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A08772 The prentises practise in Godlinesse, and his true freedome Diuided into ten chapters. Written by B.P. B. P., fl. 1608.; T. R., fl. 1608. 1608 (1608) STC 19057; ESTC S120852 65,287 210

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euill when the Authors themselues are displeased at it and assure vs that vpon the reckoning there is nothing but terrour and discomfort to bee gained by it And why should we not loue wel doing when the very enemies therof commend it as being the ground of a quiet conscience and that is like a cōtinuall feast where there is mirth and cheare all the day long O my brethrē it is the inward purenes of the heart that neuer makes vs change colour it is innocencie that neuer galles the mind neuer pricks the inward parts it is seasonable repentance that breedes that internall glee which is a certaine taste of the future felicity and a beginning of the ioyes of heauen in vs and that which maketh vs feele incredible pleasures amidst the most greuous troubles miseries of this life Once saith a godly writer man was in paradise Now paradise is in man and that is the ioy of a good conscience which makes him confident and secure and resolute at all times so that though the heauen should melt and the earth be remoued yet he is vnshaken for he knoweth in whom he hath beleeued and if the Lord be God he shall not miscary Wouldest thou haue this security this peace this boldnes wouldest thou liue this blessed life wouldest thou bee without frights without checks without prickings in thy hart then fly from sinne abandon all that may offend the Maiesty of GOD worke out your saluation with feare and trembling seek the Lord cal vpon him trust in him thanke him sweare not by his sacred name prophane not his sabbaths kil not quarell not hate not in thy heart let not the sunne go downe vpon thy wrath defile not thy body through lust cosen not oppresse not slander not couet not another mans labour to say truely both now and to your liues end that thou maist say with the blessed Apostle Acts. 24. I haue endeauoured to walke in all good conscience alwaies both towards God and towards men and that same peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding shall keepe your hearts and mindes in Christ Iesus But if you let go the raines to your old licentiousnes and bee more wicked to day then yesterday to morrow then to day if you say to the good motions of Gods spirit as the false friend in Salomon to his neighbour Go and come againe to morrow or as Festus to Paul when I haue a conuenient time I will heare further of you and so passe along your daies in all iollity voidnes of care your things seeming to be in peace because the strong man hath full possession of all yet when the lease of your life shal be expired and the parting houre is come vpon you then your sin which slept before the dore shall start vp lie heauy vpon your soule and conscience and then howsoeuer the Lord may haue suffered you to thriue and grow great in the world yet you shal find that it is not your soft beds nor your pretious waters nor your sweet musick nor your pleasant company nor your sealed bags nor your rich purchases nor your statutes and euidences can ease your minde or buy you this peace this blessing this inestimable treasure which a religious life might haue purchased before Beyond all this whilest we remain impenitent GOD heareth not our prayers Psal 66. If I incline my heart to any vvickednesse the Lord vvill not heare me Prou. 15. the sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord nay their very prayer is turned into sinne And what comfort can wee looke for in the troubles and dangers incidēt to our life when that which should bee our refuge shelter to resort to encreaseth our danger and in stead of bearing of the storme falles downe like a ruinous house vpon our heads we are besides out of the compasse of Christs intercession he excepts worldings wicked ones by name out or his prayers And if he will not plead our cause who dares speake for vs if wee bee out of his protection where is our assurance any desperate villanie may strick his dagger to our heart the Diuell may teare vs in peeces and carry vs to hell there is none to succour vs. Moreouer whilest we take part with sinne against God all the creatures take Gods part against vs the horse hath his heeles ready to strike out our breath the bull hath his hornes ready to goare vs the boare his tuskes to haunch vs the dog his phangs to pull out our throates the tiles ouer our heads are prest to braine vs the fly in our cup to choake vs our owne knife is ready to glance into our flesh euery thing else is ready to worke mischiefe to vs euery little iob vnder our feete to giue vs a brusing fall and they doe onely wait while the word be giuen them and they wil instantly accomplish their charge Besides so long as we continue to worke euill in the sight of the Lord and doe not turne vnto him with all our harts and thinke vpon his commandements to doe them nothing shall be succesfull vnto vs Mal. 2.2 God will curse our blessings our waies shall not prosper wee shall bee cursed in the citie and cursed in the field cursed shall our basket be our dough cursed shall be the fruit of our bodie Deut. 28 and the fruit of our land and the encrease of our cattell cursed shall wee be when wee go our and cursed also when wee come in The Lord shall send vpon vs cursing and trouble and shame in all that wee set our hand to doe Marke yet further how particularly the Lord goeth on with his threatnings Thou shalt betroth a wife and another man shall lie with her thou shalt build a house shalt not dwell therein thou shalt plant a vineyard and shall not eate the fruit thereof The stranger that is among you shall clime vp aboue on high thou shalt come beneath alowe he shall be thy head and thou shalt bee the taile Thou shalt bee contemned in thine owne country Thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong violence alwaies so that thou shalt be euen mad for the sight which thine eies shall see things shall go so crosse notwithstanding all thy prouidence and industrie that it shall make thee at thy wits end to thinke of it O my Brethren who would continue in sinne one houre longer that seeth himselfe hemd in on euerie side with so many curses and iudgemēts as it were so many armies of the Lord fighting directly against him who would lay his eies together before he had made his peace with God and once for euer bid defiance to his former sins who would liue this wretched life ful of vexation and terrour and cursing forlorne of God and his creatures destitute of all succours without any care to redresse it till he be come to shake hands with it whē he may presently redresse it by present
by an vtter destruction chastening in the meane time the countries round about vs as hauing some hope of their turning and amendment Let vs therefore with all speed humble our selues vnder Gods mighty hand and make a godly vse of his iudgments that euery litle chastismēt of his may driue vs to a lothing forsaking of our former euil waies that we may stand in awe and not sinne for our God is a iealous God and a consuming fire so shall he smel a sauour of rest and receiue an attonement for the land so shall the light of his countenance be lifted vp vpon vs and so shal it go well with vs and with our children after vs in their generations The word preached Gods Ministers Another very direct meanes to this end is the preaching of Gods word the voice of his Prophets ministers rising vp early premonishing vs of our dāger shewing vs the way wherin we should walk Therfore the Lord when he sent the Prophet Ieremie to the people of Israel and Iuda he bade him proclaime a fast and tell them what he had threatned against them Ier. 36. Because saith the Lord it may be when they heare the euill that I purpose to bring vpon them they will returne from their wickednesse and so by that meanes I may forgiue them their sinnes and receiue them to fauour This is the manna that came downe from heauen this is the immortall seed by which so many are borne to God How great cause haue wee to blesse the Lord that it hath pleased him so to dispose of vs that wee should be borne and bred in such a time and among such a people as professe the faith of Iesus Christ and are daily taught and instructed both to beleeue and liue accordingly Our Fathers longed to see these dayes and could not see them we feare no burning nor imprisonment for professing the doctrine of Christ wee neede not crosse the seas to seeke instruction wee may in a blessed freedome of minde and body approch to Gods altars and sit at the feete of the Lords Prophets and heare those heauenly comforts and directions from their mouthes Neuer was London so well supplied with godly reuerend Ministers since the first stone of her walles was layd then in this very day The Lord Iesus continue and encrease the number But what account make we of these meanes we can content our selues to sit an houre in the Church to heare Gods word taught not for conscience but for fashion as our deedes make plaine For where almost is he or she that hath left any one deere sin this seauen yeares though twice seauen yeares they haue heard it condemned nay which is strange vpon the monday we commit those very sinnes which vpō the Sabbath day before were to our faces most particularly reprooued which were enough to discourage vtterly those men of God in the worke of their ministerie they taking such paines watching for vs whē we sleep studying and spending their spirits to bring vs to repentance and we like wretches making small account of it and profiting little in godlinesse by it but that the Lord hath sayd his word shal neuer goe forth in vaine but either it shall lift vs vp higher to his courts in heauen or sinke vs downe deeper into the pit of hell And the labours of his Ministers shall be as highly rewarded for leauing the gracelesse ones without excuse as for conuerting a weake soule from going astray A Seruaunt when hee is commaunded to do any thing by his Master will feare to looke his Master in the face or to come in his way if hee neglect it and doe it not How dare wee then hauing sate in the Church and there heard out of the Pulpit the seate of Gods Oracles sin forbidden repentance enioyned our negligence taxed not once but continually from time to time with precept vpon precept line vpon line I say how dare we presse so boldly without any awe or reuerence into the presence of God the great Master of all Masters in the world Sabbath after Sabbath and yet guilty to our selues in the meane time of so great disobedience vnlesse wee come thither in an insolent fashion to stout and out-face the Lord or to laugh in our sleeues at his weaknesse that will be borne in hand with a cunning semblance and as well pleased as if the deede were performed O my brethren tremble to dally in this sort with the Almighty if hee speake let his seruants heare if hee command deferre not to doe it receiue it not as the word of man but as it is indeede the word of God Pray aforehand that you may feele the vertue and power of it in your heart renuing and changing your willes and affections let the feete of them be beautifull that bring this tidings of peace and good things vnto you They are the Embassadours of the euerliuing God and disposers of his secrets they are our Fathers in Christ by whom wee are new begotten to eternall life The Lord hath giuen them power out of his word to pronounce his sentence so that what they binde on earth is bound in heauen and what they loose on earth is loosed in heauen Let vs haue them in singular loue reuerence for their works sake The contempt of their persons is a notable policie of the diuell to make their teaching be contemned also Let vs shew our thankfulnesse to God for them in obeying those things which they command vs in his name They haue called vpon vs long enough for amendment let them now haue cause to commend vs that wee haue amended Let our hearing be at length a ioy to them lest their sorrow be hereafter a witnesse against vs One Ionah conuerted Niniueh what a shame is it to vs that so many Ionahs should doe no good in London Another meanes to set vs forward in the way of repentance Good bookes conference is the reading of good bookes mutuall conference and exhortation one of another These doe both after one sort bob vs continually on the elbowe and euen importune vs to well doing and would worke some good effect if we were not negligent carelesse in the vsing of them But so it is how much time doe we spend idlely in doing nothing or vnthriftily in doing naught neuer taking a good booke in our hands all the weeke long though we haue choice of manie and our trades will beare it or if wee begin it growes irksom straight before wee haue turned one leafe ouer or if we haue the patience to goe thorow to the end slightly enough wee cast it in a corner to be moulded and moath-eaten and are as much the better as he that hath lookt in a glasse is after his backe is turned because we doe not stirre vp and whet our remembrance by a second more aduised reading esteeming our olde bookes as olde friends which must euer now and then be visited
auoiding of euill so shal they first feare to doe that which you hate and at length fall in loue with that which you practise It shall get you more authority and respect with them heere and increase the blessednes of your own soules another day that you haue been the meanes through the blessing of God to saue your poore prentises soules also And heere I shall desire my worshipful masters of this City to whose sight this little hādfull of papers may come not to take offence at any thing I haue spoken out of zeale and heartie meaning nor to impute it to arrogancie in me that I haue intermedled in their offices From which proud sin I thank my God I am free but if it be iust that I haue saied and agreeable to Gods word that they will not disdaine to do it it shall not only be no disparagement but praise and honor to them comfort to other of Gods children and ioy to the Angels in heauen that by their religious care their seruāts are made Gods seruants with them and there is such a towardly and hopefull succession to stand vp after them that as the Thessalonians were examples of godlines to those of Macedonia so Londoners at length may be like exāples of piety religiousnes to all the neighbor townes of Great Britaine also CHAP. 7. THe next good meanes to waken vs out of the sleepe of sinne and to quicken vs to a new cōuersation is the sweete consolation and ioy which God giueth vs in our soules and consciences of his seruice after we haue once made our peace with him by sound and seasonable repentance This is the peace that passeth all vnderstanding this is the earnest of our inheritance this is a present taste or say of the ioyes of the life to come I knowe my words seeme to the carnall and vnregenerate a fained thing as the womens report of Christs resurrection did at first to the Disciples but if thou wouldst doe as they did neuer leaue till in thine owne person thou hast tried out the truth of this matter thou shouldest feele within thee such a paradise of sweetnesse as thou thy selfe were not able to vtter Thou shouldest see with what cōfortable cheere Christ would offer himself vnto thee with what delicates he would refresh thy soule what secret affections hee would inspire into thee and with how pleasant a cup of loue he would make thee merrie if thou wouldst follow his pathes forsaking the by-wayes of sinne and worldly vanities The least drop of this diuine sweetnesse would vtterly distast vnto thee all the pleasures of sinne that euen the remembrance of them would be irksome and vnsauorie For mine owne part I haue had experience of this which I say For to my shame I speake it I haue beene as leaud and as wicked a fellow as euer thou hast beene whosoeuer thou art and one that hath made as small conscience of sinning against God as euer thou hast done either in swearing or lying or prophaning the Lords Sabbath or in deriding the deere Saints and seruants of God Nay what vice would I haue left vnpractised if I might haue come to the knowledge of it what pleasure or vanitie or abomination can be named whereof I would not haue had not a dram or sip but a drunken carouse if the Lord by good meanes had not restrained me from such effusion of beastlinesse It irketh me to thinke in what a fearefull state I liued at that time for had not God beene very mercifull vnto me the earth might haue opened and swallowed me vp quick for rebelling against his great Maiestie being Lord of heauen and earth but such was his goodnesse to spare me and such was his patience to waite for my repentance for euer magnified be his holy name therefore For this cause when once it pleased his Maiestie in some measure to giue mee a sight and feeling of my sinnes through the preaching of his word which I had a long time heard in vaine before as also by meanes of some of my Brethren in Christ Iesus stirring mee vp continually with such like admonitions as I doe now stirre vp thee I consulted not with flesh bloud but presently set my selfe to resist my former euill inclinations resoluing and endeuouring euery day to change the tenor of my life and to serue God in better manner then euer I had done before giuing small regard what the companions of my leaudnesse and other of the prophane multitude did say of me nor what deriding termes they bestowed vpon men for I saw no other way but either I must be a hell-hound or be called a Puritan And therefore I chose rather to suffer reproch with the children of God and to abide the name of hypocrite and dissembler c. then to be a varlet with euery varlet or accounted an honest fellow amongst the prophane And so continuing in this course and framing my selfe to liue more more in the feare of God shaking off my olde sinnes I felt in my selfe in short time such a sweete and comfortable change and such internall heauenly ioy of Gods seruice that I would not haue exchanged it againe for all the choicest delights of the world heaped at once vpon my heart And surely my Brother if thou wouldest once enter into this resolution as I haue done turning from dead works to serue the liuing God thou shouldest see what a banquet of celestiall delicates hee would set before thee and how plentifully hee would powre forth the wine of his consolations vnto thee that thou mightest say as Iudith did in another case I will drinke now freely O my Lord Iudith 12.18 because my heart is merrie this day more then euer it was in all my life before Only for this shalt thou feele sorrow that thou hadst not sooner embraced the meanes of thy conuersion that the sooner thou mightst haue beene partaker of this diuine ioy and these soules rauishing comforts The last meanes I will speake of is the consideration of the ioyes of heauen whereof the ioy of Gods children here is but a little drop or spark that heauen the consummation perfection or euerlasting well-head of all pleasures that can be seene named or conceiued seene named or conceiued said I nay no eye hath seene no eare hath heard no thought hath euer comprehended the ioy the pleasure the felicity the glory which GOD hath layed vp in the life eternall for them that serue him with an vpright heart in this world The Scriptures doe sometimes resemble heauen to a Paradise or pleasant field sometimes they describe it by a goodly Citie sometimes by a Kings Court but what are these but worldly descriptions of that which passeth all the world Go out into the most delightfull parts of the Country view the faire hilles the flowrie vallies the crystall fountaines the cleere riuers sweet woods goodly plaines variety of fruites melody of birds c. and all this is nothing
thy righteous professions sake know that the Lord hath set such a master ouer thee for thine euerlasting good to try thy constancy or to make thee more feruent in thy prayers or to diminish thy loue of the world or for an example of patience or an instance of comfort to others in like case As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten saith our Sauiour Christ Apoc. 3.19 Whosoeuer be the instrument the chastening is Christs see that thou do thy duty vnto thy master to the vttermost of thy power though he be neuer so moody euen as if he were another Moses the mildest man vpō the earth that the name of God his doctrine be not euill spoken of Assure thy selfe he shal be no harder to thee then the Lord shall see good and expedient for thee for we see some men want neither power nor will who somtimes in their suddē anger would kil their seruāts but thē the Lord manifests his prouidence towards his children in restraining them from those outrages which in that madding passion they are incited to Pray vnto the Lord to turne thy masters heart that hee may haue a feeling of his sinnes that so he may come to repentance and in the meane time ouercome thou his euill with goodnes and the Lord will either vnexpectedly alter his wil and affections or allow thee such other secret ioyes as shall ouerballance all thy griefes and discomforts If then thou wilt goe to heauen thou seest the iorney thither lies not in plaine waies thou must goe thorow good report and bad derisions and skornes and molestations but the end of the iorney is a sufficient recompence for all cumbers and inconueniences of the way the paines are light and momentany the waight of glory to which they bring vs is vnspeakeable and euerlasting So long as thou wast of the world the world loued her owne now that thou hast forsaken and bid defiance to her she takes thee for an enemy loades thee with hatred disdaine infamy slander and all maner of contempt No matter all this worse shall worke to the best to them that loue God when the softnes and delicacy and ease of worldlings shall be their owne destruction All the holy men of old time all the cheefe lights of the Church all those that now walke in long white robes with palmes of victory in their hands yea he that Saint Iohn saw in the middest of the seuen golden candlestickes whose face did shine as the Sunne in his strength euen he also hath begunne to vs in this bitter cup and shall we shrinke to pledge them when there are but a few smal drops left for vs to sip off If carnall men suffer so much to satisfie their lusts to get riches or dignities to feed themselues with a little smoake of vaine glory or to taste some sleight pleasure which bringes repentance at her heeles If they feare not the waues of the sea nor the flames of fire nor the crossings of men to attaine these shall we be so without all heart or so nice that wee will not abide a scoffe or a reprochfull word to attaine those solid substantiall and eternall pleasures and good things in comparisō of which all the honours riches commodities allurements sweetnes of the world are to bee esteemed not onely toyes and trifles but very dregs and drosse refuse not worth the taking vp No no when we haue once resolutely vowed our selues to Gods seruice GOD putteth another spirit into vs and a generous heart that though we be sometimes moued with these oppositions yet wee are neuer so farre oppressed by them as to forsake our righteousnesse or cast our lot in amongst sinners but in the middest of them our eie is so fixt vpon the end of our race and the heauenly garland reserued for such as perseuere and hold on that shrewd words serue as a good gale of wind and shrewd deedes as a violent streame to carry vs the more swift towards the port where wee would be Thus hauing finished this small Treatise I would beseech you as the Apostle saith to suffer these few lines of exhortations Ephes 6. and that you faint not in your afflictions but bee strong in the Lord putting on the whole armour of GOD that yee may be able to stand against all the assaults of the Diuell hauing your loynes girt about with veritie and hauing on the breast plate of righteousnesse and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace and aboue all take the shield of faith wherewith yee may quench all the firy darts of the wicked and take the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of GOD that being thus armed with these spirituall weapons ye may bee able to wrestle against principalities and powers and against our spirituall enemies the gouernors of the darknes of this world Now the Lord from heauen raine downe his grace into our hearts and strengthen vs with might in the inner man that wee may stand fast and encourage one another against all the bents of worldly aduersitie that being rooted and grounded in loue we may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the bredth and length depth and height and know the loue of Christ which passeth all knowledge that wee may bee filled with all fulnes of God Vnto him therfore that is able to do exceeding abundantlie aboue all that we can aske or thinke be all praise glory maiesty dominion and power thorowout all gerations both now and for euermore Amen A Morning Praier to be vsed in priuate families O LORD our God and heauenly Father we thy vnworthy children do heere come into thy most holy heauenly presence to giue thee praise and glory for all thy great mercies and manifold blessings towards vs especially for that thou hast preserued vs this night past from all the dangers and feares therof hast giuen vs quiet rest to our bodies brought vs now safely to the beginning of this day and doest now a fresh renue all thy mercies vpon vs as the Eagle renueth her bill giuing vs all things abundantly to enioy as food raiment health peace liberty freedome from many miseries diseases casualties calamities which we are subiect vnto in this life euery minute of an houre and not onely so but also for vouchsafing vnto vs many good things not onely for necessity but euen for delight also But aboue all deare Father we praise thy name for the blessings of a better life specially for thy most holy word and sacraments and all the good we enioy thereby for the continuance of the Gospell amongst vs for the death of thy Sonne all that happinesse which we haue thereby also because thou hast chosen vs to life before we were and that of thy meere godnes and vndeserued sauour towards vs and hast called vs in thine appointed time iustified vs by thy grace sanctified vs by thy
THE PRENTISES PRACTISE IN GODLInesse and his true freedome Diuided into ten Chapters Written by B. P. PROVERBS 17.2 A discreet Seruant shall haue more rule then the Sonnes that haue no wisedome and shall haue like heritage with the Brethren LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Bach and are to be sold at his shop in Popes head Palace 1608. TO THE RELIGIOVSly disposed and vertuous yong men the Apprentises of the City of London all happines both in this life and in the life to come PYthagoras the Philosopher expressing the double course of mans life by the letter Y intimateth that which our Sauiour Christ hath more plainly set downe concerning the double way whereof one hath a strait passage and narrow gate at the first which few do embrace but in the end thereof there is great comfort and rest for it guideth the passenger vnto eternall happinesse and saluation The other is wide and spacious at the beginning wherby many trauaile but in the end they find great trouble and straitnesse for it leadeth vnto euerlasting woe and destruction Both these waies are set before our eies as life and death for we may not be idle but of necessity must walke seeing our life is a pilgrimage and choose either to trauell the narrow way vnto life or to runne the broad way vnto death The way of life is a religious profession a vertuous and conscionable carriage when wee giue vnto God that which is Gods and to Cesar our Magistrates and Masters that which belongeth vnto them The gate of this way is narrow and the passage strait for the liberties of flesh and blood must be restrained our affections bridled and the whole man captiuated vnder the yoke of the obedience of Iesus Christ as also such whom we are to obey serue vnder him The way of death is a sinfull and licentious life when we serue sin and Satan and make no conscience of obediēce neither towards god not man The gate of this way in the beginning is broad and the passage easie giuing liberty full head to our youthy affections and lusts of the flesh but the end is vtter perdition and straitnes Wherfore let euery yong man beholding these two waies choose that which leadeth vnto eternall life in heauen by a sanctified life for a time on earth walking sincerely with him who is the Way the Truth and the Life To this end I haue penned this insuing Tractate which welbeloued Brethren I haue commended vnto your fauourable acceptance that therin you might see which is the narrow way the way of life learne how to trauell therein neither let that diuellish prouerb a yong Saint an old Diuel direct your course but endeuor being yong to be Saints of God to dedicate your youth to him and his seruice onely who vndoubtedly will giue you constancie to perseuere that you may become Old Saints on earth and at last a ioyfull end that you may be Blessed Saints in heauen liue with him for euermore to whose gracious mercifull protection in the meane time I commend you all Amen Your euer louing Brother B. P. The Epistle to the Reader CHristian and Charitable Reader many are the discouragemēts that the children of God receiue at the hands of wicked men in this iron and declining age of the world from the sincere embracing of the Gospell or shewing forth the fruits of sanctification in this crooked and sinfull generation but much more from publishing any holy Treatise tending to this purpose to omit the bookes that are written not of vertue and verity but of vilenes and vanity which many offer now a daies as so many Sacrifices to the diuell by the which as with so many cups of poisō he infecteth the hearts of milliōs of people what great delight the enemy of mankind taketh herein he that can see any thing may easily discerne by the cursed instruments which he raiseth vp from time to time as his children the Papists whom wee had thought long agen had beene dead in their nests yet now like serpents hauing cast their coates begin to lift vp their heads out of their holes wīth fresh and new coloured heresie and with their poysoned pennes as a holy man of God saith haue defiled not inke and paper but heauen and earth with their detestable and satanicall wickednesse But to let them sinke in their sin til they come to the bottome of hell which is of old for thē prepared who sees not the whole world is rocked asleep in the cradle of security wallowing in their sins like fishes in the sea so that we may take vp that complaint which the Lord proclaimed from heauen in the daies of Hosea saying The Lord hath a controuersie with the world because there is no truth mercy nor knowledge of God but by swearing and lying and stealing and whoring they breake out and bloud toucheth bloud and being thus frozen in their dregs hauing made a league with death a couenant with hell it selfe they are of the same minde with these people of whom we spake saying Yet let no man rebuke or reproue another for the people are as they that rebuke the Priest not onely despising instruction and refusing admonition but they murmure at Moses and Aron and are ready to stone Caleb and Ioshua the two Captaines of the Lords host and we are become their enemies for telling them the truth Howbeit whē the eies of mercifull men are set vpon thē labouring to saue their soules from being condemned with the world beseeching them to breake vp the fallow ground of their hearts that the Lord might raine righteousnes vpon them they are ready to giue them Steuens reward for his sweet Apology Acts 7. and though they haue not the authority of the Magistrate yet with the vnruly euill of the tongue they assemble themselues as the Prophet Ieremy speaketh saying Come let vs smite them but how with swords or staues no surely but with the cursed weapō of the tongue according to the custome of al wicked men frō time to time with reprochings reuilings with their venemous arrowes as much as in them lies to shut and pierce thorow the hearts of the Saints of God with that odious and damnable name of Hypocrite and dissembler so that we may say with the Prophet Ieremy We are in derision dayly euery one mocketh vs and as he saith else where Woe is me that my mother hath borne me a contentious man whomall the world hateth Yea surely so far may we be from stirring one another vp in this kinde that wee may weep and sigh in secret as diuers of the Saints of God haue done wish with this Prophet Oh that my head were full of water and mine eies a fountaine of teares Ier. 9.1.2 that I might weep day and night for the slaine of the daughters of my people Oh that I had in the wildernesse a cottage of waifaring men Yea
Goliah so that the cause then of both being not much vnlike the answere that followeth shall not vnfitly be applied though not in the same measure of grace wisedome and modesty yet in the same nature of zeale truth and sincerity answer with him in the 29. verse Graue Fathers masters and superiors what haue I done is there not cause But if this Apology seeme vnsufficient obserue with me breefly the benefit that commeth hereby and the fault considered will easily be wiped away In the first place then it bringeth a comfort to the Church of God when they shall see the prophesies fulfilled and those promises performed which long since was declared to fall out in the latter age of the world Esay 11.9 that the earth shall bee filled with the knowledge of the Lord Ioel. 8. as the sea is couered with with waters Againe Your daughters shall prophesie your old mē shal dreame dreames your yong men shal see visiōs Psalm 8. And also vpon the seruants will I powre out my spirit Againe Out of the mouth of Babes hast thou ordained strength because of their enemies Notwithstanding these prophesies I grant chiefly fulfilled at the comming of Christ yet in respect of the perpetuity of it it is to remaine vntill the number of the elect be accomplished yea and wee that are now liuing haue seene the extraordinary power and operation of it if wee consider since the time of Luther how the Angell flying from the middest of heauen Reuel 14.6 hauing an euerlasting Gospell in his mouth to preach to the nations that dwell vpon the earth saying with a loud voice Feare GOD giue glory to him an vnspeakeable and peculiar fauour of GOD as our Sauiour Christ sayeth Blessed are the eies that see those things which you see and the eares that heare those things which you heare being the onely meanes to bring vs into the fauour of God and men that it may bee sayed of vs Cant. 6.9 as it was of his owne spouse Who is this that loeketh forth as the morning faire as the Moone pure as the Sunne terrible as an armie with banners Yea then we shall bee pretious to the Lord who so toucheth vs toucheth the apple of his eie and hee will say to our enemies Cant. 3.5 I charge you O you daughters of Ierusalem by the Roe by the Hindes of the field that you stirre not vp nor waken my beloued vntill shee please Yea then shall wee be set as a seale vpon his heart and as a signet vpon his arme for loue is stronger then death Ielosie is cruell as the graue the coales thereof are fiery coles and a vehement flame much water cannot quen●r loue neither can the flouds drowne it If a man would giue al the substāce of his house for loue the world would greatly contemne it Cant. 8.1 Secondly it much aduanceth declareth and setteth forth the power of the Gospell when men are made of Lions Lambs their natures being changed that they come willingly in the day of assembly the loue of God constraining them and the blessing of God vpon them causing their sonnes to bee as the plants growing vp in their youthes their daughters as the corner stones grauen aft r the manner of Apelles c. So that other nations being our Iudges are forced to say of vs Psal 144.7 Happy are the people that are in such a case yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord Iehoua Thirdly it is exceeding comfortable and no lesse honorable to the graue fathers and faithfull learned preachers of our age when they shall see the blessing of God vpon their labours their children which they haue begotten into the faith by the word of truth Psalm 127 like arrowes in the hand of the strong man and are not ashamed to speake before their enemies in the gate So that they haue no neede of the approbation of men or letters of recommendations their Epistles being written not with inke paper but in the hearts of their children and shineth in the world to the praise and glory of God Lastly a notable motiue prouocation to incite and stir vp the minds of those that are too slacke and negligent in this kinde and may also be vsed as a whetstone to sharpen and set an edge vpon finer wits that so all the members of Christ both learned and vnlearned may meet and ioine foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder opposing themselues against their great common aduersary and being directed by one spirit may vtter their voices both by praier by preaching that we may cause the kingdome of Antichrist to fall downe like the walles of Iericho that so if it be the Lords will we that are now liuing may see that with the eies of our bodies which Saint Iohn saw so long since with the eies of his spirit and so with holy reioycing and gladnesse of heart we may say with blessed Saint Iohn It is fallen it is fallen great Babylon and is become a cage of vncleane birds Now if any shall aske of me who are you and what is your name whose iudgement the reader should so much reuerence In this behalfe I answere If I were one of learning and estimation perhaps I might cary thee away not vsing any great reason or demonstration On the contrary if of no note and quality thou wouldest hardly be brought to embrace it though I bring strong and forceable arguments and reasons I refer thee therefore to the booke it selfe which is able to commend it selfe to the conscience of any indifferent reader whose eares being sanctified trieth words as the mouth tasteth meat Onely this I will say with the Aapostle Iames Iob. 34.3 Haue not the faith in respect of persons and then I dare assure my selfe the Lord shall haue glory and his chīldren comfort The which vpon the knees of my soule I craue of his goodnes and that he will increase in the hearts of his Saints sauing faith and with faith vertue and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherlie kindnesse and with brotherlie kindnesse loue that you may make your calling and election sure so that you may neuer fall By him that praieth daily for the peace of Sion and longeth to see Ierusalem in her pefect beautie T. R. The contents of the Chapters following in this Booke CHAP. 1. Of Gods graces and benefits in free mercy bestowed vpon man that thereby hee may be moued to serue his diuine maiesty fol. 1. 2. 3. CHAP. 2. Of the infinit and vnspeakable benefit of Christs death m●ns great ingratitude notwithstanding which all things whatsoeuer in their kinde condemne fol. 4.5.6 CHAP. 3. Of the most miserable estate of the Reprobate both in this world and in the world to come as also of the most blessed happy condition heere and hence of those
to bewaile my sinnes and sue for mercy Wouldst thou then be a new man be so now Wouldst thou then seeke Gods fauour seeke it now Wouldst thou then amend all faults amend them now Why doest thou not preuent those ifs and conditions which will then bee but foolish thoughts why doest thou not that this day nay day by day all thy life long which thou wouldest doe at such an extremity seeing thou knowest not which will be thy last day why doest thou not doubt al thy daies endeuour to be such a one al thy life as thou wouldest be at the point of death But put case thou knewest thy life would be lengthned out to some forty or fifty yeares more and that thou wert assured not to dy the vtmost expiration of those yeares be like then thou wouldst nothing but follow thy lustes the while and thinke the last yeare soone enough to reforme thee But blind fooles they are that are thus conceited if thou canst not with the straining of all thy sinewes pull vp a yong tree of two or three yeares planting how wilt thou hope to pull it vp when the spurs of the rootes are fastened deep on euery side and the boughes are like to the couering of a tent ouer thy head Assay to root out but one vice now whilest it is fresh and greene and thou shalt finde it a matter of some paines and difficulty and will it be easier thinkest thou seuen yeares hence when the custome of it is growne to a habit or as it were another nature and the generation therof multiplied to an hundred to a thousand Say a man were now to carry a basket of stones frō London Bridge to Islington setting forward about the stoopes with the basket on his shoulder feeling the waight thereof to pinch and wring him should presently like a true louer of his ease set it downe againe till another time and euery day the while come and put in more stones till it were heape full and running ouer would you thinke the basket would be lighter at last for these daily additions or this man likelier to cary it through then being grown rustie with many yeares sloth whē it made him shrug to stand vnder it in the beginning while his strength was fresh No no my deere brethren the longer we continue in sinne the fuller and heauier growes the basket and the vnweldier wee grow that must be the porters Come come vp with it carry it you must and it will neuer be lighter nor you better able to beare it then you be at this present straine your selues for a furlong or two though it sit vneasie at first you shall finde it lighter after a little vse Better smart once then ake euer set about it despaire not of the successe by consideration of the difficulty pray God both humbly and continually to impart vnto you his holy spirit and to shed it out in your hearts through Iesus Christ that you may compresse your owne affections and by his strength ouercome all impediments walke more in all holy obedience before him only be not your owne foe feed not that same humour of lingring let not loose the raines to your corrupt affectiōs which cry stil a little more sleep a little more slumber For the holy Ghost doth not assist cowards and sluggards such as fit idly with their armes folded together but those that labour and endeuour earnestly to tame their naturall wickednes and to crosse the swing of their lusts those he deemeth worthy his aide and they in him shall be more then conquerors Set your hand to Gods hand the worke will be nothing The violent and resolute that breake thorow all opposition they and no other take heauen by maine force But say that the Black-moore could change his skin and the Leopard his spots and that you hauing learned all daies of your life to do euill could at the last repent and doe wel yet what an vnthākfull vnbeseeming thing were it to spend your youthful daies in the pleasures of the world the seruice of the Diuell then to bring your crooked worne daies to offer to the Lord To call the Diuell and the world to the feast and full dishes and let God stand at dore waiting among the beggers for the reuersion scraps The Lord himselfe is driuen to complaine of this base measure by his Prophet When ye bring the blind for sacrifices you say it is not euill and when ye bring the lame and sick ye say it is good enough for God Offer it now to thy Prince will he be content with thee or accept thy person saith the Lord of hostes Repent and be ashamed of this ingratitude play not the harlots with God let none haue the maidenhead of your youth but your deere Lord husband Let none enioy the flower and beauty of your time but hee that bought you with his precious bloud you are his giue him his owne let him haue it new and faire not when it is mangled misused that one cannot but blush in the presenting of it Cast your selues into his embracement in your youth health whilest you haue something to commend you his armes are open to receiue you stay not looking for a better match this is the best that euer you shall light on take it whilest it is offred you shall neuer repent you of your earlie bestowing Hereafter perhaps God will hold you vnworthy of his loue as hertofore you held him vnworthy of yours and scorne you in your old age and sicknes as you set not by him in your health and youth The fiue virgins for lingring but one houre and that in their youth and prime were shut out of the marriage chamber and had this answere to their knocking I know you not you are no friends nor guests of mine And shall we thinke the Lord will open vnto vs and giue vs a cheerful welcome lingring not houres but yeares and prostituting our virginity and prime to the world the Diuell Gods sworne enemies Yet the the doore is open you may fill your lamps with oile and be wise by their harmes But if you put it to hereafter the gates will be shut and all your knocking will be but so many fruitles strokes rebounding vpon your owne hearts Lastly whilest we lie soaking in sin and returne euery day to our old vomit we do pile vp more and more wood for our owne burning I meane we do increase our accounts against that firy day of wrath which will come vpon as a theefe in the night in which the heauens shall passe away with a noise and the element shall melt with heat and the earth with the workes that are therein shall be consumed then shall all the thoughts of our hearts be discouered and an account required of euery idle word that we haue spoken So strict shall that iudgment be Where wil the vngodly and sinner appeare
temptation be slackt Vndertake no waighty busines of thine owne or thy masters but with praier before that God would guide and speed thee in it Thinke not that thy praying will lose thee thy opportunity For time is neuer lost in praying vnto him that doth command the time Whatsoeuer hath beene vnto thee an occasion of sinne shun it as thou wouldest shun a most mortal danger Thinke no place to be without a witnesse of thy doings for a great part of wickednesse is left vndone if some body be by when one is about to cōmit it Frequent the company of the godly and auoid the conuersation of the wicked and prophane for continuall conuersation is of great force not only to make vs embrace the vertues but oftentimes also euen against our willes to imitate the vices of our companions Hence it commeth that we are alwayes taken for such as those are with whom wee doe ordinarily conuerse according to the prouerb His nature in his mate is showen Who cannot by himselfe be knowen Meditate often of death of the miseries of this life of the resurrection the iudgement and the ioyes of the life to come rather suffer euill then doe euill to any but neither speake euill nor listen to euill speakers Fall not easily at ods with any but continue at ods with none Follow thy God and Sauiours example in doing well vnto all men and endeuour to be like him in louing thine enemies Finally whatsoeuer things bee of good report or honest example those things thinke on and doe and the God of peace shall be with thee for euer These things howsoeuer they seeme vnpleasant and abhorring from our nature especially in our yong yeares yet if the Lord once infuse his grace into our hearts and renue our affections by the working of his spirit they will seeme sweet and easie and delightfull and we shal take more pleasure in doing of them then in any worldly or bodily exercise whatsoeuer All the matter is at first after a little vse all difficulty vanisheth At the first leaping into the water middle high one feeles intollerable cold ready to take away the breath but by that time he hath waded in further vp to the necke it seemes to be of a milder temper So religion and Gods seruice seemes harsh and tedious at the first entry into it but by that time we haue beene a while inured to the practise of it all other things are vnsauorie to vs and onely in this there is heauenly delectation To conclude this chapter remember that our feeling of the want of grace is a good step to the obtaining of grace Our desire to repent is the seed or kernell of repentance and being cherished will at length beare ripe fruites of a sanctified conuersation That howsoeuer the diuell and our owne flesh mooue vs to doubting yet God willeth not the death of a sinner that doth from the bottome of his heart turne vnto him nor shall our repentance be in vaine so it be true though our sinnes were as many for number as the drops of raine and as bloudie for their quality as skarlet is red Gods mercy is a rich mercy and his pardon is absolute without limitation or exception Finally that hearty and continuall prayer and such simple rules directions as I haue set down out of mine owne obseruation experience will prooue good helpes to the new Proselytes for the beginning and perfiting of their repentance CHAP. 9. IF any aske how hee shall know whether his repentance be true or no I answer by the change which eft-soones hee shall feele wrought in his whole man which is in a word the forsaking his former sinnes wherein he delighted and delighting in those good things which before hee despised Without this change there is no repentance Well we may flatter our selues and talke of repentance but we are yet in our sins and the Lords decree is still in force against vs. Well then wilt thou be not almost a Christian as King Agrippa but a true Israelite indeede like Nathaniel in whom was no guile renounce all thy olde sinnes and receiue in their places the vertues opposite to them and this shall seale vp to thy conscience that thy sinnes are forgiuen for his names sake Hast thou beene a swearer from henceforth feare the glorious and fearefull name of the Lord thinke not of it but with singular reuerence because his owne mouth hath said it He wil not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Answere me not as one did not long since being reproued for this sinne I am no such great swearer as you would make me It is but seldome that I sweare by GOD and by such such great othes for commonly the greatest othes that I sweare is but by my faith or troth and that I make account to be no such great matter and I pray GOD you neuer do worse and then you shall do well enough But make thou conscience of an oth aswell little as great for the Apostle alloweth of no oth at al Swear not all saith he neither by heauen nor by earth nor any oth lest you fall into condemnation But as our Sauiour saith let your yea be yea your nay nay for whatsoeuer is more is of the Diuell O but saith one the world is so full of vnbeleefe that except I sweare men will not beleeue me yea nay is nothing now a daies to sell my commodities by if I sweare not I shal not sell Why is that but because thou hast neuer made conscience of a lie but added an oth two or three sometimes to make a lie goe currant and peraduenture thy customers sometimes knowing that thou swearest falsly cannot beleeue thee another time though thou sweare truely But if thou wouldest sell thy wares take the counsell of the Apostle who willeth vs to cast off lying and euery one of vs to speake truth to his neigbour forasmuch as we are members one of another and so by vsing thy tongue to speake truth thou shalt be beleeued sooner vpon thy bare word then vpon thy many protestations and othes Carnall men wil sooner suspect thy swearing then thy plaine saying because they though they be such as cary a forme of ciuil honesty wil notwithstanding not stick to sweare a lie themselues to win some aduantage by and by their own fashion they iudge of thine So then swearing is a sin clothed neither with pleasure nor profit for what pleasure is there in a prophane frothy word spewed out of the wicked abundance of the heart or what profit when the thundring out of six or seuen othes one after another will not sell a yeard of stuffe or a pound waight of thy commodities so little account is made of them Besides in much swearing is oft forswearing as it is seen too often in our shops euery day For let a man come into some shops to cheapen a cōmodity they will sweare that they
his Angels for euer And wee haue nothing to except against thy maiesty for so doing sith therin thou shouldest deale with vs but according to equity and our iust deserts Wherefore deere father we doe appeale from thy iustice to thy mercy most humbly intreating thee to haue mercy vpon vs and freely to forgiue vs all our sinnes past whatsoeuer both new and old secret and open knowen and vnknowen and that for Iesus Christs sake our onely Mediator And wee pray thee touch our hearts with true griefe and vnfained repentance for them that they may be a matter of continuall sorrow and heart-smart vnto vs so as nothing may greiue vs more then this that we haue offended thee being our speciall friend and father Giue vs therefore deere Father euery day more and more sight and feeling of our sinnes with true humiliation vnder the same Giue vs also that true and liuely faith wherby we may lay sure hold onthy Son Christ and all his merits aplying the same to our owne soules so as we may stand fully perswaded that whatsoeuer hee hath done vpon the crosse he hath done for vs particularly as well as for others Giue vs faith good Father cōstantly to beleeue al the sweet promises of the gospel touching remission of sinne and eternall life made in thy Sonne Christ O Lord increase our faith that we may altogether rest vpon thy promises which are all yea and Amen Yea that we may settle our selues and all that we haue wholly vpon them both our soules bodies goods name wiues children our whole estate knowing that all things depend vpon thy promises power and prouidence that thy word doth support beare vp the whole order of nature More ouer we intreat thee O Lord to strengthen vs from aboue to walke in euery good way and to bring forth the fruits of true faith in all our particular actions studying to please thee in all things and to be fruitfull in good workes that we may shew forth vnto all men by our good conuersation whose children wee are and that we may adorne and beautifie our most holy profession by walking in a Christian course and in all the sound fruits and practise of godlines and true religion To this end wee pray thee sanctifie our hearts by thy spirit yet more and more sanctifie our soules and bodies and all our corrupt naturall faculties as reason vnderstanding will and affections so as they may be fitted for thy worship and seruice taking a delight and pleasure therein Stirre vs vp to vse praier watchfulnesse reading and meditation in thy law and all other good meanes whereby we may profit in grace and goodnesse from day to day Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes that we may daily die to sin and liue to righteousnesse draw vs yet neerer vnto thee help vs against our monifold wants Amend our great imperfections renue vs inwardly more and more repaire the ruines of our hearts aide vs against the remnants of sin Enlarge our hearts to runne the way of thy Commandements direct all our steps in thy word let none iniquity haue dominion ouer vs. Assist vs against our special infirmities and master sinnes that wee may get the victory ouer them all to thy glory and the great peace and comfort of our owne consciences Strengthen vs good father by thy grace and holy spirit against the cōmon corruptions of the world as pride whoredome couetousnesse contempt of thy Gospell swearing lying dissembling and deceiuing O deere Father let vs not be ouer come of these filthy vices nor any other sinfull pleasures and fond delights wherwith thousands are caried headlong to destruction Arme our soules against all the temptations of this world the flesh and the Diuell that we may ouercome them all through thy help and keep on the right way to life that we may liue in thy feare and die in thy fauour that our last daies may be our best daies and that we may end in great peace of conscience Furthermore deere Father we intreat thee not onely for ourselues but for all our good brethren thy deere children scattered ouer the face of the whole earth most humbly beseeching thee to blesse them all to cheere them vp and glad them with the ioy of thy countenance both now and alwaies Guide them all in thy feare and keep them from euill that they may praise thy name In these dangerous daies and declining times we pray thee O Lord raise vp nursing fathers and nursing mothers vnto thy Church Raise vp also faithful Pastors that thy cause may be caried forward truth may preuaile Religion may prosper thy name onely may be set vp in the earth thy Sonnes kingdome aduanced and thy will accomplished Set thy selfe against all aduersary power especially that of Rome Antichrist Idolatry and Atheisme curse and crosse all their counsels frustrate their deuises scatter their forces ouerthrow their armies When they are most wise let them be most foolish when they are most strong let them be most weake Let thē know that there is no wisdom nor coūsel power nor policy against thee the Lord of Hosts Let thē know that Israel hath a God that thou which art called Iehouah art the onely ruler ouer all the world Arise therefore O most mightie God and maintaine thine owne cause against all thine enemies smite thorow all their loines and bow downe their backes yea let them all be confounded and turned backward that beare ill will vnto Sion Let the patient abiding of the righteous be ioy and let the wicked be disappointed of their hope But of all fauour we intreate thee O Lord to shew special mercy to thy Church in this Land wherein we liue Continue thy Gospell amongst vs yet with greater successe purge thy house daily more more take away all things that offend Let this Nation still bee a place where thy name may bee called vpon and an harbour for thy Saints Shew mercy to our posterity deare Father and haue care of them that thy Gospell may bee left vnto them as a most holy inheritance Defend vs against forrē inuasiō keep out Idolatry and Popery from amongst vs. Turne frō vs those plagues which our sins cry for For the sins of this Land are exceeding great horrible and outragious giue thee iust cause to make vs spectacles of thy vengeance to all Natiōs that by how much the more thou hast lifted vs vp in great mercy and long peace by so much the more thou shouldest presse vs downe in great wrath long war Therfore deere Father we most humbly intreat thee for thy great names sake and for thy infinit mercies sake that thou wouldest bee reconciled to this land and discharge it of all the horrible sins thereof Drowne them O Lord in thy infinit mercy through Christ as it were in a bottomelesse gulfe that they may neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs. For although our sinnes bee exceeding many and feareful yet thy mercy is far greater For thou art infinite in mercy but we cannot be infinite in sinning Giue vs not ouer into the hands of the Idolaters lest they should blaspheme thy name and say Where is their God in whom they trusted But rather deere father take vs into thine owne hands and correct vs according to thy wisedome for with thee is mercy deep compassion Moreouer wee most heartily beseech thy good Maiesty to blesse our most gratious King Iames and to shew much mercy to him in all things Guide him in thy feare and keep him in all his waies working in his soule vnfeined sorrow for sinne true faith in the promises a great care to please thee in all things and to discharge the duty of his high place in all zeale of thy glory and faithfulnesse towards thy Maiesty that as thou hast crowned him heere in earth so hee spending his daies heere below in thy feare may after this life be crowned of thee for euer in the Heauens We beseech thee also to blesse his Maiesties most honorable priuie Counsellors Counsell them from aboue let them take aduice of thee in all things that they may both consult and resolue of such courses as may be most for thy glory the good of the Church the peace of this our Commonwealth Blesse the Nobility and all the Magistrates in the Land giuing them all grace to execute iudgement and iustice and to maintaine truth and equity Blesse all the faithfull Ministers of the Gospell increase the number of them inincrease thy gifts in them and so blesse all their labours in their seuerall places and congregations that they all may bee instruments of thy hand to inlarge thy Sonnes kingdome and to winne many vnto thee Comfort the comfortlesse with all needfull comforts Forget none of thine that are in trouble but as their afflictions are so let the ioyes and comforts of thy spirit bee vnto them and so sanctifie vnto all thine their afflictions and troubles that they may tend to thy glory and their owne good Giue vs thankefull hearts for all thy mercies both spirituall and corporall for thou art very mercifull vnto vs in the things of this life and infinitely more mercifull in the things of a better life Let vs deeply ponder and waigh all thy particular fauoures towards vs that by the due consideration thereof our hearts may bee gained yet neerer vnto thee and that therefore wee may both loue and obey thee because thou art so kind and louing vnto vs that euen thy loue towards vs may draw our loue towards thee and that because mercy is with thee thou maiest bee feared Grant these things good Father and all other needfull graces for our soules or bodies or any of thine thorow out the whole world for Iesus Christs sake in whose name we further call vpon thee as he hath taught vs in his Gospel saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. FINIS