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A94736 Iehovah iireh: or, Gods providence in delivering the godly. Opened in two sermons in the citie of Bristoll, on the day of publike thanksgiving in that citie, March 14. 1642. For the deliverance of that citie from the invasion without, and the plot of malignants within the city, intended to have been acted the Tuesday night before. With a short narration of that bloody and abominable plot. Preached by Iohn Tombes, B.D. It is this two and twentieth day of Aprill, Anno Dom. 1643. ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing, that this booke intituled, Johovah Jireh, or Gods providence in delivering the godly, be printed. John White. Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. aut 1643 (1643) Wing T1809; Thomason E100_31 25,023 33

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in a vaine presumption which cannot hold Experience might enforme them that when men presume most they faile most and that Gods people are then nearest to deliverance when they are in appearance in the most hopelesse condition The reasons hereof are evident God knowes how to deliver when man doth not and when men say there is no helpe for him in his God then it is that God doth most certainly appeare with deliverance Out then with all these Atheisticall thoughts as if the godly and their cause were lost when forces faile enemies grow potent and are many in number Let this one experiment of this Cities deliverance teach you to see the presumption of men to bee a vaine thing When almost was there a time wherein a City was nearer spoyling and destruction and yet preserved The narration read to you may easily give you to conceive how neere it was to be taken how great the presumption of the plotters was of the successe Yet loe in this one instance this truth verified The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of Temptation by his skill and vigilancy we have had deliverance Let not then proud spirits vaunt of their plot and power but remember what Jethro said concerning the deliverance at the red Sea Exod. 18. 11. Now I know that the Lord is greater then all Gods for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly hee was above them Secondly This should strengthen our faith and encourage us to seeke unto God and rely upon him even then when in our owne apprehension we be at the weakest and the enemy most potent So did Jehosaphat 2 Chron. 20. 12. O our God wilt thou not judge them For wee have no might against this great company that commeth against us neither know wee w●at to doe but our eyes are upon thee And a little after vers. 15. Bee not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battell is not yours but Gods Be it that wee be brought to great straights so that we see no way of escape no meanes of helpe yet let our eyes be fixed on the power that is above still keepe up your heart with prayer in dependance upon God And let me tell you that faith is as good as a whole Army yea it is more then great forces By it the Saints have obtained victories escaped the edge of the Sword Heb. 11. 34. Marke what Hanani the Seer told Asa 2 Chron. 16. 7 8 9. Because thou hast relied on the King of Syria and not relied on the Lord thy God therefore is the hoast of the King of Syria escaped out of thine hand Were not the Ethiopians and Lubins a huge hoast with very many Chariots and horsemen yet because thou didst relie on the Lord he delivered them into thine hand For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro thoorow out the whole earth to shew himselfe strong in the behalfe of them whose heart is perfect toward him The truth is Faith is our greatest strength Armies be of no power without God and when God makes an Army to be a scourge to a people it is likely because they want faith in God for deliverance Oh that then our hearts might be established upon God whatever straights wee are brought to that wee could learne to cling and rest and hang upon him by faith though outward helpe faile He is the Lord of hosts the God of all power and wisedome Let our faith in God be strong though the arme of flesh wee use bee weake Thirdly if God be so expert in deliverance we should learne to waite upon God and to stay his time for deliverance God doth not deliver according to thy will but according to his owne purpose and therefore we should quiet our selves in his wisedome and care patiently staying till he be pleased to send deliverance We are ready to anticipate Gods worke to prescribe the way and time of deliverance and if they faile to begin to grow weary with waiting yea to draw desperate conclusions therefrom and all is because wee have not learned this lesson that the Lord knoweth how to deliver when man doth not that his wayes are unsearchable and past finding out by us that he reserveth the ordering of meanes the time when and the extent of deliverance how farre it shall reach Learne then to bee contented though hee disappoint thee in the way of deliverance thou fixest thy thoughts and hopes on and keepe up thy confidence in God his faithfulnesse and power Remember that of the Prophet Isa. 28. 16. He that believeth shall not make haste Fourthly if it be the Lord that knowes how to deliver then when we have deliverance we must remember to magnifie his wisedom goodnesse care vigilancy and providence And this is the proper businesse of this day God hath given a great deliverance to this Citie And I beseech you to consider to whom it can bee ascribed but to him It were extreame sottshnesse for any man to imagine that such a deliverance came by chance that it was hap-hazzard uncertaine blinde Fortune that did so discover and prevent a plot so long before contrived and so neere the accomplishment nor can it be conceived to have been by the foresight of men The truth is all sorts of persons were in a dubious and trembling condition A plot was feared but what it might be or what way to discover it I suppose the Agents in the discovery knew not till God directed some unexpectedly to give intelligence Those that sate at the sterne here will acknowledge they were at a stand and knew not what to doe those that seemed best to understand the state of things here conceived them in a hopelesse condition If then it cannot be ascribed to fortune or to men to whom shall wee ascribe the delivery but to God Doubtlesse they shew themselves arrant fooles grosse doaters sottish persons stupid wretches that will not say Digitus Dei est hic herein is the finger of God That a plot contrived with so much cunning brought on so neere to an issue should even then bee discovered even then be prevented when it was to be acted with such a mercifull preservation of those against whom it was intended bindes us to give great praise unto God Let us then with our whole heart acknowledge that great hath the wisedome providence and vigilancy of God beene over this place in discovering and preventing this plot To make us more sensible hereof let us consider the greatnesse of the delivery by the number of persons delivered even many thousands of lives in all likelihood a whole City and a great City preserved Yea doubtlesse those that conceived themselves safe enough have cause to acknowledge their deliverance Let men dreame of a word or a signe as a securitie for them alas in a furious concourse while men are in heate of blood doe yee thinke they can attend to observe and marke a word a little white Tape in the
conspiracy by some notice that we had given unto us of their meeting at Yeomans his house about an houre or two before the plot was to have beene put in exeeution which was to have been upon the ringing of the Bells about one or two a clocke in the morning Having seized on Master Robert Yeomans with his company and after Butcher with his company the necke of the plot being broken within the Towne the enemy without whose designe as it should seeme depended much upon it having showne themselves upon the Downe the next morning after two or three shot of Canons made against them from our worke upon Brandon hill they wheeled off and so God put a Hook into their nostrills and turned them back againe for which great mercy of his in delivering us from a dangerous invasion of the enemy without and from a damnable conspiracy of some traytorous inhabitants within the City both this towne and the whole kingdome so far as it is concerned in the preservation of this City hath great cause to give thanks to Almighty God unto whom alone the glory thereof is due This is a short narration of the late detestable and bloody Plot against this City whereof no doubt more hereafter will appeare the matter being yet under examination onely one writing which was found in Robert Yeomans his house I thought fit to adde which was as followeth All Inhabitants of the Bridge the High-street and Cornestreete keepe within your doores upon perill of your lives All other inhabitants of this Citie that stand for the King the Protestant Religion and the Liberties of this City let them forthwith appeare at the High Crosse with such armes as they have for the defence of their lives their wives and children and follow their Leaders for the same defence There was also a Protestation taken amongst them to this effect that they would oppose to the utmost of their power all Forces whatsoever that were or should be amongst them or that should come in without the consent of the King Iehovah Iireh 2 PETER 2. 9. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of Temptation and to reserve the unjust to the day of judgement to be punished THis passage containes two consectaries deduced from the 5 6 7. Verses the Apostle had advised Christians To take heed unto the sure word of Prophecy Chap. 1. Vers 19. as being a light shining in a darke place not from a private delivery by the will of man but by the motion of the holy Ghost Vers 20 21. withall he foretells Chap. 2. 1. that as there had been false Prophets among the People so there should be false Teachers among them whose practise he declares Vers 1 2 3. and their judgement Vers 3. which he confirmes by three instances 1 Of Gods not sparing the Angels that sinned Ver. 4. 2 His bringing in the flood upon the world of ungodly but saving Noah a Preacher of Righteousnesse Vers 5. 3 His overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and delivering just Lot Vers 6 7. From these instances he inferres by an Induction two rules to be observed in the course of Gods proceedings First That he knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of temptation Secondly That he knoweth how to reserve the unjust to the day of judgement to be punished The particle {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} for if Vers 4. shewes these instances to be brought as a medium to prove a conclusion and the argument is thus If God even then when he cast the Angels that sinned downe to hell yet preserved the guiltlesse Angels and even then when he brought the deluge on the wicked world saved Noah a Preacher of righteousnesse and even then when he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah delivered just Lot sic in caeteris then it followes as in my Text The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of Temptation c. The former of these two Consectaries I have chosen this day to insist on being a day set apart for the commemoration of a late deliverance of this City from a blood and abominable conspiracy within it wherein God hath added one more memorable Instance to verifie this rule of Saint Peter The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of Temptation Two conclusions may from hence be gathered First That the godly while they live among unjust men upon the earth be in Temptation Deliverance from Temptation presupposeth a being in Temptation Secondly That God knowes how to deliver them though they know not Noah and Lot knew not how they should be delivered but God knew how to do it To confirme the former of these we need not many Scriptures it being proved by continuall experience yet I shall produce some Luk. 22. 28. Our Lord Christ saith of himselfe Yee are they which have continued with me in my Temptations Our Lord Christ when he lived on earth was in continuall Temptations and what was Christs estate is the estate of all Christians comformably Saint Paul of himselfe Act. 20. 19. saith That he served the Lord with all humility of mind and with many teares and Temptations which befell him by the lying in waite of the Jewes and Heb. 11. 37. among other things that befell the Saints it is said They were tempted Temptation then is one of those things that are the lot of the godly I shall endeavour to open this truth by inquiring first who are to be accounted godly secondly what temptation they are under thirdly why it is so with them In answer to the first we may take notice that the word we translate godly in Grecke {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} is as much as in English right worshippers So they that be right worshippers are godly persons the Etymology fitly expresseth the thing Now by worship is meant the honour and service that is done unto a God For godlinesse implies religious service and all that religious service we performe to any thing under the notion of a God that is worship And it is Mediate or Immediate mediate service is that which is directed to man yet by reason of respect unto God For this is a cleare truth that even all the duties of righteousnesse we performe to men if they be done in obedience to God they are part of his service and worship not in respect of the matter wherein but in respect of the motive by which they are performed Thus when a servant doth discharge his duty faithfully to his Master as Doing the will of God from the heart hee is said to doe service to the Lord Ephes. 6. 5 6 7. Colos. 3. 24. Every servant that obeyes his master every child that honours his father every souldier that obeyes his Commander out of conscience to God not for wages portion applause or the like respects onely therein hee worships God Immediate worship is that which is directed onely to God And this hath by use engrossed the name of Worship Now when this