapes BLame not my lute though it doe sounde the rebuke of your wicked sinne but rather seke as ye are bound to know what case that ye are in And though this song doe sinne cōfute and sharply wyckednes rebuke blame not my lute My lute and I sythe truth we tell Meanyng no good man to off●nde Me thynke of ryght none should refell The godlynes that we intend But muche rather if they haue grace They will our good counsell imbrace Then blame my lute Although my lute with sentence playn Rebuke all suche as fayne and glose With flatterers and lyces vayne That truthe to falshod can transpose Ye though we sharply speake and syng Against false and craftie wynnyng Blame not my lute And if my lute sound in your eare The priuy hate and larke of loue And howe ye should sclander forbeare Syth gods word doth ill tōgues reproue Though as saint Iames we doe expresse The same a worlde of wickednes Blame not my lute Though my lute doe expres and show That prayet and holy fasting Is tourned nowe with hyghe and low To vncleane talke and banqueting Although we saye that chastitie Be gone and in place lecherie Blame not my lute Though with their own fewe be cōtent Chastly to lyue with one good make But rather the moste part be bent Their constant vowe for to forsake Though some in Sodom rather byde Then honest mariage to prouide Blame not my lute If my lute blame the couetyse The glottons and the drunkards vyle The proud dysdayne of worldly wyse And howe falshod doth truth exyle Though vyce and sinne be nowe in place In sted of vertue and of grace Blame not my lute Though wrong in iustice place be set Committing great iniquitie Though hipocrites be counted great That mainteine styll idolatrie Though some set more by thynges of nought Then by the lorde that all hath wrought Blame not my lute Although eche man finde faulte with other And no man will him selfe acuse But eche man blameth his brother Though he him selfe as great faulte vse Though we see none their owne fault fynde Nor call repentance vnto mynde Blame not my lute Though my lute say that suche as preache And should men leade in wayes directe Doe lyue amys though truth they teache Whiche causeth truth to be suspect Though my lute say suche cause offence Through their great slouth and negligence Blame not my lute Though some gods worde doe still despyse For beggetly traditions Aduancing highly fayned lyes Of mens imaginations Although my lute doe suche accuse As by errors gods worde abuse Blame not my lute Although we see the clergie slack Wrong wayes by ryght for to redres Though some also goe rather back Then procede forth in righteousnes Although we saye that auarice Doth stop the mouthe and choke the wyse Blame not my lute Though offendors be borne withall Although the wolues in corners lurke That haue and will the lambes make thrall And daily doe their false seates worke Though whispryng treason in the eare Burst out somtyme without all feare Blame not my lute Though some also abuse the lute With sinfull songes of lechery Though some goe forth as beastes brute In false treason and trechery Though at eche sermon we may see Gods holy worde scorned to be Blame not my lute Blame not my lute I you desyre But blame the cause that we thus playe For burnyng heate blame not the fyre But hym that blowth the cole alway ▪ Blame ye the cause blame ye not vs That we mēs faultes haue touched thus Blame not my lute Blame not my lute nor blame not me Although it sound against your sinne But rather seeke for to be free From suche abuse as ye are in Although we warne you to repent Whiche grant you God omnipotent Blame not my lute ¶ A song of the lute in the prayse of God and disprayse of Idolatrie ¶ Syng this as My pen obey c. MY lute awake and prayse the lord My heart and hādes therto accord Agreing as we haue begon To syng out of gods holy worde And so procede tyll we haue done Prayse we the lord in this our song And syng it Christen men among That in a godly race doe ronne The whiche although it be not long Shall be right good or it be donne This
plesant song shall not song be To the goddesse of lechery Nor to nothyng vnder the Sunne But praysing of the almyghty My lute and I tyll we haue done This teacheth vs Dauid the kyng With harpe and lute geue God praysyng All men that in this worlde doe wonne To God therfore geue prayse and synge As my lute and I haue begonne This lord first made al things of nought And when against his lawe we wrought From heauen he sent downe his sonne Whiche with his gospell vs all taught After the whiche we haue not donne Although in man weare nothyng good Hym to redeme Christ shed his blood with thrones y e Iu●s our lord did crown He suffred death vpon the roode Lo thus our sauyng health was donne On this therfore we fix our fayth That Iesus Christ as scriptur sayth Is only our saluation Vpon this rocke who so him stayth Thus sayth the lord it is well don But one thing sore my harte doth greue That hipocrites made vs beleue In Idols both of wodde and stone From Christ our rock they did vs dryue Wo be to them what haue they done Whiche canker still within their heartes Doth yet remayne and fewe conuertes For at gods worde they frete and frown Therfore my lute it is our partes Them to rebuke as we haue done God sent his worde vnto this ende That we our synfull lyues should mende And yet repenteth fewe or none My lute therfore let vs intende To say the truthe tyll we haue done If in our songe we should recyte Nowe eche estate doth not vpright Whiche will be their confusion Whiche knowe the truthe and do not ryght My lute when should our song be done But to be short my hartes intent Is to prayse God omnipotent Whoe of our helth the thred hath spunne And hath his worde to vs nowe sent To mende our lyues tyll we haue done Mans soule to saue Christ died therfore Who of vs men doth aske no more But this lesson to lerne and conne With loue to kepe his holy lore In whiche all perfect workes are donne Lorde graunt vs to thy worde to cleane That no man other doe deceaue And in that zeale that I begunne Lauding our lorde God here I leaue Be styll my lute my song is done ¶ A ditie shewyng the office of all estates warnyng them to repent walke euery estate accordyng to their callyng LEt heauen harke earth geue eare let mountains bowe with humblenes let waters all their rage forbeare and once growe to some stablenes wauer no more with evry wynde but once cleane to a constant mynde In fayth and loue for why the lord him self doth speake and will you els in sonder breake euen from aboue Let not god speake now to deafe eares Nor vnto hartes made of flynt stone But rather with repentant teares Bewayle your synnes now evry one And let a godly lyfe all newe Shew forth frutes of repentance true And them expresse That from henceforth in such new lyfe We may remayn without all stryfe In righteousnes Let suche as shewe the heauenly muse Haue godly conuersation Least through their vyle and great abuse They worke abhomination When as in synfull wayes they walke Contrary to their outwarde talke And gods true worde For who that sclandreth so the truthe Their myrth shall turne to wo and ruthe Before the lorde Let kynges that mountains sygnifie In iustice doe styll their due part Supporte no more iniquitie Nor mainteyne suche as areperuart Se that henceforth with all your myght Ye put downe wrong mainteine right Or els surely The lord God whiche is kyng of all Your glory ▪ turne to shame he shall Moste ryghteously Let nowe the waueryng multitude That signifyd is by the sea Oh let I saye this rable rude Still henceforth cleaue to constancie And not them selues as waters showe Vnstable for to ebbe and flowe But styll depende Vpon the churche to lerne their due And serue their kyng w t hartes most true Euen styll an ende Let not the churche be temporall Let not rulers ●e rude and vayne Let no man from his calling fall But eche man in his state remayne Let not the common people deale With matters highe of common weale ▪ For why I saye If one anothers callyng vs● All equitie they doo refuse From day to daye Let all men nowe repent therfore And leaue theyr synne without delay And henceforth vse the same no more Least by theyr goyng thus astray Gods wrathe in hast they doo procure For this theyr doyngs so vnpure In synfull trade Knowe that the Lorde his mercy styll Dothe offer all with ryght good wyll That he hath made Let men whyle mercy then doothe last Haue mynde of this theyr onely meane Abhorre theyr yll lyfe that is past Lyftyng their eyes vp into heauen Lokyng from thence for theyr reliefe Whiche is a salue for all our griefe Swete Christe Iesu Your hartes and eares I say attend That you to blysse without all end May hence insue ¶ A Ditie declaringe the daungerous abuse of all degrees whyche go astraye from theyr vocation PErforme O penne I thee desyre The thyng that we dyd late deuyse Blowe to this cole kyndle thys fyre That suche may know as truth despise That darknes shall no more them hyde No secrete place shall they prouyde To couer guyle For now the lyght shall them bewray That secretly haue gone astray A ryght long whyle Suche Princes as the poore oppresse Vnder titie of gouernance And wyll no poore mans cause redresse But all theyr ioye and fyne pastance Is howe with craft in couerture They may in theyr yll wayes indure And styll remayne It shall appeare at the laste day That they haue wrongly gone astray Vnto theyr payne Suche prelates as for fylthy gayne With errors doo mens soules destroy And on theyr flock lyke lordes wyll raigne Wherin Gods woorde they doo anoy The fleece to take is all theyr care And for the soule no foode prepare But venym vyle Suche prelates shall once know I say That they haue falsly gone astray With fraude and guyle Suche men of lawe as wyll for golde Make thyngs seme right the which at wrong And wyll for gayne with falshode hold And eke delaye the tyme to long Suche as in Iudgement wrest the lawe And wrongly doe the sentence drawe Wrong to supporte Poore innocentes for to betraye For brybes they goe from ryght astraye In wicked sorte Suche marchantes as are not content With right and reason for to wynne But daily doe false fraude inuent To gayne by wickednes and synne ●nlawfull gayne and vsury And counterfetyng wyckedly Muche marchandyse In hell they shall once fele I saye Howe they by fraude haue gone astraye In vntust wyse Suche leches as wyckedly vse Medicines arte but not aryght But fasly doe the same abuse And to that arte doth wrong and spyght They rob and murder where they go From place to place workyng muche w● Without cunnyng The Diuell
gifts praise Christ our lord praise Christ our lorde with one hart mind and voyce with one hart mind voice Tenor. ALl vertuous men that vertu loue in vertu still reioyce and for those giftes praise Christ our lord with one hart mind voyce with one hart mind and voice Bassus ALl vertuous men that vertue loue in vertue still reioyce and for those giftes praise Christ our lord prayse Christ our lorde with one hart minde voyce with one hart mind and voyce For if as truthe is one good thought Can not in vs ouce growe Without his grace that alwayes doth his mercies to vs shewe How can there any vertuous deed At any time appere In vs that are but vayne and nought Saue for his mercies dere Wherfore let none of vertue boste As of his owne pure wayes But mekly thanke Christ for his giftes And geue him condigne prayse Praise him therfore that first all made And formed man of slime And doth his worke most intri●●te Preserue from time to time Whiche also when as sinfull man By fault fell into thrall Ordeined Christ our sauing helth By death to heale vs all Immortall thankes eternall prayse Euer now let vs giue Vnto this lord of whom we are And of whose grace we liue Glory and prayse for euer more Therfore be to his name That vertue made for men to knowe And to walke in the same FINIS ¶ A Table after the order of the Alphabete directyng the Reader by y e number of the leafe to all Psalmes songes or sonets c. in thys Boke AD te dominū le 18. A birchen besom 125 A drunken workeman 93. Against dissimulatiō 72. Against drunkennes and gluttony 9● Agaynst enuy 84. Agaynst idolatry 76. Agaynst false dealing 87. Against flattery 102. Against necromancy witchecraft sorcery c. 147 Against euill and sclanderous tungues 95. 96. 108. 109. Agaynst the synfull tyme. c. 131. Agaynst slouth 85. Against vayn apparel 119. Against vnconstancie 132. Agaynst wrath 92. 120. Age and discretion 118. A lady had a forhed fayre 111. Al arrogācy frō study 118 All comfortles lo 110. All folke that liue in 165. All men that wil walke 1. All they that will of enuy heare 85 All vertuous men c. 172 Anatomye of a byrchen broome 125. Anger 88. 92. 120. Arrogancy in studēts 118 As eche thing hath 32 As flyes oft tymes 120. As flyes delight 120. As he that would 36. As I dyd syt muse 107 As in oure streightes of nede 20. As profyt by lying 16. 119 As roote of tree doth 163. As the Grape bearyng● vine 120. Auaryce 86. 114 A voyce frō heauen to you shall come 81 B Beatus vir qui timet 26 Behold it is a ioyfull thyng 101. Benedicā dominum 20 Benedicite omnia opera 53. Benedictus dominus 45 Be not ouer thy wife ielous c. 38. Blame not my lute c. 74 Blessed be thou c. 52 Blessed nowe be c. 45 Brotherly loue and vnity 100. Busy medlers 116. By clymyng high c. 117. C CHaritie 9. Chose them for no frendes c. 120. Commodyties are not without discommodities 107 Complaynt of a town 169 Constant mynd 115. Constant temperance 119. Credo in deum c. 43. D Delyuer me O lord c. 35 De profund is clamaui 31 Descriptiō of auarice 86 Description of dignitie or true noblenes 124 Deus in nomine tuo 23 Dignitie 124 Directly who so now wyl walke 71. Dreame 135. Drunkennes 93 Dulce bellum inexpertis 120. E EGo dixi in dimidio dierum 61 Enuy 85 Eripe me domine 35 Errors of y e multitude 119 Euell tungues 96. Euenyng song 162. Euery good phisitiē c 22 Exaltabo te deus 36. Examin wel thin inward spirite c. 114. Examples great wer 116 Exhortation to wrathfull men 88. Exhortation to brotherly loue 100. F False dealyng 87. False weightes and measures 104. Fayth 3. 114. Fayth and vertue 114. Flattery and falshod 102. Flattery and sclander 115. Folly and wisdome in gouernance 113. Formed fyllets and deformed forheads 121. Foorthe as I went my way of late 169. Fortune 116. Frendes 120 Frendshyp 115. From care of heart c. 31. From Egypt lande when Israell 29. From out the ram 148. G Garmentes of profyt 119 Glory 117. Gluttony 93. Godly loue 9 Godly wysedome 12 Grace 117. Graces at meales 163 164 H Health of body for to procure 115. Heare oute O Lorde the ryght request 100. Ho●●ure as Tullie do the wysely repete 117. Hope 6. 106. Hope the medcine against dredefull despayre 6 I I am thy Lorde and God c. 4● I am the man whom God c. 65. I do beleue with stedfast trust 43. Idolatry 76. 94. Ielousy 38. If any man from woe c. 160. If I shall enterpryse to make c. 3. If thou a noble man wylt know c. 124. If truth may take no trusty hold c. 102. If vnto vs poore mortall men 29. If wrathe were paynted out c. ●8 I hearde a preacher once declare c 23. Inconstancy of the multitude 115. In exitu Israel de Aegypto c. 29. In frendeshpp true there surely is 115. Inhumanitie 119. In my trouble payn 70 In sadnes sette wyth wo opprest 95. In Sommer tyme when floures gan spryng 72 In three thynges it dothe well appere 117 In trouble and in pain 70 Inuention of the mynde c. 116. Is it not tyme that synne c. 132. I wyll vnto the lord 20 K King Dauid knowing well 27 L Laudate pueri c. 27 Lechery 93 Let heauen harke earth geue care 78 Let nowe thy powre be great oh lorde 55 Like as certeine c. 106 Like as the fouler c. 93 Like as the larke within the marlions foote 108 Like as the vyne that florisheth c. 120 Lodouicus viues in 119 Lord god that in the heauens hie 56 Loue. 9 M Mag●ificat anima 44 Mans lyfe 114 Ma●●r of perfecte prayer 40 Marke geue care 8● Maruel not though 114 Merueilous dreame 135 Monstrous childe 126 Morning song 161 My harte cōstreynes my mouth to tell 104 My louing friend 51 My lute awake 76 My pen obey my wyl 87 My soule truly 44 N Nobilitie 124 Non nobis domine 30 Not vnto vs lord not vnto vs. 30 Now that the day is wasted cleane 16● Nunc dimittis 47 O Of charitie or godly c. 9 Nf great rudnes it is c. 119 Of Ielousy who so wyll heare 38 Of this vile world 117 O God I call to thee 2● O god of myght 49 O god that art mine only kyng 36 O harke a while 103 O lord god y ● art c. 57 O lorde I shall be whole in dede 64 O lord I thee desire 60 O lord our god for euer more 56 O lord that art our onely god 42 O lord twoo thynges I thee require 60 O louing god and mightie lorde 158 O lorde our god we tourne to thee 69 O Lorde thou haste corrected me 64 O man amend 81 O monstrous saty●● 130 Once as wee sat in Babylo● 33 On tabrets to the lor●● 58 O plague possest with mortall myght 97 On t of my mothers wōb 59 O who will geue my hed 62 O ye workes all 53 P Pater noster 42 Performe O penne 79 Poesis 147 Prayse of fayth 3 Prayse of godly loue or charitie 9 Praise of godly wisdom 12 Prayse of hope 6 Prayse of vertue 1 Pryde ●3 Pride of women 168 R Reade who so wyll in wyse writyng 115 Reason wold that in c. 116. Reioyce in hym that dyd thee make 114 Remēber well ye men mortall 109 Reuerence to age 118 Respecte euer and haue regarde 116 Ry●e in this life is rude report 115 S Salomon saith a sole c. 92 Saint Bernardsaith c. 86 Sclanderous tungues 95 96. 108. Selfe loue 114 Sentences of the wyse 121 122. 123. 124. Syth in this world 31. Sythe monsters as some c. 146 Syth nothing cā be sure 97 Sommetyme that I haue sene 94 Stedfast hope 106 Suche good Hystoriographers 25 Superflumina Babilonis 33 T Tale bearers 118 Te decet hymnus deus in Syon 24 Te deum laudam●s 49 Temperance 117 The angry man 120 The daunynge d●● begyns to glare 11● The fyrste mouer from east to west 127 The holy mā S. Cipriā 118 The liuynge God oure only lorde 47   The