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A39212 The great day at the dore and he cometh with clouds that shall judge the quick and the dead, and reigne on the earth with all his saints, not for a thousand yeares in this corrupt and sinfull world, as some coruptly conceive and teach, nay, but for a thousand and a thousand and ten thousand times ten thousand thousands of yeares, even for ever and ever, eternally in the world to come ... proved clearly by the word of God ... Eachard, John, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing E49; ESTC R149 28,197 34

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them that are sleep as to receive a●y glory before them but the d●ad in Christ shall ri●e first and th●● they that are alive shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord c. as in ver. 17. he declareth And so they would understand him 1 Cor. 15. The first fruits is Christ then afterwards they that are Christs at his coming to intend a resurrection of those that are not Christs a thousand years after as Christ the first f●ui●s was a thousand years and more before whereas the words spoken there conc●rn● not them at all they are not fruits neither is death to be counted an enemy in respect of them but of those that are Christs unto whom death will then be swallowed up in victory although they shall then bee raised also as Christ saith The houre is coming wherein all that are in the grave● shall heare his voyce and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evill unto the resurrection of condemnation Iohn 5. The h●●re cometh saith he he saith not the day nor the thousand yeares but the houre for no doubt in the same houre that the Lords voyce goeth forth it shall be done The Trumpet shall sound the d●ad shall be raised and we shall be changed in ● moment But there is yet one thing more which hath been a long time held as an Article of faith that notonely at first drew them o● to the opinion but doth still hold them fast to it the thing is this That Christ at the end of the world after the generall resurrection and judgement shall ascend with all his Saints into heaven and there remain and dwell for ever and the creation of the Heavens and the Earth passe away and be no more as is commonly beleeved by the multitude and they judge to be true which if it be then of necessity the glorious Kingdome of Christ with his Saints so much spoken of in Scripture to he on earth and not yet fulfilled must be before the end of the world and then at the end thereof cease as they say The Scriptures they alledge for proofe are Iohn 14. 2 3. 2 Cor. 5. 1. 1 Pet. 3. 4 5 6. Heb. 6. 19 20. 1 Thess. 4. 17. This likewise I request ye to consider not so much the common opinion of the multitude or judgement of the Millinaries which proves nothing as the Scriptures they alledge for their opinions which ought duly to bee weighed And first the words of Christ In my Fathers House are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I goe to prepare a place for you and if I goe and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my selfe that where I am there ye may be also Christ doth not say nor mean here that he would goe and prepare his Fathers house or the many mansions that are therein for them as some think but a place as he saith which no doubt is that whereof God spake before unto David saying Also I will prepare a place for my people Israel and will plant them and they shall dwell in their place and shall be m●v●d no more c. 1 Chron. 17. 9. Where he promised likewise to establish the Kingdome and Throne of Christ for evermore vers. 11 12 13 14. Neither doth Christ say I will come again and receive you up into heaven to the Throne of God from whence I shall come but unto my selfe that where I am there ye may be also And Christ is then to be in his Kingdome which the Father hath appointed unto him in the world to come where all things shall be in subjection unto him when there shall be new heavens and a new earth as the Prophet Esay testifieth and Peter also and as Iohn foresaw with the new Ierusalem coming down from God out of Heaven even that heavenly Countrey and Citie having foundations which all the holy Fathers thers looked for And this is the place which Christ went to prepare for them and for all their children and wherein when he cometh and receiveth them unto himselfe they shall be with him and he will be with them and God himselfe also and will dwell with them and they shall be his people and he will be their God as he hath said Rev. 21. And concerning the words of Paul 2 Cor. 5. 1. For we know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an House not made with hands eternall in the Heavens Here the Apostle speaketh of our bodies which hee calleth 〈◊〉 earthly House of this Tabernacle and before chap. 4. our outward man if this be dissolved we have a building of God c. By which he declareth plainly that as wee beleeve the resurrection of our bodies at the last day so we are to know they shall not be then earthly naturall vile corrupt mortall weak dishonorable without glory as now they are but they both the dead that are risen and the living being changed shall be heavenly spirituall incorruptible immortall powerfull honorable glorious for so he had testified before 1 Cor. 15. And in another place again saying For our conversation is in heaven from whence we look for the Saviour the Lord Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body c. Phil. 3. 20 21. And that this building of God or House is not temporall or fading but eternall and not lying now in the grave nor being anywhere now in earth in respect of this glorious change of cloathing but in Heaven from whence it is to come as he saith v. 2. For in this we groan earnestly desiring to be cloathed upon with our House which is from Heaven c. And he calleth it a building of God an house not made with hands as having respect unto the day of the Lord that great day of the generall assembly of them all his first born so cloathed and adorned when they shall manifestly appeare to be that true and heavenly Tabernacle spoken of Heb. 8. 2. and 9. 11. that holy Citie the New Ierusalem which Iohn saw coming downe from God ou● of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband such a glorious change shal there be of the bodies of the Saints at the resurrection And as touching the words of Peter Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time this inheritance incorruptible c. is the same spoken of before reserved in heaven ready to be revealed from thence
in the last time as Peter saith 1 Pet. 1. 5. and that within the veil spoken of Heb. 6. 19. whereinto the forerunner Jesus Christ is for us entred And for the words of Paul 1 Thess. 4. 17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the aire and so shall we be ever with the Lord If the Apostle had said the Lord would come to meet us in the aire there might have been some reason for us to think as many neverthelesse doe that he meant to take us up into heaven from whence he came But his words being We shall be caught up to meet him doe plainly imply that he cometh unto us to the earth which is his inheritance and to some one place therein which no doubt will be as the Prophet sait● The mount of Olives from whence he did ascend neare unto Mount Sion where Davids Throne was and his is to be according as God said notwithstanding all his opposites yet have I set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion And because his elect wil be then at his coming as they are now dispersed over all the earth and he being one person who can be but in one place at once and coming from heaven he will send his Angles as he hath said who shall take them up out of all places to meet him in the aire and so they shall be ever with him in his Kingdome which at his appearing shall be manifested as it is written Neither is there a word in all the Sc●iptures that speaks of Christs ascending up with his Saints into the heavens where he now is after his coming and the resurrection of their bodies nor that promiseth the same for their habitation But that they shall inherit the earth and dwell therein for ever there are many words and promises in many places of Scripture where this is exprest as Psalm 25. 13. Psalm 37. Mat. 5. 5 Heb. 11. 8. Rom. 4. 13. and sundry other And whatsoever things are said to be prepared and reserved in heaven for the Saints or promised as rewards unto them as Christ saith Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evill against you falsly for my sake Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven c. Matth. 5. and other places All those great rewards and things that no eye hath seen will Christ bring with him as it is written Esay 40. 10. and 62. 11. Rev. 22. 12. And as concerning Gods creation of the Heavens and the Earth that God should destroy the same or turn all unto a Chaos again as some imagine the Scriptures no where speake to any such purpose but the clean contrary often That he hath established it and will so that it shall never be moved as 1 Chron. 16. 30. Psal. 78. 69. Psal. 93. 1. Psal. 104. 5. Psal. 144. 5 6. Esay 45. 17 18. Onely the corrupt and evill estate of all things with the curse which our sinnes have caused shall bee r●moved in which respect the whole creation is said to groan and the creature to be delivered from the bondage of corruption as Rom. 8. So the Heavens and Earth that now are shall passe away and no place any more be sound for them as it is written Esay 65 16 17. 2 Pet. 3. 10. Rev. 20. 11. and 21. 1. And all this shall be done in the very same day wherein Christ shall come as Peter saith and as Iohn also testifieth saying And I saw a great white Throne and him that sate on it from whose face the Earth and the Heavens fled away and there was found no place for them They are to flye away at his coming For corruption and evill may not abide where the Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be nor where his holy City shal appeare and therefore Iohn saith I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth and the former were passed away c. It were a very unreasonable thing unbeseeming us once to think that God should make this excellent frame and wonderfull worke of the world the Heavens Sunne Moon and Starres the Earth plants all other creatures to destroy the same This were to make God weak like unto man that builds and pulls down again because it is not to his minde Neither are we to conceive that God doth alter his purpose in any thing but what he first determined shall stand God created not the world for the time or state before the flood that old world which perished nor for this corrupt on● that now is as if it had been the utmost end he had respect unto therein Nay but we are to know it was for that which is to come where God onely shall be exalted in that day above all and his anoynted one Jesus Christ be under him King over all the earth and his redeemed an holy Nation and a Kingdome of Priests before him for ever world without end as it is written Esay 2. 11. 17. Psalm 2 6 7 8 9. Psalm 72. 8. Dan. 7. 14. Exod 19. 5 6. Ier. 31. 36 37. Ier. 33. 20 21 c. Esay 45. 17 18 19. 1 Pet. 2. 9. Rev. 5. 10. and sundry other places The Millinaries wi●l have marrying and giving in marriage infants of dayes waxing old and people to dye in their Christian Monarch But the Scriptures absolutely deny such things to be in that world where the Kingdome of Christ is to be with his Saints after the resurrection of their bodies when God shall have created new Heavens and a new Earth and Ierusalem a rejoycing c. as he saith There shall not be thence an infant of dayes nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes c. Esay 65. And Christ also more fully confirmeth it saying The children of this world marry and are given in marriage but they which shall be counted worthy of that world and of the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage neither can they dye any more c. Luke 20. 34 35 36. And the Apostle Paul saith to the faithful Behold I shew you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put o● immortallity c. 1 Cor. 15. 51 52 53. c. By all which testimonies it is plain that in the world to come after the resurrection of the Saints there shall be no more marrying nor any more children of dayes nor old men whose dayes are not filled nor any mortallity or dying All these things which were before in the former worlds shall now cease and be no more The childe of what dayes soever he was before few or many shall