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A85492 A cal [sic] and a vvarning, to all priests, professors and people, vvho have and do profess the Scriptures, that they may try their doctrines and practises by it, and may own condemnation in their doctrines and practises, wherein they are contrary to the Scriptures. And a tender visitation to the whole vvorld, that they may own this their visitation, and may be healed and restored to the Lord; and this may serve for a looking glass, wherein people may see what visage they are of, and how they stand related as unto God. / By a sufferer in Hartford goale, for faithful witness-bearing, against this sinful generation; known by the name of John Gould. Gould, John, prisoner at Hertford. 1657 (1657) Wing G1416; Thomason E932_1; ESTC R202329 27,259 37

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a common and a special light a natural and a spiritual light in man distinguish them asunder that we may know them one from another seeing the Scriptures ye professe speaks but of one true light which lighteth every one that cometh into the World which is uncreated if by your natural light you mean the Sun Moon and Stars and other borrowed Lights and created we agree in that but are they in man but if there be two Lights in man separate them one from another that we may know them or else we may freely conclude according to the Scripture That the light which is in you is darkness and how great is that darkness which hath overspread the whole World since the Apostles dayes which is got so high even into the Seat of God exalting himself above God and boasts himself as if he were God by making two Lights in man when God made but one and the Scriptures witnesse to but one true light and yet he 'le have two but knows not how to separate them one from another but he who dwells in the light doth and knows his to be darknesse and to ascend out of the pit of darknesse and confusion unto which he must be sent again even by him who is the Father of Light even of our Lord Jesus Christ God blessed for ever the God of truth in whom there is no lye but bears witnesse against the Lye and the Frogs and the Locusts and the Caterpillars which are ascended out of the bottomlesse pit and have overspread the Nations of the whole earth even all Egypt but they must be all whipt away with the Rod of Moses and sent into the pit out of which they ascended never to infect the Nations any longer for he is come and coming whose Fan is in his hand who will throughlie purge his Flour and gather his Wheat into his Garner but the Chaff will he consume and burn up with fire unquenchable for his fire is kindled in the earth which shall consume and none shall be able to hinder it till he hath consumed the wicked from off the face of the whole Earth King and Peasant who will not that he should reign Tophet is prepared for them of old and the glory of all earthly Diadems shall enter into it for thus hath the Lord decreed and who shall be able to hinder him or say Why dost thou so Wherefore O all ye Kindreds of the Earth high and low rich or poor Kings Nobles Priests Professors and Peasants tremble at the Word of the Lord for it 's gone forth and shall not return empty but shall accomplish the end unto which he hath sent it a fire is gone before him and it shal be very tempestuous round about him which shall consume all his Enemies till they have left unto them neither root nor branch in the earth til the wicked be no more nor the place therof know them no more O ye Priests Professors of the Scriptures and People are you not glorying and boasting after the flesh in Names and things without in saying ye are Christians and to you is committed the Scriptures and the Ordinances the Baptism dipping and sprinkling and Sacraments which the Scriptures no where calls so and yet are naming your dayes and Months after the customs of the Heathens that knows not me saith the Lord Search the Scriptures and see Did ever any true Christians my Saints and Servants so do Did Paul or Peter or James or John or Matthew or Mark or Luke whose Words ye professe do so VVhat do ye excel the Pope of Rome in these things Doth not he think ye glory in the same and in many more Names and Saints daies and carnal things then ye profess And were not the Iews your forefathers glorying in such like things Are not we Abrahams Seed And to us is committed the Oracles of God and yet were Enemies to me and persecutors and despisers of my life in my Saints for all this And do not ye excel and outstrip them in this also Did they make Laws that I should not speak publikelie amongst them Or did they not fasten their eyes on the Saints and say Brethren if any one have a Word of Exhortation for the people let them speak on Do ye do so O ye Professors of these words Or do ye not exceed many of them in crueltie in this particular For if I send any unto you in my Name do ye not laie violent hands on them and thrust them forth and hale them before Magistrates and to Stocks and to Prison with them we have a Law though ye have and professe my Words which say He that receiveth you and heareth your words receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me And can ye think ever to receive me or my Father who wil not hear their testimonie who come in my Name but if any come to you or are sent to you by others in his own Name him ye are readie to hear and receive though he tell you Revelation is ceas'd and so neither knows me nor my Father which sent me as my Words in the Scripture testifie O ye professors and people And do ye not crie out An Orthodox man a learned man a great Schollar a man of excellent parts and gifts preaches sound Doctrine a gallant Gentleman Mr. such a one a man of great gifts certainly he prayes and preaches by the spirit yet says revelation is ceast What spirit is it think ye he preaches and prays by who knows not the Son For none knows the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him Do ye think its the spirit of my Father that prayes and preacheth in him that knows not the Son nor the Father but sayes Revelation is ceast it 's ceast to him indeed because he 's a hater of the light and loves the darknesse rather then the light because his deeds are evil And do ye think his works are not in the darknesse whom it 's even a torment to to hear of the light and he had rather see or speak with the Devil then to see or speak with one who owns the light and walks in the light and so hath fellowship with God but whom think ye his fellowship 's with who loves not the light but is a hater of the light Must not his fellowship needs be with the devil who is the Prince and Ruler of the Darknesse of this World even the spiritual VVickednesse got into high places sitting as God in the Temple of God exalting himself even above all that is called God and would be worshipped as God And think ye this spirit is no where to be found but at Rome O ye Priests Professors and People Is it not to be found amongst your selves To the Light in all your consciences I speak VVhat means the Fines and close imprisonments of such who dare not swear and so break my commands for conscience sake and who dare not bow
her shall stand afar off crying Alas alas for that great City which was the glory of the whole earth wherein was so much traffique for gold and silver and needle works and diamonds and pearles and precious stones and silks and velvets and scarlets and fine linnen and all manner of broidered works and whisks and vails and neck-laces and powderings and crispings and platings for in one day is her torment come upon her and the smoak thereof shall ascend up for ever and ever And do ye think the professing of these words will cover ye O ye priests professors and people or that by your meanings conceivings or private interpretations ye can put them off from you or that ye are not meant and concern'd in them who are found in her practises and doing her service and become as a pander unto her to usher in her wickednesse by denying the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world which convinceth the world of sin and sheweth it plainly that these things are not of God but of the devil envy lying and swearing and drunkennesse and whoredome and pride and vanity and prodigality by which the Merchants of the earth are waxen rich and fat and are become valiant and strong to reproach the living God and slander the footsteps of his Annointed and are ye not found in such practises O ye priests professors and people let the light in all your consciences answer is it not so What mean ye thus to fight against the Lord Will ye set bryars and thorns in battel against me saith the Lord shall I not even passe thorough them and consume ye together or will ye Potsherds of the earth still strive against your Maker Shall I not dash ye to pieces like a potters vessel and rule ye with my iron rod O ye Kings and Rulers of the earth who are joyned together against the Lord and against his Annointed whom ye evilly entreat and despitefully use for my Name sake saith the Lord saying Come let us joyn together to root out the name of Israel from under heaven let us break his bands asunder and cast his cords from us for we will not have this man to rule over us come let us sell him into Egypt let us make strong Lawes and binding against him so we may cast him into prison and into dungeons drive him into dens and caves of the earth even to root out the name of Israel from under heaven for Israel shall not go free saith proud Pharaoh Gods enemy but he that sitteth in heaven laugheth your consultations to scorn and hath you in derision O ye Kings and Rulers of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling kisse the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the mid way if his wrath be kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him for this hath the Lord determined even to exalt and set his King upon his holy hill of Zion who shall rule the Nations in his anger with a rod of iron and shall dash them in pieces like a potters vessel for all those mine enemies saith he that will not that I shall rule over them shall be slain by the edge of the Sword for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it and it shall be accomplished upon your heads for the Lord God is not a man that he should lie or as the Son of man that he should repent but what he hath decreed shall suddenly come to passe and who is he that shall dare to withstand him and say why dost thou so wherefore hear O ye Kings and be instructed O ye Rulers of the earth break off your sins betimes by repentance and your iniquities by shewing compassion on the poor lest I come upon you in my fury as an armed man and cut you asunder and sweep you away with the beesome of Consumption and there be none to deliver you out of my hands saith the Lord for this will be the portion of their cup vvho vvill not be guided and counselled by me in their life-time but running a-vvhoring from me after other gods which have eyes and see not ears and hear not neither have understanding at all they who make them are like unto them and so are all those that put their trust in them therefore consider what you are a doing you who make unrighteous decrees and establish iniquity by a law to oppress the poor and the innocent and to grind the face of the fatherlesse even the fatherlesse the widdow and the stranger and him that hath no helper in the earth for I see you saith the Lord and behold all your thoughts and purposes concerning them in secret and I will declare them openly and reprove them openly and ye shall be ashamed and consounded for all your wickednesse against me saith the Lord and all your private determinations against my holy ones my holy seed the lot of mine inheritance saith the Lord who hath loved them and given my self for them to redeem them unto my self for ever and none shall pluck them out of my hand nor out of my fathers hand for my father is stronger then all I and my father am one wherefore in the dread and power of God I warn you to take heed what ye do and what ye plot and contrive against the innocent for the Lord is their helper lest ye be found fighters against God but let Israel go free that he may do service and worship the Lord his God in the wilderness for to that end hath he caused me to write unto you O ye Rulers of the earth lest ye be made as Pharaoh for the hardness of your hearts against my chosen who is the meek of the earth against whom no weapon formed shall prosper but shall return even as a dart to pierce through the liver of him that formed it for Israel is my battel axe and weapon of war with which I 'le dash the mountains to pieces and scatter them as dust before the whirl-wind of mine indignation which shall blow upon the wicked till they be utterly consumed from off the face of the earth thus shall it be done unto all that will not that I shall raign and that my Son shall rule whom I have sent a light into the world to lighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide their feet into the way of peace wherefore prepare to meet thy God O Israel with fasting and weeping and mourning by putting away thine iniquities from before mine eyes saith the Lord cease from doing evil learn to do well come then and let us reason together saith the Lord though thy sins were as crimson I would make them as white as wool and though they were as scarlet yet would I make them as white as smow and if thou wouldst return my mercy would I not utterly take away from thee nor suffer my truth to fail but if
the Father nor the Son and no marvel ye are found in such practises which he whom we have receiv'd and do bear witness of foretold and in those daies declar'd of and so the Scriptures are owned witnessed unto by us who are in the life or them and in the possession and enjoyment of him of whom they declare as also do bear witnesse against you who have the words declared but are found enemies to the life and in the same practises with them who had Moses and the Prophets which declar'd and prophesied of him to come but when he came and was made manifest would not own him nor receive him but rejected him and murthered him who was the life of Moses and the Prophets words and yet said that had they been in the daies of their Fathers they would not have slain the Prophets that prophesied of his coming and ye now in these daies be ye witnesses against your selves even of the same generation who have not only their words who prophesied of his coming but say he is come and have his words and their words who wrought and witnessed him come to profess and ready to say had we been in their daies we would not have done so wickedly nor cruelly and yet ye your selves doing the same thing even persecuting and evilly entreating them who now witness him come who is the end of the Law and the Prophets Christ Jesus the righteous whom ye crucifie and thinkest thou this O man who condemnest another and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgements of God or despisest thou the riches of his grace long-suffering and patience not knowing that the goodness of God should lead thee to repentance Oh what vvill ye do in the end hereof oh ye people professors and priests who are groaping in the dark even at noon day vvhen repentance shall be hid from your eyes vvho vvill not ovvn him nor receive him to lead you unto it vvho is the light of the vvorld and lighteth every one that cometh into the vvorld vvhom the vvorld cannot receive but reject him as ye do even as the Master-builders and professors of old did vvho are calling his light vvhich lighteth every one that cometh into the vvorld natural and say it 's not sufficient to lead unto salvation all that are guided by it and live and vvalk up to it and herein are you manifest to be blind leaders of the blind and hovv can you be othervvise that deny the light vvhich lighteth every one that cometh into the vvorld Do you think he I alvvayes vvait and call upon you O ye foolish and slovv of heart to believe do ye think he 'l check and reprove prove you ever for your evil deeds and that his spirit shall alwayes strive with you O ye priests professors and people will ye thus reject and contemn the Lord your Maker and still go on to slander the footsteps of his Annointed and think to escape and prosper notwithstanding all this are ye not they who say in your hearts We will none of this man to raign over but we will walk on after the imaginations of our own hearts adding drunkennesse unto thirst and covetousnesse unto pride and yet professe to know him and to observe a day to him and come and pretend to bow and worship before me saith the Lord when your hearts are a whoring from me after your pride and vanity and lusts and covetousnesse and all manner of iniquities Will I be enquired after by such a people as this Shall not my soul be avenged on such a people as this who provoke me daily to my face notwithstanding all my reproofs but hate my reproofs and cast my Laws behind their backs and say in their hearts We will not have this man to rule even my Son whom I have sent a light into the world whom they as their Forefathers of old crucifie and slay and shed the innocent blood in their land even the streets of their great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where our Lord is crucified as well as at Jerusalem to the light in all your consciences I speak which will let you see is it not so deceive not your selves Can any do thus and be saved Can any kick and spurn against him and not be confounded and destroyed Can any reject him and he not grind them to powder The stone cut out of the mountains without hands smites at the feet of your great image even your mighty image whose head is of gold back and breasts of silver bellie and thighs of brass legs of iron feet part of iron and part of clay and it shall tumble and crumble down to the dust and none shall be able to deliver it out of my hands saith the Lord for Babylon the great is come up into remembrance before me saith the Lord even all her Inchantments and Sorceries whereby she hath bewitched my people Israel to sin against me with her lying divinations and false doctrines saying the Lord hath said it when of a truth I never spake to them nor never sent them at all therefore have they not profited my people at all but have taken of my wooll and of my flax and of my wine and my oyl and of my kine and of my sheep and have spent it on her lusts and her lovers but now am I coming to require these things at her hands and I will strip her naked and bare even she who hath said in her heart I sit as a Queen and shall see no sorrow sorrow and misery Widdowhood and losse of children shall come upon her in one day and all her lovers with whom she hath played the harlot shall not save nor deliver her out of my hands saith the Lord your righteous Judge who judgeth not for gifts nor rewards but will plead the cause of the innocent and him that hath no helper in the earth and will recompence double into her bosome even for all the blood of the innocent that have been shed in the midst of her even blood double even till it come up to the horse bridles and happy shall he be that taketh Babilons brats and dash out their brains against the stones for she is come up into remembrance before me saith the Lord even she who hath made all the kindreds of the earth drunk with the cup of her fornication and all the Kings and Princes Governours and Rulers of the earth hath committed incest and fornication with her and the blood of my Saints have been shed by them in the midst of her therefore shall she receive blood to drink for she is worthy even the dregs of the cup of my fury that will I wring out unto her saith the Lord shall she drink of and shall spue and fal and never rise more and they that have committed fornication with her and her lovers and her Merchants and such as have had traffique with her by Sea and all occupiers of ships beholding
profession of the Saints words fair fig-leaves but underneath a Serpent your coverings rent it will no longer hide you the bed is too short to stretch your selves upon and your covering is grown too narrow to any longer hide you your shame and nakedness appears And how think ye can ye ever come to know the covering of his Spirit who will not own nor believe in that which convinceth of sin but say it 's not sufficient to lead and guide unto salvation Do ye think a profession of their words will do it who did own it and were led and guided by it who witnessed salvation by it will this save you who are not led and guided by it but make slight of it even of that which was their leader and conducter into the New Jerusalem the City of the living God which is come down from God out of Heaven and yet professes their words who did believe and were witnesses of it O ye foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have written and that the Apostles witnessed unto and yet think to profess their words will save you who are not in their life Think you my servants of old were saved after this manner by professing my Saints and Servants words who went before them into the land of Rest Think ye Moses who was a faithful servant in my house was saved without Abrahams Faith which justified him by Works who was many hundred years before him Whom think ye was the Patriark Abraham saved by who was many hundreds of years before Moses Writings who saw my day saith Christ and rejoyced was he think ye sav'd by ritings Who shew'd Adam his transgression when he would have hid himself and run away to hide his nakedness knowing that he had sinned was it not he of whom Moses declares saying A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethern like unto me him shall ye hear who though he were dead yet speaketh By whom think ye were the Patriarks told there was Corn in AEgypt who had sold Joseph thither to preserve them alive in Famine Was it not by him of whom Moses declares By whom did Joseph make mention of the Removing of his bones when as he was yet in AEgypt long before their departure By whom did Jacob bless both the sons of Joseph leaning on the top of his staff All these obtained a good report through Faith having not received the Promise who being dead yet speaketh Whom think ye that my servant Joshua called Jesus was sav'd by was it by Moses Writings Or by Faith in him whom Moses declared should come by which he entred the good land What should I speak of Jeptha and David and Sampson and Gideon and many others who through Faith remov'd Mountains stopt the mouths of Lions quench'd the violence of fire fought many battels over-come great Nations slew mighty Giants Ogg King of Bashan and Doeg King of the Amorites and Tidal King of Nations and Tartan Pull and Lud who bent the bow By whom think ye was Abraham strengthned when he rescued the spoils of the men of the East out of the hands of their enemies when Melchisedeck met him who was without beginning of dayes or end of life whose Father and Mother none knew neither had they a name in the earth unto whom the Patriarch Abraham gave the Tenth of the spoyls that he had taken who blessed him who had the Promise and without doubt the lesser was blessed of the greater who was the figure of him who was to come And do ye think O ye Priests People Professors and Inhabitants of the World that a making of Profession of these words will save you who know not him who was to come nor will not believe in the light from whence the words were declared forth who was the Oath and Promise unto Abraham when as he was yet uncircumcised who is the Father of all who believe in the Oath who said Of the fruit of thy Loyns shall he come in whom all the Nations of the Earth shall be blessed even by turning away the Curse for sin and saving his People from their sin in whose Seed all the Nations of the Earth shall be blessed and again in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thee and thou shalt be the Father of many Nations and as the stars of heaven so shall thy Seed be you who are professing these words do ye know the Seed here spoken of which shall be as the stars of heaven for multitude unto which the Promise is not unto seeds as many but unto thy seed which is Christ in the Male and in the Female of which Moses in the Spirit testifieth Or how can ye ever come to this knowledg vvho deny the light vvhich lighteth every man that cometh into the World and so the seed of God ye are strangers and enemies to vvho deny the light to be sufficient to lead unto salvation all vvho believe in it and vvalk up to it and yet professe their vvords vvho vvitnessed salvation by it and take their sayings the holy men of Gods Words vvhich they spake vvrote from the Word that dvvelt in them and vvas vvith them and call them the Word of the Lord saying Hearken to the Word of the Lord vvho never knevv his Word nor had seen his shape at any time but are enemies to his Word and to those vvho professes his Word abiding in them and they in it and so are such found to be vvho have not his Word abiding in you who call that his Word which were Writings from his Word which they who knew the Word no where did And so his Word you are ignorant of and his life haters of and despisers of who have his words to make a profession of I wonder how ye should be still thus ignorantly blindfold as not to see this when as his so plainly declared of to you Do ye not wilfully stop your ears and blind your eies O ye priests professors and people that ye will not see this or do ye think or imagine to be saved by a Profession without the life and power or are ye resolv'd on 't that ye will not be saved and say still He 's not sufficient Will ye professe to be lovers of God and Christ and the spirit and yet say He 's not sufficient and be haters of them who are so who are followers of that which is good and do witnesse he 's sufficient Is this to love God and Christ and the Spirit as ye profess who are haters of the Brethren Can such a profession save you Doth the Scriptures ye profess witness forth such a salvation as this Or do ye think there 's another salvation then what they witness to which is the light of the World Christ Jesus And can you think to be saved by him who will not be led and guided by him Or doth he lead any into sin You who