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A40196 The great mistery of the great whore unfolded, and antichrists kingdom revealed unto destruction in answer to many false doctrines and principles which Babylons merchants have traded with, being held forth by the professed ministers, and teachers, and professors in England, Ireland, and Scotland, taken under their owne hands, and from their owne mouths, sent forth by them from time to time, against the despised people of the Lord called Quakers, who are of the seed of that woman, who hath been long fled into wildernes ... in this answer to the multitude of doctrines held forth by the many false sects, which have lost the key of knowledge, and been on foot since the apostles dayes, called Anabaptists, Independents, Presbyters, Ranters, and many others, who out of their own mouths have manifested themselves not to be of a true descent from the true Christian Churches : but it's discovered that they have been all made drunk with the wine of fornication received from the whore which hath sitten upon the beast, after whom the world hath wondred / by George Fox. Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1659 (1659) Wing F1832; ESTC R18020 590,130 408

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word of life And was this without the faith of Gods elect or sense Therefore in this thou may see in this how uncapable thou art to divide the word Pr. He saith They that put spirituall working for the grace of Christ they destroy Christ Jesus See page 11. Ans They do not destroy Christ Jesus that put spirituall working for the grace of Christ for the works of the spirit doth not destroy Christ for where the works of the spirit are there is the grace of Christ Jesus and none owns Christ but who be in the works of the spirit and his graces and they destroyed Christ and deny him that be out of the works of the spirit and his graces are spiritual workings Pr. He saith The sight of the God-head without faith in Christ is the foundation of all false worships c. See same page Ans Can any see the God-head have a sight of the God-head and not see Christ and have faith in Christ And who have faith in Christ do they not see the fulnesse of the Godhead dwells in him Christ And was not their minds turned from that of God in them which declared the invisible things of him from the Creation of his Eternal Power and Godhead which the Apostle sound fault withall Let all examine and Judge and read the Scripture Rom. 1. and try Pr. He saith obedience to Christ within is a sentence of the Law not of grace and denying Christ overwhelming the afflicted in sorrow without hope and turning the feet of the lame out of the way And bids beware of such Doctrine c. See page 12. Ans If people must beware of the Doctrine of the Apostles who hath told them Christ was in them except they were reprobates And Christ was within them the hope of glory to whom he Preached For they turn people out of the way who keep them reprobates without hope and is a denying of Christ that Preacheth not Christ within and a keeping people under the Law which Christ is the end of and where Christ within is there is obedience which is the end of the Law and there is grace Pr. He saith the Justification and redemption by obeying the Light within appears to his understanding to be a mystery of iniquity c. See page 13. Ans Thy understanding must come to nought for he that believeth is Justified from all things and comes not into condemnation and he hath the witness in himself And that lets him see his Redeemer his Mediator and Saviour the Light which walking in it he is cleansed from all sin and so no mystery of iniquity for the mystery of iniquity is out of the Light none sees Justification and Redemption but with the Light within which comes from Christ who hath enlightened him Pr. He saith the Ministration of grace cannot he known by the Light which Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withall c. See page 14. Ans Contrary to John who saith as many as receiveth him to them he gives power to become the Sons of God and no one knowes the Ministration of grace but by the Light which comes from Christ the Covenant of grace Pr. He saith none can know the mystery of God in Christ with the Light in them c. See page 14. Ans Which is contrary to Scripture I will give him for a Covenant for a Light to the Gentiles he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth saith the Lord. So this was the salvation so it gives the knowledge of the Ministery of salvation the Light that shines in the heart gives the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus who is the mystery that shines in the heart of them that believe in it and them that do not are condemed with the Light And so they are reproved with the spirit of truth which leads the Disciples into all truth which spirit the world cannot receive for they do not receive the Light and so are not like to receive the Spirit of truth Pr. He saith the Light of Christ in natural man knowes nothing of the spirit c. And the Scripture was the Image of Christ without c. See page 14. Ans Scriptures without are writings and endures not for ever but the power Christ the power of God endures for ever And who ever is in the Light cometh to know Christ in the spirit him who is the life And it leads the natural man from his natural state that believes in it For all by nature are the children of wrath who believes in it it leads from the nature and from the wrath which who believes in it is made free from the wrath to come and they that believe not in the Light are reproved by the spirit and that which reproves them is manifest to them and so they know it Pr. He saith to affirm the Light in the conscience which we say is the Light of Christ the way or guide to Christ whereto onely to attend is a darksome fleshly and most legal principle and calls it grave wherein Christ is buried c. See page 15. Ans Which is contrary to Christs Doctrine who saith he that believes in the Light shall not walk in darkness but have the Light of life And he that does believe in the Light hath entered into his rest and come to the Sabbath out of the grave and out of the legal and out of the fleshly and out of condemnation And none comes to the Son Christ but who comes to the Light which comes from him which he hath enlightened them withall Pr. And again he saith to say the Light in every man is Christ the Redeemer is a two-fold errour c. See same page Ans Contrary to John who saith this is the true Light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world And he was in the world and the world knew him not So shewes himself to be one of the stock of the world that knowes not him that was and is in them the Light of the world and the world knew him not which he that believeth in the Light hath the Light of life and he that receiveth the Light receiveth Christ the Redeemer And he that receiveth Christ receiveth his spirit And he that receiveth not the Light that he is enlightened withall receiveth not his Redeemer but hates him it is his condemnation and he is in the errour Pr. He saith the Light within was not given for righteousness neither could it reveal or give life c. page 16. Ans Contrary to Christ who saith he that believes in the Light shall have the Light of life So thou art unskilfull in the word and Doctrine of Christ and Christ within is given for righteousness who reveals the Father and gives life and they that have not Christ the Light within are reprobates Pr. He saith the Light within knowes nothing of the precious Gospel Mystery
the Scriptures the words of God and properly to call Christ his name the Word of God and the Word that became flesh that is proper Scripture And they that had not the Scriptures worshipped God before the Scriptures was written as Abraham and Enoch and others and they attained to eternall life And if people have all the Scriptures and not the Spirit which was before they was given forth they want the standing rule they cannot know the Scriptures they cannot worship God aright they cannot finde eternall life they have not unity with God neither do they worship God aright but who be in the spirit that gave them forth And we do believe you that immediate revelations now by the holy spirit of God revealing things to you im-immediately ye have not and you say it is not the work of Gods spirit now nor the way of God now c. You that have ravened from the spirit of God inwardly have been the Wolves which Christ said should come which John saw was come which the world hath gone after you and yee have burst into Names and Heads Horns and Sects And the power was given to the Beast and the false Prophets and the great Whore hath corrupted the earth All Nations have drunk her cup of fornications and the Kings of the Earth So they have flown to the Kings for help against the Saints and against the Lamb but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory And so when you have been ravened from the spirit of God it hath not been like yee should attain to immediate Revelation by the spirit of God But now who are come to the Lamb are come to that ye ravened from they witnesse immediate Revelation They are come to that the Apostles was in the spirit of Christ the spirit of God they witnesse immediate Revelation Who are come into the feare of God the things of God is revealed unto them who are come into the spirit of God it reveals to them the deep things of God So you that deny immediate revelation by Gods holy spirit now and discovering things to you immediately you have shewed your spirits to be the false spirits unclean spirits that be in the earth like the Frogs that go out of the mouth of the Beast and the false Prophet which was discovered by John and revealed to John discovered and made manifest which now with the same holy spirit of God are you all apostates revealed and discovered to the children of the Light to the Lambs and the Saints who witnesse the spirit of God which reveales the things of God to them and immediate revelation As ever the false Prophets false Apostles false Teachers in their false prophesies and teachings did who had gotten the form and denyed the power immediate Revelation by Gods holy spirit And was it not they then that cryed to the powers of the earth for help against the Saints in all ages which was discovered and judged by the spirit of God and must go into the fire Pr. He saith The Scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation and they are a more sure word of prophecy then any voyce that we can hear from heaven page 6. And we will call them the Word of God whether the Quakers will or no and we are to go to the Law and Testimony page 7. Ans In this ye are contrary to the Ministers of the Word who calls the Scriptures the words of God and Christ the Word and calls the Scriptures a Declaration and a Treatise which Christ the Word came to fulfill And the Law and Testimony which ye say is the Old and New Testament which many may have and yet stand against the Law which is light as saith Solomon and stand against the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy and crucifie them that be in it in the Law and Testimony they that have the Old and New Testament as witnesse the ravening Wolves that have had the sheeps cloathing but inwardly ravened from the spirit which Christ said should come John saw was come went out from the Apostles which since the world have gone after them And many may have the Scripture and stand against the voyce from heaven as the Jewes did him that spoke from heaven which was more sure him that spoke from heaven who was the end of the Scripures and comes to fulfill them And the Scriptures are not able to make wise unto salvation as you say who leave out the Faith but through faith they are Pr. Let the Quakers shew where ever Christ or the Apostles bid people looke to the light within them And the Quakers say they write from the spirit of the Lord and speake from God immediately and infallibly as did the Apostles and doth not this bring them under the curse in the Revelations page 8. And say the Letter is a dead and killing letter these he calls wicked errours And to say the light within is sufficient an old Popish argument Answ The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall is the salvation to the ends of the earth and sufficient for he that believes in it shall have the light of life and come to witnesse the Law of God in his minde and in his heart and the new Covenant which he shall not need to say Know the Lord. And the letter of Scripture paper and inke is a dead letter And thou and you all that speak and write and not from God immediately and infallibly as the Apostles did and Prophets and Christ but onely have gotten the words you are all under the Curse in another spirit ravened from the spirit that was in the Apostles onely have had the sheeps cloathing inwardly ravening wolves so deceived the World and the Nations and have been held up by the powers of the world the powers of the earth And the Kings of the earth have drunk the cup of fornication and they were like to maintain that which they have drunk And so power hath been given to the Beast over all Kindreds Tongues and Nations and they should make war against the Lamb and the Saints and continue it till the words of God was fulfilled And the Apostles told the Corinthians that light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And so all people upon the earth that have gotten a knowledge and if the light that shineth in their hearts hath not given it them what they know they know naturally in these things they corrupt themselves And so thou and you that be ignorant of the Apostles doctrine the light that gives people the knowledge and the immediate infallible spirit that the Apostle was in and that the Scriptures was given forth from are and the Pope together in another fallible spirit then the Apostles were in comprehended with the spirit that gave forth Scriptures Pr. And what a dreadful Judgement
abundantlie cried out against and printed against the Quakers as hereticks and deceivers and witches and all what they could say that 's evil and these things being not unknown but publiklie brought to passe therefore it will be good to discover unto every man the first ground and cause of this great strife and the matter of it and its beginning so that all may know the certaintie of these things and know they are not without good ground and sufficient reason on our part to wit that we have just cause to do and strive against that generation of Priests and Teachers and that we doe nothing rashly and without sufficient reason It is now about seaven years since the Lord raised us up in the North of England and opened our mouthes in this his spirit and what we were before in our Religion profession and practices is well known to that part of the countrie how generalie we were men of the strictest sect and of the greatest zeal in the performance of outward righteousnesse and went through and tried all sorts of Teachers and run from mountain to mountaine and from man to man and from one forme to an other as doe many to this very day who yet remaines ungathered to the Lord and such we were to say no more of us that sought the Lord and desired the knowledge of his waies more then any thing beside and for one I may speak who from a child even a few yeares old he set his face to seek and find the Saviour and more then Life and treasure or any mortal Crown sought after with all his heart the one thing that is needfull to wit the knowledge of God And after our long seeking the Lord appeared to us and revealed his glory in us and gave us of his spirit from heaven and poured it upon us and gave us of his wisdome to guid us whereby we saw all the world and the true state of all things and the true condition of the Church in her present estate first the Lord brought us by his power and wisdome and the word by which all things were made to know and understand see perfectly that God had given to us everie one of us in particular a Light from himselfe shining in our harts consciences which Light Christ his Son the Saviour of the world had lighted every man and all mankind withall which Light in us we found sufficient to reprove us and convince us of every evil deed word and thought and by it in us we come to know good from evil right from wrong and whatsoever is of God and according to him from what is of the Devil and what is contrary to God in motion word and work and this Light gave us to discerne between truth and error between every false and right way it perfectlie discovered to us the true state of all things and we thereby came to know man what he was in his creation before transgression how he was deceived overcome by the devil his estate in transgression in disobedience how he is drove banished from the presence of the Lord and the sorrow and anguish which he is in to undergo also by the Light in us we perfectlie came to know the way of Restauration and the meanes to be restored and the state of man being come out of transgression and restored these things to us were revealed by the Light within us which Christ had given us and lightened us withall what man was before transgression and what he is in transgression and what he is being redeemed out of transgression and also the Light which shined in every one of us as to it our mindes became turned and our hearts inclined the perfect estate of the Church we came to know her estate before the Apostles daies and in the Apostles daies and since the daies of the Apostles and her persent estate we found to be as a woman who had once been cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet who brought forth him that was to Rule the Nations but she was fled in the Wildernesse and there sitting desolate in her place that was prepared of God for such a season which season in the very end thereof when the time of her sojorning was towards a full end then were we brought forth if any have an eare they may hear so that all these things concerning man and concerning the times and seasons and the changing and renewing of times and all things that pertaines to salvation and Redemption and eternal Life needfull for man to know all this was revealed discovered and made knowne to us by the Light which was in us which Christ had lighted us withall And we found this Light to be a sufficient teacher to lead us to Christ from whence this Light came and thereby it gave us to receive Christ and to witnesse him to dwel in us and through it the new covenant we came to enter into to be made heires of life and salvation and in all things we found the Light which we were inlightned withall and all mankind which is Christ to be alone and onelie sufficient to bring to Life and eternal salvation and that all who did own the Light in them which Christ hath enlightened every man withall they needed no man to teach them but the Lord was their Teacher by his Light in their own consciences and they received the holie anointing And so we ceased from the teachings of all men and their words and their worships and their Temples and all their baptismes and Churches and we ceased from our own words and professions and practises in Religion in times before zealously performed by us through divers formes and we became fooles for Christs sake that we might become truelie wise and by this Light of Christ in us were we led out of all false waies and false preachings and false Ministers and we met together often and waited upon the Lord in pure silence from our own words and all mens words and hearkned to the voice of the Lord and felt his word in our hearts to burn up and beat down all that was contrary to God and we obeyed the Light of Christ in us and followed the motions of the Lords pure spirit and took up the Crosse to all earthly glories Crowns and waies denied our selves our relations and all that stood in the way betwixt us and the Lord and we chose to suffer with and for the Name of Christ rather then all the pleasures upon earth or all our former zealous professions and practices in Religion without the power and spirit of God which the world yet lives in And while waiting upon the Lord in silence as often we did for many hours together with our mindes and hearts toward him being stayed in the Light of Christ within us from all thoughts fleshly motions and desires in our diligent waiting and feare of his Name and hearkning to
his word we received often the pouring down of the spirit upon us and the gift of Gods holy eternal Spirit as in the dayes of old and our hearts were made glad and our tongues loosed and our mouths opened and we spake with new tongues as the Lord gave us utterance and as his spirit led us which was poured down upon us on Sons and Daughters and to us hereby was the deep things of God revealed and things unutterable was known and made manifest and the glory of the Father was revealed and then began we to sing praises to the Lord God Almighty and to the Lamb for ever who had redeemed us to God and brought us out of the captivity and bondage of the world and put an end to sin and death and all this was by and through and in the light of Christ within us and much more might be declared hereof that which could not be believed if it were spoken of the several and particular operations and manifestations of the everlasting spirit that was given us and revealed in us but this is the sum life and immortality was brought to light power from on high and wisdom was made manifest and the day everlasting appeared unto us and the joyful Sun of Righteousness did arise and shine forth unto us and in us and the holy annoynting the everlasting Comforter we received and the Babe of glory was born and the heir of the promise brought forth to Reign over the earth and over Hell and death whereby we entered into everlasting union and fellowship and Covenant with the Lord God whose mercies are sure and infinite and his promise never fales and much might be spoken but this is the sum we were raised from death to life and are changed from Satans power to God and gathered from all the dumb Shepherds and off all the barren mountains into the fold of Eternal Peace and rest and mighty and wonderful things hath the Lord wrought for us and by us by his own outstretched Army And thus we became followers of the Lamb whither soever he goes and he hath called us to make War in righteousnes for his names sake against Hell and death and all the powers of darkness and against the beast and false Prophet which hath deceived the Nations and we are of the Royal seed elect chosen and faithful and we War in truth and just judgement not with weapons that are carnal but by the sword that goes out of his mouth which shall slay the wicked and cut them them to pieces and after this manner was our birth and bringing forth and thus hath the Lord chosen us and made us as an Army dreadful and terrible before whom the wicked do fear and tremble and our standard is truth justice righteousness and equity and all that comes unto us must cleave thereunto and fight under that banner without fear and without doubting and they shall never be ashamed nor put to flight neither shall ever they be conquered by Hell or death or by the powers of darkness but the Lord shall be their armour weapon and defence for evermore and they that follow the Lamb shall overcome and get the victory over the beast and over the Dragon and over the gates of Hell for the Lord is with us and who shall be able to make us afraid Then having thus armed us with power strength and wisdom and Dominion according to his mind and we having learned of him and being taught of him in all things and he having chosen us into his work and put his sword into our hand and given us perfect Commission to go forth in his Name and Authority having the word from his mouth what to cut down and what to preserve and having the everlasting Gospel to Preach to the inhabitants of the earth and being commanded in spirit to leave all and follow him and go forth in his work yea an absolute necessity was laid upon us and wo unto us if we Preached not the Gospel for when we looked abroad and beheld the world behold it was altogether darkness and even as a wilderness and desolate and barren of good fruit and death reigned over men and no good fruit was brought forth to God but leaves we beheld upon every soul and all men and peoples were made drunk with the wine of whoredoms and the Whores cup they had drunk and was committing fornication with the great Whore and she reigned over the Kings and peoples of the earth and the Antichrist was set up in the Temple of God ruling over all and having brought Nations under his power and set up his Government over all for many ages even since the dayes of the Apostles and true Churches hath he reigned while the woman hath been fled into the wilderness and the man child caught up to God Christ said Antichrist should come and put on the sheepes cloathing and be inwardly a ravening Wolfe and John saw that Antichrist was come in his dayes and he went forth then from the true Church and went into the world and deceived the world and ever since his Kingdom hath reigned over Nations for then he begun to exalt himself and it is sixteen hundred years since all which time Antichrist that hath had the sheepes cloathing but inwardly a ravener and hath ruled and reigned and this we saw and perceived in the very time of our birth and bringing forth and we beheld Nations as a wilderness untilled and mens hearts as the fallow ground unbroken up and not plowed nor sown with the good seed of Gods Kingdom so that we saw all states and orders of men corrupted and degenerated from what they ought to be and from what God had once ordained them As for the Ministry first we looking upon it with a single eye in the light of the Spirit of God which had annointed us we beheld it clearly which formerly we had been stumbling at and much doubting of that it was not the perfect Ministry of Christ for many years before not to be of Christ nor sent of him nor having the Commission power and Authority of Christ as his Ministry had in the dayes of the true Churches but in all things as in Call practice maintenance and in every thing else in fruits and effects we found it disagree and be wholly contrary to the true Minstry of Christ in the dayes of the Apostles and likewise we truely beheld it to be in Call practice and maintenance and all things the very same in fruits and effects with the false Ministry and false Prophets and false Apostles and deceivers of old and this I do testifie and am able to prove in the spirit and Authority of the Lord that the publike Ministry as now it stands generally is wholly degenerated from what the true Ministry of Christ once was and differeth and is contrary in all things to what Christs Ministers were and agreeth and is equal in all things with what the false prophets
seed of God and defiled the flesh and darkned the understanding the sense and reason and warred against the soule ye have shewed your ignorance of that power that throws all these down and that which defiles the spirit and the body whereby the body the soule and the spirit comes to be sanctified And before this be so ye must know a bodily trembling and shaking and he cries away with it before ever he came at it lest he should be tormented before his time who is one of them who ever was against the holy men of God but the power of the Lord God has overtaken thee and with that are ye comprehended and ye are in the presse and your cluster is full and the sickle is gone out Pr. He saith The Priest-hood is changed but not the Tythes abolished by the coming of any substance and they that keep back tythes of God he hath preferred his mammon before his God is guilty of the sin of Ananias And denying to pay tythes is weakning the hands of the Ministers and God in wisdome hath required by an outward Law in the absence of the inward for the maintenance of the Ministery by tythes or other maintenance and so they owe a tribute unto God and so they must pay tribute and custome to whom custome is due Again he saith custome tribute Tithes c. love will teach thee these things are due therefore covet not anothers portion Ans When the Apostle had spoken of tithes before the Law to Melchisedeck like unto the Son of God and spoken of Tithes to the Priesthood made by a Law had a command to take them he saith the Priesthood was changed the Law was changed the command was disanulled that gave them Tithes the Son of God was come the end of the similitude and the likeness before the Law Now saith he of the things for tythes were things before the Law and in the Law of the things which we have spoken this is the sum Christ a Minister of the Sanctuary which God hath pitched and not man So there is the sum of the things and the substance and the plentious Redemption that leads men out of the earth that brings them to lay down all at the feet of the Apostles which is beyond tenthes which was to the service of the Lord due Here the earth cometh to be known to be the Lords it is given up here and man Redeemed out of it of this glorious Gospel are ye all ignorant and so Tithes is not as Annanias to be compared with Annanias not now and not as a tribute but as a custome which since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy that the Nations have drunk the whores cup there have been Queens and Kings that have made Lawes that is gone out of the power of Christ which the Apostles was in into the beasts power and made Schools to make their Ministers and have set up Tenths So this custome of the sin hath taken away the sence of it that people have been hardened that they have torn people spoiled their goods and cast into prison and taken treble dammages and kept them in prison and haled them before Courts and Sessions Assizes and Benches which is not like the Ministers of Christ for the law is changed of God that gave tenths and since that was changed the Law in the heart and a new Covenant And since the apostacy from that men have got the sheepes cloathing ravened from the spirit wolves whose fruits declare it who have deceived Nations and the world and have got up a Law from man and a command from man the Pope being the Author and the Law of God is changed and the command of God is changed that gave tithes and they have got up this to take them the Law of man the command of man and the Law of God and his command is denyed spoken by the Apostle Heh 7. which all that be in the wisdom of God sees over these things and feels over them and Judges you all and executes Judgement and is in the power and Authority to execute Judgement and convince all and are in the honour of Saints So your Ministry if Tithes fall is weakened but the Ministry of Christ came in when Tithes fell and that Ministry fell that held up tithes and that Priesthood which the Priests lips was to preserve the peoples knowledge So by the fall of that Ministry that took Tithes the Ministry of Christ came in is the rise of this Ministry since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy that is made by Kings Bishops Popes Schools and Colledges in the fall this Ministry that takes tithes which Tithes falling say they and saith thou the hand is weakened of the Ministry it is not the power that strengthens the hand but the earthly Now I say in the fall of this maintenance which weakens this Ministry weakens you Ministers in the apostacy ye have shewed what ye are covered withall in the rise of the Lamb and his Ministry in the Preaching of the everlasting Gospel and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to them that dwell on the earth which is the power of God and though the Devil and the beast and the false Prophets and the Kings of the earth do make war against the Saints and the Lamb yet the Saints and the Lamb shall get the victory and that 's come to that the Apostles were in before you was and so in your fall this rises Pr. He saith Christ without the Church doth not comprehend all the Elect and we are not elected though we receive Christ because we are elected in him c. Page 80. Ans Thou art medling with things too weighty for thee Christ is the Elect who God upholds and the election obtains it the victory and Christ knowes his and said he had other sheep and he knew all the Elect and is the wisdom of the Father the Light the Life and the power of God the offering the sacrifice for the whole world the Redemption of man-kinde and who receives him and are in him are the Elect and out of their own works and have possessed him and his Image and glory and are come to the throne of grace who is in all and over all the salvation to the ends of the earth and who are elected receives Christ and are in him Pr. He saith thy denyal of sin and Satan and Antichrist to be where they are in power and part is the old trick of the evil one c. page 83. Ans Who are come into the Lambs power they are come out of the power of the beast sin and Satan into the City the midst of the Paradice of God where no unclean thing enters but the tree of life is the food and they are a top of sin Satan and Antichrist and all thy tricks and witness against all sin Pr. He saith when the dissolution comes he bids farwell to all the Saints of God pag. 94.
the Temple who was to swear by the Lord and to performe the oath to him Which that oath Christ ended and brought men out of strife and the earth into peace with God to the beginning to the glory which was with the Father before the world was began who brings the peace on earth and good will towards men And do not you that swear by the Bible swear by all that 's contained in it like as the Jewes swore by the Temple and so hath not the Bible judged you Here Christs words and the Apostles that tells you ye should not sweare and yet you swear And if yee say the Prophets and Moses and Abraham and Jacob and Joseph and the Angels swore and men of Strife swore Doth not Christ and the Apostle tell you he is the end of the Prophets a greater then Solomon David called him Lord Before Abraham was reignes over the house of Jacob and Joseph to him the Angels bow sayes sweare not at all This is my beloved Son hear him is the end of the Law and the Prophets to him that believes which hears him But it seems you will not hear him that are the swearers and forswearers And the Apostle brings that concerning an oath is the end of controversie among men of strife and men swear by the greater Yet they sware by the Lord he brings the example not that men should swear but shewing how God could not finde a greater sware by himselfe concerning his Son who is the oath of God the end of Oaths and the true oath that men swear that ends the strife He brought peace on earth and good will towards men that ended that oath and brought men to unity to God and one another out of the Earth to the beginning Pr. That Oaths are to be performed if the Scriptures were silent The Law of Nature and Nations would speak loud in this point because of the particular miscarriages in humane Societies Therefore sayes the Lord Mine oaths ye despised and my covenant ye have broken It would be a great dishonour to the nature of an Oath if it should tye any man to disobey the commands of God Governours are ready to thinke it their great security to establish themselves by Oaths Answ The commands of Christ let the Law as ye call it of Nature and Nations cry never so loud for swearing who stablish themselves by sin and trangression in the earthly humane societies the commands of Christ forbids swearing And I know that the Law of Nations and the Nationall Laws have sworn by severall Heathen gods and Idols as the Jewes swore by the Temple and you by the Evangelists and Christ sayes swear not at all and his Apostles And here 's great out-cries for oaths but here is a cry from the Lord Christ sayes swear not at all And oaths was in the Covenant which Covenant was to change mark that Oaths despised and Covenant broken This was the first covenant in which were the oaths that was to change and decay which Christ came to end both Covenant and Oaths and bid them swear not at all and took away the first covenant that he might establish the second And so as the Jewes brake the first covenant and despised the Lords oath which was to swear by himself who is the greater and to him to perform it So you despise his covenant his Son the everlasting covenant that ends oaths and the first covenant that are teaching men to swear and so there is swearing and for-swearing The lamentable work and doings as you may see in your Courts how they will swear a man hath so much when he hath not halfe so much as the Writs and Indictments and all their bad stuff declares it And so you that swear do break the commands of Christ though it was the command of God in the old time to swear yet it is the command of Christ who makes all things new swear not at all And the Governours that are established by Oaths are out of the doctrine of Christ that establish themselves by that which Christ denies and so establish themselves out of the power command and authority and doth not hear the Son and are not the true christians but are apostatized from the true Church hath onely his name but are dead to the life Now Christ that takes away oaths and shewed the danger of them that went into oaths more then yea and nay in all their Communications bid them swear not at all and that they went into the evill that did he established a way by two or three witnesses every word is established So they that would have any more then yea and nay may take the order of Christ minde the order of Christ two or three witnesses that yee may establish every word And this is a● way for all Trades-men and Magistrates and all whatsoever that they may follow and practice the commands of Christ yea and nay in all their communications and if they will have any more two or three witnesses that every word may be established And such are the true Christians the true Brethren that abide in the Doctrine of Christ they are not transgressors but hath the Son and the Father which the other hath not and that 's a practice for all true Christians Cities Countries and Magistrates upon the earth Pr. Thou saith Those that be engaged take oaths and they must be circumspect in taking of it and this is the word thou adds And you my Lord Major and Sheriffs under the bond of an Oath shall execute your office Answ The command of Christ the doctrine of the Apostles engageth men they shall not swear and doth not engage any to swear nor Christ who is the end of the Law and the Prophets but you Ministers of unrighteousness and false Apostles teach men to disobey and transgresse the commands of Christ which are the false Prophets and Antichrists which Christ said should come John saw was come went forth from them the Apostles and since the world is gone after you and so you have taught the world to swear and men to swear and Christ and his Apostles teach them not to swear And so here 's the Land mourning because of oaths among boyes and girles it 's become common in your Streets Courts and Houses Swearing for-swearing and profane swearing and that which is out of the command of Christ is profane for they bewitch people that draw people from the command of God The Apostle instances Circumcision which Christ ended and what are they that draw people to those things which Christ forbids but such as would not have him to reigne but Antichrists which hath been from the Apostles And so you and the Papists are one here doing what you do by an oath and the Apostle saith which you are apostatized from Above all things swear not at all neither by heaven nor by earth nor by any other oath Marke this was to the brethren true christians true believers such
for the believer in the light is led with the spirit of truth into all truth and he that believes not in the Light is with the spirit of truth reproved Pr. They say for one to be convinced of his sins against the Law and have some power against them these they call miserable blind Pharisees Ans Them that was blind Pharisees transgressed the Law of God lived out of the power and that which convinced of the transgression of the Law so they said and did not and wo was pronounced against them and so judgement came to be neglected and the doers of the Law was justified and not called blind Pharisees and that was in its place but Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness sake to them that believes and those was not called blind Pharisees which followed that which shewed them the transgression of the Law for those was the doers Pr. They say the spirit shall convince all men and women sufficiently of that righteousness which Christ fulfilled Ans That which doth convince of righteousness all men and women as thou co●fesseth if they believe in the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall it will lead them from their own righteousness and be their teacher and come to be taught of God Pr. They say the light convinceth of sin against the Law but will not shew a soul a Saviour or a deliverer Answ That 's contrary to the Apostle who saith the light that shined in their hearts will give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ who is the Saviour and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth covenant to Jewes and Gentiles Pr. They say the light will not shew a man his lost condition righteousness blood death resurrection and intercession of Jesus Christ. Answ There 's nothing makes manifest but light Nor none knowes the blood death righteousness and resurrection of Jesus Christ but with the light which comes from Jesus Christ who hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world and that 's it shall give all men assurance that he is raised from the dead the light of the body is the eye that lets see salvation Pr. They say Christ went away into heaven from his Disciples and so not within them Answ Did not he say he would come again to them did he not say he was in them I in you and did not the Apostle say Christ was in them except they were reprobates the hope of glory was not he revealed in the Apostle and so in him and did not the Apostle Preach Christ within and you Preach Christ with out Prin. They say that those believers that are in the body now at this day are absent from the Lord. Answ Doth not the Apostle say that Christ is in them except they be reprobates and he is in them the hope of glory and they have fellowship with God and God will dwell in them and walk in them and he that believes believes in him in Christ so not absent Pr. And they say he is absent from them as touching his flesh Answ Doth not the Apostle say that they are of his flesh and of his bone and he that eats not his flesh hath no life in him and they fit in heavenly places with him and he that eats his flesh hath it within him Pr. They say that there is not any heaven within into which the man Christ is ascended for can any man contain a man four foot long Answ Christ is a mystery and is not he to be revealed within who is a mystery he who did ascend to be revealed and made manifest in his Saints in flesh and spirit that did descend which is now manifested that the world wonders at that is ascended far above the heavens who is the Saints life living bread and drink and where ever used the Ministers of Christ any such expressions as thou doth which shews that Christ is yet to thee a mystery Prin. They say Stars falling from heaven is professors falling from the faith to the earth Answ This is fulfilled upon you all who have given Judgement upon your selves and so from the faith in which is the unitie in which men please God and hath victory over the world and this you may read since the dayes of the Apostle who are fallen all down into the earth for mony and stipends Pr. They say that God hath given assurance to all men and commands all to repent every where in that he will Judge the world in righteousnesse by the man Christ Jesus Answ That every man that cometh into the world is enlightened by Christ the light of the world him by whom it was made who will give them a reward according to their works that denyes his Light and are found in the works of da●kness ●r They say That the end of Christs coming is that the people of God should shine as the sun and the cause that hinders them for shining is the body of death Answ The righteous and the Saints comes to witnesse the body of sin put off and thanks God who hath given them victory and comes into the second Adam the Lord from heaven out of the first Adam where the shining state is witnessed the holy mount of God the city that cannot be hid Pr. They say If a mans obedience flow not from the faith it is but sin in the sight of the great God Ans And yet they say faith is not perfect in the measure and degree Pr. And they say Four times that Christ ascended away from his Disciples and was not in them Ans And Christ said I in you you in me and he would come and dwell in them and make his abode with them which the Apostles came to witness and sate with him in heavenly places Pr. They say that the man Christ that was crucified his body is now in the presence of his Father absent from his people as touching his bodily presence Answ Doth not the Apostle say he is the head of the Church And doth not the Apostle say they are of his flesh and bone and sit with him in heavenly places with Christ And Christ saith they must eat his flesh and he is in them Pr. And they say that Christ is absent from the Saints in the world its clear Answ When the Apostle saith Christ was in the Saints and Christ in you the hope of glory And the Apostle saith he hath revealed the Son in him And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life And after the same Christ which was crucified and risen came to be manifest in his Saints and not another And so the Saints come to feed upon his flesh and drink his blood which is their life which body Christ gives for the the life of the world and which blood appeaseth the wrath of the Almighty And as for the rest of John Burton and John Bunians lyes and slanders they are
the Gospel from charge are not you six thousand men ashamed to Petition for a maintenance for your Ministers that you should publish in a Petition your nakedness to a supream power of a Nation that you are not able to maintain your Ministry that the Churches are not able to maintain their Ministers doth not this shew your beggarliness and to be of the seed that is begging bread which the Scriptures saith the righteous are not forsaken nor their seed begging bread and in this have you not shamed your Ministers that they have no better vineyards plowes and flayls or did ever the Apostles or their hearers when they came into a Nation Petition to the powers of the earth for means Pr. And ye say where any man will not do justly and pay the labourer the wages he owes him The Magistrate must see justice done or else I know not what he hath to doe Answ The Apostles Ambassadors and messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ which were to go to all the Nations to Preach the Gospel they had not a Law at the Magistrates hands to give them wages hale their hearers before them to give them wages or put up Petitions before every Supream of the Nation before whom they came this was not the work of the Apostles messengers and Disciples who were to go into all Nations to Preach the Gospel when they had Preached the Gospel to the Nation they did not Petition to the Supream powers of the Nation Powers or Principalities or Kings for maintenance from their hearers as you do now Oh! this stinks and shewes it is out of the power which the Apostles disciples and messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ were in For they would have made their Gospel to have stunk if they had come into all Nations to Preach the Gospel and then after they had Preached it if their hearers would not have given them maintenance to have Petitioned to the Supream authority of the Nation and have haled their hearers into Courts to Assizes Sessions and Benches would this have been glad tydings to the Nations or trouble to the Nations and have been but deceivers and pretenders of glad tydings and bringers of trouble to the Nation and seekers of themselves and for themselves and not to do the work which the Lord Jesus Christ sent them about Preachers of the Gospel that live of the Gospel might use their power and would not and the power of God is the same now as ever it was and it tries all the spirits that are gone out into the world which have Apostated since the dayes of the Apostles out of the Apostles power and now with the power the Apostles were in are they comprehended which are gone out of the power which the Apostles were in Pr. And ye speak of Jonas temptation and yet of your comfort in your studies Answ The power that Jonas was in ye are far off or them that are to divide the word aright but swallowed up in the great temptation of the world pride and covetousness in that are ye drowned and hard heartedness as the Goales in the Nation are your witness such as cannot give you maintenance and such as are moved of the Lord God to come and speak to you by you are cast into Goal which shewes that you are in another power then the Apostle was in who said quench not the spirit and the Prophet was in who said Limit not the holy One and denying prophesie so now your power and authority to your Ministry with the spirit of the Lord God is fathomed and you to be out of the spirit the Apostles were in and to be spirits that are gone out into the world and into the earth and fall and so you usurp the authority and usurp the Ministry in usurping the authority as your selves may see read the Scripture of the Prophets and Apostles and there read the fruit of your Ministry and Actions try them by plain Scripture Pr. Ye say that the Ministry hath no power to put you out of the Vineyard but to perswade others to do it Ans Are the Ministry in the Vineyard of God and have they no power have they no authority there in the Vineyard Are the Magistrates then to put them into the Vineyard and to take them out And all them that are labourers in the Vineyard must perswade to put into the Vineyard do not you in this shew your ignorance of the Apostles Doctrine and of their work who rebuked stopt the mouthes of gain-sayers had power to silence had power to try spirits had power to judge had power to defend Now have you not in this if you be Ministers dishonoured your power and authority and have shewed that you be out of the power and to be them that cryes to the mountains fall on us and hide us from the glorious presence of the Lord which is arising to shake terribly the earth Pr. So if the Ministers maintenance be taken away there is little likelihood of a Ministry long Answ It seems the maintenance hath been that which hath caused them to Preach and held them up so take away their maintenance down falls their Ministry But I say the power will stand and the Administration of the spirit and the hearing of Christ and the teaching of God if men take away all their maintenance and cast them into prison for speaking But this holding up of Ministers by maintenance is that which came up before the Apostles decease which taught for filthy lucres sake and through covetousness made merchandize of the people through the love of money they erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many hurtful lusts and admired mens persons because of advantage and taught for gifts and rewards these were come up before the Apostles decease now these Teachers admired mens persons taught for filthy lucre the love of money and covetousness which the Apostle saw before his decease which since the world run after them take away their money and their lucre and their gifts see how long these will Preach Now have you shewed your Root your off-spring is found out Now the Apostle Preached and the Ministers stood up which judged the Root from whence ye are sprunge for your Root was come up before the Apostles decease And now try ye if maintenance be taken away there is no likelihood the Ministry will stand long And we say so too we know it take away your maintenance down falls the Preacher Therefore with Petitions are you troubling the Courts and Magistrates for your livelihood which if ye were true Ministers ye would be in the work in the Vineyard of God and would be ashamed of such things and with the power of God cover your nakedness and not be Beggars and Petition for outward things ye dishonour the power of the Lord God and cause his name to be blasphemed among the heathen And so for shame let your mouthes be stopt for ever for saying you are
spirit 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 14.15 and worship in the Spirit which the Devil is out of John 4.21 Pr. If the first Command be in force and if it be in force negatively it is also in force positively thou shalt have me for thy God and oughtest to worship me and if they pray not as they should let them answer for it for it is not sin of it self Ans The children of Israel that the Commandments were given unto knew God but the Heathen knows him not here all may see what measure thou measures withall And further thou sayest if they pray as they should not and yet not sin is praying as they should and as they should not one by this to call upon God with their lips and the heart not right and the prayers and sacrifice of the wicked is justified Prov. 15.8 and if any pray as they should not are they not condemned for it and if in praying as they should not be not sin then they do as they should Pr. If folks should not pray because they are uncapable then a believer not finding himself in a good frame may let his prayers alone Answ A Believer is a babe of God and his cry is right his prayer is right and his groan is right 1 John 5.1 And every man that cometh into the world being enlightned and coming into the light which hath enlightned him 1 Iohn 1.7 in that he is to watch and pray which leads him beyond naturals which will be accepted in the degree but he that hates the light his prayer is not accepted but is in the hypocrisie Pr. The Apostles bad Simon Magus an old witchcarle pray and now is there any reason to say we are bidding folk sing when we bid them pray although they be grosly ignorant Answ The Apostle bad him Repent Acts 8.22 and he was sensible he had sinned and that which makes a man sensible of sin brings him to pray aright and turns him from witchcraft and so thou dost put no difference between the precious and the vile Ezek. 22.26 the accepted and unaccepted And Henry Foreside who would have had his People to stone the Quakers and calls it Christian zeal he would have his wall up that he might live in safety who murthers and would be preserved in the murtherous estate and would have the powers of the earth to be his Executioners and pack-horses but the Lord is opening of their eyes that they will not execute their malice though he is stirring up the people to do so so all may see this is not the work of our Lord Jesus Christ but the work of the Murtherer and one that makes himself drunk with the blood of the Saints Rev. 17.6 till he reel again in his madness And Christ called them that took up stones to stone him of their Father the Devil for doing his lust John 8.44 And thou who would have the people to stone and calls it Christian zeal thou hast manifested thy Father and to be of the Devil who was a Murtherer from the beginning but you are the Serpents and vipers that would kill to fill the measure of your Fathers Mat. 23.32 and persecute from City to City and hale out of the Synagogues John 16.2 that all the righteous blood shed from righteous Abel might come upon you Mat. 23.35 and you are they that kill the bodies of the Saints and are shedders of the righteous blood Mark the righteous blood that the righteous blood might be upon you And Cain slew Abel because Abels sacrifice was accepted and his not Gen. 4. So it is about the Sacrifice and worship ye would murther and slay So ye are in Cains way a company of vagabonds whose Sacrifice God hath no respect unto if we were enemies you would not teach the people to stone us if ye were Ministers of Christ but love us Mat. 5.44 And do good to us If the Apostles should have taught the people to stone all that were contrary to their minde and Christ should have taught his Disciples to stone all that were contrary to their minde and tell them that were Christian zeal but ye may see Christ ●nd his Apostles taught another doctrine Love your enemies and thou teachest to stone them contrary to Christ and his Apostles we do conclude it to be the Doctrine of the Devil and not the Doctrine of Christ who are in scorn called Quakers For the true Christian zeal never taught to stone but were stoned The Priests called Presbyterians summoned some people called Quakers to come be●ore them and they came into the Steeple-house where they met and James Nasmith Priest of Hambleton bad them remove or else he would make them remove by Club Law and they asked the Presbyterian Priests for their accusers and Francis Ard one of the Priests said they were both accusers and Judges now whether this be equity that the same should be both accusers Judges that summons and when they have summoned accused and judged saith they will make them remove by club Law whether these be not bruits and beasts and not Justices and are not fit to Judge nor to have the name of Ministers and Judges that will remove people by club law and the said Quakers could not own them as Judges nor doth not look on them as men of equity but would have had them to have given them a meeting in any place whereby the truth might be cleared which they had scandalized and come to light which they refused and that lawful witnesses might hear but they did refuse and caused them to be put in prison by the hand of a Bayliffe by name Nasmith And this is the Authority of the Presbyterian Priests who hath summoned with club Law but it is denyed by the Apostles Doctrine 1 Tim. 3. they must not be strikers nor false accusers These are the Presbyterian Priests of Scotlands weapons club Law which is contrary to the Ministers of Christ they said We wrestle not against flesh and blood and they must not be strikers Eph. 6.12 and after they had violently the thrust them into prison after their wills were satisfied with violence they thrust them out again there ye may feel the Spirit of wickedness And these Presbyterian Priests are people petitions the Magistrates with a pretence they might not be guilty of others blood which pretence is in their Petitions to take away their fear that their wicked p●ace might not be disturbed not regarding their blood witness James Nasmith Priest who would make them remove by club Law So their Petition is but flattery and deceit in pretence of not being guilty of their blood in whose heart it is to shed blood as witness Henry Foreside Priest who stirred up the people in zeal to stone them Those Presbyterian Priests that set up club Law and persecution against the Quakers who would not have any to receive them into their houses So this is abominable Doctrine contrary to the Apostle whose Doctrine you
the Almighty covereth us and it goeth before us and compasseth us about and the Lord is working a work in the Earth mighty and wonderful he is gathering the scattered and binding up the broken hearted and his people shall dwell in safety and none shall make them afraid and no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper nor no hand that is lifted up shall prevail For Sion shall arise out of the dust her beautiful garments shall be put on and mourning and sorrow shall flee away and her light is risen that is everlasting and the Sun shall never go down but his day shall remain for ever and the night shall not again cover her brightness nor the Sun set upon her habitations the City that hath long laid waste shall again be builded and the dwelling that hath long been without inhabitant shal be replenished for the numberles seed of Jacob is coming out of Egypt that will replenish the whole Earth and the seed of Esau shall become bondmen and wherefore are you gathered together and to what purpose have the wicked spent their strength to oppose what the Lord is bringing to passe shall not all our Enemies be broken to pieces and will not the Lord grinde them to powder will he not marr their beauty and stain their pride will he not bring down their crownes and corrupt their glory and stain it with his fire of wrath and make them ashamed of their wayes and Doctrines Hear this ye Priests and howl and lament for the misery that is coming upon you the Lord hath laid you naked and made you bare and you are seen as you are and the Elect is risen amongst us which ye cannot deceive but alass wo is me how have you caused the people to erre and how have you led the blind out of the way and how is truth fallen in your streets and you have daubed falsely with untempered morter and have cried peace to the wicked and condemned the righteous and all this hath vexed the righteous soul and the Lord will now arise and is risen and you shall not resist and escape the stroak of his hand which will come upon you and bruise you as a milstone for you have caused the wicked to rejoyce and the righteous to mourn and you have made sad his heart whom God hath not made sad have not you fed your selves with the fat and clothed with the wooll and hath not the peoples souls been starved and leanness been upon them all your plants a●● dry and barren trees that brings forth no good fruit and your p●●ple are like a wilderness that is untilled and unploughed and undressed and your flocks are like wild asses upon the mountains that is untamed as rude as the Horse and mule that knows no bridle and now it is seen what the end of your Ministry is and what fruit it hath brought sorth the Lord hath taken notice and he hath beheld how you have loytered and laid idle and the Nations lies yet like fallow ground that bears no fruit and mens hearts are untouched with absence of Gods word and there is no sound true and perfect sence amongst your people of the dealings of the Lord nor of the operation of his spirit but they remain in great blindness and ignorance void of the knowledge of God for ye have not caused them to hear his word but you have told your dreams and your false visions and you have spoken imaginations of your hearts and not from the mouth of the Lord neither have you stood in his Counsel nor hearkened to his voyce and therefore people remains unprofited but what they and you know it s naturally and not by the spirit of the Father but as dry trees you are not taught of the Father and as rough goats in the nature of swine that is polluted in the filth of the world and in the nature of dogs and Lyons devouring another and biting one another and killing one another which things were not in the Churches of Christ and we have a great controversie with you and that from the Lord we have tried you searched you and disovered your foundation and it s not found nor will not stand in the triall we have fetcht your Line from the first original and we have found out your beginning and we find yours of that Race which Christ prophesied of that should come which should deceive many having the sheeps cloathing but inwardly ravening and which Iohn saw was come and went out from the Apostles and true Churches which went from the truth and went into the world and had the forme of godlinesse without the power here began the Race in the Apostacie of the Churches and when they Apostatized from the true faith then came your original up and the world went after them and all that dwelt upon the earth worshiped the beast that hath reigned through all this time of Apostacie which hath been since the daies of the Apostles and we find your original goe no further then to the false bretheren and false Apostles which went out from the true Apostles and run for gifts and rewards and preached for filthie lucre and through covetousnesse made merchandize of souls seeking monie and gain to themselves I say we find your Original begins there and your Line goes no further and never came your first rise so far as the true Apostles you were not in your beginning of their life nor birth nor cannot be reckoned from their Original for you succeed not them but you truely succeed the false Apostles and fals bretheren which Christ prophesied should come after his daies Iohn saw was come and coming in his daies and we find you of this stock and generation and now you are discovered to be contrarie to the true Apostles and agreeing with the false Apostles in call in practice in maintenance and in all things and the Line of true judgement is laid upon you all and you are measured and found too short and weighed and found too light and we wil deale truely with you in judgement first we do hold controversie with you as concerning your call your Ministery it agreeth not with but is contrarie to what the Apostles call was they were called by power from on high and were made Ministers by the gift of the holy spirit received from God and their Ministrie was an absolute gift from God and not to be bought and sold for monie and they were anointed of the Father by his spirit of promise and to preach the Gospel but your call is at schools and Colledges in such and such orders which are attained through naturall industerie such and such arts and sciences and degrees having been so many years brought up in studying naturall arts and naturall Languages this is your ordination and your call having no respect to receive or to wait for the gift of the holy spirit to be made Ministers thereby and this is different from the Apostles
and deceivers were throughout all ages and this I charge upon it in the face and view of all men to whom this may come for this we saw concerning it in the beginning and our first assurance And as for other places and orders of men and callings we saw them also corrupted and degenerated and evil and iniquity abounding among all sorts of people and blindness and darkness covered the face of the earth and of the world and all people were in their transgressions and making void the Law of God and that it was time for the Lord to work and to arise to ease himself of his adversaries and as for all Churches so called and professions and gatherings of people we beheld you as all in the Apostacy and degeneration from the true Church nor being gathered by the spirit of the Lord nor anoynted thereby as the true members of Christ ever were but to be in a form and in forms of righteousness without the power and in Immitations without life and perfect knowledge so that all the practices of Religion we beheld without power and life though some had a sencerity in them and a zeal and a desire towards the Lord yet all people erred in Judgement and none were guided in Judgement by the Eternal spirit and because of the error in Judgement that made their zeal blind and their performances of righteousness not accepted though acted in some sincerity and zeal because they were not guided in practice and led in Judgement by the spirit of the Lord which onely leads into all truth and none are in the truth but are who led onely thereby so that we beheld all profession but as coverings with figg leaves while the nature of transgression stood uncondemned not crucified Also then we saw not only the performance and practice in Church state and in Religious orders were corrupted but also Goverment and Magistracy and all things in civil state were not aright in the sight of the Lord nor as the Lord required neither as he had ordained in the beginning for Government we know as ordained of God is to punish and limit and terifie all evil doers and to preserve and defend all that do well and that mens consciences are to be left free to be ruled by the Lord alone and guided by his spirit and that outward power and civil Magistrates and Lawes so called ought not to be Lord or Ruler in mens consciences nor over them but we beheld how unrighteousness and iniquity and sin and wickedness was strengthened and encouraged in the Government and by such as were in Authority and how the fear of God and the exercise of a good conscience was abused so that it was turned backward from what it ought to be them that did well were punished and limited as transgressors and the evil doers were set free and not made afraid so that we could truely cry truth was fallen in the streets and justice and true Judgement turned backward and equity had no place to enter and the innocent was devoured through want of true and just Judgement and the needy was spoiled and made a prey and thus it was framed for no sooner had we opened our mouthes but the Magistrates begun to put us in prison and execute great injustice upon us and became oppressors of the innocent and laid grievous unjust burdens upon us grievous to be born and true justice and judgement was neglected and wrong judgement brought forth and good Government abused and men in authority not ruled by the Lord neither ruling for the Lord among men and thus it came to passe upon us through the corruption and degeneration in Government and Magistrates which we saw to be as it was fulfilled by them to wit not as the Lord required nor as he in the beginning ordained it but quite the contrary and this we saw in the beginning when the spirit of the Lord was poured down upon us and power from on high was revealed to declare against all the the abominations of the Earth and to make war against all corruption in all orders and places and men Then being prepared of the Lord and having received power from on high we went forth as commanded of the Lord leaving all relations and all things of the wo●ld behind us that we might fufill the work of the Lord into which he called us and with flesh and blood nor any creature we consulted not nor took councel of men but of the Lord alone who lifted up our heads above the world and all fears and doubtings and was with us in power and dominion over all that which opposed us which was great and mighty and gave us power over it all and to bind Kings in chains and Nobles in fetters of Iron and this is the saints honour and the word of the Lord we sounded and did not spare and caused the deaf to hear the blind to see and the heart that was hardned to be a wakened and the dread of the Lord went before us and behind us and terror took hold upon our enemies And first of all our mouthes were opened and our spirit filled with indignation against the Priests and teachers and with them and against them first we began to war as being the causers of the people to erre and the blind leaders that carried the blind into the ditch and against them as the fountain of all wickednesse abounding in the Nations and as being the issue of prophanes for from them hath prophaness gone forth in all nations and against them we cryed a loud as being redeemed from their mouths who had made a prey upon us as they do upon all that follow their waies and in steeple-houses we did visit them often and in markets and other places as the Lord moved and made way for us shewing unto all them and all their people that they were not Lawfull Ministers of Christ sent of him but were deceivers and Anti-christs and such whom the Lord never sent and we spared not publikely and at all seasons to utter forth the Judgements of the Lord against them and their waies and against their Churches and worships and practices as not being of God nor commanded by him by which they deceived the world and this was our first work which we entred upon to thresh down the deceivers and lay them open that all people might see their shame and come to turne from them receive the knowledg of the truth that they might be saved and this we did with no smal opposition nor danger yea often times we were in danger of our lives through beating abusing punishing haling casting over walls striking with staves and cudgel● and knocking downe to the ground besides reproaching Scorning revilings and houtings at and scoffings and slanderings and all abuses that could be thought or acted by evil hands and tongues and often carried before Magistrates with grievous threats and some times put in the Stocks and whipped and often
of them and being her children and she hath corrupted the Earth with her Fornications and Whoredomes and made Nations and Kingdomes drunk with her cup of idolatry But the Lord God is risen and will plead with her and give her double and the holy Prophets Apostles shal rejoyce over her this is coming to passe and this have I seen from the Lord received it from him thus it came upon me to write THe waters have I seen dry'd up the seat of that great Whore Who hath made all Nations drunk through her enticing power And caused the whole earth she hath her fornication cup to take Whereby Nations have long time err'd on whom she long hath sate But Peoples many are and shall and multitudes all may And Nations be converted all unto another way And tongues they are confounded now and kindreds they must mourn And when this is all finished her whole seat then is torn For these all be the great waters on whom her seat hath been And over whom she hath governd ' like as a stately Queen For ages many by-past gone she hath her Whoredoms play'd And Kingdoms hath bewitched and her power have obey'd But now her miseries are seen her witchcrafts are discover'd And sh● no more shall men deceive for day light is appeared And the Bed woful I have seen of torments great prepar'd Whereon she must be cast and plagues must not be spared But wo to her the cup of wrath is fill'd her to receive And as to others she hath done the same she shall now have And drink she must of that full cup of Gods fierce indignation And then shall all her lovers mourn and make great lamentation And I have seen that City great once populous rich and fair Laid waste and all destroyed and her Merchants dispair Who thorow her have gotten gain themselves for to exalt And from far come to traffique but now they must lament For fire in her is kindled which must her all consume Behold her smoake ascendeth day and night up to Heaven The Antichrist who hath put on and cover'd with sheepes cloathing And long rul'd King on Nations Inwardly ravening Who hath devour'd Gods heritage and had a Kingdom great I have seen him made war against and truth give him defeat Behold the Whore her flesh is burnt her beauty doth now fall She that is all Harlots great Mother whose daughters are Whores all Behold the City great who once made Nations rich and high she 's fallen to the ground and burnt and none more profit her by Behold the Antichrist once great his Kingdom is subduing The Lord alone for ever will rule his Sons Kingdom is coming And the woman that long hath fled into that place of mourning And rested in the wilderness she is again returning And her seed is again springing and shall replenish Nations And the man-childe must come to rule for ever throw gen'rations And when this is all come to pass O then rejoyce and sing Ye Prophets and Apostles all and heavenly children When God hath you avenged upon your enemies all Then is the day of praises for Saints both great and small London the 9. Mo. 1658. By a Servant of Christ Edward Burrough HEar are the Principles of Priests and Professors and Pastors in the Apostacy which have got up since the dayes of the Apostles that in this day are risen against the Lamb and against the Saints which since the dayes of the Apostles the Beast hath had power the false prophet and Mother of Harlots which inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God which hath had the sheepes cloathings and by that mens hath deceived the Nations and got in the Kings of the earth and cloathed them with the out-side whereby the Kings of the Earth and the Beast and false Prophet Dragon Devil Mother of Harlots and the great Whore hath joyned in one together against the Saints then overcame them and cast them into prison and drunk the blood of the Saints and Prophets and martyrs but now shall the Saints and the Lamb have the victory who kills and slayes with the sword which are the words of his mouth agreeble to the Apostles doctrine who wrestle not with flesh and blood now the Beast false prophet and Mother of Harlots Devil and Antichrist that drunk the blood of the Saints that have the sheeps cloathing these are the killers with the sword the slayers with the sword the imprisoners and persecutors which was not the work of the true Apostles true Ministers that kept the faith and patience of Jesus the Martyrs suffered the Saints suffered the Prophets suffered now these was in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures now the others got the Scriptures Antichrists false prophets Mother of Harlots the Devil the beast and all his names which killed and slew with the sword these are inwardly ravening from the Spirit of God the spirit of the Lamb the spirit of the Apostle who killed and slew with the sword which are the words of his mouth so all these names in the whole Christendom amongst all that are called Christians are got up amongst them since the dayes of the Apostles which be gone out of the life and faith and spirit they were in which they had unity in which was the bond of peace which have had the words but ravened from the life and so are all on heapes about the words and giving one another names so look in whole Christendom and see what abundance of names there be which should be one family and all these names Horns and Crowns and building up and throwing down which is all a mark among them that have had the words but out of the life which now the life is risen which the Apostles lived in which they since the dayes of the Apostles have been out of in many names and heaps in the Apostacy now with the life is all this fathomed and comprehended in which is the unity which life brings people to know God and unity with him and with Scriptures and one with another and all are one here if there be ten thousand times ten thousand And who reads over this book you may read things and see things which you never read nor saw Printed did ever the Lambs worry the wolves and did not the wolves get the sheeps cloathing and ravened after the sheep and Lambs that they might get among them pride and wildeness and pleasure hath swallowed up people teachers and Minsters that if any be sober and still presently he is a Quaker and thus modesty is eaten up A TABLE Shewing in what page the severall principles and answers beginneth SAmuel Eaton his booke called the Quakers confuted Page 1. Iohn Bunyan Rich. Spenceley Iohn Burton Iohn Child their book book called A vindication of a book called some Gospel truths opened pa. 8. Doctor Glissons paper concerning James Parnels death pa. 13. Georg Emmot who calls himselfe a spiritual Quaker converted pa. 14.
the Jew inward desires not the praise of men c. see page 38. Ans Then all that desires the praise of men and respect to persons are not the Jewes inward by their own conclusion but the Jew outward And so Priest judge your work and fruit how many Jews outwardly you have begotten for that which begets the Jew outward which hath the praise of men and respecting of persons is the outward Jew and that which begets the inward Iew is the Iew within who hath his praise of God and Christ who was the King of the Jews was not the respecter of persons Pr. Again they say It was not Christs command to give your Coats to the next beggar that asketh them See page 42. Ans Which the Scriptures say he that hath two coats let him give to him that hath none and the rich will give to the rich and thus they affront the Scriptures And God doth give wisdome how to distribute and to whom to distribute and how to honour the Lord with the substance and so shews your selves ignorant of Christs doctrine in letting so many poor begge at your doors and in the streets and yet you will have boot-hose-tops and double cuffs and ribbons about you who are more like Stage-players then Ministers that are not like to give your Coat to the next begger which double cuffs and boot-hose-tops and ribbons you have got for tythes of poor people that have hardly a coat to put on but they that obey Christs command that have two coats gives to him that hath none Pr. Again they sa● The Son of man is not come and these are false Prophets and false Christs who say he is co●● at page 43. Ans And so they ●●ll John a false Prophet who tels that the Son of God was come 1 John 5. For we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding And you are the false Prophets and Antichrists in the world that deny Christ come in the flesh Again we say you are them that come not in by the door and draw people from the teachings of God who draw people from the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world Pr. And you tell them it is naturall See page 43. Ans The light is the door which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world but ye blinde Sodomites are groping for the door but cannot finde it raging without and would kill the just but these keeps you that be in the Light which is the door and all be blinde and they be made blind though they say they see that doth not see the light which lightneth every man that cometh into the world by whom the world was made Pr. Ye say The Apostles went out of their own Nation without money or two coats without a bag either c. see Page 44. Ans Which of all you in your own Nation goes without your Stipends or Augmentations Tythes or Gleab-lands which of all you will go into your own Nation without this So not going have ye not all judged your selves by the Apostles practice which ye speak of and with your own words Pr. And ye say that the greatest part of the persecution in the Nation is ceased c. Ans Ye say so that to persecution are turned whose fruits and persecution hath more been seen within these late years then it hath been for severall scores nay this hundred years past and you are turned the persecutors of them that will not put into your mouths that you do no work for and for speaking to you as your Gaols bears witnesse Pr. Again they say To be called of men Master and so to transgresse Christs command is but a civill respect to their publique employment Ans Pharisee-like hath he shewed that he condemns Christs commands and unlike Ministers of him but Antichrists that condemns Christs command and calls it a civill respect in their employments For you do not read of Mr. Paul and Mr. Peter c. Pr. Again they say That is it which makes many eares to tingle and is a desolation to say God is coming to teach his people himselfe and to redeem them from all their Teachers c. see page 47. Ans Now is the Prophets fulfilling They shall not need every man to teach his neighbour or his brother Now is people coming to hear the Son who is the salvation to the ends of the earth Gods covenant Now is that coming which shall make your ears tingle and now is people come to the anoynting that they need not any man to teach them Now is people ceasing from men whose breath is in their nostrils and looking to Christ and the Lord the salvation to the ends of the earth Pr. Again they say That Satan transformed into an Angell of light is helping on good motions and fair complyances with rules of right to an ill end See p. 49. Ans That is like your doctrine that Satan should make use of good motions and fair complyances with rules of right Now the rule of right and the good is out of his power Prin. Again they say Why may not Satan helpe on Mortification c. See page 53. Ans Nay that which mortifies is out of the power of Satan that goes against his power and that brings down the death of Christ and his resurrection which they that be out of mortification knows not Pr. And the persecutors when they have persecuted the children of Light which light doth enlighten every man that comes into the world they say they expose themselves to suffering Ans And this light is it which torments them So striking at the Light they strike at the foundation which we finde these seven mens work is to strike at the Light the foundation Christ Jesus so Sathans Ministers And abundance of lyes is their Book stuft with which is not worth mentioning which will turn upon thems●lves in the day of fire and judgements they shall feel their works In their conscience th● witnesse shall answer and they that prison the just in their own particular turns against them that be in the covenant of Light where the Prisoner shews himselfe forth for there is no persecution in the generall but first men have stopped their eares against that of God within them and gone from the Truth in their own particulars then they turn against them that be in the generall and such were alwayes called to be of the Devil doing his work out of the Truth Richard Baxters Booke called The Quakers Catechisme His PRINCIPLES followes And his Works which are to the Fire to be condemned And as for his Lies and Railings and Brawlings and Revilings we turn them back to himselfe which for them the greatest will be his owne sorrow Pr. HE saith in a Letter at the beginning of his Book to a friend c. To say that any is perfect and without sinne is the Devill speaking in man c. Ans Contrary
shly nature in people Pr. He saith To say a man is freed from the body of sin while on earth is part of the Papists dung which they have taught you to feed upon c. page 24. Ans Contrary to the Scriptures and the Apostles words who saith they were made free from sin which was before you or the Papists was And contrary to John who bids them try the spirits who saith the false spirits gone out into the world which are you and the Papists he saith he that is borne of God doth not commit sin neither can he because the seed of God remaineth in him 1 John And you are in the P●pists dung spoken of who pleads for sin and thou art contrary to the Apostles and Christ who preached perfection and freedom from sin Pr. Again he saith Christs Kingdome is an Hospital and hath no subjects in it but diseased ones c. see page 24. Ans We read of no such thing in Scripture that Christs Kingdome is an Hospitall and his subjects are diseased ones But they that follow the Lamb in their mouth is no guile nor spot nor fault before the Throne of God and are the elect which God layes no sin too and they are the faithfull and called and chosen that overcome the world and his kingdome stands in power and in righteousnesse and joy in the holy Ghost and is not an Hospitall nor his subjects diseased ones for he heals them and converts them and washeth them and therefore thou art a Lyar and a man that doth not divide the word aright The diseased or such as come unto Christ to be healed them who comes to him he heales them of what infirmity soever it be and cures them and cloaths them in the right minde Therefore thou art co●rected and worthy of correction and all the diseased ones are in your Kingdom physicians of no value Pr. What can keep the soule from the enjoyment of God but sin c. See page 25. Answ It is the unbelief in Christ the Light and the offering and in his blood that keeps from the enjoyment of God who is the way to God which the Light le ts see that The Author of the Book called The Quaking Mountebanke c. His PRINCIPLES followeth His words are seen in the Light and are condemned for the Fire The day is coming that thou whosoever thou art wilt suffer and the witnesse in thy Conscience shall answer Pr. HE saith the Quakers are no Conjurers and yet he calls them Mountebanks in his Libell called The Quaking Mountebank c. see page 5. Answ They have discovered his works and fruits and the Fire is over his head and proves that he hath the Language of a Mountebank by his revilings and raylings which among sober people is not worth mentioning And the Quakers mountain is the house of the Lord established upon the top of all the mountains in the earth And their Rock is Christ which will split all Mountebanks that make war against him in pieces And now it is seen what is risen against the Lamb and the Saints and the mouths of the false Prophets are opened and the Inhabitans of the Earth are drunk and the Beast doth make War against the Lamb and the Saints but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory And Quakers are not Mountebanks but the Lords children Pr. And this Mountebank calls the Quakers beasts that have the spirit of God in them feeling it c. See page 7. Ans So that it hath discovered his spirit whether he is gone and his words shall be his burthen and the Lord will finde him out though he have not put forth his name And those that know the minde of Christ such he calls Beasts that do know the mind of Christ and so hath discovered himself that he knows it not but the Saints knows the minde of Christ and spirit of Christ and are the sons and daughters of God Pr. Here he maketh the Steeple-house the Arke and calls it the house of God c. See page 9. Ans A place which Papists set up for Masse so he shews his ignorance and prophanenesse against the Saints whose bodies are the Temples of God Pr. And the Mountebank saith that the Quakers are not a kin to the Aegyptians but yet he saith they love darkness rather then light c. page 12. Answ And thus his spirit is rebuked and they that be in Aegypt love not the Light Pr. Again he saith That Learning is the prime ornament of the soule See page 13. Ans And so hath thrown away the power and Christ the Bishop of the soule who is its ornament in which it hath its joy and men with their Learning prison the soule which is immortal Pr. And he saith The Quakers are no Pharisees c. see page 16. Ans And the Priests of Newcastle calls them Pharisees Here is Gog and Magog in battell together against the Lamb and the royall seed called Quakers Witnesse that which cannot be shaken and the royall seed is a-top of their head Pr. He saith The Quakers scorn to creep into houses c. See page 19. Ans Which doth not agree with the rest of his company who say they do creep into houses The Quakers are in the power of God and in the authority of the Lamb above all houses and into houses creep not but are upon the Throne but you that be in the form that deny the power creeps into houses Ellis Bradshaw's Book called The Quakers Whitest Devill His PRINCIPLES as followeth And hath unvailed himselfe in what spirit he is and how he hath gone from the Prophets and Christ and the Apostles fighting against the Rock But the stone is fallen upon his head which will grind him to powder whose words shall be his burthen Pr. HEre he saith We do utterly deny all their ways and doctrines who exclude all teachings of men See page 5. Ans Contrary to the Prophets who bid people to cease from men whose breath was in their nostrils therefore there is a teaching beyond it And who comes to that shall come to hear the Son And the Apostles went to bring people off to the end of the Prophets and off of the Priests and off the ordinances which the Prophets had established in their place and the Lord is come to teach his people himselfe where they need not say know the Lord in the new covenant Pr. He saith The Quakers spirit doth teach them to honour no man c. see page 6. Ans That is a lye for it teacheth them to have all men in esteem and to honour all men in the Lord Yet they are convinced by the Law to be transgressors if they respect mens persons and they are not to hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of persons as you do And whereas thou saith The spirit of God doth not teach to judge before the time c. See page 6. And others say the
my knowledge of them c. See Pag. 2. Ans The Quakers are revolted from you Apostates that are inwardly ravened as the converted Jewes did that were turned to Christ for the Jewes revolted from the Temple and the Priests and turned to Christ from the other Jews and owned the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world which you Revolters deny that have reigned since the dayes of the Apostles and so are ignorant what we are come to and the Apostles were in and that which was before you and they was Pr. He saith the Angels of Light which are holy and without sin may be devils c. See pag. 3. Ans Which the devill fell from the Light from the holiness and so he cannot tansform into that And all holiness intended which is not in the light is as the Pharisees was in and the whole world and is condemned with the Light He saith salvation by the Light within is cursed c. See pag. 6. Ans Contrary to the Apostle who saith the light that shineth in the heart gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And contrary to John who saith every man that cometh into the world is enlightened And as many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God and the power of God is the Gospel of salvation to every one that beleeves in the light And he that beleeveth in the Light hath the witness in himself and the Apostle turned them from the Darknss to the Light And the word was in their hearts of Faith that saves the soul and there was the glad tiding● the Gospel And Priest Shaw saith the Gospel is the four bookes of Matthew Mark Luke and John And the Apostle saith it is the power of God and saith many have the form but deny the power So now here himself he hath cursed So this same man is a curser as the Papists are Both he and them are found out of the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles who saith bless and curse not And the Scotch Priests likewise are cursers as in the Scotch Principles ye may see and no one knows salvation but by the Light within which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world who is the salvation to the ends of the earth Pr. And he calls his Steeple-house St. Andrews See page 7. Answ Which never did Prophets nor Apostles give such names to houses but the Pope who is his teacher Pr. He saith It is an errour to say that the light which every one hath that cometh into the world is sufficient to salvation without the help of any other meanes or discovery c. See page 9. Answ Contrary to Christ who brought the Jewes off of all others helps to himself who said Believe in the light while ye have the light and they that believed in the light should not abide in darknesse And no man cometh to the Father but by me saith Christ For he was the way the truth the light in men and the life and there is no salvation by any other name but by him And there is none knows the blood of Christ which cleanseth and the offering for the sins of the whole world but with the light which cometh from Christ Jesus who is sufficient who is the salvation to the ends of the earth so he is the only means without any other help And as the anointing in people doth teach people they shall continue in Christ and as they walke in the light as he is in the light they shall have fellowship with the Father from whence all helps comes and Christ will dwell in man and walk in man and what need they have any more helps Pr. He saith It is an errour to say we are justified by that which Christ doth in us c. See page 9. Ans Contrary to the Apostle who saith we are justified by faith in his blood and the faith is in the heart and the blood is in the heart that purifies it and held in a pure conscience And the word of faith is within Rom. 10. And faith gives victory over the world and that which gives victory justifies and Christ is within who is justifi-fication and sanctification and condemnation either of them is found within and thou art in the errour and not fit to talk of these things which thou understands not Pr. Again he saith It is an errour if not damnable to say Christ is the means and that there is no other means of salvation c. see page 13. Ans And Christ saith No man cometh unto the Father but by me and he is able to the utmost to save And he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth saith the Lord. And saith the Apostle God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself And he that hath the Son of God hath life and the Father and the Son are one and there is no salvation in any other Pr. He saith That Christ gives light to no man under that name but believers c. See page 13. Ans Contrary to John who saith he doth enlighten every man that comes into the world that all might believe through the light And contrary to Christs own words such as hated it and would not come to it and bids them believe in the light while they had it and he that did not believe was condemned already and he that did believe had the witness in himself Pr. He saith It flatly contradicts the whole Scripture to say that the light wherewith Christ hath enlightned every man c. will save c. See page 14. Answ Which God saith I will give him for a covenant for a light to the Gentiles new covenant to the house of Israel and Judah and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth and believing in it are saved and not believing are condemned Pr. The wise heathen Philosophers had a greater measure of light in them which is the first Adam then I can thinke any men have now c. See page 15. Answ Which shews that he knows none of Christ the second Adam the quickning spirit And he knows no new creature For who are in Christ are new creatures Nor none of Christ the Covenant of God of light of life of peace who was glorified with the Father before the world began which is beyond the first Adam and hath shut himself forth not to be as high as his Heathen Philosophers and many witnesse Christ in them in this age as in the dayes of the Apostles which is above the Heathen Philosophers Pr. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightned withall is Christ he saith this is the light of nature and of reason And saith It is a damnable doctrine to deny all externall means of salvation c. See page 16. Ans When as the Apostle saith We looke not at things which are seen
Nay the power of God that wo●ks out the salvation with fear and trembling brings off from the Covenant of works and brings above all the powers of wickedness and so that is it which brings the people of God to be persecuted and hated to live in the power and the seed of God and no one knowes salvation but who knowes fear and trembling Pr. It is a delusion with you for one to witness an Immediate call and others to witness with them that they are so called Ans Was not the Apo●tles and Saints written in one anothers hearts and one anothers Epistles there and called immediately and witnessed one another as it is now Pr. And ye say some of them go naked And another to come and say he had a call Immediately from heaven to take away the Priests hour glasse And of their mean apparrel And the forsaking the world though they neglect their families And they run up and down in places and streets or Steeple-houses to vent their Doctrine c. Ans These are the marks they give to us whereby they give to their books the name of perfect Pharisees And the Apostles Preached as they went up and down in Townes and Markets and Synagogues and those was not Pharisees but those was Pharisees that held up Synagogues and Tithes and Temple and Priests so ye have the mark of the perfect Pharisee The name is entered into your bowels and hearts And as for any being moved of the Lord to take away your glasse from you by the eternall power it is owned And to take away your limmit carnal limmit to your earthly spirits that are gone out into the world from the Apostles from the spirit And if any have been moved of the Lord to go a signe among you to put off their cloaths to shew you are naked and want the covering of the spirit And as for any going in mean apparell and forsaking the world and come off from cos●ly attire was not this the Apostles doctrine Are ye like unto the Apostles the messen●●rs of Christ or the messengers of Satan crying up the world and its glory and costly attire And who are come to forsake the world are come out of the sinfull neglect of their families into the wisdome of God that preserves the creation and not destructive And as ye are speaking of Perfection so far as men are perfect they are perfect in glory and changed from glory to glory and witnesse perfection upon earth and see an end of it as David did who had out-stript all his teachers but among all yours that are kept under your teaching there is no talk of perfection among you nor your hearers so fall short of coming to see the end of it And the one offering and the blood of Christ and the new Covenant that perfects blots out and cleanseth from all sin And as for all the rest of your unsavoury and hard expressions in your Book the judgements and sorrow ye will feel for them and in the day you are judged the witnesse in you shall answer Thomas Pollard a member of the Church about Litchfield in his Book which he calls The Holy SCRIPTVRE clearing it selfe from Scandals His Principles follows Pr. HE saith It is a cavill to say thee and thou to a single person Ans Which shews that he never learned Accidence nor Bible the Language that the Saints spake one to another Pr. He saith It is wickednesse to call the letter of the Scripture and what is gotten from the Scripture to be brain knowledge page 4. Answ The letter paper and inke the letters are carnall and what is gotten from it is brain knowledge without the spirit But the Scripture the thing it speaks of is spirituall the Word is spirit c. Pr. He saith the Lord never said to us as he said to David that you are after his heart or any of your way or that ever went in your way and do not destroy all by your Doctrine page 7. Ans No David had out-stript all his Teachers so have we many of us who have trembled as David did witnessing the new covenant Christ Jesus in which we need not say know the Lord And who witnesseth this witnesseth the Tabernacle of David built Again our Doctrine destroys but mens and transgressors and doth not destroy the smoaking flax and bruised reed and we can say we are after his heart and God hath said we are after his heart Pr. He saith And how people may finde rest to their soules take the Law and Testimony See page 9. Answ They that had the Scriptures and have the Scriptures denyed the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and say prophesie is ceased so then they may say the spirit is ceased it is all one For the law is light saith Solomon And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesie Now cries the world the Law and Testimony is the Old and New Testament which many may have the Old and New Testament and yet deny the Law and Testimony which is the light and spirit of prophesie for the Law and Testimony was before Matthew Mark Luke and John and the Epistles and Revelations was written in the dayes of Isaiah And so they that be not according to the Law and the Testimony they be out of the light and the spirit in the darknesse though they have all the Scriptures which the Law and Testimony ownes in their places And many may have the Scriptures given forth from the spirit of God and yet not have the comfort and rest to their souls till they come to Christ that the Scriptures testifies o● Pr. He saith Try the spirits whether they be of God for many false Prophets are gone out into the world page 11. And Satan transforming himselfe into an Angell of light and false Apostles and Ministers of unrighteousnesse transforming themselves as the Ministers of righteousness And he saith If they bring another Gospell and Doctrine then what is preached receive them not into your houses nor bid them God-speed Ans That which ye tell people is the Gospell now which ye preach is the 4 Books of Matthew Mark Luke and John you say c. As instance Priest Shaw of Aldingham in Lancashire said so Contrary to the Scriptures which saith the Gospell is the power of God And many may have the four Books of Matthew Mark Luke John c. the forme but deny the power and so deny the Gospel which is the power of God And so they that deny the power have put the four books for it and they that have not the Father and the Son are not to be received into their houses as saith the Apostle John for they would come in the form and deny the light as you do but he that hath the Son and the Father he is in the power the substance of the form Again the Devill transformed himself as an Angell of light before the Apostles
decease and the false Apostles Devils messengers and Ministers of unrighteousnesse was got up before the Apostles decease and the false Prophets were gone out into the world and the false spirits before the Apostles decease as in John which since the dayes of the Apostles they have led the world after them they have been received into houses and corrupted the whole earth of whom you have been Therefore the Apostles brought the Saints then to the annointing within them and to the light that shines in their hearts which would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus which light you bring from it And now since the dayes of the Apostles have ye been carried away swallowed up by such as have not the Father and the Son and the false spirits that went forth into the world and the false Prophets and Satan who hath transformed himself as an Angell of light and the Ministers of unrighteousnesse and false Apostles which do confesse they have not the same spirit as the Prophets Christ and Apostles had so are erred from the false spirits and false Prophets who hath been destroying since the dayes of the Apostles and gone out into the world and false Apostles for the false Apostles Satans Ministers transforming themselves as Angels of light the false spirits that went out into the world and the false Prophets these went all out from the spirit that the Prophets Christ and the Apostles was in So these were the spirits that was to be tryed by them that had the anointing in them you who now are seen and tryed by them that are come to the anointing in them to be gone out from the Apostles Pr. He saith You put out the eyes of poor soules by bidding them to hearken to the light within c. page 14. Ans The eye that sees the soule is the light which cometh from Christ the Bishop of it and no one knows the eye of the soule but who comes to the light within and opens it which cometh from Christ the Saviour of it which gives him the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ 2 Cor. 4. and lets him see his Saviour Pr. He saith I do affirme that no man can have salvation by vertue of his obedience c. page 17. Answ He that believes is saved he hath salvation he that doth not is condemned already and no man hath salvation but by believing and where believing is there obedience is to the Gospel They that obey it not are condemned and neglect their salvation Pr. He saith They lay in wait to deceive who call the breaking of bread carnall pag. 18. Ans We cannot say that the outward bread is spiritual the bread which perisheth the carnal and we say Christ is the bread which is spiritual and they deceive people which say outward bread is spiritual and not carnal Pr. He saith How should we have known sin to be sin and righteousness to be righteousness and a Christ that died at Jerusalem but by the Scriptures he saith nay we could not have known those things Page 21. Ans That which makes manifest sin is light and they that had Scriptures knew not Christ that died at Jerusalem but that they crucified him And David and Joshuah saw his sufferings and saw that Judas should betray him and they that had Scriptures knew not sin from righteousness they knew not the sin of unbelief they knew not Christs righteousness who had the Scriptures and knew not the way to the Father but turned against the light the truth as you do which makes manifest sin and as the Pharisees did Pr. To say The officers of the Church are invisible its plain of the Father the Devil Page 24. Answ The holy Ghost made the officers of the Church overseers and that made the officers the overseers to be invisible for they saw with an invisible eye and so they was in the spirit which is invisible and not in the flesh else they could not be overseers in the Church of God and you are the visible apostatized from them Pr. He saith that which is contained in the Bible is spirit and life Page 25. Answ That which the Bible declares of is spirit and life which is Christ which you are ignorant of that hath the letter and deny the Light and so saith life is contained in the letter Pr. He saith the Scripture is able to make men wise unto salvation c. page 25. Ans Through faith it is for the Pharisees and chief Priests had Scriptures yet were not wise unto salvation neither are you who deny the Light of Christ and they are seducers and evil men which the Apostle saw coming in which should wax worse and worse and have over grown the world with hardness and prejudice and wickedness that have the Scriptures but have not been made wise unto salvation without faith in Christ Jesus which have been since the dayes of the Apostles who have had the Scriptures without the faith and so out of unitie Pr. He saith Paul spake of some men that should be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and his glory that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ See pag. 36. Answ Who obey the Gospel obey the power of God and comes to the substance the end of all the Scriptures and obeyes the Light which Christ hath enlightned him withall And such as disobey the power disobey the Gospel and so you have brought judgement upon your selves who get all the form and put the form for the Gospel from the presence of the glorious God and his power doth the power punish them which they disobey which power is the Gospel And those was coming up before the Apostles decease which have led into disobedience since the Apostles decease but now by the power of the Lord manifest that discovers it Pr. He saith Christ left us an Example who is our example c. pag. 32. Ans And yet ye are offended at others who say he is their Example and would have none to own his light so he is not your example that deny the Light Christ but him that is out of the Light Pr. He saith for a perfection in glory to be attained to on this side the grave I utterly disown page 43. Ans Where glory is in the least degree it is in perfection and who have not glory and doth not attain to glory on this side the grave they are in a sad condition For the Saints rejoyced with Joy unspeakable and full of glory and they witnessed the hope of glory within them while they was upon earth and of that hope they was to give a reason that was in them and they saw the glory of God and the Father and so came to be changed from glory to glory till they were come into the Image of God And the Apostle saw before his decease such as
themselves and that 's the partiall and the respecting of persons not the truth it self Pr. He saith If we will but acknowledge their Ministry and Church according to Christ he will write a Recantation page 53. Ans Your Church and your Ministry hath made it selfe manifest not to be agreeing to the Prophets Christ and the Apostles for you say you are not infallible and you say you have not the infallible spirit And you say you never heard the voyce of God immediately from heaven which the Prophets Christ and the Apostles did And how can you be Ministers of the spirit who are not in the infallible spirit but the false spirit gone out into the world but such as are ravened from the spirit of God and onely have the sheeps cloathing and so cannot gather to the Church in God but make the Nations like waters And ye must recant before ever you come into the Ministry of God the Prophets Christ and the Apostles was in and to their Church and to own the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world Pr. He saith The wise men of the East came to Christ by a Starre c. page 64. Ans You say the Scripures brings to Christ and the Jewes had the Scriptures and came not to him nor knew him not who was out of the spirit that gave them forth and so are you by your confession and so not come to him Pr. He saith A man is not justified by that which is within him c. page 65. Ans We are justified by faith which is a mystery held in a pure conscience that purifies the heart and this is within And here again thou hast shewed thy spirit to be that that went into the world which was reprobated concerning the faith held in a pure conscience without which men are not justified And so ye are broke into heaps into sects and opinions who are out of this faith which is a mystery held in a pure conscience by which people have accesse unto God through which faith they are justified which you are out of on heaps in which is unity and gives victory over sin which you plead for while you be upon the earth And as for all the rest of thy stuffe in thy Book it will be thy own garment and a heavy load and a burthen thou wilt feel it whose nakednesse might have been covered by thy silence but thy spirit must be tryed I say the Lord forgive thee for a heavy charge is come upon thee and you For in stead of seeking the peace of all men you have made your selves manifest to be neither Ministers nor Fathers nor Elders nor sober Christians but Wolves that tears and rents to pieces Indeed the ragged righteousnesse of men the worlds cloathing which hangs on your backs ye may have but the Elect and the Saints and the Lambs cloathing the righteousnesse of the Saints ye cannot touch but the Lambs are in the fold layd down Magnus Byne his Booke called The Scornfull QUAKERS Answered His PRINCIPLES follow c. Pr. HE saith Beware of false Prophets that come to you in sheeps cloathing but inwardly are ravening wolves Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God because many false spirits are gone out into the world Ans Must thou shew thy ignorance of the Letter So much a man unlike to divide the word aright For Christ saith false prophets should come Antichrists that should be inwardly ravening wolves that had the sheeps cloathing that John saw was come before the Apostles decease which went forth from them which all the world went after them and they could not have deceived the world if the Wolfe had not had the sheeps cloathing upon them So as you may read in the Revelations how they ravened and devoured and drunk the blood of the Martyrs the Saints and the Prophets And so you that are crying to the world they are come but now are the deceivers of the world as you may read Matth. 7. and 1 John 2.4 Revel Chap. 13 14.17 18. and not men dividing the word aright For now from them are people come and coming to Christ the Rock the foundation of God and to that spirit which you ravened from which stands sure before the world was made out of the waters For the Nations are as waters and the false spirits the false Prophets and the mother of Harlots have ruled and with the sheepes cloathing have deceived the Nations but now the Lamb and the Saints shall rule For ye have confessed that ye have not the Infallible spirit as the Prophets Christ and the Apostles had so we say ye are ravened from it that they was in and only have the sheeps cloathing For the Prophets Christ and the Apostles had an infallible spirit which the false Prophets Antichrists Devils and Deceivers was always out of and the mother of harlots and Babylon though they might get the sheeps cloathing Pr. He saith It is filthy blasphemy to say the spirit of Christ that dwells in the Son dwells in man and he must be infallible and he must be perfect and sinlesse and saith Let them alone to their Father the Devill c. See his Epistle to the Reader Answ He that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his and who hath the spirit of Christ hath that which is infallible and this is out of the spirit the Devill is in And they that were not in the spirit and are not in the spirit that dwells in the Son though they have all the Scriptures are in the spirit of blasphemy and there thou art that will blaspheme against the Son And the false spirits that be in the world are on heaps about the Sons the Prophets and Apostles words out of the infallible spirit of those that gave them forth who was perfect and sinl●ss● as in Rom. 6. they were made free from sin The Apostle said they were perfect and he spoke wisdome among them that were perfect And this you deny who are ravened from the spirit of God and the one offering which perfects for ever them that are sanctified and so the unsanctified Pr. He saith There is many wayes to Sion Ans There is but one way to God and that is Christ the Light out of the Fall into the Paradise to the tree of Life out of the Condemnation and that is the Light the Covenant of God Now with the light the way to the Father is seen In the first Adam is many wayes fighting about their wayes and destroying one another about their wayes which Christ the light the way to the Father teacheth otherwise to love enemies and to do good to them and to overcome evill with good and heap coales of fire upon their heads which way is but one which you are out of who deny the Light in the many wayes and names horns and heads and images which is the Beasts number who are ravened from the spirit
so are hardned from the spirit they was in which said Christ is all in all which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world And none seeth the person of Christ in heaven but who be in the Light that he hath enlightned them withall yea the Covenant of Light to the Gentiles and Heathens as well as Jewes and so God is not a respecter of persons And all that be from this Light are now making war against the Lamb and the Saints and the accuser of the Brethren is cast out and the light which doth enlighten every man which comes into the world is Christ Pr. They say It is a delusion for them that are in the light to see what mens inward states are before God page 29. Ans Have ye given your selves a name of the Church of Christ and is there not a spirit of discerning among you Have ye not manifested here that ye are harlotted from the Church of Christ the Apostles was of And how can ye minister or teach people if that ye do not discern their states how they stand before God How can you commend your selves to every mans conscience in Gods sight How can ye present the soules of men to God and see not their states how they are in his sight How come ye to have fellowship in the Spirit How can you or any Minister to the state and condition that people be in and see where they are and doth not know how they stand in Gods sight in this how have you shewed your ignorance of the Scriptures and the Epistles written to the Saints which speaks to the state and conditions the Saints were in How have ye a name but declared your selves dead from the life How have ye stained your own glory and marred your own beauty and sets your selves out of the steps and paths of the Church of Christ Pr. Simpson he saith If my heart deceive me not I could wish that God would recover you out of the Devils snare page 40. And ye speak of breaking of bread and Ordinances and the Lords Supper and Baptisme page 35. Ans The prayers of the faithfull are acceptable that are in the spirit but he that doubts he knows not his own heart and prayes without discerning being out of that which purifies it And for Baptisme and Ordinances and the Lords Supper and the bread that the Saints broke ye have all been ignorant of in this night of apostacy since the dayes of the Apostles who had spoken to the Corinthians what he had received of the Lord he delivered unto them And as oft as they did eate that bread and drinke that cup they did shew forth the Lords death till he come and they were to do it in remembrance of him And afterwards the Apostle writ again to the said Corinthians tells them the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And said while we look not at things that are seen but at things that are not seen For the things that are seen are temporal Bread Wine and Water are seen but the things that are not seen are eternall And bids them examine themselves and prove their own selves and said Know ye not that Christ Jesus is in you except you be reprobates Pr. He saith He hath been a Preacher of the Gospell at Bristoll and Wells and he hath not need to seek a proof of any man page 43. And he saith I am no Preacher to bid every man turn to the light within him neither did I ever read or hear that any of the Apostles or holy men of God preached such a Gospell And they said Sarah Latchet who was excommunicated who had been one of them it was fittest to send her to Bridewell Answ This was not the Ministers of the Gospels work to wrestle with flesh and blood which is yours And they in the sight of God had witnesses and they could seek them which thou saith thou needs not And they turned people from the darknesse to the light and Christ bid them believe in the light while they had it that they might become the chilldren of the Light And the Apostles doctrine was that the light that shined in their hearts would give them that light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus and this thou never heardest of as thou saist And thy Gospel that is not this and agrees not to the Apostles is another and so accursed And the Saints was one anothers Epistles written in one anothers hearts read and seen of all men And thou hast been a bad Preacher at Wells and Bristoll that knows not the Light Prin. They say A man may be a Christian a believer a converted soule he may be in Christ and yet not not have received the spirit of sealing and establishing page 53. Ans This is like to the rest of thy Doctrine who are out of it themselves they are not able to judge of the state of babes believers converted soules which are in Christ For they that are in Christ have the spirit and they that are converted are converted by the spirit And he that believeth cometh to be sealed with the spirit of promise Prin. They say The light in every man is a notion and yet they seeke God by prayer solemnly And they shut up the Kingdome of heaven against men that bid all men turne to the light within them and from the believing on the person of Jesus Christ page 60. Answ None opens the Kingdom of heaven to all men but who turns people to the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned every man withall that cometh into the world Nor none believes in Christ but who believes in the light which Christ the light hath enlightned them withall and such have the witnesse in themselves and can set to their seales that God is true And they see their Sanctification Justification and Redemption and none ever prays the acceptable prayer of the Lord but who be in the light that cometh from Christ and such calls not the light a Notion for all notions be among such that be out of the Light which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withall They are from the Rock the Foundation and Sanctification and see not Christ And this is not to deny Christ but receive him and believe in him And all upon the earth be Antichrists that denies the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and be from it Pr. And as for your speaking of judging and not to judge before the time untill the Lord do come c. Answ That was spoken to the Corinthians who will bring to light the hidden things of darknesse and make manifest the counsels of the heart Now the same Apostle said to the same Corinthians that God would dwell in them and walk in them and they were not to judge before
is upon them that leave the Scriptures to look to the light within them Page 9. And many deceivers should come into the world that confesse not Christ come in the flesh receive them not into your houses And the man Christ is testified against by the light Pag. 13. and he saith they publikely deny the resurrection of the dead body And he saith Christ in the flesh his sufferings was but an example and a figure Ans Christ ended all figures in suffering and examples and paterns yet he is the Saints patern and example as the Scripture witnesses and there is no other example nor patern to be heeded but Christ alone which they are to learn of but to say he is nothing but a figure for that thou and you all will be judged for he ended all figures and is the resurrection and the life both and thy dead body shall live with my dead body this is Scripture and they that said the resurrection was past in the dayes of the Apostles overthrew the faith of some That which overthrowes the faith denying the resurrection kept the seed in death where it hath been in you all since the dayes of the Apostles for who are of faith are of Abraham of Christ according to the flesh and so if the dead arise not their Preaching is vain and their faith is vain So I say mortal must put on immortality and corruption must put on incorruption the first man was made a living soul the second was made a quickening spirit there is earthly bodies and heavenly bodies and there Is a resurrection of the just and unjust the one to eternal life the other to condemnation And the Judge is the man Christ Jesus to Judge the quick and the dead who both dyed and rose again that he might be God of the dead and the living And the light which every man hath that cometh into the world doth not testifie against Christ And the light doth not bring to deny the Scriptures but to own them And none ownes them aright nor Christ but who are in the light which cometh from him And all that do deny the light that doth enlighten every man c. are the wolves and the false Prophets and Antichrists that have gotten the sheeps cloathing and such cannot be received into the houses of the Saints that are from the light which every man is enlightened withall And none confesseth Christ come in the flesh but who is in the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall And so now is all Professors and teachers upon the earth and Kings of the earth ravened inwardly from the light which Christ enlightened them all withall standing against the light and the Lamb and the Saints that be in it and are not to be received into the houses of the Saints neither to bid them God speed for they be out from God that be out of the Light which Christ the Son hath enlightened them withall Pr. And he saith Christ hath a humane reasonable soul Again Christ the Eternal Son of God distinct from the Father Eternally before he was made flesh his spirit was distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternitie and not onely when he was manifested by descending on Christ in the likeness of a Dove or by falling upon the Apostles like cloven tongues c. page 17. Answ Christ saith he is in the Father and the Father is in him and he will send them the Spirit of Truth the Comforter that proceeds from the Father and the Son and Christ saith he was glorified with the Father before the world began and yet ye say the Son is distinguished from the Father from Eternity and the Son saith he is in the Father and the Father is in him and you say the spirit is distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternity and Christ saith it proceeds from him and the Fathers and he is the God and Father of the spirits of all flesh and the substance of all things And is not a humane soul earthly for you say that Christ had a humane soul and is not humane earthly and hath a humane body and is not a humane body an earthly body Is not his body of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh and is not his body a glorified body was not the first man of the earth earthly and had an humane body the second man the Lord from heaven And is not the soul immortal which cometh out from God which is immortal and goes into God again and is not humane or earthly mortal And are there not three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit and are not they all one how then are they distinct and three that bear record in earth the spirit the water and the blood which agree in one And Christ saith I and my Father are one and I in the Father and the Father in me and he is in the Saints and so not distinct Pr. He saith it is impudency in the Quakers to deny the word Trinity and three Persons And the Church ever denyed such as denyes the Doctrine of the Trinity Page 18. 19. Ans As for the word Trinity and three Persons we have not read it in the Bible but in the Common-prayer Book or Masse-book which the Pope was the Author of but as for Unity we own and Christ being the brightness of the Fathers glory and the expresse Image of his substance of the Father we own That we own which agrees with the Scriptures and for that which the Scripture speakes not which men speak and teach for Doctrine their own words that the Scriptures speakes not nor teacheth such the Scriptures shut out and we deny Pr. He saith that is the weak ignorant dark and the wicked Sect of the Devil that maintains an equality with God the soul to be one being with God or part of God And saith the Quakers say there is no Scriptures speakes of a humane soul and the soul is taken up into God and God is all in all Answ The Assembly or Synod of Priests put forth a Catechisme and say that the Holy Ghost and the Son is equal with the Father in power and glory and this they put forth that people should learn it what then if any come to witness the Holy Ghost they come to witnes that which is equal in power and glory with the Father what if any come to witness the Son of God revealed in them which he that hath not him hath not life do they not come to witness him who is equal in power and glory with the Father this is your own Catechisme and is it blasphemy to confesse your own words that ye have given people to learn God breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soul God who hath all souls in his hand And is not this that cometh out from God which is in Gods hand part of God of God and from God and to
with the light that cometh from him nor none knowes the Saviour Christ Jesus but with the light that cometh from him and that le ts see the body prepared Christ who was the seed of Abraham according to the flesh the one offering that ends all offerings and his blood that is the attonement which is the Saints drink which who drinks it shall live with which their consciences are purged from dead works to serve the living God And none knowes the foundation of God that standeth sure nor feels it nor sees it but with the light which cometh from Christ the foundation which breaks down all other foundations which light that every man is enlightened withall gives him the knowledge of the foundation of God Pr. He saith I do believe that there was never a Saint perfectly free from sin here but they shall have the body of sin and death which will be their burthen to keep them humble Page 52. And it doth not appear that they do attain purification or perfection before the change of the body Answ That which is the true humiliation bears the sin and iniquity which is Christ such as are not brought down with the Judgments for their sinful actings never knew the seed that puts off the body from which all the roots proceed in that is the true humility and the righteousness of Christ and the glory revealed And the Saints witnessed the body of sin and death put off while they were upon the earth and such as was in Christ was new creatures all things become new And the Apostles spoke wisdom among them that was perfect and that was before the change of the body as ye look upon And the work of the Ministery was for the perfecting of the the Saints until they all come into the unity of the faith that gives victory and to the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure and stature of the fulness of Christ This was the Ministers work Not as children tossed up and down with every slight and windy doctrine of men who lie in waite to deceive So ye have tryed the work of your Ministry and brought it to the Light Pr. He saith such a trembling as a way to perfection is to set it in the roome of Christ beside the truth and slight and undervalue the word of God and justifie trembling let all men beware of this trembling page 78. Answ Who ever ownes the word of God that reconciles to the Father and hammers down and brings out of the fall and cuts down and burns up they must know their salvation wrought out with fear and trembling And these ownes the word of God and the words of God the Scriptures and these owns this trembling there is a cloud of witnesses in the Scriptures and none will deny this trembling that ownes the salvation wrought out or to be wrought out but such as be out of the truth and that gets Scriptures being out of the truth and deny the power of God who are with it judged those that have the form but deny the power deny the trembling so they deny the salvation to be wrought out with fear and trembling and none knowes the salvation but them that know trembling And such may say that are the the Devils messengers beware of this power that makes to tremble Pr. He saith the Scripture is truly the Ministry of the spirit to us pag. 67. Answ Those were the Ministers of the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures And those are the Ministers of the Letter that be out of the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures and that cannot Minister the spirit Pr. He saith the Scriptures doth not speak of a general Redemption of all from the state of sin and freedom from sin pag. 75. Answ There is a general state and redemption of all and freedom from sin by believing in the one offering the blood of Jesus Christ and unbelief shuts out Pr. He saith mystical Babylon shall fall by the Kings of the earth And many precious Saints shall destroy Babylon with the sword pag. 84. And he saith I cannot apprehend that the Saints shall have the Government of the world pag. 86. And the beast when he ariseth shall give a mark in the right hand c. Answ Christ hath all power in heaven and earth given to him who believe in him and are in his power who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him have the government and are in the government the Lambs government but the unbelievers are out of it And that which slayes mystical Babylon is not the Kings of the earth and the Saints that be on the earth slay not with the carnal sword for they that kill with the sword must perish with the sword here is the faith and patience of the Saints Their weapons are not carnall but spiritual mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds And the Lamb slayes and kills with the sword and takes them the beast and the false prophet and the Devil and casts them alive into the Lake of fire where they shall be tormented for ever that burns with brimstone who kills and slayes with the sword which is the words of his mouth And the Beast hath been long up his marks and his heads and horns with his names but the Lamb and the Saints is trampling him to pieces under and over him getting the victory And the everlasting Gospel is Preaching and the witnesses you are ignorant of but are them that have been the slayers of them Pr. He saith I do not professe my self infallible but I shall freely give my apprehensions pag. 110. to contend earnestly for the faith which is the first unto Justification and services of faith pag. 111. he saith false Christs and false prophets shall come And to the Law and to the testimony c. Answ The Law is light and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesie and men may have all the Scriptures of the old and New Testament yet being from the light the spirit of prophesie from the Light and from the spirit they know not the Law and testimony And we do believe thee that thou art not infallible but art onely in the apprehensions and before thou come to contend for the faith and to know that by which the Saints are justified thou must come into the Light that doth enlighten every man c. which lets see Christ the Author of the Faith And false Prophets and Antichrists Christ said should come which should get the sheeps cloathing and say loe Christ is here and loe he is there These Christ said to the Apostles should come which before their decease did come which since their decease the world hath gone after them So every man that cometh into the world being enlightned and having a light from Christ the Saviour of the soule every man being in the Light Christ hath enlightned him withall Every man with the light
in the face of Christ Jesus and the light shining in the darkness which the darkness canno●●●●prehend it And no one upon earth ever sees their salvation but with the light ●●ich cometh from Christ their Saviour who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that all men through the light might believe he that doth not believe in the light is condemned And so he that followes the light shall not walk in darkness and he that followes not the light walks in darkness So with the light thou art comprehended to be a Minister of darkness in the apostacy keeping people from the light And one of the false prophets ravened from the spirit which Christ said should come John saw was come and the world goes after you that tells people the letter is the word and the spirit is in the Scriptures which is contrary to Scripture and them that spoke it forth which said the spirit of God was within them And the Scriptures were words of God and Christ the word comes to fulfill the words who is the word who was before the words was given forth in whom the words ends Pr. The Kingdom of heaven is within you not as Christ is in every one but the Kingdom of heaven is within you or among you Page 29. Answ Christ is within except ye be reprobates yea I say within all Professors is Christ in Christendom Christ is within them all except they be reprobates And if Christ be not within them all they are all reprobates but if Christ be within them all the body is dead and there is Christs reign and his Kingdom and no Babylon nor Antichrist where this is so And the Kingdom of Heaven is within you saith Christ yea in the Pharisees and that is the Kingdom in man that never consents to sin like a grain of mustard-seed like unto leaven that leavens the new lump And he that cometh to know that little Kingdom and receiveth that little Kingdom as a little child it makes the Kingdoms of the world become the Son of Gods Kingdom and knowes that no unrighteousnesse nor ungodlinesse must enter into it Pr. And Christ spake to the multitude when he said be not ye of men called Master and call no man father upon earth and did not bid the Apostles not to be called of men master Answ He spoke this to the multitude and to the Disciples both and said the Scribes and Pharisees was called of men Master who had Scriptures whom he cryed wo against And he said be not you of men called master for ye have all one master even Christ and ye are all Brethren this was Christs Command But all ye Pastors and Ministers Bourn and the rest who are apostatized from the Apostles Doctrine and Christs Doctrine ye trample upon the Commands of Christ It manifests that ye have the form of godliness and denyes the power and are not Brethren past from death to life but are all on heapes about the Scriptures Christs Prophets and Apostles words and making a trade of them for your own self-ends in the Apostacy such as Christ said should come which John saw was come which should inwardly raven which the world is gone after But now with that which ye all ravened from are ye all comprehended And Christ saith call no man father upon earth where Christ is witnessed the seed of God raised up no earthly man is his father nor cannot call no man father upon the earth according to the Command of Christ he that is heire of the promise of the world that hath no end of the second Adam born not by the will of man but he that is of the first Adam is in another state and stands against Christs doctrine and is the Son of Adam in the fall Pr. He saith such as pretend Christ within deny the blood of Christ his righteousness for Justification Answ Who witness Christ within they are not reprobates Justification and Sanctification is possessed the thing that was imputed to the believers Pr. And giving honour to men c. Answ Christ the second Adam receives not honour of men neither doth he respect mens persons his enemies could say so and they that received honour one of another was the Pharisees the great Professors which was a mark of the unbelief which Christ would not receive their honour the second Adam which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world will not receive the honour of men Now he that receiveth the honour is out of the light in the first Adam is out of the power And where humility is which goes before the honour there is no want of honour for he cometh into the power that maketh him honourable in the hearts of all people answering the humble principle in every one a terrour to the evil doer and here Magistrates that fears God attain the honour that is without the respect of Persons in the humility answering with the higher power the just principle in every man so come they to be honoured in the hearts of all people in the sight of God and a praise of them that do well which he that respects persons transgresseth the Law and commits sin and is convinced of the Law as a trangressor he that respects persons is out of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ which purifies the heart which is held in the pure conscience and gives victory over the world which who are of faith are of Abraham And so for all thy lies and slanders and reviles and unsavoury and bad expressions which are loathsome before all sober people and stincks who hath published thy shame to the Nation in Print it shall cover thy self and be thy own garment and every word be thy own burthen and lay a weight upon thee in the day of thy misery and calamity and in the day of thy Judgement when thy works are tryed in the fire the witness in thy conscience shall me answer Gifford who is chief Priest at Bedford his Principle He said openly That faith was not perfect c. Ans Faith is holy and the gift of God and purifies and justifies and is a mystery in which is the unity by which God is pleased and this is perfect being the gift of God and from this he hath shewed his reprobation and his ignorance Thomas Moore in his Booke called A defence against the poison of Satans Designe These are his Principles Following Pr. HE saith Christ Jesus is personally absent from a believer And Christ is in and to our hearts the hope but not the possession nor do we possesse the glory Again he saith The grace of God which brings salvation to all men instructs them not to look into themselves or to any light or spirit in them Pag. 5. Answ Christ in you the hope of glory saith the Apostle And if the Saints sate with him in heavenly places they are not absent from him And if he say I in them and they in me so not
of Harlots And so they served their bellies when they went from the immediate teaching into the strong delusion as since the dayes of the Apostles it hath discover●d it How are people all on heaps out of the life and spirit and power of God And so all that perish in the deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse they are from the light which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withall for none perisheth who be in the Light And the Saints witnessed they were risen with Christ and them that were risen sought the things that were above and not the things upon the earth And they that know the first Resurrection and are in it are blessed the second death hath no power on them and they are a top of Adam and they are in Christ the resurrection and the life And such as be in the first Adam drove from God and loveth to live in the Fall looks not after the first Resurrection neither desire to come into it Pr. He saith The glorious bringing down of the Kingdome and glory is yet to be waited for even by the Disciples all the time of this mortality page 54. All believers are personally from Christ in their mortall bodies and none of the Fathers saw the day of Christ as actually revealed accomplished in their time Ans He that believes is born of God and overcomes the world and abides in the doctrine of Christ and hath the Son and the Father and the spirit of Christ the life of Christ in the mortall flesh And the Kingdome of heaven Christ said was in the Pharisees and the Saints comes to and possesseth the Kingdome And the Kingdome of heaven is within them is in righteousnesse in peace in joy in the holy Ghost and in power and they were changed from glory to glory and they rejoyced with joy unspeakable and full of glory and that was in the Kingdome and this was while they were upon the earth And Enoch and Abraham saw the day of Christ and David saw the betrayer and whose feet should be snared whose eyes should be blinded and whose back should bow down and he saw Judas that betrayed Christ And Isaiah saw the suffering of Christ and how God laid the iniquity upon him And Isaiah saw his name and made his soule an offering for sin And Daniel said the Messiah should be cut off but not for himselfe which the Apostles witnessed fulfilled Pr. He saith The Scriptures is the power of God unto salvation page 59. Answ Many may have the forme but deny the power of God which is the Gospell And the Letter doth not give life neither is it the power of God unto salvation Pr. He saith That Christ is distinct from every one of us and without us in our particular persons page 61. Answ The Apostle said Christ was in them except they were reprobates and they were of his flesh and of his bone and they eate his flesh and drank his blood then it was within them and he is distinct from none but Reprobates who hates the Light Pr. Nor are we to wait for a further Revelation to us to be given forth then the Scriptures For the Word of GOD came not first to the Gentiles immediately but to the Apostles page 77. Answ The Apostles that preached the Word of God it was immediate to whomsoever they preached it for they had received it immediately For the Word it selfe is immediate for it is the savour of death to the death and of life to the life and none knows the Scriptures but by the spirit that doth reveal them So all that witnesse the spirit of God witnesse the Revelation and the revealing of the Scriptures to them by it and the things of God layd up for them that love God which the eye hath not seen which the eye may see the Scriptures outwardly And none knows the Son of God neither knows any man the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveales him And so people may have the Scriptures but not the rev●lation of the Son of God by them For the Pharisees had the Scriptures but not the thing they testified of Pr. He saith The Scriptures are the Word of God and the key of knowledge page 79. and the opening of all things contained in the Scriptures Answ The Scriptures are the words of God and that is his Word who fulfils them Christ Jesus whose name is called the Word of God And that which opens the Scriptures is the spirit that gave them forth that is the key of David who in the light saw more light For the Pharisees who crucified Christ had that which testified of Christ the Scriptures And you that be in the apostacy since the days of the Apostles but ye want the key and have taken away the key of knowledge And all that dwells upon the earth that stops their eares and closeth their eyes against that of God in them that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world wants the key of knowledge Pr. He saith He gives gifts unto men for the work of the Ministery some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the edifying of the body of Christ untill all come into the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man Page 81. Answ And yet he said before Perfection was a devillish Doctrine and a fancy so out of this work and this Ministry thou hast thrown thy self For this work and this Ministery hath been lost since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy but now is appearing in the end of Babylon the knowledge of the Son of God people are coming to and the unity of the faith from among the Apostates who have had the sheeps cloathing but all on heaps about it being ravened from the spirit of God inwardly Among whom the Proclamation hath been in the Steeple-houses and Pulpits in Markets Towns Disputes No perfection no overcoming of sin Perfection is a Doctrine of Devils a devillish Doctrine and a fancy c. And this hath been proclaimed among the Apostates in the apostacy since the dayes of the Apostles by the Beasts authority under Satans power the deceiver of the Nations where the mother of Harlots is But I will reward her double and shall take the Devill and with him the Beast and false Prophet and cast them alive into the fire Rejoyce ye holy Prophets over her and Saints who are come into the unity of the Faith and to a perfect man and to the knowledge of the Son of God And the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the earth and God shall be feared and glory given to him And none comes to the knowledge of the Son of God the salvation to the ends of the earth the Covenant of Jewes and Gentiles untill they come into the light which Christ doth enlighten every one withall that
works in us are not to be joyned with our faith in Christs works for that brings into the wildernesse page 131. And to say that men are justified no farther then they are sanctified is to deny Protestant doctrine c. Answ Men are justified by the believing and in the faith and by the faith and in believing they overcome and have victory and there is Mortification and Sanctification and Redemption and Justification all possessed together in the one which is Christ and this to the particular satisfaction And all Protestants or whatsoever that have a Justification and Sanctification and they in the unmortified state unsanctified they are out of the faith that purifies out of the belief that is born of God who hath past from death to life and so is out of the substance that justifies and is without Christ and so are reprobates but where Christ is within there is Justification Sanctification and Redemption And they are they that blaspheme the Tabernacle of God and them that dwell in Heaven that call good evill and evill good and leads into snares and into the wildernesse that go about to confound the Justification but split themselves upon the Rock that denies the Light and Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that all men might believe in him the offering and they are justified in him from all things which the Law could not do And here is the Covenant of God to the Jewes and Gentiles the light of the Gentiles the glory of Israel the new covenant to the Jewes the Law in the heart and in the minde by which the people should not need to say Know the Lord for all should know him from the least to the greatest the salvation to the ends of the earth where the way of redemption is the way for the ransomed to walke in in which the fools shall not erre in it in which way there is no wildernesse nor slippery places but the path of life the way of the Just and of holinesse and the way of Sanctification and the way of Redemption and Justification Pr. He saith Christ was a sinner by imputation page 132. A. The Scripture doth not speak such kind of words but that he knew no sin no guile was found in his mouth A Lamb without spot or blemish though it pleased the Father to lay the iniquity upon him by his stripes we are healed And by the one offering perfected for ever them that are sanctified made himselfe an offering for the sins of the whole world who breaks down the partition wall bewixt Jewes and Gentiles slayes the enmity among men reconciles in one unto the Father by his body his death upon the Crosse Of his body are all the Professors Protestants Papists upon the earth ignorant of this seed that breaks the enmity therefore be all in the enmity one among another having sheeps cloathing but the sheep in you is not put forth but the Wolfe is ravening abroad against the sheep tearing them where the seed is risen Pr. He that throws off imputed righteousnesse may go shift for his justification where he can get it and Christ shall profit him nothing though he be in faith or love and self-denyall page 133 And it is not the work of Christ in us that justifies and reconciles our persons I can detect this for an errour that Christs works in us is that which justifies our persons before God page 134. Answ Christ works in us Faith and is the Author of it and by faith is every one justified in the blood of the seed the flesh of Christ the Lord from heaven shed for the sins of the whole world And this faith in this blood of the seed not of the first Adam nor the Beasts but the blood of the seed Christ the precious blood which is the life of Saints and his flesh which is the food of Saints which whosoever eats it and drinks it hath life in the Son of God and lives in him as he lives in the Father And this is wrought within and no one knows it but as it is wrought within by the faith in the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world the great sacrifice for the sin of the whole world overthrew Death and Hell bruised the Serpents head Devill and sinne the sacrifice for the whole world the blood shed upon the Crosse for the sins of the whole world The blood of the seed which is the life that cleanseth and this blood is felt within for it purgeth the conscience from dead works to serve the living God And here is the great mystery of God and the wisdome of God which covers all the wisdome of the earth the knowledge and the wisdome of the understanding ones of the earth The seed and the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world which sacrificed and offered up the body prepared who fulfilled all types figures offerings ends them and all other bloods whom Death and Grave could not hold dead raised again set at the right hand of God manifest in the Saints and in the midst of his Church singing praise was dead and is alive and lives for evermore manifest in the Saints And he that hath him hath life and he that hath not him hath not life And whosoever witnesseth Christ within they witnesse the end of Imputation they witnesse the thing it selfe the end of their belief and they possess the sanctification and such comes to know faith and love And such as may have all the Scriptures and preach of Justification and Sanctification without them and not within them be as the Jewes be as the Witches and Reprobates They are reprobate that witnesseth not Christ within them nor Sanctification there nor Justification there and so witnesseth not faith and love nor the faith that works by love and they be in the errour and shifts thou talks of and Babylonish and none comes to witnesse the reconciliation but who witnesse Christ within So out of Justification and Sanctification there if he be not within they cannot witnesse reconciliation If they be not believers in the Light of Christ they cannot witnesse justification but condemnation B●t in the light in Christ Christ received in them justification sanctification reconciliation is received Christ Jesus the Light that which reconciles to the Father Pr. He saith The body of sin is the naturall body consisting of flesh and blood and bones and the living soule is immortall page 140. And sin will dwell in the house untill the house be pluckt down over its head which is the naturall body And there is not one Saint that is absolute free from the in-dwelling and working power of sin page 140. To plead for Perfection is inherent holinesse and to serve under Antichrists colours and to make voyd the suffering of Christ He that holds the Saints perfectly fulfilling all the Law in all
his decease Therefore he chargeth Timothy to Preach the word in season and out of season which word is immediate And so since the dayes of the Apostles ye have reigned of Timothy and Titus and transformed your selves as Apostles as the Ministers of Christ and gotten the form the sheepes cloathing the outside but no immediate Revelation we do believe you really it is so So you are all Ministers of the letter in your own lusts for the word of God is immediate And ye are ignorant of the grace of God which is brought at the Revelation of Jesus And ignorant of the Son of God who reveals the Father And ignorant of the spirit of God which reveals the deep things of God to the Minsters of the spirit But Revelation is ceased say you and the rest of your generation do discover it And thou sayes they went after the fable● itching ears immediate Revelation Nay they that went from the immediate Revelation and turned into fables they had itching ears as all whole Christendom may witnes the itching ears how are they itching abroad their ears without and cannot endure sound Doctrine and all inwardly ravened from the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world whereby with which every man might see the Authour of his faith in which is the unity And how have you broken into Sects and heapes and into fables and heapes of teachers after your own lusts and there burning after them and broken wedlock with Christ and ready to burn and prison one another about Ministers maintenance Churches as whole Christendom discovers it But I say it is better to marry then to burn Pr. He saith That this God who is the Creator is eternally distinct from all creatures pag. 53. That Christ being God onely in one mans person remains a distinct person from all creatures and Angels Page 55. Answ This is contrary to Scripture The Saints bodies are the Temples of God and he will dwell in them and walk in them and he will be their God and they shall be his people and this is to them that witnesse the new Covenant and Christ in you the hope of glory and he is within you except ye be reprobates And them that eat not his flesh and drink not his blood have no life in them and they that eat his flesh have his flesh in them And the Saints are not distinct from him for they sate with him in heavenly places and he is in them and they in him And Christ in you the mystery the hope of glory and he is the head of the Church and so not distinct Pr. He saith God is distinct in his being and blessedness from all Creatures And that God who is the Creator is eternally distinct from all creatures Page 62. Answ God is a spirit and he dwells in his Saints and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him In him we live and move and have our being who is in all and through all and over all God blessed for ever And the spirit of the Father speakes in the Saints and he makes his abode with them And the Saints have fellowship with the Father and the Son so not distinct so these keep people from unity with God and out of his knowledge which the knowledge of God shall come to cover the earth as the waters cover the Sea And while any are separated from the Lord it is their misery and distinct from him they are from the Spirit of God in their own particulars and are not Saints But such as come to walk in the spirit they have fellow-ship with him and lives in his presence and seeth his face and behold his glory and stands in his Councell and hears instruction and they are one he that sanctifyeth and they that are sanctified are all of one And so God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself though sin and iniquity had separated who breakes down iniquities bonds and brings light life and immortality to the light through the power which is the Gospel whereby fellowship and unity comes with God and not distinct and his blessing and blessednesse felt for they that have unity with God they have unity with his blessing and they that have fellowship with God know his blessedness Pr. He saith if any man that cometh into the world have a sufficient light within him to lead him unto salvation then there is no absolute need of a Saviour and this is to offer violence to Christ Page 73. 74. Ans Every man having a light from Christ the Saviour of the soul him by whom the world was made before it was made which none sees the Saviour but with the light which comes from him And none seeth the offering and the blood of the offering but with the light which cometh from him the blood of the second Adam the Lord from heaven And all that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world knowes not Christ nor salvation But they being from the light and out of the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall they are out of the truth as the Devil is And so he can confesse Christ without as they do not within now none seeth salvation the Saviour Christ Jesus but with the light which he hath enlightened them withall that is within Pr. That the holy Scriptures is the rule of knowing God Answ The Pharisees had the Scriptures but knew not God knew not Christ nor none doth but who be in the life that they was in that gave forth Scriptures with which they learned of God the Father of life and stood in his Councell Pr. He saith Christian wouldst thou have another righteousness then that of Christ wrought in thee I know thou wouldst and must have if ever thou be saved then the righteousness of Christ wrought within thee for thy sanctification but to rely upon another righteousness for thy justification the righteousnes of Christ without thee p●g 70. And it is a blasphemous opinion and filthy puddle for to say the righteousness of Christ within And I had rather be a Papist then a Quaker Answ The righteousness within sanctification within hath been lost since the dayes of the Apostles in the Apostacy amongst you and the Papists And they that witnesse a righteousness within sanctification within they are not in the blasphemous opinion raking in a puddle And I know that thou hadst rather turn to the Papists then to the Quakers for they was your root which ye came from the Papists who first erred from the faith and so lost the righteousness within and justification and sanctification And I say none comes to witnesse salvation and to be saved but who witness Christ within their sanctification and justification and redemption and the others are reprobates And all upon the earth that can talk of a righteousness without them and sanctification and justification without them and a Christ without them and not within them they
for it is the earth shall help the woman Answ The courtesie the Saints received which was from them whose hearts was opened that the Lord had opened by his power that is not condemned But your taking Tythes of people you do not work for and casting into Prison till death for not giving it you How are you like the Apostles or like the Ministers of Christ or like the woman thou speaks of the Church that was persecuted Now you persecute this signifies she was persecuted And you persecute for meanes and hale up and down in Courts and Sessions and will take treble damages treble tythes of them you do no work for and so you will not stand to the courtesie of people nor wait for the power to open their hearts but are in a power that will take it by compulsion and by violence away from people So you have given judgment against your selves and are not of the number of them the Lord opened their hearts that ministred to their necessities and so unlike the Ministers of Christ that received the courtesies of the people whom the Lord opened their hearts Pr. Thou saith When people have no guide but what is within and that this principle be rooted it will turne all into Babel And thou questions whether it be not a principle of sedition to say that every man hath a light within him Answ All people in the world runs into Babel and Babylon and are building up and throwing down and so goes into confusion about Law and Gospel Prophets Christ and the Apostles words when they be from the spirit within of truth to lead them into all truth and up to God the Father of Truth of whom they learn that gave them forth and with that spirit are they seen in which spirit is unity which is the bond of peace And the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world leads all men out of sedition and they be in the sedition that denies it and sayes to the contrary and in darknesse and cannot comprehend it as John sayes which says this is the true light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world And Christ says Believe in the light And the Prophets said God gave him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles and a new Covenant to the Jewes and he shall be the Leader of the people and salvation to the ends of the earth and every man that comes into the world is enenligtned He that believes is saved and he that believes not is condemned already Pr. Thou queries When the Act of the Commission for the Ministry was repealed since Christ said he would be with them to the end of world And thou saist It is not said simply they shall teach no more every man his neghbour but it is added Know the Lord. Thou saist that every man is enlightned onely with a naturall reason and the elect are enlightned with a saving knowledge Thou saist I bring John 4.23 to overthrow all outward worship Thou saist You can praise God with your bodies and spirits Answ The 7th of Matthew Matth. 24. Christ said false Prophets should come and should be inwardly ravening wolves having sheeps cloathing and John said they was come Chap. 2. Chap. 4. And in Revel All that dwelt upon the earth went after them and such killed the Saints When they had gotten a head they killed the Saints and the true Ministers and they that were of the false killed the true and since those dayes the false hath reigned which hath wrestled with flesh and blood prisoning killing the creatures and warring against them and not with the Principalities and spirituall wickednesses and powers of darknesse and such hath been out of the power the Gospell the Apostles were in hath killed them that kept the testimony of Jesus the spirit of Prophecy And it is said plainly Heb. 8. They shall not teach every man his neighbour nor every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the greatest to the least saith the Lord And so thou perverts the Scriptures and art judged by them for it that belies them And the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is the same Light that the Elect lives in which the world not believing in the Light Christ Jesus the Elect and covenant of light and life and peace promised to the world they are condemned already but he that believes in the Light is saved so that saving is sufficient And Christ sayes they that worship the Father must worship him in spirit and in truth Not at Jerusalem not at Samaria nor at the Mountain So say I not at your Masse-houses with a Crosse at the end of them which the Popes set up and you since the dayes of the Apostles So they that worship God must worship him in the spirit and in the truth Truth doth not change neither doth the Spirit and these be them the Father seeks to worship and hath found many And Christ overthrows the outward worship at Samaria and Jerusalem and the Mountain and so do we at your Papists Masse-houses and tell you God is worshipded in the spirit and in the truth and those are the true worshippers that God seeks to worship and that will stand when Masse-houses Samaria and Jerusalem is down the spirit and the truth that remains In the mouth of the wicked praises is not comely And as for your singing Davids conditions or the Saints conditions given forth from the spirit when you confesse you are not in the spirit as they was that gave them forth So then judged with it to be such whose mouths the praises are not comely that be in another state then they where that gave Scriptures forth And Adams state before the Fall thou knowest not but art found in the steps of the Pharisees and Papists As the Pharisees got words of the true Prophets and Moses out of the life so the Papists and you have got the words of Christ and the Apostles and be out of the life and persecuting them that be in the life as the Pharisees did and killing the just the just being imprisoned in your own particulars as it was in the Pharisees And you with your dark eyes have looked upon the Scriptures ever since the apostacy and ravened from the spirit of God the pure eye and so with that you are comprehended felt over and seen over and with that shall the principle of God in you all be answered that you are apostatized from the Apostles in life and power and doctrine and so are in heaps about their words out from that which is the ground of communion the bond of peace And all thy confusion in thy Book is thy own garments who with it is for the fire the witnesse in thy conscience in the day of thy condemnation shall witnesse it Thomas Tillam his Booke called The seventh-day-Sabbath His Principles answered as Followeth Pr. ALl
not capable of such a rest Answ In the sixe dayes thou was to do that which was just and that which the Law commanded which was justice and to do to all men as thou wouldst be done to Not to covet steale bear false witnesse nor kill the seventh day was the rest that signified Christ Jesus the end of the Law the rest If any man can receive this let him And the Sabbath-day that all servants strangers cattell son and daughter might rest upon it the seventh day the signe the shadow which Christ the body ends was a figure and a signe and a shadow of the restauration of the Creation to the rest whereby the Gospel might again be preached to every creature under heaven This is a touch of the thing more might be said in it The Sabbath was everlasting to the state wherein it was and Circumcision was everlasting to the state wherein it was through their generations and it was in the first covenant shadows types and figures but the body is Christ that came to do the will of God which ends them all and sanctifies man and brings him to rest and peace with God before dayes was Pr. And thou saith J. E. was instructed in the Old Testament which is able to make wise unto salvation through faith therefore be instant in season and out of season Now the onely morall season the Scriptures enjoynes us is the seventh-day sabbath never changed till the little horne arose And the holy spirit in the Apostles highly approves us in our fulfilling the Royall Law which as to the season of worship is none other then the seventh day-sabbath Answ They who are made able and wise to salvation they know the Scriptures through the faith they see the substance of them Christ Jesus and they see while Moses was read the vail was upon their hearts ' for the Sabbath was the signe type and circumcision and this was in Moses and this was the signe read the shadow was read the type was read and the figure read the vail over the heart Now as the seed Christ the body comes to be known the signe the shadow the type is ended the body is known that doth the will of God that brings people to the rest So who knows the Scripture that is able to make wise unto salvation mark that word through the faith that is in Christ Jesus they have salvation which are able to make wise unto salvation that testifies of it and so Christ the seed the body takes off the vaile of mens hearts that ends the types figures and shadows And such as come to know the fulfilling of the royall Law according to Scriptures he comes to the body Christ in which the Law ends to every one that believes and so they as be in dayes Sabbaths which Moses speaks of was a signe and Ezekiel and the Apostle said was a shadow they be not yet come to the body which is Christ that was before any dayes was who is the sanctification and rest of his people and who are in him that is the truth worships God in the truth and in the spirit which never changes but shadows signes of a thing is not the thing that 's signed too for signes and shadows will change but the spirit and truth doth not change in that is God worshipped Pr. And thou saith It cannot be that horne except he change your times also and that he had no time to change but the seventh-day-sabbath and the Sabbath is perpetuall a rule of righteousness Answ Christ made all things new he ends the Law and brings it in the heart he ends the Covenant and changes things as was in the old time changing circumcision offerings Priests and ends the Sabbath which was perpetuall to the Jewes in that generation among the types as the Covenant was and Circumcision and the Law was a rule of righteousnesse for them but Christ who is the end of the Law comes to redeem them that are under the Law and ends their covenant and ends their shadows and changes those times him by whom time was made and so thou that knows not the time in his hands shews thou art not in the time that are in his hands and so not of the body of Christ Pr. And vvhereas thou saith No other time but simply the seventh part must from week to week be devoted to Gods worship for whensoever the seventh part of time is altered the morality must be destroyed Answ They worshipped God that said the body vvas Christ and the Sabbath day vvas a shadovv of good things to come and so they that vvorship God must vvorship him in spirit and in truth and in that vvhich all figures and shadovvs and signes doth end in the spirit and truth before they vvas and not one day in seven a signification of rest sanctification the Lords signe he gave to the people in transgression Before transgression ye do not read it was to men given as a command to the first Adam but of the earth earthly But who comes to the second Adam the Lord from heaven he by whom the world was made comes into that that all types figures shadows ends and so doth not destroy nothing of the Law but comes to that which ends it Pr. And thou saves It 's a great stumbling block as to believers in Christ because Christians violated the Sabbath Answ Christ is the body that ends the shadows and the signes and fulfills the Law him who was before the world was made in him are the Christians the body that ends the shadows and the signes in whom the vayl is come off of their hearts and so Christ did not break the Law but fulfilled it and in him that fulfills it the Saints met who met together in him and gathers together in him Who is the body they are the members he is the head who is the Church in whom he is in the mids of Pr. And thou saith So that to produce the world of wonder manifest it is that night was the beginning of time Answ That 's false the beginning of time was God and Christ and times and se●sons are in his hands and God is Light read that who can Pr. And thou saith Thou supposest it will not be questioned in Moses time Answ This was while Moses was read while the body was not come Christ Jesus that ends the signe the shadow the type and blots out the Ordinances and Commandements that held them up from which vaile the Apostle brought the People to the body Christ Jesus where no shadow was nor changing Now dayes are changing but Christ doth not change which is the body And you that hold up the signe the shadow the type the figure you hold up the dead and come not to Christ the life the body the Sanctification it selfe before dayes was by whom they was made Pr. And thou sayst The unthankfull Christian ought to sanctifie the Sabbath Answ Here thou brings them into dayes
to justification sanctification and righteousness Answ None comes to Justification to Righteousnesse who are out of the fear of God nor to receive his righteousnesse but who comes to the light within which comes from Christ the righteousnesse the wisdome the justification and sanctification and ye be in the errour that be not in this Light that leads too and le ts see it Pr. Perfection in holiness cannot be attained in this life for Adam was under such a Covenant he had no Mediator upon the breach of the command Ans God said to Adam the seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents head Christ the Promise the Mediator made the way which was the way in again to God of mans redemption and got down the Serpents head which got up in transgression that Christ the head should bear rule that the seed of the woman should have dominion the second Adam the seed Christ Jesus the Lord from heaven Perfection is not to be attained to by the life ye live untill ye come to the principle of God in you but the life that David lived in saw an end of all perfection And all who come to Christ the second Adam they come to perfection and all who attain to him they attain to perfection in the life of God out of the first Adam but who deny the light that enlightneth every man that cometh into the world and rest in the first Adam the life they live in denies perfection and never owns it in the life they live in But who comes into perfection comes into Christ a new life out of Adam in the Fall in transgression All Physitians to sick men are to make them perfect And do yee say make none whole make none perfect make never a man perfect For being made whole they are made perfect for sin wounds for the Ministery of God was to bring people to the perfect man to present them perfect These were Physitians of value and of worth whereby the body soule spirit and all were cured and they glorified God in the body and spirit Now yee that say they shall not be perfect and that none shall be without sin upon the earth no perfection in the life we live in These are Physitians of no value yee are not worthy to have the name of Physitians Ministers nor Teachers Thomas Weld Richard Prideaux Samuel Hammond William Cole and William Durant for yee are pleading while men be upon earth they must have a body of sin and he that saith otherwayes is a deceiver and so ye keep them in their wounds and sores putrifying and imperfect and not makers up of the breach and binders up of the wound And the Lord saith Though their sins be as red as crimson I will make them as white as wool and will blot out sin and transgression And this tender love and kindnesse of the Lord and mercifulness to sinners transgressors hath the Lord made manifest amongst them which the world in scorn calls Quakers and it is not a strange thing that you would not have people to forsake the fashions of the world who are thus hung about with ribbons and cuffs and scarfs and your double Boot-hose-tops and more like unto Stage-players then Ministers Pr. Perfection is a fancy those were not words of true Physitians who brought men to a perfect man to the growth up in perfection amongst the perfect ones who speak wisdome They say It is no where said that the Law is fulfilled in any Saints in this life Answ They that love God keep his Commandements Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes and who be in him be in the end of the Law And all that dwell in love dwell in God and love is the fulfilling of the commandement who are of the seed of God keep the words of God which the Beasts and false Prophets since the dayes of the Apostles who have inwardly ravened and turned against the royall seed of God and keep the Commandements of God and so none of you that raven from the spirit of God cannot keep Gods commandements though ye have all the Saints words for the Saints witnesse the end of the Law and witness perfection and a perfect man and spoke wisdome among them that were perfect and growing up to perfection Pr. That Christ gives to every man a saving light we utterly deny Answ He is the true light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world saith John the Minister of God and he is salvation to the ends of the earth and they that hate the light neglect their salvation and turns the grace of God into wantonness and denies the Lord that bought them And every one that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh to the Sonne and none heareth or cometh to the Father that cometh not to the Son But who comes to the thing that is transgressed in them and the light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall nor hears nor learns of the Father nor comes to the Son but by that and the light that lighteneth every one that cometh into the world is the salvation to him that believes and he that doth not it is his condemnation Pr. But how dare these men lift up themselves in their blasphemous pride to say they are pure as God Answ Doth not Christ say Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect is that blasphemy and to be holy as I am holy is that blasphemy whose Ministers are you is not this the work of Christ and the Apostle without Holiness ye shall never see God and as he is so are we in this present world Pr. The word of God is contained in the Scriptures Ans The Scripture saith God is the word and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him are ye not more like void of reason then Ministers whose ignorance thus appears of the Scriptures which saith God is the word and the Scripture is the words and Christ is the word who fulfills them Pr. The Scriptures were given forth some more darkly some plainer Answ They which gave forth Scripture and they that be in that in which it ends to them the Scripture is not dark but such as be from the Principle of God in their own selves they be darkness so darkness happens to them which blinds their minds and the Scriptures was not given forth darkly but in the light but you who be from the light be dark Pr. The Apostles ordained them elders by a mediate call and we are convinced clearly of a mediate call to the work of the ministry and of the word Answ That which made the Officers and overseers in the Church amongst the Saints before the Apostasie It was the Holy-Ghost which holy men spoke Scripture from that made them Overseers that was not mediate but immediate that did oversee in the Church of God And we do believe that you Elders and Members called Ministers are all mediate and
Ministers The power would open the hearts of people if ye were in that and make them to give you that there would be no want And then the Gospel would be Preached and you live in that and glad tidings be known to all Nations and men would not be combered about Courts and put in prison by you whom you do no work for P● Ye say shall men have leave to Preach railing against Christs Ministers and Church reproaches to the world and hath Gyles Calvert owned his name at them and ye speak of y●ur liberty of the Pulpit But that the Pulpit should be Satans Oracle as Apthecaries shop keeps open poison● so Gyles Calvert doth for soul-poison Answ This is not the way by railing to stop poison but your Pulpits have been like shops of poison even to poison Nations for have you not poisoned many people and made their minds envious and most of your stuff hath been railing one against another which had ye been Ministers or spoken the truth in the love of it it would have preserved people in peace and unity and not have sought your selves And Gyles Calvert as you call an Apothecaries shop hath been a place whereby many of your actions and fruits have been discovered and made manifest not against the Church of God not against the Ministers of God and Christ not against the Magistrates that live in the fear and life and power of God but against the injustice and the persecution and the apostates gotten up since the dayes of the Apostles as ye confesse if your maintenance be taken away the Ministery will fall Now the power is that that causeth people to minister to any that ministreth to them not by compulsion but freely and this is acceptable and pleasing to God which the Lord loves And so all your poyson of your Pulpits as Satans oracles hath been like such a thing for the Pulpiters are them which have caused the great persecution and imprisoning for speaking to them and because they will not give them maintenance and so quenching the spirit and that which quenches the spirit is not of God for in the true Church all may prophesie one by one and if any thing be revealed to him that sits by the other must hold his peace that all may learn and be comforted The spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets And this was the order in the Churches of God before the Apostles decease But since their decease amongst you that are apostatized from them this is disorder and sets you all on an uproar and confusion So your Church and Pulpit is more like Satans oracle then the Church of God and you have been in your Pulpits more like womens scolding to the Cuck-stool which you speak of then men that preach the Gospel as the Parishes may witnesse how they have been burthened with your rayling against other people which have not been present with you And when any of them have come to you you have cryed take them away they disturb you Is not this worse then womens scolding for women will stand and scold one with another but ye will scold behind their backs and cannot endure to speak to their faces but cry to prison with them But the Rod is gone over you and you are come under the scourge the whip and the lash for your evill words which have corrupted your manners when ye should have been preaching the peaceable way to the Kingdome of God ye have been bringing people to strife throwing them into prison for speaking a word to you that cannot give you maintenance which you do no work for But the sentence spoken in Matth. is coming upon you ye cast into Prison to death because they cannot give you maintenance therefore ye are far short of visiting them which be in Prison And these covers will not cover you and all your hard speeches which you have vented forth in your Book which is not worth mentioning but they will come upon your selves for every one of your words shall be your burthen Now fools may subscribe their hands to things they know not and go with a multitude to do evill but wise men consider and ponder the things before-hand So all your Petitions the holy Scriptures of the Prophets Christ and the Apostles read and try them whether ye have ever an example amongst any of the Ministers of the Gospel that ever put up a Petition to any supream of a Nation or that Christ ever gave them any such command that his Disciples should go and beg with a Petition to the supream powers of the Nation for maintenance Have not you in this dishonoured the Gospell and Christianity and shewed that you are not of the royall Priest-hood nor of the royall seed nor everlasting Covenant nor you Ministers to them that do freely give which have freely received but to be such whose spirits be in the earth And you Petitioners are not able to maintain them which all Magistrates that stand in the fear of the Lord God will judge and so see that you have shamed your selves your Ministry and Church and that you are not a Vineyard that you have not a Flock to give you milke to give you fruit but they must be fain to give you fruit And the Magistrates must be fain to give your Ministers milke and so shewed the sloathfulnesse of them that have plowed and are not made partakers of their hope but have lost it In vain have they plowed and threshed and not got out the Corn. And in all this have not you shewed your idleness that ye have not laboured got a Vineyard and thresht and got no corne and have not plowed and sowed the seed And will not the Magistrates see you in this and have not they wronged you in maintaining you in idlenesse Will not the Magistrates see that they have done so to you in this and become pack-horses no longer and executioners who hath executed your malice upon them you do no work for neither have hired you and cast them into prison when they have spoken to you to repent and fear God and so it 's time for the Magistrates to do justice and execute the Law upon you idle vagabonds William Thomas a Minister of the Gospel at Vbley called in his Book called Railing rebuked or a defence of the Ministers His Principles are as Followeth Pr. HE saith His Epistle reflects upon two sorts of persons and how many false Prophets have risen Ans The work of the Ministers of the Gospel was not to reflect upon persons or strike at creatures as thou sayest two sorts of persons but they struck at the power which captivated the creature to the intent that the creature might come into the liberty of the sons of God And so thou that art reflecting upon persons dost shew a marke of thy selfe to be a false Prophet in stead of speaking of the power thou art reflecting upon persons and this reflecting upon persons
hearers are ashamed of you and will not justifie your practices and so yee have shewed your consciences who take the tenths that you are not exercised with the light neither be in the mystery of the Faith which gives to see the end of all changeable things And are not you begging with your Petitions for more maintenannce with your Petitions flying up and down for Glebe-lands and Augmentations to the powers of the earth and sending for Writs summoning up to the Courts people that you do no work for and this hath been the end of your fruits Pr. He that scorns to make use of the labours of men for his improvement in the things of God shewes himselfe proud If there be occasion to make use of humane Authors which we offer to our Hearers Answ Humane Authors are from the earth from the fallible nature to mixe and mingle that with that which is received from God he shews that he hath not discerning and makes that not sufficient which he hath received from God and this is contrary to the Apostles what the Saints of the Lord had delivered they did not mixe it with mens enticing words of wisdome neither did they speak it in the words which mans wisdome taught but which the holy Ghost did teach them Therefore this is to teach from mens labours or humane Authors for mens Labours and the humane authors invented come out of that nature which prisons the seed of God and so that is not agreeable to that which is received from God but every ones words there shall be his burthen and so humane authors are not to be mixed with the word of God for the word is pure nothing is to be added to or taken from it he that doth shall be proved a lyer and the higher power is not humane nor fallible Pr. Paul and Pe●er were instructed by an immediate revelation which we are not so presumptuous to expect or to make the Ap stles condition our condition humane learning wil not acquaint us with the mind of God yet being sanctified it is a great assistance to that end Ans Are not ye in the presumption usurp authority to preach or to teach that have not the immediate revelation as the Apostles had but have got their words and usurps the authority and are out of their power is not this usurping Are not all who be not of the power in the words of the Apostles such as are to be turned away from by the command of the Apostle And are not all who be of God and in the power the life that the Prophets Christ and the Apostles were in the immediate revelation of God Can any know the Scriptures or the truth given forth from the spirit of truth learned of God the Father of truth but by the immediate revelation which is the spirit of God which reveales the things of God And thou speakest of study and prayer can any dvide the word aright or pray aright but in the spirit and where that is is not there immediate revelation from God and this thou calls presumption to be in the revelation as the Apostles were in which it is presumption to meddle with their words and not to be in the condition they were in that is persumption and to usurp athority and so ye are them that are got up since the daies of the Apostles ravening inwardly from the spirit of God that they were in have sheeps cloathing which Christ said should come Iohn saw was come went forth form them which since the daies of the Apostles the world have gone after you all but who have their names written in the book of life before the foundation of the world keep Jesus testimony And humane learning doth not help in the way and things of God as it is in it self but as the spirit doth open through all things and beyond all things and comprehends all Languages and sees before languages were that is it that ministers to the spirits in prison and that is not called humane learning which sees over languages and beyond languages and comes to have power over tongues languages and speeches and sees before they were Pr. Costome hath made it the civility of our language to say you to one and not to say thou to a Superiour except it be a Familier It is no great fault to respect mens persons and the Scripture onely makes men wise to salvation And it is a pernitious error in placing justification and salvation in righteousnesse within Ans That the righteousnesse of Christ might be fulfiled in us and where Christ is within there is sanctification and there is justification there is salvation known for there is no salvation known nor felt without but first it is found within Faith evidenceth it the spirit witni●sing the spirit comes to witnesse it the light sees it this is within And so they that have these words of righteousnesse of sanctification of Justification without not within are in the error none knows them without but first they know them within and you to a superiour and Thou to a familiar Is not God the Superiour the supream and dost thou say You to God dost thou esteem man higher in a place beyond God is not this ambition and pride and presumption and foolishnesse must thou not come to be judged here and be humbled for your miscariages and Thou to a familiar a person of low degree canst thou speak more familiarly to God then to man Thou to him and You to man is this righteous and sound speech that cannot be condemned Dost thou not in this shew that thou never learned the Accidence or Bible he that respects persons commits sin dost thou respect the poor and the rich in thy words and is by the law reproved to be a transgressor and is out of the faith that is held without respect of persons And as for the rest of all thy lies and hard expressions in thy Book they shall come upon thy self and to thee be a heavie burthen And the day hastens upon thee apace to the witness of God in thy conscience I speak which will let thee see that it had been better for thee if thou had never opened thy mouth then to have opened thy nakedness to the Nation and this is not the way to convert souls to rail for railing never converted any but brought them into a form out of the power and so encreased knowledge which was their sorrow R. Sherlock His Principles as followeth Pr. HE saith They do not attain the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel by the same means as the Apostles did saith he we Preach the same Gospel as the Apostles preached but do not attain to the knowledge and understanding of this Gospel by the same means Answ That which the Apostles received they received from God so ye receiving it not by the same means have received it from men and not from God Pr. He saith
Likewise he saith That which is contained in the Bible is spirit and life An. This is as much as to say that spirit is in the letter and life is in the letter now hadst thou said that which is declared of is spirit and life these words had been true and the letter it selfe death and the life was in them that gave it forth that is sound now the people have it among them as a general word that the Bible is a History or a treatise or a catalogue or calls it the letter these are the common words among professors and preachers now we say they are the words of God and a declaration of the Prophets Christ and the Apostles and Christ is the word in whom they end that is agreeable and according to scripture which cannot be broken and sound words Pr. And the words was confirmed to them by signes A● Them that had the scriptures knew not the word by signes and wonders they were declared and signes and wonders shewed unto them that had the scriptures from the word now to them that had the sciptures which the word to them had shewed maricles when they desired a signe of the word he told them that had the scriptures no signe should be to them but that of Jonas Pr. And they say thee and thou to a particular is a proper speech but it is not a sin to say otherwise and so not to give offence to Jew nor Gentile but you is the nationall speech and the Devill said thou and Cain said thou and this was the bad mans language as well as the good An. Though the Devill and bad men got the forme of true words yet the forme of sound words is to be held fast and though Paul said give no offence to Jew or Gentile yet we do not find that Paul spoke out of the form of sound word● as you to one and because it is a nationall forme of speech and ye not come into the forme of sound words which hath professed both Scriptures Christ and the Apostles which shew they never learned either nor comes into the practice of either you to one is not righteous and all unrighteousnesse is sin for one to say thou Henry Hager art many men would not thou say they spoke unrighteously now Judge thy selfe Pr. You call all men dead and carnall in the serpents Nature in what forme soever if they differ from you Ans All that be not in the light that inlighteneth every man that cometh into the world which is the way to the Father Differeth from us such be dead such be carnall in the serpents nature for none comes to the life but who comes to the light in what forme soever they be in and such as differ from us differ from Christ for none comes from under the Serpents head and nature but who comes to the light P● Likewise he saith But for a perfection in glory to be attained on this side the Grave I utterly disalow A● We do believe thee but a perfection in the glory is attained to while the Saints be upon the earth for they were changed from glory to glory so there is a perfection in the least glory and that glory which the saints was changed from into glory was not glorious but as it was in the perfection in the le●st degree or measure as it is in it selfe and so for the rest of thy lies and slanders and unsavoury expressions which are not worth mentioning will cloath thy self and they cover not thy shame but make it manifest they shall be thy own wounds in the day of thy indignation the witnesse within thee me shall answer and thy silence had been better then to the nation to have uttered forth thy folly and whereas thou speakest of the Church that to thee is a mistery which is the pillar and ground of truth but men have gathered together a forme in the apostacy and the seed in the grave since the dayes of the Apostles but now is the seed risen which treadeth such out and down that are gathered together in the words of scriptures but out of the spirit that they was in that gave it forth and that is the seed with which all the promises is to he doth not say it is to the visible Church but to the seed and who are of the seed are of the Church of Christ which is the pillar and ground of truth and so it is not the running up and down the scriptures from place to place and bringing people chapter and verse and telling people what the prophets said and did and what the Apostles said did so to be approved of in the sight of men but such are approved of in the sight of God as be in the life that they were in that gave forth scriptures and be in unity with the Saints that gave them forth with Christ the substance of them and with God Pr. He saith An Vnlearned question to ask● whether your Baptizers cast out devils and drink any deadly thing and it not hurt you and whether the house where you meet was ever shaken and where he did give the holy Ghost to you Ans This is to shew that you are not belivers nor in the power that the Apostles was in and as for your saying rhe Apostles speaking wicked men should grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived now since the daies of the Apostles who saw those things come up those wicked men being deceived and deceiving now since their daies it is manifest that they have grown worse and worse till they have grown all to heaps and killed one another about religion the whole Christendom can witnesse it such as have had the forme of godlinesse but denyed the power out of the power and life that gave forth the scriptures and out of the bond of peace in the poyson one poysoning one another out of the holy ghost that gave forth Scriptures and out of the healing and the belief that cast out Devils and the devill the murtherer but he hath been your teacher to murther one another about your Religion which did not Christ teach but to love enemies and to save mens lives Thomas Leadger his book called a discourse his principles in it as followeth Pr. HE saith Such be in an error that sets up a light within above the scripture or equall with the scripture and knowes no Christ but a Christ within Ans The light Christ by which all things were made and created glorified with the Father before the world began which the scripture testifies of is above the Scripture before the Scripture was They that be not in this Christ within are reprobates in which the scripture ends and testifies of and so it is Christ the same to day yesterday and for ever that the Saints come to witnesse within them not another Christ neither many Christs And they that professeth a Christ without them have a Christ without them and another
the word but the Scripture is the word and so these poor creatures erre not knowing the Scripture to speak in the singular number is non-sence and they that translated the words thee and thou might have transl●ted them you Answ The spirit gave to speak the proper Language singular and plural and spake such words as cannot be condemned And if translators that be out of that translate the words given forth from the spirit into what form soever they will yet the spirit will finde it out and the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world by which all things were made made lights and created lights Christ Jesus the light whi●h doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world need not have these outward lights or discoveries they were all made by the light which light was before these were made and they which are come into the reconciliation with God are in perfection out of the imperfection from under the wrath and the Word reconciles hammers down cuts down and burns up that which is contrary and sanctifies and makes clean and Christ Jesu● his name is called the word of God the Scripture saith so and they say that the Scriptures are the words of God which in Christ the word which was before they were given forth comes to fulfill them and that which is imperfect is done away Pr. To say that God is substantially in man as Essentially one with him can be no other but the man of sin the Devil himself having transformed himself into an Angel of Light and if it were possihle would ●●●●●ve the very Elect. Answ The Scripture saith that God will dwell in man and walk in him and the Saints had unitie with the Father and the Son and all that hates the Light which Christ the Light hath enlightened them withall hath not the Father and the Son in such the man of sin reigns and in such the Devil may transform but the Elect he cannot deceive the Elect hath the victory and Dominion which were elected in him before the foundation of the world glory for ever and as for all the other words in thy book they are not worth mentioning they will be thy own burthen they will fall heavy upon thee in this day when thou shalt shalt give an accompt to God James Brown His Book called Antichrist in spirit His expressions and Principles as followeth Pr. THat the light in every man is a certain guide and rule in all things this is the means whereby Scriptures are slighted Answ No one knows nor owns the Scriptures but as the light of Christ that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world doth guide and teach them the light of Christ within which gives them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus and Scriptures and to see the Scriptures and doth not slight them Pr. To witnesse God and Christs glorious resurrection and heaven and the happinesse of new Jerusalem this is lookt upon as an errour Answ Christ within who is the resurrection the glory the kingdome of heaven is there and David who witnessed him was in hell he was upon the earth too and he that witnessed the new Jerusalem and that happinesse was upon the earth And they that have all these words not possessing the life they have no comfort in what they speak nor in what they professe and the babes and the children that are free knows their mother that is from above Pr. If there be no outward meanes but light within what need of the Scriptures Answ The light Christ within was in the Saints before the Scriptures was given forth and that was it which was their guide to give forth the Scriptures wherein they walked and did not stumble and that is it which gives to see the Scriptures again to what condition they are spoken and the use of them Pr. The day is not yet dawned nor the day-star the bright and morning Answ The Apostle tells the Saints of the Day-star and they were children of the day and the night was over the true light shined and the darknesse past Though some indeed were not come to the day-star and the light shined in darknesse and the darknesse comprehended it not Where darknesse rules there be the works that are out of the light and among such as have apostatized since the dayes of the Apostles the day-star is not risen to them they see it not but amongst the children of light it is seen and they that see it not are comprehended The day-star is risen and they are children of the day Pr. And them that bring people to looke at the light within them are as Corah Dathan and Abiram Ans All that go from the light within them are as Corah Dathan and Abiram amongst the Lords Prophets exalting themselves and persecuting Pr. All men are not so taught of God as they shall be at Israels return Answ All men are taught of God that be in the Covenant whether Israel heare or not Pr. I know that many of the Quakers are temperate sober self-denying people but this is but the tything of hearbs Answ It was the Doctrine of the Apostle who preached Christ the end of tything and hearbs and self-denyall sobernesse temperance was not called the tything of hearbs for the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures brought to this Pr. And the light within is darkness and I never read of the Churches of the Saints that spoke by two Answ The Apostles doctrine to the Corinthians was that they might speak by two or three And the light within which is the light of Christ which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world the darknesse cannot comprehend it though it shine in it till it shine forth in the heart to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ Pr. And that the Kingdome that is in the Saints is in the Pharisees I deny Answ The same that is in the Saints is in the Pharisees in the measure though it be but as a grain of mustard-seed which is like to the leaven little Pr. The state of arising from sin to grace is never called a resurrection Answ They that arise from sin to grace out of the first Adam into the second Adam comes into the resurrection the second death shall have no power over them and the Saints comes to judge the world Pr. Such as trust to a light within them forsake the holy oyle the Lords spirit that speaks in the Scriptures Answ The Lords spirit spoke in them that gave forth the Scriptures who had the holy oyle the light within them And the spirit speaks not from the Scripture but by that which gave it forth which is the Author of it Pr. I deny that any have a light within them to attain to the measure of God and Christ as they that have the writings Ans None attains to the mystery of God but by the light
the sleights of men which is in reference to false Prophets of which this Land is now full You say That a man cannot be made free from sin and cannot keep the Commandements of God perfectly Answ Are not you in the tossing too and fro and tossing people too and fro And are not you the false Prophets which Christ said should come which John said was come and the world hath been after you who tells the people that they cannot keep the commandements perfectly Contrary to John who saith he that loves God keeps the commandements of God And the Beast made war against them that kept the Commandements of God and herein is the love of God perfect Pr. You tell people of a Sacrament a Creed and three persons Answ Which the Scripture tells no such thing But the Common-prayer-book doth and so you do not teach the form of sound words in your Catechim Pr. Out of the Scriptures we may learn the knowledge of the true God Answ That which gives the knowledge of the true God is the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures for the Pharisees that had the Scriptures knew not God Pr. The state of man in this life is three-fold Creation Corruption Regeneration Answ In Regeneration the life is changed out of that life which is in the Fall So Regeneration and Corruption is not one in the new life Pr. A man by his own power cannot get into regeneration for they are dead in sins and trespasses Answ Some are sanctified from the womb and some children are holy so all are not dead in sins and trespasses for they that are so are but unbelievers Pr. All men have not salvation by Christ and there are many that have no share in salvation purchased by Christ Ans This is contrary to Scripture which saith that he is the offering for the sins of the whole world and the Saviour of all men and especially of those that believe And they that turns the grace of God into wantonnesse denies their salvation and they which hate the light which enlightens every man that cometh into the world hates their salvation to the ends of the earth Pr. The Scripture is the Word and God is in his Word and God in the Scripture offers Christ God in his Word offers Christ which you call Scriptures Answ The Scriptures of truth are the words of God and Christ the Word comes to fulfill them and God was in them that gave forth the Scriptures and Christ was in them who gave forth scriptures and the Scriptures testifie of him and the Scripture doth not say that God is in the dead Letter Paper and Inke but his power ye are ignorant of and errs not knowing Scriptures and the Scriptures are not God Pr. You say That God works inwardly by his spirit and outwardly by his Word and our faith is summed up in the Apostles creed Answ Christ is the Author of the Faith and the Apostle doth not tell us of a Creed the spirit and the word are one and they are inwardly known sanctifying Pr. The rule of Christian obedience is the Law of God Ans That which is the end of the Law is a Christians life and rule who comes to the obedience of faith in which they please God and are justified which no flesh by the works of the Law is justified Pr. Brethren be perfect be of good comfort be of one minde No man is able to keep the commandements of God we break them daily in thought word and deed in the best of our duties we are unprofitable servants Ans Here is your confusion layd open them that were perfect had a new minde and their deeds wrought in God and their thoughts were changed that witnessed repentance and they kept the commands of God and their fruits are of the spirit and of faith which are not unprofitable But your works and fruits who are out of the faith and out of the spirit of God are unprofitable who breaks the Commandements but they that love God keep his Commandements Pr. Christians must attend upon Gods Ordinances and Sacraments to know their duty toward their neighbour which Sacraments are the seal and the covenant Answ The Apostles tell us of no such signes sacraments nor such words but that which fulfils Law is the Son of God which brings him to do his duty towards God and towards his neighbour which is Christ Pr. There are two Sacraments and the Covenant of grace is to all that believe and receive Christ and the two Sacraments are Baptisme and the L●rds Supper which are visible signes Ans The Scripture doth not any where call them visible signes nor sacraments and the Covenant of grace is to all whether they believe or not believe receive or not receive and the Scripture doth not call Baptisme and the Lords supper Sacraments Pr. Because Infants of the Jewes were circumcised therefore are children baptized Christ hath ordained this Sacrament as bread and wine and the Sacrament is the food of the soul Answ This is a Popish doctrine that which feeds the soul is immortall and that is the souls food which findes rest in Christ the bread of life the food for the soule And the Scriptures doth not tell us that the bread and wine is a Sacrament and the Scripture doth not tell us that Circumcision was outwardly a type of Baptisme outwardly but of the inward and you bring a Scripture which is the 23. of Luke and the 43. vers and saith that it saith that the souls of the wicked are cast into Hell which that Scripture speaks no such thing Pr. We are not to seek for happiness in this life Answ The Saints were and are made partakers of the heavenly riches and of Christs fulness and of his unspeakable joy and full of glory in Christs Kingdom which is in them who are upon the earth and for the rest of your lies and confusions is not worth answering Richard Baxter His Principles in that which he cals one sheet for the Ministers which is two sheets in whose mouth is found a lie as in his Title Page is to be seen His Principles in it as followeth Pr. THat we are hated of all men for the Name of Christ who are but Ministers who gave some Pastors Teachers appointed for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to a perfect man To Disciple Nations Baptize and Teach them so cut down the Ministers the Pillars and the buildings will fall Answ In the steps of the Ministers of Christ you are not found but in the steps of the Scribes end Pharisees called of men Masters in the chiefest seats of Assembles in your long robes uppermost Roomes at Feasts causing the Ministers of Christ to be haled out of your Synagogues and thrust out and haled and persecuted and prisoned which are in the generation of the Serpents that should fulfill Christs words Mat. 23.
houses but the papists have taught you it The Papists were persecutors so are you they haled out of Synagogues so do you they took tithes so do you they preached by the hour-glasse quenched the spirit so do you They preached for means gleab-lands so doe you They had the cross on the top of steeple houses so have you in many places they had Trinity Colledge Emanuel Colledge and Christs Colledge so have you They named the Saints daies so you follow them they called their houses by the name of Trinity Jesus Emanuel and their Masse-houses by Peter and Paul and Mary and so do you Is not this the papists game do not they called Quakers deny this game and you both and Christ thou art ignorant of who is come to reigne and rule and teach his people himselfe Pr. Ministers are spurring on the Magistrates to cast out the bad and scandalous Ministers Have not Lawyers and Phisitians an easier life and more honourable in the world then the Ministers and have not the ministers been the principall instruments to pluck downe Deanes and Chapters Bishops c We ministers breake our health and all our wordly interests for you And I had rather be a ploughman or the meanest tradesman but for the greatest necessity and the truths sake Ans Have not all you Ministers in this manifested your selves did ever the Apostles fly to the Magistrates or spur up them to cast out scandalous Ministers had not the Apostles authority and the spirit and power to cast out reprove and rebuke in the Church Had they not denyed their power if they had gone to the Magistrates and falen on the mountaines which is the papists game and not the Apostles was it not the soldiers that were the cause of pulling down your Railes and Surplices and your Deanes and Chapters and Bishops was it not the Magistrates work but have you had a hand in it have you killed and taken possession have you put out Bishops and got into their places who are in the Bishops Deanes and Chapters maintenance will you needs make your selves so foul and odious to all people were not many of you tradesmen and ploughmens sons poor men and yet now gotten up into great interests and takeing great sums of people of many whom you doe no worke for How can you for shame say you leave your wordly interest when you are but running into them when you come to be Priests and ministers who are the proudest people in the parish in the glories and vanities of the world and honor of it but the priest and his wife and his children Are not you worse then Lawyers and Phisitians taking the peoples money yet cannot make them perfect men but say they must not be perfect The Phisitian is to make one perfect doe they take money of people they do naught for are they not ashamed to doe so but you take money of them you doe no worke for are you not worse then the Lawyers who are bad doe you not take money of such people you do not worke for and sue them and cast them into prison Are you not the unreasonablest men upon the earth and this is the Devils game you are playing and doe you not live in more honour in the world greater gain and no worke done for it then any people in the Nation againe as the Goals in the Nation may witnesse your fruits Pr. All nations that are of the Christan world are for the ministers to this day and they that are not are the dry branches that are out from the Church Oh how have I besought the Lord that he would convert you to remember them that hath the rule over you they that hath spoken the word of God and rules well are worthy of double honour Ans You are apostatized from those Elders among the Apostles and from the Apostles in an usurped authority Ministers made by the will of men at schools and Colledges not by the will of God as the Apostles were so your honour must be defaced and you are the dry branches cut off from the true Church your Church and Ministery both wanting the vertue and life of God among you so broken into heapes and sects and names among your selves wanting the unity and bond of peace the nations have gotten the names of Christians but are dead are from the life and your prayers are as the Pharisees you being found in their steps as Matth. 23. read you all You say none must be perfect upon earth how then converted who are converted are converted into Christ who is perfect out of the first which is not perfect Pr. The enemies of the Ministers are the fore-runners of the heavy wrath of God and the Jewes were quite cut off from the Church and made vagabond upon the earth they mockt the the Messengers of God untill wrath came upon the people Ministers are either their Fathers or Nurses in the Lord their sins killed and grace is quickned by the ministers meanes Ans It was the forerunner of the wrath of God upon the Jews that they had Temples and Tithes and stood against the Ministers of Christ it is so to you as it was with them that saw not the substance that now stands against the light and fight against it And was not Railers envious men and persecutors alwaies the vagabonds and are not all you vagabonds from the life of the Apostles as the Jews were from the Law of God and are not you all on heaps about words and scriptures shewing you are without life and is not the wrath and plagues of God and over flowing scourge come upon you who are thus standing against his Ministers in this his day that are sent among you cages of unclean birds who the people comforts not their sins kills not their grace quickens not keeping the people in their sins telling them they must have the body of sin while they are upon Earth they are crept into houses before and since the Apostles decease dispersed over the Nations of the world Are not you mocking the messengers and ministers of Christ hath not the wrath come upon you many of the people stricken dead for so doing you that are out of Apostatized from the Church of the Apostles that are persecuting and mocking the Ministers of Christ which in scorn are called Quakers who are sent freely amongst you not for Gleab-lands Tithes Easter reckonings nor Midsomer dues nor like unto you that puts the Papists out of Gleab-land Tithes Easter recoknings and Midsumer dues and gets into them your selves that puts Papists out of their Masse-houses run into them your selves so in this you are not like the Ministers of Christ the Apostles who seeks not these but them but you are seeking these not them but are putting them out this causeth plagues to come upon you and so it is Papists and drunkards and them that are now called ministers which are
seeking the peoples means not the people which makes the true Ministers of Christ odious which are in scorne called Quakers who seekes not theirs but them and you are neither the true Fathers nor the true Nurses but in the Apostacy from them and kicking against that which pricks you going in Sauls steps who went with Priests that had Tithes who were strayed from the life saw not the substance as you Raveners from the spirit of God have set up Tithes who see not the substance you harden your selves not hearing the voice from whose eyes repentance is hid posting on for your earthly interests and meanes posting to Courts Sessions Assizes Benches and this is the work you are doing and posting on in the Nation as the Courts Sessions and Assizes declares your hurrying the people thither seeking theirs not them your spirits are tryed at Courts Sessions and Assizes to be the false spirits that went forth into the world which Peter Jude and John speakes of which went forth from them and seperated themselves which since the world went after you who have been in Caines Cores and Balaams way Pr. Tradesmen and princes labours preserves health but mine consumes it Ans Here thou hast shewed that thy labour work and ministry is not of God that preserves health and strength for the work of the ministry is to bring into the saving health and preserve it and not consume it as thy worke doth that they may honour God with their substance and serve him with all their strength Pr. The law gives Tithes say the priests and allowes We may forbare working and we are content with food and rayment and to give away our tithes if the people will allow us food and raymet for us and our children as is fit to make them servicabl● yet the Q●akers call the ministers covetous Ans The Jews priests who were made obedient to the faith which had a commandement while they were under the Priesthood to take Tithes according to to the Law but the ministers now turne again from the faith to the Law and saies the Law of God gives it them and saies the Tythes are not the people 's but the Lords Did not the Apostles cut off tithes afore the Law and in the Law the priest-hood and law both and have not you here shewed your selves Apostatized from the Apostles so in the Apostacy who have set up a Law the first author whereof was the Pope and say the Law gives it us and you would not leave tithes unlesse the people would make a bargain with you to maintain you your wives and children was this the work of the Apostles Ministery what shamelesse words are these what set your selves thus that all people may view your folly what the Apostles did give was it upon this condition the people should give them food and rayment for it D●d not the Apostles say he that wil not worke let him not eate but from the whole practice of the Apostles you are apostatized and is not your covetous practises discovered through all the Courts Sessions and Assizes in the Nations you posting up thither and suing and causing them to go thither you doe not worke for what is this but covetousnesse and unrighteousnesse Pr. That the Quakers say that the priests are persecutors like the priests and phari sees of old but they shall be taught one day to know that if the Magistrats stop their mouthes he does no more persecute them then a thiefe when he is hanged c you say you wish all the Lords people were prophets Answ This is a lye found in your mouths for you say prophecying is ceased this you sound abroad all the world over as farre as you can This shews that you are not able to stop their mouths nor resist the spirits of them whom you say it will be no more persecution for the Magistrate to stop their mouths then to hang a thief And thus to all Magistrates that feare God you appear with shame and all may see what you crouch for under the mountains for blood Jezebe like and makes the Magistrates your pack-horses and executioners of your malice but the Lord God of heaven and earth in his wisdome is opening the eyes of many that moderation appeares in such in whose hearts the feare of the Lord is placed that tries many of you and turns many of you to your own weapons to see what weapons you have and they finde you but wrestlers against flesh and blood striking at the creatures not at the power which captivates them to bring them out of it into the liberty of the sons of God The true Ministers work was to beat down blasphemers errours false Prophets and stop the mouths of gain-sayers Rebuke exhort teach instruct with all authority cut off occasions with spirituall weapons And this power had they in the Church and cryed not to the Magistrate take them away they disturb me Oh shameless shame thy selfe before all the people in the Congregation This was not the work of the Ministers of Christ to do so And this authority in the Church before mentioned had the Ministers of Christ to stop the mouths of Gain-sayers silence false Prophets and blasphemers This power and authority they had from God and looked not at men to help them but they which apostatized from the Apostles the Beast the false Prophet the mother of Harlots that deceived the Nations that be out of the power of the Apostles and Christ have their power from men all the false Ministers upon earth are seeking to them to stop blasphemers as they imagine being but contrary to their mindes while they themselves are the blasphemers as weighed and judged by the Scriptures and spirit of Truth And the Magistrates work the power which he receives from God is to punish prophane open sins and the Ministers work is to bring people from under that occasion Pr. The Magistrates sets their guards at our doors and lets in none but who they please Let the Kings of the earth shew an uninterrupted succession giving them right to their Crown and I will shew a more undoubted succession to the Ministery All the Christians in our Parishes are our Flock we undertake to prove the truth o● such Churches Answ Your ●hurch is guarded with carnall weapons and the succession of your ministery is like unto the succession of earthly Kings Crowns which are all made by the will of men And the Magistrates have been but your servants and through ignorance have quenched the spirit and your work hath been to destroy the order concerning edification practice and doctrine of the Apostles in the true Church which said let all speak one by ne If any thing be revealed to another that sits by let the first hold his peace The spirit of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets From this you are apostatized and have gotten a law to stop the practice of this in your Church-apostacy whose doors many of
God and is more then any Creature and all the creatures that which gives liberty and freedom to all is glad tidings Richard Mayo further saith It was no matter to him if the devill was the originall of Tithes if the Law of the Land would give it him he would have it Ans We doe believe thee his servant thou art thy seared conscience and hardnesse of heart discovers it but the ministers of Christ and the Gospell never preached nor held forth such doctrine nor would never act any thing from that which the Devil was the originall of which thou dost say thou would take tythes though he was the originall of them if the Law of the Land would give it thee he hath been the originall of them and the Popes Lawes first set them up whereby the Saints goods are strained and spoiled and made havock of and art not contented with the spoyling of their goods but you bring their bodies into your priests den and thus you eate up people and swallow up the needy for a thing of nought as they did of old your as fore-fathers did transgresse for a paire of shoos Pr. He saith Cain was no vagabond after he had built a City and he said there was no scripture as that the Apostles had no certaine dwelling place and that the steeple-house was the Church Ans This is contrary to scripture for Cain was a vagabond though he builded a City and disobeyed the command of God and lost his habitation in God so all great men upon the earth though they build a City and are Lords and Earls and Dukes and Princes and Kings if they doe disobey the command of God and doe not dwell in him they have no habitation but are all vagabonds and Paul had no certain dwelling place 1 Cor. 4 11. and yet he had a habitation in God and was no vagabond and the steeple-house is no Church but the old Masse-house set up since the daies of the Apostles since they lost the true Church Thess the 1. Priest Bushels Principles These words were given forth by Seth Bushel Priest of Whitley as follows the 25 day of the first moneth 1658. Pr. MEn are not converted by the light within them An. If Christ be not in you the body is dead and he is light within And the light that shines in the heart gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And none are converted but they that be in him and by him within and the light that shines in the heart gives the knowledge of conversion and unconversion and there is none comes to conversion but by it the light which is Christ Pr. He saith That he denies that the light that lighteth every man is Christ as John speaks 1 John Answ In this thou hast denyed Johns Doctrine who said he is the true light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world And as many as received him he gave them power to become the sons of God and thus thou art ignorant of the Scriptures much more of the power of God Pr. He saith The light which every man is enlightned withall never converted any man to God Ans Here thou goest about in thy Doctrine to prove that Christ never brought any to God who is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world who is the way to the Father that saves men from sin and destroys death and he that hath the power of it and brings men into that the Devill is out of Thou with the light and thy Doctrines art comprehended and condemned and no man is converted to God but by the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world Pr. He saith That the light which lighteth every man is the broad way Answ Here people may all see this Priest a Minister of darknesse and wickednesse for the light which doth enlighten every man is Christ Jesus who is the way to the Father and leads people out of the broad way which is come up by Adam sinne the Devill and transgression which all be in the broad way that deny the light Hereford the 8. day of the first moneth 1658. these words were spoken in a meeting by Edward Price and Philip Langford which is their principles Pr. PHilip Langford said Paul was not freed from the act of sin whilst in this life Answ And Paul thanks God he was made free from the body of sin and saw where there was no condemnation and thus he wrestles and fights against Paul who said he was made free from sin and could live no longer therein and the body of sin was put off and their conversation was in heaven Pr. We do affirme that they that be in this faith that turns from sin be subject to sin the act of sin whilst in this mortall body Ans This is confusion and contradiction and not sound doctrine for faith that purifies the heart from sin over it gives victory in which men please God and have accesse to him by the which they are justified whilst on earth and by the faith the just lives and the life the Saints come to live which gives them victory over the world is by the faith of the Son of God Pr. Priest Price saith faith in Christ Jesus purifies not from the in-dwellings of sin whilst in this body Ans In this the Scripture hath corrected thee for it saith faith purifies the heart that which purifies takes away sinne Sinne which being unclean in its selfe makes unclean Pr. He saith The guilt of sin may be taken away but the act of sin may remain Ans A silly man one of the old Doctors the Scriptures speaks of Dost thou act sin and dost not thou feel the guilt of it Thou brings the whole world upon thy head the principle of God in them all will witnesse against thee And aske all the Thieves that are condemned to the gallows and the Drunkards and such as act sin such as professe Scriptures which are not in the life of it whether or no they have not a guilt upon them for acting sin but this is one of the blinde Priests principles none but mad men will believe them wicked lyers against that of God in their own conscience and thus they preach up the Devills doctrine of Lies Pr. Edward Price saith that all men should be judged by the Scriptures and that the Scriptures is the power of God Answ The Scripture saith Christ is the power of God And the Apostle said the Letter kills and all judgement is committed to the Son saith the Ministers of Christ And the Scriptures are the words of God and Christ is the Word and Judge in whom the words end whom thou hast thrown out and set Scripture in his room And as for the rest of his words they are not worth mentioning Enoch Howets Principles Pr. THe doctrine of perfection in the creature is a lye Answ The doctrine of
end of the types and figures and shadowes the substance Pr. And the woman that Paul speaks of that is forbidden to speake in the Church but must learne of her husband at home is the whore that drinks the blood of the Saints in Revelations Ans That is false for the woman the Apostles speaks of there that must learne in silence and must be in subjection aske her husband at home is in the state of Eve who must not teach but learne in silence as also said the Law for shee was first found in the transgression now the woman here hath a husband to aske at home and not usurp authority over the man but Christ in the male as in the female who redeems from under the Law and makes free from the Law the man may speak Christ in the male and female who are in the spirit of God are not under the Law but the whore who drinks the blood of the Saints is gone from her husband from under the Law to aske the whore-master that doth drinke the blood of the saints which Christ the seed judgeth upon to whom he gives judgement Pr. And the outward creatures which God had made and created and blessed are the serpents meat as the old Ranter of Bristow when he was gnawing a peece of plum pudding said he was eating the serpents meat Ans The Serpents meate is dust and he goes on his belly and so hath proved him selfe to be a serpent who eates his meat which the children of God the seed doth not and Christ who eate of the bread he did not eate the serpents meate he did not call it serpents meat and that is cursed and judged that doth so Francis Duke his book intituled The fulnesse and freenesse of Gods grace his Principles are as followes Pr. GGod made man perfection of parts in this life but not perfection in degrees Ans Perfection of parts is perfection of degrees for where there is a part there a degree so in this thou medlest with things that are too heavy for thee Pr. That God did elect that drop of humane seed to be personall God man as the text is the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head Ans The elect is Christ the seed and Christ the second Adam is not humane for humane is earthly so thou erres in thy judgement for as Christ the seed saies he that is born of the flesh is flesh and he that is born of the spirit is spirit and the election obtaines it and he that is of the earth is earthly but he that is from above is heavenly Pr. Men may obey imperfectly but truly Ans Truth is perfect Christ is truth who is perfect and they that obey truly obey perfectly for perfect obedience and true obedience is one Pr. The seed of the Serpent and the Devils seed remaines in the best of men in this life for without this seed of the Devil issuing in humane nature it is not capable of Eternal life Ans This seed of the Devill hinders men to be capable of eternall life and such as are sanctified from the wombe was capable of eternall life and such as were made free from sin and the body of death and sin put out of them could not sin because the seed of God remaineth in them and witnessed redemption the works of the Devill destroyed and Christ manifested in their flesh condemned sin in their flesh and Christ in them the body being dead because of sin which was borne of God and they did not commit sin they were past from death to life for sin brought death and where the Devill had the power of it which went out of truth but the seed having destroyed death and him that hath the power of it which is the devill and God the God of all peace have bruised Satan under the faints feet such is a top of the seed of the devill and they are capable of eternall life and tells thee thy doctrine is a lye Pr. Man may believe truly but never rightly Ans He that believeth truly and is in the true beliefe believes rightly and he that believes truly is borne of God and he whose beliefe is false and not born of God it is as his that is out of truth which is not right which the true beliefe in truth is over him in that the Devill is out of all his generation that stands in an outward beliefe Pr. The will of man remaines in good men and bad men in heaven and in hell and in earth Ans There 's noe prophesie of the scriptures came by the earthly will of man but that mans will be subdued denyed with the Crosse and power of God whereby he that doth the will of God abides for ever but he that doth his own will abides not ever and flesh and blood enters not into the kingdom of God and they that goe downe into Hell go down into their owne wills and wilfulnesse but he must be born againe before he can enter into Gods Kingdom he that is borne of the flesh is flesh and will persecute him that is born after the spirit for there 's the two wills and earth is their footstool Pr. The Saints affirme themselves that they are all unclean things and their righteousnesse as filthy rags Ans The Saints are cleane and are sanctified and are washed and are cleansed now are you clean saith the Lord ye were such and such and the saints rightousnesse is Christ such as never will grow ragged which was before the world was made which was before rags and ragged righteousnesse was this is the Saints righteousness and true believers and the saints are not unclean things for it is the unsanctified that be unclean Pr. The Saints have a twofold righteousnesse in this world Ans The righteousness of the Saints is one Christ and is in one in God from whence all righteosnesse comes and the true believers righteousnesse is Christ Jesus the end of the Law Pr. Thou saist that James envies those that brag of their faith without works thou saist the Lord attributes that to the eye which is not proper the eye is the light of the body but yet the eye hath no light in it selfe to enlighten the body so he attributes that to the eye which is not proper to the Light Ans James did not envy for envy was of Cain and of the devill and of the wicked one he did not envy them whose faith was dead without works and Christs speech was proper who said the light of the body was the eye and without the eye the body hath not light looke of it either inward or outward t is proper within and proper without for when the eye is blinded within the body is full of darkenesse when the eye is blinded without the body is darke and he wants the light and the light of the body is the eye that being single the body is full of light and that is perfect
the slothful servants who are Reprobates to every good work but the Saints that prayed Preached sung in the spirit such was profitable that loved God and kept his Commandments which you that do not love God do not keep his Commandments So your fruits are unprofitable that keeps not the Commandments of God And there is your mark that you do not love him Pr. The Law is a rule for a believers life we must attend unto the Sacraments Answ Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness sake unto everyone that doth believe so Christ is the rule who ends the Law to believers And thy Sacraments must go again to the Common-Prayer Book to the Masse-book the Scripture doth not teach us those words as Sacrament and Creed but the old Masse-book thou art running to it and so leaving the Scriptures So thou art judged with the life of God Pr. Who are ordained lawfully or called to the Ministry Ans Your ordination and call is by men contrary to the Apostles and Christ who saith not by man nor of man and Christ saith pray to the Father that he may send labourers into the vineyard and such you persecute And thou saiest there is two Sacraments in the Gospell which the Apostles tells us of no such thing but the Pope in his Masse-book Pr. We may not learne for to seek for happinesse in this life these words I command thee this day shall be in thy heart to teach thy children and to talke of them in thy house Ans These words hath spoken long in your hearts therefore have you led the world in wickednesse but the children of God findes happinesse in this life being changed from the old in this life for they find God and they finde Christ and find rest for their soules And who is in Christ is a new creature and such hath happinesse Pr. This forme of sound words taken out of the best and soundest Catechismes that we could meet withall and our mouth is opened boldly Ans This is your forme of unsound words and if this be the best stuff you can find out of your best Catechismes it is pittifull durty darke stuff and you had better have kept your mouth shut If this be your Catechismes they are for the fire the children of light who are come into the light comprehends and sees the Cathchismes and you both and you are to be Catechised and if you will but read over the Priests and professors Catechisme you may learn some thing out of it This is a ralation of some perticulars and principles affirmed by some of the Priests of Bishop-rick at a publike dispute in Branspirth Castle upon the 21. day of the 7th moneth 1658. Pr. JOsias Dorker affirmed that immediate Revelation or inspiration is not to be expected in these daies Ans Then you are from the spirit that saith so which the spirit of God doth reveale you are them that have ravened the false prophets and ante-christ that inwardly ravened from the spirit of God having the sheeps cloathing in the darknesse the King of the bottomlesse pit hath been your king for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is not known but by revelation for none knowes the Son but the father and he to whom he doth reveale him that showes that you be out of the feare of God for where the feare of God is God reveales his secrets but the feare God is now witnessed and the Son of God is now witnessed and revelations is now witnessed in our daies as it was in the Apostles but not amongst you who have inwardly ravened from the spirit of God which hath Apostatized from the Apostles Pr. That it is needlesse and also diabolicall that is to say divilish to expect any such thing now Ans And so you be in the diabolicall divilish that expects not that now which was in the daies of the Apostles and be out of the feare of God and the spirit which doth reveale and the Son you know not which said to them the Pharisees that knew him not they were of the devill and so he is known by revelation Pr. That they had the scripture and the Gospell as he confessed not from God but from men Ans You know not the scriptures nor no man upon the earth but as from God and the spirit as they did that gave them forth who learned them of God and so who knowes scripture must know revelation and the Gospell for they are known not but by the spirit which gave them forth Pr. That the Bible was the Gospel Ans The Gospell is the power of God which was before the scripture was written preached to Abraham many may have the Bible but the power of God the Gospell glad tydings which is to the salvation of every one that believes and the scripture is a testification of the Gospell of the glad tydings and it is not called the power of God and Christ is called the power of God and the Gospell and many had scripture but would not come to Christ the power of God and so not to the Gospell Pr. That the flesh of Christ is not in them Ans The saints eate his flesh and they that eate his flesh hath it within them Pr. That Christ had and hath a carnall body Ans And Christs body is not carnall but spirituall the first man was of the earth earthly the second man is the Lord from heaven heavenly and is a glorious body and the saints are made like unto his glorious body therefore the first state is carnall the second glorious so there is a naturall body and there is a spirituall body Pr. That Christ is now in heaven with a carnall body Ans Carnall indeed is death saith scripture and it saith that corruption must put on incorruption mortall immortality so Christs body that is in heaven is a glorious body a and not carnall nor of the flesh corruptible Pr. That Christ hath a carnall humane body united to his divinity Ans And carnall humane is from the ground humane earthly the first Adams body and Christ was not from the ground let all people read what thou saist but he was from heaven his flesh came down from above his flesh which was the meat his flesh came downe from heaven Pr. That Timothy retained his ministry not from God but from Paul Ans Timothy did retain his ministry from God and knew the gift that which he did retain from Paul was not as man but Timothy was in the faith which Christ was the author of and he had the gift which every good and perfect gift comes from God and this was not by man nor of man Pr. That there it as much difference between a body and a spirit as there is between light and darknesse Ans Christs body is spirituall and that which is spirituall does not differ from the spirit and so there is a spirituall body and there is a naturall body and there is a
at those that will not touch them Robert Semple Priest of Lasmahaga came to George Weare of Saffield to reason with him and he laid down these following things for his doctrine and principles His first doctrine and principle was to prove the lawfulness of being called of men Master standing praying in the Synagogues going in long Robes and he mentioned Ezras Pulpit of wood upon which he stood and read the Law to the people and for the rest he said nothing for his mouth was stopt concerning these things being found in the steps of the Pharisees Mat. 23. we do grant that Ezra had a Pulpit of wood but you prosess your selves Ministers of the Gospel and Presbyterians and are ye fain to run to Ezra in the Law for a Pulpit now you have shewed your selves what you are and brought your deeds to the light but the Priesthood was made by the Law of God so were you never That Priesthood changed and the Law changed also by which it was made and Pulpit and Tythes ended and Christ the everlasting Priesthood witnessed so thou and you have proved your selves no Ministers of the Gospel Christ Jesus the power of God and the wisdom of God the everlasting Priesthood who is the end of Priests Pulpits and Tythes that was true in their place So you that have got up another Pulpit Tythes Temple like Readers of the Law and not like Ministers of the Gospel and Priests are seperated from the Apostles in the delusion and from Christ the everlasting Priesthood Heb. 7. and are them that Jude 19. and 2 Pet. 2. speakes of That separates themselves having not the Spirit that they were in who witnessed against Pulpit Tythes and Priesthood and witnessed Christ the everlasting Priesthood which Pulpit Tythes and Priesthood ye are crying up and so Antichrist George Weare bad him prove his practice for sprinkling of Infants and whether or no they were not to believe before they were Baptized He said the promise was to Abraham and his seed George answered him it was not to seeds as to many but to thy seed which is Christ Robert the Priest said That seed Christ was natural contrary to the Apostles doctrine Gal. 3.16 who said Christ was the power of God 1 Cor. 1.14 15. and Christ the mystery Col. 1.2.7 The first man is of the earth earthly the second man is the Lord from Heaven heavenly 1 Cor. 15. the spiritual man judgeth all things 1 Cor. 2.15 The seed of the woman bruiseth the Serpents head Gen. 3 15. and the promise is to the seed and the seed is Christ the power of God And Christ the seed is the spiritual man and so not natural but the Priest said the seed is natural Now let all see in this whether he be not given up to delusion to speak lies in hypocrisie 1 Tim. 4.1 to delude and deceive people for dishonest gain Ezek. 22.13 Which seed he and all the Presbyterians shall find spiritual to judge them and bruise the heads of them and break their wicked cords and bonds of iniquity which they have laid upon the people Mat. 23. Eze. 34. Acts 15. The day is at hand that their judgement is come by that man whom God hath ordained Acts 17.31 and to judge the world in righteousness to give to every man a reward according to his works Ps 62.12 Rev. 22.12 who shall give to him an account of every idle word that they shall speak in the day of judgement Mat. 12.36 And William Kenedie came to George Weare and promised him that he should have a publick hearing he hearing what the Priest and the rest of the Elders charged him withall And when he came they would not give him a hearing and so found them truce-breakers that are to be turned away from 2 Tim. 3. and such as creep into houses and be of themselves boasters proud high minded as James and Jambres who have a form of godliness and denys the power which are to be turned away from And after that the said Priest did excommunicate George Weare in another parish without any hearing nor would not let him know for what they excommunicated him which was a work of darkness to make the peoples minds envious against the just upon which George Weare went to their meeting place to read a paper to him to shew why he denyed him and two Priests Robert Semple and John Hume being there bad the people to knock down that excommunicated Swinger which is in English Rogue upon which the people did obey the Priest and did beat and knockt George Weare down to the ground and might have murthered the man had not the Lords mercy been seen so they be in Cains way in envy Gen. 4. Jud. 11. And George got up again and the priests bad the people strike him and they did beat him and pluckt him by the hair of the head and the priests bad beat them away and they did so And after the priest summoned George to the Court and told the Bayliff he would prove it by the Scripture he must be stoned to death now here is the murthering Jewes nature that stoned the Prophets and stoned the Apostles and stoned Steven and took up stones to stone Christ Mat. 23.24 Joh. 8.59 Acts 7.58 And bloody Butchers man-slayer no Ministers of Christ did not the false Prophets go alwayes with the beast to war Rev. 13. Rev. 16. against Saint and the Lamb and did not the chief priests stir up the rulers against Christ and had not the priests a hand to murder and was not the priest at the examination of Steven and the Councell gave order that he should be stoned to death and did not the priests stir up the Rulers and Magistrates though they themselves did not often do it which had not the power but they stirred up the Magistrates to do it And they came to be their slaughterers to execute their malice and be their executioners ye do not ye may say it is the Magistrates which ye stir up to do it It is not said the priests did slay crucifie Christ but Pilate but the priests had power amongst the multitude to perswade the multitude to ask the murderer Mat. 27. which had murder in their hearts and Pilate did the thing and did not God overthrow Jerusalem and destroy the power of the Magistrates there and priests both hath not God done it in many ages for executing the Priests malice and their envy against the just and his anointed have not ye many examples see downe in the scripture which ye may all take notice of it Therefore take heed all ye Magistrates how you execute and avenge the malice and wickednesse and envy of any one against the just for the envy of the envious and the wickednesse of the wicked shall stay himself Psal 34.21 and the righteous shall see it Therefore you that are called Christian Magistrates execute no● neither be ye executioners of their madnesse and envy
would have them persecuted would have them stoned you that be teachers of the people how do ye love your neighbours as your selves and fulfill the Law and the prophets Mat. 7.12 to doe so as you would be done by To ye Presbyterians of Scotland I speake that be teachers whose principles is to stone chop off heads and persecute them that be contrary minded to you would ye have those that be contrary to your mindes stone you to death chop off your heads imrpison and banish you and persecute and excommunicate you This is the Law and the prophets to do as you would be done by as others should doe to you so doe unto them but Christ who is the end Of the Law and the prophets Rom. 10.4 saith his doctrine is to love enemies Mat. 5.44 and saith if men persecute you pray for them and blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that persecute you and despitefully use you you may be the children of your father which is in heaven who makes the Sun to shine upon the evill and the good and the raine to descend upon the just and the unjust if ye love them that love ye what reward have ye the Publicans and Pharisees doe so and the apostatized Christians who are got into the formes of words but out of the life of the Saints of Christ and the Apostles and there they are saluting their brethren onely but saith Christ be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect which you stand against so ye are they that have denied the one offering which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 10.14 And makes the blood of Christ of none effect which cleanseth from all sin and the new Covenant which blots out all sin and transgression and all upon the earth professors and worshippers that call your selves Brethern and Christians and offerers of what sort soever that have but the name before thou offers be reconciled to thy brother goe leave the gift at the altar and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Mat. 5.24 then will the Lord accept thy offering and all upon the earth that prayeth so that ye doe forgive others that trespasse against you as you would have the Lord forgive you your trespasses Oh how is the beauty of the Church of Presbyterians marred and diformed oh how are they become Cages of uncleane birds Synagogues of Sathan oh how are their Teachers become envyous men and murtherers of Caines stock in whom the eternall life is not abiding That would stay stone and chop off heads of strangers servants of the Lord God and Sons and Daughters and excommunicate and put out of their Synogogues these things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be offended Io. 16.2 they shall excomunicate you yea the time cometh that they that kill you shall think they doe God good service these things will they doe unto you because they neither knew the Father nor me These things have I told you before that when the time comes ye may remember that I told you of them Io. 16 4. so the sayings of Christ are fulfilled by you that excommunicate and put out of the Synagogues of the Jewes ye are like and these are their marks that they neither know the Father nor the Son of God These Temples Pulpits Priests that are set up since the daies of the Apostles are amongst the false prophets that Christ said should come Mat. 7. Mat. 24. and John saw was come 1 Io. 2.18.19 and 1 Jo. 4.1 2 3. which went forth from them which all the world went after Rev. 13.3 And these excomunications from you are that none should buy nor sell but such as worship the beast and receive his markes Rev. 13.14 And it was the Beast that would kill and destroy and the Dragon and the fall prophets them that kept the testimony of Jesus Rev. 12. here is the patience and faith of the Saints that by the blood of the Lamb that overcomes that have testimony of Jesus and kept the commands of God so the Jews excomunications which had the true Temple true Tithes and true Priests which had the figure the Type Christ being come the substance Heb. 10.34 the everlasting Priesthood Heb. 7. the everlasting Covenant and the one offering Heb. 10. so them that went from the priesthood went to Christ The Jewes did excommunicate them out of the Synagogues now they did not know the Son nor the Father that did excomunicate Jo. 16. though they had the figures and Types of the Son of God They held up their outward things and saw not the Son of God the substance when he was come so these knew not the Son of God nor the Father that excommunicated and put out of the Synagogues which Christ bad them that was to be put out of the Synagogues not be offended at those things he told them before they came to passe That when these things come to passe ye may remember that I told you Now those are they that Christ said should come and the Apostles saw was come that went forth from them which hath got up Tithes and Temples and Pulpits and priests and the Priests are excommunicating out of their synagogues and these must neither buy nor sell with them nor eat nor drink nor have nothing to do with them except they will worship the beast or his image and fall down to him and this is the worship of the Beast got up since the Apostles who apostatized from the true Church and went forth from them which all the world wondered after and worshipped and received his mark and his image They that buy and sell and will let others do so with them that are of them that make war against them that keep the testimony of Jesus and the commands of God and against the Saints and the Lamb but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory But the Lamb of God the seed of God is risen the beast and the false Prophet is taken which hath long deceived the Nations Revelations 2. The old Dragon the Serpent the murderer the deceiver the devourer the Mother of Harlots Babylon which hath made all Nations drunk with her fornications which hath corrupted the earth Rev. 14. which the beasts and the false Prophets that deceives the Nations and the Antichrist the false Prophets say they are come but now These are deceivers of the Nations that say they come but now for Christ said they should come and John said they were come before his decease whereby he said he knew it was the last time and in the Revelations he said all the world went after them and all Nations have drunk of the wine of her fornications and the Kings of the earth have committed fornications with her Rev. 17.2 mark the word have and the false Prophets say they come but now and now is the last time And these are
one another in this Church Papists and Protestants Lutherans and Calvinists so called how is it they are not of one body broken into so many heads now the baptisme of the spirit brings all into one body in which spirit is the fellowship and the unity which spirit is the bond of peace and Circumcision outwardly was a figure of Circumcision within and that it typed forth and baptisme without typed forth baptisme within and many may run into the outward water that doth decrease and doth not come to the body of Christ the light as you may read in the fifth of John for none are grafted into Christ the body but who comes to the light John bare witness of Pr. You say though Christ he in Heaven you on Earth and you are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone Answ And yet before you said your consciences accused you and your best works in this life were sinful imperfect and you could not keep the commands of God now this is confusion who are of the flesh and bone of Christ are with him and fits with him in Heavenly places for their conversation is in Heaven Pr. We are grafted into Christ by the Holy-Ghost now according to his humane nature on earth Answ Humane nature is from the ground this is old Adam but Christ who according to the flesh was of Abraham and of David the Scripture doth not tell us of humane nature for humane is from the ground but Christ is from above and though he were a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world yet his nature was not corrupted nor his flesh saw no corruption he that is made of the dust is humane he that is the Lord from heaven is not humane so you erre in your understandings that doth not distinguish Pr. Teaching the Gospel and Ecclesiastical discipline by which the heaven is opened to believers and shut against the unbelievers Ans Christ hath the key which opens to believers which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world that through it they might believe and they that do not believe in the light which Christ hath enlightned them withal heaven is shut to them light condemns them and they neglect the Gospel upon whom the wrath comes which Gospel is the power of God and as for the Ecclesiastical discipline it is got up since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostasie which shuts up the Kingdom of Heaven against men that which they should have believed in that is the light Christ hath enlightned them withall which is the key Pr. And such you say that be wicked men the Sacrament is to them forbidden and shut out of the Congregation Answ Do you not call baptisme Sacrament and hath he given them it and did not you say they are grafted into the Church by baptisme and cannot Judas take the sop but for the word Sacrament that you may look in the old Canon Book the Masse-Book and such as you like you give your Sacrament as covetous and proud and lovers of gold and surfetted with the cares of this life and drunk with it and such as are in superfluitie and yet such you will give it to and common outward drunkards you will keep it from now are not all those forbidden and out of the Church of God read and judge your selves and amend your lives and repent that you may come into the spirit that baptizeth into the body of Christ Pr. You say Christ hath redeemed you by his blood and renewed you by his spirit to his Image Ans And yet your works before were sinful and you brake the command of God now this shewes still that you have but the form and unrenewed in spirit unchanged unconverted and not in the Image of God and not in the thankfulness of God out of a pure heart Pr. To mortifie the old man is to be sorry for your sins Answ A man may be sorry for the sin he hath acted but that which puts off the body of sin is the spirit and purifies the heart is the faith and that that cleanseth from all sin is the blood of Jesus and that that blots out all sin and transgression is Christ the Covenant of God and Christ within manifest in the flesh condemns sin in the flesh so having him within the body is dead because of sin Pr. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image the likeness of any thing in Heaven above or in the earth beneath or worship them or bow down to them thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain c. and remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day for six dayes thou shalt labour and do all thou hast to do but on the Sabbath thou nor thy ox servant or stranger shall do no manner of work Answ Do you not make graven images and Pictures of things in Heaven and of things in the water and of things in the earth and so make similitudes and representations and adore them and set them up in your houses and is not this quite contrary to the commands of God and hath not the Papists been your examples for these things and not the Apostles and do ye not take the Lords name in vain dayly in your streets and markets in your buying and selling and take the Lords name in vain when you call upon him with your lips but your hearts be in your covetous practices and full of hatred envy pride voluptuousness ambition self-honour and deceit and this is taking the Lords Name in vain to call on God with your lips while your hearts be after this manner do your servants or strangers or cattel rest on the seventh day and do you not keep Markets and Fairs on that day the Lord gave to the children of Israel after the fall of Adam for a sign of the restoration of the Creation that neither man nor servant nor family nor ox nor Asse should work on that day but rest so it was a signe the Apostles saith the Sabbath day was a shadow of good things to come which was Christ the good thing who restores the Creation and giveth the liberty to Horse Asse Ox and all the Creation unto man and stranger and servant and Redeemes man up into the image of God and renewes it which hath been lost and so is restoring of the Creation and gives rest to his people and all the Creation and destroys the Devil death and all his works Christ who is the restorer gives rest to the Creation who was before dayes was by which all things was made Pr. You say Thou shalt not do no murther thou shalt not steal nor thou shalt not covet thy neighbours goods house or servant nor any thing that is his his wife or ox or Asse c. Ans Do you do no murther that was the Law without do you fulfill it in Christendom then you do not murther the just principle of God in your particulars do you not quench the spirit in
people and suffer it not to have liberty do you not do murther to the just of God in you in your own particulars and so then stop it in the general for opening its mouth with all your force and might and are you not murtherers there and do you not steal by Sea and Land and cozen and cheat and wrong one another nay do you not steal the words from your neighbour and the Prophets and the Apostles and Christ which you never came into the life of is not this called theft and robbery for you have not received it from the Lord God as Prophets as Apostles as his Son did and servants did so all your profession Church and Ministery stand in the robbery and have not received it as they did as the true Apostles and Prophets did and Ministers did ye all stand in the robbery and do not you covet your neighbours goods Oxen Cattel and servants and wife and one getting from another goods and getting servants one from another is not this out of the love in which the Commandment ends where there is serving one another in love and is not all covetous Idolaters out of the love shut in which the Commandment ends and hath not this been the practice in the whole Christendom coveting mens goods servants cattel and that which is not his is not that out of the Law and Gospel and out of a pure heart where the Commandment is done and known and that which it ends in is in Christ and love keepes the Commands of Christ they that love do not covet and they are not Idolaters Pr. We are not to make any images to be tollerated in the Churches and Chappels or figures of things made for it is not seemly for God will have his Church be taught by living Preaching Answ How is it that your Churches so called are so full of Pictures and images of Males and Females representing a figure of Adam and Eve the Apostles and Christ and your houses and signs of fish in the Sea and Lyons and others creatures upon the earth and of things as you imagine in heaven are not all these your inventions your works and inventions you have learned of the Papists and they from the heathen not from the Apostles and you have daubed your Churches and them flourished with your Pictures these things you call your Churches but the Church is in God which the gates of Hell cannot prevail against but a showre of rain or an earthquake or a great wind will prevail against your Church and the devil may come with his carnal weapons and throw it down but the Church of Christ the Pillar of truth is that the devil is out of Pr. You say a man may swear before a Magistrate and that this kind of swearing is ordained by Gods word therefore well used of the Saints and it is not lawful to swear by the Saints or other creatures Answ Here ye be out of the Doctrine of Christ who saith swear not at all and out of the Magistrates state the Apostle speaks of and out of Christs Doctrine and the Apostles and hath broken the commands of Christ and the Apostles Doctrine which saith swear not at all so you wrong Christ Jesus and the word of God you deny and though Abraham swear and Jacob and Joseph sware the Prophets and Moses swear David swore and the Angels swore and men in strife swear by the greater and the oath ended the strife and controversie amongst men yet Christ saith before Abraham was I am he reigns over the house of Joseph and Jacob he is the end of the Prophets he is the end of Moses he is the end of men of strife and brings peace on the earth the Angels must bow down to him that saith swear not at all who was before Abraham was and David called him Lord who was greater then Solomon and this is my beloved Son hear ye him now which of you hear him they said in the old time perform thy vows to the Lord this was the old time the day of Abraham David Prophets Moses Solomon but Christ who was before all time by whom all things was made the oath of God ends the time and saith swear not at all so doth his true Ministers and the Apostles above all things my brethren swear not at all neither by heaven nor by earth lest you fall into condemnation now here were true brethren that kept the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and his commands which swearers break which are got up since the dayes of the Apostles which are the false brethren Apostatized from the true so now the fruits of false and true brethren are seen who keep the commands of Christ and walk in the Doctrine of the Apostles and who doth not Pr. You say That in the fourth Commandment God doth command that the Ministers of the Gospel and the Schools of Learning should be maintained and that on the Sabbath frequent studiously Divine Assembles hear the word diligently using the Sacraments Ans Your Schools your Sacraments your Sabbath your Studies by men you have made these since the Apostles your Ministers at your Schools and not by the Lord but among your selves Apostatized from his spirit for the Apostles had not Shools and the Apostles said let no man judge you in meats or drinks new Moons and Sabbath dayes c. for the body is Christ and he brought them off of these services to Christ the substance the body who ended the Sabbath days and the offerings upon them who was before dayes who is the rest for his people and did not bring people into dayes but into Christ by whom all things was made who was Lord of the Sabbath and such meet on the first day of the week and are taught of God and out-strip all your Teachers made in Schools and learnings of men and so not of man nor by man but the outward Schools are of men and by men Pr. You say The fifth Commandment injoyns you to yield obedience to the faithful commandments of them that be over you and the Catechisme Ans The fifth Commandment brings that men should obey the command of God not of men nor the Catechisme nor such stuff as is in this Catechisme but who are come to Christ the end of the Commandments the end of the Law him by whom the world was made and was before it was made is enjoyed Pr. You say The meaning of the seventh Commandment Is that you should live temperate modest and chaste and holy in Wedlock Answ Is this so have you not broken Wedlok both with God and man and lost the chaste Virgin state and so gotten up into intemperate immodest unchastness into uncleanness and filthiness and so shew by your fruits that you neither come to keep this Commandment nor to Christ the end of it Pr. You say The eighth Commandment doth not only forbid robbery but covetousness after other mens goods evil witchcraft devices to
it any other except such as the Pope gave to his ministers having your degrees in your schools and attaining from one art and office to another till at last you professe to be attained to the ministry but this is not Gods way of Commissionating but antichrists way and the Lord God is risen who will confound it for the Lord hath not spoken to you neither hath he revealed his glory to you you have neither seen his shape nor heard his voice neither is the tidings you bring effectual to convert sinners for you are climed up another way and enters not in at the door and the Ape is truly your figure for your deformity appeares to the saints and all the children of light does see you and your originall which came up in the falling away of the true Churches when anti-christ took the Throne and the man of sin got up into the temple which for many generations amongst you hath shewn himselfe to be God and hath been worshipped as God Pr. The complices of Corah Dathan and Abiram who usurps the Priests office were destroyed a warning-peece for such as usurp the ministerial function uncalled and unordained let them take heed when they persume to vent their illiterat rude incoherence and blasphemous stuff Ans This belongs to your selves ye men of unholy lives who hath usurped to the ministry uncalled and unordained of the Lord by his spirit and you may take warning at Chorahs destruction whom the Lord shall as surely destroy with the fire of his jealousie for while the beast hath had power over nations and the whore made Nations drunk all this time hath your authority been exalted by which you have been set up and your ministers without the life that the true ministers were in and without that call and ordination which they had for you are of man and by man and your effects not the worke of the true ministrie of Christ but are left desolate and are desolate of the presence of God being your selves unlearned in the doctrine of Christ venting your imaginations out of the truth and out of the power of God and there stands your ministrie Pr. Vnsanctified ministers may possibly convert to God Ans No he that is unsanctified is out of the power of God and the word of God abides not in him and he runs and is not sent and it is not possible that such can convert sinners who are themselves unconverted from their iniquities Pr. That some learned Christians have been able to squees the greatest mysteries of our Religion out of the writings of some Heathens Ans This is the sum of your principles you 15. Priests and here is the sum of your ignorance and wretchednesse discovered and the vanity of your Religion whose foundation is the writings of heathens and the heathens that knew not God out of their writings is your religion made up as you confesse this is the whores Religion that sits upon the beast that the world hath long wondred after and not the true religion which the Apostles and true Churches were in and they are no Christians no Saints nor true Christians that goes to the writings of Heathens to squees out mysteries they that do so are the Christians in the Apostacie who are falne from the life of righteousnesse such as you and thousands are at this day being without the spirit and without Christ therefore you run to the Heathen for knowledge and shames true Christianity and true Christians in reputing the heathen wiser then your selves who are faine to run to their writings to make up your mysteries and such is your religion deceit and vanity and the mysterie thereof studyed for out of the heathens writings this is Christianity in the Apostacie and the Religion apostatized from the life of true Christianity for the true Christian Religion the foundation thereof is Christ who is the mysterie of God and of life and salvation and the mysteries of our true Christian Religion which we live in that are come out of the Apostacie are revealed to us by the spirit of the father that dwells in us is in all that are in the true Christian Religion who denies the Heathens and your Apostatized Christians and are come into the mysteries of eternall salvation which is not squeesed by imaginations of men but revealed by the spirit of God the great mysterie Christ in us and the mysterie of the Kingdome all this is made manifest to us and to true Christians whose Religion stands in the power of God and not in the tradition of men nor fetched from the Heathens writings and this Religion will stand for ever but your Religion and mynistries and Church will the Lord confound the author of whom is the heathens writings and how then shall it stand it is out of the bottomlesse pit and ariseth out of that your Religion and mysteries and thither shall it be turned into the pit that hath no bottome oh how have you blinde leaders led the blind that have been professing to teach Christ this many years and faith in him and have you taken so much money of the Nations and do you now tell us that the greatest mysteries of your Religion are squeesed out of the heathens writings oh ye unrighteous men blind leaders the Lord God Almighty is now risen and the Nations can no longer be satisfied with this Religion but the Lord is a gathering out of your mouths and you must howl and lament all the Idols dumb shepherds and they shall be confounded and the soules delivered of which they have made a prey for the soules of men have been the merchandize of Babylons merchants they have bought and sold the souls of men they have blinded the eye of it and troden it downe and the immortall soule hath not been respected otherwise then to make merchandize thereof to get gaine thereby there has been many traffickers since the daies of the Apostles that have made merchandizes of souls but the judgement of the great Whore is come and of Babylon the Mother of Harlots and the Lord God and the Lamb will plead against her and the jawes of the wicked shall be broken and their hearts shall utterly faile in the midst of them and the Lord will reveal his righteousness from heaven and by his judgements shall he be known in the earth a mighty God and a dreadfull and his dread and terror shall take hold upon your consciences come down and sit in the dust for the Lords controversie is against you he will bruise you with an Iron rod hee 'l break you as a potters vessel and his hand ye shall not escape for ye are but like Bryers and thorns in battel before him and like the stubble in which the fire is kindled and you will be as the dross in time of purging and at reprobate silver the Lord God hath said it W. S. His Book called A Parsons guide concerning of Tythes and the Law of Tythes
freedome thou speakest of one sitting and an other standing to serve at meat and put yonr selves among the Pharisees and doth not Christ serve the children at the table who is the Master but in the world there is the Lord-ship and exercising authority and doth not know their own brethren as Paul to Philmon but Masters and servants as the Scriptures declares is owned thou speaks of Cains and Abels offerings you who are the persecuters and slayers and prisoners of the just offerers up of the Earth and are the City got up since the true woman went into the wildernesse but the City of the living God is known againe and you are judged and your false Church Thou speakest of salutations and saluting enemies how do you salute those that you imprison till death for your Tithes what a salutation is that and cause them to be whipped and imprisoned for speaking to you this is like Judas salutation to Christ when he betrayed him and not the salutation of the saints Thou speaks of calling daies by other names then the first second c. yes you and your mother the Papists Church and the heathens contrary to the Jewes and true Apostles and true Christians call them Moonsday and Sunsday and Friday after the name of the great Idol in England and Wensday and Saturnsday and this is contrary to the scripture and the form of sound words and contrary to the Law of God which Judges the heathen and every day is the Lords and many names you give to your Moneths which the heathen is fain teach you thou speaks of Interpreting the word and giving sence and meanings and thus with your Interpretations and sences and meanings you have brought whole Christendom in heapes your f●uits declare it to be out of the Scriptures to be out of the Spirit that gave it forth so your own spirits give the meaning in which lodges the Envy and serve your own bellies but it is the spirit that leads into all truth and not you thou speakest of singular and plural as though thou neither knew Scripture nor accidence thou speakest of the Ministers going without gold and silver brasse or purse or scrip c. yet you will not go without augmentations tythes and gleab-lands amongst them you call brethren your baptized People and thou speakest of taking a purse and scrip and sword and selling his garment to buy one Christ did so to fulfill the Law and bids them put it up again and said it was enough who ends it so are out of the faith and patience of the Saints thou speakest of good men and calling them good yes I say such as be full of the Holy Ghost and of faith but wicked men wolves and beasts would have this title persecutors warriers and devourers in sheepes cloathing therefore is that angry which is exalted above all that is called God who sits in the Temple of God that man of sin in you all who cannot have that given to him which is given to God by them that is in the deserning Thou goest about to prove the word Land-Lord and would thrust that in the Scripture which the Scripture speaks no such word but the Law of righteousness which comes from God which is equall and just and the Prophets to do as you would be done by thou art speaking of the Angels that said nay they would tarry all night in the street and yet went in the Angels are servants and their time is not come and they may say nay and yet after see their time they must go in thou speakest of perfect and yet in your Doctrine say none shall be perfect while they are upon the earth and hath denyed the work of the Ministry so Profits People not at all and thou sayst who can understand the error of his wayes and that which thou dost thou allowest not and sin remains in a man then there the Devil hath a habitation and there is death but he that believes is passed from death and so from the sin and that which gives a man to understand his error turns him from his sin such as comes to know the annointing within them that teaches them that continues in the Son of God and in the Father these knowes all things but such as be in the transgression not denying themselves know not the error of their wayes as you may see your selves what you have run into whose fruits are come to Publike view Pr. Thou speaks of Christ speaking in the Synagogue and false Christs and false teachers in corners and chambers and Ministers must prove by Scripture for with that they convince the Jewes Ans Christ went into the Synagogues and the Apostles to shew the fulfilling and he who was come to fulfill that which they had in the Synagogues and the Apostles shewed them out of the Prophets and the Law that Jesus was the Christ and the Apostle was not a false Christ nor a false Teacher who Preached in his own hired house nor the Saints that met in several houses which were come off of the Jewes and Synagogue but they are the false Teachers and false Christs that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that is come into the world which Christ hath enlightned them withall and they are them that draw People into corners and Chambers and deserts and say lo Christ is here lo Christ is there that are gone and ravened from the light in their own selves that Christ hath enlightned them withall and such are the corrupt trees that cumbers the earth whose fruits hath sufficiently declared themselves who are to be thrown down into the fire who will be condemned with the light which they have ravened from in their own particulars and to you that is the word of the Lord in the day of thy visitation the witness in thy conscience shall answer it and as for all the rest of thy stuff to the Papists who would make People believe thou wast not found among them and their errors in this book first come out of the Papists work before thou find fault with them and cry against them art not thou one of them that kills and takes possession but the time is come you are all comprehended you and the Papists found in one bond one cord one City against the elect but he is over you all set and the Judgement of the great whore is come which is got up since the true women fled into the wilderness and the man-childe caught up to God but now is the man childe come again to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron and the Lamb the bride the Lambs wife is known and the mystery of iniquity is discovered and the mystery of godliness is revealed and the Saints shall have victory the beast and the false Prophet shall be taken and cast alive into the lake of fire and the old Dragon and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to them that dwell upon the earth to all Nations and
kindreds and tongues which is the power of God which brings People into unity with God and Scriptures and the mystery of God is revealed and the mystery of iniquity discovered and he that was dead is alive again and lives for ever more SEVERAL SCRIPTURES Corrupted by the TRANSLATORS Jude 14. BEhold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints in the Greek it is in ten thousands 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 1.3 Expresse image of his person gr Substance or Subsistence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 2.16 He took not on him the nature of Angels in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is by true interpretation he doth not take hold of Angels as for the word Nature which is in our English Copies there is nothing for it in the Greek Mat. 3.11 In Beza his Latine Testament and our English Copies it is rendred I indeed baptize you with water and from the word with water is the act of Sprinkling pleaded for in the Greek it is I dip plunge or baptize you in water in it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Col. 1.23 In the Latin and English Copies 't is thus which was preached to every creature which is under heaven in the Greek it is in every creature 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luke 16.15 In the Latin and English Copies it is that which is highly esteemed among men in the Greek it is in men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 15.31 In our English Copies it is I protest by your rejoycing c. Now I protest is added for there is nothing for it in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 2.6 We speak wisdome among them that are perfect in the Greek it is in them that are perfect 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8.29 In the English and Latin Copies it is that he might be the First-born among many Brethren in the Greek it is in many Brethren 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 28.19 In the English and Latin Copies it is baptizing them in the name in the Greek it is into the name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 6.7 In the English Copies it is for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking in the Greek it is in their much speaking 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Tim. 3.16 In our English and Latin Copies it is great is the mystery of Godliness God was manifest in flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles in the Greek it is preached in the Gentiles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 11.2 In the Latin and English Copies it is wot ye not what the Scripture saith of Elias but in the Greek it is in Elias 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 1.1 God c. spoke to the Fathers by the Prophets in the Greek it is God spoke to the Fathers in the Prophets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hath in the last daies spoken unto us by his Son in the Greek it is hath spoken unto us in his Son 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 15.6 That you may with one mind and one mouth glorifie God in the Greek it is in one mouth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 1.19 In the Greek Latin and English Copies it is speaking of the Gentiles that which is known of God is manifest in them or made known in them though some dare say and do say among them Amos 3.6 Shall there be evil in a City and the Lord hath not done it this is the English Translation in the Hebrew it is shall there be evil in 〈◊〉 ●●y and shall not the Lord do somewhat Heb. 5. last Strong meat belongeth to them that 〈◊〉 full of age in the Greek it is Strong meat belongeth to them that are perfect 〈…〉 Iohn 8.6 In our English Copies it is Jesus s●oo●ed down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not as for the words as though he heard them not they are added by the Translators for there is nothing in the Greek for them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iohn 1.14 The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us in the Greek it is in us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 By true interpretation it is the Word became flesh and pitcht his Tent in us Heb. 10.20 In the English Copies it is by a new and living way in the Greek it is of late slain and living way 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly signifies recens mactatus lately or of late slain saith Leigh and Pasor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 IF any one want Light let him look upon the Law and the testimony whether they speak after this meaning If he do not this he stumbles and suffers hunger and if he suffer hunger he is not patient but blasphemeth his King and his God then looketh he upward and downward to the earth and behold there is trouble and darkness vexation is round about him and the cloud of error and out of such adversity shall he not escape even like as in time past it hath been seen well this is the old Translation Isai 8. New Translation thus To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them and they shall passe through it hardly bestead and hungry and it shall come to passe that when they shall be hungry they shall fret themselves and curse their King and their God and look upward and they shall look unto the earth and behold trouble and darkness and dimness of anguish and they shall be driven to darkness Isai 8.20.21 22. Old Translation Prov. 23. when thou sittest at the Table with a Lord order thy self mannerly with the things set before thee measure thine Appetite and if thou wilt rule thy own self be not over greedy of his meat for meat beguiles and deceives New Translation thus When thou sittest to eat with a Ruler consider diligently what is before thee and put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to Appetite Be not desirous of his dainties for they are deceitful meat Prov. 23.1 2 3. Old Translation Amos 3. Cry they out Alarum with the Trumpet in the City and the people not affraid cometh there any plague in a City without it be the Lords doing New Translation thus shall a Trumpet be blown in the City and the People not be afraid shall there be evil in a City and the Lord hath not done it Hosea 5.6 In the first Chapter of the Heb. 3. in the new Translation it is said who being the brightness of his glory and the express Image of his Person But in the old Translation it Reads thus being the brightness of his glory and the very Image of his substance The 2 Cor. 2. Chapter the last verse in the English it is we do not corrupt the word but in the Latin it is we do not sell the word for money
light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus Pr. The Priests bear rule by their means this is the meanes of the false Prophets saith he If there be a burthen upon paying of Tythes lay it upon God and the Magistrates and not upon me the Pastor Answ Tythes to the similitude Melchisedeck Tythes to the Priest-hood made by the Law of God Christ is come the end of the similitude the end of the Priest-hood and disannuld the commandement that gave Tythes and all his Ministers Pastors and Teachers preached down Tythes and preached up the substance and preached down the Priests that took them and the Law that gave them and the authority and the Magistrates both that held them up And so you that have gotten Tythes since the dayes of the Apostles whose root and ground was by the Papists in the apostacy are such that burthens the Creation and a griefe to all true Christians that be in the life and the power and the spirit that the Apostles was in before the apostacy Now if thou wert a true Minister of Christ if the Magistrate would give thee tythes thou wouldst not take them which is got up since the Apostacy came in them that have got the sheeps cloathing but are ravened from the spirit of God And doth not thou think that the Priests that were obedient to the Faith if they would have turned again to the Jews Magistrates dost thou think they would not have given them tythes And dost thou think that any of them that was obedient to the Faith that they took Tythes after they were converted to Christ and his faith the substance And dost thou think that any that is out of the apostacy now will take Tythes of the Magistrates now if they would give them which were set up since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy I will warrant thee they will dye before they will lose their glory and their Crown And they that preach the Gospell shall live of the Gospell And the Prophets prophesie falsly and the Priest beares rule by his meanes What doth the Priest receive his gifts by the false Prophets means Doth not the people love to have it so And are not you all found fallen into this Ditch that are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God The false spirits gone into the earth for money and for tythes for lucre for means for gifts admiring mens persons because of advantage yet covering your selves with the sheeps cloathing crept up into a Masse-house and calls it a Church and tells people while they be upon the earth they must have corruptions and the body of sin and this is the work of your Ministry So among the Lyars Whoremongers Sorcerers Adulterers inwardly ravened from the spirit of God out of the Kingdome are ye found And as for all the rest of thy rabble and unsavoury expressions in thy Book they are not worth mentioning But in the day of thy judgement thou shalt feel thy owne words thy burthen in the tryall of the Fire thy works will burn Immanuel Bourne who calls himselfe Pastor of 〈◊〉 Church in Ashover in his Book called A Defence of the Scriptures and the holy Spirit speaking in them are these Principles following And Priest Gifford of Bedford his PRINCIPLE Pr. HE saith Christ himselfe sent his hearers to the Scriptures as the chiefe judge of Controversie and of Faith Answ Christ did not put the Scriptures above himselfe he said All judgement was committed to the Son and for judgement he was come into the world And the Pharisees that had the Scriptures they could not judge of Faith nor of controversie nor knew not Christ the Author of the Faith nor none can judge but who be in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures And the Scriptures was given forth from them that was in the faith of Truth but such as be not in the faith knows not the Scriptures neither is it able to make them wise unto salvation without the Faith For the Pharisees and chief Priests were not though they had Scripture and they judged and condemned the Author of Faith that had Scriptures without the life and so do all that are out of the life still that have the Scriptures judge the Author of the Faith Christ Jesus who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world And the holy spirit spake in them that gave forth the Scriptures and so they spoke it forth Now they that be from the spirit of God in their owne particulars speaking there knows not the spirit that spoke in them that spoke them forth but such are they that saith The spirit speakes in the Scriptures Such are the Ministers of the Letter and not of the Spirit that gave it forth And the spirit that gave forth the Scripture is that which judged of all conditions which gave them the spirituall understanding For people have not the spirituall understanding to judge and to discern if they have all the Scriptures unlesse they be in the spirit that gave it forth And so the Scripture it selfe without the spirit that gave it forth cannot be the Judge of Controversie nor of Faith but is a dead Letter in it selfe but the spirit is it that gave forth Scriptures Pr. He saith Christ within is inherent holinesse And George Fox professed equality with God page 20. Answ Christ within is beyond all mens righteousnesse or holinesse for he is the righteousnesse it selfe And the Assembly of Divines gave forth a Catechisme presented to the Parliament for people to learn wherein they say that the Holy Ghost is equall in power and glory with the Father Now every one that cometh to witnesse the Son of God and the holy Ghost that gave forth the Scriptures by your account they witnesse that which is equall in power and glory with God And doth not the Assembly give forth this in their Catechisme that people should learn And is it blasphemy for to come to witnesse this which you have given forth and the minde which was in Christ Yet neverthelesse Georges words was not spoken as yee preach them for his words were spoken beyond all creatures and out of all creatures and he did not say Geo Fox Pr. He saith no natural man that is darkness is bound to look to the light within him to direct him to salvation for it is in vain to look for light in darkness Page 22. Answ The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall the salvation to the ends of the earth which no man cometh out of darkness out of his natural state but who doth believe in the light which was Christs Doctrine believe in the light that ye may be the children of the light and he that believeth in it shall not abide in darkness And so they come to see the spending of the night and the light shining out of darkness giving them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God