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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02885 The catechisme, or manner how to instruct and teach children and others in the Christian faith appointed to bee read in all the lands and dominions of the late right and mightie prince, Frederike, countie palatine of the Rhein, one of the electors of the Holy Empire, and duke in Bauier / newly translated out of Latin and Dutch into Englishe.; Heidelberger Katechismus. 1578 (1578) STC 13029; ESTC S3764 26,578 74

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begotten sonne Question Then is saluation giuen by Christ to all men that perished in Adam Answere Not to all but onely to them that by a true faith are graffed into him receiue or be partakers of his benefits or good déeds Question What is faith Answere It is not onely a knowledge wherby I do surely assent to al things which God hath opened to vs in his word but also a sure trust kindled in my heart by the holy Ghoste through the gospel wherby I am at peace with god surely reckning with my self and iudging that for giuenesse of sinnes euerlasting life and righteousnesse was giuē not onely to others but also to me that fréely by the mercie of God for the deseruing of Christ alone Question What are those thinges that a Christian man must néeds beléeue Answere All thinges that are promised in the Gospel the sum wherof is conteined in the créede or articles of our faith wherein is shortely conteined as in a certaine short summe the chéefe points of the Catholike and vndoubted faith of all Christians Question What is the Créede ye speake off Answere I Beleue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten sonne our lord Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified deade and buried went down into hell The thirde day he rose againe from the deade And went vp into heauen and sitteth there at the right hande of God the father Almighty Frō thence shall he come to iudge the quick and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost That there is a catholike church A communion of Saints Forgiuenesse of sinnes The rising againe of the flesh And the life euerlasting Amen Question Into how many parts is this Créede deuided Answere Into thrée partes the first is of the euerlasting father and of our creation The seconde is of the sonne and our redemption or deliuerance The thirde is of the holy Ghost and making of vs holy and fauing vs from sinne Question When as there is but one onely substance of God Why namest thou thrée the father the son the holy ghost Answere Because God hath so opened him selfe in his worde that these thrée sundrie persons are that one true and euerlasting God. Of the Father Question VVHat doest thou beléeue when thou saist I beléeue in god the father almightie maker of heauē earth Answere I doe beléeue that the euerlasting father of our Lorde Jesus Christ whiche hath made of nothing heauen earth and all things that are therein and with his euerlasting counsell and prouision vpholdeth and gouerneth all the same for Christes sake is my god my father and therefore so trust and rest in him the I do not doubt but he will prouide for me all things néedeful both for my soule and body and that he wil also turne vnto my saluation all the euilles and troubles that he layeth vpon me in this troublesome life both because hee can doe it as an almightie God and will do it as a gentle Father Question What is the prouision or prouidence of God Answere The almightie power of God present in euerie place whereby it holdeth vp as it were with a hande and gouerneth heauen and earth and all creatures in so much that those thinges that growe vppon the earth as raine also faire weather and drinesse plenteousnesse in bearing and barreunesse meate and drinke health and sickenesse riches and pouertie to conclude all things fall and come vnto vs not without aduise or by chance but by his fatherly aduised counsell will and purpose Question What profite haue we by this knowledge of the creation and prouidence of God Answere That in aduersitie we may bee patient and in prosperitie thankeful and in time to come we may haue a very good hope in God our most faithfull Father knowing that there is nothing that can draw vs away from his loue for all creatures are so in his power that without his will they can not onely doe nothing but euen not so much as to stir or moue Of the Sonne Question WHy is the Son of God called Iesus that is the sauiour Answere Because hee saueth vs from all our sinnes and as no saluation ought to be craued of any other 〈◊〉 there none be found in other but in h●●●●dne Question Then whether doe they beleeue in the onely sauiour Iesus which séeke happines and saluation of saintes or of them selues or of any other thing Answere No for although they boaste themselues and reidice in him as th● saviour in their wordes yet for all that in verie déede they denie the onely saviour Iesus for either must Iesus not be a perfect sauiour or else al they the receiue him with a true faith for a sauiour haue in their possession in him al thinges necessarie vnto saluation Question Why is he called Christus that is anointed Answere Because he was ordeyned of the Father was annointed of the holy ghost the highest prophet and doctour which opened vnto vs the secret counsell and all the will of his father concerning our redemption deliuerance And the high Priest who with one sacrifice or offering of his bodie and no moe hath bought vs againe and continually maketh intercession to his Father for vs And a King which gouerneth vs with his worde and his spirite and defendeth and kéepeth the saluation which we haue gotten by him Question But why art thou called a christian Answere Because through faith I am a member of Iesus Christ and am partaker of his annointing so that I confesse his name and giue my self vp vnto him to be a liuing offering of thankfulnesse in this life to fight against sinne and Sathan with a frée and good conscience the afterward I may holde and enioy the euerlasting kingdome with Christ ouer all creatures Question For what cause is Christ called the onely begotten sonne of God when we are also the sonnes of God Answere Because Christe is onely the euerlasting and naturall sonne of the Father euerlasting and wee are but sonnes choosen and taken vp of the Father onely of fauoure for Christes sake Question Why callest thou him our Lorde Answere Because he buying againe our bodies and soules from sinne not with gould nor siluer but with his pretious bloud and deliuering them from all power of the diuel hath claymed vs for his owne proper seruaunts belonging to none other Lorde or Maister Question What beléeuest thou when thou saiest he was conceiued by the holy Ghost and borne of the virgin Mary Answere That the sonne of God which is abideth true and euerlasting God hath takē the very true nature of man of
filthinesse and therefore we ought also to hate it vtterly to defie it and that we should liue contrarie vnto all vncleanesse temperatly soberly and chastly both in holy wedlocke and also in single lyfe Question Doth God forbide no more in this commaundement but aduoultrie fornication and such kindes of filthinesse Answere When as our bodyes and soules are the Churches or Temples of the Holye Ghost the will of GOD is that wée shoulde kéepe them both cleane and hallowed vnto him and therefore vtterly forbiddeth all déedes signes tokens gestures and words or filthy desires and what soeuer intiseth a man thereto Question What doth God forbid in the eighte commaundement Answere Not onely such theftes and robberies as the common officers doe punishe but he vnderstandeth vnder the name of theft all craftie fetches driftes subtile meanes and wayes whereby we hawke ly in wait to take other mens goods from them or laboure to conuaye them vnto vs either by might or violēce or by any false pretence of righte as though we had a iust title to them yet haue none at al. Such meanes are false weights false yeardes elles and false measures counterfeite and vnlawfull ware counterfeite and vnlawefull money vsurie and all vnlawefull meanes and wayes that God hath forbidden to get mans liuing withal Herevnto may be put ioyned al couetuousnesse and vnthriftie and prodigall powring out and spending and wasting of Gods gifts and euil vsing of the same Question What are those thinges which God commaundeth here Answere That as much as is possible I should helpe and increase the goods and profite of my neighbour And that I shoulde do so vnto him as I woulde he shoulde doe vnto me and that I shoulde doe my worke earnestly truely and faithfully that I may thereby he able to reléeue helpe them that haue néede Question What requireth the ninth commandement Answere That I shall not beare false witnesse against any man neither falsly turne the meaning of any mans wordes neither shall backebite any man or spitefully raile againste any man neither shall rashly without the showing of a lawefull cause condempne any man But with all the meanes that I can I shall flye and eschewe all kinde of lyes and deceiptes as the proper workes of the diuell except I be disposed to stirre vp against mee the greeuous wrath of god In iudgements and other matters I shall followe it that is true and stedfastly and fréely tell and confesse the matter as it is in déede and moreouer I shal as much as I can defend and increase the good name fame and credite of my neighbours Question What forbiddeth the tenth commandement Answere That our heartes should not be moued or stirred vp with so much as with the least thought or desire against anye of Gods commandements but that we shal hate and defie at al times al kind of sinne shal delite our selues in all righteousnesse Question Can they that are turned to GOD kéepe perfectly and fully these commandementes Answere No for euen the holyest amongest all men as longe as they liue here haue but small beginnings of this obedience But yet go so farre that they earnestly with no feigned desire begin to liue not onely according vnto some of these commaundementes but accordinge to all the commaundementes of God. Question Why will God then that his lawe shoulde be so earnestly and sharply preached when there is no man in this lyfe that is able to keepe it Answere First that all the time of our life we shall confesse and acknowledge howe greately we are disposed of nature to sin and so thereby that we more gréedelye and with agreater desire call for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and that we shoulde alwayes be occupied in this that we alwayes bee hinking and recording with our selues of Godlinesse and call vppon the Father for the grace of the holy Ghoste that we may bee renewed and fashioned to the likenesse of God euerie day more and more vntill at the length after that we bee departed out of this life we may with ioye and gladnesse get the full perfectnesse that is proposed set foorth and required of vs. Of prayer Question VVHy is prayer necessarie for a Christian man Answere Because it is the chiefe part of that thankefulnesse that God requireth of vs And also because God onely giueth them his grace and holy spirite who with true vnfeigned growninges are of him things necessarie giue him thanks for such benefites as they haue receiued Question What thinges are required in that prayer which shall please God and bee heard of him Answere That wee shoulde aske of the onely true God which hath opened himsefe in his worde all those thinges which he hath commaunded to bee axed with a true desire of the hearte and an inwarde féeling of our geggerly néede and wretchednesse c and cast our selues downe humbly and lowly in the sight of Gods maiestie leane to this sure foundation that although we be vnworthie yet we shall surely be heard for Christes sake as he hath promised vs in his worde Question What are those thinges that he commaundeth to be axed of him Answere All thinges that are necessarie both for bodie and soule which our Lorde Iesus Christe conteineth in his prayer that he hath taught vs. Question What is that prayer Answere OVr Father which arte in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our dettes as we forgiue our debters And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Question Why doth Christ commaund that we should call God our father Answere That he might stirre vp in vs euen in the verie beginning of our prayer such reuerence as is méet for the sonnes of God and a bolde trust toward GOD which is to be the ground of our prayer to wit that God through Christ is made our father and will much lesse deny vnto vs those thinges that we aske of him with a true faith then our earthly father will deny vnto vs earthly thinges Question Why is it sayd further which art in heauen Answere That we shoulde not thinke to vylely basely or earthly of his heauenly maiestie and that we should looke for and waite of his almightines for all things whatsoeuer are necessary for our soules and bodyes Question What is the first petition or asking Answere Halowed be thy name that is to say at the beginning graūt vs that we may rightly knowe thée worship praise and honour thy almightinesse thy wisedome righteousnesse and gentlenesse thy mercie and thy trueth
and afterwarde purpose and driue all our life our thoughtes wordes and déedes vnto this end the thy most holy name be not blasphemed or euill spoken of for vs but rather be highly honoured and praysed Question Which is the seconde peticion Answere Thy kingdome come That is gouerne vs so with thy worde and spirite that we may humble and submitte our selues more and more vnto thée kéepe increase thy church destroye she workes of the diuell and all power that litteth it selfe against thy maiestie disapoint and make voide and of none effect all the counselles that are taken against thy worde vntill thou maist at the length reigne and rule full and perfectly whē thou shalt be al in al. Question Which is the thiroe petition Answere Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen That is graunt that we and all men renouncing and forsaking our owne willes may be obedient redily bent and without any grudge vnto the kéeping of thy will which is onely holy and that so euerie one of vs may fulfill and doe the office that is appointed vnto vs faithfully and cherefully as the Angels do in Heauen Question Which is the fourth peticion Answere Giue vs this day our daily breade That is giue vnto vs all thinges which are néedful and necessarie for this life that through thē we may acknowledge and confesse that thou art onely the well out of the which all goodnes doth spring and that all our care labour also thy owne giftes are vnlucky noysome vnto vs except thou do blesse them and giue them increase Wherfore grant vs to turne away our trust from all creatures and to put it onelye in thée Question Which is the fift petition Answere Forgiue vs our debttes as we forgiue our debters That is for Christebloude sake lay not to our charge that are wretched sinners all our sinne and that crooked frowardnesse which cleaueth in vs stil euē as we doe féele this witnes of thy grace in our harts that we intende and purpose stedfastly to forgiue vnfeignedly with our minde all them that haue hurte or gréeued vs or haue done vs any wrong Question Which is the sixt peticion Answere Leade vs not into tēptation But deliuer vs from euill That is because wee are so féeble and weake of nature that we cannot one minute of an houre with out helpe stand stedfastly and not bee ouerthrowne and our most gréeuous enemies the diuel the world and our owne slesho vnseassably do fighte against vs Thou O our almightie Father hold vp and stay vs and strengthen vs by the might of the holy Ghost that we fall not down and be ouercommed in this spirituall fight but so long wee may stoutly withstand them vntill that we may get at length the whole victorie Question Howe maketh hee an ende of this prayer Answere For thine is the kingdom the power and the glorie for euer Amen That is to say we aske all these thinges of thée because thou art both our king and art almightie and both will and can giue al these thinges vnto vs and these thinges doe we therefore craue of thée that by them al honour glorie and worship should come vnto thy holy name not to vs. Question What meaneth this worde amen Answere That the matter is sure and out of al doubt that my prayer is much more surely harde of God then I doe féele in my hart that I desire it to be graunted FINIS ¶ A Table of the contentes of this Cathechisme OF the onely comforte both in this life and at our departure Of the wretchednesse of man. That we haue no fréewill or choyce of our selues Of the wrath of God for our sinnes Of the mercie of God. Of the righteousnesse or streight punishment of God. Of the deliuerance of man. Of satisfaction or making amends for sinne Who is our meane or mediator What faith is What thinges are necessarie to beléeue Of the créede or articles of our faith Of the prouidence of God. Of the going downe of Christ to hell That onely faith iustifieth Of the Sacraments Of Baptisme The Lordes supper That Christ is not really bodily or fleshly in the supper Of the keies of the kingdome of heauen Wherefore we must do good workes Of the mortification or killing of the old man and of our fleshly lustes and desires The x. commaundementes What is idolatrie Of inuocacion or calling vppon saints for helpe Against the vse of Images That the commaundements cannot be kept fully or perfectly Of prayer The exposition of the Lords prayer FINIS a 1. Cor. 6 19. 1 thess. 5.10 b Rom. 14.8 c 1. Cor. 3.23 d 1. Pet. 1.18 1 Iohn 1.7 2.2 e 1. Iohn 3.8 Hebr. 2.14 f Iohn 6.39 g Matth. 10.30 Luke 21.18 h Rom. 8 22. i. 2. Cor. 1.22 5.5 Eph. 2 14. Rom. 8. k Rom. 8.14 ▪ l. Luk. 24.47 1. Cor. b. 11. Tit. c. m. Iohn 9.41 Rom. 3. n. Iohn 17.3 o. Ephe. 5.10 1. Pet 2.9.10 11.12 Rom. Math. 5.16 2. Tim. 2.15 a. Rom. 3.20 b. Luk. 10.27 c. Rom. 3.10 23 1. Iohn 1.8 d. Rom. 8.7 Ephe. 2 ▪ 3. e. Tit. 3 Gen. 1.31 f. Ge. 1.36.27 g. 2. Co. 3.18 Col. 3.10 Ephe. 4.24 a Gen. 3.5 Rom. 5.12.18 19. b. Psal. 51.7 Gen. 5.3 c Iohn 3.6 Gen. 6.5 d Ioh. 3.5 e Ephe. 4.24 f Luk. 10.30 c. g Rom. 5.12 Heb. 9.27 a Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 b Exod. 34.6 c Exo. 20.5 Psal. 5.5 2 Cor. 6.14 d. Exod. 25. 23.7 e. Rom. 8.3.4 f. Iob. 9.2.3 15.15 Matth. 6.12 a. Heb. 2.14 b. Psal. 130. c. 1. Cor. 15.21 Ier. 23.6 Isai 53.11 2. Cor. 5.25 Heb. 7.16 Ies 7.14 Rom. 8.3 Ier. 33.16 d. Rom. 5.1.15 e. 1. Pet. 18. f. Isay 5.8 Act. 2.14 1 Pet. 3.18 g 1. Io. 1.2 49.10 Act. 20.28 Ioh. 3 16. a Math. 1.23 1 Tim. 3.16 Luk. 2.11 b. 1. Cor. 1.30 c Gen. 3.15 d Gen. 22.18 49.10.11 Rom. 1.2 Heb. 1.1 Act. 3.22.23 24. 10.11 Rom. 1.2 Heb. 1.1 Heb. 10.7 f Rom. 10.4 Gal. 4.4 g. Ioh. 1.12 3.36 Ies 53.11 Psal. 2.12 Rom. 11.17.19 Heb. 4.2 10.39 h Heb. 11.1.3 Iac. 2.19 Gal. 2.20 i Rom. 4.16 c. Iac. 1.8 Rom. 5.1 k. Matt. 16.17 Ioh. 3.5 Ga. 5 2. Phil. 1.1.9 l. Rom. 1.16 Rom. 10.17 a. Heb. 10.38 Heb. 2.4 Mat 9.2 Eph. Rom. 5.1 b. Rom. 3.24 25. Gal. 2.16 c. Ioh. 20.31 Mat 28.20 a Deut. 6.4 Ephe. 4.5.6 b Ies 16.1 Luk. 4.18 psa 110.1 Math. 3.16.17 28.19 1. Ioh. 5.7 c Gen. 1.6 Psal. 33.6 d Psal. 104. 115.3 Matth 10.29 Heb. 1 3. Rom. 11.36 e Iohn 1.12 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.5.6 ▪ 7. Ephe. 15. f Psal. 55.23 Matth 6.25 26. Luk. 12.22 a Rom 8.28 b Rom. 10.12 c Matth. 6.26 d Matth. 17.25