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A81992 Seismos megas. Or Heaven & earth shaken. A treatise shewing how kings, princes, and their governments are turned and changed by Jesus Christ as [brace] King of Kings, and King of Saints. / By John Davis, M.A. sometime lecturer at Christ Church in London, and now pastour of a congregation in Dover. Davis, John, pastor of a congregation in Dover. 1655 (1655) Wing D422; Thomason E1601_2 153,991 331

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He sets a Tabernacle for the Sun and gives it a race to run 2. Jesus Christ doth not onely give them a being but also maintains what he hath given gives them a constant course and maintains them in it as men and Saints have their constant work to do so likewise have other creatures and Christ upholds them and their course too Psal 75. 3. I beare up the pillars of the earth Heb. 1. 2 3. By him are the world 's made and he upholds all things by the word of his power Jer. 31. 35. He gives the Sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the M●on and Stars for a light by night divideth the Sea when the waves thereof roare and to shew their constancy of operation Jer. 33. 20. there is mention made of the Covenant of the day and the Covenant of the night which none can break 3. These things thus made and maintained by him are at his beck He made three dayes together without a Sun Gen. 1. by reflecting the element of fire downward as some say and made the nights by reversing it upward Psal 136. 6. Whatsoever he pleased that did he in heaven earth in the sea in the deep places Heaven and Earth Sea and deeps are all at his pleasure V. 7. He maketh the vapour to ascend and lightnings for the raine he bringeth the winde out of his Treasuries Psal 147. 15. He sends his command forth his word runneth very swiftly His word his command is enough to make all run as he made all by his word so by his word and will he governs all Math. 8. 27. He rebukes the winde and the Sea and they obey him His rebuke and the creatures obedience fall in together 4. It s his pleasure sometime that they should step aside from their ordinary course The ordinary course of the Sun is to be running of his race But Josh 10. 12. Sun stand thou still in Gibeon and thou Moon in the vally of Ajalon The ordinary course is for the heavens to give down raine but in Ahabs time 1 Kings 17. 1 there was neither dew nor raine The ordinary course for the earth it is to bring forth corne and grasse for the food of man and beast but in Joseph's time Gen. 41. 54. The dearth was in all Lands 5. That Jesus governs them in all these turnings aside that is he acts them and orders them to his ends and interests and so there is a sweet harmony in their excentrical motion When the Sun stood still in Joshua's time it was that Israel might be avenged of the Amorites their enemies The dearth was in all Lands that so Joseph might be exalted and Israel provided for It raines or raines not that God might be honoured in the word of his Prophet Elijah the Tishbite When God takes away the power of burning from the fire it was that his servants the companions of Daniel should not be consumed but walke in the midst of the fire and have no hurt Dan. 3. 25. God will not onely shew his goodnesse to his people by the ordinary and common course of creatures but sometime he makes them step aside out of their common course to answer their prayers and help them in their streights and Now in our dayes though he workes not miracles he works wonderful things Miranda though not Micacula Though he worke not against the course of the creatures nature yet he alters it so that it gives us cause to wonder yea and withal in this way he brings vengeance on his and his peoples enemies It 's light in Goshen when darknesse is on all the Land of Egypt Isa 24. 20. The Earth reels too and fro like a Drunkard and shall be removed like a Cottage The transgression thereof shall fall heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again 6. That these Turnes in Heaven and Earth thus ordered by Christ carry with them the nature of signes Luke 21. 21. There shall be Signes in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distresse of Nations and perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring Acts 2. 19 I will shew wonders in heaven above 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapour of smoak A Signe is that which besides it selfe introduceth some other thing into the understanding as when you see smoak your understanding doth not terminate in the smoak but riseth higher to think of some fire that causeth that smoak So when you see these strange postures in these natural bodies your minde resteth not barely in the contemplation of them but your understanding looks on them as fore-runners of other things that shall follow after Now among signes some are Rememorative Demonstrative Prognostical Practical Rememorative signes are such which call to minde things past and so refresh the memory the Bow in the clouds tells us God did destroy the world by water though he will do so no more Demonstrative signes are such which declare a thing present as smoak is a signe of present fire fire then burning Prognostical signes are such as foretel in general things to come Thus God may and sometime doth by these changes in these natural great bodies signifie and foretel that there shall be great turns and changes in the great bodies Politique of Kingdomes and Common-wealths but what these particular turnes shall be and the several issues of them the signes in heaven and earth cannot foretel for they are not practical signes Practical signes are such as in their nature cause and produce those things whereof they are signes but such signes the heavens and earth are not they do not in their nature cause the turnes of Nations nor are the turnes of Nations their effects Now whether this position do contribute any favourable aspect to judicial Astrologie that we shall shew in the Appendix joyned to this Treatise and passe it by now onely resolve this Question Why doth Christ when he intends great turnes in States make such changes in Heaven and Earth I answer in four Reasons This is the beginning of Christ his taking to himselfe his great power Rev. 11. 17. Christ hath all power on earth as well as in heaven he is sovereigne Lord of all creatures as well as King of Saints Col. 1. He is the First borne of every creature as well as head of the Church and therefore he doth thus manifest himselfe There be many fore-runners before the King comes reckon these among the least and lowest of Christs servants yet surely what knees they have they bend to him They are ready with their motion and conjunctions to honour him and in their language to tell you of his transcendent glory that is following They are obedient and step aside out of their ordinary way to let you know of their Lords drawing nigh Christ could
Kingdome is spiritual Rom. 14. 17 Not in meat and drinke but righteousnesse and peace and joy in the holy Ghost Princes may beare rule over mens persons and estates but Jesus Christ over mens consciences He imprints his Law upon them and gives them power to reflect both on that Law and their own wayes by it he accuseth or excuseth lets terrour or peace into the conscience as seemeth good to him His Commands and Promises carry a blessed spiritualnesse with them and so do his Rewards When you serve him it must be in spirit and truth when you pray it must be in the spirit Jude v. 20. and when you heare it must be what the spirit sayeth to the Churches Rev. 3. 6. If you take on you to preach it must not be with the entising words of mans wisdome but in demonstration of the spirit and with power Col. 2. 4. and if you sing it must be spiritual Songs making melody with grace in the heart to the Lord Col. 3 16. In a word you are as lively stones built up a spiritual house an holy priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 5. and verse 9. Ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the praises of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his marvellous light I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercyes of God that ye present your bodies a lively Sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service Rom. 12. 1. 2. His Kingdome is Vniversal over all Saints in all places and ages He is yesterday and to day and the same for ever he ruled Israel of old and he rules his people now his administration was unto them outward and visible and shall it not be so again in the latter dayes Amos 2. 9 10 11. I destroyed the Amorite before them I brought them up from the land of Egypt and led them forty years through the Wildernesse to possesse the land of the Amorits and I raised up of your sons for Prophets and of your young men for Nazarites saith the Lord. He brought up he led he destroyed he raised he did all then and will do all hereafter Rev. 11. 15. The Kingdomes of the world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and his Christ not now one Kingdome or Nation as then not this or that Kingdome and no more but the Kingdomes of the world are become his he shall not alwayes be crouded into a corner of the world but as it is v. 1. 7. He shall take unto himselfe his great power and reigne and reward his servants the Prophets and the Saints that feare his Name both small and great here and there and everywhere 3. Thy Throne oh God is for ever and ever Heb. 1. 8. the heavens perish and waxe old as a garment and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not faile His Kingdome then is Eternal Dan. 2. 44. The God of heaven hath set up a Kingdome which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdome shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for ever It shall not be destroyed by any adverse power nor shall it decay of it selfe but it shall break all adverse power and it shall stand for ever and as it is an eternal Kingdome so it determineth men to an eternal state Rev. 1. 18. I live for evermore Amen and have the keyes of Hell and Death wherefore Feare not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell Math. 10. 28. 4. Lastly his Kingdome brings in perfect peace and liberty Isa 9. 6. He is the everlasting father and Prince of peace Isa 24. 23. The Lord shall reigne in mount Sion and in Jerusalem before the Ancients gloriously not onely reigne in heaven but in Sion and that gloriously Isa 25. 8. He shall swallow up Death in Victory and the Lord will wipe away teares from all faces and the rebuke of the people shall he take away from all the earth for the Lord hath spoken it Death teares rebuke shall be taken away what safety and hapinesse must then follow Isa 52. 13. Behold my servant shall dwell confidently he shall be exalted and extolled and be very high Isa 60. 19. 20. The Sun shall be no more thy light by day neither for brightnesse shall the Moon give light unto thee but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory and the dayes of thy mourning shall be ended Rev. 21. 4. There shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neiiher shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away 3. The third and last thing that we learne from hence that Christ is King of Saints is the excellency of his Subjects and the glory of his holy ones 1. Christ is King and the holy One of God and his Saints shall be more Saints shall appear to be his holy ones Sanctity shall be more exalted in them then ever yet our eyes have seen Joel 3. 17. Then shall Jerusalem be holy and there shall no strangers passe thorow her any more Zach. 14. 20. In that day shall there be upon the bels of the horses Holinesse to the Lord yea every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holinesse to the Lord of Hosts and there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of Hosts 2. They shall live in safety Isa 60. 18. Violence shall no more be heard in thy Land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise Joel 2. 18. In that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the feild and with the fowles of heaven and I will breake the Bow and the Battel ou● of the earth and will make them to lie down safely 3. Saints enemies shall be brought to ruine Zach. 10. 11. The pride of Assyria shall be brought down and the Scepter of Egypt shall depart away It is usual to expresse the enemies of the Church by the names of the old grand enemies Assyria and Egypt and you see what shall become of them they shall be brought down and depart away Isa 14. 2. The house of Israel shall possesse strangers in the land of the Lord for servants and for handmaids and they shall take them captive whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressors Rev. 20. 7 8 9. Satan shall goe out to deceive the Nations which are in the four quarters of the Earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battel But fire shall come down from God out of heaven and
cum rebus humanis ut meliora placeant plurimis Such is the disposition of humane affairs that the best things ever please fewest W. Gr. The Contents of the Book CHAP. I. SHeweth the occasion and Scope of this Treatise CHAP. II. HHandleth these eight Proposals 1. God delivers his Prophesies in way of a Promise 2. New-Testament Promises are set forth in Old-Testament language 3. Both Prophesies and Promises are to be taken in the largest sense 4. That both Prophesies and Promises admit of divers Degrees Seasons Manners of fullfilling 5. That under one Person or things named a whole Series both of persons and things is to be understood 6. God performes his Promises in these latter Ages in a way of proportion to his former glorious workings 7. The inflicting of judgement on the Adversaries of his Church is subordinate to the performance of his Promises 8. That the time of fullfilliug Prophesies and working great changes is at or before the coming of Christ CHAP. III. SHeweth the Meaning Doctrines and Method of Haggai 2. 6 7 8. CHAP. IV. HAndleth this Doctrine In the great Turnes of Ages God dispenseth himselfe in the way of a Promise 1. This holds out God as a Father 2. Exalts the honour of Christ the Son 3. Honours God in the person of the Spirit 4. Makes notably for the security and improvement of grace 5. Notably confounds the men of the World 6. Greatens our estate Vse 1. of Instruction shewing 1. In great Turnes are great wants 2. It shewes the vanity of the creatures 3. That Gods wayes are in the deeps Vse 2. of Exhortation to search out the Promises of the latter Age. The Motives are six 1. This renders you children of wisdome 2. It s a blessed preservative against the infection of sin 3. It advanceth your faith and love 4. It s proper to conquer difficulties and discouragements 5. It s apt to make you watchful and dutiful 6. It advanceth your heart in praises CHAP. V. SHeweth that when Christ is about to performe his Promises he causeth Changes in Natural bodies How 1. Jesus Christ hath given a being and constant course to Heaven and Earth 2. He maintaines what he hath given 3. The creatures thus made and maintained are at his becke 4. That it is his pleasure they should sometimes step aside from their ordinary constant course 5. Christ governes them in all their turnings aside 6. That these turnes carry the nature of Signes yet favour not Astrological Predictions Why because 1. This is the beginning of taking to himself his great power 2. By this meanes he speaks to all the World 3. By this way of working he minds us that the creatures are not in that state he intends for them 4. By these turns in Natural bodies he knows how to draw forth spiritual actings in his people Vse 1. of Instruction 1. To see Christs excellency 1. In that he causeth these turnes 2. In that he can doe more 2. It s a vain thing to set against Christ 3. It s easie hence to conceive the Promises of this life shall be performed Vse 2. of Exhortation 1. To consider Christ in all these Changes 2. To feare before him 3. To advance your faith 4. To exalt him above man or meanes CHAP. VI. SHeweth the change of Angels and this Doctrine That Jesus Christ in the great turning Providences imployes the ministration of Angels For clearing of which Doctrine take notice of these nine things 1. Jesus Christ God-man is head of Angels 2. Angels are to serve him not in his person alone but in serving of his Saints 3. Angels are to serve Christ and his Saints in the destruction of their enemies 4. Angels are to have more apparent declaration made of their service toward Christ and his world 5. Angels are brought in in the visions and so in the execution of those visions 6. Angels have worke deputed to them concerning Kingdomes and Nations 7. Angels and Saints shall be joyned together hereafter and therefore they are conjoyned in the worke here 8. Christs last dispensations are his greatest wherein he useth Angels 1. In the working of his wisdome 2. When he takes to himselfe his great power 3. Vpon more immediate administration of Saints 4. Shewing forth his unchangablenesse 9. Christ must have his Angels as well as the Dragon his Vse 1. of Instruction 1. To see Christ his excellency who is far above Angels because they are but his servants where Heb. 1. is breifely opened Vse 2. Of Exhortation 1. To behold those glorious works 2. To draw forth your faith and love 3. To provoke you to come forth in the service of these latter dayes to be fellow-servants with the Angels CHAP. VII COntains the shake of Kings for four Reasons because 1. They make the great turnes in the Earth 2. They pretend to be exempt from mans power 3. Dealing with them is a compendious way of dealing with the world 4. They are decked with all worldly power and seem to be the fittest match for Christ Vse of Instruction to see that there is 1. A meanesse in their Majesty 2. That the management of particular places must be reckoned for 3. He will surely account with meaner men 4. It s lawful to appe ale from Princes to Christ 5. Judicial proceedings against Princes is stamped with remarkable Characters of Christ Vse of Exhortation 1. to meditate on these dealings of Christ 2. to give unto Christ the honour due to his Name CHAP. VIII SHewes Pos 1. All power is given to Christ in Heaven and Earth Where observe 1. All power is in Christ 2. All power is his due upon the taking of our nature 3. though it be his due 't is rightly said to be given to him 4. Jesus Christ hath had but little honour of all his power 5 Christ will exalt himselfe in such turnes upon Kings as that they shall honour him in their consciences Vse 1. Of Instruction to teach us 1. the riches of Gods love to Christ 2. that the Father is fully satisfied in the power laid on him 3. the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in Christs hand 4. Christ returnes all his power to the Father Vse 2. of Exhortation 1. To flocke about Christ in love 2. to come with resolvednesse to be at his disposal 3. tremble ye wicked ones though the mighty of the Earth 4. The Lord reigneth let the earth be glad CHAP. IX SHewes that Kings reigne by Christ 1. They are or are not by him 2. He blesseth or blasteth them in the worke of Government 3. What wisdome or power they have they cannot put forth without him 4. the continuation or succession of them is from him 5. Bad Kings as well as good are from him where observe 1. Good men may be bad Kings 2. the badnesse of Kings is not from Christ for 1. It s not by his command 2. It s not by his working 3. He doth not stirre them up to any
opportunes your confederates to become your enemies Vse 1. See how little help there is in men 2. See what wickednesse is incident to Nations as well as persons 3. Take hence one argument more against your Civil War 4. Learn it s a curious work to manage affairs in Civil Wars 5. Admire Gods providences towards us who hath busied our Neighbour Nations CHAP. XVIII OPens that unkind and unjust dealings of neighbour Nations produce forreign Wars as thus 1. The pride and lust of ruling men cause these hard dealings 2. Those who are great would be great alone 3. These great leaders obtain many followers 4. They conclude they have a fit season for their rage 5. A people under present pressures are exceding sensible 6. They resolve if they recover to do to others as others thought to have done unto them Vse 1. To see the spreading of sin that it reacheth Nations as well as persons 2. Nations as well as persons are liable to trouble upon trouble 3. God is appealed unto in War 4. To admire again Gods goodness to us CHAP. XIX SHews that Jesus Christ will deale in severity with the Kings of the Earth because 1. Kings are in covenant with their people and break their Covenants 2. In this dealing Christ appears no respecter of persons 3. In this dealing Christ makes his wisdom out-shine King-craft 4. Christ is to overcome Satan in his territories Vse 1. Reade the sinfulness of Kings in Christs severity 2. See the impartial and unspotted holiness of Jesus Christ 3. See what to expect and to what to refer our present providences CHAP. XX. COncludes with shewing how the twelve Positions formerly handled instruct us in our present Turns and Changes CHAP. XXI SHews the great Turns on Nations arising from the consideration of Christ as King of Saints set forth in twelve Sections 1. Jesus Christ is King of Saints as well as King of the World 2. Christ hath his high honour upon his sufferings 3. Christ puts forth the power he hath as King of Nations for his people to whom he is King of Saints 4. Jesus Christ shall have more visible glory in this World 5. Bitternesse is mingled with all Governments that Christ may be sweet 6. Christ pours out on his people a mighty spirit of prayer which he in his Government as King of Saints returns full answer to 7. Jesus Christ shall have a willing people in the day of his power 8. Some of the Kings of the Earth shall be among this willing people 9. Christ having great work to do stirs up the spirit of Princes and people 10. The great work of the latter days shall be to exalt holinesse and righteousnesse 11. Saints shall have notable Conquest over their enemies 12. These things shall be by degrees CHAP. XXII COntains the Vses of that Doctrine that Christ is King of Saints 1. Vse of inviting Instruction discovering 1. Christs excellency 2. The properties of his Kingdom 3. The glory of his Saints 1. Christ his excellency in four things 1. His right and Title which is the justest being 1. By Election 2. By Donation 3. By Birth 4. By purchase 5. By Conquest 2. His Qualifications are greatest 3. His Administrations are the highest 4. His Communications are the largest 2 The Properties of his Kingdom being 1. Spiritual 2. Vniversal 3. Eternal 4. Bringing in perfect peace 3. The glory or excellency of his Saints for 1. They shall be more Saints 2. They shall live safely 3. their enemies shall be ruined 2. Vse of Exhortation 1. to know him 2. to fear him ● to trust in him 4. to embrace him with love 5. to be like to him 6. to glorifie him 7. to be obedient to his laws where you have 1. the six Laws of Nature with Gospel-light 1. Peace is to be sought 2. Stand to your Covenants 3. You must be thankful 4. Serve one another 5. Be merciful and forgive 6. Reproach not one another 2. You have many Gospel strains set out to highthen your obedience THe Appendix shews Astrological Predictions to be frivilous and impious where these five things are granted 1. that the Stars have a powerful ruling excellency 2. that by their light heat and motion they work great alterations in the Aire 3. that having this power over the Aire they do diver●●y affect compound bodies 4. Scripture speaks plainely that they are for times and seasons 5. that there may be some present Predictions about weather and such things But two things are denyed 1. that Stars have any power over the Reason or Will of man to necessitate or inforce them 2. that Astrologers can rightly pretend to foretell such things as depend on mans will or are any way contingent and this appears by seven Arguments 1. Such Predictions are derogatory to Gods prerogative of fore-knowing 2. Such predictions are crosse to the word of God 3. We reason from the Nature of the Stars 4. We reason from the Nature of Art 5. We argue from that part of Astrology that is about weather 6. these Predictions are derogatory to the excellency of Man 7. VVe reason from the Nature of contingent things Object But many things they foretell come to passe Sol. 1. Not so many as they brag of 2. Not from any causing virtue in the Stars 3. Blind men sometime hit the white so may Astrologers 4. their coming to passe is a strong argument against them 5. It may come to passe in a way of judicial vengeance Vse 1. to the professors of the Mathematicks 2. to their Disciples dehorting them from Figure-casting Σεισμος Μεγας OR Heaven and Earth shaken CHAP. I. The Introduction shewing the occasion and scope of the insuing Treatise THe works of the Lord are great sayeth the Psalmist sought out of all them that have pleasure therein When God is working we must eye him and when his works be great we must be searching them out and not soon weary but taking pleasure both in the works and search Gods works to us of this Nation have been honourable and glorious as it is verse 3. and his righteousnesse enduring for ever No marvel then if they be taking with the minde and hearts of his people who entertaine them with the highest esteeme and most joyful admiration verse 4. He hath made his wonderful workes to be remembred the Lord is gracious and full of compassion I appeale unto your consciences that read whether the grace and full compassion of God have not made his works wonderful among us Now God will not have his works written in the sand he makes his works wonderful and his wonderful works to be remembred and surely his people cannot forget them they are ingraven on their hearts and they cannot but remember them v. ● He giveth meat to them that fear him He is ever mindful of his Covenant Consider v. 5. the malice and rage of adversaries and we cannot but reckon it among the wonderful works
and that which is perfect receives not a change into a worse condition So then though we ascribe a change to Angels we make not their condition worse They ●ave a stable being and so continue in their wisdome strength and happinesse bu● yet are liable to change in regard of their ministration which may be applyed unto diverse things Angeli sunt mutabiles quoad applicationem virtu●um ad diversa Aquin. when that virtuous efficacious power which is in Angels is applyed to things that are diverse one from another and such things as have some opposition one against another in their nature the Angels themselves are said to be changed because there is a change in the object about which their power is conversant the object not being the same now that formerly as for example It is a cleare truth they were alway ministring spirits for the good of those who be heires of salvation Heb. 1. 14. But it hath been the condition of these heires to differ little from servants to be here lost afflicted persecuted forsaken and in these cases in this their low condition Angels have served for their good but surely their heavenly Father intends his sonnes and heires a better portion a portion better then that of affliction and tribulation and that not in heaven onely but somewhat better upon earth when as it is Rev. 21. 1 2. The holy City the New Jerusalem shall be coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband when the Tabernacle of God shall be with men and he shall be amongst them then Joy Peace Tru●h and Glory shall be unto them Now while Angels are ministring to these heires these Saints thus changed in their condition May not the ministration and Angels in regard of it be said to be changed Mutatio convenit Angelis in quantum ●de novo applicantur ad aliquod ministerium change agreeth to Angels so far forth as they are applyed to some ministration anew It 's no derogation to good and holy Angels to attribute to them such a change as a new ministration inferrs When as the witnesses prophesied in sackcloth all the time of Antichrist his 1260 dayes and were slaine I question not but the Angels were in all those dayes ministring spirits for the good of these prophesying dying witnesses but when these witnesses shall have a resurrection and ascention and glory The spirit of life from God enters into them Rev. 11. 11. They ascend up to heaven in a cloud v. 12. Now I doe as little question but the Angels were ministring spirits for their good but being there was so vast a distance of the condition of these witnesses and so great a change as from death to life from slaughter to glory from earth to heaven pardon me if I conceive the Angels in this their administration to be shaken and changed I shall say no more of this but give you my farther thoughts in this following Observation Jesus Christ in the great Turning Providences of the latter Age employes the ministration of Angels It was so of Old when Israel was delivered out of Egypt Exod. 23. 20. Behold I will send an Angel before thee to keep thee in the way The giving of the Law was an eminent turne but that was ordained by Angels Gal. 5. 19. In the time of the Judges an Angel appeares to Gideon Judg. 6. 12. And again to Manoah Judg. 13. 2. About Ahabs time when Israel were become Idolatrous and Ahaziah fel sicke 2 Kings 1. 3. The Angel of the Lord spake to Elijah After the Captivity when the Temple was to be built Zacharies prophesies are full of the apparitions of Angels Zach. 1. 8. How great was the turne when Christ was to be borne and then Luke 1. 28. An Angel salutes Mary and it was no small turne when he came to suffer and then you finde Angels ministring In the prophesies of the time after Christ all the Visions are by Angels when the Easterne and Westerne Empires are destroyed Rev. 8. 7 8. and 9. 11. The Angels sound the Trumpets When the last plagues are to befal the Romish Antichrist the Angels pour out the Vials and when the Bride the Lambs Wife is to be seen then an Angel must shew it Rev. 21. 9. Now to cleare this observe 1. Jesus Christ God-man is head of Angels Col. 1. 16. They were all made by him and for him and so they are called Michael's Angels Rev. 12. 7. they are to serve and worship him Heb. 1. 6. being all made subject to him 1 Pet. 3. 22. They are his host and he orders and commands them Gen. 22. 1 2. Christ is the second Adam from heaven heavenly and his host must be like himselfe an heavenly host Luke 2. 13. A multitude of the heavenly host were praysing God Christ hath the great interest in Angels they are first for him and then for us Angeli non sunt facti propter hominem principaliter faith Aquinas Angels are not made for man principally They are indeed made for us but more for Christ for us subordinatly for Christ principally who must be ●i●st served When he was in his state of abasement he said he could pray to the Father and he would send him more then twelve Legions of Angels and hereafter when he shall come forth in state thousand thousands shall minister unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand shall stand before him when he shall be revealed from heaven with the Angels of his power 2 Thess 1. 7. Mark the power that Angels have it s his power and they being so great a body he must have preeminence above them Angels are to serve Christ not in his person alone but in his Saints his members also Heb. 1. 14. They are spirits 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 immaterial substances and ministering spirits 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 serving in a publicke way sent forth as the Apostles were sent forth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by an immediate Commission from Christ To minister 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be heavenly Deacons for their sakes who shall be heirs of salvation Psal 91. 11. He shall give his Angels charge over thee which is extendible to the Members of Christ as well as to Christ himselfe Angels have charge of them from and under him Psal 34. 7. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that feare him and delivereth them When Jacob is on his way the Angels of God met him Gen. 32. 1. When Daniel is in the Lyons Den God sends his Angel to shut the Lyons mouths Dan. 6. 12. When Peter is in prison an Angel delivers him Acts 12. 8. and though Lazarus dye a beggar yet shall he be carried by Angels into Abrahams bosome Luke 16. 22. Angels are to serve Christ and his Saints in the destruction of their enemies 2 Kings 19. 35. That night the Angel smote in the Campe of the Assyrians 185000. And
Indians and English in the West-India All his golden Mines will never be so sweet as the vengeance will be bitter Let his cursed cruel Inquisition be as precious to him as his right eye yet God will plucke it out God will cast it down He will no more beare with an Inquisition in Spain then with an High-Commission Court in England I wish that France and Savoy would consider of their Massacres and if they do not all the world shall acknowledge Christ his just shaking-devastations in many years war and other wayes of vengeance on them 3. Will Christ account with Princes and shake them then surely meaner men shall not escape Magistrates Ministers Counsellers Captains Parents Masters look about you Christ is on his circuit hath began his Audit look well to your accounts Princes are not too great nor you too little for him to account withal he will deale punctually he will not shuffle over things with you Hearken he calls venite ad judicium Come to judgement what can you answer for your times and talents your meanes and mercies your deliverances and salvations your covenants and engagements Are you yet more holy heavenly watchful faithful fruitful will your relations blesse God for you for your counsel instruction reprehension exhortations prayers and examples Can you say you are free from the blood of your people children souldiers and servants If they perish is it on their own account you having freed your souls in the faithful discharge of your duty 4. In all oppression from powers its a just ground for people to appeale to Christ whose Office it is to supervise their actings and to shake them Exod. 2. 23. Israel sighed by reason of their bondage and their cry came up to God we tread on wormes and goe over where the hedge is lowest It s no new thing for might to oppresse right but if men cannot have right on earth there is none can hinder a man from looking to heaven it was a notable appeale of David from King Saul to Jehovah 1 Sam. 24. 15. The Lord be judge and judge between me and thee and plead my cause and judge me on thee its emphatical that thrice he repeats the word judge The Lord be judge and judge between me and thee and judge me out of thy hand How pathetically doth the same David addresse himselfe to God Psalm 35. 23. Stir up thy selfe and awake to my judgement unto my cause my God and my Lord. Evigila expergiscere watch and arise and surely he will do so I remember what Mr. Henry Burton a late Martyr told me that being in trouble before the highest powers and having appealed to the King and finding no redresse he expressed himselfe thus Well I appeale to the King of Kings and so may we in like cases Learne farther that judicial proceedings against Princes is stamped with remarkable Characters of Christ on them for he shakes them Thus in the prophesies of John Revel 6. The sixe Seales containe the several steps of plaguing the heathenish Roman Empire At the opening of the first Seale v. 2. there appears a white Horse Christ riding on the word of truth and going on Conquering and to Conquer heathenisme The second Seale and red Horse shews the bloody wars that Christ raiseth against them The third Seale and black Horse denotes scarcity of bread by which Christ afflicts them The fourth Seale and pale Horse includes warres famine plague and all which Christ brought in upon them Upon opening the fifth Seale you have the cry of the Saints under their persecutions which Christ heares attentively The sixth Seale utterly ruines the heathenish Empire the great day of Christ his wrath being come upon it so that it was not able to stand The opening of the seventh Seale presents you with a Vision of seven Angels with seven Trumpets and they relate Christs his shaking and ruinating the Empire while Christian and no marvel seeing it became Arrian and persecuting Totus Mundus Arrianus The foure first Trumpets sound the fatal ruine of the Westerne Empire when Christ stirred up the Goths and Vandals in four incursions upon it The fifth and sixth Trumpet which are two of the Vae Tubae the woe Trumpets they sound out Christ his shaking of the Easterne Empire in that he gives passage to Mahomet and his company in the fifth Trumpet and in the sixth Trumpet to the Turkes We read in Rev. 16. 1. of seven Vials which contain Christ his shaking the Kingdome of Antichrist for they are the last plagues on the Beast Thus you see eminent Characters of Christ his judging all his adversaries even from Johns time to this very day both his Heathenish and Antichristian enemies To those who are in high place of power I beseech them to suffer a word of exhortation from one who daily prays for them Oh! how good is it for men to meditate on Christ and his shaking on Christ and his accounting with them think not because you have Sword and Counsel Armies and Navies that now your mountaine is so strong it shall never be moved They once thought so who are now shaken out and the entertainment of such thoughts again will be the ready way to a repeated shaking T is true God hath blessed you with a series of good successes and by them turned others out of their seats and placed you in I hope and heartily wish that their sinnes their crying sinnes may never be found among you for if they be Christ can raise up others to shake you out as he raised up you to shake others The good God forbid that ever that day should arise among us But rather of the riches of his mercy grant your establishment by Judgement and Righteousnesse that so you may be called repairers of our breaches the restorers of paths to dwell in Much of the impetuous violence of the streames of wickednesse would be dryed up by the due consideration of Christ his coming to shake Princes are great Masters and subjects are their servants and Col. 4. 1. Masters give unto your servants that which is just and equal knowing that ye also have a Master in Heaven Let all that know and feare God give unto Christ the honour due unto his Name In that he shakes Kings and Princes he is decked with glory and sets up his Throne for vengeance Thus the Church doth Rev. 5. 12. Worthy is the Lamb to receive power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and blessing CHAP. VIII Shewes 1. That All power is in Christ 2. It s his due upon taking our nature 3. Though it be his due yet is it given to him 4. Though it be his due and given him yet he hath little glory of it 5. He will exalt himselfe in great Turnes to take up his glory by them Vses of Instruction and Exhortation KIngs and Princes are the greatest persons and the
1. Take notice of the exceeding riches of Gods love to Christ and in him to us He loves and gives and gives no lesse then all not some but all power Power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rightful power priviledged power Christ hath the highest and the sweetest Title He hath all by gift The Father gives and gives to him immediately nothing intervenes between the Father and Christ In all his giving to us Christ comes between he is the Mediatour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the middle person but in this gift to Christ none comes between him and the Father 2. Learne hence the Father is fully satisfied in that he hath laid all power on Christ he will never question Christ his Title he is as he would have him to be All power would cracke the creatures shoulders Christ alone is able to beare it Men under a little power how do they pride pranke and wanton it But behold Jesus Christ altogether lovely and lovely in his power The power is given him not onely of heaven or over the things in heaven but it s given him in heaven The power is the most glorious power and it s given him in the most glorious place for so the words may be read not onely all power in heaven is given me but all power is given me in heaven Men receive their Commissions here on the earth Christ takes it in Heaven 3. Doubtlesse as it is Isa 53. 10. The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he wants nothing to effect it He hookes the unruly Leviathans restrains the cruelty and oppression of their power and turnes their vanity to his Fathers glory power shall not alwayes be in the hands of the wicked the Saints shall rule for Christ is the greatest Saint 4. Christ returnes alI to the Father He receives all power from him and shall returne it all to him 1 Cor. 15. 24. He delivers up the Kingdome to God even the Father The Kingdome is Christs power in the whole frame and body of it but that he delivers up to his Father and for the present he will sacrifice all the unjust powers of the earth to his Fathers justice and cause goodnesse to arise with greatnesse and peace with power Let me adde one word to exhort you 1. To flocke about Christ in love to come where the power is and Loe here is all power were Christ powerlesse or weak I would never invite you to him Heb. 7. 25. He is able and able to save and to save to the utmost Oh why hang you backe why linger so long are you unwilling to be happy doe you love your weaknesse that you run not to his power What is scattered elsewhere is centered here It s a Christian art rightly to abstract all earthly powers all are but ciphers till Christ put a figure to them Every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts Now who can give so much as he that hath All and is it not our wisdome to have him to friend Let me bespeake you as Balak said to Balaam Num. 22. 37. Am not I able indeed to promote thee to honour So is not Christ able indeed to pay all thy debts to heale all thy diseases to protect thee from dangers and to inrich thee with fullest enjoyments Oh! come come stay no longer let that which can command invite you namely his power 2. ●●me and wellcome but come with resolvednesse to be wholly at his disposal Ordinary and common observance will not suffice All power doth challenge all love and all subjection from all hearts Oh! let Christ have all bring your Lamb to him for he is worthy How little is your all to his your largest compasse is in your thoughts and desires Oh bring them to him let him be in all your thoughts and the onely desireable one to you He demands your hearts you have his already your hearts and therein your all what is heartlesse is nothing Let your hearts then and with your hearts your feare and hope and faith and joy attend him 3. Tremble you wicked ones though the mighty of the earth Against whom have you exalted your selves how will you deale with him that hath all power all power to punish as well as reward your power is his and he must not suffer his power in your hands to be abused Your mountains and your hills cannot cover you from the power of his wrath who makes Rivers of brimstone and everlasting burnings for you and prepares Tophet of old 4. The Lord Reigneth let the earth be glad Feare not your Summer and Winter your Seed-time and Harvest your Sun to shine and raine and dews to fall your dayes and nights provisions and protections for all power is his and honour him to whom all power is given CHAP. IX Shews Pos 2. That Kings reigne by Christ 1. They are or are not by him 2. He blesseth or blasteth them in Government 3. What wisdome or power they have they cannot put forth without him 4. Continuation and succession is from him 5. Bad Kings as well as good are from him Vses for Instruction and Exhortation CHrist hath all power as we shewed in the former Chapter and as he hath all so he gives all It s his glory to communicate he hath of the best and he giveth of the best All Kingly power is given to him and he gives all power to men whence followes this second Position The Kings of the Earth they reigne by Christ this is set down in so many words Pro. 8. 15. By me Kings reigne and Princes decree justice v. 16. By me Princes rule and Nobles even all the Judges of the earth I observe three things from those words 1. That the several ranks of Governours are from him both the supreame and the subordinate Magistrates not onely Kings but Princes also rule by him not onely Kings and Princes but Nobles and Judges 2. I observe in the highest act of power that Kings and Princes put forth that therein they are but Christs Substitutes To make Lawes and Decrees to decree that which is right and for publicke good is one of their highest and most noble acts of power but that they cannot doe without him I observe thirdly That the particular execution as well as the decree is from Christ to bring down this or that Decree or Law to this or that person or case the application of the Law to those whom it doth concerne even this is from Christ for all the Judges of the earth are by him Judices sunt qui inter litigantes jus dicunt Judges are they that declare what is Law among those that are at variance and these Judges and their sentences are here referred to Christ you will more fully apprehend this Position by the five passages following 1. That Kings are or are not by him They have not onely their being from him as they are men but as they
Σεισμος Μεγας OR HEAVEN EARTH SHAKEN A Treatise shewing how Kings Princes and their Governments are turned and changed By Jesus Christ as King of Kings and King of Saints Hagg. 2. 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts Yet once it is a little while and I will shake the Heavens and the Earth and the Sea and the dry Land And I will shake all Nations By JOHN DAVIS M. A. sometime Lecturer at Christ Church in LONDON and now Pastour of a Congregation in Dover LONDON Printed by T. C. for Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhill 1655. The Epistle of the Author to the Reader Christian Reader ALl men in the world are naturally acted by a principle either of Love or Feare and there is something in the ensuing Treatise to meet with both Men are greedily addicted to Novelty new fashions and opinions new straines and modes new matters and methods yea Pamphlets of news are taking and I feare me too much The Title tells you of a Great Earthquake or Heaven and Earth shaken which denotes the great and suddain turne and change of things Now while things are turning and changing they appeare new to us they have not the same face now they had before And surely men are more obliged to converse with News in things then News in Books Men compile your News-books but God makes News in things If what is here presented were forreigne and such as did not relate to you you might justly passe it by and pitch on that which is of more concernment to you But let me tell you there is no Turne or Change mentioned here but that which relates to you and wherein you are concerned and have been Actors one way or other for good or evil either provoking by your sins or interceding by your prayers and therefore me thinks you should love to read your selves over and the new things that you have made Turnes and Changes especially in great bodies of Kingdoms and Common-wealthes are great Turnes turnes of great and publick interest but not alwayes prosperous and so makes way for your feare The greatest States-men have studiously avoided as much as they could all Innovations knowing the trouble and danger that follows thereon lest while they designe the common good dregs should be stirred up in the spirits of people that they could not easily settle and allay again I heartily wish you the increase of a godly feare that amidst all the Turnes and Changes which you read of you may yet more and more experience that blessed turne and change of heart from darknesse to light from things below to things above from creatures to Christ and then all these Turnes shall not onely not hurt you but do you much good The Method I have observed and studied hath been to informe you as plainely and to apply that information as closly as I could I have laid things down by way of Propositions and those Propositions such as might make way for and give light to one another the foregoing to the following Propositions and all of them put together might acquaint you with that which was intended in this worke That you might the better take in and retaine things in your minde I have in every Chapter perfixed the several Propositions therein opened and most of them are all should have been in a differing letter from the body of the Book The XXI Chapter makes mention of twelve Sections which I confesse I intended for the heads of twelve several Chapters with such application as are in the other parts of the Book but I was afraid of being tedious I know uot how that which is here done will suite with the spirits of the godly-wise to whom I desire to approve my selfe in this businesse And if I might receive any incouragement from them it might easily draw forth my thoughts which I have had of the Turnes of Councils and Armies of Laws and Trading of Continents and Islands The great turnes at Sea as well as upon the Land of affairs concerning the Church as well as the State But I shall adde no more now but this petition That the God of all wisdome would wise us to know the Times and our duties in them and help us to serve our generation and to do the worke of the day in the day To live by faith and by faith and patience to possesse our soules until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in whom I am Your truely affectionate Brother to serve you in his Gospel IOHN DAVIS Errata PAge 20. l. 2. for eight r. seventh Page 43. for three r. third Page 75. for underpowers r. undercowers To the Reader REader this is a bookish-age and whereas Learning was heretofore graced by judicious Schollars it is now much vilified by illiterate scriblers What Scaliger said of France omnibus scribendi datur libertas paucis facultas All men may write but few are able to write is verified here in England All have liberty to write but few ability Hence it is that so many leane pamphlets and peices come forth daily treating of Inferiour and inconsiderate things This Author acquaints you with the great Shakings the great Alterations which God and Christ do make in Heaven and Earth upon performance of divine Promises He treats of the use and ministration of Angels therein he sheweth that all power is Christs that the Princes of the earth have all their power from him he informes of what use Government and Governours are how subject to change what 's the evil of abusing power what 's the cause of Civil Wars and Fatal Turnes He tells you how severely the Lord Christ will deale with the Potentates of the earth whose power is erected against him and his which are things of an high nature and well handled Though Galen said of Moses workes Multa dicit nil probat and Augustine of Manichaeus dixit abiit he gave no reason of what he said yet it is far otherwise with this Author who judiciously and solidly makes good what he hath asserted The Matter Method and Composition are waters from his own Cistern and hony from his own Hive He hath not larded his book alieno adipe with the fat of other men The work speakes for it selfe being elaborate well compacted and weighty through words of truth and doubtlesse will finde acceptance amongst those who have their senses exercis'd to discern of such things It s most true which Erasmus saith Nihil morosius hominum judiciis nothing is more peevish then the judgements of men what one magnifies another vilifies and what is vilified by one is magnified by another yet it is some comfort that mens judgements are like their pallats what suites not with one doth with another and where the wine is good few will distaste it Reader buy and try if thou be pleasured or profited the Author hath his aime if neither he will not be provoked knowing Nunquam tam bene agitur
Isa 53. 1. Who hath believed our report The speech relates to the Prophet in his time but not onely to the Prophet for it agrees to Christ as appears John 12. 38. I shall conclude this position with what I learned many years a goe from transcribed Notes of a precious servant of Christ now at rest The least degree of the performing a promise being manifested the promise therein may be truly said to be performed although not in the highest extent of it Whereupon it is remarkable how in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles when any personal thing or individual act is mentioned as that in Mat. 2. 17. the place above named about Rachel the holy Ghost useth a word which signifies accomplishment 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken But when promises are mentioned which have reference to the Church as Acts 2. 16. then it s thus expressed This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he doth not say it was fulfilled but it was spoken it had a true performance but not the accomplishment That under one person or thing named a whole series both of persons and things is to be understood See this plainly in the great promise Rom. 9. 7. In Isaac shall thy seed be called In the eight verse of the same Chapter The children of the promise are counted for the seed When we read of the enemies of the Church which sometimes are called Hornes by them he means all the powers that are pushing at Jesus Christ and his interest The Vial on the Throne of the Beast mentioned Rev. 16. 10. although it meane eminently the City of Rome yet withal it may take in all those places wherein the superstitions of Antichrist have been more especially exercised as Bishops Palaces Cathedrals Monasteries Priories Deanes and Chapters houses and such like places God performes his promises in these latter dayes in a way of proportion and correspondency with his former glorious workings for his people Thus most expresly Hagg. 2. 5. its said According as I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt so my spirit remaineth among you where its plain that God engageth himselfe to them now when they were building of the Temple according to his dealing with them when they were to be delivered out of Egypt Thus in the Visions of the Prophet John Antichrist is called Egypt and their waters are turned into blood and that by the wittnesses Rev. 11. 6. in correspondence with what God did by Moses Exod. 7. 19. Israel in Egypt cryed Exod. 2. 23. and so do the souls under the Altar Lord Lord how long holy and true dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth Rev. 6. 10. He drowned the Egyptians in the red Sea Exod. 14. 27. and now hath his wayes it may be Sea-fights to drown his enemies as it was in the years 1588 and 1639 and at other times since I shall conclude this position with that saying of the Prophet Micah 7. 15. where God promiseth to his Church his goodnesse in these words According to the dayes of thy coming out of the Land of Egypt will ● shew unto him marvelous things That the inflicting of judgement on the adversaries of the Church is subordinate to the performance of his promises to his people The shaking vengeance on the Nations is but to make way for the good of Gods people Gods creatures are precious to him as he is their Creator and surely he would never destroy them but in relation to a greater farther and better good then their destruction can be evil This is plain in Isa 10. 12. The visiting of the stout heart of the King of Assyria and the glory of his high looks is in a way of inflicting judgement on him but it s brought in as subservient to the performing of his whole work on Mount Sion that was the maine thing driven at That the time of fulfilling prophesies and promises and working great turnes is at or before the coming of Christ Thus in Hag. 2. 6. I will shake the heaven when is that it follows immediatly The desire of all Nations shall come The coming of Christ in the flesh was eminently the fulfilling of many prophesies and promises as you may read in the constant course of the Gospel His coming then likewise produced great turnes and changes Mat. 2. 3. Herod the King was troubled and all Jerusalem with him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Herod and Jerusalem the King and all the people are troubled He troubles the chiefe Priests and Pharisees and Counsels John 11. 47. what doe we doe This man doth many Miracles And when Christ shall come again you shall have more turnes All the promises are in him and for him no marvel then if their performances and his appearance come together The down-fall of the Man of sin is the making good of many promises but that is said to be by the brigh●nesse of his coming 2 Thess 2. 8. Then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his coming Chap. III. Shewing the meaning Doctrines and Method of Hag. 2. 6 7. Hag. 2. 6 7. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts Yet once and it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry-land 7. And I will shake all Nations ●and the desire of all Nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Hosts Heb. 12. 26 27. Whose voyce then shooke the earth but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the earth onely but also Heaven 27. And this word yet once more signifieth the removing of ●hings that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain HAving laid down these eight propositions in general we shall now pitch down on this Scripture to which all these propositions give light Here in these words of the Prophet Haggai you have a prophesie by way of a promise God foretells by his servant Haggai what shall come to passe namely great turnes and changes and withal engageth about them by way of a promise that he will effect them I will shake and that 's your fi●st rule He calls the Church-state under the Go●p●l by the name of a Temple and an house which is the language of the Old Testament to speak out Gods way of worship but here it hath a farther extent even unto Gospel-worship and administrations and that is according to the second Prop. Shaking of heaven and earth doth not onely meane the commotion in these natural bodies and the alterations therein but also these words hold out the change in the great Political bodies of Church and State and so according
deal with Kingdomes and Nations without these Signes But since he hath these creatures he will make use of them yea and their extravagances shall do him good service Men stop their eares at the voyce of the ordinary course of Heaven and Earth and will not hear but when he turnes their courses into Signes and wonders then they shall heare By this meanes he speakes to all the World when Christ himselfe speaks it must be with a mighty voyce We low creatures doe but mutter and whisper and few there be that heare our voyce but when he speaks heaven and earth and all the world shall heare him When he speakes by the word of his Gospel every creature must hear Mar. 16. 15. and his Apostles which were the Teachers they must have the gift of tongues and be able to speak the language of every Nation where they come that so the Parthians Medes and Elamites might heare as well as the Jewes Their line is gone out into all the earth Psal 19. 4. Christ hath another way of speaking to all the world namely by signes in heaven and earth those that will not hear his Gospel yet will listen to their language Signes have their voyce as well as men Exod. 4. 8. If they will not believe the voyce of the first signe Turkes Jewes Heathens Prophane persons which regard not the sound of the Gospel yet will now be Auriti quick of hearing as Christ in his preaching spake as one having authority So he speakes now and commands attention Prov. 18. 23. The poor useth intreaties and its the poverty of Christs messengers that they come beseeching and intreating but Christ himselfe speakes in a commanding way to let all men know bad as well as good that he is about his worke and his great work Earthly men minde the earth speak of it account it their own and Christ will meet them there and speake from and by the Earth to them This way of working Signes mindes us that the creatures are not in that state he intendes them By this change upon them he hints unto us their re●●auration into the liberty of the sonnes of God Rom. 8. 21. In their ordinary course while they serve those who do disservice to Christ they groane Rom. 8. 21. and to step out of this road to subserve Christ it is a forerunner of their liberty 'T is plaine God gave man dominion over the Fish of the Sea and over the Fowls of the Aire and over the Cattel and over all the Earth Gen. 1. 26. To man that is true but to what man to man in what condition it was not given to finful man but to man after Gods Image and likenesse as it is in the same verse to man before his fall to righteous man to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to man made upright as it is Eccles 7. 29. Upright according to the rule of his Creation not to wicked and ungodly man So that the prime end of all creatures service is directed to righteous man to man after Gods Image and likenesse But to serve wicked and unrighteous man is beside their prime end and therefore according to their nature they groane that is they are not pleased because they obtain not their first end t is true they are not intelligent and so they know it not but yet it s against the first Law of their creation It s not fit they should know it for then it would grieve them and they have not sinned and so have not let in greife upon themselves The Mathematical Bee and the Artificial Spider make their combs and houses according to the rules of reason yet they know not what they do So those creatures serve but not according to their prime end though they know it not yet God knowes it and will right it and by using of them in this extraordinary way he tells us so and would not suffer them thus to groane but that he knowes how to honour himselfe and restore them By these Turnes and appearances in natural bodies Christ knowes how to draw forth spiritual actings in his people Let it thunder or lighten though his people are assured of his love and favour and that they lie in his bosome yet they entertaine him in that his voyce with an awful feare and reverence that his mighty voyce makes them in a holy way to tremble and yet to trust When signes are in Heaven and Earth Saints rest not in the admiration of what they see or hear but search into the blessed word of truth for the meaning of those signes Grace makes a servant to be divine in drudgery and not to eat and drink but to Gods glory So likewise not to see or heare the signes in heaven and earth but to eye him that works in and by them If Heathens and Strangers heare their voyce sure his own people and servants much more and more to purpose Others wonder at what they know not these know and wonder Others are afraid and troubled these feare and believe believe and waite waite and pray See hence the excellency of Christ the Gospel glories to hold out that excellency and Saints glory to see the reflection of it in the Gospel and heaven and earth here glory to trumpet it out View this excellency 1. In that he causeth these alterations in Heaven and Earth and that exalts him Men cannot make them they cannot stop nor open the bottels of the clouds or the windowes of heaven but Christ can They can neither raise nor cease the st●rme and tempest but Christ can 2. This tells you he that can do this can do more he can make enemies become friends and friends more friendly He can change counsels and decrees yea the thoughts and frames of our hearts Laban came with a heart boy●ing in passion against Jacob but God met him and suffered him not to hurt him Ravens are greedy fowles and devour their prey and yet as greedy as they are they must bring the prophet bread It s a vaine thing to set against Christ Job 9. 4. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength who hath hardned himselfe against him and hath prospered If heaven and earth cannot serve fully in their ordinary course he will change their course and serve himselfe by that change Exod. 14. 25. He takes off the Chariot wheeles and makes them drive heavily whereupon the Egyptians cry out Let us flie from the face of Israel for the Lord fighteth for them you are surely much over matched when you have heaven and earth and the God of both against you It s no hard thing to believe that the promises concerning this life should be performed while we remember what he doth in Earth as well as Heaven The meeke shall inherit the earth and obedient ones shall eat the good things of the Land Psal 37. 11. Prov. 3. 16. Length of dayes are in Wisdomes right hand and in her left hand
shaking of these tall Cedars is one of the greatest works in the world that which notably holds forth Jesus Christ I shall therefore indeavour to open the shaking of these earthly powers both from the consideration 〈…〉 Jesus Christ and that both 1. As King of the World 2. As King os Saints Secondly of these great persons and that both in regard of 1. Themselves 2. Their Relations All which we shall cast into several positions to be handled in the chapters following The consideration of Christ as King of the World gives you a very faire account of the turnes in these latter Ages which that you may the better understand we shall lead you on by twelve several Positions all of them contributing some thing to the right and religious understanding of these turnes Now the first Position is this All power is given to Christ in Heaven and Earth Math. 28. 18. Dan. 2. 44. The God of Heaven sets up Christs Kingdom and the Kingdome shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all those Kingdomes and it shall stand for ever Christs power it so resides in him that it cannot be translated It s a conquering power for it breakes in peices and it enjoyes the fruit of such conquests for it stands for ever This we shall open in five passages 1. That all power is in Christ it is in him as in the proper seat of it He is the first fountaine of all power and all the power in all the creatures flowes from him their power is but a drop of his Ocean the highest and best kinde of power dwells in him He is the first borne of every creature His power is extensive to all creatures and times all creatures are either in heaven or in earth and his power reacheth both Col. 1. 16. By him were all things created that were in Heaven and Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers And Jer. 10. 7. Who would not feare thee Oh King of Nations Psal 22. 28. The kingdome is the Lords and he is Governour among the Nations All earthly powers have their periods their rise and fall their beginning and ending but it s not so with Christs power for Heb. 1. 8. It s spoken to him Thy throne oh God is for ever and ever 2. All power was Christ his due upon the taking of our nature So much is wrapped up upon the assumption of our flesh that thereupon all created power was to be under him Suppose man had not fallen nor Christ suffered yet if he take our nature to himselfe upon this all power in all creatures must be under him Heb. 2. 6. When he bringeth in the First begotten into the world he saith and let all the Angels of God worship him Observe he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the First borne Christ as taking our nature had a being in the counsel of God and was before any creature was and by that priority and firstnesse of being he hath a preeminence above all creatures whatsoever Col. 1. 18. In all things he must have the pereeminence The first begotten under the Law had a priviledge above all his brethren he had the rule and the double portion So hath Christ he hath the rule of all creatures he guides them to their end and indeed they are all his portion given unto him as the First begotten Againe observe the text mentions God the Fathers bringing Christ into the world which was when at his exhibition in the flesh he manifested it to the world that he was his onely begotten Son And observe lastly that upon this taking of our flesh the Angels which are the highest ranke of creatures are subject to him nay with the highest subjection namely that of adoration now if Angels the highest of creatures surely all other creatures much more 3. That though this power were his due yet it is rightly said to be given to him in that its a power falls on him as in our nature not considered onely as second person Now being thus in our nature the Father is greater then he Joh. 14. 28. I goe unto my Father for my Father is greater then I and he is in that regard lesse then the Father The Father gives all to Christ and Christ returnes all to the Father Dare est dominium transferre John 3. 35. The Father loveth the Sonne and hath given all things into his hand giving is a transferring out of love and the Fathers love is so great he cannot give him lesse then all v. 34. He give the spirit to him but not by measure Joh. 10. 39. God the Father gives all his elect chosen ones to Christ and he gives him worke to do for them Joh. 17. 4. I have finished the worke which thou gavest me to doe Joh. 5. 26 27. He hath given to the Sonne to have life in himselfe v. 27. and he hath given him authority to execute judgement also because he is the Son of Man In regard of all creatures He hath power given him over all flesh Joh. 17. 2. The Government is laid upon his shoulders and he rules among the Nations Dan. 4. 21. 4. Jesus Christ hath had but little glory of all his power Joh. 1. 11. He came to his own and his own received him not How many are there in the world that never heard of Jesus Christ how many that are professed enemies against him and among all that beare his Name how few live indeed by him How many thousands are there in the Synagogue of Antichrist that although they beare his Name being called Christians and make profession of him yet in workes deny him Look upon the great ones of the Earth who have that power of his derived unto them that others have not yet how great strangers are they unto him Nay looke among those who pretend to Reformation and to be adversaries to all superstitions yet how little do they take notice of his power put forth in the World or give him the praise of it 5. Christ will exalt himself in such great various turnes on Kings as shall extort acknowledgement from their consciences that he is above them and make them confesse This is the hand of Christ upon us whose Vassals we are Our Crownes and Scepters are more his then ours He He is the Lords Annointed All powers of earth are immediately and fully given to him and not to us We poor worms struggle for this earth but heaven and earth and all power are his and we are but his underlings Isa 10. 12. I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the King of Assyria and the glory of his high looks Let us conclude this with the confession of Nebuchadnezzer Dan. 4. I Nebuchadnezzar extol the King of heaven all whose words are truth and his wayes judgement and those that walke in pride he is able to abase
CHAP. XII Opens the fifth Pos That Kings abuse their power for 1. They serve themselves more then others 2. They turne their power that should be for the good to the hurt of others 3. It was against Christ in his person 4. It is against Christ in his interest 5. It s given up to Christs enemie Vses WE have heard that Kings reign by Christ and that Government is set up for the good of men But now we come to shew the unhappy inversion of power againg Christ and of government against those for whose good it was intended Hence your fifth Position Kings and Princes have in all Ages grossly abused their power The first King we read of is Nimrod Gen. 10. 10. His Kingdome began at Babel but what was he v. 8. He was a mighty one that 's true Kings are mighty ones but where in the earth and for the earth for earthly and sensual things v. 9. He was a mighty one but a mighty Hunter not so much of beasts as of men Saul was the first King of Israel and what he was we all know Now that they have thus abused their power I shall shew these five wayes 1. They serve themselves more then others Government and Governours you heard was set up for others and their good and to turne it to one person or family is a palpable abuse How sad is it when their double portion of these outward things which should en●ble them to be more useful and beneficial to others is imploy'd and laid out mainly to gain friends and servants to their own lusts and interrsts Those who have been most popular pretending love to their Country how wickedly have they interwoven their self-interests when they have good successe in publick enterprises how do they sacrifice to their own nets applauding their own wisdome and power You shall finde them sometimes affable and courteous but is it not to inhaunce love and power to themselves by the repute of their wisdome birth and eloquence I●geniosi sed nequam facundi sed malo publico witty but wicked eloquent but to publick damage and thus they abuse their power by their corrupt selfe-seeking 1 Sam. 8. 11. It s said He will appoint for himselfe He that is Saul and such as he was will appoint for themselves But David who was after Gods own heart in government as well as othe●wayes and those who be like David they they I say will not seek themselves but the good of others and now methinks I finde my hope enlarged for those who sit at the sterne of this Common-wealth that they being eminently and remarkably raised up by God will seeke the honour of him who thus raised them 2. They turn their power that should be for the good to the hurt of others God never intended power to oppresse power to crush the weake and innocent but to help and releive them But I would daily observation and experience both in this and former ages did not proclame the miserable abuse of power Read over your Chronicles and there you will finde that made good which was spoken by Cato Cens●rius Reges omnes esse de genere bestiarum rapacium All Kings are akin to ravenous beasts who prey and devour they are great in power and powerful in oppression 1 Sam. 8. 13 14 15 16 17. They shall take your Daughters your Feilds your Seed your Servants your Sheep and what is this taking but unjust taking and unjust taking is oppression and oppression an abuse of power 3. The greatest powers were against Christ in his person while he was upon earth Acts 4. 26. The Kings of the earth stand up and the Rulers are gathered togegether against the Lord and against his Christ No sooner was Christ born but Herod seekes his life and he is faine to be carried into Egypt when he comes forth to preach and work miracles the Scribes and the Pharisees and the Rulers of the people set against him call him Bel zebub the Prince of Devils and though he professed his Kingdom not to be of this world but came in a low emptied condition yet he is held forth as an enemy to Caesar Joh. 19. 12. If thou let this man goe thou art not Caesars friend and so you know how he was condemned and abused by Herod and Pontius Pilate Thus was government turn'd against him who set it up 4. Kings and Princes have been bitter enemies against Christs interest and people When Gods Israel was in Egypt there arose a new King Exod. 1. 11. that set Task-masters to afflict them with heavy burdens that their souls served with rigour Burdens Taxes Masters Hardship Servitude is the best that Kings can afford the Israel of God When they come into Canaan Sihon King of the Amorites will not suffer them to passe thorow his border but gathers all his people to fight them The Kings of Jerusalem Hebron Jarmuth Lachish and Eglon made war with the Gibeonits because they made peace with Israel Josh 10. 3. It was Jeroboam the King the son of Nebat that sinned and made Israel to sin 1 Kings 14. 16. And against whom were all those bloody persecutions under the Heathenish Emperours but against the Christians the servants and worshippers of Christ If any evil befel them they make the Christians the cause of it and then Christianos ad Leones carry these Christians to the Lyons let them devour them it was enough to make a man guilty if he were a Christian Bonus vir Caius sed Christianus Caius was a good man but a Christian and thus is power inverted against Christ and his interest in his people 5. Kings and Princes give up their power to Christs enemie can there be a greater abuse Rev. 17. 17. The ten hornes the ten Kings of Europe they agree and give their kingdom to the Beast to receive laws from his lust and to serve his designes Rev. 16. 14. The froggs which are the spirits of Devils goe forth to the Kings of the earth and Rev. 17. 2. The Kings of the earth commit fornication and are drunk with the wine of the great whore and thus you see power abused 1. See here the foundation of turnes and changes upon kingdomes and governments they are departed far from their right ends become corrupt and abominable so that the Lord cannot ●uffer them Are these the powers that I set up saith God did I ever intend they should be against me and mine did I set them up to pride themselves in their lusts and to oppresse those that are better then themselves Surely no. I will now arise saith the Lord and overturn overturn overturn them 2. See how little they deserve the name of Sacred Majesty who were so profane and mindel●sse of holy things that keep up Religion not out of conscience but custome not that God may have his homage and men Gods blessing but out of State-policy to keep men in awe how grosse
us a world of iniquity and misery is incumbent on us by our wars at home and abroad and the hand of the Rulers of the earth hath been deep in all this is there none to look after them yes sure consult with the last Position and that will tell you Jesus Christ will deale in severity with the Rulers of the Earth 1 Chron. 16. 21 22. He suffered none to doe his people wrong but reproved Kings for their sakes Psal 76. 11 12. He looseth their loynes and strickes them thorow cuts off their spirits and casts contempt on Princes Job 12. 21. He profanes their glory and spoiles all their excellency and layes their honour in the dust Isa 20. 23. He bringeth the Princes to nothing he maketh the Judges of the earth as vanity they seemed the most stable beings on earth having all that flesh and blood could contribute to maintaine them but he brings them to nothing Isa 3. 14. The Lord will enter into judgement with the Ancient of his people and the Princes thereof for ye have eaten up the Vineyard the spoile of the poor is in your houses Jer. 34. 21. Zedechiah King of Judah and the Princes will I give into the hands of their enemies and into the hand of them that shall seeke their life and into the hand of the King of Babylons Army Isa 41. 25. I have raised one from the North and he shall come upon Princes as upon Morter and as the Potter treadeth clay Rev. 19. 17 18. The fowles of Heaven are gathered unto the supper of the great God that they may eate the flesh of Kings and the flesh of Captains This his dealing manifesteth him to be King of the World and the Author of the great Turns and Changes here beneath Dan. 2. 20 21. Blessed be the Name of God for ever for Wisdome and Counsel are his and he changeth the times and the seasons He removeth Kings and setteth up Kings See the Reasons for this dealing of Christ 1. Kings are in covenant with their people and their great Trustees 2 Kings 11. 17. Jehoiadah made a Covenant with the King and the people But how little they keep their covenants experience sadly tells us They covenant to maintaine wholesome Laws and the just Rights and Liberties of the Subject but how little are either regarded by them afterward They covenant to make the safety of the people and not the fulfilling of their wills the greatest Law but how little is that minded when the least income of their interest shall indanger publick good when they are in competition Now Jesus Christ he is The Amen the true and faithful witnesse and hates all unfaithfulnesse they think they may play fast and loose they see none to put their bonds in suite I but Christ in that case will enter an action against them and cast them and make them pay all costs and charges 2. Now in this his severe dealing with earthly Rulers Christ appears no respecter of persons Job 39. 14. He accepteth not the persons of Princes nor regardeth the rich more then the poor he is as exact in government as he is in teaching Luke 20. 21. Thou teachest rightly and acceptest no mans person and 1 Pet. 1. 17. He judgeth every man according to his works 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without respect of persons He values not those gingles and trappings of power greatnesse and honour Righteousnesse with him shall be owned in the least and lowest but wickednesse shall not be spared in the greatest 3. By this dealing Christ makes his Wisdome to out-shine their King-craft and carnal Policy Isa 11. 2. The spirit of wisdome understanding and counsel rests on Christ not onely is in him but in him as the proper place of them they rest in him Rulers have all the advantage of breeding and example to make them subtile they have all that the strongest wits can present them with Their interest makes them serious their malice quick-sighted and their experience setled in their way This is their businesse they make it their ●●rke to mind and follow it Psal 2. 2. ●he Kings of the earth set themselves 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●●●unt Simul faciunt stare they make it stand together Vires omnes studia conatus conferunt in Dominum saith Vatablus They employ all their forces studies and endeavours against the Lord The people they rage and imagine a vaine thing they are led by passion and phantasie which things are soon gone but your Kings and Princes proceed more sollidly The Rulers take counsel together but for all this solid working you know what follows verse 4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision 4. Christ is to overcome Satan in his own Territories as he counts them Not onely shall Christ overcome him in spiritual regiment over the souls and consciences of men but Christ must drive him out of the World also out of his hold in the Earth Rev. 11. 15. The Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ and he shall reigne for ever and ever Satan in 2 Cor. 4. 4. is stiled the God of this world but Christ must ungod him 1 Cor. 15. 24 25. He must put down all rule and authority and power and surely Satans rule shall not stand but he will pull it down 1. Read the sinfullnesse of Kings through Christ his severity surely they must be out of measure sinful whom Christ thus brings his wheele upon God knows I am no enemy to Governours nor Governments nor to that by way of a King yet I think Kings are and have been the worst rank of men in the World Read your own Chronicles and you will finde you may write all your good Kings in a small Ring Corruptio optimi pessima The corruption of the best is worst Kings should be best and they have the best of Power Pleasure and Revenues but how wofully is all corrupted and so much Christ his dealing with them tells you and you should learne it thence 2. See the impartial and unspotted holinesse and righteousnesse of Jesus Christ He will not spare sin where ever he finds it He hath vials full of wrath to pour out when they fill up their measures of sin When they ripen their sins to the harvest he will command his Angel to put in the sickle Christ can suffer them in their wickednesse and yet have no defilement to himselfe Laesa patientia fit furor Patience abused turns into rage he will abundantly recompence his patience and longsuffering with the amazing strictness of his just proceedings 3. See what to expect and to what to refer the providences of our present age Is it not a shaking thought to recal how the talest Cedar that grew amongst us who was greene and spread his branches far is felled to the ground The greatest Family among us
WE have seen Christ on the Throne and the World under his feet and what he works as being Lord paramount of the earth Let us now raise our thoughts and hearts unto a farther consideration and behold the Turns of the World from Christ as King of Saints and that your thoughts may be more collected I shall represent you in this Chap. with twelve Sections Sect. I. Jesus Christ is King of Saints as well as King of the World God the Father glories in this that he hath set him his King upon his holy hill Psal 2. 6. Let the Kings set against him and seek to break his cords all their power and malice cannot in the least unsetle him Psal 110. 4. He sweares and will not repent God the Father is fully satisfied in the great glory put on Christ so as he will never have a recoyling thought concerning it It s the blessed burden of the Song of Moses and the Lamb Rev. 15. 3. Just and true are thy ways oh thou King of Saints And let wise and holy Daniel tell you what work this makes Dan. 2. 44. His Kingdome shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdomes and it shall be for ever Sect. II. Jesus Christ hath this high honour of being King of Saints upon his sufferings The 22. Psalm is a Psalm of Christ and his sufferings as appears from v. 1. to 22. The meek shall eate and be satisfied and the Kingdoms of the Nations shall worship yea the fat ones upon earth v. 25. shall eate and worship and the ground you have v. 28. The Kingdome is the Lords and he is Governour among the Nations Phil. 2. 7 8 9. He made himselfe of no reputation though he were in the forme of God yet he took on him the forme of a servant thus he humbled himselfe but God highly exalted him and upon this follows a Name above every Name the bowing of every knee to him and the confession of every tongue That he is Lord. It is a proper honour due unto him from these his sufferings that is such an honour as had not accrewed to him if he had not suffered Jesus Christ had experience of many Turnes in his sufferings Now his glory shall correspond with his sufferings and not be in one straine or streame but in diverse Turnes and alterations Sect. III. Jesus Christ puts forth His power he hath as King of the Nations for his people to whom he is King of Saints 1 Chron. 16. 20 21. When they went from Nation to Nation from one Kingdome to another People He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved Kings for their sakes He must be King of the World that he may be their King that in their wanderings he might help them and if Kings oppose them he as King of Kings will reprove them Rev. 12. 16. The earth helps the woman The world helps the Church Christ makes the Goths and Vandales break the Arrian faction by which the Dragon sought to carry away the Church Isa 43. 14. Thus saith the Lord your Redeemer For your sakes I have sent to Babylon and have brought down all their Nobles Jehovah considered as the Redeemer and holy One of Israel puts forth his power as he is King of Nations and makes it subservient to that power he hath as he is the Redeemer of his people He sends to Babylon and brings down all their Nobles there he appears King of Kings but it s for their sakes for Israels sake there he appears the holy One and their Redeemer the Redeemer of his holy ones Sect. IV. Jesus Christ shall have more visible glory in this world then ever hitherto he hath had the glory of this relation of being King of Saints His Subjects appeare in this world as Saints they here shine as lights in a dark world and the world hates them because they are Saints holy ones because by their holinesse they convince and condemn the world and do they appeare for Christ and will not Christ appeare for them They appeare for him visibly upon earth before men and Christ will take to himselfe his great power and Dan. 7. 22. Time shall come when the Saints shall possesse the Kingdome He had a government over Israel so as he had not over other Nations and the Nations knew it Exod. 14. 25. Let us flee say the Egyptians from the face of Israel for the Lord fighteth for them Deut. 32. 31. Their Rock is not as our Rock even our enemies themselves being judges And surely Christ shall again appeare to have the government of Saints and Saints shall know it more and their enemies too when he shall be revealed from heaven to take vengeance on them that know not God and 2 Thes 1. 10. shall come to be glorified in his Saints and admired in all them that believe Thus Rev. 15. when Christ sends his last plagues in which are filled up the the wrath of God on his Churches enemies then is Christ honoured v. 3. as King of Saints Sect. V. Bitternesse doth and shall mingle with all Governments among all Nations that so Christs Government may be rendred sweet Look on Governments by single Persons or by Councils in Kingdomes or in Common-wealths look on this or that form of Government whatsoever it be you will finde so much weaknesse and wickednesse so much corruption self-seeking and undue exaltation of themselves breaking forth as that men will be weary of it To maintaine their pride you will finde men apt to oppresse to maintaine their oppression you will finde them dextrous either to straine or new coyne Laws and so far from removing heavy burdens that they will lay more on Observe observe narrowly and you will meet with such undue biassings in them that rule to their friends kindred relations and interests that due deserving worth cannot mount to preferment Look on the right or left hand you will finde no helper oh how wellcome will Christ be in such a conjunction of affairs When he was to be borne into the world he stay'd till men had made void his Law till the Pharisees by their glosses and traditions had made the word of God of no effect and when he shall come to take the Kingdome to himselfe is shall be when men have corrupted and so inbittered all rule and government Israel must be under hard Task-masters that make them serve with rigour before Moses and Aaron can be hearkned unto Rev. 17. 13 14. The ten Hornes that is the ten Kings of Europe give their power and strength to the Beast and make war with the Lamb that is the condition of Governours before Christ come But the Lamb shall come and overcome them for he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and they that are with him as called and chosen and faithful Sect. VI. Christ pours out on his people a mighty spirit of prayer which he in his government as King
devour them The Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Sion and upon their assemblies a cloud and smoake by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night for upon all the glory shall be a defence Isa 4. 5. Happy are the people that be in such a case yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. 2. Now follows a word of Exhortation to provoke Saints to their dutie All that Saints are and have must be to and for Christ their gifts and graces their offices ordinances and discipline they are from him and should be for him Can you ever serve a better Lord or be subjects to a better King give me leave then to call upon you 1. To know him to entertaine him in all your thoughts your apprehensions and notions can never be raised so high and truely innobled as when He is the object mount your m●ditations to the highest you will meet with that in him which will surpasse all your thoughts How gladly should you follow those Gospel-straines that make the death and resurrection of Christ the Topick places for Faiths Logick heads of arguments for the new creature to reason from Col. 3. 1. It s eternal life to know him Joh. 17. 3. and therefore set this down as a conclusion in your minde with that blessed Apostle who determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2. 2. 2. Learn hence to feare him Rev. 15. 3 4. Oh King of Saints who would not feare thee oh Lord and glorifie thy Name The greatnesse and goodnesse of Christ call for a reverential frame in our hearts How thoughtful and considerate should we be least by our poor and low and unbeseeming carriage he might fall short of his glory Oh the highth and depth of his Wisdome Power Mercy and Justice who is King of Saints and yet how few do honour him It falls on Saints a work it is that lieth on their hands to give him the glory due to his Name and ashamed should they be to be found so backward in this work 3. Repose your trust in him 2 Sam. 22. 2 3. He that is your King is your Rock and Fortress and Deliverer your Sheild horne of Salvation high Tower your Refuge your Saviour that saveth you from violence therefore trust in him Psal 20. 7. Some trust in Chariots and some in Horses but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God I will not trust in my Bow neither shall my Sword save saith David Psal 44. 6. How great is the goodness laid up for them that trust in him before the sons of men Psal 31. 19. None of them shall be desolate Psal 34. 22. Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed and he shall bring thy wayes to pass Psal 37. 3 5. 4. Embrace him with the highest love oh ye Saints for the Lord preserveth the faithful and plenteously rewardeth the proud doer He is the chiefest good most sutable and most communicative and therefore common love will not suffice it must be a Jonathans love 2 Sam. 16. wonderful and passing the love of women The Church compares the power of her love to the power a disease hath that masters the body which all the tossing and tumbling cannot shake off Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with Flaggons and comfort me with Apples for I am sicke of love Remember your King is your Husband and you must tender him the love of your espousals Jer. 2. 2. He draws us with bands of love and cords of a man Hos 11. 4. and our love to him must be constraining carrying you up hill and against the croud 2 Cor. 5. 14. 5. We must by like to him Holy as he is holy it should be like Prince and like people he the King of Saints commanding and they Saints obeying We must consider him who though he were Sions King yet came in all meeknesse and hath left us this command Learne of me for I am lowly and meeke and ye shall finde rest unto your souls Mat. 11. 29. It is written of him Heb. 10. 7. Lo I come to doe thy will oh my God And surely we should be as ready in our proportion to doe his will as he was the Fathers He came to his Crown by the crosse and though he were the Captain of our salvation yet was he made perfect through sufferings and if we will be his Disciples we must deny our selves take up the cross and follow him we must chuse as Moses did to suffer affliction with the people of God and count it greater riches then the treasures of Egypt Heb. 11. 24 25. 6. He is our King and we must glorifie him Kings stand much upon their honour but none so much as Christ This the Psalmist well knew when he indited a Song of loves to praise him with a ready heart and tongue Psal 45. 1. He tells us of his beauty and that he is fairer then the children of men his lips are not ●ipped with grace but grace is poured into his lips well may we fall to blesse him whom God hath blessed and blessed for ever v. 2. He is not onely faire but valiant not onely gracious but mighty yea mighty with glory and majesty v. 3. A rare Majesty v. 4. Truth a horsebacke Majesty illustrious with meekness and righteousness they that praise him glorifie him and they that glorifie him order their conversation aright You must not barely speak his praise but live out his praise and shew your selves to be his disciples indeed by bringing forth much fruit 7. Lastly The King of Saints must not want his obedient subjects obedience is the performance of what is commanded and those commands are wrapped up in the Law I have lately read of some Laws of Nature which I conceive might be handled in a Gospel-way I shall endeavour therefore to bring Scripture-light to them and leave them upon your consciences to be observed 1. The first of them is this That peace is to be sought Rom. 12. 18. If it be possible and as much as in you lieth have peace with all men there is an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if it be possible and a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as much as lieth in you live peaceably 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 still be peacing of it How ill doth wrath malice envy contention fighting and brawling become a man and it worse becomes a Saint a man of holinesse Heb. 12. 14. Follow peace with all men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 persecute peace doe that with a good and raised affection by the good spirit of God which wicked men doe against you by a wicked spirit When they persecute you by a spirit of malice they are boyled up to a hight so should you be and move with all your strength after peace He addes a word more that makes the rule
they are in the darke and that your zeale may provoke very may You must hold out the word of life you have not onely the word of light but the word of life within you which to you is a quickning word dividing asunder between the joynts and marrow and this word of light and life this living word you are to hold out for your light must shine before men that they may see your good works before men most men are in darknesse and sit in darknesse carnal sensual men cannot receive the things of God and yet God requires such a shining in you that these men these blind men may some way see and here again observe it must be good works and good works with light not barely good words or good profession that will convince them you may talke long enough and these men will never see any good unlesse you worke it frequently and constantly You must glorifie your Father which is in heaven and they by you It was Christ his work upon earth and it s yours and he finished that work and so should you Joh. 17. Herein is my Father glorified that you bring forth much fruit so shall ye be my Disciples You must be abounding and abounding alway in the work of the Lord knowing your labour is not in vain filled with the fruits of righteousnesse which are by Christ to the glory of the Father giving all diligence and adding to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience to patience godlinesse and to godlinesse brotherly-kindnesse and to brotherly-kindnesse love These things must be in you and abound in you that ye may not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ You have been the servants of sin long enough now it concerns you to obey from the heart the form of Doctrine into which you were delivered It lies upon you to raise common things by holy ends and to turne outward objects into spiritual converse If you do but eat and drink walk or work work or recreate what ever ye do in word or deed it must be all to the glory of God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks to God the Father by him Eating and drinking are but natural actions but they must have Gods glory as their end Nature may teach you to give thanks but it s the Gospel that teacheth you in your thanksgiving to haverecourse to God the Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus The meanesse of your condition must not hinder the raisednesse of you holinesse Suppose you are servants the Gospel teacheth you how to make your service to become divine Col. 3. 22. Servants obey in all things your Masters not with eye-service as men-pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God and whatever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive a reward for ye serve the Lord Christ You must obey your Masters but so as you must declare you are fearing God while you are obeying them you must render them service but not eye-service God requires the heart for himselfe and when he requires your respect to another he requires your heart thereto How unlike is your complemental expression of saying Your servant your humble servant Sir to the singlenesse of heart here mentioned You must please men and yet not be men-pleasers but please God in the pleasing of them you must do and do heartily but as to the Lord and not to men and there 's good reason for it for of him you must receive the reward for ye serve the Lord Christ he tells you of serving men and serving Christ yea serving Christ in serving men and thus you greaten little and highten low things You should be persons of a raised manner of behaviour in all actions states and conditions in all holy conversation and godlinesse But most of all when you come to worship God who will be sanctified in his nigh ones and glorified before all the people Levit. 10. 3. To worship God is to be neer to him you are then under a promise of his special presence But then he will be sanctified either you must sanctifie him or he will sanctifie himselfe he must be sanctified either in and by you in the holinesse of your hearts or upon you in the execution of his just judgements You must not think to content your selves with pretence to worship God alone in your Closet or Family but you must worship him also before all the people and that is a glorifying him You must worship the Father Joh. 4. 24. but it must be in spirit and truth Gospel-worship hath lesse outward pompe and ceremony then that under the Law and therefore it must have more of plainesse and purity else God should be a loser You must pray alwayes Eph. 6. 18. with all manner of prayer and supplication not prate but pray repetition of words in form of confessions or petition are not prayer your praying must be in the spirit your spirits in prayer must be drawn forth and acted by Gods spirit your affections must be spiritual or you cannot pray it may be babling and howling but praying it is not unlesse it be in the spirit your heads may work and your lips may move but it s no prayer if the heart lie still the voice of words is not the voice of prayer but the sighs and groans that cannot be uttered Rom. 8. 26 27. You must lift up your souls in prayer lay hold on the strength of the Almighty and wrastle with him not letting him alone until he blesse you Jesus Christ hath set up and set open a Throne of grace and given us a boldnesse of accesse Eph. 3. 12. You must come in his Name with confidence Aske and you shall bave seeke and you shall finde knock and it shall be opened to you You must watch and pray yea watch unto prayer with all perseverance and joy Eph. 6. 18. You lose many sweet praying opportunities by not watching your season you lose the acting and improvement of many graces and obtaining of many precious comforts and sweet returnes by not persevering in prayer Far be it from you to pray as a task or as a work which you are soon weary of and glad when it is over but you must persevere in prayer and pray with joy and joy to pray You must attend at the posts of Wisdomes door Prov 8. 34. Laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envyes and all evil speakings as new born babes desire the sincere milke of the word that you may grow thereby 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the sincere milke the form of wholesome words not sugared with the wisdome of words but coming in the demonstration of the spirit and with power That word desire and desire as new born babes out of
laid waste and the posterity that expected succession into the riches and honours of their fore-Fathers are little better then Noble Vagabounds I meddle not with the proceedings in that case but sure I am In all God is just God hath begun in England but he will not end there I dare not presume to set down times measures meanes and modes of things which the Father hath reserved in his own hand onely this I say waite but a while and it may be you shall see The Incestuous house of Austria the Emperour King of Spain France and the rest of the ten Kings of Europe which have given their power to the Beast to come tumbling down and if they fall surely many more will fall with them their Creatures and their Followers their Courtiers and their Flatterers cannot stand but must come down and with them many more I perswade my selfe that those whom God hath set now in power over us do seriously weigh what Christ hath done and will do how he is yesterday and to day the same for ever for ever just and jealous against all wickednesse and ungodlinesse and that this doth and will work upon their hearts and cause them to be humble before God and much in prayer to be watchful over themselves and theirs and others and to study to do the work of Christ put into their hands not negligently but faithfully not to please men but Christ CHAP. XX. Concludes with shewing How the twelve Positions formerly handled instruct us in our Turns and Changes WE have opened twelve Positions and divers things in them I shall conclude with a very breife instruction teaching us what we may learne from every one of those Positions concerning our present Turns Pos 1. All power is in Christ power to raise or depresse Kingdomes and Nations as well as particular persons and its little lesse then blasphemy to exclude him from our Turns If they be for good he is the Author and preserver of them If we have Plenty after scarcity Liberty after bondage Peace after war Oh thank him him I say for those blessed changes But what if we experience the contrary darknesse instead of Light feare instead of Safety evil instead of Good yet in these evils Christ is to be owned Isa 45. 7. I forme light and create darknesse I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things and Amos 3. 6. Shall there be evil in the City and I the Lord have not done it Christ then hath his work in City or National good or evil Pos 2. All the Kings of the earth reigne by Christ Kings are the greatest persons of the earth and cause the greatest Turns and Changes either to good or evil How is our feare and sorrow turned into hope and joy when righteous men are exalted to government and what mourning when wicked ones Prov. 29. 2. How much of the increase of wickednesse is abated by their power care and example and what great cause have Saints to blesse God when he makes Rulers nursing fathers and to rule for him as they rule by him Pos 3. Government is set up for the good of the World and nothing causeth more considerable changes then that doth it reduceth lawlesse ones to a rule ruleth and boundeth excessive desires and actions brings in trade and wealth improvement of creatures and increase of peace Pos 4. Government in the frame of it is apt to change and doth not that reach us Government is a comprehensive word relating to Princes and people and so all change when Governments change Laws Places Offices Rewards Times and Persons all change Pos 5. Kings and Princes have abused their power that is a sad change a change of what should be best to worst of power to abuse of it of Kings to Tyrants of Princes to Oppressors Pos 6. Sins of Princes tend to break their power Here is change upon change Change of Manners by sin and change of Wholnesse and Soundnesse to a breach Power cannot break but many things break with it and many things cannot break but it makes great alteration Pos 7. Princes being wicked people grow wicked too a woful change indeed and much to be lamented Princes that should rule become slaves and that to the worst of masters their own Lusts people that should be under command to become unruly and unruly by them that should better order them Pos 8. Abuse of power and wickednesse of people adapt to Civil War Those in power complain of the people and the people of them in power and we have just cause to complaine of both It s a sad case that turnes the soul to a wearinesse of the good it doth possesse and to a loathing its own peace Pos 9. Civil Wars cause fatal Turnes They turne and overturne all Turnes are in the bowels of that one our many years sad experience hath taught us we were full but soon emptied we were high but brought low we were in safety but soon rapt into feare Oh that our hearts might turne after all these Turnes upon us Pos 10. We fall out one with another and our neighbours fall out with us both How do they laugh at us and seek to raise themselves out of our ruines Is it not hard when those you thought would help you at best are Neuters stand still and look on Truly we may thank our selves for putting them on that temptation Had we kept together Pos 11. They would have been as formerly But now they are in armes their War-ships rigged and manned and now the Seas must be as bloody by a Forreigne War as our Land had been by a Civil Dreadful Turns and Changes when both land and sea are bloody And surely Christ Pos 12. will inquire after all that blood whose blood how much blood for what cause by whom in what manner and when it was shed The Judge of All shall appeare in his righteous judgement and then wo be to the wicked crafty cruel great ones of the World CHAP. XXI Shews the Turns that befal Nations from the consideration and working of Christ as King of Saints in 12. Sections 1. Jesus Christ is King of Saints 2. He hath this honour upon his sufferings 3. He puts forth his power as King of the World for his Saints over whom he is King in a special manner 4. He must have more visible glory in this World 5. All governments will prove bitter that Christ may be embraced as sweet 6. Christ pours out a mighty spirit of prayer on his people which he will answer 7. He shall have a willing people in the day of his power 8. Some of the Kings shall be among that willing people 9. Christ having great works to do will notably stir up the spirits of Princes and people 10. The great work of the last dayes shall be to exalt holinesse and righteousnesse 11. Saints shall have Conquests over their adversaries 12. These Turns shall be by degrees