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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02884 The catechisme, or maner to teach children and others the Christian fayth used in all the landes and dominions that are under the mighty Prince Frederike, the Palsgraue of ye Rhone, elector of the empyre, &c. Translated out of Latin into Englysh, by William Turner Doctor of Phisicke, easely to be vnderstanded and read, aswell of the people of the north cuntry, as others.; Heidelberger Katechismus. English. Turner, William, d. 1568. 1572 (1572) STC 13028; ESTC S112597 22,595 59

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faith AN. It is not onely a knowlege wherby I doo surely assent to all thinges which God hath opened to vs in his worde but also a sure trust kindled in my harte by the Holy ghost through the Gospell whereby I am at peace with God surely rekenyng with my selfe and iudgeyng that forgeuenes of sinnes euerlastyng lyfe rightuusnes was geuē not only to other but also to me that fréely by the mercy of God for the deseruing of Christ alone QV. * What are those thinges that a Christ●n man must néedes beleue AN. * All thinges that are promised in the Gospel the sum whereof is contayned in the Creede or articles of our faith wherein is shortly conteyned as in a certayne shorte sum the cheif poyntes of the catholike and vndoubted faith of all Christians QVESTION ¶ What is the Créede ye speake of ANSVVER I Beleue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen earth And in Iesus Christe his onely begotten sonne our lord Which was conceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary Suffred vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried went downe into Hell. The thyrd day he rose agayne from the dead And went vp into heauen sitteth there at the right hand of god the Father almighty From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke the dead I beleue in the holy gost That ther is a catholike church A communion of Saints Forgeuenes of sinnes The rising agayne of the flesh And the lyfe euerlastyng Amen QVE Into how many partes is this Créede deuided AN. ¶ Into thrée partes the firste is of the euerlasting father and of our creation The seconde is of the sonne our redemption or deliuerance The thyrd is of the Holy gost and makyng of vs holy sauing vs from sinne QV. ¶ When as there is but one onely substance of God why namest thou three the father the son and the Holy gost AN. ¶ Because God hath so opened him self in his word that these thrée sundry persōs are that one trew euerlastyng God. ¶ Of the Father QVESTION WHat doest thou beleue when thou sayest I beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth AN. ¶ I doo beleue that the euerlastyng Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hath made of nothyng heauen and earth and althinges that are therein with his euerlastyng counsel prouision vpholdeth and gouerneth al the same for Christs sake is my God and my father and therefore so trust rest in him that I doo not doubt but he wyl prouide for me al thīgs nedful both for my soule and body and that he wil also tourne vnto my Saluation all the euyls and troubles that he layeth vpon me in this troublesome lyfe both because he can doo it as an almighty God and will do it as a gentil Father QV. ¶ What is the prouision or prouidence of God AN. The almighti power of god present in euery place whereby it holdeth vp as it were with his hand gouerneth heauen and earth and all creatures in so much that those things that grow vpon the earth rayne also faire wether and drines plentuusnes in bearing barrennes meat and drink health and sicknes ryches pouerti and to conclude all thinges fall and come vnto vs not without aduice or by chance but by his fatherly aduised counsell wyll and purpose QVE ¶ What profite haue we by this knowlege of the creatiō prouidēce of god ANS ¶ That in aduersitie we maye be pacient and in prosperytie thankfull and in time to come we maye haue a very good hope in God our moste faythfull Father knowing that there is nothyng that can drawe vs awaye from his loue for all creatures are so in his Power that withoute his wyll they can not onely doo nothynge but euen not so much as to stere or moue Of the Sonne QVESTION WWhy is the Son of God called Iesus that is the Sauer AN. * Because he saueth vs from al our sinnes as no saluatiō ought to be craued of any other so can there none be found in other but in him alone QV. * Then whether doo they beleue in the onely sauer Iesus which séeke happynes saluation of saints or of themselues or of any other thyng AN. * No For although they boast thēselues and reioyce in him as their Sauer in their words yet for al that in very ded● they deny the only Sauer Iesus for either must Iesus not be a perfit Sauer or els al they that receaue him with a trew faith for a Sauer haue in their possessyon in hym all thinges necessary vnto saluation QV. * Why is he called Christus that is annoynted AN. * Because he was ordayned of the Father and was annoynted of the Holy gost the highest prophet and doctor which hath opened vnto vs the secret counsel and all the wyll of his father concerning our redemption deliuerance And the hye Preist who with one sacrifice or offring of his body and no mo hath bought vs agayne and continually maketh intercession to his Father for vs And a Kinge which gouerneth vs with his worde and his spirit and defēdeth and kepeth the Saluation which we haue gotten by hym QV. ¶ But why art thou called a christian AN. Becaus through faith I am a mēber of ●esus Christ and am pertaker of his anointing ▪ so that I confesse his name geue my selfe vp vnto him to be a liuing offring of thankfulnes in this life to fight against sin Sathan with a fre and good conscience and afterwarde may hould enioy the euerlastīg kyngdōe with Christ ouer al cretures QV. ¶ For what cause is Christ called the onely begotten son of god whē we are also the sonnes of God AN. * Because Christ is only the euerlastyng and natural son of the father euerlastyng and we are but sonnes chosen and taken vp of the Father of fauour for Christes sake QV. * Why callest thou hym our Lord ANS ¶ Because he byinge agayne our bodyes and soules from sinne not with Golde nor Siluer but with his precious bloud and deliuering them from all power of the deuyll hath claymed vs for his owne proper seruants belongīg vnto none other Lord or master QV. ¶ What beleuest thou when thou sayest he was conceiued by the holy ghost and borne of the virgin Mary AN. ¶ That the sonne of God which is and abydeth trew and euerlasting god hath taken the very trewe nature of man of the flesh and bloud of the virgin Marye by the workyng of the Holy ghost that he might be also with al the true seed of Dauid lyke vnto his Brethern in all thinges sauing onely in sinne QV. ¶ What profite takest thou of the holy conception and birth of Christ AN. That he is our meane or mediator and with his innocentnes perfite holines couereth my sinnes in the which I am conceiued to com into the sight of God.
vnlawful ware counterfet and vnlawfull money vsurye al vnlawfull meanes and wayes that God hath forbydden to get a mans lyuyng withal Héer vnto may be put and ioynd all couetusnes and vnthrifty and prodigal powryng out and spendyng and wastyng of Gods gifts and euyll vsing of the same QV. ¶ What are those thinges whiche God commandeth here AN. That as much as is posible I shuld helpe and increase the goods and profite of my neighbor And that I should doo so vnto hym as I wold he should doo vnto mée and that I should doo my worke earnestly truly and faithfully that I mai therby be able to releue and helpe them that haue néede QV. ¶ What requireth the nynth commaundement AN. * That I shall not beare false witnes agaynst any man neither falsly turne the meanyng of any mans wordes nether shal backbyghte any man or spightfully rayle agaynste any man neyther shall rashly without the shewynge of a lawfull cause condemne any man. But with al the meanes that I can I sha● slye and eschew al kynd of lyes deceipts as the proper works of the deuyll except ● be disposed to stere vp agaynst me the gr●uous wrath of god In iudgments othe● matters I shall folowe it that is true an● stedfastly fréely tel confesse the matte● as it is indéede morouer I shall as muc● as I can defende and increase the go●● name fame and credit of my neighbors QV. What forbiddeth the .x. commandement AN. That our hartes should not be moued or stirrid vp with so much as with th● least thought or desire agaynst any of god commandementes but that we shall ha● and defy at all times al kynd of sinne an● shal delyte our selues in all rightuusnes QV. ¶ Can they that are turned to Go● kepe perfitly fully these cōmandements AN. ¶ No For euen the holyest amōg all men as longe as they lyue héere ha● but smal beginings of this obedience B● yet go so farre that they earnestly with ● feigned desire begin to liue not onely a●cordyng vnto som of these commandem●tes but accordyng to al the commandeme●tes of God. QV. ¶ Why wyll God then that hi● law shuld be so ernestly sharply preched when there is no man in this lyfe that is ●ble to kepe it AN. * Fyrst that all the time of our lyfe we shall confesse and acknowleadge how ●reatly we are disposed of nature to sin ●o thereby that we more greedely and with ● greatter desire call for the forgeuenes of ●ur sins that we should always be occupied ●n this that we alwayes be thinking and ●ecording with our selues of godlines and ●al vpon the Father for the grace of the holy ●oste that we may be renewed fashioned ●o the lykenesse of god euery day more and more vntyll at the length after that we be departed out of this lyfe we may with ioy and gladnes get the full perfitnes that is purposed set foorth and requyred of vs. ❧ Of Prayer QVESTION WHy is prayer necessary for a Christen man ANS * Because it is the chiefe parte of that thankfulnes that God requireth of vs and also because God onely geueth them his grace and holy spirit who ar thinges necessary of hym with true vnfeigned gronynges and geueyng thankes for suche benefytes as they haue receiued QV. ¶ What things ar required in th● prayer which shal please God and be he● of him AN. * That we should aske of the onel● true God whiche hath opened him selfe 〈◊〉 his worde al those thinges whiche he hat● commanded to be axed with a true desi●● of the harte and an inwarde felyng of o● beggerly need and wretchednes cast o● selues downe humbly and lowly in the sig●● of Gods maiestie leane to this sure fou●dation that although we be vnworthy y● we shal surely be hard for Christes sake ● he hath promised vs in his word QV. ¶ What are those thynges that 〈◊〉 commaundeth to be axed axed of hym AN. * Al thinges that are necessary b● for body and soule which our Lorde Ies●● Christe conteineth in his prayer that 〈◊〉 hath taught vs. QV. ¶ Which is that prayer ANSVVER OVr father whiche art in he●uen halowed be thy nam● Thy kyngdome come T● wyll be done in earth as it in heauen Geue vs this d● our dayly bread And forge●● vs our dettes as we forgeue our dette● And lead vs not into temptation B●● deliuer vs from euyl For thine is the king●ome the power the glorye for euer and ●uer Amen QV. ¶ Why doth Christ command that we should call God our father AN. That he might styrre vp in vs euen ●n the very beginning of our prayer suche ●euerence as is méet for the sonnes of God ●nd a bolde trust toward God which is to ●e the ground of our prayer to wyt that God throgh Christ is made our father and wyll much lesse denye vnto vs those things ●hat we axe of hym with a true faith then ●ur earthly father wyl deny vnto vs erthly thyngs QV. ¶ Why is it sayde further whiche art in heauen AN. * That we shoulde not thynke to ●ylely bacely or earthly of his heauenly maiestie and that we should looke for and wayte of his almightynesse for all things whatsoeuer ar necessary for our soules and bodyes QVESTION ¶ Which is the first pitition or axyng AN. * Halowed be thy name that is to say at the beginninge graunt vs that we may rightly know thee and worship praise and honor thy almightines thy wisedome thy rightuusnes and gentylnes thy mercy and thy truth and afterward purpose and driue al our life our thoghts words deeds vnto this ende thy most holy name be n● blasphemed or euyll spoken of for vs b● rather be hyghly honored and praysed QV. ¶ Which is the second peticion AN. * Thy kyngdome come That is g●uerne vs so with thy worde and spirit th●● we maye humble and submite oure selue● more and more vnto thée kepe and incre●● thy church destroy the works of the deuy● and all power that lifteth it selfe agayns● thy Maiesty disapoynt and make voyd an● of none effect al he counselles that ar t●ken agaynst thy worde vntyl thou may● at the length reigne and rule ful perfit● when as thou shalt be all in all QV. ¶ Which is the thyrd peticion AN. * Thy wyll be done in earth as it 〈◊〉 in heauen That is grant that we and a● men renounsing and forsakyng our ow● wylls may be obedyēt redyly bent and 〈◊〉 out any grudge vnto the kepyng of thy w● which is onely holy and that so euery o● of vs may fulfyll and doo the office that 〈◊〉 appoynted vnto vs faithfully cherefull● as the Angels doo in Heauen QV. ¶ Which is the fourth peticion AN Geue vs this day our dayly bread That is geue vnto vs al thyngs which néedfull necessary for this lyfe the throu● them we may knowledge confesse that the art onely