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earth_n father_n heaven_n holy_a 10,196 5 5.1385 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04368 The picture of patience. Or, a direction to perfection Most needfull and vsefull in these dangerous daies of sinne, and publike feares. Jeffray, William. 1629 (1629) STC 14483; ESTC S100758 29,169 97

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perfectly our hearts loue him intirely and our tongues praise him eternally Because we shall euer see him therefore we shall perfectly know him because we shall perfectly know him therefore we shall intirely loue him because we shall intirely loue him therefore wee shall eternally praise him The sight of our eyes shall giue light to our vnderstanding our vnderstandings inlightened shall inflame our hearts our hearts inflamed shall informe our tongues to praise that God whom we see and know to be so admirable Praise him then we shall because we loue him loue him wee shall because we know him know him we shall because we see him Thus shall we see him that we may know him know him that wee may loue him loue him that we may praise him happy eyes that so shall see him happy vnderstandings that so shall know him happy hearts that so shall loue him and happy tongues that so shall praise him and happy nay blessed shall we be when our eyes Soules Hearts and Tongues shall so know loue and praise him for euer Here is the Reward of Affliction and the end of trouble Behould ioy in the end without End Reward exceeding mans desire or hope of reward Shall we not then follow the Apostles admonition to be pertakers of this Crowne euen to Let patience haue her perfect worke that you may bee perfect and intire wanting nothing The Father of Patience and the God of Perfection who worketh all things in time and measure grant vs Patience from aboue that looking to the end of the Race and the Crowne at the end we may Let Patience haue her perfect worke that we may be perfect and intire wanting nothing So be it for thy mercies sake and that it may be so Thou which art Amen say Amen to our prayers So wee that are thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thankes for euer yea wee shall Laud and Magnifie thy name from generation to generation we thy poore seruants here on earth shall ascribe those prayers and praises which thy Saints and Angels dayly and duly ascribe vnto thee in heauen euen all honour glory praise power dominion and thankesgiuing be ascribed vnto thee O Father Sonne and Holy Ghost three persons but one euerliuing euerlouing euerlasting and onely wise God of vs of Angells and of all men from this time forth for euermore Amen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Printer to the Reader GEntle Reader in regard of the Authors absence and the multiplicitie of Authorities by him cited and the smalnesse of the Volume not affording conuenient place in the margent I haue presumed to put them heere in the end of the Booke by themselues referring thee to the Page and Line as followeth PAge 1. line vlt. Bella gentium legimus superasse quamplurimos quos tamen legimus pugnas Carnis non vicisse audiuimus eos dedisse delitijs pectora qui dorsa hostibus non dedere Petr. Rauuen Ser. 4. Pag. 2. line 22. Magnum regit imperium quisibi dominatur Sen. Pag. 3. line 9. Sicut laurus fulmine non percutitur plin lib. 2. c. 55. Ita firma virtus calamitate non Euertitur est enim constans virtus pulchra laurus semper virens Nullo igne Nubibus erumpente nullo impetu tormentorum exusta aut labesacta Stell in Enarr in Lu. c. 21. Pag. 6. line 16. Si sapientia c. Plat. Ibid line 25. Oculi sunt in amore duces Propert. Pag. 8. line 2. Patientia est Religiosi viri laborum dolorum omnium futurarum Rerum spe mercedis aternae amore dei grata tolerantia Aug. in Flor. Bar. in tit Pat. Ibid. lin 7. Patientia est aliena mala aequanimiter perpeti contra illum qui mala irrogat nullo dolore moueri Greg super Euang. Hom. 35. Ibid. line 11. Patientia est virtus quâ quis pro pietate pro Deo quicquia accidit aduersifert constanti animo nec frangitur Feuardent in Ep. Iac. Cap. 1. Ibid. line 25. Institut l. 3. c. 7. Pag. 9. line 24. Tristitia vestra vertetur in gaudium hoc est Aqua vestra vertetur in vinum Ber. S. de V. Apost Non est Regnum Dei esus potus c. Pag. 10. line 14. Vultus illi tranquillus placidus Frons pura nu●a Maeroris aut irae rugositate contracta Remissa aequè in Laet●m super cilia Oculis humilitate non infaelicitate dejectis ●s taciturnitatis honore signatum Color qualis securis innoxijs Motus frequens Capitis in Diabolum minnax risus Caeterum Amictus circum pectorà candidus Corpore impressus vt qui nec in●la●●● nec inquietatur Sedet in Throno spiritus mitissimi nam vbi Deusibi Alumna eius Patientia Tert lib. de Pat. in fine Pag. 11. line 14. Ecce modesta graui stabat Patientia vultu Per medias immota Acies variosque tumultus Vulneraque Rigidis vitalia peruia pilis spectabat defixa oculos lenta manebat Prudent in psychom Pag. 12. line 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Auream quisquis mediocritatem diligit Horat. lib. 2. od 10. Pag. 14. line 4. Tert. De pat Cyprianus instar fontis purissimi dulcis incedit et placidus Hie. ep ad Paul Lor. in Eccles uide etsam Feuard in c. 1 ep Iac. vti ex Cipr. 26. Patientiae effectus enumerat Pag. 15. line 2. Nescio quid magis in Laude tua dicam c. Hug. de laud. Char. Ibid. line 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 id est duret 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sicut dicitur Mat. 10.22 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pisc in schol in loc Tunc erit perfectum opus patientiae si in finem perseueraurit Hier. in c. 2. ep Ad. Rom. Ibid. line 23. Lauda Nauigantis faelicitatem sed cum venerit ad portum Ber de passi Domini c. 14. Pag. 16. line 9. Stell in Luc. Ibid. line 21. Exitus acta probat Ouid. in Ep. Virtus boni operti perseuerantia est Aug Med. c. 36. Pag. 17. line 7. Vtin Terra aurum in nuce nucleus in hirsutis Castanea operculis sita diuinus sensus altius est pers●rutandus Hier. in Eccles c. 12. Ibid. line 10. Per Mosen Cauda Bestiae in Altari offerre precipitur vt viz Omne bonu● quod incipimus etiam perseuerante fine compleamus Greg. Mor. lib. 2. Cap. 4. Ibid. line 23. Perseuerantia viris meretur gloriam virtuti Coronam Absque perseuerantia nec qui pugnat victoriam nec palmam Victor consequitur Nutrix est ad meritum Mediatrix ad praemium soror Patientiae Constantiae filia Amica pacis Amicitiarus Nodum Vnanimitatis vinculum Sanctitatis propugnaculum Saul non perseuerans in humilitate regnum amisit vitam Si Cautela Samsonis Salomonis denotie perseuerantiā retinuisset nec h●c sapi●ntia priuaretur necille viribus Ber Ep. 129. Pag. 29. line 4. Finis nonpugna Coronat Ber. de