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A23804 The whole duty of prayer containing devotions for every day in the week, and for several occasions, ordinary and extraordinary / by the author of The whole duty of man ... Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. 1692 (1692) Wing A1195; ESTC R7356 61,296 178

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Days Grace and Vertue and guide my Feet in the way of peace Amen A Prayer for a Young Man or Maid MOST gracious God vouchsafe to me thy Heavenly Grace now and at all times more especially in this most dangerous part of my Life when the heat of Youth and many temptations do surround me O preserve me I beseech thee as the apple of thine Eye and though the flesh strives against the Spirit yet do thou exercise thy power and strengthen my imbecillity Stifle Sin in me at the beginning that it arise not up to a habit and prevent in me all evil and unworthy thoughts against thy Divine Majesty O LORD I recommend unto thee my Soul as a Child that can of it self do nothing defend me from all enemies Spiritual and Temporal keep my Soul and Body pure chast and undefiled that I offend not either in thought word or deed Give me grace O Lord to obey my Parents and those to whose tuition I am committed and grant that if thou shalt be pleased to call me to the honourable estate of Matrimony I may be joyned with one with whom I may serve thee in peace and holiness all the dayes of my Life Amen A Prayer for a Servant O HOLY and blessed Lord God who tookest upon thee the form of a Servant and wast obedient unto death even the death of the Cross that thou mightest work the Salvation of all people as well bond as free thou hast been pleased to call me to the State and Condition of a Servant below many others in the world O make me humbly submit to it and alwayes praise and magnifie thy holy Name that thou hast given me Health and strength of Body to perfrom my Duty LORD cast forth all murmurings and repinings in me and all Envy at the prosperity of others Endue me with meekness and humility and deliver me from the slavery of Sin that I may be made a Servant of Righteousness teach me to understand my duty and to reverence those whom I serve accounting them worthy of that honour which appertains to them Preserve me from Pride unseemly passions or disrespectfull behaviour towards my Superiors quicken my diligence in businesse and grant that whatever I shall take in hand I may not do it with Eye Service but in singleness of heart and obtain thy Grace and favour for Evermore Amen A Prayer for the fruits of the Earth MOST gracious God thy Works are to be wondered at through the World thou makest the grass to grow for the Cattel and Herb for the service of Man Thou bringest forth food out of the Earth and blessest the encrease of it look down O Lord I beseech thee upon all the dwellers upon earth wherein we inhabit That our Land may become fruitful and yield forth plenty in its proper Season And O thou who openest thy hand and fillest all things Living with good things fill our hearts with wisdome and all Christian vertues that we may bring forth abundantly the fruit of good works to the honour and glory of thy holy Name And as thou Crownest the Year with thy goodness and thy Clouds drop fatness So grant that we may evermore praise thee for all thy Mercies from whom cometh every good and perfect gift to whom be ascribed all honour power and glory now and forever Amen A Praier for Seasonable Weather O LORD God who for our sins art justly displeased at us and dost now chastise us by keeping back thy rain from watering the Earth whereby we are in danger of losing the diligent labour of our hands Pardon O Lord we humbly beseech our high provocations and accept of our hearty and true Repentance and favourably and Mercifully forgive all our transgressions committed against thee SHOWER down again thy blessings of Rain upon the Earth and water it O Lord that it may be softened and replenished But let not immoderately the Floods overflow us nor the Seed be spoiled under the Clod But let thy loving kindness renw the face of the Earth ' and make the green Pastures rejoyce Hearken unto the Cry of the Poor and Needy and though we eat our Bread in the sweat of our Face yet punish us not with the Scarcity of it which is the Staff and Support of our Lives Lord prosper all our labours and let us with moderation enjoy the fruit of it this we beg for thy Sons sake our blessed Lord and Saviour Amen A Thanksgiving after a good Havest WE Bless and praise thy holy Name O Lord for sending us Rain from Heaven and fruitful Seasons whereby thou hast filled our hearts with Food and gladness Thou hast made the Grass to grow upon the Mountains and given Food to the Beasts of the field and hast filled us with the finest of the Wheat flower thou hast given Seed to the Sower and Bread to the Eater and hast loaded the Earth with thy bounty that our Barns might be filled BLESSED for ever art thou O Lord and magnified be thy Name for these and all others this benefits which thou from time to time hast bestowed upon us O that our hearts may overflow with love and our Tongues with expressions of thankfulness to thee grant that we may never forget nor abuse thy loving kindness towards us but by a sober and charitable use of these thy Mercies we may be made fit for a continual supply of them and at the last be made heirs of thy glorious Kingdom Amen A Prayer for a Woman with Child O GOD the Creatour and preserver of all things who in the beginning didst place mankind in unspeakable happiness and had there continued had not our first Parents broke thy Divine precepts given them in Paradise So that the Earth for their sakes was accursed and unto us the Daughters of Eve for our transgressions thou hast alotted most grievous pains and torments of Body in bringing forth Children LORD extend unto me and to all Women thy Mercy mitigate the torments thereof that we may be able patiently to endure the pains of our travell at the hour appointed And make that easie and light to us which our defects have made heavy and burdensome and that wherewith I am now laden may graciously be delivered from my frail Body and send us all good Lord a safe deliverance that we may be made joyful and happy Mothers VOUCHSAFE unto me and to all that have conceived with child strength to bring forth that which thine omnipotency hath so wonderfully wrought in us in our greatest perils O Lord help us and mightily deliver us let thy pow●r might and Love be no less manifest en the delivery then in the forming of thiy Creature that being through thy goodness made a joyfull Mother I may obtain my perfect strength again and live to praise thee for evermore Amen A Prayer for a Woman near the time of her Travel O GOD most holy the speedy helper of all those who relie upon thee by thy almighty power I
and Lightning Storms and Tempestuous Weather or any other danger that may dismay me To thee O Lord I commend my Body and Spirit to dispose of me according to thy holy Will and Pleasure if thou art pleased to call for my life upon the surface of the Waters I know thy Almighty Word can command the Sea to give up her Dead at the last and great audit BUT if thou hast determined to bring me safe to my desired Haven give me thy Grace which is sufficient for me to walk according to thy holy Will in all things make me to lay hold of eternal Life which as the Anchor of Hope is both sure and stedfast keep me from all temptations Ghostly and Bodily and from sudden Death and in thy good time bring me to the Land of the Living there to reign with thee for evermore Amen A Thanksgiving after a Voyage O IMMORTAL God I have seen thy Works O Lord and thy Wonders in the Deep thou spakest the Word and the stormy Wind arose which lifted up the Waves thereof but when we cried unto thee thou madest the Storm to cease so that the Waves thereof were still then did we rejoyce because we were at rest and thou broughtest us safe to that Haven where we would be O that men would therefore praise thee O Lord for thy Goodness and declare the Wonders thou dost continually for them I BLESS thy holy Name for conducting me through those many dangers which encompassed me and praise thy Mercy that the Deep hath not swalloyed me up and that I am not gone down into the place of Silence I also praise thy holy Name and admire thy loving Kindness towards me that thou hast not delivered up my Body and Goods as a prey into the hands of unreasonable Men but hast brought me to my desired Haven and at last hath returned me back in safety to my Habitation O LET me never forget to pay those vows I made to thee when I was in trouble but give me an awful sense and apprehension of thy great power and possess my Soul with a true reverence of thy Divine Majes●y that I may evermore serve thee in holiness and Righteousness all the dayes of my Life Endue me with thy holy Spirit that I may become acceptable in thy sight and may be fitted at lenght for future Glories this I beg for thy Son Jesus Christ sake my only Saviour Amen A Prayer in a Storm O LORD our God thou hast commanded us in the day of Calamity to call upon thy Name and thou hast promised to hear us Lord I fly unto thee who art a sure refuge thy Flood-gates are opened and the Floods lift up their lofty waves But thou O Lord most high art mightier than the noise of many Waters yea than the mighty Waves of the Sea Thou canst in a moment if it stand with thy Divine will and pleasure rebuke the Winds and the Sea and this Storm into a Calm I KNOW I justly deserve to be cast away and utterly to be rejected by thee but Lord save us or else we perish accept of my unfeigned Sorrow for all my sins and trangressions and endue me with a stedfast resolution to forsake them be merciful unto us O God be merciful unto us and save us from perishing in these deep Waters O refresh us with thy Mercy and that soon lest we go down into the place of silence O comfort us in this great distress that though the Sea rage and swell our hearts may be quiet and still in this time of our disconsolation AND as I earnestly desire to be protected from this great Peril and danger which now terrifies us so I earnestly beseech thee that thou wilt for ever fill my heart with such an awful dread of thy Majesty that I may fear thy Name and praise thy power in the great Congregation awake my dull and drousie Soul from the sloth of Sin and renew a right Spirit within me fill me with the gifts and Graces of thy holy Spirit that I may live the life of the Righteous and never forget thy loving kindness save us now from death I beseech thee from the merciless Waves who are now ready to swallow us up and bring us home in safety for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen A Thanksgiving after a Storm I PRAISE and glorifie thy holy Name O Lord for all thy mercies and blessings vouchsafed unto me especially for this thy last great Deliverance wherein I was encompassed in that wide Ocean whom thou hast set bounds and limits to if thou O Lord hadst not been on my side the Sea had swallowed me up quick and I had gone down into the deep of silence but thou hast been my God and my deliverer and hast put a new Song into my Mouth even a Song of Praise and Thanksgiving unto my God I ACKNOWLEDG O Lord that thou art the God of all the Earth and of them that remain in the broad Sea Blessed for ever and magnified be thy Name that thou hast not cast me out of thy sight nor turned thy Mercy from me I have escaped thy raging Sea and the noise of the proud Waves have done me no harm if thy Almighty providence had not protected me the Streams had gone over my Soul But the stormy wind and Tempest I have narrowly escaped the storm is ceased and I am safely delivered AND now what shall I render to thee O Lord for this and all other thy great benefits I will offer up unto thee the Sacrifice of thanksgiving and will pay those vows I so solemnly made unto thee when I was in trouble I will evermore remember that my help is in the Lord who made Heaven and Earth and that thou art that God that can and will deliver me let this thy mercy and loving-kindness never depart my memory but let me praise thy goodness and sing of thy power unto my lives end Amen A Prayer in time of Thunder and lightning O MOST mighty and terrible Lord God before whom the Earth shakes and the Heavens drop at thy presence thou overturnest the mountains by the roots and removest them in thy anger thou dost great things and thy wayes are past finding out yea thou dost wonders without number Thy voice O Lord is very powerful full of Majesty that it rends the Air and casts forth flames of Fire Thou canst O Lord at this time tear us in pieces and none can be able to deliver us for there is none but thee alone that delivers after this sort O WHO would not dread thy All-glorious Name O Lord Who would not stand in awe of thy Majesty Who would not fear thy Judgments when thou shoots forth thy Arrows of Thunder and Lightning It is of thy meer Mercy O Lord that we are not at this time consumed but that thy tender compassions fail not toward us poor but miserable Sinners the blast of the breath of thy
No●trils can drive us like Chaff before the face of the Wind and chase us into the bottomless Pit from whence there is no Redemption BUT thine Eye O Lord hath spared us and we are yet alive O make us living Monuments of thy Mercy that we may work out our Repentance unto Salvation and let it be such a Repentance never to be repented of possess my heart with such a fear and a love of thee that I may tremble at thy Word and melt at the sight of thy Judgments deliver me I humbly beseech thee in that great day of thy appearance and let me not be in the number of Depart ye Cursed but among those whom thou callest Come you blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you This I humbly beg for thy Sons sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen The Marriners Prayer O GOD the great Creator of Heaven and Earth thou dost whatsoever thou please●t in the Sea and in all deep places I the most unworthiest of all thy Servants am at this time called upon to behold thy Wonders in the Deep and to perform my Duty in great Waters Guide me I beseech thee in all times and in all places be thou our skilful Pilot to steer us and protect us from all Dangers and rebuke the Winds and the Seas when they molest us preserve our Vessel from being rent by the loud cracks of Thunder or from being burnt by Lightning or any other accident keep us and save us from tempestuous Weather from bitter Frosts Hail Ice Snow or Whirlwinds and from Captivity and Slavery TEACH me O God to remember thee my Creator in the days of my Youth to continually think upon thee and to praise thy Name for all thy Mercies bless all our Friends I beseech thee that are on Land and let their Prayers for us be acceptable in thy sight and grant that our next meeting together may be for the better and not for the worse even to the praising and magnifying of thy holy Name and the Salvation of our own Souls in the great day of the Lord Jesus to whom with thee and thy blessed Spirit be ascribed all Honour Power and Glory Adoration and Subjection now and for evermore Amen The Soldiers Prayer O MOST Omnipotent Lord God Heaven is thy Throne and Earth is thy Footstool and the whole Host of Heaven continually pays obedience to thee O Lord I present my self before thee acknowledging my own vileness but thy infinite goodness my own weakness but thy infinite Power and Majesty O thou that teaches our hands to War and our fingers to Fight endue me with a courage and resolution to run through those difficulties I may meet withal and when any engagement presents it self for the publick good of my King and Country then O my God animate me with that vigour and Christian fortitude that I may overcome all those which oppose thee and thy people PRESERVE me I beseech thee and bless me in all my Enterprises save me from Death and cover my head in our day of Battel prosper our Arms with good success make our Religion and Country like the House of David grow stronger and stronger but let the Enemy like the House of Saul grow weaker and weaker let no covetous desires greediness of spoil ambition vain-glory hatred malice uncharitableness or any thing that exalts it self against thee and thy Kingdom ever take hold of me keep me from all Atheism Infidelity Blasphemy and Prophaneness from all Rioting Chambering and Wantonness grant that I may do no violence to any man nor accuse no man falsly but be content with my Wages that when ever Death approaches I may joyfully giving up the Ghost pronounce this saying I have fought a good fight I have finish'd my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Iudge shall give unto all those which love and fear him and put their trust in his mercy Amen The Magistrates Prayer O GOD thou Supreme Judge of the World thou didit ordain Man through thy Wisdom and gavest him dominion over thy Creatures and authority to govern the World according to equity and righteousness and to execute Judgment with all uprightness thou hast appointed me a Minister O Lord and a Judge of thy Sons and Daughters but none can discharge so great a trust without thy divine power and assi●tance TO thee therefore O Lord do I humbly address my self thou art the Fountain from whence every good and perfect gift cometh and none can rule without thy Wisdom guides them Endue me O Lord with that wisdom which is from above which is first pure and then peaceable inspire me with an understanding Spirit that I may discern between Good and Evil between Light and Darkness that I may be always ready to pronounce a just sentence in all Causes let the Scales of Justice be ever even and let my Eyes be blind and my Ears deaf to all gifts or popular applause amongst men suffer me not to bear thy Sword in vain but fill me with that Zeal and Courage that I may be ready to punish Wickedness and Vice but encourage true Religion and Vertue so that at the last when thou shalt be pleased to call me hence I may give up my accounts with joy and not with grief and receive those blessed Words which thou hast pronounced of Well done thou good and faithful Servant enter into the joy of thy Lord. Amen A Prayer of a Debtor in Prison O GOD the helper of the poor and needy and all those who are in adversity look down I beseech thee with an Eye of Pity and Compassion upon thy afflicted Servant the place I am in is miserable disconsolate and comfortless but withdraw not the light of thy countenance from me O Lord I confess I have abused all those mercies I have enjoyed I have not employed that precious time thou hast given me to improve but on the contrary I have been negligent and guilty of all profuseness I have been worse than an Infidel in not making that provision for my Family which I was obliged in Justice to perform neither have I paid those due Debts which I became bound to do therefore a● I plunged into this depth of misery Divers ways I am apprehensive I have highly offended thy Divine Majesty both in thought word and deed for which I earnestly implore thy gracious pardon and forgiveness I acknowledge thy Divine Goodness and Mercy that thou hast not snatched me hence and sent me into everlasting burnings amongst the damned but thou hast preserved me unto this moment that I might live and praise thy great Name My Body O Lord is now confin'd but I beseech thee enlarge my Spirit whereby I may offer up the Sacrifice of Prayer and Thanksgiving with all cheerfulness for all thy innumerable benefits which I have from time to time received from thee dispose the hearts of my
and trust in thee my Song shall be of thee in the Night Season and in the Day time I will be speaking of thy wondrous Works AND forasmuch as thou out of thy tender Love and Compassion on thy Creatures hast ordained this time for their rèpose and refreshment that having past through the Cares and Dangers of the Day they might under the shadow of thy Wings find rest and security keep me I most humbly beseech thee from the Hours and the Powers of darkness watch over me this Night in thy Almighty Providence and scatter all the Rebellions and Devices of my Adversaries enlighten my Soul sanctifie my Body govern my Affections and guide my Thoughts that in the fastest closures of my Eye-lids my Spirit may see thee and in the depth of sleep be conversant with thee This and what ever thou knowest is needful for me I humbly beg at thy hands through the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer Amen Ejaculations to be used on several Occasions When you awake in the Night HOly holy holy Lord God of Sabbath Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory When the Clock strikes BLESSED be the hour in which my Lord Iesus was Born and the hour in which he Died O Lord remember me at the hour of Death and in the Day of Iudgment When you intend any Business or Journey O do well unto thy Servant that I may live and keep thy Word Prosper thou the Work of my hands upon me O prosper thou my handy Work When thou art Persecuted HASTE thee O God to deliver me make haste to help me O Lord Upon some sudden Fear O set me upon the Rock that is higher than I for thou art my Hope and a strong Tower for me against my Enemy Upon any disorderly Thoughts MAKE me a clean Heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me Upon any occasions of Sadness THY rebuke hath broken my Heart I am full of Heaviness but thou O Lord shalt lift me up again Upon any Diffidence THOU art my Hope O Lord even from my Youth through thee have I been holden up ever since I was Born though thou shouldst kill me yet will I trust in thee When thou perform'st any good Work NOT unto me O Lord not unto me but unto thy Name give the praise When thou art provoked to Anger GIVE thy peace unto thy Servant O God let no man take away my Crown in patience O Lord let me possess my Soul For thine Enemies LORD lay not this Sin to their Charge they know not what they do Upon any Deliverance or Mercy received THE Lord is my Shepherd I shall not Want he maketh me to lie down in green Pastures he leadeth me besides the still Waters he hath prevented me with the blessings of Goodness he hath granted me my Hearts desire and not with-holden the Request of my Lips Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life and I will dwell in the House of my God for ever Upon any Loss or Adversity SHALL we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive Evil Naked came I out of my Mothers Womb and Naked shall I return thither the Lord Gave and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the Name of the Lord. When you hear the Bell Toll for one Departed TEACH me O Lord to number my days that I may apply my Heart unto Wisdom Upon thought of thy Sins TURN away thy Face from my Sins O Lord and blot out all mine Offences Praise the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits who forgiveth all thy Sins and healeth all thine Infirmities When thou art weary of the Cares and Vanities of this World LIKE as the Hart brayeth for the Water-brooks so thirsteth my Soul after thee O God O who will give me the Wings of a Dove that I may fly away and be at rest Meditations for Sunday THis is the day which the Lord hath made let me rejoyce and be glad therein it is a day of rest and sweetness unto my Soul and a day of Ease from Labour● unto my Body as thou O God didst rest this day from the Works of thy Creation so grant that I may cease this day from all Sin and by an earnest Repentance implore thy Pardon thaw this frozen Heart of mine that this day it may melt at thy presence and say unto my Soul those comfortable Words which thou wert pleased once to say to Zacheus This day is Salvation come to thy House O Lord I am utterly unworthy in my self to stand at the Door of thy Sanctuary much less to appear in thy presence and be made partaker of thy Heavenly Gifts for thou O Lord art a God of pure Eyes and canst not behold Iniquity and I am thy sinful Creature not only wilfully opposite unto thee but even Enmity it self against thee Unto thee therefore belongeth Righteousness and unto me shame and confusion of Face Lord when I thus see my self in the Glass of thy Law my flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy Iudgments I HAVE sinned against Heaven and before thee by my sad refusal of thy gracious offer of Eternity in my sinful relinquishing of thy Sacred Word and am now no more Worthy to be called thy Child I have been too long feeding on the empty husks of vanity amongst the filthy Swine of sensuality and am now willing by thy Grace to return home unto thee and to humble my self low before thee that thou mayest have the Glory and I the Comfort of thy Gracious Pardon Amen A Prayer for Sunday Morning O Lord I acknowledge this day to be thine as consecrated and set a part for thy Worship and Service and to be obeserved not only as a Holy day but a glorious day unto thee wherein I ought to pay my vows present my Person and my Prayers before thee to hear thy word and Meditate upon the same to thy Glory and my own Everlasting Comfort To this end remove far from me all wandering thoughts and Worldly Affections and work in me a desire of studying thy Law and walking in the Truth that thy word may not prove unto me the Savour of Death unto Death but of Life unto Life LET my Ears be attentive that I may hear those things which thou shalt instruct me that hearing I may understand them understanding I may remember them remembring I may practice them to adorn that profession which I have invocated in thy name and confirm me in the Faith of thy Son Jesus Christ wherein I was Baptized and made a Member raise me O Father by the power of my Saviours Resurrection from Sin and iniquity and give me Spiritual rest Peace of Conscience joy in the Holy Ghost and Fellowship in the Communion of Saints that when I shall leave this Earthly Tabernacle I may keep an Everlasting Sabbath with thee in the Kingdom of Heaven BEHOLD O
thee by the holy incarnation and blessed Nativity of thy Son Jesus Christ the thrice happy day Star that appeared to the World let thy Mercy this day rest upon me and the bright beames of thy heavenly light shine forth in the dark corners of my heart that I may not be transported either through the Corruption of my Nature or the power of darkness to spend this day after my own perverse will and pleasure but carefully perform thy holy will willingly speedily and constantly INCREASE in me O Lord the gift of faith and hope that I may believe thee and relie on thy merciful promises made unto me in Christ Jesus bless my Body and Soul that no evil happen to them and preserve my memory and senses that they pass not the limits of reason and understanding Enlighten my mind O Lord to look upon good things inflame my heart with the love of them and conduct me with thy Grace that as thou hast raised my Body from sleep so my Soul may daily be raised from Sin and Soul and Body and Spirit may be renewed in Righteousness to serve thee the Living God for evermore Amen A Prayer for Thursday Night O Lord God great in Mercy and constant in truth I acknowledge and do here in all humility offer unto thy Divine Majesty my duty of praise and thanksgiving for all thy manifold Graces and benefits bestowed upon me and though I am unable to recount them and much unworthy to be a partaker of them yet in full assurance of thine unspeakable love I presume to come unto thee and now again commit to thy almighty protection this night my Soul and Body with all its Faculties beseeching thee to keep them day and night blameless and undefiled against the day of thy coming LORD pardon and forgive whatever Sins I have wretchedly effected or wickedly imagined against thee or my Neighbour O lay not the faults and frailties of my Youth unto my charge but forget O Lord and forgive and cancel the hand writing that is upon the wall which will be ready to witness against me strike my Heart with an awe of thy fear that I may labour to escape thy threatnings and give me the comfort once more of thy Salvation GRANT O Lord that I may this night quietly rest under the shadow of thy Wings free from fears dangers and Spiritual darkness and when the dark end of this mortal life is approached grant me O Lord a vigilant Heart freely disposed to abandon all transitory things and depart hence in the Peace of a good Conscience into thine everlasting rest through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour Amen Meditations for Friday THIS day the first Man Adam was made a living Soul and Christ the second Adam was made a quickening Spirit this day he Sinned in a garden and this day the Saviour of the World sorrowed in a Garden he took upon this day the fruit of the forbidden Tree and thou O Blessed redeemer wert hung upon the accursed Tree this day Adam was cast into a deep sleep and his Wife Eve was formed of his rib flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone likewise was the Son of God cast into a deadly sleep and his Side was pierced with a Spear from whence sprung out two blessed Sacraments the water of regeneration and the blood of Expiation and Sanctification THIS day our first parent borught the curse upon himself and all his posterity but thou O God hast provided an everlasting Blessing for thy self and all thy Members thy Law O God is just holy and pure but I am wicked profane and impure That Medicine is for the most part the best which the Patient least approves of because it exasperates the pain for a time Have I the less affection for the most holy Faith because it restraineth my carnal Liberty and abridgeth me of Worldly Contentments Have not I a Law in my mind which opposeth the Law of my members And is it not much better to Sow unto the Spirit thereunto the flesh which produces only Corruption IS it not as easie for thee to raise me out of ashes as at the first to raise me out of the dust To send back my Spirit into my Body as at the first to breath it in I behold the Seed in the Earth the plants in the Garden dye before they spring forth I see Wormes and insects that spend the Winter season in a kind of death yet revive in the Spring I know I am my self dead in sleep every Night but alive in the Morning Why then should I call in question any one Article of my Belief but humbly say Lord I believe help thou my unbelief A Prayer for Friday Morning O LORD God maker and governour of all things both in Heaven and Earth I come unto thee with a broken and a contrite Heart lamenting my Sins and seeking to find Comfort at thy merciful hands Lord thou knowest my grief my anxity and care Oh let me feel thy comforts to refresh my Soul Be with me this day in all my worldly affairs and let thy holy Spirit evermore defend me and preserve my integrity that I may be acknowledged thine at the last day I YEILD thee all laud and praise for thy preservation of me this night past and for safely bringing me to behold the glorious light of this day Lord excite my heart that I may express my thankfulness by my serviceable obedience preserve and keep me from Sin and all irregularities both of Soul and Body Mortifie all my Corruptions and sensual Appetites and purge me throughly from filthiness both of flesh and Spirit that I may perfect holiness in thy fear STRENGTHEN me against all the vanities of the world the lusts of the Flesh the lusts of the Eyes and the Pride of life and give me Grace to employ this day and the remainder of my Life in all peace and purity sanctity and sobriety to thy Glory the good Example of others and finally the Salvation of my own Soul This and whatsoever for want of memory I have omitted I humbly beg in the Name of thy dear Son and my alone Saviour and Redeemer Amen A Prayer for Friday Night O GOD thou camest into the World to save Sinners behold me I beseech thee the vile● of them but wash oh wash away all my sins in the Blood of thy Son sanctifie my Nature abolish my Corruptions guide me here by thy Councel and after that receive me into Glory Keep me now and ever send me a quiet repose and grant that lying down to rest I may rise again in thy peace and walk in thy fear that so the succeeding day may learn me to grow Wise and for ever Glorifie thy Holy Name INSPIRE me O Lord with the Spirit of sweet Consolation and though sleep is the Image of Death and my Bed as the Grave yet suffer me not to perish suddenly or unprepared but watch over me for good guide me now and
shalt shew me the Path of Life in thy presence is the fulness of joy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for Evermore WE have had Fathers of the Flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in Subjection to the Father of Spirits and live he draweth the mighty with his power he riseth up and no Man is sure of Life WE have received good at the hands of God and shall we not receive Evil Affliction cometh not forth of the dust neither doth Travail come forth of the Ground Let us search and try our wayes and turn again to the Lord for though our outward Man decay our inward Man is renewed WE are chastened of the Lord that we should not be Condemned with the World For we had the sentence of death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God that raised the dead who hath delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver And in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us BUT we know that all things work together for good to them that love God Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto ae Faithful Creator We that are in this Tabernacle do groan being burdened I KNOW O Lord that thy judgments are just and that thou of very faithfulness hast caused me to be troubled O let this lightaffliction which will quickly pass away cause unto me afterward a more excellent and eternal weight of Glory REMEMBER I beseech thee that thou hast made me as the Clay and wilt thou bring me into the Dust again Deliver me O Lord from Eternal Death in that day wherein Heaven and Earth shall be dissolved when thou comest to judge the Earth I know thou wilt bring me to Death and to the House appointed for all Living A Prayer to be used by a sick Person O GOD my Creator and Preserver thou hast made me after thine own Image in Knowledge Holiness and Righteousness but I have sinned most holy Father against Heaven and against thee and am no more worthy to be called or reckoned amongst thy Children for this Image of thine I have defaced I have filled my Understanding with Ignorance my Will with Stubbornness my Affections with Perverseness my Heart with Deceitfulness and my whole Life with Disobedience ever since I drew my Breath I have drank Iniquity like Water so that I can expect nothing but Death and to be Arraigned at the Bar of thy Justice there to receive an irrevocable Doom BUT O most merciful God for thy dear Sons sake blot out all my Offences and receive me Graciously enlarge my patience to endure thy Tryal and lay no more upon me than I am able to bear give a happy issue unto all Temptations and make a way for me to escape and in the end grant me a full Deliverance As thou hast made me of Dust so thou canst take from me my breath and cast me forth again to that Earth from whence I was taken but I humbly beseech thee for to spare me a little that I may recover my health and strength before I go hence and be no more seen I CONFESS O Lord there is no soundness in my Flesh because of thy Displeasure nor any rest in my Bones by reason of my sin my heart panteth my strength faileth and my beauty consumeth away like a Moth fretting a Garment O Lord if it be thy holy Will ease my Agonies mitigate my Extremities be mindful of my Sorrows and be merciful unto my Sins redeem my Life from Destruction strengthen my Weakness heal my Malady and cause me again to walk before thee in the Land of the Living but if thou hast determined to call me hence thy Will be done grant me patience under thy Correction and a lively Faith in the All-sufficient and Efficacious Merit of Christ my Saviour seal unto me a free and a full pardon of all my sins in the Blood of thy dear Son and say unto my Soul that thou wilt be my Salvation IN assiance of thy merciful Absolution cause me to confess mine Iniquities and fill my heart with such a Godly sorrow as may work my Repentance unto Salvation never to be repented of sprinkle me with the Blood of Jesus and purifie me from my daily Pollutions that being washed justified and sanctified I may be presented unto thee without spot or wrinkle let nothing separate me from the love of thee grant me thy preserving Grace that dying thine Angels may convey my Soul into Abrahams Bosom there to reign with thee World without end Amen A Prayer to be said by the Friends of the Sick O LORD our God and great Creator thou madest us innocent but by sin we have brought Death and Destruction upon our selves for we have profaned thy Sabbaths contemned thine Ordinances cast thy Word behind our backs lived in all sin and sensuality spiritual slumber and security so that thou mightest justly cut us off from the Land of the Living and give us our Portion with Hypocrites where there is weeping and gnashing of Teeth BUT O Lord for thy Mercy sake and for the Merits of thy Son spare us a little and give us space of amendment before we go hence and be no more seen correct us in thy Mercy and not in thy Justice lest we should be consumed and brought to nothing whilst we live teach us to die daily to mortifie the deeds of the Flesh and to contemn the World with the Vanities thereof wean us from inordinate Self-love that we may not endear our selves too much to these Transitory lives of ours but may be ready and willing to depart when it shall stand with thy good pleasure to call for us take away from us the bitterness of Death and sweeten by the Cross of Christ these Waters of Marah that we may sigh and lament in our selves desiring to be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God LET our lives and the life of this thy sick Servant be now and ever precious in thy sight look mercifully upon him that is grieved with sickness Lord if thou wilt thou canst make him whole send him therefore help and health from thy holy place and evermore mightily defend him let the Enemy have no advantage against him nor the Wicked approach to hurt him but be thou present with him strengthen his Faith increase his patience under thy Correcting-hand raise him up from his sorrowful Bed and if thou art pleased longer to exercise him lend him strength to endure thy Tryal BUT if thou hast determined to take him hence Lord certifie unto him how long he hath to live make him to know his end and the measure of his days that by Prayer and Repentance he may provide wisely for his last end and be found of thee in peace and enjoy everlasting happiness dispose his
Lord I knock at the Door of thy Mercy and tender Compassion with all the Faculties of my Soul and Body for all these Graces and particular favours beseeching thee to continue unto me the right use of them that thy Spirit may witness unto my Spirit that I am thy Son and shall be Heir of thy Kingdom of Glory and that I may be partaker of the inheritance of thy Saints in light where are Pleasures that last for Evermore Grant this O Father for Jesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Noon O God thou art great in Majesty and infinite in Mercy wonderful in thy goodness unto thy Church and Children Thou hast Commanded me to offer up my Prayer and supplications for those that shall enter into the Ministry and stand before thee to wait at thine alter the heaviest O Lord is very great and the painful and Conscionable Labourers but few I beseech thee be pleased to send able Ministers into thy Church and place such over particular Congregations as like Iohn the Baptist may be burning lights burning as being zealous in fervency and lights also as being conspicuous and eminent for Charity Sanctity of life and all holy Graces of thy Spirit LET thy Urim and thy Thummim be upon them as upon thy Holy one let them be sound for Doctrine and holy for Life and Conversation Preaching let them practice and by practice let them preach and teach the things which concern thy Kingdom Open wide unto them the Door of utterance that they may deliver thy Word freely and boldly Take away all differences and animosities from amongst them make them examples to those that believe in soundness of Doctrine and integrity of Conversation bless them with all Graces befitting so high a Calling that I may give thanks unto thee for them finding the benefit of thy blessing upon me through their Labours and may praise thy Name for evermore Amen A Prayer for Sunday Evening O Lord look down from Heaven thine holy Habitation and behold with the Eye of thy Love and tender Compassion a wretched Creature who now calls upon thee in the Words of the poor Publican O God be merciful unto me a Sinner Write not bitter things against me neither suffer me to possess the Sins of my Youth O forgive and forget all my Transgressions and cast mine Iniquities as far from thy presence in distance as the East is from the West LORD pardon I humbly beseech thee the faults and frailties which I have escaped this day in the sanctifying of thy Sabbath whether they be Sins of Omission or Commission wash them all away in the Blood of thy Son sanctifie me by the Word thy Word of Truth that this day hath sounded in my Ears Grant that like good Seed sown in good Ground it may take root downward and bring forth Fruit upwards to the Glory and Praise of thy great Name and the Salvation of my Immortal Soul O LET thy Word be ever in my Mind to meditate of it in my Mouth to speak of it and in my Life and Conversation to practice it By it Work in my Heart Faith Hope Charity and all other supernatural Graces which accompany Salvation open mine Eyes that I may see thy Law and incline my Heart that I may love the Truth and loving the same may yield Obedience to it doing thy Will on Earth or at least endeavouring to do it as the Angels in Heaven willingly without murmuring speedily without delaying constantly without ceasing and universally without omitting what thou commandest and commendest in thy Word so shall I not be distracted with Foolish fears nor dispair of thy Mercy but ever Hope and Trust in thee and find Grace to help me in time of need to whom be ascribed all Honour Power and Glory World without end Amen Mondays Meditations O GOD the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth who Created the Evening and the Morning continue I beseech thee unto me as well the Comfortable rest of the Evening to refresh my weariness as the most necessary Light of the Morning to manage my affairs and business make my Conscience serene and clear and let the pure Light of thy Gospel guide my Feet in the way of peace This Light of thine O Lord sheweth what I was in my Birth Slime and Filthiness what I am in my Life Vanity and Folly and what I shall be in the Grave Stench and Corruption LET these ponderous Considerations Lord humble me that Christ may raise me wound me that Christ may heal me load me that Christ may ease me and make me most vile in my own Eyes that I may be most dear and precious in his sight O thou which as upon this day createdst the Clouds to Rain upon the Earth shower down thy Graces plentifully into my hardned heart to mollifie it whereby I may be fruitful in all good Works LORD who this day didst separate the Waters separate I beseech thee and distinguish betwixt the Water of Tears which I shed for my Sins and those which I shed for Worldly crosses and afflictions cast away the one and put the other into thy Bottle This day thou madest the Heavens and the Air without which I cannot breath naturally no not one moment Infuse into my Soul thy blessed Spirit of Grace without which Spiritually I cannot breath forth my Prayers nor sigh nor so much as move any Faculty of Soul and Body unto thee But Lord as oft as I take in or let out the Air which I breath let me receive in Grace from thee and breath out Praise unto thee Amen A Prayer for Monday Morning O GOD as thou hast now rais'd up my Body from Sleep the Image of Death so I beseech thee deliver my mind and affections from the Sleep of Sin and from the Darkness of this World and as thou hast brought me to the beginning of this day be thou present with me and president in me Let thy holy Spirit be my Counsellor and Instructor my God and my Guide to lead me into all Truth help me by assistance of the same Spirit to watch over my Thoughts Words and Works that I may neither think speak nor do any thing which is not agreeable to thy holy Word LET me in all reverence and humility of Soul submit my self unto thy holy Will so that ordering my Conversation aright and walking according to thy Golden Rule peace may be upon me as upon the Israel of God Suffer me not to oppress or defraud my Brother in Bargaining Buying and Selling by using false Weights and Ballances or any other unlawful means but Guide me so by thy Grace that my Conscience may ever cheer me up through a delightful apprehension of thy blessed Favour TO this end order thou my Paths and establish my goings in the way of Peace Grace and Salvation cause thou me to walk upright before thee make me to provide things honest before thee and Men behave my self as in thy
evermore let no appalements disturb me keep me from Fire Storms Tempests Thieves sudden Death and Danger cause thine Angels to pitch their Tents round about me my House and Habitation and preserve all that is near and dear unto me Here name your particular Friends REMEMBER thy Church and every Member of it have pity on the poor afflicted Protestants in all parts beyond the Seas who suffer for the Testimony of their Faith and a good Conscience send them help from thy Holy place and evermore mightily defend them be unto them a Sun and a Shield a Sun to Comfort and a Shield to defend them to all Dangers and Tribulations put a period unto all their afflictions and in ●hy good time vouchsafe them a happy Deliverance Lord receive them and me and all that appertain unto me this Night and for ever into thy Gracious protection through the Mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Meditations for Saturday THE great Creator this day rested from all his Work which he had made and blessed it O Lord grant that after this painful life is ended I may enjoy a comfortable rest with thee in Heaven where I may keep an eternal Sabbath and hold a perpetual Feast there will be rest without Labour tranquillity without Molestation and joys without End There my Soul wilt thou behold a Glorious City the Streets of Gold the Gates of Pearl and the Foundations garnished with all sorts of precious Stones I SHALL behold thee the Father in thy Majesty Christ thy Son in his Glory the Spirit in his Sanctity the Arch-Angels and Angels in their Exceilency and the Saints in their Felicity then shall I no more hunger labour nor travel I shall no more fear grieve nor desire I shall want no more an earthly House for the Heaven of Heavens shall be my Habitation God will be my Temple and the Lamb that shineth for ever shall enlighten me LORD let the hope and expectation of this eternal rest and felicity sweeten all my labours and ease my torments let it mitigate my afflictions and comfort my spirits that I faint not in my Journey nor be depressed under my burden but hold on cheerfully and valiantly till I arrive at the Land of Promise and there receive the Lot of mine Inheritance with the Saints in light for evermore Amen A Prayer for Saturday Morning MOST Gracious God sanctifie I humbly beseech thee this day unto me and my self now and ever unto thy service thy Mercies O Lord they are new every Morning and therefore my Thanks ought every day to be a new repeated I praise thy holy Name for keeping me this Night past unto this present hour and moment and hast now brought me unto the last day of the Week grant that I may spend the same soberly righteously and holily BRING me to the knowledge of thy Blessed Will in all things that I may endeavour to perform the same to thy Glory the peace of my Conscience and the preservation of my own Soul purge and cleanse my Heart and Conscience from all dead Works that I may serve thee the living God for evermore Be thou my Guide in all my ways my stay and support in all my necessities put an end to the motions of the Flesh enlarge my Heart for all pious Duties and habitual Graces of thy Spirit that I may bring forth the Fruits of them in my Life and Conversation BLESS the Kingdom wherein I inhabit and thy holy Catholick Church whereof I am an unworthy Member bless thy Servants and our dear Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary as thou hast Crowned them with a Temporal Crown here so in thy due time give them a Crown of Glory hereafter Bless Katherine the Queen Dowager her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark with the rest of the Royal Family Bless all persons whether dignified or distinguished from the swayer of the Scepter to the drawer of Water have mercy upon all sick persons Women travelling with Child and those who are troubled in Body Mind or Estate O Lord speak peace unto their Consciences and as thou hast laid laid them down with the one hand so raise them up with the other if not to this life to life eternal for the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for Saturday Evening O GOD the maker and preserver of all things look down with thy eye of pity and compassion upon me a miserable sinner I here prostrate my self Soul and Body before thy Divine Majesty beseeching thee in much mercy to pardon my sins to Sanctifie me with thy grace and to bring me to thy glory That so my Soul may be refreshed with such things as Eye hath not seen Ear hath not heard nor hath it entered into the heart of Man to conceive ENTER not into Judgment with thy Servant O Lord for in thy sight shall no Flesh living be justified Examine not my wayes this Week past by the strickt rule of thy Law neither reward me in the severity of thy Justice But have Mercy upon me a miserable offender that have deserved the sharpest of thy Judgments but as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so is thy Mert cy over all thy Works of and great exten to poor Sinners SATISFIE my Soul with thy Mercy and that right soon so shall I rejoyce and be-glad in thee and learn to praise thee Evermore And now O Lord as this Week is ended so let my Sins be ended and never be repeated again any more Be pleased to be my merciful protector and preserver from all perils and dangers this Night Refresh my Body with quiet rest that my mind may be chearful and be fit to serve thee in Sanctifying thy Sabbath and keeping it as a glorious day unto thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Meditations on the Lords Supper HOW can I approach so divine a banquet and not by an humble confession wash my hands in innocency holy things must not be given to Dogs nor Pearls cast before Swine What is so holy as the Body and blood of Christ and what Pearl so precious as this Sacrament There is no Dog so filthy or Sow so unclean as I am by Nature but with great detestation of my Rebellious Corruptions I confess that never Dog so often returned to his Vomit nor Sow to her wallowing in the mire as I have to the sink of Sin and mire of sensual filthiness O WASH my hands in purity cleanse my Mouth and purge my Heart that I may take with a pure Hand eat with an undefileth mouth and keep in a faithfull heart this bread of life and food of Angels give me grace throughly and sincerely to examine my self and grant that after Examination I may find my desire fervent my knowledge Competent my Sorrow for Sin unfeigned my purpose of amendment sled fait my love sincere and my Faith lively AND finding my self thus apparelled in a wedding garment let me be found of thee
beseech thee that as I have heard thy word at this time by thy Minister and messenger so grant that I and all that have heard may Know understand the same retain and practice it according to thy Heavenly will that I may thereby grow in knowledge increase in Grace and be a lively instrument of thy Glory unto my lives end Amen A Prayer for Necessary Blessings of this Life O LORD thou hast promised never to fail those that depend upon thee thou openest thine hands and fillest all things living with plenteousness never suffering any of thine to perish that carefully seek relief from thy most gracious bounty I humbly beseech thee dermit me not to want necessaries for this present Life enable me to live without distracting cares to this end bless my labours that I may have a sufficiency for me and mine and not be burdensome unto any but rather be able to administer unto others whatsoever refreshing Comforts they shall stand in need of GIVE me neither Poverty nor Riches but feed me with Food convenient for me lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and Steal and take the name of my God in vain afford me such a portion of Health and Wealth as thou in thy Divine Wisdom shalt think most convenient for me succour all such as be in want relieve the oppressed comfort the Afflicted raise the lowly and aid the needy AND O Lord I humbly beseech thee never let me want thy favourable assistance but bless my Basket and encrease my Store with thy never failing blessings that I may be able to live in thy Faith Fear and Love and out of the Depth of misery and danger of all Men through Jesusus Christ my only Lord and Saviour Amen A Thanks giving for Gods Benefits O GOD Almighty the giver of all good things thou art my stay my Comfort and only guide direct me I pray thee to employ that talent which thou hast allotted me for the advancement of thy Glory Lord thou hast been abundantly gracious and bountiful unto me and hast blest my Store insomuch that I have not only what satisfieth my own occasions but have also sufficient to Relieve others in the time of their necessity GIVE me therefore a free Heart to cast my Bread upon the waters and to Relieve my poor distressed Brethren according to the utmost of my ability to feed the hungry to cloth the naked and minister unto thy distressed Saints that I may not live unto my self but for the help of all those that want my assistance that I may lay up in Store a good foundation against the time to come and be found of thee in peace enjoying Life and Salvation through Jesus Christ Amen A Prayer for Wisdom O MOST great and glorious Lord God I confess that whilst I bear about me this Body of sin imprisoning the Soul my Nature corrupted and depraved with Iniquity original and actual seeks by all means possible to oppose the spirit and do those things which are dissonant and contrary to the motions inspirations gracious influences and working thereof my Flesh lusteth against the Spirit so that the things I would do I cannot and the things which I suppose to be done in much knowledge and wisdom will be found not only ignorance and erroneous but sinful wickedness in thy sight WHEREFORE I humbly beseech thee O holy Father to send out thy Light and Truth thy spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to Teach and Instruct me to be my God and Guide to lead me into all Truth Lord send down that Wisdom that waiteth about thy Throne and plant the same in my Heart that all my sayings and doings being always ordered by this Wisdom from on high I may do that which is pleasing in thy sight and profitable for my own Salvation and shun the contrary in all things through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer for Defence against our Enemies O LORD my God be not far from me in trouble and in all dangers Ghostly and Bodily draw near and make haste to help me I am I confess a most sinful Creature and have justly deserved thy Wrath and Indignation against me yet O Lord for thy mercy sake turn thee unto me and have compassion on me let mine Enemies prevail not in their mischievous devises lest they be too proud in thy Mercy convert them or in thy Justice consound them make them as stubble before the Wind and thine Angel scattering them LORD I am in thy hand and they are within the compass of thy power stay and allay their fury let them not take effect in their wicked Imaginations and Attempts against me but put them to confusion rid me and deliver me in thy Righteousness and be thou a Sun and a Shield unto me to comfort and protect me TO this end cause thine Angels to pitch their Tents round about me that being defended under the shadow of thy Wings and armed with the power of thy Might I may not fear what Man can do unto me Lord regard me with the eye of thy Grace and guard me with the hand of thy power that being preserved both in Soul and Body I may live in Piety Peace and Godliness unto my lives end Amen A Morning Prayer for a Family O ETERNAL and All-seeing God wonderful in thy Majesty and Infinite in thy Mercy who hast the Heavens for thy Throne and the Earth for thy Footstool the Heavens are full of the Majesty of thy Glory and cannot contain the same look down therefore from thence upon us thy Servants who now prostrate our selves before the Footstool of thy Throne of Grace humbly beseeching thee for thy dear Sons sake to be merciful unto us miserable sinners one deep calleth upon another the depth of Misery unto the depth of Mercy have Mercy therefore upon us O Lord and in the multitude of thy Mercies do away all our Offences WE Confess we are not worthy to think of thee much less speak unto thee we being so vile and miserable thou so glorious and admirable yet being assured that in forgiving of Sins and helping afflicted Souls thy fountain of Mercy is never dryed up we thine unprofitable Servants are emboldned to present our selves this Morning before thee to offer up unto thee a lively Sacrifice of Prayer and thanksgiving who didst offer up thy Son upon the Cross to be a propitiation for our Sins O let this lifting up of our hearts and hands be a morning Sacrifice pure and acceptable in thy sight Let not the greatness of our Sins with-hold thy emplored Mercy but wash us from all uncleanness and remove thy judgments due unto us for them as far from thy presence as the East is from the West O BURY them in the Grave with Christ raise us up by the power of thy Spirit unto newness of Life that we may walk in all holy obedience before thee this day and that endeavouring
and holy Spirit my Comfort and Consolation THE peace of God which passeth all Understanding keep my Heart and Mind in the love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the blessing of God Almighty the Father Son and Holy Ghost be with me and remain with me and mine and with the whole Church of God from this time forth and for evermore GOD be merciful unto me and bless me the Lord lift up the light of his Countenance upon me and be merciful unto me and grant me his everlasting peace Amen A Prayer for one afflicted in Mind O FATHER of Mercy and God of all Consolation vouchsafe I beseech thee relief and succour unto me a wretched Sinner who am much tormented in Mind and afflicted in Conscience Lord I am afraid of thy Judgments and the severe Threatnings written in thy Law against those sins I have committed but O Lord break not the bruised Reed nor quench the smoaking Flax wound not my humble and contrite Heart but revive my Spirit that goes mourning all the day long though Satan thinks thou hast smitten and forsaken me yet frustrate his hopes and expectations leave me not destitute of thy Grace as a prey unto the Enemy of my Soul but mightily preserve and evermore defend me AND though my Conscience accuses me my Memory witnesses against me and my Reason condemns me though I am overwhelmed in discomfort and have lost the voice of joy and gladness and have neither worth to appease thy wrath nor patience to endure thy tryal yet send me O Lord the comfort of thy holy Spirit into my heart that I may not be swallowed up with overmuch heaviness but may rejoyce in thee with joy unspeakable and full of Glory Open and set open the Gate of thy Mercy to the greatness of my Misery for my mind is sorrowful my heart heavy my spirit is oppressed my words are stopt with sighs and my complaints watered with tears IN executing thy Judgments Lord remember Mercy try me not least I be condemned weigh not my offences but pardon my offences sanctifie all those means unto me which may afford me relief as Prayer Conference Meditation reading and hearing of thy Word and receiving the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of thy Son and my alone Saviour and Redeemer mitigate my extremities abate my fears and moderate my afflictions let not Night Visions like Nebuchadnezzar's make me affraid but when I awake stay me with Flaggons and comfort me with Apples thy precious promises which are pleasant to the Soul RECTIFIE my Understanding as in the days of Old and Drink no longer unto me in the Cup of Affliction but in the Chalice of refreshing that I may pay my Vows unto thee and call upon thy Name in the sight of all thy Congregation but if it be thy good pleasure to try me and not take away this Cup from me confirm my Faith and continue unto me that Hope which is to be revealed to this end cause me with the Eye of Faith to look up to thee who chastisest me and wait for the appointed time of my delivery out of all my Troubles LORD suffer me not to be swallowed up with despair but vouchsafe me a full assurance of thy Mercy that thou wilt never leave me nor forsake me but wilt be in life my God in death my Deliverer and after death my Eternal Rewarder Lord hearken and incline thine Ear unto these my Requests for thy Sons sake my only Lord and Saviour Our Father c. THE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the Father and the most comfortable Fellowship of God the holy Ghost be with me bless preserve and keep me both in Soul and Body in Goods and good Name in Life Health Peace and Godliness together with thy whole Church and all that appertain unto me now and for evermore Amen A Prayer to be used in behalf of one troubled in Mind ALMIGHTY God the only Guide and Comfort of our Souls and to whom alone we fly for succour in all afflictions O Lord we presume now to appear before thee in behalf of this thy afflicted Servant Support him I beseech thee in his greatest conflicts silence and appease his troubled Spirit that he may quietly hearken to thy blessed Words of Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest THOU hast solemnly proclaimed O Lord in thy holy Scripture that thou dost not delight in the death of a Sinner but rather that he should turn from his Wickedness and live O make him with joy feel his Soul turning to thee since no satisfactory Comfort can be acquired but only in thy love and favour which to all thy Servants is better than life it self We beseech thee speak peace to his Conscience and say unto him and all that are here present that thou art our Salvation ENDUE him with thy Grace give him peace of Conscience and joy in the Holy Ghost O give him the Comfort of thy help again and Establish him with thy free Spirit quicken him O Lord for thy Names sake and for thy Righteousness sake bring his Soul out of this trouble Put gladness into his heart and restore him again if it be thy Blessed will that he and we may Evermore rejoyce in thee who art the Father of all Mercies and the God of all Consolation to whom be Glory and Praise now and for Evermore Amen Meditations for the Sick O GOD thou dost what thou pleasest in Heaven and in Earth in the Sea and in all deep places thou art full of Compassion and tender Mercy long suffering and aboundest in goodness and truth thou alone forgivest Sins and savest all those that trust in thee in time of affliction I KNOW that all Flesh is Grass and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the Word of thee our God shall stand for Ever In thy word therefore and gracious promises is my hope which is my greatest Comfort in my affliction IN the multitude of thy thoughts within me thy Comforts shall delight my Soul I will rejoyce even in the midst of my tribulation and glory in thy Holy Name who makest all things work together for good to them that love thee Though I walk through the vally of the shadow of Death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff doth Comfort me WE are but of Yesterday and know nothing because our dayes upon Earth are as a shadow When thou with rebukes dost correct Man for iniquity thou makest his beauty to Consume away like a Moth Surely every Man is vanity my time is in thy hand Make thy face to shine upon thy Servant Save me for thy Mercies sake HIDE not thy face from me put not thy Servant away in thine anger Thou hadst been my help leave me not neither forsake me O God my of salvation Thou