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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20191 A pastime for parents: or A recreation to passe away the time; contayning the most principall grounds of Christian religion. By Arthur Dent preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. 1606 (1606) STC 6622; ESTC S116342 31,603 114

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reason can you yeelde that Angels know not the essence of God Child This the essence of God is infinit therefore no Angell can know it or comprehend it For that which is finit cannot cōprehend that which is infinit but the Angels are finite therefore they cannot comprehend y e essence of God being infinit for the essence of God is verely knowen to himselfe he knoweth his owne essence and therefore hée is infinit For whatsoeuer knoweth comprehendeth that which is infinit must néeds it selfe be infinit Father Where be the holy and elect Angels of God Child Then bée both in heauen earth and the aire And wheresoeuer any people of God bée there be they also Father What is the speciall office of the good Angels Child To preserue the children of God to gard them to minister vnto them and to kéepe them in all their wayes Father What is the reason that the Angels are discribed with six wings a peece in the Scriptures Child They haue two winges to couer their face because they are not able to indure the brightnesse of Gods glory they haue two wings to couer their féet because man is not able to abide the brightnes y t is in them they haue two to fly withal to signifie their readines prompt obedience to all the commandements of God Father What vse are wee to make of all this that God is so infinite in himselfe and so glorious in all his creatures specially in the Angels Sunne Moone and Starres c. Child We are not onely to feare dread and reuerence so great a maiestie but also to loue him worshippe him and obey him with all our hearts with all our spirit and with all our strength and with all our thoughts Father Did not the blessed Angels fall from that excellent estate wherein they were first created Child Many of them fell from their first estate became diuels as appeareth in the Scriptures Father What was the cause or chiefe motiue of the fall Child They fell of themselues that is to say through their owne motion will disposition without any instigation of any other or any former motiue whatsoeuer which thing caused God to cast them downe without all hope of recouery but man falling by the first motiue and by instigation of others hath left vnto him an assured hope of recouery Father Is not the number of the Angels that fell from their first estate and became diuels very great Child Yes excéeding great for the diuell being demanded by our Lord Iesus what was his name answered My name is Legion for saith hée wée are many which plainely prooueth that there be many diuels Father What doe you call a Legion Child A Legion according to the account of the Romans was sixe thousand footmen Our Lord Iesus said to Peter Put vp thy sword for doest thou not thinke that I can now pray to my father and he will giue me more then twelue Legions of Angels So then it appeareth by the scriptures that there bée very many both good Angels and bad Father If there bee so many diuels why doth the Scripture speake of the diuell in the singular number as if there were but one Child There bée multitudes of infernall Spirits but yet they doe so ioyne together in one that they bée called the diuell in the singuler number because there is a kingdome of them and a vnited societie vnder one head prince or principall diuell and they doe all ioyne to vphold their societie and kingdome as Christ teacheth Father Did the diuels by their fall loose that great power and strength which they had by nature and creation Child No They doe still retaine their first power and strength as experiance teacheth and the Scriptures doe call as well the Diuels as the good angels principalities powers Father Haue the diuels by their fall lost that great wisedome and vnderstanding which they had in their first estate Child No But they haue corrupted and depraued it and turned it from wisedome into déepe craft and subtiltie the like may be sayd for their swiftnesse and agilitie Father Where are the diuels what place do they keepe in Child Their principall aboad is in the ayre through the which they glide too and fro with vnspeakable swiftnesse and therefore the Apostle calleth the diuell the Prince of the ayre and the diuels are said to be in y e high places Father The common opinion is that the diuels be shut vp in hell as it were in a dungeon of darknesse and that they neuer come out except they be forced and raised vp by coniurers Child That is an ignorant false and fantasticate opinion quite contrary to the Scriptures which teach that the diuels are in places héere below Father Is it not a true and warrantable speech to say that the diuels are in hell Child Yes If you take hell metaphorically for the torments they are in and not for any circumscript place for it may be very probably coniectured that the aboad of the diuels is in the ayre and not in any other circumscript place as yet but after the great iudgement they shall goe to their owne place euen that depth or gulfe mentioned Luke 8. vers 3. which they doe quake and tremble to thinke off as appeareth in the Gospell Father What is the estate and condition of diuels in the meane time Child In the meane time they are in chaines of darknesse as Saint Peter saith that is in a most miserable condition of life full of terrible horrour euen as grieuous malefactours hauing receiued the sentence of death are yet for a time retained in a stinking prison vntill they bée drawen out to their full and last execution for S. Iude saith expresly that they are reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day Father Hauing thus farre spoken of God and of the Angels and their fall Let vs now proceed to speake of man and first of all tell me In what estate man was first created Child In a most pure and excellent estate frée from sinne and corruption being made after the very image of God in respect of knowledge wisedome and righteousnesse hauing fréedome of will and Lordship ouer the earth Father How then fell he from this so glorious and perfect estate Child The woman being beguiled by the suggestion of Sathan in the likenesse of a serpent did entise Adam her husband to eate of the forbidden fruit in the middest of the garden and so presently both lost all their former excellency and also wrapped themselues and their whole posterity in perpetuall thraldome and misery and thus sinne first entred into the world and together with sin came death and the curse of God vpon all mankind Father Now since the fall of Adam wherein doth our misery especially consist Child In this that wée are wholly corrupted
Where the first person in trinitie is pointed vnto Then it is sayd this is my beloued sonne There the second person is at Thirdly it is sayd that the spirit of God descended and lighted vpon him like a done Which plainlie noteth out the third person which is the holy Ghost and thus you see how y e scriptures doe auouch a plaine distinction of persons as wee say a trinitie in vnitie a vnitie in trinitie Father Yet I cannot by any reason discerne but if euery person be God then there must needs be three Gods Child We must not in this case consult with reason but simply beléeue the Scriptures though wee cannot comprehend by humane reason the manner or rather mistery of this matter For it far excéedeth all humane reach and capacitie Father Is not one person in trinitie greater then an other as the Father greater then the Sonne and the Sonne greater then the holy Ghost Child No for the persons be coequall coeternall and coessentiall Father How vnderstand you that worde coessentiall which the learned call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Child The persons in trinitie are called coessentiall not because they are only of like essence as wée sée the particulars of the same kind to be in naturall things as in thrée apples growing together in one and such like but because they are indéede one and the selfe same simple essence Therefore the persons of the deitie cannot without blasphemie be said to be onely coherent together in substance or onely of like substance Father Is it not necessarie that Christians should be well grounded in the knowledge of this vnitie of the Godhead and the distinction of the persons Child Yes verely For many errours and heresies haue growen in the world about these points Father Doe you not beleeue that the euerlasting God hath made heauen and earth and the sea all things in them contained Child Yes they are all the works of his hands Father How did he make them Child By his word As it is written Through faith wée vnderstand that the world was ordained by the word of God Father Whereof did hee make the world and all things in it Child Of nothing As it is written The thinges which wée sée are not made of things which did appeare Father To what end did God create heauen and earth Child To set forth his glorie Father Hath not God as greate a care for the conseruation of the world and all particular creatures in it as euer he had to create them Child Gods care is no lesse for the conseruation of the creature then first it was for the creation For as in great wisedome he made them all So in as great wisedome hée doth preserue thē al He is not as a carpenter which hauing built a house afterward taketh no more care of it Father Do you not thinke that God also created the Angels Child Yes they also are the workes of his fingers Father When did he create them Child In the beginning when he made all other creatures Father In which of the sixe dayes were the Angels created Child That is a curious question and I can giue you no certaine answere vnto it but it is most likely and probable that it was in the sixt and last day when man was created after Gods owne image For the Angels carry the greatest Image of God in them Father What is an Angell Child An inuisible spirit Father Our Lord Iesus saith that God is a spirit What difference then make you betwixt God and an Angell Child The difference is excéeding great For God is an infinite spirit the Angels are but finite GOD is the creator the Angels be but creatures and although they bée very glorious creatures yet God doth infinitly excéede them in glory Father Do not the Angels of all other creatures come nearest vnto the nature of GOD and furthest excell the nature of man Child The angelicall nature doth exist as a meane betwixt God mā although far nearer the lower then the vpper extreame Participating somewhat of each nature hauing had a béeginning as man and yet being immortall with God consisting of matter and forme as doth a man yet voyde of all mixture as God Subsisting in some matter subiect as a man yet being incorporeall as God Ignorant of some things as a man yet of wonderfull capacitie and knowledge as God and in a word being euery way finit as a man yet perfect in all respects as God Father As you haue shewed me the proper attributes of God so also shew the proper attributes of the Angels that so wee may more clearely discerne their glorious nature Child The Angels haue essentiall attributes proportionable though not comparable to those in God For Gods absolute vbiquitie they haue successiue vbiquity for the eternity of God they haue immortalitie for his most simple nature they haue a most thin subtile essence for his omnipotency they haue great power and might Father How proue you that the Angels haue so great power and might Child Out of the Psalme Where it is said Praise the Lord ye his Angels which excell in strength And againe out of the Booke of the Kings Where wée read that one Angell in one night did destroy the whole army of Synacherib Kinge of Assiria being an hundred fourescore and fiue thousand Father What thinke you of the agilitie and swiftnesse of Angels Child I thinke by reason of their agile and thinne substance being far more subtile and thin then the ayre it selfe that they glide thorow the ayre with vnconcernable swiftnesse and can bée any where in a moment as God is alwayes euery where Father What is your reason Child My reason is this we sée by daily experience that the sun being a visible body doth fetch the whole compas of the heauens in foure twenty houres and it is well knowne to all y e learned that the circle or circumference of the sun doth by many degrées excéede the circle or globe of y e whole earth néeds therefore must the Sunne bée caried in an vnspeakeable swift motion farre passing the musket shotte for else how could it goe through his whole spheare in 24. houres as we sée it doth then consequently it followeth that the motion of Angels must néedes bée much swifter then that of the Sunne because they are of a more thin agile aiery and inuisible nature Father Can an Angell be in many places at once Child No but in a minute of time they can be any where as I said before Father What say you to the knowledge and vnderstanding of Angels Child I say that it is excéeding great in all things far passing all knowledge of men though neuer so learned skilful Father Doe the Angels know all things Child No they are ignorant of some things as of mēs particular thoughts of some things to come of the last day and of the essence of God Father What