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A76498 An answer to a Quakers seventeen heads of queries, containing in them seventy-seven questions. Wherein sundry scriptures out of the prophets and apostles are cleared: the maintenance of ministers by tithes is by scripture fullly [sic] vindicated: several cases of conscience are resolved: several points of Christian religion are confirmed; parochial churches, and the practises of some things in these our English churches are throughly justified: the Grand Antichrist with the heretical antichrists are decyphered and parallelled. By John Bewick minister of the Gospel, and rector of the parish church of Stanhop in Weredale in the county of Durham. Bewick, John, d. 1671. 1660 (1660) Wing B2191; Thomason E1038_1; ESTC R207858 143,317 191

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Christ it is whom they owne or acknowledge in the flesh they reply that it is no other but Christ in their flesh Christ in them disowning and denying that there is the man Christ who is a man different from other men and who is the Mediator between God and man whom God raised from the dead who ascended into 2 Tim. 25. pag. 5. heaven and is now sitting at Gods right hand making intercession for his Church who shall come againe to judge the quick and the dead at the last day This Christ they deny and speak very contemptuously of him and of that body of flesh which he had on earth and hath now in heavenly glory A printed paper of theirs called the sword of the Lord drawn hath this blasphemous jeering expression your immagined God beyond the stars and your carnall Christ is utterly denyed and testified against by the light These men led by the lying spirit of Antichrist deny that Jesus is the Christ and they confesse 1 Ioh 2. 2● 2 Iohn 7. not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh Thus both the Papal Antichrist and his confederated instruments and followers and the hereticall Antichrists with their associ●tes and disciples have not abode in this doctrine of Christ that Chri●t is come in the flesh 2. It is also ● Doctrine of Christ that the holy Scriptures are the written word of God given by inspiration 2 Tim 3. 15. 16. Psal 119. 93. Rom. 1 16 and are sufficient to direct and inform in all things absolutely necessary unto salvation and that God by its precepts doth quicken his people and that the Gospell is the power of God unto salvation Christs doctrine doth magnifie the excellency of holy Scripture The Papal Antichrist Pope and Popelings deny that the holy Scriptures are sufficient for edification in things of salvation without traditions and some of them have reviled the holy Scriptures calling them a Dead letter and blasphemously the word of the Devill as Protestants whom they call hereticks alledged it and one of them said that the Church had vid. Tilen loc com 2. Sec. 35. been better provided for if there had never been any Scripture Some hereticall Antichrists Quakers and others in our dayes speaking from the spirit of Antichrist have vented the like venemous breath against the holy Scriptures saying that they are insufficient for guidance in things belonging unto salvation in comparison of the light within them and those Inspirations and Revelations which they imagine that they themselves have They do not acknowledge that the holy Scripture are the declaration of Gods minde but they call them the declaration of Saints conditions intimating thereby that they being not to us of this present generation but that they only concerned the Saints of former ages This conceite thwarts the holy Scriptures yea and some of these hereticall Antichrists have licked up the Popish slavering Rhetorick in calling the holy Scripture a dead letter and some of them have said that some Rom. 15. 4. pa●t of the Scripture is the word of the Devill and serpents dust not considering that though these words which were originally uttered by the Devill are recorded by Gods Pen-men in the Scriptute yet being now recorded by these Pen-men of God who have related the true history of what the Devill spake these words are now the words of the God of Truth namely his true relating the Devills words Moreover some of these hereticall Antichrists have said that it was no great matter if all the Bibles in England were burned and that it had been better for one to whom one of them spake if he had never read the Bible It is evident by what is writ as it might be also if we would in other points parallel the great Antichrist and the petty Antichrists that they both have transgressed and have not abode in the doctrine of Christ Thirdly Both the Papall Antichrist and the hereticall Antichrists are deceivers The Papall Antichrist comes saith one Apostle with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth 2 Thes 2. 9. 10. that they might be saved The hereticall Antichrists or false teachers bring in privily said another Apostle damnable heresies denying the Lord that bought them and many shall 2. Pet. 2. 1. 2. 3. follow their pernitious wayes by reason of whom the way of truth shall be spoken evil of and with fained words they shall make merchandise of Christians Both these sorts of Antichrists are deceivers and do manifest themselves to be so for they do not hold the forme of sound words but do delight purposely and affectedly to use cloudy and obscure expressions thereby to confound the understandings of simple men from apprehending aright the truth yea and their pretendings to extraordinary holiness and strictness in their conversation and religion beyond truth is but a crafty deceite under a meer shew of religion It were an endlesse labour to recount all that cunning craftiness and those deluding fallacies and subtill wiles and cheating tricks for insnaring soules and all those depths of Satan which they have used for gaining and for retaining those Proselites which they have gained It is enough to know that the Papall Antichrist and the Hereticall Antichrists are deceivers because the holy Scripture hath branded them with that name Fourthly both the Papall Antichrist and the Hereticall Antichrists have not God nor Christ both these sorts of Antichrists do pharasaically and arrogantly appropriate only to themselves Rev. 2. 9. and their followers the name of the Church of holy ones yet both are in reallity no other then of the synagogue of Satan Their transgressing and renouncing through their Apostacy the doctrine of Christ is a sufficient evidence that they have not God and Christ in communion neither have they their favour in this world and without repentance they shall 2 Thes ● 11. 12. not have any communion with God and Christ in glory for God hath sent on them strong delusions that they should beleive a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness Fiftly As they have not God nor Christ in Communion so believers are not to hold communion or any intimate conversation with any of them The Apostle injoynes Receive 2 Epist Iohn 10. him not into your house neither bid him God speede They are not to afford any intertainment or incouragement to any Antichrist what ever not entertainment I suppose least thereby such gaine occasion of seducing by Antichristian doctrine from the doctrine of Christ nor incouragement lest thereby they be p●rtakers of his evil deedes Thou hast now a full answer to thy question and therewith a true discovery from holy Scripture who is the Antichrist and who are the Antichrists of whom it speakes in briefe according to it He who is an Antichrist is one who transgresseth the Doctrine o● Christ
〈…〉 3 〈…〉 of life the everlasting Covenant of Reconciliation the enjoying Christ as the leader and commander of his people the Mercies of God abundantly pardoning God invites the poorest him who hath no money as well as others to take these spiritual mercies from him freely without a price Profit which is the result or intended issue of a price cannot accrew to God from men by ought which they have or can do A price properly is a valuable rate set by the seller on those things which he selleth whereby he expects some answerable beneficial return in lieu of his forgoing that profit which he supposes may be to him from it if he should still retain it Now it is certain that God receives no benefit gain profit and advantage by men neither doth he expect it to receive it from them God saith the Apostle is not worshipped with mens hands as though he needed any thing seeing he gives to all life Act. 17. 25 and breath and all things Man hath nothing but what he hath received from God and therefore he can be no wayes profitable unto God God looks for no Revenew of profit or advantage to him from the sons of men wherefore none needs to ask Wherewith shall I come before the Lord seeing God inviteth every one that thirsteth to come without money and without price Thereby plainly signifying that when he calleth any to buy of him he doth not mean that they should contract with him on terms of profit to him as it is when a price is agreed upon and paid in mens bargains but that they should get or take from him those spiritual things which he gives them though the things which here are mentioned by the Prophet will not be his advantage at all but altogether theirs The things which he requires are these 1. A spiritual sense of their wants of spiritual mercies called Verse 1. Mat. 5. 6. a Thirsting 2. A coming to the place where spiritual mercies are frequently which is here stiled A comming to the waters Another Prophet calls them The waters of the Sanctuary where it pleaseth God sometimes to heal some of their unbelief at seasons when the Angels or Messengers of Christ to his Church by their Ezek. 47. 12. labours move in these waters For faith cometh by hearing and they have grace given unto them which flows like rivers of Rom 17. 10. John 7. 38 39 living waters 3. A drawing near unto God for this grace which is expressed by an Evangelist To be by asking it of God and here by Gods saying Come unto me which coming is a spiritual not corporal Luk. 11. 13. Isa 55. 3 4 Ver. 7. motion 4. God requires a parting with sin or the putting away of evil doings from that party who thirsts after his spiritual Mercies And Ver. 2. 5. An attentive heeding and receiving believingly and cheerfully those spiritual things which he gives set out in these words Hearken diligently unto me and eat you that which is good and let your soul delight it self in fatness But what is writ it may easily be understood that all is spiritual of which the Prophet speaks in that place where he saith to them that thirsted Come without money The things which God profers to sale are spiritual the buying spoke of is spiritual and no civil or political barter of goods for gain the price there mentioned is no money business no carnal Contract of gain on Gods part wherefore it is called a buying without money and without price The gain which is got by these spiritual things which God gives to the thirsty is spiritual the conditions requirabl● in such who get or take these spiritual mercies from God are all of spiritual concernment therefore the Answet is easie to thy demand inferred from the Prophets saying Come without a price Thy demand is this Whether shall I go to thee who hast a price or hearken diligently that my soul may live c. Answ●r God calls thee to come to him and God commands thee being come to hearken diligently that thy soul may live God speaks unto men by his Son and his Son hath sent Heb. 11. ● 2 Cor. 5 20 Joh. 13 20 Luk. 16. 16 his Ministers unto people by whom he speaks unto them the Counsel of God they in Christs stead do beseech the people who receive them receives Christ himself and they who despise them do despise Christ himself If therefore thou come to hear from me what I from the Word of God do teach his people be it known unto thee that no price therefore is required of thee from Christ from God nor from me his servant only hearken diligently and through Gods blessing his ordinance unto thee thy soul may live if so be that thou set thy self to the forenamed requisites which are necessary to fit thee to receive from God his spititual mercies tendred to thee yet they are neither a price purchasing nor merit deserving Gods bestowing them on thee Again whereas thou writes Shall I go to thee who hast a price peremptorily averring that I have a price Answer Thou dost either ignorantly or wilfully mis-apprehend the truth for know that the Tithes which I and other faithfull Ministers receive from people in kind or in money in case the party tithed is willing to redeem the tithe and the party Lev. 27. 31 32 tithing agree thereunto is not the price of our Preaching unto people spirituals for we bring heavenly treasure to them in earthen vessels even the heavenly knowledge of Christ in 2 Cor. 4. 7. Phil. 3. 8. comparison of which all earthly things are dung things not valuable with the precious pearl of the Gospel preached by us Carnal things are no price of things spiritual and heavenly But tithes are Gods rent reserved by himself out of all the increase of every mans lands and goods to be paid by them as Lev. 27. 30 31 32. Psal 24. 1. an acknowledgement that he is both the Soveraign Lord of all the whole earth and the fulness thereof of the world and them that dwell therein and that he hath supream Dominion over their own persons and estates being their Lord and bountifull Benefactor by whose bounty they are what they are and have what they have and upon whose blessing they are continually to depend for their maintenance supportance subsistence protections provisions deliverances from evil and for the continuance and increase of all good temporal and spiritual or for the gift of all things appertaining unto life and godliness Thus the Lord God who is Lord of all and might take all and holds still a Right to call on men in some cases to part with all for his sake doth allow unto men nine parts of their increase reserving unto himself only the tenth part which is his holy Tribute or rent to be returned to him as a thankful acknowledgment of their subjection to him dependency on him
and of his exceeding great bounty towards them he claims it as his All the tithe of the Land is the Lords it is wholly to the Lord. Lev. 27. 30 Therefore whoseover covets the tenth part of the increase which is Gods and detains it from him whose Mercy hath bountifully allowed them nine parts they in that act proclaim that they renounce Gods Soveraignty over them that they will have no dependency on him that they are not beholden to him for what they are and have that they stand at defiance with him they covet an evil Covetousness unto their house bringing themselves under Gods curse by their robbing of him and they defraud themselves of a double blessing even of the promises of this life and that which is to come God reserved to himself the tithe which is his annual Rent and holy Tribute that out of his own proper goods wherein no Creature hath interest but such to whom he hath given it his Ministers who do him spiritual publick service should have maintenance from himself and not be at the curtesie of men to be provided for for he knew that men would commonly hate and use mercilesly them who sought their spiritual good We find moreover that God saith I have given the Children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance for their service Num. 2● 21 which they serve even the service of the Tabernacle of the Congregation God here conveyed the tithes to the Levites in a term of an inheritance for their service because he the Law-giver would thereby let all know that tithes are to be perpetual and to descend from Ministry to Ministry to all generations for the service which they do to the Lords congregation And it is further to be taken notice of that Christ who is a Priest after Melchisedeck's order of which more anon which was before Aarons and received tithes before tithes were assigned to those of Aarons order I say the Lord Jesus Christ succeeding Aarons Priest-hood and being to continne a Priest for ever had all tithes which are Gods inheritance and rent they of right became his both because he is the heir of all things and among other things the inheritor of God the Fathers inheritance or revenue and because also all power in heaven and earth is given unto him he is Lord therefore of all persons and their Estates to him they owe and are to pay their yearly rent of tithe The Lord Christ hath appointed his Ministers Mat. 28. 28 to receive this his rent of tithe from those in whose hands it is so saith the Apostle As they who minister about holy things 2 Cor. 13 14. do live of the things of the Temple and they which wait at the Altar are partakers with the Altar even so hath the Lord ordained that they who preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel The tithes which they had who of old Ministered before the Lord are translated by the Lords ordaining to be the maintenance of his Ministers who preach the Gospel that they may live upon it As Gods portion was given by God to be the Levites portion because they were taken to minister before him so the same portion is now become Christs because he continues a priest for ever ministring at the right hand of God and Christ the Lord hath ordained that the Ministers of the Gospel should have and receive that his portion of tithes for their maintenance To shut up then briefly this discourse Thou may understand that Tithes are no price for preaching but they are Gods re●t at last setled on Christ and by his ordinance established to be the maintenance of the Preachers of his Gospel to the end of the world So then when I and other his Ministers demand of men tithes we demand not from them any price no not one penny of that which is theirs but that they would divide between the parts which God hath given them and the tenth part which he hath given us and if they either detain it from us or defraud us of any part thereof they rob not us but God and Christ of their due rent and homage and as God threatens a curse to such rebellious unthankfull sacrilegious God-robbers so his curse except they prevent it by a speedy amendment will overtake them may be in this world not with a consumption Mat. 3. 8. 9 upon their live-lihoods and comforts for the flying rowle of his curse is out to consume the very houses of thieves who steal from him and others however everlasting confusion in the world to come will be the portion of such who repent not their robbing God of his portion Thou asks Whether must I go to thee who hast a price or hearken diligently that my soul may live that I may witness the sure mercies of David and outstrip all my teachers as he did and come into the everlasting Covenant and own the Prophets words Isaiah 55. 5 8. Answer This question seems to imply that they cannot hearken diligently that their soul may live neither that they can partake of those other spiritual mercies which the question mentions who come for instruction to me or to any one that receive tithes which thou dost most falsly as hath been proved call a having a price But I answer thee The receiving Tithes by a Instructer from the instructed doth not hinder the instructeds profiting in any of those spiritual mercies which are spoken of in this question This Truth is clear Abraham paid Tithes to Melchizedeck yet his soul was not Heb 11. 8 9. Rom. 4. 19. 20. Luke 13. 28. thereby hindred from living by faith nor from acting in faith nor from inheriting the fruit of the everlasting Covenant the end of his faith the salvation of his soul for he shall be seen in the Kingdom of God nor from obeying diligently Gods commandment God gave him this testimony I know him that he will command his Children and houshold after him and they shall Gen 18. 19. keep the way of the Lord. Likewise David was a man who injoyed sure mercies and out-stript his Teachers and had an everlasting Covenant made with him and yet his carefulness for setling the Priests and Levites 1 Cor. 23. V. 24 25. ad fin●m in their managements and maintenance after the dissolution of the Tabernacle service no ways prejudiced his obtaining the forenamed spiritual mercies Moreover I am perswaded that thou thy self art not so uncharitable as to think that the many thousands of Israel and of Judah who rejoyced for the Priests and for rhe Levites in the days of Zorobabel and of Nehemiah were all cut off Neh 12. 44 47. from partaking of these spiritual mercies by their paying unto them their Tithes and by sanctifying holy things unto the Levites And I do no think that thou or any wise man pondering things seriously can with modesty affirm that the paying Tithes now in the days of the Gospel
matter for every singer to meditate upon for his edification and also they approved of their use in meeter with Musical accents and cadencies and in that the Apostle saith If any man be merry let him sing Psalmes it is evident that the world of men as well as the Church of Saints are enjoyned by the outward melody of their voice to expresse the inward musick of their glad hearts and that in the using Psalmes for expressing that they shall be inabled to mix some spiritual comfort with the lawful cause of natural merriment which will be sanctified to them by the word and prayers of those Scriptural Psalmes which were composed by the Spirit of God for all men to make use of to tune their spirits into heavenly well tempered affections in all conditions Enough is said to thy thirteenth Head of Demands CHAP. XIV Thy fourteenth Head of Demands is as followeth IS the Priesthood changed that took tithes Is the Law changed by which they were made Is the Commandment disanulled that gave them tythes Did Abraham pay tythes to Melchizedeck of his substance or of the spoiles Did he ever do it to him any more then once Was it a standing thing to be done after him Is the Sonne of God come the end of all similitudes and likenesses Now if thou say that they that preach the Gospel must live of the Gospel and have I not power to eat and power to drink yea when Christ sent forth his Disciples he bad them inquire who was worthy and what they set before them they might eat But did he that said have I not power to eat say have I not power to take Stipends Augmentations Tythes Glebe-lands great summes of money or Parsonage Houses Now if thou come to my House who sayes thou art a Minister of the Gospel and minister unto me spiritual things I shall set before thee of my carnal things if thou hast enquired and found my House worthy so said Christ what they set before thee eat so said the Apostle have not I power to eat and to drink but said I have not written this nor spoken this that it should be so done unto me for I have not used my power But if thou come to a Town or come to an House and enquire for Tythes and Augmentations and tythe Wool Hay Pigs Bees Gardens and money for smoak passing up Chimneys Foales Egges Geese Chickens Calves Lambs and other creatures and thou cannot shew me by Scripture where the Apostles did so I must say thou art one of those evill beasts that minde earthly things and thy own belly if thou cannot prove to the contrary Answ Many words are here mustered together containing several questions about tythes and thy conceit touching what kinde of maintenance thou deemes to be only allowed to the preachers of the Gosoel and here thy promise is expressed after what manner thou will entertain me if I shall come to thy house and also thou relates what manner of language thou must use in case I come to demand things tithable To all which I shall returne an orderly Answer Thy Questions are seven to which answers shall be returned to them all in their order 1. Thou asks Is the Priesthood changed that took tythes Answ The Aaronical Priesthood which took tythes is changed but the Melchizedochian Priesthood which took tythes before tythes were took by any of Aarons order and which since the change of Aarons Priesthood doth still continue that Priesthood of Melchizedecks order is not changed but abides for ever and to it tythes are due and at this day and to the end of the world ought to be paid unto it for the fuller clearing this understand that God had but two orders of Priests in the world which we read of the first was after the order of Melchizedeck who is the first Priest of the most high God mentioned in holy Scripture This order was for a time discontinued during that time wherein the Jewes was only known to be a visible Nation upon the Earth which were Gods people But this order is now restored again by our Lord Jesus Christ who hath broken down the partition wall between Jews and Gentiles and hath made the Centiles also to become obedient to the faith and to be sonnes and daughters of the living God And now Christ is a Priest after Melchizedecks order continuing for ever He is confirmed in that Priesthood by Gods Oath which is never to be repealed For the Lord hath sworne and will never repent it thou art a Priest Psal 110. 1 for ever after the order of Melchizedeck and tithes continue due to be duly paid unto this Priesthood He receiveth them Heb. 7. 8. of whom it is witnessed that he liveth for ever The other order of Priests which God had was the order of Levi or Aaron whose Priesthood was typical to continue but until Christ unto whom the Priesthood did properly appertaine came and had taken upon him the everlasting Priesthood He was made Heb. 7. 21. a Priest with Oath whereas the Leviticel Priests were made without an Oath they were many Priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man Jesus Christ because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable Heb. 7. 23 24 Priesthood He was made a Priest after the power of an endlesse life but the Levitical Priests was made after the Law of a carnal Commandment they were made Priests by a Ceremonial Heb. 7. 16. Law which commanded carnal and outward observations which were not to continue alwayes but to have an end Wherefore the Levitical Priests were to cease from exercising the Priestly office when Christ the true Priest should come and for ever continue to make perfect the faith of Gods people he being both the Authour and sinisher of their faith Heb. 12 ● which thing those carnal Commandments or Ceremonial Ordinances belonging properly to the Levitical Priests and service of the Jews could not perfect Therefore I say though the Levitical Priesthood which took tythe be changed yet seeing there is another Priesthood after Melchizedecks order now continuing tythes become payable as they were first to that order of Priesthood and they are to be paid unto Christ who is of that order now a Priest for ever To him tythes are duly to be paid as an acknowledgement of his Soveraign Priesthood and they are received by him when they are paid according to his appointment 1 Cor. 9. 13 14. 1 Cor. 4. 1. for their maintenance to his Stewards his Ministers who serve in his service 2. Thou asks Is the Law changed by which they were made Answ The Apostle plainly saith that the Priesthood being Heb. 7. 12 charged there is made of necessity a change of the Law The Priesthood which was changed was the Levitical Priesthood and the Law which with it was changed was the Law of Ordinances ritual observations or ceremonies which properly concerned that
Levitical Priesthood and the admininistration of the Jewish service and as by that Priesthood which is changed there was no perfection so that Law of Heb. 7. 11 Ordinances which is changed called by the Apostle carnal Ordinances could not make him that did the service perfect and they were but imposed until the time of reformation Heb. 9. 9 10 Heb. 10. 14 which Christ brought who is a Priest for ever and by one offering hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified I say therefore that the Law of those Ordinances which were administred by the Levitical Priesthood and by which the Priests of that order were impowered to officiate or were made Priests is now changed together with that Priesthood for Christ who is a Priest continuing hath appointed the manner and order of holy administrations to be of another kinde then these were when the Levitical Priesthood was in request And likewise he hath appointed another manner of admitting those whom he chooseth to be his Stewards and in his stead to dispense unto his people warrantably the spiritual Ministrastrations then was the manner of deputing any to the service of the Tabernacles and the Temple while the Levitical Priesthood for then such Priests were consecrated by washings anointings sacrificing and purifying of blood to attend upon the service enjoyned them whereas Christ hath appointed 1 Tim. 2 7 1 Tit. 5. 1 Tim. 4. 14 2 Tim. 3. 17 Eph. 4. 11 12 that by Ordination only his Ministers should be authorized to do the work of the Ministry hereby they are put into the Ministry and receive the gift of becoming men of God to do service for God and so they are by him given to his Church to be Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ hence Gods tythes are designed unto them as maintenance of Gods men as a recompence for the service which they do for Jesus Christ who is over all God blessed for ever 1 Cor. 9. 14 3. Thou asks Is the Commandment disanulled that gave them tythes Answ The Commandment which the sonnes of Levi had to tythe their brethren was a special Law or Commandment Heb. 7. 5. without which they could not have any title to tythe at all because tythes originally belonged to the Priesthood of Christ typed in Melchizedeck who tythed Abraham by Right or Law original but the sons of Levi had onely a special command or grant for a time for tything their brethren according to the original Law of tything which was before setled as on a foundation in the Priesthood after another order and therefore I say that that particular command which the Levitical Priesthood had for taking tythes expired with their Priesthood So that now none of that Tribe can claime tythes by vertue of any such peculiar command unto the Levitical Priesthood And this also I say that that Law of tything which was Original and by vertue of which Melchized●ck tythed Abraham is still in force by vertue of which all tythes ought to be paid unto the Lord Jesus Christ who is an everlasting Priest after Melchizedecks order he receiveth them who liveth for ever he H●b 7. 8. ever liveth to be a taker of tythes but seeing these cannot be paid unto him in Person because he is ascended into heaven and sits at Gods right hand an high Priest for ever therefore they are to be paid according to his appointment unto his Ministers with whom he hath promised to be present unto the end of the world He hath ordained that they should have that very meanes appertaining unto the Gospel which is due in as much as he by them doth preach the Gospel of peace unto his people The Apostle saith so hath the Lord or●ained Eph. 2. 14. that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gosp●l To live of the Gospel is to have the maintenance and livelihood 1 Cor. 9. 14 or portion of temporal substance which belongs to the Gospel and that is the tythes due to Christ the eternal Priest who thereby payes his own peculiar servants out of his own proper goods which he hath reserved unto himself out of every mans increase and is generally known by the name of tythes Therefore I answer to thy question Though that command be disanulled that gave the Levites tythes yet the Law of tything is not disanulled which gave Melchizedeck right of tything and which is given by Christ unto us his Ministers of the Gospel We do not take tythes as the Priests of the Tribe of Levi did in way of holding up the Levitical service and Priesthood both which is abolished but we take tythes as they are that tribute or portion of the earths increase which the Lord hath reserved for himself and given them unto us for our attendance and waiting on the Ministry of the Gospel to which he hath appointed us 4. Thou asks Did Abraham pay tythes to Melchizedeck of his substance or of the spoile Answ The holy Scripture plainly tells us that he paid unto him tythes of both 1. He paid unto him the tythe of his substance Moses in Gen. 14. 20 Heb. 7. 2. saying that he gave him tythes of all and the Apostle in saying that unto Melchizedeck Abraham gave the tenth part of all do both of them intimate that there was not any substantial increase which Abraham possessed left untithed by Melchizedeck the Priest of the most high God And 2. The Apostle also in saying that he gave him the tenth of the spoile or out of the spoile doth thereby specifie one Heb. 7. 4. remarkable event not before known to the world whence tythes are due to the Priesthood of Melchizedecks order as oft as such occurrents shall come to passe wherefore Melchizedeck took from Abraham the tythes of spoiles out of which there ought to arise an Augmentative benefit to the Priest of the high God Jesus Christ as oft as victories over enemies are obtained I say therefore that Abraham paid unto Melchizedeck tythes both of his substance and of the spoiles The blessing which Melchizedeck gave containes in it the reason of paying tythes of both these Blessed saith he be Abraham of the most high God possessor of heaven and Gen. 14. 19 earth Abraham was blessed and to be blessed from the most high God with the influences of heaven whereby the earth Hos 2. 21 22 was enabled to yeeld unto him her increase and blessings and therefore he was to pay tythes to God as an acknowledgement of his Soveraignty over all and of his liberality unto him in all he being truly according to the title given unto God first by Melchizedeck in holy Scripture the high possessour of heaven and earth Again blessed saith Melchizedeck be the most Gen. 14. 20 high God which hath deliver'd thine enemies into thy hand Abraham was therefore to pay unto God the
tythes of the spoile as due to him the giver of victory the subduer of the enemies and the preserver of the Conquerour Holy Abraham was by this blessing well informed upon what grounds tythes were payable unto God and therefore he would not on any condition give away Gods portion wherefore he gave the tenth of the spoile which was Gods due to the Priest of the most high God though he would not take the residue of the spoile or goods which he had got in the warre when the King Gen. 14. 21 22 23. of Sodom would have had him Again the expressing of the Apostle seemes fully to give a reason of his paying tythes of both He annexeth immediately to the interpretation of Melchizedecks names the mentioning that Abraham gave a tenth of all as a sufficient reason of Abrahams paying tythes of his substance and tythes of the spoiles The Apostles words are these To whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation King of Righteousnesse and after that also King Heb. 7. 2. of Salem which is King of Peace as if he would have us to consider that the tenth part of all is to be given to the God of righteousnesse who exacts nothing from any people but that which is right and the tenth of spoiles also as well as the tenth of substance is to be given to the God of peace who causeth all to enjoy peaceably whatever they do inherit 5. Thou asks Did he it ever any more then once Answ Abrahams example of doing it though we had no intimation how oft he did it is binding to all who are by profession children of Abraham according to faith so oft to do it as they have the same grounds for doing it which Abraham once had As therefore Abraham paid unto the Priest of the most high God the tyth of all his substance on this ground because the Lord was the high Possessor of heaven and earth and so the giver unto him all his increase even so every true believer must return to God the tythe of his substantial increase as oft as the Lord gives unto his substance an increase Deut. 14. 22 which is yearly for so God hath told him and such have Abrahams example acting herein on this ground because God was the blesser of him from leaven and on earth in all his particular increase and as Abraham paid tythe of the spoiles which were took in War on this ground because the Lord had preserved him and given him the victory over his enemies so at every time when the Lord shall call any true believer to triumph over his enemies he ought to return unto God the tythe of the spoiles taken as a thankful acknowledgement that the Lord was his keeper and deliverer from his enemies and the subduer for him of those who were risen up against him and as oft as he doth this he is in doing so an Imitator of Abraham who on the very same grounds did pay tythes of all It is not plainly said how oft he did so because the holy Scripture was not indited to be an hystory either to relate every particular act which was done by these holy men of whom it makes mention or every particular time of their doing the self-same holy act for substance which it saith they did but Gods intention of recording in holy Scripture any good act which they did though there be no mention how oft they did it was for our learning and imitation that we might thorough patience and comfort of the Scriptures have hope namely Rom. 15. 4 that we from the good presidents of any good which it reports they did might learne to be patient or perseverant in the like well-doing and might be comforted seeing the holy Scripture commends unto us the good which they have at any time done And holy Scriptural commendings are vertual commandings of us to practice the same good at all times on the same grounds which moved them at any time to act it according to the Apostle follow saith he ever that which is good and think on these things in which there is any praise as there 1 Cor. 10. 18 is a great deal in the good done by the holy men in Scripture whom the Lord commendeth Besides though holy Scripture tells not in plain termes how oft Abraham paid tythes to Melchizedeck for the reason already given yet there is an expression which seems to imply that it was more then once for the Apostle commands not to be slothful but followers of those who through faith and patience Heb. 6. 12. inherit the promise and presently instanceth in Abraham continuing still his discourse of him thoroughout that Chapter and unto the next where he tells of his act of paying tythes of all to Melchizedeck and of his act of dividing unto Melchizedeck the tenth out of the spoile This following of Ab●aham is a word of prosecution and naturally implies that Abraham made more steps or acts then one onely in tything wherein we are as well called in following him to propose him unto our selves for an example as we are called on to walk after his patterne in those several steppings or actings which he made in believing the promises and in patiently enduring until Heb. 6. 13 14 15. he had obtained them 6. Thou asks Was it a standing thing to be done after him Answ 1. I suppose it is already very cleare by what is said that paying of tythes to Evangelical Ministers is a standing duty to be paid unto them even as it was but duty in Abraham as it hath been proved to pay tythes to Melchizedeck the Evangelical Priest of the most high God who met him not with Altars and sacrifices like a Levitical Priest but with bread and wine as if he had been a Minister of the Gospel Paying tythes is a standing duty to be discharged unto the Ministers of the Gospel so long as Christ imployes them in his stead to do his Evangelical service of blessing the people and of blessing God for them and for their good successes and of seeking the welfare of their souls and bodies in teaching them to inherit eternal blessings in and thorough him the Lord Jesus Christ 2. It is plain paying of tythes was a standing thing to be done after Abrahams time because Jacob who was Abrahams Gen. 28. 22 grandchild vowed to pay the tenth to God of all that which he should give him That holy man well understood the grounds on which tythes are due unto God both from his father Isaac's blessing wherein he expresseth that all that which he was to have was to be given unto him from God God said Isaac give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatnesse of the earth and plenty of corne and wine and also at his vision Gen. 27. 28 of the providential ladder he understood so much from Gods own promise that he would give unto him and to his
other places where his name is recorded and Exod. 20. 24. called his as namely Gods house Gods Church and the like and where his Rationall Church of holy people meet to remember him and to learn to be improved in all his holy wayes and service 3. Quest What scripture hast thou for sprinkling of Infants Answ I will tell thee 1. What the Scripture holds out touching sprinkling as no wayes condemning the use of it in baptizing and then I will 2. Tell the some scriptures injoyning the baptizing of Infants First know that though holy scripture requires that in baptizing a such an application of wtter unto the party baptized should be made as may expresse representatively or signifingly the vertue of Christs blood in washing a way sin yet seing it no where injoynes expresly that the manner of that application should be either by dipping and dousing in agreat quantity of water or by pouring or sprinkling a little water on the party baptized therfore the Scripture allowes that baptisme which is performed by Sprinkling as well as that baptisme which is donne by dipping I the rather thinke so because the Holy-●h●st in those holy writings doth not make choice of the expression of dipping dousing or ducking to signifie the application of Christ blood but he have made choice of the word sprinkling to notifiy so much Thus the sprinkling of the uncleane with Hysop dipt Heb. 9. 13. 14 Numb 19 18 19 Isa 52. 15. Heb. 10 22 Heb. 12. 24 1 Pet. 1. 2. 1 Pet. 3. 21 in the water of purification did testifiy faith on Christs blood applying that blood for our clensing It was prophecyed of Christ that he should sprinkle many nations we are said not to have our hearts dipt but to have them sprinkled from an evil conscience Christs blood is called the blood of sprinkling and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ is an expression whereby the Apostle intimates our justification whereof baptisme is the representation Secondly know that I have these scriptures warrantizing me and other Ministers to baptise Infants or little Children Math. 28. 19 Ps● 117. 2. Psa 148. 12 13 Acts. 2. 38 39. Rom. 15. 8. 9. 10 Our Saviour commandes his Apostles to baptise all Nations excepting none of the Nations no not infants who are in the Psalmists opinion a very considerable part of them He having in one Psalm said Praise the Lord all ye nations in another he doth call on Kings of the earth and all People to praise God and he recounts children among the particulars mentioned both young men and maidens old men and children let them praise the name of the Lord. Againe Peter exhorts the Jewes to be baptized because the promise was made to them and their children and to all that are a farre of even as many as the Lord our God shall call seing then the promises of Grace belongs to the infants of believing Parents therefore according to holy scripture they are to be baptised Againe the Apostle saith Jesus Christ was a Minister of the Circumcision for the truth of God to confirme the promises made unto the fathers and that the Gentiles might glorify God fo● his mercyes as he saith Rejoyce yee Gentiles with his people Christ discharged his ministeriall Office among those of the circumcision the Jews to confi●me the promise made to the fathers and that the Gentiles might have a portion in the same promise that so both Jewes and Gentiles might rejoyce together before God What Christ in discharging his ministry a-abolished in the Covenant made with the Fathers is abolished but that is still confirmed and to be in use what is therein specified and was not abolished either by himself or by any of his Apostles This scripture affords a double proof of the lawfulness of baptizing the Infants of believing Parents One is from the confirmation of signing those with the seale of the Covenant who where formerly signed The other is from Christs command injoyning Baptisme to be the seale of the Covenant and not exempting from it any Infant of believing Parents 1. God at the first making of the Covenant commanded that the Children of believing Parents or Parents in Covenant should be signed with the seale of the Covenant which command was not repealed by Christ the Lord of the house which is the Church but he confirmed the promises made to the fathers and 2. Christ himself commanded that Baptisme should be the seale of the Covenant and Infants not being exempt by him from the bond of the Covenant but being such as he would have brought unto him and of whom he hath told us that of such is the Kingdome of God are therefore to receiue the seal of the Covenant appointed by him which is Baptisme These Scriptures to name no more do justifiy the baptising of the Infants of Professional believers 4. Quest What scripture hast thou for the word Sacrament Answ The 28. of Math. v. 19. 26. Math. 26 27. 1 Cor. 11. 23. c. are scriptures which doe positively injoyne those holy institutions and actions which are called among the most of Christians Sacraments however some stiles them the seals of the Covenant and though the word sacrament be not in Scripture yet seeing what is thereby meant is fully set down in holy Scriptture and the word is not used by any true Protestant in their Theologically writing to signify any thing which disagrees from No men nihil hahet Criminis quod non perturbat sensum Religionis Hilarius lib. de synod contra Arium rope finem what the scripture asserts therefore none ought to blame this and other Theological terms used for explanation of some scriptural truths and never used to be additions of something unto the holy scripture which it mentions not nor to be perversions of the true sence meaning and intent of any part of holy scripture concerning any of the Ordinances and truths which it injoynes and conteines 5. Quest Hast thou heard Gods Voyce immediately from heaven as Prophets and Apostles did or Christs Voyce Answ Though I have neither heard Gods voyce immediately from heaven as did the Prophets and Apostles whome he extraordinarily inspired and sent with his immediate messages to his people nor Christs Voyce immediately as did the Apostles and Disciples who conversed with Christ while he lived on earth yet as it becomes the Ministery which I have received fom him in his ordinary way of mission I have in all these doctrines which I taught to his people communicated to them that very voyce or mind of God and Christ which was heard immediately by the Prophets and Apostles and have tighrly informed them concerning these for I have said no other things then those that the Prophets and Moses and Christ and his Apostles said and taught God in these Heb. 1. 1. 2 latter dayes hath ceased to speake any more as he did of old to the father by immediate voyces and other extraordinary