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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04511 A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson; De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu. English John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407.; Brenz, Johannes, 1499-1570. Homelye of the resurrection of Christe. aut; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589.; Castellion, Sébastien, 1515-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 14638; ESTC S103723 22,075 82

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After that he hathe offered hys lyfe for synne he shall se long lastynge seede and the wyll of the Lorde shal be ruled in his hande For because that his soule hath labored he shall see and be satisficed And that the Prophete in thys place doeth preache of Christe thou shalte playnely perceyue by the .viii. chapter of the Actes of the Apostles But what neade any more Whersoeuer the prophetes do preach of the euer lastynge kyngdome of Christe there also do they preache of the resurrectio of Christ For Christ coulde not haue obtayned an euerlastyng kyngdom excepte he had rysen from death into the glo glory of his father Now Christ also himselfe did oftē and much before his deathe prophecye of his resurrection from death Destroye sayth he this temple and in three dayes wyll I rayse it vp agayne And againe as Ionas was in the belly of the Whale three dayes and thre nightes so shal the sonne of manne be in the herte of the earth three dayes three nightes And agayne The Sonne of man must suffre many thinges be reproued of the elders chiefe priestes scribes and be slayne and the thyrde day ryse agayne Agayne It is written I shall smyte the shepeherd and the shepe of the Rocke shal be that I am rysen I wyll go into Galile before you But what do I The thinges whiche Christe before his death preached of his resurrection be muche more knowen by the histories of the gospels then that the same nede in this place with many wordes to be repeted But these are prophecyes of the resurrection before that it was done But after that it was done there was no matter or occasion let passe in which Christ did not playnly witnesse that he was in deede rysen from the deade These we shall nowe passe ouer for bicause that in our entreating of the Historie of the gospell they are handeled at large sauing that we wyll adde thys herunto that the Apostles were chiefelye ordeyned for this purpose that they shoulde wytnesse the resurrection of Christ Wherfore saieth Peter of these men whiche haue companyed wyth vs all the tyme that the Lorde Iesu hadde his conuersation amonge vs Actes ● begynning at the baptisme of Iohn vnto that same daye that he was taken vp from vs must one be ordeyned to bee a wytnes wyth vs of hys resurrection And agayne Actum x. Hym God raysed vp the thirde day and shewed him openly not vnto all the people but vnto vs wytnesses chosen before of God for the same entent whiche dyd eate drinke with hym after that he rose frō death Briefly as the prophecies of the prophetes concernyng the resurrection of Christe are the moste true sothe sayinges of the holy ghoste so is there nothynge more certayne then that Christe veryly is risen from the dead euen in dede Wherof we shall speake more herafter Nowe let vs see what he hathe gotten by his Resurrection Christ truly is not risen from death in such sort as that dead man whiche by the touchynge of the carkais of the prophet Eliseus reuyued 4. Reg xiii to dye agayn Luke vii Iohn xi nether yet as the son of the wydowe neither as Lazarus the had lien .iiii. Actes ix dayes in his graue neither as Dorcas in Ioppa were called agayne to lyfe For these verelye were raysed from deth but īto this corporal life to die agayne But Christ rysen frō death as Paule sayeth dieth no more Actes xiii death hath no more power ouer him And agayne He raised hym vp from deth now no more to returne to corruption And that I maye comprehende all in one worde Christe by his resurrection entered into his glorye For he sayth in Luke Luk. xxiiii Oughte not Christ to haue suffered these thīges and to enter into his glorye Here therfore we must trye out what the glory of Christ is The glorie of Christe First truely the glory of Christe is that he is the Sonne of God In to this glory therfore he entered by his resurrectiō that is he proued by his resurrection that he was in deede the Sonne of god Roma i. He is declared saith Paul to be the sonne of god with power after the spirit that sanctifieth sence the time that Iesus Christ our Lorde rose agayne frome death And this glory is greater then that it can worthyly be expressed with wordes Wherfore we shall touche the other partes of his glory and maiestye Secondlye the glorye of Christe is that he is of the same blessednes maiesty and almightie power with God his father Wherfore into this glorye also he entred in by his resurrection Sit saieth the father on my right hande vntill I make thyne enemyes thy forestole Furthermore the glorye of Christe is that all thynges are subiecte vnto him that he is Lorde of heauen and earth and Iudge of the lyuynge and of the deade This maiestye Christe receyued by his resurrection Philip ii God hath exalted him sayth Paule on hye and gyuen him a name which is aboue all names that in the name of Iesus euery one shuld bowe bothe of thinges in heauen and thynges in earthe and thynges vnder the earthe And agayne Christ therfore dyed and rose agayne reuiued Rom xiiii that he myght be Lorde ouer dead and quicke Actes xvii And agayne He hath appoynted a daye in the which he wil iudge the worlde by that man by whō he hath appoynted and hath offered faith vnto all men after that he had raysed hym from death But who canne eyther by thynkyng conceiue ether els by wordes I saye not expresse but no more but somwhat touche al the partes of that glorye maiestie whiche Christ by his resurrectiō did receyue Wherfore lettynge passe this parte of the sermon cōmendyng it rather vnto faith then shewyng it vnto mans reason we shall come to thys that we put forthe in the thred place and whiche is most of all to be considered of vs and with greate studye to be searched for that is to saye what profyte what healthe or happynes the resurrection of Christ hath brought vnto vs mē Our pro●ite by Christes ●eath And for bycause that nowe we are come to speake of the chiefe poynte of relygion yea and of the matier of our whole saluacyon we wyll not brynge forth mans dreames but wyl gather places of the holy scripture by whyche we shal shewe that the resurrection of Christ is our very and euerlastyng saluacyon And fyrste of the profyt of the resurrection of Christ there is nothyng in the scriptures more shorte cleare then that Paule writethe to the Romaynes Rom iiii saying He was delyuered for our sinnes and was raysed agayne for oure iustificacion For as the death of Christe hathe pourged oure synnes and hath brought to passe that oure synnes are forgyuen vs of God for Christes sake so the Resurrection of Christe hath brought vnto vs ryghteousnes
the lyfe of the Iuste manne For the Iuste saieth he lyueth by faythe Wherefore in this aboue all thinges muste we most chiefly labour that we do shew forth our true faith of the resurrection by good woorkes and beinge yet in the earthe we maye lyue an heuenly lyfe For true rightuousnes is broughte and gyuen vnto vs by the resurrection of Christ in such sort that god doth iudge vs for Christes sake Iust and holy in dede Howe then could this stand together that we despysinge and defilynge that rightuousnes of Christe shoulde lyue in vnrightuousnes The resurrection of Christe hathe called vs backe from deathe to lyfe and euerlastynge blessednes What nowe is more vile yea what is more pernicious then forsaking life to make himselfe bonde againe to deathe and euerlastyng mischyefe He whosoeuer it bee that foloweth synne dothe gyue himselfe to deathe and euerlastinge destruction For the rewarde saythe he of synne is deathe Rom. vi In the policy of Moses it was moste straitly commaunded that no manne contynuinge the daies of the feast of the passe ouer should eat leauened bread He that eateth saythe he leauened Exod x. ii breade his lyfe shall peryshe out of the congregacion of Israell aswell of straungers as of dwellers in the lande This law precheth vnto vs that after that Christ who is oure passe ouer is risen from deathe it is lawfull for no man to haue felowshippe either with vncleane and vngodly menne eyther elles to leade an vncleane lyfe or a lyfe leauened with sinnes i. Cor. v. Purge ye saith Paule the olde leauen that ye maye be new doughe as ye are vnleauened for Christe our pascale lambe is offered vp for vs. Therfore let vs kepe holye daye not with old leauē neither with the leuē of maliousnes wickednes but with the swete breade of purenes and trueth For they that do stil go forwarde in their wickednes and Iniquitie those men horrible it is to say do for asmuch as in them lyeth crucify Christ againe and do deny that he is rysen from deathe For the resurreccion of Christe is denied not only with mouthe of the aduersaries of oure relygion but also of the vngodlye by their dedes and workes whiche do lyue amongest vs are called christians For wher as Christ by his deathe toke awaye synne and by his resurrection brought againe rightuousnes nowe from hence forthe to synne and to despyse ryghteousnes what els is it thē to cal Christ againe vnto death and euen to fyght againste hys resurrection And beholde here the cursed wickednes of those menne whyche do yet folow the lustes of synne Christe truely by his resurrectiō brought to passe that we shoulde be chosen to be the children of God the enheritours of all the heauenly goods But oure synnes do cause that we become the chyldren of the deuell and the enherytours of euerlasting fyre What is therfore more horrible what more cursed then to rage in such a lybertie of synne that thou doest not only vtterlye cast awaye the chosing wherwith God choseth the but also thou gyuest ouer thy selfe into the houshold of the deuill that thou mayst with hys Angels peryshe euerlastinglye For after that Christe is risen frō deathe and we be engrafted into his death we are no longer oure owne men but his whiche by hys deathe and resurrection hath delyuered vs from deathe into lyfe Therfore we muste obey Christe and not synne We are buryed saythe paule with him by baptysme for to die Roma vi that lykewyse as Chryst was raised from deathe by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a new lyf And againe For as towchinge that he died he died concernynge sinne on s and as touching that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewyse Imagin ye also that ye are deade concernynge synne but are alyue vnto god thorow Christ Iesu our Lord. ii Cor. v. And againe If one be deade for al then all were deade and he died for vs all that they whiche lyue should not henseforthe lyue vnto them selues but vnto hym whiche died for them and rose agayne And in an other place Colos iii. Yf ye be then risen agayne with Christe seke those thynges whiche are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of god Set youre affection on thynges that are aboue and not on thinges whiche are on the earthe And what are those thinges on earthe whiche are to be auoyded and thynges that are aboue to be sought for Mortify saith he your earthly mēbres fornication vncleanes vnnatural lust euel cōcupiscence couetousnes wrath fersenes 〈◊〉 cursed speaking 〈◊〉 thy speakīg put on tēder mercy kindnes humblenes of minde meknes softnes what so euer other godlye vertue ther is For if we do these thinges we shal not only cōfesse in wordes comon sayinges that Christ in his owne parsō is risen againe but also we shal testify that he also is risen againe in vs the he liueth in vs yea that al the righte of Christes resurrection doth belong vnto vs so that we may not onli ouer cum afflictiōs death in this worlde but that we may also get euerlasting blessednes in the worlde to comme by the resurrection of Iesu Christ oure Lord which is together with the father the holy gost god to be praised for euer euer So be it ¶ Imprinted at London in S. Iohns strete by Nicolas Hyll for Iohn Shefelde dwelling in Pauls church yarde