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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01056 Loues sacrifice A tragedie receiued generally well. Acted by the Queenes Majesties Seruants at the Phœnix in Drury-lane. Ford, John, 1586-ca. 1640. 1633 (1633) STC 11164; ESTC S102512 45,749 86

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I feele Foole he shall know I was not borne to kneele Exit Enter D'auolos and Iulia R. D. Iulia mine owne speake softly What hast thou learn'd out any thing of this pale widgeon Speake soft what does she say Iul. Fo more then all there 's not an houre shall passe But I shall haue intelligence she sweares Whole nights you know my mind I hope you 'll giue The gowne you promis'd me R. D. Honest Iulia peace th' art a woman worth a kingdome let me neuer be beleeued now but I thinke it will bee my destiny to be thy husband at last what tho thou haue a child or perhaps two Iul. Neuer but one I sweare R. D. Well one is that such a matter I like thee the better for 't it shewes thou hast a good tenant-able and fertile wombe worth twenty of your barren dry bloodlesse deuourers of youth but come I will talke with thee more priuately the Duke has a iourney in hand and will not be long absent see 'a is come already let 's passe away easily Exeunt Enter Duke and Biancha Duke Troubled yes I haue cause O Biancha Here was my fate engrauen in thy brow This smooth faire polisht table in thy cheeks Nature summ'd vp thy dower 't was not wealth The Mysers god nor Royalty of blood Aduanc'd thee to my bed but loue and hope Of Vertue that might equall those sweet lookes If then thou shouldst betray my trust thy faith To the pollution of a base desire Thou wert a wretched woman Bian. Speakes your loue Or feare my Lord Duke Both both Biancha know The nightly languish of my dull vnrest Hath stampt a strong opinion for me thought Marke what I say as I in glorious pompe Was sitting on my Throne whiles I had hemm'd My best belou'd Biancha in mine armes She reacht my cap of State and cast it downe Beneath her foot and spurn'd it in the dust Whiles I oh 't was a dreame too full of fate Was stooping downe to reach it on my head Fernando like a Traytor to his vowes Clapt in disgrace a Coronet of hornes But by the honour of anoynted kings Were both of you hid in a rocke of fire Guarded by ministers of flaming hell I haue a sword 't is here should make my way Through fire through darknesse death and all To hew your lust ingendred flesh to shreds Pound you to morter cut your throats and mince Your flesh to mites I will start not I will Bian. Mercy protect me will ye murder me Duke Yes Oh! I cry thee mercy how the rage Of my vndreamt of wrongs made me forget All sense of sufferance blame me not Biancha One such another dreame would quite distract Reason and selfe humanity yet tell me Was 't not an ominous vision Bian. 'T was my Lord Yet but a vision for did such a guilt Hang on mine honour 't were no blame in you If you did stab me to the heart Duke The heart Nay strumpet to the soule and teare it off From life to damne it in immortall death Bian. Alas what doe you meane Sir Duke I am mad Forgiue me good Biancha still me thinkes I dreame and dreame anew now prethe chide me Sicknesse and these diuisions so distract My senses that I take things possible As if they were which to remoue I meane To speed me streight to Luca where perhaps Absence and bathing in those healthfull springs May soone recouer me meane time deare sweet Pitty my troubled heart griefes are extreame Yet Sweet when I am gone thinke on my dreame Who waits without ho is prouision ready To passe to Luca Enter Petr. Nibr. Fior. D'auolos Ros. Fernando Petr. It attends your Highnesse Duke Friend hold take here from me this Iewel this Giues him Biancha Be she your care till my returne from Luca Honest Fernando wife respect my friend Let 's goe but heare ye wife thinke on my dreame Exeunt omnes but Ros. et Petr. Petr. Couzen one word with you doth not this Cloud Acquaint you with strange nouelties The Duke Is lately much distemper'd what he meanes By journeying now to Luca is to me A riddle can you cleare my doubt Ros. O Sir My feares exceed my knowledge yet I note No lesse then you inferre all is not well Would 't were whosoeuer thriue I shall be sure Neuer to rise to my vn-hop'd desires But Couzen I shall tell you more anon Meane time pray send my Lord Fernando to me I couet much to speake with him Enter Fernando Petr. And see He comes himselfe I 'le leaue you both together Exit Fer. The Duke is horst for Luca how now Cooze How prosper you in loue Ros. As still I hop'd My Lord you are vndone Fer. Vndone I in what Ros. Lost and I feare your life is bought and sold I 'le tell you how late in my Ladies chamber As I by chance lay slumbering on the mats In comes the Lady Marquesse and with her Iulia and D'auolos where sitting downe Not doubting me Madam quoth D'auolas We haue discouer'd now the neast of shame In short my Lord for you already know As much as they reported there was told The circumstance of all your priuate loue And meetings with the Dutchesse when at last False D'auolos concluded with an oath Wee 'll make quoth he his hart-strings crack for this Fer. Speaking of me Ros. Of you I quoth the Marquesse Were not the Duke a baby he would seeke Swift vengeance for he knew it long agoe Fer. Let him know it yet I vow Shee is as loyall in her plighted faith As is the Sunne in heauen but put case She were not and the Duke did know she were not This Sword lift vp and guided by this Arme Shall guard her from an armed troupe of Fiends And all the earth beside Ros. You are too safe In your destruction Fer. Dambe him hee shall feele But peace who comes Enter Colona Col. My Lord the Dutchesse craues a word with you Fer. Where is shee Col. In her chamber Ros. Here haue a plum for Ie'ee Col. Come foole I 'le giue thee plums enow come foole Fer. Let slaues in mind be seruile to their feares Our heart is high in-starr'd in brighter Spheres Exit Fer. et Colo Ros, I see him lost already If all preuaile not we shall know too late No toyle can shun the violence of Fate Exit Actus Quintus Enter aboue Fernando Fior. NOW fly reuenge and wound the lower earth That I en-sphear'd aboue may crosse the race Of Loue despis'd and triumph o're their graues Who scorne the low-bent thraldome of my heart A Curtaine drawne below are discouered Biancha in her night attire leaning on a Cushion at a Table holding Fernando by the hand Bia. Why shouldst thou not be mine why should the laws The Iron lawes of Ceremony barre Mutuall embraces what 's a vow a vow Can there be sinne in vnity Could I As well dispense with Conscience as renounce The out-side of my titles the poore
composition offered and the Fort entrred there 's no interruption the Duke will be at home to morrow gentle Animal what d' ee resolue Fior. To stirre vp Tragedies as blacke as braue And sending the Lecher panting to his graue Exeunt Enter Biancha her haire about her eares in her night mantle she drawes a Curtaine where Fernando is discouered in bed sleeping she sets downe the Candle before the Bed and goes to the Bed side Bian. Resolue and doe 't is done What are those eyes Which lately were so ouerdrown'd in teares So easie to take rest Oh happy man How sweetly sleepe hath seal'd vp sorrowes here But I will call him What My Lord my Lord My Lord Fernando Fer. Who cals me Bian. My Lord Sleeping or waking Fer. Ha! who is 't Bian. 'T is I Haue you forgot my voyce or is your eare But vsefull to your eye Fer. Madam the Dutchesse Bian. Shee 't is she sit vp Sit vp and wonder whiles my sorrowes swell The nights are short and I haue much to say Fer. Is 't possible 't is you Bian. 'T is possible Why doe you thinke I come Fer. Why to crowne ioyes And make me master of my best desires Bian. 'T is true you guesse aright sit vp and listen With shame and passion now I must confesse Since first mine eyes beheld you in my heart You haue beene onely King if there can be A violence in loue then I haue felt That tyranny be record to my soule The Iustice which I for this folly feare Fernando in short words how e're my tongue Did often chide thy loue each word thou spak'st Was musicke to my eare was neuer poore Poore wretched woman liu'd that lou'd like me So truly so vnfainedly Fer. Oh Madam Bian. To witnesse that I speake is truth looke here Thus singly I aduenture to thy bed And doe confesse my weaknesse if thou tempt'st My bosome to thy pleasures I will yeeld Fer. Perpetuall happinesse Bian. Now heare me out When first Caraffa Pauy's Duke my Lord Saw me he lou'd me and without respect Of dower tooke me to his bed and bosome Aduanc'd me to the titles I possesse Not mou'd by Counsell or remou'd by greatnesse Which to requite betwixt my soule and heauen I vow'd a vow to liue a constant wife I haue done so nor was there in the world A man created could haue broke that truth For all the glories of the earth but thou But thou Fernando Doe I loue thee now Fer. Beyond imagination Bian. True I doe Beyond imagination if no pledge Of loue can instance what I speake is true But losse of my best ioyes here here Fernando Be satisfied and ruine me Fer. What d' ee meane Bian. To giue my body vp to thy embraces A pleasure that I neuer wish'd to thriue in Before this fatall minute marke me now If thou dost spoyle me of this robe of shame By my best comforts here I vow agen To thee to heauen to the world to time E're yet the morning shall new christen day I 'le kill my selfe Fer. How madam how Bian. I will Doe what thou wilt 't is in thy choyce what say yee Fer. Pish doe you come to try me tell me first Will you but grant a kisse Bian. Yes take it that Or what thy heart can wish I am all thine Kisses her Fer. Oh me Come come how many women pray Were euer heard or read of granted loue And did as you protest you will Bian. Fernando Iest not at my calamity I kneele She kneels By these disheauel'd hayres these wretched teares By all that 's good if what I speake my heart Vowes not eternally then thinke my Lord Was neuer man su'd to me I deny'd Thinke me a common and most cunning whore And let my sinnes be written on my graue My name rest in reproofe Doe as you list Fer. I must beleeue ye yet I hope anon When you are parted from me you will say I was a good cold easie-spirited man Nay laugh at my simplicity say will ye Bian. No by the faith I owe my Bridall vowes But euer hold thee much much dearer farre Then all my ioyes on earth by this chast kisse Fer. You haue preuail'd and heauen forbid that I Should by a want on appetite prophane This sacred Temple 't is enough for me You 'll please to call me seruant Bian. Nay be thine Command my power my bosome and I 'le write This loue within the tables of my heart Fer. Enough I 'le master passion and triumph In being conquer'd adding to it this In you my loue as it begun shall end Bian. The latter I new vow but day comes on What now we leaue vnfinish'd of content Each houre shall perfect vp Sweet let 's part Fer. This kisse best life good rest Kisse Bian All mine to thee Remember this and thinke I speake thy words When I am dead rip vp my heart and read With constant eyes what now my tongue defines Fernando's name caru'd out in bloody lines Once more good rest Sweet Fer. Your most faithfull seruant Exeunt Actus Tertius Enter Nibrassa chasing after him Iulia weeping Nib. GEt from me strumpet in famous whore leprosie of my blood make thy moane to Ballad singers and Rimers they 'll Iigge out thy wretchednesse and abominations to new tunes as for me I renounce thee th' art no daughter of mine I disclayme the legitimation of thy birth and Curse the houre of thy Natiuity Iul. Pray Sir vouchsafe me hearing Nib. With child I shame to my graue Oh whoore wretched beyond vtterance or reformation What would'st say Iul. Sir by the honor of my mothers hearse He has protested marriage pledg'd his faith If vowes haue any force I am his wife Nib. His faith Why thou foole thou wickedly credulous foole Canst thou imagine Luxury is obseruant of Religion No no it is with a frequent Lecher as vsuall to for sweare as to sweare their piety is in making idolatry a worship their harts and their tongues are as different as thou thou whorel and a Virgin Iul. You are too violent his truth will proue His constancy and so excuse my fault Nibr. Shamelesse woman this beleefe will damne thee how will thy Lady Marquesse iustly reproue me for preferring to her seruice a monster of so lewd and impudent a life Looke too 't if thy smooth diuell leaue thee to thy infamy I will neuer pitty thy mortall pangs neuer lodge thee vnder my roofe neuer owne thee for my childe mercy bee my witnesse Enter Petruchio leading Colona Petr. Hide not thy folly by vnwise excuse Thou art vndone Colona no entreaties No warning no perswasion could put off The habit of thy dotage on that man Of much deceit Ferentes would thine eyes Had seene me in my graue e're I had knowne The staine of this thine honour Col. Good my Lord Reclaime your incredulitie my fault Proceeds from lawfull composition Of Wedlocke he hath seal'd his oath to mine To be my husband Nibr. Husband
Angels sing A requiem at my hearse but to dispense With my Reuenge on thee 't were all in vaine Prepare to dye Bian. I doe and to the point Of thy sharpe sword with open brest I 'le runne Halfe way thus naked doe not shrinke Caraffa This dants not me but in the latter act Of thy Reuenge 't is all the sute I aske At my last gaspe to spare thy noble friend For life to me without him were a death Duk. Not this I 'le none of this 't is not so fit casts away his sword Why should I kill her she may liue and change Or Fior. Dost thou halt faint Coward dost thou wish To blemish all thy glorious Ancestors Is this thy Courage Duke Ha I say you so too Giue me thy hand Biancha Bian. Here Duke Farewell Thus goe in euerlasting sleepe to dwell draws his ponyard and stabs her Here 's blood for lust sacrifice for wrong Bian. 'T is brauely done thou hast strucke home at once Liue to repent too late Commend my loue To thy true friend my loue to him that owes it Ny Tragedy to thee my hart to to Fernand oo oh dies Duke Sister she 's dead Fior. Then whiles thy rage is warme Pursue the canser of her trespasses Duke Good takes vp his sword exits I le slake no time whiles I am hot in blood Fior. Here 's royall vengeance this becomes the state Of his disgrace and my vnbounded fate recedot Fior. Enter Fernando Nibrassa Petruchio Petr. May we giue credit to your words my Lord Speake on your honour Fer. Let me dye accurst If euer through the progresse of my life I did as much as reape the benefit Of any fauour from her saue a kisse A better woman neuer blest the earth Nibr. Be shrew my heart young Lord but I beleeue thee Alas kind Lady 't is a Lordship to a dozen of poynts But the jealous mad man will in his fury Offer her some violence Petr. If it be thus 't were fit you rather kept A guard about you for your owne defence Then to be guarded for security Of his Reuenge he 's extreamely mou'd Nibr. Passion of my body my Lord if 'a come in his odde fits to you in the case you are 'a might cut your throat e're you could prouide a weapon of defence nay rather then it shal be so hold take my sword in your hand 't is none of the sprusest but 't is a tough fox wil not faile his master Come what wil come take it I 'le answer 't I in the meane time Petruchio and I wil back to the Dutchesse lodging he giues Fer. his sword Petr. Well thought on and in despight of all his rage Rescue the vertuous Lady Nibr. Looke to your selfe my Lord the Duke comes Enter Duke his Sword in one hand and in the other a bloody Dagger Duke Stand and behold thy executioner Thou glorious Traytor I will keepe no forme Of Ceremonius law to try thy guilt Looke here 't is written on my ponyards point The bloody euidence of thy vntruth Wherein thy Conscience and the wrathfull rod Of heauens scourge for lust at once giue vp The verdict of thy crying villanies I see th' art arm'd prepare I craue no odds Greater then is the iustice of my cause Fight or I 'le kill thee Fer. Duke I feare thee not But first I charge thee as thou art a Prince Tell me how hast thou vs'd thy Dutchesse Duke How To adde affliction to thy trembling ghost Looke on my daggers crimson dye and iudge Fer. Not dead Duke Not dead yes by my Honor's truth why foole Dost thinke I 'le hug my iniuries no Traytor I 'le mixe your soules together in your deaths As you did both your bodies in her life Haue at thee Fer. Stay I yeeld my weapon vp he lets fall his weapon Here here 's my bosome as thou art a Duke Dost honour goodnesse if the chast Biancha Be murther'd murther me Duke Faint hearted Coward Art thou so poore in spirit Rise and fight Or by the glories of my home and name I 'le kill thee basely Fer. Doe but heare me first Vnfortunate Caraffa thou hast butcher'd An Innocent a wife as free from lust As any termes of Art can Deifie Duke Pish this is stale dissimulation I 'le heare no more Fer. If euer I vnshrin'd The Altar of her purity or tasted More of her loue then what without controule Or blame a brother from a sister might Racke me to Atomies I must confesse I haue too much abus'd thee did exceed In lawlesse Courtship 't is too true I did But by the honour which I owe to goodnesse For any actuall folly I am free Duke 'T is false as much in death for thee she spake Fer. By yonder starry roofe 't is true O Duke Couldst thou reare vp another world like this Another like to that and more or more Herein thou art most wretched all the wealth Of all those worlds could not redeeme the losse Of such a spotlesse wife glorious Biancha Reigne in the triumph of thy martyrdome Earth was vnworthy of thee Nib. et Petr. Now on our liues we both beleeue him Duke Fernando dar'st thou sweare vpon my sword To iustifie thy words Fer. I dare looke here Kisses the Sword 'T is not the feare of death doth prompt my tongue For I would wish to dye and thou shalt know Poore miserable Duke since she is dead I 'le hold all life a hell Duke Biancha chast Fer. As vertues selfe is good Duke Chast chast and kild by me to her Offers to stabbe himselfe and is stayed by Fer. I offer vp this remnant of my Fer. Hold Be gentler to thy selfe Petr. Alas my Lord this is a wise mans carriage Duke Whither now Shall I run from the day where neuer man Nor eye nor eye of heauen may see a dogge So hatefull as I am Biancha chaste Had not the furie of some hellish rage Blinded all reasons sight I might haue seene Her clearenesse in her confidence to dye your leaue Kneeles downe holds vp his hands speakes a little and riseth T is done come friend now for her loue Her loue that praisd thee in the pangs of death I le hold thee deere Lords do not care for me Enter D'aualos I am too wise to dye yet oh Biancha R. D. The Lord Abbot of Monacho sir is in his return from Rome lodg'd last night late in the Citie very priuately and hearing the report of your journey onely intends to visite your Dutchesse to morrow Duke Slaue torture me no more note him my Lords If you would choose a diuell in the shape Of man an Arch-arch-diuell there stands one Wee le meete our Vnckle order straight Petruchio Our Dutchesse may be coffin'd 't is our will She forth with be interr'd with all the speed And priuacy you may 'i th' Colledge Church Amongst Caraffa's ancient monuments Some three daies hence wee 'le keepe her funerall Damn'd villaine bloody villaine oh