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A56584 A letter to some divines, concerning the question, whether God since Christ's ascension, doth any more reveal himself to mankind by the means of divine apparitions? With an exact account of what God hath bestowed upon a noble maid, from her seventh year, until now, MDCXCI. Written originally in High-Dutch, and now set forth in English by the editor of the Laws of paradise, newly published. J. W. P. 1695 (1695) Wing P72; ESTC R222652 66,368 174

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led out of the Path of Affliction and upon thy Forehead shall be set Palms of Praise so that thou shalt rejoice as a Bird that is escaped from the hands of the Fowler Thus shall it be done to thee O Daughter of Sion 5. HE also foretells how the Edomites for being the Enemies of the Israelits shall be punished when at the same time it shall go well with Sion and she shall be set off in the finest Gold Mine heart is full of Kindness and Love And that yours may be in like manner so joyn your selves unto me so shall ye be made Perfect Be ye Friendly shewing kindness towards all Men so shall ye be well pleasing to me Daughter of SION I have now covered thy Face so that thou art forced to sit as a Blind beggar by the Way-side and to be trod upon by all the World as her at whom all People are ashamed and thy Relations are like the Children of Edom. But be glad O my Daughter of Sion it shall be well with thee again Thy Face which is covered shall appear fair and bright and shall shine as transparent Gold Thou shalt anoint thy head with Oil to refresh thee thou shalt be no more in the Way-side for an Aversion but for an Admiration to all so that all the World shall say it is the LORD who hath done after this manner for it is glorious and it hath not hitherto been ever done so But ye who have reviled the Daughter of SION how will it go with you when that you shall drink of this Cup in your turn and that your Iniquities shall be discovered With thee O SION it shall go well and of thy Sins there shall no mention be made But with thee O Daughter of Edom it shall go very bad say I the Lord of Sabaoth for thy Sins shall be brought into remembrance before me 6. Israel's Future Faith is here represented as Present O how lovely art thou my Dearest How doth thy Faith shine How doth thy goodness sparkle How noble is thy Manner How Friendly and Charming are thine Eyes Come and take the rest of my Beauty to thee Come quickly come for in Friendship I will receive thee thou most lovely amongst the Children of Men. And after that thou shalt have received from me as much Spiritual Beauty as thou wilt come also and take thy Earthly recompense Arise Arise O Daughter of Sion for I will come and visit thee I will raise thee up that art in the dust Make thy self ready in a moment for I will build thee up O thou that art thrown down I will return again towards thee and remain with thee until I lead thee into my Father's House I will Crown thee with Blessings and make thy Face joyful Wherefore be of good heart for this shall happen to thee in a time that thou dost not think of And cast thou upon me all thy Cares for I will bear them Lock thou up thy restless heart in my sweet Love and verily I say unto thee thou shalt not miss of my certain help Amen! 7. HE fortells a Delightful time which shall preceede and be as it were an Image of the Millennial Reign Be not troubled my dear Sheep neither be ye sad Hang not down your Heads but lift them up in my Strength and know ye that your Deliverance is nigh for the Hour is now come and the time of Affliction is passed over the Day of Grace appointed for all those that are Called breaketh forth for the last Evening-light shall shine which imperfect Splendour of the Evening shall out-do the Sun-beams at noon She shall be Adorned in Purple and most fine Gold in the Evening of the World there shall breathe a mild Gale Men upon the Earth shall be at Unity yet not all and both great and small know me and shall pierce deeply into my Wisdom But notwithstanding this shall be put as a Type or Shadow of the Millennial Kingdom Wherefore be glad cleave fast to me live well and above all things have Faith 8. A Prophecy that the Reubenites shall be destroy'd in their Posterity Verily Verily I say unto thee my dearest Daughter Sion that the Lord who hath made Heaven and Earth is purposed and hath firmly resolved that he will gather together all the faint-hearted and bashful all those that are oppressed and humbled in shor all those that are upright in the service of me Unto these will I the Lord be Gracious and the old Reubenites who shall seek to destroy them I will destroy those only of them excepted who shal be found of an upright heart whom I will gather to the rest and they shall dwell together for evermore all those whom I shall have brought into one Body and they shall have but one Name that is that they are Christians Wherefore rejoyce always in me give thanks to my Name be Single-hearted be Merciful be Upright Fare ye well 9. How Levi also shall not escape Be thou joyful O my dear Sion and thou Ephraim my beloved give a great Shout for a Gracious Visitation shall now return upon thee and the Light of my Holy Gospel I will cause thee to see clearly But If thou wilt not receive it behold I have whet my Sword and stretched out my Bow and made it ready with a deadly Arrow that I may strike thee Dead in the twinckling of an Eye For as many as receive it I will also receive and will be merciful to but as many as are self-willed and stiff-necked I will scatter before my Face and chastize with heavy Stripes both Reuben and Levi and all that belong to them As for those who remain mine in great mercy will I come unto them Amen! 10. How that a Glimmering to the Kingdom of Glory is appeared to witness to the fore-running Day-break And how that for this reason the Dragon in his Members rageth against the Children of Light upon whom God will pour forth abundantly the streams of his Spirit Be ye joyful O my dearest Sheep and hearken ye to my Voice for my Voice cryeth aloud Hearken ye to the sound of the Trumpet and come ye here to me Skip O ye Lambs upon the little Hills of God have a good chear be merry for God's City shall be built in the days of goodness Laugh Sing aloud Clap your hands for my Foot is set upon the Bottomless pit to keep the Dragon down that he may not Spit out his deadly Poison while he beholds the Dawn of the Glorious Kingdom now beginning in which his Head shall be Bruised and his Power Shaken But afterward through my Indulgence he shall Spit forth his Serpentine Poison amongst my Chosen ones yet with this difference that they shall have reciv'd Power and Strength to resist him And this shall be a Sign to them that they shall cause Fire to fall from Heaven and Consume the Ungodly however they shall be wrongfully treated and persecuted but shall not
can this Revelation be from the Devil which hath destroy'd in her the Devil's Work and brought her to Christ Q. III. Since this Spirit who reveals himself in her calls himself the Spirit of Jesus Christ and witnesses that he who speaks by her is the Lord Jehovah the Tri-Vn God who Created Heaven and Earth the God of Israel how should it be possible for Satan so to disguise himself in the form of an Angel of Light as to give himself the Name of Jehovah at which he cannot but tremble Q. IV. Since that this Person has from her Childhood receiv'd some Revelations of diverse great Mysteries hidden in the Scripture which were not before known to us and which by reason of their Profoundness were not understood even by her self and which notwithstanding do all shew so goodly an Harmony Likewise since that she knows not at all times how to write about such Matters but then only when she is call'd by God and hears his Voice And since also that some Particulars have been foretold by her which have really come to pass accordingly I desire to be Answer'd whether such things as these can ever proceed from a strong Imagination or from a natural Subtilty of Spirit of which yet there is nothing to be found in this dear Person as all those who knew her can testifie And whether though it may be without difficulty consented to that the Depths of Phansie of the Devil and of his Deceivableness cannot be all found out by us it must 〈◊〉 be also confess'd that God will reveal these Depths and Heights of Satan and of Reason to his Children by the Spirit which he hath given them which searcheth the Deep Things of God to the end they may be able clearly to discern that which is the Fault of a strong Impression from that which is the Effect of God's Spirit XLII 1. Before I conclude I cannot forbear to inform you my Dear Fathers and Brethren in Christ that such abominable Lies and Slanders have been publish'd against Us and Her by the Father of Lies and his Instruments as we could never have believ'd it had been possible if we had not been sufficiently convinc'd of the Power of Darkness which at this present rules in the World in the midst of those who Name themselves Christians We then call'd to Mind what the Lord had already upon the 17th of June foretold us which was that there should arise great and abominable Mistakes the which ought not therefore to appear strange to us but rather to caution us that we may profit thereby and be satisfy'd that the Word and Testimony which have been given are True in as much as they are so entirely accomplish'd Whereas if we had been of the World we had been prais'd of it and that every one might have spoken well of us we needed to have done no more but to have express'd our Doubt whether these Revelations or Testimonies were so Divine as that we could be certain of their being so This then is that Revelation which the Lord gave for a Testimony to us Peace be with you my Elect Again I speak unto you O ye that are Blessed to the end I may quicken you and that ye be not wearied in Patience and Stedfastness Give ear now unto my kind Word which in holy Love I communicate to you Be ye elevated all ye Children of my Father who loveth you and become strong in my Might to the end ye may cleave stedfastly and immoveably to me and depart not from me For there will come abominable Lies and gross Mistakes Consider it for I have told it you to the end ye may remain stedfast in my Truth and well-grounded in the Faith so as to depart neither to the Right Hand nor to the Left Let not any fear now overtake you neither be at all disquieted for I the LORD who am above the Heaven of all Heavens am with you as a mighty Warriour who go before you and suffer you not to be destroy'd if you trust in Me and remain with me If so ye are faithful to Me I am your strong Defence and your Castle And who is he that shall surprize you if ye are founded upon Me As for the Evil-dealers that seek after you they shall be broken in pieces and shall fall heavily But ye shall be made to rejoice in my great Help Amen 2. Not long after this we were Comforted by the Lord in like manner as one is comforted and elevated by one's Mother Hear my Word O Israel and thou Judah that art blessed of me give good attention unto it Lo I come suddenly Mistake not move thou not thy foot that thou mayest not fall For mine Arm shall lead Thee and unto thee shall my Truth be made manifest At the Seventh Hour I will sanctifie my Virgin and will bring forth her Glory which I give to her for a Refreshment before the Rising of the Sun Be but of good Heart my chosen Ones without all manner of fear for I have made a Covenant with you that ye shall remain before Me And now I Swear to you yea I JEHOVAH the Lord of Hosts Swear to you that for you I will set my Righteousness against all the High Things which are lifted up against me that am in you and my Loving-kindness shall guide you and my powerful Arm likewise shall be with you This is the Covenant that I make with the Servants and the Handmaids of Jacob. So verily as the Heaven is prepared by my Almighty Word so keep I my Covenant with my Lambs who shall leap after me upon Mount Gilead and upon Mount Sion my Fortress Yea I have said it For I am the Lord the LORD who rule over the Cherubim and Seraphim the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob who have bruised the Serpent's Head Yea Amen Should we not then be Secure and of a good Heart since the Lord God of Israel our Saviour thus Comforted us and assur'd us of his Protection It 's no matter then how this appears in the sight of the World as if we were forsaken by him and as if to us who have plac'd our confidence in Him rather than in Man all these sweet and powerful Promises should not have their Accomplishment We know notwithstanding with the utmost and greatest Certainty that we shall not perish but shall Conquer for that he hath loved us Hallelujah 3. Lastly upon the 30th of November there came to us the following Word in which the Lord explains to us what is the meaning of that passage Mat. 24.23 Lo here is Christ lo there is Christ And he says That the false Bastard Spirit is already come into all States and will yet come with more abominable Lying Wonders The Warning is word for word this I the Lord LORD Jesus Christ He that is True do warn you that you take heed to your selves for there are coming such False Christs that are disguised and have such
an appearance of Godliness as if it were possible the very Elect would be deceived by them For they have Tokens of Perfection making to themselves a Glory of true Humility notwithstanding which there is nothing in them but Deceit and Abomination As I live I will destroy them for they Prophesie by their own Spirit with which the Starry Spirit is intermixed and bring forth many Wise Sayings and say I am he I am he believe me for here is Immanuel Christ is in me he speaks by me But all this is meer deceit they are Lies and Fallen Spirits Yet be not afraid ye Lambs who hear my Voice for ye shall be preserved against the Hour of Temptation for to Babes is the Mystery discovered and that which is Foolish and that which is Simple before the World is that which I have prepared for my self And the Simple tread securely and that which is Nothing I have chosen and unto little Children is given the Heavenly Wisdom to the end they may put to shame that which is lifted up in the Carnal Sense and that which is little may put that which is exalted underneath it Be not then afraid ye Lambs for unto you is given the true Wisdom to the end ye may be certain and able to discern for ye have the pure Ointment and the Spirit of Truth whereby ye may know all the secret Pleasures and become certain Take heed for the False Spirit is now in all States though not so powerfully as he shall be Judge now my Fathers and Brethren beloved in Christ a true Judgment in the Eyes of God I earnestly beseech you for the Universal Love of the Truth and to the Publick Confession of the Holy Wonders of God to send me as soon as may be your Theological Answer May the Lord JESUS to whom this Matter appertains be powerful with his Spirit in your Spirit May he defend you with his Mighty Arm against all the Gainsayers of his Holy Truth and Crown you in the Day of the Resurrection of the Righteous with Everlasting Glory Amen I remain Your c. Most Obliged to Love and Prayer J. W. P. The Postscript IT having pleas'd our Good God and Saviour by several Testimonies of the same kind and Revelations given to Persons in many Places and of all Sorts and Ranks as Rich and Poor Noble and Plebeian Learned and Unlearned Men and Women Young and Old hidden from the World but known to God to confirm what he has Reveal'd by his Spirit in this Blessed Lady I beseech you Country-men and Brethren from the Deep Centre of Love to hearken to this one Sealing Testimony which some few Years since flow'd from the Vnity of the same Spirit to One in This Nation I heard a Voice saying Great silence in Heaven for half an Hour Then there was a great Gathering together of many Saints and Angels before the Throne and they seem'd in great Consultation And He that sate on the Throne appear'd in great Glory with a glorious Crown on his Head Then I heard a Voice saying Arise my Servant that art to go forth with the Everlasting Gospel for I am coming forth with Ten Thousands of my Saints to Judge the Earth Pray and cry aloud that Judgment may not break out in the House of the Lord Say Spare thy People O Lord and deliver thy Heritage and let them not be consumed with the Wicked Mourn O my People betwixt the Porch and the Altar so may ye prevent the Judgment that is coming forth Behold I will put a Key into the Hand of my Servant that is to go forth with the Everlasting Gospel which will unlock the Heavens and bring down a Blessing upon my People Sing O ye Heavens and rejoice O ye Saints that live upon the Earth For I will deliver you from the Adversaries by the mighty Hand of my Power Fast and Pray and your Cries shall be heard and your Tears shall be shut up into my Bottle for a Memorial before me And such as rise up against you shall fall before you And I saw a Rainbow about the Throne and the Voice said This shall be a Covenant betwixt me and my People Then I heard a great Voice saying I will come forth with Power and will scatter such as rise up against the Everlasting Gospel Arise arise my Servant and put on my Strength and come forth For I am coming to do great things upon the Earth Howl ye Wicked for I will pour out my Spirit on my Servants and on my Handmaids and they shall Prophesie and their Prophesies shall come to pass Prepare your Hearts O ye Saints to meet your God and I will fill your Hearts full of Joy and Rejoicing For it is given to you to sing the Song of Praises and Thansgivings Then shall the Daughters of Sion be fill'd with Praises and Songs of Deliverance For behold the King cometh with Triumph and Victory and the Voice of the LORD shall be heard through the Earth Then I beheld Four Cherubims clapping their Hands together and crying Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabbaoth Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory Then I beheld a Glorious Throne in the midst of Mount Sion and Twenty Four Elders round about the Throne and they threw down their Crowns saying Amen Amen so be it FINIS
thy Refuge and thy strong Rock I say Amen! 15. A very lovely Consolation for Judah and Israel with a Comfortable word to the First-born of Joy in their Posterity Hope in the Lord O Israel shout for joy O Judah for the Lord hath looked upon thee in kindness He shall make thee to rejoyce O thou First-born in thy Posterity I am He that hath said it But to whom is my secret known and who is there that understandeth my meaning Nevertheless the Deep shall utter forth the praises of my Righteousness and the Clouds shall declare my Truth Dear Children be not afraid for I am the Truth Abide in my Truth and what is there that can disturb you Unto you I am All in All. He that loveth me hath Everlasting Life and is Justified in me through the power of Faith Cry aloud lift up your Voices for I am a wonderful God one who levelleth the Mountains and pulleth up Men from the Deep of the Earth Be at peace my dear Sion Waver not my Child Behold in thine hands I have signed thee I am a God of thy Name a Keeper of Israel a Friend of Sion a Benefactor of Ephraim Trouble not your selves dear Friends for no Evil shall be able to reach you and as for what you undertake it shall prosper for I will set your Feet in a large place XVIII All these Testimonies and many more were given by God to this Blessed Maid before I had any manner of Acquaintance with Her Upon the Evidence of which she is so Convinced of the Divinity of this matter that not withstanding all the Contradiction and Opposition of Men she doth without the least mixture of Doubt or Fear believe in pure Simplicity and Child-like Confidence that whatever the Lord hath told or shall according to the expectation of her Faith hereafter tell her shall be punctually fulfil'd both in Her and in others She knows in whom she Believes and understands to distinguish between the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Errour with a clear Eye She bears with those who are not as yet able to own in her the Lord's Work but withal she believes that if they be of upright Hearts they will not be swift to pass Sentance upon Her as also that as many as are Enlighten'd by the Divine Light will be capable to feel that to be from God which God has bestow'd upon her But in bearing thus with the weak she permits not her self to be made Weak And so far is she from being disturb'd at the Blasphemous Sentence of the Unbelievers that she prays for them that God would not therefore on a sudden bring them into Judgment as might justly be fear'd but that he would in mercy delay it who is a God using terribly to punish the Blasphemy of imputing that to the Devil which proceeds from the Holy Ghost She says and maintains No body can make me doubtful of that which I have seen and heard No body knows the New Name but he that receives it None but the Spirit of Man which is in him knows what is in Man even so the things of God are not known to any save to the Spirit of God Now we have received not the Spirit of the World but the Spirit of God that we might be able to know what is given us of God With this one Testimony of the Holy Spirit She overthrows all the Objections made against her from Without which for the most part come from those who cleave too much to the Flesh Notwithstanding all which she trusts that in the end God will manifest His Work so as all the World may own that it is even He himself who hath witnessed all these Words by Her XIX But that you may understand the Method in which these Revelations pass and how this B. Maid doth not see with her Gross and Corporeal Eyes or hear with her Corporeal Ears but doth see and hear the Lord in Spirit and how she doth from time to time write down from his sweet Mouth the Words which she thus hears I will here import a Testimony which was given her on the Twelfth on November in the Year MDCLXXXVIII The LORD himself dictating the same as she wrote to the end that if any were desirous to be inform'd concerning the manner of the Revelation she might be able to answer them in His own Words Which are these Peace be with you the Friends of Our JESUS the Saints Blessed and Beloved I speak with you as one Friend Speaks with another I speak at this time with the Mouth of Truth that I may be heard yet not outwardly by the Bodily but inwardly by the Spiritual Ear which is a Thousand times more delicate then the Outward one I speak to you by my self as true God and true Man and cause my self to be seen not by the Eyes of the Body but by the Internal Eyes the Eyes of the Spirit of such a Spirit naturally as is united and betrothed most strictly to me And this manner of Sight is real tho' it be hidden and subtil This I know will seem strange to you who do not yet understand my Mysteries and my Wonders Yet I tell it you that you may be able to discourse of it properly according to my Inspiration For so and by this means have I spoken to you all those sweet Words which you have hitherto written I have this further in love to speak and say to you Rejoyce ye for your great Glory and Honour since you are rendred so bright through my Righteousness as to become white as the Snow to be cleansed and purged from all Sin yea to be one Heart with me and to be my Temple and Holy Habitation Keep now the House of your Heart clean and let it be mine neither suffer your corrupt sinful Will nor the Love of the Creatures to Lord it therein So will I sink down very deeply into you and then will arise up again in you and such a purifying will I make within you that you shall praise me both with Heart and Mouth My dear little Children rejoice ye for my sake and be of good Courage for I am with you Lay your selves now to rest in my Holy Will and pursue it that I may make you the Instruments of my Graces and Gifts XX. But as the Divinity of this Affair hath been witnessed particularly to some Friends so hath it been to my Wife and Me. For after that God had before this even while we were yet in Holstein made known to us not by such high and extraordinary Revelatiosn but by his Spirit in his Word the great Promise made to Israel in Scripture and the Mystery of his Kingdom and that we for the sake of this had suffered a great deal it pleased him to let us have for about a Year since the knowledge of this Gentle vvoman of whom we had not then heard any thing by the means of a devout Person with whom we
thy self be not asham'd For I my self will do good unto thee and thou shalt be greatly honoured in my presence As I live it must needs be that all that is Paradisiacal be again restored and all that I have spoken be fulfilled Who is there that knoweth the Glory of my Bride then when I shall effectually Espouse her or rather when the Espousals shall be published And in like manner as I was manifested in the Flesh to Die for you so must the Blessed * This was the Name of the Mother of this Elect Maid who deceased the Fourth of August this very Year 1691. with these Words in her Mouth Death is become a Jest Gerdrude re-receive her Promise when that which is Paradisiacal shall come when the Lambs shall leap on Mount Lebanon and shall wait upon the Marriage Verily I say unto you all things must be fulfilled through the Seventh Number And that which I say to you at this time you understand not but the Hour cometh in which ye shall understand it Be joyful and couragious for I am the LORD and I will not suffer you to perish When therefore the Hour shall come that it shall be required of you confess and deny not for I my self will have it to be declared Be ye then at rest looking up to my Goodness 2. Now behold just at this very instant there comes hither a certain Clergy man who spreads it abroad among diverse Persons that a Prophetess was here The Rumour of which coming to the Ears of the Senate they sent their Secretary to me to take my Examinations upon this Head I answer'd That though I did not pretend to make her pass for a Prophetess she had receiv'd from God great and extraordinary Gifts which I would make no difficulty to discover to them if it were desir'd requesting in the mean time the favour that they would let me know the Person who had advis'd them of these things Hereupon the matter was variously discours'd and the Calumnies being very many one of which was that she had a Spirit of Divination in her it pleas'd the most Righteous God upon the Eleventh of the same Month to vindicate her in these Words Shout for joy O ye Nations And be ye joyful O ye Heavens For to vindicate I am risen up yea to vindicate my Daughter Sion I will destroy the Blood of the Dragon from the Face of the Earth for my Wrath is kindled and who is there that can withhold me The Foundations upon which he standeth shall be shaken when I awake up As for his Boils and his Wounds behold they shall find no Cure there shall not be any hope left of healing them Wherefore I say as I live I will utterly destroy him and will cast out his Skull to be devoured by the Dogs Have Courage then O Daughter of Sion in all Afflictions for thou shalt suffer for my Name sake and shalt be rejected and despised But rejoice thou and be of good Heart for the Light shall be divided from the Darkness and I the LORD will become to thee a sure Habitation and a strong Rock Yea Amen! My Wonders must be revealed and it must be done so Wherefore lift up your Heads and be without fear for I am in the midst of you Yea Amen XXX As upon the Sixteenth of August it fell out that One in Preaching out of the Second Chapter of the Prophet Joel did not clear him up according to the Sense and Meaning of the Holy Ghost but maintain'd that God would give no more such extraordinary Revelations to Mankind one of our Friends that was then present being much troubled at this Explication was desirous that the Lord our Saviour who had hitherto witness'd so much favour and condescension towards us would be pleas'd himself to declare the true Intent of that passage and to give us his Divine Instruction upon it And accordingly the next day He vouchsaf'd to open the Prophet's Meaning and at the same time to let us see his Wrath against those who give such Prevaricating Explications to his Prophesies I the GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God of Sion will bring out of Mount Sion Deliverance to my Ephraim who is the Child of my Love Verily as I live the Fire of my Wrath is kindled and I am Zealous for the sake of my Word They imagine Lies and their Heart is filled with meer Abomination But I come suddenly O deceitful Generation that I may spew you out for you are a deadly Poyson and that I may make you a Desolation say I the LORD even the LORD Observe then dear Sion that the Total Accomplishment of my Word written by Joel is yet to come For my Spirit cometh then upon all Flesh in a greater measure than that in which it came upon my Apostles which was no more than as it were a foretaste of what is yet to be And then was the fulfilling of it published in that manner that it is yet to be done when even Sucking Children shall receive the Spirit to such a degree as not only to see Visions but also to interpret them Then shall such a Faith appear as by it greater Works shall be wrought than those which I have wrought And when one saith to the Mountain be thou lifted up and be thou cast into the Sea it shall be done accordingly And then will I shew such Signs as ye have not yet seen and such as never yet have been in the former Times before you What should I speak to the Winds or let my Words be without effect No far be it from me But those who make my Word to lye and who will not suffer it to abide in its strength must come to perdition Wo to you who Preach but your Imaginations Let every one take good heed to that which he doth For I am the LORD and will maintain my Word But whosoever would blacken it or would apply it to his unclean Brutish Thoughts may find it an hard matter to contest with me For I roar as a Lion against every Abomination and I break forth as Smoke out of the Forest to dry up the false Cedars which without are very beautiful but within are filled with the Abominations of Dogs Wherefore I have a loathing unto them and will dreadfully come upon them and will root them out and will cast them into the deep of the Bottomless Pit where is weeping and gnashing of Teeth But thou O my Sion and Ephraim my Beloved fear not for I am thy Friend and I am with thee Amen XXXI Soon after this the Elect Maid that she might set in order her Domestick Affairs upon the Death of her Mother parted from me being accompanied with her Sister In the mean while a Report was rais'd how it was I my self that had spoken by this Maid and had made use of God's Name to give a colour to that which I pretended to establish for a Divine Truth which
had to this time been so generally spoken against doing herein as Numa Pompilius with his Goddess Aegeria to make the People of Rome receive that which he himself spake through her As this was said to a Person of great Quality he answer'd as I have been inform'd That the Cheat might easily be discover'd by Writing to this Maid who was then in a Place which was near Four and Twenty German Miles remote from me and proposing to her some Questions in a Letter that should be Seal'd desiring her to send the same back again Seal'd and together with it an Answer This was accordingly done and there came an Answer in few days to this Person of Quality who was at that time not so far distant as I was Whence the Conclusion is evident that it could not be me but that it must be an higher Hand that spake thro' her The Answer is this Peace be with thee hear my Word O my Servant Behold I am the Spring of Life and no Body cometh to me but whom the Father draweth Therefore give heed to my Word I purifie and sanctifie every one for they are every one in the Father And I finish my Work above all Reason and I replenish every thing with Beauty for I am the Light of the World I go forth in Sanctification over all in all the Depths and Breadths and have no respect for Persons but my Love is spread abroad as a Covering over Seeds and Seeds over (a) Births Generations to Generations In all Mysterious Deeps my Love passeth forth over all For who is he that can sound out my Ways and my Wisdom Behold I the God of Heaven and Earth go forth in all my Doings and no Body can comprehend them I see well thy Writings and even the depths of thine Heart For before me every thing is discovered and laid open Therefore comprehend thou well my Word and acknowledge my Wisdom according to my meaning Behold I JEHOVAH have said it who am made manifest and am about to Judge the World I come upon the Wings of the Cherubims no Body can comprehend me or know me but he that is humbled before me What is it therefore that thou keepest in thy Mind as though thou didst comprehend it Verily verily I say unto thee even I the Lord the Lord that the time cometh when it shall be said Thou shalt know my Name according to my Counsel and my Meaning I will do it my self in thee Thou whom I will form unto me that thou mayest be in me shalt be mine Instrument And many Spirits I do bind together in one and do teach by my Arm the Divine Generation to Fight I have loved thee from all time my Sion and dear Ephraim Be strong as a Lion of Judah and come from the North. I know it and all things are manifest before me but thou knowest not as yet that which I have now spoken unto thee And it is a strange saying to thee and it must be so till that my Hour is come Go then in Peace Thou needest not to know any more at present stand thou only quiet in my Meekness and Patience and be firmly grounded in my Love which endureth for ever and resist me not For I am the LORD who am with thee and who leave thee not alone Be then of good Courage and live well yea Amen We also receiv'd from the same Place an Encouragement not to conceal the Truth which had been entrusted to us but to publish the same to the end that it might be Openly Confess'd and Own'd As I live saith the LORD even I the LORD do say it Return again ye Children of Men And to the Islands I say Fly before my presence and to the Rocks be ye Opened As I sit upon the Cherubim and the Seraphim and rule over all Kings so verily will I make an end of Edom and will root out the Whore of Babel She shall eat her self all her Abomination and all the Storms of her Fury shall fall upon her own Head For she sitteth and lurketh privily upon all the Borders that she may destroy (b) Mode my Manner which I have bestowed upon my Daughter of Sion to instruct her how to lift up her Eyes toward me and to serve me with all Faithfulness Sit still a little while with patience For behold I come unto thee suddenly whom I preserve as the Apple of mine Eye and I anoint thy Head with Precious Oyl for thou art mine He that hath begun let him remain with the Truth And he that hath opened his Mouth let him finish it and not be silent for the perverseness is grown very great But mine Arm is made more powerful yet and my Truth overcometh Watch now and Believe for the Hour is come Display the Banners give a mighty shout and magnifie my Name for I am in the midst of you Yea. Amen! Be not fearful but couragious For I am your Help and Victory At the same time she also sent us from the Place whither she was gone that which had between Four and Five Years before been dictated to her by the LORD upon the XXth Chapter of the Revelations which has been already Inserted in the XIth Section And I can say in the presence of God that before this time I had never seen it with mine Eyes or known in what words it was conceiv'd although she had made some mention in her Mother's Life-time of her having had for a good while such a Manifestation given her XXXII Now as this Elect Maid was upon her Journey to return hither and some Persons of High Quality in the World that had been acquainted with her Sister that was dead and long heard of the Grace which God had conferr'd upon her were very desirous to see her we going out some Miles to meet her were obliged to pass by that very Place where these Persons then were And being by them invited we went along with Her and her Sisters to them and gave them an account of what Extraordinary Gifts God had bestowed upon Her and how wonderfully he is pleas'd to reveal himself in this last Age. Although there were here some Gainsayers yet God left us not without a Blessing For as there arose a great desire to be satisfied whether God whose Mercy is so highly extoll'd in the Holy Scriptures did everlastingly and without distinction reject the Heathen and all such either among the Jews or Christians as are in a False Religion And it being ask'd Whether this Question might be propos'd to the Lord it was done so accordingly And this was the Answer which came As Heaven is prepared by my Might and by my Will as I am from Everlasting and in me is no Beginning or End Besides what I beget as it were in my self and make a Beginning and an End so true is this my Word which in Meekness and Long-suffering I do speak It is well-pleasing and it is my holy Counsel and