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earth_n father_n heaven_n holy_a 10,196 5 5.1385 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13397 A catechisme or institution of the christen religion. Newely set forthe by Richard Tauerner Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1539 (1539) STC 23709; ESTC S105103 28,747 144

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agayne vnto y e Lordes waye Nowe Chryste because he is not the ministre of synne dothe washe away our synnes and decke vs wyth hys ryghtwysnes to the intent we shulde not stayne thys hys grace wyth new fylthynes agayne but ones chosen to be gods sonnes shulde consecrate and direct al our lyfe from hensforth to the glory of our father Thys worke of repentaūce hāgeth on our newe byrth whych new byrth standeth vpon two partes the sleynge of our flesh I meane of thys corruption naturally spronge in vs and a spirituall quyckenynge wherby y e nature of mans is restored to her clennes wherfore vpō thys meditation we muste laboure employ our selues al oure lyue lōge that we ones deed to sinne and to our selues maye lyue to Christe to his ryghtuousnes And wheras this new byrth cā neuer be perfect so longe as we lyue in the pryson of thys mortall body it muste nedes be that this same mynd and study of repentaūce ought styl to continue in vs euen vnto death Howe ryghtwysnesse of good workes and of faythe maye stande togither GOod workes that come of suche a purenes of conscience doubtles be stronge and allowed before god For sythe god seeth his owne ryghtuousnesse in them he can not but allowe them yet must we take hede least we beare oure self so hault in the vayne affiaūce and trust of our good workes that we forget not how we be iustifyed by the fayth in Christ alonely For there is no righteousnes of workes afore God except it answereth to his rightousnes so y t who so goeth about to be iustifyed by his owne workes it is not ynoughe for hym to brynge out one good dede or two but he must shewe forth a perfecte obedience of the lawe whyche thyng is farre awey yea frome those that seme moost of all to haue profyted gone forwarde afore other in the Lordes law Besyde thys although y ● ryghtuousnes of god coulde be content and pleased with one good dede only and no mo yet shulde not god fynde so muche as one good dede in all hys sayntes y t worthely euē of the self workes deseruynge he myghte prayse and commende as rightwyse For this is y e very trouth seme it neuer so great a meruel that no worke we do is perfect on euery syde but is blemyshed w t some wart eyther in one parte or other Wherfore syth we be synners foyled with many remnauntes of vyces we muste nedes be iustified an other waye thā by our selfe Now certeinly we haue alwaye greate nede of Christe that by hys perfectnes oure vnperfectnesse maye be couered by hys purenes oure vnclennes maye be washed by his obediēce our iniquitie maie be blotted out fynally y t for his rightousnesse we maie befreely taken as rightuouse w tout any respect of our workes whyche in no wyse can be of suche valoure to stande in the iudgemēt of God Thys notwythstandynge so longe as these our spottes whyche other wayes myght blemyshe stayne oure workꝭ before God be thus hyd and kepte close the Lorde consydereth in them nothynge but hyghe purenesse and holynesse where vpon he vouchesaueth to gyue them hyghe tytles of prayses for he calleth and also estemeth them euen ryghtousnesses yea and promyseth vnto thē large rewardes So maye we then shortly conclude that oure felowshyp wyth Christe is of such strength force that for it we be not onely freely reputed ryghtuous but also our workes be reckened vs for iustice and ryghtuousnesse and be aboundantly recompensed wyth an euerlastyng rewarde The Symbole of fayth or Christen Crede WE tolde you heretofore what profyte we take by our fayth in Christ nowe shall ye heare what our faith ought to beholde in Christ what to conceyue of him to the stablyshment and confermynge of it Certaynely thys is declared in the Simbole or Christē Crede as howe Christe is made vnto vs by his father our wysdome raunsome lyfe ryghtwysnes and holynes Nowe it maketh no greate matter who was the maker of this Symboll or by what personꝭ this abrydgeniēt of faith was set forthe whiche in it hath no humane doctrine but is gathered of most certain recordes of scripture And because no man shulde muse why we knowledge our selues to beleue in the father the sonne the holy ghoste we woli some what speake hereof afore we entre into the Crede When we name the father the sonne and the holy holy ghost we make vs nat thre goddes but in most symple and pure vnite of God aswel the scripture as the very experiēce of godlynes shewe vs God the father hys sonne and the spirite so y t our vnderstanding cā not conceyue the father but it must also cōpryse aswell the sonne in whome shyneth y e fathers lyuely ymage the spirite in whom his power and might is opened In one God therfore let vs fyxe the hole thought of our mynd and yet in the mean season cōsider y ● father w t y e sōne and his holy gost I beleue in one God the father almyghty maker of heauen and earth By these wordꝭ we be taught to beleue not nakedly that there is a God but also to know that he is our God and to trust that we be of the nōber of those whom he promyseth to be their God whome also he taketh for his owne people Thys God is called almighty wherby is meaned that by his prouidence he disposeth al thinges and at his pleasure gouerneth through his power and myght ordereth them when we cal him maker of heauen and earthe we muste therwith vnderstande y t he cōtinually nourisheth susteyneth and quyckeneth whatsoeuer ones he made And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne our Lorde WHere aboue we sayd that Christ is he euerlastyng butte of our fayth thys is easy to se for as●●ch as all y e partes of our he● be here represented in hym 〈◊〉 call hym Iesus which 〈◊〉 was gyuen hym from heauen because he was sent to saue hys people frome theyr synnes And therfore the scripture sayth y t there is none other name gyuen vnto men wherby they myght be saued This additiō or surname christ betokeneth y t he was ānoynted and throughly endowed wyth all the graces of the holy ghost whiche in scripture be rehersed vnder the name of oyle because wythout thē through drought and barennesse we wyther and dekaye Throughe this annoin tynge of the father ●as he first made kyng subdu●●● vnto him selfe all power in heauen and in earth that in hym we mought also be kynges hauyng power ouer the deuyll synne deathe hell So thē was he cōsecrated prest that through his sacrifice he myght pacifye the father bryng vs in fauour agayn with hym to y e intēt that in him we also myght be preestes offryng vnto the father prayers thankes our selues and all ours by thys same Christe our mediatour and reconcyler Furthermore he is called y ● son of God