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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12150 A Breefe collection concerning the love of God tovvards mankinde, & hovv for diuers causes vve are iustlie bounde to loue & serue him with preparation to prayer, and certaine necessarie prayers and thankesgeuing to God for his benefites, daylie to be vsed : also a deuote meditation to procure contrition, and excite deuotion with other vertuous prayers. 1603 (1603) STC 5554; ESTC S1869 22,473 91

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thee these few vvordes for the helpe of thy Soule whome God of his endles mercie gouerne to his good pleasure and thy saluation Amen Verie Deuout and Godlye Prayers on the Passion of Christ Gre. Mag. O Lord Iesus Christ I adore worship thee hanging on the Crosse bearing on thy head a Crown of Thorne I pray thee that thy holie Crosse and death be my defence and sheeld and I beseche thee deliuer me from the Angel smiting Amen Pater noster Aue Maria. O Lord Iesus Christ I adore and worship thee vvounded vpon the Crosse and there drinking Gaul and Eisel I require thee that thy vvoundes may euer be comfort to my Soule and remission of my sinnes Amen Pater noster Aue Maria. O Lord Iesus Christ I honour thee for those moste bitter paines vvhich on the Crosse thou didst suffer forme specially in that howre vvhen thy most holye Soule departed from thy blessed bodie I beseche thee haue mercie on my Soule vvhen it shal departe out of my bodye and bring it to euerlasting blisse and Ioye in Heauen Amen Pater Aue O Lord Iesus Christ I adore worship thee layde in the Sepulcher anoynted vvith Mirre and Inscence I beseche thee that thy deathe may be my lyfe and lighte Euerlasting Amen Pater Aue. O Lord Iesus Christ I adore worship thee descending into Hel and from thence deliuering those that vvere Captiue I beseche thee that thou suffer not me thither to descend Amen P. Aue. O Lord Iesus Christ I adore worship thee Rising from death Ascending into Heauen and sitting at the right hand of thy Father I beseche thee that thither I may folovv thee and that I may deserue to be presented before thee Amen P. A. O Lord Iesus Christ the good Shepheard cōserue and keepe the Iuste Iustifie the Sinner haue pitie vpon al faithful People be merciful to me a greeuous Sinner Amen Pater Aue. Credo I Beseche thee o Lord Iesus Christ that thy Deathe be my Lyfe and strength vvith the vvhich I may be Armed protected and directed Thy Woundes be vnto me continual foode vvherwith I may be refreshed and delighted The Shedding of thy moste precious blood be the washing away of all my sinns Thy passion and Resurrection be vnto me Eternal Life and Glory In these thinges be all my delihgt and desire my refection and reioycing my health and strength my Ioye and studdies and the whole desire of my hart minde and body now and euer Amen Reasons inducing vs to be gratful vnto God for his Benefites HOw much vve are bound continually to laude and praise God cheifly for his goodnes in him selfe and also to be thankful to him for his B. Benefites we may learne of the holy Prophet Dauid which in that respect said the praise of God vvas in his mouth For vve ought vvithout cessing as S. Bernard saith to geue thanks vnto him vvhich neuer ceasseth to bestow his benefites vpon vs. And how dangerous it is to be ingratful it apeareth vvel in one of the holy Fathers saying that there is nothing vvhich so much prouoketh the indignation of God against vs as ingratitude Therfore seing vve vvere created to serue God Let vs begin to learne here in Earth as S. Bernard coūsaileth vs praises vve shal yeld to him in heauen A Moste Godly and Deuoute prayse and Thankes-geuing to God for his blessed Benefites Spiritual and Corporal Of al true Christians daily to be vsed O Moste holy B. glorious and Indeuided Trinitie the Father the Sonne and Holye Gstost Three Persons and one Almightie God my Lord and God my maker and redeemer my norisher my defender my sweetnes my mercy my refuge my strength my victorye my Sauiour my Ioy and glory Eternal I Laude thee I glorifie thee I honor and worship thee O Blessed Trinitie for that thou art in thy selfe for thou art the highest God from whom floweth al goodnes Thou art gracious Eternity thou art eternall Felicitie thou art the depth of all Wisdome and Sapience Thou art only God and ther is none without thee I Laude and honor thee o B. Trinitie that mightilye haste made of nothing Heauen and Earth Sunne and Moone and al other creaturs and for that thou conseruest and gouernest al things in this Worlde All worship Laude glory and thanks be euer geuen to thee for al thy works and of al thy creaturs now and euer Amen Also I Laude thanke and praise thee for that it pleased thee to make the ix glorious Orders of Angels to laud honor thee eternally and some of them to asist vs faithfully in this exile and vale of misary with houable necessary councels and helpings and also to declare thine Ineffable goodnes And thou madest al these thinges for man But man thou madest with thy proper hands to thin owne glorious Image and liknes Thou formed in him Vnderstanding and adorned enabled him with free wil. I Laude and glorify thee for that great gifte in that thou set him in Paradise flowing with delights that he might haue high things in fruition inferior things in gouernment and to possest al things to thine honour and to worship Laude and praise thee euerlastingly Yet thou made not thes noble creaturs Angel and man for any necessity thou had to thē for truly al things were sufficient in thee to thine eternal glory But of the feruor of charity thou wast moued to create them that such noble creatures should be pertakers of thine inexpressable Ioye and glorye Thankes geuing to God for our Creation and other benefites spiritual and corporal ANd furthermore I Laude honour and worship thee O Lord for that it hath pleased thee among al thy B. workes to make me a reasonnable man For gracious Lord thou mightest if it had pleased thee haue made me a clod of earth a stone a mine of metal or any such dead creature Or else good Lord thou mightest haue made me an hearbe a plante or a tree bringing forth blossons and fruit which hath life vegetiue to fructify Or yet a more worthy creature then any of these as a beast bird or fishe hauing sence feeling and local mouing But thou o Lord hast made me none of al these creatures but to my vse health and helpe hast thou made them al to be my subiectes and I to be their Soueraigne And to me whom thou hast made a creature reasonable thou hast geuen power Wisdome Reason Vnderstāding and free will and hast formed me with al my right līms and featur of body and thou o Lord hast bestowed on me the perfection of al the forsaid creatures hauing geuen me being with stons and metales life with Trees and hearbes Sence feling moueing with beastes and Vnderstanding with Angels Hauing also indued me with many other good giftes spirituall and Corporall As the giftes of grace giftes of nature and the gifts of Fortune The giftes of Grace as Memory Vnderstanding and wil Minde Reason Imagination and
and mittigation of thy Iustice towardes vs nowe in the howre of our Death at our Iudgement perticuler genarall Grant this Lord Iesus Amen Deuoute Praiers Blessings to be vsed at the beginning of Praier for obtaining Grace assistance of the Holy Ghoste IN the name of God Amen In the name of the Father of the Sonne of the Holye Ghoste Amen By the signe of the holye Crosse and vertue of oure Lordes Passion from our enemies visible inuisible deliuer vs o Lorde our God The Grace of the Holy Ghost lighten our hartes and Sensces and be vvith vs. Amen Come Holy Ghoste fill the hartes or all faithful people kindle in them the fyre of thy deuine Loue. O God be our helper in vvhose Name by vvhose vvorde all things are done Who hath made heauen and earth O Lord in thy Name shal I lift vp my handes and harte that my Prayers may ascend be acceptale vnto thee as an Euening Sacrifice In thy Name o Lorde shal I receiue helthe helpe in thy Name by thy Power shal I be made safe And in thy Vertue thou shall Iudge me The triumphant Crosse victorious Passion of our Lord and the glorious Name IESVS honored in heauen and earth be our defence safety sheeld protection he blesse kepe vs novv euer Amen IESVS vvho is the vvisdome of the Father geue vs health of Body Soule Amen God Almighty blesse directe me be vvith me nowe euer in my beginning proceeding ending Amen GOd be in my head in my being God be in my mind vnderstanding God be in my eyes in my Seeing God be in my Eares in my hearing God be in my mouth in my speaking God be in my harte in my thinking God keepe me from al euel in my vvorking touching smelling al my other sences God be at my ending and my departing Blesse me o God the Father vvho hath made me and Created me Blesse me o God the Sonne vvho Suffered for me and Redeemed me Blesse me o God the Holye Ghoste who in Baptisme hath Sanctified me since hath called defended norished me O Holye Trinitie of thy Incomprehensible goodnes lighten my harte sences my minde vnderstanding my soule bodie vvith the light of thy grace be vvith me now euer Amē The Manner to offer your selfe Prayers to God first last O My moste swete Lord Iesus Christ in the Vnitie and Vnion of loue that thou did praise pray to thy Father take great paine laboure for vs sinners duringe thy life-time here on earth I offer vnto thee this Prayer and Prayse this Laude and labour and my selfe bodye soule vvith all the partes powers actions therof To doe all to the honoure glorie of thy holie name the weale of the true Catholike Church the furtherance and increase of Vertue helping of souls to euerlasting blisse O moste deare Lorde Iesus Christe In the Vnitie Vnion of Loue that moued thee to be Incarnate become Man and dye for vs sinners I offer vnto thee this prayse this praier this vvorke labour my selfe bodie and soule to doe thy vvil in all thinges now and alwayes Amen O Good Lord Iesus Christ I offer vn to thy Father for the Remission of my sinnes and all others the paines bitter Passion and Death that thou did suffer for me and all Mankinde Forget good Lord and cleerly remit the sinnes offences of vs our parents and be not reuēged on our demerits but spare forgeue vs thy people penitentes vvith thy Bloode precious from sinne from tormentes boughte Redeemed And euer let mercy temper thy vvrath against vs our follye As our hope is in thee our trust affiance Amē to this say vve with hart true cōsciēce Graunt these my praiers most B. Lord Iesus To vvhom be al praise glory now euer blessed Certaine necessarie praiers to be daily vsed morning euening with others And first A thankesgeuing to God at your vprisinge I Geue thee thankes laude and praise o most holie blessed Trinitie one omnipotent and eternal Maiestie who haste this night preserued defended visited me thy vnworthie seruant N. and hast caused me thus to come to the beginning of this daie and for all thy other benefites which of thy onlie goodnes thou haste bestowed on me O Father most merciful I besech thee of mercie and forgeuenes how soeuer I haue this night offended thy diuine Maieste and graunte me grace so to spend this day in thy holie seruice faith feare and loue that vvith all humilitie charitie diserction deuotion obedeence I may be able to doe all my deedes and seruices due as they may be best pleasinge and most acceptable vnto thee In all my thoughtes vvordes and workes and graunt me by thy grace alvvayes to liue according to thy holie vvill And all the dayes and time of my life I commend vnto thee my soule bodie my faith my life and my death to be preserued protected and directed by thee novve and for euer Amen An other thenkesgening to be vsed euery night with a Confession also of our sinnes OMnipotent Father most worthy of all adoration who bearest a louing and fatherly care tovvards vs thy vnvvorthy children I render vnto thee most harty thanks for keping preseruing me this day past and for other thy great giftes benefits spiritual corporal bestowed on me vnkind vvretch deseruing rather to haue bene sharply punished for my greeuous sinne and ingratitude and also for my deliuery from diuers sundry perils bodely ghostlye into the vvhich many haue fallen I Confesse vnto thee o most louing father with sorowful hart that this day I haue offended thy diuine Maiesty in wicked thoughtes wordes workes and especially in this maner place and time here let him examine his cōscience and be sorovvful for his sinnes committed o moste louing peetiful father I hūbly beseech thee by the immaculate life and painful Passion of thy deare Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ of mercie and forgeuenes hovvsoeuer I haue offended this day ether of frailtie ignorance or malice against thee my neighbore or my selfe Amen Blessed Father and God of al mercy I humblie beseech thee to geue me the grace of true contrition penance that I maye vvith a sorovvful hart bevvaile my sinnes committed and with firme purpose forsake and detest them from hence forvvard vvalke in newnes of life agreable to thy vvill my vocation Create in me o Lord a clane harte geue me chastitie of bodie soule Graunt that thy holy Angell maye keepe vs and this house in peace that so vve maye passe the night vvithout sinne to thine honoure oure saluation Amen I commend vnto thee O Lord my bodie soule friends enemies sicke vvhole all
The Fyre to keepe vs frō coulde the Ayre to mitigate his heate and preserue our health The Water to vvashe away our filthines The Earth vvith his variable Fruites to susteine vs vvith his beautiful Flowers to recreate vs Besids the great diuersity of Beastes Foules and Fishes for our norishment delight He hath geuen vnto vs our Wittes right Limmes vvith Beauty Strēgth comlye shape He hath kepte deliuered vs from many daungers both of fire vvater thunder tempest slanders shames many other euels vvith the vvhich for our sinns he might iustlye haue punished vs vvhē vve offended in deadly sinne haue cast vs headlong into hell yet of his tender loue hath forborne spared vs. O vvhat shall vve render againe vnto God for all his Benefits hovv infinitly are vvee bounde to loue serue him not only in respect of his goodnes in him selfe vvhich is the cheefest cause indede of his tender loue towards vs But also in respecte of the greate delight he taketh in our seruice yea muche more thē he doth in the seruice of his Angels the reason is this because man doth not only serue God of loue as the Angels doe but also vvith laboure paine vvhich they doe not For he laboreth more in seruing him one day then they haue donne since the beginning of the vvorld therfore doth God singulerly delighte in our praiers other good vvorkes shal geue vs if vve continew to the ende a double Crowne of glorye that is both in Bodye Soule And here vnderstand that for diuers causes we are iustly bound to serue him First for our Creatiō because vve are created only to that ende therfore all our members strengthe of bodye Soule are to be imploied exercysed in his holye Seruice Also vve are bounde to serue him in respect of his louing seruice done vnto vs vvho saith by his Prophet Esay Seruire me fecisti in peccatis tuis that is thou hast caused me to serue in thy sinns As vvhen he praied fasted preached vvhen he vvas vvhipped crowned vvith thorne vvhē he caried his Crosse theron suffered painfull death besides all this in token of his great loue he serueth vs still vvith his owne blessed Body blood in the holy Sacramente therfore euery vvay are vve bound most louinglye to serue him againe Also vve are bound to serue him in respect of our Obligatiō Vowe made in Baptisme hauing ther vovved promised so to doe al the time of our life Likevvise for his great Benefites as is before said bestovved vpon vs. And lastlye for that inestimable glory that he hath promised to al those that loue and truly serue him to the ende But because no Seruice can be acceptable vnto him which procedeth not from a cleane and pure harte It shal not be here amisse to declare brefely by vvhat meanes the same may be obtained gotten First he that vvould serue God truely in cleānes of harte Conscience muste daily behould and looke into his workes and diligentlye consider his whole state and conuersation see if there be any thing in the same reprehensible or contrary to the vvill of God because the knovvledge of our felfe is the beginning of our health Saluation Secondly vvhat-soeuer he findeth in him-selfe in vvhich he hath offended God he must hartely repent humbly aske mercy for the same firmely purposing therof to make a cleare and perfecte confession so soone as he maye Thirdly he must vvith careful study and deuoute prayer continually desire of God to kepe defend him frō sinne for as the holy Prophete saith Except God kepe the city he vvatcheth in vain that keepeth it Therfore euery man ought to serue God in greate humilitie with cōtinual watche warde ouer him selfe The difficulty of Perseuerance in vvell doing appeareth in the fall of Lucifer from heauē of Adam frō Paradice and Iudas frō the nomber of the xij Apostles vvhat cause haue vve therfore to pray as our Sauioure counseleth vs continually hauing experience of our owne vveaknes debility in resisting temptations In somuch that somtimes through one only vvorde vve are prouoked to anger and impacience Therfore it behoueth vs euer to stand in feare for offending God and to that ende saith the Scripture Blessed is the man that is euer fearfull And S. Bernard saith that feare and Religion are knit together that the one can not remaine vvithout the other God geue vs grace that vve may dailye studie to obtaine this most noble vertue that the blessinge vvhich Christe speaketh of in the Gospel may light on vs vvhere he saith Blessed be the cleane in hart for they shal see God To vvhom be all honoure for Euer-more Amen A Thankesgeuing to the B. Trinitie to be Daylie vsed AL Honoure thankes and praise be to thee o blessed Father of heauē which hast created made me Glory be to thee o B. Sonne of God vvhich with thy precious bloode hast redeemed me Glory be to thee o holy Ghoste vvhich hast Sanctified me Glory be to thee o holy B. and Indeuided Trinitie whose vvorkes are meruailous passe all vnderstanding I laude praise thee vvith hart and mouth and geue louing thanks vnto thee for all thy B. Benefits Spiritual and Corporal and singe vnto thee the Hime of glory Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus Thou only art God and besids thee there is none at all vvhich vvorkest greate meruailous and Inscrutable things wherof ar no end To thee belongeth al Laude and Iubilie To thee all Angells the Heauens vniuersall Powers doe sing Praises To thee o glorious Trinitie be geuen all honor of euery creature both in Heauen and Earthe novv and for euer more Amen Soli Deo honor gloria An Inuocation to be vsed before Praier for the attaining of Gods grace the asistāce directiō of the holye Ghost And also to obtaine therby Humillity Charity Puritie of Intētion Cleannes Peace of harte for protection defence against the assaultes tēptations firye dartes of the Deuil al inuisible visible enemies VVhat is to be cōsidred before Prayer the manner to behaue your selfe therin morning eueninge before the office of oure Ladye or other vsuall Praiers with certaine Benedictiōs which you maye vse all or parte at your Discretion VVhat is to be Premeditated before praier VVHen you intēd to offer the Sacrifice of Prayer Praises to almighty God prepare you to praier Recale your Senses gather to gether your vvittes vvith an humble attentiue deuoute mind lifte vp your harte to God Reuerently standing vpright vvith your handes ioyned before your breste lifted vpp Pause then a litle vvhile aduised lye consider vvith your selfe vvherefore you come vvheraboute you goe and vvhat busines you novv take in hande Also before vvhom you are present the Petitions you vvill aske and the Offerring you meane