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earth_n day_n heaven_n lord_n 22,364 5 4.1952 3 true
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A68881 A dialoge or co[m]municacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge ; The werke for housholders w[ith] the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C. Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1537 (1537) STC 25413.5; ESTC S105108 117,789 408

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instruction vnto vs which thyng I was loth vnto bothe bycause I lacked abilite thervnto and also bycause this werke whiche I intēded to be short shuld be therby inlarged Notwithstondyng bycause this werke is so diuided ī particles that as we sayd euery person may take what he wyll accordynge vnto his leyser and deuocion therfore we shall sumwhat to satesfye say our mynde ¶ Of the fyrste cosyderacion and of the fyrst day of creaciō THe fyrst consyderaciō was of the power of god in creacion and productiō of all creatures Gene. i. And we rede in the begynnyng of scripture that almyghty god in the begynnynge made heuen and erth spirituall corporall or bodyly creatures resonable and vnresonable creatures And that he made also the lyght / dyuided that lyght frō darknes And the lyght he called the day and the darknes he called the nyght and this was the werke of the fyrst day of creacion whiche in vs may teche vs how our lorde hath made in euery person an heuen an erth a spirituall partie and an erthly partie and made in vs also the lyght of vnderstandynge and reason / wherby we shulde diuide in our dayly werkes the spirite frō the fleshe the soule from the body / whiche is done by contemplacion or meditaciō after the fourme beforesayd That is to saye that in euery daye of our lyue we shulde somtyme be as well actyue as contemplatyue / and this for the fyrste daye ¶ Of the seconde cōsyderacion / of the seconde day of creacion THe seconde consyderacion was of the wysdom of god in orderyng and guydynge of his creatures And in the seconde day of creacion our lord god made the fyrmament or the skye and so dyuided the waters that were vnder the firmamēt from them that were aboue the firmamēt and called that firmament heuyn Note here that almyghty god made two heuyns / the tone vpon the fyrste day aboue / and the tother the seconde daye / and byneth to diuide as is sayde waters Loke now groūdely vppon this order of the creatures Some be aboue / and some bynethe The hygher heuyn spirituall to rule / order / and guyde the lower heuen temporall and erthely / And the spirituall creatures to rule the bodyly creatures And so those that be vnder and bynethe to be subdued / obedient / ordered in all thynges by thē that be aboue The same order shuld be kepte in vs / not onely euery person in hym selfe but also eueryche vnto other For almyghty god made in man / not onely as is sayde an heuyn hys soule but also an erthe / his body So that the whole man of soule body dothe bere the towme and place of this firmament / whose office and duety is to dyuide the water that is bynethe apperteynynge vnto the sensualite from the water that is aboue called aqua sapientie salutaris the water of helthfull wysdom and of saluatiō Eccl xv A That is to say that mā shuld euer deuyde and departe vice from vertu erthly conuersaciō from heuēly exercise vayne and voyde cogitacion from fructuouse and profytable meditacion and this for the seconde daye ¶ Of the thyrde consyderacion / and of the thyrde day of creacion THe thyrd cōsyderaciō was of the bountie and goodenes loue and liberalitie of god / whiche doth appere in the vtilitie and profyte of the creatures And in the thyrd day of creaciō / our lorde god cōmaunded the waters that were vnder the sayd firmament called heuyn to gader hepe them selfe together into one place and that the drye erthe yet bareyn shulde appere / and whiche thynge done the erth that then was drye and bareyn he called and named to be erthe tyllable / and apte / or disposed to be tylled And the congregacions and hepes of waters he called the see or sees And then he commaundeth the sayd erthe to bryng forth fruite In the vtilitie profyte wherof dyd apere the boūtie goodnes remembred byfore in this thyrde consyderacion But now muste we in lyke maner commaūde by reason all the water of our voluptuous disposicions and viciouse appetites to be gathered and heped into one place that is the worlde leue all those disposicions vnto worldly persones and vnto infidels viciouse and synfull people And lett our bodyly werkes appere synles And although they be yet baren yet maye they be apt by the meane of the sacrament of penaunce to be tylled / and brynge forth the fruitful werkes of vertu grace And thus an ende of this thyrde day ¶ Of the fourth consyderacion / the fourth day of creacion THe fourth cōsideraciō was of the werke of our iustificacion And in the fourthe daye our lorde made the son and the mone / and the sterres / to dyuide the daye and the nyght / the tymes houres / dayes and yeres / and to gyue lyght vnto the erthe The son doth signifie our sauiour Iesu the very sonne of iustice / the mone doth signifie the catholike churche of Christe that taketh lyghte of the sayd sonne our sauyour and so don the sterres also by whō the holy doctours preachers and curates ben signified For these done illumine and gyue lyghte of grace vnto the erthly synfull people / that by theyr ministracion of the blessed sacramentes ben iustified and made apte persones vnto saluacion / and so is the fourthe day applyed and sped ¶ Of the fyft consyderacion and the fyft day of creacion THe fyft consyderacion was of the werke of remuneraciō or rewarde whiche rewarde euery person shall haue accordyng vnto his werkes And in the fyft day our lord made fysshes and foules the fysshys to byde in the see the foules in the ayre By the fysshes euyll werkes bē sygnified and also euyll wordes and thoughtes Mathei xii c For of them sayd our sauiour accountes muste be rendred and made vnto eueryche due reward gyuen And these do remayne in the see of the synfull world / and shall be rewarded there after in payne And the good werkes wordes thoughtes that ben sygnifyed by the byrdes of the ayer / done dwell and abyde in heuenly conuersacion and shal be rewarded in ioy and blysse and let this stand for the fyft day ¶ Of the syxt consyderacion and the syxt day of creacion THe syxt consyderacion was of the werke of gloryficaciō And in the syxte daye our lorde made man after vnto his owne ymage / similitude / and lykenes And surely that was vnto man a great glory an excellent honour and dignitie / vnto the whiche no man may atteyne and come / but he onely that alone dyd ascende vnto heuyn / our lord sauyoure Iesu Ioh. iii. b In the whiche saynge you muste vnderstande Christe and his mēbres all faythfull people that ben lyke vnto hym and done folowe his stepes And thus an ende of the syxt day of creacion ¶ Of the seuenth consyderacion / and of the
you maye in youthe teche thē what ye wyll / and that shall they lengest kepe remembre We shuld therfore aboue all thynges take hede and care in what company our chylderen bene nourysshed and brought vp For educacion and doctrine that is to saye bryngynge vp and lernynge done make the maners with good and vertuous persones saythe the prophete you shal be good and vertuous Psalmo xvii And with the euyll persones you shall be also euyll Let our chylder therfore vse and kepe good company The pye the iay and other byrdes done speake what they moste here by eare The plouer by syght wyll folowe the gesture and behauyour of the fowler And the ape by exercise wyll worke and do as she is taught / and so wyll the dogge by violence contrary to naturall disposicion lerne to daunce The chylder therfore that by reason don far excede other creatures wyll bere awaye what they here spoken they shulde therefore be vsed vnto suche company where they shulde here none euyll / but where they maye here godly and Christian wordes They wyll also haue in theyr gestures and behauyoure suche maners as they se beholde in other persones And as they bene taught / so wyll they do / and in many thynges they maye be compelled vnto a contynuall custome / whiche dothe alter and chaunge naturall disposicion Vnto some craftes or occupacions a certayne age is requyred in chylder / but vertu and vyce maye be lerned in euery age We must se therfore that in any wyse you vse no company but good and vertuous And as soone as they can speke we must also teche our chylder to serue god and saye the Pater noster Aue. and Crede as I sayd before And nat only our chylder but also se and proue that all our seruaūtes what age so euer they be of cā say the same And therfore don we vse dayly the in euery mele / dyner or soupper / one persone shulde with lowde voyce say thus The fyrst peticion PAter noster qui es in celis sanctificet̄ nomen tuum ✿ Good lorde god our holy father the arte in heuē let thy name he sanctified that is to meane / I beseche the graunte vs grace to blesse to honoure to laude and prayse thy holy name The seconde ¶ Adueniat regnum tuum ✿ Good lord god our father that art in heuen / let thy kyngdome come that is I beseche the lorde that all the people of the worlde may come vnto the grace of baptisme and so be the faythfull subiectes of thy realme and kyngdome of Christianite The thyrde ¶ Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra ✿ Good lorde god our father that arte in heuen lett thy wyll be wrought in erth as it is wrought in heuen that is to meane I beseche the lorde that all thy christian people here in erth maye perfourme thy wyll and kepe thy cōmaundementes after theyr estate and condicion as thy holy angels and sayntes done in heuen after theyr state and degre The fourthe ¶ Panem nostrum cotidianū da nobis hodie ✿ Good lorde god our holy father that arte in heuen gyue and graunte vnto vs this day our dayly brede that is to meane I beseche the good lord graunte vnto vs contynually the spirituall fode grace and effecte of thy holy sacramentes Or thus Graunte vnto vs the contynuall grace and effecte of thy holy sacramentes / whiche is the dayly fode of our soules spirituall suerty of our saluacion The fyfthe ¶ Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris ✿ Good lord god our holy father that arte in heuen forgyue vs our dettes as we done forgyue our detters that is to meane I beseche the good lord forgyue and pardon me and all Christians all maner of offences and trespaces done agaynste the and thy lawes / lykewyse as we done forgyue all maner of persones all maner of greues and trespaces done agaynste vs. The .vi. ¶ Et ne nos inducas in tētationem ✿ Good lord god our holy father that arte in heuen / lede vs nat in to temptacion / that is to meane I beseche the good lord suffre me not ne any Christian to be lede or brought by any temptation / vnto the full consente of any synne The .vii. ¶ Sed libera nos a malo ✿ But good lorde god our holy father that arte in heuē delyuer me all christians from euyll that is to meane I beseche the good lorde / that not onely thou kepe me and all thy people from all synne and offence of thy goodnes / but also that thou wylte delyuer and make vs quyte of all synnes paste / and conserue and kepe vs continually in the state of grace Amē So be it that is to meane / good lorde we beseche the that all these thynges maye come to passe in full effecte / accordynge to our peticion and desyre This prayer of the Pater noster / is the most excellent prayer bycause the our sauyour made it hym selfe / and taught it to his disciples ¶ The Aue Maria is the most plesaunte prayer and of most honoure vnto our blessed lady bycause one parte therof is the salutacion of the angell Gabriell wherby immediatly after her consente she conceyued the sone of god in her wombe And the other parte was spokē vnto her by saynt Elizabeth inspired and moued thervnto by the spirite of god the holy ghost And therfore do we set forth the Aue maria after suche maner as we dyd the Pater noster AVe Maria gratia plena dominꝰ tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus Amē ❧ Hayle Mari full of grace god is with the. Blessed be thou amōg women and blessed be the fruyte of thy wombe Iesus Christe god and man Amen So mote it be ¶ That fyrst worde Aue whiche I do Englyshe after the commune maner hayle is a worde of salutacion as we say in commune cōgresses or metynges together God spede you god saue you god blesse you Good morowe / good euē god spede god be at your game god be at your werke god sende you with suche other after the maner of the countrey where it is spoken And the last worde Amen it is a worde of consente or desyre that the mater spokē before shuld vnderstande what euery worde meaneth ¶ Nowe doth folowe the Crede ¶ The fyrste article CRedo in deū patrem omnipotentem Saynte Peter creatorem celi et terre ✿ I byleue vpō god the father almyghty maker of heuen of erth This terme In deum / is diuersly Englysshed some done saye / in to god some inwardly in god / some perfytly in god But the mooste commune vse of the countrey of the vnlerned people / is to saye I byleue vpon god and vpon his fayth / but all dothe meane in effecte
nowe wholy fully to recoūte and reherce is vnto me for theyr multitude īpossyble Wherfore with moost humble and lowly hart moost harty and desyrous wyll of perfecte contricion I vtterly forsake thē all And althoughe nothynge of my deseruynge yet good lorde for the honour of thy precious blode the merytes of thy bytter passion and most cruell most paynfull most shamefull deth I instātly requyre aske craue moost mekely lowly beseche thy gracious benignity goodnes of mercy forgiuenes And that from hensforthe I maye haue thy grace lorde in whole fayth stronge hope perfecte charite / to fle auoyd and forsake all synne And in all my thoughtes wordes dedes / maners / contenaūces / behauiours / to ordre my selfe in vertue vnto the pleasure honoure of thy grace the welthe and saluaciō of my soule and vnto the edificaciō of all Christians And herunto I beseche our lady saynt Mary thy holy mother euer virgin / all the blessed company of heuen / and all faythfull persones to praye for me Amen ¶ All these partes of the masse yf you may conueniently shulde be herde standynge That is to saye / the office the kyrie Gloria in excelsis and specially the gospell with due reuerence at this worde Iesus The preface also the Pater noster sancte Iohn̄s Gospell ¶ At the fyrst collectes pystle Myne owne good lorde and moost swete sauyour Iesu I beseche thy goodnes to put away ferre frome me all iniquities and wyckednes / and of thy mercyfull louynge kyndenes kendle in my hart the flamynge fyre of thy feruēt loue Be not swete lord displeased with me ne kepe in mynd or remembraūce the multitude of myne offences For I do not presume good lord to make prayer peticion here before thy godly presence of any goodnes / ryghtwysenes or any deseruyng of my selfe but onely of full hope and trust of thy myseracion mercyfull pytye Take frome me swete lorde this harde and stony hart / and gyue me lord for it a newe hart full of compunction and due contricion And gyue me a stomacke kynde louyng that maye dredfully loue the and louyngly drede the that maye delyte take pleasure in the lorde alone / and wylfully folowe the. And at the laste may ouertake and catche the / fast holde the fully possede the. And fynally in eterne blysse to se the / and fully to inioye the. Amen ¶ After the pystle MOost swete sauyoure and louynge lord Iesu / I beseche thy benignity for the anguysshe of thy holy harte in all thy labours / passiōs / and paynes for me susteyned and suffred And for the effusion and shedyng of thy moost holy sacred blode and for the vertue of thy moost innocent precyouse dethe For the mystery also of this holy sacrament thy blessyd body and moost holy sacred bloode / in the immolacion / offerynge / and sacrifice wherof I moste vyle synner am present moost vnworthy wretche do approche And fynally I beseche the lord for thyne owne selfe haue pytye and mercye vpon me that am I knowe well the moost myserable wretche moost synfull caytyfe vpon erth Purify thou good lorde than / and clense my harte soule frō all vnlaufull affections So that in this tyme all tymes I maye duely and worthely do the seruice Graunte me good lorde very contricion of all my synnes / the grace also of true cōpunction / the fountayn of fruitfull teares / pure deuocion clere clene conscience / the cōtinuall memory and mynd of thy bytter passion precyous dethe And of thy moost cōfortable loue perpetuall feruor and desyre Amen ¶ After the gospell O Moost benigne mercyfull louer of mākynde my swete lord Iesu / I beseche thy grace for the dolorous painfull smertyng of all thy woundes graūt me the grace of pacience in all aduersyty and to dispise sett at naught the loue of this world and all the goodes and pleasurs therof and to be cōtent with a necessary and meane liuinge And to kepe firmely and constantly by due perseueraunce vnto my laste ende this state and degree that thou haste put me in And to folowe alway by due obedience thy forther callynges dayly to increase profyte in vertue / and euer to haue contynually the feruent desyre of myne owne cuntrey heuenly home Graunt me forther good lord in all the cōuersacion of my lyfe to haue and kepe due discipline good maner / christian behauyoure vnto the auoydyng euer of thy displeasure of the sclaunder occasion / offence of my neyghbour And so to haue groundely in my hart and soule very and vnfayned mekenes / true faythfull kyndenes and meritorious pacience vnto the pleasure and honour of thy grace / the welth of my soule and vnto the edificacion of all persones Amen ¶ In the tyme of the eleuaciō THe great clerck holy saynt Thomas of Aquine dothe set forth this prayer folowyng as very conuenient to be sayd in this tyme of the eleuacion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe Tu patris sempiternus es filius And so forth as you haue at matyns The englyshe wherof we haue here sett forth with the latyne / for the increase of your deuocion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe That is to meane I beleue / confesse / and knowledge that thou good lord Iesu christe my sauyour / beynge here vnder the fourme of brede wyne art the kynge of glory / very god ⚜ Tu patris sempiternus es filiꝰ And that thou good lorde Iesu art the essenciall / eterne and euerlastyng sonne of the father of heuen celestiall ⚜ Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem nō horruisti virginis vterum I beleue that thou good lord disposynge / and by determinaciō concludyng to take the nature of mā / and so to redeme and delyuer hym frome the bondage of synne dydeste not abhorre ne disdayne the flesshly wombe of the virgyn ⚜ Tu deuicto mortis aculeo aperuisti credentibus regna celorum I beleue that thou good lorde the siynge darte of deth vaynquysshed and ouercomen dydest open vnto all thy faythfull people the realme and kyngdome of heuen ⚜ Tu ad dexteram dei sedes in gloria patris I beleue that thou good lord that art here ꝑsent in this holy sacramēt doste syt remayne and rest in the glory of thy father vpō the ryght hande of god or thus syttest and doste remayne rest in glory vpō the ryght hande of god thy father ⚜ Iudex crederis esse vēturus I byleue that all faythfull peopell done beleue that thou shalt come agayne to iudge all the worlde ⚜ Te ergo quesumus tuis famulis subueni quos precioso sanguine redemisti Therfore good lord we beseche the / helpe and socoure thy seruantes whom thou hast redemed and bought with thy precious blode ⚜ Eterna fac cum sanctis tuis gloria munerari We beseche the also good