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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25343 Ancient truth revived, or, A True state of the antient, suffering Church of Christ, commonly (but falsly) called Brownists, living in London, and other places of this nation wherein I. Is shewed (in the preface) the state of the gospel-church, from the time of Christ's ascension, to the end of the world, gathered out of the book of Revelations, II. The confession of our faith, grounded on the doctrine of the apostles and prophets, III. By vvhom the gospel vvas first preached in this island, IV. Our practice in the worship of God, according to the practice of the primitive church, with an explanation of every ordinance, and vvho have right to administer the same, V. The first day of the week proved to be the gospel-sabbath. 1677 (1677) Wing A3076; ESTC R40283 61,216 57

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allowance of our Liberties in the service of God according to his Word we must notwithstanding not forsake the a assembling of our selves together but walk together in the obedience of Christ and b confession of his Faith and Gospel even through the midst of all Trials not accounting our c Goods Lands d Wives Children Father Mother Brethren or Sisters nor our own e Lives dear unto us so as we may finish our f Course with Joy remembring we ought to obey g God rather than Man that so when we have finished our Course and have kept the Faith we may certainly expect to be given unto us the Crown of Righteousness which is laid up for all that love his appearing so that in the mean time we labour to give unto God the things that are h Gods and unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto all men that which i belongeth to them so endeavouring to have a k Conscience void of offence towards God and towards Man and having hope in God that the Resurrection of the l dead shall be of the just unto Life and of the unjust unto Condemnation everlasting If any take this to be m Heresy then do we with the Apostle confess after the way they call Heresy we worship God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ believing all things that are written in the Law and Prophets and Apostles on which foundation all true Christian n Faith is built Christ being the chief Corner-stone Now unto him that is able to keep us that we fall not even to the only wise God and our Saviour be Glory Majesty Dominion and Power both now and for ever Amen a Heb. 10.25 b Mat. 10.32 Rom. 10.9 1 John 4.15 c Heb. 10.34 d Luke 14.26 27. e Acts 21.13 f 2 Tim. 4.7 8. g Acts 4.19 2 Tim. 4.8 h Mat 22.21 i Rom. 12.17 and 13.8 k Acts 24.15 16. l Luke 14.14 Acts 23.6 1 Cor. 15. John 5.29 m Acts 24.14 n Eph. 2.20 A Description of the true Church of Christ with the Practice of all her Ordinances in that holy Order and Government which Christ by his Apostles established the Primitive Churches in as a Pattern for all true Christians to follow the Lamb on Mount Sion in the performance of his Worship With several grounded Reasons from the holy Scriptures to prove that the first Day of the Week is the Gospel-Sabbath With many-useful Observations needful to be known in this Age for the unfolding of the Right Use and Benefit of every Ordinance according to Gods holy Order SEeing glorious things are spoken of the City of God Psal 87.3 let us therefore take a view how and by whom this City or true Church of God was first planted in this Island of Great-Britain The Welch or British People the first Inhabitants of this Land as Gildas affirmeth received the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor under whom Christ suffered Acts and Mon. Book 2. Pag. 95. He also saith that Joseph of Arimathes after the dispersion of the Jews was sent of Philip the Apostle from France into Britain about the Year of our our Lord 63 and remained in Britain all his time who with his fellows laid the first foundation of the Christian Faith among the British People Gild. de lib. Vict. Aurelii Ambrosii Onesephorus saith that Simon Zelotes did spread the Gospel of Christ to the West Ocean and brought the same into the Isle of Britain Oneseph lib. 2. cap. 4. And thus we see the British People received the faith of Christ and not from Rome fulfilling the Words of the Prophet The Isles shall wait for his Law Isa 42.4 As is expounded by Christ The Gentiles shall trust in his Name Mat. 12. And thus the Gospel was preached to every Creature to wit of Mankind under Heaven Col. 1.22 And the Lords Name was great among the Heathen Mal. 1.11 as was promised to be given to Christ for his Inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his Possession And thus Christ by the preaching of the Gospel being King of Saints is set upon his holy Hill Mount Sion Psal 2.6 8. Rev. 14.1 Where all his Elect are gathered in the dispensation and fulness of times Eph. 1.10 to serve the Lord whose Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of his Kingdom under the whole Heavens hath no end Dan. 7.13 14 27. Luke 1.33 So that in all Nations him that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him Acts 10.35 And thus Christ in his Church doth reign on Earth over both Jews and Gentiles Rom. 15.11 12. and yet no earthly Monarch as will further appear in handling the Ordinance of Christs Government in his Church or Kingdom Now having shewed how and by whom the Church of Christ and his Gospel was first planted in England among the British People In the next place let us behold this Church of Christ how she was planted and established in her primitive Beauty in this Island as in other parts of the World by the heavenly Builders the Apostles 1. Forasmuch as the Scriptures hold forth unto us that every true Church of Christ is a Company of a faithful People called and b separated from the World 〈◊〉 all false Worships c gathered and joyned together with their seed into a holy d Covenant or Marriage-state with the Lord to serve him according to his written Word and thus the Govenant is the Form of the Church by which the faithful and their seed entring into the same do become members of Christs Mystical Body as the Scriptures shew a 1 Cor. 1.2 Rev. 18.4 John 15.19 Acts 19.9 10. and 2.40 b 2 Cor. 16 17. c Isa 60.4 d Esay 62.4 5. Jer. 50.5 2 Cor. 11.1 2. Deut. 26.17 18 19. and 29.10 11. Ezra 9.2 compared with 1 Cor. 7.14 Luk. 18.16 Isa 49.5 2. This Church being thus joyn'd together have power from their Head and Husband Christ Jesus to elect and ordain by a free consent of the whole Church that are come to understanding some from among themselves being found fitly qualified with Gifts and Graces to the office of a Pastor and Teacher for the work of the Ministry and Administration of the Signs or Seals of the benefit of Christs death to wit Baptism and the Lords Supper and likewise to chuse some to be b Elders with the Pastor and Teacher for the Oversight and Guidance of the Church and others to be Deacons c for the gathering the Contribution of the Saints to distribute to the maintenance of the Ministers and relief of the poor and when Widows for helpers be found fit for both Age and Qualifications the Church may likewise enjoy the same as d Deaconists to look after the sick as these Scriptures shew a 1 Tim. 3. Acts 14.23 b 1 Tim. 5.17 c Acts 6.2 3 4. d 1 Tim. 5.9 10. 3. Unto this Church thus gathered and constituted the Lord Jesus hath given his Ordinances every one of them in that holy Order he himself hath
Vespasian and his Souldiers destroyed not so many of them in the Siege as the Sects in the City destroyed one another who remain in dispersion to this day yet we believe God will call his Elect among them by what means in his Wisdom he knoweth best A fair warning for the Gentile Churches when God will have his Controversie with them for their Errors in Faith and Disorder in Worship for if God spared not his ancient People but punished them for their sins as aforesaid how shall the Gentile Churches living in their sins think to escape the Judgments of God which hang over them in this and other Nations for their declining from the Lord's Truth since the last Reformation a Ezek. 34.26 b John 14.21 c Mat. 22.37 e Jer. 23. f Luke 7.9 g John 2.14 h Mat. 15.6 i Mat. 5.6 7. k Psal 83. l John 6.60 66. m Luke 21.20 24. While some deny that heavenly Doctrine of Election taught by the Apostles as a special Comfort to the hearts of God's Children others teach the Elect may totally fall from their * Election God's † Preservation of them Some teach that the everlasting Covenant of Grace in Christ made with Abraham and his Children to wit that God would be a God to him and his Seed was but a carnal Covenant Some also teach that Christ shall come from Heaven and reign a thousand years on Earth as an earthly Prince with the temporal Sword Some hold and practise that Men not in office of Pastor or Teacher may administer the ordinance of Water-Baptism the visible Sign or Seal of God's Covenant in Christ Some believe that the Infants of Believers have not now as of old right to the Sign or Seal of the Covenant and that all Infants in the World to wit of Believers Jews Turks and Pagans are in respect of the Promises of Life and Salvation in an equal State Some believe that the Soul is mortal and dieth with the Body contrary to these Scriptures Eccles 12.7 Gen. 35.18 Psal 146.4 1 Kings 17.21 22. Luke 23.43 Some deny the Ordinance of Singing of Psalms in holy Scriptures in the time of God's Worship though given to the Church of God in express Command by the hand of the Prophet even to sing the Words of Asaph and David 2 Chron 29.25 30. and never yet repealed but commended to the Church of Christ under the Gospel Others deny the holy Order of making and ordaining Ministers by the consent of the Flock they are Members of and over whom they must take care to watch for their Souls And also some deny that Ordinance of Prophesying in the Church by those of the Brethren upon whom the Lord hath bestowed his Gifts and Graces though not in Office Others deny the first Day of the Week to be the Gospel-Sabbath Others hold it lawful in their Congregations that if a Brother be deluded in his understanding to deny his Baptism in Infancy and though he be informed by them that there is no warrant for rebaptizing any Person that was baptized before into the Name of Jesus than there was for re-circumcising those circumcised in Apostacy yet they yield to his Fancy rather than Faith that he may be baptized again and by one which calleth himself a Baptist in their disorderly Way And now this Brother being again baptized in his own Judgment and by his Practice doth say that the Congregation he was of are all unbaptized Persons and that Person new baptized is made by his Baptism no more a Member of their Church seeing they hold that Persons are made Members of true Churches by Covenant and not by Baptism as the rebaptized say Yet for all this the Congregation that allowed this Brother to be baptized do still receive him into their Communion in the Lords Supper though they with him are all condemned in themselves in that they have allowed Rom. 14.22 Two such contrary Seeds or Beliefs which in figure was forbidden to be sowed together Deut. 22.9 in the Lords Vineyard Esay 5.7 the Church of God and contrary to the Doctrine of the Gospel as it is written Now I beseech you Brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus that ye all speak the same things and that there be no division among you but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the same mind and in the same judgment 1 Cor. 1.10 So that it appears though Differences did arise in the Churches by reason of Hypocrites that did creep in among them Jude 4. in the Apostles days yet they were not suffered to abide unless they renounced their erroneous perswasion See John 2.9 10 11. 1 Tim. 6.3 4 5. Tit. 3.10 11. Rom. 16.17 18. 2 Tim. 2.16 17 18. 1 Tim. 1.19 20. Gal. 5.7 8 9. * 1 Pet. 1.2 Eph. 1.4 5. Rom. 8.29 to 34. 1 Thess 1.3 4. 2 Pet. 1.10 11. Mat. 24.24 Acts 3 48. † John 10.28 Jer 32.40 Rom. 11.29 1 John 3.9 Psal 37.24 Mat. 24.24 And again what blind Watchmen have these Congregations that see this evil of Judgment arising and sound not the Trumpet against it See Ezek. 3.1 to 6. but yield that the Evil shall be accomplished Unto such a Church saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 11.19 20. Ye suffer Fools gladly for ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage Wo to such blind Guides that look more after the Fleece or Gain from their Flock than after the Souls whom they shall account for before God to suffer the Church to be mixed in the Lords Plough Deut. 22.10 with a Ox or an Ass together for two such contrary Judgments cannot be both clean Yet more abominations do we see in these last and perillous days among the Ancients in Israel Ezek. 8 that are ashamed of their hoary Heads Lev. 19.32 Prov. 20.29 and shave off all their Beards which God forbiddeth Lev. 19.27 because it is one sign in Nature to distinguish Man from Woman 2 Sam. 10.4 5. Psal 133 2. So that the Beard is an honour to the Man and long hair a glory to the VVoman before her fall which since she must cover as we have handled in a particular Treatise about Hair not long since set forth so many as we have left in our hands shall be put at the end of this Treatise to which we refer the Reader But what Ministers have we in this last Age of the VVorld that as aforesaid shave not only all the gray hairs of their Beards but also shave their Heads and wear Perriwigs made of VVomans hair are these Men Ministers or Rev. 9.8 Monsters let Nature be Judg as it is written Doth not even Nature it self teach you that it is a shame for a Man to wear long hair 1 Cor. 11.4 Are such as these spiritual men that are ignorant what is the shame of Nature Surely then they would not walk so to be judged of man that is condemned in Nature Man being in honour and understandeth not is like the Beast that perisheth Psal 49.20 and
b dead all power in Heaven and in Earth was given unto him he being set at the right-hand of his Father doth spiritually c govern his Church and defendeth e the same to the preservation and salvation of his Elect and destruction of Reprobates out of this his Kingdom that at any time have crept f in at unawares as wolves in sheeps cloathing and communicateth and applieth the benefit of his Prophecy and Priesthood unto his Elect g namely to the remission of their sins and justification and adoption of Sons h regenerating sanctifying preserving and strengthning them in all their conflicts against Satan the World and the Flesh and Temptations of them continually dwelling in governing and keeping their hearts in his true faith and fear by his holy Spirit which having once given he never taketh away from them for whom he loveth he loveth to the end and by it still begetteth repentance k faith love and obedience comfort l peace joy hope and all Christian virtues m unto eternal life which he giveth unto his sheep n only though sometime through sin and temptation it is interrupted o and as it were overwhelmed for a time yet raiseth and receiveth them again to the glory of his Name and their eternal comfort a John 18.36 b 1 Cor. 15.4 c Mat. 28.18 19 20. d Psal 2.6 Acts 5.30 31. Rev. 19.16 Rom. 14.17 e Josh 5.14 Jer. 1.8 Heb. 1.14 f Jud. 4. Mat. 7.15 g Eph. 5.26 27. Rom 5 6 7 and 8 chap. h 1 John 3.1 i John 13.1 and 10.28 29. and 14.16 17. Luke 22.31 32 40. Rom. 11.29 k Psal 51.10 11. Psal 89.34 l Isa 54.8 9 10. Eph. 6.10 m 2 Pet. 1.5 11. n John 10.15 o Job 33.30 and 2 Gor. 12.7 8 9. XI This Kingdom shall be fully perfected a when he shall come the second time in glory with his mighty Angels b to judg the living and the dead c having put down all rule and all authority and power separating the sheep from the goats punishing the wicked with everlasting destruction from his presence gathering and carrying d the godly with himself into endless glory and then to deliver up the Kingdom e to God the Father that so the glory of the Father may be full and perfect in the Son and the glory of the Sun in all his members and God be all in all a 1 Cor. 15.24 28. Dan. 12.2 3. John 5.22 28 29. Heb. 9.28 b 2 Thes 1.4 Mat. 13.41 49. c Mat. 25.31 d 1 Thes 4.15 16 17. John 17.21 e 1 Cor. 15.28 XII To this Church or Kingdom of Christ hath he made all his a promises given the seals b of his Covenant presence c love peace blessing and protection d with his holy Oracles e to be faithfully kept and purely taught f Here are all the fountains and springs g of his Grace continually flowing and refreshing h his Church here is Christ lifted up i to all Nations inviting men to his supper his marriage-feast k even all men of all degrees l whatsoever that by the gift of Gods grace m bestowed on them whom he effectually n calleth to acknowledge him for their Prophet o Priest p and King q and to be enrolled r amongst his houshold-servants to be under his heavenly conduct and government to lead their lives in his walled sheep-fold s and watered garden having communion here with all his Saints that they may be meet to be partakers of their Inheritance t in the Kingdom of God a Lev. 26.11 12. Mat. 28.18 19 20. Rom. 9.4 Esay 49.20 21. 2 Cor. 1.20 Ezek. 48.35 2 Cor. 6.18 b Esa 8.16 c Mat. 18.20 Exod. 20.24 d Zach. 2.5 e 1 Pet. 4.11 Acts 7.38 f 1 Tim. 4.16 and 6.5 Tit. 1.9 Deut. 31.26 Rev. 11.19 g Psal 87.7 h Psal 46.4 Rev. 22.1 Isa 55.1 i Isa 49.22 John 3.14 k Mat. 20.1 2 3. l Gal. 3.28 m 1 Pet. 4.10 n 1 Thes 2.13 o Acts 3.22 p Heb. 3.1 q Rev. 15.3 r Isa 4.3 s John 10. t Acts 26.18 XIII And as all his servants and subjects are called hither a to present their bodies b and souls in his service and there to exercise their gifts c God hath given them in their several orders and peculiar places as in the performance of Christs Ordinances is after laid down being fitly d compact and knit together by every joynt for help according to the effectual working in the measure of every part unto the edifying e of it self in love whereunto when he ascended on high he gave gifts f unto men that by the improvement of the same in the Ordinance of Prophecy in the Church men may be fitted for Offices g in the Church having ratified instituted and confirmed to the worlds end only that publick ordinary Ministry of Pastors h Teachers Elders Deacons Helpers to them in instructing governing and service of his Church a Acts 2.47 and 13.48 Jer. 50.5 Mat. 11.28 b Rom. 12.1 4 5. c 1 Pet. 4.10 Rom. 12.6 7 8. 1 Cor. 12.8 9. 1 Cor. 14.26 29 30. d Eph. 4.16 e 1 Cor. 14.12 Jude 20. f Eph. 4.8 10 11 12 13. Acts 20.28 g 1 Tim. 3.1 Tit. 1.5 6. h Eph. 4.8 11. Acts 6.2 3. and 14.23 Phil. 1.1 1 Tim. 5.17 3.4 5. XIV None may usurp a or execute a Ministry but such as are rightly called by the Church b or particular Congregation whereof they stand Members and being there called and ordained they ought there to attend c and seed the flock of Christ and not like Micab's wandering d Priest rove from one Congregation to another for a greater maintenance but to give all diligence to fulfill their Ministry in the flock of Christ that by the order and authority of Christ given them in his Church who ordained them into office they be found faithful e and unblameable in all things till the chief Shepherd shall appear unto whom they must give an accompt of their charge a Heb. 5.4 Numb 16.5 40. 2 Chron. 26.18 John 10.1 2. John 3.17 b Acts 6.3 5 6. and 14.23 Tit. 1.5 Jer 23.21 Numb 8.9 10. c Acts 20.28 Col. 4.17 1 Tim. 1.18 19. and 5.21 Rom. 12.7 8. d Judg. 18. John 10.12 13. e Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. 5.1 2 3 4. XV. This Ministry is alike given to every Congregation who have power from the Lord Jesus to ordain them by the common or free consent a of the whole by what instrument the Church thinks fit not in that way and order as the Church may imagine but saith the Apostle Paul to Titus as I have appointed b thee and whilst they shall faithfully execute their Office to have them in superabundant love for their c works sake because they watch over their souls to provide for them sufficient maintenance if the Church be able that they as little as may be entangle d themselves with the affairs of this life that they may please him that hath called them to be souldiers in Christs spiritual warfare that so they have time to provide food e