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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08472 A confession of the most auncient and true christe[n] catholike olde belefe accordyng to the ordre of the .xij. articles of our co[m]mon crede, set furthe in Englishe to the glory of almightye God, and to the confirmacion of Christes people in Christes catholike olde faith. By I.O. Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 18798; ESTC S113446 30,820 82

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it with the tradicions of men And albeit mennes spirites are not hable to accorde with some bokes textes of the scriptures the mater is not much to be passed vpō For we know that mennes iudgementes ought to be applied and obeye vnto the scriptures and not the scriptures vnto mēnes iudgementes And touching the interpretacion of the holy canonical scripture this haue I thought and after the examples of other christen ministers I haue taught and yet stil I thinke and confesse vnto the worlde that it ought 1. Pe. 1. not nor must be interpreted or expoūded after any mannes opinion or thought much lesse after euery mannes pleasure and phantasie but by it self and of it selfe aswell according to the propreties of the tongues wherin it was furst written and by diligent wayeng and consideracion of the sayenges that goo before and those that be ioyned together and folowe with all the circumstaunces as also according to the meanyng of other places that seme either more playne or like ther vnto or elles contrary by the lyne and rule of faithe and charitie And wher the fathers the doctours of the holy churche haue interpreted Doctours and expounded the scriptures after this maner and haue in no wise blenched nor swarued frō this lawe and rule now before mencioned them we doo with harte and good will acknowlage and take for faithfull and diligēt interpretours of the scripture and honourable instrumentes of the holy goost whose paynefull labours and industries our Lorde God hathe vsed in the churche to the glorie of his owne name and to the profite of his faithfull flocke And therfore we not only reuerence thē but also thīke not well of suche men as haue them in contempt But as for all other doctrines and tradicions of men how glorious how gaye how highe autoritie title or aūcientie so euer they be commended or bragged to be of if they be not founded groūded vpon some testimonies of the scriptutes and also if they pull vs from God from the scripture and from the true faithe or be hinderous vnto vs in the same I thinke them altogether vayne vnprofitable and of non effecte yea rather pernicious and noysom as Christ him self openly reporteth of them Matth. 15. Moreouer the only intent scope ende of the canonical scripture is this that al men of all naciones coūtreyes and places might be by it instructed taught cōcernyng the grace of God concerning the redempcion bounteous liberalitie and saluacion that is pleyntifully bestowed geuen in Iesus Christ vnto this most wretched most corrupte synfull worlde also cōcerning charitie and faithe namely that the people being now regenerate might be partakers of this saluaciō by true faithe the holy childrē of God the father and heires of al his heauēly substaunce And touching the faithe of Christ I and suche other poore slaundred Ministres haue nother taught nor doo beleue any other thing than that is deliuered vnto be from the holy apostles and that we haue receaued of our christian elders and faithfull forefathers And that same I for my parte sithence it pleased God to translate me from the Antichristian darkenesse of popery in to the kingdome of his sonne haue constauntly and faith fully kept hitherto pure in euery condicion And the same I purpose by the helpe of Christes gracious fauour to kepe still and confesse with the true catholike churche of Christ while the breathe is in my body that is euē thus I Beleue in God the father almigh tye maker of heauen and earthe And in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lorde Whiche was conceaued by the holy goost borne of the virgin Mary Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried Be descended in to hell The thrid daye he rose again from the dead Be ascended in to heauē sitteth on the right hāde of God the father almightie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holy goost The holy catholike churche the cōmunion of Sainctes The forgeuenesse of synnes The resurrection of the body And the life euerlasting Amen Now forasmuche as God hathe geuē me grace thākes be to his mercifull goodnesse therfore to pitch my staffe in the foūdacion of this most holy most asicient true catholike faith And to thinkēt you shal plaīly knowe how I vnderstāde the said articles of my Crede I do truly saye playnly confesse touching the furst article that ther The furst Article is but one only blessed eternal and almightie Lorde and God in the holy sacr●o inseperable and vnconfused Trinitie God the Father the Sonne and the holy Goost And what so euer is in the nature of thinges aswel visible as inuisible it is well and rightly created and made of God to the be hoote and profite of man and by him it is also preserued bestowed and administred And therfore God is the father of mankind not for his creating of mākynde only but also for his daily conseruacion eternal goodnesse mercie prouidence comforting and helping of mankynde Concerning the seconde Article I beleue confesse that God the father The. 2. Article became a father not only after he had made mākīde but that the same God was also a very father from euerlastīg so that he hathe also one onely eternal sone eternally begottē of God the father after a diuine vnspeakeable maner This sonne of God I beleue and cōfesse is of the fathers owne substaunce and of all one being of like equalitie and consubstaunciall with the father of all one substaunce I saye nature power and vertue and very natural Lorde and God aboue all in al and through al thinges Notwithstanding we confesse the sonne to be our Lorde most chiefly for that he hathe deliuered and made vs free from the lordeship power and tyrannye of the deuil and hauing payde our raunsom with his owne precious blood which he sheadde for vs he hathe made vs his owne peculiar people wherof I shall speake afterwarde at more large Touching the thirde Article I beleue and confesse that the same sonne The. 3. Article of God which eternally hathe ben and is with the father hathe also in this worlde taken vpon him the very nature of man of the fleshe and blood of the blessed virgin Mary which was Abrahams daughter and borne of the stocke of Dauid according to the promise of God declared by his ministers and seruauntes the Patriarkes and prophetes and being borne of her she remayning and contynuing stil a chaste and a pure maide very God and very man in one inseperable persone without confusion of the natures of his godhead and manhead together he became like vnto men his brethrē touching his reasonable and immortal soule and his mortal body in al thinges sinne only except And after this maner I confesse that he was conceaued very natural man in the wombe of that chaste and most pure virgin and of her blessed
and acceptable vnto God for his workes sake For it is the only deathe of Christ and free grace and pardon of God that maketh a man acceptable vnto God and fitte vnto all good workes yea to speake truly and plainly All the good workes that true faithfull people doo are nothing elles but a certain free working that the grace of God enforceth procureth Wherfore all that is spoken in the scriptures concerning the merite and rewarde that the faithful shall haue ought rightly to be iudged and taken for the grace and free gifte of God By reasō wherof S Austi also taught that all the good workes that the faythfull do are the grace of God the God dothe crowne reward his owne merites in the faithfull which he of his bounteous liberalitie reputeth as though they were our merites or as though we of our selues deserued thē Touching theight Article I beleue confesse that the holy goost the thrid The. 8 Article persone in Trinitie is the very true eternal God with the father the sonne that our Lorde Iesus now reigneth administreth al thinges in his churche by the holy goost as he him self said I wil pray the father he shal geue you an other comfortour to abyde with you for euer euen the spirite of truth which the worlde can not receaue because he seeth hī not nor knoweth him But you knowe him for he abideth with you shal be in you Be shal teache you al thīges put you in remēbraunce of al thinges what so euer I haue spoken vnto you And againe he saieth I tel you truthe it is expedient for you that I go away For yf I go not away that comfortour shall not come vnto you But yf I goo away I shall sende him vnto you And whā he cometh he shal reproue that world of sinne of righteousnes of iudgemēt Therfore all those that be true preachers ministers haue plaīly instructed taught their parisheners people as I according to my poore talent haue done the our Lorde Iesus Christ is not nowe corporally with his churche here vpon earthe but that he worketh reigneth in his faithful flocke by the holy goost ꝓceding frō the father and him and by the same spirite doth comforte and sanctifie the faithfull Al the ioye all the vertue all the sanctificacion that is in the faithfull is of the spirite of God And without this spirite of God ther is nothing either holy or perfite Ther is no mā in al the wyde worlde that hathe faithe of him selfe but aswell faithe as al other good giftes are of the spirite of God as the holy apostle S. Paule dothe manyfoldly and in many places of his epistles teache and make mencion but specially Ephe. 4. and. 1. Cor. 12. The. 9. Article Concerning the nynthe Article I beleue cōfesse that all they which truly beleue in Christ throughout all the hole what the true catholike churche of Christis vniuersal worlde are one body one church of Christ whō he sanctifieth by his holy spirite in his own blood And all they are with one only bōde knot of faithe through loue vnited knit to Christ one to another among them selues lyke membres all of one body and principally they are made partakers of the free grace gyftes of their heade and saueour Iesus Christ This churche is holy this churche is begotten and borne of the worde of God recorded in the holy scriptures this churche dothe frame and ordre al thynges accordyng to the worde of God this churche lyueth in christen sobrenesse and honest discipline this churche alwayes whan it maye and hauing no necessary lette is partaker of Christes most holy sacramentes which be two in nombre Baptisme the Lordes Supper From this churche the holy scriptures and syncere teachers therof do exclude and barre out nother the vse of mariage from any state or profession of men or women nor the possession and ꝓpretie of worldly substaunce nether honest occupacions or worldly trauailes ne yet the ordres degrees of rulers and magistrates nother higher powers nor nobilitie ne yomārie nether bonde nor free maister nor seruaunt nor any suche estates of mē This churche albeit not many wyse after that fleshe not many great estates nor many noble are chosen membres of the same yet for asmuche as euery long and nacion vnder heauen bothe Psal 113. of the Iewes and of the gentiles and some of euery state prayse the name of the Lorde from the rysyng of the Sunne to the Sunne settyng and seyng the voice of this churche is heard throughout all the coastes of the hole worlde and as the prophete sayeth hathe spread her braunches vnto the Psal 80. sea and her boughes vnto the ryuers therfore according to this article it is ryghtly called the catholike or vniuersal churche And bicause it is begotten borne 1. Pe. 1. of the immortall sede the worde of God mencioned in the scriptures heareth the voice of her head and shepeherde Iesus Christ sleeth from the voice of Ioh. 10. all straunge doctrines and spirites that be without or cōtrary to that worde and dothe all thynges lyke an obedient wyfe as her husbande Christ biddeth Ephe. 5. her in his written worde therfore is it also iustlye called the holye churche But forasmuche as the supremacie iurisdicion power antoritie lawes The popishe churche doctrine of the bishop and churche of Rome be not groūded vpon Goddes worde which the Lordes shepe that is to saye his church and flocke heareth nor hath bē nether euer shal be heard receaued obeyed in al tongues nacions of true christen people but of a certain folkes in a fewe realmes dominions people whose eyes sathan the God of this worlde hath blinded and bewitched their myndes among whom Christ neuerthelesse scattereth his sely shepe and defendeth them vnder the shadowe of his gracious wynges euen as the hēne dothe her yong chickens therfore it foloweth manyfestlye that the bishop and churche of Rome with all his sacrificeing chaplayns other mēbres cōplices whosoeuer depending vpō or cleaning to the supremacie new straūge lawes constituciōs decrees tradiciōs customes of the bishop church of Ro. may not be iustly called the catholike or vniuersal churche of Christ And forasmuche also as the supremacie lawes customes canones decrees doctrines of the bishop churche of Rome for the most parte with their mēbres ar not borne nor truly groūded vpō the foūdaciō immortall sede of the worde of God nother do the papistes frame administre their tradicions doctrine religion sacramentes ceremonies according to the testament and gospel of God but vpon the deuises and power of men The teachers mainteners of that Romishe power supremacie religion with their membres cōplices are falsely called the holy church Bicause that churche or flocke of christen shepe wherof Christ