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earth_n hand_n king_n lord_n 5,486 5 4.0501 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02788 The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christyane vnto his derelye beloued co[n]treye of Englande against the pompouse popyshe bysshoppes therof, as yet the true members of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome, Henry Stalbrydge. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1544 (1544) STC 1291A; ESTC S100624 26,266 68

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be layde to co lour it with as that the kynge seketh his ryght his princelye honour the maynte●…aunce of his tytles or the realmes common welthe beynge nothynge lesse in the ende but an vpholdynge of you in youre myscheues So longe as you shall beare rule in the parlament house the Gospell shall be kepte vndre and Christ persecuted in his faythfull members So that n●… godlye actes shall come out from thens to the glorie of God and Christen common welthe but you shall so sawce them with your Romishe sorceryes that they shall at all tymes be redye to serue youre turne Although the kynges maieste hath permytted vs the scripturs yet must the true ministers therof at youre most cruell appoyntment eyther suffre most tyrannouse death or els with mouthe openlye denye Christes verite which is moche worse than the death For where as he which mannefullye suffreth declareth himselfe an able wytnesse of the lorde he that cowardlye recanteth sheweth himselfe to be but a faynt harted hypocrite throwynge himselfe whollye vndre Antichristes yoke agayne Thus geue ye strength to his lawes and norryshe vp his kyngedome whom ye saye with youre lyppes that ye haue refused youre pestilent Pope of Rome ye playe altogether hyck scorner vndre the fygure of Ironia That ye saye ye ha te ye loue that ye saye ye loue ye hate Lete all faythfull menne be ware of soche double daye dremers and hollowe harted trayters and thynke where as they beare the rewle nothynge shall come ryghtlye forewarde nether in fayth nor common welth Neuer fynde these tyraūt●… of Sodome anye place to repentaunce for theyr contynuall murtherynge of Christ in his faythfull members but more and more they synne agaynst knowledge blasphemynge the holye ghost to bryn ge vpon themselues the more swyft dam nacyon And as concernynge theyr princes alwayes are they at this craftye poynt with them to folowe theyr myndes outwardlye for the tyme for of all menne lyunge they are euer the mosilsubtyle obseruers of tyme. But be sure of this ones that what countenaunces so euer they shewe before them with lowlye sowtynge and duckynge downe to the grounde yet ●…ane they all that waye which maketh most to ther vpholdynge in the vayne gloriouse and 〈◊〉 regne of Antichrist whether it be with the Frenche hynge the Turke or the Emprour As now at this present tyme speake they neuer so fayre loke they neuer so demu●… shewe they neuer so wyse polecyes or prouyde they neuer so ware●…ye for the kynges hoos●… in bakynge bruynge broylynge gryndynge seasonynge saltynge sowsynge and sethyng yet hath the Frenche kynge theyr inwarde hartes for the great good will he beareth to theyr Romyshe father yea although the kynges grace and the Emprours maieste be now ioyntlye ioyned fryndes parauenture not without theyr procurement also for an other purpose of theyrs as to stoppe a generall counsell wherin they doubt theyr vttre fall yet shall they not longe so contynue yf they by anye other false polecye maye altre it as I hope it shall neuer lye in theyr wycked power to do it These haue bene alwayes theyr common practyses as they haue seane theyr matters in daunger And therfore they are now least of all to be trusted consyderyng that at this present they are in most daunger of all If this generall warre set them not vp agayne they are neuer lyke to go forwarde And therfore hardelye they worke now a tawnte for the vpholdynge of theyr kyngedome take heade to theyr handes who shall yea and parauen ture to some of theyr fete yf God be theyr good lorde Vvhat other workes can come from the deuyls workynge toles than cometh from the handes of his owne malyngnaunt myschefe who can denye these Bysshoppes and Prestes to be the instrumentes of sathan vnderstandynge the scripturs and beholdynge theyr daylye doyinges Onlye persecute they simple menne vnto death for beleuynge in Christ and neuer for the great ab hominacyons of ydolatrye and supersticyon Onlye are they great enemyes to maryage which is holye and neuer to the stynkynge Sodom●…trye that is daylye vsed amonge them No of that they haue set vp an ydos●… amonge themselues callynge it holye virginite and the vowed 〈◊〉 ite of prosses yea they haue so bewytched the parliament house that it must be honoured of all Englande vndre pay●… of death though it be the mo●… fylthye frute of 〈◊〉 that euer yet y●…ued from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ye there can be a gr●… plage to a Christen realme than to haue suche goo●… lye fathers of the kyn g●… preuye counsell If wyse menne do iudge it anye other than a iust plage for oure synne and a yoke layed vpon vs for o●… vnreuerent receyuinge of that heauenlye treasure the eternall testament of Christ to haue soche hypocrites theues trayters to regne ouer vs trulye they iudge not a ryght If we wolde 〈◊〉 therfore repent oure former lyuynge and vnfaynedlye turne vnto oure euer lyuyng God as we fynde in that testament I wolde not doubt yt to I ●…parde both my bodye and soule that we shuld in short space be delyuered of this Romisshe vermyne rysynge out of the pyt bottomlesse Apocalyp ix which eateth vp all that is grene vpon earth or that hath taken anye strengthe of the lyuynge worde of the Lorde For the hart of a kyng is alwayes in the handes of God and at his pleasure he maye euermore turne it Prou. xxi Take me not here that I condempne anye Bysshoppe or Prest that is godlye doynge those holye offices that the scripture hath commaunded them as preachynge the Gospell prouydynge for the poore and ministrynge the sacramentes ryghte But agaynste those bloodye botchers that murther vp Gods people and make daylye hauock of Christes congregacyon to maynteyne the Iewes ceremonyes and the Paganes supersticyons in the Christen churche These are not Byshoppes but byteshepes tyrauntes tormentours termaga●…tes and the deuyls slaughter menne Christ lest no soche disciples behynde him to syt with cruell Cayphas at the sessyons vpon lyfe and deathe of his innocent members But soche 〈◊〉 in pouerte preached the Gospell rebukyng the wycked worlde for ydolatrye hypocresye and false doctryne called synne ryghtousnesse and iudgement in the. xvi Chaptre of Iohan. Episcopus is as moche to saye as a superintendent or an ouers●…ar whose offyce was in the prymatyue Churche purelye to instructe the multitude in the wayes of God and to se that they were not beastlye ignoraunt in the holye scrip tures as the most part of them are now a dayes Pres●…iter is as moche to saye as a seuyour or elder whose office was also in godlye doctryne and examples of lyuynge to gyde the Christen congregacyon and to suffre no maner of supersticyon of Iewe nor gentyle to regne amonge them And these two offyces were all one in those dayes and commonlye executed of one seuerall persone They which than were appoynted to these spirituall offyces ded nothynge els but onlye preache and teache the Gospell hauynge