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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29217 A form of sound words, or a brief family catechisme containing the cheif heads of Christian religion. (Fitted for the weakest capacities.) Together with some arguments against atheisme. By J.B. a minister of the Church of England Brandon, John, b. 1644 or 5. 1682 (1682) Wing B4249B; ESTC R213088 27,920 76

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he who loveth God should love his Brother also And for the other St. Paul tells Christians they must needs be subject not only for wrath but also for Conscience sake Rom. 13.5 St. Peter also joyns together Fear God and Honour the King 1 Pet. 2.17 that none may think he doth the one as he ought while he refuseth to do the other Q. Having told me from Scripture what God is tell me also who is God A. The Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 Go saith Christ to his Apostles Teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. How doth this prove Each of them to be true and very God A. It proves it unanswerably and plainly too For 1. We are obliged to worship and serve in a Religious Manner Him in whose Name we are Rightly Baptized And therefore St. Paul would not have it be thought that he Baptized any in his own Name 1 Cor. 1.15 2. Faith and Baptisme are Joyned together Ephes 4.5 But we are to believe in None but God therefore not to be Baptized in the Name of any but God 3. Baptisme truly so called is but one as 't is said in the same Text. But if either of those Persons were a meer Creature there would be two sorts of Baptism For 'T is confessed by all Christians that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is true and very God As Christ himself said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth Matth. 11.25 Now If the Son of the Father Christ himself or the Holy Ghost were but a Creature then the Baptizing in the Name of of those three would bring in apparently Two Baptismes vastly different also One in the Name of God the other in the Name of a meer Creature And if either of those Persons be but a Creature our Lord in commanding the Apostles to Baptize in the Name of his Father and of himself and of the Holy Ghost should command them to Baptise in the same manner and at the same time in the 〈…〉 the glorious God and a meer Creature and so should give the same glory to the one as to the other therein than which what can ever be imagined more wickedly absurd and unreasonable Q. What Scriptures are there that do prove particularly the Godhead of the Son A. Very many and amongst them these two Rom. 9.5 The Apostle speaking of Christ saith He is over all God blessed for ever Joh. 20.28 The Apostle saith unto him My Lord and my God Q. What places prove the Holy Ghost to be true and very God A. Amongst others these two especially 1 Cor. 2.10 The Spirit searcheth all things even the deep things of God Now 〈◊〉 deep things of God is a Word that extendeth to all things in God His Nature Attributes Purposes and Providences for there is no Exception or Limitation added so to seurch them is throughly to know and understand them As God's infallible knowledge of what is in Man is call'd in Scripture his searching the Heart Thus the Spirit the Holy Ghost so called searcheth all things yea the deep things of God which certainly no Creatures are able to do In respect of them that of Paul is ever true That God's Judgments are unsearchable and his ways past finding out Rom. 11.33 So in Isa 6.8 9. What the Lord God said to the Prophet the Apostle applies to the Holy Ghost saying Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the Prophet Acts 28.25 And that very expression is a clear proof for it was God that spake by the Prophets Jer. 1.9 I have put my words in thy mouth Therefore the Holy Ghost is God also of the same substance with the Father and the Son Q. Then there should seem to be three Gods and why can it be said there is but one God when each of these three Persons is God A. They are three Persons and yet but one God because one and the same Divine Nature is in each of them which appears by this that the sarne Divine Honour is to be given to each of them for we are to Baptize in the Name of each of them and we are unchangeably engaged to the Religious worship and service of him in whose Name we are to be Baptized and therefore St. Paul abhorred the thoughts of Baptizeing any in his own Name 1 Cor. 1.15 And as Scripture tells us which Reason it self may inform us of that there is One God or but one God as there is but one Mediator Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 So it assures us that each of these Persons is true and very God so that both are certainly true Q. But how can this be we cannot conceive so strange a thing A. 'T is true indeed this Doctrine of the Trinity is the Highest Mystery in holy Story And it were no Mystery at all if we were able to comprehend it and conceive the manner of it Yet we have Reason to believe what Scripture tells us tho' it be that which is above the reach of humane Reason As we may safely believe that the Dead shall be raised to Life because of Scripture Testimony Joh. 5.28 All that are in the Graves shall hear Christs Voice and come forth Though we cannot conceive the manner of the Refurrection nor answer all curious questions that may be made about it Q. What is the Rule and Pattern of Prayer A. The Lords Prayer After this manner Pray ye c. in Matth. 6.9 Q. Is it therefore only a Rule of Prayer A. No it is also a Prayer it self and to be used as such For our Saviour saith thus Luk. 11.2 when ye Pray say Our Father c. that is Say these words Q. Is it lawful to pray in a Form or to use the same Expressions in Prayer over and over A. Yes For the Lord's Prayer is such a Form and is to be used in those very expressions to the VVorld's End Say Our Father and so forth And Christ's Example is beyond exception herein He prayed the third time saying the same words Matth. 26.44 So Mark 14.39 And again He went away and prayed speaking the same words Surely he had the Spirit indeed and could as easily have prayed in other words if it had been better so to do Q. But what need we pray for God knows our wants without our Prayers and what he gives us he gives for his own goodness sake and not for our Prayer's sake A. Yes we must pray for all that because he hath commanded us to Pray Psal 50.15 Call upon me Isa 55.6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found He is a God that heareth Prayer Psal 65.2 Ask and ye shall have Matth. 7.7 that is in Gods due time And though he had promised Mercies to his People yet for those things he would be sought unto Ezek. 36 37. Q. How many Sacraments are mentioned for Christians to partake of A. Two only Baptisme
certainly just that it should be so whether we can see the Equity of it or not the Righteous God will act like himself and may as soon cease to be a God as lay any unjust punishment upon a Creature whether for ever or for one Hour Q. But what considerations may be urged for the cleering of it A. These following amongst many others 1. That the wicked shall dye a corporal Death no more after the Day of Judgment Those of them that were dead so many ages since shall then be raised to Life and so continue for ever and ever The Dead that is all the Dead shall be raised incorruptible in 1 Cor. 15.52 But the wicked shall not have an incorruptible state in Joy therefore certainly in punishment 2. The Desert of an Offence as to punishment is not to be measured by the shortness of the Time in which it was committed An offence against a King committed in a Minute may deserve perpetual Imprisonment and death 3. God that Sin offendeth is a God of Infinite and Eternal Majesty and Excellency 4. God is not bound to be reconciled to Offenders nor bound to pardon their offences at any time therefore he may justly punish them at all times or for ever Of this the Reader may see more in my Book entituled Everlasting Fire no Fancy Cap. 1. Sect. 3. pag. 19. Q. But will not the Terror of the Lord against the wicked in that Day strike Terror into the Hearts of the Righteous A. If it do it shall not be over-long nor shall be at all in any Miserable Sense or Manner For they shall see themselves safe in the Armes of his love before the dreadful Sentence shall be passed upon the wicked yea they shall meet Christ with peace when he is coming in the higher Regions St. Paul tells us in 1 Thes 4.17 that they shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the Air. O wondrous word indeed Thrice Happy are they that shall partake of that Relicity And when once they have That they shall soon have all the priviledges of Heaven and be for Ever with the Lord 1 Thes 4.17 For which inexplicable Blessedness the Father of Mercies fit us more and more for His Son Christ Jesus sake To whom be Glory for Evermore The Lord's Prayer OUr Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our Dayly Bread And forgive us our Debts as we forgive our Debtors And lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen The Creed I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord which was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was Crucified Dead and Buried he descended into Hell the third Day he arose again from the Dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from whence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints the Forgiveness of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting Amen The Ten Commandments Exodus XX. GOD spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage I. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thy self to them nor serve them For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy Daughter thy man-servant nor thy maid-servant nor thy cattle nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee VI. Thou shalt not Kill VII Thou shalt not commit Adultery VIII Thou shalt not Steal IX Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neigbbour X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours house thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours wife nor his man-servant nor his maid-servant his Ox nor his Ass nor anything that is thy Neighbours Proofs that there is a God AND now good Reader I am to make good my word in the beginning of this Writing and if Solomon himself would sometimes apply his Heart to know the wickedness of Folly Eccl. 7. sure it cannot be below me or my Betters to spend some thoughts about the madness of those miserable Fooles that say in their Hearts there is no God And I fear there are too many that are not much ashamed to say so with their Lips in effect and consequentially at least where they do not say so expresly and directly as if they had been instructed by the Malmesbury-Man or thought that his Leviathan had devoured Religion or overturned it by main Force The Folly of such I shall make manifest by proving these two particulars 1. That none can be sure that there is no God 2. That a Man of sober Reason may be sure that there is a God 1. That none can assure us that there is no God For whence should they be sure of such a thing Religion cannot be pretended to teach them so for all Religion is grounded upon the Notion of a God nor can they be assured of it by Reason For those that believed there is a God and forsake all Worldly Comforts in Hope of that happiness after death which none but a God can give as the Martyrs in all Ages yet had Reason as well as others and great Learning also and the subtilest Atheists as yet have not shewed half so much of any kind of Learning as many of those that are followers of Godliness I confess some few men of Ingenuity have been Atheistical a curious Wit was sometimes so and would delight himself in disputing against Religion so vain a thing is the the best thing without Grace But
and confirm our Resolutions of serving thee Help us by Faith to overcome the world to deny our selves and our own wills to follow thee Lord let thy Mercy Compass us about this day and preserve us from outward and Bodily Mischiefs for thou Lord only makest us to dwell in safety And especially be pleased to keep us from those things that may be hurtful to our Souls O let us not meet with Temptations to dishonour thee or else give us Grace and strength to Resist and overcome them And in the midst of all oppositions and Hindrances whatsoever Help us O God to look unto thee by Faith to wait upon thee by Prayer and to encourage our Selves in thy ways by the Hope of that Eternal Salvation which thou hast assured to them that truly obey thee Be gracious we beseech thee O Lord to this sinful Land and turn thy wrath away from us in the Causes of it Maintain thy true Religion among us and grant unto us and our posterity the blessed Liberty of looking into thy perfect Law for the Direction and comfort of our precious Souls Lord Bless in a special manner and with the choicest Blessings our Soveraign Lord the King and his Relations and Councils and grant That under Him we may lead quiet and peaceable Lives in all Godliness and Honesty Let his Reign be Prosperous and his Days many and make True Religion to flourish in his Time Bless our Relations Friends living in the World Lord give and continue to them what is needful for this Life and chiefly what is most needful for the Life to come And now also O our God we desire to Bless thy Holy Name for all thy Mercies to us sleeping and waking throughout all the parts and passages of our Lives that we have not this Night slept the sleep of Death but have awaked again because thou O Lord hast sustained us O help us still to live unto thee by whom we live And let our little time through thy Mercy and Grace prepare us for a Happy Eternity And all we beg in the Name and for the sake of the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord who hath taught us to pray saying Our Father c. An Evening Prayer for a Family MOst great and gracious Lord God who hast brought us by thy good Providence to the end of this Day thou art more than worthy of our evening Sacrifice of praises and Thanksgiving And though we are not worthy to lift up our Hands in thy Name yet O Father of Mercies accept our Prayers and Services which we offer up unto thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ O Lord we must needs Acknowledge we are by Nature Children of wrath we are sinful in our Natures and Sinful in our Lives transgressing thy Law dayly and do not know how often we have offended But all our offences are known unto thee who searchest the Hearts and art acquainted with all our ways We confess O God the least of them as committed against thy glorious Majesty makes us justly liable to thy Wrath and Displeasure for ever more O then into what a Depth of Destruction and Misery would all our sins together cast us if thou shouldst enter into Judgment with us and call us to strict Accounts for them even the sinning Angels could not stand in thy sight How then could we in such a Case But blessed be thy Name thou hast told us that thou art a Merciful God and that there is Forgiveness with thee O be gracious we beseech thee And let that Rich Mercy be shewed upon us O let the whole multitude of our Sins be blotted out in the greater multitude of thy tender Compassions Remember not any of our offences against us but pardon and Accept us O Heavenly Father for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ in whom thou art alwaies well pleased For his sake we pray thee be Reconciled to us and shew us thy Salvation And as we Beg of thee that sin may not ruine us hereafter so we beseech thee O God Let it not Reign in us here but do thou vouchsafe to Rule us by thy Word and Spirit and so put thy Fear in our Hearts that we may not grosly depart from thee O teach us to do the things that please thee For thou art our God and there is none that teacheth like thee In the light of thy Law O Lord let us see light and know in this our Day the things that most concern our Everlasting Peace Give us such a deep sense of our own sinfulness as may make us prize us prize thy Christ above all this world and enable us so to come unto Him as that we may find in him true Rest for our Soules Lord make us to see the vanity of the Earth the vileness of Sin the beauty of Holiness and the benefit of thy Service And let our Hearts be in love with those holy Commandments in keeping of which there is great Reward And enable us so to be Followers of Righteousness as that the Day of our Death may be unto our Souls a Day of Peace And with us O God we pray thee be merciful to all thy Afflicted people that call upon thee send them help in time of need And let them find thy peace in due season that truly seek thy Mercy and Grace Be gracious to the Land wherein we live Lord forgive the crying Sins of the Nation O Consult thy own Compassions and turn from us those heavy Judgements that we have deserved And when the Day of Evil comes upon us O Remember us in thy goodness Lord mercifully grant to us and our Posterity the purity of thine Ordinances the liberty of thy Word and Worship O let thy Testimonies be our Heritage for ever And never leave us in the Hands of those Men that would hide thy Commandments from us And let thy Mercy O God be magnified upon and continued towards thy Servant and our Soveraign that now is over us Let thy Wisdom be his Guide and thy providence his Guard agaist all his Enemies Help him to Rule for thee in Earth and fit him to Raign with thee in Heaven Bless we pray thee also our Friends and Relations wheresoever dispersed upon the face of the Earth Lord graunt them the protections of thy Providence and call not for them out of this Life till thy grace hath fitted them for a Better Let our Enemies also find thy Favour fit them for thy Mercy and shew thy Mercy upon them Bless O Lord we pray thee All that belong to our Family and make all of them that are capable of knowing thy Name to serve thee acceptably with Reverence and Godly Fear And now O thou powerful preserver of Men without whom nothing is able to keep us in safety we pray thee keep us safe from the power of Evil Men or Spirits from Fire Frights and all dreadful Dangers whatsoever And now also O God we desire to offer up our unfeigned Praise and Thanks for All the manifold Benefits that we have received at thy merciful Hand For Food and Raiment Rest and Peace and all those things that are needful for our Bodies But especially for all those advantages that are afforded us for our Soul 's good O help us so to improve them for all purposes of Holiness as that at the Day of Jesus Christ we may find Peace and not be ashamed before Him at his Coming And all we humbly beseech at thy Hands for the same Christ Jesus sake in whose blessed Name and Words we pray as he hath taught us saying Our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our Daily Bread And forgive us our Debts as we forgive our Debtors And lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen O Everlasting Lord most High Vouchsafe to hear for Jesus ' Merit And to my Soul do thou draw nigh By th'Influences of thy Spirit Thy Greatness cause me to Adore Who all my Breath hast in thy Hand And thine Assistance to implore That dost the Hosts of Heaven command And as the Hart that Hunted is Doth for the Streams of water Thirst So make me seek the path of Bliss And prize the Riches of thy Christ Oh fix my Thoughts on things Above And let my Soul more often Taste Even here on Earth by Faith and Love The Pleasures that for ever last FINIS