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A39353 Justifying faith: or, That faith by which the just do live briefly describ'd in a discourse on 1 Joh. 5.12. By the author of a late book, entitled Summum bonum, or, An explication of the divine goodness, &c. To this discourse is added, an abstract of some letters to an eminent learned person, concerning the excellency of the Book of common prayer, &c. Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. 1679 (1679) Wing E675C; ESTC R204257 23,218 50

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by Faith for so the Apostle phrases it in his Prayer for the Ephesians that they might syncerely Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ That Christ sayes he may Dwell in your Hearts by Faith But alas what Stirs and Petulant Controversies have there been and are still continued amongst those that joyntly Profess the Christian Religion concerning the Nature of Faith in Christ of the Faith of GODS ELECT A man can hardly say any thing by way of Description of it but presently up starts one or other with some Argument to Disprove what we say I shall do what I can in Declaring my Sense of it to speak Convincingly and Unexceptionably and therfore I shall pass by all such Descriptions of it as I have found to have been Controverted though I do heartily Approve many of them as Implying the same Truth which I shall endeavour to set forth in these words The Faith we speak of Faith by which the Just do Live Faith that Overcometh the World Faith that worketh by Love is Such an ASSENT to the Truths contained in the Holy Scriptures which includes in its Nature the Trusting in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth for Grace and for Glory through the Merits of the Past Sufferings and the Power and Virtue of the Present Intercession of Jesus Christ His Only Son Our Lord. By Grace I understand Principally All those Measures of Holiness of Purity of Heart of Participation of the Divine Nature which are Attainable here upon Earth and Secondarily whatsoever the Onely Wise God Judges to be the Means of Attaining thereunto By Glory I understand the Full Perfect Eternal Enjoyment of the Holy Blessed and Glorious TRINITY in the Kingdome of Heaven By Trusting in God for Grace and for Glory Through the Merits and Incession of Jesus Christ I understand a Syncere Absolute Expectation from God of whatsoever He Knowes to conduce to our Eternal Happiness that is a Perfect CONFORMITY to Our Blessed Redeemer both in Body and Soul Upon the bare Account of His Promise to Give us Freely whatsoever we shall Ask of Him in the Name of His SON that is to say in a Syncere Beliefe that the SON Being Over All GOD Blessed for Ever did in Time for Us Sinful Creatures to Reconcile Us to the Holy Creator of All Things Take upon Him the Nature of Man Was conceiv'd by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffer'd under Pontius Pilate was Crucifyed Dead and Buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead The Syncerity of this Belief consists in a True and Real Bent or Intention of the Heart to Live no longer unto our selves but unto him that Dyed for us and Rose again But here it may be say'd why do you not mention the Pardon of Our Sins must we not Trust in God for that also I Answer God's Pardoning of our Sins is implyed in the Giving us his Grace in making us Partakers of the Divine Nature in shedding abroad his Love in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost For they that are Partakers of the Divine Nature they that Love God Above All things from whence Necessarily flowes the Loving of Every Man as themselves They are in Christ and Christ in Them And you know the Apostle sayes There is no Condemnation to Them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. 1. From the Due Consideration of what has been say'd This most Important Truth shines forth most evidently That we cannot Do any thing Acceptable unto God but only in the Power of the Holy Blessed and Glorious TRINITY and hence it is that the Frequent Repetition of the Gloria Patri that most Excellent Doxologie Glory be to the Father c. And the like Frequent Mention of the Name and Merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord Hence it is I say that these Excellent Passages in Our Liturgie which some Naughty men have call'd Vain Repetitions cannot but be exceeding Pleasing and Satisfactory to All Truly Christian Devout Souls As for those who are still so Mad as to Dislike this Truly CATHOLICK Doxologie they are more Fit for our Pity than our Arguments And let that Pity ever Move us to Pray Our Almighty and most Merciful Father to Draw them out of those Waters of Strife those Loose Variable Turbulent Opinions and to Lead them by His Good Spirit in the Pleasant Wayes of Truth and Peace And now my Brethren Let us seriously Examine our own Hearts and See whether or no we are Spiritually Living or Dead Men. Does the main Stream of our affections Run out not upon the things that are on the Earth but the things that are Above where Jesus sitteth on the Right Hand of GOD Do we find any Rational Contentment and Satisfaction even in the Objects of our Sensible Sorrows in our Sicknesses and Reproaches in ●he Sicknesses and Reproaches of our nearest Friends and Relations or in any other kind of Affliction Certainly he that hath the SON he that Dwelleth ●n Love cannot but Know and Feel that the LORD Our GOD is as constantly GOOD in All that he Does as True in All that He Sayes that ●●her's nothing Absolutely and in its own Naure EVIL but only the Aversion of the WILL of the Creature from the Infinite Wise and Good Creator that All things work together for the Good of those that ●ove GOD and therefore he Rejoyceth in Tribulation and gives Thanks Always for all Things to God even the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ Do we indeed and in Truth Resolve through Christ enabling us to do Always to All men as we Would that in the like Case any one should Do unto Us If so then we begin to Live Then we begin to Satisfie our Immortal Soules which Finite Objects can never in any measure truly Satifie Then I say we begin to Satisfie our Thirsty Soules with the Participation of the Divine Nature with the Real Enjoyment of the Lord Our God who calls Himself the Fountain of Living Waters and He that drinketh of this Water shall never Thirst but it shall be in him a well of Water springing up into Everlasting Life Joh. 4. 14. Here it may be some Unsanctifyed man may say in his Heart but what if I find that I am in a State of Death what shall I doe I cannot give Life unto My self 'T is true Thou can'st not but CHRIST will give thee Life if Thou wilt not Reject it Awake thou that sleepest and Arise from the Dead and Christ shall give thee Light the Light of that Glorious Day that shall never End that Light in which thou shalt for Ever See and Enjoy Him in whose Presence there is Fullness of Joy and at whose Right Hand there are Pleasures for ever more But I am not
JUSTIFYING FAITH OR That Faith BY WHICH The JUST do LIVE Briefly describ'd In a DISCOURSE on 1 Joh. 5. 12. By the Author of a late Book Entitled Summum Bonum or An Explication of the Divine Goodness c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Basil in Psal 115. To this Discourse is added an Abstract of some Letters to an Eminent Learned Person concerning the Excellency of the Book of Common Prayer c. LONDON Printed for William Crook at the Sign of the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar 1679. ILLUSTRISSIMO Virtutum Omnium Exemplari Domino HENEAGIO FINCH BARONI DAVENTRIAE Summo ANGLIAE Cancellario AEQuum videtur ut Linguâ non Vulgari Te Alloquar Colendissime DOMINE Quem Genii Indolis adeo non Vulgaris esse Expertus sum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tuam Verè Coelestem Ego sane Naturam potius SERAPHICAM vocarem quàm HUMANITATEM Nimirùm hujusmodi in Me contulisti Beneficium ut Quale sit Solus DEUS Cognoverit nec quisquam poterit Mortalium Rem aliquam Tot tam Miris Involutam Circumstantiis Animquantumvis Perspicacissimo penit● Inspicere Hasce nostras Bonitatis Infinitae Explicationis Nostrae Vindi● as Liturgiae Anglicanae Laudes T● bi Dicatas velim namque Anim Tuo Gloriosissimum Bonitatis Infinitae seu Divinae Characterem Impressum V● disse gestio ac Tui sanè Me semper Oportebit in Precationibus Nostr● Quotidianis Meminisse utpote Q● sum ero Dum Spiritus hos r●get artus Amoris ac Reverentiae Vinculo Arctissimo Dominationi Tuae Obstrictus E. E. To the Learned and Pious READERS THE more just the Complaint is of the Excessive multitude of Books so much the greater cause there is for the Publication of such short Discourses as This by which I have contributed some assistance to Persons Virtuously dispos'd to observe that Excellent Precept 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Simplifica Teipsum viz. to draw off their Minds from the Distracting multiplicity of Imaginations concerning the Truth to the Life and Practice of the Truth it self which chiefly consists in the Efficacy of this Apprehension That the Divine Essence is Absolutely One And that Our Lord Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Ghost is the Onely True God He that believes This as he ought will certainly despise this present World an● love the Lord our God with all his Heart and with all his Soul and with all his Strength and with all his Mind and his Neighbour as Himself I doubt not but you will readily joyn with me in this Fervent Aspiration 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He that hath the Son hath Life he that hath not the Son of GOD hath not Life 1 Joh. 5 12. THese words are such a kind of Epitome of the Gospel as that is of the Law which is given us by our Saviour Luke 10. 27. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart c. For what is the Subject of the Gospel but the Good Will of God towards Men through His beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord that to Believe in Him is the Way the onely Way to Life and Salvation which is fully implyed in these words of the Apostle He that hath the Son hath Life c. Here let us consider first what Life is as we are to understand it in this place Secondly what it is to have the Son Life I shall define thus 'T is a Principle of Acting according to the Nature of Man By the Nature of Man I do not understand his Essential Form That without which he cannot be a Man but that Course Mode or Kind of Acting which he was Made or Constituted in Now you know Moses sayes that Man was Made after the Image of GOD and Solomon sayes that GOD made Man upright to wit He appointed him to Actuate his Intellectual Faculties Chiefly and Principally upon Himself the Fountain of all Goodness Infinite Beauty Infinite Love and his Senses with his Passions or Sensitive Affections upon Objects fully Agreeable and Satisfactory to their several Capacities In a word Nature is to abhorre that which is Evil and to cleave to that which is Good 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayes the Stoick 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Man may be said to be Alive or Dead either in respect of his Animal or Sensitive or of his Rational or Spiritual Faculties In respect of the former every Man lives till there be a Separation of the Soul and Body for all the Sensible Motions of any Mans Body in this present World that tend Directly to the Support or Conservation of the Sensitive Nature viz. to the keeping of the Soul and Body together are in some measure Pleasing or satisfactory But by reason of those manifold Pains and Diseases anguishes and dissatisfactions of our Senses External and Internal which in this present World we are subject unto the Church may well say as she doth In the midst of Life we are in Death Non est vivere sed valere Vita sayes the Epigrammatist The Rational or Spiritual Life He only Lives whose Heart is set upon God as the Principal Object of all his Love so that all his other Loves flow from and back again into the Love of God as Lesser Waters from and into the Ocean Even those who habitually love the Lord their God with all their Heart and with all their Soul when they exert any Act of the Will that is not Formally nor Virtually the Love of God they are Dead and they abide in Death 'till they are Renew'd by Repentance 'till the Course of their Souls be turn'd by an Act of Holy Love Thus a great Number of those that are truly Godly that live the Rational Divine Life by reason of their manifold Backslidings may say of themselves as St. Paul speaks in respect of his temporal Calamities that they are in Death oft 2 Corinth 11 23. The best Life Rational or Sensitive which most men Live as to this present World differs little or nothing more from Death than a Shadow from Darkness I conceive the Pen-men of the Holy Ghost have so often compar'd the Life of Man to a Shadow not only in respect of his Vanishing Perishable Condition but also of that Deficiency of Light or Life which All of us in this Mortal Body are Subject unto But that little Portion of Spiritual Life if I may so speak which He that hath the Son is Partaker of even here upon Earth is Infinitely more worth than the whole World and as for his Sensible Death or Dissatisfactions which he suffers at present they continually work together for his Good they are no other than the Instruments of the Holy Ghost working upon him to fit and prepare him for an Eternal Life of Soul and Body in Heaven This Notion of Life and Death which I have endeavour'd to Express unto you we may easily Demonstrate to be most suitable to the Sense and Import of several Texts of Scripture She