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A30510 The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation namely that true prophet and faithful servant of God and sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, Edward Burroughs, who dyed a prisoner for the word of God in the city of London, the fourteenth of the twelfth moneth, 1662. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1672 (1672) Wing B5980; ESTC R31282 1,280,745 962

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shall the Saints possess and the Gentiles shall be driven out of it according as Iohn said who wrote the last of any of the Apostles and gave ful● testimony of these things which I have declared ●f viz. of an Apostacy and reign of the Beast and false Prophet and a Subversion from the Wayes of God and this hath been and is come to pass Also ●e prophesied of the gaining of the holy City in again to the Saints and of a restoration wherein new Ierusalem should be made manifest from Heaven and sho●●d again be adorned as a Bride for her Husband and the Saints should inhabit it and the Tabernacle of God should be with men upon Earth and the Lord would dwell for ●●er with his People and this day is approaching nigh at the doo● for the Fig-tree hath blossomed and we know it is near at hand the Summer wherein the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed unto all Nations and they shall 〈◊〉 that he is the Lord God Almighty that will take Vengeance upon the great Wh●●e who hath made all drunk with the Wine of her Fornication And now after the long night of Apostacy and Darkness which hath been vp●● the face of the Earth is the Lord appearing and his Day dawning and his Lig●● breaking forth as the Glory of the Morning and the Kingdom of God is revealed and his Dominion is setting up after the long reign of the Beast who ha●… had his Power and his Seat and his great Authority from the Dragon after wh●… the whole World hath wandred and him hath worshiped who hath been saying w●… is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him His mouth for many Generations hath been opened in blasphemy against God and his Name and he 〈◊〉 made war with the Saints and his power hath overcome them Mark overco● them and then himself hath reigned and the reign of Christ for many years 〈◊〉 not been known but over Kindreds Tongues and Nations hath the Beast had po●er and over them hath reigned for many Ages and all that dwell upon the F●… have worshipped him whose Names are not written in the Book of Life 〈◊〉 Earth hath been caused and them that dwell therein to worship the Beast and 〈◊〉 his Wonders he deceiveth them that dwell on Earth and as many as would 〈◊〉 worship the Beast and his Image the Beast hath had power that they should be●…led and many hath he killed who would not worship him and are persented and both Small and Great Rich and Poor Free and Bond have rec●…ed the Mark of the Beast and the number of his Name which is the number 〈◊〉 a man he that reads let him understand these things have come to pass 〈◊〉 been fulfilled since the Apostles dayes in this night wherein no man could wor● which Christ said would come but now the forty and two Monthes which ti●… the Beast and his Image was to continue and so long was his Power to remain 〈◊〉 make war and to overcome the Saints I say the time is well nigh expired and finished and the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is risen to make war against the Beast and his Image who hath reigned over the Kingdoms of the World and the Judgment of the great W●… cometh who hath sitten upon the Beast and drunk the Blood of the Saints 〈◊〉 with whom the Kings of the Earth since the dayes of the Apostles have com●…ted Fornication and all the Inhabiters of the Earth have been made drunk 〈◊〉 the Wine of her Fornication and all the Merchants of the Earth have been ma●e rich through the aboundance of her delicacies and she hath sat upon the scar●… coloured Beast and her Cup in her hand hath been full of abominations and 〈◊〉 ness of her fornication and her name is Mistery Babylon the Mother of Harl●… and all the Kings of the Earth have given their power unto the Beast and commited Fornication with the great Whore and she hath sat upon people multitudes 〈◊〉 nations and tongues since the Apostles days and even some who have hated t●e Whore and fulfilled the Will of God and made the Whore naked yet they gi●… their power also to the Beast until the Word of God be fulfilled Consider these things you that have an ear to hear but now the mighty Day 〈◊〉 the Lord and the Judgment of the Whore is approaching wherein she shal be rewarded according to her Works and doubble shall be given into 〈◊〉 Cup and as she hath loved blood so shall blood be given her to drink and the Merchants of the Earth shall lament her whom they have waxed rich by who 〈◊〉 glorified her self and lived deliciouslly and hath said in her heart I sit as a Queen and am no Widow and shall not see sorrow but now the one day is dawning wherein her Plagues shall come death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord that is risen to judge her and the Kings and Merchants and all the Inhabiters of the Earth shall lament her and cry Alas alas and now are they beginning for the hour is come that her judgement cometh and all her Merchants who have trafficked with the Souls of men shall partake of her Plagues who have partaked of her sins and lived deliciously with her and the fruits that her Soul lusteth after shall depart from her and all things that are dainty and goodly shall depart from her and she shall find them no more at all when her judgement cometh and in an hour all her riches are come to nought and all her Merchants at Land and Sea shall lament her even her that hath ruled over Nations and sat as a Queen for many Generations ever since the dayes of the Apostles until this day yea all that have wandred after her even the whole World shall lament and bemoan her and such as have served her and made Slaves of the Souls of men by Merchandize and Traffick shall bewail her and their gain shall cease for ever for in one hour shall she be made desolate and her glory shall fade and her beauty shall wither and the Beast that hath carried her shall utterly faint and the false Prophet that hath wrought Miracles in their sight and deceived the Nations shall be cast into a bed of torment with her and the Beast and the false Prophet shall be taken and cast alive into the Lake of Fire to be tormented for ever day and night World without end and the Whore in whom hath been found the Blood of the Prophets and of the Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth and the Beast who hath caused all that dwell on the Earth to worship him and his Image for many Ages and the false Prophet who hath deceived the whole world and many Nations and made them subject unto the power of the Beast by his Miracles which he hath wrought in the
shall conquer by the sword of the Lord which the Lord hath put into their hands over Countries and Dominions For O Nation the Lord is with them and thy unjust Rulers and Officers cannot hurt them not a hair of their heads shall perish without my heavenly Father It is for a testimony of their Fathers love to them that they suffer shame and reproach and some of them imprisonment by the unjust Rulers and for a witness against them that some of them are brought before them the Lord is chusing the weak things of this World and he is making manifest his Counsels to Babes and revealing his Counsel and eternal Truth to Children and keeps his hidden Treasures from the eyes of the Wise and vulturous ones Praises praises be to him for evermore For the Lion of Judah is opening and hath opened the Sealed Book let all his Saints rejoyce for evermore This is the day of thy Visitation O Nation wherein the Lord speaks to thee by the mouth of his Servants in word and writing therefore return to the Lord thy God from whence thou art fallen Now will the Lord gather his Jewels and Chosen ones out of thee and will raise up the dead which lies slain under thy Teachers and Pharisees which makes a prey upon the people which was never sent by God to speak unto thee O Land Hear the Word of the Lord Depart from all thy Teachers for the Lord hath drawn his Sword and lifted it up against the false Prophet and the Vials of Indignation shall be poured upon him and upon all that upholds him in his Whoredoms and Witchcraft by which he deceiveth the simple therefore lest thou be partaker of their Plagues depart from them And all people mind that measure of Light within you which the Lord hath lightened every one of you withal for the Lord is risen to teach his people himself and he is fulfilling his Prophesie in thy ears O Nation they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will put my Law in thine inward parts and write it in their hearts Ier. 31. 33. The Lord is about his great and wonderful Work in thee and all the Wars and Contentions in thee O Land hath but been a making way for this Work of the Lord and hath not been the Work which the Lord hath purposed This Work is made known to them that feareth the Lord and abideth in his Counsel The Lord will overturn overturn the Nation and will create new Heavens and new Earth wherein shall dwell righteousness in which all the Chosen of the Lord shall rejoyce for evermore And all the Kings and Nobles shall cast down their Crowns before this Glory And all the men of War shall lay down their Armour and Weapons of War And Nation shall not lift up a Sword against Nation any more For the Lord will establish Righteousness and Peace this will the Lord bring to pass in thee O England through the destruction of that which now liveth and through the Resurrection of that to Life which now lieth in Death Hear O Land give ear O People for the Lord of Heaven and Earth is now turning the World up-side down all old things shall pass away all things shall become new by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh and the slain of him shall be many corrupt Judges and Officers will the Lord sweep away and their name shall no more be found in the Nation the fire is kindled and the sword is drawn happy is he that keepeth himself from fighting against the Lord in this his Work and happy are ye O Brethren that stands faithful to the end to see these things accomplished great shall be the battel it is now begun many shall see death and shall yet live to see these things TO all the Despised and Contemned ones who are Persecuted and shamefully entreated by the Generation of the Chief Priests and by them who live in the highest Profession in the Word outwardly ye who are the scorn of the Nation and the derision of all the Heathen and are called Quakers you are my brethren children of my Father have been brought forth by the same Womb and have sucked the same Breast Ye are chosen out of the world out of all worldly glories and earthly excellencies and are not of this world and therefore the world hateth you you are brought out of the broad way of the flesh and are separated from all the world in their ways worships and forms of religion and are redeemed out of the mouths of all Idoll dumb Shepherds and hath one Shepherd and are gathered from all the mountains and out of all the desolate disinhabited places and are come into the pleasant sheepfold where is green pastures and fresh springs of living Waters By Faith with Abraham are ye come out of your native Country from among your kindred and out of your Fathers house And with Moses have you forsaken the glory of Pharaohs house and chosen rather to suffer affliction among the poor despised people than to have enjoyed the pleasures of sin but great shall be your reward ye Contemned ones glory and honor and everlasting happiness is prepared for you if you stand faithful to the end the Lord is with you as a mighty terrible one and therefore shall all your persecuters be ashamed and confounded the sound of a trumpet is heard among you which makes all Nations at a stand and all the Heathen to wonder and all the Rulers Nobles and chief Priests are in consultation combining together to suppress the Army of the Lord of Hosts which he is gathering together fear not nor be dismaid for the sounding of your trumpet causes an alarum and makes all the inhabitants of the Land to tremble and all bows before the sound of it for the sound of it is terrible to the Nations to all Kingdoms and Dominions the Lord of Heaven and Earth is your Captain which rides upon the Clouds and whose glory is above the World and therefore in the battel shall you obtain the conquest and all your enemies shall be put to flight and one of you shall chase a thousand for he is with you who hath all power in his hand and all your enemies are limitted by him therefore be not discouraged at the raging and swelling words of your Adversaries but be bold and valiant and faithful to him for his is the victory and by his own Right Hand will he get himself the victory Ye are my fellow Souldiers and fellow Members of the same body and my joy in the Lord stand faithfull to the Lord and be bold and valiant for the Truth upon Earth for you hath the Lord chosen of all the Families of the Earth to place his Name among you and he will glorifie his
which hath been of the false Woman and not of the Elect Spouse that is married to the Lamb. 6. That forcing and compelling of Persons by any outward Law and Authority to be of such or such a Religion and to conform to such a Way of Worship is the Worship of the Beast and of the Whore and not the Worship of God and to kill and persecute Persons for the exercise of Conscience and because they will not be of such a Religion and cannot conform to such Worship is of the Devil and the Dragon and not of God nor according to him and that your Church herein is not Successor of the Apostles and the true Church of Christ but is of the Beast and the Whore which Iohn saw was to come in his time and which we see are come in our dayes and have ruled for Generations and I affirm that Persons so made conformable by force and violent Laws to such a Religion and Worship are but two-fold more the Children of the Devil and are not at all converted to God thereby but becomes Idolaters whom God will judge 7. That none upon Earth are true Members of the true Church of Christ having a portion in the Inheritance of Eternal Life but such who are gathered out of the World by the preaching of the Gospel and are changed and renewed by the Power of the Lord God in the Heart and are led by his Spirit within them into all Truth and are joyned unto Christ the Head and gathered into the Eternal Unity of the Infinite Body by the same Spirit and A●ointing dwelling in them and of such onely doth the true Church of Christ consist now in this present time as it did in the Apostles dayes but of such Members doth not your Church consist in this present Age neither is it in the Order and Government of the Spirit of Truth but in the Form without the Power therein was its beginning and its standing at this day 8. That the time is at hand and the Day of the Lord draws near and the ful●ess of time is approaching wherein great Babylon shall be thrown down and fall to the Ground and the Lord will be avenged on her and will render Judg●ents unto her and the Beast and Whore and false Prophets unto whom the Kingdoms of the World have been subject shall be taken and cast alive into the Lake and the Devil and Satan shall deceive the Nations no more but the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed and become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ whose Kingdom shall be revealed in Power and great Glory in the hearts of his Chosen And the Church of Rome and all the false Sects and Churches upon the Earth will the Lord God overthrow and his true Church shall be gathered out of the Wilderness and the Beauty of new Ierusalem of the holy Church the Lamb's Wife shall be as Glorious a● before she fled thither and before she was troden down of the Gentiles and the Lord God Almighty shall be known and his Tabernacle shall be with men These things I assert to you in the Name of the Lord and the truth thereof is certain and should be ready to argue and dispute these things with any sober Person amongst you upon equal tearms and to prove the Infalibility hereof by the Spirit of the Lord and according to the Scriptures wherefore consider of them in Patience and Meekness and believe in the Light of Christ which is in your Consciences which Christ hath lightened every man that cometh into the World withall that you may come to the knowledge of the Truth and out of all false Wayes and if any of you will return an Answer hereunto in behalf of your whole Body and can be able to clear your selves in Writing from what is charged upon you it shall be gladly received by me and a Reply i● Meekness returned to you for the further m●nifestation of Truth that Truth and Righteousness may clearly appear and be embraced and all Deceit and and false wayes of Antichrist may be confounded and denyed and who are in the Truth shall be confirmed and who are in the Error may have Warning now in the Day of the World's Visitation The Lord is coming to Judgment who will judge the Secrets of all Hearts and the whole World in Equity Dunkirk the 20th of the 3d Moneth 1659. By a Friend unto Righteousness and a Lover of all Souls E. B. These Propositions were sent to them in Latine This was sent to the chief Rector of the Jesuits Colledge in Dunkirk in Latine FRiend thy wisdom and thy knowledge is earthly and sensual and thereby canst thou not know the Things of the Kingdom of God thou canst neither learn them thy self nor teach them to others for thou art but a blind Leader of the Blind And thus saith the Lord God unto thee The Fruitless Tree is standing in thee that brings forth no Fruit unto God and the Head of the Serpent is not broken in thee that deceives the Soul nor the Body of Sin put off that burdens the Just and the Sword shall cut thee to pieces even the Sword of the Lord it shall slay thee And Friend The time is at hand that the Lord will make thee know that thou art and hast been in thy Life time a Dishonour to him and that thou hast not served him but thy self and the Devil and thy Heart is not right in his sight but is corrupt and deceitful for thou art tryed and measured and thou art found wanting in all things and God will judge thee and the Witness in thy Conscience shall answer his Judgments and all thy Idolatrous Practices and Profession of Religion and Church and Ministry thy many Prayers and thy Works of Righteousness all this shall not hide thee from the Wrath of the Lamb though now thou art hardened ●nd utterly unsensible yet the Stone shall fall upon thee that will grind thee to Powder and thou shalt not escape but the burden of thy own Iniquities shall weigh thee down into Perdition except thou speedily repentest Therefore fear and tremble before the Lord God and remember thou art warned by one that seeks the Peace of Souls but makes War by the Sword of the Spirit against the Kingdom of the Devil and Antichrist in whomsoever it stands And Friend answer me this one Query What is that Whore that hath sate upon Multitudes and Peoples and what is that Golden Cup in her Hand and what are the Abominations and Fornication of which her Cup is full which she hath caused the Kings and People to drink and with which she hath deceived the World Answer me this and subscribe thy Name E. B. ANd now this I have to say concerning the Church of Rome to them and to all the World as having been in a measure an eye and an ear Witness of their Idolatrous and false Wayes Practices and Doctrines never having in all my dayes
Scriptures but rather such as inflict Sufferings upon us And for any of our Principles and Doctrines that we hold we deserve no punishment nor persecution because hereof for we testify before God Angels and Men That we hold and maintain no principles of Religion nor practice of Worship nor Doctrines of Gospel but what are according to Scriptures of Truth And we are ready to be tryed and proved in that case and to bring the matter to Issue in fair proceedings with any man that shall object the contrary And thus the Judgment of Scriptures are for us as we suppose at least and if we are in Errour either by denying any thing on the one hand or affirming any thing on the other we have not been hitherto well Proceeded against in order to our Conviction Secondly We are accused as for a great Crime and Imprisoned because we meet together in the Name and Power of Iesus Christ to wait upon him and to Worship him in Spirit and Truth in Prayer to God and Exhortations one to another to Righteousness and Holiness But what Iudgment doth the Law and Gospel and holy Scriptures give and our Neighbours also between us in this Case Le ts come all to their Barr and receive Iust Sentence Plea First The Judgment of God's Law Christ's Gospel and holy Scriptures are not against our meeting together but on the contrary do command us and Exhort us with promises of blessings to meet together in the Worship of God and to wait upon him And it was the practice of the primitive Christians to assemble themselves together in that form and manner as we do at this day to wit in a private manner and separate from the multitude and all the Iews Synagogues as in Acts 1. 17. The Saints and Disciples both Men and Women to the number of one hundred and twenty which were far more then five went into an upper Chamber being a private place and no publique Synagogue and their waited upon the Lord in Prayer and Supplication according as we do at this day Thus the Scriptures justify the way and manner of our Meetings and condemns them not Again in Acts 20. 8. the Saints and Disciples were gathered together in an upper Chamber and Paul Preached unto them until mid-night Here was a private Meeting far above the number of five and out of any Publick Synagogues and Christ Iesus said Where two or three are met together in my Name there I am in the midct of them And He and his Disciples often met together in private places apart from the Jews publick Worships sometimes in a Ship and sometimes in Desarts and on the Mountains and in particular Houses and Preached and Prayed this the Scriptures Prove And also in Heb. 10. 25. we are expresly commanded not to neglect the Assembling of our selves together but to exhort one another and so much the more as the day approached By all which Scriptures with many more that might be quoted it is Evident to all the World That our meeting together for the Worship of God in that form and manner as Practised by us is according to the Law of God the Gospel of Christ Jesus and the holy Scriptures And all these give Just Judgment for us and Justify us and therefore consequently condemn such as do violence to us for this practise of Meeting together for the Worship of God And thus though we are Accused and Imprisoned as Evil doers yet such our practise of meeting is manifestly according to the Law of God Gospel of Christ Scriptures Example of Saints and President of primitive Christians all which give Judgment for us Secondly What Judgment do our Neighbours give in this Case they say concerning our Meetings That they have known us to meet together in such manner for diverse years in their Towns and Villages and never knew nor understood of any harm or danger herein nor ever were any way prejudiced either in their Persons or Estates by our meetings The very witness of God in all our Neighbours do Testify and give Iudgment that our Meetings have alwayes been peaceable and quiet and that we come together in peace and good order and parted in the same and no person hath been harmed by such our Meetings enquire of the Nighbourhood and they will tell you they believe in their Consciences our Meetings are for good and have good effects and are not evil nor brings forth any evil to any And as for the manner of our Meeting and and sitting together it 's orderly and decently and of good report among men and for any Doctrine that ever was there held or heard by any none can truly accuse it to be either Error or Heresie or Sedition but on the contrary they know it witnesseth against all Sin and Iniquity and tends to the turning of people from Ungodliness and Unrighteousness to Truth and Holiness And many can tell this is effected by our Doctrine Preached in our Meetings and our Neighbours can witness that we part again in Peace and Good order and in convenient time and they can shew you they are not terrified nor the peace of the Land disturbed on our part by our Meetings which are in God's fear and to the Glory of his Name which all sober men know are according to the Law of God and Gospel and primitive Christians Example And thus our Neighbours give Judgment for us and in their Consciences do not Justify them that Imprison us for this matter of meeting together which Gods Law Gospel Scriptures and our Neighbours do thus clearly justifie Thirdly We are Accused as guilty of a heinous Crime and Imprisoned Because we refuse to Swear at all or take any Oath in any Case Plea First The Judgment of the Law of the New Testament of God and Gospel of Christ and Scriptures in this case is clear on our behalf As in the express Command of Christ in his Law and Scriptures Recorded Mat. 5. where he saith Swear not at all by Heaven nor Earth nor by Ierusalem nor by the Head but let your yea be yea and your nay nay for whatsoever is more comes of Evil. And again Iam. 5. the Apostle commandeth the Saints in these words Above all things my Brethren Swear not by Heaven nor Earth nor any other Oath And many holy Martyrs since the Apostles dayes did deny all Swearing Thus you see the Judgment of Christ Jesus and of the Gospel and of the Apostle and of Scriptures are so far from Condemning of us to Imprisonment and Banishment for our refusing to Swear that we are Commanded and Exhorted by them not to Swear at all and therefore consequently justify us in our refusing to Swear and thus give not Judgment for such as do Imprison and Persecute us for not Swearing Come to the Judgment of Christ his Gospel and holy Scriptures Let you and us appear together be fore their Judgment Seat whether they give judgment against us that deny all Swearing or
grow exceedingly in Strength Wisdom and Number and the hearts of the people enclined unto us and the Witness of God in many stired for us for to that in all Consciences in our words and sufferings and wayes we did commend our selves to be known and approved And in the beginning we were but few in number onely a few that thus were carried on and dealt withall and that had received the Power from on high in such a measure and for such a work and no sooner did the Lord appear to us and with us but the Devil and his power rose up against us to destroy us and it wrought in Rulers Priests and People and all the wayes and means invented by the Devil that could be executed by his Servants were brought sorth to quench the work of the Lord and to stop our passage in what we were called to did ye but perfectly know as we perfectly found the craftiness and policy and wickedness of the Devil how to overcome this new born Babe and how to root out forever this Plant that was newly sprung sorth it would make you admire and wonder with admiration all the Priests and Rules were in an uproar the Priests they petitioned to the Magistrates and run up and down from one Sessions and Judicatory to another and took wicked Oaths and slandered the Just with Lies and Reproaches on purpose to incense all people against us and the Magistrates gave forth Warrants for the apprehending of some and made their orders to break our Meetings and that we should not meet in the Night season and such men might not pass abroad and such stir and Opposition was made against us it can hardly be expressed or declared there were uproars in Steeple-houses and uproars in Markets and often haling before Magistrates and abused and threatned and slandred and all manner of evil done and spoken against us and great injustice cruelty and Oppression acted against us where ever we came and all through the means of the Priests who spared not to enact and conceive Mischief against us and sought daily to the Magistrates for Persecution preaching in their Pulpits and praying against us setting days apart to seek their God against us crying without ceasing in publick and private Heresie Heresie Error and Blasphemy and that we were Deceivers Witches and Seducers and such like the worst they could say and imagine to stir up the hearts of people against us and running often to the Assize and Sessions and Courts to complain and inform upon false Oathes against us and through them were the whole Countries in a Rage and Madness Rulers and People often Imprisoning and abusing and resisting us with Violence banishing us out of Towns and putting of us out of our Inns and often threatning To burn the Houses over our Heads the whole Company of Rude People in a Town often gathering and besetting a House or Inn about where we were entred to lodge in our Travels We were often exposed to difficult and hard Travels and Journeys giving our selves to the Cross to take it up against all Earthly often drinking Water and lying in Straw in Barnes after a hard dayes Journey and yet for all these things the Power and Presence of the Lord was with us and we were carried on with much Boldness and Faithfulness in Courage and without Fear or Doubtings through the often hazzard of our lives many wayes in Uproars by evil men and in Markets and Steeple-houses and also in Ttavels by Robbers and every way were we exposed to Dangers and Perils but through all and over all were we carried and are preserved to this day And after this manner it came to pass concerning us and much more might be said but this is in short declar'd how we were entreated and dealt withal by Priests Rulers and People through all the Northern Counties of England in our first going forth through which Counties we first journeyed out of Westmoreland through Cumberland Northumberland and into some parts of Scotland and Durham Yorkshire Lancashire Cheshire c. and in all these Counties much Opposition we had and exceeding Sufferings and cruel Dealings from men of all sorts every Goal may witness in every County how any of them seldom were without some of us or our Friends imprison'd in them this six Years and scarce one Steeple-house or Market in all these Counties but may witness what Beatings what Bruisings Strikings and Halings Abusings and Perils we have suffer'd and sustained and not one Priest in all those Counties can clear himself from Hatred and Malice and from envying of us and doing Mischief in Words and Works or Thoughts or Desires against us nor scarce one Justice nor any Officer of the Peace can be excused in all them Counties from plotting acting Injustice upon us and threatning cnacting Cruelty against us And I call Heaven and Earth to record and the Light in every mans Conscience and do appeal to that in all sorts and places of people That by all sorts of people we suffer'd Evil and unjust Works and Actions and Words from them and let the Witness of God in all mens Consciences in all the North give Testimony what Dealings and Cruelty we suffer'd and how we have been dealt withal and also of our Patience and Innocency under all what they have done to us But notwithstanding all what was acted against us and spoken many hundreds of the Honest and Sober People owned us and also many Rude and Ungodly Persons were converted to the Truth I say many hundreds in all these Counties in two years time were brought to the knowledge of the Lord and to own us all which time we laboured and travelled in Patience giving up our selves to live or to die and to all manner of Sufferings and Reproaches and hard Trials that we might fulfil faithfully what we were called unto Sufferings without from open Enemies and from our own Kindred and Relations and Sufferings within for the Seeds sake and we are well acquainted with griefs yet in all our Tryals and Afflictions the Lord never forsook us but his Wisdom Love and Life and Presence increased in us and with us Then in the Year 1654 as moved of the Lord we spread our selves South-ward and entred into these South Parts and came the first of us into this City of London in the fift moneth that year and laboured in the Work of the Gospel in continual Sufferings and Oppressions divers wayes and were oppressed and gainsaid by the wise Men and by the Learned and had in reproach and contempt by all the High and Lofty and Proud Professors and we were set at nought and rejected by the fat Beasts of the South and it is well known to thousands in this City and South-Country what opposition we have had from all sorts of People opposed in our own Meetings and scorned and slandered by envious and reproachfull Tongues publickly and privately encountered withall by the Wisest of
while many despised thy youth And how have I seen thee with thy Sling and thy Stone despised Weapons as to war with wound the Mighty and that which hath seemed contemptible to the Dragon's Party even as the Jaw-bone of an Ass with it thou hast slain the Philistines Heaps upon Heaps as Sampson Thou hast put thy Hand to the Hammer of the Lord and hast often fastened Nailes in the heads of the Lamb's Enemies as Deborah did to Sisera and many a rough Stone hast thou polished and squared and made it fit for the Building of God and much knotty Wood hast thou hewed in thy day which was not fit for the building of God's House Oh thou Prophet of the Lord and shalt for ever be recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life among the Lord's Worthies who have followed the Lamb through great Tribulations as many can witness for thee from the beginning and at last hath overcome and found worthy to stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion the Hill of God as I have often seen thee and thy heart well tuned as a Harp to praise the Lord and to sound forth his great Salvation which many a time hath made glad the hearts of them that did believe and strengthened their Faith and Hope Well thou art at rest and bound up in the Bundle of Life and I know Tears were wiped away from thy Eyes because there was no cause of sorrow in thee For I know thou witnessed the old things done away and there was no curse but blessings were poured upon thy head as rain and peace as a mighty shower and trouble was far from thy dwelling though in the outward man trouble on every side and hath had a Greater share in that for the Gospel sake though a Youth in thy time than many besides But now thou are freed from that and hast obtained a name through Faith with the Saints in Light Well hadst thou more to give up then thy Life for the Name of Jesus in this World Nay and to seal thy Testimony committed unto thee with thy blood as thou hast often said in thy day which shall remain as a Crown upon thee for ever and ever And now thou art freed from the temptations of him who had the power of death and art freed from thy outward Enemies who hated thee because of the Life that dwelt in thee and remaineth at the right Hand of God where there is joy and pleasure for evermore in the everlasting Light which thou hast often testified unto according to the Word of Prophesie in thy heart which was given unto thee by the Holy Ghost and art at rest in the perfection thereof in the beauty of Holiness yet thy Life and thy Spirit I feel as present and have unity with it and in it beyond all created and visible things which are subject to mutation and change and thy Life shall enter into others to testifie unto the same truth which is from everlasting to everlasting for God hath raised and will raise up children unto Abraham of them that have been as dead stones whose Power is Almighty great in his people in the midst of their Enemies This same Edward Burroughs was born in the Barrony of Kendal in the County of Westmoreland of honest Parents who had a good report among their Neighbours for upright and honest dealing among men who brought up Edward in his Youth in Learning and good Education as the Countrey doth afford He was a very understanding Boy in his Youth and his knowledge and understanding did far exceed his years He had the Spirit of a man when he was but a child and I may say grey hairs was upon him when he was but a Youth for he was cloathed with Wisdom in his Infancy for I had perfect knowledge of him from a Youth He was inclinable from his Youth upwards to Religion and the best way always minding the best things and the best and nearest way of Worship to the Scriptures of Truth and always did accompany the best men who walked in godliness and honesty insomuch I have often admired his discreet carriage and his great understanding of the things of God He was never known to be addicted to any vice or malignity or bad behaviour neither followed any evil course of life from his childhood but feared the Lord and walked uprightly according to the light and knowledge received in all things In his natural disposition he was bold and manly dexterous and servent and what he took in hand he did it with his might loving kind and courteous merciful and flexible and easie to be entreated His whole delight was always among good people and to be conferring and reading the Scriptures and little to mind any sports or pastimes which there is an insidency unto in Youth but his very strength was bended after God and was separted I may say from his Mother's Womb and fitting for the Work 's sake whereunto he after was called And when it pleased the Lord to raise up unto us the ancient Horn of Salvation among us who were reckoned in the North Part of England even as the Out-casts of Israel and as men destitute of the great Knowledge which some seem'd to enjoy yet there was more Sincerity and true Love amongst us and desires after the living powerful Presence of God then was among many in that day who seem'd to make a great flourish who ran into Heaps and Forms but left the Cross behind them and indeed were Strangers to it God out of his everlasting Love did appear unto us according to the desire of our hearts who longed after him when we had turn'd aside from Hireling-Shepherds Tents we found him whom our Souls loved and God out of his great Love and great Mercy sent one unto us immediately by his Power a Man of God one of Ten Thousand to instruct us in the Way of God more perfectly who laid down the sure Foundation and declared the acceptable Year of the Lord who indeed made the Mourners to rejoyce and the Heavy-hearted glad which yet was terrible to all Hypocrites and all formal Profession which Testimony reached unto all our Consciences and entred into the in-most part of our Hearts which drove us to a narrow search and to a diligent inquisition concerning our state which we came to see through the Light of Christ Jesus which was testified of and found it to be even what it was testified of and the Lord of Heaven and Earth we sound to be near at hand and as we waited upon him in pure Silence our Minds out of all things his Dreadful Power and Glorious Majesty and Heavenly Presence appear'd in our Assemblies when there was no Language Tongue nor Speech from any Creature and the Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all as in a Net and his Heavenly Power at one time drew many Hundreds to Land that we came to know a place to stand in and what to wait in
his being removed was in Judgment from the Lord against his Persecutors who desired and sought his Destruction and what they have done against him hath greatly added to the fulfilling of their Iniquities That the Blood of the Righteous which cries for Vengeance may be avenged to the utmost upon them who would not suffer the Righteous to have a Beeing amongst men nor lay to heart their being taken away from the Evil to come And they who in a byast or prejudiced spirit of Enmity are listed up because of his Decease they were not worthy of him nor of his Testimony and they have cause to Mourn and Lament amongst those that have pierced the Just and slighted and despised the Messengers of Truth and Righteousneds whom God hath therein Honoured and God will debase such and their vainglory unto the Dust and exalt the Testimony and Life of his faithful Witnesses over all their Heads But we who have been well acquainted with the deep suffering of the Righteous Seed and with the worth of true Unity in the weighty Body and Spirit of Christ and therein do behold the Glory and Compleatness of the City of our God which is at Peace within it self cannot but prize the Ministers of Righteousness and every Member of the same Body and oh how blessed and precious is the Memorial of the Righteous in our eyes and how deeply is my Soul affected with that comfortable Communion and those many and living Refreshments that we have enjoyed one with another even with him and others who have finished their Course Well however in this I am satisfied That though we be left in Travel and our Dayes have been Dayes of Affliction and Suffering for Christ and the Gospel's sake as in the World yet in him whom the Prince of this World hath nothing in we have Peace being come into Communion with the Spirits of Just Men who are the Family of God written in Heaven and called by one Name both in Heaven and Earth and the God of Life is their Portion and his Glory is the Rereward of his Called and Chosen and Faithful Ones who have dealt their Bread to the Hungry and brought the Poor to their House even to the Habitation of the Righteous where the Living Bread is received and the Heavenly Mansions lived in and enjoyed by all who abide in the Truth and retain their first Love and Habitation therein in which True Fellowship is enjoyed and the Prosperity of the Elect Seed known Blessed be the Name of our God forever and ever London the 12th day of the 1st Moneth 1663. George Whitehead JOSIAH COALE HIS TESTIMONY Concerning The Servant of the Lord and Minister of Jesus Christ Edward Burroughs FRiends a necessity is upon me and I am even constrained and pressed in my spirit to bring in and give my Testimony concerning my beloved Brother before mentioned that it may remain and stand upon record for Ages and Generations to come And this first I say and declare unto all people unto whom this shall come That he was a man endued with the Almighty Power of God which lived and reigned in him and the Treasury of pure divine heavenly Wisdom was opened in him c. and understanding in the things that relate unto God's Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness and in the things that concern the Everlasting peace and well-being of all mankind was plentifully manifested unto him by the good Spirit of God which I may say he had received in a plentifull Measure And this many can testifie unto and his own Writings which remain upon record will in a large Measure manifest the truth thereof And this Spirit dwelt plentifully in him so that thereby he was able to instruct many in the Way of Life Peace and true Holiness and if any were afflicted in spirit or mind by reason of the Wiles of the Enemy of their Souls or if they met with any difficulty in their journey as they passed from Death to Life he was a man able through the large experience that he had of the dealings of the Lord and also of the Wiles of Satan having followed the Lamb in the Regeneration to administer a word in season to their refreshment and comfort and for their establishment in the most precious holy Faith and this I know the Witness of God in thousands must and shall testifie unto who are the Seal of his Ministry And moreover he was a man that was able through the Wisdom and blessed Gift of God that was in him to convince and stop the mouths of all Gain-sayers of the Truth which he with us professed and lived in And it is well known to many that he was never backward but alwayes ready and willing to appear in a way of publick conference as in vindication of and against any that should oppose the blessed Truth of God which he held and professed and also to manifest the Grounds and Reasons wherefore we deny and dissent from the National Priests of the World and their traditional Ways of Worship and the hypocritical Professors thereof who have not the Life and Substance of what they profess in words And these things it is well known unto many he was oft exercised in and he did not go about in Corners nor creep into dark Places hiddenly nor secretly but preached the Truth of God and Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ boldly and openly even upon the House-top and his valour for God's Truth on Earth was well known unto many and his voice was as the found or ratling of the Charriots of God's Host upon the tops of the Mountains and was oft uttered sorth in the Name of the Lord even like Thunder and the Voice of the Son of God was uttered forth through him by which the Dead was raised the Witnesses are now alive let them bring in their Testimony that the truth hereof may be confirmed His Doctrine dropped as the Oyl of joy upon the spirits of the Mourners in Sion His life extended it self as a sweet Stream into the hearts of the Children of Light that thirsted after Righteousness He was one of the Cloud of Witnesses that dropped down the Dew upon the tender Plants of God He pleaded the Cause of the innocent suffering Seed and earnestly contended with the Powers of the Earth of all sorts in the behalf and for the freedom of the suffering people of God He fore-prophesied unto them that were in Authority in the dayes past of their destruction and of their overthrow because of their deceitfulness to God and their false and cruel treacherous and merciless dealings towards his people who had made many fair Promises both to God and Man in the time of their adversity That they would grant free Liberty of Conscience in things relating to the Worship of God and that Oppression should be removed and the like but in the time of their prosperity when they were waxen fat and grown great and lived at ease and in Pleasures
then they forgot God and regarded not to perform their Engagements neither to God nor his People for which cause the Lord cut them off in his sore displeasure and brought an utter Desolation upon them according to the words of his Servants and this Prophet of God lived to see their Desolation come which was sad to behold and his Prophesies were fulfilled in his own dayes And he also warned the present Rulers of this Nation to take heed of walking in the Steps of them that are gone before and for these things and for the publishing of the Truth of God and for bearing his Testimony with boldness against all Oppression and Cruelty he was hated of the men of this Generation but chiefly by some of the Rulers of the City of London He sealed his Testimony with his life in Bonds and so they have wilfully brought innocent Blood upon themselves and heavy will it lie upon them in the day of Account which greatly hastens wherein the Lord God will make inquisition for the Blood of the Innocent and reward every man according to his Deeds then will his Blood be upon you as the Blood of a thousand men and how will you bear your Sentence from the Lord of Hosts because you will be found guilty of the Blood of his Prophets Messengers and Servants which he sent unto you in love to your Souls to fore-warn you of the Evil which greatly hastens to come upon you Yet notwithstanding you have done all these things and the cry of Innocent Blood hath been heard so loud amongst you yet have you hardened your Hearts and go on in stiff-neckedness and persist in your Cruelty towards the Servants of the Lord that are left behind and are found casting them into Prison Oh wo is me for you where will a place be found for you in the day of the Lord or what Covering will you hide your selves under Or how will you appear before the Righteous God of Heaven and Earth Have you no consideration in you of your latter end Or else do you believe that the Lord sees not your Cruelty towards his People that you will not answer his requirings which is to do Justly and love Mercy and walk Humbly with the Lord and to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you surely if the consideration of these things were in your hearts or if you had any regard to keep your Consciences clear in the sight of God herein you could never do as you have done Wherefore consider these things and lay them to heart and repent speedily lest you sin your day away and place of repentance there cannot be found For this I tell you plainly that it is in vain for you to strive against the Lord or to seek to stop or hinder his Work which he hath begun for he will be too strong for you and he will make you bow and bend to his own Name and Power whether you will or no. And though he bear with you long and suffer you long yet his Long-suffering will come to an end and though you should be permitted to fulfill your envious Wills and lustfull Desires so far as to Banish or Kill or Destroy us from off the Earth yea all of us who are now in being which I do not believe ever shall be yet would God raise up another People by the same Power and Spirit in and by which we stand which should be a Terror unto you and should possess God's Everlasting Kingdom which is not of this World over your heads And in the time of his outward weakness he was heard to say That though this Body of Clay must return to the Dust yet I have this Testimony that I have served God in my Generation and that Spirit which hath lived and acted and ruled in me shall yet break forth in thousands and my faith is That it shall be even so for we have found him a true Prophet amongst us and to the Nations And this also near his departure he was heard to desire of the Lord That if it were possible to forgive Brown c. And so let all Friends be encouraged to wait upon the Lord in the feeling of the same Spirit that was in him which we know is the Saints Comforter that thereby you may be carried through all Tribulations and Persecutions with chearfulness that in the end you may all receive the Crown of Everlasting Righteousness with him and the rest of the Saints of the most High God and holy Prophets and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. And so the Lord God Almighty of Heaven and Earth be with you all and keep you all in faithfulness unto the end Amen And this is my Testimony for that Man of God who hath been a Blessing to the Lord in his Generation and also to this Nation And in this I have eased my Spirit and am clear in my Conscience in the Sight of God having done that which was my duty to do Josiah Coale A Testimony of George Fox Concerning Edward Burroughs HIS Name is Chronicled in the Lamb's Book of Life a Righteous Plant Pure Chaste Clean Who can tax him for Oppressing them or Burdening them or being Chargeable to them Who through the Suffering hath finished his Course and Testimony who is now crowned with the Crown of Life and Reigns with the Lord Christ forever and ever And in his Ministry in his Life-time he went through Sufferings by bad spirits who never turn'd his Back on the Truth nor his Back from any out of the Truth A Valiant Warrior more then a Conqueror who hath got the Crown through Death and Sufferings who is dead but yet liveth amongst us and amongst us is alive George Fox A Warning from the Lord To the Inhabitants of Underbarrow and so to all the Inhabitants in ENGLAND Where it shall meet with them who holds up the false Teachers and false Worship and who beat stock stone and persecute and hale out of their Assemblies those who are sent by the Lord to speak his Word freely With an Exhortation that they haste to meet the Lord by true repentance by putting off the works of darkness lest the Lord cut them assunder by his Sword which is already drawn and put into the hands of his Servants Also a word to my Brethren and Companions in tribulation in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ who are by the World scornfully called Quakers With the manner of my passage through the dark World wherein the simple ones may see the deceits of the man of sin in his actings like the true Spirit to warn all to follow the true Light within which leads unto God and to beware of the Voice Lo here and Lo there TO all you the Inhabitants of Underbarrow profane ones and Professors you my Neighbours and Country men according to the flesh but Strangers as in the spirit to you all who are in the customary formal traditional Worship of
The Seed of the Woman is but one in all generations and the Seed of the Serpent is but one which ever was is ruling and reigning in the Children of Disobedience who are disobedient to the Light of God within them and betwixt these two Seeds is Enmity the one against the other each Seed is known by its fruit the old bottle pours out old Wine the new bottle new Wine therefore all people sink down to within and call in all your wandring thoughts imaginations and affections and desires and see which seed is head in you and see what your desires and affections goes out after for where your hearts are there is your treasure see what you do possess of God in your Souls and what you are made witnesses of for he that believeth hath the witness in himself and Faith is the Victory over the world he that can receive it let him Dear people I have freely Declared to you the Truth and from the love of God shed abroad in my heart to your Souls and for the Seed sake in you which lieth in death captivated under your Wisdom and Reason have I spoken the Word of the Lord which if you own it and abide in it shall be the savor of Life and in eternal joy shall you witness me to be true in what I have Declared but if you harden your hearts and kick against the Truth and against what I have Declared shall be the savor of death unto Death and in eternal torment and misery shall ye witness me in what I say for to that which should exercise the Conscience do I speak in every one of you and to that in you have I cleared my Conscience and have freed my Spirit this is the day of your Visitation the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Remember that you have been shewed the Deceits which you live in and have been warned of the misery and desolation that shall come upon you except you lay these things to heart and turn to the Lord. Farewel By him who is dispised and had in derision among you who is not greater then his Lord and therefore is contented to be called a Blasphemer and a Seducer as he whom I serve was by them of your Generation E. B. TO all you my Country people of every degree who are Inhabitants in Underbarrow have I cleared my Conscience and have freely Declared to you the Word of the Lord and have laid open the Deceits of your Deceitful Ministry and Ministry and have directed you to that in every one of you which leads unto God and which is the way to the Father which is the true Light which hath enlightned every one that comes into the World which light all who loves and follows walk not in darkness but walks up to God out of the Fall from under the Curse into the Being but all who hates this Light and follows the imagination of their own brains and of the divination of their Hirelings and Pharisees this Light shall be their condemnation because they walk not in it even this Light which is come into the World in every man even the witness in the Conscience which is placed by God shall for ever witness against you and against all your false worships and Hirelings and shall bear testimony to what I have in this little Volume declared to be true when the Book of Conscience shall be laid open for to every mans Conscience am I made manifest in what I have to you declared as concerning your Hireling whom God hath never sent but is in the way of the false Prophets and Pharisees for he that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God 2 Iohn 1. 9. but is an Antichrist and of the Devil And as concerning the Light within you that Light will bear witness to it self that every one of you to whom I speak hath this Light which shews you sin your lying swearing pride and wicked wayes covetousness and wantonness to be sin this is the true Light which is as ever was foolishness and a stumbling block to the wise ones This is the Light which your Pharisee denies to have lightned every one and this Light shall for ever witness me to be true and shall witness this poor people among you who are despised and contemned by you and scornfully called Quakers to be the servants of God whom I do own as my Brethren in the sufferings of Jesus who are my joy in the Lord. Now all people every where to you all a word from the Lord though I have spoken in this small Volume as moved by the Lord of Heaven and Earth to the Inhabitants of Underbarrow as declaring against their false Teacher and false Worships which they uphold now freely and plainly do I declare against all thy Teachers O England who are one in the same generation with him in the Seat of Christ and of his Apostles professing themselves to be sent of God but walking contrary to his commands in the same footsteps which the Scribes and Pharisees walked in which were persecutors of the Son of God and which he cried wo against they who said and did not as all these thy Teachers do who are called of men Masters as they were and have the chiefest places in the Assemblies as they had and prayed standing as these thy professed Ministers do Now the same Light which ever was which is Jesus Christ is now born and made manifest which is witnessed among the Saints in which Light I see all thy Teachers O England to be drunk with the Wine of her that hath deceived the Nations who sits upon a scarlet coloured Beast and is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and hath the golden cup in her hand full of abominations whose name is written in her forehead Mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and abomination of the Earth And in this Light to I declare against them all which are in the generation of the false Prophets of Israel which seeks for their gain from their Quarter and which steals the word from their neighbor and have taken the words of the Prophets of Christ and of his Apostles and selleth the divination of their own brain upon the Scriptures which the holy men speak forth freely to the poor blind people and teacheth for the Fleece and if ye stop not into their mouths they prepare War against you and which are called of men Master which Christ forbids Against all these freely as from the Lord I do Declare to be no Ministers of Jesus Christ but are Seducers and blind Guides and are Antichrists and leads the poor blind people in the wayes of death and destruction for they are no Ministers of Christ that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ these have run but have not been sent by God and therefore is not your Souls profited by them but are in the dark heathenish nature as by
your fruits it made manifest leaning in the imaginations and not in the counsel of the Lord and in lying swearing drunkenness covetousness and oppression and according to the course of this world these iniquities are ruling among People Priests and Rulers in this Nation from the least of them even to the greatest every one is given too covetousness from the Prophet even to the Priest every one deals falsely All your Hirelings and greedy dumb Dogs I do deny and all who are of God denies all such and are taught of God in the ways of God which ever the world derided All thy Teachers O England is denied of them who are taught of God and whose Teacher is the Anointing needs not any man to teach them And by thy Teachers who are in the way of the Pharisees art thou blindly led in the ways of darkness and ignorance and all thy carnal worship which is in every part of thee upheld which is to Read Sing and Preach upon the Saints Conditions which were witnesses of God All this I do deny and freely declare against as from the mouth of the Lord to be no worship of God but imagination and an imitation of the Worship of God And the living eternal God of Heaven and Earth is but mocked by you in your imagined worship for your reading of anothers condition and singing of that which you live not in and preaching that which is gathered from without by imagination and conceiving upon that which the Prophet Prophesied or which Christ spoke who was and is the Substance and which the Apostles witnessed this is carnal and heathenish and was never commanded by the Lord nor is no worship of the true God and against this worship I do from the Lord declare as in the eternal Light of God seeing it to be deceitful and abomination to the Lord being I am Redeemed up to God by his eternal Spirit and to worship in Spirit and in Truth and not limitted to a day place or time neither at Ierusalem nor in this Mount c. and am freed and redeemed out of this fallen mans invention and tradition which is but Cains sacrifice which God doth not accept but is abomination in his sight praised be the Lord for evermore And O England I do declare against all these thy Teachers and against this all thy Worship as from the mouth of tbe Lord as moved of the Lord to speak this word unto thee Thou hast spent thy money this many Generations for that which is not bread and thy labour for that which doth not satisfie thee all thy imagined formal Worships and carnal Traditions and Ordinances of man is the Lord risen in his Servants to declare against And the same Light which ever made manifest deceitful Worships and the deceitful Hirelings and them that cryed Peace peace to the people when the Lord spake no peace is now risen and speaketh in thy ears O Nation the same everlasting Light which the true Prophets lived in who cryed against them that sought for their gain from their quarter and that cryed against the horrible filthy thing which is upheld in thee O England this same Light is made manifest in the despised People called Quakers in this North part of the Nation O People your Teachers have beguiled you and have taught for the Fleece and fed themselves with the fat but your souls are hungred by them for they are in the Generation of them that said and did not they love the Wages of unrighteousness and follows the error of Balaam for Reward and have devoured souls for dishonest Gain but the only true God is arising to beat the Mountains to dust and to cleave the Rocks assunder In thee O Land will the Lord manifest his Power and will stretch forth his Arm for the deliverance of his Chosen and for the Redemption of his two Witnesses which have layn slain in the great City in this Land which they that dwell upon the Earth have rejoyced over and made merry and triumphed in their slaughter the Lord is arising to require his Flock at the hands of the Idols-shepherds O ye Idol dumb Shepherds the Lord will be avenged upon you for you have scattered the sheep of his pasture and have fed your selves with them the Lord of Hosts is grieved with you and have shaken his hands at your dishonest Gain and ye shall no longer wear Garments to deceive ye have long deceived the simple by your lyes and by your lightness but now you are discovered and made manifest in the eternal Light of God and the mystery of witchcraft is not hid now from the Saints Therefore O England hear the Word of the Lord Thy Prophets are light and treacherous Persons thy Judges judges for Reward and thy Priests preach for Hire and thy Officers imprisons the Just and thy Rulers are evening Wolves which seeks for the Prey and the Lord of Heaven and Earth is grieved with these things therefore O Land tremble at the presence of the Lord God of Iacob for Esau shall become a place for Dragons and shall be dis-inhabited in the day of mourning and lamentation is coming upon thee for that which the Lord hath not planted will he pluck up and every corrupt Tree shall be cast into the fire All thy corrupt Judges and Officers and Rulers will the Lord cut off utterly from the face of the Earth and will restore to his People Judges as at the first and Councellers as at the beginning the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Therefore O Land prepare to meet the Lord thy God by true repentance by putting off the works of darkness thy Pride and thy Oppression O Nation is seen by the Lord and the cry of the Oppressed through thy pride and tyranny is heard in the ears of the Lord of Sabbath and he will avenge the cause of the poor and needy that is Oppressed by Priests in their Tythes by Lawyers in their Fees and by Officers in their unrighteous dealing and the Seed of Abraham shall go free and Israel shall no longer be subject to Pharaoh nor to his Tax-masters O England in the North part of thee is the Light of God arisen which shines clearly and which discovers the abomination of thy Teachers and of thy Worship and we are bold to declare against them and against all thy corrupt Officers Judges and Rulers and this Light shall shine through the Nation and shall be spread over Kingdoms and the fire is to be kindled which the Lord hath promised which shall burn as an Oven and the proud and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble This fire shall proceed out of the mouth of the two Witnesses as it did before they were slain and shall devour the enemies of the Lord the Sword of the Lord is drawn in thee O Nation and put into the hands of them which is hated and despised by the Rulers Officers which is scornfully called Quakers but they
now I am but praised praised be the Lord for evermore who hath separated me from the World and worldly glories and hath made me a partaker of his Love in whom my Soul hath fall satisfaction joy and content Thus have I travelled through the World even unto the end and am now come to the beginning of that which never shall have end which the dark mind of man knows not E. B. I Am a Prisoner for the Truth sake and for Declaring to man of his Wickedness and of his Transgression of the spiritual Law of God which is spiritual and for writing of a Letter which was written from God to shew to man of his wicked ways and how he stood in the presence of God as by the spiritual Light of God which shines in the hearts of his servants was discovered and made manifest unto me for who Speaks Writes or Declares from the Light of God which doth discover all the dark paths of fallen man and all his spiritual Wickedness Speaks Writes and Declares not as from man whose light is only natural and carnal which is darkness in the pure Light which is eternal but as from God whose Light is spiritual and doth make manifest the secret Whoredom of fallen man and from this Light did the Prophets and Ministers of God who were sent by him to reprove Sin and Transgression Speak Write and Declare and in this Light did the true Prophets Ieremiah and Hosea discover Israel to be adulterous and in the presence of God to be guilty of Whoredom from whose presence they declared And all now who are sent of God to reprove for Sin and Iniquity declares from the same Light of God and by the same Spirit which Ieremiah and Hosea did For the pure Light of God is but one from generation to generation in all generation which discovers Sin and Iniquity the same Light now as in the time of the Prophets and Apostles and from this Light which is not carnal but eternal did all the holy men of God Write and Declare And all who are sent of God now witnesses the same Light and Speaks from the same Light now as they did then for who cannot witness this Light are no Ministers of God neither ever were sent of God to Declare the Truth from God but are Deceivers and blind Guids and spea●● from the natural and carnal light the imagined and supposed light which hath not seen the living spiritual God for Declaring by Writing to a man that he is guilty of all manner of wickedness naming pride drunkenness and whoredom I am imprisoned I wrote not as from man whose light is only natural and carnal and doth only make manifest carnal Transgressions of a carnal Law but as from the eternal and spiritual light which doth make manifest spiritual Transgressions of a spiritual Law And in this Light is he to whom I wrote guilty of all manner of Wickedness Now this which I declared from God who is spiritual is above the reach and comprehension of the carnal and earthly Law for by the natural light through the earthly Law is no natural man able to judge of that which is spoken or declared from that which is eternal and spiritual for darkness cannot comprehend the light which light all the Servants and Ministers of God are guided by to Act Speak or Write and therefore do I deny to have this Cause put into the Judgement of carnal Lawyers who judges by the natural light through the earthly and carnal Law yet willing I am before any Authority to Answer for my self that whereof I am Accused but to the Judgement of earthly Magistrates I do not stand but to the Judgement of the Living and Eternal Judge who Judges not according to the sight of the eyes and hearing of the ears but who judges with Equity and Righteousness thus rather I chose to suffer imprisonment in the Body yet free as to God in the Truth waiting to be Redeemed not by the earthly Powers through the earthly Law but by him who is Eternal whose Law is Eternal who orders all things by his mighty Power to which Power I give up my self to be kept in it and ordered by it continually Here I have given to all People the ground of my Imprisoment in the particular of it though I might in few words have declared the thing for between the feed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent is Enmity put and he in whom the Seed of the Serpent is Ruling seeks the destruction of him in whom the Seed of the Woman is Raised And here is the Ground of all the Saints Imprisonment now as ever was the envy of the Devil working in Fallen man against the living Truth of God where it is made manifest By one who is a Labourer in the Vineyard who is not known to the World though named of the World EDWARD BURROUGH THE Walls of Jericho Razed down to the GROUND OR An Answer to a Lying Book called The Quaking Principles dashed in pieces Wherein one called Henoch Howet which goes under the name of an Anabaptist doth falsely accuse and maliciously belye us his seven Principles which he calls ours I shall lay down and what we own is vindicated and what he hath belyed the Truth in is turned upon his own head NOw is the time wherein the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is setting up a Kingdom and exalting his Name in the Earth and is exalting his own Son upon the holy Hill of Sion and is discovering the Mother of Harlots who hath made all Nations drunk with her Fornication and Iezabel shall be cast into a Bed of Torment and the fire of the Lord God is come down from Heaven and is kindled in the Earth to burn up and destroy and to consume to ashes even all those that have worshipped the Beast and hath his Image and the false Prophets that have deceived the Nations and they both shall be taken alive and cast into the pit for the Lord is grieved and wearied with this adulterous and viperous Generation who are offering up that which stinks in his nostrils and strange fire and are professing him and his Resurrection who crucifie him and put him to open shame and they deny the end of his coming and are offering in Cains nature while they slay the Just and are in the gainsaying of Corah who perished in it and so shall all those that gainsay the Lord in his Way and now the Lord of Heaven and Earth is proclaming War with the Dragon and his Angels and they shall be cast out and whosoever doth resist him in his way shall be broken to pieces as a Potters vessel and thou Henoch Howet who would limit the holy One of Israel and bind him up in thy carnal reason and stint him in his Way and Form up things in thy imagination from the Scripture and walks by Tradition thou art accusing us among the Papist but let it stand for
Life and Power that gave them forth So thou art to be condemned with the Light and with the Life which gave forth the Scripture Let all people read Deut. Chap. 18. from verse 9. to 15. there the Priests and the Levites which were ordained of God were to have no Inheritance among the people but the Lord was their Inheritance and they were to have it of that which was offered up to the Lord and this was a figure of the everlasting Priest-hood which ministreth out of the everlasting Treasure and the Lord God commanded Israel not to do as they did when they came into the Land nor to go after their abominations as you may see but gave Israel their Land to possess that did hearken unto such as the Lord had not sent which was Abomination to him and the Lord said to Israel Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God and in the 15th verse The Lord thy God will raise unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy Brethren like unto me unto him shall ye hearken And so to the end of the Chapter he that hath an eye may see and the Lord is the same that he was and he will not suffer the abominations that are committed in this Land but is discovering the abomination of it A horrible and a filthy thing is committed which Ieremiah cryed against Coveteous Men preach Drunkards preach Swearers preach Lyars preach Strikers preach and Proud Men preach Oh wonderful where are your eyes Try your Priests by the Scriptures see if they be not found in the same Generation that all the false Prophets and the Deceivers were in which the true Prophets of God cryed against and discovered and in the steps of the Scribes and Pharisees that Christ cryed wo against and see if they be not the Antichrists and the Deceivers which are entred into the World which Iohn speaketh of which cannot confess Christ come in the flesh but transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ so hath not God neither knoweth him but preacheth for sin and against Perfection and denyeth the Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World so keeps people in blindness and ignorance and out of the Knowledge of God and never any that follow them shall ever come to the Knowledg of the true and living God therefore all people see where you are and mind the Light in your Consciences which is pure and which testifieth against sin and it will let you see all your Blind-Guides which deceive you to be in sin and ignorant of God for they deny that which should make him manifest therefore beware what you hold up and give over going after them to that in your Consciences I speak which shall witness me eternally to speak the Truth if you obey it and shall condemn you eternally if you disobey it These Blinde-Guides that are in this Land deny the Prophet which Moses wrote of which is the substance of the Priest-hood which was before and here they are found in the same Generation in the Sorcery and in the Witchcraft which the Lord commanded should be put out of the Land where the Children of Israel went to possess Answers to several other subtil Queries put forth by one John Reeve who lives in the City of London who callst himself the Messenger and Witness unto the true God but is found a Lyar and a Perverter of the right Way of God A Certain Writing is come to my hand called An Epistle from the Mighty JEHOVAH or Jesus the only LORD and God of the E●ect Israelites from one whose name is subscribed Iohn Reeve Pilgrim who calls himself the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God unto which for the sake of the Simple I am moved by the Spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth to write something in answer that so his folly may be made manifest and his ignorance and blasphemy laid open unto the simple-hearted who have been long deceived by such through their false Voice lo here and lo there Friend to thee who hast subscribed this Writing who calls thy self the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God I Answer the Lord of Hosts and God of the Elect Israelites doth not accept thy Testimony and Witness for thy spirit is made manifest not to be the Spirit which came from God and which dwelleth with God which beareth true Witness unto God but the spirit which is driven out from the Presence of God into the Creation and into the visible World and that is the lying spirit and bears not true witness unto the true God but is a spirit which bears witness to the imaginations of thy own heart which looks upon and declares the living God as if he was carnal and a Creature-like Substance and here the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee thou thinkest he is altogether such a one as thy self and for the true God thou art no Messenger nor hast received any Message from him for thy spirit is known and he never delivered his Message unto it in any Generation but kept his Secret sealed up from it And Friend here I charge thee in the Presence of the true spiritual God that thou belyst the Lord of Hosts who sayest thy Epistle is from him thou uses thy tongue and sayest The Lord saith when saith the Lord I have not spoken unto thee And of that Generation thou art which Ieremiah cryed against and therefore let all flesh be silent before the Lord and call not thy own imaginations his Word but thou who hast a Dream tell thy Dream for a Dream and he that hath the Word of the Lord let him speak it faithfully and though thou callest thy self the last Messenger or Witness unto the true God yet I say unto thee verily the Lord hath a Witness which was before thee which hath been slain in the Streets of the great City which the Lord will bring forth after thee which will bear true witness of the true God and against thee and thou who hast been alive shall be judged by him who hath lain slain and he will eternally condemn thy Testimony and Message Friend in the Light of Christ which hath lightened every one that cometh into the World thou art comprehended and seen thy beginning thy time and thy end and with it thy Testimony and Message is denyed for thy Testimony is such that if thou swearst the Lord lives thou swearest falsly and further thou sayst By inspiration of the holy Spirit thou wast moved to present this Epistle I answer the language of the holy Spirit is like it self Pure and Spiritual but thy language is carnal and sensual and so is thy spirit the Saints which spake by the inspiration and moving of the Spirit cursed not that which God had blessed as thou dost neither did they say the Elect were defiled as thou doest neither did they speak of God as a carnal Substance as thou dost but said that God
in your own wills despising the daily cross of Christ which if you walked in would bring down the high minde and high nature in you and through the Cross that which is low in you would be exalted and the witness of your Ordinances would you have within which you are seeking in the letter without And now Friend to the● who wert the Speaker when I was present among you thy Name I know not but by thy nature and spirit thy spirit is the same which they speak from which thou seems to deny as false spirits and by that spirit hast thou been deceived and now it workes by thee to deceive others and that spirit infallibly by the eternal Spirit do I judge for the time is come that by the Saints the great Whore must be judged which hath made all the men of the Earth drunk with the Wine of her Fornication and which hath deceived the simple And whereas thou didst Quaery what one thing I will deny as untruth which you had spoken I answered then as now I do I do deny thy voyce and spirit for 〈◊〉 is the voyce of the stranger and not of Christ and though you sweare by that spirit The Lord lives I say surely thou swearest falsely and the false Prophets which used their tongues and said The Lord saith it when the Lord had not spoken unto them spoke the same words of the true Prophet but he that had the true spirit judged the false spirit and so it is now And therefore Friend out of love to thy soul I do advise thee to be silent before the Lord and wait upon him till he manifest himself to speak in thee and by thee for Friend thy Ministry is in the will of man and thou ministers death unto dead minds and the Ministery which is to the Seed thou art ignorant of to that in thy conscience I speak which shall witness for me before the Lord who is appearing in his power to utter his thunders and all Flesh shall tremble at his presence and all Forms of Worship will he dash to pieces at his appearance And yours which is the purest Form shall be broken to pieces that he may rule who is without form and comeliness Now Friends for the Seeds sake have I spoken and written to you and to that in your consciences have I cleared my conscience in the presence of the Lord which you shall Eternally witness whether you will hear or forbear By a Servant of the Lord who is named of the World Edward Burrough An Answer to a Book called A Voice from the word of the LORD by one Iohn Griffith against us whom the World calls Quakers wherein his false Accusations is denied and he proved to be a Slanderer and the Truth cleared from his Scandals A Certain Book being come forth into the world full of Lies and Slanders against the Innocent called A voice from the word of the Lord to those grand Impostors called Quakers to the Author of which Book who calls himself Iohn Criffith a Servant of Christ and to all to whomsoever it may come I am moved to write something in Answer that his lies and slanders and false reproaches may be made manifest and that he may proceed no further for as Iannes and Iambres withstood Moses so doth he resist the truth being a man of a corrupt mind and reprobate concerning faith and is not a Servant of Christ nor a witness for his Name but a child of disobedience in whom the Prince of the aire rules And first to the title of thy Book I Answer the Word of the Lord is powerful and will cut thee down thou sensual minded man it thou knowest not but takes the words of others declared from the word which was in them and thou useth thy tongue and saith the Lord saith it but I say unto thee the Lord hath not spoken unto thee neither commanded thee to speak of his Name and I charge it upon thee in the presence of the Lord God of Life that thou art of that Generation which Ieremiah was sent to cry against Ier. 23. 31. for thou speaks thy imaginations upon their words which dwelt in the life of God but the life thou knowest not and thy whole Book is no more but an empty sound and voice and is as the untimely fruit of the womb which will wither and perish away and one of them I am whom thou calls Quakers to whom thou sayst thou directs thy speech but that we are grand Impostors I do deny for we are gathered up into the life which the holy men of God lived in and are fallen from the world and from its wayes and nature and I charge thee here to be a slanderer and from the mouth of the Lord I do declare unto thee that thou must have a slanderers reward And whereas thou sayst thou hast discovered their fleshly and filthy mindedness together with the judgments of God attending them I Answer Fleshly and filthy mindedness we have denied by the Power of the Son of God made manifest in us thou hast laid it to our charge but thou hast not proved it nor discovered it and here again thou are a false Accuser fleshly and filthy mindedness shall stand for thy own condition for there thou art in the flesh filth living to thy will in the lust of uncleanness for thou mayst remember thou camest out of the Bowling-Alley to our Meeting though Pharisee-like thy out-side is painted and made clean but thy heart is full of enmity and lies and slanders and false reproaches to that in thy conscience I do speak which shall forever witness me and as for the judgments of the Lord upon thy own head will they fall and with what measure thou metes it shall be measured to thee again we are passed from judgment and from the condemnation and who art thou thou enemy of righteousness that shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect. And whereas thou sayest thou art one that bears witness against those wandring starres I answer this shall stand for thy own condition a wandring star thou art and hath no habitation in the Heaven but speaks swelling words of vanity thou thy self being a servant of corruption we have an abiding place and an habitation in the Lord and are not wandring and here again I charge thee to be a false Accuser and a false witness who bears Witness of thy self for the Father bears no witness of thee but against thee Whereas thou sayst the most high God that made the heavens and the Earth hath moved thee and stirred thee up to bear witness to the Truth and to witness against the abominable fleshly mindedness and yet spiritual pride of those grand Impostors called Quakers by whose sorceries many are bewitched and drawn from the simplicity of the Gospell to another Gospel which is not another Gospel but the vanity of their own minds and their own fleshly and corrupt thoughts which they
cry up as Oracles of God I answer The most high God judge between thee and us whose wrath is kindled against thee thou enemy of righteousness and Child of wrath thou hast belyed the Lord of Heaven and Earth for to this he moved thee not for he moves none to utter lyes and slanders as thou hast done but the spirit of enmity and of the Devil hath moved thee and to the Truth thou bears no witness but against the Truth and against the Innocent and charges us with fleshly mindedness and spiritual pride O thou Lyar and false Accuser the Lord who takes our part against thee will plead with thee and render upon thy head according to thy deeds prove what thou speaks that we are fleshly minded and spiritually proud or else let thy mouth be stopped and shame cover thee forever Sorceries and witchcraft and drawing from the simplicity of the Gospel we do deny but the plain single Truth we do declare by which the eye of the blind is opened in many to see your deceits who call your selves Churches and Preachers of the Gospel which is not the Gospel that the Apostles preached but an adding your own Imaginations upon their words who witnessed the Gospel and it shall stand for thy own condition thou art in the sorcery and witchraft who draws people to observe an outward visible thing from the Light of Christ within them which leades to the simplicity of the Gospel which is inward and not outward and thou art in thy fleshly and corrupt thoughts crying up the Ordinances and Oracles of God which are but carnal and beggerly rudiments of the world which passeth away and here thou art seen and made manifest in the Light of Christ to be a Hypocrite who falsely accuses others of that which thou art guilty of thy self the same Gospel as ever was do we declare and not another which we received not from man neither was taught it by man and as the Oracles of God it shall stand forever for a witness against thee and all the world who doth not believe for even the Father beares witness of us and therefore our witness is true and the righteous God will plead with thee thou Lyar and false Accuser and here be a witness against thy self that the Lord moved thee not but the Devil acting in thy own imaginations and in the vanity of thy own mind and in thy one fleshly and corrupt thoughts And whereas thou sayest to us thou directs thy speech from the Lord Thus saith the Lord to thee O Quaker thou art fleshly minded I answer It is not the voyce of the Lord to us that speaks in thee but the voyce of the Devil and the Serpent which speaks from thee fleshly minded we are not but are redeemed out of it and our mindes are changed and are Spiritual and 't is the Spirit of the living God seals unto us and witnesses in us and here thou art of thy Father the old Dragon and Accuser of the Brethren but it is God that justifies and who art thou that condemns and this thy speech is seen and comprehended which thou hast directed to us and it is judged by the Spirit of true judgment to be a false Accusation and a Lye and not the Word of the Lord and into the Lake amongst the false Prophets thou art to be turned who useth thy tougue when the Lord never spake to thee And thou sayest we look upon the Iustitution of Christ Supper with a fleshly and carnal eye because we say that the bread and wine which Christ commanded his Disciples to eat and to drink is carnal I Answer The bread and wine is visible and carnal and fleshly and not Spiritual nor Eternal and in the eternal Light by the Spiritual eye of God opened in us we see them and do own that it was a command of Christ to stand for its time and no more but a carnal figure of a spiritual thing and the spiritual thing being the Substance bearing witness the figure is denied and declared against and thou and thy Generation who art acting in those things by tradition tying and limitting God to a visible thing that without it no salvation art in the sorcery and witchraft and an enemy to the substance for Christ never since he was sacrificed brake of the Bread or drank of the Cup with his Disciples but new in his Fathers kingdom and thou who art in the ●arnal figure acting those things without the injoyment of Christ art sensual and by the Light of Christ art to be condemned and judged with the world who art without God and without the injoyment of Christ in the beggerly rudiments of the world Thou sayst O fleshly minded men whom the god of this world hath blinded because you believe not and thou sayst thus saith the Lord and speaks the Prophet Malachic words To which I answer this again I do deny the god of the world is cast out and the eye is opened through judgments and our fleshly minds are judged and in the Name of Jesus we do believe and our belief in him hath purified our hearts to the praise of the Living God who hath wrought all our works in us and fo● us do I speak without boasting and here again I charge it upon thee that thou art a slanderer and a false accuser and let shame cover thee who professes thy self to be a Teacher of others who thy self is not taught of the Lord but steals Malachis words and speaks them to us in thine own imaginations and calls it the word of the Lord the Lord is against thee thou false Prophet who prophesies lyes in his Name and that which thou speaks to us is thy own condition and that which shall come upon thine own head for a child of disobedience thou art and thy eye is blinded by the god of this world And whereas thou sayest we are spiritually proud that give forth our selves to be some great ones and we say we are Apostles and are not but are found Lyars proud Pharisees Hypocrites that say we are Iust Holy Humble and the poor sinful Publicans are more justified then we I answer proud we are not our God shall judge between thee and us in this thing for we have nothing but what we have freely received from him and that we give forth our selves to be great ones here thou art a Lyer and a false Accuser again this we have said and do yet again declare that we were moved of the Lord of Heaven and Earth to come to declare his mind and his Truth in this City but this is no boasting and by that same spirit which was in the Apostles were we moved and are guided and by no other but who hath found us Lyers since we came I challenge you and all thy Sect to prove one lye that we have uttered or else let shame cover thee and let thy mouth be stopped and let thy own heart condemn thee to be
you that were scattered in the cloudy and dark Day and were a prey for the wild Beasts of the Forrest and were driven away as lost Sheep in the Wilderness hath God gathered into the Fold to lie down by the Springs of Living Water in fat Pastures for evermore Your Bread is sure and your Waters never fails a Feast of fat things is made unto you of Wines well refined the Lord is become the Lot of your Inheritance and the Portion of your Cup forever Your Crowns have you laid down at the Feet of the Lamb and your lives and liberties have not been dear unto you and let this never repent you for now the Lord will exalt you and Crown you with Immortal Glory The Everlasting Day-Star is risen among you which gives Light unto the Nations and the light of the Sun is as the Light of seven dayes and there is no need of a Candle in your Dwelling but the Lamb is the light thereof fair as the Sun clear as the Moon yea it is he which was dead and is alive and behold he lives for evermore Praise him all ye people praise ye him ye holy Host let all that hath breath praise him for ever Who can express his noble Acts And who can declare his wondrous Works Oh my Soul is ravished and my heart is overcome let me speak that I may be refreshed and let me declare his Wonders among all People The Lord is our King our Judge and our Law-giver and our Rock of defence Just is he in his Judgments who hath avenged us of our Enemies Mercy and Judgment meet Righteousness and Peace do imbrace each other Rejoyce for evermore ye Saints of the most High and tell it to your Children that they may tell it to an other Generation what the Lord hath wrought among you and what his Hand hath brought to pass Salvation is come and plentious Redemption and the dead hath heard the Voyce of the Son of God and liveth Let sorrow and mourning flee away and be ye comforted ye that have mourned and be ye refreshed ye that have been weary for God hath opened the Everlasting Fountain and the Streams run pleasantly which refresh the City of our God He is come and his Reward is with him even he for whom we have waited this is he who is our Life our Peace and our exceeding great Reward the Light of the World is our Saviour but the Worlds Condemner our Peace but the Worlds Torment Glad-tidings glad tidings the acceptable year is come praise ye the Lord ye Sons and daughters of Sion beautifull is your dwelling place and aboundeth with pleasant fruit for you are digged and pruned and enclosed a Garden of lovely branches let the wonders of the Lord never be forgotten nor his works never pass out of your remembrance for he hath wounded and healed killed and made alive raised the dead and slain the living brought out of captivity and bound with chains gathered and scattered brought low and exalted saved and condemned all this hath your eye seen and your ear heard and the Heavens and the Earth hath been burned as a scroule and the indignation of the Lord you have born But the Winter is past and the Summer is come and the Turtle dove and the singing of Birds is heard in our Land O magnifie his Name for ever you are made vessels of honour wherein the everlasting Treasure abideth which never waxeth old the voyce of the Bridegroom is heard among you and how can you have any more sorrow instead of weeping rejoycing and instead of heaviness of heart fulness of everlasting joy the Lord hath fulfilled his promise and made good his word and his Law and Covenant is with you and from you doth the Law go forth and the powerfull Word of Life and Death soundeth out of your Dwelling and you are Gods only witnesses to testifie of him in the presence of all Nations some of you by suffering and some by declaring Oh endless love and life and riches an eternal Crown is upon your heads and your suffering which hath not been a little is not worthy to be compared with the glory that is and shall be revealed I speak to you who have an ear to hear my soul and heart is comforted in you in the midst of my burdens and sufferings who is separated from you outwardly yet joyned and united to you by the Spirit which is unlimited which doth comprehend all Nations yea I behold your beauty afar off and my heart is ravished with it and I am sick of love let his works praise him forever which he hath wrought for his Dwelling is with you in the Light unto which no mortaleye can approach The new Ierusalem is come down from Heaven and no unclean can enter but you are made white with the blood of the Lamb and purged as silver and purified as gold in the burning and unto you an entrance is given and the way is prepared and the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made her self ready and the Way of the Lord is pleasant to you and his Commands are not grievous no unclean thing can pass over nor no Lyons Whelps can tread therein but it is called the way of holiness where only the ransomed of the Lord do walk even your Mountain is established upon the top of all hills and all Nations shall flow unto it Sing praises for ever for the Kingdom of endless peace is come which passeth understanding and of glory which on mortall eye can behold and of life which no flesh can live in Oh my beloved come up hither and I will shew you what God hath done from you he hath rebuked the Sea and driven back the floods of waters which compassed you about and he hath scattered your enemies with a whirlwind and be hath given you to feed upon the flesh of Kings and of Captaines Can you call to mind the doings of your God and his marvellous works brought to pass and not cry out in praises for evermore O drink and be refreshed and eat and be satisfied for ever and let your soul delight it self in fatness the planting of the Lord you are and his own purchased Possession he hath separated you from the womb and hath called you out of kindreds and ye are the Royal Seed of the Off-spring of the Lord Almighty and all Nations shall call you blessed And O thou North of England who art counted as desolate and barren and reckoned the least of the Nations yet out of thee did the Branch spring and the Star arise which gives light unto all the Regions round about in thee the Son of Righteousness appeared with wounding and with healing and out of thee the terror of the Lord proceeded which makes the Earth to tremble and be removed out of thee Kings Princes and Prophets did come forth in the Name and Power of the most High which uttered their voices as thunders and
Law which is righteous and do witness the justness and goodness and holiness of it but if you make a Law in your own wills and judge by such a Law then you will make the Innocent suffer and oppress them who walk in the Law of God and in the exercise of a pure Conscience Christ was put to death by such a Law and the Saints in all Generations were persecuted by such Laws which were made in the will of man contrary to the Will and Law God Therefore take ●eed to your selves lest God hew you down and your Law together and condemn yo● by his righteous Law eternally which Law of God needs not to be made but i● made already and to be witnessed by the Light in every mans Conscience to Justification or condemnation and is revealed in all that love Righteousness So take heed what you do and know your place and the length and breadth o● your law which is committed to you which is to keep the outward man in good order and the Nations in peace and truth and from Theft and Murder and Adultry and Fighting and Quarrelling and Drunkenness and Wronging one another and such like such who acts these things walk contrary to the Light and so brings themselves under the penalty of the law but over the inward man you law which is outward hath no power to bind to limit or to tie too or from any way of worship in Religion but let Religion defend it self and lay not your la● upon the Conscience to exercise dominion over it for it is Christs Seat in who● he will rule lest you be found Tyrants and numbred for destruction nor li●●● not the Spirit of the Lord how when where and by whom it must speak for the Holy-men of God in all Ages ever cryed against such laws as were contrary to the Law of God and did limit the Spirit of the Lord and against such Rulers as did judge false Judgment and for Gifts and Rewards and against such Priest● and Prophets as preached for Hire and divined for Money and sought for their Gain from their Quarter and made a prey upon the People and through Coveteousness made merchandize of souls Therefore be ye warned if such you uphold by a law which act those things which the Scripture declares against which the Holy-men of God gave forth by his Spirit the Scripture which you profess shall stand a Witness against you and the Law of God will condemn you and God will lay your honour in the dust and cast you out of the Seat of Judgment But judge the cause of the Poor and Needy of the Widow and Fatherless and joyn Mercy with Judgment and lay your Swords upon oppression and all tyrany and wrong dealing that the Land may cleansed of evil Doers and Equity and Righteousness may flow down and the Nation in good order may be kept i● Peace and Righteousness and so God will establish you among his Children who are taught of him alone and are far from oppression To the Light of God in all your Consciences I do speak which if you make laws contrary to it and judge contrary to it it is the eternal Condemnation of you and of your laws and judgment And remember you are warned in your life time and my Conscience is cleared to you and in the Day of the Lord you shall witness 〈◊〉 to be tru● and this to be the Word of the Lord to you whether you will hear or 〈◊〉 ●ear Written to you by a Friend of Righteousness and true Iudgment from the Spirit of the Lord as moved of him in love to all your souls to go abroad among the Heads and Rulers and Iudges in Dublin and elsewhere through the Nation of Ireland from one who is called a Quaker by Scorners whose name in the flesh is Edward Burrough Written at Dublin the 23d of the 8th Moneth 1655. And now Oye Heads and Rulers happy had you been if you had taken the counsel of the Lord and submitted to have obeyed his Word which came to you as moved of him but in that you have neglected and have made laws in your will and exercise lordship over the Conscience and have limited the Lord and have purposed to ●e a ●error to good and strengthened the wicked and have not regarded the Will of God but have persecuted and imprisoned the Innocent and ●udged 〈◊〉 your own hearts therefore according to the Word of the Lord your blood will be upon your own hea●s for you have not taken Warning and I am 〈◊〉 hereof for ever An Exhortation sent to the chief Commander and his Council and the just Cause of the Innocent laid at their door WE who are Servants of the Lord of Hosts who is the Protector of Heaven and Earth we who stand in his Fear and know his Co●nsel are moved of him who lives for ever who is I Am and there is none besides him to clear our Consciences and our Lords Truth from the Lyes and Slanders which are cast upon us and the Good Way of the Lord which envious spirits wh●● are proud and know nothing that cannot abide sound Doctrine do reproach and slander us and by false 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things to our charge which we never kn●w therefore we being innocent and clear cannot but deny and 〈◊〉 witness against all those proceedings which are ●ot according to the Law of Righteousness and equity and lay th●… at your door whom it nearly concern● Unto thee Henry Cromwel who is Commander in chief for the Affairs of Ireland and to thy Council we write We have seen two several Warrants ●●der your 〈◊〉 dated at Dublin and in them both you say You have received information at your board of great disorders and disturbances of 〈◊〉 in the Cou●… of ●●rk● and Places adjacent by Francis Howgill a●d Edward Burrough This we say unto you your Informer hath declared an ●●truth at your Board and we de●●re that you may make it appear where in we have made any disturbance or disorder all these things in your Warrants we deny and do charge you in the Name of the God of Justice to send for them that so informed you that have so abused you and are so bold and impudent as to declare unto you any such thing and so have caused you to bring guilt upon your selves in sending ou● your Warrants to bring the Innocent before your Judgment-seat and caused us to be dragged a hundred Miles from place to place as M●lefactors and as though we had done some criminal act and when we have dome before yo● you had nothing to lay to our charge but have endeavoured to give Sentence of Banishment of us out of your Nation who are free-born English men nor have we been burthenfom to your Nation nor transgressed any known Law of the Nation and you have judged us before our 〈◊〉 came and herein you do us great injustice and you act contrary to the Law of Equity and
that which you your selves in your own case would not allo● to that in all your Consciences I speak Oh that ever you should thus req●… the Lord for his Love and Mercy in breaking the Yoak o● the Oppressor from off your necks and now power is given into your hands to relieve the Innocent and to set the Opressed free to execute Judgment and righteousness upon the Transgressors whom the Law is against And this doth God require of you that his Wi●● may be done and your wills denied that so the Nation may be established in Righteousness and that your latter end may be better then your beginning but if you go on in the way you are beginning and ●ur● Justice backward and l●● Equity fall in the Streets and not suffer Judgment to enter then misery will be your end Wo is me for you have all forgot the Rock from whence you were h●●en and the Deliverances of the Lord to you in the time of di●●●●ss yea you have forgotten and your hearts are lifted up and by your policy think to establish your own wills and to limit the Holy One a Way and set up your Standard by his and tru●● in the ar● of flesh What is become of the liberty of tender Consciences you hav● spoken of and we have engaged with you to purchase And is it ended in this O● horrible hypocrisie that they who bear witness against all sin and iniquity and against all deceit that they should now be made a prey of And we charge all i● the Name of the Living God in Ireland to convince us of evil or the transgression of any Law and if it cannot be done let none lay hold on us to abridge 〈◊〉 of our liberty lest you bring guilt upon your selves And do not take counsel at them nor hold them up who are Hirelings and walk in the steps of the false Prophets and in the error of Balaam who speak for Gifts and Rewards who in all Generations resisted every appearance of God in his Saints and now would make all bow to their Image and they bend their tongues and report Lyes and make Lyes their refuge the Hand of the dreadful God of Heaven and Earth is against them yea the Lord will thunder from Heaven against them they shall be blown away in the Whirle-wind of Gods Wrath who have perverted the Way of the Lord because they stand not in the Counsel of the Lord but flatter you 〈◊〉 they have done the Princes in all Generations till all were laid waste together Wo is me for you Have you consulted have you taken counsel together agai●●● the Lord and his Servants whom he hath sent unto you and do you thus requi●● the Lord already Have you sent out your Decree to shut out and root out the Seed of Iacob in a day whom the Lord hath made choice of above all the Families of the Earth Surely your Decree will be broken and your Cords wi●● 〈◊〉 but as a Bulrush for them whom you now set at nought are precious in the Ey●● of the Lord and unto our God shall you bow and worship at his feet Consider if there be any honesty left among you What is become of all the Persecut●●● of old And will you tell of Reformation and yet act in the foot-steps of the Persecutors If you go on you are at the brink of destruction and at ●●e sides of the pit and you will be made a ruinous Heap and as desolate as Mo●… Esau which is a place for Dragons Was not persecution ever blind Would they ever own themselves to be such For verily if you knew us you would 〈◊〉 have done so unto us When Herod stretched out his hand to vex certain of the Church the next you hear of him he is eaten up of Worms The dread of the Lord of Host is upon all the proud and lofty and high Oaks and the wind o● the Almighty shall blow them all down root and branch and all your strength is which you trust if you take counsel at Aegypt will become as a bowed Wall and as a rotten Hedg and God will make them that exalt themselves against him 〈◊〉 a Dunghil and as the Princes of Gog of Mesek and Tubal which are all perished among the rest of the uncricumcised Oh ye Potsheards do you think y●● can limit the Lord will he be instructed by you he that reproves him let hi● answer it Can you command the wind that it blow not upon the Earth C●● you stop the Waves of the Sea and say unto them he still Can you stop the Bottles of Heaven that it rain not If you cannot all be silent and 〈◊〉 not to resist the Lord in his own Work which he is bringing to pass in this 〈◊〉 own day he will confound the wisdom of the wise and bring to nought the honourable of the Earth and make all as a Plain before him who can withstand him Oh ye Potsheards fear and tremble before him who is a consuming Fire to all the ungodly who is visiting the Transgressors with vengeance dread and fury and putting into their hands a Cup of trembling and making Ierusalem a burthensom Stone all that meddle with it shall be wearied they shall faint and bow themselves and sink under it and be crushed as with a Cart-wheel to pie●es and their names shall rot from under Heaven and all shall know our God is the living God yea the God of gods yea there is none like him and know this no power you had of us except it had been from above We were with you in the City of Dublin near three moneths some of us and none laid hands on us but the time was not come and till the Testimony of the Lord was near finished which he sent us to do none could lay hands on us And know this though this be a time of temptation and trial yet it shall be for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ and though you think in your hearts by sending us out of your Nation that so all will cease and Deceit will stand without molestation I tell you nay even the children that are yet in the womb shall be brought forth and hear witness against the deceit of this Generation And know this there is a Stump which is but little which is bound about as with Iron and Brass and out of it shall spring fire that shall be kindled and flame to the torment of all them who worship the Beast and have received his mark and to the tormenting of all the false Prophets in the Nation and it shall burn and none shall be able to quench it many shall bear witness unto us that we came not in our own names but in the Name of the Living Eternal God who by his power hath accomplished his own Work for his own Glory and many shall bless us in the Name of the Lord and all our Opposers shall gnash their Teeth and gnaw their tongues
for pain for the torment that is coming upon them all that have resisted the Counsel of the most high God and have gainsayed the Lord they shall perish in their gainsaying and we are clear and free from the blood of all men in this Nation thus far yea of every City Town and Village unto which we were moved to go and the blood of all the rest be upon those that have resisted us and a good savour we are unto God in them that have believed in his Name of whom we have born true witness unto and in them that perish we are clear in the sight of God And oh thou City of Dublin thou art as Moab at ease and art lifted up in thy heart and rejoycing in thy spoil and art making thy self merry in the abundance of thy delicacies oh how full of profaness art thou oh how full of pride and vain glory of deceit and unrighteousness of lust and filth lying and swearing and full of Briars and Thorns a careless untoward People Oh your abominations are loathsom to all the Children of Light professing God in words but in your lives and works deny him oh that thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace a crooked Generation you are the yoke must be laid upon you necks will neither Plague Famine nor Sword bring thee into subjection unto the Lord will neither Mercy nor Judgment take place in your hearts Oh how long shall the Lord bear with you how long shall he spare you his long-suffering is near at an end his patience is near out concerning you and then wo wo to him that shall see the day which will come the Lord will arise as a Lion and will rend and tear you and his Sword shall be bathed in the blood of his Enemies and he shall be wrath as in the Valley of Acor and as in the dayes of Gib●a and will bring ye down ye Mountains and level you ye Hills and will make his Name known in your overthrow except ye repent and they that are round about you when they shall see Calamity coming upon you this shall be their Proverb This is the City and People that dispised the Counsel of the Lord and contemned the Instructions of the most high God and provoked the Lord to wrath till his Patience was worn out and his Long-suffering came to an end and therefore is this evil come upon them Therefore gird your selves in Sackcloth and pour Ashes upon your heads houl and weep ye cureless People misery is coming u●… you the dreadful God will visit with a Scourge and will make you know 〈◊〉 is the Lord Blessed is he that hears and considers and repents and turns 〈◊〉 his iniquity before the Decree be sealed against you which will never be altered This is the day of your visitation and If you contemn it ●wo unto you for ever and fo we are clear in Gods sight of you all from the highest to the lowest a●● your blood if you perish will the Lord require at your own hands from this 〈◊〉 forth and for evermore We are Friends to all just Powers and are subject to the highest Power for Conscience 〈◊〉 but witness against all deceit and unrighteousness and against all that hold the Truth 〈◊〉 unrighteousness who are Prisoners of the Lord for the testimony of Iesus our Consciences bearng us witness in the Holy Ghost Edw. Burrough Dublin 24th of the 12th Moneth 1655. The unjust Sufferings of the Iust declared and their appeal to the just Witness of God in all mens Consciences TO all ye Colonels and Commanders and Officers and to all the honest hearted in the City of Dublin and elsewhere to whom this may come Hereby we the Prisoners of the Lord for the Testimony of Jesus and for the exercise of a pure Conscience do lay down our cause before you and to the Light of Jesus Christ in all your Consciences we appeal in this our cause of Rightousness and Innocency to be judged thereby We are men fearing God and working righteousness and are Friends to the Commonwealth of Israel and are Exalte●s of Justice and true Judgment in the Earth and are subject to all just power and to every just ordinance of man for Conscience sake and have suffered the loss of all and have born part of the burthen with you that we might obtain the freedom of the righteous Seed and the liberty of tender Conscience to serve the Lord in his own way and we are well known to the Lord though Strangers to you and are Free-men in the record of Heaven though now Sufferers unjustly under your present authority who have taken the place of exercising lordship over our pure Consciences and have imprisoned us and endeavoured to give judgment of banishing us onely upon false Accusations and Informations and Slanders without the proof or testimony of any Accusation of 〈◊〉 justly laid to our charge And to you hereby be it known that not for evil doing do we thus suffer for to this present no man hath convinced us of any evil nor justly proved the transgression of any Law Martial or Civil against us though we stand accused of many grievous things of which we are clearly innocent in the sight of him that lives for ever and do nothing more desire herein but ●o be tryed by the Law of Equity and Righteousness and judged according thereunto By vertue of command given unto us by the eternal Spirit of the Lord came we into this Land of Ireland contrary to the will of man not to seek our selves nor our own glory not to prejudice your Nation nor Government nor to be hurtful to your Commonwealth but with the Message of the Gospel of Christ Jesus we came to turn from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan to the Power of God and 〈◊〉 minister the Word of Reconciliation and Salvation ●●eely without a Gift or a Reward unto lost souls and hereof God is our Witness and also we have the seal● of our Ministry which unto us herein can give testimony by the same Spirit and this are ●e ready to seal with our blood And these six moneths and upwards have we laboured in travels and sufferings and reproaches and have passed through your Cities and Towns in soberness and in meekness have we preached the Kingdom of God and have holden forth the Word of Truth and the Testimony of Jesus and our lives have we not loved till this day though sometimes dangers on every side have beset us that we might hold forth the Faith of Jesus the Authour of our profession in the exercise of a pure Conscience both by doctrine and conversation and herein we are justified in the sight of God and who is he that condemns us And do call Heaven and Earth to record and the Light in all mens Consciences who have heard our Doctrine and seen our conversation to witness for us herein and we challenge
all your Nation of Ireland our very Enemies to prove the contrary though otherwise we stand falsly accused and falsly reputed to be Disturbers and Makers of disorders to the breach of publique Peace and such like grievous things upon the false Information whereof a Warrant was issued out from the chief Ruler and Council of Ireland and we thereby were apprehended in the City of Corke and haled by Guards as Malefactors too before the Council in this City where none of all these false Accusations were or could be proved against us nor the transgression of any known Law could we be convicted of and though occasions were sought against us yet none could be found and though snares were laid for our feet yet were we not entrapped but were cleared in the sight of God witnessed by the Light in all their Consciences and were found innocent and without reproof in the Eye of the Lord and by our innocency were their orders of false Accusations made of none effect and we thus far proved to be guiltless before the Throne of true Judgment Yet notwithstanding contrary to the Light in their own Consciences and contrary to the just Laws of the Nations which afford freedom to the Free-born and Righteous were we committed to Prison without conviction or any guilt charged upon us or the least appearance of evil towards any man's person though falsly accused yet no true testimony given against us whereby our boldness in the Way of the Lord could be discouraged as having the Testimony of the Spirit of God bearing us witness in the Holy Ghost that in all good Conscience towards God and towards man we have lived to this day and so are without reproof in the sight of God and all just Men and though upon search and examination we were found guiltless thus far yet further hath the Enemy the Devil prevailed in cruelty against the Innocent that it is endeavoured that we be banished under the account of Vagabonds which last Accusation is the most false and unrighteous for we challenge this Of whom have we begged or to whom have we been burdensome or whose bread have we eaten for nothing or what evil have we done Where is the testimony of your Slanders But innocently do we suffer these things bearing reproaches and binding the cruelty done unto us as Chains about our necks and as Crowns upon our heads having the assurance that for well doing we suffer these things from the hands of the Rulers through the Lies and Slanders of the Teachers who are in Cain's way of persecution till they have fulfilled their measure of wickedness and be laid waste as the Wilderness And this is our cause and hereby it comes before you by the Light of Christ in your Consciences to be judged if your Hearts be not altogether hardened and your Minds wholly blinded and we lay it at the door to receive sentence from you and without respect of persons holds forth our guiltless cause before you not begging any thing from you but herein to clear our Consciences that you may save your selves from this untoward Generation whose Root is corrupt and Fruit bitterness for while we have breath from the Lord and injoyment of his Presence our duty is to serve the Lord in bearing witness against injustice and all cruelty and oppression and shall appeal to receive justice from the present power which now rules for in the Name of the Lord we challenge our priviledge of freedom as being Free-born till we be accused guilty by the just Law of Equity unto which we are subject for Conscience sake and not to any mans will but by word and writing are bound by the Law of God to bear witness against the unjust proceedings herein of the Heads and Rulers of Dublin and shall seal our witness against them and against their unrighteous Decrees sealed in their cruelty against the Innocent with our blood if thereunto we be called Edw. Burrough Dublin the 26th of the 12th Moneth 1655. A Challenge to the Priests of Dublin to try their God and their Ministry and their Worships WE the Servants and faithful Witnesses of the most High God called and chosen of him and redeemed out of Nations Kindreds Tongues and People who are Ministers of the Word of Life and Reconciliation and Messengers of Glad-tidings and Salvation unto captive and weary Souls our glorying is only in the Lord and not in our selves who are by the World in scorn called Quakers who are at this present in outward bonds for the Testimony of Jesus Christ in Dublin and who have been in the labour and travel of the Gospel of God these six moneths and upwards in this Nation of Ireland according to the Will of God ordained hereunto and moved and commanded by his Eternal Spirit into this his Work for the Seed's sake which is not of this World to the gathering of it into the Fold of Everlasting Peace and to the clearing of the Lord from the blood of his Enemies that they may be left without excuse by his Powerful Word given unto us and uttered by us and herein we are a good savour to God both in them that perish and in them that believe and for this cause have we denied our dearest and nearest Relations and love not our lives unto death that our Testimony we may finish which is committed to us of the Lord and because of this are we Labourers under many burdens and travels in many afflictions and sufferings and are abundantly reproached and our Lord's Truth of which we bear witness greatly infamed by many slandering and back-biting Tongues especially by Teachers and professed Ministers in the ears of their People and Hearers slandering us with being Jesuits and Deceivers and Seducers and Hereticks and Blasphemers and Witches and such like and we of those false Accusations being clear and our Lords Truth the Testimony which we hold wholly innocent and are willing to be tryed and proved and made manifest to the Inhabitants of this City and Nation in the sight of God This therefore am I moved to give forth and hereby in the name of our Living Eternal God of Heaven and Earth whom we serve and worship in that Way which is called Heresie to send it abroad as a Challenge to all you Teachers and pretended Ministers of what sort and form soever and to all you People whom it may really concern and especially to all you in the City of Dublin and Places elsewhere in Ireland to whom this may come that you meet us in the City of Dublin at some publique Place at a convenient time appointed by you at which place and time if the Lord permit by the permission of the Council of Ireland whose Prisoners we are we shall meet you then there to have a fair and sober Dispute in the presence of all People who may desire to be informed or satisfied concerning us and you in these things whereof you can accuse us and also of
strayed and into by-Paths of Whoredoms have you been instructed and the door of the true Shepherds Fold hath been shut against you and the Key of true knowledge hath been hid out of your sight and obscurity and darkness hath been cast before you and the Way of the Lord hath been undiscovered to your understandings and into secret and subtil Idolatry and Witchcraft have you been nurtured and your wounds have been healed falsely and will break out into more incurable dangers O how have you been driven away into strange Pastures and into barren Heaths and Desarts scattered lo here and lo there by the voyces of Strangers now when the Lord is come to search you instead of Lambs you are found in the nature of Wolves and Dogs and Lions biting and devouring and scorning and reproaching the Children of the true Seed and instead of Children of Light and Truth are you found strong men of Darkness and Error How is your nature changed since the first creation in the Innocent Image of God strayed have you been and not one brought home by your Shepherds into the Fold of Truth you have been a prey to the Devourers and meat for the wilde Beasts of the desolate Forrests and a strange Language have you learned of the Egyptians Character and your delight have been therein even you have loved to have these things so and like Shepherds like Sheep Strayers and strayed Devourers and being devoured What account will you give in the Day of the Lord For your sins are written with a Pen of Iron sealed in your foreheads children of the womb of wickedness A gross sum of abomination is put upon your account even Lovers of Darkness and Haters of the Light How many times have you been called by the true Shepherds Voice and you neglect and will not be gathered How many good instructions have you heard And what profit have you received Much Teaching and many Sermons have you heard and yet to this day the Way of Truth have you not learned but are groping in the dark in blindness and ignorance and you Blind have been led by the Blind and the mouth of the Ditch is opened to swallow you up together and you have refused Knowledge and cannot endure to be reproved you love to stray rather then to be gathered and you delight in leanness and poverty upon the barren Mountaines rather then to be fed in the fat Pastures of true Food Shall not the Lords Soul be avenged upon you Ye Shepherds and Flocks ye Teachers and People your debt is summed into a large sum of grievous abomination the Indictment of Vengeance is read and sealing against you proved to be just in the Register of Heaven everlasting Prison in the pit of Darkness and everlasting Banishment from the Presence of the Lord is signing against you in the eternal Law and righteous Decree the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ which shines in all your Consciences will arise to be the evidence of this just proceeding God is grieved with you you spiritual Idolaters Repent repent ye Idol Shepherds and deceitful Teachers and ye scattered Flocks and deceitful People This is the day of your visitation and a warning in your ears the Sword of the Lord is drawn against you the Whirle-wind of his Wrath is gone forth your builded wall shall fall and the pillars of your Habitation shall be shaken God will gather his Flock out of your mouths and feed them in his own Fold and your nakedness shall appear and your deceits shall be laid open and your secret whoredoms shall be discovered your beginning was in Darkness and your time is out of the Light and your end will be in destruction now you have all time prize it From him who is a Lover of all your souls but a Witness against all your deceit Edw. Burrough Written in Corke City in Ireland as moved of the Lord concerning the Shepherds and Flock the Teachers and People in that Nation An Invitation to all the poor desolate Souldiers to repent and make their peace with the Lord and their Duty shewed them what the Lord requires of them TO all you poor desolate Souldiers of the lowest rank who are scattered up and down in this desolate Land of Ireland and live a careless and a desolate life without the Fear of the Lord in Lying in Swearing in Drunkenness in Whoredom in Oppression and in the Wickedness of the World and are past feeling and sensless of the Opperation and Power of God careless of your eternal happiness The dreadful Day of the Lord God is coming in Power the Lord is risen and the Wrath of the Lord is gone forth with the strength of indignation and fury will you be besieged and fearfulness shall surprize you Repent of your transgressions and fear and tremble before the Presence of the Living God who is Commander in chief over Heaven and Earth prize your souls this is the day of your visitation and make your Peace with the Lord The righteous Judge the Lord seeth you in your darkness and searcheth you in your desolate obscurity and his soul is pressed under your iniquities and he hath not disrespected any of your persons or desolate places but God is Light and hath lightened every one of you with the true Light of Life Eternal if you love it and be guided by it or of death everlasting if you hate it and disobey it and walk contrary to it that is the Light which convinceth you of Sin of Lying and Swearing and Cursed-speakings and Drunkenness which are the fruits of the cursed Tree which cumbereth the Ground of the Lord which the Axe is now laid to the root of to cut it down and cast it into everlasting burning and while you act against this Light in your Consciences you crucifie the Life of Christ Jesus and are Enemies unto him and Servants of the Devil and love your evil deeds and Upholders of the Devils conquest which is the dominion of sin This Light reproves you in secret of violence and false accusing and all unjust words and actions which are contrary to God 〈◊〉 turn your minds to the Light which will lead you to repentance from dead works out of the broad way of destruction which many are in as Christ Jesus saith and it will teach you in your places to serve the Living God and to do violence to no man but to be Terrors and Reprovers and Correctors of all violence and of such who live in it And it will teach you not to strengthen the hands of Evil-doers but to lay your Swords in justice upon every one th● doth evil And it will teach you not to make War but to preserve peace in the Earth and this is your Place and Duty required of you from the Lord Go● Commander in chief unto whom you must all give an account and receive 〈◊〉 just Reward according to your deeds everlasting punishment to him that do●… evil but if you
stand in the Fear of the Lord your Sword will be a ter●… and dread to them that fear him not but live contrary to the Light in their own Consciences which Light if you love it is your Command to march by and your Rule to judge by and Weapon to fight withal and your chief Commission for duty And now you have all time take heed to your selves go not on in your course of evil nor take not your pleasure in unrighteousness but to th● Light in your Consciences take heed it is your Teacher to God if you love it or your Condemnation from God if you hate it And this is yo●● Terms with the Lord prize the acceptance of his Love to your souls and the Day of your visitation lest you perish in your rebellion eternally Written in love to your souls Edw. Burrough Written in Ireland at Caterlough A Warning from the Lord to you the Natives of the Nation of Ireland who are made a Curse and a Prey to be destroyed of your Enemies REpent repent ye that remain from being devoured whose dayes are 〈◊〉 stretched forth that you may return to the Lord from whom you are grievously degenerated into filthiness and uncleanness being a cursed Brood and are become unhuman in your impudent shameless practices of ungodliness and are brazened in your filthiness and cannot blush when you have done evil the Plagues of God and his Wrath waits to consume you from off the face of the Earth you are shut up in blindness and covered with darkness which may be felt and you are as deaf Adders void of understanding and past feeling and given up to work all unrighteousness with delight counting it your glory to work wickedness having sold your selves to commit sin you have wholly slain Gods Witness and are become wilde and brutish as the Beasts of the Field and untamed as savage Colts the Indignation of God is against you who are as dead Trees and withered Branches and scorched Heaths not sensible of good nor evil but as wild Asses who neither fear God nor regard man To the Light in your Consciences wherewith Christ hath lightened you do I now speak Gods murdered Witness shall answer me by which you are inexcusable for with the Light you know Lying Swearing Stealing Murder Drunkenness and Whoredom are Sins and Transgressions the Light will let you see these abound among you by which you are reproved and eternally to be condemned if you do not repent of these your grievous abominations And if you love the Light and turn to it it will lead you out of sin and out of your vain foolish Traditions and Immitations and Sorceries and Witchcrafts which deceive your souls And this Light in your Consciences will change you into Soberness and Humanity and will lead you into the Way of Life and Salvation out of the way of Death and Hell wherein you walk to eternal misery Therefore prize your souls and the dreadful God fear and tremble before him ye prophane Wretches and cease from your filthy nasty poluted wayes of Idolatry Lying Swearing Stealing Drunkenness and such like God forbideth with the Light in your Consciences and he that doth these things shall eternally perish in condemnation for ever And this to you is a Warning in pity to your lost souls whose hearts are desperately wicked and set to do mischief the Vengeance of God is against you the Light in your Consciences shall witness me and justifie the Lord in the Day of recompence when every man receives according to his deeds the Righteous unto Life the Wicked unto eternal Wrath. Now you have time prize it the Light is your Teacher loving it and your Condemnation for ever hating it By one who suffers for the Seeds sake waiting for the building of destroyed Sion EDWARD BURRUGH A Trumpet of the Lord Sounded forth of SION Which gives a certain sound in the Ears of all Nations and is a true noise of a fearfull Earthquake at hand which shall shake the whole fabrick of the Earth and the Pillars of its standing shall fall and never more be set up again Or fearfull Voices of terrible Thunders uttered forth from the Throne to the astonishment of the Heathen in all the Quarters of the Earth who are not sealed in the forehead And is an Alarm and preparation for War against all Nations where Gog and Magog resideth And sheweth the wounding Sword of the Mighty God from whose blow the Kings nor the Captains nor the mighty men cannot flee to escape Declared and written by a Son of Thunder as a Warning to all the Inhabitants of the Earth where the great Image is standing or any part of it worshipped speedily to meet the Lord by Repentance that in the day of his fierce Wrath they may be hid With a Salutation to the Seed who are gathered into the Fold and with the Children of the King The Tongue that was dumb sings a joyfull Song of Sion in an unknown Language which none can understand save the Redeemed of the Lord. BY Order and Authority given unto me by the Spirit of the Living God King of Kings and Lord of Lords the One and thirtieth day of the tenth Moneth in the Year of the Worlds account 1655. about the fourth hour in the morning when my Meditations were 〈◊〉 my God upon my B●d in Kilkenny City in the Nation of Ireland at that time the Word of the Lord came unto me from the Righteous Iudge of Heaven and Earth who was 〈◊〉 is and is to come who sitteth on the Throne of righteous Iudgement judging Nations and Kindreds and Tongues and Peoples equally saying Write my Controversie with all the Inhabitants of the Earth unto all sorts of People as I will shew thee By this same Authority and Commission declared this I send unto you the Tribes of the Earth and this upon your heads shall stand for ever to be witnessed by the Light of Christ Iesus in all your Consciences in the dreadfull day of Vengeance which upon you O Inhabitants of the Earth is coming Prepare prepare to meet the Lord O Nations Tongues and People unto you all hereby a Warning is come and a Visitation from the Presence of the Living God which you are straitly required to put in practise as at the terrible day of dreadful Vengeance you will answer the contrary Given under my hand and sealed by the Spirit of the Eternal God who liv●● for ever Through a Servant of the Lord. E. B. O Earth earth earth hear the word of the Lord and awake awake awake all ye Inhabitants thereof and give ear give ear unto the controversie which the Lord hath with you Noble and Ignoble listen unto the Word of the Lord men of high degree and men of low degree be not stout-hearted nor stop not your Ears for the Lord hath spoken People of all sorts and men of all conditions the Word of the Lord is towards you even from the Princes and Nobles that
in your own time and the Lord is not all and in all among you for your Mother is not the Lords wife but married unto a Harlot and your seed is mixed with strange Children A Prophet was your Father and a Whore brought you forth and your Profession will wither as time passeth away and your covering is too narrow and your righteousness no more regarded then your sin for the Spirit convinceth of it as of sin with the Light everlasting your height and depth is comprehended And this to you is a Warning for a Preparation to meet the Lord and to put away your other Lovers The Beast which all the World wonders after but they whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life hath many Heads and many Horns ANd the great Image set up in the Earth worshipped by Nations and People is of many mixtures and it shall fall before the little Stone which strikes at the Bottom All your several Forms and divers appearances outward and different Judgements and Opinions will stand you in no stead in the dreadful day of the Lord which upon all flesh is coming and hastning in its glory Wo wo will be the end of all profession when Christ comes in his own way contrary to all your divided expectations and groundless hopes He was before the world was and doth and shall reign for ever when it is not and in this his day will the Lord God set up an everlasting Kingdom of whose Government and Dominion there shall be no end but it shall abide for ever and your divided Kingdom of the Beastly power and authority shall be dashed to pieces never more to be found and your Mountains shall be burned and your righteousness and your sin shall meet in the Pit of everlasting Wrath receiving the Sentence of eternal Judgment from him that sits upon the Throne of infinite Power and Glory and your rich Treasures shall be spoiled in a Day and your sun and light shall be darkned at Noon-day and all your goodly Buildings shall be thrown down and shall become the Habitation of Dragons I have viewed you all in the eternal Light and you are weighted in the Ballance of Equity and all your wise Builders stumble at the Foundation and at the Corner-Stone and Christ Jesus is become an offence unto you in his Light by which he hath enlightened every man that comes into the World of which you are unbelieving and therefore shut up in darkness and confusion groping as blind men being many Branches of one Root planted in the barren cursed ground of enmity And though you are divided as Herod and Pilate yet do you joyn your selves in one Body to war against the Lamb and his Followers who cannot bow to your great Image and you are listed in the Records of Gog and Magog against whom the Lamb is risen and his Followers come forth having the Bow and Sword conquering and going to conquer and will make you a Desolation for ever All your Sacrifice is corrupted and the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is weary with your Oblations and Offerings your hearts are far from him and your hands are full of blood and the Just lyeth slain in every corner of your Streets and the Earth covereth the blood of the Innocent and the Slain cryeth How long Lord how long But he hath heard in an acceptable time and will come forth in his Might and will slay and his Hand shall not spare and will wound and his Eye shall not pity Awake awake ye Careless and Slothful that have laid at ease in the dark night of Slumber and Come out come out ye Upright-hearted and separate your selves and touch no unclean thing nor no longer partake of their Idolatries and Inchantments The Lord is now coming to gather his own and to make up his Jewels of the Despised and his Angels are gone forth to Reap the Earth to bring in the Wheat and to bind the Tares in bundles for the fire of everlasting Fury and Babel shall be thrown down and the great Whore shall be rewarded which sits upon the Nations and Tongues and People and the Dregs of the Cup of Wrath shall be wrung out unto her and the Kingdom of the man of sin shall utterly be laid waste and every Subject shall be utterly driven away into everlasting captivity of Vengeanee and all your Sects and Opinions and many Wayes and Forms and Worships shall become heaps of Confusion for ever And your talking of Christ without you so long and largely professed by you shall not save you nor justifie you in another World who are found Enemies and Actors against his Light present in the World which is but one in you all at which you all stumble and by which you shall all be broken and which shall grinde you to powder and be your eternal Condemnation in this World and forever which Light shines in your darkness and convinceth every one of you of your sin which Light if it you love is your Way to Peace with God Eternal and will lead you into one Truth to be of one heart and one mind and to serve one God with one accord in loving him with all the heart and your Neighbour as your self and this is Sacrifice of the living God only accepted And to you all sorts of People my Conscience do I clear to the Light in all your Consciences which is but One without respect to your Persons whether you hear or forbear And this to you all is a Warning and A Trumpet sounded out of Sion your many gods and Idols to forsake and your Forms without power to turn away from and all your graven Images set up in your hearts to cast away And this is the Word of the Lord to you all which upon you all shall be fulfilled and by you witnessed when the Book of your Conscience is opened and your eternal judgment rewarded by the just Judge that sits upon the Throne of true Judgment judging nations and People righteously TO all you who are in the Light of eternal Life which doth comprehend the World who are born from above of the Immortal Word which doth live for ever who are not of the World nor of the many Opinions in Divisions but of one Heart Soul and Spirit Worshippers of the one living God with whom there is no change nor shaddow of turning who are not known to the World though by it scornfully called Quakers even you doth the Lord also remember with everlasting Kindness and infinite Love of whose beginning and end there is none and whose height and depth measure and limit cannot be found out for you hath he chosen above all the Families of the Earth to place his Name among and to stablish his everlasting Covenant with of Righteousness and Peace forever and Redemption and Salvation to you is come Judgment and Mercy in you is met Righteousness and Peace in you hath embraced each other In the womb of eternal
restored again to serve and worship and glorifie the living God who made Heaven and Earth and all things therein THis is chiefly to go abroad into the dark parts of the World among those called Heathens most especially but its service reacheth to all men and people upon the face of the Earth And out of love unto the Creation and to all People in the World was it written and is it brought forth in publick that all that have ears to hear may hear and it is to be translated into several Languages by any who are moved of the Lord thereunto for of a truth the Lord is risen among us and God hath given the Word from his Mouth and many are they that publish it abroad through the World TO all the Sons and Daughters of Adam in the whole World this is the Word of the Lord God the Power that made you and that made Heaven and Earth and all things therein your State and Condition consider How that you are all drove from God your Maker and from the knowledge of him and of his Wayes which are Life and Peace and are in Darkness Blindness and Ignorance separated from that Power that made you and in the enmity against it and are Enemies to it in all your wayes and words where the sorrow anguish wo and trouble is But the second Adam the Lord from Heaven the Power by whom all things were made who is called Christ Jesus hath lightened every one of you with the true Light which shines in your hearts in darkness to give you the understanding of the knowledge of him that made you and of his Salvation and Redemption and of eternal Life if you love the Light with which you are all lightened And first The Light measureth every mans state in true Judgment and with it you may all see your selves in the state wherein you now stand which is a state separated from God and the state wherein man was created which was blessed Therefore search and consider your State and Condition in him that is the Light of the World of the dust of the Ground were you made and into man was breathed the Breath of Life from the living Power which formed all things and man was made a living Soul and brought forth into the World in the Image and Likeness of the Power that made him every one in particular that be come into the World for Male and Female in the Image of the Creator created he them without sin or evil And man was a noble Plant wholly a right Seed planted with the choicest Vine and placed in Paradise the Garden of the Creator and there was set to bring forth Fruit and to glorifie and honour him by whom man and all Creatures were made for man was made perfect and upright set in the Counsel of his Maker without sin or spot or evil in his sight and was the glory of the Creator and was made for his glory and Power and Wisdom was given unto man to rule and govern in Dominion in Righteousness and in Wisdom over all living Creatures and was Lord over all things and had rule and authority over all the Creation and was Steward over all things which the Creator had made who made all things for man and made them subject unto him to be ordered and governed by him and used to his Glory by whom they were made and in that day when man was in the Counsel of him that made him and was subject to his Will he was blessed above all Creatures and unto him were 〈◊〉 Creatures blessed and not any thing was evil that was made but good in hi● Sight that made it and good unto man that was to use it he being brought for●● in the Image of the Creator and had a measure of his Wisdom and his Powe● to teach him and to lead him in the exercise of all Creatures and was in perfe●● freedom over all things to rule in the Wisdom of God And this was the sta●… of man before transgession which state was blessed and not subject to the cu●… of misery or sorrow nor trouble nor torment but man disobeyed the Power that made him and went from its Counsel and contrary to its Will and griev●… it and vexed it till it became his Enemy to fight against him and to curse him for he had transgressed against it by feeding on that part which he should not with the knowledg of things and so became wise and lost Uprightness and touched that which the Power that made him had forbidden and so his mind and heart adulterated from the Creator into the visible glories pleasures and things which were less then himself and so he became unprofitable to his Maker by transgressing against him and only profitable to himself to feed and nourish and delight and please himself in the outward Creation and forgot the Power that made him and thus being with his mind turned into the Earth there the evil entred and the Devil overcame him with his temptation and the power of the earthly darkness gained dominion over him to sway his affections desires and lusts into vanities of the Earth and he lost his dominion over the Creatures and they gained dominion over him to serve and worship them and to please himself with them who became captive with his mind to be ruled by them in vanity and in evil And thus man became unprofitable to his Maker and unfruitful in the Garden and kept it not undefiled and being turned from the Covenant wherein he was set into his own willing and desiring in the outward Creation the evil defiled him and he became evil and a fruitless Tree that cumbred the Ground and an enmity was placed in him by disobedience and all things became evil to him and the door of all misery and sorrow was opened and let in the curse upon him inwardly and outwardly for he became dead in transgression to the Life and Power and Wisdom of the Creator and every moment was subject to die in this World also And through transgression of the Power that made him he was cast out of the Creator's Garden and out of his Love to labour under the curse in unprofitable Ground and also out of his own dignity and honour and dominion was he cast and became Heir of death and Child of wrath and an Enemy in his mind unto the Creator and an enmity was placed in him against the Power that made him and rebellion in his mind from which all the works of unrighteousness proceed and innocency was lost and man became hurtful to himself and to all Creatures and grieved continually the Power that made him and was drove from the presence and feeling of his Creator into insensableness And in this state unto this day are all ye the Sons and Daughters of the first Adam in the enmity against the Power that made you every moment transgressing it and death reigns over you all and the power of
Earth the Arm of that Power which made all things stretched forth it self to save the Creatures which were made and that same Power which is transgressed is the Redeemer of all mankind though it is offended and burdened and pressed as a Cart with Sheaves by transgression against the Creator and that is the Power which works out Salvation and Deliverance by slaying the enmity and condemning iniquity and removing the cursed ground out of mans heart that the evil fruits may cease which it brings forth and by this Power all must be saved that ever are saved and delivered from wrath And this all men have been ignorant of and not felt nor known nor tasted of the Life and Power of the Creator though it hath been near unto every one and all men and Creatures live move and have their being by it and sustenance from it and yet man transgresseth it and grieveth it and is not led by it Therefore all People upon Earth consider your condition and state and hearken to the Power that made you a measure of which moveth in the hearts of all mankind upon the face of the Earth and it moveth against the evil and against the defiled and transgressing part in every mans heart that is come into the World and this Power by which all men were made and which they have transgressed against a measure of it from the Father is made manifest to all mankind upon the face of the Earth and convinceth of the evil of Murder and Adultry and such like and condemneth the works which are evil in every particular man whether Heathens or Christians so called and unto all People here is the Way to be restored into covenant with your Maker a measure of his Power in you secretly moves upon you and calls to you to return to it to be led and guided by it in fear and obedience and subjection to it from which you have been driven and against which you have transgressed and this Power the Creator hath sent his Son into the World and given him a Gift unto all mankind and he hath given Light and Understanding to every particular man to know Good from Evil Truth from a Lye Right from Wrong Justice from Injustice and Equity from Falshood And this Power of the Son of God in you doth witness to you and accept you when with it you be guided and when according to it you speak and act and it justifies the good and the right and the equal and excuses all men in that from condemnation but against Lying and Wrong-dealing and Deceit and Injustice it testifies and when you do these things you transgress against that Power that made you which should save you and justifie you and excuse you and with it you are accused and condemned and it brings trouble upon you and the curse of misery and sorrow And this Power in you will search your hearts and try your reins and let you see your thoughts and make manifest unto you the state and condition of mankind who is become Enemy to his Maker in following that which brings death upon which the Wrath remaineth till there be a returning unto the Power by which man was made a measure of which as I have said moveth in the hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Adam in all the World And now if every one of you do turn your minds from the World and from the glories and vanities thereof and from the evil which hath possessed you in thoughts and actions and if you stand still for a moment from willing and desiring to your selves and after the World this shall you find secretly moving in you which shall draw you towards the Creator to enjoy him and to see his Glory which none that are still in transgression against him can ever partake of or behold and if to that you hearken within you and heed it and follow it which witnesseth to that Power that made you to be great and mighty and wonderful this will shew that you are short of his Glory And it will condemn evil in you in all thoughts words and actions which proceed out of the cursed ground in which the Creator hath no pleasure and this will take away the vail which is spread over you all and open the blind eye and unstop the deaf ear and bring you to hear and see and understand the things which are eternal which belong unto your peace and if you all come to be guided by that which moves in you all against evil it will lead you up to its self to be renewed and changed out of the evil and from under the Devils power under which every man hath been subject which power hath been out of Truth into the Image and Likeness of the Creator and to be restored to his Inheritance to enjoy Rest and Peace forever And this is the Word of the Creator of Heaven and Earth to you all and to all mankind this is the way unto Redemption and Salvation and unto the Blessing out of all Sorrows and Troubles and Afflictions and Torments and Woes and Miseries which are the Portion forever of all that disobey this Power which moves against evil in you which is the Power of him that made all men and things which move in your hearts against all that which the Creator never placed in you but which are fruits of Darkness I say unto you all This Power in you must you own and believe in and follow and be guided by it and bea● its condennation and judgment upon all that which is contrary to it if ever you be restored to the blessed State and all Anger and Wrath and Murder and Lying and Dissembling and Whoredom and Drunkenness and Brutishness and Beastliness and Wontonness Backbiting and Theft and all these things whatsoever must be condemned in you for who act these things are Enemies to the Creator and are led by the Power of Darkness which is the Destroyer of you soul and body and the cause of the curse upon you and the ground of all sorrow and sufferings and afflictions and troubles which come upon that Part in you which is in transgression against the Power of God for there is a birth born of the flesh which brings forth and goes after fleshly wayes fleshly joyes and delights and pleasures and fleshly words and vanities which murder the Just and blind the Eye and grieve your Maker and this birth must not inherit eternal Life but all that ever do inherit must be born again of another Seed and into another Nature where all the former things are passed away for all glories of this World will wither and all your joyes and pleasures will come to an end and you will be left miserable and wretched Therefore Oh Earth Earth and all the Children of Adam in the whole World be Awakened be Awakened stirred up to consider of your state condition for the Creator of all things is risen to gather his People
untruth of us and I say to all who read this and thine let them observe with an impartial mind and try all things and hold fast that which is good and let not the envy of the wicked one so prevail over you but search all things with the Light of God according to the Scriptures before you judge any thing least your zeal in your hasty untamed minds and spirits betray the honesty which may in sobriety be instructed and you informed the Way of Salvation which now the Lord of Heaven is discovering to them that seek him in truth and sincerity And because the Purpose of the Lord is to reveal his Glory and to discover and condemn the secrets of the well-savoured Harlot who hath sat long as a Queen in the Earth deceiving Kingdoms and Peoples therefore also is Herod and Pilate joyned together and Gog and Magog is risen in their Power to resist the Counsel of God and to disannul his Purpose but in vain do they strive and weary themselves to no advantage for Sions King shall reign and Ierusalem shall be built and become the praise of the whole Earth and Nations shall partake of her Glory and the Armies of Alients shall flee and be discomforted And all the Lyes and Slanders of the wicked one shall return upon his own head and the pit which the wicked digs for the Righteous it shall swallow the wicked up and his foot shall not escape the snare so that I testifie unto all People this one thing concerning Jesus Him hath God given a Light into the World a Judge and a Reprover of all the works of wickedness and with his Light every man that cometh into the World is lightened with the Light of Life all that believe and with the Light of Condemnation all that believe not If you every one turn in your minds from the vanities of the World unto the measure of the Light given you a present Teacher in the Wayes of God this Light will be in you to direct your steps in Righteousness and Peace for as it is written The Lord is the Teacher of all his People and all the false Teachers and Hirelings will be denyed and the Scribes and Pharisees and their leaven will be born witness against and the old man with all his deeds will be put off and the new Man will be put on which is the Likeness and Image of the Father and then will you witness the Life of the Scriptures and in you they will be fulfilled by the Spirit that gave them forth which Spirit all the Sons of God are guided by and this Spirit the World cannot receive no further then to be reproved by it of sin and condemned for unrighteousness and to every one who hath in the least received a measure of the Spirit and is guided by it to them only I leave what I have written and the Writing answered to be judged as in the sight of God with an impartial mind I have not striven for mastery through subtilty and deceitful speeches but in innocency I have written to vindicate the Lord's Truth from the Lyes of his Enemies who make i● their work 〈◊〉 render the Way of Truth odious lest their deceits should be laid open and they judged And this same Giles Firmin hath done his part sufficiently herein who hath not ceased lying and slandering from the beginning to the end of his Book unto which I might have written much more yet desire not to multiply words with such as are impudent and cannot 〈◊〉 when they have done evil but to the main Particulars a few to each of them I have written passing by much unsavory stuff proceeding from a light vain spirit as is easily discernd by the Children of Light who hath made both Foundations and Arguments very Lyes and hath laid things to our charge which we never knew nor by word or Writing was ever declared but thou Giles F. hast filled up thy measure of wickedness according to thy ability hadst thou been more subtil thy work would have been more deceitful Therefore repeat of thy wickeness and go not on in thy perverse way of uncleanness lest thou be cut off with an utter destruction and repentance be hid from thy eyes And to the foolish babling story in the end of thy Book I do Answer thou sayst a Minister now in Essex gave the Narration c. but hast deceitfully concealed his name and so he and thou well may as being ashamed thereof in laying slanders too foolish to subscribe his name unto Yet is Thomas Tillam known his name and nature whose Testimony is like thine and a Minister like unto thee who was and is known in all the Parts about Hexam to be a deceitful Fellow one who preached for Hire and sought for his Gain from his Quarter as is well known who also made merchandise of souls through coveteousness with feigned words And though T. Tillam be or was an Anabaptist and contrary to thee in his Opinion yet if he will but give a bubling Slander against us thou wilt belieive him and call him a Minister but his wickedness is well noted who for wickedness and filthiness was cast out and denied of the Assembly whereof he was the Pastor and stands this day as one cast off by them who are a little more honest than thou and he though yet Strangers to us and Opposers of us And now in that your deceits are discovered you flee to any bubble for a strength and make Lyes your refuge and yet justifie your selves and condemn the Innocent And thy last Story is an abominable Lye and a man that hath honesty in either hand or heart would be ashamed to utter such things but in plainness of speech thy Lyes and Slanders I do deny and unto thee I do return them again with true Judgment upon them and dare not flatter thee nor speak peace unto the wicked but to the Light of God in all Consciences I do stand clear by it to be justified when all the wicked are condemned By a Friend to Israels Common-wealth called EDWARD BURROUGH THE Crying Sins Reproved WHEREOF The Rulers and People of England are highly guilty WITH Additions to their own Confessions held forth by them in a Declaration of their own bearing date Septem 23. wherein these three Nations are called to a Day of solemn Fasting c. With meek Exhortations to this present Parliament that they take heed to themselves lest they make the Guiltless to suffer upon the account of Blasphemy or Error c. while the Evil-Doers go free and the false Prophets defended HOw long how long shall Gods righteous soul be grieved and his 〈◊〉 Spirit vexed with the vain oblations and offerings of them whose hear●● are far from him even after their Idols and in their covetousness and earthly honours of this vain world while they honor with their lips and profess love with their mouths in outward observances How long Lord shall thy
holy City shall be beautified and is adorning and preparing for the Saints and their King to inherit the Lamb is the Light of the City and the Temple therein and all Nations and People that are saved shall walk in the Light of the Lamb for he hath lighted every man that comes into the World with the Light of Salvation in all that do receive him and Darkness shall flee away the S●● is risen and Praise and Honour and Glory and Dominion shall be given to the Lamb who shall reign over Nations and his Saints shall see him and his Name shall be in their Fore-heads and there shall be no Night but Light and Glory and the Kings of the Earth shall bring in their glory and honour i●… it and the Gates stand open and are not shut every one that thirsteth let him come the cry is unto all and yet nothing that defileth shall enter these are the faithful Sayings of the Lord who is true and must not long be sealed f●r the time is at hand and all men shall read and all that keep the Commandme●… of God shall have right to the Tree of Life and blessed are they they shall be healed though now they suffer all manner of evil for the Name of Iesus by the Beast and under his Power by them that worship him who must fulfil wickedness by persecuting the Innocent till the Lord be raised out of his Habitation and the dominion shall be given to them and they shall have power to bind King● in Chains and Nobles in Fetters of Iron this is their Honour and this i● their Dignity and they shall rejoyce for ever and ever and shall glory in the Lord and not in this World and this shall come to pass as the Lord hath said Wherefore all Nations and People Arise arise and be awakened Prepare prepare and make way for the Lord be removed ye Mountains and throw down ye Hills and hewn down ye sturdy Oakes and cut up ye tall Cedars Make way and prepare the Path for the Holy One who is comming to rule w●… his Iron Rod and will dash you all to peices Be afraid and tremble thou Be●… that hast long reigned over the Earth and all thy false Prophets and Worshippers be confounded at this and bow and tremble at the remembrance hereof 〈◊〉 whom you have hated and crucified and his Saints whom you have persecuted shall come to reign over you all and to him whom you have set at nought 〈◊〉 you be subject to and ruled by to all your sorrow for behold the Lord cometh with his numberless number of Saints And this is a warning to all Nations and People upon Earth Times and Laws must be changed among you Governments and Orders must be changed Unjustice and Oppression shall be removed and every Yoak and Burden shall be taken off from the neck of the Poor true Judgment and Justice Mercy and Truth Peace and Righteousness shall be exalted and all the Nations shall have Judges as at the first and Councellors as at the beginning and the Poor shall rejoyce when true Judgment and Justice reigneth and the false Prophet subdued And this is a Warning to you all that you may hear and consider the Lamb who hath been slain who is risen to reign who is the Prince of Peace of whose Government there shall be no end even he hath lighted all man-kind on the face of the Earth the Light is the Eye which will let you see all this and will bring you to the fulfilling of it ' a●● to the good Understanding and it shall evidenc●… the truth of this even the Light of Christ in all men which is given to guide 〈◊〉 the Way of Peace THe Kingdom of Christ is setting up and it is not of this World neither shall be exalted nor advanced by worldly pollicy and worldly wisdom nor by carnal weapons nor by the multitude of an host of men its true the Son of God is gone forth conquering and and to conquer and the Spirit of his Mouth and the Word of his Power shall get himself the Victory his own Arm alone without the help of another shall work the Conquest and his Kingdom shall be set up within every particular of his Subjects for none can know him reign without them unto their Salvation till they know him to reign first within for that which opposeth the Kingdom of Christ and the setting of it up is within every man and must be subdued within where it hath ruled and the Enemy of Christ's Kingdom which hath lodged within must first be subdued before there be dominion over his Enemies without This is the Word of the Lord to all People for he that pursues his Enemy without and leaves him in his own house is foolish and out of the way and shall be overcome of his Enemy and shall not overcome him therefore ye that are waiting for the Kingdom of Christ be awakened and seek for it where it is to be found not without you first but first within strive not to obtain it with your carnal Weapons but take the Weapons which are Spiritual which only will overcome be not deceived for through suffering must the Kingdom of Christ be set up and not by rebellion through Crafts and Plots and secret Pollicy and turbulent Arisings nor Strife in the nature of Enmity by these means shall the Kingdom of Christ never be advanced And this is the Word of the Lord and our Testimony which we give of the Kingdom of Christ who is indeed arisen to make war against all his Enemies and they that follow him are called and faithful and chosen whose Weapons are Spiritual and mighty through God and reacheth to the killing and subduing of all flesh and he must war till all his Enemies be subdued and must reign over all his Enemies till the Kingdom be delivered to the Father where he shall be all in all The 3d Moneth 1657. All ye Inhabitants of the Earth in all Nations through the World Hearken and give ear the Word of the Lord God that made Heaven and Earth is towards you He is coming to set up his Kingdom and his Dominion which never shall have end and the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed and shall become the Kingdoms of the Son of God ALl ye Kings and Princes and Rulers through the whole World the Lord is coming up with his mighty Host against you all he who will fan you and sift you and try you and search you out for his Fan is in his Hand and he will throughly purge you and you shall all know that the Kingdom of the Most High rules in the Kingdoms of men all your Glory shall fade away all your Majesty and Honour and Dignities and Dominions shall come to an end all your strength is but as a Straw all your treasure as a Thing of nought all your glory as a fading Leaf in the Presence of the Lord God that made
Heaven and Earth all Nations upon Earth are but as the drop of a Bucket before him and the hearts of all men are in his Hand and by him Kings rule and the Princes of the Earth are at his disposure and you are all weighed in the Ballance of Equity and found too light before the Lord for all flesh hath corrupted its way before him Be awakenened ye that have long slept in Darkness and been at ease in the flesh ye that have had peace in this World and pleasure in the vanity thereof the Lord is coming to make war against you his Trumpet hath sounded and his Sons and Daughters are gone forth to bear witness of his Majesty and Power and Dominion and the Lord hath spoken Who can but prophesie he hath given the Word and many are they that publish it Let your ears be open to Instruction and kick not against the Lord neither harden your hearts against him but make way for him and prepare his Path for he cometh to judge the World in Righteousness and the People with equity and the Testimony of the Light of Jesus in you all shall witness for him your princely Powers must become subject to the Power of the Kingdom of the Most High and your glory must be vailed and darkned before the Glory which ●he Lord is causing to shine forth and we the Servants of the Most High do give you warning of the day of your Visitation which is upon you and all the World for the Lord is now risen who hath long winked at the time of great ignorance but now ●e warns you all to repent therefore bow down ye Stiff-necked and tremble ye Stout-hearted and be abased ye Lofty-looks our King is above you all our dominion is over you all and the line of true Judgment are you all measured with and your wayes are not found perfect in the Sight of the Lord nor your hearts right before him his Kingdom hath not been known in your dominions neither hath his Laws and his Judgments born rule but you have every one been doing that which is right in the sight of your own eyes and the counsels of your hearts have been nought but vanity before the Lord Vain-glory hath abounded among you which the the Lord's Soul hath been burdened by the honours and pleasures of the flesh have been your delight and strife and enmity hath been among you and wars and quarreling and fighting one against another and you have rejoyced in the overthrow one of another and in destroying one another and you have taken pleasure in gaining one anothers dominions you have striven who should have been the greatest and greatly oppressed the Poor you have exalted your selves one against another and drawn up your Armies one in defiance of another and the blood of Thousands have been shed to satisfie the humours of your proud hearts all this hath been evil in the Sight of the Lord and his Spirit hath been grieved and his Soul vexed by all this and he hath forborn till he hath been weary for he hath been dishonoured by all this and his Law hath not born rule and his Judgments have had no place you have been cruel-hearted one towards another and merciless and without pitty and ouy have not done to others as you would be done unto but you have rendred evil for evil and sought occasions of evil one against another and vexed one another through the pride of your hearts therefore now is the Lord risen to make war against you all and to dash you to pieces the Feller comes up amongst you he that will not spare to slay and to devour who will not be afraid of your lofty looks he will spoil you of your Treasure and lay waste your strength all ye Kingdoms of the Earth and your gathering together against him is but as Briers and thorns for he will exalt his own Kingdom over you all and all ye Kings of the Earth shall know that the Kingdom of the most high must rule in your Kingdoms and your Laws shall be changed and the poor shall no more be oppressed for he is come th●t proclaims liberty unto the Captives who will remove oppression far away who will change Times and Worships and Ordinances and there shall be no Law but the Law of God nor no light but of the Lamb nor no worship but the Worship in the Spirit and in the Truth for all your Worships which the Nations are full of is nought but vanity and a lye immitations and superstitions brought forth in hypocrisie and not in an upright heart vanity of vanities have abounded both in civil and spiritual affairs The root in which you stand is wholly corrupted and no good fruit springs from it but cursed fruit which must be 〈◊〉 down and cast into the fire ye have been evil and could not bring forth any good you are corrupted and your fruit is of a bitter taste a day of sorrow of lamentation and misery is coming upon you all ye that have been high and lofty and stouthearted fearfulness shall surprise you and the terror of the Lord of Hosts shall compass you about I am moved to salute you all with this as a warning and when it comes to pass remember you have been told ye that know not the Kingdom of the most High ruling men but are saying in your hearts this hath my hand done in a moment shall you be smitten and know there is one above you which must rule for it is his right to rule over all Nations and there shall be no King but Jesus th● A●oin●e● o● God ●o●●o Government but the Government of the Lamb there shall be no more war but war against the Dragon who hath stood to devour the Man-child which is now bringing forth and he must rule with his Iron Rod and shall subdue all under his feet We whom God hath warned cannot but warn you of these things which 〈◊〉 come to pass he is coming to separate between the Just and the unjust he will gather from among you that the wicked may be consumed from off the face of the Earth All you Rulers in the World I warn you all take heed how you persecute such as comes to warn you who brings this Message to you lest you add sin to sin till there be no place found for repentance for ye shall all know our God is the true God that made Heaven and Earth before whose presence all ●●esh must come to Judgment By one who hath measured the Times who is come to the Day that hath made all Things m●…ifest EDWARD BURROUCH A General Epistle and Greeting OF THE Fathers Love t● all the SAINTS Called and chosen to faithfulness in Christ Jesus the Light of the World in which they believing and their faith standing in his Power many suffer for his Name sake And this is to all such as are found worthy to suffer and is an Exhortation to the strengthning of their
such as approve of them and hear them and partake of their labour and so the Saints will maintain their Ministers and the World may maintain theirs and every sort of people may maintain such Ministers as labour for them and none to be forced to maintain such as they do 〈◊〉 approve of nor none hindred from maintaining of such as they do approve 〈◊〉 be they true or false Ministers and this is reason and a good Conscience Th●● every man be left free in such cases to maintain whom he will and to give as he will 〈◊〉 what he will and this is reason and equity that no man be compelled to give or hi●… from giving to whom he pleaseth and what he pleaseth and so let people make choi●● of their Ministers whom they will approve and whom they will hear and of who●● labours they will receive and then let them maintain them and if any be compelled let them be compelled to pay their own Servants who minister to them and not a●●thers for whom they do no work and this is just and right both for Ministers a●● people that every Minister be paid by them to whom he doth Minister and who receive him as a Minister and for whom he doth work and this great injustice and oppression in England will cease if this Law of Equity and Righteousness were established and all people left free to hear approve of whom they will and then to pay the● and maintain them and this would try the Ministers and who converted the most 〈◊〉 God and gained the love of most people and if they wrought well they may recei●● a Maintenance accordingly by the free gift of the People and the Ministers that are no● content with this Law are out of pure Reason and Equity and shew that the dare not trust the Lord nor the fruits of their labours but would be maintained in ●idleness by unlawful means by compelling maintenance from them to whom they do no work and such shew great covetousness who desire more then the Milk of their own Flock and the fruit of their own Vine-yard but in Equity and Justice ●et every Minister be maintained by the fruit of his own labour from the people for whom he doth labour and this will content most part of the People and till this be established in the Earth true Justice and Judgment will be wanting in this particular and this is according to Truth and to a righteous Law and by this all people may understand what Ministers and Ministry we do allow and approve of and how Ministers ought to be maintained and if any go forth to a Place and Country among a people that are not converted then the Church ought to take care to maintain such in their work till they may reap of their own labour and eat of the fruit of their own Vine-yard but all this ought to be without compelling or forcing by the Minister for every Minister of Christ doth chiefly take care of the work unto which he is called and is without care of his outward Maintenance By a Friend unto England's Common-wealth for whose sake this is written and sent abroad EDWARD BURROUGH A Standard lifted up and an Ensign held forth to all NATIONS Shewing unto the whole world and to all people to whom it shall come by open Proclamation what the Testimony of God is and of his people which they hold which they have received from him through the eternal Spirit of which they are not ashamed before men but are called to witness it forth in the Nations in the same Spirit and Power as they have received it from the Lord. Also shewing of his great work which he is about to do in the Earth and this Testimony is true and no lye for it is of God and witnessed by Thousands of his People at this day who are in scorn called Quakers The CONTENTS CHap. 1. A Testimony concerning the true God Chap. 2. A Testimony concerning the Son of God Chap. 3. A Testimony concerning the Spirit of God Chap. 4. A Testimony concerning all mankind Chap. 5. A Testimony concerning the World in general Chap. 6. A Testimony concerning mans Restoration Redemption and Salvation what they are and by whom they are wrought Chap. 7. A Testimony concerning true Religion and the true Worship of the true God Chap. 8. A Testimony concerning Iustification and Sanctification Chap. 9. A Testimony concerning the Kingdom of Christ and how it is to be set up Chap. 10. A Testimony concerning Governors and Governments and subjection to them Chap. 11. A Testimony concerning the true Ministry of Christ and the false Ministry and the difference betwixt them Chap. 12. A Testimony concerning the Gospel of Christ. Chap. 13. A Testimony concerning the Word of God and concerning the Scriptures Chap. 14. A Testimony concerning the Devil and Damnation Chap. 15. A Testimony concerning all Creatures that God made Chap. 16. A Testimony concerning the new Covenant and how man comes to the Knowledg● of God Chap. 17. A Testimony concerning Faith Chap. 18. A Testimony concerning what works are accepted of God and what works are 〈◊〉 accepted brought forth by the Creature Chap. 19. A Testimony concerning mans state in the first Adam before the Convers●●● and his state after Conversion and what Conversion is Also a Testimony of the Seed of God Also a Testimony that the Way of Life and the Way of Death is set before every man Also a Testimony to all Kings and Princes and P●●●●● that we are not Enemies against but Friends unto all Civil Government and wholsom 〈◊〉 and Customs of any Commonwealth which is according to God c. Also a Testimony 〈◊〉 Government we declare our selves to be Enemies against Also a Testimony that we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 disannul and make void the Covenant or Bond of Relations c. Also a Testimony that 〈◊〉 do maintain and hold the very same Truth as all the Generations of the Iust did in all Ages Also a Testimony of our Government and a Testimony of Quaking and Trembling Also a Declaration of the full purpose of our hearts c. IN the Name and Power of the Eternal God that made Heaven Earth and all things therein who is the Life of all things and the Power by which they stand in his Counsell and Fear I do hereby declare my self unto the whole world and unto all people upon Earth that ye may all know the very cer●●inty of those things which is reported abroad through many Nations and that ●e may be informed truly concerning us from our own mouthes of many things ●hich cometh to you by false reports and lying informations concerning a people ●ppear'd in these late years and raised up going under the name of QUAKERS ●now ye assuredly that we are of God and are raised up by him and called by his Name and his dreadfull presence goes before us and his righteousness is our ●eward We are such as do fear and worship
the true God that made Heaven ●nd Earth in the Spirit and in the Truth he hath placed his Name amongst us ●nd made his everlasting Covenant with us and established it that it cannot be ●oved he hath given us his Spirit and poured it upon us and we are taught of him according to his promise and are established in his holy Mountain where ●one can make us afraid for he hath armed us with his power and strength to defend us from all our enemies that we should bear witness of his Name in all the world and declare unto all Nations of his power and Dominion of his Salvation and Redemption that is in Him and in his Son of which we are made ●artakers and witnesses and by him have we received the heirship of the everlasting inheritance and we are of God and he that is of God heareth us whom the Father hath chosen and redeemed out of kindreds tongues and peoples to stand before the Throne of God and the Lamb and we have sought and do finde a City whose builder and maker is God and we are known to the Lord God Almighty and approved in his sight Our light is the light of the Lamb and our government the government of Jesus and our Law the Law of the most high and our Way is the way of peace and truth he that can receive it let him This is the Testimony which the Spirit of the everlasting Father witnesseth in us and witnesseth of us unto the whole world CHAP. I. Concerning the true God this Testimony I give to all People upon the Earth THe true God he is a Spirit and is infinite eternall and everlasting the Creator of all things and the life and being of all things and the power by which all things stand all Creatures have a being in him and by him and without him no creature is or doth move upon the face of the earth this is he whom we worship and fear and doth obey and he brings to pass by his counsel whatsoever he will and nothing can prevent the purpose of his mind but his counfel stands for ever and he is the righteous Judge of all things and before him must all mankinde come to Judgement and the living and the dead by him must be judged he is a rewarder of every one according to their deeds whether they be good or whether they be evil His Greatness Power Majesty and Dominion is over all and beyond all ruling above all in the power of his own will and who may say what doth he his eye seeth all and his presence filleth all and no creature can be hid from his sight he is near at hand and afar off he searcheth mans heart and and tryeth the reins and shews unto man his own thoughts he justifieth the righteous and condemneth the wicked he is light it self and in him is no darkness at all This is the true God whom we worship and this Testimony I give of him unto all people upon the face of the whole Earth CHAP. II. Concerning the Son of God this Testimony I give unto all the World THE Son of God who is called Christ the Prince of Peace and Righteousness he is one with the Father in power and dominion and was with him before the world was and by him the Father created all things and without hi● was not any thing made that was made he is Heir of all things and is the Pri●●● of the Kingdom of Righteousness of Peace and Truth and he is the Word a●● Power by which all things doth consist and is the Salvation of mankind and th● very life of the World he inherits life and immortality and is the Redeemer Saviour Deliverer and Restorer of the Children of men he is the very Wisdom and Po●er of the Creator and the Father doth nothing without the Son and by him an● through him the Father brings all things to pass by him the Father will judge the whole Earth and all the Children of Adam therein and this Christ Jesus the Son of God is the Life and Light of the world and hath enlightened all mankind every 〈◊〉 that cometh into the world is lighted by him with the true light of life or cond●●nation and what the Son doth the Father doth also and he is at his right 〈◊〉 exalted and is the very express Image of the Father and is the Fathers gift i●●● the world and is given to all mankind that they may have life by him and all 〈◊〉 receives him hath life and salvation but many receives him not and they 〈◊〉 receive him not perish even because they do not receive him whom the Father 〈◊〉 given into the world for he is the arm alone of Gods salvation and he is the ●●●der of his people CHAP. III. Concerning the Spirit of God this Testimony I give unto the whole World THe SPIRIT is with the Father and with the Son and its present eve●● where and filleth all places and is for ever and ever and trieth all thin●● and revealeth the things of the Father and of the Son unto all that doth belie●● in the Son and makes manifest and searcheth into the deep things of God 〈◊〉 it witnesseth the Salvation of the Just and the condemnation of the Unjust it is not absent from any place nor contained in any one place the Father and the Son works all things through it and brings all things in Heaven and Earth to pass by it and it works in the Hearts of the Children of men and in every one it witnesseth of the Father and of the Son to the Justness Greatness Righteousness and to the power of the Eternal Creator that made all things by the Son through his Eternal Spirit which is one with the Father and with the Son and is the Worker of their will and mind in all things it worketh in the Wicked to reprove them and to witness against them and that God is angry with them 〈◊〉 sheweth and it worketh in the Righteous and witnesseth the Love and Mercy and Peace of the Father unto them He that can receive it let him this is the Testimony of the Spirit of God and it leadeth into all Truth and out of all Evil all that are guided by it and it is given to be the Guide and Rule of Life to the Children of God CHAP. IV. Concerning Man and all Mankind this Testimony I give unto all Nations and People MAN was created and brought forth in the Image of God and was without sin or evil brought forth to do the will of him that created him and was Lord over all Creatures to use them to the glory of the Creator and all Creatures were to serve him but man transgresseth against his Maker and offended him and dishonoured him and became degenerate and grieved his Maker continually and was drove out from the Presence of the Lord and he is now a Child of Disobedience and of Wrath and an Enemy in his mind
against the Lord that made him and he is doing and fulfilling daily the will of the Devil and grieveth the Spirit of God and vexeth his righteous Soul and is subject unto the Curse of Wo and Destruction being ignorant of the Life and Power and Wisdom of the Creator to lead him to guide him and to preserve him but follows the counsel of hisown heart which is evil altogether though he was made upright yet hath he sought out many inventions which are continually abominable unto the Lord the ground in which he stands is corrupted and all his fruit is unpleasant even bitter and evil unto the Lords Taste Man is fallen into the Pit of Misery and Sorrow compassed about with desolation and is left without a Helper from himself or from any other Creature and this in short is the state of all mankind upon the face of the Earth who was planted a noble Vine wholly aright Seed to bring forth good fruit unto his Maker but he is turned into a degenerate plant bringing forth cursed fruits which the Creator hath not pleasure in his best works are not accepted and his evil deeds are condemned because the ground in which he stands is accursed because of disobedience CHAP. V. Concerning the World in general and the state of things as they have been and as now they are this Testimony I give to the whole World DArkness hath been over the face of the Earth and thick darkness hath covered the people for many ages the Beast hath reigned upon the face of the whole Earth and all Nations have been subject to his power and dominion even the Kings and Princes of the Earth have given their power unto him all the World hath wondred after him as it is written and the whole World hath worshipped the Beast and his Image he hath power to kill all that would not worship him both small and great rich and poor even all have been subject to his Government and he hath had power to war against the Saints and to make war with them and to overcome them even all that would not worship him he hath had power to kill The Rule and Government of the SON of God hath not been witnessed among men for Ages nor the true God known nor manifestly worshipped in Spirit and Truth but he hath been as a Stranger among men and they have been ignorant of his Wayes and Judgments and all People have been doing that which is right in the sight of their own eyes and God hath been forgotten dayes without number the Living Fountain hath been forsaken and many broken Cestern have been hewen out which have not holden pure Water Great Evils and continual Abominations have been acted in the sight of God and the measure of iniquity hath been fulfilling through many Generations and it is grown nigh to the full The Law of God h●th been made void and his Grace hath been turned into wantonness and all things have been out of good order Kings Princes Rulers Governments Laws and Decrees have been corrupt and not right in the sight of the Lord Oppressions Tyranny and Vain-glory hath abounded in the Nations and Justice and true Judgment have been neglected and Mercy and Truth have been Strangers and the World hath been filled with violence and the whole Earth stained and polluted with Oppressions Injustice and Cruelties and the cry of the poor hath not been heard every one hath sought themselves and not the Lord nor the good one of another the Kings and Princes of the Earth have not been perfect nor upright before the Lord but Vain-glory hath abounded and superstitions and Idolatries hath reigned over them and unrighteousness hath abounded and Self-seeking and they have risen up one against another in quarrelling and destroying one another and to gain one anothers Dominions by Craft and Pollicy and strong hand and the poor have been oppressed and troden down and thousands of thousands destroyed to fulfil the wills and lusts and pride of their hearts all this hath been evil in the sight of the Lord and his soul hath been weary with it by the destruction of his Creatures one by another even Rulers Teachers and people have all been out of the Way and subverted from that wherein God hath pleasure and the Prince of Darkness hath ruled in his dominion swaying all under his Government and even all things both of civil and spiritual concernment hath been out of the Counsel of the Lord. Oh what cruel Injustice and Tyranny in civil Government Oh what abominable Superstitions and Idolatries have been in supposed Church-governments It s a vexation to the spirit of the Lord to consider it and the Righteous soul hath long cried out and mourned under it and because of this is the Lord of Heaven and Earth now risen to overturn to overturn Kings and Princes Governments and Laws and he will confound and break down all Tyranny and Oppression under which the poor have groaned and ●e will change Times and Laws and Governments there shall be no King ruling but Jesus nor no Government of force but the Government of the Lamb no● no Law of effect but the Law of God all that which is otherwise shall be ground to powder the Kingdom of the Most High shall rule amongst men and the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed and shall become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and the Lord shall be known in the Earth to be the God of Truth of Righteousness Justice and Mercy and Truth shall be exalted and true Judgment shall be set up in the Nations and the Worship in Spirit and in Truth shall he established for the Lord is gathering his numberless number to stand before his Throne without Guile in their Mouthes and without Fault before him CHAP. VI. Concerning mans Restauration Redemption and Salvation what they are and by whom they are wrought this Testimony I give unto all People MAns Restauration is a repairing and giving again that which he had lost by transgression and Redemption is a recovering and a winning again and setting free from that wherein man hath been held even all the sons of Adam because of disobedience and Salvation is a saving keeping and preserving from sin and death and disobedience and all the ways thereof and also a saving from wrath and misery and condemnation which are the effects thereof and by the Son of God Christ Jesus is all this wrought manifested and witnessed and Restauration Redemption and Salvation is onely in Christ Jesus the second Adam and not in any other and it is wrought by him and by no other and they are the free gift of the Father unto the sons of men no way purchased by the works of the Creature or desert of him but are freely given unto the Creature through the Power and Wisdom of the Creator and onely by Jesus Christ the Son of the eternal God and by the eternal Spirit are they witnessed in all
give in the World unto the World Fear God and give Glory to him for the hour of his Judgements is come and this is the everlasting Gospel of Salvation he that can receive it let him CHAP. XIII Concerning the Word of God and concerning the Scriptures this testimony I give unto all the World THE Word of God was in the beginning before any Creatures were made and by it all things stand and remain unto this day and the Word endures for ever and by it all things in Heaven and in Earth are brought to pass which God doth and it is from everlasting to everlasting without beginning and without end and the Word is powerful dividing and discerning all things even the secret thoughts of every mans heart it is as a two edged sword and as a fire and like a hammer to cut up to burn and to beat down the Word of the Lord reconciles man again to him and this Word is in the mouth and in the heart and the Servants of the Lord handled tasted saw and felt the Word of Life and from it spoke forth the Scriptures as they were moved by the holy Ghost through the eternal Spirit and it is an Declaration of the Word of Life which was in the beginning and endures for ever and it declares what the Saints received believed and enjoyed and none can understand it without the same Spirit that gave it forth and to such who have the same Spirit the Scripture is profitable the Word of God which was in the beginning and which endures for ever is not the Scripture which was not in the beginning neither can it endure for ever but the Scripture testifies of that Word that Word witnesses to the Scripture and they are not contrary one to the other but gives witness each of other but many hath the Scripture that hath not the Word neither knows it but they that have the Word cannot but own the Scriptures and this is the Truth as it is in Jesus Testified to all the World by us who doth deny them that hereof gives any other testimony CHAP. XIV Concerning the Devil and Damnation this Testimony I give to all People THere is a Devil which is out of the Truth who abode not in the Truth but is a Lyar from the beginning and the father of all evil doing and the author of all unrighteousness and whatsoever is contrary to God in thought word and action he is the enmity against God and against all good and by his power subverts creatures and things to another end than wherefore they were created even to the dishonour of the Creator he is the god of this World the prince of darkness and he rules King in all the childern of the first Ad●● who are in evil he was the cause of the first transgression and is the cause of disobedience to God to this day in all people who are led by him moving a●● them to Envy Wrath Pride Whoredom Drunkenness Theft and Murther and all the works of darkness sin and death he is the Fountain and Root of 〈◊〉 these and the Leader and Ruler in the exercise of them and of every evil wo●● and work whatsoever which are contrary to God he abode not in the Tr●●● and he hath led all mankind out of Truth into all deceit and unrighteousness and into every evil way and he dwells in darkness inhabits in thick darkness and is out of the Light and is separate from the Presence of God for ever bo●●● in chains of darkness and ignorance and unbelief and he hath power in the earthly part of man and a law in the members and he possesses him that is born of the flesh his covenant is with him who is not born of the Seed of God who cannot sin such are in covenant with God renewed into his Image but such as are not hath the Divil power in to captivate and lead their minds into vanity and their affections and desires into all that which is evil by which the Spirit of God the Creator of all things is grieved and his soul vexed and all murther and deceitful works of the World and all whatsoever is contrary to God i● words thoughts or actions is of the Devil that wicked one and from him and all that follow his movings and worketh evil thereby they serve him a●● obey him he is their god and their King and they are his people and hi● subjects he is their father and they are his children he is their root and they are his off-spring and brings forth fruit unto him and serves 〈◊〉 worships him and not the true God that made all things and all such 〈◊〉 be cast into utter darkness with him and shall have their portion with him in 〈◊〉 bottomless pit of darkness for ever and ever where there is no end of woe an● sorrow and misery for in the anger of God there the worm di●● not 〈◊〉 the fire is not quenched and out of that there is on redemption for the ●●clean and all such who are led of him who is out of the Truth and in evil are judged and condemned and damned by him who is the Truth who judgeth righteously and as he hath not ceased to work evil and to draw the children of men into evil for he continually tempteth to lead from God into Rebellion against him And they that are led by him are destroyed and he shall not cease sorrow wo and misery for ever as he hath not ceased to work evil he liveth and moveth in the anger of God his beginning was in it and all his works are in it and it shall be the reward of him and all that obey him in the separation from Gods everlasting Presence for ever and ever CHAP. XV. Concerning all creatures that God made this Testimony I give unto all the World ALL creatures that God made in their creation and beginning was very good in his sight that made them and unto man that was to use them and no Creature was evil or defiled in its Creation but mankind transgressing against his Maker he become evil and did evil in the sight of the Lord and he being possessed with evil and corrupted he makes all Creatures evil in his exercise of them corrups them and perverts them to another end than wherefore they were created and by the Creatures dishonours the Creator ●…o should have honoured him by them and they are become a curse unto man and not a blessing though in themselves are neither cursed nor evil nor defiled but is become so unto man because of his transgression and disobedience for he being in the curse and defiled all things are so unto him and in his exercise of them he is wicked abusing them upon the lust to satisfie his devillish mind and ruling over them in oppression and cruelty and hard heartedness and not in the Wisdom of God as he ought and he subverts them out from their pure vertue
judgment backward from the Poor and equity ha●… found no place to enter but Truth hath fallen in the streets and justice a●… mercy have perished from among men and the Poor hath been oppressed a●… they that have departed from iniquity have been made a prey to the mouthes 〈◊〉 devouring Lions for some of the Judges have been as ravening Wolves and 〈◊〉 greedy devouring Foxes the Lambs of Christ have been chased by the wicked and his power for their lives O how have the oppressed groaned in this Natio● under false judgment to Ages and Generations for ever may it be record●… for a witness against this Generation of cruel hearted men whom the Beast a●… false prophet hath raised in his defence and against the Kingdom of Christ Je●… and them that follow him how full have the most part of the prisons in all th●… Land been with guiltless Sufferers under cruel bondage with unjust dealings a●… false judgments have gone forth from some of your mouthes you that h●… been set to judge over the people who should have been a terror to the wicked but have rather strengthened the hands of Evil-doers and been a terror to righteousness so much as is possible the great Whore which sits upon the Beast 〈◊〉 made your Rulers drunk and stagger with envy and hatred and persecution a●… works of wickedness against the upright Wo is me for you what have yo●… brought sorth even iniquity by Decrees and Injustice by Ordinances a●… false Judgment by Laws alas alas your Destruction cometh as an arm●… man upon you Was ever the like heard or any persident in any Generati●… before you for imprisoning Just men for declaring against sin and the abominations of the times as you have done many and for imprisoning men because they cannot put off their Hats to you and Respect your Persons and 〈◊〉 transgress the Law of God and because they cannot Swear and so break Chr●… Command For this you have imprisoned many and caused them to su●… because of this may not you fear and tremble before the Lord God a●… your faces gather blackness at this when you consider it Did ever any t●… were set to judge in the Earth among men so abuse their power and subvert 〈◊〉 so quite to another End than wherefore it was committed to them May 〈◊〉 Shame cover you all to commit men to Prison for the exercise of pure Conscience towards God because they cannot Swear or respect mens Persons or maintain Idol-Shepherds and Idol-temples and Worships which are Abominatio● to the Lord and for taking peaceable men out of peaceable Meetings and out of their Travel on the High-ways and first Whipping them and sending them to Prison the example of this which you have done never went before in any Age and therefore have you exceeded in Oppression in Injustice in Cruelty and false Judgment all your Fore-fathers the Pope nor Bishops hardly ever brought forth such things but the Lord will reckon with you and plead the Cause of the Oppressed against all you Oppressors yea and will give unto you a Recompence of Reward according to your works ye that have exalted your selves against the innocent shall be brought down to the dust of misery and the Saints shall reign and rejoyce over you when the Kingdom of Christ Jesus the Lamb shall be set up over you all and your Beastly power dashed to peeces as a Potters Vessel when he whom you have persecuted and his Followers shall rule with a Rod of Iron and break you asunder and this shall surely come to pass therefore consider it ye that thus deal in your anger against the Lord and his chosen for the Lamb shall get the victory over the Beast and over you all that seek to defend him and that strive under his power for they that are with the Lamb are Called and Faithful and Chosen O! therefore be awakened be awakened ye Heads and Judges and Rulers of the People remember and repent the Lords Hand is stretched forth against all Oppressors and his Wrath is kindled against the wicked One and his power to overthrow his dominon which long hath reigned in the Nations and now though he seeks to defend himself against the Lamb and his Followers by injust dealing yet the out-stretched Arm of the Lord shall bring deliverance to his Chosen who have been made Havock upon in their Liberties and in their estates some cruelly suffering in Prison and others by spoiling of their Goods and none of these for Evil-doing but upon false Suspitions and envious Jealousies and secret Surmisings without any ground of occosion given but by Wickedness have many of you sought occasion to make Offenders by laying Snares for the Feet of the Harmless and Innocent you have made men Offenders for a word and perverted innocent words and actions that you might make to your self a ground to persecute and have sought a Cloak to cover your Cruelty in the sight of men but naked and bare are your hearts made manifest in the Sight of the Lord who hath looked down from Heaven and considered these things and hath regarded the unjust sufferings of his people whose Liberties and estates and good names have been spoiled through injustice by grievous burthens laid upon some because they could not pay Tythes that hainous oppression to satisfie the unmercifullness of cruel men and many suffers at this day unjustly in the sight of God and illegally also in the sight of men and some suffer the spoiling of their goods rather by way of robbery and theft than by just execution of judgment in proceeding of just Law this can largely be witnessed and this is brought forth by subservant Officers to you that are set to judge and you to them are evil examples and strengtheners of their malicious hands some of them are not ashamed to take six times the value of what is unjustly claimed for the use of a false Teacher and deceitful Hireling who rides upon the Beast and make you their servants to oppress the Poor to uphold them and maintain them in their pride and vanities but the Lord hath considered these things and he hath numbred the oppressions against you wherewith the just have been grieved and oppressed under you he hath counted this cruelty and recorded all your unjust dealing which you have or suffered to be brought forth yea the day of account hastens and the tearm draws near upon you wherein the just and righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth will call you to account who will plead the cause of the Poor and of the unjust sufferer and oppressed against all you Oppressors for the cry of the Innocent against you and the begging of the Poor is heard which calls for vengeance upon you In the Record of justice what account will you give to the Highest-power who rules over Heaven and Earth for imprisoning just men for crying against sin and declaring against the wickedness of this Age this shall be proved against you
do God service that kills you 〈◊〉 casts you from among them and the Devil shall cast some of you into prison And th●… things you have done and fullfilled Christs words against your selves for 〈◊〉 witness against you and to shew that you are Enemies to Christ and to his Kingdom and that you will not have him to reign as I have said Therefore wh●… he reigneth he shall say Bring hither those mine Enemies and slay them before me O! what will the just Judge of true Judgment the God of Heaven and Earth render unto you when he ariseth to plead the cause of the poor and needy and to deliver his Inheritance from under your oppression into perfect freedom What account will you give in that day when he brings swift destruction upon you And wherewith will you answer him when the secrets of your hearts are made manifest and when the true witness in you all is awakened which will bring to your remembrance all your cruel and unjust dealing and all your bitter and hard speeches which in your envy you have brought forth against the Lord and against his people What will be done to you his Enemies when Christ Jesus whom you have persecuted comes to reign in his Kingdom and subdues the kingdoms of this World and changeth them into the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ and the Saints which you have oppressed receives the Authority and Dominion It shall be said All that would not that Christ should reign slay them before him when it shall be given to the Saints to bind Kings in chains and Nobles in fetters of iron and to execute upon the Heathen all the judgments written for behold all ye stout hearted the Lord cometh in ten thousand of his Saints to judge the World in righteousness and you shall be convinced of all your ungodly deeds for the Scriptures must be fullfilled and as you have done even so will it be done unto you when the suffering of the righteous is finished and your wickedness come to an end when the Lord shall reign you shall lick the dust off his feet and all the Persecuters of Christ shall be trodden down as mire and the righteous shall rejoyce over them and the Lord shall mock when your fear and calamnity comes which come suddenly in a day when you expect not how shall the Lord pardon you for this you have sinned against knowledge and gone on after warning and hardened your hearts after reproof and the day of your visitation you have greatly slighted ye Rulers have abused your power and ye subjects have abused your subjection and now consider what God did in Generations past unto the rebellious children what he did to Pharaoh and all his Hosts when his long suffering was finished how did Pharaoh harden his heart and his cruel Task-masters oppress the righteous even as you have done and they would not let Israel go free to serve the Lord but they kept them in bondage and this way you walk who exercise cruelty as they did and laid heavy burthens upon the Innocent grievous to be born cruel task-masters have you been over the Heritage of the Lord and in Pharaohs example of wickedness have you walked fulfilling his measure of cruelty and Pharaohs example shall you follow in a cursed end remember how the loftiness of his heart was bowed down and how his proud heart was abased in the day that God pleaded with him in his righteous judgments he and all his task-makers were confounded in a day and the bondage of the righteous was broken in a moment how was his whole strength of Tyranny overturned and turned into weakness the righteous were delivered and he and all his train overwhelmed in one day and thus shall it come to pass upon you Therefore consider this all ye that fullfill the measure of iniquity suddenly will the righteous God be awakened to take vengeance upon you and the just shall not always groan under your bondage for he that looketh from the Heaven hath pity upon the distressed for whom now his arm is stretched out to bring deliverance unto them and all their enemies will be confounded who have this long time ploughed long furrows upon the back of the righteous the oppression and cruelty and injustice brought forth in this Nation it calls for vengeance from Heaven Alas alas woe is me for you you Heads and Rulers and Judges of England what have you done and suffered to be done under you against the innocent people of God who is as dear to him as the apple of his eye for they be written on the palms of his hands and because of the cry of the poor and the needy will the Lord arise and plead their cause Oh consider and let it enter into your hearts the cruelty and injustice that hath been brought forth in this Land and remember what God did unto all the Persecuters of old how was their strength consumed and they overturned and destroyed what did he to Pharaoh and all his host who persecuted the Seed of God how was he destroyed and the righteous set free and what was done to Haman How was he justly rewarded who persecuted the Innocent Seed of God What did God to Herod and all his people who persecuted the Innocent and remember what he did unto them that persecuted the Three Children and them that persecuted Daniel how did they fall into the pit which they had digged for another and how were they destroyed and the Innocent delivered considered and remember these things ye that suffer the Just to groan by you Search through the Records of old and search what God hath done unto all them that lifted up their hand against Him and his People and is he not the same at this day his Hand is not shortened that it cannot save his people and destroy his Enemies his Ear is not dull of hearing that he should not understand this unjust suffering of his people though you live carelessely in pleasure upon Earth while the Innocent mourns yet doth the Lord regard though you spend your time in pleasure and delight your selves in vanities all the day long yet the Lord hath taken it to heart and his Spirit is grieved that his Innocent Servants should lye in Holes and Dungeons to be trodden upon and be accounted as the off-scouring of all things hardly thought worthy to have a place on the Earth Oh remember these things ye that are high minded and consider what God did to the Bishops and their crew of persecutors in this Nation your selves are witnesses how the Lord overthrew them and delivered his people in a few years time and as little as you did they think that they whom they persecuted should so soon come to have reigned over them the Lords Hand was then against Oppressors as it is at this day do you think the Lord hath forgotten or that he takes no notice of what is come to pass how should he forget his
Members of one Head and mind always the Testimony of Truth its self and walk therein and you cannot stumble Have not respect to Persons but to the Truth only for Persons may change but the Truth abides for ever So let not an evil Eye look at Evil when it comes to pass to take occasion thereby against the Truth for then you stumble and fall but I say again have respect only to the pure Testimony of Truth which is sure and cannot err nor alter though man may change and err and that is the Testimony which is held forth for Salvation evon the Testimony of God with whom there is no shaddow of turning Therefore all take heed unto your selves that you give not nor receive any offence against the Lord and against your own souls but know the Seed of God in which stands the Election where the Covenant of God is sure and unalterable and a Birth you must all know to be brought forth in you which must inherit and that is it which is born of the Spirit which doth obtain the Promise it is not that birth which is of the Flesh which works by willing and running and thinking that obtains not the Promise of God neither is Salvation shewed unto it but in Patience and in Long-suffering is the Victory received over all the Powers of Darkness which make war against the Kingdom of God So all Friends dwell in that which lets you see before the World was and that stops and limits all Strife in the mind and gives you victory over it and none must glory in the Flesh for that glory must be confounded but let him that glories glory in the Lord in the Spirit and not in the Flesh And take heed that none of you abuse your liberty which is in Christ Jesus neither turn it into fleshly Bondage and thereby the Just comes to suffer and the fleshly part comes to rule above the Seed of God but dwell in the Cross which suppresseth every high Thought and whatsoever is against God in the first motion and thereby you will be preserved from the Enemy which watcheth for Evil against you and seeks occasion against the Way of the Lord but mind that which keeps you pure for it is the pure in Heart that sees God and it is him that is of clean Hands and of a pure Heart that inherits God's holy Mountain And as concerning all your Afflictions and Sufferings and Tryals and Persecutions and whatsoever is laid upon you by the Lord or by Men I say bear all things patiently and endure all things in Long-suffering these things are but for a moment and they are not worthy to be compared with the Price of God's Inheritance and if you dwell in the Counsel of the Lord all these things will be turned unto your good in all Tryals and Sufferings the Lord's Arm will be revealed and these things must come to pass that Truth may appear in its beauty in Victory over all that which doth oppose it and vengance is the Lord's and he will repay for he doth enquire after our Blood though no man lay it to heart or consider the cause or unjust Sufferings of the Innocent who are become a Prey to the Ungodly and unjust Men till God arise to plead our Cause And all Afflictions and Sufferings are but for to try and prove they are not to confound or destroy the Lord's People and therefore in patience they must be born and the Life of God felt which gives Dominion over all these things And receiving all things as from the Hand of the Lord then in all things your Peace will remain and God's Testimony will witness Peace and acceptance with God And of all Injustice and Abuses and Cruelty acted upon you by any at any time keep account of it and draw it up in short and plain words the occasion and manner of it and at every Quarter Sessions let a true Declaration of all unjust Sufferings be presented in prudency and singleness of heart to the Justices or Grand-Jury by such as are wise and faithful and appeal to the Witness of God in them in such Causes that that of God in all Men may witness for us Let this be done as cause is seen at every Sessions in the Wisdom and Authority of God that in all things Justice and true Judgment may be sought after and in Patience waited for till the Lord alone our King and Judge and Law-giver comes to reign over all his Enemies when all that now suffer for him shall reign with him A Servant to the Churches of Christ E. B. To the Elect and Chosen Seed of God in London TO the Elect and Chosen Seed of God most dear and precious who are redeemed to God and joyned in Covenant with him and have tasted and felt and heard of the Love and Peace of the Father and to all the Faithfull and Called of God who are Partakers of the Power and Presence of an Endless Life in particular unto you the Flock of God in and about London who fear the Lord and wait upon him and over whom he is the chief Shepherd The Salutation in the Father's Love by me a Brother and Companion unto all the Children of Sion and chiefly unto you a Friend in Heart and nothing more desiring for you then your encrease in God and that Grace Peace Love and Fellowship from the infinite Father of Heaven and Earth may be largely encreased and aboundantly multiplied amongst you and in all your hearts that you may shine forth in the Beauty of the Lord and the Garment of Righteousness and Truth may be spread over you all and that the Spirit of Holiness may rest upon you that the fruit thereof may greatly abound in you and spring forth from you whereby the Father who hath begotten you may be glorified through the Nation and among his Saints through the World and my Soul wisheth that the Fear of the Lord be amongst you and his terror upon all your Enemies Amen DEarly Beloved and much desired after in the Lord the Spirit of the Father in upon me to put you in remembrance of these things of the greatest price which belong unto your Peace which have been hid from you in the time of Darkness but now are reveal'd unto you whereof your Eyes have seen your Ears have heard your Hands have handled and your Hearts have perceived and now be not unmindful thereof but take heed unto the precious Treasure of Life Eternal which the Father hath given unto you I mean the Knowledge of himself who is manifest to dwell in you and to walk in you and to lead you and to guide in all his Wayes of Peace and Truth and this is that Treasure more desirable and of greater price then the Glory of the whole Earth yea it is Peace to the soul and Gladness to the heart and Refreshment to the life to feel and witness the Teaching of the Spirit of the Father
hath not appeared to be and her former Glory hath seemed to be gone and she hath been driven away from her Head from her Husband and from her Seed Behold all people the Estate of such a Woman and read this Parable who can A Woman most Glorious and Fair having her Husband Ruler of the whole Earth and having an Heir born to rule over Heaven and Earth being cover'd with the Light of Heaven and of the Everlasting Day and having the Light of the Night under her Feet yet hath this Woman been deprived of her Glory and sate desolate in the Wilderness a mournful place separated from her Husband and made Childless and without Seed And what Eye that sees this aright but must Mourn and what Heart that truly perceives it but must lament A Woman so Great and so Glorious and so Fruitful as to bring forth the Heir of Heaven and Earth yet has she been left as a Mourner as without Husband and without Issue for many Generations This hath been her Estate and Condition for Ages since the dayes of the Apostles which Iohn saw in a Vision would shortly come to pass after him and we see it hath been come to pass within this sixteen hundred years And this hath been the Estate of the true Church for many Ages A Woman childless whose Heir hath been taken from her and whose Seed hath been made war against and killed for many Generations But her time was decreed and she should but be thus for so many dayes and now are the dayes expired and she again shall receive her Heir that hath been caught up from her and her Seed shall spring forth and her Slain shall live and her Beauty shall be given her and her first Glory shall be encreased and she shall feed no longer in the mourning Wilderness but she shall be fed upon the Mountain of God's House which is to be established upon the top of all Mountains and her Seed shall spring forth numberless and her Heir shall rule with an Iron Rod and her Marriage Day is come and the approach thereof nigh and Life shall be revealed Thus she hath been and thus she shall be the Lord hath said it Now as for all those Multitudes of Sects and Peoples that have professed Religion and as for all those Churches so called that have gone under that name which have professed Christ to be their Head and made a shew of him in appearance the Papist's Church the Protestant's Church and all the Sects that have risen out of them they have not been the true Spouse the Lamb's Wife but Children of Fornication and not of the Seed of that Woman that was once clothed with the Sun and they are come up and their Original begun while this true Woman this Spouse of Christ hath been Childless None of these are clothed with the Sun nor none of them have brought forth the Heir of Salvation Come let 's reason with you Who was your Mother who brought you forth and in what Womb were you bred you that have appeared in the world and for many Ages for the true Spouse The Mother of the Heir hath been childless and as a Widdow banished from her Husband and her Heirs separated from her and her Seed killed and made War against She hath not born you nor brought you forth Then of what Womb did you spring all ye of the Papist's and Protestant's Church and all the Sects that came out of you answer me this None of you have been fled into the Wilderness for you have appeared in the World None of you have been as a Widdow mourning for you have been practizing Ordinances and rejoycing in the World None of you have been without Issue nor your Seed made War against for you have been fruitful in the World and one Sect brought forth another and one Church brought forth another therefore none of you have been that Woman which Iohn saw For never none of you from the least to the greatest of you were ever clothed with the Sun nor had the Moon under your Feet nor ruled the Nations with the Rod of Iron therefore none of you are the true Spouse the Lamb's Wife he is not Husband to any of you nor is he your Child nor Heir And this is the Word of the Lord God to you all you Churches and Sects Your beginning and springing forth was from another Womb while this Woman lodged in the Wilderness and while she was childless and without Seed and the Mother of Harlots brought you forth the great Whore whose Superscription is Mystery of Babylon and her Character is Mother of all Abominations For while this other Woman hath been fled into the Wilderness which Iohn saw was fled thither this woman the Mother of Harlots which brought you forth hath been fruitful and flourishing and hath had an Husband and many Children For Iohn speaks of two Women of a Whore and of a Virgin of one the Blood of whose Seed was drunk and the other drunk the Blood yea one that was made war with and against for the Saints were killed and their Blood drunk and that other killed the Saints and was made drunk with their Blood the one was fled into the Wilderness he saw of which I have spoken 〈…〉 other making all Nations drunk with her Fornication and ruling over all the Nations of the Earth as a Queen And while the one of those the Virgin the Lamb's Wife hath been fled into the 〈◊〉 and left Childless without Seed the other the Whore hath ●… and brought forth many Children taken great Pleasure in the 〈◊〉 and committed Fornication with the Kings of the Earth And these thing● 〈◊〉 saw were to come to pass and we see that have Iohn's Spirit is come to pass already And 〈◊〉 all ye Sects upon the Earth and Churches so called that have been in the World for many Ages Which of those two Women are you of 〈◊〉 the Seed of whether of them are ye Who of these two was it that brought you forth answer me and make it appear But I have said already The Virgin brought you not forth the Lamb's Wife did not bear you nor you are not of her for you were brought forth while she was bani●hed and deprived of her Heir and without her Husband and you are of the Seed of that Whore the product of her Fornications generated by the seed of Adulrerers And though you have been warning and fighting and striving one against another yet you were bred in one womb and are of one seed And thou●●●●me of you in one appearance of the Whore's beauty brought forth have made War against them brought forth in another appearance of her and ●●●ned her flesh yet have ye given your power to the Beast and Iohn saw that also which we see is fulfilled Some that should hate the Whore and make War against her yet sh●uld they also give their power to the Beast This have we seen fulfilled amongst
Singings their Baptisms and Breaking of Bread and even all that which you perform as unto God as the Worship of him is not accepted but Abomination unto him and his Soul is burdened with all these things you not being led with the Spirit of Christ And even your practizing of these things which the Saints and Christians once practiced and were accepted of the Lord in so doing while they were led by the Spirit of Christ I say The very practice of those things now by the Christians being degenerated is become Idolatry and Abomination to the Lord. And this I declare in the Fear and Presence of the Lord Even all your Praying and Preachings and Profession all your Sabboth-keeping and Set-dayes of Humiliation and even all your Practices of Religion which you do and perform are Idolatry and a Burden to the Lord's Soul in the state that now you stand not being led by the Spirit of Christ but being from it departed and your works not brought forth by it but by another spirit And now saith the Lord unto you Christians who are degenerated from the Spirit of Christ To what purpose is your Preaching Praying and Singing They are a Vexation and Burden to the Righteous Soul and the Lord hath no delight therein away with it away with it Your Profession and Practices stincks in the Nostrils of the Lord All your Baptisms and your Sacraments which ye perform in a vain Tradition and not by the Spirit of the Lord they are hateful in his sight away with them away with them they shall crumble to the dust and immediate Desolation in one day the Lord will break them down and never build them up again Your Preaching by a Glass for so much a Sermon or so much a Year what you have gathered out of Books and studied for from other mens words town with it down with it it is 〈◊〉 Abomination to the Lord. And your Ministry which is made and sent forth at Schools and 〈◊〉 natural Learning through the attainment of such Arts and Sciences and being approved of such and such men and sent forth to such and such a Par●… 〈◊〉 have so much Money by the Year for preaching what hath been studied fo●… and not by the Gift of the Holy Ghost away with this Ministry away with it it s a mocking of God and a deceiving of Souls the Lord will confound it and bring it to Destruction And your singing of the Saints words in Rhyme and Meeter and their Conditions which your selves never knew this is Abomination to the Lord and a Practice which his Soul hater away with it the Lord is risen to confound it Away with all your Worship which is not in the Spirit nor in the Truth but in vain Traditions of 〈◊〉 practiced by you in a vain Form and not the Power of God The Lord will being it down to the ground restore and establish his own Worship which 〈◊〉 in Spirit and in Truth and he will give and hath given his Ministry again by the Gift of the Holy Ghost which hath been lost for many Ages while this Night of Apostacy hath over-spread the World and the Lord shall 〈◊〉 longer be worshipped in vain Traditions of men but his people shall be re●●red and renewed to worship him in Spirit and Truth and the Christian●ife ●ife shall again be brought forth and the Spirit of Christ shall be the Leader and Teacher of his People And now the Day of the Lord's Visitation is again revived for togather his People and to restore them again to his perfect Way and Worship Therefore hearken and behold ye Christians this is the Testimony of the Lord ●…erning you You have been fallen and degenerated from the Life of Righteousness and from the true Way and Worship of the true God and you have long been slumbring and sleeping in this long Night of Darkness which overshadow'd you and darkned that glorious Appearance of the 〈◊〉 of God which once shined upon the Christians and in Blindness and D●… have 〈◊〉 walked for many Ages and your Worship hath been subscribed To the Unknown God and wofully have you been wallowing in unclean Paths and you have erred you have erred from the Life of Christ and from his Spirit and you are gone from your Husband and follow'd other Lovers and you have been ●…ed in Iniquity and altogether poluted by Transgtession and the state in which you now stand is a state seperated from God a state of great Ignora●… and Darkness and a state of hainous Rebellion against God whose Soul and Spirit is greatly oppressed and grieved because of your Degeneration who 〈◊〉 become more ignorant of God then the Ox is of his Owner o● the Ass of his Master's Crib and even the very same Vision is seen concerning you as the Prophet saw concerning Israel Therefore hear oh Heavens and give ear oh Earth for the Lord doth speak unto you Christians I have nourished and brought up Children and they have rebell'd against me and the Ox knows his Owner and the Ass his Master's Crib but the Christians do not know the People do not consider Ah! sinful Nation a people laden with Iniquity a seed of Evil-doers Children that are corrupted that have forsaken the right Way and provoke the Living God to Anger and ye are gone away backward the whole Head is sick the whole Heart is faint and from the sole of the Foot even unto the Head there is no Soundness but your Conditions are Wounds and Bruises and ●…fying Sores you are not closed neither bound up neither mollified with Oy●…ent and your Country is desolate and your Cities are burnt as with Fire your Land Strangers devour it in your presence and it is desolate and overthrown by Strangers and but that the Lord of Hosts has left us a soul Remnant even a Seed ye Christians would have been as Sodom if any man hath an Ear to hear let him hear This Vision is as true unto you Christians throughout all the World as ever it was unto the seed of the Iews This is your state and this is your condition and thus ye stand in the sight of the Lord though in your beginning in the beginning of Christianity I mean the Lord brought up the Christians and nourished them by his Living Word and with his Word he cherished them and they grew unto a goodly state and were ●…pleat in Christ Col. 2. 10. And they were come to the 〈◊〉 of ●…st Men made perfect and unto Mount Sion the 〈◊〉 of the Living God the H●…ly Jerusalem and to an innumerable Company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the First-Born which are written in Heaven and to God the Iudge of all Hebrews 12 22 23 24. TO this state were the Christians nourished and brought up in the dayes when they were first brought forth when they were begotten and born again of the immortal Word that abides forever and they were sanctified and purified and
no end and people shall be brought into that and they shall go forth no more for who come to this Time is no longer and the Kingdom and Government is delivered to the Father and he is become all in all And all that ever come to know these things must first come to the Light of the Lamb in them with which every man is lightned that cometh into the World And all that ever know these things must first be brought to the Principle of God in them which they have transgressed against And all that own the Light of Christ and walk in it shall come to know these things which to know and be in them is eternal Life Therefore all ye Christians come to the Light which Christ hath lightned you withal and that will let you see the Government of Satan and of sin and death which has been ruling in you and the Light will teach you to war against it till it be subdued the Light will discover unto you that nature in which the kingdom of Satan bears rule it will let you see the Devil who is the Prince of darkness who is the Adversary of God who is out of the Truth and he has drawn all people out of the Truth but if you love the Light of Christ in you it will teach you to war against him and against all that that is out of the Truth for all that is of Satans Kingdom that is out of the Truth and must be destroy'd by the coming of the Kingdom of Christ whose coming is in the Light which Christ hath enlightned every man withal who comes to destroy the Devil and his kingdom and all his works So to the Light must all minds be turned which will reveal the kingdom of the Man of Sin and consume it The Appearance of Christ is Light and Christ is the Light of Israel which is as a Fire to consume all fruitless Trees which cumber the ground which the Lord will consume by the brightness of his coming And now is the Man of Sin reveal'd even in the hearts of Christians so call'd and he hath long shew'd himself to be God but now the Lord will bring him down For Antichrist has rul'd for many Ages and the Lord of Life has been crucified in spiritual Sodom but Sodom shall be consumed by Fire and the Lord will avenge himself of all his Enemies and all People and Nations shal know that there is a God who executes Justice and true Judgment who is a God near at hand to reward his People with Everlasting Life and to give unto his Enemies Judgment and Condemnation Written by a Friend to the Creation a Servant of the Lord E. B. A DECLARATION To all the WORLD Of our Faith And what we believe who are called QUAKERS And this is written that all People upon Earth may know by whom and how we are saved and hope for Eternal Life and what we believe concerning God Christ and the Spirit and of the things that are Eternal appertaining to all Mankind to know and believe Concerning God Christ and the Spirit thus we believe FIRST That there is only one true God who is a Spirit and his Presence filleth Heaven and Earth and he is Eternal and Everlasting the Creator and Preserver of all things that Heaven and Earth and all things therein by him were framed and brought forth and all things ●…in unto this day by his Power and whatsoever he willeth in Heaven and Earth he ●●ings to pass by his Word and Power And we believe That this God only is and ought to be feared loved obeyed and worshipned by all Creatures and no other thing besides 〈◊〉 in Heaven and Earth A●… we believe That his Worship and Obedience and Fear and Love is to be given in Spirit even in what his own Spirit moveth and leadeth his People unto And we believe His true Worship required and accepted of him 〈◊〉 not by the Tradition of men in outward Observances or Set-dayes o● Places but he is worshipped only in Spirit ●…d Tr●th without respect of Time ●…ces or things and that none can worship ●●m in Righteousness but his ●…n who are born of his Spirit and are led and guided thereby And we believe That this God hath given his Son Christ J●… 〈◊〉 ●●e World a free Gift unto the whole World and that every 〈◊〉 that co●…eth into the World is lighted by him that every man mi●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayed And we believe That he is given into the World and no Nation 〈◊〉 or P●ople excepted but unto all Mankind is he given of God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them and every man through the World that believeth in him and receiveth Christ who is the Wisdom and Power of the Father shall be saved with eternal ' Salvation and every one that believeth not in him shall be damned and shall possess everlasting Misery And we believe That Salvation Iustification and Sanctification are only in him and wrought by him and no other for there is no other Name given under Heaven but h●m alone by which Salvation is And we believe All that receive him and believe in him are recon●…d to God and are made alive to God to live to him in all things an● do receive the Forgiveness of Sins and are set free from all Unrighteousness and from the Body of Sin and Death and have the Witness of the Spirit in them and the Spirit of the Father they have received and it witnesseth in them of the Father and of the Son and of the things that belong unto their Peace and it is the Earnest of the Inheritance and the Seal of the Promise of Eternal Life and by it are the deep things of God revealed to Mankind and by it the Father and the Son dwells in the Saints and by it have they Fellowship one with mother and the Father Son and Spirit are one And this we faithfully believe Again concerning Christ we believe That he is one with the Father and was with him before the World was and what the Father worketh 〈◊〉 is by the Son for he is the Arm of God's Salv●…ion and the very Power and Wisdom of the Creator and was is and is to come without Beginning or End And we believe That all the Prophets gave Testimony of him and that he was made manifest in Iudea and Ierusalem and did the Work of the Father and was persecuted of the Iews and was crucified by his Enemies and that he was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures And we believe He is now ascended on High and exalted at the Right-hand of the Father for evermore and that he is glorified with the same Glory that the had before the World was and that even the same that came down fro●… Heaven is ascended up to Heaven and the same that descended is he that ascended And we believe Even that he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore and that he cometh and shall come
all Nations since the dayes of the true Churches and holy Apostles And know ye That we are none of all the many Sects nor of the divers Wayes and formal Worshippers that are but in the Imitations fiegned of what the Saints of old spoke and performed in the Power and Spirit of God which hath been spoken and practized by all the divers Sects and false Churches without the Spirit Power and Life that was in the Apostles so that all Religion hath been and the Profession and Practice thereof for many Ages but as the floating of a broken Vessel upon the Waters driven with the several Winds wanting Anchor and skilful Marriners which have not carried to perfect Rest the Hope of Eternal Life But know ye that now at last through our long and wearied Travels and after all our tedious Seekings and our zealous Practises and Profession in Christianity performed by us while Darkness covered us and the Earth hath the Lord set us safe upon the Rock Christ Jesus upon whom the Church of Christ firmly standeth and the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against and he hath made our Habitation sure upon the Mountain of his House which is established upon the top of the Mountains whereunto we now are gathered and rest in a certain hope and tried confidence and doth view the whole World and the state of all Mankind and measureth the times and seasons thoroughout Generations and the state of the Church we perfectly know by the inspiration of the Almighty her estate before the Apostles dayes and in the Apostles dayes and since the Apostles dayes and her increase and decrease and estate since the beginning of the World till now and at this present time to us is certainly known by the Spirit of Jesus and the Light of the Lamb which now is risen upon our Mountain and shines in our Habitations And first we certifie you as for the many false Sects and Churches so called and many of the divers worshippers and separated forms of Churches risen up since the Apostles dayes from the least of them to the greatest we have searched and examined and are not fully satisfied but rather the contrary that they are perfectly sound in the Faith but rather degenerated from the Power Spirit and Life that was in the Apostles and among the true Churches before the Apostacy and we have sought out their first original and root and we find they fall short of the true Church and the Apostles first in respect of time many Generations and also in respect of life and power and purity and they want the spirit and dominion and Government that the true Churches and Apostles possessed and we certainly believe they are many of them come up and risen in a dark Night long since the dayes of the Apostles while the Sun was yet unrisen and while the Mountains of Ignorance Blindness and Wickedness covered the face of the Earth and the Clouds of Darkness remained upon the face of the whole Heavens and while yet the Man-child remains in God being caught up to him and the Woman lodged in the desolate Wilderness being thither fled because of the great red Dragon And we believe not that any of them are the Lambs Wife lawfully joyned to him neither are they the Virgin in which there is no spot nor the Spouse truly in election to Christ the Bridegroom for we have had controversie with them this divers years and weighed them and measured them in the ballance of equity and they appear to us not to be of a true descent from that Vine into which true Church was planted but their original may be of a latter race And to say no more of them we certainly know they are foully spotted and have not the favour nor parts nor garments of a Virgin and Christ the Bridegroom they have deeply wronged for many false Sects have risen out of the great Whore the mother of Harlots who hath been in open and secret Fornication ever since the days of the Apostles and such are her off-spring and not of the true Seed elect which is heir by right of the inheritance of Life eternal the Kingdom which hath no end And for as much as the Church of Rome hath openly pleaded as we have heard and some of your Members also to our faces that she is indeed the true Church and she alone and none besides and that you can fetch your original by line truly from the Apostles and Church of the Saints and are not degenerated in any particular of Faith Doctrine nor Practise from the Life and Power and Government and Spirit which was among the true Church and in the Apostles These things with others the like have we heard of you and concerning you by many And now because the Lord hath put it into our hearts to have controversie with you and to seek out perfectly your original and to justifie you or condemn you accordingly and having the certain infallible Spirit of the Lord God to try all things we are purposed in the Lord to visit you and to examine to the Foundation your rise and first beginning from whence you come by descent and what you truly are in your present Estate and whether you be indeed the true Church and have the true Spirit or whether you are otherwise that all the World may be satisfied and more perfectly know the full Truth concerning the Church of Rome and your Seed and Root we will examine and your Birth and Original we will search out and your Faith and Worship and whole Religion we will lay to the Line of true Judgement to justifie you or condemn you eternally for the Saints shall judge the World and your Garments shall be stripped off and your Secrets discovered and your whole Body and Members made fully manifest that the very truth of all things may appear and be embraced and the Whoredoms of the whole Earth may be laid open that the Just and the Innocent that hath long lain groaning in great Captivity may be delivered from under all Bonds of Oppressions Whoredoms and Iniquities and this will the Eternal God by us speedily bring to pass amongst you Wherefore thou Pope greatly admired and highly exalted and to all thy Cardinals Friers Iesuits and Priests and all other Officers under thee I am moved of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth who is the only Holiness and highest of all by this Message to visit you requiring you and charging you in the Name and Authority of the Dreadfull and Mighty God before whom all men and Nations are as nothing in comparison but may be turned at his pleasure and dashed to pieces by his Mighty Hand and unto whom all the Sons of Adam in the World must give an Account and as you will answer it to him i● his dreadful Day of Judgment and Vengeance and as you love and will obey your God and Christ whom you profess and serve and as you would honour your God and
and Worships be tryed and 〈◊〉 Church ●… Doctrines and Worship● and Practices and whether they be 〈…〉 or ours that do overcome or are overcome let that deside the ●…ersie and whether it be you or we that are soonest overcome 〈…〉 prevail the one against the other in this Tryal and in these Pro●… 〈◊〉 that which is Overcome and Prevailed against is not the True ●… against which nothing can prevail no not the Gates of Hell 〈…〉 your Church or ours cannot be prevail'd against by the other 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be the true Church for that which is prevail'd against is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church and whether it be you or we that are elected and of the 〈…〉 which cannot be deceived if we ●e not elected and you Deceivers 〈…〉 possible you may deceive us but if we prove that we be in the 〈…〉 then you cannot deceive us and if we ●e in the Truth and of 〈…〉 Church then it will be Happiness for you to be converted and ●…rned ●… 〈◊〉 to the Tryal as soo●… as you will and if you be in the Election 〈◊〉 need not be afraid to be deceived by any for the the Elect cannot ●…ved whoever that be whether your Church or our Church be the 〈◊〉 Church and in the Election And if your Ministers among us do preach the same things and by the 〈…〉 Spirit and hold forth the very same Faith Principles Worship and ●…ces which we do and are of and it be proved they are of the same 〈…〉 and Principles we are of agreeing in all things then we will own 〈◊〉 to be Christ's Ministers And if our Ministers among you do hold ●…th that true Faith and Principle and Practices and Worship and by the 〈◊〉 Spirit as Christ and his Apostles did and prove what they say by the Scrip●… then shall you receive them as the Ministers of Christ and renounce all 〈◊〉 you hold and profess contrary to what they hold and preach among 〈◊〉 And hereby things may come to a fair Tryals and the naked Truth may 〈◊〉 made manifest whether your Church or our Church be the true Church 〈◊〉 Christ truly descended from the Church of the Saints of old and ●…er your Ministers or our Ministers be the lawful Successors of the ●…es And we would willingly come to deal with you upon these term●s that it may be manifest who they be that are of the true Seed and who they be that are of the Election that cannot be deceived And we have many things more to write unto you and to query of you and to demand when we receive your answer and if you give us ground to accuse you we will thresh you and lay it to your charge by the Authority and Spirit of the Lord and if you answer us plainly we shall more perfectly know what to do To the POPE THou Mountain hear the Word of the Lord God thus saith th●… God unto thee I will lay thee low I will break thee down I wi●… the glory of all Flesh my Sword shall enter into the Hearts of my E●… will slay the Wicked and I will cru●… the Head of the Ungodly and 〈…〉 grind the hard hearts unto pieces I will come in a day unexpected I 〈…〉 Door behold me and I will take Vengeance without Pitty upon all 〈…〉 mies my Hand shall not spare my Eye shall no● pitty but I will 〈…〉 rend and give unto thee and unto all Mankind the fruit of your 〈…〉 ings Innocent Blood cries unto me that hath been unjustly shed 〈…〉 Righteous Soul groans under the Altar unto me and now I am risen 〈…〉 begun to work in the Earth and I will go through Nations and 〈…〉 down under my Power I have raised a Seed which shall thr●sh the Mo●… and my Word is gon●forth out of my Mouth which shall beat them to 〈…〉 and my Power shall knock at thy Gates and break down thy strength 〈…〉 shall prevail against thee Oh thou Mountain I whose Seat is high and whose Power is g●… who hath been able to make War with thee Thou hast swallowed up 〈…〉 and Needy and thou hast eaten up the Innocent as the Ox eateth up 〈…〉 thou hast continued for Ages and thou accountest thy self the most A●… and thou hast been without fear of any man and thou hast not reg●… Honour of my Name but exalted thy self altogether But now saith 〈…〉 the Dread of the Almighty shall come upon thee and the Majesty of 〈…〉 of Hosts shall appear terrible unto thee and thou shalt know there 〈…〉 that can do whatsoever he will and he will wound the mighty Men 〈…〉 shall heal them and he will vex all his Enemies in his Displeasure and 〈…〉 break them and none shall bind them up Thy glory and th● glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whole Earth is as Grass before the Mower and as the Flower of the Field that 〈◊〉 soon withered and thy treasure and the treasure of all Nations is of no respect unto him the Strength of the whole Earth is Weakness before him and the Crowns of Princes he accounteth as the Dust he treadeth over it all and his Everlasting Arm reacheth beyond it all and he is awakened that will strike through Kingdoms and that will stain the glory of the whole Earth and tho● must know his Power and the Cup of his Wrath is full of which all Nations shall drink and none shall escape it Prepare thy self for the Anger of the Lord is gone forth and the Almighty is grieved because of the Abominations of the Earth and he will cast into the Fire and purge and purifie and new mold and correct Rulers Kings and Peoples for he hath long been grieved and born the Iniquity of the Nations but his Long-suffering is well-nigh finished for the Nations have provoked him to Anger and turned his Long-suffering into Fury and he hath put on the Garment of Vengeance and the time is at hand that Sorrow shall take hold on the Stout-hearted when he appears who hath been pierced and Anguish and Pain shall come upon thee and the World and the Day of Trouble and great Distress ye shall not escape the Rod of his Wrath shall smite you The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it And although thou art exalted as a God yet thou shalt be a Man and not a God in his Hand that shall slay thee and although thy Seat has been high yet it shall be laid low as the Ground and thy Honour shall be laid in the Dust for thou art Dust and Ashes before the Lord and thou shalt be no more admired when Destruction shall come upon thee The Lord hath viewed thy Way and Path and they have not been upright before him he hath entred into the Secrets of thine Heart and thy intent hath not been hid from him and that which hath been done in secret shall now be laid open and all secret things shall now be brought to Light and all the Churches shall know that he searches the
God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of him who is now appeared in Power and great Glory to gather his People to Himself This is to go ab●… among all people w●o ar● worshipping in Temp●… made with hands ●nd who are under this Ministry and are of 〈◊〉 Church aforementioned that they may come to consider and see the Er●… of their Way of th●… Worship and of their Mi●… And this is a Visitation from the Lord unto them all by a Friend 〈◊〉 all your Souls E. B. Some False Principles And ERRORS DISCOVERED And REFUTED 〈…〉 Answer to a Catechism-Book which is said to contain The Principles of Religion put forth by a nameless Author But is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton a professed Minister of the Gospel among the Sect of the Independants in Ch●shire But upon true Examination he is found to be teaching the Traditions of Men for the Commandments of Christ and his Principles are proved to be not according but contrary to the SPIRIT of GOD and the Scriptures To the READER THE Reason and Cause of this being sent abroad is for the better Information of all but more particularly for the good of that Assembly to whom Samuel Eaton is Minister and Pastor that they may know the Truth from Error and the Way of Righteousness from all false Wayes and may turn fr●● Idol-Shepherds that destroy the Vine-yard and tread it down and may 〈◊〉 to Christ and receive him who is the chief Shepherd to feed his Flock with the Bread of Eternal Life And the Reason why these False Principles are charged upon Samuel Eaton is this It being doubtful to some who was the Author of that Catechism wherein these Principles and Doctrines were held forth John Gredley and Anne Sheeld by name were with the said Samuel Eaton and asked him If he owned that Book the Catechism and he said He would maintain all in it That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Answer THE Wayes of the Lord are Equal and Just but the wayes of the Sons of Adam are altogether corrupted and different and contrary to the Wayes of Salvation And the Wisdom that is of this World is Foolishness with God and its End is Destruction to its self and to all that walk therein And what is Man that he shall prescribe a Way to his Maker● and who is it that will be more wise then God to ●et him a Way how he must ●…ch his People Therefore in-vain have men laboured and have reaped to ●…selves nothing but Wind and Confusion And in va●● have they sown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reap after them whose Fruit hath been Emptiness and not filled the Hand of the Gatherer And in particular this Book with which I am now ●…ing is the Fruit of an empty Tree which cannot satisfie the hungry 〈◊〉 nor comfort the weary Seeker for the Satisfaction and Comfort of the ●…ing hungry Soul dependeth only upon the Lord and upon the Bread of ●●fe that commeth down from God and the soul that ea●● thereof is ●…ed and comforted forever and hungereth no more nor thirsteth any sl●… but the Fountain is in him and the Well springeth up unto Eternal Life 〈◊〉 goes no more forth And if so be that all herein were true and sou●… Do●… and were learned so as to express it over again in words this might be 〈…〉 the soul still remaining in Anguish and under Sin and Death though 〈◊〉 in the Knowledge that is from below and yet in a farther Ignorance of God for the wisdom of this World knows not God neither can it teach not receive the knowledge of the things that pertain unto Life Eternal but to the S●…e and to Fools doth the Lord teach and reveal the Knowledge of his Kingdom and it is not received from Books nor the Teachings and Tradition of 〈◊〉 〈…〉 by the Manifestation of the eternal Spirit which doth lead into all Truth ●…eveals the Mysteries of Salvation The first thing that I take notice of is this thou sayst God is a Spirit 〈◊〉 he is one in Beeing and is to be distinguished into three Persons and the Father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy Ghost are Personal Relations and if one be a Person such are the other c. Answ. The Father Son and Spirit is one this we believe and know according to the Scriptures but as for thy word Person that is car●… 〈◊〉 ●oo low a word to denominate God by who is Infinite for God and the Spirit hath no Person nor cannot truly be distinguished into Persons for a person has relation to Place Time and Change and is not in all places at all ti●es at ●…e and the Scriptures know no such distinction for God is a Spirit and hath no relation to one Time Place or Alteration more then another but filleth Heaven and Earth and his Presence is in all and over all who is ble●… forever and is infinite and without Person or confined Beeing and the S●…pture no where in true Translation doth denominate God Christ and the Spirit by Persons and Personal Beeings nor doth distinguish them into ●…ee Persons for Persons are related to carnal as I have said and Persons is ●oo low to denominate God and Christ and the Spirit by So thy Principles are unsound and not agreeing to the Spirit of God and the Scriptures and therefore not to be believed nor received Whereas thou sayst That the one standing Rule according to which God is to b●●…ht worshipped and served is the holy Scriptures in which God hath revealed himself in all things which he would have believed and do●e c. Answ. It is the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures which Spirit was and is within the Saints that leadeth into all Truth and teacheth to k●… all things and that Spirit of God only is the standing Rule to walk in and to walk by it was the Rule to Abel Enoch Abraham and the rest of the ●…ly Fathers that lived before any Scripture was written and it was the Ru●… to the Prophets to Christ and to the holy Apostles they all followed the Spirit and walked in it and spake and wrought and acted as the Spirit of God within them moved them and led them it was not the Scriptures but the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures that was the standing unchang●…le un-erring Rule of worshipping serving and obeying the Lord God and that same Spirit is the standing Rule to us also For the Apostle commandeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the Spirit and that which we are to walk in is our Rule And as many 〈◊〉 the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and then the Spirit is their 〈◊〉 and that guides the Feet in the Way of Peace And in the Spirit is God ●…pped For they that worship him must worship him in the Spirit and in the ●… and such he seeketh to worship him For it is in the Hearts of his People 〈◊〉 within them that God revealeth himself by his Spirit For it is the Spirit 〈…〉 the thing ●f
his People with whom you have thus dealt yea you shall suddenly know it the time is not long till he will crown his People in the sight of his Enemies he will crown them with Praise and with Righteousness with Honour and Majesty and he will keep them in safety even when Sorrow compasses you about his Mercy and Loving kindness shall extend towards them even when his Wrath and Judgments doth smite you and confound you O! what shall I say unto you for the deep sence thereof remaines upon my heart for when I consider how that in all Ages the Lord did avenge his Peoples Cause and when the time of their suffering was expired he brake the Bonds of Iniquty and set them free thus did he with his People Israel of old and many times it was his way with his People to bring them low by suffering and then to raise them up again in Glory and he suffered their Enemies for a season to glory over them that he might bring them down and thus he did in England in the case between the Bishops and their crew of Persecuters and the poor People at that day called Puritans Did not he confound that persecuting Crew and deliver his People And is not he the same to effect the same Work at this very day Yea doubtless and much more will he do in as much as the manifestation of Truth is more clear then it was in their dayes and in as much as the Rulers and People of this Nation have rejected a more clear Testimony then either the Papists in Queen Marys dayes or the Bishops and Prelets in their dayes even so much the more will the Lord God execute his Vengeance with more Violence in a more manifest way and all shall know that it is he that doth it and he will set his People free for he hath regarded their Sufferings and he hath said it is enough for he hath tried them and found them faithfull and all this hath been suffered to prove them and not to destroy them and like as he hath preserved them in patience and peace through it all even so will he give them Hearts to walk answerably to their deliverance and as they have abounded in Patience in their Sufferings so shall they abound in Praises everlasting in the day of their Freedom and the Earth shall be glad and shall yield the increase and blessing the Heaven and the Earth shall rejoyce and the Hearts of the Righteous shall leap for joy when the Lord hath broken the Yoke of the Oppressed and set his People free inwardly and outwardly and then shall they sing to the Lord over all their Enemies who shall be tormented and vexed in the Lord 's sore displeasure for their Reward cometh and their Recompence shall be even as work and he will give unto them Sorrow and Anguish instead of rejoycing But again when I consider the long Suffering and patience and forbearance of the Lord 's innocent People under all their Sufferings and when I looked at their innocency and at their Righteousness and Spirit of Holiness with which the Lord hath blessed them my Heart was made glad in the consideration of this and the more was my joy the more I beheld their innocency and the guiltlesness of their Cause whereby the unjustness of their suffering did the more appear and withal when I looked and beheld their increase under all their sufferings and how that the Lord had turned all these things to their good and to the overthrow of all their Enemies how that by that way wherein their Enemies intended to destroy them from being a People even thereby did the Lord most wonderfully increase them to be a great People for through all have they grown in Life and Power and in strength and in number and through it all have they been incouraged to follow the Lord with more zeal and boldness and in the consideration of this I did rejoyce with magnifying the Lord for ever that he had brought forth his Praise even through the wickedness of the Wicked and he had increased his People and exalted them through the cruelty of all their Enemies and that through all Opposition they were attained unto a happy Rest and through all the Tempest of great Trials they were arrived into the Harbour of Renown and great Glory And when I considered this how that the Lord had given them dominion and brought their life to reign over all their Enemies these things were a joy unto me and looking back into Ages seeing there was nothing nor any People for Generations that had grown and risen through all Opposition like unto these wherefore is is a Sign and a Testimony that we are the Lord's and that these things are of him and from him and by him alone that he might be praised for ever Again when I do consider how that the Lord hath raised this People even out of the Dust and them that were not a People are become a People and the Lord hath provoked Nations by them that were not a People within these few years and the Lord has carried on this Work amongst his People not by any thing of Man nor by the Arm of Flesh but in pure innocency and simplicity hath it been accomplished not by the Wisdom of this World nor by men in places of Honour and of Power in the Nations for all that has been wanting to them and what they are it is through the opposition of all this for they have had none of the great men of the Earth on their side to defend them and establish them but all have been against them and even Oppression and Tyranny executed upon them rather then any approbation or justification from men in outward Authority so that truely it may be said that there hath been nothing of man in this Work but all of the Lord by his own Power and in a contrary way to all the false Sects and false Churches hath the beginning and carrying on of these things been for we know that all the false Sects in this Nation have risen and been established through the countenance of men in Place and Power and upon man and the Wisdom of this World and Authority of the Powers of the Earth hath the rise and fall of all false Churches depended and as the Powers of the Earth have sided with them so have they been set up and at the displeasure of Authority have been cast down But as for this People they are raised of the Lord and established by him even contrary to all men and they have given their Power onely to God and they cannot give their Power to any mortal men to stand or fall by any outward Authority and to that they cannot seek but to the Lord alone who heareth their cry and will avenge their cause Wherefore let all the Persecutors bow before the Lord and let all the Saints walk humbly in his sight and let them continue in that
I say would not many Sects ere this day have prevailed one against another had not the Powers of the Earth stopped and limitted whom they would and given liberty to set up whom they would But now the Light of the Day is arisen and hath appeared and the Lord is making a Way to establish his own Religion by his own Power and he is gathering his Seed who shall wax stronger and stronger and shall prevail through all Opposition through all false Sects and false Worships of the Earth and they shall wax weaker and weaker and shall never be established in Righteousness but they and the Power that upholds them shall be broken together and this will the Lord bring to pass in his Day And thus I have shewed you what true Religion is and how it cannot be established and how it may be and what the Authority of earthly Rulers is and how far it extends and do shew that true Religion cannot be settled thereby but by the Lord alone it must and that it is the Work of Christ's Ministry and not of earthly Power by violent Laws to establish Religion And this is a testimony from the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to ye Rulers and Parliaments that make Laws and minister Laws meddle not with Religion to establish one Sect or Sects and to limit and throw down others but fear the Lord God and wait for his Wisdom and remember that that hath been a Rock whereupon many before you have been split and brought into confusion even when they have gone about to limit or stop or establish Religion how have they been confounded and never had success from the Lord to such endeavors for the Lord hath never shewed countenance for many Generations to such as have attempted to make men religious by outward Laws and to settle Nations therein by outward Laws Wherefore now be wise ye Rulers and kiss the Son for the Wrath of the Lord is already kindled and he will break in pieces and dash Babylon's Children against the Stones and confound the great Whore the false Church and all false Sects her Daughters who have been brought forth and set up in Nations ever since the Woman the true Church hath been fled into the Wilderness and the Beast hath carried the Whore born her and upheld her and she hath journeyed through Nations upon the Beast and the Beast hath defended her if any man hath an Ear let him hear and this is a Visitation to ye Rulers and to all that make Laws and minister Laws By a Friend to Righteous Men. E. B. Satan's Design DEFEATED In a Short Answer to a Manuscript sent by a Priest out of Sussex to a Member of this present Parliament full of railing Accusations whereby he hath secretly smitten the Innocent by a secret desiring the Persecution of the People of God But herein his Folly and Madness doth appear that while he hath accused others falsly himself is found guilty of the same thing With Invitations of Love to the present Authority that they may save themselves from being the Executioners of the Priests malice least the Lord destroy them A Certain Paper being come to my hand which is said to be written by one Priest Iackson and sent to a Member of Parliament containing divers Particulars charged as Errors upon the dispised People called Quakers wherein he saith he hath set down some of their Tenents which they maintain unto which Manuscript I am moved to write something in answer as to clear the Truth from his foul Aspertions which he casts upon it to the intent that the said Member of Parliament and the whole House may be better satisfied and resolved wherein they doubt of every Particular that the Truth may appear when as the foul Vail of the Darkness and Slanders is removed That the Holy Scriptures are not the Word of God nor the Saints Rule of Faith and Life neither is it the duty of every one to search them Answ. The Holy Scriptures that were given forth by the Spirit of the Lord as holy men of God were moved they are the Words of God and a Declaration and a Treatise Luke 1. 1. and that which the Saints had handled and tasted of the Word of Life that they declared forth in Words and Writings Acts 1. 1. and the Scriptures as they were given forth by the Spirit of God are a true Declaration of what is to be believed and practised in relation to eternal Salvation It is a true Testimony concerning God and his mighty Works and of Truth and Righteousness and it is a Testimony also of the Devil and what he is and of his Deceits and Errors and U●righteousness so the Scriptures are Words given forth by the Spirit but Christ is the Word that was before the Scriptures were for in the begining was the Word of God and the World was made by it and the Word shall endure for ever and Christ's Name is called the Word of God And though the Scriptures are profitable and were given forth to be read and to be fulfilled yet they are not the Rule and Guide of Faith and Life unto the Saints but the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures that is the Rule and Guide the Teacher and Leader into all Truth and them that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God and if you walk in the Spirit saith the Apostle you shall live and as many as walk acording to this to wit of the Spirit Peace is upon them and so the Spirit of God is the Rule of the Saints Faith and Life and the Spirit leads them to walk in the fulfilling of the Scriptures and according to them And as for all the Priests in England who do profess the Scriptures to be their Rule out of their own Mouthes will God judge them who are found walking contrary to the Scriptures in Life and Doctrine and Practises while they cry it up for their Rule and condemn all that will not say as they ●ay And the last part of this Proposition is utterly false for we never do assert that it is not the duty of every one to search them but we bid every one search the Scriptures and every one ought to search them but yet we say that none understands them but who have the Spirit that gave them forth nor none can profit thereby but by the Spirit that gave them forth which works the same Truth in the Heart which the Scriptures without declare of and this I do affirm they are the Words of God and the Spirit of God is the Rule of Faith and Life to the Saints and all men ought to search the Scriptures and to believe what is therein written and to receive and enjoy Christ who is the Substance and the End of all Things the first and last the beginning and ending and in him the Scriptures are fulfilled and finished They do deny the Doctrine of the Trinity and that Christ
single Eye be watchful that all things in good Order may be kept amongst you that the Name of the Lord may be a Renown and his Truth kept without Blemish and your Authority in the Truth may be known a Terror upon the Wicked My dear Friends whom I judge to be Honest and Faithful this was I moved to write to you as the dear Remembrance of my dear Love and I do from the Lord commit it to you to fulfil the will of God in these things and the Lord bless you all with Wisdom and Counsel and with Power and Strength and the Lord give you Authority that you may reign with all them that come amongst you in the Name of the Lord and over all them that come in their own name The Lord bless you with a perfect Understanding in these things and my Spirit even the Spirit of the Father be upon you all to teach you perfectly in all things My Love and Life is amongst you who desires nothing more then the Prosperity of the Lord's Truth amongst you The Grace of God be with you all Amen This is to be read amongst you when you are met together whom the Lord hath set to order things in his Wisdom and this is to all the Faithful amongst you Kingstone 1659. E. B. To the Churches in New-England Barbadoes and other Islands TO the Seed of God and to all that are called of him and unto all you that are hungering and thirsting after the Lord in Truth and Righteousness in New-England Barbadoes Mevis and the rest of the Islands where the Lord hath a People to gather the Father's Love through me doth slaute you all whose Faces are set towards Sion abundantly desiring for you in the Spirit of the Father that Grace Mercy and Truth from God may richly abound amongst you and in all your Hearts that at his coming who hath given to every one of you a Measure of his Treasure he may receive his own from you with encrease that you also may enter into the Reward which is Eternal Life unto all that are called and are found faithful Wherefore arise and awake all ye that have been scattered and strayed from the Lord and come forth thou oppressed Seed of Israel out of the Darkness and Bondage and Oppression with which thou hast been loaded for many Ages whilst a long Night of Darkness and Blindness hath been over thee I say Awake and come forth for now thy Light is risen and the Glory of the Father shall rest upon thee and thy Bonds shall be broken and thy Oppression shall cease for thy King shall Reign in Righteousness over all his Enemies and they shall become his Foot-stool and his Dominion shall be enlarged to the utmost parts of the Earth Dearly Beloved be assured of this That the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is doing great things his Day-spring from on High hath visited us and his Light hath shined into our Tabernacle and his Arm hath taken hold of Strength to Redeem the Oppressed People and he hath reached forth to us from his holy Habitation out of his Everlasting Loving-kindness and hath caused us to reach forth to others from his own Life revealed in us that they may know what God hath done for his People and may also receive of the same Salvation and may taste handle and feel of the Life which is manifest of which we are Witnesses and the Lord hath spoken who can but declare and he hath lifted up his Standard to gather the Nations that he may search and seek out his Sheep and this I declare unto you and withal am willing to discover and make manifest the Way and Means whereby the Lord doth bring ●●●vation to his People and love constrains me knowing the Lord hath a Seed amongst you unto which my Testimony will be acceptable wherefore all people turn ye turn ye for the Lord calleth unto you harken unto his Testimony which speaketh in you even the Light of Chri●● Jesus with which every one of 〈◊〉 are enlightened and search your Hearts and feel what the Lord witnesseth unto you and what his Testimony in you giveth evidence of for who walks in Pride in Wickedness in Vanity and in the Pleasures of the World and acteth against God's Witness in their Consciences such are in a State to be condemned of the Lord because they act that and speak that which is reproved with the Light shewing that they are in a State unreconciled to God their Works shewing them to be evil Trees that cumber the Ground who are to be hewen down and cast into the Fire and therefore be not deceived in your selves neither let any man deceive you with a Profession or Conceit of a Justification by Christ while yet Iniquity and Transgression and the Evil of the World are lived in and not wholly denyed for to the Wicked there is no Peace from God but the Wicked are condemned by him and the Light in their own Consciences is witness against them Therefore all come to the Light which Christ hath lightened you withal which will manifest unto you your own Condition and whether it be justified or condemned of God and believe not against the Light nor hope not against God's Witness for they that do so their Faith and Hope is vain but what the Light testifies in you that believe And all you that may find your selves sinners loaden with Iniquity and that are the Servants of Sin and have no power over Temptations believe in that Light which gives you to see this and wait till the Power of God be made manifest in you to cleanse your Hearts and to judge out all Unrighteousness for Christ hath not taken away your Sins while you daily bring them forth into the World by Action but whose sins he hath taken away them he hath washed and cleansed from their sins and given them power to resist and overcome all Temptations wherefore wait upon the Lord all ye that are afflicted because of your sins the Day of a great Deliverance is approaching and mind the Light which lets you see Sin that is the Gift of God's Love unto you which will draw you from the love of the World and crucifie your Affections and Desires which go after it and if you mind the Light of Christ in you it will judge and condemn every Motion that ariseth in the Heart towards Evil and the Temptation being judged you will not fall into Sin but will be preserved from Sin and that which doth preserve you from the committing of that Sin unto which you are tempted doth blot out and forgive all the Sins that ever you have acted and that will witnes Reconciliation and Peace with God unto you as you come to be changed and renewed in your Hearts and Minds to be created in the second Adam his Image to bear and to follow his Spirit And Friends search your Hearts and let the Lord search you and judge you for him must
nought and let it be left off to cry out Deceivers and Heresie c. and causing any to suffer upon suspition thereupon but bring all things to light and true Judgment that what is proved to be the Truth may be owned and not persecuted any more for we are willing to be made manifest to all men and if any thing be objected against us which may not be sufficiently answered and resolved to sober men then our Enemies are more free and hath whereof to glory in against us but and if all occasion of stumbling be removed by Answers according to the Scriptures and our Principles Practices and Doctrines thereby vindicated then let all the Teachers and all our Adversaries shut their Mouthes from biting at us and railing against us and accusing of us to thee and let thy Ear be shut from believing Lyes against the Innocent and let none suffer in thy Dominion under the cruelty of men upon such a ground And hereof I shall be glad to receive an answer and to joyn issue in this Cause and in the mean time and alwayes am a Lover of thy Soul but a witness against all Oppression E. B. This was delivered to his hands at Hampton Court in the 4th Moneth 1658. For the Protector Friends Know that there is a God that doth whatsoever he will all power is in his hand and he bringeth to pass the Counsel of his own heart and he rules in the kingdoms of men and bringeth down and setteth up he killeth and maketh alive and he changeth times and seasons and Governments and bringeth to nought the counsels of men for all power in Earth and in Heaven is in him and all his doings are right and his wayes are equal and thou and all Mankind are as Clay in the hand of the Potter he can honour and exalt as he pleaseth and he can mar and break to pieces and dishonour whensoever he will wherefore be humble and low in heart before him for he is the highest power that subdueth all things under his feet if he wound who can heal and if he kill there is none can make alive and know thou it is the Lord God Almighty that doth this in whose hands are the Issues of life and death and he it is who can break thee down and build thee up who can wound thee and restore thee and bring thee to destruction and say unto thee return and to know him that doth this belongs to thy eternal peace Wherefore hearken thou to the Word of the Lord that thy soul may come out of death and live and fear the Lord God before whom thy heart is naked and bare who can mould thee and change thee and fulfill his pleasure upon thee even according to his own will and who shall say what doth he and now come to consideration and let thy heart be more upright before him and chuse his way and counsel that he may bless thee and seek his face to behold his countenance that thy soul may be satisfied by his Word and the Milk of the Word may nourish thee unto life Immortal and mind his pure presence which is life even God with thee Christ the Emmanuel to dwell with and walk in thee which is the promise of the Father and first come to the Principle of God and feel the Word of God in thy heart that will beat down the nature into which Temptations enter and the Word will bring thee to war against and overcome all thy Enemies which would defile thee or betray thee and it will bring thee to know a Birth Immortal born in thee and a Crown Immortal received from God that dies not nor fades not away and then he that rules over Heaven and Earth will be thy Shepherd to feed thee and thy Teacher to guide thee and thy Counsellor to direct thee in all things and thy immortal Soul will be satisfied with the Bread that cometh down from Heaven which the Father giveth and the Covenant of God and the Mercies of David that are sure will be revealed and his Promise fulfilled in thee and Life and Immortality brought to Light through the Gospel which is the Power of God which destroyes and puts off and confounds the first man and his knowledge and wisdom and his sin and righteousness all which is in Transgression against the Life of God and the Gospel the Power of God being received it will raise up the Seed of God in thee and bring thee to know the second Adam the Image of the Father which the Devil hath nothing in but he overcomes the Devil who hath been the Lamb Slain by Transgression since the Foundation of the World and he it is that comes out of death that must take away thy sin and destroy it and cover thy nakedness and create thee anew and give thee acceptance in the Father whereby thy soul in him may be refreshed and a habitation in him thou mayst have when this World is no more and for this thou oughtest to wait above all things And Friend thou hast need of the Wisdom of God which is from Heaven to guide thee in all thy affairs that by it thou may be preserved from the will of thine Enemies and from all that hate thee that their Eye may be blinded that watch for Evil and their Wisdom and Policy confounded and brought to nought that hatch Mischief against thee So feel a Measure of the Wisdom of God in thee to guide thee in Dread and Authority and thy Enemies will be afraid for to walk in the Fear of the Lord and in his Wisdom and Authority in Justice Truth and Righteousness that will make thee a greater Terror unto thy Enemies then all Worldly Policy and Craft the Nations will over-reach thee if thy strength be there and if Judgment Justice and Righteousness be neglected by thee how should the Lord Honour thee and Defend thee Nay he will bring Dishonour and give thee into the Will of thy Enemies For want of Truth and just Judgment causeth the Land to Mourn and her People to sit as a Widdow comfortless wherefore love Judgment Truth and Righteousness and walk therein and thou wilt leave a Praise behind thee and a Witness to other Ages that thou hast served the Lord in thy Generation and then thy Memorial shall never dye nor thy Name come into Reproach among the Heathen Wherefore let all Oppression be removed and let the Just go free and let Judgment and Righteousness run down and be thou a Praise and a Blessing to all that do Well and a Terror and a Dread to all the contrary Arise and stand up for the Lord and he will give thee Strength and Victory and will make thy Horn as Iron and thy Hoof as Brass to push down and tread under the high places of Idolatry in all the apostatized Churches both Papist and others out of the Life of the Apostles and as thou comest into the Life the Apostles were in
moved of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to be written for thy Instruction from Him THere is a Great and Mighty and Innumerable People come and coming up out of Egypts Land travelling towards the Land of Rest promised of the Lord 〈◊〉 them to be obtained and enjoyed by them and they do and have sojou●ned Strangers in these Nations over whom thou are called to Rule and appointed ●●ief Governour this seven years and greatly are and have they been afflicted and oppressed and even trodden down through unjust Judgment and unrigh●… Dealing by the Rulers and Inhabitants of the Land and all the dayes of thy Father the late Protector they were held in great Captivity and Bondage and unrighteous men made them a Prey and laid heavy Yoaks of cruel S●●●●rings upon them and daily increased their Task and something thy Father did for them in their Journey of great Distress yet but a little of what the Lord required of him and what the Lord looked for that he might have done for P●●er was in his hands given him of the Lord but he was not fully obedi●●● and therefore was the Lord's Hand stretched out somewhat against him 〈◊〉 his Family and he was smitten of the Lord and suddenly taken away in Judgment for he hearkened not to the Counsel of the Lord concerning that People neither did fully relieve them from Oppression but slighted many War●●●●● from the Lord and the Day of his Visitation passed over and Death took 〈◊〉 away in Disobedience while this People were yet under great Oppressions for he left above a hundred of them in Prisons unjustly suffering for right eousness sake and not for Evil-doing and in this he fulfilled not the Will of God but left his Name and Glory somewhat stained because of these things and though the Lord chose him and shewed Love unto him gave him Power over his Enemies and made him an Instrument in his Hand to break down great Oppressions yet he was not obedient to the end to do my Will saith the Lord but left something ●●●one which he was truly called unto Now this innumerable People that is come and coming up as aforesaid are them called Quakers and this Egypts Land is that great Darkness Ignorance and Wickedness and false Wayes and worships in the Apostacy and fleshly bondage to sin and death which all the World and Kindreds and Multitudes that are unconverted to God live and walk in and that Land of Rest promised to which they travel is the peaceable and quiet dwelling with the Lord free from the heavy oppression of Sin and Iniquity and cruelties of men and free in the exercise of their pure Consciences by the Spirit of the Lord as it shall move and lead them into all Truth and their sojourning as Strangers is their denying and despising the World and all its glories and walking in the daily Cross of Christ whereby they are crucified to the love and respect and renown and honours of the world and are come ●●t of Kindreds Tongues and People counting the reproach for Christ great Riches not respecting men but the Lord altogether in all things and also their suffering unrighteously false imprisonment and spoiling of their goods for Righteousness sake this is their sojourning as Strangers And that something that thy Father did for them is he released many of them divers times out of Prifons where they were unjustly cast and he signified sometimes his displeasure against them that made them suffer and shewed love to them in hearing their Innocent Cause with some respect thereunto and that which he did not which he might have done is He took not away Tythes that Cause of great Oppression to many nor the Unrighteous Laws wholy as he ought to have done and as the Lord required of him And know thou from the Lord That this same People are the People of the Lord and beloved of him and as dear to him as the Apple of his Eye and his Presence is with them and he leads them as a Flock by his Spirit into all Truth and who shall Bless them shall be Blessed but he that acts against them shall not prosper but be smitten of the Lord for their Cause will the Lord plead in his Judgments and avenge them of their Enemies and the Dread of the Lord God shall fall heavy upon the heads of their Persecutors and though they are hated of all men and under great Afflictions yet are they a Just People and Innocent seeking the Good of all men and are Peaceable towards all and receiving all manner of Wrongs and Evil and Speakings against them by Ungodly Men but they render to no man Evil for Evil but bless them that curse and do good to their Enemies and bear all things from all men in Long-suffering and Patience for they are learned in the Practices in doing and suffering of the Holy Apostles and Prophets and are of the Seed of Abraham who was the Friend of God and they were thy Father's Friends and are not Enemies to thee nor to righteous Government but wish well unto thee in the Lord and that thou mayst not be destroyed in Wickedness but be established in Righteousness and Peace in thy Government to rule in God's Authority over all Wicked Men that may seek thy hurt And we desire for thee that the Lord may give thee Wisdom and a perfect Understanding and the Spirit of just and sound Judgment to judge Righteously in all things and to settle the Government in true Judgment that the Principle of God in every man may answer to it in defending preserving and protecting all that walk in Truth Righteousness being a Terror to all Evil-doer for for that end is Rule and Government ordained of God amongst men to be a Praise to all that do Well and a Terror to all that do Evil. And now the Lord having suffered it to be brought to pass that thou art set up in thy Father's stead to be chief Ruler amongst men this the Lord God Almighty requires of thee as thou hopest to prosper and be blessed in this Life and to enjoy Life Eternal when this World is passed away and this is the Word of the Lord God unto thee Be Humble Meek and Lowly in Heart and exalt not thy own Horn nor seek not this World's Honour but seek the Lord with thy whole Heart and let Justice and true Judgment and Righteous Government which is according to the Law of God be set up and exalted in the Nations and come to know in thy self the Dominion and Authority of the Lord God over Sin and Transgression and to keep down and condemn all that which is contrary to God in thy own Heart and that will make thee a Dread and a Terror to Men and Nations and then the Lord will be thy Crown and his People will rejoyce in thee and lift up their Hearts to God for thee If thou throwest down and abolishest all Unrighteous
Laws and Decrees which have been set up in the days of Ignorance and yet stand whereby the Lord 's dear Children are afflicted and oppressed at this day and establishest such a Government which is justly according to God in which Righteousness and Truth Justice and true Judgment may run down and all the contrary may be stopped and chained and limited and confounded and then that which thy Father le●t undone the Lord will fulfil through thee And doing these things the Lord would make thee truly Honourable and Happy and Blessed in this life and in the Life to come but in doing the contrary the Lord will make thee a Curse and take thee away in his Judgments and thy Name shall be left a Reproach to Ages forever And if thou Rulest in Oppression and Cruelty and sufferest the Innocent to be Destroyed for want of True Judgment then shall thy Dayes be Fewer then thy Father's if thou be Disobedient to him the Lord shall cut thee off and thy Memorial shall Ro● and this is the Word of the Lord God to thee And as for this Afflicted and Sojourning People They desire nothing to thee but Truth and Peace and Righteousness and no more of thee but Justice and true Judgment and that they and their little Ones which to them are brought forth may sojourn in Peace and quietly pass through the Nations till they come to the Land of Promise and they may not carry of the Glory nor Riches of this World with them nor seek great Places of Honour from thee nor be hurtful to thee nor the People nor to Mankind in their sojourning only what the Lord Commands them that they must do and what he forbids that they must not do For they have chosen the Lord to be their Leader and to give him their Obedience in all things and thy Government so far as it is according to God they will not destroy nor rebel against but are true Friends thereunto and subject in all things And if thou walkest with the Lord and chusest him for thy Councellor and abasest thy self and altogether exalt him and preserve his People that fear him then shalt thou prosper and thy Name shall be greater then was thy Father's and the Numberless Number of this now distressed People will be unto thee a Strength and stand by thee in thy Day of Trouble and defend thee and thy just Government and their hearts shall cleave to thee and thou shalt prosper for their sakes and none of thy Enemies shall have power over th●e to Destroy thee though many may seek for thy life Wherefore my Friend Awake awake and now consider The Day of thy Visitation is present and thy Father's is past and now thou hast a time to gain unto thy self Everlasting Honour and Renown or otherwise to leave thy Name a Curse and a Reproach for evermore Do thou hearken to the Voice of the Lord and fear his Dreadful Name and bow before our God that made Heaven and Earth who rules in the Kingdoms of Men and pulleth down one and setteth up another at his Pleasure and as he will and he will make thee know that he lives and reigns over all and doth whatsoever he will and if he smites thee none shall heal thee and if he wounds thee none shall comfort thee Therefore take him for thy Councellor and beware of the wicked Counsels of men for thou hast may Enemies and they would rejoyce to see thy Fall and if the Lord be not on thy side thou canst not long stand but if thou be obedient to him and preservest his People and breakest down all Oppression then thy Enemies shall fall and thy Foot shall tread them down and the Terror of the Lord shall be upon all that hate thee but thus shall it be done unto thee if thou be disobedient to him and rejectest his Counsel by his Servant I am thy Friend and a Lover of thy Soul and seek thy Happiness in this World and in the World to come known to many by the name of Edward Burroughs The Original of this was delivered to him a few dayes after he was proclaimed Protector To thee Richard Cromwel chosen to be Protector and chief Magistrate Governour of these Nations of England Scotland and Ireland a faithful Presentation and Salutation by a Servant of the Church WE are rightly and truly sensible in all things of the Mighty Hand of the Lord God who brings all things to pass by his own Power and according to his Will and in Heaven and Earth and over the Kingdoms of men he ruleth and reigneth he buildeth up and breaketh down he planteth and plucketh up and he pulleth down one and setteth up another and who may say What dost thou or Why dost thou it for he is a Great God and Mighty and his Majesty is terrible and all things in Heaven and Earth and all the Sons of Men are at his disposure whose Dominion is from Everlasting to Everlasting and he may be feared and had in Reverence by all Creatures that have Life and Breath And in particular we are sensible of his Great and Mighty Power who hath of late Years in these Nations once and again overturned and overthrowed and changed at his Pleasure Times and Powers and Authorities and Dominions and he hath brought down the Mighty from their Seats and stained the Crowns and Glories of the Honourable and broken the Stout-hearted and the Oppressors of their Governments as Potsherd one against another and made the Highest of Men of no respect before him for he hath pulled down and set up whom he would according to his Will and in all these things hath his Hand been the very Doer and Accomplisher thereof that he might be known and feared amongst all people through the whole Earth who is the Dread and Terror of Men and Nations And as for thy Father the late Protector Great things and Honourable did the Lord do for him in raising him up and casting out his Enemies before him and giving him Victory and Power and Renown through Nations and we know the Lord shewed Favour to him and gave him Strength Wisdom and Valour and a right Spirit and he was called of God into that great Work to subdue the grievous Cruelty once ruling over tender Consciences and to break down the great Oppressions which for Ages had caused the Just to groan and the Lord was with him in Victory and went before him and was his Defence and preserved him from great Dangers and from the Wills of all his Enemies and made him prosperous against them all but yet we know to say no more of him He did not wholy fulfil the Will of the Lord nor the Work which he begun but became Disobedient and abused his great Deliverances and Authority and did not set free the Oppressed altogether but left Mountains of Oppression and grievous Yoaks of Bondage unbroken down and unsubdued and the Lord smote him and took him away
lay it upon you as being the present Authority that have Power to do it That you speedily order the removing of this Oppression of forced Maintenance to Ministers out of the Nation and that no man henceforth be compelled or forced to maintain Ministers and Ministry by Tythes or Money or otherwise but that every man be left free to give what and how much as he pleaseth to what Minister as he will only if any do hire a Minister and promise so much then it is Equity that he that is hired have the benefit of the Law to receive what he is promised by force if he cannot freely But let not any people be forced by your Law to hire Ministers neither one sort to maintain another peoples Minister but let every sort of people live under what Ministry and hear whom they please and also maintain their own Ministers that labour for them and this is reasonable and would content all the Faithful People for it is wholy unequal that any people should be forced and compelled to mantain another peoples Minister which doth no work for them and it is also wholy inconsistent with the good Government of a Common-wealth and absolute contrary to Christian-Liberty and is a very Chain of Antichrist upon the good People and the main Cause of Heart-burnings and Strifes and Envyings among Subjects and one of the chief Props of Deceivers and false Ministers that covet to run after great Benefices and care not for Souls and also the God of Heaven is vexed with this Abomination and it is certain that you and these Nations shall never be established in true and perfect Peace and Unity while this Oppression remaineth nor till that in all things Conscience be let free to the Exercise of the Spirit of God Wherefore I am come to your door on the behalf of the Lord all his People and I cry ten thousand with me in Spirit of the free People of your Nation Let this Unreasonable Oppressive and Antichristian Practice of forcing Maintenance to Ministers be speedily removed out of our Land and let the Persons Estates and Conscionces of your faithful Friends be freed from this cruel Burden that they have long born by your and their very Enemies And also I lay it upon you that you clear and free your selves in all things from the false Church and be not Servants to her drink not her Cup of Fornications neither in any thing carry the Whore and hereby should that long born and heavy Yoak of Antichrist be removed that hath laid upon the good People's Persons Estates and Consciences and false Ministers that run for Hire and not to win Souls who are Oppressors should hereby be limitted and the Faithful Ministers of Christ who are sent of him would be the more encouraged to minister freely who have received freely and this would be the way to bring Blessings and Peace amongst us and to rejoyce the Hearts of the Righteous and to stop the spirit of Oppression and hereby you would be made Honourable and the Lord himself glorified and his People a free People So that for these Causes it is upon me to demand it of you that you remove the Oppression aforesaid of forcing Maintenance for Ministers and leave every sort of people free to maintain their own Ministers as the Lord shall lead them For this was the Way in the true Churches The Ministers ' of Christ did eat of the Milk of the Flock which they kept and of the Fruit of the Vineyard which they 〈◊〉 planted Freely given them and they reaped carnal things where they sowed Spiritual yet as a Free Gift unto them and not by Force nor as a Debt for this way of forcing Maintenance was never in beeing among the true Churches but is of the false Church both in its Original and in its standing to this day and out of her Cup who hath made Nations drunk hath our Nation drunk this Abomin●tion and Oppression and it is the remainder and one of the strongest parts of the Whore of Rome yet left in England and it is full time to be removed clean away from us and if you do it then shall we have cause to believe that you intend well to the Nations and our long decayed Hopes concerning you will be again revived and our Faith will be encreased that you will yet suffer Righteousness and Mercy to flourish if you take off every Oppression and make the People free but if you do it not but will be the Imposers of Unrighteous things upon the People under you and will carry the Whore and yet drink her Cup and compel others to drink it Then the Lord will break you to pieces and bring Freedom to this Nation some other way and you and they and the Beast and the Whore and your Oppressious shall all fall together and sink as a Stone into the Sea and your Remembrance shall be blotted out and perpetually perish and these are the Words of the Lord God unto you wherefore that you may live in true Honour and not Perish in perpetual Shame and that the Lord may bless you and not make you a Curse and that the Lord's People may pray for you and not against you I say consider in the Fear of God and with a willing Mind grant this my Desire and in so doing you fulfil the Will of the Lord and thereby be established over all your Enemies Many things more on the Lord's behalf I have to demand of you but this for present from a Lover of Righteousness and a Friend to this Nation London the 12th of the 7th Moneth 1659. Edward Burroughs A MESSAGE TO THE Present Rulers OF ENGLAND VVhether Committy of Safety so called Council of Officers or Others whatsoever Delivered unto them by an Ambassadour from the only right Heir of the Government whose Right alone it is to Rule And by special Authority and Commission from him this is sent unto them that they may hear and fear and learn Wisdom and may deliver up the proper Right of the only King unto him that they may be blessed but on the contrary dependeth their DESTRUCTION THese things were upon me to deliver even by Speech and word of Mouth to the present Men in Power that they might be warned lest they Perish But no way being made for me so to do I have written what was upon me even as short as possibly I could and in as little compass as might be having hinted at things which might more largely been spoken to And I order this to be Printed and given to their particular hands with speed FRIENDS MY Master is a High and Mighty and Powerful Prince and very Honourable and Fear Reverence Respect and Subjection belongs to him alone from you and all Mankind he is Wise and Understanding and of great Strength and his Dominion is from Everlasting to Everlasting and he can do whatsoever he will in Heaven and Earth for he rules with his
Iron Rod over the world and whatsoever he saith it is done for his Word is an Everlasting Command If he saith to a man Live it is so if he saith to a man Dye it cometh to pass and if he give Peace to a Man or a Nation none can make War and if he make War with a Person or in a Nation no man is able to make Peace For why he hath all Power in his Hand and to him all Judgment and Authority is given he is the Son of the Living God the Everlasting Creator he was and is and is to come his Eye beholdeth all things and his Arm compasseth Heaven and Earth and what his Purpo●● is he hath alwayes and will ever bring it to pass if he set up Rulers they must Rule and if he pull them down none can hinder whom he will he Honoureth and if it be his Pleasure he bringeth men to Shame if he break a Nation down none can build it up and if he confound Powers and Authorities in the Kingdoms of men they all fall as withered Grass before him ●ehold ye men He is so Great and Mighty and of so great Authority that whatsoever he saith it is done and whatsoever he willeth it cometh to pass and none is able to resist him and overcome his Power when his Pleasure is to accomplish a Work by him all things are that be and all things live that have Life and through him all things move and of his Fulness every Creature in Heaven and Earth receive And this my Master is altogether Honourable in Birth and otherwise and altogether Mighty in all his Works he is Just and Merciful full of Goodness Righteousness and Truth all Vertue dwells in him and his Judgement and Mercy his Authority and Meekness and his Wrath and his Love they are Companions And what are ye before him or How shall ye be able to resist him or to turn backward what his Purpose is concerning you and this Nation for ye have no Beeing nor Breath without him Behold ye men ye are verily as the Dust before the Wind so are ye to him soon blown away and your Place not found as the Grass before the Mower so are ye before him soon cut down and withered and your Beauty utterly extinguished as a Potters Vessel under an Iron Rod even so are you to him he can immediately break you never to be bound up as a Drop to the Fountain so are you to him soon dryed up and made nothing Wherefore ye Men ye Mortal Creatures ye Ignorant Persons Sons of a Transgressor ye Dust and Ashes for thus you are in comparison of him this Mighty Prince hearken to his Message which cometh to you from him Hear and Fear and be not Stout-hearted against the Lord God that is about to speak unto you As for this little Island of England wherein your present Place and Beeing is It is an Island which the Lord hath shewed great Favour unto in Ages past and in this present Time and I must tell you he hath a Purpose of Love towards it and to Honour it in the view of the World though through great Tribulations and he hath an intent of great Good unto it For he hath a Seed a precious Seed in it scattered abroad and he hath a People that fear his Name and have walked in his Wayes and he hath made them and elected them and what they are it is by him that he may dwell among them and have the whole Government over them all yea he hath a speedy Purpose verily concerning this Nation and he will purifie it in Judgment and refine its Inhabitants through the Fire of Tribulations that it may be pleasant to him and fit to do his Will He hath a purpose to work some great thing in it I must tell you as he hath said unto me so to do He will have his Name exalted and reverenced in this Island and his Terror shall be sent out of it through the World and his Branch from it shall spread over the Earth he doth purpose in his season to take it into his own hand and to sway the Government thereof with his own Scepter and to set up Righteousness alone and to overthrow all Oppressions and Oppressors and the Kingdoms of this World must become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ. True it is Such hath been the coming to pass of Time and of Things for many Ages by past that my Master hath been as it were banished from the Nation and hath not been suffered to enjoy his Right but hath been expelled even as it were by the force of Satan and Antichrist who hath long usurped Authority over the Inhabirants of this Nation and in my Master's absence Lamentable Injustice Cruelty Unmercifulness Tyranny and Oppression hath been exercised upon the Inhabitants and the poor Creatures have been held in great Slavery by their Rulers that have ruled by the Dragon's power and been kept in great Blindness and Ignorance and under great Oppression both in Body and Spirit by Antichristian Teachers for this many Years even while the great King hath been absent and as it were gone into a far Country even all this time hath Antichrist and the Devil ruled and reigned and hath made and executed Oppressing and Tyrannical Laws and Decrees both in Church and State and all the Nation hath been out of right Order and laid waste and barren of good Fruit and it hath been as a Wilderness by reason hereof and men that have ruled for many years have not ruled singly by my Master's Authority but by another power though not without the knowledge of my Lord neither as though he had not Power to have done otherwise but for his own Pleasure he hath suffered it thus to be and let men go on to rule and govern in their own Wills and after their own Lusts and people have walked wickedly towards him and towards one another and all this he hath suffered not as if he gave Toleration for it for his Messengers now and then and his Witness in peoples Consciences have been reproving their Ungodly wayes and he hath often shewed his dislike by divers Wayes and Tokens and many Judgments and strange Overturning to the way and proceeding of both Rulers Prophets and Teachers of this Nation but yet they have gone on against his Mind and contrary to his Will notwithstanding his Reproofs and Judgments not that he had not Power to have executed his Pleasure in Wrath upon them and to have destroyed them altogether and have made the Nation a Heap and as nothing long before this day for Power was in his Hand to have done it But he hath been Long-suffering and of great Patience and born all things and taken the Injustice and Cruelty and Wickedness and Idolatry and all Unrighteousness that hath abounded in the Nation upon himself and suffered under it and born it for its season while woful and lamentable Oppressions have
changeable and alterable for as the Iniquity of one Power was filled up that was cast down and another had its Day till the measure of the first was also filled up that he might partake of the same Iudgements And in all these Overturnings breakings-down and Overthrowings the very Hand of my Lord hath been though secretly and not discerned yet his Power hath brought about and suffered all these things to come to pass and who shall charge him with Injustice or who shall say What hast thou done or Why hast thou done it For as I have said He is a High and Mighty Prince and can do whatsoever he will and he is the Supream Power and Authority which rules and reigns in and over all the Kingdoms of Men. And what though he hath used wicked men as an Instrument to accomplish his Work and made the Wicked his Rod and even brought it to pass that one Wickedness should destroy another and one Oppressor break down another and the Kingdom of Antichrist confound it self yet what of all these things All Flesh must be silent before him and all People and the whole Earth must be subject unto him for the Government and Dominion over Heaven and Earth is his and all Power and Dominion belongeth to him alone and all Judgment is in his Hand to bring to pass whatsoever he will and by whomsoever as he pleaseth But now my Friends Though I would not he tedious to you yet must I tell you the Truth and faithfully deliver the Lord's Message unto you and as concerning this last Overturning there was something of the Hand of my Lord in it and he can and will bring forth his own Work and Praise by it and it shall be for the Good of all his People that wait upon him though there was much Ambition and corrupted Ends in the Instruments and neither part were perfectly single to the Lord in their proceedings but their work was tasted with the False Idolatrous spirit of Self-seeking Yet notwithstanding the Lord may bring forth his Government and his pleasant Plant through and beyond all this even out of another Root which yet appears not among either of them and Righteousness may arise in the Nation contrary to both of them out of another Stem and he will set up his Kingdom and in the mean time leave one Potsherd of the Earth to break another And as for you that now sit on the Throne and bear Rule whether Committy of Safety so called chiefly though it is not without my Master for he hath the knowledge of it at least yet you are not the only men of his choice truly called of him to the Place of Government neither is your Government the Government of the Lamb neither must it be forever established by him its Foundation is not Blessed nor can its Building be prosperous For why Alas it is but another Horn of that fourth Beast that hath been made to rule over the World and upon the Earth for many Generations and it is but hitherto a very little refined from the last and is of the last even as the Eighth was of the Seventh spoken of by that Servant Rev. 17. 11. and it may also make War with the Lamb and his Followers for a little season and it may have a small measure of Injustice and Persecution to bring forth in the Land even till the Words of God be fulfilled and his Kingdom be fully come the way of which is but yet preparing by all these Overturnings and this your present Government originally is leavened with the spirit of the old Dragon that hath killed the Saints and drunk their Blood and how should the Lord establish it Nay your Kingd●● may prove but small and little and full of Uproars and Troubles and little 〈◊〉 and Satisfaction and Establishment in it to your selves nor the People under you 〈◊〉 Confusion will attend it and Fears will compass it about Though this I must tell you as you are men You have your Day of Tryal what you will do as many ●●●ers have had before you and something you may and ought to do if but to make the Whore the false Church more naked and to scourge her more then some others have done and indeed my Lord requires something more of you as such to do then others before you could do and you have a Price 〈◊〉 into your hands which you may improve to the Lord's Honour and to the Nations Good and to your own Happiness which if you be faithful to the Lord to do what he requires of you and if you become meek and humble men and ●●●r his Name and deny your selves and not seek your own Honours nor ●●y ●●rthly Advantage to your selves if you do thus then my Lord will shew Mercy to you and you shall not suddenly fall before your Enemies though many may 〈◊〉 up against you but your dayes shall be leng●hened and the Purpose of 〈◊〉 ●●●d may be turned to your longer continuance and not to your sudd●n D●…ion and if you walk in this Way and Rule only for the Lord then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be hoaoured as men if not as an Authority and you and the Nation 〈◊〉 in Peace and the force of the wick●d shall be turned backward and 〈◊〉 shall not suddenly fall And the late sundry Overturnings in this Nation ●●y be Examples to you that you follow ●●t the steps of those that God hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lest you come to the same end of Confusion and Misery For as con●●●●ing that Assembly of Men that last sate on the Throne something was do●● by them in their day and time and in both their Assemblings in some things they served my Lord and they were a Rod in his Hand to smite his Enemies yet they were not faithful to the End till all his Enemies were destroyed but rather joyned themselves to fight against the Lord and his People and were ●…ing on towards the way of Oppression and Persecution and it was time for the Lord to remove them and to lay them aside as an empty Vessel sometime useful and to break them as a Rod some time of service to be a Scourge upo● his Enemies and when the Day of their Tryal was over which God g●●e unto them being any longer for present unfit Instruments for his Hand then he cast them into the Fire and this his Purpose came to pass upon them so that they and the whole Nation may be contented and yield themselves subject to what he hath done concerning them for they being entring into the very same s●●rit of Wickedness of Oppression and Persecution which the Lord had once reproved ●●●ough them and cast out by them then was a R●d raised up against them even as they had been against others and they were dealt withal as they had done to ●●●ers and this was in the Justice of my Lord's Hand And what hath Mortal M●● to question his Proceedings And though some of you
bring your fear upon you to your utter confusion though you are making defences all that you can for your selves and your Kingdom and this seems to be 〈…〉 ●●y wherein every mans heart is tryed and every man and sort of People is pouring forth the Maliciousness of their Hearts against the poor People in scorn called Quakers What say the Papists and Episcopal men Quakers are 〈◊〉 New Sect and Deceivers c. And what say the Presbyterians and the Independan●● of them Oh! they are Seducers they are Witches they are false Prophets they are Vagabonds not worthy of Countenance c. nor any Place of Trust in the Nation c. What say the Anabaptists of them O! they are Blasphemers and Hereticks and Irregular Persons and distructive to Gospel c. This and such like is the Cry of these and all sorts of people against a poor despised People whom the Eternal God hath made dreadful unto them all who shall be a Rod in his Hand to break them and confound them and utterly to destroy their Antichristian kingdom for they are beloved of the Lord though hated of all men and though the whole Body of the Beast and Antichrist and every Horn of his head do set themselves to War against the Lamb and his Followers and though all these sorts of people mentioned and some others do at this day pour out their Fury and Malice against this People yet shall they not be confounded for their Trust is in the Living God and as sure as the Lord lives The Fear that People have of the Prosperity of this People shall come upon them and without Weapon or Arm of Flesh or the Multitude of an Host of Men will their God dash their Enemies to pieces And all ye Sects whatsoever that are risen in Opposition against us what do we regard your Fury and Madness against us What do we fear your Reviling you uncircumcised Philistines We mock at your Terror and we reject your Strength as the Strength of a Straw we despise your Authority which is not of God as the Authority of so many Bryars and Thornes we can glory over you in the Lord What are you and from whence did you come is not Babylon your City and is not the great Whore your Mother and the Mother of Harlots your Nurse and what is your growth but even like the Grass of a Summer's growth that 's soon cut down and withered and like the Leaf of a Summer Tree that utterly perisheth in Winter The Mighty Day of the Lord is at your Door Confusion is begun amongst you and the Sword of one may destroy another and the Strength of one shall tear another and the Remnant that is left shall be destroyed and we must overcome them without Sword or Carnal Weapon and this shall come to pass in a day and the Eye that is yet blind shall see it and the Child that is yet undelivered shall be a Conqueror over the Beast and over his Image and over all your false Sects and over every Horn that is risen up against the Lamb and his Followers the time of the Lamb's Kingdom is at hand Behold behold ye Mountains of the Earth The Sentence of Eternal Vengeance will pass upon you ye Hypocritical Professors ye Pastors Elders Members and Ministers of Churches so called the Decree of the Almighty is coming out against you you have provoked him by your Wickedness towards him and his People even to the Destruction of your own selves wherefore Tremble before the Lord for his Dread and the weight of his Hand shall be upon your Consciences Oh Nation mourn over thy iniquities which have provoked God against thee and if men turn not unto him his sore Judgment will be upon thee we are not for this Party or the other neither do we justifie one side in opposition to another for we see the Earth is corrupted and all sorts of men that are this day striving one sort against another are in a wrong way and in a wrong spirit and we cannot side with any of them but we rather mourn over the Nation who is torn in pieces by the ambitious spirit of her pretended Rulers and we desire the repentance of all and not the destruction of any and we are for Gods part and not for men E. B. AN ANSWER TO THE Great Cry The QUAKERS will soon FALL A Great Cry in the World hath been by many people of all sorts As for the Quakers they will soon fall and come to nothing they will stand but for a while as other Sects have done before them For many Sects that have ●●de a great stir for a time they have come to nought and so will these they will fall and ●●●e to nought in a Year or two or the like and they will forsake this Way And this Noise and Stir about them will come to an end and they will have a Fall And thus and after this manner do the People of the World Cry and say one to another To this I answer O ye Fools and Blind that thus do judge and say ye are ignorant and sottish Children and know not the Way of the Lord nor his Judgments neither do ye know his Secrets nor have entred into his Counsel who told you thus or by what spirit have you received it and do ye not speak as ye would have it and because you would have it so do ye not therefore speak it Ye Fools and Blind whose Hearts are hardened I tell you nay your words shall never come to pass but you and all our Enemies shall be found Lyars and as you say of others so shall it come to pass upon your selves and that which you desire for others it shall fall upon your own heads Again I tell you nay we shall not fall nor be decreased nor come to ●●●ght but the Truth shall stand forever and we shall be encreased through the World and shall be the Renowned People of the whole Earth For we are of them whom the Lord is gathering from off the barren Mountains and out of the Mouthes of all dumb Shepherds whom the Lord will feed and keep as the Sheep of his own Pasture over whom the Seed of David Christ the Heir of Heaven and Earth is chief Shepherd and he is set over us and he rules in Equity and Righteousness And them we are spoken of Ezekiel 34. which are the Sheep of God's Pasture and the Lord hath sought us out even as a Shepherd his Sheep and we shall not fall as ye suppose And we are them spoken of in the Revelations whom the Lord is bringing through great Tribulations and making us white in the Blood of the Lamb and redeeming us through his Sufferings And we are of that Numberless Number spoken of which shall stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion for we are of the Seed which is coming up out of Egypt and shall replenish the whole Earth And ye Fools and Blind will
and outward Laws neither would we have you force your Religion Ministry and Church upon us by such means but we will leave the effect of all thing to the Spirit of God and come out when you will in such a way as this and this would satisfie thousands and let Meekness and the Fear of God be amongst you and this is the way to exalt Religion and we would think it a happiness more then otherwise to be joyned in sober debate and dispute against you that you and we in your Religion Church and Ministry and in ours also might be tried according to the Scriptures that all may be satisfied who are doubtful and may hear you Principles and our Principles discussed in the presence of the People who may judge by the Light and Witness in their own Consciences for to that in all we do appeal and in such a proceeding come forth when you will lay down your Carnal Weapons and take the Weapons of of the Spirit and come to the trial for the Day of the Lord is approaching upon all the World E. B. The FOURTH General Epistle To all the SAINTS Being a Visitation of the Fathers Love unto the whole Flock of Cod who are called and gathered into the spiritual Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace To be read in all the Assemblies of them that meet together to worship the Father in the Spirit and Truth in the silence of all Flesh. Dearly Beloved WHom the Father hath called and chosen into the Election of Eternal Salvation and who have handled and tasted and felt of the Judgments and Mercies of the Lord and amongst whom the God of Heaven and Earth hath appeared in his Spirit and in his Power which 〈◊〉 gotten you into the Heirship of the heavenly Kingdom Oh Friends our Kingdom and Victory is not of this World nor earthly but from above and spiritual wherein we have Peace and Comfort endless and everlasting which the World knows not of I say unto you all that know these things Live in the Peace and Victory and Kingdom which is invisible and mind the things as your greatest Treasure that pertain to that Kingdom even the weighty matters of it which a● eternal and infinite and that every one of you may feel and enjoy a Portion in that Kingdom Oh! it is precious for a people to be Subjects of the heavenly Kingdom and for a man to have an assurance of Life and Peace in God and to be an Heir of that Kingdom that fadeth not away and to have his name written in the Record of Life and blessed is every one whose Hope and Confidence and Peace and Assurance is in the living God and whose Soul resteth under the Government of the Almighty and who knows him to be Judge King and Lawgiver in all things and this is the Kingdom that is heavenly and is altogether blessed for Peace and Truth and Righteousness and all Vertue is enjoyed in it for evermore Now Friends you must all be subjected in all things under the Power of the Lord God and unto his will and he must work in you to will and to do for in this is true Rest and Peace unto the Soul where the Will of the Father is done and suffered in all things and not the Will of man which worketh sorrow to the Creature and not peace in the obedience to it and where it rules and that must be subjected in you even in every Word Work and Motion unto the eternal Power that you may die and Christ may live and in this you will have union and fellowship in spirit with the Lord God and he alone will be your trust and confidence and your glory if he live in you and walk in you and then you are his People and he is your God And Friends are to mind this even Peace and Union and Fellowship with the Lord and the comfort of his Presence which is the onely happiness of the Creature even the enjoyment of him that is invisible who is God infinite over all to whom mortal eye cannot approach neither can the mortal mind him apprehend but in his own Life manifested in mortal Flesh and by the measure of his own Spirit that dwells in us is he seen felt preceived and enjoyed of us so mind the Immortal Life begotten of the Father in you that that may live in you even the Heir of God which is his Image and likeness for in that alone is Covenant with God made and kept and in it is the Fathers presence enjoyed and he Worshipped without respect of time place or visible thing and if that live in you then yo● in that will live unto God in all that which is answerable unto him and your words and works will be accepted of him and well-pleasing to him even because it is him that worketh in you to will and to do all good things and he alone exalted in you and you subjected and the Maker is become the Husband and you married unto him and he lives in Power and Rule and Command and you liv● In subjecti●● unto him and in fulfilling his Will in what he guideth in by his Holy Spiri● And this life is very precious Oh Friends live in it and dwell in it always and then your Joy and Peace will be with you over all this World and you will be Comforted whe● Fear and Terrour comes upon all men for the Lord God whom we serve ●nd worship in the Spirit will cause his Enemies to know his Power and that he doth and can do whatsoever he will and will smite his Enemies and wound them in their Consciences for all Power Dominion and Authority is with him he is mighty to save and mighty to destroy and his Reward is to every one according to their deeds and this is the God whom we fear and worship and all Flesh must bow before him when he shews his presence though men 〈◊〉 high and lifted up and go on in Rebellion against him without fear yet th● hand of the Lord will be upon the● and he shall smite them with the ●od of his mouth Wherefore all Friends have respect unto the Lord in your 〈◊〉 in all things that you do and in all things that cometh to pass for that is ●●●●●ed in a people and they shall prosper their Souls shall be nourished and their lives refreshed with the Mercies of the Lord even all they that do wai● upon the Lord and have respect unto him and his Eternal Power which doth and suffereth all things that be In which Power you must dwell and walk and feel it in your hearts and it will be your Armour and Defence in all things and it will carry you through all that which worketh contrary And it is very pretious to be Armed with the Armour of God in the Day of Temptations and Tryals that you may not be overcome of the wicked nor spoiled of the Heavenly Inheritance Oh Frinds put on strength that you
this shall be manifest in the day of the Lord and in the mean time we are willing to bear and to suffer all things that is put upon us for the Name of the Lords sake Query 1. Whether you or any of you that pretend to Inspiration and Revelation did foresee or was it revealed to you that ever Charles Stua●● should be proclaimed King 〈◊〉 Reign in England ever anymore or whether or no any of you did believe it or could have believed it by your great Faith which you profess if it had been told you long ago Answ. As for the Proclaiming of Charles Stuart King to reign in England it was not improbable unto our Faith neither is it contrary to that which some of us hath seen for we know that God respects neither persons nor names but doth give the Kingdoms of this World to whomsoever he will and thus much was said as may be seen in a Book called Good Counsel and Advice rejected and divers other Papers c. p. 17. In a Letter to Oliver Cromwel it is said concerning you that are commonly called Cavaliers But what and if for and because of thy Wicked●●●● in the sight of God he should raise them up and make them Instruments in his Hand to accomplish his wrath upon thee even like as he made thee once his Instrument to overthrow them c. And here the thing was believed to be possible that the Lord might raise you up again for his pleasure to fulfil his Will because of the wickedness of the Army and Nation and it is now come to pass even as it was seen and believed And also it was expressed in a Letter written in the 10th Mon. 1659. concernning them that were your Enemies and that were at first raised against you The very same spirit of Pride and Oppression and Idolatry is entred into them meaning your Enemies and now lives in them in as high a measure as ever it lived amongst you and ●●●ir Iniquities are well nigh finished and the Lord will one way or other correct reprove them and they shall be dealt with in like manner as they have dealt with you for they were no more then a Rod in the Hands of the Lord for a season and they must also be broken and cast into the Fire and whether the Lord may ever may make use of you to reprove them as he did of them to reprove you this I determine not but leave it to him who can do whatsoever he will by what Instrument he pleaseth It is true you have made many Attempts to be revenged upon them but you have not hitherto prospered but could you be humbled and come into the meek Spirit of the Lord then might you prosper but hitherto the Lord hath alwayes defeated you and bowed you down under a People as unworthy as others but their time will come to an end And submit unto the Will of the Lord in what is come to pass and seek not vengeance to your selves and then the Lord will avenge your Cause for the Iniquities of your Adversaries are ripe c. And Charles Stuart must either be converted to God and ruled by him or else he can never rightly rule for God in this Nation though this I believe it is not impossible but that he may be a Rod upon them that once smote him and their Oppressions and Ambitions may receive a check through him c. These things were written in a Letter to all the people of your part long before there was any visible appearance of that which is now come to pass whereby it doth appear that these things in a great measure were foreseen and prophesied of and it was believed as a thing very possible that thus it might be as is already come to pass And as for Visions they are for an appointed time there is a time to see and a time to speak what is seen and revealed things belong to us and when we declare them then you may take notice of it but it was verily believed as a thing possible that such a thing would be and also by the Proceedings and Transactions as they have fallen out for your very Enemies have so acted and proceeded as to destroy themselves and to bring you in over their heads though they little intended the thing yet the effect of their proceedings could hardly prove otherwise then to destroy themselves and make room for you and these things I observed And also thus far we did fore-see and it was revealed to us and believed by m●●y of us fully and we did often Prophesie it that the Lord God of Heaven and Earth would destroy and bring down the Government and Authority as they have stood in this Nation for divers years and that he would bring Iudgment upon the Rulers and upon many of the Teachers and People of this Nation because of their oppressions and unfaithfulness and treachery and hypocrisie and wickedness which abounded amongst them which we have felt and seen and been sensible of and we have often given our witness against them because of their guiltiness in their sinful ways Oh it hath been loathsome unto the Lord even the Oppressions and treacheries of the Rulers Oh how hath Cruelty and Injustice abounded in their Government and their hypocrisie hath been evident in our ●ight in many Particulars and even in that they have cryed against and overthrown King and Kingly Government charging them with oppression and cruelty and pretended to ease the people in a better way of Government when as though Governors and Names and Titles of Government were changed and altered yet oppression ceased not neither was injustice forsaken nor was the heavy yoaks of great bondage removed but the rather these things were increased upon many good people in these Nati●●s and herein was the unfaithfulness and treachery of the Rulers very great in the sight of God and their Government unjust and unequal wherefore the Lord hath been provoked against them to confound them and overturn them and we have often told it them and also the hypocrisie and deceits and sinfulness of Teachers we have seen and testified against and our witness to them both is and will be found true and Gods justice will be fulfilled upon them both and these things we have observed even the heinous guilt of sin against God in both Rulers and Teachers and the abo●●●●tions that have been committed both in Civil and Church Government so called also and many people have lov'd to have these things so and we have been sensible how the Lord hath been provoked to overthrow the Governors of this Nation because hereof and this we have foreseen Prophesied of even that Iudgment and Confusion would come upon the Government the Rulers and the Teachers but particularly when and after what manner judgment and overthrow should come upon them was left to the Lord who hath brought to pass his own will according to Justice and it
of Calvin or Form of Prayer as these have now the Common-Prayer and both the one and the other have cast off the POPES Form and brought in their own get into a Form of words a For● of worship without either Life or Power The PAPISTS in some things that they begin to do will say In the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost And the Protestants or them who call themselves of the reformed Church that are come off from the Papists some of them when they go about to do a thing will say Our help is in the Name of the Lord which made Heaven and Earth Here both the one and the other have a Form of words but out of the Name the one as well as the other out of the Life out of the Power and Authority of our Lord Iesus Christ. Therefore what they do how can it be done in his Name which themselves are out of Though they may be in the words and do a thing in the words But that is not a doing it in the Name for to do things in so many words in their own Time and Will that which themselves have brought in is one thing But to do it in the Name Power and Authority of the Lord Iesus Christ is another for words is not the Name nor the Power and the Kingdom stands in the Power not in words Therefore all people see what you do that it be done in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Light of the World who lighteth every man that cometh into the World in his Light in his Power then that will bring you to cease from your own words and following your own ways doing it in his Power in his Strength out of your own words your own ways and your own wills in his Name For what hath form or words either one or the other hitherto produced or brought forth without Life or Power Hath your long Profession and Forms of the words brought any of you yet into the possession of the things Or will it ever do If not What serves it to Who hath required it to have it done And is it not his right alone who is to be worshipped to direct himself how he will be worshipped Or is not all other service and worship in the will And so Will-worship that is not of his own direction or appointment And the Scripture saith John chapter 4. as you may read God is a Spirit and he will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth Mark that He who is a Spirit will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth that which the Devil abode not in for into a Form of words Drunkards Swearers Lyars Prophane Persons unrighteous which are shut out of the Kingdom may get into words in such a worship out of the Spirit but that is not the worship which God requires And is it not equal that he alone direct how he will be worshipped that is to be worshipped And thou art so to perform thy service towards him that of him it may be accepted and so it is rightly done when done as he hath appointed it as he hath directed And Obedience is more than Sacrifice whom thou art to obey if thou wilt do him service who is worshipped or served in the Spirit and in the Truth whose Will then comes to be done and not thine who will be so worshipped and so served But otherwise is it not thine own will and not his that is done Therefore whosoever will come to worship the KING the LORD of HOSTS must come to worship him in his own way not in their ways to bow down to his Light to bow down to the measure of his Spirit in them for the Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every one to profit withal Otherwise will not People Teachers and Professors be always in the profitless condition Ever learning and never come to the knowledge of the Truth E. B. TO THE BELOVED and CHOSEN of GOD in the Seed Elected Particularly in LONDON And elsewhere who have seen the day of Christ and received the Message of Peace and Reconciliation in these last Dayes of his Glorious Appearance THe dear salutation of my life salutes you all in the most pure and dearest love with which I am beloved of the Father and with which also at this present my Heart is filled and issueth forth towards you and the whole Body of the elected Ones and the remembrance of you in the Lord is very precious unto me as I see and behold and have fellowship with you in the Immortal Life which the Father hath begotten in you and in me and in which my knowledge is of you and my unity with you and therein only is the remembrance of my dearest love unto you and in which I hope I am also known and remembred of you even in the spiritual Relation and Heirship of Immortality being fellow Citizens of the heavenly Ierusalem and Children of her conception and bringing forth Now my dearest Friends seeing you have believed in the Light and Life of men even in him that was and is and is to come and have also tasted of that all Fulness that is in him you have a Witness in your selves even of the Spirit of the Father which is greater then all and you need no other Testimony but that of the Spirit That the Lord is good and full of Grace Truth Mercy Peace and Joy even the Fountain and Treasure of all Vertue and Blessedness in this present time and hereafter I say If you have tasted and felt of Immortal Life and if the Fountain hath been opened in you and you have seen his Glory and received of his Treasure then the Evidence dwells in you of eternal blessedness and no man needs to teach you of these things nor to say unto you know the Lord if you dwell in him and go no more forth yet bear with me a little that I may speak and be refreshed not to diminish from what Testimony you have in you but the rather to add towards it for my witness is not another but the same which ye enjoy which is faithful and true and this I say Oh how great how mighty and powerful is the Lord our God everlasting and infinite he is that eternal Spirit that filleth all the Creator and beeing of all things that are the life and vertue in all and the invisible Substance greater then all he is in himself the imme●●rable and infinite Fulness the Fountain of Life of Mercy and Righteousness and Peace and of all Vertue and of every good Thing who can declare his beginning or end he is without Time Place or thing yet gives beeing to all and is present in all yet not known saving of himself and by his own Spirit yet he effecteth all things and worketh whatsoever he will who can utter his wonderous Works Who can number his Mercies Who can account his Infiniteness who can
behold his Invisibility Who can reach his endless Beeing He filleth Heaven and Earth and of his Fulness every Creature in Heaven and Earth receiveth and by him doth subsist though it is only given unto Man-kinde to behold and perceive of him it is only his Gift unto his Saints that fear him to understand of his Wayes and in us he hath opened of his Fulness and Treasure even in our Hearts and the divine Mystery of this Infinite God is revealed and discovered in the Hearts of the Sons of Men whom he hath chosen and he hath given us to enjoy and possess in us a Measure of that fulness that is in himself even a Measure of the same Love and ●ife of the same Mercy and Power and of the same divine Nature and a Measure of the same heavenly quality and property which is in him in all fulness dwelleth in us his Saints by measure even in all that are born of him in whom the Immortal Birth is brought forth which is of his own nature and is Immortal Spiritual Holy Meek Merciful even as the Father for the quality of him that hath begotten is in us that are begotten of him we bear his Image and are of the Father Partakers of his Substance Immortal and Infinite and are one with him in Nature and Fellowship and perfect through him that dwells in us and hath changed us into his likeness these things ye know if ye be born from above and if the Immortal Birth live in you and you be constant in the Faith then are you Heirs through it of the everlasting Inheritance of eternal Life and already have received the Earnest and Assurance thereof and all are yours because you are Christ's and he is God's and you have the Father and the Son And this Life and Immortality is brought forth in us and Infiniteness it self dwells with us and eternity possesseth us and Fulness it self is shed abroad ●n our Hearts and we have the Treasure of Life of Wisdom of Knowledge and of divine Fulness in our Tabernacles of Clay which also are sanctified by his Word and Power to be fit Habitations for the eternal God to dwell in And oh what love is this with which we are beloved by him Oh what Mercy is this of which we partake from him Who are become the Sons of God and Children of the most High in whose earthen Vessels dwells Immortallity and Life and Infinite Substance being gathered into his Shepherds Fold of defence where we have Immortal Food and are established on the holy Mountain where nothing can destroy and are at rest and peace and under the shadow of the Rock of Ages that Hell nor Death nor wrath of Man can terrifie Oh what Eye hath seen this what Ear hath heard it and what Heart hath perceived it and not admired the loving-kindness of the Lord who among you are Witnesses of this that sayes not great and Infinite is the Lord and Immeasurable in Mercy and Truth and Righteousness Oh Friends if you know these things and if ye receive daily of this Fulness and if the Measure of that Immortal Life be risen in you and hath raised up you with it self into its own fulness which once was descended out of its own fulness of eternal Rest and Strength and was manifest in its Measure in poverty and weakness in your Hearts in the feeling of Afflictions and Wrath because of Sin but it descended to suffer all and to bear Transgression that you might be raised with it into its Life and Glory and Fulness and if this be finished and effected in you Oh then how shall you not live to his Glory and Praise in your Generation and in Love and Peace and Unity with himsel and one with another and magnifie him in Soul and Spirit that hath called you and chosen you and now works all your works in you and for you and you live by him because he lives in you But though it is thus that some are entred into the Rest and have received of his fulness and have the Testimony of Life and Assurance in the Father and are risen with Christ yet are you and we and all the Children of the Father so set and placed in this Creation as that there is an Enemy to be ruled over and also a service to be fulfilled by us for the Lord that hath chosen us and therefore watchfulness and faithfulness is required from us and unto this I cannot but exhort you all even to walk in the Fear of the Lord in watchfulness and faithfulness in Humility and Meekness in Truth and Justice and in every good thing and that you fulfill the Will of the Lord in all things whatsoever the Motions of his own Life draws you unto that every Member of his Infinite Body which is highly exalted at his right Hand may be preserved in dominion over Sin and Death and also may shew forth the Honour and Glory and Praise of him who is the Head even Christ whose vertue hath an ointed every Member and is shed abroad through the whole Body I say Friends of every Member is required the duty and service thereunto partaining according as it is placed of him that the Treasure of Life may shew forth its vertue in one manner or another through you all in all well-doing to the glory of him who is God above all and that in the sight of your Enemies whom you know watches for evil and would rejoyce in any occasion against you that they might speak evil of the Lord because of you you may walk without offence in the answer of a good Conscience and if you walk as such as are the Lord's you will cut off all occasions from them that seek it and they will be confounded and you preserved in the blessedness and peace everlasting and you will grow in Immortallity and into the knowledge and fulness thereof more and more till you know the Father even as you are known of him And be not unmindful of the Word of the Lord which begat you which first entred into your Hearts and wrought mightily in you to the wounding and destroying of Death and Enmity and remember the Travel of the dayes past and the Indignation which once you felt because of Sin through the Word of God and the Word endures for ever of which you are begotten and if any appearance of Iniquity or motion thereunto arise in you into desire to be fulfilled the Word will quench it and give you dominion over Sin and Death and save you from the effects thereof for the Word changes not but is the same alwayes but if man change and pervert his Way into Iniquity it reproves and corrects and so delivers him for this Word keeps clean the Heart and it sanctifies and also keeps in subjection the mortal man with all his thoughts desires and actions and destroyes the Man of Sin the sinful Man by whom the whole Creation hath been corrupted and
but that over all you will be preserved in faith and victory I am now according to the Will of the Father in Ireland it is some weeks since I arived at Cork City in much peace and safety with my dear Companions it having been long upon my spirit to visit the Seed of God in this Nation even of love have I felt it in me and not of constraint but of a willing mind and free spirit and not of force and after the time of patience and waiting for many dayes to see my way clear for it the Lord hath ordered it and brought it to pass acceptable unto me and many here and this is the time which this visitation must be effected for till now my way was not clear and but that this Journey hath laid upon me I should have rejoyced to have been present among you either in testimony by suffering or otherwise but this is the will of God and it is in my heart to pass through this Nation and to visit the Seed of God by the Love and Word of the Father as he gives of his Life and Strength and opens the way before me I perceive in this Land Friends are generally well and truth grows in victory and dominion and the Lord is adding to the numberless number of them that must stand on Mount Zion and through the rage of men and above it all the little Flock is preserved in its beauty and the Seed sown in weakness and afflictions is received and quickned in much power which is my joy About Bristol I continued about two moneths in much precious service for the Lord and truth had good authority over all great acceptation in the hearts of many and some convinced and others edified and confirmed as many can witness in the spirit and until after the time of the F●ir I was not clear of that City but imediately after I was free and my way made very convenient and clear to this place and the hand of providence ordered all things very well on that behalf as I do hope in the continuance of the power and presence of the Lord with me through this work and in his power I am committed even to do or suffer all things for his Name sake and that by vertue of his own life that dwells in me And the Lord preserve all the Brethren like-minded that the work of the Lord may be fulfilled and finished by us Amen County of Cork the 21th of the 6th Moneth 1660. E. B. A PRESENTATION of Wholsome Informations unto the King of England c. Being a Defence Pleaded and also appealed unto Him even to the Testimony of the Spirit of God in His own Conscience In Answer to a certain Accusation charged before Him in a Printed Book called The thrice happy Welcome of King Charles the Second by one George Willington of Bristol City against Us whom in derision the Accuser calls Quakers And also herein are laid down divers Considerations in Answer to a Petition directed to the King by the same Author in the Book aforesaid concerning Church-Government and concerning the making and sending forth Ministers and concerning the True Prophets and True Ministers and the False and how they are distinguished in their Call Maintenance and Fractises and that none ought to suffer death of Body or be killed or spoiled in Person or Estate though they may err in their mindes in the knowledge and Judgment of spiritual things All which is soberly presented to the King and His Council for Them to consider The Epistle to the King and his Council KNow ye That it is Righteousness Iustice Mercy and Truth and the fear of the Lord God it is the doing hereof and the walking herein in which you onely may be truly honourable I say if you do these things if you fear the God of Heaven and depart from all Iniquity and if you be doers of Iustice and Mercy and if ye break the yoke of cruel Oppressions and let the oppressed go free then are you worthy to be honoured both in the sight of God and men if so be that you are possessed with the nature I mean with Righteousness Iustice Mercy and Truth then you deserve the name but not otherwise for if Unrighteousness Injustice and Falshood dwell with you and be brought forth by you then are you not honourable to God neither can his servant in feignedness and flattery give the name unto you but and if I should give flattering titles unto you I should provoke the Lord to wrath against me though yet I gained your favour but I have rather chosen to speak the truth from my heart in Righteousness and to be well-pleasing unto the God of Heaven then with flattering Lips and a deceitfull Tongue be a man-pleaser while I grieve the Spirit of the Lord and the chief desire of my heart is to keep my conscience clear in all things though I should gain the displeasure of you and the most eminent accounted of men And if you shall say who art thou I must answer That I am a Servant of the great God of Heaven and Earth him I fear and before his presence I tremble I fear not him that can but kill the Body I flatter not any by feigned words for I regard not the love or hatred of this World I have not learned to practise a flattering tongue nor can I use it towards you or any upon the Earth but words of truth and righteousness are my delight and the dialect of my native Countrey and the characters thereof are not in the eloquency of words of mans wisdom but to demonstrate by the Spirit of the Lord in plainness and soberness with more respect to please the Lord then to please men Thus am I known among my Familiars and thus I desire only to be known unto you not in words only but in substance not in flattery but in an upright heart And this my present occasion thus to write unto you is even in as much as we have been accused even to the King by one George Willington of the City of Bristoll in a Book of his directed to the King even therefore is it that I have taken in hand to answer and publish a defence against his Charge with some sober Considerations chiefly laid down and directed even to the King that he may consider them and my hopes are that he and you of his Council will read and consider the Defence as well as the Charge against us assuredly knowing that it is good reason and equity for you so to do and may prove also of good consequence to you so to do for if the King should receive mis-informations and thereupon proceed in Iudgement Oh what pits and snares of danger did he run himself into even to destroy himself Now to the intent that he and you may be better informed in some particulars concerning us about which we are charged and accused and that you might know the truth and
may escape the way of Destruction and Confusion therefore is it that the Lord hath put it into my heart thus to write unto you and not for another end nor of my self have I done it but as I found the drawings of that Spirit of the Father which leadeth into all truth to which I was made willing to be obedient without respect to any thing saving the Lord and that you might be advised in some things in present controversie occasioned as aforesaid and there are a few things towards you upon my spirit which well deserves your consideration as followeth First That there is an Eternal God who is great and mighty above all and ●e alone ought to be the fear of you and all man-kind for whatsoever he will it cometh to pass whether in Heaven or Earth he planteth and plucketh up he buildeth and throweth down he exalteth and abaseth whether Kingdoms Governments or Men Kings or Princes as he will and what time soever as he pleaseth he is onely wise in Council and mighty in Power if he purpose who shall prevent him he is the Being of all things that are and before him are all mankinde upon Earth even ye your selves as Dust and Ashes and Vessel of Clay and your Breath is in your Nostrils and he that gave it can s●●n take it away from you and in a moment dissolve your seeming glorious substance into its first being And this eternal God hath overturned and changed Powers and Authorities Rulers and Governments in these Nations of late years even to the amazement of the Inhabitants who must confess that the God of Heaven hath pulled down and set up whom he would and taken the Government from and given it unto whom soever he hath pleased and he hath given unto many a day and a time to try them whether they would rule for him and he tried one sort of men after another to prove them if they would exercise Righteousness and Truth Iustice and Mercy and right Iudgement in the Land but when the Lord tryed them they have all proved deceitful and unfit men for the Lord to exalt his name by but they have neglected Iustice and true Iudgment and the cause of the Fatherless and the Widdow have they not regarded as they ought to have done but great oppressions and persecutions have abounded in their dayes and they have forgotten the Lord and his Iudgements and sought themselves and not the Lord and been ambitious and self-ended and they have exalted themselves in their Pride and Covetousness and this hath been the path of many that have sitten in the Throne even till the God of Heaven hath been provoked against them to confound them and overturn them even when their measure of oppression and unrighteousness of Injustice and Persecution was fulfilled and when the measure of one was finished the Lord brought that down with shame and another was set up to raign till it had fulfilled its measure of that which went before it that it might be brought down even as the other and all this the God of Heaven hath effected by his power that all the Earth might take knowledge that he can do whatsoever he will and that he hateth and abhorreth Injustice and Oppression Cruelty and Persecution and that his Vengeance and Iudgements are extended forth against such Rulers and Governments by whom and in which Persecution Cruelty and Injustice are brought forth and because hereof hath he overturned and confounded Rulers and Governments and these things have been visible in our eye 2. Consider that you are now set in the Throne and are raised up out of your suffering condition and you are become the Rulers and Potentates in our Nation divers having been cast out before you and unto you a day and time is given to try you and prove you what you will do and whether you will rule and govern alone for the Lord and answer the end wherefore the Lord hath restored you which if you do and walk in the Fear of the Lord and forsake your Iniquities and do Iustice and Righteousness in the Earth then the Lord make you happy and a blessing in the Kingdoms But if so be ye walk in the wayes of Oppression and just Iudgement Mercy and Truth be wanted in the Land through you and you run on as others before you in Pride Ambition vain-glory and Covetousness and have no respect to the God of Heaven and his Heritage then the God of Heaven shall reprove you and deep confusion shall come upon you and as with a whirle-wind shall you be overthrown and you shall know that there is a God that can do whatsoever he will even he shall deface your glory and turn your Sun into Darkness and your Day shall become a Night of Misery Oh therefore say not in your Hearts that our Mountain is strong and we can never be moved neither think in your selves that your force is great and your number many and none shall be able to prevail against us but rather consider that there is a secret and an eternal Hand that can remove your Mountain and overcome all your might and power and subdue your Number and turn all your Wisdom and Policy into Folly and Madness These can his Hand do even the God of Heaven who is greater then all if he smite none can heal you and if he kill none can make alive if he be●… your enemy to fight against you there is none that can deliver you out of his 〈◊〉 all flesh is as grass that is soon cut down and withered and the strength of 〈◊〉 sons of men are as a Reed that is soon shaken and bruised 3. Consider how that you are placed in your present state between good and 〈◊〉 between doing the will of God and the will of the Devil that ye should do the one and forsake the other and in the doing of the one or the other dependeth the Blessing or the Curse the Love or the Hatred of the Almighty and you are in your day that is given you to prove you time is taken from others and given to you even by the Lord that gives and takes time and power according to his own pleasure and no man hath assurance of time unto himself but it cometh and goeth at the pleasure of the Almighty and time ●nd power is now given unto you for a moment Consider what the God of Heaven re●…ires of you in this your day and if you fulfill the will of the Lord then you may be happy but if otherwise then other effects shall follow upon 〈◊〉 and let not the King say in himself that because I am the true 〈◊〉 and to me onely it belongs to govern these Kingdoms and I may gover●● as I will without correction as though therefore he might rule according to his own pleasure and the Lord take no notice I say let not this enter into any of your hearts but let the King know assuredly that these
are not changed in your Hearts but the old Nature is alive and the old Birth lives in you and ye are unlike unto God in Nature ye walk in the ●iesh and not in the Spirit and ye take Christ's words and the Apostles words and use your Tongues when God never spoke to you O ye Hypocrites ye have a Name to live but are dead and ye think ye are rich w●… as you are Poor Miserable Blind and Naked and your souls are le●● and want the Bread of Life and ye have not put off the body of sin nor have you overcome your souls Enemi●● but the burden of sin lies upon your ●onsciences and Temptations overcome you daily and though you say ye have Faith in Christ yet your Hearts are not purified but the old Man with his Deeds is yet alive and the new Creature is not brought forth in you nor is Christ living in you and speaking in you the Day of the Lord will come upon you you false-hearted men ye Apostate Christians that ●old the Profession of Truth and Church and Gospel and Ministry in your ●●righteous Minds your Sacrifices are not acceptable to God nor your Offerings well-pleasing to him for your Hearts are not aright b●fore him and your Hypocrisie will God judge and his Wrath will go out like ●ire to cons●me your glory and God will cloath himself with Zeal as with a Cloak and with a Garment of Vengeance and he will slay you with his Sword and wound your Consciences with the Words of his Mouth and your Religion will not s●ve you ●or your Garment cover you from the Wrath of the Almighty Wo unto you the mighty Day of the Lord is at hand upon you ye earthly Professors who would be Heirs of two Kingdoms who would enjoy God and this World too and love its Vanities and Profits and Pleasures and Honours and live in Strife and Contention one with another abo●t ●●●thly things and about your Religion too and are not of one Heart and Mi●● and Soul but are Strangers to the new Covenant of God though you hear Sermons and say a Form of Prayer and keep Sabbaths and Lecture-dayes and perform Ordinances and Duties and yet your Hearts are hard and the body of Sin and Death li●● upon your Consciences and you are not changed into the Divine Nature this Reli●●●● will not save you away with it all it s of Antichrist and his spirit leads you while you walk in the Form of godliness without the Power the Lord will come upon you suddenly therefore repent ye of your Hypocrisies and turn to the Spirit of God within you hear its Reproofs and obey it and walk in the Spirit and be ye changed or else you can never be saved Wo Wo unto all ye false Teachers and blind Leaders of the People ye Diviners and false Prophets the Day of the Lord is at hand upon you ye have deceived souls for dishonest Gain ye have run and never were sent of God and ye have not profited the People at all and ye have taken the Name upon you of Ministers of Christ when he never sent you forth and you have kept a prating and preaching up and down and run for Gifts and Reward and Hire ye have deceived the World and the Blood of Souls rests upon you O ye Generation of Serpents Poyson hath lodged under your Tongues your Hear●●s have been rotten and your Tongues feigned and full of Flattery and you have been as Canker-worms in the Earth that have corrupted the whole World whom have not ye deceived by your Lyes and false Divinations Whom have not you cryed Peace unto if they would but give you Gifts Money and Hire What Form of Religion would not you take up for advantage to your selves how often have you turned from one Way to another Oh ye false-hearted men the God of Heaven will shew you no Mercy ye are the men that have made the Earth drunk with false Faith and false Doctrines and with Contention and Dissention sometime preaching up one Government sometime another and sometime being for one way of Worship and sometime for another Treachery hath lodged in your Hearts above all others ye have eaten up the sin of the People and cryed Peace unto the Ungodly Wo unto ye that have gone in Cain's way that have bred Contention Persecution Strife and Emulation amongst People and that have gone in Balaam's way for Gifts and Rewards and would do any great man a Pleasure and even curse the People for Money ye have been such as all the holy Prophets cryed against your Fruits and Works declare it ye have sought for your Gain from your Quarter and could never have enough such as Isaiah cryed against Chap. 56. and such as Micah cryed against Micah 3. That preached for Hire and divined for Money and leaned upon the Lord and cryed Peace to them that would give Money and prepared War against them that would not and these things have you done some of ye Teachers and Priests and ye have been blind Watch-men and ye have been idle and lazy Shepherds such as Ezekiel cryed against Chap. 34. that ruled over People with Force and Cruelty and killed them that were fed and did not heal the Diseased nor strengthen the Weak but pusht with the Horn at such as went astray from you and idle and lazy Shepherds have you been who have not fed the Flock with living Food but you have caused them to drink of the foul Waters and thei● Souls are lean and barren under your preaching Oh look into your Flocks and see what Fruit is brought forth by them and what may be gathered from them Oh the abundance of Pride and Wickedness of Ambition and Vain-glory and Covetousness and the love of this World Lying and Double-dealing and all the Fruits of the Flesh How do they abound amongst the Flocks of your Fold who are in their fruits and by their works not the Sheep of Christ's Pasture but are like Goats and Wolves under your teachings can ye behold this and consider of it and not be ashamed of the fruit of your Wayes What have ye brought forth these many years Or what profit have the People received from you who are yet in their sins unturned from them and not converted to God whereby it appears you have run and never were sent because the People are not profited at all and it grieves the Heart of the Righteous to look into your Vine-yards and to s●● such bad fruit growing you have been sloathful Tillers and have not sown the good Seed in the Hearts of the People but the seed of corruption brings forth fruit in them and your Vine-yards are like barren and untilled Ground that is unplowed and undigged and unplanted with Trees of Righteousness Oh ye have been unprofitable Vineyard-Dressers and ye have laboured for your selves and not for the Lord as is manifest and ye have been idle and lazy and the God of
charging all this upon us Answ. 1 That we do boast of talking with God or of Revelation This is another of his false Accusations for we boast not nor do we glory in any thing saving in the Lord and this is no Error but that which we must acknowledge unto or else deny the Truth to talk with God and God with us in and by his own Spirit for all the Saints have converss with God and union and fellowship with him in his own Spirit as the Scriptures do declare and as for Revelations we do acknowledge according to Christ's Words that we had never known the Father nor the Son but by Revelation For none known the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him as it is written and all such as have not converss with God and that have not Revelation are not in the Way of Eternal life but are ignorant and without God in the World and neither know him nor have fellowship with him 2. As for killing all the Wicked this is another false Charge for it is not our Principle to war against the Persons of any Men and kill them with carnal Weapons about Church and Ministry and Religion as the Papists and Protestants do one against another but it is our Principle to war against the evil spirit in men and to smite that with the spiritual Sword of God's Word and we would have mens wickedness killed and their Persons saved and their Souls delivered and this is the War we make even till men be changed by the Power of God and all things made new even a new World and a new Earth we do expect according to the Lord's Promise so that it is no error to expect a new Earth and a new World for there is a new Creation which the Saints do witness created anew in Christ Jesus to bring forth good fruits unto the living God and all that do not witness this are in the transgression of the old Creation which brings the Wrath of God Again The Accuser tells a story of one that professed the Gift of discerning spirits and to know the Elect from Reprobates and that made holiness consist in speaking little and living homely and sordidly as our Quakers do saith he Answ. 1. As for discerning of Spirits that is a Gift which the Saints of God do receive in all Ages for the Apostles said to some was given the discerning of spirits by the manifestation of the Spirit of God So to profess discerning of spirits is no error in us though it be stated as a great error before you by an ignorant man who knows not what he saith nor whereof he affirms And its possible to know the Elect from Reprobates by their fruits and works for the Children of God who are the Elect are known by their holy and Righteous works and fruits and the Children of the Devil who are the Reprobates are known also by their works and fruits of unrighteousness which they bring forth and this the Scriptures bear witness of 2. As for speaking little and living homely and sordidly If he means by homely and sordidly plainly and without superfluity this is also works and fruits of holiness and its better to speak little than to utter multitude of vain words and its more justifiable to God and just Men to be plain and homely as he saith in Apparrel than superfluity of naughtiness in vain Attire and more holy for true holiness consists in the Power of God which crucifies all idle words and all superfluity in Apparrel and whatsoever is not like God And was but this Accuser as wise as he is envious he would never be seen to scorn the Quakers scornfully so called with speaking little and wearing plain and sober Apparrel but Fools love to be medling to manifest their own folly as it is written Again The Accuser telleth another Story of Muntzer how he did exhort some that were on his part viz. Anabaptists to kill every Mothers Son for a Sacrifice to the Lord and saith he by this we may g●ess if Anabaptists and Quakers should get the upper hand what they would do c. Answ. 1. As for the Quakers getting the upper hand we strive not for it by carnal Weapons to have victory over mens Persons though we know the Lord will give us victory and dominion over the Beast and over the false Prophets for the Lamb shall get the victory and they that are with him who are called and faithful and chosen but this victory is spiritual and obtained spiritually and thus we believe the Lord will give us the upper hand even victory over ●ll our Enemies 2. But what a wicked envious si●rmise and suggestion is here coutched under as if the Quakers if they had victory would kill every Mothers Son for a Sacrifice and that they would make War c. The Lord rebuke his slanderous Tongue who hatched Mischief in his mind against the Innocent and presented you with forged Lyes and Surmises and imagined guessed cruel and evil things against us who are far otherwise Principled than as he suggesseth but all this his own doings doth but manifest the folly of his own Heart and 〈◊〉 own wickedness for we are of the Spirit of Mercy and Peace and not of Murder and War not to kill mens Persons but to war with the Spirit of God against spiritual Enemies that mens Iniquities may be slain and their Persons and Souls saved Again The Accuser pag. 4. tells a long story of Micher Hopman and others with him what things they held As they condemned the Baptism of Children they would not take an Oath they pulled down Magistrates they undertook to kill all Princes they taught that in their Churches all were holy and that it was lawful to have many Wives that all Learning is prophane and that mean men are fittest to expound S●riptures and there must be no ordinary calling in the Church but every man must speak as he is inspired And thus it is saith the Accuser with the Quakers and Popish Agents who are their Ring-leaders have been endeavouring in these three Nations these eight or nine years by-past c. Answ. 1. It is to be considered that all these things are fully charged upon us as being guilty thereof and so to every particular I shall answer As to that of the Baptism of Children we do say there is neither Command nor Example for it in all the Scripture God never commanded it nor did the Apostle ever practise it in their dayes but it is a Tradition of the Church of Rome introduced into the World long since the Apostles dayes and except better ground can be shewed for the Practice of it than bare Tradition it is lawful to deny it as being no Ordinance of God in his true Church except I say that it can be proved that God ever commanded it or the Apostles and Saints practised it till which be done it is no error to deny the
blessed us unto this day and hath he preserved us hitherto through many Tribulations and Dangers hath he shewed infinite Love and Favour unto us to this hour And will he now suffer us to be destroyed from being a People surely no Will he give our Enemies their hearts desire to cut us all off that they may blaspheme his Name surely no and if it be the Pleasure of the Lord that some of us should seal our Testimony with our Blood good is the Will of the Lord not ours but his Will be done for the Testimony that we have born for these divers years hath been so excellent in it self and in its Fruits and Effects that the finishing of it deserves the best Seal that possibly we can signe it with which is indeed our hearts Blood and this dwells upon my spirit and yet though it should be thus my confidence is sure that the Work of the Lord shall prosper and our Testimony shall be glorious forever and this People shall never be extinguished from being a People And I know not any thing that remains upon our part at this day but that we commit our selves into the Hand of the Lord living in the Seed of God wherein our Election is sure before the World was and forever and let us remember one another and pray one for another and let us stir up all the Children of our Father to Faithfulness and Patience while we have time I say let us walk to the Glory of the Lord keeping Faith and a good Conscience to our last end our Testimony shall never dye nor our Memories never perish when we are ceased to be and though we suffer now the loss of Life and all we have yet the Effects thereof will be glorious in Ages to come and our present Sufferings will hasten the Glory of God's Work throughout the World Receive this as my Salutation to you all It is now eight dayes since I left Ireland where my Service hath been precious for the Lord for full six Moneths all which time the Lord carried me in much Faithfulness and Diligence in his Service to the confirming of many in the Truth of God and to the converting of others and through and because of the Presence of the Lord which was with me I had a very precious time and was wonderfully preserved through many Dangers and Tryals and I travelled near two thousand Miles to and fro in that Land and had very free passage in the principal Cities and Towns till my work for present was fully ended there having more time then could be expected to clear my Conscience to all People and it would be too large to mention every particular Trans-action wherein I perceived the Eminent Hand of God with me and also many things I observed concerning the present state of things which I shall not now mention for what have we to do with the Affairs of worldly Kingdoms but as for Friends it was well with them they grow and increase in the Blessings and Fulness of the Father and when I came thence all was quiet and very few in Prison though I suppose the Tydings of things as they are here will produce the same Sufferings upon them But I hope they will be bold and valiant for the Truth in giving their Testimony by faithful Sufferings till these things be finished Thus I remain in Life and Death and when I am no more in everlasting remembrance your dear Brother and Companion by doing and suffering for the Name of the Lord and his Truth I am well and at liberty as yet E. B. 11th of the 12th Moneth 1160. A JUST and RIGHTEOUS PLEA Presented unto the King of England And his COUNCIL c. Being the true State of the present Case of the People called Quakers Truly Demonstrated and Justly Pleaded on their Behalf for the true Information of the King and his Council that they may well understand the Truth and Verity of doubtful Cases and may shew Just Judgment and Mercy And this is laid down in Six Particulars viz. 1. Concerning Swearing at all and particularly of the Oath of Allegiance 2. Concerning Meeting together to Worship God 3. Concerning Tythes among the Jews and among the Christians and why we Refuse to pay them at this day 4. Concerning giving Security by Bond to live Peaceably or to answer Accusations then and there c. 5. Concerning Government it self and particularly of this present Government 6. Concerning Persecution what it is in it self and how great an Enemy it is to the King and his Government laid down in ten Particulars All which Cases are truly Stated and pleaded and the Cause of the Innocent Vindicated And this for the King and his Government that they may be Just and Righteous and perfectly according to God The Epistle to the King and his Council OH Friends this is your Day that God hath given you to try you and to prove you what you will do and whether you will Rule and Iudge and Exercise your Power for God or against him and this is the Hour of your tryal and the living God that made Heaven and Earth beholds you and his Eye is upon you and he waites for Iustice true Iudgment Mercy Righteousness and Truth to be brought forth by you in the Land that he might bless you and prosper you but and if the contrary be abounding and brought forth and exercised thorough you Blessings shall be turned into a Curse and the Iust God will deal with you after your deserts for the Reward of the Almighty is Iust and Equal unto all the Sons of men even according to their ways and works and the judgment of you nor of any is determined by him but according as He is served obeyed and feared or the contrary And seeing you have a day to do good and to forsake all evil to do Iustice Mercy and Truth in the Earth and to subdue the contrary if that you do the things you ought not and leave undone what God requires of you to do and trifle away your time in matters of less value and spend your days in Pleasures and Vanities and neglect Mercy and Iudgment in the Earth and have no regard to the Cry of the Poor and the Oppressed to deliver them from their cruel Persecutions if it be thus with you in this your day Who shall stand in the Gap to prevent the Anger of the Lord from breaking out or who shall plead for you in the day of your Reward when God himself ariseth unto just Iudgment to judge all Flesh and to deliver the Innocent Oh Friends is this nothing to you Is there no cause unto you of consideration in this matter Ought you not to lay these things to heart Why surely you are but men and your Breath is in your Nostrils and your Substance but dissolvable clay and the God of Heaven and Earth can do what he will with you and concerning you if ye please him it
might be well with you but if the contrary he can answer your doings with an equal Reward and none can prevent him And here is a Cry and a very great Cry of Persecution under your Authority the Prisons filled with Upright and Innocent Persons to the ruin of Persons Wives and Families if the great Mercy of the Lord did not prevent 〈◊〉 than the Iustice of men thousands within these few moneths have been cast into Goals and Dungeons and nasty Holes and divers have finished their Lives and dyed in Prisons many being taken out of their Houses and from their lawful Callings and many taken out of Meetings where they have been waiting upon God and cruel Sufferings inflicted upon them and all this for Truth and Righteousness-sake and for their Profession and Practice in Religion when as no plotting or evil-dealing towards the King nor any of his Subjectes could be justly charged and proved against them And thus the Innocent have been made a Prey to prophane Persons and their Sufferings have been woful and all this hath been under and by your Authority And are these things nothing to you or do you judge this is well doing Is this Iustice and true Iudgment Is this for your Happiness and Prosperity Let the God of Heaven and Earth judge in this matter between this People and You for the Cry of their Sufferings are very loud in the Ears of God and they have been laid before you and you ought to have relieved them and eased their heavy Burdens and shewed Iustice Pitty and Love and this would have made for your Happiness but if that you always neglect to hear the Cry of the Poor and of the Oppressed yet God hears and takes notice and though this People should have no Helper in the Earth yet He is their Helper and their Cause is committed unto him Can these things stand can you be happy in these Proceedings while the Innocent suffer under you Is it in your Hearts to destroy the Heritage of God do you think to extinguish an innocent People from off the Earth Must none wait upon God and worship him and pray to him but after your Prescriptions and Limitations And will you kill and destroy all such as do not who cannot for good Conscience sake conform to every Way of Worship and Religion imposed but must wait upon God and worship him and pray to him according as his Spirit teacheth and guideth will you I say destroy all such Is it in your hearts to effect it if it be the God of Heaven will not prosper you in such Purposes Will ye force men to forsake the Way of their God wherein they have found his Presence will ye persecute men for their Religion-sake while yet they walk uprightly in their Conversations among men Oh Friends it is not Iustice and true Iudgment thus to do it pleaseth not God neither doth it unite the hearts of Subjects in true Love and Unity but it hath contrary Effects and that you may find Indeed according to my judgment such Proceedings are not good Policy nor humane Wisdom for you to seek to establish one particular Perswasion and kind of Religion and impose that by force and persecute and seek to destroy all the rest that are otherwise minded if they will not deny their Principles and Consciences and conform this seems I say no good Policy among men for if it doth gratifie one sort of men in their desires it discontenteth and dissatisfieth many more and it breaketh Love and Unity amongst Subjects and your safety is in the uniting of Peoples hearts to you and one to another in Love and Liberty and not in the Divisions and Distractions of People surely this cannot be for your safety When as if you did give Liberty to all that were peaceable in their Lives and Conversations in the exercise of their Religion in Faith and Worship to God-wards this would cause all to love you and none to be discontented with you in good reason If one sort of People had as much Liberty as others in the ways of their Religion I mean and none more than others this doubtless would encrease Content among Subjects and be ablessing to you and your Authority and to proceed in that way which may keep the People in Love and Unity one with another and to you-wards this were good Policy for your establishment to perpetuity and there seems to be no otherway than in shewing Iustice Mercy and Liberty to all in all right ways and in the exercise of their Consciences towards God And this is my Iudgment the way for you to prosper is to leave the prescribing the Way of Worship unto God as his Spirit shall teach and perswade the Conscience and to leave the Iudgment in all Cases of Conscience about Spiritual Things unto Him and not to meddle about imposing Religion nor persecuting men for that cause for it is not your place to do it but you are to rule well over the outward man and to judge in the Cases of wrong between man and man but not at all in the Cases between God and mens Consciences But you may say Who art thou inferiour man that seemest to advise us that are high and potent and wise enough for our selves Well though it be thus though I am so and not much acquainted with the State-affairs nor do I profess Policy in the Governments of this World yet this I say Whatsoever my Birth or Quality be and whether I live or dye yet these things you must find true one day for I speak not as a Politition but as a Servant of God that your prosperity and Happiness in this World and hereafter standeth in shewing and executing true Iustice and Iudgment and Mercy and equal Liberty towards all without respect of their Title in the Profession and Practice of Religion and in allowing Liberty of Conscience in the exercise of Faith and Worship and Duty to God-wards to all Christian People equally in your Dominions and not to persecute or destroy any in their Persons and Estates for the Exercise of their Religion to God-wards This is the Way of your Prosperity and the contrary is the Way of your Destruction if that ye persecute Men for their Conscience sake and exercise Lordship and Authority over mens Consciences in Spiritual Things and if ye prescribe a Way of Worship and seek to destroy all that cannot conform thereunto if you do thus this is not good Policy to establish you Well I shall say little further but that these things I write not as your Enemy but as your Friend who would you have saved both Soul and Body and not as in any kind of Harshness in my spirit towards you do I write but in Love and Compassionateness to you and these Kingdoms And I have here in brief stated and pleaded the case of the Innocent People called Quakers who are at this time under great Afflictions and Tribulations by your Authority and
God hath reposed in him in promoting him to be King over these People for God hath not committed Power to him to judge in the Cases of mens Consciences and to persecute any because of the Exercise thereof whether they be of this Profession and Practicé in Religion or the other yet living peaceably and uprightly as men he ought not to persecute us nor to suffer them to be persecuted by nor under his Authority but he ought to defend and preserve all mens Persons and Estates in their Just Rights from the Violence each of others without respect to what their Profession and Practice of Religion is but if the contrary be brought forth it is contrary and not answerable to the End of God's Restauring him to these Kingdoms and if he doth not what God hath justly called him unto but otherwise this is his Enemy and such is Persecution for Conscience sake it is contrary to the End of Just Government and wherefore God hath restored him and therefore this Persecution is an utter Enemy both to the King's Person and Authority 4. It is his Enemy Because it provokes the God of Heaven and Earth over all to be offended with him for he is provoked and vexed because of the Persecution of his People in this Age as ever he was in all Ages and if the King be guilty thereof it incurreth God's great Displeasure against him For God was ever offended with Kings Rulers and whomsoever that were Persecutors and he is the same at this day and whatsoever it is that provokes God to Anger against the King that is his Enemy And such is Persecution of People for the Profession and Practice of their Religion whenas no Evil can be charged upon them in things between man and man and therefore let the KING beware of this Woful ENEMY that waits to wound him for if the God of Heaven be provoked against him how great is that Enemy which brings it to pass 5. It is the King's Enemy Because it not only provokes the Lord to Anger but to Judgment Persecution is the Cause wherefore God bringeth grievous Iudgments and Vengeance upon whomsoever are guilty thereof and the Effect of Persecution is Plagues and Misery and it incenseth God to Anger and also to Destroy and therefore let the King beware of such a deadly Enemy as should Cause God to destroy him And such an Enemy is Persecution of God's People for Conscience sake it draweth down the Wrath of God upon Kings and Kingdoms upon Rich and Poor upon High and Low that are guilty of it for it is the fulfilling of all other Sins and it hasteneth to bring Destruction upon all that are guilty and this Effect it will work upon the King even this his Enemy Persecution if he turn not from it and overcome it and Banish it from him for it is the Cause of both Inward and Outward Internal and External Plagues and Iudgments of God 6. Persecution it is an Enemy to the King Because it will work to weaken the Hands of Iust and Sober and Righteous Men it will weaken their Love and Affections and it makes their Hearts sad And Wo is unto them that make sad their Hearts whom God doth not make sad and this doth Persecution And it doth not only weaken the Hearts and Hands of the Righteous and Sober Persons but it strengthens the Hands of the Rude Ungodly and Prophane through the Land and that which strengthens the Wicked and the Rude Multitude in Wantonness Scorning and Prophanness that is the King's Enemy but such is Persecution for a good Conscience sake And because it weakens the Righteous in their Good and Upright Wayes and strengthens the Wicked in their Evil Wayes therefore it is an Enemy unto the King 7. Persecution is an Enemy unto him Because it tends to render him dishonourable both in the sight of God and all good men through the World for it will shew that he is cruel and bitter and perverse and that he wanteth Humility Meekness Forbearance and Patience if he be guilty and this is dishonourable to have and profess Evil Qualities and Properties and to be without the Good and by persecution this will be made manifest to all the World and ever was in all Ages that the Persecutors of good Conscience gained unto themselves Dishonour and Reproach of all good men in all Ages after them for they were men full of Rage and Malice and Passionateness and wanted Patience and Humility and this made them Dishonourable And the Case will be the same with the King if he be a Persecutor for Conscience sake and he will be Dishonourable both in this present Time and in Ages to come and this by Persecution and therefore it is his Enemy that will work many Mischiefs and Evils upon him if he be not wholy delivered from it 8. Persecution is an Enemy to the King's Person and Authority because Persecution for Conscience sake is of the Devil it is of his spirit and not of the Spirit of God to Persecute Imprison Kill and Destroy mens Persons and Estates because of their Religions sake whenas no unjust Dealing nor Unrighteous Conversation can be justly laid to their charge but only for and because of such Profession and Practice in Religion to persecute any because hereof this is of the Devil and that which is of the Devil is the King's Enemy and an Enemy to all Mankind and such is Persecution and therefore it is a deadly mortal Enemy which wounds Kings Princes and Rulers that ever have had friendship with it and therefore let the King avoid this great Enemy lest its Effects prove miserable 9. It is the King's Enemy Because it is according to the Example of all the wicked King's and Rulers that ever have been through Ages and Generations as of Pharaoh Ahab Herod Nero and many more who were Persecutors of People for Conscience sake who gained unto themselves thereby Reproach Infamy and Misery from God and men and to follow their Example is the King's Enemy and such is Persecution If he should persecute for Conscience sake and about Religion and the Worship of God then he follows the Example of wicked Kings and this will be his Enemy and will work woful effects if so be he walk in the steps of the Persecutors of old love that which is his Enemy 10. Persecution is the King's Enemy Because the End and Effects thereof is Misery and Destruction upon all that persecute the Heritage of God What was Pharaoh's end and Herod's end and Nero's end was not their end woful and miserable to God and shameful to men And Persecution for Conscience sake will bring the same Effects at this day The End of all Persecutors will be Misery and Shame even in the day of the Lord when he comes with Iudgment and Vengeance and to reward every man according to his deeds then will He reward Persecution and Persecutors with his fierce Wrath and they shall
commit too much Credit upon it even as they love their own Safety and Peace which are concerned in this Case 7. Consider Into what a great Danger the Protestants and People of England have run themselves by ●●ecing from a less for by avoiding the Secta●●es so called they have run themselves into the very Borders of Popery and to escape a Less Danger they have exposed themselves to a far Greater For the Protestants cryed out of the Sectaries and were afraid their Church and Religion should be overthrown by them and made haste to Escape and flee from the Danger and in so doing they have as it appeareth by Semper Iidem run themselves into a Danger far greater Even to have their Religion and Persons and Estates Destroyed by Fire and Faggot if the spirit that indicted Semper Iidem hath its desired End which is grown Bold and Confident more than formerly Thus while the Protestants have sought to destroy the Sectaries an Enemy is appearing to Destroy them and they have exposed themselves if Popery prevails to an Enemy far more Cruel and Dectructive to both their Persons Estates and Religion than ever the Sectaries would have been had they prevailed And this is considerable to the Protestants that they may lament their case who have run themseles into a far greater Danger of their own Destruction to escape a less and are in present Reproach by the Papists and exposed to Destruction if they prevail 8. Consider How Favourable the Church of ROME seemeth to grow of these late dayes in these Kingdoms and what Dignity she seems to have attained to besides of Times past and what Liberty she enjoyes more than many of the good Subjects of England which may as justly have the Priviledge of Liberty in their Exercise of Faith and Worship and Religion as she can have As for instance In Ireland where the Papists have the Enjoyment of their Liberty to Meet to hear Mass very frequently and are not Restrained nor Prohibited and many of the English Inhabitants known Faithful Protestants are not admitted the like Liberty but their Meeting broken up and they sent to Prison and Cruelly Persecuted for Meeting together when the Papists are not meddled withal for the same Cause and thus their Cause seems more to be favoured than the Protestants and they more Liberty in their Worship than many of the English Protestants And also In and about London upon search you will find Meetings of the Papists large ones too consisting of very many Forreigners of other Lands which have their Liberty of Worship and Profession of Religion and divers of the Inhabitants of the City who have been and are Known Upright Honest and Just Persons and are true Protestants and faithful Subjects of the Land are not admitted to have their Meetings but are haled out of Meetings Persecuted and sent to Prison and cruel Sufferings inflicted upon them for the Exercise of their Faith and Worship whenas the Papists are admitted their Liberty without Persecution in the same Cause for which many good Protestants are Perfecuted and not suffered to have their Liberty even in the Exercise of their Faith and Worship and this is manifest to all People by which it is plain how the Papists Cause is advancing and the Protestants Cause decaying in LONDON and through ENGLAND whenas the Papists and that Forreigners have more Liberty in the Exercise of their Religion then some Protestants have that are Natives and known to be good Subjects And these things deserve true and serious Confideration by all good Protestants Alas that this day should be seen Many more Considerations might be asserted in this Case of the Papists Cause being as it were reviving but these for present are presented to the publick View of all People And blessed are they that have an Ear to hear E. B. THE CASE OF Free Liberty OF CONSCIENCE In the Exercise of FAITH and RELIGION Presented unto the KING and both Houses of PARLIAMENT And also Proved absolute Needful and Requisit for them to Grant and Allow in these Kingdoms by many Considerations and Reasons unfolding the Woful Effects and Ill Consequence which will infallibly follow upon the contrary to the Misery and Destruction of these Nations if the Free Exercise of Conscience to God-ward be Limitted and Violently Restrained FOrasmuch as it hath pleased the Lord God of Heaven and Earth who is Mighty and Powerful and bringeth to pass whatsoever he will in the Kingdoms of this World so to suffer it to be accomplished that Power and Authority is given unto you to exercise over these Kingdoms And whereas the People of these Nations over whom your Authority is extended are divided in their Judgments in Matters Spiritual and are of different Principles and Wayes in relation to Faith and Worship and Practices of Religion and yet are all of them Free-born People and Natives of these Kingdoms and as such ought to possess and enjoy their Lives Liberties and Estates by the Just Laws of God and man And may not justly any of them be Destroyed by you nor one sort of another in their Persons and Estates by Death Banishment or other Persecutions for and because only of their Differences in Matters of Opinion and Judgment nor though they are contrary minded in Profession of Faith and Worship and Religion while they do walk Peaceably and Justly in their Conversations under the King's Authority and do not make practice of their Religion to the violating of the Government nor to the Injury of other mens Persons or Estates but ought rather to be Defended and Protected by you in all their Rights both as Men and Christians both in things Civil and Spiritual Notwithstanding their difference in matters Religious as aforesaid they giving proof of their peaceable and honest deportment towards the King and his Government and the people of these Kingdoms And therefore that due care may be had as justly it ought to be by you for the peace and Prosperity and happiness of these Kingdoms and that the just Liberties both civil and Spiritual of all people therein may be allowed and maintained in all the Kings Dominions and that unity and peace may be fully established and justice and Righteousness only brought forth in the Land and all persecution Hatred Contention and Rebellions may die and perish and never more appear And that all Christian people though different in Judgement and practises in matters of Faith and worship may be protected to live a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty under this Government and that indignation and vengeance may be diverted from these Lan●● which seems to threaten because of the contrary and that blessings and peace ma● come and rest upon this people forever Therefore for these ends and causes and in the Name of the Lord I do propound unto you and lay before you on the behalf of all the divided people of these Kingdoms That free Liberty of conscience in the
of Conscience and their Hearts will be dis-engaged in Love and Affection to you-wards and this will be infallibly the Effect of Persecution for Conscience sake as King Charles the first saith in his Meditations A charitable Connivance and Christian Toleration often dissipates their Strength when rougher Opposition fortifies and puts the Dispised and Oppressed Party into such combinations as may most enable them to get a full revenge on those they count their persecutors c. 10. Consider if ye force Worship and Religion and cause men to conform against their Judgments how dangerous is this to destroy mens souls and to lead 〈◊〉 even to destruction For seeing ye affirm not the Infallibility of your Worship and Religion and yet will impose them and so engage mens Souls in depandancy for Salvation upon things and wayes uncertain and which GOD giveth not the Faith to believe in I say how dangerous is this to ruin souls for in no way can the soul be secure but in the faith which God works in the heart in the Obedience of Infallible TRUTH So ye 〈◊〉 mens souls upon a Rock and it is unreasonable as before mentioned that men should be forced into the profession and Practice of uncertain and fallible Religion and that they should be forced by you into that which may be evil for which not you altogether but themselves must bear the punishment in the Day of the Lord and except ye could affirm and prove the infallibility of your Church which is impossible there is no Equity nor Right Reason for it That you should impose upon others any more than others should impose upon you For as King Charles the First said in his Meditation He desired not any should be further Subjects unto him then he and all of them might be subject unto God c. 11. Consider if ye allow not liberty of Conscience but persecute about the same ye walk in the way and after the example of some of the Heathen Rulers and of the false Christians and shews that ye allow of the cruel persecutions by the Church of Rome and ye follow their example who persecute unto death such as they call Hereticks and if ye do persecute for matters of Conscience then ye allow the very deeds of the Heathens who persecuted the Christians for their Religion sake and ye justifie Papists in persecuting the Protestants and ye plainly demonstrate unto all the World by your works and fruits that ye are of Antichrist if ye impose on mens Consciences by force in the matters of Religion and persecute good Conscience about the same for it was the Antichrist and the Beast that first forced all to worship and violently engaged all into a conformity and killed and persecuted all that would not worship according to the Image Rev. 13. as ye may read And it was not Christs way nor the practice of any of his primitive Churches to impose and force on the persons and Consciences of men concerning their Church and Religion to cause all into a conformity thereunto and destroy and persecute all that would not This was not the way of Christ and his Apostles in their daies but they left Religion free and said they were not lords over mens faith nor lords over Gods Heritage neither did impose upon any in doubtful cases of conscience much lesse compel against mens Conciences for the Apostle left the practice of doubtful things as every one was perswaded in his own mind to do or not to do without imposing by force or directions of persecution about the same Therefore if ye do not allow free liberty of Conscience ye are out of the Doctrine Example of Christ and his Apostles and follows the way and example of Antichrist Heathen Rulers and cruel Papists to your great dishonour 12. Consider if ye allow not liberty of Conscience in the exercise of Religion but impose and persecute about the same It must inavoidably tend to destroy and expel Trading Husbandry and Merchandize in these Kingdoms for a great part of Trading and Husbandry depends upon such kind of persons whose principles are for toleration in Religion and hates persecution and violence in that case this ye will find true on examination and if liberty of Conscience be not allowed such will be exposed to great afflictions some to imprisonment and some to poverty and some to flee into other Countries to the destruction of their Callings and Trading and the hands and industriousnes of such people will be weakned in these Kingdoms if they cannot enjoy their just liberty in temporal spiritual cases and the effects thereof will work wofully in this very respect even to dis-enable both the hearts and hands of Husbandmen and Trades and expose these Nations to want and poverty and to enrich their enemies 13. Consider If Liberty of Conscience be deny'd and Persecution be introduc'd about the same all these and many more woful Consequences and Effects will follow infallibly to the ruin of these Kingdoms even Wars and Bloodsheds and Discontents and Murmurings and all evil things will be the Product of the aforesaid Cause viz. Of denying Liberty of Conscience in Religious Matters for in a word it will tend to and may effect the Overthrow of you and Ruin your Government and Authority for the great and mighty God of Heaven and Earth will be provoked against you and his Wrath will go out like a Devouring Flame upon you if that ye limit the Holy One and will not suffer him to exercise his proper Right in being King in mens Consciences to exercise them in all the Wayes of his Worship and Matters of his Kingdom but do oppress impose and persecute about the same this I say will infallibly work the Kingdoms ruin and expose you and your Government to the Indignation of the Holy Lord God who is tender of his Honour and will not give it to another and he loveth and effecteth the Cause of such whose Consciences are truly tender towards him and though ye persecute such and seek to destroy them and for a time exercise great Afflictio and ●●●ressions upon them for the matters of their Conscience yet the God of Heaven will appear for such in his season and deliver them and avenge their ●ersecu●ors And therefore all ye Rulers consider and lay these things to heart lest ye provoke the Lord against you by destroying the People whom he regards and that not for evil doing but for the Ca●es of Conscience and because they cannot relinquish their profession and principles of their Religion and how and conform in things against their Light and Knowledge 14. Consider If ye allow not Liberty of Conscience what exceeding danger 〈◊〉 run your selves into even to destroy just men and righteous as Hereticks and erroneous and may promote Hereticks as Church-members both which are great Abominations in the Sight of God and this Danger ye bring upon your selves for ye are not infallible Judges who are Hereticks and
together wherefore be faithful to perform your duty to God in that particular whatsoever sufferings should be infflicted upon you by the men of this World And as concerning refusing to take any Oath ye know it hath been our Principle and practise so to do since the Lord hath given us knowledge of his wayes and the spirit of the Lord that dwels in us perswadeth our hearts to deny all swearing both as it was practised under the Law according to the command of God and in the Types and Figures and as it is practised among the Christians since the Apostles daies which is as now practised Idolatry and Superstition And I say the Spirit of Christ doth confirm our hearts in this trut● even to deny all swearing and also we have the express command of Christ and of the Apostle Iames forbdiding all swearing by Heaven and Earth and all other Oaths which bears witness to the truth of our refusing to swear at this day likewise we have the Testimony of many holy Martyrs and Prophets since the Apostles daies who denied to swear on any wise who suffered for such their Testimony All which evidences may justly confirm the hearts of Gods people at this day faithfully to hold out their Testimonies of refusing to swear at all seeing we have a cloud of witnesses that testifie with us the express Command of Christ and the Apostle th● Test●●●●● of 〈…〉 divers ●ges who suffered for the same and the present 〈…〉 Spirit of Christ in our own Hearts All which are suffici●●t to give Courage and Boldness under all Sufferings and Afflictions that we may 〈◊〉 withal for refusing to Swear Well Friends Be faithful to God in these and all other things which God hath given you Light and Knowledge in and I do 〈…〉 Conscience and not to sin against the Light and Knowledge that God hath given you either by denying to profess and practice that Truth which the Lord hath perswaded your Heart of or by conforming to anything which ye know is not of the Truth and this is the Way of Eternal Peace with God But if any shall through the Temptations of the Adversary and for the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of this World deny the Lord and renounce good Conscience ●… such must bear the Burden of the Lord's Anger because 〈…〉 Revoltings from the Wayes of God True it is This is a Day of great Tryal yet the Lord is strong and gives Strength unto all his People that 〈◊〉 upon 〈◊〉 And let us be mindful what our Controversie is and ●… this Day our Controversie is for the Lord and his Truth to Do Faithfully and Suffer Patiently whatsoever the Will of the Lord is unto us and not to renounce and deny the exercise of our pure Consciences in those things that God hath perswaded our Hearts of the Truth of For if any this Day should be Unfaithful either by doing what they should not or leaving undone what they know they should do If any deny the Lord and his Truth and conform to the false Ways and Worships of men such lose the Controversie and give the Cause of God into the hand of your Enemies which is a fearful Abomination and the Controversie is with that spirit which opposeth us in these things which we know are of the Lord. It is with that spirit that we must contend contend I say by the Spirit of the Father in Long-Suffering and Patience and Good-will towards all men and not with the Weapons of this World in envy to any even with that spirit which doth oppose our meeting together to worship God and would impose Oaths and Things upon us contrary to our Consciences And these things are the main Matters of Controversie this day which the Spirit of Christ in us must oppose being imposed on us by the spirit of the World So all Friends are to mind to be Faithful to the Spirit of Christ and its perswasions and against that spirit which is not of him For the Opposition is between the two spirits and none must say the things required to be forborn or to be done are but small matters in themselves and may be done or not done without Offence this kind of Reasoning may be dangerous and may easily divert from the Obedience of Christ for we are not to look so much at the things in themselves which are required to be done or to be forborn as at the spirit which doth impose upon us in such cases against pure Conscience if the spirit be not of God we must not obey it in the least things for this is indeed the matter of Conscience not so much particular things or actions as the spirit that is not of God where it requires things against good Conscience for whatsoever that spirit requireth be it little or much in respect of the Action it must not be obeyed and that for Conscience sake for this is a good Conscience that cannot do nor conform to any thing which the spirit that is not of God enjoyes though therefore suffering be inflicted on the outward man And last of all I do advise and exhort That ye have Love and Unity in the Spirit of the Lord and one with another that oneness of Heart and Soul and Spirit may be amongst us being bound up in the holy Covenant of the Father even willing to do or suffer one for another and in this Spirit of Unity the Lord will bless us and make us strong and able to go through joyfully all our Afflictions but if any Strife or Division be in the Body it weakens the whole if one Member vex another through discord this is not of the Father but contrary to him this is not for the safety of the Body but bruises it and wounds it and ma●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●fflict the S●… 〈◊〉 the Righte●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 out●…d Enemies ●nd St●…●…d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 o●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may sooner work 〈◊〉 ●…throw than 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from men O● 〈◊〉 theref●… 〈◊〉 Brother to 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to many and 〈◊〉 Servant to all let me entreat and beseech That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fo● 〈◊〉 th●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chris●…●…ed you and that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…minded in all things even one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●ther 〈◊〉 the Son are one and so shall 〈◊〉 Blessings o● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fr●● y●● 〈◊〉 de●…r 〈◊〉 The Lord ha●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alwayes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to ●…ll 〈◊〉 with his Riches and Treasure ●nd are no● we Ve●…s of Honour is not his Name in ou● 〈◊〉 heads 〈◊〉 not we the Flock of ●is Fo● therefore let us Honour him by the Works of Tr●●h 〈◊〉 Love of Mercy and all the Works of Righteousness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bring 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 u●…o the 〈◊〉 thereby proving that we are true ●●●ches in Christ the 〈◊〉 let 〈◊〉 give up to suffer all things Patiently for the Testimony of his Truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our Hearts if we Live let it be to him only and if we Dye let
found or whensoever you see him or meet with him or if such a one be amongst you or pass by you let him be suspected taken deemed and judged for a false Prophet and Deceiver without respect of his Name and Title in his Profession of Religion Again Christ Jesus prophesied and said That Deceivers and false Prophets should come who should have the Sheep's-Clothing but inwardly Ravening Wolves And John said The false Prophets were already come into the World in his dayes even the false Prophets and Antichrist whom Christ said should come and the False Prophets and Deceivers that Christ said should come John saw were come into the World in his dayes Now who is it and where are they that are Wolves in Sheeps cloathing that are those Antichrists that Christ said should come and Iohn said were come Even such are they that have the Outside viz. Christ's words and the Apostles words and the Saints practices they have the Sheep's clothing but inwardly are the Wolves in the evil nature and their evil nature is covered with the Saints words and practices and such are the Wolves in Sheep's clothing that have the outside of the Sheep but want the Nature of Christ and are in the contrary nature And to all people that are upon the Earth I do appeal and ask where are they that are such now and who are they whether they be Papists or Protestants or whomsoever else that are such that have the outside the sheeps cloathing but inwardly are wolves of a devouring nature such are they that Christ said should come and Iohn saw was come And such are Ministers of Antichrist whosoever they are and such are in the World and have over-spread it since the Apostles dayes and whole Christendom hath been deceived by such Wolves in Sheeps clothing even by such as have got the Outside the Saints words and Practices but wanted the Life and have been in the Evil Nature and not in the Nature of CHRIST JESUS And such now in this Age are to be taken judged and deemed false Prophets and Deceivers Wolves in Sheeps cloathing and Ministers of Antichrist E. B. TO THE Friends of Truth In and about LONDON DEarly and well-beloved in Christ our Life and Glory The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and at this time quickeneth my heart into the lively remembrance of you all herewith sending the hearty and fervent Salutation of my dear and perfect Love unto all the Faithfull amongst you for the Fathers Love filleth my heart and hath raised up my spirit into an holy frame and temper of gladness and rejoycing of great joy and comfort in the remembrance and feeling sence of what the Lord hath wrought and made manifest among his People and the fulness of his Love and rejoycing floweth out in praising and magnifying the Lord our God for evermore Oh what hath the Lord wrought for us in our day How hath his out-stretched Arm been made bare again and again for our Salvation and Deliverance How many have his Mercies been and how numberless have his Lovingkindnesses been shewed to us How hath his power and wisdom been discovered amongst his People by which we are quickned and revived into the Life of Righteousness and Peace to be Servants and Heirs of the Everlasting Father the Lord of Heaven and Earth being called by him out of Darkness into his marvellous Light And how glorious is the Light that hath appeared upon our Tabernacle and shined in our hearts and that hath led us in the Way of Peace and taught us in the Path of Righteousness Thus and much more hath the hand of the Lord wrought for us having raised us up to be a Poeple that in times past were not a people but now he hath formed us for himself and created us for his praise having gathered us as a Shepherd doth his Flock from our strayed estate in which we were strangers and afar off inhabiting in death and darkness but now raised up to sit together in heavenly places and to feed in the fat pastures of his fulness that filleth all in all This hath been effected by the Hand and Power of the most High who hath also preserved us unto this day through many tryals and tribulations and again and again when our enemies have risen up against us to destroy us even then hath the Lord been our defence and confounded our Persecutors so that we yet live blessed be the Name of the Lord the remembrance of which infinite tender Mercies from the Father that we have received have a Heavenly influence upon my heart at this time which causeth me to say What manner of Love is this Oh the hight and depth and infiniteness of the same the Beauty thereof hath ravished my heart the Strength thereof hath overcome me and the Vertue thereof hath overcome me and the Vertue thereof hath filled my Soul And this is the present frame of my spirit full of Love and Good-will to the Lord God and to all his Saints and particularly unto you unto whom my spirit desireth in the Lord the increase of Peace and Mercies and Blessings and all Heavenly Vertue unto you all for I am under particular Engagements unto you more then unto many 1. Because my labour and service in the work of the Gospel hath been more amongst you then amongst others even for divers years have I been conversant among you in the administration of the gift of the Gospel by dispensing the Word of Life to the Converting of some and to the Strengthning and Confirming of others in the way of the Lord. And let the Just God bear witness of that faithfulness and integrity and sincerity of heart in which he hath carried me amongst you while many precious dayes I have passed away with you and have not sought yours but you nor do I desire ought concerning you but your Faithfulness to the Lord and your growth and establishment in the Wisdom of Christ Jesus and that blessings and Peace may ever rest with you And seeing it is thus that some of my precious years in the service of God have been spent amongst you therefore is my heart and spirit engaged to you-wards even while I live to advise you and exhort you and to pray for you that you may be sound in the Faith and established in the Truth and Confirmed in the Possession that never fades away 2. In respect of that place of your outward Residence that great City I mean where Satans Seat is and where wickedness abounds and many temptations and provocations which may attempt to draw you from the Lord I do know the dangers are many which may easily be met withall in that place There is both the love glory and excellency of this World near unto you and also the terrours threats losses and persecutions of this evil World even dwelling with you all which may work upon some many fears and doubts and begat temptations to the denying of the Lord and
seeing the danger is such to you-wards in that place even more then to some others therefore is my soul engaged to admonish and instruct and Pray for your preservation unto the end that ye may walk as the Lords and to his glory 3. And also my desires are for you that blessings and Peace may be multiplied unto you and that you may walk in the Wisdom and Power of the Lord in this respect that Truth may be honoured and crown'd with dominion and Authority and good report in that great City by your faithfulness and patience and diligence and all the fruits of righteousness for as many temptations do attend you as I have said before so also many eyes are upon you beholding what you are and what you do and what will become of you and if you Walk in Faithfulness and Righteousness and be preserved unto the Lord in boldness and valour for his Names sake this will magnifie the Truth and crown it with honour and strengthen and comfort many that are weak and be a joy to all the upright and it will confound your Enemies and put them to shame and limit the unreasonable spirit of the power of darkness when our enemies see your just faithful righteous and inoffensive manner of walking in all things And therefore for this cause my heart is engaged to pray for you seeing the eyes of many are upon you to mark your wayes and doings and what will be the end And now dearly beloved as by the free grace and kindness of God ye are called unto this Calling and are renewed and changed into the Life of Righteousness so it is by the same Grace and Power of the Father that ye must stand and be preserved unto the end for by Grace and Faith we all stand even through Diligence Faithfulness and Watchfulness in the same Grace being obedient unto its teachings and fruitful in its motions and walking by its Rule in meekness and lowliness of heart in sincerity and godly Fear not being or doing any thing of our selves distinct or divided from this Grace but being and doing all things through the Grace of God dwelling in us and this is the highest Perfection of Saints Every ones highest state admits of Watchfulness and Faithfulness and Obedience and to Hearken to the Lord and do his Will in all things and whatsoever is of our selves and related to the outward World may be kept in Subjection by his Power that he alone may Rule and be exalted in Heaven and Earth and in all things what we are and what we do And wait upon the Lord that ye may be established and settled in the Truth and that ye may be confirmed therein forever as being natural Heirs of the possession of Grace and Truth to do and walk and live according to his will being so inherited never to go forth any more and able to say Nothing can separate us from the Love of God not Death nor Life nor any other thing For I would put you in mind and ye also know it How that many have been touched in their Heart with the sense of the Lord and his Love yea and many have enjoyed of the good Gift of God and walked with us for a time that have not remained unto the End but have started aside from the Lord and been overcome with the Temptations of this World even to the forsaking of the Way of Truth and Righteousness and such have dishonoured the Lord and forfeited their Peace and Inheritance in God and become hardened in their Hearts and dead to God and the Latter-end of such hath been worse then their Beginning though yet for a time such walked with us and tasted of the good Gifts of God yet are become Reprobate because their Hearts have not been firm and constant and sound and approved to God but of an Evil Frame and Temper of Spirit Ambitious Vain-glorious Self-seeking and such like which spirit could not retain the Gift of God but abused it and perverted it from it proper End And therefore dearly beloved it is exceeding precious to have a Heart and Spirit tryed and approved of the Lord a good and honest Heart an upright and contrite Spirit for that will abide in Faithfulness unto God through all Tribulations and Tryals if the Heart be right in the sight of God whatsoever the Knowledge be or whether the Gifts be little or great yet the Lord's Presence is there and such are blessed so that it s not enough only to have a touch and taste of the Loving kindness of God but every one must be established therein in an approved Heart and tryed Spirit which can endure all things and not be shaken nor moved and its only that kind of Spirit which is Meek and Lowly Sincere and Upright which is established in the Truth and which only can remain unmovable And according to the ancient Doctrine of Christ which ye have believed every one must look to your own particular standing and must feel your own particular Joy Peace and Comfort and must receive the assurance of Life in your own Souls for it is an Everlasting Word Every one must stand by their own by what they feel and enjoy of Eternal Life in their own Hearts that only is every ones Security and Assurance in the Kingdom of Peace and Glory And it is the height of Perfection To have the Seal of the Spirit of God in our Consciences witnessing to us That we are the Lord's and Blessed are they that have this Testimony even that of the Spirit of the Father which is the Everlasting Comforter against all Sorrow and the Perfect Seal against all Doubts and the sure Guide against all Opposition This is the Office of the Spirit of the Lord and its Work in the Hearts of his Children Therefore my Advice is to you as from the beginning Look to your own to your own Measure of the Gift of Grace and Truth that only stands when all Wandrings after men and things fall and in that is your security as I have said And let your Conversations and Walkings be such as becometh the Gospel of Christ in all Faithfulness and Righteousness that you may be an Honour to the Lord in your Generation for this only have we to do in this World even to shew forth his Praise and Glory who hath created us in Christ Jesus All things in relation to Truth are well in these Cou●…ies the Dominion of Truth is set up over the Heads of the Wicked and it is a Terror to its Enemies and the Joy of all Good men and Friends are Faithful in the Power of the Lord and look over this World to the World that hath no End and their Hope and Confidence is in that and Meetings are generally quiet and the Presence of the Lord is amongst his People And thus to the Grace Power and Wisdom of the Lord God are ye committed who is the only Preserver of his Children Grace and Peace