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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72530 A plaine and profitable catechisme with certaine prayers adioyned, meete for parents and housholders to teach their children and seruants. Leech, James, fl. 1605.; More, John, d. 1592. 1605 (1605) STC 15363.3; ESTC S123497 32,265 88

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faith is like a liuing and fruitfull tree that euer bringeth forth good fruit to the glorie of God Q. What be the fruits of a true faith A. A continuall and true repentance and euery good grace of Gods spirit and all the good workes which he hath ordained for vs that we should walke in them Eph. 2.10 2. Pet. Eph. 415. Q. What meane you by repentance Gal. 6.15 2. Cor. 7.1 R●● 12.1 2 Eph. c. 1. Pet. 1.13 ●● 15.1 Pet. A. That change and renewing of the whole man that bringeth forth a new Christian and holy life and conuersation growing and increasing more and more Q. How many things be required in true repentance A. Two the mortifying and subduing of sinne and the liuing growing in the practise of true godlines and righteousnes 2. Cor. 7.1 both which doe proceede from the vertue of the death and resurrection of Iesus Christ ●om ●1 12 ●m 12.1.2 ●l ●1 Pet. 1.2 ● 23 Gal. 6. ● 15.16 into whome we are ingrafted by faith Q. Seeing then we be saued by Christs works without our deseruings whereto serue our wel-doings or what auaileth it to doe good works A. We must doe good workes not to deserue (a) Esay 46.6 ●b 35.7 ●al 17.2 ●ik 17.10 saluation by them but by our works to (b) ●at 5.16 ●or 6.20 ●t 2.12 ●ol 1.10 ●l 1.27 2. glorifie God in (c) Thes 2.12 ●h 4. 4.1 walking as becometh Gods children (d) Rom. 6.11 ●3 12.1.2 declaring thereby our thankfulnes to God for our redemption Secondly by our works to make our (e) ● Pet. 1.10 electiō more certaine to our selues Thirdly to (f) Pet. 3.1.2 ●m 14.29 win others to Christ by our holy life and conuersation Q. What works callest thou good works An. Our worke can neuer be acceptable and good in the sight of God vnles in doing of them wee keepe these two things first that a Eph. 2.10 Collos Esay 9.13 Mat. 15.9 Rom. 14.23 Heb. 11.6 1. Cor. 5.7 they be framed according to the will of Gods lawes and commandements and not after our owne deuises Secondly that they proceede from an heart purged by fairh if either of these points be lacking our works are abhominable in the sight of God although they appeare neuer so glorious in the eyes of men Q. What things ought euery one to beleeue which hath this true faith in Iesus Christ with out the which none can be saued 4. parte An. All those things which are contained in the articles of our christian faith Q Rehearse the articles of our christian faith A. I beleeue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth and in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucified dead and buried he decended into hell the third day he rose agane and ascended into heauen and there he sitteth at the right hand of God the father Almightie from thence he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes the resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting Amen Q. What things are contained in these articles of your christian faith An. First what we ought to beleeue concerning God Secondly what we ought to beleeue concerning Gods people called the Church Q. What ought we to beleeue concerning God A. First such things as concerne God in his nature and essence Secondly such things as concerne God in his actions Q. What ought we to beleeue concerning God in his nature or essence A. First that he is one infinite inuisible and eternall spirit of vnsearchable maiestie most holy mightie wise iust and mercifull a Secondly b that the selfe same God beeing one in essence hath made himselfe knowne vnto vs in three sundrie persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghost a Rom. 11.34.35 36. Rom 9.11.22 23. Deut. 6.4 Ies 43.11 44.8 46.5 46.5 Ies 57.15 66.1 2. Ioh. 4.24 Ioh. 1.18 1. Tim. 1.17 Rom. 9.33 Exod. 34.6 7. Psal 103.8 9 10 11. b Psal 33.6 Gen. 1.31 Ie● Col. 1.16 Matth. 3.16 17 28.19 Q. What ought we to beleeue concerning God in his actions A. First a Rom. 11.34.35 36. Rom 9.11.22 23. that he hath decreed and ordained all things in his eternall purpose and counsell before all worlds Secondly that by his Almightie power he hath made the heauens and the earth and all the creatures therein Thirdly c Mat. 10.39.30 Psal 115.3 135.6 Psal 145 17. that he doth rule gouern them and all their actions according to the good purpose of his owne will most holily righteously and wisely Q. Why is God called Almightie A. Because he is of all-sufficient power in himselfe to worke all things according to the good purpose of his owne will Ies 42.8 4● 13 44 24.2● 49.7 Mat. ● 29.30 so as nothing can be done in heauen earth or hell without his prouidence Act. 4.28 Q. Why doe you call God father A. First in respect of creation Secondly in respect of adoption Q. Why in respect of creation Rom. 11.38 Acts. 17.25.38 A. Because of him from him and by him all things haue their beeing beginning Q. Why in respect of adoption Eph. 1.5 Gal. 4.5.6 A. Because he hath adopted those whome he hath chosen to be his children in Iesus Christ Q. What comfort haue you in this that you call God father A. I learne thereby that he loueth me and hath a most tender care ouer me Psal 103.13 Rom. 5.5.8 Q. What comfort haue you in this that God whome you call father is Almightie A. I learne thereby that he can and will defend me from all euill so as nothing can hurt me and that he can and will giue me all things that be good for me in this life and in the life to come Q. Why so An. He can because he is almightie he will because he is my louing father Q. What dutie doe you learne here concerning your selfe An. That I should honor him as my heauenly father Malech 1.6 Q. How An. In louing him fearing him reuerencing him and obeying him the sixt commandement Qu. Wherin must we shew forth this An. In the care that I haue to keepe his commandements Q. Wherin standeth the keeping of the commandements An. In doeing those good things which the lord hath commanded and in leauing vndone those euill things which the lord hath forbidden Q. What beleeuest thou in the second part concerning god the sonne An. I beleeue that Iesus Christ one (a) Rom. 9.5 Iohn 1.1 Ioh. 14.10 God in subtance with the father the holy ghost b Rom. 1.3 Mat. 1.20.2 tooke flesh of the virgin Marie is become perfect man as I
● 8 Phil. 3.13.14 earnest desire and sure purpose wholly to conforme my selfe to the will of Gods word Thirdly if any offence be betwixt others and me that I i Mat. 5.23.24 reconcile my selfe vnto them all which things although they ought earnestly to be considered in the k Luk. 1.74.75 ● Peter 1.15 whole course of our life yet then especially when we come to receiue the supper of the Lord. ●6 part Q. Which is the third meanes that God hath appointed for the encrease and strengthening of our faith and all graces of God A. Prayer Q. What is prayer Psal 25.1 Psal 50.15 Psal 116.13 A. It is an holy lifting vp of the heart vnto God and a calling vpon his name Q. How many parts be there of prayer A. Two Petitions and Thanksgiuing 1. Tim. 2.1 Q. What meane you by Petitions A. Petitions are those praiers wherin we craue any thing at the hands of God Q. What meane you by Thanksgiuings A. Thanksgiuings are those praiers wherein we acknowledge the benefits which we haue receiued at the hands of God and giue him thankes for the same Q. Where are you taught ro pray A. In the sixth of Matthew Q. How A. In that forme of praier which our Lord Iesus Christ taught to his Disciples Q. Rehearse that forme of prayer A. Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen giue vs this day our daily bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill for thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer Amen Q. What doe you obserue in this forme of praier A. Two things the Preface and the prayer Q. Which is the preface A. Our father which art in heauen Q. What learne you out of this A. The necessarie circumstances of true prayer Q. What is to be obserued in true praier A. It is requisite that in true praier we obserue these fiue things first that we make our praiers a Psal 50.15 81.8 Rom. 10.13 Iam. 1.5 Marc. 4.10 onely to God through b Ioh. 14.13 15.16 16.23 Christ and not to Saints secondly that we be c 1. Ioh. 5.14 Ioh. 4.23 Psal 51.17 45.18 2. Cor. 4. ●0 Mat. 6 7. Rom. 8.26 inwardly touched with the neede of the thing that we aske hauing our mindes wholly bent thereupon and not carried away with by-thoughts thirdly that our praiers be grounded vpon d Iam. 1.6 Mar. 11.24 Luk. ●2 13 Ioh. 5.15 Gods promises with full assurance that they shall be graunted vnto vs so farre as the Lord shall see them meete and needefull for vs fourthly that we e Luk. c. Rom. 12.12.1 Thes 5.17 Eph. 9.18 Col. 4.2 Ma. c. continue in praier although we haue not our request at the first fiftly that we aske not those things which we f Iam. 4.3 Rom. 8.16 thinke good in our owne fantasies but as g 1. Ioh. 5.14 the Lord hath commaunded vs in his word Q. What doe you obserue in the praier it selfe A. Two things the Petitions and the thanksgiuing Q. How many sorts of petitions be there A. Two First those petitions wherein we craue such things as cōcerne the glorie of God Secondly those petitions wherein we craue such things as concerne our owne necessitie Q. How many things are we taught to craue for the glorie God An. Three First that his name may be hallowed Secondly that this kingdome may come Thirdly that his will may be done in earth as it is in heauen Q. How many things are we taught to craue for our owne necessities Ans Two First such thing as concerne our naturall life Secondly such things as concerne our spirituall life Q. What doe you craue for your naturall life An. Our daily bread Q. What for your spirituall life An. Forgiuenes of sinnes and spirituall strength against our spirituall enimies Q. What pray you for in the first petition Ans In this first petition I desire of my heauenly father that his name may bee hallowed First in his excellent works which is when we acknowledge a Psalm 113.2 ● 145.1 Rom. 11.36 16.27 his mercie wisdome iustice and prouidence that he alone worketh all things and that he b Iosua 1.24 ●4 52 ● Ioh. 5.21 Psal 8.10.11 onely be had in honor all other set aside Secondly that his name may be hallowed in our godly liuing and conuersation Q. What pray you for in the second petition An. In this second petition we pray ●hat God his kingdome c Esaz 52.5 ● Eze. 36.20 Rom. 2 24. may come ●hat is that he would declare himselfe ●o be king ouer his d Mat. 3.2 5.19 church in guiling and defending it in encreasing of ●he nūber of the faithfull in e Mat. 9.38 thrusting ●orth laborers into the haruest blessing their labours f 1. Ioh. 3.8 Rom. 16.20 suppressing the rage of the wicked Tirants Secondly that he would excercise his kingdome seuerally in euery one of vs g Rom. 6.9 1. Ioh. 5.8.9 killing sinne in vs and all worldly cares and stirring vs vp to holines righteousnes of life Q. What pray you for in the third petition An. In the third petition we desire that Gods will may be doone that is that we may h Luke 22.42 Titus 2.12 1. Pet. 4.2 1. Ioh. 2.1 willingly in all things resigne our selues to the will of Gods word without murmuring or grudging Q. What pray you for in the fourth petition An. In this fourth petition we pray that he would giue vnto vs i Gen. 3.19 Eph. 4.18 1. Thes 2.9.1 walking faithfully in our caling our dayly bread that is all k Psal 145 1● 145.27 10 26. Esay 3.1 Psal 78.18 1● 20.29 16. ● 10● 1 2 3. things needfull for our liuing in this present life Q. What pray you for in the fift p●tition An. In this fift petition we pray th● god would forgiue vs our sinnes that 〈◊〉 that he would not lay to our charg● our sinnes nor the punishment due unto them but that he woulde accep● the death and passion of Iesus Christ as the full satisfaction for all our sinnes and that we may hereof haue l Eph. 3.12 1. Ioh. 5.13.20 fu● assurance in our soules and conscience● that the punishment of our sinnes i● fully discharged in Christ and therfore that they be freely forgiuen vs as m Rom. 8.15 8.38.39 Mat. 6.45 6. ●4 5.1 Luke 6.36 Iam. 2.13 surely as we forgiue others and that we n Mat. 16.20 ● Tim. 4.17.18 Eph. 6.10.11 ● Cor. 10.13 ● Pet. 2.9 loue one another inwardly in heart as our selues all desire of reuenge set aside Q. What pray you for in the sixt petition An. In this
condemned wretches vnto euerlasting death and damnation in hell fire Q. May not men bee perfectly blessed by enioying the things of this life An. No Eccles 1.4 Luk. 9.24 2 Philip. 3.8 for all things vnder the sunne are but vanitie and vexation of spirit and what shall it profit a man if he winne the whole world and loose his soule Math. 16.26 Q. How may we then be perfectly blessed An. In the attaining of euerlasting life Mat. 19.29 2. Cor. 5.1 2 3 4. Q. What meane you by eternall life An. That life which all they whose names are written in heauen shall possesse with al fulnes of ioy vnspeakeable glorie in the kingdome of God for uer and euer Reuel 22.5 Mat. 25.34 Q. How may we attaine to that eternall life ●oh 17.3 Rom. 7.7.9 c. An. By the true knowledge of the onely true God and whome he hath sent Iesus Christ and also by the knowledge of our selues Q. Where is this knowledge to be learned An. In the written word of God which wee call the holy canonicall scriptures Ioh. 5.39 2. Tim. 3.16.17 Rom. 15.4 Q. What meane you by the canonicall scriptures Luc. 24.27 Ephes 2.20 An. All those things which are written in the bookes of the old and new testament 2. Pet. 1.19 3.2 Q. Why be they called canonicall An. First because they differ from other writings called Apocrypha Secondly because they are the rule of Gods will conteining all things which we ought to beleeue and doe for this word Canon signifieth a rule Gal. 6.16 Q. How must we vse the scriptures that we may learne to know God and our selues An. We must search them Iohn 5.39 Act. 17.11 Q. How must we search them An. By diligent and reuerent reading of them (a) 1. Tim. 4.13 by diligent and reuerent hearing of the word of God (b) Rom. 10.17 preached (c) Psal 1.2 By diligent and carefull meditation of that which we haue read and heard and by earnest and hartie praier that God would open our vnderstanding Ephes 1.17 Luc. 24.45 Iames. 1.5 Q. What must we knowe in our selues An. Who and what we are Q. Who and what are we An. The children of Adam Eue. Gen. 5.3 Rom. 5.14.18 Q. Who was that Adam and Eue An. The first man and woman that euer were vpon the earth the most excellent and principall creatures of god vpon the earth the father and mother of all mankind Gen. 1.27 Gen. 2.7 Gen. 2.21.23 Q. Wherein stood this excellencie of man and woman An. In that they consisting of sensible bodies although created of the dust of the earth (a) Gen. 2.7 they had also vnderstanding soules and were made according to the image b Gen. 1.27 Collos 3.10 Ephes 4.24 of God in perfect holines and righteousnes to serue God according to his will and were also placed at the first in paradice c Gen. 2.8.15 had dominion ouer all the creatures of the earth the fishes of the sea and the foules of the ayre Gen. 1.28 Q. Did man and woman continue in this happie place and excellent estate An. No they were quickly throwne out from thence for their sinne and transgression through the subtiltie and malice of Sathan Gen. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6.23.24 2. Cor. 11.3 rebelling against god their creator and so cursed and condemned to eternall death and damnation both of soule and bodie in which estate they had remained and all their posteritie for euer if God of his free mercie had not prouided a wonderfull way of deliuerance Gen. 3.15 Q. Art thou then such a one as Adam and Eue were An. Yea surely not only I Gen. 5.5 Rom. Rom. but also all the children of Adam Eue only Christ Iesus excepted that is to say all men weomen children which euer haue bin are or shall bee borne into the world since Adam the first man vnto the last are euen such as Adam and Eue were after they were cast out of paradice that is to say wretched sinners corrupted in nature cursed and condemned creatures before the iudgment seate of God except we can find that remedie which God of his free mercie hath prouided for vs. Q. What is that remedie or what haue wee to answer before the iudgment seat of God that we should not bee condemned for euer Ioh. 3.17.36 An. This is our only remedie and it is the full satisfaction of gods wrath our deliuerance from cōdemnation to beleeue that Iesus Christ the sonne of God hath vouchsafed to become man for vs and hath so pacified gods wrath due vnto vs 2. Cor. 5.21 Rom 4.25 Rom. 5.8 1. Cor. 15.21.22 by his death and blood-shedding vpon the Crosse and hath purchased for vs the fauour of God euerlasting life Q. What had become of thee if Christ had not thus died for thee An. I had bin condemned to eternall death and damnation both of soule and bodie in hell fire with the diuell and his angels for euer Iohn 3.36 Q. What shall become of thee now seeing Christ hath died for thee An. If I beleeue faithfully in Iesus Christ that he hath paid the full price of my redemption and is become my sauiour then am I iustified both in soule and bodie Ioh. 5.24 Ion. 17.2.24 Rom. 8.29.30 2. Cor. 3.18 and shall after this life ended bee glorified both in soule and bodie with euerlasting life in the kingdome of heauen to liue in euerlasting ioy and blessednes with Christ and his angels for euer Q. What doth God require at thy hands for these his great mercies toward thee An. That I should seeke to glorifie him Q. Wherein An. In soule and bodie 1. Cor. 6.20 Rom. 1.2 Titus 2.11 Q. How An. In seeking how to serue him in true holines and righteousnes all the daies of my life 1. Pet. Luc. 1.74.75 Q. What meane you by holines An. It conteineth all those duties which appertaine to the true worship of God Q. Where bee they taught you An. In the first table of the commandemens of almightie God Q. What meane you by righteousnes An. It containeth all those duties which the Lord would haue vs to performe toward our neighbours Q. Where be they taught you An. In the second table of the commandements of Almightie God Q. How many commandements be there An. Tenne Deut. 4.15 Q. How many bee of the first table An. Fowre Q. How many be of the second table An. Six Reherse the commandements God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God which hath brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage i. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me ii Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bowe downe to them