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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01492 A treatise of c[hri]stian renunciation Compiled of excellent sentences [and] as it were diuerse homelies of ancient fathers: wherin is shewed how farre it is lawfull or necessary for the loue of Christ t[o] forsake father, mother, wife and children, and all other worldly creatures. Against the enemies of the crosse of Christ, ... Wherunto is added [a shorte discourse against going to hereticall churches.] Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1593 (1593) STC 11617.8; ESTC S113062 99,728 170

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feare death nor to yeeld at all that faith may so be more effectually proued There issued forth of their mouth the vncorrupted and inuincible vigour of the holy ghost that we may see those thinges to be trew which our Lord saieth in the gospell Mat. 10 whan they shall apprehend you do not thinke what you may speake for there shall be geuen you euen in that houre what you may speake for it is not you which speake but the spiritt of your father which speaketh within you he sayed that from aboue there should euen at that time be geuen vs what to speake and answere and that they did not than speake but the spirit of God their father which not departing nor being separated from Confessours both speaketh is crowned within vs. So also Daniel whan he was compelled to adore the Idol Bel whom both the king and people did worship with full liberty of faith broke forth for the defence of Gods honour into these words I worship nothing but my Lord God which made heauen earth What I pray you the greeuous torments of the blessed Martyrs amongst the Machabe●s 2. Mach. 7 and variety of paines of the seauen brethren and the mother comforting her children in torments and dying her selfe also with her children are not these great examples of fortitude and faith and do not these persons by their passions excite vs to the triumph of martirdome The Prophetts whom the holy ghost did inhabite to teach them thinges to come the Apostles whom our Lord did choose the iust persons which are killed for iustice haue not all these taught vs to dye The natiuity of Christ presently beganne with the martirdomes of infants whan for his name all were killed from two yeeres of age douward the age not ready for the Skirmish was fitte for the crowne and that we may knowe that those are innocent which are killed for Christ innocent infancy was slaine for his name it was shewed that no man is free from daunger of persecution whan such as they receiued martirdome What shame were it than for a Christian if the seruant would not suffer whan his Lord first hath suffered and for vs to refuse for to suffer for our sinnes whan without sinne of his owne he suffered for vs The sonne of God suffered that he might make vs the sonnes of God will not the sonne of a man suffer that he may perseuer the s●nne of God if we sustaine the hatred of the world the same hatred of the world Christ suffered before vs if we a●●de in this world reproches if flight if torments more greeuous things hath tasted the Lord maker of this world who saieth if you were of this world Io. 15. the worlde wold loue that which were his owne but because you are not of the world and I haue chosen you out of the world therfore doth the world hate you remember the word which I saied vnto you the seruant is not greater than his Lord if they haue persecuted you they will persecute you also Our Lord God whatsoeuer he taught he also did so that the disciple cannot be excused which learneth doeth not Let not yet any of you my bre thrē be so terrified with the feare of persecution or with the coming of Antichrist at hand that he be not also armed against all things with the Euangelicall exhortations Antichrist cometh but Christ cometh after the enemy assaileth and rageth but Christ presently followth to reuenge our sufferings woundes the aduersary fretteth threatneth but there is one who is able to deliuer from his handes Mat. 10. he must be feared whose anger none can escape wheras be forewarneth vs saying feare not them which kill the body but cannot kill the soule but rather seare him w e can destroy both body and soule into bell Io. 12. And againe who loueth his life shall lose it and who hateth his life in this world Apoc. 14. To go to that Church is to adore the beast shall conserue it vnto euerlasting life And in the Ap●calipse if any man adore the beast and his image taketh his marke in his forehead and in his hand be also shall drinke of the wine of the anger of God mingled in the cuppe of his anger and shall be punished with fire and brim slone before the eies of the holy Argells and before theeies of the lambe and the smoke shall ascend from their torments world without end and they shall haue no rest day night who soeuer do adore the beast and his image For worldly Skirmishes men are exercised and practised they repute it a great aduantage of their honour if they chaunce to be crowned in the sight of he people and in the presence of the Emperour Behould here a singuler and excellent Skirmishe and honoured with the reward of a heauenly crowne how God doth behould vs fighting and opening his eies vpon those whom he hath made his childrē is delighted with the vew of our Skirmish whilest we fight Skirmishe in this conflict of our faith God behouldeth vs his Angells behould vs Christ him selfe behouldeth vs. O what excellency of glory ô how great felicity it is to Skirmishe in the presence of God to be crowned by the iudgement of Christ Lett vs arme our selues deare brethren with all our force Lett vs be ready for the combate with a pure mind intiere faith and denoute courage Lett Gods army march to the field which is bidden vs. Let the constant be armed least they lose the benefitte of their late constant standing Lett the lapsed be armed that he may recouer the losse of his fall Let honour prouoke the constant and sorrow the lapsed vnto the combate The Apostle armeth and prepareth vs saying our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against Princes Potestates Eph. 6. against the Rectours of the world of these darknes against the spiritualls of wickednes in the celestialls Therfore take the armour of God Spirituall armous that you may resist in the euell day and stand in all things perfect Stand therfore hauing your loines girded in truth and clothed with the breastplate of iustice and hauing your feete shodd to the preparation of the gospell of peate in all things taking the shield of faith wherwith you may extinguish all the fiery dartes of the most wicked one and take vnto you the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirite which is the worde of God Let vs take these weapons with this spirituall and heauenly armour of proofe Lett vs safegarde our selues that in the euell day we may be able to withstand and resist the Deuills threatnings Lett vs putte on the brest-plate of iustice that our brest may be fensed and secure from the dartes of the enemy Lett our feet be shodd armed with the Euangelicall doctrine that when we begin to treade on and crush the serpent he be not able to
for his lawes in the resurrection of euerlasting life After him the third is deluded being required he quickly brought out his tongue and stretched forth his handes constantly and confidētly saied From heauen I possesse these things but for the lawes of God now I despise these very same because of him I hope to receaue thē againe So that the King and those which were with him did admire the young mans mind that he accounted his torments as nothing This being thus dead they vexed the fourth torturing him in the fame forte And whan he was euen at the pointe of death he saied thus it is better for those which are putte to death by men to expect hope from God as being to be raised againe by him for vnto thee there shall be no resurrection vnto life And whan they had brought the fifth they vexed him but he looking vpon him saied Thou hauing power ouer men wheras thou arte mortall dost what thou wilt but do not thinke that our generation is forsaken of God but thou abide patiently and thou shalt see his great power and how he will torment thee and thy seed After him they brought the sixth he beginning to dye saied thus Do not erre in vaine for we for our owne selues do suffer this hauing offended against our God and things worthy of admiration haue bene done amongst vs. but do not thou thinke that thou shalt be scotfree because thou hast gone about to fight against good But the mother wonderfull aboue measure A godly mother and worthy of the memory of good men which seeing in the space of one day her seauen sonnes dying bore it which a good courage for the hope which she had in God exhorted euery one of them with her coūtrey language stoutely being replenished with wisdome and ioining a manly courage vnto a womanly thought said vnto them I know not how you appeared in my wombe neither truely did I geue vnto you spirite soule life and the members of euery one of you did not I fette togither but the creatour of the world which hath fourmed the natiuity of man and which bath found out the beginning of all things will restore vnto you againe spirite and life with mercy euen as now you sette nought by your selues for his lawes But Antiochus supposing him selfe to be contemned despising the vpbraiding voice whā as yet the youngest was aliue not onely with words exhorted him but with an oth also affirmed that he would make him riche happy esteeme him as a frend and geue him all mnaner of necessaries if he would be changed from his countrey lawes But whan the young man was nothing moued vnto these things the king called the mother perswaded her to c●ūfaile her young sonne for the sauing of his life And whan he had exhorted her with many wordes she promised to perswade her sonne Therfore stouping downe vnto him deriding the cruell Tyrant she said in her countrey language my sonne haue compassion of me which carried thee nine monethes in my wombe and gaue thee sucke for three yeares and nourished thee and haue brought thee vnto this age I beseech thee ô sonne How parēts ought to cōfourt them selues in their childrens vertew that thou looke vpon heauen and earth and all things which are in thē that thou vnderstand that God made them and mankind of nothing so will it come to passe that then do not feare this butcher but being made a worthy companion and partner with thy brethren accepte death that in that time of mercy I may re●eauet gither with thy brethren thee also Euen whilest she was speaking these things the young man saied whom do you stay for I obey not the precept of the King A lesson of trew obedience but the precept of the law whi●h was geuen vs by Moises But thou who hast bene he ●●uent our of all malice toward the Iewes shalt not escape the handes of God For we for our owne sinnes doe suffer these thinges And although our Lord God for our correction and punishment is for a while angry with vs yet he will be reconciled againe vnto his seruantes but thou ô most wicked and most abominable of all men be not foolishly extolled with vaine hopes whilest thou dost ra●e against his seruantes for thou hast not yet escaped he indgement of the almighty God which seeth all thinges For my brethren hauing now sustained a small labour do repose vnder the testament of euerlasting lise but thou by the iudgement of God shalt suffer 〈◊〉 punishments of thy pride I as my brethren also do geue my life and body for my countrey lawes inuocating God that he will quickly be mercifull vnto our nation and that thou by tormēts stripes maist confesse that he onely is God But in me and in my brethren the wrath of almightye God shall cease which hath iustly bene brought vpon all our generation Than the King incensed with anger did shew extreeme cruelty vpon him more than vpon all being much moued that he was derided And he therfore died vndefiled wholly putting his trust in our Lord. Last of all after the sonnes the mother also was putte to death THE CONCLVSION TO Catholicke wiues and children NOw therfore ô deuoute Catholicke wiues and children whom especially I haue in this labour regarged remember that you are the spouses and children of God these men which are now your husbandes after the shorte space of this life and the temporall cohabitation of this vale of misery shall be your husbands no longer Than shall there be a perpetuall diuorce of this band of mariage and withall either an eternall diuorcement in place the one being so farre sundered from the other as is heauen from hell or both of you for euer shall be diuorced togither from the face of God if you dye out of his Church or graces or that which is a most happy and gloriouse thing your carnall matrimony and temporall coniunction being Catholickly and religiously passed ouer in this life shall be chaunged into a perpetuall indissoluble vnion in the glory of God These men after their death cannot forbid you to marry another because your promise was made for no longer space Euen so lett not them liuing still with you cause you to be vnfaithfull vnto God because that was no part of your plighted promise the faith promised to your husband doth bind you but vntill death but the faithfulnes promised to your most auncient noble spouse of heauen as it was more auncient thā your worldly mariage so must it neuer be broken but continew for all eternities Your husbandes will iustly reprehend you if you dishonour their bedd Euen so do you plead your other husbands cause least his temple be uiolated most filthy is trewly the crime of fornication but aboue all other vices heresy and profession of heresy is a spirituall fornication your husbands ouer your soules haue no