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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16536 A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... / by M. Zacharie Boyd ... Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1639 (1639) STC 3446; ESTC S1824 26,583 130

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his person Q. Esteemest thou that the infinite merite of Christs death is from the dignitie of his person A. I understand so Of the dueties which man owe to GOD for his Redemption The twelfth Sunday Q. WHat owe we to God for so great a Salvation A. We owe to him service Q. How many parts are they of God's service A. Foure faith obedience prayer and thanks Q. What is faith A. It is an assured knowledge of Gods mercy in Christ particularly apprehended by these whom God hath elected to salvation Q. Is not Sathan said to beleeve A. He hath knowledge but not that assurance which is the life of faith Q. Thou understandest that Sathan knoweth that God is infinite in mercy but that he hath no assurance of any mercy for himselfe A. I understand so Q. Who worketh this true faith in our hearts A. The holy spirit Q. By what meanes worketh he the same A. By the preaching of the Word Q. Is our faith perfect A. As long as we are here we must pray God to increase our faith The thirteenth Sunday Q. BY what meanes is our faith strengthned A. By the continued hearing of the word by earnest prayer by receiving of the Sacraments and by a good life Q Wherefore are we said to be justified by faith A. Because by faith we apprehend Christ and all his merites whereby wee appeare just in Gods presence Q. Is not man justified by his good works A. Before men he may be but not before God Q. Wherefore not before God A. Because God hath denounced a curse against him that fulfilleth not perfectly the whole law Q. Can not a man perfectly fulfill the law of God A. No not Q. How provest thou that A. Because there is no man but he sinneth and sin is the transgression of the law Q. Thou beleevest that it is Christ onely who by his works and sufferings hath made full satisfaction for all the faithfull A. I beleeve so The fourteenth Sunday Q. MAY not a man bee saved without Faith A. There is no salvation without faith Q. Give a reason wherefore not A. Because without faith it is impossible to please God Q. Where is the summe of our faith to be found A. In the Creede Q. Into how many parts may the Creede be divided A. Into four parts Q. What doeth the first part containe A. Concerning God the Father and our Creation Q. What doeth the second part containe A. Concerning God the Son and our Redemption Q. What is in the third part A. Concerning the holy Ghost and our sanctification Q What doth the fourth and last part of our Creed containe A. Concerning Gods Church and his gifts bestowed upon her The fifeteenth Sunday Q. WHat have we in the Creed concerning God the Father A. Three things his name his attribute his work Q. What is his name A. He is called Father Q. Whose Father is he A. He is Christs and ours Q. How is he Christs Father A. By generation he hath begotten him from all eternitie Q. How is he our Father A. By adoption especially Q. What callest thou Adoption A. That is God of his free mercy and grace hath chosen us to be his heires in Christ. Q. What is the Fathers attribute A. Almighty Q. What understandest thou by the word Almightie A. That he hath all power to doe what he pleaseth in Heaven and in earth Q. What is his worke A. Hee hath created the Heavens and the earth that is by his infinite power hath made them all of nothing Q. What doth he now to these things which he hath created A. Hee still upholdeth and governeth them by his providence The sixteenth Sunday Q. WHat have wee in the Creede concerning God the Sonne A. Four chief things Q. What bee these A. His titles his incarnation his passion and his exaltation Q. What are his titles A. They are foure to wit Jesus Christ his Son our Lord. Q. What callest thou his incarnation A. He was incarnate when the word was made flesh Q. How many things hast thou to consider concerning his incarnation A. Three chiefly the personall union the sanctification of that masse whereof Christs body was made and the efficient cause that wrought that work Q. Wherein did that personall union consist A. In the joining of the divine and humane nature together in one person The seventeenth Sunday Q. HOw many natures are they in Christ Iesus A. Two the Divine and the humane nature Christ God and man Q. Is not Christ God and man two persons A. No not but the two natures are joined into one person Q. How was this great worke wrought A. By the unspeakable power of the holy Ghost Q. What sayest thou of Christs birth A. Hee was borne of the Virgine Mary Q. Wherefore behooved it him to be borne of a Virgine A. That hee might be conceived without sin and so might bee a perfect Saviour Q. Hast thou no other reason A. It was so foretold that the seede of the woman and not of the man should tread down the head of the Serpent The eighteene Sunday Q. I have heard of Christ's titles and of his incarnation now let me heare what befell unto him after his birth A. He was first humbled and thereafter exalted Q. How many parts are they of his humiliation A. Foure Q. What was the first A. He suffered many sorrowes Q. What was the second A. He died on the cursed tree of the crosse Q. What was the third A. He was buried Q. What was the fourth A. He descend unto hell Q. What sorrowes suffered he A. Hunger and thirst and wearynesse revilings scornings and fearfull persecution Q. Wherefore dyed he A. For our sins Q. Might not satisfaction be made without death A. No not Q. What is the reason A. Because the wages of sinne is death Q. What sort of death dyed he A. The cursed death of the Crosse. Q. Wherefore was the death of the Crosse more cursed then any other death Q. Because GOD had said cursed be that hangeth on a tree A. Wherefore was that hanging called cursed A. Not for the punishment it selfe but for sinne the cause of that punishment Q. For what other reasons was that death called cursed A. There be two other reasons Q. What is the first reason A. It was called cursed because of the excessive paine and shame that was in that death Q. What is the other reason A. Because by that death God in manner of a Prophesie did designe Christ who by dying on a tree should redeeme us from the curse of the law Q. What needed Christ to be buried A. For to assure the world of his death Q. What is that to say that he descended into hell A. That is he suffered in his soule unspeakeable torments for our sinnes Q. When chiefly suffered he these paines A. When he cryed My God my God why hast thou forsaken me The ninteene Sunday Q. FRom Christs humiliation let us come to his
exaltation How many degrees are they of his exaltation A. Three first his resurrection Secondly his ascension Thirdly his sitting at the right hand of God the Father Q. Wherefore did Christ rise againe from the dead A. For to show that he had overcome death Q. What other reason is there of his resurrection A. Hee being God and man in one person could not be holden of death Q. For what other cause arose He A. As He died for our sinnes so Hee arose for our righteousnesse Q. Wherefore was Christ said to arise for our righteousnesse A. Because by his resurrection he did evidently declare that he had by his death purchased righteousnesse to our Soules Q. What comfort hast thou of Christs resurrection A. That my dead body and all the dead bodies of the faithfull shall likewise arise at the last day Q. What ground hast thou of that comfort A. Because Christ who is risen is the head and wee who are the members must follow the head The twentie Sunday Q. WEE have heard of Christs resurrection the first degree of his exaltation what is the second A. His ascension into heaven Q. By what power was that done A. By the might and power of his Godhead Q. Is not his body on earth any more A. No not Q. But he hath said that he will be with his Church unto the end of the world A. That is to be understood of the presence of his Spirit Q. But how can his manhood be seperate from his Godhead A. They are no more seperate then the sun and his beames Q. Make that more cleare A. The body of the sun is only in the heavens but his beames do descend unto the Earth So Christ man is onely in the heavens but his Godhead filleth both heaven and Earth Q. What comfort hast thou of Christs ascension A. Hee is gone up for to prepare a roome for his Saints Q. How knowest thou that A. Hee hath said I goe to prepare a place for you and I will come againe and receive you unto my self that where I am there yee may bee also Iohn 14.3 The twentie one Sunday Q. WHAT is the third degree of his exaltation A. He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Q. Hath God a right hand or a left A. No not for GOD is a Spirit Q. What then is that to sit at Gods right hand A. It is a forme of speach borrowed from Princes whose custome is to place at their right hand these whom they honour above others Q. What then is the meaning of these words that Christ sitteth at the right hand of God A. That hee is in unspeakable dignitie and authoritie having absolute power over all the creatures Q. What is the Lord now doeing for us at the right hand of his Father A. Hee is interceeding for us that is making request and intreatie in our behalf The twentie two Sunday Q. WHat is the manner of CHRISTS intercession while he is now in the Heavens A. He ascended up into heaven to appeare in the sight of God for us Hebr. 9.24 Q. How is that done A. By presenting his person and his passion before the face of God Q. Hovv then doth hee request for us A. By willing and desiring that his Father would accept his merits in our behalfe Q. Shall the Lords body for ever remaine in the heavens A. No not at the last day he shall come downe to judge the quicke and the dead Q. Hovv shall the judge come dovvne A. He shall descend with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trumpet of God in unspeakable glory Q. What honour shall the godly have that day A. They shall all sit downe upon Thrones at Christs right hand Q. What shall they doe upon these Thrones A. They shall judge the world 1 Cor. 6.2 Q. But shall not Christ himselfe that day be the onely judge A. Hee shall bee so but his Saints shall sit as assessours for to approve his judgement Q. Where shall the wicked then be A. At Christs left hand Q. What understand yee by his left hand A. As to bee at his right hand is understood to bee in dignitie so to bee at his left is understood to be in shame and ignominie Q. What shall the judge say unto the godly at his right hand A. Come yee blessed of my Father and receive a kingdome Q. What shall he say to the wicked at his left hand A. Depart from me to hell fire with the Divel and his angels The twentie third Sunday Q. WEE have heard of the first two parts of the Creede to wit of the Father and of the Sonne what is contained in the third part A. That which concerneth the holy Ghost the third person of the Trinitie Q. Wherefore callest thou him holy A. Both for his nature and his office Q. Wherefore is he called holy for his nature A. Because hee is holy in himself yea holinesse it self Q. Wherefore is he called holy for his office A. Because by his operation he maketh all the faithfull holy Q. What be the chiefe fruits of the holy Ghost A. Faith love joy gentlenesse meeknesse temperance peace and patience c. The twentie foure Sunday Q. WHat is contained in the fourth part of the Creed A. That which concerneth the Church Q. What is the Churche A. A companie of these whom GOD by his Spirit hath sanctified Q. What are the qualities of the Church A. It is holy and catholicke Q. Wherefore callest thou it holy A. Because Gods children on earth are holy in part and in heaven are perfectly holy Q. Wherefore callest thou it Catholicke Q. Because it is universall and reacheth unto all nations to all times sexe and age Q. How many parts hath the Catholicke Church A. Two the Church triumphant in heaven and the Church militant on earth Q. Whom callest thou the Church triumphant A. These who in the spirituall warfare have overcome the Devill the World and the flesh Q. Whom callest thou the Church militant A. These who are yet on earth fighting against the enemies of their salvation The twentie five Sunday Q. WHat are the chief prerogatives of the kirk A. These four the communion of Saints the forgivenesse of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting Q. What is that communion of Saints A. It is that love and fellowship which the children of God have with Christ and among themselves Q. Who are these Saints A. The Faithfull on the earth and the Souls of the Faithfull now in heaven Q. Wherefore are they called Saints A. Because they have beene sanctified by the holy Spirit Q. What is the second benefite belonging to the Church A. The remission of sins Q. What call ye the remission of sins A. A free pardon and forgivenesse of all our faults Q. Who hath procured this A. Christ Jesus by his death upon the crosse The twentie sixth Sunday Q. WHat is the third benefite belonging