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A84028 The English schole-master or certaine rules and helpes whereby the natives of the Netherlandes, may bee, in a short time, taught to read, understand, and speake, the English tongue. By the helpe whereof, the English also may be better instructed in the knowledge of the Dutch tongue, than by any vocabulars, or other Dutch and English books, which hitherto they have had, for that purpose. 1646 (1646) Wing E3117; ESTC R230993 157,968 418

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to thy self no graven image nor any likenes either of any thing in heaven above nor of any thing that is in earth beneath nor of any thing that is in the water under the earth Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them for I am the Lord thy God strong and jelous who visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children even to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy to many thousands of them that love mee and keep my commandements The third commandement Thou shalt not take up the name of the Lord thy God in vaine or lightly For the Lord wil not hold him guiltlesse nor leave him unpunished that taketh his name in vaine The fourth Commandement Remember the Sabbath day that thou keep it holy Sixe daies shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt doe no worke nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant nor thy mayd nor thy cattell nor the stranger which is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the Lord made heaven and earth and the sea with all that is therein and he rested the seventh day wherfore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it The fift Commandement Thou shalt honour thy Father and mother that thou mayst live long upon the earth and that it may goe well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God shall give thee The sixt Commandement Thou shalt not kil The seventh Commandement Thou shalt not commit adultery The eighth commandement Thou shalt not steale The nineth Commandement Thou shalt beare no false witnes against thy neighbour The tenth Commandement Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife nor his servant not his mayd nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing which is thy neighbours De tien Gheboden Exod. 20. Deut. 5. GOdt sprack alle dese woorden ende seyde Ick ben de Heere uwen God die u uyt Egypten landt uyt den diensthuyse gheleyt hebbe Dat eerste gebodt Ghy en sult geen andere Goden voor mijn aenghesicht hebben Dat tweede gebod Ghy en sult u geen beelden noch geen gelijckenisse maken noch van 't gene dat boven inden Heme is noch van 't gens dat onder op der aerden is noch van 't gene dat in 't water onder der aerden is En buygt u voor die niet noch en dientse niet want ick ben de Heere uwe God sterck ende gverigh die de misdaed der vaderen be soecke aen de kinderen tot in dat derde ende vierde lid ded ghener die my haten ende doe barmherticheydt aen veel duysenden der ghener die my liefhebben ende mijn gheboden houden Dat derde gebod Ghy en sult den name des Heeren uwes Godes niet te vergeefts ofte lich● veerdelijck ghebruycken want de Heere en sal hem niet onschuldigh houden noch onghestraft laten die fijnen naem misbruyckt Dat vierde gebod Zijt ghedachtigh des Sabbat daeghs dat ghy dien heylighet Ses dagen sult ghy arbeyden ende alle u werck doen maerve sevensien dagh is den Sabbat des Heeren uwes Gods dan sult gh● gheen arbeyt doen noch u Sone noch u dochter noch u knecht noch u dienst-maeght noch u vee noch de vreemdelingh die in uwe stadt poerten is want in fes daghen heeft de Heere Hemal ende aerde gemaeckt ende de Zee met alle dat daerin is ende hy rustede den sebensten dagh daerom segende de Heere den Sabbath-dagh ende heyligde den selven Dat vijfde gebod Ghy fult u Vader ende moeder eeren op dat ghy langhe leeft onder aerden ende dat het u wel gae in den lande dat a de Heere uwe God geven fal Dat seste gebod Ghy en sult niet dooden Dat sevenste gebod Ghy en sult niet Echt-breken Dat achtste gebod Ghy en sult niet steelen Dat negenste gebod Ghy en sult gheen valsche ghe tuyghenisse spreken teghen uwen naesten Dat tiende gebod Ghy en sult niet begeeren uwes naesten huys ghy en sult niet begheeren uwes naesten wijf noch sijn knecht noch sijn dienst-maaght noch sijn offe noch sijn esei noch oock eenigh ding dat uwen naesten heeft The Lords prayer OVr father which art in heaven Hallowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daylie bread And forgive us our debts even as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into tentation but deliver us from evill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for ever Amen Het ghebedt onses Heeren ONse Vader die daer zijt in de Hemelen Geheyligt werde uwe name Vwe rijcke kome Vwe wille geschiede op der aerden al 's in den Hemel Geeft ons heden on s dagelijcx broot Ende vergeeft on s onse schulden ghelijck wy vergeven onse schulde naeren Ende en leydt on s niet in versoeckinghe maer verlost on s van den quaden Want u is dat tijck de kracht ende de Heerlijckheyt in der eeuwigheyt Amen The Commission given by Christ to his Apostles Math. 28.18 19. GOe yee therfore and teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commaunded you and loe I am with you always even unto the end of the world Het bevel door Christum aen sijn Apostelen gegeven Mar. 28.18 19. GAet dan henen en onderwijst alle de volckeren de selve doopende in den name des Waders ende des foons ende des He●ligen Geests leerende haer onderhouden alles wat ick u geboden hebbe ende fiet ick ben met u lieden alle de dagen tot de voleyndiughe der werelt The institution of the holy supper of our Lord taken out of 1. Cor. 11.23 c. and 1. Co. 10.16 17. FOr I have receaved of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Iesus in the same night in which hee was betrayed took bread And when he had given thankes ●e brak● it and said Take eate this is my body which is broken for you this doe in remembrance of me After the same manner also he took the cup when hee had supped and sayd This cup is the new testament in my blood this doe yee as oft as yee drink it in remembrance of me For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup yee doe shewe the Lords death till hee come wherfore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shal be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of
that cup. For hee that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not difcerning the Lords body The cup of blessing which wee blesse is it not a Communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we break is that not a Communion of the body of Christ For it is one bread so wee many are one body seing we are all partakers of one bread De insettinghe des Heylighen Avontmaels onses Heerengenomen uyt 1. Cor 11.23 c. en 1. Cor. 10.16 17. WAnt ick hebbe van den Heere ontfangen ' tgene ick oock u overge gheven hebbe dat de Heere Iesus in den nacht in welcken hy verraden wiert het broot name Ende al 's hy gedanckt hadde brack hy 't ende seyde nemet Etet dat is mijn lichaem dat voor u ghebroken wordt do et dat tot mijner ghedachtenisse Desgelijcx nam hy oock den drinck beker nae het eten des Abontmaels ende se●de dese drinck-beker is het Nieuwe testament in mijnen bloede do et dat soo dickwils al 's ghy dien sal drincken tot mijner gedachtenisse Want soo dickwils al 's ghy dit broodt sult eten ende dese drinck-beker sult drincken so verkondight ghy den do ot des Heeren tot dat hy komt Soo dan wie onweerdelick dit broot eet ofte den drinck-beker des Heeren drinckt die sal schuldich zijn aen het lichaem ende bloedt des Heerrn Maer laet de mensche beproeve hem selven ende eete also van het broot ende dr●ncke van den drinck-beker Want die onweerdelijck eet ende drinckt die eet ende drinckt hem self een oordeel niet onderscheydende het lichaem des Heeren De drinck-beker der danck-segginge dien wy feghenen is die niet een ghemeynschap des bloeds Christi Het broot dat wy breken is dat niet een ghemeynschap des lichaems Christi Want een broodt is het soo zijn wy vele een lichaem dewijle wy alle eenes broodts deelachtigh zijn Rules of Church-discipline Matth. 18.15 c. MOre-over if thy brother hath trespassed against thee goe and tell him his fault between thee and him allone if he heareth thee thou hast gained thy brother But if hee heareth thee not then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may bee established And if be give them no hearing then tell it to the church and if he also give the church no hearing then let him be unto thee as an heathen man a publican Verely I say unto you whatsoever yee shall bind on earth shal be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shal be loosed in heaven Againe I say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shal ask it shal be don for them of my father which is in heaven For where two or three are gathered togither in my name there am I in the midst of them Regelen van Kerckelijcke disciplyne Matth. 18 15. c. VOorders indien uw ' Broeder tephen u ghesondicht heeft gaet he●en ende bes●●a hem ●ussghen u ende hem alleen indien hy u hoort so hebt ghy uwen brooder ghewonnen Maer indien hy u niet en hoort soo neemt noch een of twee met u op dat in den mont van twee ofte dry ghetuyghen alle woort bes●ae Ende indien hy de selve gheen gehoor en geeft so feght het der geme●nte ende indien hy oock der gemeynte geen ghehoor en geeft so z●●h u al 's de heyden ende de tollen●er Voorwaer segge ick u al wat ghy op der aerden binden sult sal in den Hemel gebonden wesen ende al wat ghy op der aerd●n ontbinden sult sal in den Hemel ontbonden wesen Wederom segghe ick u indien daer twee van u t'famen stemmen op der aerden over eenighe fake die sy fouden mo hen begheeren dat die haer sa●●eschieden van mijnen Vader die in de Hemelen is Want waer twee ofte dry vergadert zijn in mijnen name daer ben ick in 't midden van haer The 12 articles of the Catholique Christian faith I Believe in God the Father the Almighty maker of heaven and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten son our Lord which was conceaved of the holy Ghost born of the virgin Mary who suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and beried descended into hell The third day he arose again from the dead ascended into heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God the father Almighty from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost I believe an holy Cha●holike Christian church the Communion of Saints forgivenes of sins resurrection of the flesh and life everlasting De 12 Artyckelen des alghemeynen Christelijcken gheloofs ICk ghe●oove in Godt den Vader den Almachtighen Schepper des Hemels ende der aerden Ende in Iesum Christum sijnen eenich-geborenen Sone onsen Heere die ontfanghen is van den Heyligen Gheest gheboren uyt de Maghet Maria die gheleden heeft onder Pontio Pilato is ghekruyst ghestorven ende begraven neder-ghedaelt tee hellen Ten derden daghe weder op gestaen van de dooden opghevaren ten Hemel sittende ter rechter-handt Gods des Almachtighen Vaders van waer hy komen sal om te oordeelen de levendighe ende de dooden Ick gheloove in den Heylighen Gheest Ick geloove een Heylighe alghemeyne Christelijcke Kercke ghemeenschap der Heylighen verghevinghe der sonden opslandinge des vleeschs ende eeuwig leven The Confession of faith composed in the Council of Nice in the 325 year after the birth of Christ WE beleeve in one God the father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and of al things visible and invisible and in one Lord Iesus Christ the only begotten son of God begotten of the father before all worlds God of God light of light very God of very God begotten and not made being of one substance with the father by whom all things were made who for us men and for our salvation came downe from heaven and was incorporate by the holy Ghost in the virgin Mary and was made man and was crucifi●d also for us under Pontius Pilate who suffered and was buried and the third day hee rose againe according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven and fitteth on the right hand of the father And that hee shall come againe with glory to judge both the quick and the dead whose kingdome shal have none end And we beleeve in the holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life who proceedeth from the father and the son who with the father and the son togither is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophets And we beleeve one holy Catholike and Apostolike church wee acknowledge one baptisme for the remission of sins
us I wish that I may deserve and if it be possible againe require it E Forbeare I pray you to complement so I have doo you no such great friendship but you have done ten times more for me But I can not tatry here I must returne home for it beginneth to be late and darke My friend Francis I wish you a good even F I thank you hartelle and I wish you the same with a good heart But what hast have you It is not so late as it seemeth to be for the dayes begin to shorten E Although it were not late yet I must be at another place of an errand before I can goe home F Goe to I will not detaine you Only I wish this evening may be prosperous to you E And I wish it may not be unprosperous to you Another G What is the clock what time a night is it H It is ten a clock It hath strucken ten It is almost ten a clock G I know it not I think it is not so late It cannot be so late H It is indeed It is surely I have heard it strike G Then it is time to goe to bed We must then goe to sleep We must then depart and goe to rest H I am not sleepie I have at present no need of rest I am not sleepie I am very wakefull G But I am verie sleepie I have great need of rest I am very sleepie I cannot hold open mine eyes I bid you therefore good night my friend God give you good night H Goe then to sleep and God keep you I wish this night may be prosperous to you I wish you a good night I wish this night may further you and that you maie sleep soundly G I thank you for al your kindnes God be with you H But stay a little Me thinkes you doe much forget your self Ought we not first to pray to God togither G I thanke you for your remembrance If it please you to performe the duty I shal ioyne with you willingly H Goe to I will doe it for this time by Gods helpe Evening prayer O Merciful God eternal light shining in darknes thou who expellelt the night of sin and all blindnes of heart seing thou hast ordained the night to rest as the day to labour wee beseech thee graunt that our bodies may rest in peace and quiet that afterwards they may be fit to undergo the labour which they must endure Moderate out sleep that it be not disorderly that we may remaine unspotted both in body and soule yea that our sleep it self may be to thy glorie Englighten the eyes of our understanding that wee may not sleep in death but alwaies expect our redemption from this miserie Defend us also against all assaults of the devill taking us into thyne holy protection And forasmuch as we have not passed this day without sinning greatly against thee wee beseech thee to cover our sins by thy bottomeles mercy like as now thou hast covered all things on earth with the naturall darknes of the night that so wee may not therefore bee cast from thy presence Graunt also rest and comfort to all sick sorrowfull and assaulted hearts through our Lord Iesus Christ who hath thus taught us to pray Our father c. 3 Groetenissen voor den avond-stont ende nacht E Goeden avont vrient F Ghy zijt wellecom Edeward het is my lief dat ick u sien Hoe i st met u heel huysghesin komt ghy nu van huys E Iae Ick komen soo even van huys en hebbe allegaer in gesontheyd ghelaten voor soo veel al 's ick weet en ben hier gekomen om u. l. mijn oude kennis te besoecken F Dat is heel wel ghedaen vrienden behooren vriendelijcke ●e zijn Ick heb u hoogelijck te bedancken wegheus uwen soo groote liefde en gedachtenis i'onswaer●s Ick wensche dat ick het verdienen ende soo het moghelijck is weder vergelden mach E Laet af bidde ick u soo te complementeeren Ick hebbe u. l soo grooten vrientschap niet gedaen of ghy hebt my thienmael meer gedaen Maer ick en kan hier niet beyden ick moet weder t' hurs gaen want het begint laet en doncket te worden Mijnen vrient Francoys ick wenschen een goeden avont F Ick bedancke u herte ijck ende wensche u. l. desgelijcks uyt goede herten Maer wat haest hebt gh● Het en is so laet niet al 's 't schijnt want de daghen beginnen te berkorten E Al waer't niet laet noch tans moet i● op een ander plaets om een boo●schap wesen eer ick t'huys kan gaen F wel aen ick en sal u niet onhouden Alleenlijck wenschende dat u 〈◊〉 een geluckighen avon●● mach sijn E Ende u en zy het niet o●geluckigh Een ander G HOe laet isset wat tijt isset H Het is thien uren Het is thien gheslagen Het is b● thien uren G Ick weet 't niet Ick meynt niet dat het soo la●● is Het kan so laet niet wefen H 'T is immers T is voor seeker Ick hebbet hooren slaen G Soo isset tijdt om te bedde te gaen So salmen gaen slaepen w● moeten dan van malckander scheyden en gaen rusten H Ick en heb geenen vaeck Ick heb rechte voor gheen ruste van doen. Ick ben niet slaperigh Ick ben heel wacker G Maer ick ben vol vaeckx Rust is my seer noodich Ick ben heel flaperigh Ick kan mijn oogen niet open houden Daerom wens●he ick u goeden nacht mijnen vrient God geve u goeden nacht H Gae●dan slapen ende Godt beware u. Desen nacht zy u geluckigh Hebt eenen goeden nacht Desen nacht vordere u en slaept ghy gesondelijck G Ick bedanck u voor alles goets God sy met u l. H Maer wacht een weynich My dunckt dat ghy u selfs vr● wat vergheet Behooren wy met malkanderen Godt niet eerst aen te bidden G Ick bedancke u weghens d'indachtichmakinghe so het u l belieft te doen Ick sal u gheerne gheselschap houden H Wel aen ic sal 't voor dees tijt met Godts hulpe doen. Het avondt ghebed O Barmhertighe Godt een wich licht schijnende in de duysternisse ghy die verdrijft den nacht der sonden ende alle blin theyt des herten na dien ghy den nacht verordineert hebt om te rusten gelijck den dagh om te arbeyden wy bid den u geeft dat onse lichame● in vrede en stilheydt rusten o● datse daer na bequaem zijn moghen den arbeydt te lijden dien sy draghen moeten Matight onsen slaap dat die niet onordentlijck en zy op dat wy aen lijf ende siele onbevleckt mogen blijven ja dat onse slaep selfs gheschiede t● uwer eere Derlicht de
almachtigh A●soo oock is de Vader Godt de Sone Godt ende de H. Geest Godt ende nochtans zijn 't niet dry Goden maer het is een Godt Alsoo is de Vader Heere de Sone Heere ende de Heylige Gheest Heere Ende nochtans zijn 't niet dry Heeren maer een Heere Want gelijck wy door de Christen-waerheydt bedwonghen worden eenen yegelijcken per soon by-sonder Godt ende Heere te noemen Also is ons oock door het alghemeyn gheloove verboden dry Goden oft Heeren te bekennen De Vader en is van niemandt gemaeckt noch gheschapen noch gheghener eert de Sone is vanden Vader alleen niet ghemaeckt noch gheschapen maer geghenereert de Heylige Geest is vanden Vader ende den Sone met ghemaeckt noch gheschapen noch ghegenereert maer uytghekomen So is daer dan een Vader niet dry Vaders een Sone niet dry Sonon een H Geest niet dry H. Gheesten Ende in dese dryheydt en is niet eerst noch laetst niet meest noch minst maer de ganische dry personen hebben gelij ke eeuwigheyt ende sy ben selven allesins gelijck So dat alomme ghelijck nu gheseyt is de eenheyt inde dryheydt ende de dryheyt inde eenheyt zy te eeten Daerom soo wie wil Saligh zijn die moet aldus van de dryvuldigheyt gevoelen Doorts het is tot de eeuwige Saligheyt noodigh dat hy oock de mensch-werdinghe onses Heeren Iesu Christi trouwelijck gheloove Want het rechte geloove is dat wy gelooven ende belijden dat onse Heere Iesus Christus Godts Sone zy Godt ende mensche God uyt de substantie des Daders voor alle tijden ghegenereert ende mensch uyt de substantie fijns Moeders in den tijdt geboren volkomen Godt ende volkomen mensche hebbende een verstandighe Ziele ende menschelijck vleesch Den Dader gelijck na de Godtheyt minder dan de Dader nae de menscheyt de welcke hoe wel hy Godt is ende mensche soo is hy nochtans niet twee maer een Christus Een niet door veranderinge der Godtheyt in het vleesch maer door de aenneminghe der menscheyd● in Godt een al t'famen niet door de vermenginghe der substantie maer door de eenheydt des persoons Want gelijck de verstandige Ziele ende het vleesch een mensche zijn also is Godt ende de me●sche een Christus De welcke gheleden heeft om onser Salicheyts wil●s nederghedaelt is ter hellen ten derden daghe weder opghestaen van den dooden opgheklommen ten Hemel sit ter rechter-handt Godts des Vaders Almachtigh van daer hy komen sal om te oordeelen de levendige ende de doode Tot des welckes komste alle menschen sullen weder opstaen met hare lichamen ende van hare e●gene wercken reeckenschap gheven ende die goet gedaen hebben sullen in het eeuwige leven gaen maer die quaet ghedaen hebben in 't eeuwige vyer Dit is het algemeyn gheloove het welck so wie niet trouwelijck ende vast en ghelooft die en sal niet moghen Salich zijn The 38 and 39 chapters of the book of Iob and a part of the 40 and 41. chapters THen the Lord answered Iob out of the whirlewind and said who is he that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge Gird up now thy loynes like a man and I wil demand of thee and teach thou me where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou hast understanding who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest it or who hath stretched the line upon it where upon are the foundations thereof fastened of who layd the corner stone thereof when the morning stars sang joyfully togither and all the children of God shouted for joy Or who shut up the sea with doors when it brake forth as if it had issued out of the womb when I made the cloud the garment thereof and thick darknes a swadling-band for it when I brake up for it my decreed place and set bars and doores and said hitherto shalt thou come but no further and here shall hee set himself against the pride of thy waves Hast thou commanded the morning since thy dayes hast thou caused the day-spring to know its place that it might take hold of the ends of the earth that the wicked might be shaken out of it that it should bee turned as clay to the seale and they stand as a garment And that from the wicked their light is with-holden and the high arm shall be broken Hast thou entred into the springs of the sea and hast thou walked in the search of the depth Have the gates of death been opened unto thee and hast thou seen the doores of the shadow of death Hast thou perceaved the breadth of the earth declare if thou knowest it all Where is the way where the light dwelleth and as 〈◊〉 darknes where is the place thereof that thou shouldest bring it to the bound thereof and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof Thou knowest it for thou wast then borne and thy dayes are many in nomber Hast thou entred into the treasures of the snow and hast thou seen the treasures of the haile which I have reserved against the time of trouble against the day of battel and war Where is the way where the light is parted the east winde scattereth it self upon the earth who hath divided a water-course for the overflowing of waters and a way for the lightening of thunder To cause it to raine on the earth where no man is on the wildernes wherein there is no man to satisfie the desolate and wast ground and to cause the bud of the tender he●b to spring forth Hath the raine a father Or who bringeth forth the drops of the dew Out of whose wombe cometh the ice and who gendereth the boary frost of heaven The waters are hid as with a stone and the face of the deep is frozen Canst thou binde the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season or canst thou guide Arcturus with his son● Knowest thou the ord●nances of heaven or canst thou set the dominion therof on the earth Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds that abundance of waters may cover thee Canst thou send forth lightenings that they may goe and say unto thee behold Here we are Who hath put wisdome in the inward parts or who hath given understanding to the mynd who can nomber the clouds in wisdome or who can stay the bottles of heaven when the dust groweth into hardnes and the clods cleave fast togither Wilt thou hunt the prey for the old lyon ●or fill the appetite of the young lyons when they couch in their dens and abide in the covert to lye in wait who provideth for the raven his food when his young ones cry unto God when they wander for lack of meat Knowest thou the
henceforth walke not like as the other gentiles walke in the vanity of their minde darkened in the understanding being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them becaus of the hardnes of their hearts who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousnes to work all uncleannes with greedines But ye have not so learned Christ if so bee yee have but heard him and are taught by him as the truth is in Iesus To wit that yee should put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt through the lusts of deceitfulnes and that you should bee renewed in the spirit of your minde and put on the new man which after God is created in true righteousnesse and holynes Wherfore put away lying and speak the truth every man with his neighbour For we are members one of another Be ye angry and sin not let not the sun goe down upon your w●ath neither give place to the devill Let him that hath stolen steale no more but rather labour working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to distribute to him that hath need Let no filthy communication proceed out of your mouth but if there be any good communication to profitable edification that it may give grace to them that beare it And grieve not the holy Spirit of God by whom yee are sealed unto the day of redemption Let all bitternes and wrath and anger and clamour and evill speaking bee put away from you withall malice But be ye kind one to another mercifull forgiveing one another even as also God in Christ hath forgiven you Bee yee therefore followers of God as deare children and walke in love even as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself up for us for an offerring and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour But fornication and al uncleannes or covetousnes let it not be once named among you as it becometh Saints neither filthynes nor foolish talking or jesting which are not comely but rather giving of thankes For this you know that no whoremonger or unclean person or covetous man Who is an Idolater hath inheritaunce in the kingdome of Christ and of God That no man deceave you with vaine words for becaus of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience Be not ye therfore partakers with them For yee were sometimes darknes but now are yee light in the Lord walke as children of light For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodnes and righteousnes and truth Proveing what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the vnfruitful workes of darknes but much rather also reprove them For it is even shamefull to speak of those things which are don of them in secret But al these things being reproved of the light are made manifest For whatsoever doth make manifest is light Therfore he saith Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light See then thae ye walke circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time becaus the dayes are evill wherfore bee yee not without understanding but understand what the will of the Lord is And be not drunk with wine wherein is excesse but be filled with the Spirit Speaking among your selves with psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in your heart giving thankes alwayes for al things to God and the father in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ being subject one to another in the feare of God Yee wives be subject to your owne husbands as unto the Lord For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and hee is the saviour of the body Therfore as the Church is subject unto Christ so also ●e● the wives bee to th ir owne husbands in every thing Ye husbands love your owne w●ves even as Christ also hath loved the Church and hath given up himself for her that hee might sanctifie it having cleansed her with the washing o● wa●er by the word toa● he might present it to himself gloriou●● a church which hath no spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that shee should be ho●y and v●●t proveable So are men bound to love their owne wives as their owne bodies He that loveth his owne wife loveth himself For no man ha h yet ever bated his owne flesh but hee nourishe●h and cherrisheth it even as also the Lord the church For we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Therefore shal a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to h s Wi●e and they two shal be one flesh This mysterie is great but I speake this having respect unto Christ and unto the church Therfore also let every one of you in particuler so love his wife as himselfe and the wife see that she reverence her husband Ye children be obedient to your parents in the Lord for that is right Honour thy father and mother which is the first commandement with a promise that it may goe well with thee and that thou mayst live long upon the earth And ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ye servants bee obedient unto your Masters according to the flesh with feare and trembling in singlenes of your heart as unto Christ not according to eye-service as men pleasers but as servants of Christ doeing the will of God from the heart with good will doeing service to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doth the same shall hee receave of the Lord whither he be bond or free And ye Masters doe the same things to them forbearing threatening as knowing that also your Master is in heaven and that no respect of persons is with him Furthermore my brethren bee strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Put on the whole armour of God that you may stand against the crafty wiles of the devil For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the world of the darknes of this world against Spirituall wickednesses in the aire Therefore take on the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having finished all to abide standing Stand therfore having your loynes girt about with truth and having put on the breast plate of righteousnes and having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace Above all having taken on the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God praying alwaies with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints And for me