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earth_n father_n heaven_n holy_a 10,196 5 5.1385 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06511 The last wil and last confession of martyn luthers faith co[n]cerming [sic] the [principal articles of religion which are in controuersy, which he wil defend & mai[n]teine vntil his death, agaynst the pope and the gates of hell drawe[n] furth by him at the request of the princes of germany which haue reformed theier [sic] churches after the gospel, to be offred vp at the next general councel in all their names & now published before that all the world may haue an euydent testimony of his faith if it shal fortune him to dye before there be any such cou[n]cel, tra[n]slated out of latyn beware of the pope & of his false prophetes and bissopes for thei wil come in shepys clothing and in angels facys but yet inwardly thei are ravening wolnys [sic]. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1543 (1543) STC 16984; ESTC S104350 31,138 66

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procured thē selues ꝑpetual shame and dishonor / which thīg god doth yet daily also I must nedes shewe vtter a certī story that cometh now to my mid There was at wittenberg a certē do●tor sent hether frō frāce which said opēly before our faces th● the king his master did surely bileue that there was no maner of church or cōgregacion with● us / no maner of rulars nor officers And that there shuld be no maner of matrimony but that euery mā shuld rūne at large now to one womā now to a nother euē aftir the maner of brute beastes / and agaime that it shuld be lauful for euery priuate mā to vse or misuse / do or vndo all maner of thīghs after his own wil iust c. Now tel me I pray yow with what face shal these men dare loke vp on us at the latter day before the iudgement seate of christ which haue tolder persuaded bi their letters writīgs / this Fig other peple noble mē such mōstros abhominable lyes / for tru tales Christ all our lorde / the most rightful iudge is our witnesse that thei lye shamefully vp on us and haue euer done whose sentēce and iudgemēt cōdemnīg them to euerlastīg dānacion thei shal not chose but heare abide This am I sure of Now god turn cōuert thē to repētāce which cā by any possible meanes be cōuerted / as for other euerlastīg and most cruel ponischment dānaciō doth remaine for thē But now to come to my putpose agaī / I wold wissh surely ones to see a true coūcel wherby many cōtrouersys might be takē a way ād many mē might receiue profi not that we our selues haue nede o any such coūcel or plamēt for our churches are so lighned cōfirmed ī the pure word / of god ī rhe true vse of sacramētes / ād in the knoulege of all good order all good workes that for our cause we desire no maner of perlament or councel / for we cannot think that any councel can teach vs a more perfight order than we haue But we see with depe sorow lamentacion of our hartes mani parisshes miserably destitute / forsakē vnregarded both of bisshops and of prebendarys we see in theer diocyses parisshes after what sort the sely miserable peple do lyue and dye for whose saluacion Christ him self suffred death vp on the crosse and yet thei cā not be suffred to heare nether him their tru shepard pastor / nor yet none of his speaking and preaching vnto them for the which cause tremble feare vehemently lesse god wil shortly call bring all the world to a councel by some angel / which shal vtterley destroy us all / as he did ones Sodom Gomor / for as moch as we contemne mocke him so lightly thorow our councels And beside those thīgs which are necessary to be reformed in the spiritualty / as thei cal it there be an infinite nomber of abuses in the temporal regiment to be redressed for there is vncharitable grudgd and dissensyon betwene princes and other nobles and vsury couetosnes haue so farre preuayled hath so drowned the temporalty euen lyke a flode or a see that now in the place of the lawe are crept in / ryot / vnmesurable excesse / wantones / pryde in apparel / glotony bankerting / dise / cardes and pompe / withal kindes of vices mischefe / disobedience of subiectes and housoldes toward theer heades / pestilent enhansing of all maner of marchandise in biyng seiling / these I say / with an infinyte sort such life / haue so preuailed that thei can not be reformed in X. councels nor in XX. assembles These principal matters both of the temporalty of the spiritualty / if thei shuld be entreated of in a general coūcel / thei shuld make us to haue so moch labor and besines / that we shuld sone forget litle regard the folissh triflyng about long gownes brode shauyn crownes / fryres girdels / bisshops forked cappes / carnal hattes / ād croser staues with such other trifyls for it were time inough to entreate of the choise of meates / the differēce of garmeetes short or lōg of the shauīg of crounes of cloisters / after that the prīcipal articles of the faith with a godly politike ordre for the comonwelth were determined cōcluded by the word of god But if we wil swalow op Vhole camels / and strayne gnaties / if we wil receiue suffer gret beames in our eys pluck out the smal motys / if we wil stomble at a strane leape at a block / we nede not be so gretly cariful for any councels wherfor I haue made but a very fewe chapters principal articles for els we haue so many cōmandmēts geuē vs of god to be obserued in his church / in the comynalty / and in euery particular house parissh / that we are neuer able to perform them wherfor what nede is it to make many actes decreys and tradicions beside specially if the principal articles and cōmandments enioined us bi god himselfe be neglect and nothing regarded / as though god must geue place to our folissh trifles because we treade his special cōmandmenas / vnder our fete like swyne But our sinnes do so sore vexe oppresse lade us that thei wil not suffer god to haue mercy vpon ue / because we do not repēt nor amend / but rather study and labor to stablissh mainteyne all maner of wickednes O merciful lord Iesu christ / were saue then thy self to celebrate a councel to redeme thi elect thorow thy own glorios presens for of the pope and of his adherents ther is no hope at all thei wil in no wise receiue the. wherfor help thou us pore miserable creatures / crieng calling vnto the / seking the ernestly / for the abowndant mercys safe that thou hast geuen thorow thi holy spirite which liueth reigneth with the with the father to be praised glorified for euer and euer Amen The first part conteineth the special articles of the diuine maiesty of god I. We confesse first that the father / son / the holy gost in one diuyne substance nature be●… distinct persons yet one god which created heauen and erth II. That the father was without begimming ano the son had his begimming of the father / and that the holy gost did procede of them both III. That the father nor the holy gost did neuer take op on them mannys nature / but theson only IIII. That the son was so incarnate that he was conceiued by 〈◊〉 the holy gost without any mās helpe / born of the pure holy virgyng Mary and after ward that te suffred his passion / dyed was buryed / destended to ●e hellys Rose fro death / asceded heauen sitteth at the right hand of the father / and that he shal come
necessary / but full of perel and dāger / and than after ward / let us see where any pilgrimage shal remaine or where a man shal find any Fortly / brotherhodes / felowships gyldes wherin abbeys colleges whole dioces / parsons vicars haue bound them selues one to a nother by letters patentes / and euery one made other bretherr partakers of all their masses and good workes c. as wel for the dead as for the liuing / which is a filthy an abhominable marchandise And it is not only an inuencyon of mans braine not conteined in the expresse cōmandment of god / and vnnecessary / but it is also contrary to the first article of our redempcyon wherfor it is in no wise to be permitted or suffred Fiftly The reliques of saintes in the which point so many manifest lyes folissh trifles haue bene tryed of dogs horse bones / that euē for such falshode wherby the deuel hath blered the world / thei ought to haue bene condemned long agoo / although ther had bene some goodnes in them what be thei are thei not vnnecessary very vnprofitable things / which the word of god neuer cownceled any man to vse But yet this is the worst point in them / that men haue imagyned that thei shuld obteine pardon and remissyon of sinnys rhorow such reliques life as thei haue imagyned of the masse as though it were a good or an high honor and seruice of god Sextly Masses haue bene the occasion of pardons also which haue bene granted both to the liuing in the dead but not for naught with our mony in the which pardons that false traiteros Iudas or pope hath sold the merites of christ / with the vaine or superfluos merites of all saintes / and of the whole vniuersal church wherfor thei ought in any wise to be condemned for thei lacke not only the word of god to approue them / hauing no commandment to be vsed / and being things of no necessite but thei are also cleame cōtrary to the first article of the faith for we obteine the merite of christ / not by our own workes or with any mony / but by faith thorow the fre grace mercy of god with owt any mony or any merites of our own / which merite of christ is offred vnto us / not by the auctorite or pour of the pope / but in the gospel and word of god Of the inuocacyon of saintes The inuocacyon of saintes is also an abuse of Antichrist which repugneth with the former principal article of our redempcyon and it obschureth or drowneth the knoulege of christ And there is no commandment / councel or example therof in the holy scripture / and agaiine although the praing vnto saintes were neuer so good as it is a very deuelissh abuse yet we may receyue all things moch better also more excellent / of christ than of any saint And not with standing that the angels do pray for us in heauen as christ himself also doth and the saintes herevpon earth / and parauenture thei that be in heauen also / yet it foloweth not therupon that we ought to inuocate / honor or pray vnto angels saintes or to fast / kepe holy day / sing or heare masses to sacrifice or make any oblacyō in the worship of any saint or angel / nor yet to byld any temples or altars or to make any seruyce for them or to worship serue them many dyuers wayes / to take them for patrones or defenders to seke help for all maner of things of them and to byleue that eueryone of them hath a peculyar proper vertu by hym self / some for one thīg some for a nother as the papistes both teach and doo For it is very mere Idolatry so to doo for as moch as all such honor is peculiarly due to god only to no other Thou maist / I wil not say contrary / as a christen man and as a saint pray for me / vp on erth while thou lyuest / not for one thing / but for all maner of things notwithstonding I must not by by / honor the and cal vp on theas a god / nor yet set vp a fasting day an holy day in thy honor / or to ordeyne masses to be hard sayd or any other oblacyons to be done in thy honor / and so to put fixe all the hope of my saluacyon in the there be other wayes where by I may haue the in reuerence / loue the / reioyse in the / and gyue the thankes in christ Now if these Idolatrissh seruyce and honoriug of angels and dead saintes were drowned and brought owt of memory / all other honor about them could not gretly hurt / but shuld daily decay for first if all hope of lucre profit were taken a way / and agayn if that the peple were persuaded that thei could obteine no maner of help or profyte neither corporal nor spiritual / bodyly nor gostly by their honoring or inuocating of saintes / there wold be but fewe that wold worship any saintes whether thei were in their graues or in heanen For no man wold gretly remember them / no man wold serue or honor them for nawght of loue only This is the somme and effect of all together What so euer is in the masse / what so euer is sprong vp therof / and agayn what so euer is annexed vnto it we can in no wise suffer but we must nedes condemne them to the deuel / that we may haue / vse reteine the pure certen holy sacrament acordīg to the institucyon of christ with true faith The third article The colleges of prebendarys and the manasterys were at the first ordeined for a good purpose that lerned mē and vertuos wemē might be brought vp in them wherfor thei ought to be reformed / that thei were first ordeined / that the church may neuer be destitute of lerned curates / preachers and other ministers which may be called owt of such colleges into the comon welth to be officers in cytes cownteys Lyke wise of virginis wel brought vp which may after ward be vertuos matrones and good house wyues And if monasterys and colleges wil not consent nor applie themselues to serue vnto these such like vses / it were better that thei were vtterly destroyd / supressed and ouerthrown than that thei shuld be reputed more holy than the comon sort of christē men and than other oyders / states condicions of life institute of god him selfe only for their wicked supersticyons ceremonys seruyce inuented by man for all these opinyons do repugne with the first principal article of our redempcyon thorow Ihesus christ Beside this thei haue no commandment of god neither / no more thn all other tradicyons and fansys of men thei be not necessary neither nor profitable being vsed as thei be / for thei cause many dangeros and perlos trobles