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A85551 Truths victory against heresie; all sorts comprehended under these ten mentioned: 1. Papists, 2. Familists, 3. Arrians, 4. Arminians, 5. Anabaptists, 6. Separatists, 7. Antinomists, 8. Monarchists. 9. Millenarists, 10. Independents. As also a description of the truth, the Church of Christ, her present suffering estate for a short time yet to come; and the glory that followeth at the generall resurrection. / By I.G. a faithfull lover and obeyer of the truth. Imprimatur, John Downame. Graunt, John, of Bucklersbury. 1645 (1645) Wing G1597; Thomason E277_7; ESTC R200005 70,586 79

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any preparation to justifying faith for by Christs stripes we are healed from the beginning of the world And to prove this truth I argue thus First all the elect of God are justified before God but some of the elect of God doe not yet beleeve therefore some that doe not beleeve are justified before God Secondly he that is in Christ is justified But we must be in Christ before we can beleeve therefore we must be justified before we can beleeve Truth I answer the due observation of terms is the true preservation of proprieties and except you justly distinguish of the terms before God himselfe and Gods grace by which he doth justifie his elect you cannot understand truly but you must confound heaven and earth together and make God Man and Man God concluding such blasphemies as the Familists doe to whom hundreds of you are fallen within this two yeares who affirme of the Trinity that God the Father is the Minde the Sonne is the Word and the Spirit is the Word made knowne And under these termes mistaking the verity of the mystery of the Trinity conclude such gross blasphemies as these conclusions hereafter specified making God the Father the Mind God the Son the Word of that Minde God the holy Spirit the effect or revelation of the Word And as these are three so they are one as you say so it is and was at first in the creation God the Father was the Mind of God God the Son was the Word of that Mind and God the Spirit was the working meaning or manifestation of that Word so that in that which God said Let us make man and he spake and the Heavens and the Earth was made the Firmament the Sun Moon and Starres the Sea and the Fish therein the Aire and the Fowls therein the Earth and the Beasts Herbs and Trees therein as God spake the word and all these were created so that as they were made by the Word so they are the Word and as the Word and the Father are one and as the Father the Word and the revelation of it are one so whatsoever the Word made is one with the Father the Sonne and the Spirit And then the conclusion must be this The whole creation is God himselfe Now to avoid such blasphemous consequences we will distinguish of the terms and therein shew the fallacy of your Arguments and then I will discover and establish the truth against your doctrine which by this means will easily appeare to be false First for the terme that concernes God justified before God you say which if you meane as it concernes God in his infinitenesse it is so farre above our line or the capacity of the elect in point of reconciliation with God as the highest heavens are above the center of the earth for with God himselfe there is nothing before nor after For the Scripture speaks thus of God in this respect that he calleth those things that be not as though they were Rom. 4. 17. And again one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeares and a thousand yeares as one day 2 Pet. 3. 8. Thus you see Gods thoughts are not our thoughts nor his wayes as our wayes saith the Lord but as the heavens are higher then the earth so are his wayes and his thoughts higher then ours Isai. 55. 8 9. But when the Prophet comes to speak of Gods work in the creature to salvation then he speakes in the creatures language and capacitie so that except man obey the voyce of God he is left without excuse in these words Seek the Lord while he may be found call yee upon him while he is neere let the wicked forsake his was and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord God and he will have mercy upon him and abundantly pardon verse 6 7. Thus as the Prophet we must distinguish between Gods eternall purpose and decree which is a secret known to himself only towards his elect before all times and his calling and justifying of them in time which is the effect of his foreknowledge and predestination and that which makes known to the elect Gods secret purpose And although it be said Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect the Apostle there doth not understand the justification of the elect before time as you doe but the justification of his elect in time called and justified And although there can be nothing laid to such an elect justified to his condemnation yet many things may be laid to his charge in regard of his weaknesse and frailty If any brother be fallen through weaknesse you that are spirituall restore such a one by the spirit of meeknesse Thus Nathan charged David and David chargeth himselfe Against thee onely have I sinned So our Lord chargeth his faithfull servant Peter and Paul withstood him to his face and saith He was to be blamed And so that holy Apostle blameth himselfe also Oh wretched man that I am saith he And the Scripture saith There is not a righteous man that liveth and doth good and sinneth not And again If any man say he hath no sinne he deceiveth himselfe and the truth is not in him And the elect of God are renued again after sinning by repentance as the Church of Ephesus is admonished by Christ to repent and do her first works Rev. 2. 5. And however the Saints do daily sin after justification yet through Gods grace they are recovered again daily by repentance and maugre the malice and temptation of Satan the snares of the world and the concupiscence of their own natures yet the Lord that loved them once doth still love them for ever and doth wash off their filthinesse and ownes them so for his own that neither their sins nor any power or any creature whatsoever shall or can condemn them Secondly you say some of the elect of God do not believe and therefore they are justified before they believe I pray where did you finde or learn this Logick which is so contrary to the wisdome of God which teacheth thus by Christ all that believe are justified from all things Act. 13. 39. And again those that he calleth hee justifieth but your doctrine saith they are justified before they are called see in a word how directly your preaching is against truths doctrine And of the same nature with your former is your second Argument which runs thus he that is in Christ is justified but wee must be in Christ before we can believe therefore we must be justified before we believe which in the very terms is another doctrine then St. Paul teacheth us who saith plainly wee are justified by faith Rom. 3. 28. And he justifieth the ungodly but I question your knowledge of justifying faith which if you did truly know you durst not teach that men are justified before they believe it is true hee that is ingraffed into Christ is justified but it doth not follow therefore a man
saith he comfort one another with these words 1 Thes. 4. 18. Blessed and holy is he saith St. John that hath part in the first resurrection for hee alone is the man that lookes for his coming and hath comfort in his appearing the very same saith Daniel Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335. dayes but go thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in the Lot at the end of the dayes Dan. 12. 12 13. which number exceeds the former which comprehended the whole time of Antichrists raign and persecution 45. yeers thereby discovering a deep mystery of high understanding which none but the wise can possibly apprehend as the Prophet declareth vers. 10. which additionall number notes out unto us that little season that shall be between the totall destruction of Antichrist and the finall consummation of this world which our Lord himself signifieth by the word immediately thereby to set forth all the time between the dayes of tribulation and his own glorious appearing and St. John uses the word quickely to set forth all the time likewise between the wofull raign of Antichrist and the wofull ruine of all ungodly men in these words Rev. 11. The second wo is past and behold the third wo cometh quickely and as it is shewed to John that after the thousand yeers should be finished expired and fulfilled which is the whole time of Poperies cruelty and mysterie of Iniquity and the Dragon the Devils liberty which is exprest for the time to be a little season in which Satan shall move and stir up the nations of the four quarters of the earth even Gog and Magog those great and innumerable multitudes to desolate the Saints the Church even the beloved city of God as before I have touched till the very instant of time of the Sonne of mans coming in his white and glorious throne to judgement before whose face the earth and the heavens fled away and there was found no place for them Rev. 20. 7 8 9 10 11. and likewise the 45. additionall yeers of Daniels Chaldee reckoning to be the whole time in which God will accomplish the scattering of the powers of his holy people and between the ending of the time times and half a time and the generall resurrection to have all these things fulfilled and this is cleerly though briefly intimated wherefore I demand of all you learned Monarchists Judaists and Millenarists where in Gods Word you will find any time for the glory of the Churches prosperity in this world Well let a word be enough to the wise and therefore never preach nor print such doctrines hereafter The last thing is the place where the Scriptures speak that Christ and his kingdome shall be in for evermore and that is the earth saith the truth Blessed are the meek for they shall inherite the earth Mat. 5. 5. The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord and his Christ and he shall raign for ever and ever Rev. 11. 15. even then when the Lord himself shall descend f●rom heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Archangel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and the Saints living changed before the kingdome be established 2 Thes. 4. 16. which St. John makes to be the voyce of the seventh and last Angel Rev. 10. 7. saying When he shall begin to sound the mystery of God shall be finished and that the earth at that time shall be made the place of Christ and his Churches habitation eternally glorified observe the cleare and unanimous consent of all Scriptures this is the new song of the 24. Elders Rev. 5. 9 10. which sung to the praise of the Lamb of God Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every tongue and people and nation and hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and wee shall raign on the earth And David makes it the song of his delight in the often repetition of it Psal. 37. 9. Evill doers saith he shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth For yet a little while and the wicked shall not be But the meek shall inherite the earth v. 10. 11. And again Such as are blessed of God shall inherite the earth and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off v. 22. yea the earth hath the Lord given to the children of men Psal. 115. 16. And again The spirituall sons of him that feareth the Lord shall inheritthe earth Psal. 25. 13. Wherefore great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the mountain of his holiness beautifull for situation the joy of the whole earth is mount Sion Psal. 48. 1 2. then shall it be that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the Sea Isa. 11. 9. which cannot be understood here in this world but of the world to come not in this old corruptible heaven and earth but when the whole creation even every creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption Rom. 8. 19 20 21 22. in that time when none shall hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain saith the Lord even then when these heavens and earth that now are corruptible shall be dissolved and new heavens and new earth created in which dwelleth righteousnesse then even in the day of the Lords coming 2 Pet. 3. 11 12 13. Isa. 65. 17. and as the glorious Church of Christ shall remain for ever so shall the restitution of all things also Isa. 66. 22. Finally John was shewed the new heavens and the new earth and the renovation of all things Rev. 21. 1. when hee saw new Jerusalem the Church of God even the Lambs wife come down from heaven to the earth so that the Tabernacle of God was with men with whom hee will dwell for ever And this is the heavenly Countrey Church and City with foundations which Abraham Isaac Jacob and all the faithfull people of God have ever expected and looked after that better resurrection which as yet they possesse not for all these died in the faith and received not the promise meaning the hope that was set before them God providing some better things for us that they without us might not be perfect Heb. 11. 13 14. yet seeing the perfection afar off and imbraced it through faith and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a Countrey a heavenly Canaan and Paradise of rest And as Gods children have chosen God and his promises for their portion and inheritance so the Lord himselfe hath chosen Sion for his habitation This is my rest for ever saith he here will I dwell for I have desired it Psal. 132. 13 14. Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy wayes thou King of Saints Rev. 15. 3. The Lord loveth the gates of Sion Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou City of God Psal. 87. 3. The Lord himselfe shall arise and have mercy upon Sion for the time to favour her yea the set time is come Psal. 102. 13. Errata PAge 6. line 17. for same blood read Sons blood p. 9. l. 7. for a yeere r. and a yeere p. 12. l. 25. for N. H. 1. H. N. p. 49. l. 22. for elect r. the elect FINIS
And lastly for the space of this long season neer unto the time of seventeen hundred yeers that great and huge Monarchy of the Romans our universall and mighty oppressors have dealt very cruelly with us even worse then all that were before them for their sword hath had a double edge called Force and Deceit cunning and cruelty and for power worse then all that were before them as Iron is the basest for value and hardest for strength for it breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things as one of my deare sons affirmeth Dan. 2. 40. which I and mine have found by dolefull experience all their tedious wofull and odious raign of the Iron legs and durtie toes how dolefull was it in the dayes of our blessed Saviour that that holy Prophet John the Baptist that takes his name from his office the harbenger the forerunner and preparer of the Lords own way that he should be killed and our innocent Lord grievously abuseded wounded crucified also and how was I and my children havocked and cruelly destroyed and wasted presently after the resurrection and ascension of our Lord in those numerous and unparalleld ten persecutions and all wrought and prosecuted against us by those legs of Iron all which power and authority of the legs are now gone and past as a storme that 's over and a tale that 's told and as a great fire that 's quenched excepting only the feet and toes consisting of Iron and Clay matter of two contrary natures in them the solidness and strength of Iron and the weaknesse or bricklenesse of Clay and yet such a powerfull enemy whose cunning craftinesse is managed by deceit and policy in which time iniquity hath and doth abound under the pretence of verity this fourth Monarchy from the first to the last in all the parts of it is deciphered by a strange beast diverse from all the beasts that were before it dreadfull terrible and exceeding in the greatnesse of power and strength it had Iron teeth saith the Prophet and they were great ones to tear and kill by and it devoured saith the Text and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it had ten horns Dan. 7. 7. Heres But let us prove if his words be true for what is the Babylonian Assyrian Grecian or Roman Monarch to us for we have been and are the spirituall seed of Abraham by faith wee are Christians who have believed are baptized and communicate in all the Ordinances of God we are warranted in the Scriptures for our Church-discipline and government and wee walke in a Church state and Church way in constituting our Congregations in ordaining our Ministers our Pastors our Deacons and Elders Widowes Eunuches and divers holy orders as that of Jesus and John the Baptist Mary Magdalene and abundance more orders of men women and Angels and all these by authoritie of Scriptures and yet will you rank us amongst the Heathens and compare us to the four Ethnick Monarchs long ago past we doubt not but upon further discovery to prove your self to be untruth Truth What ever you are whether Papists Familists Arrians Arminians Anabaptists Brownists Antinomians Millinarists or Monarchists of all sorts and although all and every one of you of each sort gird and bind your selves with the new found common With of Independency yet my self and my little children are able to prove against you all even against the oldest and strongest of you and therefore observe and take notice of it even of the charge it self that so many of you that are not born of sorrow and comfort and have not your parts in mourning and rejoycing of water and the Holy Ghost as the Scripture speaketh I tell you plainly notwithstanding all your outward names and distinctions your affirmed Christianity your Church-way and state your participation in the Word and Sacraments your ordinations and orders and what discipline you are of or any kinde or manner however except I say you be separated or dissevered from naturall men by the vail of regeneration as the Temple of God the Altar and them that worship therein were separated by a vail from the outward and common court erected for the multitude of the house of Israel to offer and sacrifice yea again because the matter I speak of is of such great concernment I speak it the third time except you are by true repentance and assurance of mercy made capable spiritually to eat Christs flesh and to drink his blood thereby to have eternall life in you except you be thus gracious and made spiritually living by regeneration Gods Word I say and the Spirit of truth denominates you reckons and accounts you all among the Heathens and Gentiles Rev. 11. 1 2. and notwithstanding all your outside and overcast Christianity the whole wicked cursed defiled and unregenerate world and you make but one cast-away part one flock of goats for ever to be excluded from the sheep of Christ their sweet and pleasant pastor that flock and fold also Heres This fellow condemnes us all wee are esteemed of him as counterfeits or false coyne he abstaineth from our wayes as from filthinesse yet we marvell how he can prove that we that are Christians are a part of those Monarchs whose severall times and powers are wholly expired consummated and gone Truth As I have in generall proved it already in shewing that all the wicked party in the world make but one fort one cursed side on the left hand so also I prove it further by our Saviour Christs words to the Pharisees in his dayes Matth. 23. 35 That upon you saith hee may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom yee slew between the Temple and the Altar Here our Lord layes the murther of Abel and Zacharias to the Scribes and Pharisees charge although the personall actors were dead many yeers before saying to them present whom ye slew and the reason is because all murtherers from the beginning of the world to the end thereof make but one generation all of them even one generation of Vipers persecutors and destroyers Secondly as yet the whole Monarch of the Romans is not expired and past but still in being the feet that were partly iron and partly clay are not wholly consumed nor the mixt matter is not yet abolished for yet craft policy doth prosper in wicked practices to destroy the mighty the people of the holy One by standing up and opposing the Prince of princes who notwithstanding shortly shall be destroyed without hands Dan. 8. 24 25 even that man of sin that son of perdition even that opposer and exalter of himself above all that is called God and as God sitteth in the Temple of God whom the Lord that he opposeth shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightnesse of his coming notwithstanding all his serpentine working his
with him in his throne yea in his owne throne In the second place this Masculine title notes out unto us the birth-right and inheritance that by right belongs unto the Church of God that as the first-born man-child is the heir apparent both by Scripture and nature so the Lords first-born is the apparent heir of the purchased inheritance and to this truth doth the Apostle witnesse in these words Rom. 8. 17. If children then heirs heirs with God and joynt heirs with Christ heirs of salvation Heb. 1. 14. Heirs according to the promise Gal. 3. 29. Heirs according to the hope of eternall life Tit. 3. 7. Heirs of the kingdome which hee hath promised to them that love him James 2. 5. Oh how sweet and comfortable are the words I could alwayes be mindfull of them yea of this word heirs of the kingdome which hee hath promised c. which now calls me to mind of my promise at first to describe in its due place the stone that was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his feet which became a great mountain and filled the whole earth c. This term Mountain in the Scriptures sets forth unto us often literally the hils or highest parts of the earth but figuratively the greatest powers that are in this world or that to come and sometimes by mountain we are to understand such carnall and naturall men as have high thoughts and great esteem of themselves and therefore as it is prophesied of John the Baptist Isa. 40. 3 4. so it was fulfilled by him Luke 3. 4. who by the great gifts given him of God to work repentance whereby he prepared the Lords way and turned the disobedient to the wisdome of the just and of the operation of his Ministerie it is said Every mountain and hill was brought low c. meaning that the hearts of disobedient naturall men were made penitent and their high thoughts humbled Also by the term mountain wee are to understand all those great powers dignities and authorities that have risen up and born sway in this world ever since the creation thereof and amongst the rest those Monarchies especially at the beginning of our Discourse particularly named and with them all nations and Religions Papists and others as well Christians as Pagans that have at all times hated persecuted and destroyed the Saints the Church of Christ and with this truth the Prophet Jeremiah was well acquainted in saying in the name of the Lord that hee would render unto Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evill that they had done to Sion Behold I am against thee O destroying mountain saith the Lord which destroyedst all the earth c. Jer. 51. 24 25. and again Who art thou O great mountain thou shalt be made a plain Zac. 4 7. And for this cause even for the great oppression of his servants and people will the Lord shortly go forth as a mighty man he shall stir up jealousie like a man of war hee shall cry yea roare hee shall prevail against his enemies mightily and although he have been long silent and held his peace and restrained himself all this world long and hath suffered his own wife and little children to be afflicted with judgement from all the powers and authorities that have ruled in the earth yet now it is neer at hand that he that shall come will come and will not tarry but will destroy and devour at once all the mountains and hils that have desolated his own little holy hill of Sion Isa. 42. 13 14 15. Psal. 2. 6. And this holy hill of Sion which David speaks of is the small stone cut out of the mountain without hands that Daniel so long before saw in a Vision which became so great a mountain that it brake to pieces the gold the silver the brasse the iron the clay that no place was found for them for ever hereafter Now the holy Scribe Ezra is shewed what the mountain cut out without hands is 2 Ezr. 13. 35. that it is Sion the Church of God and her King the Son of God standing on the top of this mount Sion a posture of Majesty belonging only to a King and that this King should without sword or lifting up his hand or any instrument of war destroy the multitudes that came out to fight against him with a blast of fire sent out of his mouth and out of his lips a flaming breath and sparkles and tempest cast out with his tongue vers. 10. and the torments are like to a flame and their destruction shall be with the law that is like unto fire v. 38. And the peaceable multitude are the ten Tribes carried away by Salmaneser king of Assyria now both their carrying into captivity past long ago and their return which is not yet brought to passe are a lively type of the Saints captivity both of Jewes and Gentiles in the Churches pressures and sufferings and of their deliverance and salvation also as likewise the set-time to be in the day of the Lord Jesus his coming and revealing v. 28. to the 50. compared with 2 King 17. And farther it filled the whole earth saith the Text Dan. 2. 34. Observe the Prophets expression that the holy mountain of the Lord at the first was seen to be a stone cut out without hands which cleerly deciphereth unto us the true nature of the Church of Christ in her first and suffering condition the ten Tribes captivity in their estate of regeneration by which shee is made a holy living spirituall stone-house and so made or fashioned not by mans hands or any humane power as all the fleshly Synagogues of this world are but cut out and made without hands as that Tabernacle which God doth build and not man which is the true Church or Tabernacle Heb. 8. 2. And as I have often touched before continually all this life long suffers under those that are evill and malignant truly so called wherefore the Lord by the Prophet comforts this holy Church and mother of truth for a moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath have I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer And again Oh thou afflicted and tossed with tempest I will speak it again ●ossed with tempest here 's a word that sets out the suffering of truth with her children to the full even so tossed with the storme and tempest of affliction as a ship is tossed with the roaring and raging waves of the seas or as a ball is tossed and beaten up and down both by hand and foot Isa. 54. Now as the Prophet Daniel by the dreame of the King did understand the day of small things concerning the Churches condition in her estate of regeneration so also he saw the great and glorious power and soveraignty its dominion and magnitude in its deliverance
in hand to take heed we do not mistake the meaning of Gods Word nor to give any other sense or exposition then that which is its own lest we be found such as fight against the Scriptures and by false and lying interpretations violate Gods Law and wage war to kill and slay the two witnesses the old and new Testaments the lamps and light of truth Rev. 11. 7 8. let us take heed of this brethren for the judgement against this sin is written and revealed already to adde or diminish from the Word of God to be a heavie inevitable dismall cursed sentence Deut. 4. 2. Prov. 30. 6. Rev. 22. 18. And if you had considered the Scriptures concerning the name of God and Lord you should have found even the Apostle himselfe to expound to the Church of Corinth what he meant by his speaking or writing to the Church of Ephesus One Lord c. for hee saith there be many Lords and many gods so call'd both in heaven and earth but to us saith he there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and wee in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and wee by him 1 Cor. 8. 5 6. there is but one such a Father and Lord and holy Spirit who is the giver the purchaser and worker of the grace by which we are called in the same one hope of our holy calling Eph. 4. 4. but in other respects the Heathens Idols and the Gentiles gracious Lords are called God and Lord for so did the Gentiles speak of Herod deifying him with a shout saying The voyce of God and not of man and Christian Emperors Kings States and Potentates in regard of authority and jurisdiction are called Lords and Gods in which they do represent God I have said you are gods saith the Scripture but you shall die like men Heres But wee have a plain word for our teaching and baptizing Matth. 28. 19. but you baptize infants for which you haue no word for and therefore it will be said at last Who hath required these things at your hands for indeed you do but continue the mark of the beast in all your babies baptizings Truth Whereas you say Christs words in the last of Matthew proves your preaching and baptizing you say more then you can make good or that I can believe from that Scripture and although there be no expresse words in the Scripture for the baptizing of Infants yet there is as sufficient warrant for it as for most things you practise your selves for what plain word have you for the time of publike assembling or generall meetings what word have you for your people to ordain their Minister what command doth authorize you your self to baptize what word have you when to receive the Lords Supper when to administer it and where who to provide the bread and wine and what bread and of what grain and the wine of what grape you have not a word for women to receive the Sacrament and abundance other particulars practised by you Will you therefore say you do that which you sin in doing so as you say we do I think not The truth is we need not a word for there are generall rules in the Scriptures that include particular practices and divers things under the Gospel being of the same nature under the Law the rules given under the Law serve under the Gospel so the Apostle proves to the Church of Corinth from the Law of Moses Deut. 25. 4. That Ministers of the Gospel should have maintenance that as they which minister about holy things live of the things of the Temple and they which wait at the Altar are partakers of the Altar even so hath the Lord ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel 1 Cor. 9. 13 14. compared with Deut. 18. 1. So we may truly say it is ordained that as the children of believers before Christ both Jewes and Proselytes were to be circumcised Gen. 17. 11 12. Exod. 12. 48 49. so believers and their children since Christ are to be Baptized as St. Peter speaketh the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are a far of even as many as the Lord our God shall call I beseech you observe this place St. Peter here spake to the Jews the men of Judah and Jerusalem vers. 14. Yee men of Israel hear these words saith he vers. 22. so preacheth to them that Jesus was the Saviour of the world whom yee have taken by wicked hands and have killed and being dead was buried who was raised again and now sits at the right hand of the Father and is made the Lord and Christ the alone Saviour of the world and they that gladly receive this doctrine of salvation by Christ were baptized vers. 41. who before had been circumcised Now as the promise did onely belong to Abraham and his Spirituall Seed and yet all his naturall children and the children of believing strangers were to communicate of circumcision which was the outward signe of the Covenant of the righteousnesse by faith as before is proved So likewise under the Gospel the same covenant of life and salvation is made only to Gods chosen faithfull regenerated servants and their spirituall seed yet the naturall children of these faithfull Christians may partake of the outward baptisme which is the outward signification of the baptisme of the heart as circumcision in the flesh was a signe of the circumcision of the heart and according to this rule the place before mentioned and divers other Scriptures speak as Acts 16. 15. that Lydia and her houshold was baptized so the Jailor was baptized and all his that is his houshold and the Apostle Paul baptized the houshold of Stephanus 1 Cor. 1. 16. And our Lord Jesus laid his hands on little children and blessed them and rebuked his Disciples for forbidding them to come Luke 18. 16. and the Apostle is cleer in the resolution of this question to the Church of Corinth 1 Cor. 7. 14. saith he the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife and the unbelieving wife by the believing husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy that is in respect they have right unto the outward covenant being born of one that believeth But some of you Anabaptists would have these words holy and unclean to mean bastards or unlawfully born which is such an exposition as was never heard nor read of before and this exposition admits of much absurdity for it nullifies the law of marriage amongst the Heathens who have as certain rules for marriage according to their manner and custome as Christians have for the Scripture prescribes no form Secondly this exposition makes Abraham himself and most of the Patriarchs wives to be bastards for they were the children of Heathens by father and mother as holy Sarah Rebecca Rachel and Josephs wife the mother of Ephraim and Manasses a bastard and that holy
the rule of Gods Word by expresse words or necessary consequence and therefore your separation from us is groundlesse and not warranted in the Scriptures for consider how the rule of truth would direct you and observe how it was with those that were effectually called by the ministery of John Baptist and our Lord himself and truly converted unto God from amongst the Jews in such times when those in the outward state of the Church were most corrupt for they preached for doctrine the commandments of men nor would not receive the truth themselves nor suffer such as would receive it against which doctrine our Lord exhorts his hearers to take heed and beware of the leven of the Pharisees but never taught the Disciples to separate from the Church of the Jewes nor to enter into a formed covenant among themselves as you do but on the contrarary hee commanded them to continue hearers and doers The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses chair or seat whatsoever they bid you observe that observe and do c. Mat. 23. 2 3. And himself as his Disciples continued still repairing to the Temple and Synagogue and participated in the service and publike worship of God making no separation for when our Lord gave his account to the high Priest of his Disciples and doctrine Joh. 18. 19 20. he saith I ever taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple whither the Jewes alwayes resort and in secret have I said nothing And for the Apostles practice in many Churches mentioned in the Acts both in Judea and among the Gentiles therein is no separation in your sense spoken of although many things were reprovable and admonished against both in doctrine and practice the truth is the good seed in the field are the Saints the Church of Christ the tares the wicked but both must grow together in the same field till the harvest Matth. 13. 30. As the lilly growes amongst the thornes so the chaffe lies in the same floor with the wheat the Goats feed in the same pasture with the sheep and the crafty Wolves among the harmlesse lambs and cannot be separated till our Lord comes to judge and part them never again to participate afterwards together Heres I pray heare mee all those that have already spoke are old like their doctrine and it is high time their errors should be thus discovered but I pray take notice of mee for I have received a new cleare light of heavenly doctrine a light of free grace and justification in and by Christ from all eternity so that the elect cannot properly be said at any time to be unrighteous ungodly or unholy for they are justified before they beleeve even before the foundations of the world even then when God elected them Truth Free grace rightly understood as the Scriptures declare it is a heavenly and comfortable Doctrine but me thinkes by your confession you should be an Antinomian who speake very much of free grace but doe not at all understand it for they say the free grace of God towards his elect that are justified before the world was is like unto the Sun-beames in the morning when she rises that enlightens the dark earth in which there is no preparation to the enlightning so the Lord shines into the hearts of his elected justified ones in the very time of their wickedest workes of darknesse And then in the midst of their sinnes as in the very acts of adultery and murther even then God lifts up the light of his countenance upon them and gives them peace the effect of their justification with God from all eternity These slight and contemne repentance and call it a worke of the Law and the preparation to justifying faith they call a munkish Popish doctrine and their own fancie or presumptuous conceit they call that justifying faith or free grace by which say they the justified before God come to understand and know their justification from all eternity Oh what a grosse seducement and delusion is this even a generall mistake of the whole Gospel in every part of it Therefore now I will first shew you what free grace is which the Scripture sets forth to us And then shew you how clearly and fully Gods word declares the justifying the elect by faith in Jesus Christ Now this is a written and a certain truth that God loves his Israel his chosen freely Hosea 14. 4 5 6. I will heale their back-slidings saith the Lord I will love them freely for mine anger is turned away from him I will be as the dew unto Israel he shall grow as the Lilly and cast forth his root as Lebanon Also it is written Ezek. 16. 6. When I saw thee polluted in thy own blood I said unto thee Live when thou wast in thy blood Live yea I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood Live and have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field Observe how abundantly the free grace of God is manifested to his elect that of themselves are quite contrary to deserving for they are polluted with the most abominable pollution and that is with blood and not a little but extreamly in the third degree blood three times repeated by the holy Ghost And that this threefold uncleannesse should bee washed and made pure and that this exceeding deadnesse should be made to live and so to live as the bud of the field to multiply and increase and bring forth fruit unto God and man even holy grapes to refresh the hearts of both this shewes the wonderfull freenesse of Gods grace so to love as there is none like it nor to be compared to it Now because you have spoken of this free grace in a fancy I shall endevour to shew it you in reality And that we may know the things that are freely given us of God 1 Cor. 2. 12. that is of his own will free grace and goodnesse and eternall love Let us consider it in these foure particulars which onely and alone are peculiar to the Saints and Church of God that is their election and predestination before all times their effectuall calling and justification in time and their eternal glorification for ever in the world to come which world shall be endlesse deathlesse and sinlesse for evermore And all these in all the causes the free grace of God And therefore it is said by S. Peter that the Saints and Church of God are elect according to the foreknowledg of God the Father 1 Pet. 1. 2. And S. Paul saith According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world Ephes. 1. 4. And the Apostle to the Church of Thessalonica testifies that God had from the beginning chosen them to salvation 2 Thess. 2. 13. so then it is cleare that the electare chosen in Christ to salvation Which secret purpose and foreknowledge of God towards his elect before all time is made good and effected in and upon his elect in all times being called
subordinate is the salvation of the Saints the chosen ones of God from the beginning of the world And this is the faith that justifieth that comforteth that overcommeth that excelleth whose dignity and excellencie every where shineth throughout the Scriptures the ignorance of which this very age yea I say it again this very age of ours deserves all these present judgements and more also then lie upon us at this time we having had from God afforded us so great meanes to come to the knowledge of it which sort of faith whosoever hath shall never perish but men may partake of both the other sorts to their condemnation Other acceptations the terme Faith hath in the Scriptures also having reference sometimes to God himselfe and therein importing the stedfastnesse and unchangeable truth of his decree and promise And in other places it is to be understood of the doctrine of the Gospel and so also of their faithfull discharge of their office that are gifted to declare and preach the glad tidings of peace and salvation Of which office it is hard for an Antinomian holding such principles as he doth to come to understand wherefore repent in time lest at last you turn all Familists which you cannot avoid if you continue in your principles Her We have had the experience of this new found conceited light that such as have been dazled with it have been staggred in the truth and some have been so blinded therewithall that they have fallen from the faith But what say you to us We have the doctrine of the Gospel pure and cleare we hold faith and repentance to be the first works to life and salvation and that the Church of God are a company of holy beleevers and that now the time is come that the Church shall bee delivered from all her sufferings according to the testimony of the Prophets and Apostles the purity of Christs Ordinances shall be established Christ shall bee set up upon his Throne and his Church shall have the rule and preheminence in the world in greater power dignity and externall authority then all the Monarchs that ever have been in the world before And in this outward glory shall shee continue till her Lord come to translate her Truth You speak like those that maintaine that the Church of Christ shall now so flourish and prosper as that it shall extend its bounds and borders all Christendome over and most part of the world besides into a Monarchy and as formerly the temporall power in Christianity hath had the rule and greatnesse so now the Ecclesiasticall power shall take place and the Scepter of Christ in the censure of the Church shall be advanced and bear rule above all other government And that now already it is begun that God makes the kingdomes of this world our Lords and his Christs and that now it is come to passe that the godly shall rule over the wicked for now they are given to be captives to Gods people whose captives Gods people were before this time Wherefore I answer Great are the privileges and prerogatives that the Scriptures speak of Gods Church and people in the world to come after the resurrection is plain and evident in holy Writ but to apply those prophesies and promises to the Church in this present evill world it is not well considered of you for the Lord by his servants speaks of his Church in a double consideration as oppressed afflected and suffering here in this life and as delivered perfected and saved in the life to come then to rule but here to suffer then to bee advanced into Christs Throne but now and here to submit to the Crosse now his house is a house of mourning but then it shall be a palace of glory Jerusalem the Citie of the great King shall be set up the praise of the whole earth And in regard of his Churches present suffering her Lord himselfe thus speaketh to her Feare not little flocke and comforts her with the grace and favour of God for the time to come in these words For it is your Fathers pleasure to give you a Kingdom And it is a truth concluded of by all if we follow Christ in the estate of regeneration we shall be made partakers of his glorification if wee suffer with him we shall reigne with him the one condition is here the other hereafter the one in this world the other in the world to come This is the testimony of our Lord and all his servants Matth. 19. 28. 2 Tim. 2. 12. And that short time or while of suffering Saint Peter speaks of is this present life and the time of making such sufferers perfect is the life to come 1 Pet. 5. 10. agreeing with his brother Paul who according to the wisdome of God given to him had cast up his accounts in these words I reckon saith he that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us Even then saith S. John when Christ which is our life shall appear then shall we appear with him then shall we be like him in his dignity as in this life we are like him in his ignominy 1 John 3. 2. And friend looke into the Scriptures and you shall find the Church the blessed assembly described now to suffer to mourn to bee hated to weep to be persecuted for righteousnesse sake and the contrary estate to be none of Gods Church or inheritance Woe be to yee that laugh and rejoyce that are full and enjoy greatnesse and prosperity those that are rich here have received their consolation those that are full in this life shall hunger in the life to come those that are merry laugh and want not here shall weep and waile when the day of redemption comes then shall be fulfilled to him that suffers not here these words Thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things and to him that suffered here these words He his evill things therefore thou that sufferedst not art tormented but thou that didst suffer thou art comforted Matth. 5. Luke 6. and Luke 16. When Gods suffering people shall bee rewarded then such as have enjoyed their prosperity here shall be condemned I beseech you as you love the truth decline this doctrine of yours for by it you doe revive againe that old tenent of Popery For what ever you affirme in your confession they have maintained it with fire and sword execration and excommunication for they would prove that their Church by Christs appointment was to have supreme authority power and jurisdiction over all they place themselves above the starres of God And as in power so in title he must be called and stiled the Lord God the Pope And so he challenged worship also that Kings and Emperours must kisse his stinking feet and toes in token of their slavish subjection in honouring him with the power of heaven and earth to kill make alive to pardon and retain sins falsly
expresse in this point I would they were cut off that trouble you Gal. 5. 12. I pray do not the fore-named false and lying spirits preach another Gospel another God another Christ and so fall within that rule of Moses Deut. 13. 5. that Prophet and that dreamer of dreames that perswadeth from our true God to a false shall be put to death according to that holy Prophets commission Ezra 7. 26. that whosoever would not do the Law of God and the King execution shall be made upon them whether unto death or unto banishment or confiscation of goods or imprisonment Oh remember Gods own hand against such blasphemous gain-sayers and withstanders of God and man Numb. 6. the earth opened its mouth and buried them alive their tents wives children cattell and all that pertained to them Wherefore give unto God the things that are Gods and to Cesar the things that are Cesars do not build Babel again under pretence of conscience and learn this truth that you must needs be subject to all lawfull rules lawes and orders not only for wrath but also for conscience sake Rom. 13. 5. Now for as much as upon true triall all of you of all sorts that are not born of God are plainly proved to be none of Gods house none of Christs Church nor the Temple of the Holy Ghost therefore that she may more apparently appear to your understanding I shall indevour to make a brief description of her her children The Scripture speaks of her sometimes by the name of a man and sometimes under the name and appellation of a woman and at other times in the Neuter gender either he or she in these words They overcame him with the blood of the Lamb c. They loved not their lives unto the death hee said unto them on his right hand Come yee blessed of my Father c. and abundance the like Scriptures by which terms either sex is to be understood now where the Scriptures set forth unto us the Saints and Church of Christ in the Feminine gender under the name and title of a woman then it notes unto us her fruitfulnesse in bringing forth unto God as well as unto men Jerusalem from above is the mother of us all Gal. 4. 26. Of us all that is of all those that are born of God which birth is spirituall and heavenly as before hath been shewed and in this sense she brings forth fruit unto God also Rom. 7. 4. And to men Gods elected servants shee is a nursing mother with bowels of compassion she hath two breasts full of sincere milk for her little ones that are young and for her strong and elder children shee hath stronger meat she killeth for them her beasts she hath wine and bread she furnishes her table Prov. 9. with a feast of fat things a feast of wines on the lees of fat things full of marrow Isa. 25. 6. The fruit of the rightous is a tree of life and they that turn souls unto God are wise Prov. 11. 30. The children of this woman are the children of Wisdome our Lord speaks of who only are they that can testifie to the truth These are the wise that shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and these are they that turn many unto righteousnesse who shall be hereafter as glorious as the stars for ever and ever this is she whom God calls Sion and Jerusalem that bringeth glad tidings even the joyfull voyce the people in whose heart is Gods Law and covenant of life for ever in and by them preserved for they are the keepers of his truth and as they know the truth so they preach it and declare it it is a fountain in them Out of their bellies do flow rivers of water of life so also it is a store-house a magazine of the Lords provision abundance a plenty of things old and new this good man out of the treasury of his good heart bringeth forth that which is good this housholder is the Scribe instructed unto the kingdome of heaven who bringeth forth of his treasury things new and old their fountain is their own and not anothers it is only this spirituall and heavenly woman the Church of Christ who unfoldeth and maketh known to the world the manifold wisdom of God Eph. 3. 10. which woman sometimes according to the grace given her is called a holy woman a pure undefiled chast virgin behold these are my mother saith the Lord himself and sometimes gloriously described there appeared in heaven saith St. John a great wonder a woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars great with child travelling in birth with pain ready to be delivered Rev. 12. 1 2. Observe this woman is continually fruitfull still increasing still big travelling and bringing forth unto God and as she is thus glorious in regard of her graces so in regard of her sorrows and sufferings she is called a barren woman by such harlots as call themselves the wife of Christ who not knowing the low the spirituall the humble penitent poor condition of the true Spouse despise her hate and contemn her as Hagar the bond-māid did her Mistress Sarah the free-woman and report of her that is the Lords love and delight as desolate and forsaken of her husband even a despicable and forlorn widow and shall so be accounted of all that are filthy till her sufferings are ended even as the off-scouring of the earth This holy Church of Christ is also described unto us in the Scripture under the Masculine appellation a man the first-born a man-child Israel saith the Lord by the Prophet is my first-born Deut. 4. 23. Let my son go saith the Lord for Israel is my son my first-born vers. 22. I am a father to Israel saith the Lord and Ephraim is my first-born Jer. 31. 9. where by Israel and Ephraim God means his faithfull chosen people his Church so the first and primitive fruit of the Church under the Gospel is called a man-child Rev. 12. 5. And shee brought forth a man-child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron Now this name or appellation of the Church notes out unto us two things First the honour and dignity of the Church that although now in this life they suffer and go by the worst of all carnall and outward Christians yet in the time to come they shall receive the self-same honour which to their Lord alone and in chief belongeth And as they shall have the same honour with their Lord Mat. 19. Rev. 2. so the Lord is pleased to be called by their title also Psal. 89. 27. I will make him my first-born higher then the Kings of the earth and then he speaks of his Church vers. 29. His seed also will I make to indure for ever and his throne as the dayes of heaven where he will place his Church with himself for evermore Mat. 9. 28. Rev. 2. 27.
coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame and it contemns all manner of substance to purchase it it is no way to be attained but by the gift of God I will put my lawes in their inward parts and write them in their hearts saith the Lord Jer. 31. 33. This glorious kingdome are all such as are made of God Kings and Priests these are the Levits to whom God hath given the Law and Covenant of life to this commandement of peace and salvation Mal. 2. 4 5 6. which hath comforted his people here and for ever doth guide and regulate them in the perfection the glorious and everlasting kingdome of Christ hereafter Which Law of Gods kingdome is called in Scriptures a holy law a royall law a law of life a law of libertie a perfect law and such like James 1. 25. Chap. 2. 8. 12. The sixt thing considerable is the priviledges of this kingdome of glory which are so great and many that I shall rather obscure then discover them their priviledge of power and Authoritie is exceeding much and abundantly set forth in the Scriptures for when the Lord shall exalt Jerusalem this his own kingdome then shall the Lord breake the staffe of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers Isa. 14. 5. Behold saith the Lord I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan which say they are Jewes and are not but doe lye Behold saith he the second time againe to his Church I will make them come to worship before thy feete and to know that I have loved thee Rev. 3. 9. This is such a dignitie and priviledge as the Lord himselfe with a twofold word of audience affirmeth to take them captives whose captives they were and to rule over their oppressors Isa. 14. 2. with the praises of God in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance punishment upon heathenish people to binde their Kings with chaines their Nobles with fetters of iron this honour or priviledge have all the Saints Psal. 149. And so saith the Prophet The sonnes of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all that despised thee shall how themselves downe at the soles of thy feete and they shall call thee the Citie of the Lord the Sion of the holy One of Israel whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee or delighted in thy company I will make thee an eternall excellency a joy of many generations Isa. 60. 14 15. So also their priviledge of freedome and libertie doth set forth their glory Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all Gal. 4. 26. They are all free-borne so begotten and born by the Word it selfe for all the whole Kingdome are children of the truth and the truth it was that which made them free Joh. 8. 32. Now the Word and the truth are the Sonne and those that the Sonne makes free are free indeed ver. 36. and from all manner of bondage free from sinne free from death free from sorrow free from the grave free from corruption free from oppression free from suffering inlarged and set at libertie for ever to injoy immortalitie these are the people that possesse and injoy the glorious libertie or freedome of the sonnes or children of God Rom. 8. 21. Also the company and associates that are in this heavenly kingdome doe exceedingly declare the glory of it to have and injoy the presence of God of Christ and the holy Ghost the company of all the holy Angels the company and societie of all the holy Patriarks Prophets and Saints with the comfortable delight and excellency of the restitution and perfection of all creatures both in the heavens the earth and the sea and all that is within them as shall be shewed hereafter in the point of universall subjection In Gods presence saith the Prophet is fulnesse of joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore Psal. 16. 11. You saith the Lord speaking to his Saints I appoint unto you a kingdome and yee shall eate and drinke with mee at my table in my kingdome Luk. 22. 30. And as the Angels are ministring spirits here in the Saints sufferings Heb. 1. 7. so in the world to come with the presence of God wee shall have the company presence of the Angels about the throne saith the text Rev. 7. 11. And there shall wee see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the holy Prophets in the kingdome of God and have heavenly sweet societie and company with them Luk. 13. 28. Now as the priviledges of the kingdome excell so also its Officers exceed all others I will saith the Lord make thy Officers peace and thine exactors righteousnesse violence shall no more be heard in thy land wasting and destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise Isa. 60. 18 19. Then shall mercy and truth meet together righteousnesse and peace shall kisse each other Psal. 85. 10. And this is the seventh consideration the eight followeth which are the subjects of this great King and Kingdome And the Apostle is so generall and universall in these that he excepts none neither in heaven nor in earth not sea nor under the earth even none that can be named but God the Father onely that subdued all under his Sons feet which is the King of this Kingdom for so saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. 27. For he hath put all things under his feete for when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is excepted who did put all things under him so then it is cleare that Angels and men and all other creatures are the subjects of this great Kingdome He hath put all things in subjection under his feete saith the Apostle Heb. 2. 8. And this is the Prophets witnesse I have sworne by my selfe saith the Lord the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse and shall not returne that unto me every knee shall how every tongue shall sweare Isa. 45. 23. And againe The nations and kingdomes that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted Chap. 60. 12. And of the Angels saith the Apostle Let all the Angels of God worship him Heb. 1. 6. And the Apostle expounds the Oath of the Lord for this universall subjection and saith It is written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall how to mee and every tongue shall confesse to God Rom. 14. 11. And againe he saith At the name of Jesus every knee shall how of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue shall confesse that Jesus is Lord and King to the glory of God the Father Phil. 2. 10 11. And yet the holy Ghost is more particular to prove that all things in all places are subject to Christ Rev. 5. 13. And every creature saith he which is
of God contained in his word Rev. 20. 4. and in this spirituall sense they lived and reigned with Christ the whole time meant by the thousand yeares And lest the inconsiderate Reader should mistake this spiritual resurrection for a corporall as the Millenarians doe the holy Ghost gives marks and bounds to his Disciples as evident distinctions between the one and the other in these words Marvell not at this John 5. 28. for the houre is coming hee doth not say as before and now is in which all that are in the graves shall heare his voyce which all contains every one good and bad at the general resurrection and therefore your doctrine is contrary to the truth the Scriptures hold out to us for the Thrones and they that sate upon them which you expound to be Christ and his Saints the holy Ghost discovers the quite contrary even to bee the power and authority of Antichrist himselfe who had a Charter granted him of God and under his own hand for the whole time limited to desolate and consume the Saints who for their sinnes sake the Lord doth often give them up to the pleasure and rage of such heathenish murtherers and persecuters for a season to enter into the Sanctuary and spoyle the heritage of the Lord Jerem. 9. 16. Lam. 1. 10. And if you had but lookt upon the Text with cleane eyes washed ●ith the water of repentance and had learnd the song of sorrow of the mourner you would not have been so blear-eyed as to have taken the abomination forespoken of by Daniel the Prophet to be the Kingdome of Christ that all Gods servants witnesse to and give testimony of And that if it may be possible for you to apprehend the meaning of this Scripture wash your eyes with teares and wipe them with the love of the truth and look upon the Text once again and compare the 20 chapter verse 2. with the 12. chapter verse 3. and you shall see the same Dragon in the one place in the Ethnick Heathenish power of the Roman Emperour with all fiercenesse and unbridled cruelty to havock destroy and kill the Saints and children of God exercised in a tenfold persecution to obliterate wipe out of the earth the name of Christ the woman his Spouse and her first and primitive fruit which was born to reign with Christ for ever which power and authority the Devill instigated and stirred up with all their malice and hatred as with a flood caused as it were by the breach of the Sea so that the wife of the Lord had no way to escape drowning and devouring but to flie into the wildernesse there to preserve her selfe and so many of her children as she had preserved from death where she was assigned to stay an houre a month a day and a yeare Rev. 9. 15. The same Dragon in the 20. Chapter you find to be bound and yet in all and every day of his religation to kill and destroy the Saints just as he did before onely differing in the manner for now it is with a restraint secretly and cunningly by guile and craft pretending Christianity and taking on him the name of a Christian and never the lesse Devill then hee was before onely a pretence makes the difference for ever since the great battell that he fought and lost the field for Michael and his Angels prevailed then against the Drágon and his Angels so that ever since all along Popery the Devill hath turned Christian and herein by a bounded and restrained way effected his enmity to the full as he did before in the Heathens in an open professed opposition to Christ and Christianity And it is to bee observed that when the Devill turned to be a Christian then hee put on Jupiters coat upon Christs back and made the modell and platforme of Christian Religion just after the fashion of the Idoll Gods of the Heathen and like a Juggler and deceiver playes the same game divers and several wayes sometimes amongst men sometimes amongst the Angels of light sometimes on horseback sometimes on foot he rides on a red horse with a great sword among the Heathens in the Imperiall persecution and took outward peace from the primitive Christians as well as from the earth it selfe In the time of Papacie among carnall Christians he rides on a pale horse where the Devillish Dragon his rider is called death it selfe and hell followed with him Rev. 6. 4. 8. So then let him have liberty freèdome or bind and restraine him in all conditions he effecteth his work of envie hatred and malice against the Church of God Now there is one thing more in the Text and when I have spoke a word or two of the meaning thereof I hope then you will see this Scripture proves not your error And thus it followes After that he must be loosed a little season And in the seventh verse And when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison which words sound as if the Devill should become the great red Dragon again after the reigne of Antichrist and fall to act his first part the second time to deny the Lord Jesus whom all this while he hath confessed and to set himselfe to doe the utmost he can to oppose the very name of Christ and Christians and in this sense doth the holy Ghost clearly expound these words in other Scriptures as our Lord himselfe Matth. 24. doth clearly describe and discover the whole time of Antichrists abomination and persecution as Daniel did prophesie of it which is the whole and every part and season of the bound and restrained condition of the Dragon before mentioned And immediatly saith our Lord after the tribulation of those dayes shall the Sunne be darkned the Moon shall not give her light and the Starres shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken vers. 29 In all which termes our Lord speakes figuratively and that another power after the end of Antichrists tyranny shall arise and fulfill these sayings of his which things were prophesied of before by the Prophet Ezekiel chap. 38. 2. 39. 1. and afterwards so understood by the Apostle John Rev. 20. 8 9 10. which Gog and Magog Saint John understands to bee the Kings of the East and the whole world Rev. 16. 12 13 14. where in a vision he saw the Devill come out of the mouth of the Dragon that is he left the Ethnick Imperiall power and also the power of the Beast and beastly Clergy he will deceive by that false Prophet no longer but as he left all his old instruments so he goes on to make use of a new one these spirits of Devils goe forth unto the Kings of the earth that is they goe unto them that are of the greatest power at this time even the Kings of the whole world to gather them to the battell of the great day of God Almighty which Kings of the East and of the
Earth and of the whole World cannot be understood of any but of him that writes himselfe God of Gods and King of Kings and Emperour of the Universe the whole world who giveth for his Ensigne the Moon the very Embleme of the world Observe how the Holy Ghost hath deciphered him for his reigne and residence the East for his religion the earth earthly and sensuall even the idle fancy and corrupt deceit of Mahomet himself mingled and composed of the parings out-side and offall of the profession of Christians Jewes and Heathens and lastly his unparalleld power and jurisdiction to be no lesse then the force and strength of the whole world Now me thinks the meaning of our Lords words doth agree with his servant Johns for by the term Sun our Lord doth mean himselfe the Sun of righteousnesse the truth of the Gospel and it must be a great power that must so oppose the doctrine of the Gospel in Christendome as to turn our light that is the light of men into the darknesse of Mahometisme and that that Egyptian darknesse that hath overspread the greatest part of the world where the Turk hath dominion should darken Christendome also that is the Land of Goshen if the true light should thus be made dark then the Moon that hath no light but from the Sun shall not give her light in our Saviours words and in his meaning also men that are inlightened by him as the Moon is by the Sun shall not give their light for how can they possibly when Christ which is their light is darkened and when the Sun and Moon thus fail then must needs the Stars whether Ministers or Professors all such as are not the faithfull indeed shall fall from heaven to the earth that is from the truth to Mahometisme and in this great storm the powers of Heaven elect and faithfull from which condition it is impossible they should fall yet saith the Text these shall be shaken with the terrible storm which compared with Rev. 6. 12. makes it more cleare for the Sun became as sackcloth of haire saith the Apostle and the Moon became as blood and the Stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a Fig-tree casteth her untimely figs when shee is shaken with a mighty wind here the Apostle is cleare in understanding the Stars to be not true born Christians but untimely and as St. Jude speaks and calls them wandering stars to whom is reserved the blacknesse of darknesse for ever vers. 13. But blessed be God for ever that hath bounded and limited this last and great storm that shall fall upon his Church so as the very powers thereof shall be shaken with these comfortable words immediately quickely it shall be over it shall continue but a little season Heres For the opinion of the Millenaries the truth is there is no shew of ground for it in the Scriptures but wee have of late gathered our selves into a Church communion and fellowship and walk together in that order that Christs Word holds out to us finding in our practice the Scriptures true that as Moses was faithfull in all his house as a servant so Christ as a son is faithfull in his house so that we order all things according to the Word and advance Christs Kingdom his Scepter and Law in the purity as the Scriptures do declare believing also that every congregation is independent and that none but Christ hath power to command each congregation and that none ought to be constrained or in the least measure opposed or punished as touching their consciences but every man ought and should live as the light of his conscience leads him Truth By what you express you should be an Independent as some call you and as some of your judgement call or term themselves wherefore I demand of you all that would have generall liberty for every mans opinion whom I mean by Independent where you find it written in Gods Word that you should gather or congregate your selves in that manner as you do you that have been Ministers to leave your pastorall charges and others to forsake their fellow-member-ship in each Congregation for as much as the Law of this Christian Church as touching matters for publike worship and meeting doth incorporate every Congregation or Parish and of many members makes them but one body and yet you from this body schisme and rent your selves and so of divers torn pieces remnants and broken members to patch up a body or congregation of your own invention contrary to the publike order the Statute lawes and ordinances of this Christian Church and against the meaning of the holy Scriptures also and when you your selves have made a body of your own making then to have peculiar priviledges to do what you please with the consent of your members and whatsoever you shall do to be beyond all power or magistracy whatsoever to either question you or punish you although by the rule of Gods Word there be cause and all that all of you have done yet is but outward and externall Now I demand if there be precept or president for any or all these things you do if there be then shew it if you can shew none for so I am sure you cannot then how can you clear your selves but that your practice is of your own inventions For this is your doctrine that those rules and orders which are prescribed by men for the publique worship and service of God being not plainly expressed in Gods Word such lawes and directions are Idolatry and yet will you devise rules and order 〈◊〉 practise them your selves of your own ordaining for which you can bring no expresse word nor true consequence I pray see the conclusion therefore your way of Religion is a wil-worship and therefore Idolatrous and aggravated because it is against the lawfull demands of Christian authority Here I would not be mistaken by what I have said to oppose the private spirituall communion of the Saints according to the Apostles practice and the Holy Ghosts direction Hebr. 10. 25. But you say this Text proves your Church-way Hebrews Chap. 3. Vers 1 2 3 4 5 6. the substance of which Scripture is this that as Moses was faithfull in all his house as a servant so Christ as a son is faithfull over his house you making Moses his faithfulnesse to consist in those prescripts and rules he gave for the Temple or Tabernacle in the form and structure for Priests and their habits for the time of incense sacrifices divine services in the Oracles and Ordinances of God even all the externall form and manner of Gods publike worship and you say that Christs faithfulnesse in his house under the Gospel is not inferiour to Moses under the Law in all externall lawes rules and directions in every particular for as much as Christ is the Son of his own house and as Moses had a word for every thing so Christ hath left a word for every thing It
and perfection and the stone that smote the Image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth this is the mountain of Gods holinesse even the greatest power and soveraigne authority that ever was in the world before it And the Text notes out unto us three things the time when it shall be the place where it shall be and the manner how it shall be the manner hath a double consideration first the beginning and weaknesse of this powerfull kingdome expressed as before I have declared in her spirituall estate of renovation or regeneration in these words a stone was cut out without hands and in this first estate and condition of the Church it is said to live and reign to attain victory and overcome Rev. chap. 20. 12. but this victory is by faith this overcoming is by suffering they overcame him that is the Dragons pagancy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death and at this battell the armies were great on both sides and the victory glorious on the Saints side Rev. 12. 7. 11. In the second consideration wee are to understand the Church in her glory and perfection and to as far exceed all the Monarchies Kingdoms and Powers that were before it as the body exceeds the shadow the person the picture the circumference the center The Babylonian Monarchy the head of gold was a great power Thou O King saith the Prophet art a King of kings for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdome strength power and glory and wheresoever the children of men dwell beasts of the field and fowles of the heaven hath hee given into thy hand and hath made thee ruler over them all yet all these bounds and dominations are but by way of comparison to the universe the heavens earth and sea which are the bounds of Christs and his Church rule and Lordship Secondly the nature and condition of the kingdomes of this world and the power and greatnesse of Majesty that Christs Kingdome shall have in the world to come differs beyond all comparison For the kingdomes of this world are finfull kingdomes powers and authorities yea this present evill world is corrupted and lies under the cursed condition by reason of sin and as long as this face of the covering is cast over all people and this evill is spread over all nations Isa. 25. 7. even so long death the King of feares the wages of that sin shall raign in it according to the Scriptures Gen. 3. 17. Rom. 5. 17 21. 1 Cor. 15. but when the Lord shall set up his Kingdome hee will create new heavens and a new earth Behold saith he I will do it and the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind but be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create For behold I create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy Isa. 65. 17 18. And the Apostle by the same Spirit of Prophecy saith that the heavens and the earth that are now with all these things shall be dissolved And according to Gods promise wee look that is all Gods Saints for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness 2 Pet. 3. And the Apostle John tells us Rev. 21. what this new heaven and new earth is even the holy Church of God the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and a voyce out of heaven expounds it to him Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and hee will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away And again saith the Lord Behold I make all things new write for these things are true and faithfull Once again observe the Prophet Daniel in these words and it became a great mountain of which our Saviour gives the meaning in these words The kingdome of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed which is the least of all seeds but when it is grown just as the Prophet it became so our Lord it is the greatest among herbs and became a tree c. both which places as one shews that although the Church be now so little that no man heeds or regards her yet her increase shall be from the least of all seeds to a tree with branches and from a small stone to a huge great mountain even so big as to fill the whole earth Which magnitude excellent glory greatnesse and soveraignty of the Church and Kingdome of God I shall in part discover by considering these eight particulars the King the Kingdome the Throne the Scepter the Lawes the Priviledges the Officers and the Subjects And for the King thereof thus saith the Prophet notwithstanding all the rage and opposition of the Heathens and the vain imaginations of the people Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion saith the Lord Psal. 2. 1. 5. and the title of his Crown is the title of his Cross This is the King of the Jewes Luke 23. 38. and himself testifying a good confession before Pilate saith Thou saist I am a King to this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world Joh. 18. 37. Secondly the Scriptures speake of the Kingdome of Christ above all comparison and calls it the kingdome of the Son of God and that there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdome c. Dan. 7. 13 14. Now the consideration of these four things will briefly discover to us how this Church and Kingdome of Christ exceeds all other powers or kingdomes whatsoever First in the Majesty of it Secondly in its excellency Thirdly in its universality and Fourthly in its eternity The Majesty sets forth the magnitude and greatnesse of this kingdom the King is great and the Kingdom is great Behold saith the Angel to the Virgin he shall be great and he shall raign over the house of Jacob for ever Luke 1. 32. 33. And the Prophet Daniel describes this greatnesse and what this house of Jacob is in these words and the kingdome and dominion and the greatness of the kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdome and all dominions rulers and powers shall serve and obey him Dan. 7. 27. The excellency is set forth by the glory splendor and purity of it and in this respect it is in Scripture called the kingdome of God the kingdome of Christ a kingdome of Priests a kingdome of Saints the kingdome of our God the kingdome of glory heavenly countrey city inheritance possession reward all heavenly all glorious all holy there shall be nothing to hurt nor destroy in